
My solutions to AoC 2023
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day-3.lisp (3692B)

      1 (defpackage #:aoc/day-3
      2   (:use #:cl #:aoc/utils)
      3   (:export #:day-3))
      4 (in-package #:aoc/day-3)
      6 (defun schematic-symbol-p (symbol)
      7   (and (char/= symbol #\.)
      8        (not (digit-char-p symbol))))
     10 (declaim (inline digit-at-p))
     11 (defun digit-at-p (map point)
     12   (digit-char-p (map-cell map point)))
     14 (defun number-borders-symbol (map y x-1 x-2 top-open? bottom-open? left-open? width)
     15   (labels ((scan-line (y)
     16              (loop for x from x-1 to x-2
     17                    for cell = (map-cell map (cons x y))
     18                    thereis (schematic-symbol-p cell))))
     19     (or (when left-open?
     20           (decf x-1)
     21           (schematic-symbol-p (map-cell map (cons x-1 y))))
     22         (when (< x-2 (1- width))
     23           (incf x-2)
     24           (schematic-symbol-p (map-cell map (cons x-2 y))))
     25         (and top-open?
     26              (scan-line (1- y)))
     27         (and bottom-open?
     28              (scan-line (1+ y))))))
     30 (declaim (ftype (function (input-map cons) fixnum) read-part-number))
     31 (defun read-part-number (map point)
     32   (destructuring-bind (x . y)
     33       point
     34     (map-integer-at map (cons (loop for sx from x downto 0
     35                                     while (digit-at-p map (cons sx y))
     36                                     finally (return (1+ sx)))
     37                               y))))
     39 (defun get-gear-ratio (map point top-open? bottom-open? left-open? right-open?)
     40   (macrolet ((push-neighbor-if-digit (check neighbour)
     41                `(let ((p (point+ point ,neighbour)))
     42                   (when (and ,check
     43                              (digit-at-p map p))
     44                     (push p number-points)))))
     45     (let ((number-points))
     46       (push-neighbor-if-digit left-open? '(-1 . 0))
     47       (push-neighbor-if-digit right-open? '(1 . 0))
     48       (when top-open?
     49         (unless (push-neighbor-if-digit t '(0 . -1))
     50           (push-neighbor-if-digit left-open? '(-1 . -1))
     51           (push-neighbor-if-digit right-open? '(1 . -1))))
     52       (when bottom-open?
     53         (unless (push-neighbor-if-digit t '(0 . 1))
     54           (push-neighbor-if-digit left-open? '(-1 . 1))
     55           (push-neighbor-if-digit right-open? '(1 . 1))))
     56       (when (/= (length number-points) 2)
     57         (return-from get-gear-ratio 0))
     58       (* (read-part-number map (first number-points))
     59          (read-part-number map (second number-points))))))
     61 (defun day-3 (input)
     62   (loop with map = (make-map input)
     63         with task-1 fixnum = 0
     64         with task-2 fixnum = 0
     65         with width = (input-map-width map)
     66         with height = (input-map-height map)
     67         for y from 0 below height
     68         for top-open? = (> y 0)
     69         for bottom-open? = (< y (1- height))
     70         do (loop for x from 0 below (input-map-width map)
     71                  for left-open? = (> x 0)
     72                  for right-open? = (< x (1- width))
     73                  for point = (cons x y)
     74                  for cell = (map-cell map point)
     75                  do (cond
     76                       ((digit-char-p cell)
     77                        (multiple-value-bind (number end)
     78                            (map-integer-at map point)
     79                          (decf end)
     80                          (when (number-borders-symbol map y x end
     81                                                       top-open? bottom-open?
     82                                                       left-open? width)
     83                            (incf task-1 number))
     84                          (setf x end)))
     85                       ((char= cell #\*)
     86                        (incf task-2 (get-gear-ratio map point
     87                                                     top-open? bottom-open?
     88                                                     left-open? right-open?)))))
     89         finally (return (values task-1 task-2))))