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collect-macro-forms.lisp (2425B)

      1 ;;; collect-macro-forms.lisp -- helper macros for slynk-macrostep.lisp
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Authors: Luís Oliveira <>
      4 ;;          Jon Oddie <>
      5 ;;          João Távora <>
      6 ;;
      7 ;; License: Public Domain
      9 (in-package #:slynk-macrostep)
     11 ;;; JT: These definitions brought into this contrib from SLIME's
     12 ;;; backend.lisp. They could/should go into SLY if they prove to be useful
     13 ;;; enough for writing other contribs, meanwhile keep them here.
     14 ;;; 
     15 (defmacro with-collected-macro-forms
     16     ((forms &optional result) instrumented-form &body body)
     17   "Collect macro forms by locally binding *MACROEXPAND-HOOK*.
     18 Evaluates INSTRUMENTED-FORM and collects any forms which undergo
     19 macro-expansion into a list.  Then evaluates BODY with FORMS bound to
     20 the list of forms, and RESULT (optionally) bound to the value of
     22   (assert (and (symbolp forms) (not (null forms))))
     23   (assert (symbolp result))
     24   ;; JT: Added conditional ignore spec
     25   ;; 
     26   (let ((result-var (or result
     27                         (gensym))))
     28     `(call-with-collected-macro-forms
     29       (lambda (,forms ,result-var)
     30         (declare (ignore ,@(unless result
     31                              `(,result-var))))
     32         ,@body)
     33       (lambda () ,instrumented-form))))
     35 (defun call-with-collected-macro-forms (body-fn instrumented-fn)
     36   (let ((return-value nil)
     37         (collected-forms '()))
     38     (let* ((real-macroexpand-hook *macroexpand-hook*)
     39            (*macroexpand-hook*
     40             (lambda (macro-function form environment)
     41               (let ((result (funcall real-macroexpand-hook
     42                                      macro-function form environment)))
     43                 (unless (eq result form)
     44                   (push form collected-forms))
     45                 result))))
     46       (setf return-value (funcall instrumented-fn)))
     47     (funcall body-fn collected-forms return-value)))
     49 (defun collect-macro-forms (form &optional env)
     50   "Collect subforms of FORM which undergo (compiler-)macro expansion.
     51 Returns two values: a list of macro forms and a list of compiler macro
     52 forms."
     53   (with-collected-macro-forms (macro-forms expansion)
     54       (ignore-errors (macroexpand-all form env))
     55     (with-collected-macro-forms (compiler-macro-forms)
     56         (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
     57           (ignore-errors
     58             (compile nil `(lambda () ,expansion))))
     59       (values macro-forms compiler-macro-forms))))