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slynk-fancy-inspector.lisp (44630B)

      1 ;;; slynk-fancy-inspector.lisp --- Fancy inspector for CLOS objects
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Author: Marco Baringer <> and others
      4 ;; License: Public Domain
      5 ;;
      7 (in-package :slynk)
      9 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((symbol symbol))
     10   (let ((package (symbol-package symbol)))
     11     (multiple-value-bind (_symbol status)
     12         (and package (find-symbol (string symbol) package))
     13       (declare (ignore _symbol))
     14       (append
     15         (label-value-line "Its name is" (symbol-name symbol))
     16         ;;
     17         ;; Value
     18         (cond ((boundp symbol)
     19                (append
     20                 (label-value-line (if (constantp symbol)
     21                                       "It is a constant of value"
     22                                       "It is a global variable bound to")
     23                                   (symbol-value symbol) :newline nil)
     24                 ;; unbinding constants might be not a good idea, but
     25                 ;; implementations usually provide a restart.
     26                 `(" " (:action "[unbind]"
     27                                ,(lambda () (makunbound symbol))))
     28                 '((:newline))))
     29               (t '("It is unbound." (:newline))))
     30         (docstring-ispec "Documentation" symbol 'variable)
     31         (multiple-value-bind (expansion definedp) (macroexpand symbol)
     32           (if definedp
     33               (label-value-line "It is a symbol macro with expansion"
     34                                 expansion)))
     35         ;;
     36         ;; Function
     37         (if (fboundp symbol)
     38             (append (if (macro-function symbol)
     39                         `("It a macro with macro-function: "
     40                           (:value ,(macro-function symbol)))
     41                         `("It is a function: "
     42                           (:value ,(symbol-function symbol))))
     43                     `(" " (:action "[unbind]"
     44                                    ,(lambda () (fmakunbound symbol))))
     45                     `((:newline)))
     46             `("It has no function value." (:newline)))
     47         (docstring-ispec "Function documentation" symbol 'function)
     48         (when (compiler-macro-function symbol)
     49             (append
     50              (label-value-line "It also names the compiler macro"
     51                                (compiler-macro-function symbol) :newline nil)
     52              `(" " (:action "[remove]"
     53                             ,(lambda ()
     54                                (setf (compiler-macro-function symbol) nil)))
     55                    (:newline))))
     56         (docstring-ispec "Compiler macro documentation"
     57                          symbol 'compiler-macro)
     58         ;;
     59         ;; Package
     60         (if package
     61             `("It is " ,(string-downcase (string status))
     62                        " to the package: "
     63                        (:value ,package ,(package-name package))
     64                        ,@(if (eq :internal status)
     65                              `(" "
     66                                (:action "[export]"
     67                                         ,(lambda () (export symbol package)))))
     68                        " "
     69                        (:action "[unintern]"
     70                                 ,(lambda () (unintern symbol package)))
     71                        (:newline))
     72             '("It is a non-interned symbol." (:newline)))
     73         ;;
     74         ;; Plist
     75         (label-value-line "Property list" (symbol-plist symbol))
     76         ;;
     77         ;; Class
     78         (if (find-class symbol nil)
     79             `("It names the class "
     80               (:value ,(find-class symbol) ,(string symbol))
     81               " "
     82               (:action "[remove]"
     83                        ,(lambda () (setf (find-class symbol) nil)))
     84               (:newline)))
     85         ;;
     86         ;; More package
     87         (if (find-package symbol)
     88             (label-value-line "It names the package" (find-package symbol)))
     89         (inspect-type-specifier symbol)))))
     91 #-sbcl
     92 (defun inspect-type-specifier (symbol)
     93   (declare (ignore symbol)))
     95 #+sbcl
     96 (defun inspect-type-specifier (symbol)
     97   (let* ((kind (sb-int:info :type :kind symbol))
     98          (fun (case kind
     99                 (:defined
    100                  (or (sb-int:info :type :expander symbol) t))
    101                 (:primitive
    102                  (or #.(if (slynk-sbcl::sbcl-version>= 1 3 1)
    103                            '(let ((x (sb-int:info :type :expander symbol)))
    104                              (if (consp x)
    105                                  (car x)
    106                                  x))
    107                            '(sb-int:info :type :translator symbol))
    108                      t)))))
    109     (when fun
    110       (append
    111        (list
    112         (format nil "It names a ~@[primitive~* ~]type-specifier."
    113                 (eq kind :primitive))
    114         '(:newline))
    115        (docstring-ispec "Type-specifier documentation" symbol 'type)
    116        (unless (eq t fun)
    117          (let ((arglist (arglist fun)))
    118            (append
    119             `("Type-specifier lambda-list: "
    120               ;; Could use ~:s, but inspector-princ does a bit more,
    121               ;; and not all NILs in the arglist should be printed that way.
    122               ,(if arglist
    123                    (inspector-princ arglist)
    124                    "()")
    125               (:newline))
    126             (multiple-value-bind (expansion ok)
    127                 (handler-case (sb-ext:typexpand-1 symbol)
    128                   (error () (values nil nil)))
    129               (when ok
    130                 (list "Type-specifier expansion: "
    131                       (princ-to-string expansion)))))))))))
    133 (defun docstring-ispec (label object kind)
    134   "Return a inspector spec if OBJECT has a docstring of kind KIND."
    135   (let ((docstring (documentation object kind)))
    136     (cond ((not docstring) nil)
    137           ((< (+ (length label) (length docstring))
    138               75)
    139            (list label ": " docstring '(:newline)))
    140           (t
    141            (list label ":" '(:newline) "  " docstring '(:newline))))))
    143 (unless (find-method #'emacs-inspect '() (list (find-class 'function)) nil)
    144   (defmethod emacs-inspect ((f function))
    145     (inspect-function f)))
    147 (defun inspect-function (f)
    148   (append
    149    (label-value-line "Name" (function-name f))
    150    `("Its argument list is: "
    151      ,(inspector-princ (arglist f)) (:newline))
    152    (docstring-ispec "Documentation" f t)
    153    (if (function-lambda-expression f)
    154        (label-value-line "Lambda Expression"
    155                          (function-lambda-expression f)))))
    157 (defun method-specializers-for-inspect (method)
    158   "Return a \"pretty\" list of the method's specializers. Normal
    159   specializers are replaced by the name of the class, eql
    160   specializers are replaced by `(eql ,object)."
    161   (mapcar (lambda (spec)
    162             (typecase spec
    163               (slynk-mop:eql-specializer
    164                `(eql ,(slynk-mop:eql-specializer-object spec)))
    165               #-sbcl
    166               (t
    167                (slynk-mop:class-name spec))
    168               #+sbcl
    169               (t
    170                ;; SBCL has extended specializers
    171                (let ((gf (sb-mop:method-generic-function method)))
    172                  (cond (gf
    173                         (sb-pcl:unparse-specializer-using-class gf spec))
    174                        ((typep spec 'class)
    175                         (class-name spec))
    176                        (t
    177                         spec))))))
    178           (slynk-mop:method-specializers method)))
    180 (defun method-for-inspect-value (method)
    181   "Returns a \"pretty\" list describing METHOD. The first element
    182   of the list is the name of generic-function method is
    183   specialiazed on, the second element is the method qualifiers,
    184   the rest of the list is the method's specialiazers (as per
    185   method-specializers-for-inspect)."
    186   (append (list (slynk-mop:generic-function-name
    187                  (slynk-mop:method-generic-function method)))
    188           (slynk-mop:method-qualifiers method)
    189           (method-specializers-for-inspect method)))
    191 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((object standard-object))
    192   (let ((class (class-of object)))
    193             `("Class: " (:value ,class) (:newline)
    194               ,@(all-slots-for-inspector object))))
    196 (defvar *gf-method-getter* 'methods-by-applicability
    197   "This function is called to get the methods of a generic function.
    198 The default returns the method sorted by applicability.
    199 See `methods-by-applicability'.")
    201 (defun specializer< (specializer1 specializer2)
    202   "Return true if SPECIALIZER1 is more specific than SPECIALIZER2."
    203   (let ((s1 specializer1) (s2 specializer2) )
    204     (cond ((typep s1 'slynk-mop:eql-specializer)
    205            (not (typep s2 'slynk-mop:eql-specializer)))
    206           ((typep s1 'class)
    207            (flet ((cpl (class)
    208                     (and (slynk-mop:class-finalized-p class)
    209                          (slynk-mop:class-precedence-list class))))
    210              (member s2 (cpl s1)))))))
    212 (defun methods-by-applicability (gf)
    213   "Return methods ordered by most specific argument types.
    215 `method-specializer<' is used for sorting."
    216   ;; FIXME: argument-precedence-order and qualifiers are ignored.
    217   (labels ((method< (meth1 meth2)
    218              (loop for s1 in (slynk-mop:method-specializers meth1)
    219                    for s2 in (slynk-mop:method-specializers meth2)
    220                    do (cond ((specializer< s2 s1) (return nil))
    221                             ((specializer< s1 s2) (return t))))))
    222     (stable-sort (copy-seq (slynk-mop:generic-function-methods gf))
    223                  #'method<)))
    225 (defun abbrev-doc (doc &optional (maxlen 80))
    226   "Return the first sentence of DOC, but not more than MAXLAN characters."
    227   (subseq doc 0 (min (1+ (or (position #\. doc) (1- maxlen)))
    228                      maxlen
    229                      (length doc))))
    231 (defstruct (inspector-checklist (:conc-name checklist.)
    232                                  (:constructor %make-checklist (buttons)))
    233   (buttons nil :type (or null simple-vector))
    234   (count   0))
    236 (defun make-checklist (n)
    237   (%make-checklist (make-array n :initial-element nil)))
    239 (defun reinitialize-checklist (checklist)
    240   ;; Along this counter the buttons are created, so we have to
    241   ;; initialize it to 0 everytime the inspector page is redisplayed.
    242   (setf (checklist.count checklist) 0)
    243   checklist)
    245 (defun make-checklist-button (checklist)
    246   (let ((buttons (checklist.buttons checklist))
    247         (i (checklist.count checklist)))
    248     (incf (checklist.count checklist))
    249     `(:action ,(if (svref buttons i)
    250                    "[X]"
    251                    "[ ]")
    252               ,#'(lambda ()
    253                    (setf (svref buttons i) (not (svref buttons i))))
    254               :refreshp t)))
    256 (defmacro do-checklist ((idx checklist) &body body)
    257   "Iterate over all set buttons in CHECKLIST."
    258   (let ((buttons (gensym "buttons")))
    259     `(let ((,buttons (checklist.buttons ,checklist)))
    260        (dotimes (,idx (length ,buttons))
    261           (when (svref ,buttons ,idx)
    262             ,@body)))))
    264 (defun box (thing) (cons :box thing))
    265 (defun ref (box)
    266   (assert (eq (car box) :box))
    267   (cdr box))
    268 (defun (setf ref) (value box)
    269   (assert (eq (car box) :box))
    270   (setf (cdr box) value))
    272 (defvar *inspector-slots-default-order* :alphabetically
    273   "Accepted values: :alphabetically and :unsorted")
    275 (defvar *inspector-slots-default-grouping* :all
    276   "Accepted values: :inheritance and :all")
    278 (defgeneric all-slots-for-inspector (object))
    280 (defmethod all-slots-for-inspector ((object standard-object))
    281   (let* ((class           (class-of object))
    282          (direct-slots    (slynk-mop:class-direct-slots class))
    283          (effective-slots (slynk-mop:class-slots class))
    284          (longest-slot-name-length
    285           (loop for slot :in effective-slots
    286                 maximize (length (symbol-name
    287                                   (slynk-mop:slot-definition-name slot)))))
    288          (checklist
    289           (reinitialize-checklist
    290            (ensure-istate-metadata object :checklist
    291                                    (make-checklist (length effective-slots)))))
    292          (grouping-kind
    293           ;; We box the value so we can re-set it.
    294           (ensure-istate-metadata object :grouping-kind
    295                                   (box *inspector-slots-default-grouping*)))
    296          (sort-order
    297           (ensure-istate-metadata object :sort-order
    298                                   (box *inspector-slots-default-order*)))
    299          (sort-predicate (ecase (ref sort-order)
    300                            (:alphabetically #'string<)
    301                            (:unsorted (constantly nil))))
    302          (sorted-slots (sort (copy-seq effective-slots)
    303                              sort-predicate
    304                              :key #'slynk-mop:slot-definition-name))
    305          (effective-slots
    306           (ecase (ref grouping-kind)
    307             (:all sorted-slots)
    308             (:inheritance (stable-sort-by-inheritance sorted-slots
    309                                                       class sort-predicate)))))
    310     `("--------------------"
    311       (:newline)
    312       " Group slots by inheritance "
    313       (:action ,(ecase (ref grouping-kind)
    314                        (:all "[ ]")
    315                        (:inheritance "[X]"))
    316                ,(lambda ()
    317                         ;; We have to do this as the order of slots will
    318                         ;; be sorted differently.
    319                         (fill (checklist.buttons checklist) nil)
    320                         (setf (ref grouping-kind)
    321                               (ecase (ref grouping-kind)
    322                                 (:all :inheritance)
    323                                 (:inheritance :all))))
    324                :refreshp t)
    325       (:newline)
    326       " Sort slots alphabetically  "
    327       (:action ,(ecase (ref sort-order)
    328                        (:unsorted "[ ]")
    329                        (:alphabetically "[X]"))
    330                ,(lambda ()
    331                         (fill (checklist.buttons checklist) nil)
    332                         (setf (ref sort-order)
    333                               (ecase (ref sort-order)
    334                                 (:unsorted :alphabetically)
    335                                 (:alphabetically :unsorted))))
    336                :refreshp t)
    337       (:newline)
    338       ,@ (case (ref grouping-kind)
    339            (:all
    340             `((:newline)
    341               "All Slots:"
    342               (:newline)
    343               ,@(make-slot-listing checklist object class
    344                                    effective-slots direct-slots
    345                                    longest-slot-name-length)))
    346            (:inheritance
    347             (list-all-slots-by-inheritance checklist object class
    348                                            effective-slots direct-slots
    349                                            longest-slot-name-length)))
    350       (:newline)
    351       (:action "[set value]"
    352                ,(lambda ()
    353                         (do-checklist (idx checklist)
    354                           (query-and-set-slot class object
    355                                               (nth idx effective-slots))))
    356                :refreshp t)
    357       "  "
    358       (:action "[make unbound]"
    359                ,(lambda ()
    360                         (do-checklist (idx checklist)
    361                           (slynk-mop:slot-makunbound-using-class
    362                            class object (nth idx effective-slots))))
    363                :refreshp t)
    364       (:newline))))
    366 (defun list-all-slots-by-inheritance (checklist object class effective-slots
    367                                       direct-slots longest-slot-name-length)
    368   (flet ((slot-home-class (slot)
    369            (slot-home-class-using-class slot class)))
    370     (let ((current-slots '()))
    371       (append
    372        (loop for slot in effective-slots
    373              for previous-home-class = (slot-home-class slot) then home-class
    374              for home-class = previous-home-class then (slot-home-class slot)
    375              if (eq home-class previous-home-class)
    376                do (push slot current-slots)
    377              else
    378                collect '(:newline)
    379                and collect (format nil "~A:" (class-name previous-home-class))
    380                and collect '(:newline)
    381                and append (make-slot-listing checklist object class
    382                                              (nreverse current-slots)
    383                                              direct-slots
    384                                              longest-slot-name-length)
    385                and do (setf current-slots (list slot)))
    386        (and current-slots
    387             `((:newline)
    388               ,(format nil "~A:"
    389                        (class-name (slot-home-class-using-class
    390                                     (car current-slots) class)))
    391               (:newline)
    392               ,@(make-slot-listing checklist object class
    393                                    (nreverse current-slots) direct-slots
    394                                    longest-slot-name-length)))))))
    396 (defun make-slot-listing (checklist object class effective-slots direct-slots
    397                           longest-slot-name-length)
    398   (flet ((padding-for (slot-name)
    399            (make-string (- longest-slot-name-length (length slot-name))
    400                         :initial-element #\Space)))
    401     (loop
    402       for effective-slot :in effective-slots
    403       for direct-slot = (find (slynk-mop:slot-definition-name effective-slot)
    404                               direct-slots
    405                               :key #'slynk-mop:slot-definition-name)
    406       for slot-name   = (inspector-princ
    407                          (slynk-mop:slot-definition-name effective-slot))
    408       collect (make-checklist-button checklist)
    409       collect "  "
    410       collect `(:value ,(if direct-slot
    411                             (list direct-slot effective-slot)
    412                             effective-slot)
    413                        ,slot-name)
    414       collect (padding-for slot-name)
    415       collect " = "
    416       collect (slot-value-for-inspector class object effective-slot)
    417       collect '(:newline))))
    419 (defgeneric slot-value-for-inspector (class object slot)
    420   (:method (class object slot)
    421     (let ((boundp (slynk-mop:slot-boundp-using-class class object slot)))
    422       (if boundp
    423           `(:value ,(slynk-mop:slot-value-using-class class object slot))
    424           "#<unbound>"))))
    426 (defun slot-home-class-using-class (slot class)
    427   (let ((slot-name (slynk-mop:slot-definition-name slot)))
    428     (loop for class in (reverse (slynk-mop:class-precedence-list class))
    429           thereis (and (member slot-name (slynk-mop:class-direct-slots class)
    430                                :key #'slynk-mop:slot-definition-name
    431                                :test #'eq)
    432                        class))))
    434 (defun stable-sort-by-inheritance (slots class predicate)
    435   (stable-sort slots predicate
    436                :key #'(lambda (s)
    437                         (class-name (slot-home-class-using-class s class)))))
    439 (defun query-and-set-slot (class object slot)
    440   (let* ((slot-name (slynk-mop:slot-definition-name slot))
    441          (value-string (read-from-minibuffer-in-emacs
    442                         (format nil "Set slot ~S to (evaluated) : "
    443                                 slot-name))))
    444     (when (and value-string (not (string= value-string "")))
    445       (with-simple-restart (abort "Abort setting slot ~S" slot-name)
    446         (setf (slynk-mop:slot-value-using-class class object slot)
    447               (eval (read-from-string value-string)))))))
    450 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((gf standard-generic-function))
    451   (flet ((lv (label value) (label-value-line label value)))
    452     (append
    453       (lv "Name" (slynk-mop:generic-function-name gf))
    454       (lv "Arguments" (slynk-mop:generic-function-lambda-list gf))
    455       (docstring-ispec "Documentation" gf t)
    456       (lv "Method class" (slynk-mop:generic-function-method-class gf))
    457       (lv "Method combination"
    458           (slynk-mop:generic-function-method-combination gf))
    459       `("Methods: " (:newline))
    460       (loop for method in (funcall *gf-method-getter* gf) append
    461             `((:value ,method ,(inspector-princ
    462                                ;; drop the name of the GF
    463                                (cdr (method-for-inspect-value method))))
    464               " "
    465               (:action "[remove method]"
    466                        ,(let ((m method)) ; LOOP reassigns method
    467                           (lambda ()
    468                             (remove-method gf m))))
    469               (:newline)))
    470       `((:newline))
    471       (all-slots-for-inspector gf))))
    473 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((method standard-method))
    474   `(,@(if (slynk-mop:method-generic-function method)
    475           `("Method defined on the generic function "
    476             (:value ,(slynk-mop:method-generic-function method)
    477                     ,(inspector-princ
    478                       (slynk-mop:generic-function-name
    479                        (slynk-mop:method-generic-function method)))))
    480           '("Method without a generic function"))
    481       (:newline)
    482       ,@(docstring-ispec "Documentation" method t)
    483       "Lambda List: " (:value ,(slynk-mop:method-lambda-list method))
    484       (:newline)
    485       "Specializers: " (:value ,(slynk-mop:method-specializers method)
    486                                ,(inspector-princ
    487                                  (method-specializers-for-inspect method)))
    488       (:newline)
    489       "Qualifiers: " (:value ,(slynk-mop:method-qualifiers method))
    490       (:newline)
    491       "Method function: " (:value ,(slynk-mop:method-function method))
    492       (:newline)
    493       ,@(all-slots-for-inspector method)))
    495 (defun specializer-direct-methods (class)
    496   (sort (copy-seq (slynk-mop:specializer-direct-methods class))
    497         #'string<
    498         :key
    499         (lambda (x)
    500           (symbol-name
    501            (let ((name (slynk-mop::generic-function-name
    502                         (slynk-mop::method-generic-function x))))
    503              (if (symbolp name)
    504                  name
    505                  (second name)))))))
    507 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((class standard-class))
    508   `("Name: "
    509     (:value ,(class-name class))
    510     (:newline)
    511     "Super classes: "
    512     ,@(common-seperated-spec (slynk-mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
    513     (:newline)
    514     "Direct Slots: "
    515     ,@(common-seperated-spec
    516        (slynk-mop:class-direct-slots class)
    517        (lambda (slot)
    518          `(:value ,slot ,(inspector-princ
    519                           (slynk-mop:slot-definition-name slot)))))
    520     (:newline)
    521     "Effective Slots: "
    522     ,@(if (slynk-mop:class-finalized-p class)
    523           (common-seperated-spec
    524            (slynk-mop:class-slots class)
    525            (lambda (slot)
    526              `(:value ,slot ,(inspector-princ
    527                               (slynk-mop:slot-definition-name slot)))))
    528           `("#<N/A (class not finalized)> "
    529             (:action "[finalize]"
    530                      ,(lambda () (slynk-mop:finalize-inheritance class)))))
    531     (:newline)
    532     ,@(let ((doc (documentation class t)))
    533         (when doc
    534           `("Documentation:" (:newline) ,(inspector-princ doc) (:newline))))
    535     "Sub classes: "
    536     ,@(common-seperated-spec (slynk-mop:class-direct-subclasses class)
    537                              (lambda (sub)
    538                                `(:value ,sub
    539                                         ,(inspector-princ (class-name sub)))))
    540     (:newline)
    541     "Precedence List: "
    542     ,@(if (slynk-mop:class-finalized-p class)
    543           (common-seperated-spec
    544            (slynk-mop:class-precedence-list class)
    545            (lambda (class)
    546              `(:value ,class ,(inspector-princ (class-name class)))))
    547           '("#<N/A (class not finalized)>"))
    548     (:newline)
    549     ,@(when (slynk-mop:specializer-direct-methods class)
    550         `("It is used as a direct specializer in the following methods:"
    551           (:newline)
    552           ,@(loop
    553               for method in (specializer-direct-methods class)
    554               collect "  "
    555               collect `(:value ,method
    556                                ,(inspector-princ
    557                                  (method-for-inspect-value method)))
    558               collect '(:newline)
    559               if (documentation method t)
    560               collect "    Documentation: " and
    561               collect (abbrev-doc (documentation method t)) and
    562               collect '(:newline))))
    563     "Prototype: " ,(if (slynk-mop:class-finalized-p class)
    564                        `(:value ,(slynk-mop:class-prototype class))
    565                        '"#<N/A (class not finalized)>")
    566     (:newline)
    567     ,@(all-slots-for-inspector class)))
    569 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((slot slynk-mop:standard-slot-definition))
    570   `("Name: "
    571     (:value ,(slynk-mop:slot-definition-name slot))
    572     (:newline)
    573     ,@(when (slynk-mop:slot-definition-documentation slot)
    574         `("Documentation:" (:newline)
    575                            (:value ,(slynk-mop:slot-definition-documentation
    576                                      slot))
    577                            (:newline)))
    578     "Init args: "
    579     (:value ,(slynk-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot))
    580     (:newline)
    581     "Init form: "
    582     ,(if (slynk-mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
    583          `(:value ,(slynk-mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
    584          "#<unspecified>")
    585     (:newline)
    586     "Init function: "
    587     (:value ,(slynk-mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
    588     (:newline)
    589     ,@(all-slots-for-inspector slot)))
    592 ;; Wrapper structure over the list of symbols of a package that should
    593 ;; be displayed with their respective classification flags. This is
    594 ;; because we need a unique type to dispatch on in EMACS-INSPECT.
    595 ;; Used by the Inspector for packages.
    596 (defstruct (%package-symbols-container
    597             (:conc-name   %container.)
    598             (:constructor %%make-package-symbols-container))
    599   title ;; A string; the title of the inspector page in Emacs.
    600   description ;; A list of renderable objects; used as description.
    601   symbols ;; A list of symbols. Supposed to be sorted alphabetically.
    602   grouping-kind) ;; Either :SYMBOL or :CLASSIFICATION. Cf. MAKE-SYMBOLS-LISTING
    605 (defun %make-package-symbols-container (&key title description symbols)
    606   (%%make-package-symbols-container :title title :description description
    607                                     :symbols symbols :grouping-kind :symbol))
    609 (defun symbol-classification-string (symbol)
    610   "Return a string in the form -f-c---- where each letter stands for
    611 boundp fboundp generic-function class macro special-operator package"
    612   (let ((letters "bfgctmsp")
    613         (result (copy-seq "--------")))
    614     (flet ((flip (letter)
    615              (setf (char result (position letter letters))
    616                    letter)))
    617       (when (boundp symbol) (flip #\b))
    618       (when (fboundp symbol)
    619         (flip #\f)
    620         (when (typep (ignore-errors (fdefinition symbol))
    621                      'generic-function)
    622           (flip #\g)))
    623       (when (type-specifier-p symbol) (flip #\t))
    624       (when (find-class symbol nil)   (flip #\c) )
    625       (when (macro-function symbol)   (flip #\m))
    626       (when (special-operator-p symbol) (flip #\s))
    627       (when (find-package symbol)       (flip #\p))
    628       result)))
    630 (defgeneric make-symbols-listing (grouping-kind symbols))
    632 (defmethod make-symbols-listing ((grouping-kind (eql :symbol)) symbols)
    633   "Returns an object renderable by Emacs' inspector side that
    634 alphabetically lists all the symbols in SYMBOLS together with a
    635 concise string representation of what each symbol
    636 represents (see SYMBOL-CLASSIFICATION-STRING)"
    637   (let ((max-length (loop for s in symbols
    638                           maximizing (length (symbol-name s))))
    639         (distance 10)) ; empty distance between name and classification
    640     (flet ((string-representations (symbol)
    641              (let* ((name (symbol-name symbol))
    642                     (length (length name))
    643                     (padding (- max-length length)))
    644                (values
    645                 (concatenate 'string
    646                              name
    647                              (make-string (+ padding distance)
    648                                           :initial-element #\Space))
    649                 (symbol-classification-string symbol)))))
    650       `(""                           ; 8 is (length "Symbols:")
    651         "Symbols:" ,(make-string (+ -8 max-length distance)
    652                                  :initial-element #\Space)
    653         "Flags:"
    654         (:newline)
    655         ,(concatenate 'string        ; underlining dashes
    656                       (make-string (+ max-length distance -1)
    657                                    :initial-element #\-)
    658                       " "
    659                       (symbol-classification-string '#:foo))
    660         (:newline)
    661         ,@(loop for symbol in symbols appending
    662                (multiple-value-bind (symbol-string classification-string)
    663                    (string-representations symbol)
    664                  `((:value ,symbol ,symbol-string) ,classification-string
    665                    (:newline)
    666                    )))))))
    668 (defmethod make-symbols-listing ((grouping-kind (eql :classification)) symbols)
    669   "For each possible classification (cf. CLASSIFY-SYMBOL), group
    670 all the symbols in SYMBOLS to all of their respective
    671 classifications. (If a symbol is, for instance, boundp and a
    672 generic-function, it'll appear both below the BOUNDP group and
    673 the GENERIC-FUNCTION group.) As macros and special-operators are
    674 specified to be FBOUNDP, there is no general FBOUNDP group,
    675 instead there are the three explicit FUNCTION, MACRO and
    676 SPECIAL-OPERATOR groups."
    677   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
    678         (+default-classification+ :misc))
    679     (flet ((normalize-classifications (classifications)
    680              (cond ((null classifications) `(,+default-classification+))
    681                    ;; Convert an :FBOUNDP in CLASSIFICATIONS to
    682                    ;; :FUNCTION if possible.
    683                    ((and (member :fboundp classifications)
    684                          (not (member :macro classifications))
    685                          (not (member :special-operator classifications)))
    686                     (substitute :function :fboundp classifications))
    687                    (t (remove :fboundp classifications)))))
    688       (loop for symbol in symbols do
    689             (loop for classification in
    690                   (normalize-classifications (classify-symbol symbol))
    691                   ;; SYMBOLS are supposed to be sorted alphabetically;
    692                   ;; this property is preserved here except for reversing.
    693                   do (push symbol (gethash classification table)))))
    694     (let* ((classifications (loop for k being each hash-key in table
    695                                   collect k))
    696            (classifications (sort classifications
    697                                   ;; Sort alphabetically, except
    698                                   ;; +DEFAULT-CLASSIFICATION+ which
    699                                   ;; sort to the end.
    700                                   (lambda (a b)
    701                                     (cond ((eql a +default-classification+)
    702                                            nil)
    703                                           ((eql b +default-classification+)
    704                                            t)
    705                                           (t (string< a b)))))))
    706       (loop for classification in classifications
    707             for symbols = (gethash classification table)
    708             appending`(,(symbol-name classification)
    709                        (:newline)
    710                        ,(make-string 64 :initial-element #\-)
    711                        (:newline)
    712                        ,@(mapcan (lambda (symbol)
    713                                    `((:value ,symbol ,(symbol-name symbol))
    714                                      (:newline)))
    715                                  ;; restore alphabetic order.
    716                                  (nreverse symbols))
    717                        (:newline))))))
    719 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((%container %package-symbols-container))
    720   (with-struct (%container. title description symbols grouping-kind) %container
    721             `(,title (:newline) (:newline)
    722               ,@description
    723               (:newline)
    724               "  " ,(ecase grouping-kind
    725                            (:symbol
    726                             `(:action "[Group by classification]"
    727                                       ,(lambda ()
    728                                          (setf grouping-kind :classification))
    729                                       :refreshp t))
    730                            (:classification
    731                             `(:action "[Group by symbol]"
    732                                       ,(lambda () (setf grouping-kind :symbol))
    733                                       :refreshp t)))
    734               (:newline) (:newline)
    735               ,@(make-symbols-listing grouping-kind symbols))))
    737 (defun display-link (type symbols length &key title description)
    738   (if (null symbols)
    739       (format nil "0 ~A symbols." type)
    740       `(:value ,(%make-package-symbols-container :title title
    741                                                  :description description
    742                                                  :symbols symbols)
    743                ,(format nil "~D ~A symbol~P." length type length))))
    745 (defmacro do-symbols* ((var &optional (package '*package*) result-form)
    746                        &body body)
    747   "Just like do-symbols, but makes sure a symbol is visited only once."
    748   (let ((seen-ht (gensym "SEEN-HT")))
    749     `(let ((,seen-ht (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
    750        (do-symbols (,var ,package ,result-form)
    751          (unless (gethash ,var ,seen-ht)
    752            (setf (gethash ,var ,seen-ht) t)
    753            (tagbody ,@body))))))
    755 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((package package))
    756   (let ((package-name         (package-name package))
    757         (package-nicknames    (package-nicknames package))
    758         (package-use-list     (package-use-list package))
    759         (package-used-by-list (package-used-by-list package))
    760         (shadowed-symbols     (package-shadowing-symbols package))
    761         (present-symbols      '()) (present-symbols-length   0)
    762         (internal-symbols     '()) (internal-symbols-length  0)
    763         (inherited-symbols    '()) (inherited-symbols-length 0)
    764         (external-symbols     '()) (external-symbols-length  0))
    766     (do-symbols* (sym package)
    767       (let ((status (symbol-status sym package)))
    768         (when (eq status :inherited)
    769           (push sym inherited-symbols) (incf inherited-symbols-length)
    770           (go :continue))
    771         (push sym present-symbols) (incf present-symbols-length)
    772         (cond ((eq status :internal)
    773                (push sym internal-symbols) (incf internal-symbols-length))
    774               (t
    775                (push sym external-symbols) (incf external-symbols-length))))
    776       :continue)
    778     (setf package-nicknames    (sort (copy-list package-nicknames)
    779                                      #'string<)
    780           package-use-list     (sort (copy-list package-use-list)
    781                                      #'string< :key #'package-name)
    782           package-used-by-list (sort (copy-list package-used-by-list)
    783                                      #'string< :key #'package-name)
    784           shadowed-symbols     (sort (copy-list shadowed-symbols)
    785                                      #'string<))
    786     ;;; SORT + STRING-LESSP conses on at least SBCL 0.9.18.
    787     (setf present-symbols      (sort present-symbols  #'string<)
    788           internal-symbols     (sort internal-symbols #'string<)
    789           external-symbols     (sort external-symbols #'string<)
    790           inherited-symbols    (sort inherited-symbols #'string<))
    791     `("" ;; dummy to preserve indentation.
    792       "Name: " (:value ,package-name) (:newline)
    794       "Nick names: " ,@(common-seperated-spec package-nicknames) (:newline)
    796       ,@(when (documentation package t)
    797           `("Documentation:" (:newline)
    798                              ,(documentation package t) (:newline)))
    800       "Use list: " ,@(common-seperated-spec
    801                       package-use-list
    802                       (lambda (package)
    803                         `(:value ,package ,(package-name package))))
    804       (:newline)
    806       "Used by list: " ,@(common-seperated-spec
    807                           package-used-by-list
    808                           (lambda (package)
    809                             `(:value ,package ,(package-name package))))
    810       (:newline)
    812       ,(display-link "present" present-symbols  present-symbols-length
    813                      :title
    814                      (format nil "All present symbols of package \"~A\""
    815                              package-name)
    816                      :description
    817                      '("A symbol is considered present in a package if it's"
    818                        (:newline)
    819                        "\"accessible in that package directly, rather than"
    820                        (:newline)
    821                        "being inherited from another package.\""
    822                        (:newline)
    823                        "(CLHS glossary entry for `present')"
    824                        (:newline)))
    826       (:newline)
    827       ,(display-link "external" external-symbols external-symbols-length
    828                      :title
    829                      (format nil "All external symbols of package \"~A\""
    830                              package-name)
    831                      :description
    832                      '("A symbol is considered external of a package if it's"
    833                        (:newline)
    834                        "\"part of the `external interface' to the package and"
    835                        (:newline)
    836                        "[is] inherited by any other package that uses the"
    837                        (:newline)
    838                        "package.\" (CLHS glossary entry of `external')"
    839                        (:newline)))
    840       (:newline)
    841       ,(display-link "internal" internal-symbols internal-symbols-length
    842                      :title
    843                      (format nil "All internal symbols of package \"~A\""
    844                              package-name)
    845                      :description
    846                      '("A symbol is considered internal of a package if it's"
    847                        (:newline)
    848                        "present and not external---that is if the package is"
    849                        (:newline)
    850                        "the home package of the symbol, or if the symbol has"
    851                        (:newline)
    852                        "been explicitly imported into the package."
    853                        (:newline)
    854                        (:newline)
    855                        "Notice that inherited symbols will thus not be listed,"
    856                        (:newline)
    857                        "which deliberately deviates from the CLHS glossary"
    858                        (:newline)
    859                        "entry of `internal' because it's assumed to be more"
    860                        (:newline)
    861                        "useful this way."
    862                        (:newline)))
    863       (:newline)
    864       ,(display-link "inherited" inherited-symbols  inherited-symbols-length
    865                      :title
    866                      (format nil "All inherited symbols of package \"~A\""
    867                              package-name)
    868                      :description
    869                      '("A symbol is considered inherited in a package if it"
    870                        (:newline)
    871                        "was made accessible via USE-PACKAGE."
    872                        (:newline)))
    873       (:newline)
    874       ,(display-link "shadowed" shadowed-symbols (length shadowed-symbols)
    875                      :title
    876                      (format nil "All shadowed symbols of package \"~A\""
    877                              package-name)
    878                      :description nil))))
    881 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((pathname pathname))
    882   `(,(if (wild-pathname-p pathname)
    883          "A wild pathname."
    884          "A pathname.")
    885      (:newline)
    886      ,@(label-value-line*
    887         ("Namestring" (namestring pathname))
    888         ("Host"       (pathname-host pathname))
    889         ("Device"     (pathname-device pathname))
    890         ("Directory"  (pathname-directory pathname))
    891         ("Name"       (pathname-name pathname))
    892         ("Type"       (pathname-type pathname))
    893         ("Version"    (pathname-version pathname)))
    894      ,@ (unless (or (wild-pathname-p pathname)
    895                     (not (probe-file pathname)))
    896           (label-value-line "Truename" (truename pathname)))))
    898 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((pathname logical-pathname))
    899   (append
    900    (label-value-line*
    901     ("Namestring" (namestring pathname))
    902     ("Physical pathname: " (translate-logical-pathname pathname)))
    903    `("Host: "
    904      (:value ,(pathname-host pathname))
    905      " ("
    906      (:value ,(logical-pathname-translations
    907                (pathname-host pathname)))
    908      " other translations)"
    909      (:newline))
    910    (label-value-line*
    911     ("Directory" (pathname-directory pathname))
    912     ("Name" (pathname-name pathname))
    913     ("Type" (pathname-type pathname))
    914     ("Version" (pathname-version pathname))
    915     ("Truename" (if (not (wild-pathname-p pathname))
    916                     (probe-file pathname))))))
    918 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((n number))
    919   `("Value: " ,(princ-to-string n)))
    921 (defun format-iso8601-time (time-value &optional include-timezone-p)
    922   "Formats a universal time TIME-VALUE in ISO 8601 format, with
    923     the time zone included if INCLUDE-TIMEZONE-P is non-NIL"
    924   ;; Taken from
    925   ;; Thanks, Nikolai Sandved and Thomas Russ!
    926   (flet ((format-iso8601-timezone (zone)
    927            (if (zerop zone)
    928                "Z"
    929                (multiple-value-bind (h m) (truncate (abs zone) 1.0)
    930                  ;; Tricky.  Sign of time zone is reversed in ISO 8601
    931                  ;; relative to Common Lisp convention!
    932                  (format nil "~:[+~;-~]~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
    933                          (> zone 0) h (round (* 60 m)))))))
    934     (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year dow dst zone)
    935         (decode-universal-time time-value)
    936       (declare (ignore dow))
    937       (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0DT~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D~:[~*~;~A~]"
    938               year month day hour minute second
    939               include-timezone-p (format-iso8601-timezone (if dst
    940                                                               (+ zone 1)
    941                                                               zone))))))
    943 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((i integer))
    944   (append
    945    `(,(format nil "Value: ~D = #x~8,'0X = #o~O = #b~,,' ,8:B~@[ = ~E~]"
    946 	      i i i i (ignore-errors (coerce i 'float)))
    947      (:newline))
    948    (when (< -1 i char-code-limit)
    949      (label-value-line "Code-char" (code-char i)))
    950    (label-value-line "Integer-length" (integer-length i))
    951    (ignore-errors
    952     (label-value-line "Universal-time" (format-iso8601-time i t)))))
    954 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((c complex))
    955   (label-value-line*
    956    ("Real part" (realpart c))
    957    ("Imaginary part" (imagpart c))))
    959 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((r ratio))
    960   (label-value-line*
    961    ("Numerator" (numerator r))
    962    ("Denominator" (denominator r))
    963    ("As float" (float r))))
    965 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((f float))
    966   (cond
    967     ((float-nan-p f)
    968      ;; try NaN first because the next tests may perform operations
    969      ;; that are undefined for NaNs.
    970      (list "Not a Number."))
    971     ((not (float-infinity-p f))
    972      (multiple-value-bind (significand exponent sign) (decode-float f)
    973        (append
    974 	`("Scientific: " ,(format nil "~E" f) (:newline)
    975 			 "Decoded: "
    976 			 (:value ,sign) " * "
    977 			 (:value ,significand) " * "
    978 			 (:value ,(float-radix f)) "^"
    979 			 (:value ,exponent) (:newline))
    980 	(label-value-line "Digits" (float-digits f))
    981 	(label-value-line "Precision" (float-precision f)))))
    982     ((> f 0)
    983      (list "Positive infinity."))
    984     ((< f 0)
    985      (list "Negative infinity."))))
    987 (defun make-pathname-ispec (pathname position)
    988   `("Pathname: "
    989     (:value ,pathname)
    990     (:newline) "  "
    991     ,@(when position
    992         `((:action "[visit file and show current position]"
    993                    ,(lambda ()
    994                       (ed-in-emacs `(,pathname :position ,position :bytep t)))
    995                    :refreshp nil)
    996           (:newline)))))
    998 (defun make-file-stream-ispec (stream)
    999   ;; SBCL's socket stream are file-stream but are not associated to
   1000   ;; any pathname.
   1001   (let ((pathname (ignore-errors (pathname stream))))
   1002     (when pathname
   1003       (make-pathname-ispec pathname (and (open-stream-p stream)
   1004                                          (file-position stream))))))
   1006 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((stream file-stream))
   1007   (multiple-value-bind (content)
   1008       (call-next-method)
   1009     (append (make-file-stream-ispec stream) content)))
   1011 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((condition stream-error))
   1012   (multiple-value-bind (content)
   1013       (call-next-method)
   1014     (let ((stream (stream-error-stream condition)))
   1015       (append (when (typep stream 'file-stream)
   1016                 (make-file-stream-ispec stream))
   1017               content))))
   1019 (defun common-seperated-spec (list &optional (callback (lambda (v)
   1020                                                          `(:value ,v))))
   1021   (butlast
   1022    (loop
   1023       for i in list
   1024       collect (funcall callback i)
   1025       collect ", ")))
   1027 (defun inspector-princ (list)
   1028   "Like princ-to-string, but don't rewrite (function foo) as #'foo.
   1029 Do NOT pass circular lists to this function."
   1030   (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch)))
   1031     (set-pprint-dispatch '(cons (member function)) nil)
   1032     (princ-to-string list)))
   1034 (provide :slynk/fancy-inspector)