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slynk-apropos.lisp (7002B)

      1 (defpackage :slynk-apropos
      2   (:use #:cl #:slynk-api)
      3   (:export
      4    #:apropos-list-for-emacs
      5    #:*preferred-apropos-matcher*))
      7 (in-package :slynk-apropos)
      9 (defparameter *preferred-apropos-matcher* 'make-cl-ppcre-matcher
     10   "Preferred matcher for apropos searches.
     11 Value is a function of three arguments , PATTERN, CASE-SENSITIVE and
     12 SYMBOL-NAME-FN that should return a function, called MATCHER of one
     13 argument, a SYMBOL.  MATCHER should return non-nil if PATTERN somehow
     14 matches the result of applying SYMBOL-NAME-FN to SYMBOL, according to
     15 CASE-SENSITIVE.  The non-nil return value can be a list of integer or
     16 a list of lists of integers.")
     18 (defslyfun apropos-list-for-emacs  (pattern &optional external-only
     19                                             case-sensitive package)
     20   "Make an apropos search for Emacs.
     21 The result is a list of property lists."
     22   (let ((package (if package
     23                      (or (parse-package package)
     24                          (error "No such package: ~S" package)))))
     25     ;; The MAPCAN will filter all uninteresting symbols, i.e. those
     26     ;; who cannot be meaningfully described.
     27     ;;
     28     ;; *BUFFER-PACKAGE* is exceptionally set so that the symbol
     29     ;; listing will only omit package qualifier iff the user specified
     30     ;; PACKAGE.
     31     (let* ((*buffer-package* (or package
     32                                  slynk::*slynk-io-package*))
     33            (matcher (funcall *preferred-apropos-matcher*
     34                              pattern
     35                              case-sensitive))
     36            (seen (make-hash-table))
     37            result)
     39       (do-all-symbols (sym)
     40         (let ((external (symbol-external-p sym)))
     41           (multiple-value-bind (bounds score)
     42               (and
     43                (symbol-package sym) ; see github#266
     44                (funcall matcher
     45                         (if package
     46                             (string sym)
     47                             (concatenate 'string
     48                                          (package-name (symbol-package sym))
     49                                          (if external ":" "::")
     50                                          (symbol-name sym)))))
     51             (unless (gethash sym seen)
     52               (when bounds
     53                 (unless (or (and external-only
     54                                  (not external))
     55                             (and package
     56                                  (not (eq package (symbol-package sym)))))
     57                   (push `(,sym :bounds ,bounds
     58                                ,@(and score `(:flex-score ,score))
     59                                :external-p ,external)
     60                         result)))
     61               (setf (gethash sym seen) t)))))
     62       (loop for (symbol . extra)
     63               in (sort result
     64                        (lambda (x y)
     65                          (let ((scorex (getf (cdr x) :flex-score))
     66                                (scorey (getf (cdr y) :flex-score)))
     67                            (if (and scorex scorey)
     68                                (> scorex scorey)
     69                                (present-symbol-before-p (car x) (car y))))))
     70             for short = (briefly-describe-symbol-for-emacs
     71                          symbol (getf extra :external-p))
     72             for score = (getf extra :flex-score)
     73             when score
     74               do (setf (getf extra :flex-score)
     75                        (format nil "~2$%"
     76                                (* 100 score)))
     77             do (remf extra :external-p)
     78             when short
     79               collect (append short extra)))))
     81 (defun briefly-describe-symbol-for-emacs (symbol external-p)
     82   "Return a property list describing SYMBOL.
     83 Like `describe-symbol-for-emacs' but with at most one line per item."
     84   (flet ((first-line (string)
     85            (let ((pos (position #\newline string)))
     86              (if (null pos) string (subseq string 0 pos)))))
     87     (let ((desc (map-if #'stringp #'first-line
     88                         (slynk-backend:describe-symbol-for-emacs symbol))))
     89       (if desc
     90           `(:designator ,(list (symbol-name symbol)
     91                                (let ((package (symbol-package symbol)))
     92                                  (and package
     93                                       (package-name package)))
     94                                external-p)
     95                         ,@desc
     96                         ,@(let ((arglist (and (fboundp symbol)
     97                                               (slynk-backend:arglist symbol))))
     98                             (when (and arglist
     99                                        (not (eq arglist :not-available)))
    100                               `(:arglist ,(princ-to-string arglist)))))))))
    102 (defun present-symbol-before-p (x y)
    103   "Return true if X belongs before Y in a printed summary of symbols.
    104 Sorted alphabetically by package name and then symbol name, except
    105 that symbols accessible in the current package go first."
    106   (declare (type symbol x y))
    107   (flet ((accessible (s)
    108            ;; Test breaks on NIL for package that does not inherit it
    109            (eq (find-symbol (symbol-name s) *buffer-package*) s)))
    110     (let ((ax (accessible x)) (ay (accessible y)))
    111       (cond ((and ax ay) (string< (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y)))
    112             (ax t)
    113             (ay nil)
    114             (t (let ((px (symbol-package x)) (py (symbol-package y)))
    115                  (if (eq px py)
    116                      (string< (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
    117                      (string< (package-name px) (package-name py)))))))))
    119 (defun make-cl-ppcre-matcher (pattern case-sensitive)
    120   (if (not (every #'alpha-char-p pattern))
    121       (cond ((find-package :cl-ppcre)
    122              (background-message "Using CL-PPCRE for apropos on regexp \"~a\"" pattern)
    124              (let ((matcher (funcall (slynk-backend:find-symbol2 "cl-ppcre:create-scanner")
    125                                      pattern
    126                                      :case-insensitive-mode (not case-sensitive))))
    127                (lambda (symbol-name)
    128                  (multiple-value-bind (beg end)
    129                      (funcall (slynk-backend:find-symbol2 "cl-ppcre:scan")
    130                               matcher
    131                               symbol-name)
    132                    (when beg `((,beg ,end)))))))
    133             (t
    134              (background-message "Using plain apropos. Load CL-PPCRE to enable regexps")
    135              (make-plain-matcher pattern case-sensitive)))
    136       (make-plain-matcher pattern case-sensitive)))
    138 (defun make-plain-matcher (pattern case-sensitive)
    139   (let ((chr= (if case-sensitive #'char= #'char-equal)))
    140     (lambda (symbol-name)
    141       (let ((beg (search pattern
    142                          symbol-name
    143                          :test chr=)))
    144         (when beg
    145           `((,beg ,(+ beg (length pattern)))))))))
    147 (defun make-flex-matcher (pattern case-sensitive)
    148   (if (zerop (length pattern))
    149       (make-plain-matcher pattern case-sensitive)
    150       (let ((chr= (if case-sensitive #'char= #'char-equal)))
    151         (lambda (symbol-name)
    152           (slynk-completion:flex-matches
    153            pattern symbol-name chr=)))))