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abcl.lisp (63742B)

      1 ;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; outline-regexp: ";;;;;*"; -*-
      2 ;;;
      3 ;;; slynk-abcl.lisp --- Armedbear CL specific code for SLY.
      4 ;;;
      5 ;;; Adapted from slynk-acl.lisp, Andras Simon, 2004
      6 ;;; New work by Alan Ruttenberg, 2016-7
      7 ;;;
      8 ;;; This code has been placed in the Public Domain.  All warranties
      9 ;;; are disclaimed.
     10 ;;;
     12 (defpackage slynk/abcl
     13   (:use cl slynk-backend)
     14   (:import-from :java
     15                 #:jcall #:jstatic
     16                 #:jmethod
     17                 #:jfield 
     18                 #:jconstructor
     19                 #:jnew-array #:jarray-length #:jarray-ref #:jnew-array-from-array
     20                 #:jclass #:jnew #:java-object 
     21                 ;; be conservative and add any import java functions only for later lisps
     22                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'jfield-name 'java) #:jfield-name
     23                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'jinstance-of-p 'java) #:jinstance-of-p
     24                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'jclass-superclass 'java) #:jclass-superclass
     25                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'jclass-interfaces 'java) #:jclass-interfaces
     26                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'java-exception 'java) #:java-exception
     27                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'jobject-class 'java) #:jobject-class
     28                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'jclass-name 'java) #:jclass-name
     29                 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'java-object-p 'java) #:java-object-p))
     31 (in-package slynk/abcl)
     33 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
     34   (require :collect) ;just so that it doesn't spoil the flying letters
     35   (require :pprint)
     36   (require :gray-streams)
     37   (require :abcl-contrib)
     39   ;;; Probe and load ABCL-INTROSPECT pushing to *FEATURES* on success
     40   ;;; allowing us to conditionalize usage via `#+abcl-introspect` forms.
     41   (when (ignore-errors (and
     42                         (fboundp '(setf sys::function-plist)) 
     43                         (progn
     44                           (require :abcl-introspect)
     45                           (find "ABCL-INTROSPECT" *modules* :test
     46                                 'equal))))
     47     (pushnew :abcl-introspect *features*)))
     49 (defimplementation gray-package-name ()
     50   "GRAY-STREAMS")
     52 ;; FIXME: switch to shared Gray stream implementation when the
     53 ;; architecture for booting streams allows us to replace the Java-side
     54 ;; implementation of a Sly{Input,Output} classes are
     55 ;; subsumed <>.
     56 (progn
     57   (defimplementation make-output-stream (write-string)
     58     (ext:make-slime-output-stream write-string))
     60   (defimplementation make-input-stream (read-string)
     61     (ext:make-slime-input-stream read-string
     62                                  (make-synonym-stream '*standard-output*))))
     64 ;; A hack to call functions from packages that don't exist when this code is loaded.
     65 ;; An FLET is used to make sure all the uses of it are contained in wrapper functions
     66 ;; so this hack can be easily swapped out later.
     67 (flet ((evil-hack (function &rest args) (apply (read-from-string function) args)))
     68   (defun %%lcons (car cdr)
     69     (evil-hack "slynk::%lcons" car (lambda () cdr)))
     71   (defun %%lookup-class-name (&rest args)
     72     (evil-hack "jss::lookup-class-name" args))
     74   (defun %%ed-in-emacs (what)
     75     (evil-hack "slynk:ed-in-emacs" what))
     77   (defun %%method-for-inspect-value (method)
     78     ;; Note that this one is in slynk-fancy-inspector
     79     (evil-hack "slynk::method-for-inspect-value" method))
     81   (defun %%abbrev-doc (doc)
     82     (evil-hack "slynk::abbrev-doc" doc)))
     85 ;;; Have CL:INSPECT use SLY
     86 ;;;
     87 ;;; Since Slynk may also be run in a server not running under Emacs
     88 ;;; and potentially with other REPLs, we export a functional toggle
     89 ;;; for the user to call after loading these definitions.
     90 (defun enable-cl-inspect-in-emacs ()
     91   (slynk-backend:wrap 'cl:inspect :use-sly
     92                       :replace (slynk-backend:find-symbol2 "slynk:inspect-in-emacs")))
     94 ;; ??? repair bare print object so inspector titles show java class
     95 (defun %print-unreadable-object-java-too (object stream type identity body)
     96   (setf stream (sys::out-synonym-of stream))
     97   (when *print-readably*
     98     (error 'print-not-readable :object object))
     99   (format stream "#<")
    100   (when type
    101     (if (java-object-p object)
    102         ;; Special handling for java objects
    103         (if (jinstance-of-p object "java.lang.Class")
    104             (progn
    105               (write-string "jclass " stream)
    106               (format stream "~a" (jclass-name object)))
    107             (format stream "~a" (jclass-name (jobject-class object))))
    108         ;; usual handling
    109         (format stream "~S" (type-of object)))
    110       (format stream " "))
    111   (when body
    112     (funcall body))
    113   (when identity
    114     (when (or body (not type))
    115       (format stream " "))
    116     (format stream "{~X}" (sys::identity-hash-code object)))
    117   (format stream ">")
    118   nil)
    120 ;;; TODO: move such invocations out of toplevel?  
    121 (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
    122   (unless (get 'sys::%print-unreadable-object 'slynk-backend::sly-wrap)
    123     (wrap 'sys::%print-unreadable-object :more-informative :replace '%print-unreadable-object-java-too)))
    125 (defimplementation call-with-compilation-hooks (function)
    126   (funcall function))
    129 ;;;; MOP
    131 ;;dummies and definition
    133 (defclass standard-slot-definition ()())
    135 (defun slot-definition-documentation (slot)
    136   #-abcl-introspect
    137   (declare (ignore slot))
    138   #+abcl-introspect
    139   (documentation slot 't))
    141 (defun slot-definition-type (slot)
    142   (declare (ignore slot))
    143   t)
    145 (defun class-prototype (class)
    146   (declare (ignore class))
    147   nil)
    149 (defun generic-function-declarations (gf)
    150   (declare (ignore gf))
    151   nil)
    153 (defun specializer-direct-methods (spec)
    154   (mop:class-direct-methods spec))
    156 (defun slot-definition-name (slot)
    157   (mop:slot-definition-name slot))
    159 (defun class-slots (class)
    160   (mop:class-slots class))
    162 (defun method-generic-function (method)
    163   (mop:method-generic-function method))
    165 (defun method-function (method)
    166   (mop:method-function method))
    168 (defun slot-boundp-using-class (class object slotdef)
    169   (declare (ignore class))
    170   (system::slot-boundp object (slot-definition-name slotdef)))
    172 (defun slot-value-using-class (class object slotdef)
    173   (declare (ignore class))
    174   (system::slot-value object (slot-definition-name slotdef)))
    176 (defun (setf slot-value-using-class) (new class object slotdef )
    177   (declare (ignore class))
    178   (mop::%set-slot-value object (slot-definition-name slotdef) new))
    180 (import-to-slynk-mop
    181  '( ;; classes
    182    cl:standard-generic-function
    183    standard-slot-definition ;;dummy
    184    cl:method
    185    cl:standard-class
    186    #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol
    187            'compute-applicable-methods-using-classes 'mop)
    188    mop:compute-applicable-methods-using-classes
    189    ;; standard-class readers
    190    mop:class-default-initargs
    191    mop:class-direct-default-initargs
    192    mop:class-direct-slots
    193    mop:class-direct-subclasses
    194    mop:class-direct-superclasses
    195    mop:eql-specializer
    196    mop:class-finalized-p
    197    mop:finalize-inheritance
    198    cl:class-name
    199    mop:class-precedence-list
    200    class-prototype ;;dummy
    201    class-slots
    202    specializer-direct-methods
    203    ;; eql-specializer accessors
    204    mop::eql-specializer-object
    205    ;; generic function readers
    206    mop:generic-function-argument-precedence-order
    207    generic-function-declarations ;;dummy
    208    mop:generic-function-lambda-list
    209    mop:generic-function-methods
    210    mop:generic-function-method-class
    211    mop:generic-function-method-combination
    212    mop:generic-function-name
    213    ;; method readers
    214    method-generic-function
    215    method-function
    216    mop:method-lambda-list
    217    mop:method-specializers
    218    mop:method-qualifiers
    219    ;; slot readers
    220    mop:slot-definition-allocation
    221    slot-definition-documentation ;;dummy
    222    mop:slot-definition-initargs
    223    mop:slot-definition-initform
    224    mop:slot-definition-initfunction
    225    slot-definition-name
    226    slot-definition-type ;;dummy
    227    mop:slot-definition-readers
    228    mop:slot-definition-writers
    229    slot-boundp-using-class
    230    slot-value-using-class
    231    set-slot-value-using-class
    232    #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol
    233            'slot-makunbound-using-class 'mop)
    234    mop:slot-makunbound-using-class))
    236 ;;;; TCP Server
    238 (defimplementation preferred-communication-style ()
    239   :spawn)
    241 (defimplementation create-socket (host port &key backlog)
    242   (ext:make-server-socket port))
    244 (defimplementation local-port (socket)
    245   (jcall (jmethod "" "getLocalPort") socket))
    247 (defimplementation close-socket (socket)
    248   (ext:server-socket-close socket))
    250 (defimplementation accept-connection (socket
    251                                       &key external-format buffering timeout)
    252   (declare (ignore buffering timeout))
    253   (ext:get-socket-stream (ext:socket-accept socket)
    254                          :element-type (if external-format
    255                                            'character
    256                                            '(unsigned-byte 8))
    257                          :external-format (or external-format :default)))
    259 ;;;; UTF8
    261 ;; faster please!
    262 (defimplementation string-to-utf8 (s)
    263   (jbytes-to-octets
    264    (java:jcall
    265     (java:jmethod "java.lang.String" "getBytes" "java.lang.String")
    266     s
    267     "UTF8")))
    269 (defimplementation utf8-to-string (u)
    270   (java:jnew
    271    (java:jconstructor "org.armedbear.lisp.SimpleString"
    272                       "java.lang.String")
    273    (java:jnew (java:jconstructor "java.lang.String" "[B" "java.lang.String")
    274               (octets-to-jbytes u)
    275               "UTF8")))
    277 (defun octets-to-jbytes (octets)
    278   (declare (type octets (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))))
    279   (let* ((len (length octets))
    280          (bytes (java:jnew-array "byte" len)))
    281     (loop for byte across octets
    282           for i from 0
    283           do (java:jstatic (java:jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Array"  "setByte"
    284                                          "java.lang.Object" "int" "byte")
    285                            "java.lang.reflect.Array"
    286                            bytes i byte))
    287     bytes))
    289 (defun jbytes-to-octets (jbytes)
    290   (let* ((len (java:jarray-length jbytes))
    291          (octets (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
    292     (loop for i from 0 below len
    293           for jbyte = (java:jarray-ref jbytes i)
    294           do (setf (aref octets i) jbyte))
    295     octets))
    297 ;;;; External formats
    299 (defvar *external-format-to-coding-system*
    300   '((:iso-8859-1 "latin-1" "iso-latin-1" "iso-8859-1")
    301     ((:iso-8859-1 :eol-style :lf)
    302      "latin-1-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix" "iso-8859-1-unix")
    303     (:utf-8 "utf-8")
    304     ((:utf-8 :eol-style :lf) "utf-8-unix")
    305     (:euc-jp "euc-jp")
    306     ((:euc-jp :eol-style :lf) "euc-jp-unix")
    307     (:us-ascii "us-ascii")
    308     ((:us-ascii :eol-style :lf) "us-ascii-unix")))
    310 (defimplementation find-external-format (coding-system)
    311   (car (rassoc-if (lambda (x)
    312                     (member coding-system x :test #'equal))
    313                   *external-format-to-coding-system*)))
    315 ;;;; Unix signals
    317 (defimplementation getpid ()
    318   (if (fboundp 'ext::get-pid)
    319       (ext::get-pid)       ;;; Introduced with abcl-1.5.0
    320       (handler-case
    321           (let* ((runtime
    322                   (java:jstatic "getRuntime" "java.lang.Runtime"))
    323                  (command
    324                   (java:jnew-array-from-array
    325                    "java.lang.String" #("sh" "-c" "echo $PPID")))
    326                  (runtime-exec-jmethod
    327                   ;; Complicated because java.lang.Runtime.exec() is
    328                   ;; overloaded on a non-primitive type (array of
    329                   ;; java.lang.String), so we have to use the actual
    330                   ;; parameter instance to get java.lang.Class
    331                   (java:jmethod "java.lang.Runtime" "exec"
    332                                 (java:jcall
    333                                  (java:jmethod "java.lang.Object" "getClass")
    334                                  command)))
    335                  (process
    336                   (java:jcall runtime-exec-jmethod runtime command))
    337                  (output
    338                   (java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.lang.Process" "getInputStream")
    339                               process)))
    340             (java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.lang.Process" "waitFor")
    341                         process)
    342             (loop :with b :do
    343                (setq b
    344                      (java:jcall (java:jmethod "" "read")
    345                                  output))
    346                :until (member b '(-1 #x0a))     ; Either EOF or LF
    347                :collecting (code-char b) :into result
    348                :finally (return
    349                           (parse-integer (coerce result 'string)))))
    350         (t () 0))))
    352 (defimplementation lisp-implementation-type-name ()
    353   "armedbear")
    355 (defimplementation set-default-directory (directory)
    356   (let ((dir (sys::probe-directory directory)))
    357     (when dir (setf *default-pathname-defaults* dir))
    358     (namestring dir)))
    361 ;;;; Misc
    363 (defimplementation arglist (fun)
    364   (cond ((symbolp fun)
    365           (multiple-value-bind (arglist present)
    366               (sys::arglist fun)
    367             (when (and (not present)
    368                        (fboundp fun)
    369                        (typep (symbol-function fun)
    370                               'standard-generic-function))
    371               (setq arglist
    372                     (mop::generic-function-lambda-list (symbol-function fun))
    373                     present
    374                     t))
    375             (if present arglist :not-available)))
    376         (t :not-available)))
    378 (defimplementation function-name (function)
    379   (if (fboundp 'sys::any-function-name)
    380       ;; abcl-1.5.0
    381       (sys::any-function-name function)
    382       ;; pre abcl-1.5.0
    383       (nth-value 2 (function-lambda-expression function))))
    385 (defimplementation macroexpand-all (form &optional env)
    386   (ext:macroexpand-all form env))
    388 (defimplementation collect-macro-forms (form &optional env)
    389   ;; Currently detects only normal macros, not compiler macros.
    390   (declare (ignore env))
    391   (with-collected-macro-forms (macro-forms)
    392       (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
    393         (ignore-errors
    394           (compile nil `(lambda () ,(macroexpand-all form env)))))
    395     (values macro-forms nil)))
    397 (defimplementation describe-symbol-for-emacs (symbol)
    398   (let ((result '()))
    399     (flet ((doc (kind &optional (sym symbol))
    400              (or (documentation sym kind) :not-documented))
    401            (maybe-push (property value)
    402              (when value
    403                (setf result (list* property value result)))))
    404       (maybe-push
    405        :variable (when (boundp symbol)
    406                    (doc 'variable)))
    407       (when (fboundp symbol)
    408         (maybe-push
    409          (cond ((macro-function symbol)     :macro)
    410                ((special-operator-p symbol) :special-operator)
    411                ((typep (fdefinition symbol) 'generic-function)
    412                 :generic-function)
    413                (t :function))
    414          (doc 'function)))
    415       (maybe-push
    416        :class (if (find-class symbol nil)
    417                   (doc 'class)))
    418       result)))
    420 (defimplementation describe-definition (symbol namespace)
    421   (ecase namespace
    422     ((:variable :macro)
    423      (describe symbol))
    424     ((:function :generic-function)
    425      (describe (symbol-function symbol)))
    426     (:class
    427      (describe (find-class symbol)))))
    429 (defimplementation describe-definition (symbol namespace)
    430   (ecase namespace
    431     (:variable
    432      (describe symbol))
    433     ((:function :generic-function)
    434      (describe (symbol-function symbol)))
    435     (:class
    436      (describe (find-class symbol)))))
    438 ;;;; Debugger
    440 ;; Copied from slynk-sbcl.lisp.
    441 #+abcl-introspect
    442 (defvar sys::*caught-frames*)
    443 ;;
    444 ;; Notice that *INVOKE-DEBUGGER-HOOK* is tried before *DEBUGGER-HOOK*,
    445 ;; so we have to make sure that the latter gets run when it was
    446 ;; established locally by a user (i.e. changed meanwhile.)
    447 (defun make-invoke-debugger-hook (hook)
    448   (lambda (condition old-hook)
    449     (prog1 (let (#+abcl-introspect
    450                  (sys::*caught-frames* nil))
    451              ;; the next might be the right thing for earlier lisps but I don't know
    452              ;;; XXX probably doesn't work in absence of ABCL-INTROSPECT on abcl-1.4 and earlier
    453              (let (#+abcl-introspect
    454                    (sys::*saved-backtrace*
    455                     (if (fboundp 'sys::new-backtrace)
    456                         (sys::new-backtrace condition)
    457                         (sys::backtrace))))
    458                (if *debugger-hook*
    459                    (funcall *debugger-hook* condition old-hook)
    460                    (funcall hook condition old-hook)))))))
    462 (defimplementation call-with-debugger-hook (hook fun)
    463   (let ((*debugger-hook* hook)
    464         (sys::*invoke-debugger-hook* (make-invoke-debugger-hook hook)))
    465     (funcall fun)))
    467 (defimplementation install-debugger-globally (function)
    468   (setq *debugger-hook* function)
    469   (setq sys::*invoke-debugger-hook* (make-invoke-debugger-hook function)))
    471 (defvar *sldb-topframe*)
    473 (defimplementation call-with-debugging-environment (debugger-loop-fn)
    474   (let* ((magic-token (intern "SLYNK-DEBUGGER-HOOK" 'slynk))
    475          (*sldb-topframe* 
    476            (or
    477             (second (member magic-token
    478                             #+abcl-introspect sys::*saved-backtrace*
    479                             #-abcl-introspect (sys:backtrace)
    480                             :key (lambda (frame)
    481                                    (first (sys:frame-to-list frame)))))
    482             (car sys::*saved-backtrace*)))
    483          #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol *debug-condition* 'ext)
    484          (ext::*debug-condition*
    485           (slynk-backend:find-symbol2 "slynk::*slynk-debugger-condition*")))
    486     (funcall debugger-loop-fn)))
    488 (defun backtrace (start end)
    489   "A backtrace without initial SLYNK frames."
    490   (let ((backtrace
    491          #+abcl-introspect sys::*saved-backtrace*
    492          #-abcl-introspect (sys:backtrace)))
    493     (subseq (or (member *sldb-topframe* backtrace) backtrace) start end)))
    495 (defun nth-frame (index)
    496   (nth index (backtrace 0 nil)))
    498 (defimplementation compute-backtrace (start end)
    499   (let ((end (or end most-positive-fixnum)))
    500     (backtrace start end)))
    502 ;; Don't count on JSS being loaded, but if it is then there's some more stuff we can do
    503 +#+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'invoke-restargs 'jss)
    504 (defun jss-p ()
    505   (and (member "JSS" *modules* :test 'string=) (intern "INVOKE-RESTARGS" "JSS")))
    507 +#+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'invoke-restargs 'jss)
    508 (defun matches-jss-call (form)
    509   (flet ((gensymp (s) (and (symbolp s) (null (symbol-package s))))
    510          (invokep (s)  (and (symbolp s) (eq s (jss-p)))))
    511     (let ((method
    512             (slynk-match::select-match 
    513              form
    514              (((LAMBDA ((#'gensymp a) &REST (#'gensymp b)) 
    515                  ((#'invokep fun) (#'stringp c) (#'gensymp d) (#'gensymp e) . args)) . args) '=> c)
    516              (other nil))))
    517       method)))
    519 #-abcl-introspect
    520 (defimplementation print-frame (frame stream)
    521   (write-string (sys:frame-to-string frame)
    522                 stream))
    524 ;; Use princ cs write-string for lisp frames as it respects (print-object (function t))
    525 ;; Rewrite jss expansions to their unexpanded state
    526 ;; Show java exception frames up to where a java exception happened with a "!" 
    527 ;; Check if a java class corresponds to a lisp function and tell us if to
    528 (defvar *debugger-package* (find-package 'cl-user))
    530 #+abcl-introspect
    531 (defimplementation print-frame (frame stream)
    532   ;; make clear which functions aren't Common Lisp. Otherwise uses
    533   ;; default package, which is invisible
    534   (let ((*package* (or *debugger-package* *package*))) 
    535     (if (typep frame 'sys::lisp-stack-frame)
    536         (if (not (jss-p))
    537             (princ (system:frame-to-list frame) stream)
    538             ;; rewrite jss forms as they would be written
    539             (let ((form (system:frame-to-list frame)))
    540               (if (eq (car form) (jss-p))
    541                   (format stream "(#~s ~{~s~^~})" (second form) (list* (third  form) (fourth form)))
    542                   (loop initially  (write-char #\( stream)
    543                         for (el . rest) on form
    544                         for method =  (slynk/abcl::matches-jss-call el)
    545                         do
    546                            (cond (method 
    547                                   (format stream "(#~s ~{~s~^~})" method (cdr el)))
    548                                  (t
    549                                   (prin1 el stream)))
    550                            (unless (null rest) (write-char #\space stream))
    551                         finally (write-char #\) stream)))))
    552         (let ((classname (getf (sys:frame-to-list frame) :class)))
    553           (if (and (fboundp 'sys::javaframe)
    554                    (member (sys::javaframe frame) sys::*caught-frames* :test 'equal))
    555               (write-string "! " stream))
    556           (write-string (sys:frame-to-string frame) stream)
    557           (if (and classname (sys::java-class-lisp-function classname))
    558               (format stream " = ~a" (sys::java-class-lisp-function classname)))))))
    560 ;;; Machinery for DEFIMPLEMENTATION
    561 ;;; FIXME can't seem to use FLET forms with DEFIMPLEMENTATION --ME 20150403
    562 (defun nth-frame-list (index)
    563   (jcall "toLispList" (nth-frame index)))
    565 (defun match-lambda (operator values)
    566   (jvm::match-lambda-list
    567    (multiple-value-list
    568     (jvm::parse-lambda-list (ext:arglist operator)))
    569    values))
    571 (defimplementation frame-locals (index)
    572   (let ((frame (nth-frame index)))
    573     ;; FIXME introspect locals in SYS::JAVA-STACK-FRAME
    574     (when (typep frame 'sys::lisp-stack-frame) 
    575        (loop
    576           :for id :upfrom 0
    577           :with frame = (nth-frame-list index)
    578           :with operator = (first frame)
    579           :with values = (rest frame)
    580           :with arglist = (if (and operator (consp values) (not (null values)))
    581                               (handler-case (match-lambda operator values)
    582                                 (jvm::lambda-list-mismatch (e) (declare(ignore e))
    583                                   :lambda-list-mismatch))
    584                               :not-available)
    585           :for value :in values
    586           :collecting (list
    587                        :name (if (not (keywordp arglist))
    588                                  (first (nth id arglist))
    589                                  (format nil "arg~A" id))
    590                        :id id
    591                        :value value)))))
    593 (defimplementation frame-var-value (index id)
    594  (elt (rest (jcall "toLispList" (nth-frame index))) id))
    596 #+abcl-introspect
    597 (defimplementation disassemble-frame (index)
    598   (sys::disassemble (frame-function (nth-frame index))))
    600 (defun frame-function (frame)
    601   (let ((list (sys::frame-to-list frame)))
    602     (cond 
    603       ((keywordp (car list))
    604        (find (getf list :method) 
    605              (jcall "getDeclaredMethods" (jclass (getf list :class)))
    606              :key (lambda(e)(jcall "getName" e)) :test 'equal))
    607       (t (car list) ))))
    609 (defimplementation frame-source-location (index)
    610   (let ((frame (nth-frame index)))
    611     (or (source-location (nth-frame index))
    612         `(:error ,(format nil "No source for frame: ~a" frame)))))
    615 ;;;; Compiler hooks
    617 (defvar *buffer-name* nil)
    618 (defvar *buffer-start-position*)
    619 (defvar *buffer-string*)
    620 (defvar *compile-filename*)
    622 (defvar *abcl-signaled-conditions*)
    624 (defun handle-compiler-warning (condition)
    625   (let ((loc (when (and jvm::*compile-file-pathname*
    626                         system::*source-position*)
    627                (cons jvm::*compile-file-pathname* system::*source-position*))))
    628     ;; filter condition signaled more than once.
    629     (unless (member condition *abcl-signaled-conditions*)
    630       (push condition *abcl-signaled-conditions*)
    631       (signal 'compiler-condition
    632               :original-condition condition
    633               :severity :warning
    634               :message (format nil "~A" condition)
    635               :location (cond (*buffer-name*
    636                                (make-location
    637                                 (list :buffer *buffer-name*)
    638                                 (list :offset *buffer-start-position* 0)))
    639                               (loc
    640                                (destructuring-bind (file . pos) loc
    641                                  (make-location
    642                                   (list :file (namestring (truename file)))
    643                                   (list :position (1+ pos)))))
    644                               (t
    645                                (make-location
    646                                 (list :file (namestring *compile-filename*))
    647                                 (list :position 1))))))))
    649 (defimplementation slynk-compile-file (input-file output-file
    650                                        load-p external-format
    651                                        &key policy)
    652   (declare (ignore external-format policy))
    653   (let ((jvm::*resignal-compiler-warnings* t)
    654         (*abcl-signaled-conditions* nil))
    655     (handler-bind ((warning #'handle-compiler-warning))
    656       (let ((*buffer-name* nil)
    657             (*compile-filename* input-file))
    658         (multiple-value-bind (fn warn fail)
    659             (compile-file input-file :output-file output-file)
    660           (values fn warn
    661                   (and fn load-p
    662                        (not (load fn)))))))))
    664 (defimplementation slynk-compile-string (string &key buffer position filename
    665                                                 line column policy)
    666   (declare (ignore filename line column policy))
    667   (let ((jvm::*resignal-compiler-warnings* t)
    668         (*abcl-signaled-conditions* nil))
    669     (handler-bind ((warning #'handle-compiler-warning))
    670       (let ((*buffer-name* buffer)
    671             (*buffer-start-position* position)
    672             (*buffer-string* string)
    673             (sys::*source* (make-pathname :device "emacs-buffer" :name buffer))
    674             (sys::*source-position* position))
    675         (funcall (compile nil (read-from-string
    676                                (format nil "(~S () ~A)" 'lambda string))))
    677         t))))
    679 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    680 ;; source location and users of it
    682 (defgeneric source-location (object))
    684 ;; try to find some kind of source for internals
    685 #+abcl-introspect
    686 (defun implementation-source-location (arg)
    687   (let ((function (cond ((functionp arg)
    688                          arg)
    689                         ((and (symbolp arg) (fboundp arg)) 
    690                          (or (symbol-function arg) (macro-function arg))))))
    691     (when (typep function 'generic-function)
    692       (setf function (mop::funcallable-instance-function function)))
    693     ;; functions are execute methods of class
    694     (when (or (functionp function) (special-operator-p arg))
    695       (let ((fclass (jcall "getClass" function)))
    696         (let ((classname (jcall "getName" fclass)))
    697           (destructuring-bind (class local)
    698               (if (find #\$ classname)
    699                   (split-string classname "\\$")
    700                   (list classname (jcall "replaceFirst" classname "([^.]*\\.)*" "")))
    701             (unless (member local '("MacroObject" "CompiledClosure" "Closure") :test 'equal)
    702             ;; look for java source
    703               (let* ((partial-path   (substitute #\/ #\. class))
    704                      (java-path (concatenate 'string partial-path ".java"))
    705                      (found-in-source-path (find-file-in-path java-path *source-path*))) 
    706                 ;; snippet for finding the internal class within the file
    707                 (if found-in-source-path 
    708                     `((:primitive ,local)
    709                       (:location ,found-in-source-path
    710                                  (:line 0)
    711                                  (:snippet ,(format nil "class ~a" local))))
    712                     ;; if not, look for the class file, and hope that
    713                     ;; emacs is configured to disassemble class entries
    714                     ;; in jars.
    716                     ;; Alan uses jdc.el
    717                     ;; <>
    718                     ;; with jad <>
    719                     ;; Also (setq sys::*disassembler* "jad -a -p")
    720                     (let ((class-in-source-path 
    721                            (find-file-in-path (concatenate 'string partial-path ".class") *source-path*)))
    722                       ;; no snippet, since internal class is in its own file
    723                       (when class-in-source-path
    724                         `(:primitive (:location ,class-in-source-path (:line 0) nil)))))))))))))
    726 #+abcl-introspect
    727 (defun get-declared-field (class fieldname)
    728   (find fieldname (jcall "getDeclaredFields" class) :key 'jfield-name :test 'equal))
    730 #+abcl-introspect
    731 (defun symbol-defined-in-java (symbol)
    732   (loop  with internal-name1 = (jcall "replaceAll" (jcall "replaceAll" (string symbol) "\\*" "") "-" "_")
    733          with internal-name2 = (jcall "replaceAll" (jcall "replaceAll" (string symbol) "\\*" "_") "-" "_")
    734          for class in 
    735                    (load-time-value (mapcar
    736                                      'jclass
    737                                      '("org.armedbear.lisp.Package"
    738                                        "org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol"
    739                                        "org.armedbear.lisp.Debug"
    740                                        "org.armedbear.lisp.Extensions"
    741                                        "org.armedbear.lisp.JavaObject"
    742                                        "org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp"
    743                                        "org.armedbear.lisp.Pathname"
    744                                        "org.armedbear.lisp.Site")))
    745            thereis 
    746            (or (get-declared-field class internal-name1)
    747                (get-declared-field class internal-name2))))
    749 #+abcl-introspect
    750 (defun maybe-implementation-variable (s)
    751   (let ((field (symbol-defined-in-java s)))
    752     (and field
    753          (let ((class (jcall "getName" (jcall "getDeclaringClass" field))))
    754            (let* ((partial-path (substitute #\/ #\. class))
    755                   (java-path (concatenate 'string partial-path ".java"))
    756                   (found-in-source-path (find-file-in-path java-path *source-path*)))
    757              (when found-in-source-path
    758                `(symbol (:location ,found-in-source-path (:line 0)
    759                                    (:snippet ,(format nil  "~s" (string s)))))))))))
    761 #+abcl-introspect
    762 (defun if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function (sources)
    763   (or (loop for spec in  sources
    764             for (dspec) = spec
    765             when (and (consp dspec) (eq (car dspec) :function))
    766             when (and (consp dspec) (member (car dspec) '(:slynk-implementation :function)))
    767                  do (return-from if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function spec))
    768       (car sources)))
    770 (defmethod source-location ((symbol symbol))
    771   (or #+abcl-introspect
    772       (let ((maybe (if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function (get symbol 'sys::source))))
    773         (and maybe (second (sly-location-from-source-annotation symbol maybe))))
    774       ;; This below should be obsolete - it uses the old sys:%source
    775       ;; leave it here for now just in case
    776       (and (pathnamep (ext:source-pathname symbol))
    777            (let ((pos (ext:source-file-position symbol))
    778                  (path (namestring (ext:source-pathname symbol))))
    779              ; boot.lisp gets recorded wrong
    780              (when (equal path "boot.lisp")
    781                  (setq path (second (find-file-in-path "org/armedbear/lisp/boot.lisp" *source-path*))))
    782              (cond ((ext:pathname-jar-p path)
    783                     `(:location
    784                       ;; strip off "jar:file:" = 9 characters
    785                       (:zip ,@(split-string (subseq path (length "jar:file:")) "!/"))
    786                       ;; pos never seems right. Use function name.
    787                       (:function-name ,(string symbol))
    788                       (:align t)))
    789                    ((equal (pathname-device (ext:source-pathname symbol)) "emacs-buffer")
    790                     ;; conspire with slynk-compile-string to keep the buffer
    791                     ;; name in a pathname whose device is "emacs-buffer".
    792                     `(:location
    793                       (:buffer ,(pathname-name (ext:source-pathname symbol)))
    794                       (:function-name ,(string symbol))
    795                       (:align t)))
    796                    (t
    797                     `(:location
    798                       (:file ,path)
    799                       ,(if pos
    800                            (list :position (1+ pos))
    801                            (list :function-name (string symbol)))
    802                       (:align t))))))
    803       #+abcl-introspect
    804       (second (implementation-source-location symbol))))
    806 (defmethod source-location ((frame sys::java-stack-frame))
    807   (destructuring-bind (&key class method file line) (sys:frame-to-list frame)
    808     (declare (ignore method))
    809     (let ((file (or (find-file-in-path file *source-path*)
    810                     (let ((f (format nil "~{~a/~}~a"
    811                                      (butlast (split-string class "\\."))
    812                                      file)))
    813                       (find-file-in-path f *source-path*)))))
    814       (and file
    815            `(:location ,file (:line ,line) ())))))
    817 (defmethod source-location ((frame sys::lisp-stack-frame))
    818   (destructuring-bind (operator &rest args) (sys:frame-to-list frame)
    819     (declare (ignore args))
    820     (etypecase operator
    821       (function (source-location operator))
    822       (list nil)
    823       (symbol (source-location operator)))))
    825 (defmethod source-location ((fun function))
    826   (if #+abcl-introspect
    827       (sys::local-function-p fun)
    828       #-abcl-introspect
    829       nil
    830       (source-location (sys::local-function-owner fun))
    831       (let ((name (function-name fun)))
    832         (and name (source-location name)))))
    834 (defmethod source-location ((method method))
    835   #+abcl-introspect
    836   (let ((found 
    837          (find `(:method ,@(sys::method-spec-list method))
    838                (get (function-name method) 'sys::source)
    839                :key 'car :test 'equalp)))
    840     (and found (second (sly-location-from-source-annotation (function-name method) found))))
    841   #-abcl-introspect
    842   (let ((name (function-name fun)))
    843     (and name (source-location name))))
    845 (defun system-property (name)
    846   (jstatic "getProperty" "java.lang.System" name))
    848 (defun pathname-parent (pathname)
    849   (make-pathname :directory (butlast (pathname-directory pathname))))
    851 (defun pathname-absolute-p (pathname)
    852   (eq (car (pathname-directory pathname)) ':absolute))
    854 (defun split-string (string regexp)
    855   (coerce
    856    (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.String" "split" "java.lang.String")
    857                string regexp)
    858    'list))
    860 (defun path-separator ()
    861   (jfield "" "pathSeparator"))
    863 (defun search-path-property (prop-name)
    864   (let ((string (system-property prop-name)))
    865     (and string
    866          (remove nil
    867                  (mapcar #'truename
    868                          (split-string string (path-separator)))))))
    870 (defun jdk-source-path ()
    871   (let* ((jre-home (truename (system-property "java.home")))
    872          (src-zip (merge-pathnames "" (pathname-parent jre-home)))
    873          (truename (probe-file src-zip)))
    874     (and truename (list truename))))
    876 (defun class-path ()
    877   (append (search-path-property "java.class.path")
    878           (search-path-property "sun.boot.class.path")))
    880 (defvar *source-path*
    881   (remove nil 
    882           (append (search-path-property "user.dir")
    883                   (jdk-source-path)
    884                   ;; include lib jar files. contrib has lisp code. Would be good to build abcl.jar with source code as well
    885                   #+abcl-introspect
    886                   (list (sys::find-system-jar)
    887                         (sys::find-contrib-jar))))
    888                   ;; you should tell sly where the abcl sources are. In .slynk.lisp I have:
    889                   ;; (push (probe-file "/Users/alanr/repos/abcl/src/") *SOURCE-PATH*)
    890 "List of directories to search for source files.")
    892 (defun zipfile-contains-p (zipfile-name entry-name)
    893   (let ((zipfile (jnew (jconstructor ""
    894                                                "java.lang.String")
    895                             zipfile-name)))
    896     (jcall
    897      (jmethod "" "getEntry" "java.lang.String")
    898      zipfile entry-name)))
    900 ;; Try to find FILENAME in PATH.  If found, return a file spec as
    901 ;; needed by Emacs.  We also look in zip files.
    902 (defun find-file-in-path (filename path)
    903   (labels ((try (dir)
    904              (cond ((not (pathname-type dir))
    905                     (let ((f (probe-file (merge-pathnames filename dir))))
    906                       (and f `(:file ,(namestring f)))))
    907                    ((member (pathname-type dir) '("zip" "jar") :test 'equal)
    908                     (try-zip dir))
    909                    (t (error "strange path element: ~s" path))))
    910            (try-zip (zip)
    911              (let* ((zipfile-name (namestring (truename zip))))
    912                (and (zipfile-contains-p zipfile-name filename)
    913                     `(#+abcl-introspect
    914                       :zip
    915                       #-abcl-introspect
    916                       :dir
    917                       ,zipfile-name  ,filename)))))
    918     (cond ((pathname-absolute-p filename) (probe-file filename))
    919           (t
    920            (loop for dir in path
    921                  if (try dir) return it)))))
    923 (defparameter *definition-types*
    924   '(:variable defvar
    925     :constant defconstant
    926     :type deftype
    927     :symbol-macro define-symbol-macro
    928     :macro defmacro
    929     :compiler-macro define-compiler-macro
    930     :function defun
    931     :generic-function defgeneric
    932     :method defmethod
    933     :setf-expander define-setf-expander
    934     :structure defstruct
    935     :condition define-condition
    936     :class defclass
    937     :method-combination define-method-combination
    938     :package defpackage
    939     :transform :deftransform
    940     :optimizer :defoptimizer
    941     :vop :define-vop
    942     :source-transform :define-source-transform
    943     :ir1-convert :def-ir1-translator
    944     :declaration declaim
    945     :alien-type :define-alien-type)
    946   "Map SB-INTROSPECT definition type names to Sly-friendly forms")
    948 (defun definition-specifier (type)
    949   "Return a pretty specifier for NAME representing a definition of type TYPE."
    950   (or (if (and (consp type) (getf *definition-types* (car type)))
    951        `(,(getf *definition-types* (car type)) ,(second type) ,@(third type) ,@(cdddr type))
    952        (getf *definition-types* type))
    953       type))
    955 (defun stringify-method-specs (type)
    956   "return a (:method ..) location for sly"
    957   (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
    958     (flet ((p (a) (princ-to-string a)))
    959       (destructuring-bind (name qualifiers specializers) (cdr type)
    960         `(,(car type) ,(p name) ,(mapcar #'p specializers) ,@(mapcar #'p qualifiers))))))
    962 ;; for abcl source, check if it is still there, and if not, look in abcl jar instead
    963 (defun maybe-redirect-to-jar (path)
    964   (setq path (namestring path))
    965   (if (probe-file path)
    966       path
    967       (if (search "/org/armedbear/lisp" path :test 'string=)
    968           (let ((jarpath (format nil "jar:file:~a!~a" (namestring (sys::find-system-jar)) 
    969                                  (subseq path (search "/org/armedbear/lisp" path)))))
    970             (if (probe-file jarpath) 
    971                 jarpath
    972                 path))
    973           path)))
    975 #-abcl-introspect
    976 (defimplementation find-definitions (symbol)
    977   (ext:resolve symbol)
    978   (let ((srcloc (source-location symbol)))
    979     (and srcloc `((,symbol ,srcloc)))))
    981 #+abcl-introspect
    982 (defimplementation find-definitions (symbol)
    983   (when (stringp symbol) 
    984     ;; allow a string to be passed. If it is package prefixed, remove the prefix 
    985     (setq symbol (intern (string-upcase 
    986                           (subseq symbol (1+ (or (position #\: symbol :from-end t) -1))))
    987                          'keyword)))
    988   (let ((sources nil)
    989         (implementation-variables nil)
    990         (implementation-functions nil))
    991     (loop for package in (list-all-packages)
    992           for sym = (find-symbol (string symbol) package)
    993           when (and sym (equal (symbol-package sym) package))
    994             do
    995                (when (sys::autoloadp symbol)
    996                  (sys::resolve symbol))
    997                (let ((source (or (get sym 'ext::source) (get sym 'sys::source)))
    998                      (i-var  (maybe-implementation-variable sym))
    999                      (i-fun  (implementation-source-location sym)))
   1000                  (when source
   1001                    (setq sources (append sources (or (get sym 'ext::source) (get sym 'sys::source)))))
   1002                  (when i-var
   1003                    (push i-var implementation-variables))
   1004                  (when i-fun
   1005                    (push i-fun implementation-functions))))
   1006     (setq sources (remove-duplicates sources :test 'equalp))
   1007     (append (remove-duplicates implementation-functions :test 'equalp)
   1008             (mapcar (lambda(s) (sly-location-from-source-annotation symbol s)) sources)
   1009             (remove-duplicates implementation-variables :test 'equalp))))
   1011 (defun sly-location-from-source-annotation (sym it)
   1012   (destructuring-bind (what path pos) it
   1014     (let* ((isfunction
   1015             ;; all of these are (defxxx forms, which is what :function locations look for in sly
   1016             (and (consp what) (member (car what)
   1017                                       '(:function :generic-function :macro :class :compiler-macro
   1018                                         :type :constant :variable :package :structure :condition))))
   1019            (ismethod (and (consp what) (eq (car what) :method)))
   1020            (<position> (cond (isfunction (list :function-name (princ-to-string (second what))))
   1021                                              (ismethod (stringify-method-specs what))
   1022                                              (t (list :position (1+ (or pos 0))))))
   1024            (path2 (if (eq path :top-level)
   1025                       ;; this is bogus - figure out some way to guess which is the repl associated with :toplevel
   1026                       ;; or get rid of this
   1027                       "emacs-buffer:*sly-repl*"
   1028                       (maybe-redirect-to-jar path))))
   1029       (when (atom what)
   1030         (setq what (list what sym)))
   1031       (list (definition-specifier what)
   1032             (if (ext:pathname-jar-p path2)
   1033                 `(:location
   1034                   (:zip ,@(split-string (subseq path2 (length "jar:file:")) "!/"))
   1035                   ;; pos never seems right. Use function name.
   1036                   ,<position>
   1037                   (:align t))
   1038                 ;; conspire with slynk-compile-string to keep the
   1039                 ;; buffer name in a pathname whose device is
   1040                 ;; "emacs-buffer".
   1041                   (if (eql 0 (search "emacs-buffer:" path2))
   1042                       `(:location
   1043                         (:buffer ,(subseq path2  (load-time-value (length "emacs-buffer:"))))
   1044                         ,<position>
   1045                         (:align t))
   1046                       `(:location
   1047                         (:file ,path2)
   1048                         ,<position>
   1049                         (:align t))))))))
   1051 #+abcl-introspect
   1052 (defimplementation list-callers (thing)
   1053   (loop for caller in (sys::callers thing)
   1054         when (typep caller 'method)
   1055           append (let ((name (mop:generic-function-name
   1056                               (mop:method-generic-function caller))))
   1057                    (mapcar (lambda(s) (sly-location-from-source-annotation thing s))
   1058                            (remove `(:method ,@(sys::method-spec-list caller))
   1059                                    (get 
   1060                                     (if (consp name) (second name) name)
   1061                                     'sys::source)
   1062                                    :key 'car :test-not 'equalp)))
   1063         when (symbolp caller)
   1064           append   (mapcar (lambda(s) (sly-location-from-source-annotation caller s))
   1065                            (get caller 'sys::source))))
   1067 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   1068 ;;;; Inspecting
   1070 ;;; Although by convention toString() is supposed to be a
   1071 ;;; non-computationally expensive operation this isn't always the
   1072 ;;; case, so make its computation a user interaction.
   1073 (defparameter *to-string-hashtable* (make-hash-table :weakness :key))
   1075 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((o t))
   1076   (let* ((type (type-of o))
   1077          (class (ignore-errors (find-class type)))
   1078          (jclass (and (typep  class 'sys::built-in-class)
   1079                       (jcall "getClass" o))))
   1080     (let ((parts (sys:inspected-parts o)))
   1081       `((:label "Type: ") (:value ,(or class type)) (:Newline)
   1082         ,@(if jclass 
   1083               `((:label "Java type: ") (:value ,jclass) (:newline)))
   1084         ,@(if parts
   1085               (loop :for (label . value) :in parts
   1086                  :appending (list
   1087                              (list :label (string-capitalize label))
   1088                              ": "
   1089                              (list :value value (princ-to-string value)) '(:newline)))
   1090               (list '(:label "No inspectable parts, dumping output of CL:DESCRIBE:")
   1091                     '(:newline)
   1092                     (with-output-to-string (desc) (describe o desc))))))))
   1095 (defun %%prepend-list-to-llist (list llist)
   1096   "Takes a list (LIST) and a lazy list (LLIST) and transforms the list items into lazy list items,
   1097 which are prepended onto the existing lazy list and returned.
   1099 LIST is destructively modified."
   1100   (flet ((lcons (car cdr) (%%lcons car (lambda () cdr))))
   1101     (reduce #'lcons list :initial-value llist :from-end t)))
   1103 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((string string))
   1104   (%%prepend-list-to-llist
   1105    (list 
   1106     '(:label "Value: ")  `(:value ,string ,(concatenate 'string "\"" string "\""))  '(:newline)
   1107     (if (ignore-errors (jclass string))
   1108         `(:line "Names java class" ,(jclass string))
   1109         "")
   1110     #+abcl-introspect
   1111     (if (and (jss-p) 
   1112              (stringp (%%lookup-class-name string :return-ambiguous t :muffle-warning t)))
   1113         `(:line
   1114            "Abbreviates java class"
   1115            ,(let ((it (%%lookup-class-name string :return-ambiguous t :muffle-warning t)))
   1116               (jclass it)))
   1117         "")
   1118     (if (ignore-errors (find-package (string-upcase string)))
   1119         `(:line "Names package" ,(find-package (string-upcase string)))
   1120         ""))
   1121    (call-next-method)))
   1123 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'java-exception 'java)
   1124 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((o java:java-exception))
   1125   (append (call-next-method)
   1126           (list '(:newline) '(:label "Stack trace")
   1127                       '(:newline)
   1128                       (let ((w (jnew ""))) 
   1129                         (jcall "printStackTrace" (java:java-exception-cause o) (jnew "" w))
   1130                         (jcall "toString" w)))))
   1132 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((slot mop::slot-definition))
   1133   `("Name: "
   1134     (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-name slot))
   1135     (:newline)
   1136     "Documentation:" (:newline)
   1137     ,@(when (slot-definition-documentation slot)
   1138             `((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
   1139     "Initialization:" (:newline)
   1140     (:label "  Args: ") (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) (:newline)
   1141     (:label "  Form: ")  ,(if (mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
   1142                      `(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
   1143                      "#<unspecified>") (:newline)
   1144                      (:label "  Function: ")
   1145                      (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
   1146                      (:newline)))
   1148 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((f function))
   1149   `(,@(when (function-name f)
   1150         `((:label "Name: ")
   1151           ,(princ-to-string (sys::any-function-name f)) (:newline)))
   1152     ,@(multiple-value-bind (args present) (sys::arglist f)
   1153         (when present
   1154           `((:label "Argument list: ")
   1155             ,(princ-to-string args)
   1156             (:newline))))
   1157     #+abcl-introspect
   1158     ,@(when (documentation f t)
   1159         `("Documentation:" (:newline)
   1160                            ,(documentation f t) (:newline)))
   1161     ,@(when (function-lambda-expression f)
   1162         `((:label "Lambda expression:")
   1163           (:newline) ,(princ-to-string
   1164                        (function-lambda-expression f)) (:newline)))
   1165     (:label "Function java class: ") (:value ,(jcall "getClass" f)) (:newline)
   1166     #+abcl-introspect
   1167     ,@(when (jcall "isInstance"  (java::jclass "org.armedbear.lisp.CompiledClosure") f)
   1168         `((:label "Closed over: ")
   1169           ,@(loop
   1170               for el in (sys::compiled-closure-context f)
   1171               collect `(:value ,el)
   1172               collect " ")
   1173           (:newline)))
   1174     #+abcl-introspect
   1175     ,@(when (sys::get-loaded-from f)
   1176         (list `(:label "Defined in: ")
   1177               `(:value ,(sys::get-loaded-from f) ,(namestring (sys::get-loaded-from f)))
   1178               '(:newline)))
   1179     ;; I think this should work in older lisps too -- alanr
   1180     ,@(let ((fields (jcall "getDeclaredFields" (jcall "getClass" f))))
   1181         (when (plusp (length fields))
   1182           (list* '(:label "Internal fields: ") '(:newline)
   1183                  (loop for field across fields
   1184                        do (jcall "setAccessible" field t) ;;; not a great idea esp. wrt. Java9
   1185                        append
   1186                        (let ((value (jcall "get" field f)))
   1187                          (list "  "
   1188                                `(:label ,(jcall "getName" field))
   1189                                ": "
   1190                                `(:value ,value ,(princ-to-string value))
   1191                                '(:newline)))))))))
   1193 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((o java:java-object))
   1194   (if (jinstance-of-p o (jclass "java.lang.Class"))
   1195       (emacs-inspect-java-class o)
   1196       (emacs-inspect-java-object o)))
   1198 (defvar *sly-tostring-on-demand* nil
   1199   "Set to t if you don't want to automatically show toString() for java objects and instead have inspector action to compute")
   1201 (defun static-field? (field)
   1202   ;; (plusp (logand #"reflect.Modifier.STATIC" (jcall "getModifiers" field)))
   1203   ;; ugly replace with answer to avoid using jss
   1204   (plusp (logand 8 (jcall "getModifiers" field))))
   1206 (defun inspector-java-object-fields (object)
   1207   (loop
   1208      for super = (java::jobject-class object) then (jclass-superclass super)
   1209      while super
   1210         ;;; NOTE: In the next line, if I write #'(lambda.... then I
   1211         ;;; get an error compiling "Attempt to throw to the
   1212         ;;; nonexistent tag DUPLICATABLE-CODE-P.". WTF
   1213      for fields
   1214        = (sort (jcall "getDeclaredFields" super) 'string-lessp :key (lambda(x) (jcall "getName" x)))
   1215      for fromline
   1216        = nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super  ,(jcall "getName" super)) '(:newline))
   1217      when (and (plusp (length fields)) fromline)
   1218      append fromline
   1219      append
   1220        (loop for this across fields
   1221           for value = (jcall "get" (progn (jcall "setAccessible" this t) this) object)
   1222           for line = `("  " (:label ,(jcall "getName" this)) ": " (:value ,value) (:newline))
   1223           if (static-field? this)
   1224           append line into statics
   1225           else append line into members
   1226           finally (return (append
   1227                            (if members `((:label "Member fields: ") (:newline) ,@members))
   1228                            (if statics `((:label "Static fields: ") (:newline) ,@statics)))))))
   1230 (defun emacs-inspect-java-object (object)
   1231   (let ((to-string (lambda ()
   1232                      (handler-case
   1233                          (setf (gethash object *to-string-hashtable*)
   1234                                (jcall "toString" object))
   1235                        (t (e)
   1236                          (setf (gethash object *to-string-hashtable*)
   1237                                (format nil
   1238                                        "Could not invoke toString(): ~A"
   1239                                        e))))))
   1240         (intended-class (cdr (assoc "intendedClass" (sys::inspected-parts object)
   1241                                     :test 'equal))))
   1242     `((:label "Class: ")
   1243       (:value ,(jcall "getClass" object) ,(jcall "getName" (jcall "getClass" object) )) (:newline)
   1244       ,@(if (and intended-class (not (equal intended-class (jcall "getName" (jcall "getClass" object)))))
   1245             `((:label "Intended Class: ")
   1246               (:value ,(jclass intended-class) ,intended-class) (:newline)))
   1247       ,@(if (or (gethash object *to-string-hashtable*) (not *sly-tostring-on-demand*))
   1248             (label-value-line "toString()" (funcall to-string))
   1249             `((:action "[compute toString()]" ,to-string) (:newline)))
   1250       ,@(inspector-java-object-fields object))))
   1252 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((slot mop::slot-definition))
   1253   `("Name: "
   1254     (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-name slot))
   1255     (:newline)
   1256     "Documentation:" (:newline)
   1257     ,@(when (slot-definition-documentation slot)
   1258             `((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
   1259     (:label "Initialization:") (:newline)
   1260     (:label "  Args: ") (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) (:newline)
   1261     (:label "  Form: ")
   1262     ,(if (mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
   1263                      `(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
   1264                      "#<unspecified>") (:newline)
   1265                      "  Function: "
   1266                      (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
   1267                      (:newline)))
   1269 (defun inspector-java-fields (class)
   1270   (loop
   1271      for super
   1272        = class then (jclass-superclass super)
   1273      while super
   1274      for fields
   1275        = (jcall "getDeclaredFields" super)
   1276      for fromline
   1277        = nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super  ,(jcall "getName" super)) '(:newline))
   1278      when (and (plusp (length fields)) fromline)
   1279      append fromline
   1280      append
   1281        (loop for this across fields
   1282           for pre = (subseq (jcall "toString" this)
   1283                             0 
   1284                             (1+ (position #\. (jcall "toString" this)  :from-end t)))
   1285           collect "  "
   1286           collect (list :value this pre)
   1287           collect (list :value this (jcall "getName" this) )
   1288           collect '(:newline))))
   1290 (defun inspector-java-methods (class)
   1291   (loop
   1292      for super
   1293        = class then (jclass-superclass super)
   1294      while super
   1295      for methods
   1296        = (jcall "getDeclaredMethods" super)
   1297      for fromline
   1298        = nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super  ,(jcall "getName" super)) '(:newline))
   1299      when (and (plusp (length methods)) fromline)
   1300      append fromline
   1301      append
   1302        (loop for this across methods
   1303           for desc = (jcall "toString" this)
   1304           for paren =  (position #\( desc)
   1305           for dot = (position #\. (subseq desc 0 paren) :from-end t)
   1306           for pre = (subseq desc 0 dot)
   1307           for name = (subseq desc dot paren)
   1308           for after = (subseq desc paren)
   1309           collect "  "
   1310           collect (list :value this pre)
   1311           collect (list :value this name)
   1312           collect (list :value this after)
   1313           collect '(:newline))))
   1315 (defun emacs-inspect-java-class (class)
   1316   (let ((has-superclasses (jclass-superclass class))
   1317         (has-interfaces (plusp (length (jclass-interfaces class))))
   1318         (fields (inspector-java-fields class))
   1319         (path (jcall "replaceFirst"
   1320                      (jcall "replaceFirst"  
   1321                             (jcall "toString" (jcall "getResource" 
   1322                                                      class
   1323                                                      (concatenate 'string
   1324                                                                   "/" (substitute #\/ #\. (jcall "getName" class))
   1325                                                                   ".class")))
   1326                             "jar:file:" "") "!.*" "")))
   1327     `((:label ,(format nil "Java Class: ~a" (jcall "getName" class) ))
   1328       (:newline)
   1329       ,@(when path (list `(:label ,"Loaded from: ")
   1330                          `(:value ,path)
   1331                          " "
   1332                          `(:action "[open in emacs buffer]" ,(lambda() (%%ed-in-emacs `( ,path)))) '(:newline)))
   1333       ,@(if has-superclasses 
   1334             (list* '(:label "Superclasses: ") (butlast (loop for super = (jclass-superclass class) then (jclass-superclass super)
   1335                             while super collect (list :value super (jcall "getName" super)) collect ", "))))
   1336       ,@(if has-interfaces
   1337             (list* '(:newline) '(:label "Implements Interfaces: ")
   1338                    (butlast (loop for i across (jclass-interfaces class) collect (list :value i (jcall "getName" i)) collect ", "))))
   1339       (:newline) (:label "Methods:") (:newline)
   1340       ,@(inspector-java-methods class)
   1341       ,@(if fields
   1342             (list*
   1343              '(:newline) '(:label "Fields:") '(:newline)
   1344              fields)))))
   1346 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((object sys::structure-object))
   1347   `((:label "Type: ") (:value ,(type-of object)) (:newline)
   1348     (:label "Class: ") (:value ,(class-of object)) (:newline)
   1349     ,@(inspector-structure-slot-names-and-values object)))
   1351 (defun inspector-structure-slot-names-and-values (structure)
   1352   (let ((structure-def (get (type-of structure) 'system::structure-definition)))
   1353     (if structure-def
   1354         `((:label "Slots: ") (:newline)
   1355           ,@(loop for slotdef in (sys::dd-slots structure-def)
   1356                   for name = (sys::dsd-name slotdef)
   1357                   for reader = (sys::dsd-reader slotdef)
   1358                   for value = (eval `(,reader ,structure))
   1359                   append
   1360                   `("  " (:label ,(string-downcase (string name))) ": " (:value ,value) (:newline))))
   1361         `("No slots available for inspection."))))
   1363 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((object sys::structure-class))
   1364   (let* ((name (class-name object))
   1365          (def (get name  'system::structure-definition)))
   1366     `((:label "Class: ") (:value ,object) (:newline)
   1367       (:label "Raw defstruct definition: ") (:value ,def  ,(let ((*print-array* nil)) (prin1-to-string def))) (:newline)
   1368       ,@(parts-for-structure-def  name)
   1369       ;; copy-paste from slynk fancy inspector
   1370       ,@(when (slynk-mop:specializer-direct-methods object)
   1371           `((:label "It is used as a direct specializer in the following methods:")
   1372             (:newline)
   1373             ,@(loop
   1374                 for method in (specializer-direct-methods object)
   1375                 for method-spec = (%%method-for-inspect-value method)
   1376                 collect "  "
   1377                 collect `(:value ,method ,(string-downcase (string (car method-spec))))
   1378                 collect `(:value ,method ,(format nil " (~{~a~^ ~})" (cdr method-spec)))
   1379                 append (let ((method method))
   1380                          `(" " (:action "[remove]"
   1381                                         ,(lambda () (remove-method (slynk-mop::method-generic-function method) method)))))
   1382                 collect '(:newline)
   1383                 if (documentation method t)
   1384                   collect "    Documentation: " and
   1385                   collect (%%abbrev-doc  (documentation method t)) and
   1386                   collect '(:newline)))))))
   1388 (defun parts-for-structure-def-slot (def)
   1389   `((:label ,(string-downcase (sys::dsd-name def))) 
   1390     " reader: " (:value ,(sys::dsd-reader def) 
   1391                         ,(string-downcase (string (sys::dsd-reader def))))
   1392     ", index: " (:value ,(sys::dsd-index def))
   1393     ,@(if (sys::dsd-initform def)
   1394           `(", initform: " (:value ,(sys::dsd-initform def))))
   1395     ,@(if (sys::dsd-read-only def)
   1396          '(", Read only"))))
   1398 (defun parts-for-structure-def (name)
   1399   (let ((structure-def (get name 'system::structure-definition )))
   1400     (append
   1401      (loop for accessor in '(dd-name dd-conc-name dd-default-constructor dd-constructors dd-copier dd-include dd-type
   1402                              dd-named dd-initial-offset dd-predicate dd-print-function dd-print-object
   1403                              dd-inherited-accessors)
   1404            for key = (intern (subseq (string accessor) 3) 'keyword)
   1405            for fsym = (find-symbol (string accessor) 'system)
   1406            for value = (eval `(,fsym ,structure-def))
   1407            append `((:label ,(string-capitalize (string key))) ": " (:value ,value) (:newline)))
   1408      (let* ((direct (sys::dd-direct-slots structure-def) )
   1409            (all (sys::dd-slots structure-def))
   1410            (inherited (set-difference all direct)))
   1411      `((:label "Direct slots: ") (:newline)
   1412        ,@(loop for slotdef in direct  
   1413                append `("  " ,@(parts-for-structure-def-slot slotdef)
   1414                              (:newline)))
   1415        ,@(if inherited 
   1416              (append '((:label "Inherited slots: ") (:newline))
   1417                      (loop for slotdef in inherited  
   1418                            append `("  " (:label ,(string-downcase (string (sys::dsd-name slotdef))))
   1419                                          (:value ,slotdef "slot definition")
   1420                                          (:newline))))))))))
   1422 ;;;; Multithreading
   1424 (defimplementation spawn (fn &key name)
   1425   (threads:make-thread (lambda () (funcall fn)) :name name))
   1427 (defvar *thread-plists* (make-hash-table) ; should be a weak table
   1428   "A hashtable mapping threads to a plist.")
   1430 (defvar *thread-id-counter* 0)
   1432 (defimplementation thread-id (thread)
   1433   (threads:synchronized-on *thread-plists*
   1434     (or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id)
   1435         (setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id)
   1436               (incf *thread-id-counter*)))))
   1438 (defimplementation find-thread (id)
   1439   (find id (all-threads)
   1440         :key (lambda (thread)
   1441                (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id))))
   1443 (defimplementation thread-name (thread)
   1444   (threads:thread-name thread))
   1446 (defimplementation thread-status (thread)
   1447   (format nil "Thread is ~:[dead~;alive~]" (threads:thread-alive-p thread)))
   1449 (defimplementation make-lock (&key name)
   1450   (declare (ignore name))
   1451   (threads:make-thread-lock))
   1453 (defimplementation call-with-lock-held (lock function)
   1454   (threads:with-thread-lock (lock) (funcall function)))
   1456 (defimplementation current-thread ()
   1457   (threads:current-thread))
   1459 (defimplementation all-threads ()
   1460   (copy-list (threads:mapcar-threads #'identity)))
   1462 (defimplementation thread-alive-p (thread)
   1463   (member thread (all-threads)))
   1465 (defimplementation interrupt-thread (thread fn)
   1466   (threads:interrupt-thread thread fn))
   1468 (defimplementation kill-thread (thread)
   1469   (threads:destroy-thread thread))
   1471 (defstruct mailbox
   1472   (queue '()))
   1474 (defun mailbox (thread)
   1475   "Return THREAD's mailbox."
   1476   (threads:synchronized-on *thread-plists*
   1477     (or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'mailbox)
   1478         (setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'mailbox)
   1479               (make-mailbox)))))
   1481 (defimplementation send (thread message)
   1482   (let ((mbox (mailbox thread)))
   1483     (threads:synchronized-on mbox
   1484       (setf (mailbox-queue mbox)
   1485             (nconc (mailbox-queue mbox) (list message)))
   1486       (threads:object-notify-all mbox))))
   1488 (defimplementation receive-if (test &optional timeout)
   1489   (let* ((mbox (mailbox (current-thread))))
   1490     (assert (or (not timeout) (eq timeout t)))
   1491     (loop
   1492      (check-sly-interrupts)
   1493      (threads:synchronized-on mbox
   1494        (let* ((q (mailbox-queue mbox))
   1495               (tail (member-if test q)))
   1496          (when tail
   1497            (setf (mailbox-queue mbox) (nconc (ldiff q tail) (cdr tail)))
   1498            (return (car tail)))
   1499          (when (eq timeout t) (return (values nil t)))
   1500          (threads:object-wait mbox 0.3))))))
   1502 (defimplementation quit-lisp ()
   1503   (ext:exit))
   1505 ;; FIXME probably should be promoted to other lisps but I don't want to mess with them
   1506 (defvar *inspector-print-case* *print-case*)
   1508 (defimplementation call-with-syntax-hooks (fn)
   1509   (let ((*print-case* *inspector-print-case*))
   1510     (funcall fn)))
   1512 ;;;
   1513 #+#.(slynk-backend:with-symbol 'package-local-nicknames 'ext)
   1514 (defimplementation package-local-nicknames (package)
   1515   (ext:package-local-nicknames package))
   1517 ;; all the defimplentations aren't compiled. Compile them. Set their
   1518 ;; function name to be the same as the implementation name so
   1519 ;; meta-. works.
   1521 #+abcl-introspect
   1522 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
   1523   (loop for s in slynk-backend::*interface-functions*
   1524         for impl = (get s 'slynk-backend::implementation)
   1525         do (when (and impl (not (compiled-function-p impl)))
   1526              (let ((name (gensym)))
   1527                (compile name  impl)
   1528                (let ((compiled (symbol-function name)))
   1529                  (system::%set-lambda-name compiled (second (sys::lambda-name impl)))
   1530                  (setf (get s 'slynk-backend::implementation) compiled))))))