commit d577e6be7374ee8d749c64ed2a22dfa622fd41f8
parent 6350c14d1a86766b62b99178a04dc829df7fee9b
Author: Lukas Henkel <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2023 07:45:01 +0100
Day 3 task 2
2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/day-3.lisp b/src/day-3.lisp
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
(and (char/= symbol #\.)
(not (digit-char-p symbol))))
+(declaim (inline digit-at-p))
+(defun digit-at-p (map y x)
+ (digit-char-p (aref map y x)))
(defun extract-part-number (map y start-x)
(loop for x from start-x below (array-dimension map 1)
for char = (aref map y x)
@@ -15,20 +19,73 @@
finally (return (values (parse-integer (coerce chars 'string))
(1- x)))))
+(defun find-part-number (map y x)
+ (extract-part-number map
+ y
+ (loop for px from x downto 0
+ while (digit-at-p map y px)
+ finally (return (1+ px)))))
+(defun gear-neighbouring-part-numbers (map y x)
+ (let ((left-open? (> x 0))
+ (right-open? (< x (array-dimension map 1)))
+ (top-open? (> y 0))
+ (bottom-open? (< y (array-dimension map 0)))
+ (numbers))
+ (when (and left-open?
+ (digit-at-p map y (1- x)))
+ (push (find-part-number map y (1- x)) numbers) )
+ (when (and right-open?
+ (digit-at-p map y (1+ x)))
+ (push (find-part-number map y (1+ x)) numbers))
+ (when top-open?
+ (if (digit-at-p map (1- y) x)
+ (push (find-part-number map (1- y) x) numbers)
+ (progn
+ (when (and left-open?
+ (digit-at-p map (1- y) (1- x)))
+ (push (find-part-number map (1- y) (1- x)) numbers))
+ (when (and right-open?
+ (digit-at-p map (1- y) (1+ x)))
+ (push (find-part-number map (1- y) (1+ x)) numbers)))))
+ (when bottom-open?
+ (if (digit-at-p map (1+ y) x)
+ (push (find-part-number map (1+ y) x) numbers)
+ (progn
+ (when (and left-open?
+ (digit-at-p map (1+ y) (1- x)))
+ (push (find-part-number map (1+ y) (1- x)) numbers))
+ (when (and right-open?
+ (digit-at-p map (1+ y) (1+ x)))
+ (push (find-part-number map (1+ y) (1+ x)) numbers)))))
+ numbers))
+(defun calculate-gear-ratio (map y x)
+ (let ((neighbouring-part-numbers (gear-neighbouring-part-numbers map y x)))
+ (if (= (length neighbouring-part-numbers) 2)
+ (apply #'* neighbouring-part-numbers)
+ 0)))
(defun day-3 (input)
(loop with map = (make-map input)
+ with task-1 = 0
+ with task-2 = 0
for y from 0 below (array-dimension map 0)
- sum (loop with number-start = nil
- for x from 0 below (array-dimension map 1)
- for digit? = (digit-char-p (aref map y x))
- when (and digit? (null number-start))
- do (setf number-start x)
- unless digit?
- do (setf number-start nil)
- when (and digit?
- (member-if #'schematic-symbol-p
- (map-neighbours map y x)))
- sum (multiple-value-bind (number next)
- (extract-part-number map y number-start)
- (setf x next)
- number))))
+ do (loop with number-start = nil
+ for x from 0 below (array-dimension map 1)
+ for char = (aref map y x)
+ for digit? = (digit-char-p char)
+ when (and digit? (null number-start))
+ do (setf number-start x)
+ unless digit?
+ do (setf number-start nil)
+ when (and digit?
+ (member-if #'schematic-symbol-p
+ (map-neighbours map y x)))
+ do (multiple-value-bind (number next)
+ (extract-part-number map y number-start)
+ (setf x next)
+ (incf task-1 number))
+ when (char= char #\*)
+ do (incf task-2 (calculate-gear-ratio map y x)))
+ finally (return (values task-1 task-2))))
diff --git a/t/day-3.lisp b/t/day-3.lisp
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
(define-test test-day-3
- (assert= 4361
- (aoc:run-day 3 "467..114..
+ (multiple-value-bind (task-1 task-2)
+ (aoc:run-day 3 "467..114..
@@ -14,4 +14,6 @@
+ (assert= 4361 task-1)
+ (assert= 467835 task-2)))