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transient.el (146244B)

      1 ;;; transient.el --- Transient commands          -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2018-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      6 ;; Homepage:
      7 ;; Keywords: bindings
      9 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
     10 ;; Package-Version: 0.3.7
     12 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
     14 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
     16 ;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
     17 ;; or (at your option) any later version.
     18 ;;
     19 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     23 ;;
     24 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     25 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     27 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     29 ;;; Commentary:
     31 ;; Taking inspiration from prefix keys and prefix arguments, Transient
     32 ;; implements a similar abstraction involving a prefix command, infix
     33 ;; arguments and suffix commands.  We could call this abstraction a
     34 ;; "transient command", but because it always involves at least two
     35 ;; commands (a prefix and a suffix) we prefer to call it just a
     36 ;; "transient".
     38 ;; When the user calls a transient prefix command, then a transient
     39 ;; (temporary) keymap is activated, which binds the transient's infix
     40 ;; and suffix commands, and functions that control the transient state
     41 ;; are added to `pre-command-hook' and `post-command-hook'.  The
     42 ;; available suffix and infix commands and their state are shown in
     43 ;; the echo area until the transient is exited by invoking a suffix
     44 ;; command.
     46 ;; Calling an infix command causes its value to be changed, possibly
     47 ;; by reading a new value in the minibuffer.
     49 ;; Calling a suffix command usually causes the transient to be exited
     50 ;; but suffix commands can also be configured to not exit the
     51 ;; transient state.
     53 ;;; Code:
     55 (require 'cl-lib)
     56 (require 'eieio)
     57 (require 'edmacro)
     58 (require 'format-spec)
     59 (require 'seq)
     61 (eval-when-compile
     62   (require 'subr-x))
     64 (declare-function info 'info)
     65 (declare-function Man-find-section 'man)
     66 (declare-function Man-next-section 'man)
     67 (declare-function Man-getpage-in-background 'man)
     69 (defvar Man-notify-method)
     71 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'define-transient-command
     72   'transient-define-prefix "Transient 0.3.0")
     73 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'define-suffix-command
     74   'transient-define-suffix "Transient 0.3.0")
     75 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'define-infix-command
     76   'transient-define-infix "Transient 0.3.0")
     77 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'define-infix-argument
     78   #'transient-define-argument "Transient 0.3.0")
     80 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'current-transient-prefix
     81   'transient-current-prefix "Transient 0.3.0")
     82 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'current-transient-command
     83   'transient-current-command "Transient 0.3.0")
     84 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'current-transient-suffixes
     85   'transient-current-suffixes "Transient 0.3.0")
     86 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'post-transient-hook
     87   'transient-exit-hook "Transient 0.3.0")
     89 (defmacro transient--with-emergency-exit (&rest body)
     90   (declare (indent defun))
     91   `(condition-case err
     92        (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug))
     93          ,(macroexp-progn body))
     94      ((debug error)
     95       (transient--emergency-exit)
     96       (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
     98 (defun transient--exit-and-debug (&rest args)
     99   (transient--emergency-exit)
    100   (apply #'debug args))
    102 ;;; Options
    104 (defgroup transient nil
    105   "Transient commands."
    106   :group 'extensions)
    108 (defcustom transient-show-popup t
    109   "Whether to show the current transient in a popup buffer.
    111 - If t, then show the popup as soon as a transient prefix command
    112   is invoked.
    114 - If nil, then do not show the popup unless the user explicitly
    115   requests it, by pressing an incomplete prefix key sequence.
    117 - If a number, then delay displaying the popup and instead show
    118   a brief one-line summary.  If zero or negative, then suppress
    119   even showing that summary and display the pressed key only.
    121   Show the popup when the user explicitly requests it by pressing
    122   an incomplete prefix key sequence.  Unless zero, then also show
    123   the popup after that many seconds of inactivity (using the
    124   absolute value)."
    125   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    126   :group 'transient
    127   :type '(choice (const  :tag "instantly" t)
    128                  (const  :tag "on demand" nil)
    129                  (const  :tag "on demand (no summary)" 0)
    130                  (number :tag "after delay" 1)))
    132 (defcustom transient-enable-popup-navigation nil
    133   "Whether navigation commands are enabled in the transient popup.
    135 While a transient is active the transient popup buffer is not the
    136 current buffer, making it necessary to use dedicated commands to
    137 act on that buffer itself.  If this non-nil, then the following
    138 features are available:
    140 - \"<up>\" moves the cursor to the previous suffix.
    141   \"<down>\" moves the cursor to the next suffix.
    142   \"RET\" invokes the suffix the cursor is on.
    143 - \"<mouse-1>\" invokes the clicked on suffix.
    144 - \"C-s\" and \"C-r\" start isearch in the popup buffer."
    145   :package-version '(transient . "0.2.0")
    146   :group 'transient
    147   :type 'boolean)
    149 (defcustom transient-display-buffer-action
    150   '(display-buffer-in-side-window
    151     (side . bottom)
    152     (dedicated . t)
    153     (inhibit-same-window . t)
    154     (window-parameters (no-other-window . t)))
    155   "The action used to display the transient popup buffer.
    157 The transient popup buffer is displayed in a window using
    159   (display-buffer BUFFER transient-display-buffer-action)
    161 The value of this option has the form (FUNCTION . ALIST),
    162 where FUNCTION is a function or a list of functions.  Each such
    163 function should accept two arguments: a buffer to display and an
    164 alist of the same form as ALIST.  See info node `(elisp)Choosing
    165 Window' for details.
    167 The default is:
    169   (display-buffer-in-side-window
    170     (side . bottom)
    171     (dedicated . t)
    172     (inhibit-same-window . t)
    173     (window-parameters (no-other-window . t)))
    175 This displays the window at the bottom of the selected frame.
    176 Another useful FUNCTION is `display-buffer-below-selected', which
    177 is what `magit-popup' used by default.  For more alternatives see
    178 info node `(elisp)Display Action Functions' and info node
    179 `(elisp)Buffer Display Action Alists'.
    181 Note that the buffer that was current before the transient buffer
    182 is shown should remain the current buffer.  Many suffix commands
    183 act on the thing at point, if appropriate, and if the transient
    184 buffer became the current buffer, then that would change what is
    185 at point.  To that effect `inhibit-same-window' ensures that the
    186 selected window is not used to show the transient buffer.
    188 It may be possible to display the window in another frame, but
    189 whether that works in practice depends on the window-manager.
    190 If the window manager selects the new window (Emacs frame),
    191 then that unfortunately changes which buffer is current.
    193 If you change the value of this option, then you might also
    194 want to change the value of `transient-mode-line-format'."
    195   :package-version '(transient . "0.3.0")
    196   :group 'transient
    197   :type '(cons (choice function (repeat :tag "Functions" function))
    198                alist))
    200 (defcustom transient-mode-line-format 'line
    201   "The mode-line format for the transient popup buffer.
    203 If nil, then the buffer has no mode-line.  If the buffer is not
    204 displayed right above the echo area, then this probably is not
    205 a good value.
    207 If `line' (the default), then the buffer also has no mode-line,
    208 but a thin line is drawn instead, using the background color of
    209 the face `transient-separator'.  Termcap frames cannot display
    210 thin lines and therefore fallback to treating `line' like nil.
    212 Otherwise this can be any mode-line format.
    213 See `mode-line-format' for details."
    214   :package-version '(transient . "0.2.0")
    215   :group 'transient
    216   :type '(choice (const :tag "hide mode-line" nil)
    217                  (const :tag "substitute thin line" line)
    218                  (const :tag "name of prefix command"
    219                         ("%e" mode-line-front-space
    220                          mode-line-buffer-identification))
    221                  (sexp  :tag "custom mode-line format")))
    223 (defcustom transient-show-common-commands nil
    224   "Whether to show common transient suffixes in the popup buffer.
    226 These commands are always shown after typing the prefix key
    227 \"C-x\" when a transient command is active.  To toggle the value
    228 of this variable use \"C-x t\" when a transient is active."
    229   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    230   :group 'transient
    231   :type 'boolean)
    233 (defcustom transient-read-with-initial-input nil
    234   "Whether to use the last history element as initial minibuffer input."
    235   :package-version '(transient . "0.2.0")
    236   :group 'transient
    237   :type 'boolean)
    239 (defcustom transient-highlight-mismatched-keys nil
    240   "Whether to highlight keys that do not match their argument.
    242 This only affects infix arguments that represent command-line
    243 arguments.  When this option is non-nil, then the key binding
    244 for infix argument are highlighted when only a long argument
    245 \(e.g. \"--verbose\") is specified but no shor-thand (e.g \"-v\").
    246 In the rare case that a short-hand is specified but does not
    247 match the key binding, then it is highlighed differently.
    249 The highlighting is done using using `transient-mismatched-key'
    250 and `transient-nonstandard-key'."
    251   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    252   :group 'transient
    253   :type 'boolean)
    255 (defcustom transient-highlight-higher-levels nil
    256   "Whether to highlight suffixes on higher levels.
    258 This is primarily intended for package authors.
    260 When non-nil then highlight the description of suffixes whose
    261 level is above 4, the default of `transient-default-level'.
    262 Assuming you have set that variable to 7, this highlights all
    263 suffixes that won't be available to users without them making
    264 the same customization."
    265   :package-version '(transient . "0.3.6")
    266   :group 'transient
    267   :type 'boolean)
    269 (defcustom transient-substitute-key-function nil
    270   "Function used to modify key bindings.
    272 This function is called with one argument, the prefix object,
    273 and must return a key binding description, either the existing
    274 key description it finds in the `key' slot, or a substitution.
    276 This is intended to let users replace certain prefix keys.  It
    277 could also be used to make other substitutions, but that is
    278 discouraged.
    280 For example, \"=\" is hard to reach using my custom keyboard
    281 layout, so I substitute \"(\" for that, which is easy to reach
    282 using a layout optimized for Lisp.
    284   (setq transient-substitute-key-function
    285         (lambda (obj)
    286           (let ((key (oref obj key)))
    287             (if (string-match \"\\\\`\\\\(=\\\\)[a-zA-Z]\" key)
    288                 (replace-match \"(\" t t key 1)
    289               key)))))"
    290   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    291   :group 'transient
    292   :type '(choice (const :tag "Transform no keys (nil)" nil) function))
    294 (defcustom transient-semantic-coloring nil
    295   "Whether to color prefixes and suffixes in Hydra-like fashion.
    296 This feature is experimental.
    298 If non-nil, then the key binding of each suffix is colorized to
    299 indicate whether it exits the transient state or not.  The color
    300 of the prefix is indicated using the line that is drawn when the
    301 value of `transient-mode-line-format' is `line'.
    303 For more information about how Hydra uses colors see
    304 and
    306   :package-version '(transient . "0.3.0")
    307   :group 'transient
    308   :type 'boolean)
    310 (defcustom transient-detect-key-conflicts nil
    311   "Whether to detect key binding conflicts.
    313 Conflicts are detected when a transient prefix command is invoked
    314 and results in an error, which prevents the transient from being
    315 used."
    316   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    317   :group 'transient
    318   :type 'boolean)
    320 (defcustom transient-force-fixed-pitch nil
    321   "Whether to force use of monospaced font in the popup buffer.
    323 Even if you use a proportional font for the `default' face,
    324 you might still want to use a monospaced font in transient's
    325 popup buffer.  Setting this option to t causes `default' to
    326 be remapped to `fixed-pitch' in that buffer."
    327   :package-version '(transient . "0.2.0")
    328   :group 'transient
    329   :type 'boolean)
    331 (defcustom transient-force-single-column nil
    332   "Whether to force use of a single column to display suffixes.
    334 This might be useful for users with low vision who use large
    335 text and might otherwise have to scroll in two dimensions."
    336   :package-version '(transient . "0.3.6")
    337   :group 'transient
    338   :type 'boolean)
    340 (defconst transient--default-child-level 1)
    342 (defconst transient--default-prefix-level 4)
    344 (defcustom transient-default-level transient--default-prefix-level
    345   "Control what suffix levels are made available by default.
    347 Each suffix command is placed on a level and each prefix command
    348 has a level, which controls which suffix commands are available.
    349 Integers between 1 and 7 (inclusive) are valid levels.
    351 The levels of individual transients and/or their individual
    352 suffixes can be changed individually, by invoking the prefix and
    353 then pressing \"C-x l\".
    355 The default level for both transients and their suffixes is 4.
    356 This option only controls the default for transients.  The default
    357 suffix level is always 4.  The author of a transient should place
    358 certain suffixes on a higher level if they expect that it won't be
    359 of use to most users, and they should place very important suffixes
    360 on a lower level so that they remain available even if the user
    361 lowers the transient level.
    363 \(Magit currently places nearly all suffixes on level 4 and lower
    364 levels are not used at all yet.  So for the time being you should
    365 not set a lower level here and using a higher level might not
    366 give you as many additional suffixes as you hoped.)"
    367   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    368   :group 'transient
    369   :type '(choice (const :tag "1 - fewest suffixes" 1)
    370                  (const 2)
    371                  (const 3)
    372                  (const :tag "4 - default" 4)
    373                  (const 5)
    374                  (const 6)
    375                  (const :tag "7 - most suffixes" 7)))
    377 (defcustom transient-levels-file
    378   (locate-user-emacs-file (convert-standard-filename "transient/levels.el"))
    379   "File used to save levels of transients and their suffixes."
    380   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    381   :group 'transient
    382   :type 'file)
    384 (defcustom transient-values-file
    385   (locate-user-emacs-file (convert-standard-filename "transient/values.el"))
    386   "File used to save values of transients."
    387   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    388   :group 'transient
    389   :type 'file)
    391 (defcustom transient-history-file
    392   (locate-user-emacs-file (convert-standard-filename "transient/history.el"))
    393   "File used to save history of transients and their infixes."
    394   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    395   :group 'transient
    396   :type 'file)
    398 (defcustom transient-history-limit 10
    399   "Number of history elements to keep when saving to file."
    400   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    401   :group 'transient
    402   :type 'integer)
    404 (defcustom transient-save-history t
    405   "Whether to save history of transient commands when exiting Emacs."
    406   :package-version '(transient . "0.1.0")
    407   :group 'transient
    408   :type 'boolean)
    410 ;;; Faces
    412 (defgroup transient-faces nil
    413   "Faces used by Transient."
    414   :group 'transient)
    416 (defface transient-heading '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
    417   "Face used for headings."
    418   :group 'transient-faces)
    420 (defface transient-key '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
    421   "Face used for keys."
    422   :group 'transient-faces)
    424 (defface transient-argument '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
    425   "Face used for enabled arguments."
    426   :group 'transient-faces)
    428 (defface transient-value '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face))
    429   "Face used for values."
    430   :group 'transient-faces)
    432 (defface transient-inactive-argument '((t :inherit shadow))
    433   "Face used for inactive arguments."
    434   :group 'transient-faces)
    436 (defface transient-inactive-value '((t :inherit shadow))
    437   "Face used for inactive values."
    438   :group 'transient-faces)
    440 (defface transient-unreachable '((t :inherit shadow))
    441   "Face used for suffixes unreachable from the current prefix sequence."
    442   :group 'transient-faces)
    444 (defface transient-active-infix '((t :inherit secondary-selection))
    445   "Face used for the infix for which the value is being read."
    446   :group 'transient-faces)
    448 (defface transient-unreachable-key '((t :inherit shadow))
    449   "Face used for keys unreachable from the current prefix sequence."
    450   :group 'transient-faces)
    452 (defface transient-nonstandard-key '((t :underline t))
    453   "Face optionally used to highlight keys conflicting with short-argument.
    454 Also see option `transient-highlight-mismatched-keys'."
    455   :group 'transient-faces)
    457 (defface transient-mismatched-key '((t :underline t))
    458   "Face optionally used to highlight keys without a short-argument.
    459 Also see option `transient-highlight-mismatched-keys'."
    460   :group 'transient-faces)
    462 (defface transient-inapt-suffix '((t :inherit shadow :italic t))
    463   "Face used for suffixes that are inapt at this time."
    464   :group 'transient-faces)
    466 (defface transient-enabled-suffix
    467   '((t :background "green" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
    468   "Face used for enabled levels while editing suffix levels.
    469 See info node `(transient)Enabling and Disabling Suffixes'."
    470   :group 'transient-faces)
    472 (defface transient-disabled-suffix
    473   '((t :background "red" :foreground "black" :weight bold))
    474   "Face used for disabled levels while editing suffix levels.
    475 See info node `(transient)Enabling and Disabling Suffixes'."
    476   :group 'transient-faces)
    478 (defface transient-higher-level '((t :underline t))
    479   "Face optionally used to highlight suffixes on higher levels.
    480 Also see option `transient-highlight-higher-levels'."
    481   :group 'transient-faces)
    483 (defface transient-separator
    484   `((((class color) (background light))
    485      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    486      :background "grey80")
    487     (((class color) (background  dark))
    488      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    489      :background "grey30"))
    490   "Face used to draw line below transient popup window.
    491 This is only used if `transient-mode-line-format' is `line'.
    492 Only the background color is significant."
    493   :group 'transient-faces)
    495 (defgroup transient-color-faces
    496   '((transient-semantic-coloring custom-variable))
    497   "Faces used by Transient for Hydra-like command coloring.
    498 These faces are only used if `transient-semantic-coloring'
    499 \(which see) is non-nil."
    500   :group 'transient-faces)
    502 (defface transient-red
    503   '((t :inherit transient-key :foreground "red"))
    504   "Face used for red prefixes and suffixes."
    505   :group 'transient-color-faces)
    507 (defface transient-blue
    508   '((t :inherit transient-key :foreground "blue"))
    509   "Face used for blue prefixes and suffixes."
    510   :group 'transient-color-faces)
    512 (defface transient-amaranth
    513   '((t :inherit transient-key :foreground "#E52B50"))
    514   "Face used for amaranth prefixes."
    515   :group 'transient-color-faces)
    517 (defface transient-pink
    518   '((t :inherit transient-key :foreground "#FF6EB4"))
    519   "Face used for pink prefixes."
    520   :group 'transient-color-faces)
    522 (defface transient-teal
    523   '((t :inherit transient-key :foreground "#367588"))
    524   "Face used for teal prefixes."
    525   :group 'transient-color-faces)
    527 ;;; Persistence
    529 (defun transient--read-file-contents (file)
    530   (with-demoted-errors "Transient error: %S"
    531     (and (file-exists-p file)
    532          (with-temp-buffer
    533            (insert-file-contents file)
    534            (read (current-buffer))))))
    536 (defun transient--pp-to-file (list file)
    537   (make-directory (file-name-directory file) t)
    538   (setq list (cl-sort (copy-sequence list) #'string< :key #'car))
    539   (with-temp-file file
    540     (let ((print-level nil)
    541           (print-length nil))
    542       (pp list (current-buffer)))))
    544 (defvar transient-values
    545   (transient--read-file-contents transient-values-file)
    546   "Values of transient commands.
    547 The value of this variable persists between Emacs sessions
    548 and you usually should not change it manually.")
    550 (defun transient-save-values ()
    551   (transient--pp-to-file transient-values transient-values-file))
    553 (defvar transient-levels
    554   (transient--read-file-contents transient-levels-file)
    555   "Levels of transient commands.
    556 The value of this variable persists between Emacs sessions
    557 and you usually should not change it manually.")
    559 (defun transient-save-levels ()
    560   (transient--pp-to-file transient-levels transient-levels-file))
    562 (defvar transient-history
    563   (transient--read-file-contents transient-history-file)
    564   "History of transient commands and infix arguments.
    565 The value of this variable persists between Emacs sessions
    566 \(unless `transient-save-history' is nil) and you usually
    567 should not change it manually.")
    569 (defun transient-save-history ()
    570   (setq transient-history
    571         (cl-sort (mapcar (pcase-lambda (`(,key . ,val))
    572                            (cons key (seq-take (delete-dups val)
    573                                                transient-history-limit)))
    574                          transient-history)
    575                  #'string< :key #'car))
    576   (transient--pp-to-file transient-history transient-history-file))
    578 (defun transient-maybe-save-history ()
    579   "Save the value of `transient-history'.
    580 If `transient-save-history' is nil, then do nothing."
    581   (when transient-save-history
    582     (transient-save-history)))
    584 (unless noninteractive
    585   (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'transient-maybe-save-history))
    587 ;;; Classes
    588 ;;;; Prefix
    590 (defclass transient-prefix ()
    591   ((prototype   :initarg :prototype)
    592    (command     :initarg :command)
    593    (level       :initarg :level)
    594    (variable    :initarg :variable    :initform nil)
    595    (init-value  :initarg :init-value)
    596    (value) (default-value :initarg :value)
    597    (scope       :initarg :scope       :initform nil)
    598    (history     :initarg :history     :initform nil)
    599    (history-pos :initarg :history-pos :initform 0)
    600    (history-key :initarg :history-key :initform nil)
    601    (man-page    :initarg :man-page    :initform nil)
    602    (info-manual :initarg :info-manual :initform nil)
    603    (transient-suffix     :initarg :transient-suffix     :initform nil)
    604    (transient-non-suffix :initarg :transient-non-suffix :initform nil)
    605    (incompatible         :initarg :incompatible         :initform nil)
    606    (suffix-description   :initarg :suffix-description))
    607   "Transient prefix command.
    609 Each transient prefix command consists of a command, which is
    610 stored in a symbol's function slot and an object, which is
    611 stored in the `transient--prefix' property of the same symbol.
    613 When a transient prefix command is invoked, then a clone of that
    614 object is stored in the global variable `transient--prefix' and
    615 the prototype is stored in the clone's `prototype' slot.")
    617 ;;;; Suffix
    619 (defclass transient-child ()
    620   ((level
    621     :initarg :level
    622     :initform (symbol-value 'transient--default-child-level)
    623     :documentation "Enable if level of prefix is equal or greater.")
    624    (if
    625     :initarg :if
    626     :initform nil
    627     :documentation "Enable if predicate returns non-nil.")
    628    (if-not
    629     :initarg :if-not
    630     :initform nil
    631     :documentation "Enable if predicate returns nil.")
    632    (if-non-nil
    633     :initarg :if-non-nil
    634     :initform nil
    635     :documentation "Enable if variable's value is non-nil.")
    636    (if-nil
    637     :initarg :if-nil
    638     :initform nil
    639     :documentation "Enable if variable's value is nil.")
    640    (if-mode
    641     :initarg :if-mode
    642     :initform nil
    643     :documentation "Enable if major-mode matches value.")
    644    (if-not-mode
    645     :initarg :if-not-mode
    646     :initform nil
    647     :documentation "Enable if major-mode does not match value.")
    648    (if-derived
    649     :initarg :if-derived
    650     :initform nil
    651     :documentation "Enable if major-mode derives from value.")
    652    (if-not-derived
    653     :initarg :if-not-derived
    654     :initform nil
    655     :documentation "Enable if major-mode does not derive from value."))
    656   "Abstract superclass for group and suffix classes.
    658 It is undefined what happens if more than one `if*' predicate
    659 slot is non-nil."
    660   :abstract t)
    662 (defclass transient-suffix (transient-child)
    663   ((key         :initarg :key)
    664    (command     :initarg :command)
    665    (transient   :initarg :transient)
    666    (format      :initarg :format      :initform " %k %d")
    667    (description :initarg :description :initform nil)
    668    (inapt                             :initform nil)
    669    (inapt-if
    670     :initarg :inapt-if
    671     :initform nil
    672     :documentation "Inapt if predicate returns non-nil.")
    673    (inapt-if-not
    674     :initarg :inapt-if-not
    675     :initform nil
    676     :documentation "Inapt if predicate returns nil.")
    677    (inapt-if-non-nil
    678     :initarg :inapt-if-non-nil
    679     :initform nil
    680     :documentation "Inapt if variable's value is non-nil.")
    681    (inapt-if-nil
    682     :initarg :inapt-if-nil
    683     :initform nil
    684     :documentation "Inapt if variable's value is nil.")
    685    (inapt-if-mode
    686     :initarg :inapt-if-mode
    687     :initform nil
    688     :documentation "Inapt if major-mode matches value.")
    689    (inapt-if-not-mode
    690     :initarg :inapt-if-not-mode
    691     :initform nil
    692     :documentation "Inapt if major-mode does not match value.")
    693    (inapt-if-derived
    694     :initarg :inapt-if-derived
    695     :initform nil
    696     :documentation "Inapt if major-mode derives from value.")
    697    (inapt-if-not-derived
    698     :initarg :inapt-if-not-derived
    699     :initform nil
    700     :documentation "Inapt if major-mode does not derive from value."))
    701   "Superclass for suffix command.")
    703 (defclass transient-infix (transient-suffix)
    704   ((transient                         :initform t)
    705    (argument    :initarg :argument)
    706    (shortarg    :initarg :shortarg)
    707    (value                             :initform nil)
    708    (init-value  :initarg :init-value)
    709    (unsavable   :initarg :unsavable   :initform nil)
    710    (multi-value :initarg :multi-value :initform nil)
    711    (always-read :initarg :always-read :initform nil)
    712    (allow-empty :initarg :allow-empty :initform nil)
    713    (history-key :initarg :history-key :initform nil)
    714    (reader      :initarg :reader      :initform nil)
    715    (prompt      :initarg :prompt      :initform nil)
    716    (choices     :initarg :choices     :initform nil)
    717    (format                            :initform " %k %d (%v)"))
    718   "Transient infix command."
    719   :abstract t)
    721 (defclass transient-argument (transient-infix) ()
    722   "Abstract superclass for infix arguments."
    723   :abstract t)
    725 (defclass transient-switch (transient-argument) ()
    726   "Class used for command-line argument that can be turned on and off.")
    728 (defclass transient-option (transient-argument) ()
    729   "Class used for command-line argument that can take a value.")
    731 (defclass transient-variable (transient-infix)
    732   ((variable    :initarg :variable)
    733    (format                            :initform " %k %d %v"))
    734   "Abstract superclass for infix commands that set a variable."
    735   :abstract t)
    737 (defclass transient-switches (transient-argument)
    738   ((argument-format  :initarg :argument-format)
    739    (argument-regexp  :initarg :argument-regexp))
    740   "Class used for sets of mutually exclusive command-line switches.")
    742 (defclass transient-files (transient-infix) ()
    743   "Class used for the \"--\" argument.
    744 All remaining arguments are treated as files.
    745 They become the value of this argument.")
    747 ;;;; Group
    749 (defclass transient-group (transient-child)
    750   ((suffixes       :initarg :suffixes       :initform nil)
    751    (hide           :initarg :hide           :initform nil)
    752    (description    :initarg :description    :initform nil)
    753    (setup-children :initarg :setup-children)
    754    (pad-keys       :initarg :pad-keys))
    755   "Abstract superclass of all group classes."
    756   :abstract t)
    758 (defclass transient-column (transient-group) ()
    759   "Group class that displays each element on a separate line.")
    761 (defclass transient-row (transient-group) ()
    762   "Group class that displays all elements on a single line.")
    764 (defclass transient-columns (transient-group) ()
    765   "Group class that displays elements organized in columns.
    766 Direct elements have to be groups whose elements have to be
    767 commands or string.  Each subgroup represents a column.  This
    768 class takes care of inserting the subgroups' elements.")
    770 (defclass transient-subgroups (transient-group) ()
    771   "Group class that wraps other groups.
    773 Direct elements have to be groups whose elements have to be
    774 commands or strings.  This group inserts an empty line between
    775 subgroups.  The subgroups are responsible for displaying their
    776 elements themselves.")
    778 ;;; Define
    780 (defmacro transient-define-prefix (name arglist &rest args)
    781   "Define NAME as a transient prefix command.
    783 ARGLIST are the arguments that command takes.
    784 DOCSTRING is the documentation string and is optional.
    786 These arguments can optionally be followed by key-value pairs.
    787 Each key has to be a keyword symbol, either `:class' or a keyword
    788 argument supported by the constructor of that class.  The
    789 `transient-prefix' class is used if the class is not specified
    790 explicitly.
    792 GROUPs add key bindings for infix and suffix commands and specify
    793 how these bindings are presented in the popup buffer.  At least
    794 one GROUP has to be specified.  See info node `(transient)Binding
    795 Suffix and Infix Commands'.
    797 The BODY is optional.  If it is omitted, then ARGLIST is also
    798 ignored and the function definition becomes:
    800   (lambda ()
    801     (interactive)
    802     (transient-setup \\='NAME))
    804 If BODY is specified, then it must begin with an `interactive'
    805 form that matches ARGLIST, and it must call `transient-setup'.
    806 It may however call that function only when some condition is
    807 satisfied; that is one of the reason why you might want to use
    808 an explicit BODY.
    810 All transients have a (possibly nil) value, which is exported
    811 when suffix commands are called, so that they can consume that
    812 value.  For some transients it might be necessary to have a sort
    813 of secondary value, called a scope.  Such a scope would usually
    814 be set in the commands `interactive' form and has to be passed
    815 to the setup function:
    817   (transient-setup \\='NAME nil nil :scope SCOPE)
    820   (declare (debug (&define name lambda-list
    821                            [&optional lambda-doc]
    822                            [&rest keywordp sexp]
    823                            [&rest vectorp]
    824                            [&optional ("interactive" interactive) def-body]))
    825            (indent defun)
    826            (doc-string 3))
    827   (pcase-let ((`(,class ,slots ,suffixes ,docstr ,body)
    828                (transient--expand-define-args args)))
    829     `(progn
    830        (defalias ',name
    831          ,(if body
    832               `(lambda ,arglist ,@body)
    833             `(lambda ()
    834                (interactive)
    835                (transient-setup ',name))))
    836        (put ',name 'interactive-only t)
    837        (put ',name 'function-documentation ,docstr)
    838        (put ',name 'transient--prefix
    839             (,(or class 'transient-prefix) :command ',name ,@slots))
    840        (put ',name 'transient--layout
    841             ',(cl-mapcan (lambda (s) (transient--parse-child name s))
    842                          suffixes)))))
    844 (defmacro transient-define-suffix (name arglist &rest args)
    845   "Define NAME as a transient suffix command.
    847 ARGLIST are the arguments that the command takes.
    848 DOCSTRING is the documentation string and is optional.
    850 These arguments can optionally be followed by key-value pairs.
    851 Each key has to be a keyword symbol, either `:class' or a
    852 keyword argument supported by the constructor of that class.
    853 The `transient-suffix' class is used if the class is not
    854 specified explicitly.
    856 The BODY must begin with an `interactive' form that matches
    857 ARGLIST.  The infix arguments are usually accessed by using
    858 `transient-args' inside `interactive'.
    861   (declare (debug (&define name lambda-list
    862                            [&optional lambda-doc]
    863                            [&rest keywordp sexp]
    864                            ("interactive" interactive)
    865                            def-body))
    866            (indent defun)
    867            (doc-string 3))
    868   (pcase-let ((`(,class ,slots ,_ ,docstr ,body)
    869                (transient--expand-define-args args)))
    870     `(progn
    871        (defalias ',name (lambda ,arglist ,@body))
    872        (put ',name 'interactive-only t)
    873        (put ',name 'function-documentation ,docstr)
    874        (put ',name 'transient--suffix
    875             (,(or class 'transient-suffix) :command ',name ,@slots)))))
    877 (defmacro transient-define-infix (name _arglist &rest args)
    878   "Define NAME as a transient infix command.
    880 ARGLIST is always ignored and reserved for future use.
    881 DOCSTRING is the documentation string and is optional.
    883 The key-value pairs are mandatory.  All transient infix commands
    884 are equal to each other (but not eq), so it is meaningless to
    885 define an infix command without also setting at least `:class'
    886 and one other keyword (which it is depends on the used class,
    887 usually `:argument' or `:variable').
    889 Each key has to be a keyword symbol, either `:class' or a keyword
    890 argument supported by the constructor of that class.  The
    891 `transient-switch' class is used if the class is not specified
    892 explicitly.
    894 The function definitions is always:
    896    (lambda ()
    897      (interactive)
    898      (let ((obj (transient-suffix-object)))
    899        (transient-infix-set obj (transient-infix-read obj)))
    900      (transient--show))
    902 `transient-infix-read' and `transient-infix-set' are generic
    903 functions.  Different infix commands behave differently because
    904 the concrete methods are different for different infix command
    905 classes.  In rare case the above command function might not be
    906 suitable, even if you define your own infix command class.  In
    907 that case you have to use `transient-suffix-command' to define
    908 the infix command and use t as the value of the `:transient'
    909 keyword.
    912   (declare (debug (&define name lambda-list
    913                            [&optional lambda-doc]
    914                            [&rest keywordp sexp]))
    915            (indent defun)
    916            (doc-string 3))
    917   (pcase-let ((`(,class ,slots ,_ ,docstr ,_)
    918                (transient--expand-define-args args)))
    919     `(progn
    920        (defalias ',name ,(transient--default-infix-command))
    921        (put ',name 'interactive-only t)
    922        (put ',name 'function-documentation ,docstr)
    923        (put ',name 'transient--suffix
    924             (,(or class 'transient-switch) :command ',name ,@slots)))))
    926 (defalias 'transient-define-argument #'transient-define-infix
    927   "Define NAME as a transient infix command.
    929 Only use this alias to define an infix command that actually
    930 sets an infix argument.  To define a infix command that, for
    931 example, sets a variable use `transient-define-infix' instead.
    935 (defun transient--expand-define-args (args)
    936   (let (class keys suffixes docstr)
    937     (when (stringp (car args))
    938       (setq docstr (pop args)))
    939     (while (keywordp (car args))
    940       (let ((k (pop args))
    941             (v (pop args)))
    942         (if (eq k :class)
    943             (setq class v)
    944           (push k keys)
    945           (push v keys))))
    946     (while (let ((arg (car args)))
    947              (or (vectorp arg)
    948                  (and arg (symbolp arg))))
    949       (push (pop args) suffixes))
    950     (list (if (eq (car-safe class) 'quote)
    951               (cadr class)
    952             class)
    953           (nreverse keys)
    954           (nreverse suffixes)
    955           docstr
    956           args)))
    958 (defun transient--parse-child (prefix spec)
    959   (cl-etypecase spec
    960     (symbol  (let ((value (symbol-value spec)))
    961                (if (and (listp value)
    962                         (or (listp (car value))
    963                             (vectorp (car value))))
    964                    (cl-mapcan (lambda (s) (transient--parse-child prefix s)) value)
    965                  (transient--parse-child prefix value))))
    966     (vector  (when-let ((c (transient--parse-group  prefix spec))) (list c)))
    967     (list    (when-let ((c (transient--parse-suffix prefix spec))) (list c)))
    968     (string  (list spec))))
    970 (defun transient--parse-group (prefix spec)
    971   (setq spec (append spec nil))
    972   (cl-symbol-macrolet
    973       ((car (car spec))
    974        (pop (pop spec)))
    975     (let (level class args)
    976       (when (integerp car)
    977         (setq level pop))
    978       (when (stringp car)
    979         (setq args (plist-put args :description pop)))
    980       (while (keywordp car)
    981         (let ((k pop))
    982           (if (eq k :class)
    983               (setq class pop)
    984             (setq args (plist-put args k pop)))))
    985       (vector (or level transient--default-child-level)
    986               (or class
    987                   (if (vectorp car)
    988                       'transient-columns
    989                     'transient-column))
    990               args
    991               (cl-mapcan (lambda (s) (transient--parse-child prefix s)) spec)))))
    993 (defun transient--parse-suffix (prefix spec)
    994   (let (level class args)
    995     (cl-symbol-macrolet
    996         ((car (car spec))
    997          (pop (pop spec)))
    998       (when (integerp car)
    999         (setq level pop))
   1000       (when (or (stringp car)
   1001                 (vectorp car))
   1002         (setq args (plist-put args :key pop)))
   1003       (when (or (stringp car)
   1004                 (eq (car-safe car) 'lambda)
   1005                 (and (symbolp car)
   1006                      (not (commandp car))
   1007                      (commandp (cadr spec))))
   1008         (setq args (plist-put args :description pop)))
   1009       (cond
   1010        ((keywordp car)
   1011         (error "Need command, got %S" car))
   1012        ((symbolp car)
   1013         (setq args (plist-put args :command pop)))
   1014        ((and (commandp car)
   1015              (not (stringp car)))
   1016         (let ((cmd pop)
   1017               (sym (intern (format "transient:%s:%s"
   1018                                    prefix
   1019                                    (or (plist-get args :description)
   1020                                        (plist-get args :key))))))
   1021           (defalias sym cmd)
   1022           (setq args (plist-put args :command sym))))
   1023        ((or (stringp car)
   1024             (and car (listp car)))
   1025         (let ((arg pop))
   1026           (cl-typecase arg
   1027             (list
   1028              (setq args (plist-put args :shortarg (car  arg)))
   1029              (setq args (plist-put args :argument (cadr arg)))
   1030              (setq arg  (cadr arg)))
   1031             (string
   1032              (when-let ((shortarg (transient--derive-shortarg arg)))
   1033                (setq args (plist-put args :shortarg shortarg)))
   1034              (setq args (plist-put args :argument arg))))
   1035           (setq args (plist-put args :command
   1036                                 (intern (format "transient:%s:%s"
   1037                                                 prefix arg))))
   1038           (cond ((and car (not (keywordp car)))
   1039                  (setq class 'transient-option)
   1040                  (setq args (plist-put args :reader pop)))
   1041                 ((not (string-suffix-p "=" arg))
   1042                  (setq class 'transient-switch))
   1043                 (t
   1044                  (setq class 'transient-option)))))
   1045        (t
   1046         (error "Needed command or argument, got %S" car)))
   1047       (while (keywordp car)
   1048         (let ((k pop))
   1049           (cl-case k
   1050             (:class (setq class pop))
   1051             (:level (setq level pop))
   1052             (t (setq args (plist-put args k pop)))))))
   1053     (unless (plist-get args :key)
   1054       (when-let ((shortarg (plist-get args :shortarg)))
   1055         (setq args (plist-put args :key shortarg))))
   1056     (list (or level transient--default-child-level)
   1057           (or class 'transient-suffix)
   1058           args)))
   1060 (defun transient--default-infix-command ()
   1061   (cons 'lambda
   1062         '(()
   1063           (interactive)
   1064           (let ((obj (transient-suffix-object)))
   1065             (transient-infix-set obj (transient-infix-read obj)))
   1066           (transient--show))))
   1068 (defun transient--ensure-infix-command (obj)
   1069   (let ((cmd (oref obj command)))
   1070     (unless (or (commandp cmd)
   1071                 (get cmd 'transient--infix-command))
   1072       (if (or (cl-typep obj 'transient-switch)
   1073               (cl-typep obj 'transient-option))
   1074           (put cmd 'transient--infix-command
   1075                (transient--default-infix-command))
   1076         ;; This is not an anonymous infix argument.
   1077         (when (transient--use-suffix-p obj)
   1078           (error "Suffix %s is not defined or autoloaded as a command" cmd))))))
   1080 (defun transient--derive-shortarg (arg)
   1081   (save-match-data
   1082     (and (string-match "\\`\\(-[a-zA-Z]\\)\\(\\'\\|=\\)" arg)
   1083          (match-string 1 arg))))
   1085 ;;; Edit
   1087 (defun transient--insert-suffix (prefix loc suffix action)
   1088   (let* ((suf (cl-etypecase suffix
   1089                 (vector (transient--parse-group  prefix suffix))
   1090                 (list   (transient--parse-suffix prefix suffix))
   1091                 (string suffix)))
   1092          (mem (transient--layout-member loc prefix))
   1093          (elt (car mem)))
   1094     (cond
   1095      ((not mem)
   1096       (message "Cannot insert %S into %s; %s not found"
   1097                suffix prefix loc))
   1098      ((or (and (vectorp suffix) (not (vectorp elt)))
   1099           (and (listp   suffix) (vectorp elt))
   1100           (and (stringp suffix) (vectorp elt)))
   1101       (message "Cannot place %S into %s at %s; %s"
   1102                suffix prefix loc
   1103                "suffixes and groups cannot be siblings"))
   1104      (t
   1105       (when (and (listp suffix)
   1106                  (listp elt))
   1107         ;; Both suffixes are key bindings; not heading strings.
   1108         (let ((key (transient--spec-key suf)))
   1109           (if (equal (transient--kbd key)
   1110                      (transient--kbd (transient--spec-key elt)))
   1111               ;; We must keep `mem' until after we have inserted
   1112               ;; behind it, which `transient-remove-suffix' does
   1113               ;; not allow us to do.
   1114               (let ((spred (transient--suffix-predicate suf))
   1115                     (epred (transient--suffix-predicate elt)))
   1116                 ;; If both suffixes have a predicate and they
   1117                 ;; are not identical, then there is a high
   1118                 ;; probability that we want to keep both.
   1119                 (when (or (not spred)
   1120                           (not epred)
   1121                           (equal spred epred))
   1122                   (setq action 'replace)))
   1123             (transient-remove-suffix prefix key))))
   1124       (cl-ecase action
   1125         (insert  (setcdr mem (cons elt (cdr mem)))
   1126                  (setcar mem suf))
   1127         (append  (setcdr mem (cons suf (cdr mem))))
   1128         (replace (setcar mem suf)))))))
   1130 ;;;###autoload
   1131 (defun transient-insert-suffix (prefix loc suffix)
   1132   "Insert a SUFFIX into PREFIX before LOC.
   1133 PREFIX is a prefix command, a symbol.
   1134 SUFFIX is a suffix command or a group specification (of
   1135   the same forms as expected by `transient-define-prefix').
   1136 LOC is a command, a key vector, a key description (a string
   1137   as returned by `key-description'), or a coordination list
   1138   (whose last element may also be a command or key).
   1139 See info node `(transient)Modifying Existing Transients'."
   1140   (declare (indent defun))
   1141   (transient--insert-suffix prefix loc suffix 'insert))
   1143 ;;;###autoload
   1144 (defun transient-append-suffix (prefix loc suffix)
   1145   "Insert a SUFFIX into PREFIX after LOC.
   1146 PREFIX is a prefix command, a symbol.
   1147 SUFFIX is a suffix command or a group specification (of
   1148   the same forms as expected by `transient-define-prefix').
   1149 LOC is a command, a key vector, a key description (a string
   1150   as returned by `key-description'), or a coordination list
   1151   (whose last element may also be a command or key).
   1152 See info node `(transient)Modifying Existing Transients'."
   1153   (declare (indent defun))
   1154   (transient--insert-suffix prefix loc suffix 'append))
   1156 ;;;###autoload
   1157 (defun transient-replace-suffix (prefix loc suffix)
   1158   "Replace the suffix at LOC in PREFIX with SUFFIX.
   1159 PREFIX is a prefix command, a symbol.
   1160 SUFFIX is a suffix command or a group specification (of
   1161   the same forms as expected by `transient-define-prefix').
   1162 LOC is a command, a key vector, a key description (a string
   1163   as returned by `key-description'), or a coordination list
   1164   (whose last element may also be a command or key).
   1165 See info node `(transient)Modifying Existing Transients'."
   1166   (declare (indent defun))
   1167   (transient--insert-suffix prefix loc suffix 'replace))
   1169 ;;;###autoload
   1170 (defun transient-remove-suffix (prefix loc)
   1171   "Remove the suffix or group at LOC in PREFIX.
   1172 PREFIX is a prefix command, a symbol.
   1173 LOC is a command, a key vector, a key description (a string
   1174   as returned by `key-description'), or a coordination list
   1175   (whose last element may also be a command or key).
   1176 See info node `(transient)Modifying Existing Transients'."
   1177   (declare (indent defun))
   1178   (transient--layout-member loc prefix 'remove))
   1180 (defun transient-get-suffix (prefix loc)
   1181   "Return the suffix or group at LOC in PREFIX.
   1182 PREFIX is a prefix command, a symbol.
   1183 LOC is a command, a key vector, a key description (a string
   1184   as returned by `key-description'), or a coordination list
   1185   (whose last element may also be a command or key).
   1186 See info node `(transient)Modifying Existing Transients'."
   1187   (if-let ((mem (transient--layout-member loc prefix)))
   1188       (car mem)
   1189     (error "%s not found in %s" loc prefix)))
   1191 (defun transient-suffix-put (prefix loc prop value)
   1192   "Edit the suffix at LOC in PREFIX, setting PROP to VALUE.
   1193 PREFIX is a prefix command, a symbol.
   1194 SUFFIX is a suffix command or a group specification (of
   1195   the same forms as expected by `transient-define-prefix').
   1196 LOC is a command, a key vector, a key description (a string
   1197   as returned by `key-description'), or a coordination list
   1198   (whose last element may also be a command or key).
   1199 See info node `(transient)Modifying Existing Transients'."
   1200   (let ((suf (transient-get-suffix prefix loc)))
   1201     (setf (elt suf 2)
   1202           (plist-put (elt suf 2) prop value))))
   1204 (defun transient--layout-member (loc prefix &optional remove)
   1205   (let ((val (or (get prefix 'transient--layout)
   1206                  (error "%s is not a transient command" prefix))))
   1207     (when (listp loc)
   1208       (while (integerp (car loc))
   1209         (let* ((children (if (vectorp val) (aref val 3) val))
   1210                (mem (transient--nthcdr (pop loc) children)))
   1211           (if (and remove (not loc))
   1212               (let ((rest (delq (car mem) children)))
   1213                 (if (vectorp val)
   1214                     (aset val 3 rest)
   1215                   (put prefix 'transient--layout rest))
   1216                 (setq val nil))
   1217             (setq val (if loc (car mem) mem)))))
   1218       (setq loc (car loc)))
   1219     (if loc
   1220         (transient--layout-member-1 (transient--kbd loc) val remove)
   1221       val)))
   1223 (defun transient--layout-member-1 (loc layout remove)
   1224   (cond ((listp layout)
   1225          (seq-some (lambda (elt) (transient--layout-member-1 loc elt remove))
   1226                    layout))
   1227         ((vectorp (car (aref layout 3)))
   1228          (seq-some (lambda (elt) (transient--layout-member-1 loc elt remove))
   1229                    (aref layout 3)))
   1230         (remove
   1231          (aset layout 3
   1232                (delq (car (transient--group-member loc layout))
   1233                      (aref layout 3)))
   1234          nil)
   1235         (t (transient--group-member loc layout))))
   1237 (defun transient--group-member (loc group)
   1238   (cl-member-if (lambda (suffix)
   1239                   (and (listp suffix)
   1240                        (let* ((def (nth 2 suffix))
   1241                               (cmd (plist-get def :command)))
   1242                          (if (symbolp loc)
   1243                              (eq cmd loc)
   1244                            (equal (transient--kbd
   1245                                    (or (plist-get def :key)
   1246                                        (transient--command-key cmd)))
   1247                                   loc)))))
   1248                 (aref group 3)))
   1250 (defun transient--kbd (keys)
   1251   (when (vectorp keys)
   1252     (setq keys (key-description keys)))
   1253   (when (stringp keys)
   1254     (setq keys (kbd keys)))
   1255   keys)
   1257 (defun transient--spec-key (spec)
   1258   (let ((plist (nth 2 spec)))
   1259     (or (plist-get plist :key)
   1260         (transient--command-key
   1261          (plist-get plist :command)))))
   1263 (defun transient--command-key (cmd)
   1264   (when-let ((obj (get cmd 'transient--suffix)))
   1265     (cond ((slot-boundp obj 'key)
   1266            (oref obj key))
   1267           ((slot-exists-p obj 'shortarg)
   1268            (if (slot-boundp obj 'shortarg)
   1269                (oref obj shortarg)
   1270              (transient--derive-shortarg (oref obj argument)))))))
   1272 (defun transient--nthcdr (n list)
   1273   (nthcdr (if (< n 0) (- (length list) (abs n)) n) list))
   1275 ;;; Variables
   1277 (defvar transient-current-prefix nil
   1278   "The transient from which this suffix command was invoked.
   1279 This is an object representing that transient, use
   1280 `transient-current-command' to get the respective command.")
   1282 (defvar transient-current-command nil
   1283   "The transient from which this suffix command was invoked.
   1284 This is a symbol representing that transient, use
   1285 `current-transient-object' to get the respective object.")
   1287 (defvar transient-current-suffixes nil
   1288   "The suffixes of the transient from which this suffix command was invoked.
   1289 This is a list of objects.  Usually it is sufficient to instead
   1290 use the function `transient-args', which returns a list of
   1291 values.  In complex cases it might be necessary to use this
   1292 variable instead.")
   1294 (defvar transient-exit-hook nil
   1295   "Hook run after exiting a transient.")
   1297 (defvar transient--prefix nil)
   1298 (defvar transient--layout nil)
   1299 (defvar transient--suffixes nil)
   1301 (defconst transient--stay t   "Do not exit the transient.")
   1302 (defconst transient--exit nil "Do exit the transient.")
   1304 (defvar transient--exitp nil "Whether to exit the transient.")
   1305 (defvar transient--showp nil "Whether the transient is show in a popup buffer.")
   1306 (defvar transient--helpp nil "Whether help-mode is active.")
   1307 (defvar transient--editp nil "Whether edit-mode is active.")
   1309 (defvar transient--active-infix nil "The active infix awaiting user input.")
   1311 (defvar transient--timer nil)
   1313 (defvar transient--stack nil)
   1315 (defvar transient--buffer-name " *transient*"
   1316   "Name of the transient buffer.")
   1318 (defvar transient--window nil
   1319   "The window used to display the transient popup.")
   1321 (defvar transient--original-window nil
   1322   "The window that was selected before the transient was invoked.
   1323 Usually it remains selected while the transient is active.")
   1325 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'transient--source-buffer
   1326   'transient--original-buffer "Transient 0.2.0")
   1328 (defvar transient--original-buffer nil
   1329   "The buffer that was current before the transient was invoked.
   1330 Usually it remains current while the transient is active.")
   1332 (defvar transient--debug nil "Whether put debug information into *Messages*.")
   1334 (defvar transient--history nil)
   1336 (defvar transient--scroll-commands
   1337   '(transient-scroll-up
   1338     transient-scroll-down
   1339     mwheel-scroll
   1340     scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll))
   1342 ;;; Identities
   1344 (defun transient-suffix-object (&optional command)
   1345   "Return the object associated with the current suffix command.
   1347 Each suffix commands is associated with an object, which holds
   1348 additional information about the suffix, such as its value (in
   1349 the case of an infix command, which is a kind of suffix command).
   1351 This function is intended to be called by infix commands, whose
   1352 command definition usually (at least when defined using
   1353 `transient-define-infix') is this:
   1355    (lambda ()
   1356      (interactive)
   1357      (let ((obj (transient-suffix-object)))
   1358        (transient-infix-set obj (transient-infix-read obj)))
   1359      (transient--show))
   1361 \(User input is read outside of `interactive' to prevent the
   1362 command from being added to `command-history'.  See #23.)
   1364 Such commands need to be able to access their associated object
   1365 to guide how `transient-infix-read' reads the new value and to
   1366 store the read value.  Other suffix commands (including non-infix
   1367 commands) may also need the object to guide their behavior.
   1369 This function attempts to return the object associated with the
   1370 current suffix command even if the suffix command was not invoked
   1371 from a transient.  (For some suffix command that is a valid thing
   1372 to do, for others it is not.)  In that case nil may be returned
   1373 if the command was not defined using one of the macros intended
   1374 to define such commands.
   1376 The optional argument COMMAND is intended for internal use.  If
   1377 you are contemplating using it in your own code, then you should
   1378 probably use this instead:
   1380   (get COMMAND 'transient--suffix)"
   1381   (when command
   1382     (cl-check-type command command))
   1383   (if (or transient--prefix
   1384           transient-current-prefix)
   1385       (cl-find-if (lambda (obj)
   1386                     (eq (transient--suffix-command obj)
   1387                         (or command this-original-command)))
   1388                   (or transient--suffixes
   1389                       transient-current-suffixes))
   1390     (when-let ((obj (get (or command this-command) 'transient--suffix))
   1391                (obj (clone obj)))
   1392       (transient-init-scope obj)
   1393       (transient-init-value obj)
   1394       obj)))
   1396 (defun transient--suffix-command (object)
   1397   "Return the command represented by OBJECT.
   1399 If the value of OBJECT's `command' slot is a command, then return
   1400 that.  Otherwise it is a symbol whose `transient--infix-command'
   1401 property holds an anonymous command, which is returned instead."
   1402   (cl-check-type object transient-suffix)
   1403   (let ((sym (oref object command)))
   1404     (if (commandp sym)
   1405         sym
   1406       (get sym 'transient--infix-command))))
   1408 (defun transient--suffix-symbol (arg)
   1409   "Return a symbol representing ARG.
   1411 ARG must be a command and/or a symbol.  If it is a symbol,
   1412 then just return it.  Otherwise return the symbol whose
   1413 `transient--infix-command' property's value is ARG."
   1414   (or (cl-typep arg 'command)
   1415       (cl-typep arg 'symbol)
   1416       (signal 'wrong-type-argument `((command symbol) ,arg)))
   1417   (if (symbolp arg)
   1418       arg
   1419     (let* ((obj (transient-suffix-object))
   1420            (sym (oref obj command)))
   1421       (if (eq (get sym 'transient--infix-command) arg)
   1422           sym
   1423         (catch 'found
   1424           (mapatoms (lambda (sym)
   1425                       (when (eq (get sym 'transient--infix-command) arg)
   1426                         (throw 'found sym)))))))))
   1428 ;;; Keymaps
   1430 (defvar transient-base-map
   1431   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1432     (define-key map (kbd "ESC ESC ESC") #'transient-quit-all)
   1433     (define-key map (kbd "C-g")   #'transient-quit-one)
   1434     (define-key map (kbd "C-q")   #'transient-quit-all)
   1435     (define-key map (kbd "C-z")   #'transient-suspend)
   1436     (define-key map (kbd "C-v")   #'transient-scroll-up)
   1437     (define-key map (kbd "C-M-v") #'transient-scroll-down)
   1438     (define-key map [next]        #'transient-scroll-up)
   1439     (define-key map [prior]       #'transient-scroll-down)
   1440     map)
   1441   "Parent of other keymaps used by Transient.
   1443 This is the parent keymap of all the keymaps that are used in
   1444 all transients: `transient-map' (which in turn is the parent
   1445 of the transient-specific keymaps), `transient-edit-map' and
   1446 `transient-sticky-map'.
   1448 If you change a binding here, then you might also have to edit
   1449 `transient-sticky-map' and `transient-common-commands'.  While
   1450 the latter isn't a proper transient prefix command, it can be
   1451 edited using the same functions as used for transients.
   1453 If you add a new command here, then you must also add a binding
   1454 to `transient-predicate-map'.")
   1456 (defvar transient-map
   1457   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1458     (set-keymap-parent map transient-base-map)
   1459     (define-key map (kbd "C-u")   #'universal-argument)
   1460     (define-key map (kbd "C--")   #'negative-argument)
   1461     (define-key map (kbd "C-t")   #'transient-show)
   1462     (define-key map (kbd "?")     #'transient-help)
   1463     (define-key map (kbd "C-h")   #'transient-help)
   1464     ;; Also bound to "C-x p" and "C-x n" in transient-common-commands.
   1465     (define-key map (kbd "C-M-p") #'transient-history-prev)
   1466     (define-key map (kbd "C-M-n") #'transient-history-next)
   1467     map)
   1468   "Top-level keymap used by all transients.
   1470 If you add a new command here, then you must also add a binding
   1471 to `transient-predicate-map'.  Also see `transient-base-map'.")
   1473 (defvar transient-edit-map
   1474   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1475     (set-keymap-parent map transient-base-map)
   1476     (define-key map (kbd "?")     #'transient-help)
   1477     (define-key map (kbd "C-h")   #'transient-help)
   1478     (define-key map (kbd "C-x l") #'transient-set-level)
   1479     map)
   1480   "Keymap that is active while a transient in is in \"edit mode\".")
   1482 (defvar transient-sticky-map
   1483   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1484     (set-keymap-parent map transient-base-map)
   1485     (define-key map (kbd "C-g") #'transient-quit-seq)
   1486     map)
   1487   "Keymap that is active while an incomplete key sequence is active.")
   1489 (defvar transient--common-command-prefixes '(?\C-x))
   1491 (put 'transient-common-commands
   1492      'transient--layout
   1493      (cl-mapcan
   1494       (lambda (s) (transient--parse-child 'transient-common-commands s))
   1495       '([:hide (lambda ()
   1496                  (and (not (memq (car transient--redisplay-key)
   1497                                  transient--common-command-prefixes))
   1498                       (not transient-show-common-commands)))
   1499          ["Value commands"
   1500           ("C-x s  " "Set"            transient-set)
   1501           ("C-x C-s" "Save"           transient-save)
   1502           ("C-x p  " "Previous value" transient-history-prev)
   1503           ("C-x n  " "Next value"     transient-history-next)]
   1504          ["Sticky commands"
   1505           ;; Like `transient-sticky-map' except that
   1506           ;; "C-g" has to be bound to a different command.
   1507           ("C-g" "Quit prefix or transient" transient-quit-one)
   1508           ("C-q" "Quit transient stack"     transient-quit-all)
   1509           ("C-z" "Suspend transient stack"  transient-suspend)]
   1510          ["Customize"
   1511           ("C-x t" transient-toggle-common
   1512            :description (lambda ()
   1513                           (if transient-show-common-commands
   1514                               "Hide common commands"
   1515                             "Show common permanently")))
   1516           ("C-x l" "Show/hide suffixes" transient-set-level)]])))
   1518 (defvar transient-predicate-map
   1519   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1520     (define-key map [handle-switch-frame]     #'transient--do-suspend)
   1521     (define-key map [transient-suspend]       #'transient--do-suspend)
   1522     (define-key map [transient-help]          #'transient--do-stay)
   1523     (define-key map [transient-set-level]     #'transient--do-stay)
   1524     (define-key map [transient-history-prev]  #'transient--do-stay)
   1525     (define-key map [transient-history-next]  #'transient--do-stay)
   1526     (define-key map [universal-argument]      #'transient--do-stay)
   1527     (define-key map [negative-argument]       #'transient--do-stay)
   1528     (define-key map [digit-argument]          #'transient--do-stay)
   1529     (define-key map [transient-quit-all]      #'transient--do-quit-all)
   1530     (define-key map [transient-quit-one]      #'transient--do-quit-one)
   1531     (define-key map [transient-quit-seq]      #'transient--do-stay)
   1532     (define-key map [transient-show]          #'transient--do-stay)
   1533     (define-key map [transient-update]        #'transient--do-stay)
   1534     (define-key map [transient-toggle-common] #'transient--do-stay)
   1535     (define-key map [transient-set]           #'transient--do-call)
   1536     (define-key map [transient-save]          #'transient--do-call)
   1537     (define-key map [describe-key-briefly]    #'transient--do-stay)
   1538     (define-key map [describe-key]            #'transient--do-stay)
   1539     (define-key map [transient-scroll-up]     #'transient--do-stay)
   1540     (define-key map [transient-scroll-down]   #'transient--do-stay)
   1541     (define-key map [mwheel-scroll]           #'transient--do-stay)
   1542     (define-key map [scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll]   #'transient--do-stay)
   1543     (define-key map [transient-noop]              #'transient--do-noop)
   1544     (define-key map [transient-mouse-push-button] #'transient--do-move)
   1545     (define-key map [transient-push-button]       #'transient--do-move)
   1546     (define-key map [transient-backward-button]   #'transient--do-move)
   1547     (define-key map [transient-forward-button]    #'transient--do-move)
   1548     (define-key map [transient-isearch-backward]  #'transient--do-move)
   1549     (define-key map [transient-isearch-forward]   #'transient--do-move)
   1550     map)
   1551   "Base keymap used to map common commands to their transient behavior.
   1553 The \"transient behavior\" of a command controls, among other
   1554 things, whether invoking the command causes the transient to be
   1555 exited or not and whether infix arguments are exported before
   1556 doing so.
   1558 Each \"key\" is a command that is common to all transients and
   1559 that is bound in `transient-map', `transient-edit-map',
   1560 `transient-sticky-map' and/or `transient-common-command'.
   1562 Each binding is a \"pre-command\", a function that controls the
   1563 transient behavior of the respective command.
   1565 For transient commands that are bound in individual transients,
   1566 the transient behavior is specified using the `:transient' slot
   1567 of the corresponding object.")
   1569 (defvar transient-popup-navigation-map)
   1571 (defvar transient--transient-map nil)
   1572 (defvar transient--predicate-map nil)
   1573 (defvar transient--redisplay-map nil)
   1574 (defvar transient--redisplay-key nil)
   1576 (defun transient--push-keymap (map)
   1577   (transient--debug "   push %s%s" map (if (symbol-value map) "" " VOID"))
   1578   (with-demoted-errors "transient--push-keymap: %S"
   1579     (internal-push-keymap (symbol-value map) 'overriding-terminal-local-map)))
   1581 (defun transient--pop-keymap (map)
   1582   (transient--debug "   pop  %s%s" map (if (symbol-value map) "" " VOID"))
   1583   (with-demoted-errors "transient--pop-keymap: %S"
   1584     (internal-pop-keymap (symbol-value map) 'overriding-terminal-local-map)))
   1586 (defun transient--make-transient-map ()
   1587   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1588     (set-keymap-parent map (if transient--editp
   1589                                transient-edit-map
   1590                              transient-map))
   1591     (dolist (obj transient--suffixes)
   1592       (let ((key (oref obj key)))
   1593         (when (vectorp key)
   1594           (setq key (key-description key))
   1595           (oset obj key key))
   1596         (when transient-substitute-key-function
   1597           (setq key (save-match-data
   1598                       (funcall transient-substitute-key-function obj)))
   1599           (oset obj key key))
   1600         (let ((kbd (kbd key))
   1601               (cmd (transient--suffix-command obj)))
   1602           (when-let ((conflict (and transient-detect-key-conflicts
   1603                                     (transient--lookup-key map kbd))))
   1604             (unless (eq cmd conflict)
   1605               (error "Cannot bind %S to %s and also %s"
   1606                      (string-trim key)
   1607                      cmd conflict)))
   1608           (define-key map kbd cmd))))
   1609     (when transient-enable-popup-navigation
   1610       (setq map
   1611             (make-composed-keymap (list map transient-popup-navigation-map))))
   1612     map))
   1614 (defun transient--make-predicate-map ()
   1615   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1616     (set-keymap-parent map transient-predicate-map)
   1617     (dolist (obj transient--suffixes)
   1618       (let* ((cmd (oref obj command))
   1619              (sub-prefix (and (symbolp cmd) (get cmd 'transient--prefix)))
   1620              (sym (transient--suffix-symbol cmd)))
   1621         (cond
   1622          ((oref obj inapt)
   1623           (define-key map (vector sym) #'transient--do-warn-inapt))
   1624          ((slot-boundp obj 'transient)
   1625           (define-key map (vector sym)
   1626             (let ((do (oref obj transient)))
   1627               (pcase do
   1628                 (`t (cond (sub-prefix #'transient--do-replace)
   1629                           ((cl-typep obj 'transient-infix)
   1630                            #'transient--do-stay)
   1631                           (t #'transient--do-call)))
   1632                 (`nil 'transient--do-exit)
   1633                 (_ do)))))
   1634          ((not (lookup-key transient-predicate-map (vector sym)))
   1635           (define-key map (vector sym)
   1636             (if sub-prefix
   1637                 #'transient--do-replace
   1638               (or (oref transient--prefix transient-suffix)
   1639                   #'transient--do-exit)))))))
   1640     map))
   1642 (defun transient--make-redisplay-map ()
   1643   (setq transient--redisplay-key
   1644         (cl-case this-command
   1645           (transient-update
   1646            (setq transient--showp t)
   1647            (setq unread-command-events
   1648                  (listify-key-sequence (this-single-command-raw-keys))))
   1649           (transient-quit-seq
   1650            (setq unread-command-events
   1651                  (butlast (listify-key-sequence
   1652                            (this-single-command-raw-keys))
   1653                           2))
   1654            (butlast transient--redisplay-key))
   1655           (t nil)))
   1656   (let ((topmap (make-sparse-keymap))
   1657         (submap (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1658     (when transient--redisplay-key
   1659       (define-key topmap (vconcat transient--redisplay-key) submap)
   1660       (set-keymap-parent submap transient-sticky-map))
   1661     (map-keymap-internal
   1662      (lambda (key def)
   1663        (when (and (not (eq key ?\e))
   1664                   (listp def)
   1665                   (keymapp def))
   1666          (define-key topmap (vconcat transient--redisplay-key (list key))
   1667            #'transient-update)))
   1668      (if transient--redisplay-key
   1669          (lookup-key transient--transient-map (vconcat transient--redisplay-key))
   1670        transient--transient-map))
   1671     topmap))
   1673 ;;; Setup
   1675 (defun transient-setup (&optional name layout edit &rest params)
   1676   "Setup the transient specified by NAME.
   1678 This function is called by transient prefix commands to setup the
   1679 transient.  In that case NAME is mandatory, LAYOUT and EDIT must
   1680 be nil and PARAMS may be (but usually is not) used to set e.g. the
   1681 \"scope\" of the transient (see `transient-define-prefix').
   1683 This function is also called internally in which case LAYOUT and
   1684 EDIT may be non-nil."
   1685   (transient--debug 'setup)
   1686   (when (> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
   1687     (user-error "Cannot invoke transient %s while minibuffer is active" name))
   1688   (transient--with-emergency-exit
   1689     (cond
   1690      ((not name)
   1691       ;; Switching between regular and edit mode.
   1692       (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   1693       (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   1694       (setq name (oref transient--prefix command))
   1695       (setq params (list :scope (oref transient--prefix scope))))
   1696      (transient--prefix
   1697       ;; Invoked as a ":transient-non-suffix 'transient--do-{stay,call}"
   1698       ;; of an outer prefix.  Unlike the usual `transient--do-replace',
   1699       ;; these predicates fail to clean up after the outer prefix.
   1700       (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   1701       (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map))
   1702      ((not (or layout                      ; resuming parent/suspended prefix
   1703                transient-current-command)) ; entering child prefix
   1704       (transient--stack-zap))              ; replace suspended prefix, if any
   1705      (edit
   1706       ;; Returning from help to edit.
   1707       (setq transient--editp t)))
   1708     (transient--init-objects name layout params)
   1709     (transient--history-init transient--prefix)
   1710     (setq transient--predicate-map (transient--make-predicate-map))
   1711     (setq transient--transient-map (transient--make-transient-map))
   1712     (setq transient--redisplay-map (transient--make-redisplay-map))
   1713     (setq transient--original-window (selected-window))
   1714     (setq transient--original-buffer (current-buffer))
   1715     (transient--redisplay)
   1716     (transient--init-transient)
   1717     (transient--suspend-which-key-mode)))
   1719 (cl-defgeneric transient-setup-children (group children)
   1720   "Setup the CHILDREN of GROUP.
   1721 If the value of the `setup-children' slot is non-nil, then call
   1722 that function with CHILDREN as the only argument and return the
   1723 value.  Otherwise return CHILDREN as is."
   1724   (if (slot-boundp group 'setup-children)
   1725       (funcall (oref group setup-children) children)
   1726     children))
   1728 (defun transient--init-objects (name layout params)
   1729   (setq transient--prefix (transient--init-prefix name params))
   1730   (setq transient--layout (or layout (transient--init-suffixes name)))
   1731   (setq transient--suffixes (transient--flatten-suffixes transient--layout)))
   1733 (defun transient--init-prefix (name &optional params)
   1734   (let ((obj (let ((proto (get name 'transient--prefix)))
   1735                (apply #'clone proto
   1736                       :prototype proto
   1737                       :level (or (alist-get t (alist-get name transient-levels))
   1738                                  transient-default-level)
   1739                       params))))
   1740     (transient-init-value obj)
   1741     obj))
   1743 (defun transient--init-suffixes (name)
   1744   (let ((levels (alist-get name transient-levels)))
   1745     (cl-mapcan (lambda (c) (transient--init-child levels c))
   1746                (append (get name 'transient--layout)
   1747                        (and (not transient--editp)
   1748                             (get 'transient-common-commands
   1749                                  'transient--layout))))))
   1751 (defun transient--flatten-suffixes (layout)
   1752   (cl-labels ((s (def)
   1753                  (cond
   1754                   ((stringp def) nil)
   1755                   ((listp def) (cl-mapcan #'s def))
   1756                   ((transient-group--eieio-childp def)
   1757                    (cl-mapcan #'s (oref def suffixes)))
   1758                   ((transient-suffix--eieio-childp def)
   1759                    (list def)))))
   1760     (cl-mapcan #'s layout)))
   1762 (defun transient--init-child (levels spec)
   1763   (cl-etypecase spec
   1764     (vector  (transient--init-group  levels spec))
   1765     (list    (transient--init-suffix levels spec))
   1766     (string  (list spec))))
   1768 (defun transient--init-group (levels spec)
   1769   (pcase-let ((`(,level ,class ,args ,children) (append spec nil)))
   1770     (when (transient--use-level-p level)
   1771       (let ((obj (apply class :level level args)))
   1772         (when (transient--use-suffix-p obj)
   1773           (when-let ((suffixes
   1774                       (cl-mapcan (lambda (c) (transient--init-child levels c))
   1775                                  (transient-setup-children obj children))))
   1776             (oset obj suffixes suffixes)
   1777             (list obj)))))))
   1779 (defun transient--init-suffix (levels spec)
   1780   (pcase-let* ((`(,level ,class ,args) spec)
   1781                (cmd (plist-get args :command))
   1782                (level (or (alist-get (transient--suffix-symbol cmd) levels)
   1783                           level)))
   1784     (let ((fn (and (symbolp cmd)
   1785                    (symbol-function cmd))))
   1786       (when (autoloadp fn)
   1787         (transient--debug "   autoload %s" cmd)
   1788         (autoload-do-load fn)))
   1789     (when (transient--use-level-p level)
   1790       (let ((obj (if-let ((proto (and cmd
   1791                                       (symbolp cmd)
   1792                                       (get cmd 'transient--suffix))))
   1793                      (apply #'clone proto :level level args)
   1794                    (apply class :level level args))))
   1795         (transient--init-suffix-key obj)
   1796         (transient--ensure-infix-command obj)
   1797         (when (transient--use-suffix-p obj)
   1798           (if (transient--inapt-suffix-p obj)
   1799               (oset obj inapt t)
   1800             (transient-init-scope obj)
   1801             (transient-init-value obj))
   1802           (list obj))))))
   1804 (cl-defmethod transient--init-suffix-key ((obj transient-suffix))
   1805   (unless (slot-boundp obj 'key)
   1806     (error "No key for %s" (oref obj command))))
   1808 (cl-defmethod transient--init-suffix-key ((obj transient-argument))
   1809   (if (transient-switches--eieio-childp obj)
   1810       (cl-call-next-method obj)
   1811     (unless (slot-boundp obj 'shortarg)
   1812       (when-let ((shortarg (transient--derive-shortarg (oref obj argument))))
   1813         (oset obj shortarg shortarg)))
   1814     (unless (slot-boundp obj 'key)
   1815       (if (slot-boundp obj 'shortarg)
   1816           (oset obj key (oref obj shortarg))
   1817         (error "No key for %s" (oref obj command))))))
   1819 (defun transient--use-level-p (level &optional edit)
   1820   (or (and transient--editp (not edit))
   1821       (and (>= level 1)
   1822            (<= level (oref transient--prefix level)))))
   1824 (defun transient--use-suffix-p (obj)
   1825   (transient--do-suffix-p
   1826    (oref obj if)
   1827    (oref obj if-not)
   1828    (oref obj if-nil)
   1829    (oref obj if-non-nil)
   1830    (oref obj if-mode)
   1831    (oref obj if-not-mode)
   1832    (oref obj if-derived)
   1833    (oref obj if-not-derived)
   1834    t))
   1836 (defun transient--inapt-suffix-p (obj)
   1837   (transient--do-suffix-p
   1838    (oref obj inapt-if)
   1839    (oref obj inapt-if-not)
   1840    (oref obj inapt-if-nil)
   1841    (oref obj inapt-if-non-nil)
   1842    (oref obj inapt-if-mode)
   1843    (oref obj inapt-if-not-mode)
   1844    (oref obj inapt-if-derived)
   1845    (oref obj inapt-if-not-derived)
   1846    nil))
   1848 (defun transient--do-suffix-p
   1849     (if if-not if-nil if-non-nil if-mode if-not-mode if-derived if-not-derived
   1850         default)
   1851   (cond
   1852    (if                  (funcall if))
   1853    (if-not         (not (funcall if-not)))
   1854    (if-non-nil          (symbol-value if-non-nil))
   1855    (if-nil         (not (symbol-value if-nil)))
   1856    (if-mode             (if (atom if-mode)
   1857                             (eq major-mode if-mode)
   1858                           (memq major-mode if-mode)))
   1859    (if-not-mode    (not (if (atom if-not-mode)
   1860                             (eq major-mode if-not-mode)
   1861                           (memq major-mode if-not-mode))))
   1862    (if-derived          (if (atom if-derived)
   1863                             (derived-mode-p if-derived)
   1864                           (apply #'derived-mode-p if-derived)))
   1865    (if-not-derived (not (if (atom if-not-derived)
   1866                             (derived-mode-p if-not-derived)
   1867                           (apply #'derived-mode-p if-not-derived))))
   1868    (t default)))
   1870 (defun transient--suffix-predicate (spec)
   1871   (let ((plist (nth 2 spec)))
   1872     (seq-some (lambda (prop)
   1873                 (when-let ((pred (plist-get plist prop)))
   1874                   (list prop pred)))
   1875               '( :if :if-not
   1876                  :if-nil :if-non-nil
   1877                  :if-mode :if-not-mode
   1878                  :if-derived :if-not-derived
   1879                  :inapt-if :inapt-if-not
   1880                  :inapt-if-nil :inapt-if-non-nil
   1881                  :inapt-if-mode :inapt-if-not-mode
   1882                  :inapt-if-derived :inapt-if-not-derived))))
   1884 ;;; Flow-Control
   1886 (defun transient--init-transient ()
   1887   (transient--debug 'init-transient)
   1888   (transient--push-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   1889   (transient--push-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   1890   (add-hook 'pre-command-hook      #'transient--pre-command)
   1891   (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'transient--minibuffer-setup)
   1892   (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook  #'transient--minibuffer-exit)
   1893   (add-hook 'post-command-hook     #'transient--post-command)
   1894   (advice-add 'abort-recursive-edit :after #'transient--minibuffer-exit)
   1895   (when transient--exitp
   1896     ;; This prefix command was invoked as the suffix of another.
   1897     ;; Prevent `transient--post-command' from removing the hooks
   1898     ;; that we just added.
   1899     (setq transient--exitp 'replace)))
   1901 (defun transient--pre-command ()
   1902   (transient--debug 'pre-command)
   1903   (cond
   1904    ((memq this-command '(transient-update transient-quit-seq))
   1905     (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map))
   1906    ((and transient--helpp
   1907          (not (memq this-command '(transient-quit-one
   1908                                    transient-quit-all))))
   1909     (cond
   1910      ((transient-help)
   1911       (transient--do-suspend)
   1912       (setq this-command 'transient-suspend)
   1913       (transient--pre-exit))
   1914      ((not (transient--edebug-command-p))
   1915       (setq this-command 'transient-undefined))))
   1916    ((and transient--editp
   1917          (transient-suffix-object)
   1918          (not (memq this-command '(transient-quit-one
   1919                                    transient-quit-all
   1920                                    transient-help))))
   1921     (setq this-command 'transient-set-level))
   1922    (t
   1923     (setq transient--exitp nil)
   1924     (when (eq (if-let ((fn (transient--get-predicate-for
   1925                             this-original-command)))
   1926                   (let ((action (funcall fn)))
   1927                     (when (eq action transient--exit)
   1928                       (setq transient--exitp (or transient--exitp t)))
   1929                     action)
   1930                 (if (let ((keys (this-command-keys-vector)))
   1931                       (eq (aref keys (1- (length keys))) ?\C-g))
   1932                     (setq this-command 'transient-noop)
   1933                   (unless (transient--edebug-command-p)
   1934                     (setq this-command 'transient-undefined)))
   1935                 transient--stay)
   1936               transient--exit)
   1937       (transient--pre-exit)))))
   1939 (defun transient--get-predicate-for (cmd)
   1940   (or (lookup-key transient--predicate-map
   1941                   (vector (transient--suffix-symbol cmd)))
   1942       (oref transient--prefix transient-non-suffix)))
   1944 (defun transient--pre-exit ()
   1945   (transient--debug 'pre-exit)
   1946   (transient--delete-window)
   1947   (transient--timer-cancel)
   1948   (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   1949   (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   1950   (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'transient--pre-command)
   1951   (unless transient--showp
   1952     (let ((message-log-max nil))
   1953       (message "")))
   1954   (setq transient--transient-map nil)
   1955   (setq transient--predicate-map nil)
   1956   (setq transient--redisplay-map nil)
   1957   (setq transient--redisplay-key nil)
   1958   (setq transient--showp nil)
   1959   (setq transient--helpp nil)
   1960   (setq transient--editp nil)
   1961   (setq transient--prefix nil)
   1962   (setq transient--layout nil)
   1963   (setq transient--suffixes nil)
   1964   (setq transient--original-window nil)
   1965   (setq transient--original-buffer nil)
   1966   (setq transient--window nil))
   1968 (defun transient--delete-window ()
   1969   (when (window-live-p transient--window)
   1970     (let ((buf (window-buffer transient--window)))
   1971       ;; Only delete the window if it never showed another buffer.
   1972       (unless (eq (car (window-parameter transient--window 'quit-restore)) 'other)
   1973         (with-demoted-errors "Error while exiting transient: %S"
   1974           (delete-window transient--window)))
   1975       (kill-buffer buf))))
   1977 (defun transient--export ()
   1978   (setq transient-current-prefix transient--prefix)
   1979   (setq transient-current-command (oref transient--prefix command))
   1980   (setq transient-current-suffixes transient--suffixes)
   1981   (transient--history-push transient--prefix))
   1983 (defun transient--minibuffer-setup ()
   1984   (transient--debug 'minibuffer-setup)
   1985   (unless (> (minibuffer-depth) 1)
   1986     (unless transient--exitp
   1987       (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   1988       (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   1989       (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'transient--pre-command))
   1990     (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'transient--post-command)))
   1992 (defun transient--minibuffer-exit ()
   1993   (transient--debug 'minibuffer-exit)
   1994   (unless (> (minibuffer-depth) 1)
   1995     (unless transient--exitp
   1996       (transient--push-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   1997       (transient--push-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   1998       (add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'transient--pre-command))
   1999     (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'transient--post-command)))
   2001 (defun transient--suspend-override (&optional minibuffer-hooks)
   2002   (transient--debug 'suspend-override)
   2003   (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   2004   (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   2005   (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook  #'transient--pre-command)
   2006   (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'transient--post-command)
   2007   (when minibuffer-hooks
   2008     (remove-hook   'minibuffer-setup-hook #'transient--minibuffer-setup)
   2009     (remove-hook   'minibuffer-exit-hook  #'transient--minibuffer-exit)
   2010     (advice-remove 'abort-recursive-edit  #'transient--minibuffer-exit)))
   2012 (defun transient--resume-override (&optional minibuffer-hooks)
   2013   (transient--debug 'resume-override)
   2014   (transient--push-keymap 'transient--transient-map)
   2015   (transient--push-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   2016   (add-hook 'pre-command-hook  #'transient--pre-command)
   2017   (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'transient--post-command)
   2018   (when minibuffer-hooks
   2019     (add-hook   'minibuffer-setup-hook #'transient--minibuffer-setup)
   2020     (add-hook   'minibuffer-exit-hook  #'transient--minibuffer-exit)
   2021     (advice-add 'abort-recursive-edit :after #'transient--minibuffer-exit)))
   2023 (defun transient--post-command ()
   2024   (transient--debug 'post-command)
   2025   (unless this-command
   2026     (transient--debug "-- force pre-exit from post-command")
   2027     (message "Quit transient!")
   2028     (transient--pre-exit)
   2029     (setq transient--exitp t))
   2030   (if transient--exitp
   2031       (progn
   2032         (unless (and (eq transient--exitp 'replace)
   2033                      (or transient--prefix
   2034                          ;; The current command could act as a prefix,
   2035                          ;; but decided not to call `transient-setup'.
   2036                          (prog1 nil (transient--stack-zap))))
   2037           (remove-hook   'minibuffer-setup-hook #'transient--minibuffer-setup)
   2038           (remove-hook   'minibuffer-exit-hook  #'transient--minibuffer-exit)
   2039           (advice-remove 'abort-recursive-edit  #'transient--minibuffer-exit)
   2040           (remove-hook   'post-command-hook     #'transient--post-command))
   2041         (setq transient-current-prefix nil)
   2042         (setq transient-current-command nil)
   2043         (setq transient-current-suffixes nil)
   2044         (let ((resume (and transient--stack
   2045                            (not (memq transient--exitp '(replace suspend))))))
   2046           (setq transient--exitp nil)
   2047           (setq transient--helpp nil)
   2048           (setq transient--editp nil)
   2049           (run-hooks 'transient-exit-hook)
   2050           (when resume
   2051             (transient--stack-pop))))
   2052     (transient--pop-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   2053     (setq transient--redisplay-map (transient--make-redisplay-map))
   2054     (transient--push-keymap 'transient--redisplay-map)
   2055     (unless (eq this-command (oref transient--prefix command))
   2056       (transient--redisplay))))
   2058 (defun transient--stack-push ()
   2059   (transient--debug 'stack-push)
   2060   (push (list (oref transient--prefix command)
   2061               transient--layout
   2062               transient--editp
   2063               :scope (oref transient--prefix scope))
   2064         transient--stack))
   2066 (defun transient--stack-pop ()
   2067   (transient--debug 'stack-pop)
   2068   (and transient--stack
   2069        (prog1 t (apply #'transient-setup (pop transient--stack)))))
   2071 (defun transient--stack-zap ()
   2072   (transient--debug 'stack-zap)
   2073   (setq transient--stack nil))
   2075 (defun transient--redisplay ()
   2076   (if (or (eq transient-show-popup t)
   2077           transient--showp)
   2078       (unless (memq this-command transient--scroll-commands)
   2079         (transient--show))
   2080     (when (and (numberp transient-show-popup)
   2081                (not (zerop transient-show-popup))
   2082                (not transient--timer))
   2083       (transient--timer-start))
   2084     (transient--show-brief)))
   2086 (defun transient--timer-start ()
   2087   (setq transient--timer
   2088         (run-at-time (abs transient-show-popup) nil
   2089                      (lambda ()
   2090                        (transient--timer-cancel)
   2091                        (transient--show)
   2092                        (let ((message-log-max nil))
   2093                          (message ""))))))
   2095 (defun transient--timer-cancel ()
   2096   (when transient--timer
   2097     (cancel-timer transient--timer)
   2098     (setq transient--timer nil)))
   2100 (defun transient--debug (arg &rest args)
   2101   (when transient--debug
   2102     (if (symbolp arg)
   2103         (message "-- %-16s (cmd: %s, event: %S, exit: %s)"
   2104                  arg
   2105                  (or (transient--suffix-symbol this-command)
   2106                      (list this-command this-original-command last-command))
   2107                  (key-description (this-command-keys-vector))
   2108                  transient--exitp)
   2109       (apply #'message arg args))))
   2111 (defun transient--emergency-exit ()
   2112   "Exit the current transient command after an error occurred.
   2113 When no transient is active (i.e. when `transient--prefix' is
   2114 nil) then do nothing."
   2115   (transient--debug 'emergency-exit)
   2116   (when transient--prefix
   2117     (setq transient--stack nil)
   2118     (setq transient--exitp t)
   2119     (transient--pre-exit)
   2120     (transient--post-command)))
   2122 ;;; Pre-Commands
   2124 (defun transient--do-stay ()
   2125   "Call the command without exporting variables and stay transient."
   2126   transient--stay)
   2128 (defun transient--do-noop ()
   2129   "Call `transient-noop' and stay transient."
   2130   (setq this-command 'transient-noop)
   2131   transient--stay)
   2133 (defun transient--do-warn ()
   2134   "Call `transient-undefined' and stay transient."
   2135   (setq this-command 'transient-undefined)
   2136   transient--stay)
   2138 (defun transient--do-warn-inapt ()
   2139   "Call `transient-inapt' and stay transient."
   2140   (setq this-command 'transient-inapt)
   2141   transient--stay)
   2143 (defun transient--do-call ()
   2144   "Call the command after exporting variables and stay transient."
   2145   (transient--export)
   2146   transient--stay)
   2148 (defun transient--do-exit ()
   2149   "Call the command after exporting variables and exit the transient."
   2150   (transient--export)
   2151   (transient--stack-zap)
   2152   transient--exit)
   2154 (defun transient--do-replace ()
   2155   "Call the transient prefix command, replacing the active transient."
   2156   (transient--export)
   2157   (transient--stack-push)
   2158   (setq transient--exitp 'replace)
   2159   transient--exit)
   2161 (defun transient--do-suspend ()
   2162   "Suspend the active transient, saving the transient stack."
   2163   (transient--stack-push)
   2164   (setq transient--exitp 'suspend)
   2165   transient--exit)
   2167 (defun transient--do-quit-one ()
   2168   "If active, quit help or edit mode, else exit the active transient."
   2169   (cond (transient--helpp
   2170          (setq transient--helpp nil)
   2171          transient--stay)
   2172         (transient--editp
   2173          (setq transient--editp nil)
   2174          (transient-setup)
   2175          transient--stay)
   2176         (t transient--exit)))
   2178 (defun transient--do-quit-all ()
   2179   "Exit all transients without saving the transient stack."
   2180   (transient--stack-zap)
   2181   transient--exit)
   2183 (defun transient--do-move ()
   2184   "Call the command if `transient-enable-popup-navigation' is non-nil.
   2185 In that case behave like `transient--do-stay', otherwise similar
   2186 to `transient--do-warn'."
   2187   (unless transient-enable-popup-navigation
   2188     (setq this-command 'transient-popup-navigation-help))
   2189   transient--stay)
   2191 (put 'transient--do-stay       'transient-color 'transient-red)
   2192 (put 'transient--do-noop       'transient-color 'transient-red)
   2193 (put 'transient--do-warn       'transient-color 'transient-red)
   2194 (put 'transient--do-warn-inapt 'transient-color 'transient-red)
   2195 (put 'transient--do-call       'transient-color 'transient-red)
   2196 (put 'transient--do-exit       'transient-color 'transient-blue)
   2197 (put 'transient--do-replace    'transient-color 'transient-blue)
   2198 (put 'transient--do-suspend    'transient-color 'transient-blue)
   2199 (put 'transient--do-quit-one   'transient-color 'transient-blue)
   2200 (put 'transient--do-quit-all   'transient-color 'transient-blue)
   2201 (put 'transient--do-move       'transient-color 'transient-red)
   2203 ;;; Commands
   2205 (defun transient-noop ()
   2206   "Do nothing at all."
   2207   (interactive))
   2209 (defun transient-undefined ()
   2210   "Warn the user that the pressed key is not bound to any suffix."
   2211   (interactive)
   2212   (transient--invalid "Unbound suffix"))
   2214 (defun transient-inapt ()
   2215   "Warn the user that the invoked command is inapt."
   2216   (interactive)
   2217   (transient--invalid "Inapt command"))
   2219 (defun transient--invalid (msg)
   2220   (ding)
   2221   (message "%s: `%s' (Use `%s' to abort, `%s' for help) [%s]"
   2222            msg
   2223            (propertize (key-description (this-single-command-keys))
   2224                        'face 'font-lock-warning-face)
   2225            (propertize "C-g" 'face 'transient-key)
   2226            (propertize "?"   'face 'transient-key)
   2227            (propertize (symbol-name (transient--suffix-symbol
   2228                                      this-original-command))
   2229                        'face 'font-lock-warning-face))
   2230   (unless (and transient--transient-map
   2231                (memq transient--transient-map overriding-terminal-local-map))
   2232     (let ((transient--prefix (or transient--prefix 'sic)))
   2233       (transient--emergency-exit))
   2234     (view-lossage)
   2235     (other-window 1)
   2236     (display-warning 'transient "Inconsistent transient state detected.
   2237 This should never happen.
   2238 Please open an issue and post the shown command log.
   2239 This is a heisenbug, so any additional details might help.
   2240 Thanks!" :error)))
   2242 (defun transient-toggle-common ()
   2243   "Toggle whether common commands are always shown."
   2244   (interactive)
   2245   (setq transient-show-common-commands (not transient-show-common-commands)))
   2247 (defun transient-suspend ()
   2248   "Suspend the current transient.
   2249 It can later be resumed using `transient-resume' while no other
   2250 transient is active."
   2251   (interactive))
   2253 (defun transient-quit-all ()
   2254   "Exit all transients without saving the transient stack."
   2255   (interactive))
   2257 (defun transient-quit-one ()
   2258   "Exit the current transients, possibly returning to the previous."
   2259   (interactive))
   2261 (defun transient-quit-seq ()
   2262   "Abort the current incomplete key sequence."
   2263   (interactive))
   2265 (defun transient-update ()
   2266   "Redraw the transient's state in the popup buffer."
   2267   (interactive))
   2269 (defun transient-show ()
   2270   "Show the transient's state in the popup buffer."
   2271   (interactive)
   2272   (setq transient--showp t))
   2274 (defvar-local transient--restore-winconf nil)
   2276 (defvar transient-resume-mode)
   2278 (defun transient-help ()
   2279   "Show help for the active transient or one of its suffixes."
   2280   (interactive)
   2281   (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
   2282       (setq transient--helpp t)
   2283     (with-demoted-errors "transient-help: %S"
   2284       (when (lookup-key transient--transient-map
   2285                         (this-single-command-raw-keys))
   2286         (setq transient--helpp nil)
   2287         (let ((winconf (current-window-configuration)))
   2288           (transient-show-help
   2289            (if (eq this-original-command 'transient-help)
   2290                transient--prefix
   2291              (or (transient-suffix-object)
   2292                  this-original-command)))
   2293           (setq transient--restore-winconf winconf))
   2294         (fit-window-to-buffer nil (frame-height) (window-height))
   2295         (transient-resume-mode)
   2296         (message "Type \"q\" to resume transient command.")
   2297         t))))
   2299 (defun transient-set-level (&optional command level)
   2300   "Set the level of the transient or one of its suffix commands."
   2301   (interactive
   2302    (let ((command this-original-command)
   2303          (prefix (oref transient--prefix command)))
   2304      (and (or (not (eq command 'transient-set-level))
   2305               (and transient--editp
   2306                    (setq command prefix)))
   2307           (list command
   2308                 (let ((keys (this-single-command-raw-keys)))
   2309                   (and (lookup-key transient--transient-map keys)
   2310                        (string-to-number
   2311                         (let ((transient--active-infix
   2312                                (transient-suffix-object command)))
   2313                           (transient--show)
   2314                           (transient--read-number-N
   2315                            (format "Set level for `%s': "
   2316                                    (transient--suffix-symbol command))
   2317                            nil nil (not (eq command prefix)))))))))))
   2318   (cond
   2319    ((not command)
   2320     (setq transient--editp t)
   2321     (transient-setup))
   2322    (level
   2323     (let* ((prefix (oref transient--prefix command))
   2324            (alist (alist-get prefix transient-levels))
   2325            (sym (transient--suffix-symbol command)))
   2326       (if (eq command prefix)
   2327           (progn (oset transient--prefix level level)
   2328                  (setq sym t))
   2329         (oset (transient-suffix-object command) level level))
   2330       (setf (alist-get sym alist) level)
   2331       (setf (alist-get prefix transient-levels) alist))
   2332     (transient-save-levels))
   2333    (t
   2334     (transient-undefined))))
   2336 (defun transient-set ()
   2337   "Save the value of the active transient for this Emacs session."
   2338   (interactive)
   2339   (transient-set-value (or transient--prefix transient-current-prefix)))
   2341 (defun transient-save ()
   2342   "Save the value of the active transient persistenly across Emacs sessions."
   2343   (interactive)
   2344   (transient-save-value (or transient--prefix transient-current-prefix)))
   2346 (defun transient-history-next ()
   2347   "Switch to the next value used for the active transient."
   2348   (interactive)
   2349   (let* ((obj transient--prefix)
   2350          (pos (1- (oref obj history-pos)))
   2351          (hst (oref obj history)))
   2352     (if (< pos 0)
   2353         (user-error "End of history")
   2354       (oset obj history-pos pos)
   2355       (oset obj value (nth pos hst))
   2356       (mapc #'transient-init-value transient--suffixes))))
   2358 (defun transient-history-prev ()
   2359   "Switch to the previous value used for the active transient."
   2360   (interactive)
   2361   (let* ((obj transient--prefix)
   2362          (pos (1+ (oref obj history-pos)))
   2363          (hst (oref obj history))
   2364          (len (length hst)))
   2365     (if (> pos (1- len))
   2366         (user-error "End of history")
   2367       (oset obj history-pos pos)
   2368       (oset obj value (nth pos hst))
   2369       (mapc #'transient-init-value transient--suffixes))))
   2371 (defun transient-scroll-up (&optional arg)
   2372   "Scroll text of transient popup window upward ARG lines.
   2373 If ARG is nil scroll near full screen.  This is a wrapper
   2374 around `scroll-up-command' (which see)."
   2375   (interactive "^P")
   2376   (with-selected-window transient--window
   2377     (scroll-up-command arg)))
   2379 (defun transient-scroll-down (&optional arg)
   2380   "Scroll text of transient popup window down ARG lines.
   2381 If ARG is nil scroll near full screen.  This is a wrapper
   2382 around `scroll-down-command' (which see)."
   2383   (interactive "^P")
   2384   (with-selected-window transient--window
   2385     (scroll-down-command arg)))
   2387 (defun transient-resume ()
   2388   "Resume a previously suspended stack of transients."
   2389   (interactive)
   2390   (cond (transient--stack
   2391          (let ((winconf transient--restore-winconf))
   2392            (kill-local-variable 'transient--restore-winconf)
   2393            (when transient-resume-mode
   2394              (transient-resume-mode -1)
   2395              (quit-window))
   2396            (when winconf
   2397              (set-window-configuration winconf)))
   2398          (transient--stack-pop))
   2399         (transient-resume-mode
   2400          (kill-local-variable 'transient--restore-winconf)
   2401          (transient-resume-mode -1)
   2402          (quit-window))
   2403         (t
   2404          (message "No suspended transient command"))))
   2406 ;;; Value
   2407 ;;;; Init
   2409 (cl-defgeneric transient-init-scope (obj)
   2410   "Set the scope of the suffix object OBJ.
   2412 The scope is actually a property of the transient prefix, not of
   2413 individual suffixes.  However it is possible to invoke a suffix
   2414 command directly instead of from a transient.  In that case, if
   2415 the suffix expects a scope, then it has to determine that itself
   2416 and store it in its `scope' slot.
   2418 This function is called for all suffix commands, but unless a
   2419 concrete method is implemented this falls through to the default
   2420 implementation, which is a noop.")
   2422 (cl-defmethod transient-init-scope ((_   transient-suffix))
   2423   "Noop." nil)
   2425 (cl-defgeneric transient-init-value (_)
   2426   "Set the initial value of the object OBJ.
   2428 This function is called for all prefix and suffix commands.
   2430 For suffix commands (including infix argument commands) the
   2431 default implementation is a noop.  Classes derived from the
   2432 abstract `transient-infix' class must implement this function.
   2433 Non-infix suffix commands usually don't have a value."
   2434   nil)
   2436 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value :around ((obj transient-prefix))
   2437   "If bound, then call OBJ's `init-value' function.
   2438 Otherwise call the primary method according to object's class."
   2439   (if (slot-boundp obj 'init-value)
   2440       (funcall (oref obj init-value) obj)
   2441     (cl-call-next-method obj)))
   2443 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value :around ((obj transient-infix))
   2444   "If bound, then call OBJ's `init-value' function.
   2445 Otherwise call the primary method according to object's class."
   2446   (if (slot-boundp obj 'init-value)
   2447       (funcall (oref obj init-value) obj)
   2448     (cl-call-next-method obj)))
   2450 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj transient-prefix))
   2451   (if (slot-boundp obj 'value)
   2452       (oref obj value)
   2453     (oset obj value
   2454           (if-let ((saved (assq (oref obj command) transient-values)))
   2455               (cdr saved)
   2456             (if-let ((default (and (slot-boundp obj 'default-value)
   2457                                    (oref obj default-value))))
   2458                 (if (functionp default)
   2459                     (funcall default)
   2460                   default)
   2461               nil)))))
   2463 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj transient-switch))
   2464   (oset obj value
   2465         (car (member (oref obj argument)
   2466                      (oref transient--prefix value)))))
   2468 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj transient-option))
   2469   (oset obj value
   2470         (transient--value-match (format "\\`%s\\(.*\\)" (oref obj argument)))))
   2472 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj transient-switches))
   2473   (oset obj value
   2474         (transient--value-match (oref obj argument-regexp))))
   2476 (defun transient--value-match (re)
   2477   (when-let ((match (cl-find-if (lambda (v)
   2478                                   (and (stringp v)
   2479                                        (string-match re v)))
   2480                                 (oref transient--prefix value))))
   2481     (match-string 1 match)))
   2483 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj transient-files))
   2484   (oset obj value
   2485         (cdr (assoc "--" (oref transient--prefix value)))))
   2487 ;;;; Read
   2489 (cl-defgeneric transient-infix-read (obj)
   2490   "Determine the new value of the infix object OBJ.
   2492 This function merely determines the value; `transient-infix-set'
   2493 is used to actually store the new value in the object.
   2495 For most infix classes this is done by reading a value from the
   2496 user using the reader specified by the `reader' slot (using the
   2497 `transient-infix' method described below).
   2499 For some infix classes the value is changed without reading
   2500 anything in the minibuffer, i.e. the mere act of invoking the
   2501 infix command determines what the new value should be, based
   2502 on the previous value.")
   2504 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-read :around ((obj transient-infix))
   2505   "Highlight the infix in the popup buffer.
   2507 Also arrange for the transient to be exited in case of an error
   2508 because otherwise Emacs would get stuck in an inconsistent state,
   2509 which might make it necessary to kill it from the outside."
   2510   (let ((transient--active-infix obj))
   2511     (transient--show))
   2512   (transient--with-emergency-exit
   2513     (cl-call-next-method obj)))
   2515 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj transient-infix))
   2516   "Read a value while taking care of history.
   2518 This method is suitable for a wide variety of infix commands,
   2519 including but not limited to inline arguments and variables.
   2521 If you do not use this method for your own infix class, then
   2522 you should likely replicate a lot of the behavior of this
   2523 method.  If you fail to do so, then users might not appreciate
   2524 the lack of history, for example.
   2526 Only for very simple classes that toggle or cycle through a very
   2527 limited number of possible values should you replace this with a
   2528 simple method that does not handle history.  (E.g. for a command
   2529 line switch the only possible values are \"use it\" and \"don't use
   2530 it\", in which case it is pointless to preserve history.)"
   2531   (with-slots (value multi-value always-read allow-empty choices) obj
   2532     (if (and value
   2533              (not multi-value)
   2534              (not always-read)
   2535              transient--prefix)
   2536         (oset obj value nil)
   2537       (let* ((overriding-terminal-local-map nil)
   2538              (reader (oref obj reader))
   2539              (prompt (transient-prompt obj))
   2540              (value (if multi-value (mapconcat #'identity value ",") value))
   2541              (history-key (or (oref obj history-key)
   2542                               (oref obj command)))
   2543              (transient--history (alist-get history-key transient-history))
   2544              (transient--history (if (or (null value)
   2545                                          (eq value (car transient--history)))
   2546                                      transient--history
   2547                                    (cons value transient--history)))
   2548              (initial-input (and transient-read-with-initial-input
   2549                                  (car transient--history)))
   2550              (history (if initial-input
   2551                           (cons 'transient--history 1)
   2552                         'transient--history))
   2553              (value
   2554               (cond
   2555                (reader (funcall reader prompt initial-input history))
   2556                (multi-value
   2557                 (completing-read-multiple prompt choices nil nil
   2558                                           initial-input history))
   2559                (choices
   2560                 (completing-read prompt choices nil t initial-input history))
   2561                (t (read-string prompt initial-input history)))))
   2562         (cond ((and (equal value "") (not allow-empty))
   2563                (setq value nil))
   2564               ((and (equal value "\"\"") allow-empty)
   2565                (setq value "")))
   2566         (when value
   2567           (when (and (bound-and-true-p ivy-mode)
   2568                      (stringp (car transient--history)))
   2569             (set-text-properties 0 (length (car transient--history)) nil
   2570                                  (car transient--history)))
   2571           (setf (alist-get history-key transient-history)
   2572                 (delete-dups transient--history)))
   2573         value))))
   2575 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj transient-switch))
   2576   "Toggle the switch on or off."
   2577   (if (oref obj value) nil (oref obj argument)))
   2579 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj transient-switches))
   2580   "Cycle through the mutually exclusive switches.
   2581 The last value is \"don't use any of these switches\"."
   2582   (let ((choices (mapcar (apply-partially #'format (oref obj argument-format))
   2583                          (oref obj choices))))
   2584     (if-let ((value (oref obj value)))
   2585         (cadr (member value choices))
   2586       (car choices))))
   2588 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((command symbol))
   2589   "Elsewhere use the reader of the infix command COMMAND.
   2590 Use this if you want to share an infix's history with a regular
   2591 stand-alone command."
   2592   (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'transient--show) #'ignore))
   2593     (transient-infix-read (get command 'transient--suffix))))
   2595 ;;;; Readers
   2597 (defun transient-read-file (prompt _initial-input _history)
   2598   "Read a file."
   2599   (file-local-name (expand-file-name (read-file-name prompt))))
   2601 (defun transient-read-existing-file (prompt _initial-input _history)
   2602   "Read an existing file."
   2603   (file-local-name (expand-file-name (read-file-name prompt nil nil t))))
   2605 (defun transient-read-directory (prompt _initial-input _history)
   2606   "Read a directory."
   2607   (file-local-name (expand-file-name (read-directory-name prompt))))
   2609 (defun transient-read-existing-directory (prompt _initial-input _history)
   2610   "Read an existing directory."
   2611   (file-local-name (expand-file-name (read-directory-name prompt nil nil t))))
   2613 (defun transient-read-number-N0 (prompt initial-input history)
   2614   "Read a natural number (including zero) and return it as a string."
   2615   (transient--read-number-N prompt initial-input history t))
   2617 (defun transient-read-number-N+ (prompt initial-input history)
   2618   "Read a natural number (excluding zero) and return it as a string."
   2619   (transient--read-number-N prompt initial-input history nil))
   2621 (defun transient--read-number-N (prompt initial-input history include-zero)
   2622   (save-match-data
   2623     (cl-block nil
   2624       (while t
   2625         (let ((str (read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-input nil nil history)))
   2626           (when (or (string-equal str "")
   2627                     (string-match-p (if include-zero
   2628                                         "\\`\\(0\\|[1-9][0-9]*\\)\\'"
   2629                                       "\\`[1-9][0-9]*\\'")
   2630                                     str))
   2631             (cl-return str)))
   2632         (message "Please enter a natural number (%s zero)."
   2633                  (if include-zero "including" "excluding"))
   2634         (sit-for 1)))))
   2636 (defun transient-read-date (prompt default-time _history)
   2637   "Read a date using `org-read-date' (which see)."
   2638   (require 'org)
   2639   (when (fboundp 'org-read-date)
   2640     (org-read-date 'with-time nil nil prompt default-time)))
   2642 ;;;; Prompt
   2644 (cl-defgeneric transient-prompt (obj)
   2645   "Return the prompt to be used to read infix object OBJ's value.")
   2647 (cl-defmethod transient-prompt ((obj transient-infix))
   2648   "Return the prompt to be used to read infix object OBJ's value.
   2650 This implementation should be suitable for almost all infix
   2651 commands.
   2653 If the value of OBJ's `prompt' slot is non-nil, then it must be
   2654 a string or a function.  If it is a string, then use that.  If
   2655 it is a function, then call that with OBJ as the only argument.
   2656 That function must return a string, which is then used as the
   2657 prompt.
   2659 Otherwise, if the value of either the `argument' or `variable'
   2660 slot of OBJ is a string, then base the prompt on that (preferring
   2661 the former), appending either \"=\" (if it appears to be a
   2662 command-line option) or \": \".
   2664 Finally fall through to using \"(BUG: no prompt): \" as the
   2665 prompt."
   2666   (if-let ((prompt (oref obj prompt)))
   2667       (let ((prompt (if (functionp prompt)
   2668                         (funcall prompt obj)
   2669                       prompt)))
   2670         (if (stringp prompt)
   2671             prompt
   2672           "(BUG: no prompt): "))
   2673     (or (when-let ((arg (and (slot-boundp obj 'argument) (oref obj argument))))
   2674           (if (and (stringp arg) (string-suffix-p "=" arg))
   2675               arg
   2676             (concat arg ": ")))
   2677         (when-let ((var (and (slot-boundp obj 'variable) (oref obj variable))))
   2678           (and (stringp var)
   2679                (concat var ": ")))
   2680         "(BUG: no prompt): ")))
   2682 ;;;; Set
   2684 (defvar transient--unset-incompatible t)
   2686 (cl-defgeneric transient-infix-set (obj value)
   2687   "Set the value of infix object OBJ to value.")
   2689 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-set ((obj transient-infix) value)
   2690   "Set the value of infix object OBJ to value."
   2691   (oset obj value value))
   2693 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-set :around ((obj transient-argument) value)
   2694   "Unset incompatible infix arguments."
   2695   (let ((arg (if (slot-boundp obj 'argument)
   2696                  (oref obj argument)
   2697                (oref obj argument-regexp))))
   2698     (if-let ((sic (and value arg transient--unset-incompatible))
   2699              (spec (oref transient--prefix incompatible))
   2700              (incomp (cl-mapcan (lambda (rule)
   2701                                   (and (member arg rule)
   2702                                        (remove arg rule)))
   2703                                 spec)))
   2704         (progn
   2705           (cl-call-next-method obj value)
   2706           (dolist (arg incomp)
   2707             (when-let ((obj (cl-find-if (lambda (obj)
   2708                                           (and (slot-boundp obj 'argument)
   2709                                                (equal (oref obj argument) arg)))
   2710                                         transient--suffixes)))
   2711               (let ((transient--unset-incompatible nil))
   2712                 (transient-infix-set obj nil)))))
   2713       (cl-call-next-method obj value))))
   2715 (cl-defmethod transient-set-value ((obj transient-prefix))
   2716   (oset (oref obj prototype) value (transient-get-value))
   2717   (transient--history-push obj))
   2719 ;;;; Save
   2721 (cl-defmethod transient-save-value ((obj transient-prefix))
   2722   (let ((value (transient-get-value)))
   2723     (oset (oref obj prototype) value value)
   2724     (setf (alist-get (oref obj command) transient-values) value)
   2725     (transient-save-values))
   2726   (transient--history-push obj))
   2728 ;;;; Get
   2730 (defun transient-args (prefix)
   2731   "Return the value of the transient prefix command PREFIX.
   2732 If the current command was invoked from the transient prefix
   2733 command PREFIX, then return the active infix arguments.  If
   2734 the current command was not invoked from PREFIX, then return
   2735 the set, saved or default value for PREFIX."
   2736   (delq nil (mapcar #'transient-infix-value (transient-suffixes prefix))))
   2738 (defun transient-suffixes (prefix)
   2739   "Return the suffix objects of the transient prefix command PREFIX."
   2740   (if (eq transient-current-command prefix)
   2741       transient-current-suffixes
   2742     (let ((transient--prefix (transient--init-prefix prefix)))
   2743       (transient--flatten-suffixes
   2744        (transient--init-suffixes prefix)))))
   2746 (defun transient-get-value ()
   2747   (transient--with-emergency-exit
   2748     (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (obj)
   2749                         (and (or (not (slot-exists-p obj 'unsavable))
   2750                                  (not (oref obj unsavable)))
   2751                              (transient-infix-value obj)))
   2752                       transient-current-suffixes))))
   2754 (cl-defgeneric transient-infix-value (obj)
   2755   "Return the value of the suffix object OBJ.
   2757 This function is called by `transient-args' (which see), meaning
   2758 this function is how the value of a transient is determined so
   2759 that the invoked suffix command can use it.
   2761 Currently most values are strings, but that is not set in stone.
   2762 Nil is not a value, it means \"no value\".
   2764 Usually only infixes have a value, but see the method for
   2765 `transient-suffix'.")
   2767 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-value ((_   transient-suffix))
   2768   "Return nil, which means \"no value\".
   2770 Infix arguments contribute the transient's value while suffix
   2771 commands consume it.  This function is called for suffixes anyway
   2772 because a command that both contributes to the transient's value
   2773 and also consumes it is not completely unconceivable.
   2775 If you define such a command, then you must define a derived
   2776 class and implement this function because this default method
   2777 does nothing." nil)
   2779 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-value ((obj transient-infix))
   2780   "Return the value of OBJ's `value' slot."
   2781   (oref obj value))
   2783 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-value ((obj transient-option))
   2784   "Return (concat ARGUMENT VALUE) or nil.
   2786 ARGUMENT and VALUE are the values of the respective slots of OBJ.
   2787 If VALUE is nil, then return nil.  VALUE may be the empty string,
   2788 which is not the same as nil."
   2789   (when-let ((value (oref obj value)))
   2790     (concat (oref obj argument) value)))
   2792 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-value ((_   transient-variable))
   2793   "Return nil, which means \"no value\".
   2795 Setting the value of a variable is done by, well, setting the
   2796 value of the variable.  I.e. this is a side-effect and does not
   2797 contribute to the value of the transient."
   2798   nil)
   2800 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-value ((obj transient-files))
   2801   "Return (cons ARGUMENT VALUE) or nil.
   2803 ARGUMENT and VALUE are the values of the respective slots of OBJ.
   2804 If VALUE is nil, then return nil.  VALUE may be the empty string,
   2805 which is not the same as nil."
   2806   (when-let ((value (oref obj value)))
   2807     (cons (oref obj argument) value)))
   2809 ;;;; Utilities
   2811 (defun transient-arg-value (arg args)
   2812   "Return the value of ARG as it appears in ARGS.
   2814 For a switch return a boolean.  For an option return the value as
   2815 a string, using the empty string for the empty value, or nil if
   2816 the option does not appear in ARGS."
   2817   (if (string-match-p "=\\'" arg)
   2818       (save-match-data
   2819         (when-let ((match (let ((re (format "\\`%s\\(?:=\\(.+\\)\\)?\\'"
   2820                                             (substring arg 0 -1))))
   2821                             (cl-find-if (lambda (a)
   2822                                           (and (stringp a)
   2823                                                (string-match re a)))
   2824                                         args))))
   2825           (or (match-string 1 match) "")))
   2826     (and (member arg args) t)))
   2828 ;;; History
   2830 (cl-defgeneric transient--history-key (obj)
   2831   "Return OBJ's history key.
   2832 If the value of the `history-key' slot is non-nil, then return
   2833 that.  Otherwise return the value of the `command' slot."
   2834   (or (oref obj history-key)
   2835       (oref obj command)))
   2837 (cl-defgeneric transient--history-push (obj)
   2838   "Push the current value of OBJ to its entry in `transient-history'."
   2839   (let ((key (transient--history-key obj)))
   2840     (setf (alist-get key transient-history)
   2841           (let ((args (transient-get-value)))
   2842             (cons args (delete args (alist-get key transient-history)))))))
   2844 (cl-defgeneric transient--history-init (obj)
   2845   "Initialize OBJ's `history' slot.
   2846 This is the transient-wide history; many individual infixes also
   2847 have a history of their own.")
   2849 (cl-defmethod transient--history-init ((obj transient-prefix))
   2850   "Initialize OBJ's `history' slot from the variable `transient-history'."
   2851   (let ((val (oref obj value)))
   2852     (oset obj history
   2853           (cons val (delete val (alist-get (transient--history-key obj)
   2854                                            transient-history))))))
   2856 ;;; Draw
   2858 (defun transient--show-brief ()
   2859   (let ((message-log-max nil))
   2860     (if (and transient-show-popup (<= transient-show-popup 0))
   2861         (message "%s-" (key-description (this-command-keys)))
   2862       (message
   2863        "%s- [%s] %s"
   2864        (key-description (this-command-keys))
   2865        (oref transient--prefix command)
   2866        (mapconcat
   2867         #'identity
   2868         (sort
   2869          (cl-mapcan
   2870           (lambda (suffix)
   2871             (let ((key (kbd (oref suffix key))))
   2872               ;; Don't list any common commands.
   2873               (and (not (memq (oref suffix command)
   2874                               `(,(lookup-key transient-map key)
   2875                                 ,(lookup-key transient-sticky-map key)
   2876                                 ;; From transient-common-commands:
   2877                                 transient-set
   2878                                 transient-save
   2879                                 transient-history-prev
   2880                                 transient-history-next
   2881                                 transient-quit-one
   2882                                 transient-toggle-common
   2883                                 transient-set-level)))
   2884                    (list (propertize (oref suffix key) 'face 'transient-key)))))
   2885           transient--suffixes)
   2886          #'string<)
   2887         (propertize "|" 'face 'transient-unreachable-key))))))
   2889 (defun transient--show ()
   2890   (transient--timer-cancel)
   2891   (setq transient--showp t)
   2892   (let ((buf (get-buffer-create transient--buffer-name))
   2893         (focus nil))
   2894     (with-current-buffer buf
   2895       (when transient-enable-popup-navigation
   2896         (setq focus (or (button-get (point) 'command)
   2897                         (transient--heading-at-point))))
   2898       (erase-buffer)
   2899       (setq window-size-fixed t)
   2900       (when (bound-and-true-p tab-line-format)
   2901         (setq tab-line-format nil))
   2902       (setq mode-line-format (if (eq transient-mode-line-format 'line)
   2903                                  nil
   2904                                transient-mode-line-format))
   2905       (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
   2906             (symbol-name (oref transient--prefix command)))
   2907       (if transient-enable-popup-navigation
   2908           (setq-local cursor-in-non-selected-windows 'box)
   2909         (setq cursor-type nil))
   2910       (setq display-line-numbers nil)
   2911       (setq show-trailing-whitespace nil)
   2912       (transient--insert-groups)
   2913       (when (or transient--helpp transient--editp)
   2914         (transient--insert-help))
   2915       (when (and (eq transient-mode-line-format 'line)
   2916                  window-system)
   2917         (let ((face
   2918                (if-let ((f (and (transient--semantic-coloring-p)
   2919                                 (transient--prefix-color transient--prefix))))
   2920                    `(,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
   2921                      :background ,(face-foreground f))
   2922                  'transient-separator)))
   2923           (insert (propertize "__" 'face face 'display '(space :height (1))))
   2924           (insert (propertize "\n" 'face face 'line-height t))))
   2925       (goto-char (point-min))
   2926       (when transient-force-fixed-pitch
   2927         (transient--force-fixed-pitch))
   2928       (when transient-enable-popup-navigation
   2929         (transient--goto-button focus)))
   2930     (unless (window-live-p transient--window)
   2931       (setq transient--window
   2932             (display-buffer buf transient-display-buffer-action)))
   2933     (when (window-live-p transient--window)
   2934       (with-selected-window transient--window
   2935         (magit--fit-window-to-buffer transient--window)))))
   2937 (defun magit--fit-window-to-buffer (window)
   2938   (let ((window-resize-pixelwise t)
   2939         (window-size-fixed nil))
   2940     (if (eq (car (window-parameter window 'quit-restore)) 'other)
   2941         ;; Grow but never shrink window that previously displayed
   2942         ;; another buffer and is going to display that again.
   2943         (fit-window-to-buffer window nil (window-height window))
   2944       (fit-window-to-buffer window nil 1))))
   2946 (defun transient--insert-groups ()
   2947   (let ((groups (cl-mapcan (lambda (group)
   2948                              (let ((hide (oref group hide)))
   2949                                (and (not (and (functionp hide)
   2950                                               (funcall   hide)))
   2951                                     (list group))))
   2952                            transient--layout))
   2953         group)
   2954     (while (setq group (pop groups))
   2955       (transient--insert-group group)
   2956       (when groups
   2957         (insert ?\n)))))
   2959 (cl-defgeneric transient--insert-group (group)
   2960   "Format GROUP and its elements and insert the result.")
   2962 (cl-defmethod transient--insert-group :before ((group transient-group))
   2963   "Insert GROUP's description, if any."
   2964   (when-let ((desc (transient-format-description group)))
   2965     (insert desc ?\n)))
   2967 (cl-defmethod transient--insert-group ((group transient-row))
   2968   (transient--maybe-pad-keys group)
   2969   (dolist (suffix (oref group suffixes))
   2970     (insert (transient-format suffix))
   2971     (insert "   "))
   2972   (insert ?\n))
   2974 (cl-defmethod transient--insert-group ((group transient-column))
   2975   (transient--maybe-pad-keys group)
   2976   (dolist (suffix (oref group suffixes))
   2977     (let ((str (transient-format suffix)))
   2978       (insert str)
   2979       (unless (string-match-p ".\n\\'" str)
   2980         (insert ?\n)))))
   2982 (cl-defmethod transient--insert-group ((group transient-columns))
   2983   (let* ((columns
   2984           (mapcar
   2985            (lambda (column)
   2986              (transient--maybe-pad-keys column group)
   2987              (let ((rows (mapcar #'transient-format (oref column suffixes))))
   2988                (when-let ((desc (transient-format-description column)))
   2989                  (push desc rows))
   2990                rows))
   2991            (oref group suffixes)))
   2992          (rs (apply #'max (mapcar #'length columns)))
   2993          (cs (length columns))
   2994          (cw (mapcar (lambda (col) (apply #'max (mapcar #'length col)))
   2995                      columns))
   2996          (cc (transient--seq-reductions-from (apply-partially #'+ 3) cw 0)))
   2997     (if transient-force-single-column
   2998         (dotimes (c cs)
   2999           (dotimes (r rs)
   3000             (when-let ((cell (nth r (nth c columns))))
   3001               (unless (equal cell "")
   3002                 (insert cell ?\n))))
   3003           (unless (= c (1- cs))
   3004             (insert ?\n)))
   3005       (dotimes (r rs)
   3006         (dotimes (c cs)
   3007           (insert (make-string (- (nth c cc) (current-column)) ?\s))
   3008           (when-let ((cell (nth r (nth c columns))))
   3009             (insert cell))
   3010           (when (= c (1- cs))
   3011             (insert ?\n)))))))
   3013 (cl-defmethod transient--insert-group ((group transient-subgroups))
   3014   (let* ((subgroups (oref group suffixes))
   3015          (n (length subgroups)))
   3016     (dotimes (s n)
   3017       (let ((subgroup (nth s subgroups)))
   3018         (transient--maybe-pad-keys subgroup group)
   3019         (transient--insert-group subgroup)
   3020         (when (< s (1- n))
   3021           (insert ?\n))))))
   3023 (cl-defgeneric transient-format (obj)
   3024   "Format and return OBJ for display.
   3026 When this function is called, then the current buffer is some
   3027 temporary buffer.  If you need the buffer from which the prefix
   3028 command was invoked to be current, then do so by temporarily
   3029 making `transient--original-buffer' current.")
   3031 (cl-defmethod transient-format ((arg string))
   3032   "Return the string ARG after applying the `transient-heading' face."
   3033   (propertize arg 'face 'transient-heading))
   3035 (cl-defmethod transient-format ((_   null))
   3036   "Return a string containing just the newline character."
   3037   "\n")
   3039 (cl-defmethod transient-format ((arg integer))
   3040   "Return a string containing just the ARG character."
   3041   (char-to-string arg))
   3043 (cl-defmethod transient-format :around ((obj transient-infix))
   3044   "When reading user input for this infix, then highlight it."
   3045   (let ((str (cl-call-next-method obj)))
   3046     (when (eq obj transient--active-infix)
   3047       (setq str (concat str "\n"))
   3048       (add-face-text-property
   3049        (if (eq this-command 'transient-set-level) 3 0)
   3050        (length str)
   3051        'transient-active-infix nil str))
   3052     str))
   3054 (cl-defmethod transient-format :around ((obj transient-suffix))
   3055   "When edit-mode is enabled, then prepend the level information.
   3056 Optional support for popup buttons is also implemented here."
   3057   (let ((str (concat
   3058               (and transient--editp
   3059                    (let ((level (oref obj level)))
   3060                      (propertize (format " %s " level)
   3061                                  'face (if (transient--use-level-p level t)
   3062                                            'transient-enabled-suffix
   3063                                          'transient-disabled-suffix))))
   3064               (cl-call-next-method obj))))
   3065     (when (oref obj inapt)
   3066       (add-face-text-property 0 (length str) 'transient-inapt-suffix nil str))
   3067     (if transient-enable-popup-navigation
   3068         (make-text-button str nil
   3069                           'type 'transient-button
   3070                           'command (transient--suffix-command obj))
   3071       str)))
   3073 (cl-defmethod transient-format ((obj transient-infix))
   3074   "Return a string generated using OBJ's `format'.
   3075 %k is formatted using `transient-format-key'.
   3076 %d is formatted using `transient-format-description'.
   3077 %v is formatted using `transient-format-value'."
   3078   (format-spec (oref obj format)
   3079                `((?k . ,(transient-format-key obj))
   3080                  (?d . ,(transient-format-description obj))
   3081                  (?v . ,(transient-format-value obj)))))
   3083 (cl-defmethod transient-format ((obj transient-suffix))
   3084   "Return a string generated using OBJ's `format'.
   3085 %k is formatted using `transient-format-key'.
   3086 %d is formatted using `transient-format-description'."
   3087   (format-spec (oref obj format)
   3088                `((?k . ,(transient-format-key obj))
   3089                  (?d . ,(transient-format-description obj)))))
   3091 (cl-defgeneric transient-format-key (obj)
   3092   "Format OBJ's `key' for display and return the result.")
   3094 (cl-defmethod transient-format-key ((obj transient-suffix))
   3095   "Format OBJ's `key' for display and return the result."
   3096   (let ((key (oref obj key))
   3097         (cmd (oref obj command)))
   3098     (if transient--redisplay-key
   3099         (let ((len (length transient--redisplay-key))
   3100               (seq (cl-coerce (edmacro-parse-keys key t) 'list)))
   3101           (cond
   3102            ((equal (seq-take seq len) transient--redisplay-key)
   3103             (let ((pre (key-description (vconcat (seq-take seq len))))
   3104                   (suf (key-description (vconcat (seq-drop seq len)))))
   3105               (setq pre (replace-regexp-in-string "RET" "C-m" pre t))
   3106               (setq pre (replace-regexp-in-string "TAB" "C-i" pre t))
   3107               (setq suf (replace-regexp-in-string "RET" "C-m" suf t))
   3108               (setq suf (replace-regexp-in-string "TAB" "C-i" suf t))
   3109               ;; We use e.g. "-k" instead of the more correct "- k",
   3110               ;; because the former is prettier.  If we did that in
   3111               ;; the definition, then we want to drop the space that
   3112               ;; is reinserted above.  False-positives are possible
   3113               ;; for silly bindings like "-C-c C-c".
   3114               (unless (string-match-p " " key)
   3115                 (setq pre (replace-regexp-in-string " " "" pre))
   3116                 (setq suf (replace-regexp-in-string " " "" suf)))
   3117               (concat (propertize pre 'face 'default)
   3118                       (and (string-prefix-p (concat pre " ") key) " ")
   3119                       (transient--colorize-key suf cmd)
   3120                       (save-excursion
   3121                         (when (string-match " +\\'" key)
   3122                           (match-string 0 key))))))
   3123            ((transient--lookup-key transient-sticky-map (kbd key))
   3124             (transient--colorize-key key cmd))
   3125            (t
   3126             (propertize key 'face 'transient-unreachable-key))))
   3127       (transient--colorize-key key cmd))))
   3129 (defun transient--colorize-key (key command)
   3130   (propertize key 'face
   3131               (or (and (transient--semantic-coloring-p)
   3132                        (transient--suffix-color command))
   3133                   'transient-key)))
   3135 (cl-defmethod transient-format-key :around ((obj transient-argument))
   3136   (let ((key (cl-call-next-method obj)))
   3137     (cond ((not transient-highlight-mismatched-keys))
   3138           ((not (slot-boundp obj 'shortarg))
   3139            (add-face-text-property
   3140             0 (length key) 'transient-nonstandard-key nil key))
   3141           ((not (string-equal key (oref obj shortarg)))
   3142            (add-face-text-property
   3143             0 (length key) 'transient-mismatched-key nil key)))
   3144     key))
   3146 (cl-defgeneric transient-format-description (obj)
   3147   "Format OBJ's `description' for display and return the result.")
   3149 (cl-defmethod transient-format-description ((obj transient-child))
   3150   "The `description' slot may be a function, in which case that is
   3151 called inside the correct buffer (see `transient-insert-group')
   3152 and its value is returned to the caller."
   3153   (when-let ((desc (oref obj description)))
   3154     (if (functionp desc)
   3155         (with-current-buffer transient--original-buffer
   3156           (funcall desc))
   3157       desc)))
   3159 (cl-defmethod transient-format-description ((obj transient-group))
   3160   "Format the description by calling the next method.  If the result
   3161 doesn't use the `face' property at all, then apply the face
   3162 `transient-heading' to the complete string."
   3163   (when-let ((desc (cl-call-next-method obj)))
   3164     (if (text-property-not-all 0 (length desc) 'face nil desc)
   3165         desc
   3166       (propertize desc 'face 'transient-heading))))
   3168 (cl-defmethod transient-format-description :around ((obj transient-suffix))
   3169   "Format the description by calling the next method.  If the result
   3170 is nil, then use \"(BUG: no description)\" as the description.
   3171 If the OBJ's `key' is currently unreachable, then apply the face
   3172 `transient-unreachable' to the complete string."
   3173   (let ((desc (or (cl-call-next-method obj)
   3174                   (and (slot-boundp transient--prefix 'suffix-description)
   3175                        (funcall (oref transient--prefix suffix-description)
   3176                                 obj))
   3177                   (propertize "(BUG: no description)" 'face 'error))))
   3178     (cond ((transient--key-unreachable-p obj)
   3179            (propertize desc 'face 'transient-unreachable))
   3180           ((and transient-highlight-higher-levels
   3181                 (> (oref obj level) transient--default-prefix-level))
   3182            (add-face-text-property
   3183             0 (length desc) 'transient-higher-level nil desc)
   3184            desc)
   3185           (t
   3186            desc))))
   3188 (cl-defgeneric transient-format-value (obj)
   3189   "Format OBJ's value for display and return the result.")
   3191 (cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj transient-suffix))
   3192   (propertize (oref obj argument)
   3193               'face (if (oref obj value)
   3194                         'transient-argument
   3195                       'transient-inactive-argument)))
   3197 (cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj transient-option))
   3198   (let ((value (oref obj value)))
   3199     (propertize (concat (oref obj argument)
   3200                         (if (listp value)
   3201                             (mapconcat #'identity value ",")
   3202                           value))
   3203                 'face (if value
   3204                           'transient-value
   3205                         'transient-inactive-value))))
   3207 (cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj transient-switches))
   3208   (with-slots (value argument-format choices) obj
   3209     (format (propertize argument-format
   3210                         'face (if value
   3211                                   'transient-value
   3212                                 'transient-inactive-value))
   3213             (concat
   3214              (propertize "[" 'face 'transient-inactive-value)
   3215              (mapconcat
   3216               (lambda (choice)
   3217                 (propertize choice 'face
   3218                             (if (equal (format argument-format choice) value)
   3219                                 'transient-value
   3220                               'transient-inactive-value)))
   3221               choices
   3222               (propertize "|" 'face 'transient-inactive-value))
   3223              (propertize "]" 'face 'transient-inactive-value)))))
   3225 (cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj transient-files))
   3226   (let ((argument (oref obj argument)))
   3227     (if-let ((value (oref obj value)))
   3228         (propertize (concat argument " "
   3229                             (mapconcat (lambda (f) (format "%S" f))
   3230                                        (oref obj value) " "))
   3231                     'face 'transient-argument)
   3232       (propertize argument 'face 'transient-inactive-argument))))
   3234 (defun transient--key-unreachable-p (obj)
   3235   (and transient--redisplay-key
   3236        (let ((key (oref obj key)))
   3237          (not (or (equal (seq-take (cl-coerce (edmacro-parse-keys key t) 'list)
   3238                                    (length transient--redisplay-key))
   3239                          transient--redisplay-key)
   3240                   (transient--lookup-key transient-sticky-map (kbd key)))))))
   3242 (defun transient--lookup-key (keymap key)
   3243   (let ((val (lookup-key keymap key)))
   3244     (and val (not (integerp val)) val)))
   3246 (defun transient--maybe-pad-keys (group &optional parent)
   3247   (when-let ((pad (if (slot-boundp group 'pad-keys)
   3248                       (oref group pad-keys)
   3249                     (and parent
   3250                          (slot-boundp parent 'pad-keys)
   3251                          (oref parent pad-keys)))))
   3252     (let ((width (apply #'max
   3253                         (cons (if (integerp pad) pad 0)
   3254                               (mapcar (lambda (suffix)
   3255                                         (length (oref suffix key)))
   3256                                       (oref group suffixes))))))
   3257       (dolist (suffix (oref group suffixes))
   3258         (oset suffix key
   3259               (truncate-string-to-width (oref suffix key) width nil ?\s))))))
   3261 (defun transient-command-summary-or-name (obj)
   3262   "Return the summary or name of the command represented by OBJ.
   3264 If the command has a doc-string, then return the first line of
   3265 that, else its name.
   3267 Intended to be temporarily used as the `:suffix-description' of
   3268 a prefix command, while porting a regular keymap to a transient."
   3269   (let ((command (transient--suffix-symbol (oref obj command))))
   3270     (if-let ((doc (documentation command)))
   3271         (propertize (car (split-string doc "\n")) 'face 'font-lock-doc-face)
   3272       (propertize (symbol-name command) 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face))))
   3274 ;;; Help
   3276 (cl-defgeneric transient-show-help (obj)
   3277   "Show help for OBJ's command.")
   3279 (cl-defmethod transient-show-help ((obj transient-prefix))
   3280   "Show the info manual, manpage or command doc-string.
   3281 Show the first one that is specified."
   3282   (if-let ((manual (oref obj info-manual)))
   3283       (info manual)
   3284     (if-let ((manpage (oref obj man-page)))
   3285         (transient--show-manpage manpage)
   3286       (transient--describe-function (oref obj command)))))
   3288 (cl-defmethod transient-show-help ((obj transient-suffix))
   3289   "Show the command doc-string."
   3290   (if (eq this-command 'transient-help)
   3291       (if-let ((manpage (oref transient--prefix man-page)))
   3292           (transient--show-manpage manpage)
   3293         (transient--describe-function (oref transient--prefix command)))
   3294     (if-let ((prefix (get (transient--suffix-command obj) 'transient--prefix))
   3295              (manpage (oref prefix man-page))
   3296              (- (not (eq this-command (oref transient--prefix command)))))
   3297         (transient--show-manpage manpage)
   3298       (transient--describe-function this-original-command))))
   3300 (cl-defmethod transient-show-help ((obj transient-infix))
   3301   "Show the manpage if defined or the command doc-string.
   3302 If the manpage is specified, then try to jump to the correct
   3303 location."
   3304   (if-let ((manpage (oref transient--prefix man-page)))
   3305       (transient--show-manpage manpage (ignore-errors (oref obj argument)))
   3306     (transient--describe-function this-original-command)))
   3308 ;; `cl-generic-generalizers' doesn't support `command' et al.
   3309 (cl-defmethod transient-show-help (cmd)
   3310   "Show the command doc-string."
   3311   (transient--describe-function cmd))
   3313 (defun transient--show-manpage (manpage &optional argument)
   3314   (require 'man)
   3315   (let* ((Man-notify-method 'meek)
   3316          (buf (Man-getpage-in-background manpage))
   3317          (proc (get-buffer-process buf)))
   3318     (while (and proc (eq (process-status proc) 'run))
   3319       (accept-process-output proc))
   3320     (switch-to-buffer buf)
   3321     (when argument
   3322       (transient--goto-argument-description argument))))
   3324 (defun transient--describe-function (fn)
   3325   (describe-function fn)
   3326   (select-window (get-buffer-window (help-buffer))))
   3328 (defun transient--goto-argument-description (arg)
   3329   (goto-char (point-min))
   3330   (let ((case-fold-search nil)
   3331         ;; This matches preceding/proceeding options.  Options
   3332         ;; such as "-a", "-S[<keyid>]", and "--grep=<pattern>"
   3333         ;; are matched by this regex without the shy group.
   3334         ;; The ". " in the shy group is for options such as
   3335         ;; "-m parent-number", and the "-[^[:space:]]+ " is
   3336         ;; for options such as "--mainline parent-number"
   3337         (others "-\\(?:. \\|-[^[:space:]]+ \\)?[^[:space:]]+"))
   3338     (when (re-search-forward
   3339            (if (equal arg "--")
   3340                ;; Special case.
   3341                "^[\t\s]+\\(--\\(?: \\|$\\)\\|\\[--\\]\\)"
   3342              ;; Should start with whitespace and may have
   3343              ;; any number of options before and/or after.
   3344              (format
   3345               "^[\t\s]+\\(?:%s, \\)*?\\(?1:%s\\)%s\\(?:, %s\\)*$"
   3346               others
   3347               ;; Options don't necessarily end in an "="
   3348               ;; (e.g., "--gpg-sign[=<keyid>]")
   3349               (string-remove-suffix "=" arg)
   3350               ;; Simple options don't end in an "=".  Splitting this
   3351               ;; into 2 cases should make getting false positives
   3352               ;; less likely.
   3353               (if (string-suffix-p "=" arg)
   3354                   ;; "[^[:space:]]*[^.[:space:]]" matches the option
   3355                   ;; value, which is usually after the option name
   3356                   ;; and either '=' or '[='.  The value can't end in
   3357                   ;; a period, as that means it's being used at the
   3358                   ;; end of a sentence.  The space is for options
   3359                   ;; such as '--mainline parent-number'.
   3360                   "\\(?: \\|\\[?=\\)[^[:space:]]*[^.[:space:]]"
   3361                 ;; Either this doesn't match anything (e.g., "-a"),
   3362                 ;; or the option is followed by a value delimited
   3363                 ;; by a "[", "<", or ":".  A space might appear
   3364                 ;; before this value, as in "-f <file>".  The
   3365                 ;; space alternative is for options such as
   3366                 ;; "-m parent-number".
   3367                 "\\(?:\\(?: \\| ?[\\[<:]\\)[^[:space:]]*[^.[:space:]]\\)?")
   3368               others))
   3369            nil t)
   3370       (goto-char (match-beginning 1)))))
   3372 (defun transient--insert-help ()
   3373   (unless (looking-back "\n\n" 2)
   3374     (insert "\n"))
   3375   (when transient--helpp
   3376     (insert
   3377      (format (propertize "\
   3378 Type a %s to show help for that suffix command, or %s to show manual.
   3379 Type %s to exit help.\n"
   3380                          'face 'transient-heading)
   3381              (propertize "<KEY>" 'face 'transient-key)
   3382              (propertize "?"     'face 'transient-key)
   3383              (propertize "C-g"   'face 'transient-key))))
   3384   (when transient--editp
   3385     (unless transient--helpp
   3386       (insert
   3387        (format (propertize "\
   3388 Type a %s to set level for that suffix command.
   3389 Type %s to set what levels are available for this prefix command.\n"
   3390                            'face 'transient-heading)
   3391                (propertize "<KEY>"   'face 'transient-key)
   3392                (propertize "C-x l" 'face 'transient-key))))
   3393     (with-slots (level) transient--prefix
   3394       (insert
   3395        (format (propertize "
   3396 Suffixes on levels %s are available.
   3397 Suffixes on levels %s and %s are unavailable.\n"
   3398                            'face 'transient-heading)
   3399                (propertize (format "1-%s" level)
   3400                            'face 'transient-enabled-suffix)
   3401                (propertize " 0 "
   3402                            'face 'transient-disabled-suffix)
   3403                (propertize (format ">=%s" (1+ level))
   3404                            'face 'transient-disabled-suffix))))))
   3406 (defvar transient-resume-mode-map
   3407   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   3408     (define-key map [remap Man-quit]    #'transient-resume)
   3409     (define-key map [remap Info-exit]   #'transient-resume)
   3410     (define-key map [remap quit-window] #'transient-resume)
   3411     map)
   3412   "Keymap for `transient-resume-mode'.
   3414 This keymap remaps every command that would usually just quit the
   3415 documentation buffer to `transient-resume', which additionally
   3416 resumes the suspended transient.")
   3418 (define-minor-mode transient-resume-mode
   3419   "Auxiliary minor-mode used to resume a transient after viewing help.")
   3421 ;;; Compatibility
   3422 ;;;; Popup Navigation
   3424 (defun transient-popup-navigation-help ()
   3425   "Inform the user how to enable popup navigation commands."
   3426   (interactive)
   3427   (message "This command is only available if `%s' is non-nil"
   3428            'transient-enable-popup-navigation))
   3430 (define-button-type 'transient-button
   3431   'face nil
   3432   'action (lambda (button)
   3433             (let ((command (button-get button 'command)))
   3434               ;; Yes, I know that this is wrong(tm).
   3435               ;; Unfortunately it is also necessary.
   3436               (setq this-original-command command)
   3437               (transient--pre-command)
   3438               (call-interactively command))))
   3440 (defvar transient-popup-navigation-map
   3441   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   3442     (define-key map (kbd "<down-mouse-1>") #'transient-noop)
   3443     (define-key map (kbd "<mouse-1>") #'transient-mouse-push-button)
   3444     (define-key map (kbd "RET")       #'transient-push-button)
   3445     (define-key map (kbd "<up>")      #'transient-backward-button)
   3446     (define-key map (kbd "C-p")       #'transient-backward-button)
   3447     (define-key map (kbd "<down>")    #'transient-forward-button)
   3448     (define-key map (kbd "C-n")       #'transient-forward-button)
   3449     (define-key map (kbd "C-r")       #'transient-isearch-backward)
   3450     (define-key map (kbd "C-s")       #'transient-isearch-forward)
   3451     map))
   3453 (defun transient-mouse-push-button (&optional pos)
   3454   "Invoke the suffix the user clicks on."
   3455   (interactive (list last-command-event))
   3456   (push-button pos))
   3458 (defun transient-push-button ()
   3459   "Invoke the selected suffix command."
   3460   (interactive)
   3461   (with-selected-window transient--window
   3462     (push-button)))
   3464 (defun transient-backward-button (n)
   3465   "Move to the previous button in the transient popup buffer.
   3466 See `backward-button' for information about N."
   3467   (interactive "p")
   3468   (with-selected-window transient--window
   3469     (backward-button n t)))
   3471 (defun transient-forward-button (n)
   3472   "Move to the next button in the transient popup buffer.
   3473 See `forward-button' for information about N."
   3474   (interactive "p")
   3475   (with-selected-window transient--window
   3476     (forward-button n t)))
   3478 (defun transient--goto-button (command)
   3479   (cond
   3480    ((stringp command)
   3481     (when (re-search-forward (concat "^" (regexp-quote command)) nil t)
   3482       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))))
   3483    (command
   3484     (while (and (ignore-errors (forward-button 1))
   3485                 (not (eq (button-get (button-at (point)) 'command) command))))
   3486     (unless (eq (button-get (button-at (point)) 'command) command)
   3487       (goto-char (point-min))
   3488       (forward-button 1)))))
   3490 (defun transient--heading-at-point ()
   3491   (and (eq (get-text-property (point) 'face) 'transient-heading)
   3492        (let ((beg (line-beginning-position)))
   3493          (buffer-substring-no-properties
   3494           beg (next-single-property-change
   3495                beg 'face nil (line-end-position))))))
   3497 ;;;; Popup Isearch
   3499 (defvar transient--isearch-mode-map
   3500   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   3501     (set-keymap-parent map isearch-mode-map)
   3502     (define-key map [remap isearch-exit]   #'transient-isearch-exit)
   3503     (define-key map [remap isearch-cancel] #'transient-isearch-cancel)
   3504     (define-key map [remap isearch-abort]  #'transient-isearch-abort)
   3505     map))
   3507 (defun transient-isearch-backward (&optional regexp-p)
   3508   "Do incremental search backward.
   3509 With a prefix argument, do an incremental regular expression
   3510 search instead."
   3511   (interactive "P")
   3512   (transient--isearch-setup)
   3513   (let ((isearch-mode-map transient--isearch-mode-map))
   3514     (isearch-mode nil regexp-p)))
   3516 (defun transient-isearch-forward (&optional regexp-p)
   3517   "Do incremental search forward.
   3518 With a prefix argument, do an incremental regular expression
   3519 search instead."
   3520   (interactive "P")
   3521   (transient--isearch-setup)
   3522   (let ((isearch-mode-map transient--isearch-mode-map))
   3523     (isearch-mode t regexp-p)))
   3525 (defun transient-isearch-exit ()
   3526   "Like `isearch-exit' but adapted for `transient'."
   3527   (interactive)
   3528   (isearch-exit)
   3529   (transient--isearch-exit))
   3531 (defun transient-isearch-cancel ()
   3532   "Like `isearch-cancel' but adapted for `transient'."
   3533   (interactive)
   3534   (condition-case nil (isearch-cancel) (quit))
   3535   (transient--isearch-exit))
   3537 (defun transient-isearch-abort ()
   3538   "Like `isearch-abort' but adapted for `transient'."
   3539   (interactive)
   3540   (condition-case nil (isearch-abort) (quit))
   3541   (transient--isearch-exit))
   3543 (defun transient--isearch-setup ()
   3544   (select-window transient--window)
   3545   (transient--suspend-override))
   3547 (defun transient--isearch-exit ()
   3548   (select-window transient--original-window)
   3549   (transient--resume-override))
   3551 ;;;; Hydra Color Emulation
   3553 (defun transient--semantic-coloring-p ()
   3554   (and transient-semantic-coloring
   3555        (not transient--helpp)
   3556        (not transient--editp)))
   3558 (defun transient--suffix-color (command)
   3559   (or (get command 'transient-color)
   3560       (get (transient--get-predicate-for command) 'transient-color)))
   3562 (defun transient--prefix-color (command)
   3563   (let* ((nonsuf (or (oref command transient-non-suffix)
   3564                      'transient--do-warn))
   3565          (nonsuf (if (memq nonsuf '(transient--do-noop transient--do-warn))
   3566                      'disallow
   3567                    (get nonsuf 'transient-color)))
   3568          (suffix (if-let ((pred (oref command transient-suffix)))
   3569                      (get pred 'transient-color)
   3570                    (if (eq nonsuf 'transient-red)
   3571                        'transient-red
   3572                      'transient-blue))))
   3573     (pcase (list suffix nonsuf)
   3574       (`(transient-red  disallow)       'transient-amaranth)
   3575       (`(transient-blue disallow)       'transient-teal)
   3576       (`(transient-red  transient-red)  'transient-pink)
   3577       (`(transient-red  transient-blue) 'transient-red)
   3578       (`(transient-blue transient-blue) 'transient-blue))))
   3580 ;;;; Edebug
   3582 (defun transient--edebug--recursive-edit (fn arg-mode)
   3583   (transient--debug 'edebug--recursive-edit)
   3584   (if (not transient--prefix)
   3585       (funcall fn arg-mode)
   3586     (transient--suspend-override t)
   3587     (funcall fn arg-mode)
   3588     (transient--resume-override t)))
   3590 (advice-add 'edebug--recursive-edit :around #'transient--edebug--recursive-edit)
   3592 (defun transient--abort-edebug ()
   3593   (when (bound-and-true-p edebug-active)
   3594     (transient--emergency-exit)))
   3596 (advice-add 'abort-recursive-edit :before #'transient--abort-edebug)
   3597 (advice-add 'top-level :before #'transient--abort-edebug)
   3599 (defun transient--edebug-command-p ()
   3600   (and (bound-and-true-p edebug-active)
   3601        (or (memq this-command '(top-level abort-recursive-edit))
   3602            (string-prefix-p "edebug" (symbol-name this-command)))))
   3604 ;;;; Miscellaneous
   3606 (declare-function which-key-mode "which-key" (&optional arg))
   3608 (defun transient--suspend-which-key-mode ()
   3609   (when (bound-and-true-p which-key-mode)
   3610     (which-key-mode -1)
   3611     (add-hook 'transient-exit-hook #'transient--resume-which-key-mode)))
   3613 (defun transient--resume-which-key-mode ()
   3614   (unless transient--prefix
   3615     (which-key-mode 1)
   3616     (remove-hook 'transient-exit-hook #'transient--resume-which-key-mode)))
   3618 (defun transient-bind-q-to-quit ()
   3619   "Modify some keymaps to bind \"q\" to the appropriate quit command.
   3621 \"C-g\" is the default binding for such commands now, but Transient's
   3622 predecessor Magit-Popup used \"q\" instead.  If you would like to get
   3623 that binding back, then call this function in your init file like so:
   3625   (with-eval-after-load \\='transient
   3626     (transient-bind-q-to-quit))
   3628 Individual transients may already bind \"q\" to something else
   3629 and such a binding would shadow the quit binding.  If that is the
   3630 case then \"Q\" is bound to whatever \"q\" would have been bound
   3631 to by setting `transient-substitute-key-function' to a function
   3632 that does that.  Of course \"Q\" may already be bound to something
   3633 else, so that function binds \"M-q\" to that command instead.
   3634 Of course \"M-q\" may already be bound to something else, but
   3635 we stop there."
   3636   (define-key transient-base-map   "q" #'transient-quit-one)
   3637   (define-key transient-sticky-map "q" #'transient-quit-seq)
   3638   (setq transient-substitute-key-function
   3639         #'transient-rebind-quit-commands))
   3641 (defun transient-rebind-quit-commands (obj)
   3642   "See `transient-bind-q-to-quit'."
   3643   (let ((key (oref obj key)))
   3644     (cond ((string-equal key "q") "Q")
   3645           ((string-equal key "Q") "M-q")
   3646           (t key))))
   3648 (defun transient--force-fixed-pitch ()
   3649   (require 'face-remap)
   3650   (face-remap-reset-base 'default)
   3651   (face-remap-add-relative 'default 'fixed-pitch))
   3653 ;;;; Missing from Emacs
   3655 (defun transient--seq-reductions-from (function sequence initial-value)
   3656   (let ((acc (list initial-value)))
   3657     (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
   3658       (push (funcall function (car acc) elt) acc))
   3659     (nreverse acc)))
   3661 (defun transient-plist-to-alist (plist)
   3662   (let (alist)
   3663     (while plist
   3664       (push (cons (let* ((symbol (pop plist))
   3665                          (name (symbol-name symbol)))
   3666                     (if (eq (aref name 0) ?:)
   3667                         (intern (substring name 1))
   3668                       symbol))
   3669                   (pop plist))
   3670             alist))
   3671     (nreverse alist)))
   3673 ;;; Font-Lock
   3675 (defconst transient-font-lock-keywords
   3676   (eval-when-compile
   3677     `((,(concat "("
   3678                 (regexp-opt (list "transient-define-prefix"
   3679                                   "transient-define-infix"
   3680                                   "transient-define-argument"
   3681                                   "transient-define-suffix")
   3682                             t)
   3683                 "\\_>[ \t'(]*"
   3684                 "\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)?")
   3685        (1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
   3686        (2 'font-lock-function-name-face nil t)))))
   3688 (font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode transient-font-lock-keywords)
   3690 ;;; Auxiliary Classes
   3691 ;;;; `transient-lisp-variable'
   3693 (defclass transient-lisp-variable (transient-variable)
   3694   ((reader :initform #'transient-lisp-variable--reader)
   3695    (always-read :initform t)
   3696    (set-value :initarg :set-value :initform #'set))
   3697   "[Experimental] Class used for Lisp variables.")
   3699 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj transient-lisp-variable))
   3700   (oset obj value (symbol-value (oref obj variable))))
   3702 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-set ((obj transient-lisp-variable) value)
   3703   (funcall (oref obj set-value)
   3704            (oref obj variable)
   3705            (oset obj value value)))
   3707 (cl-defmethod transient-format-description ((obj transient-lisp-variable))
   3708   (or (oref obj description)
   3709       (symbol-name (oref obj variable))))
   3711 (cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj transient-lisp-variable))
   3712   (propertize (prin1-to-string (oref obj value))
   3713               'face 'transient-value))
   3715 (cl-defmethod transient-prompt ((obj transient-lisp-variable))
   3716   (format "Set %s: " (oref obj variable)))
   3718 (defun transient-lisp-variable--reader (prompt initial-input _history)
   3719   (read--expression prompt initial-input))
   3721 ;;; _
   3722 (provide 'transient)
   3723 ;; Local Variables:
   3724 ;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
   3725 ;; checkdoc-symbol-words: ("command-line" "edit-mode" "help-mode")
   3726 ;; End:
   3727 ;;; transient.el ends here