commit 69dda58fa5cb446b7e33036e66307bb21ef50f29
parent 4f513a0cca5ca8b739ea096ef5a2ea843ef3cb8c
Author: Lukas Henkel <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 19:11:25 +0100
Optimize day 7
- Change card score calculation to lookup table
- Calculate total cards strength only once
M | src/day-7.lisp | | | 131 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ |
1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/day-7.lisp b/src/day-7.lisp
@@ -3,54 +3,76 @@
(:export #:day-7))
(in-package #:aoc/day-7)
-(defun parse-hand-bid (line)
+(defstruct hand-data
+ (hand "" :type simple-string)
+ (bid 0 :type fixnum)
+ (hand-strength -1 :type fixnum)
+ (cards-strength -1 :type fixnum))
+(declaim (ftype (function (simple-string) hand-data) parse-hand-data))
+(defun parse-hand-data (line)
(let ((pos (position #\Space line)))
- (list (coerce (subseq line 0 pos) 'list)
- (parse-integer line :start (1+ pos)))))
+ (make-hand-data :hand (subseq line 0 pos)
+ :bid (parse-integer line :start (1+ pos)))))
(defun parse-input (input)
(loop for line = (read-line input nil)
while line
- collect (parse-hand-bid line)))
+ collect (parse-hand-data line)))
-(defparameter *cards* (nconc (list #\A #\K #\Q #\J #\T)
- (loop for i from 9 downto 2 collect (code-char (+ i 48)))))
+(declaim (type (simple-array fixnum) *cards*))
+(defparameter *cards*
+ (make-array
+ 35
+ :element-type 'fixnum
+ :initial-contents (loop for card from 50 to 84
+ collect (or (case (code-char card)
+ (#\A 13) (#\K 12) (#\Q 11) (#\J 10) (#\T 9)
+ (#\9 8) (#\8 7) (#\7 6) (#\6 5) (#\5 4)
+ (#\4 3) (#\3 2) (#\2 1))
+ 0))))
-(defparameter *cards-jokering* (nconc (list #\A #\K #\Q #\T)
- (loop for i from 9 downto 2 collect (code-char (+ i 48)))
- (list #\J)))
+(defparameter *cards-jokering*
+ (let ((copy (copy-seq *cards*)))
+ (setf (aref copy (- (char-code #\J) 50)) 0)
+ copy))
+(declaim (inline card-strength)
+ (ftype (function (character) fixnum) card-strength))
(defun card-strength (card)
- (abs (- (position card *cards*) 13)))
+ (aref *cards* (- (char-code card) 50)))
(defparameter *with-jokering* nil)
(defun hand-strength (hand)
- (let* ((groups (group-by (if *with-jokering*
- (remove #\J hand)
- hand)
+ (let* ((groups (group-by (coerce (if *with-jokering*
+ (remove #\J hand)
+ hand)
+ 'list)
:key #'identity
:value #'identity
:test #'char=))
(groups (mapcar (lambda (group)
+ (declare (type list group))
(1- (length group)))
- (groups (sort groups #'>))
- (n-jokers (when *with-jokering*
- (count #\J hand))))
+ (groups (sort groups #'>)))
(when *with-jokering*
- (when (= n-jokers 5)
- (return-from hand-strength 70))
- (setf groups
- (loop for group in groups
- for missing = (- 5 group)
- for usable-jokers = (min missing n-jokers)
- when (> missing 0)
- do (incf group usable-jokers)
- and do (decf n-jokers usable-jokers)
- collect group)))
+ (let ((n-jokers (count #\J hand)))
+ (declare (type fixnum n-jokers))
+ (when (= n-jokers 5)
+ (return-from hand-strength 70))
+ (setf groups
+ (loop for group fixnum in groups
+ for missing fixnum = (- 5 group)
+ for usable-jokers = (min missing n-jokers)
+ when (> missing 0)
+ do (incf group usable-jokers)
+ and do (decf n-jokers usable-jokers)
+ collect group))))
(let* ((n-pairs (count 2 groups))
(highest-sequence (first groups)))
+ (declare (type fixnum n-pairs highest-sequence))
((= highest-sequence 5) 70)
((= highest-sequence 4) 60)
@@ -60,31 +82,41 @@
((= highest-sequence 3) 40)
((= n-pairs 2) 30)
((= n-pairs 1) 20)
- (t (card-strength (first hand)))))))
+ (t (card-strength (first-elt hand)))))))
+(declaim (ftype (function (simple-string) fixnum) card-strengths))
+(defun card-strengths (hand)
+ (loop with sum-card-strengths fixnum = 0
+ for card across hand
+ do (setf sum-card-strengths
+ (+ (the fixnum (* sum-card-strengths 20))
+ (card-strength card)))
+ finally (return sum-card-strengths)))
+(defun calculate-strengths (hands-data)
+ (loop for hand-data of-type hand-data in hands-data
+ do (setf (hand-data-hand-strength hand-data)
+ (hand-strength (hand-data-hand hand-data))
-(defun calculate-strengths (hands)
- (loop for (hand bid) in hands
- collect (list (hand-strength hand)
- hand
- bid)))
+ (hand-data-cards-strength hand-data)
+ (card-strengths (hand-data-hand hand-data)))))
-(defun hand-strength< (hand-1 hand-2)
- (let* ((strength-1 (car hand-1))
- (strength-2 (car hand-2)))
+(defun hand-data< (hand-data-1 hand-data-2)
+ (let ((strength-1 (hand-data-hand-strength hand-data-1))
+ (strength-2 (hand-data-hand-strength hand-data-2)))
(if (= strength-1 strength-2)
- (loop for card-1 in (second hand-1)
- for card-2 in (second hand-2)
- while (char= card-1 card-2)
- finally (return (< (card-strength card-1)
- (card-strength card-2))))
+ (progn
+ (< (hand-data-cards-strength hand-data-1)
+ (hand-data-cards-strength hand-data-2)))
(< strength-1 strength-2))))
-(defun total-winnings (hands-bids)
- (let* ((strength-hands-bids (calculate-strengths hands-bids))
- (strength-hands-bids (sort strength-hands-bids #'hand-strength<)))
- (loop for (hand-strength hand bid) in strength-hands-bids
- for rank from 1
- sum (* bid rank))))
+(declaim (ftype (function (list) fixnum) total-winnings))
+(defun total-winnings (hands-data)
+ (calculate-strengths hands-data)
+ (let ((hands-data (sort hands-data #'hand-data<)))
+ (loop for hand-data of-type hand-data in hands-data
+ for rank fixnum from 1
+ sum (the fixnum (* (hand-data-bid hand-data) rank)) fixnum)))
(defmacro with-jokering (() &body body)
`(let ((*cards* *cards-jokering*)
@@ -92,7 +124,8 @@
(defun day-7 (input)
- (let ((hands-bids (parse-input input)))
- (values (total-winnings hands-bids)
+ (let* ((hands-data-task-1 (parse-input input))
+ (hands-data-task-2 (copy-seq hands-data-task-1)))
+ (values (total-winnings hands-data-task-1)
(with-jokering ()
- (total-winnings hands-bids)))))
+ (total-winnings hands-data-task-2)))))