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sly-mrepl.el (64454B)

      1 ;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*- An experimental implementation of
      2 ;; multiple REPLs multiplexed over a single Slime socket.  M-x
      3 ;; sly-mrepl or M-x sly-mrepl-new create new REPL buffers.
      4 ;;
      5 (require 'sly)
      6 (require 'sly-autodoc)
      7 (require 'cl-lib)
      8 (require 'comint)
     10 (define-sly-contrib sly-mrepl
     11   "Multiple REPLs."
     12   (:license "GPL")
     13   (:sly-dependencies sly-autodoc)
     14   (:slynk-dependencies slynk/mrepl)
     15   (:on-load
     16    ;; Define a new "part action" for the `sly-part' buttons and change
     17    ;; the `sly-inspector-part', `sly-db-local-variable' and
     18    ;; `sly-trace-dialog-part' to include it.
     19    ;;
     20    (sly-button-define-part-action sly-mrepl-copy-part-to-repl
     21                                   "Copy to REPL" (kbd "M-RET"))
     22    (sly-button-define-part-action sly-mrepl-copy-call-to-repl
     23                                   "Copy call to REPL" (kbd "M-S-<return>"))
     24    (button-type-put 'sly-inspector-part
     25                     'sly-mrepl-copy-part-to-repl
     26                     'sly-inspector-copy-part-to-repl)
     27    (button-type-put 'sly-db-local-variable
     28                     'sly-mrepl-copy-part-to-repl
     29                     'sly-db-copy-part-to-repl)
     30    (button-type-put 'sly-apropos-symbol
     31                     'sly-mrepl-copy-part-to-repl
     32                     'sly-apropos-copy-symbol-to-repl)
     33    (button-type-put 'sly-db-frame
     34                     'sly-mrepl-copy-call-to-repl
     35                     'sly-db-copy-call-to-repl)
     36    (eval-after-load "sly-trace-dialog"
     37      `(progn
     38         (button-type-put 'sly-trace-dialog-part
     39                          'sly-mrepl-copy-part-to-repl
     40                          'sly-trace-dialog-copy-part-to-repl)
     41         (button-type-put 'sly-trace-dialog-spec
     42                          'sly-mrepl-copy-call-to-repl
     43                          'sly-trace-dialog-copy-call-to-repl)))
     44    ;; Make C-c ~ bring popup REPL
     45    ;;
     46    (define-key sly-mode-map (kbd "C-c ~") 'sly-mrepl-sync)
     47    (define-key sly-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-z") 'sly-mrepl)
     48    (define-key sly-selector-map (kbd "~")  'sly-mrepl-sync)
     49    (define-key sly-selector-map (kbd "r") 'sly-mrepl)
     51    ;; Insinuate ourselves in hooks
     52    ;;
     53    (add-hook 'sly-connected-hook 'sly-mrepl-on-connection)
     54    (add-hook 'sly-net-process-close-hooks 'sly-mrepl--teardown-repls)
     55    ;; The connection list is also tweaked
     56    ;;
     57    (setq sly-connection-list-button-action
     58          #'(lambda (process)
     59              (let ((sly-default-connection process))
     60                (sly-mrepl 'pop-to-buffer)))))
     61   (:on-unload
     62    ;; FIXME: This `:on-unload' is grossly incomplete
     63    ;;
     64    (remove-hook 'sly-connected-hook 'sly-mrepl-on-connection)
     65    (remove-hook 'sly-net-process-close-hooks 'sly-mrepl--teardown-repls)))
     68 ;; User-visible variables
     69 ;;
     70 (defvar sly-mrepl-mode-hook nil
     71   "Functions run after `sly-mrepl-mode' is set up")
     73 (defvar sly-mrepl-hook nil
     74   "Functions run after `sly-mrepl-new' sets up a REPL.")
     76 (defvar sly-mrepl-runonce-hook nil
     77   "Functions run once after `sly-mrepl-new' sets up a REPL.
     79 After running the contents of this hook its default value is
     80 emptied. See also `sly-mrepl-hook'")
     82 (defvar sly-mrepl-output-filter-functions comint-preoutput-filter-functions
     83   "List of functions filtering Slynk's REPL output.
     84 This variables behaves like `comint-preoutput-filter-functions',
     85 for output printed to the REPL (not for evaluation results)")
     87 (defvar sly-mrepl-mode-map
     88   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     89     (define-key map (kbd "RET")     'sly-mrepl-return)
     90     (define-key map (kbd "TAB")     'sly-mrepl-indent-and-complete-symbol)
     91     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-b") 'sly-interrupt)
     92     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'sly-interrupt)
     93     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") 'sly-mrepl-clear-recent-output)
     94     (define-key map (kbd "C-c M-o") 'sly-mrepl-clear-repl)
     95     (define-key map (kbd "M-p")     'sly-mrepl-previous-input-or-button)
     96     (define-key map (kbd "M-n")     'sly-mrepl-next-input-or-button)
     97     (define-key map (kbd "C-M-p")     'sly-button-backward)
     98     (define-key map (kbd "C-M-n")     'sly-button-forward)
     99     map))
    101 (defvar sly-mrepl-pop-sylvester 'on-connection)
    103 (defface sly-mrepl-prompt-face
    104   `((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
    105   "Face for the regular MREPL prompt."
    106   :group 'sly-mode-faces)
    108 (defface sly-mrepl-note-face
    109   `((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
    110   "Face for the MREPL notes."
    111   :group 'sly-mode-faces)
    113 (defface sly-mrepl-output-face
    114   '((((class color)
    115       (background dark))
    116      (:foreground "VioletRed1"))
    117     (((class color)
    118       (background light))
    119      (:foreground "steel blue"))
    120     (t
    121      (:bold t :italic t)))
    122   "Face for the regular MREPL prompt."
    123   :group 'sly-mode-faces)
    126 ;; Internal variables
    127 ;;
    128 (defvar sly-mrepl--remote-channel nil)
    129 (defvar sly-mrepl--local-channel nil)
    130 (defvar sly-mrepl--read-mark nil)
    131 (defvar sly-mrepl--output-mark nil)
    132 (defvar sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream nil)
    133 (defvar sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay nil)
    134 (defvar sly-mrepl--pending-output nil
    135   "Output that can't be inserted right now.")
    136 (defvar sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream-hooks)
    137 (defvar sly-mrepl--history-separator "####\n")
    138 (defvar sly-mrepl--dirty-history nil)
    141 ;; Major mode
    142 ;;
    143 (define-derived-mode sly-mrepl-mode comint-mode "mrepl"
    144   (sly-mode 1)
    145   (cl-loop for (var value)
    146            in `((comint-use-prompt-regexp nil)
    147                 (comint-inhibit-carriage-motion t)
    148                 (comint-input-sender sly-mrepl--input-sender)
    149                 (comint-output-filter-functions nil)
    150                 (comint-input-filter-functions nil)
    151                 (comint-history-isearch dwim)
    152                 (comint-input-ignoredups t)
    153                 (comint-input-history-ignore "^;")
    154                 (comint-prompt-read-only t)
    155                 (comint-process-echoes nil)
    156                 (comint-completion-addsuffix "")
    157                 (indent-line-function lisp-indent-line)
    158                 (sly-mrepl--read-mark nil)
    159                 (sly-mrepl--pending-output nil)
    160                 (sly-mrepl--output-mark ,(point-marker))
    161                 (sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay ,(make-overlay 0 0 nil nil))
    162                 (sly-find-buffer-package-function sly-mrepl-guess-package)
    163                 (sly-autodoc-inhibit-autodoc
    164                  sly-mrepl-inside-string-or-comment-p)
    165                 (mode-line-process nil)
    166                 (parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
    167                 (syntax-propertize-function sly-mrepl--syntax-propertize)
    168                 (forward-sexp-function sly-mrepl--forward-sexp)
    169                 (comint-scroll-show-maximum-output nil)
    170                 (comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input nil)
    171                 (comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output nil)
    172                 (inhibit-field-text-motion nil)
    173                 (lisp-indent-function sly-common-lisp-indent-function)
    174                 (open-paren-in-column-0-is-defun-start nil)
    175                 (buffer-file-coding-system utf-8-unix)
    176                 ;; Paredit workaround (see
    177                 ;;
    178                 (paredit-override-check-parens-function (lambda (_c) t))
    179                 (comment-start ";"))
    180            do (set (make-local-variable var) value))
    181   (set-marker-insertion-type sly-mrepl--output-mark nil)
    182   (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'sly-mrepl--save-all-histories)
    183   ;;(set (make-local-variable 'comint-get-old-input) 'ielm-get-old-input)
    184   (set-syntax-table lisp-mode-syntax-table)
    185   (set-keymap-parent sly-mrepl-mode-map nil)
    187   ;; The REPL buffer has interactive text buttons
    188   (sly-interactive-buttons-mode 1)
    190   ;; Add hooks to isearch-mode placed strategically after the ones
    191   ;; set by comint.el itself.
    192   ;;
    193   (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook 'sly-mrepl--setup-comint-isearch t t)
    194   (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook 'sly-mrepl--teardown-comint-isearch t t)
    196   ;; Add a post-command-handler
    197   ;;
    198   (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'sly-mrepl--highlight-backreferences-maybe t t))
    201 ;;; Channel methods
    202 (sly-define-channel-type listener)
    204 (sly-define-channel-method listener :write-values (results)
    205   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    206     (sly-mrepl--insert-results results)))
    208 (sly-define-channel-method listener :evaluation-aborted (&optional condition)
    209   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    210     (sly-mrepl--catch-up)
    211     (sly-mrepl--insert-note (format "Evaluation aborted on %s" condition))))
    213 (sly-define-channel-method listener :write-string (string)
    214   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    215     (sly-mrepl--insert-output string)))
    217 (sly-define-channel-method listener :set-read-mode (mode)
    218   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    219     (cl-macrolet ((assert-soft
    220                    (what) `(unless ,what
    221                              (sly-warning
    222                               ,(format "Expectation failed: %s" what)))))
    223       (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    224         (cl-ecase mode
    225           (:read
    226            (assert-soft (null sly-mrepl--read-mark))
    227            ;; Give a chance for output to come in before we block it
    228            ;; during the read.
    229            (sly-mrepl--accept-process-output)
    230            (setq sly-mrepl--read-mark (point))
    231            (add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point)
    232                                 `(rear-nonsticky t))
    233            (sly-message "REPL now waiting for input to read"))
    234           (:finished-reading
    235            (assert-soft (integer-or-marker-p sly-mrepl--read-mark))
    236            (when sly-mrepl--read-mark
    237              (add-text-properties (1- sly-mrepl--read-mark) (point)
    238                                   `(face bold read-only t)))
    239            (setq sly-mrepl--read-mark nil)
    240            ;; github#456 need to flush any output that has overtaken
    241            ;; the set-read-mode rpc.
    242            (when sly-mrepl--pending-output
    243              (sly-mrepl--insert-output "\n"))
    244            (sly-message "REPL back to normal evaluation mode")))))))
    246 (sly-define-channel-method listener :prompt (&rest prompt-args)
    247   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    248     (apply #'sly-mrepl--insert-prompt prompt-args)))
    250 (sly-define-channel-method listener :open-dedicated-output-stream
    251                            (port _coding-system)
    252   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    253     ;; HACK: no coding system
    254     (set (make-local-variable 'sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream)
    255          (sly-mrepl--open-dedicated-stream self port nil))))
    257 (sly-define-channel-method listener :clear-repl-history ()
    258   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    259     (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    260       (erase-buffer)
    261       (sly-mrepl--insert-note "Cleared REPL history"))))
    263 (sly-define-channel-method listener :server-side-repl-close ()
    264   (with-current-buffer (sly-channel-get self 'buffer)
    265     (sly-mrepl--teardown "Server side close" 'dont-signal-server)))
    268 ;;; Button type
    269 ;;;
    270 (define-button-type 'sly-mrepl-part :supertype 'sly-part
    271   'sly-button-inspect
    272   #'(lambda (entry-idx value-idx)
    273       (sly-eval-for-inspector `(slynk-mrepl:inspect-entry
    274                                 ,sly-mrepl--remote-channel
    275                                 ,entry-idx
    276                                 ,value-idx)
    277                               :inspector-name (sly-maybe-read-inspector-name)))
    278   'sly-button-describe
    279   #'(lambda (entry-idx value-idx)
    280       (sly-eval-describe `(slynk-mrepl:describe-entry ,sly-mrepl--remote-channel
    281                                                       ,entry-idx
    282                                                       ,value-idx)))
    283   'sly-button-pretty-print
    284   #'(lambda (entry-idx value-idx)
    285       (sly-eval-describe `(slynk-mrepl:pprint-entry ,sly-mrepl--remote-channel
    286                                                     ,entry-idx
    287                                                     ,value-idx)))
    288   'sly-mrepl-copy-part-to-repl 'sly-mrepl--copy-part-to-repl)
    291 ;;; Internal functions
    292 ;;;
    293 (defun sly-mrepl--buffer-name (connection &optional handle)
    294   (sly-buffer-name :mrepl :connection connection
    295                    :suffix handle))
    297 (defun sly-mrepl--teardown-repls (process)
    298   (cl-loop for buffer in (buffer-list)
    299            when (buffer-live-p buffer)
    300            do (with-current-buffer buffer
    301                 (when (and (eq major-mode 'sly-mrepl-mode)
    302                            (eq sly-buffer-connection process))
    303                   (sly-mrepl--teardown (process-get process
    304                                                     'sly-net-close-reason))))))
    306 (defun sly-mrepl--process () (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))) ;stupid
    308 (defun sly-mrepl--mark ()
    309   "Returns a marker to the end of the last prompt."
    310   (let ((proc (sly-mrepl--process)))
    311     (unless proc (sly-user-error "Not in a connected REPL"))
    312     (process-mark proc)))
    314 (defun sly-mrepl--safe-mark ()
    315   "Like `sly-mrepl--mark', but safe if there's no process."
    316   (if (sly-mrepl--process) (sly-mrepl--mark) (point-max)))
    318 (defmacro sly-mrepl--commiting-text (props &rest body)
    319   (declare (debug (sexp &rest form))
    320            (indent 1))
    321   (let ((start-sym (cl-gensym)))
    322     `(let ((,start-sym (marker-position (sly-mrepl--mark)))
    323            (inhibit-read-only t))
    324        ,@body
    325        (add-text-properties ,start-sym (sly-mrepl--mark)
    326                             (append '(read-only t front-sticky (read-only))
    327                                     ,props)))))
    329 (defun sly-mrepl--forward-sexp (n)
    330   "Just like `forward-sexp' unless point it at prompt start.
    331 In that case, moving a sexp backward does nothing."
    332   (if (or (cl-plusp n)
    333           (/= (point) (sly-mrepl--safe-mark)))
    334       (let ((forward-sexp-function nil))
    335         (forward-sexp n))))
    337 (defun sly-mrepl--syntax-propertize (beg end)
    338   "Make everything up to current prompt comment syntax."
    339   (remove-text-properties beg end '(syntax-table nil))
    340   (let ((end (min end (sly-mrepl--safe-mark)))
    341         (beg beg))
    342     (when (> end beg)
    343       (unless (nth 8 (syntax-ppss beg))
    344         (add-text-properties beg (1+ beg)
    345                              `(syntax-table ,(string-to-syntax "!"))))
    346       (add-text-properties (1- end) end
    347                            `(syntax-table ,(string-to-syntax "!"))))))
    349 (defun sly-mrepl--call-with-repl (repl-buffer fn)
    350   (with-current-buffer repl-buffer
    351     (cl-loop
    352      while (not (buffer-local-value 'sly-mrepl--remote-channel
    353                                     (current-buffer)))
    354      do
    355      (sly-warning "Waiting for a REPL to be setup for %s"
    356                   (sly-connection-name (sly-current-connection)))
    357      (sit-for 0.5))
    358     (funcall fn)))
    360 (defmacro sly-mrepl--with-repl (repl-buffer &rest body)
    361   (declare (indent 1) (debug (sexp &rest form)))
    362   `(sly-mrepl--call-with-repl ,repl-buffer #'(lambda () ,@body)))
    364 (defun sly-mrepl--insert (string &optional face)
    365   (sly-mrepl--commiting-text (when face
    366                                `(face ,face font-lock-face ,face))
    367     (comint-output-filter (sly-mrepl--process)
    368                           (propertize string 'sly-mrepl-break-output t))))
    370 (defun sly-mrepl--break-output-p (pos)
    371   (and (not (eq ?\n (char-after pos)))
    372        (get-char-property pos 'sly-mrepl-break-output)))
    374 (defun sly-mrepl--insert-output (string &optional face nofilters)
    375   (cond ((and (not sly-mrepl--read-mark) string)
    376          (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
    377                (start (marker-position sly-mrepl--output-mark))
    378                (face (or face
    379                          'sly-mrepl-output-face)))
    381            (save-excursion
    382              (goto-char sly-mrepl--output-mark)
    383              (cond ((and (not (bobp))
    384                          (sly-mrepl--break-output-p (1- start))
    385                          (not (zerop (current-column))))
    386                     (insert-before-markers "\n")))
    387              (setq string
    388                    (propertize (concat sly-mrepl--pending-output string)
    389                                'face face
    390                                'font-lock-face face))
    391              (setq sly-mrepl--pending-output nil)
    392              (unless nofilters
    393                (run-hook-wrapped
    394                 'sly-mrepl-output-filter-functions
    395                 (lambda (fn)
    396                   (setq string (funcall fn string))
    397                   nil)))
    398              (insert-before-markers string)
    399              (cond ((and (not (zerop (current-column)))
    400                          (sly-mrepl--break-output-p (point)))
    401                     (save-excursion (insert "\n"))))
    402              (add-text-properties start sly-mrepl--output-mark
    403                                   `(read-only t front-sticky (read-only)
    404                                               field sly-mrepl--output)))))
    405         (t
    406          (setq sly-mrepl--pending-output
    407                (concat sly-mrepl--pending-output string))
    408          (sly-message "Some output saved for later insertion"))))
    410 (defun sly-mrepl--insert-note (string &optional face)
    411   (let* ((face (or face 'sly-mrepl-note-face))
    412          (string (replace-regexp-in-string "^" "; " string)))
    413     (cond ((sly-mrepl--process)
    414            ;; notes are inserted "synchronously" with the process mark  process
    415            (sly-mrepl--ensure-newline)
    416            (sly-mrepl--insert string face))
    417           (t
    418            ;; If no process yet, fall back to the simpler strategy.
    419            (sly-mrepl--insert-output string face)))))
    421 (defun sly-mrepl--send-input-sexp ()
    422   (goto-char (point-max))
    423   (save-excursion
    424     (skip-chars-backward "\n\t\s")
    425     (delete-region (max (point)
    426                         (sly-mrepl--mark))
    427                    (point-max)))
    428   (buffer-disable-undo)
    429   (overlay-put sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay 'face 'highlight)
    430   (set (make-local-variable 'sly-mrepl--dirty-history) t)
    431   (sly-mrepl--commiting-text
    432       `(field sly-mrepl-input
    433               keymap ,(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    434                         (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'sly-mrepl-insert-input)
    435                         (define-key map [return] 'sly-mrepl-insert-input)
    436                         (define-key map [mouse-2] 'sly-mrepl-insert-input)
    437                         map))
    438     (comint-send-input))
    439   (sly-mrepl--ensure-prompt-face))
    441 (defun sly-mrepl--ensure-newline ()
    442   (unless (save-excursion
    443             (goto-char (sly-mrepl--mark))
    444             (zerop (current-column)))
    445     (sly-mrepl--insert "\n")))
    447 (defun sly-mrepl--accept-process-output ()
    448   (when (and sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream
    449              (process-live-p sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream))
    450     ;; This non-blocking call should be enough to allow asynch calls
    451     ;; to `sly-mrepl--insert-output' to still see the correct value
    452     ;; for `sly-mrepl--output-mark' just before we call
    453     ;; `sly-mrepl--catch-up'.
    454     (while (accept-process-output sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream
    455                                   0
    456                                   (and (eq (window-system) 'w32) 1)))))
    458 (defun sly-mrepl--ensure-prompt-face ()
    459   "Override `comint.el''s use of `comint-highlight-prompt'."
    460   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    461     (add-text-properties (overlay-start sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay)
    462                          (overlay-end sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay)
    463                          '(font-lock-face sly-mrepl-prompt-face))))
    465 (defun sly-mrepl-default-prompt (_package
    466                                  nickname
    467                                  error-level
    468                                  _entry-idx
    469                                  _condition)
    470   "Compute default SLY prompt string.
    471 Suitable for `sly-mrepl-prompt-formatter'."
    472   (concat
    473    (when (cl-plusp error-level)
    474      (concat (sly-make-action-button
    475               (format "[%d]" error-level)
    476               #'sly-db-pop-to-debugger-maybe)
    477              " "))
    478    (propertize
    479     (concat nickname "> ")
    480     'face 'sly-mrepl-prompt-face
    481     'font-lock-face 'sly-mrepl-prompt-face)))
    483 (defcustom sly-mrepl-prompt-formatter #'sly-mrepl-default-prompt
    484   "Compute propertized string to use as REPL prompt.
    485 Value is a function passed at least 5 arguments with the
    486 following signature:
    490 PACKAGE is a string denoring the full name of the current
    491 package.  NICKNAME is the shortest or preferred nickname of
    492 PACKAGE, according to the Lisp variables
    495 integer counting the number of outstanding errors.
    496 NEXT-ENTRY-IDX is a number identifying future evaluation results
    497 for backreferencing purposes.  Depending on ERROR-LEVEL,
    498 CONDITION is either nil or a string containing the printed
    499 representation of the outstanding condition that caused the
    500 current ERROR-LEVEL."
    501   :type 'function
    502   :group 'sly)
    504 (defun sly-mrepl--insert-prompt (package nickname error-level
    505                                          &optional next-entry-idx condition)
    506   (sly-mrepl--accept-process-output)
    507   (overlay-put sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay 'face 'bold)
    508   (when condition
    509     (sly-mrepl--insert-note (format "Debugger entered on %s" condition)))
    510   (sly-mrepl--ensure-newline)
    511   (sly-mrepl--catch-up)
    512   (let ((beg (marker-position (sly-mrepl--mark))))
    513     (sly-mrepl--insert
    514      (propertize
    515       (funcall sly-mrepl-prompt-formatter
    516                package
    517                nickname
    518                error-level
    519                next-entry-idx
    520                condition)
    521       'sly-mrepl--prompt (downcase package)))
    522     (move-overlay sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay beg (sly-mrepl--mark)))
    523   (sly-mrepl--ensure-prompt-face)
    524   (buffer-disable-undo)
    525   (buffer-enable-undo))
    527 (defun sly-mrepl--copy-part-to-repl (entry-idx value-idx)
    528   (sly-mrepl--copy-objects-to-repl
    529    `(,entry-idx ,value-idx)
    530    :before (format "Returning value %s of history entry %s"
    531                    value-idx entry-idx)))
    533 (cl-defun sly-mrepl--eval-for-repl
    534     (slyfun-and-args
    535      &key insert-p before-prompt after-prompt (pop-to-buffer t))
    536   "Evaluate SLYFUN-AND-ARGS in Slynk, then call callbacks.
    538 SLYFUN-AND-ARGS is (SLYFUN . ARGS) and is called in
    539 Slynk. SLYFUN's multiple return values are captured in a list and
    540 passed to the optional unary callbacks BEFORE-PROMPT and
    541 AFTER-PROMPT, called before or after prompt insertion,
    542 respectively.
    544 If INSERT-P is non-nil, SLYFUN's results are printable
    545 representations of Slynk objects and should be inserted into the
    546 REPL.  POP-TO-BUFFER says whether to pop the REPL buffer."
    547   (sly-eval-async `(slynk-mrepl:eval-for-mrepl
    548                     ,sly-mrepl--remote-channel
    549                     ',(car slyfun-and-args)
    550                     ,@(cdr slyfun-and-args))
    551     (lambda (prompt-args-and-results)
    552       (cl-destructuring-bind (prompt-args results)
    553           prompt-args-and-results
    554         (goto-char (sly-mrepl--mark))
    555         (let ((saved-text (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
    556           (delete-region (point) (point-max))
    557           (sly-mrepl--catch-up)
    558           (when before-prompt
    559             (funcall before-prompt results))
    560           (when insert-p
    561             (sly-mrepl--insert-results results))
    562           (apply #'sly-mrepl--insert-prompt prompt-args)
    563           (when pop-to-buffer
    564             (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)))
    565           (goto-char (sly-mrepl--mark))
    566           (insert saved-text)
    567           (when after-prompt
    568             (funcall after-prompt results)))))))
    570 (cl-defun sly-mrepl--copy-objects-to-repl
    571     (method-args &key before after (pop-to-buffer t))
    572   "Recall objects in the REPL history as a new entry.
    573 METHOD-ARGS are SLYNK-MREPL:COPY-TO-REPL's optional args. If nil
    574 , consider the globally saved objects that
    575 SLYNK-MREPL:GLOBALLY-SAVE-OBJECT stored.  Otherwise, it is a
    576 list (ENTRY-IDX VALUE-IDX).  BEFORE and AFTER as in
    577 `sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl' POP-TO-BUFFER as in
    578 `sly-mrepl--eval-for-repl'."
    579   (sly-mrepl--eval-for-repl
    580    `(slynk-mrepl:copy-to-repl
    581      ,@method-args)
    582    :before-prompt (if (stringp before)
    583                       (lambda (objects)
    584                         (sly-mrepl--insert-note before)
    585                         (sly-mrepl--insert-results objects))
    586                     before)
    587    :after-prompt after
    588    :pop-to-buffer pop-to-buffer))
    590 (defun sly-mrepl--make-result-button (result idx)
    591   (sly--make-text-button (car result) nil
    592                          :type 'sly-mrepl-part
    593                          'part-args (list (cadr result) idx)
    594                          'part-label (format "REPL Result")
    595                          'sly-mrepl--result result
    596                          'sly-button-search-id (sly-button-next-search-id)))
    598 (defun sly-mrepl--insert-results (results)
    599   (let* ((comint-preoutput-filter-functions nil))
    600     (if (null results)
    601         (sly-mrepl--insert-note "No values")
    602       (cl-loop for result in results
    603                for idx from 0
    604                do
    605                (sly-mrepl--ensure-newline)
    606                (sly-mrepl--insert
    607                 (sly-mrepl--make-result-button result idx))))))
    609 (defun sly-mrepl--catch-up ()
    610   "Synchronize the output mark with the REPL process mark."
    611   (set-marker sly-mrepl--output-mark (sly-mrepl--mark)))
    613 (defun sly-mrepl--input-sender (_proc string)
    614   (sly-mrepl--send-string (substring-no-properties string)))
    616 (defun sly-mrepl--send-string (string &optional _command-string)
    617   (sly-mrepl--send `(:process ,string)))
    619 (defun sly-mrepl--send (msg)
    620   "Send MSG to the remote channel."
    621   (sly-send-to-remote-channel sly-mrepl--remote-channel msg))
    623 (defun sly-mrepl--find-buffer (&optional connection thread)
    624   "Find the shortest-named (default) `sly-mrepl' buffer for CONNECTION."
    625   ;; CONNECTION defaults to the `sly-default-connection' passing
    626   ;; through `sly-connection'. Seems to work OK...
    627   ;;
    628   (let* ((connection (or connection
    629                          (let ((sly-buffer-connection nil)
    630                                (sly-dispatching-connection nil))
    631                            (sly-connection))))
    632          (repls (cl-remove-if-not
    633                  (lambda (x)
    634                    (with-current-buffer x
    635                      (and (eq major-mode 'sly-mrepl-mode)
    636                           (eq sly-buffer-connection connection)
    637                           (or (not thread)
    638                               (eq thread sly-current-thread)))))
    639                  (buffer-list)))
    640          (sorted (cl-sort repls #'< :key (sly-compose #'length #'buffer-name))))
    641     (car sorted)))
    643 (defun sly-mrepl--find-create (connection)
    644   (or (sly-mrepl--find-buffer connection)
    645       (sly-mrepl-new connection)))
    647 (defun sly-mrepl--busy-p ()
    648   (>= sly-mrepl--output-mark (sly-mrepl--mark)))
    650 (defcustom sly-mrepl-history-file-name (expand-file-name "~/.sly-mrepl-history")
    651   "File used to store SLY REPL's input history across sessions."
    652   :type 'file
    653   :group 'sly)
    655 (defun sly-mrepl--read-input-ring ()
    656   (let ((comint-input-ring-separator sly-mrepl--history-separator)
    657         (comint-input-ring-file-name sly-mrepl-history-file-name))
    658     (comint-read-input-ring)))
    660 (defcustom sly-mrepl-prevent-duplicate-history 'move
    661   "If non-nil, prevent duplicate entries in input history.
    663 Otherwise (if nil), input entry are always added to the end of
    664 the history, even if they already occur in the history.
    666 If the non-nil value is `move', the previously occuring entry is
    667 discarded, i.e. moved to a more recent spot. Any other non-nil
    668 value laves the previous entry untouched and it is the more
    669 recent entry that is discarded."
    670   :type 'symbol
    671   :group 'sly)
    673 (defun sly-mrepl--merge-and-save-history ()
    674   (let*
    675       ;; To merge the file's history with the current buffer's
    676       ;; history, sntart by deep-copying `comint-input-ring' to a
    677       ;; separate variable.
    678       ;;
    679       ((current-ring (copy-tree comint-input-ring 'vectors-too))
    680        (index (ring-length current-ring))
    681        (comint-input-ring-separator sly-mrepl--history-separator)
    682        (comint-input-ring-file-name sly-mrepl-history-file-name))
    683     ;; this sets `comint-input-ring' from the file
    684     ;;
    685     (sly-mrepl--read-input-ring)
    686     ;; loop `current-ring', which potentially contains new entries and
    687     ;; re-add entries to `comint-input-ring', which is now synched
    688     ;; with the file and will be written to disk. Respect
    689     ;; `sly-mrepl-prevent-duplicate-history'.
    690     ;;
    691     (cl-loop for i from (1- index) downto 0
    692              for item = (ring-ref current-ring i)
    693              for existing-index = (ring-member comint-input-ring item)
    694              do (cond ((and existing-index
    695                             (eq sly-mrepl-prevent-duplicate-history 'move))
    696                        (ring-remove comint-input-ring existing-index)
    697                        (ring-insert comint-input-ring item))
    698                       ((and existing-index
    699                             (not sly-mrepl-prevent-duplicate-history))
    700                        (ring-insert comint-input-ring item))
    701                       (t
    702                        (ring-insert comint-input-ring item)))
    703              unless (ring-member comint-input-ring item)
    704              do (ring-insert comint-input-ring item))
    705     ;; Now save `comint-input-ring'
    706     (let ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-unix))
    707       (comint-write-input-ring))
    708     (set (make-local-variable 'sly-mrepl--dirty-history) nil)))
    710 (defun sly-mrepl--save-all-histories ()
    711   (cl-loop for buffer in (buffer-list)
    712            do
    713            (with-current-buffer buffer
    714              (when (and (eq major-mode 'sly-mrepl-mode)
    715                         sly-mrepl--dirty-history)
    716                (sly-mrepl--merge-and-save-history)))))
    718 (defun sly-mrepl--teardown (&optional reason dont-signal-server)
    719   (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'sly-mrepl--teardown t)
    720   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    721     (goto-char (point-max))
    722     (let ((start (point)))
    723       (unless (zerop (current-column)) (insert "\n"))
    724       (insert (format "; %s" (or reason "REPL teardown")))
    725       (unless (zerop (current-column)) (insert "\n"))
    726       (insert "; --------------------------------------------------------\n")
    727       (add-text-properties start (point) '(read-only t))))
    728   (sly-mrepl--merge-and-save-history)
    729   (when sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream
    730     (process-put sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream 'sly-mrepl--channel nil)
    731     (kill-buffer (process-buffer sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream)))
    732   (sly-close-channel sly-mrepl--local-channel)
    733   ;; signal lisp that we're closingq
    734   (unless dont-signal-server
    735     (ignore-errors
    736       ;; uses `sly-connection', which falls back to
    737       ;; `sly-buffer-connection'. If that is closed it's probably
    738       ;; because lisp died from (SLYNK:QUIT-LISP) already, and so 
    739       (sly-mrepl--send `(:teardown))))
    740   (set (make-local-variable 'sly-mrepl--remote-channel) nil)
    741   (when (sly-mrepl--process)
    742     (delete-process (sly-mrepl--process))))
    744 (defun sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream-output-filter (process string)
    745   (let* ((channel (process-get process 'sly-mrepl--channel))
    746          (buffer (and channel
    747                       (sly-channel-get channel 'buffer))))
    748     (if (buffer-live-p buffer)
    749         (with-current-buffer buffer
    750           (when (and (cl-plusp (length string))
    751                      (eq (process-status sly-buffer-connection) 'open))
    752             (sly-mrepl--insert-output string)))
    753       (sly-warning "No channel in process %s, probably torn down" process))))
    755 (defun sly-mrepl--open-dedicated-stream (channel port coding-system)
    756   (let* ((name (format "sly-dds-%s-%s"
    757                        (process-get sly-buffer-connection
    758                                     'sly--net-connect-counter)
    759                        ( channel)))
    760          (stream (open-network-stream
    761                   name
    762                   (generate-new-buffer
    763                    (format " *%s*" name))
    764                   (car (process-contact sly-buffer-connection))
    765                   port))
    766          (emacs-coding-system (car (cl-find coding-system
    767                                             sly-net-valid-coding-systems
    768                                             :key #'cl-third))))
    769     (set-process-query-on-exit-flag stream nil)
    770     (set-process-plist stream `(sly-mrepl--channel ,channel))
    771     (set-process-filter stream 'sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream-output-filter)
    772     (set-process-coding-system stream emacs-coding-system emacs-coding-system)
    773     (sly--when-let (secret (sly-secret))
    774       (sly-net-send secret stream))
    775     (run-hook-with-args 'sly-mrepl--dedicated-stream-hooks stream)
    776     stream))
    778 (cl-defun sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl
    779     (slyfun-and-args &key repl before after)
    780   "Evaluate SLYFUN-AND-ARGS in Slynk and prepare to copy to REPL.
    781 BEFORE is a string inserted as a note, or a nullary function
    782 which is run just before the object is copied to the
    783 REPL. Optional BEFORE and AFTER are unary functions called with a
    784 list of the saved values' presentations strings and run before
    785 and after the the the prompt are inserted, respectively.  BEFORE
    786 can also be a string in which case it is inserted via
    787 `sly-insert-note' followed by the saved values' presentations.
    788 REPL is the REPL buffer to return the objects to."
    789   (sly-eval-async
    790       `(slynk-mrepl:globally-save-object ',(car slyfun-and-args)
    791                                          ,@(cdr slyfun-and-args))
    792     #'(lambda (_ignored)
    793         (sly-mrepl--copy-globally-saved-to-repl :before before
    794                                                 :after after
    795                                                 :repl repl))))
    797 (cl-defun sly-mrepl--copy-globally-saved-to-repl
    798     (&key before after repl (pop-to-buffer t))
    799   "Copy last globally saved values to REPL, or active REPL.
    800 BEFORE and AFTER as described in
    801 `sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl'."
    802   (sly-mrepl--with-repl (or repl
    803                             (sly-mrepl--find-create (sly-connection)))
    804     (sly-mrepl--copy-objects-to-repl nil
    805                                      :before before
    806                                      :after after
    807                                      :pop-to-buffer pop-to-buffer)))
    809 (defun sly-mrepl--insert-call (spec results)
    810   (delete-region (sly-mrepl--mark) (point-max))
    811   (insert (format
    812            "%s"
    813            `(,spec
    814              ,@(cl-loop for (_object j constant) in results
    815                         for i from 0
    816                         collect
    817                         (or constant
    818                             (make-symbol (format "#v%d:%d" j i))))))))
    820 (defun sly-mrepl--assert-mrepl ()
    821   (unless (eq major-mode 'sly-mrepl-mode)
    822     (sly-error "Not in a mREPL buffer")))
    825 ;;; ELI-like history (and a bugfix)
    826 ;;;
    827 ;;;
    828 (defcustom sly-mrepl-eli-like-history-navigation nil
    829   "If non-NIL navigate history like ELI.
    830 When this option is active, previous history entries navigated to
    831 by M-p and M-n keep the current input and use it to surround the
    832 history entry navigated to."
    833   :type 'boolean
    834   :group 'sly)
    836 (defvar sly-mrepl--eli-input nil)
    838 (defun sly-mrepl--set-eli-input ()
    839   (setq sly-mrepl--eli-input
    840         (and sly-mrepl-eli-like-history-navigation
    841              (let* ((offset (- (point) (sly-mrepl--mark)))
    842                     (existing (and (> offset 0)
    843                                    (buffer-substring (sly-mrepl--mark)
    844                                                      (point-max)))))
    845                (when existing
    846                  (cons (substring existing 0 offset)
    847                        (substring existing offset)))))))
    849 (defun sly-mrepl--keep-eli-input-maybe ()
    850   (when sly-mrepl--eli-input
    851     (save-excursion
    852       (goto-char (sly-mrepl--mark))
    853       (insert (car sly-mrepl--eli-input))
    854       (goto-char (point-max))
    855       (insert (cdr sly-mrepl--eli-input)))))
    857 (defvar sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay nil)
    859 (defun sly-mrepl--surround-with-eli-input-overlay ()
    860   (if sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay
    861       (move-overlay sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay
    862                     (sly-mrepl--mark) (point-max))
    863     (setq sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay
    864           (make-overlay (sly-mrepl--mark) (point-max))))
    865   (overlay-put sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay
    866                'before-string (car sly-mrepl--eli-input))
    867   (overlay-put sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay
    868                'after-string (cdr sly-mrepl--eli-input)))
    870 (defun sly-mrepl--setup-comint-isearch ()
    871   ;; Defeat Emacs bug 19572 in Emacs whereby comint refuses to
    872   ;; i-search multi-line history entries. The doc of
    873   ;; `isearch-search-fun-function' should explain the need for this
    874   ;; lambda madness.
    875   ;;
    876   (unless (eq isearch-search-fun-function
    877               'isearch-search-fun-default)
    878     (set (make-local-variable 'isearch-search-fun-function)
    879          #'(lambda ()
    880              #'(lambda (&rest args)
    881                  (cl-letf
    882                      (((symbol-function
    883                         'comint-line-beginning-position)
    884                        #'field-beginning))
    885                    (apply (comint-history-isearch-search)
    886                           args))))))
    887   (sly-mrepl--set-eli-input)
    888   (when sly-mrepl-eli-like-history-navigation
    889     (set (make-local-variable 'isearch-push-state-function)
    890          #'sly-mrepl--isearch-push-state)))
    892 (defun sly-mrepl--isearch-push-state (&rest args)
    893   (apply #'comint-history-isearch-push-state args)
    894   (unless (memq this-command
    895                 '(isearch-backward isearch-forward))
    896     (sly-mrepl--surround-with-eli-input-overlay)))
    898 (defun sly-mrepl--teardown-comint-isearch ()
    899   (set (make-local-variable 'isearch-search-fun-function)
    900        'isearch-search-fun-default)
    901   (when (overlayp sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay)
    902     (delete-overlay sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay)
    903     (setq sly-mrepl--eli-input-overlay nil))
    904   (sly-mrepl--keep-eli-input-maybe))
    907 ;;; Interactive commands
    908 ;;;
    909 (defun sly-mrepl-indent-and-complete-symbol (arg)
    910   "Indent the current line, perform symbol completion or show arglist.
    911 Completion performed by `completion-at-point' or
    912 `company-complete'.  If there's no symbol at the point, show the
    913 arglist for the most recently enclosed macro or function."
    914   (interactive "P")
    915   (let ((pos (point))
    916         (fn (if (bound-and-true-p company-mode)
    917                 'company-complete
    918               'completion-at-point)))
    919     (indent-for-tab-command arg)
    920     (when (= pos (point))
    921       (cond ((save-excursion (re-search-backward "[^() \n\t\r]+\\=" nil t))
    922              (funcall fn))
    923             ((memq (char-before) '(?\t ?\ ))
    924              (sly-show-arglist))))))
    926 (defun sly-mrepl-return (&optional end-of-input)
    927   "If the input is a whole expression, evaluate it and return the result."
    928   (interactive "P")
    929   (cl-assert (sly-connection))
    930   (cl-assert (process-live-p (sly-mrepl--process)) nil
    931              "No local live process, cannot use this REPL")
    932   (accept-process-output)
    933   (cond ((and
    934           (not sly-mrepl--read-mark)
    935           (sly-mrepl--busy-p))
    936          (sly-message "REPL is busy"))
    937         ((and (not sly-mrepl--read-mark)
    938               (or (sly-input-complete-p (sly-mrepl--mark) (point-max))
    939                   end-of-input))
    940          (sly-mrepl--send-input-sexp)
    941          (sly-mrepl--catch-up))
    942         (sly-mrepl--read-mark
    943          (unless end-of-input
    944            (goto-char (point-max))
    945            (newline))
    946          (let ((comint-input-filter (lambda (_s) nil)))
    947            (comint-send-input 'no-newline))
    948          (sly-mrepl--catch-up))
    949         (t
    950          (newline-and-indent)
    951          (sly-message "Input not complete"))))
    953 (defun sly-mrepl-previous-input-or-button (n)
    954   (interactive "p")
    955   (if (>= (point) (sly-mrepl--mark))
    956       (progn
    957         (unless (memq last-command
    958                       '(sly-mrepl-previous-input-or-button
    959                         sly-mrepl-next-input-or-button))
    960           (sly-mrepl--set-eli-input))
    961         (comint-previous-input n)
    962         (sly-mrepl--keep-eli-input-maybe))
    963     (sly-button-backward n)))
    965 (defun sly-mrepl-next-input-or-button (n)
    966   (interactive "p")
    967   (sly-mrepl-previous-input-or-button (- n)))
    969 (put 'sly-mrepl-next-input-or-button 'sly-button-navigation-command t)
    970 (put 'sly-mrepl-previous-input-or-button 'sly-button-navigation-command t)
    972 ;;;###autoload
    973 (defun sly-mrepl (&optional display-action)
    974   "Find or create the first useful REPL for the default connection.
    975 If supplied, DISPLAY-ACTION is called on the
    976 buffer. Interactively, DISPLAY-ACTION defaults to using
    977 `switch-to-buffer' unless the intended buffer is already visible
    978 in some window, in which case that window is selected."
    979   (interactive (list (lambda (buf)
    980                        (let ((w (get-buffer-window buf)))
    981                          (if w (select-window w) (switch-to-buffer buf))))))
    982   (let* ((buffer
    983           (sly-mrepl--find-create (sly-current-connection))))
    984     (when display-action
    985       (funcall display-action buffer))
    986     buffer))
    988 (defun sly-mrepl-on-connection ()
    989   (let* ((inferior-buffer
    990           (and (sly-process) (process-buffer (sly-process))))
    991          (inferior-window
    992           (and inferior-buffer (get-buffer-window inferior-buffer t))))
    993     (let ((sly-mrepl-pop-sylvester
    994            (or (eq sly-mrepl-pop-sylvester 'on-connection)
    995                sly-mrepl-pop-sylvester)))
    996       (sly-mrepl 'pop-to-buffer))
    997     (when inferior-window
    998       (bury-buffer inferior-buffer)
    999       (delete-window inferior-window))
   1000     (goto-char (point-max))))
   1002 (defun sly-mrepl-new (connection &optional handle)
   1003   "Create and setup a new REPL buffer for CONNECTION.
   1004 CONNECTION defaults to the current SLY connection.  If such a
   1005 buffer already exists, or a prefix arg is given, prompt for a
   1006 handle to distinguish the new buffer from the existing."
   1007   (interactive
   1008    ;; FIXME: Notice a subtle bug/feature than when calling
   1009    ;; interactively in a buffer which has a connection, but not the
   1010    ;; default connection, the new REPL will be for that connection.
   1011    (let ((connection (sly-connection)))
   1012      (list connection
   1013            (if (or (get-buffer (sly-mrepl--buffer-name connection))
   1014                    current-prefix-arg)
   1015                (sly-read-from-minibuffer
   1016                 "Nickname for this new REPL? ")))))
   1017   (let* ((name (sly-mrepl--buffer-name connection handle))
   1018          (existing (get-buffer name)))
   1019     (when (and handle existing)
   1020       (sly-user-error "A REPL with that handle already exists"))
   1021     ;; Take this oportunity to save any other REPL histories so that
   1022     ;; the new REPL will see them.
   1023     (sly-mrepl--save-all-histories)
   1024     (let* ((local (sly-make-channel sly-listener-channel-methods))
   1025            (buffer (pop-to-buffer name))
   1026            (default-directory (if (file-readable-p default-directory)
   1027                                    default-directory
   1028                                 (expand-file-name "~/"))))
   1029       (with-current-buffer buffer
   1030         (sly-mrepl-mode)
   1031         (when (and (not existing)
   1032                    (eq sly-mrepl-pop-sylvester t))
   1033           (sly-mrepl--insert-note
   1034            (concat "\n" (sly-mrepl-random-sylvester) "\n\n")
   1035            'sly-mrepl-output-face))
   1036         (setq sly-buffer-connection connection)
   1037         (start-process (format "sly-pty-%s-%s"
   1038                                (process-get connection
   1039                                             'sly--net-connect-counter)
   1040                                ( local))
   1041                        (current-buffer)
   1042                        nil)
   1043         (set-process-query-on-exit-flag (sly-mrepl--process) nil)
   1044         (setq header-line-format
   1045               (format "Waiting for REPL creation ack for channel %d..."
   1046                       ( local)))
   1047         (sly-channel-put local 'buffer (current-buffer))
   1048         (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'sly-mrepl--teardown nil 'local)
   1049         (set (make-local-variable 'sly-mrepl--local-channel) local))
   1050       (sly-eval-async
   1051           `(slynk-mrepl:create-mrepl ,( local))
   1052         (lambda (result)
   1053           (cl-destructuring-bind (remote thread-id) result
   1054             (with-current-buffer buffer
   1055               (sly-mrepl--read-input-ring)
   1056               (setq header-line-format nil)
   1057               (setq sly-current-thread thread-id)
   1058               (set (make-local-variable 'sly-mrepl--remote-channel) remote)
   1059               (unwind-protect
   1060                   (run-hooks 'sly-mrepl-hook 'sly-mrepl-runonce-hook)
   1061                 (set-default 'sly-mrepl-runonce-hook nil))))))
   1062       buffer)))
   1064 (defun sly-mrepl-insert-input (pos)
   1065   (interactive (list (if (mouse-event-p last-input-event)
   1066                          (posn-point (event-end last-input-event))
   1067                        (point))))
   1068   (sly-mrepl--assert-mrepl)
   1069   (let* ((pos (if (eq (field-at-pos pos) 'sly-mrepl-input)
   1070                   pos
   1071                 (1+ pos)))
   1072          (new-input (and
   1073                      (eq (field-at-pos (1+ pos)) 'sly-mrepl-input)
   1074                      (field-string-no-properties pos)))
   1075          (offset (and new-input
   1076                       (- (point) (field-beginning pos)))))
   1077     (cond (new-input
   1078            (goto-char (sly-mrepl--mark))
   1079            (delete-region (point) (point-max))
   1080            (insert (sly-trim-whitespace new-input))
   1081            (goto-char (+ (sly-mrepl--mark) offset)))
   1082           (t
   1083            (sly-user-error "No input at point")))))
   1085 (defun sly-mrepl-guess-package (&optional point interactive)
   1086   (interactive (list (point) t))
   1087   (let* ((point (or point (point)))
   1088          (probe
   1089           (previous-single-property-change point
   1090                                            'sly-mrepl--prompt))
   1091          (package (and probe
   1092                        (or (get-text-property probe 'sly-mrepl--prompt)
   1093                            (let ((probe2
   1094                                   (previous-single-property-change
   1095                                    probe 'sly-mrepl--prompt)))
   1096                              (and probe2
   1097                                   (get-text-property probe2
   1098                                                      'sly-mrepl--prompt)))))))
   1099     (when interactive
   1100       (sly-message "Guessed package \"%s\"" package))
   1101     package))
   1103 (define-obsolete-function-alias
   1104   'sly-mrepl-sync-package-and-default-directory 'sly-mrepl-sync
   1105   "1.0.0-alpha-3")
   1107 (defun sly-mrepl-sync (&optional package directory expression)
   1108   "Go to the REPL, and set Slynk's PACKAGE and DIRECTORY.
   1109 Also yank EXPRESSION into the prompt.  Interactively gather
   1110 PACKAGE and DIRECTORY these values from the current buffer, if
   1111 available. In this scenario EXPRESSION is only set if a C-u
   1112 prefix argument is given."
   1113   (interactive (list (sly-current-package)
   1114                      (and buffer-file-name
   1115                           default-directory)
   1116                      (and current-prefix-arg
   1117                           (sly-last-expression))))
   1118   (sly-mrepl--with-repl (sly-mrepl--find-create (sly-connection))
   1119     (when directory
   1120       (cd directory))
   1121     (sly-mrepl--eval-for-repl
   1122      `(slynk-mrepl:sync-package-and-default-directory
   1123        :package-name ,package
   1124        :directory ,(and directory
   1125                         (sly-to-lisp-filename directory)))
   1126      :insert-p nil
   1127      :before-prompt
   1128      #'(lambda (results)
   1129          (cl-destructuring-bind (package-2 directory-2) results
   1130            (sly-mrepl--insert-note
   1131             (cond ((and package directory)
   1132                    (format "Synched package to %s and directory to %s"
   1133                            package-2 directory-2))
   1134                   (directory
   1135                    (format "Synched directory to %s" directory-2))
   1136                   (package
   1137                    (format "Synched package to %s" package-2))
   1138                   (t
   1139                    (format "Remaining in package %s and directory %s"
   1140                            package-2 directory-2))))))
   1141      :after-prompt
   1142      #'(lambda (_results)
   1143          (when expression
   1144            (goto-char (point-max))
   1145            (let ((saved (point)))
   1146              (insert expression)
   1147              (when (string-match "\n" expression)
   1148                (indent-region saved (point-max)))))))))
   1150 (defun sly-mrepl-clear-repl ()
   1151   "Clear all this REPL's output history.
   1152 Doesn't clear input history."
   1153   (interactive)
   1154   (sly-mrepl--assert-mrepl)
   1155   (sly-mrepl--send `(:clear-repl-history)))
   1157 (defun sly-mrepl-clear-recent-output ()
   1158   "Clear this REPL's output between current and last prompt."
   1159   (interactive)
   1160   (sly-mrepl--assert-mrepl)
   1161   (cl-loop for search-start =
   1162            (set-marker (make-marker)
   1163                        (1+ (overlay-start sly-mrepl--last-prompt-overlay)))
   1164            then pos
   1165            for pos = (set-marker
   1166                       search-start
   1167                       (previous-single-property-change search-start 'field))
   1168            while (and (marker-position pos)
   1169                       ;; FIXME: fragile (1- pos), use narrowing
   1170                       (not (get-text-property (1- pos) 'sly-mrepl--prompt))
   1171                       (> pos (point-min)))
   1172            when (eq (field-at-pos pos) 'sly-mrepl--output)
   1173            do (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
   1174                 (delete-region (field-beginning pos)
   1175                                (+
   1176                                 (if (eq ?\n (char-before (field-end pos))) 0 1)
   1177                                 (field-end pos)))
   1178                 (sly-mrepl--insert-output "; Cleared last output"
   1179                                           'sly-mrepl-note-face))
   1180            and return nil)
   1181   (sly-message "Cleared last output"))
   1183 (defun sly-mrepl-next-prompt ()
   1184   "Go to the beginning of the next REPL prompt."
   1185   (interactive)
   1186   (let ((pos (next-single-char-property-change (line-beginning-position 2)
   1187                                                'sly-mrepl--prompt)))
   1188     (goto-char pos))
   1189   (end-of-line))
   1191 (defun sly-mrepl-previous-prompt ()
   1192   "Go to the beginning of the previous REPL prompt."
   1193   (interactive)
   1194   ;; This has two wrinkles around the first prompt: (1) when going to
   1195   ;; the first prompt it leaves point at column 0 (1) when called from
   1196   ;; frist prompt goes to beginning of buffer.  The correct fix is to
   1197   ;; patch comint.el's comint-next-prompt and comint-previous-prompt
   1198   ;; anyway...
   1199   (let* ((inhibit-field-text-motion t)
   1200          (pos (previous-single-char-property-change (1- (line-beginning-position))
   1201                                                    'sly-mrepl--prompt)))
   1202     (goto-char pos)
   1203     (goto-char (line-beginning-position)))
   1204   (end-of-line))
   1207 ;;; "External" non-interactive functions for plugging into
   1208 ;;; other parts of SLY
   1209 ;;;
   1210 (defun sly-inspector-copy-part-to-repl (number)
   1211   "Evaluate the inspector slot at point via the REPL (to set `*')."
   1212   (sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl
   1213    ;; FIXME: Using SLYNK:EVAL-FOR-INSPECTOR here repeats logic from
   1214    ;; sly.el's `sly-eval-for-inspector', but we can't use that here
   1215    ;; because we're already using `sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl'.
   1216    ;; Investigate if these functions could maybe be macros instead.
   1217    `(slynk:eval-for-inspector
   1218      ,sly--this-inspector-name
   1219      nil
   1220      'slynk:inspector-nth-part-or-lose
   1221      ,number)
   1222    :before (format "Returning inspector slot %s" number)))
   1224 (defun sly-db-copy-part-to-repl (frame-id var-id)
   1225   "Evaluate the frame var at point via the REPL (to set `*')."
   1226   (sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl
   1227    `(slynk-backend:frame-var-value ,frame-id ,var-id)
   1228    :repl (sly-mrepl--find-buffer (sly-current-connection) sly-current-thread)
   1229    :before (format "Returning var %s of frame %s" var-id frame-id)))
   1231 (defun sly-apropos-copy-symbol-to-repl (name _type)
   1232   (sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl
   1233    `(common-lisp:identity ',(car (read-from-string name)))
   1234    :before (format "Returning symbol %s" name)))
   1236 (defun sly-trace-dialog-copy-part-to-repl (id part-id type)
   1237   "Eval the Trace Dialog entry under point in the REPL (to set *)"
   1238   (sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl
   1239    `(slynk-trace-dialog:trace-part-or-lose ,id ,part-id ,type)
   1240    :before (format "Returning part %s (%s) of trace entry %s" part-id type id)))
   1242 (defun sly-db-copy-call-to-repl (frame-id spec)
   1243   (sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl
   1244    `(slynk-backend:frame-arguments ,frame-id)
   1245    :before (format "The actual arguments passed to frame %s" frame-id)
   1246    :after #'(lambda (objects)
   1247               (sly-mrepl--insert-call spec objects))))
   1249 (defun sly-trace-dialog-copy-call-to-repl (trace-id spec)
   1250   (sly-mrepl--save-and-copy-for-repl
   1251    `(slynk-trace-dialog:trace-arguments-or-lose ,trace-id)
   1252    :before (format "The actual arguments passed to trace %s" trace-id)
   1253    :after #'(lambda (objects)
   1254               (sly-mrepl--insert-call spec objects))))
   1256 (defun sly-mrepl-inside-string-or-comment-p ()
   1257   (let ((mark (and (process-live-p (sly-mrepl--process))
   1258                    (sly-mrepl--mark))))
   1259     (when (and mark (> (point) mark))
   1260       (let ((ppss (parse-partial-sexp mark (point))))
   1261         (or (nth 3 ppss) (nth 4 ppss))))))
   1264 ;;; The comma shortcut
   1265 ;;;
   1266 (defvar sly-mrepl-shortcut-history nil "History for sly-mrepl-shortcut.")
   1268 (defun sly-mrepl-reset-shortcut (key-sequence)
   1269   "Set `sly-mrepl-shortcut' and reset REPL keymap accordingly."
   1270   (interactive "kNew shortcut key sequence? ")
   1271   (when (boundp 'sly-mrepl-shortcut)
   1272     (define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map sly-mrepl-shortcut nil))
   1273   (set-default 'sly-mrepl-shortcut key-sequence)
   1274   (define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map key-sequence
   1275     '(menu-item "" sly-mrepl-shortcut
   1276                 :filter (lambda (cmd)
   1277                           (if (and (eq major-mode 'sly-mrepl-mode)
   1278                                    (sly-mrepl--shortcut-location-p))
   1279                               cmd)))))
   1281 (defcustom sly-mrepl-shortcut (kbd ",")
   1282   "Keybinding string used for the REPL shortcut commands.
   1283 When setting this variable outside of the Customize interface,
   1284 `sly-mrepl-reset-shortcut' must be used."
   1285   :group 'sly
   1286   :type 'key-sequence
   1287   :set (lambda (_sym value)
   1288          (sly-mrepl-reset-shortcut value)))
   1290 (defun sly-mrepl--shortcut-location-p ()
   1291   (or (< (point) (sly-mrepl--mark))
   1292       (and (not (let ((state (syntax-ppss)))
   1293                   (or (nth 3 state) (nth 4 state))))
   1294            (or (not (equal sly-mrepl-shortcut ","))
   1295                (not (save-excursion
   1296                       (search-backward "`" (sly-mrepl--mark) 'noerror)))))))
   1298 (defvar sly-mrepl-shortcut-alist
   1299   ;; keep this alist ordered by the key value, in order to make it easier to see
   1300   ;; the identifying prefixes and keep them short
   1301   '(("cd"             . sly-mrepl-set-directory)
   1302     ("clear repl"     . sly-mrepl-clear-repl)
   1303     ("disconnect"     . sly-disconnect)
   1304     ("disconnect all" . sly-disconnect-all)
   1305     ("in-package"     . sly-mrepl-set-package)
   1306     ("restart lisp"   . sly-restart-inferior-lisp)
   1307     ("quit lisp"      . sly-quit-lisp)
   1308     ("sayoonara"      . sly-quit-lisp)
   1309     ("set directory"  . sly-mrepl-set-directory)
   1310     ("set package"    . sly-mrepl-set-package)))
   1313 (defun sly-mrepl-set-package ()
   1314   (interactive)
   1315   (let ((package (sly-read-package-name "New package: ")))
   1316     (sly-mrepl--eval-for-repl `(slynk-mrepl:guess-and-set-package ,package))))
   1318 (defun sly-mrepl-set-directory ()
   1319   (interactive)
   1320   (let ((dir (read-directory-name "New directory: "
   1321                                   default-directory nil t)))
   1322     ;; repeats logic in `sly-cd'.
   1323     (sly-mrepl--eval-for-repl
   1324      `(slynk:set-default-directory
   1325        (slynk-backend:filename-to-pathname
   1326         ,(sly-to-lisp-filename dir))))
   1327     (sly-mrepl--insert-note (format "Setting directory to %s" dir))
   1328     (cd dir)))
   1330 (advice-add
   1331  'sly-cd :around
   1332  (lambda (oldfun r)
   1333    (interactive (lambda (oldspec)
   1334                   (if (or (not (eq major-mode 'sly-mrepl-mode))
   1335                           (sly-y-or-n-p
   1336                            (substitute-command-keys
   1337                             "This won't set the REPL's directory (use \
   1338  \\[sly-mrepl-set-directory] for that).  Proceed?")))
   1339                       (list (advice-eval-interactive-spec oldspec))
   1340                     (keyboard-quit))))
   1341    (apply oldfun r))
   1342  '((name . sly-mrepl--be-aware-of-sly-cd)))
   1344 (defun sly-mrepl-shortcut ()
   1345   (interactive)
   1346   (let* ((string (completing-read "Command: "
   1347                                   (mapcar #'car sly-mrepl-shortcut-alist)
   1348                                   nil 'require-match nil
   1349                                   'sly-mrepl-shortcut-history
   1350                                   (car sly-mrepl-shortcut-history)))
   1351          (command (and string
   1352                        (cdr (assoc string sly-mrepl-shortcut-alist)))))
   1353     (call-interactively command)))
   1356 ;;; Backreference highlighting
   1357 ;;;
   1358 (defvar sly-mrepl--backreference-overlays nil
   1359   "List of overlays on top of REPL result buttons.")
   1360 (make-variable-buffer-local 'sly-mrepl--backreference-overlays)
   1362 (defun sly-mrepl-highlight-results (&optional entry-idx value-idx)
   1363   "Highlight REPL results for ENTRY-IDX and VALUE-IDX.
   1364 If VALUE-IDX is nil or `all', highlight all results for entry
   1365 ENTRY-IDX.  If ENTRY-IDX is nil, highlight all results.  Returns
   1366 a list of result buttons thus highlighted"
   1367   (interactive)
   1368   (cl-loop
   1369    for button in (sly-button-buttons-in (point-min) (point-max))
   1370    for e-idx = (car (button-get button 'part-args))
   1371    for v-idx = (cadr (button-get button 'part-args))
   1372    when (and (button-type-subtype-p (button-type button) 'sly-mrepl-part)
   1373              (eq (button-get button 'sly-connection) (sly-current-connection))
   1374              (not (button-get button 'sly-mrepl--highlight-overlay))
   1375              (and (or (not entry-idx)
   1376                       (= e-idx entry-idx))
   1377                   (or (not value-idx)
   1378                       (eq value-idx 'all)
   1379                       (= v-idx value-idx))))
   1380    collect button and
   1381    do (let ((overlay (make-overlay (button-start button) (button-end button))))
   1382         (push overlay sly-mrepl--backreference-overlays)
   1383         (overlay-put overlay 'before-string
   1384                      (concat
   1385                       (propertize
   1386                        (format "%s:%s"
   1387                                (car (button-get button 'part-args))
   1388                                (cadr (button-get button 'part-args)))
   1389                        'face 'highlight)
   1390                       " ")))))
   1392 (defun sly-mrepl-unhighlight-results ()
   1393   "Unhighlight all repl results"
   1394   (interactive)
   1395   (mapc #'delete-overlay sly-mrepl--backreference-overlays)
   1396   (setq sly-mrepl--backreference-overlays nil))
   1398 (defvar sly-mrepl--backreference-overlay nil)
   1399 (defvar sly-mrepl--backreference-prefix "#v")
   1401 (defun sly-mrepl--highlight-backreferences-maybe ()
   1402   "Intended to be placed in `post-command-hook'."
   1403   (sly-mrepl-unhighlight-results)
   1404   (when sly-mrepl--backreference-overlay
   1405     (delete-overlay sly-mrepl--backreference-overlay))
   1406   (let* ((match (save-excursion
   1407                   (sly-beginning-of-symbol)
   1408                   (looking-at
   1409                    (format "%s\\([[:digit:]]+\\)?\\(:\\([[:digit:]]+\\)\\|:\\)?"
   1410                            sly-mrepl--backreference-prefix))))
   1411          (m0 (and match (match-string 0)))
   1412          (m1 (and m0 (match-string 1)))
   1413          (m2 (and m1 (match-string 2)))
   1414          (m3 (and m2 (match-string 3)))
   1415          (entry-idx (and m1 (string-to-number m1)))
   1416          (value-idx (and match
   1417                          (or (and m3 (string-to-number m3))
   1418                              (and (not m2)
   1419                                   'all)))))
   1420     (if (null match)
   1421         (set (make-local-variable 'sly-autodoc-preamble) nil)
   1422       (let ((buttons (sly-mrepl-highlight-results entry-idx value-idx))
   1423             (overlay
   1424              (or sly-mrepl--backreference-overlay
   1425                  (set (make-local-variable 'sly-mrepl--backreference-overlay)
   1426                       (make-overlay 0 0))))
   1427             (message-log-max nil)
   1428             (message-text))
   1429         (move-overlay sly-mrepl--backreference-overlay
   1430                       (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
   1431         (cond
   1432          ((null buttons)
   1433           (overlay-put overlay 'face 'font-lock-warning-face)
   1434           (setq message-text (format "No history references for backreference `%s'" m0)))
   1435          ((and buttons
   1436                entry-idx
   1437                value-idx)
   1438           (overlay-put overlay 'face 'sly-action-face)
   1439           (let* ((prefix (if (numberp value-idx)
   1440                              (format "Matched history value %s of entry %s: "
   1441                                      value-idx
   1442                                      entry-idx)
   1443                            (format "Matched history entry %s%s: "
   1444                                    entry-idx
   1445                                    (if (cl-rest buttons)
   1446                                        (format " (%s values)" (length buttons))
   1447                                      ""))))
   1448                  (hint (propertize
   1449                         (truncate-string-to-width
   1450                          (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " "
   1451                                                    (button-label
   1452                                                     (cl-first buttons)))
   1453                          (- (window-width (minibuffer-window))
   1454                             (length prefix) 10)
   1455                          nil
   1456                          nil
   1457                          "...")
   1458                         'face
   1459                         'sly-action-face)))
   1460             (setq message-text (format "%s" (format "%s%s" prefix hint)))))
   1461          (buttons
   1462           (setq message-text (format "Ambiguous backreference `%s', %s values possible"
   1463                                      m0 (length buttons)))
   1464           (overlay-put overlay 'face 'font-lock-warning-face))
   1465          (t
   1466           (overlay-put overlay 'face 'font-lock-warning-face)
   1467           (setq message-text (format "Invalid backreference `%s'" m0))))
   1468         (sly-message "%s" message-text)
   1469         (set (make-local-variable 'sly-autodoc-preamble) message-text)))))
   1472 ;;;; Menu
   1473 ;;;;
   1474 (easy-menu-define sly-mrepl--shortcut-menu nil
   1475   "Menu for accessing the mREPL anywhere in sly."
   1476   (let* ((C '(sly-connected-p)))
   1477     `("mREPL"
   1478       ["Go to default REPL" sly-mrepl ,C]
   1479       ["New REPL" sly-mrepl-new ,C]
   1480       ["Sync Package & Directory" sly-mrepl-sync
   1481        (and sly-editing-mode ,C)])))
   1483 (easy-menu-add-item sly-menu nil sly-mrepl--shortcut-menu "Documentation")
   1485 (easy-menu-define sly-mrepl--menu sly-mrepl-mode-map
   1486   "Menu for SLY's MREPL"
   1487   (let* ((C '(sly-connected-p)))
   1488     `("SLY-mREPL"
   1489       [ " Complete symbol at point " sly-mrepl-indent-and-complete-symbol ,C ]
   1490       [ " Interrupt " sly-interrupt ,C ]
   1491       [ " Isearch history backward " isearch-backward ,C]
   1492       "----"
   1493       [ " Clear REPL" sly-mrepl-clear-repl ,C ]
   1494       [ " Clear last output" sly-mrepl-clear-recent-output ,C ])))
   1497 (defvar sly-mrepl--debug-overlays nil)
   1499 (defun sly-mrepl--debug (&rest ignored)
   1500   (interactive)
   1501   (mapc #'delete-overlay sly-mrepl--debug-overlays)
   1502   (let ((overlay (make-overlay sly-mrepl--output-mark
   1503                                (sly-mrepl--mark)))
   1504         (color (if (< sly-mrepl--output-mark (sly-mrepl--mark))
   1505                    "green"
   1506                  "orange"))
   1507         (marker-color (if (= sly-mrepl--output-mark (sly-mrepl--mark))
   1508                           "red"
   1509                         "purple")))
   1510     (overlay-put overlay
   1511                  'face `(:background ,color))
   1512     (overlay-put overlay
   1513                  'after-string (propertize "F" 'face
   1514                                            `(:background ,marker-color)))
   1515     (push overlay sly-mrepl--debug-overlays)))
   1517 (defun sly-mrepl--turn-on-debug ()
   1518   (interactive)
   1519   (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'sly-mrepl--debug nil 'local)
   1520   (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'sly-mrepl--debug nil 'local))
   1522 (defun sly-mrepl--turn-off-debug ()
   1523   (interactive)
   1524   (remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'sly-mrepl--debug 'local)
   1525   (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'sly-mrepl--debug 'local))
   1528 ;;; A hack for Emacs Bug#32014  (Sly gh#165)
   1529 ;;;
   1530 (when (version<= "26.1" emacs-version)
   1531   (advice-add
   1532    #'lisp-indent-line
   1533    :around
   1534    (lambda (&rest args)
   1535      (let ((beg (save-excursion (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))))
   1536        (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'indent-line-to)
   1537                   (lambda (indent)
   1538                     (let ((shift-amt (- indent (current-column))))
   1539                       (if (zerop shift-amt)
   1540                           nil
   1541                         (delete-region beg (point))
   1542                         (indent-to indent))))))
   1543          ;; call original
   1544          (apply args))))
   1545    '((name . sly-workaround-for-emacs-bug-32014))))
   1548 ;;; Sylvesters
   1549 ;;;
   1550 (defvar  sly-mrepl--sylvesters
   1551   (with-temp-buffer
   1552     (insert-file-contents-literally
   1553      (expand-file-name "sylvesters.txt"
   1554                        (file-name-directory load-file-name)))
   1555     (cl-loop while (< (point) (point-max))
   1556              for start = (point)
   1557              do (search-forward "\n\n" nil 'noerror)
   1558              collect (buffer-substring-no-properties start (- (point) 2)))))
   1560 (defun sly-mrepl-random-sylvester ()
   1561   (let* ((sylvester (nth (random (length sly-mrepl--sylvesters))
   1562                          sly-mrepl--sylvesters))
   1563          (woe (sly-random-words-of-encouragement))
   1564          (uncommented
   1565           (replace-regexp-in-string "@@@@" woe sylvester)))
   1566     uncommented))
   1568 (provide 'sly-mrepl)