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slynk-loader.lisp (13695B)

      1 ;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
      2 ;;;
      3 ;;; slynk-loader.lisp --- Compile and load the Sly backend.
      4 ;;;
      5 ;;; Created 2003, James Bielman <>
      6 ;;;
      7 ;;; This code has been placed in the Public Domain.  All warranties
      8 ;;; are disclaimed.
      9 ;;;
     11 ;; If you want customize the source- or fasl-directory you can set
     12 ;; slynk-loader:*source-directory* resp. slynk-loader:*fasl-directory*
     13 ;; before loading this files.
     14 ;; E.g.:
     15 ;;
     16 ;;   (load ".../slynk-loader.lisp")
     17 ;;   (setq slynk-loader::*fasl-directory* "/tmp/fasl/")
     18 ;;   (slynk-loader:init)
     20 (cl:defpackage :slynk-loader
     21   (:use :cl)
     22   (:export #:init
     23            #:dump-image
     24            #:*source-directory*
     25            #:*fasl-directory*
     26            #:*load-path*))
     28 (cl:in-package :slynk-loader)
     30 (defvar *source-directory*
     31   (make-pathname :name nil :type nil
     32                  :defaults (or *load-pathname* *default-pathname-defaults*))
     33   "The directory where to look for the source.")
     35 (defvar *load-path* (list *source-directory*)
     36   "A list of directories to search for modules.")
     38 (defparameter *sysdep-files*
     39   #+cmu '(slynk-source-path-parser slynk-source-file-cache (backend cmucl))
     40   #+scl '(slynk-source-path-parser slynk-source-file-cache (backend scl))
     41   #+sbcl '(slynk-source-path-parser slynk-source-file-cache
     42            (backend sbcl))
     43   #+clozure '(metering (backend ccl))
     44   #+lispworks '((backend lispworks))
     45   #+allegro '((backend allegro))
     46   #+clisp '(xref metering (backend clisp))
     47   #+armedbear '((backend abcl))
     48   #+cormanlisp '((backend corman))
     49   #+ecl '(slynk-source-path-parser slynk-source-file-cache
     50           (backend ecl))
     51   #+clasp '(metering (backend clasp))
     52   #+mkcl '((backend mkcl)))
     54 (defparameter *implementation-features*
     55   '(:allegro :lispworks :sbcl :clozure :cmu :clisp :ccl :corman :cormanlisp
     56     :armedbear :gcl :ecl :scl :mkcl :clasp))
     58 (defparameter *os-features*
     59   '(:macosx :linux :windows :mswindows :win32 :solaris :darwin :sunos :hpux
     60     :unix))
     62 (defparameter *architecture-features*
     63   '(:powerpc :ppc :ppc64 :x86 :x86-64 :x86_64 :amd64 :i686 :i586 :i486 :pc386 :iapx386
     64     :sparc64 :sparc :hppa64 :hppa :arm :armv5l :armv6l :armv7l :arm64 :aarch64
     65     :pentium3 :pentium4
     66     :mips :mipsel
     67     :java-1.4 :java-1.5 :java-1.6 :java-1.7))
     69 (defun q (s) (read-from-string s))
     71 #+ecl
     72 (defun ecl-version-string ()
     73   (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]"
     74           (lisp-implementation-version)
     75           (when (find-symbol "LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VCS-ID" :ext)
     76             (let ((vcs-id (funcall (q "ext:lisp-implementation-vcs-id"))))
     77               (when (>= (length vcs-id) 8)
     78                 (subseq vcs-id 0 8))))))
     80 #+clasp
     81 (defun clasp-version-string ()
     82   (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]"
     83           (lisp-implementation-version)
     84           (core:lisp-implementation-id)))
     86 (defun lisp-version-string ()
     87   #+(or clozure cmu) (substitute-if #\_ (lambda (x) (find x " /"))
     88                                     (lisp-implementation-version))
     89   #+(or cormanlisp scl mkcl) (lisp-implementation-version)
     90   #+sbcl (format nil "~a~:[~;-no-threads~]"
     91                  (lisp-implementation-version)
     92                  #+sb-thread nil
     93                  #-sb-thread t)
     94   #+lispworks (lisp-implementation-version)
     95   #+allegro   (format nil "~@{~a~}"
     96                       excl::*common-lisp-version-number*
     97                       (if (string= 'lisp "LISP") "A" "M")     ; ANSI vs MoDeRn
     98                       (if (member :smp *features*) "s" "")
     99                       (if (member :64bit *features*) "-64bit" "")
    100                       (excl:ics-target-case
    101                        (:-ics "")
    102                        (:+ics "-ics")))
    103   #+clisp     (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
    104                 (subseq s 0 (position #\space s)))
    105   #+armedbear (lisp-implementation-version)
    106   #+ecl (ecl-version-string) )
    108 (defun unique-dir-name ()
    109   "Return a name that can be used as a directory name that is
    110 unique to a Lisp implementation, Lisp implementation version,
    111 operating system, and hardware architecture."
    112   (flet ((first-of (features)
    113            (loop for f in features
    114                  when (find f *features*) return it))
    115          (maybe-warn (value fstring &rest args)
    116            (cond (value)
    117                  (t (apply #'warn fstring args)
    118                     "unknown"))))
    119     (let ((lisp (maybe-warn (first-of *implementation-features*)
    120                             "No implementation feature found in ~a."
    121                             *implementation-features*))
    122           (os   (maybe-warn (first-of *os-features*)
    123                             "No os feature found in ~a." *os-features*))
    124           (arch (maybe-warn (first-of *architecture-features*)
    125                             "No architecture feature found in ~a."
    126                             *architecture-features*))
    127           (version (maybe-warn (lisp-version-string)
    128                                "Don't know how to get Lisp ~
    129                                 implementation version.")))
    130       (format nil "~(~@{~a~^-~}~)" lisp version os arch))))
    132 (defun file-newer-p (new-file old-file)
    133   "Returns true if NEW-FILE is newer than OLD-FILE."
    134   (> (file-write-date new-file) (file-write-date old-file)))
    136 (defun sly-version-string ()
    137   "Return a string identifying the SLY version.
    138 Return nil if nothing appropriate is available."
    139   (let ((this-file #.(or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*)))
    140     (with-open-file (s (make-pathname :name "sly" :type "el"
    141                                       :directory (butlast
    142                                                   (pathname-directory this-file)
    143                                                   1)
    144                                       :defaults this-file))
    145       (let ((seq (make-array 200 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\null)))
    146         (read-sequence seq s :end 200)
    147         (let* ((beg (search ";; Version:" seq))
    148                (end (position #\NewLine seq :start beg))
    149                (middle (position #\Space seq :from-end t :end end)))
    150           (subseq seq (1+ middle) end))))))
    152 (defun default-fasl-dir ()
    153   (merge-pathnames
    154    (make-pathname
    155     :directory `(:relative ".sly" "fasl"
    156                  ,@(if (sly-version-string) (list (sly-version-string)))
    157                  ,(unique-dir-name)))
    158    (let ((uhp (user-homedir-pathname)))
    159      (make-pathname
    160       :directory (or (pathname-directory uhp)
    161                      '(:absolute))
    162       :defaults uhp))))
    164 (defvar *fasl-directory* (default-fasl-dir)
    165   "The directory where fasl files should be placed.")
    167 (defun binary-pathname (src-pathname binary-dir)
    168   "Return the pathname where SRC-PATHNAME's binary should be compiled."
    169   (let ((cfp (compile-file-pathname src-pathname)))
    170     (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name (pathname-name cfp)
    171                                     :type (pathname-type cfp))
    172                      binary-dir)))
    174 (defun handle-slynk-load-error (condition context pathname)
    175   (fresh-line *error-output*)
    176   (pprint-logical-block (*error-output* () :per-line-prefix ";; ")
    177     (format *error-output*
    178             "~%Error ~A ~A:~%  ~A~%"
    179             context pathname condition)))
    181 (defun compile-files (files fasl-dir load quiet)
    182   "Compile each file in FILES if the source is newer than its
    183 corresponding binary, or the file preceding it was recompiled.
    184 If LOAD is true, load the fasl file."
    185   (let ((needs-recompile nil)
    186         (state :unknown))
    187     (dolist (src files)
    188       (let ((dest (binary-pathname src fasl-dir)))
    189         (handler-bind
    190             ((error (lambda (c)
    191                       (ecase state
    192                         (:compile (handle-slynk-load-error c "compiling" src))
    193                         (:load    (handle-slynk-load-error c "loading" dest))
    194                         (:unknown (handle-slynk-load-error c "???ing" src))))))
    195           (when (or needs-recompile
    196                     (not (probe-file dest))
    197                     (file-newer-p src dest))
    198             (ensure-directories-exist dest)
    199             ;; need to recompile SRC, so we'll need to recompile
    200             ;; everything after this too.
    201             (setf needs-recompile t
    202                   state :compile)
    203             (or (compile-file src :output-file dest :print nil
    204                                   :verbose (not quiet))
    205                 ;; An implementation may not necessarily signal a
    206                 ;; condition itself when COMPILE-FILE fails (e.g. ECL)
    207                 (error "COMPILE-FILE returned NIL.")))
    208           (when load
    209             (setf state :load)
    210             (load dest :verbose (not quiet))))))))
    212 #+cormanlisp
    213 (defun compile-files (files fasl-dir load quiet)
    214   "Corman Lisp has trouble with compiled files."
    215   (declare (ignore fasl-dir))
    216   (when load
    217     (dolist (file files)
    218       (load file :verbose (not quiet)
    219       (force-output)))))
    221 (defun ensure-list (o)
    222   (if (listp o) o (list o)))
    224 (defun src-files (files src-dir)
    225   "Return actual pathnames for each spec in FILES."
    226   (mapcar (lambda (compound-name)
    227             (let* ((directories (butlast compound-name))
    228                    (name (car (last compound-name))))
    229               (make-pathname :name (string-downcase name) :type "lisp"
    230                              :directory (append (or (pathname-directory src-dir)
    231                                                     '(:relative))
    232                                                 (mapcar #'string-downcase directories))
    233                              :defaults src-dir)))
    234           (mapcar #'ensure-list files)))
    236 (defvar *slynk-files*
    237   `(slynk-backend ,@*sysdep-files* #-armedbear slynk-gray slynk-match slynk-rpc
    238                   slynk slynk-completion slynk-apropos))
    240 (defun load-slynk (&key (src-dir *source-directory*)
    241                      (fasl-dir *fasl-directory*)
    242                      quiet)
    243   (compile-files (src-files *slynk-files* src-dir) fasl-dir t quiet))
    245 (defun delete-stale-contrib-fasl-files (slynk-files contrib-files fasl-dir)
    246   (let ((newest (reduce #'max (mapcar #'file-write-date slynk-files))))
    247     (dolist (src contrib-files)
    248       (let ((fasl (binary-pathname src fasl-dir)))
    249         (when (and (probe-file fasl)
    250                    (<= (file-write-date fasl) newest))
    251           (delete-file fasl))))))
    253 (defun loadup ()
    254   (load-slynk))
    256 (defun setup ()
    257   (funcall (q "slynk::init")))
    259 (defun string-starts-with (string prefix)
    260   (string-equal string prefix :end1 (min (length string) (length prefix))))
    262 (defun list-slynk-packages ()
    263   (remove-if-not (lambda (package)
    264                    (let ((name (package-name package)))
    265                      (and (string-not-equal name "slynk-loader")
    266                           (string-starts-with name "slynk"))))
    267                  (list-all-packages)))
    269 (defun delete-packages (packages)
    270   (dolist (package packages)
    271     (flet ((handle-package-error (c)
    272              (let ((pkgs (set-difference (package-used-by-list package)
    273                                          packages)))
    274                (when pkgs
    275                  (warn "deleting ~a which is used by ~{~a~^, ~}."
    276                        package pkgs))
    277                (continue c))))
    278       (handler-bind ((package-error #'handle-package-error))
    279         (delete-package package)))))
    281 (defun init (&key delete reload (setup t)
    282                   (quiet (not *load-verbose*))
    283                   load-contribs)
    284   "Load SLYNK and initialize some global variables.
    285 If DELETE is true, delete any existing SLYNK packages.
    286 If RELOAD is true, reload SLYNK, even if the SLYNK package already exists.
    287 If SETUP is true, load user init files and initialize some
    288 global variabes in SLYNK."
    289   (if load-contribs
    290       (warn
    291        "LOAD-CONTRIBS arg to SLYNK-LOADER:INIT is deprecated and useless"))
    292   (when (and delete (find-package :slynk))
    293     (delete-packages (list-slynk-packages))
    294     (mapc #'delete-package '(:slynk :slynk-io-package :slynk-backend)))
    295   (cond ((or (not (find-package :slynk)) reload)
    296          (load-slynk :quiet quiet))
    297         (t
    298          (warn "Not reloading SLYNK.  Package already exists.")))
    299   (when setup
    300     (setup)))
    302 (defun dump-image (filename)
    303   (init :setup nil)
    304   (funcall (q "slynk-backend:save-image") filename))
    307 ;;;;;; Simple *require-module* function for asdf-loader.lisp.
    310 (defun module-binary-dir (src-file)
    311   (flet ((dir-components (path)
    312            (cdr (pathname-directory path))))
    313     (make-pathname :directory
    314                    (append
    315                     (pathname-directory *fasl-directory*)
    316                     (nthcdr (mismatch (dir-components *fasl-directory*)
    317                                       (dir-components src-file)
    318                                       :test #'equal)
    319                             (dir-components src-file))))))
    321 (defun require-module (module)
    322   (labels ((module () (string-upcase module))
    323            (provided ()
    324              (member (string-upcase (module)) *modules* :test #'string=)))
    325     (unless (provided)
    326       (let* ((src-file-name (substitute #\- #\/ (string-downcase module)))
    327              (src-file
    328                (some #'(lambda (dir)
    329                          (probe-file (make-pathname
    330                                       :name src-file-name
    331                                       :type "lisp"
    332                                       :defaults dir)))
    333                      *load-path*)))
    334         (assert src-file
    335                 nil
    336                 "Required module ~a but no source file ~a found in ~a" module
    337                 src-file-name
    338                 *load-path*)
    339         (compile-files (list src-file)
    340                        (module-binary-dir src-file)
    341                        'load
    342                        nil)
    343         (assert (provided)
    344                 nil
    345                 "Compiled and loaded ~a but required module ~s was not
    346                 provided" src-file module)))))