
My Emacs configuration
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config.yml (2719B)

      1 version: 2.1
      3 orbs:
      4   macos: circleci/macos@2
      6 commands:
      7   install-ubuntu-prereqs:
      8     steps:
      9       - run:
     10           name: Install base prereqs needed for running make commands
     11           command: |
     12             apt-get update --fix-missing -y && apt-get install -y make tzdata
     13   install-pdf-tools-server:
     14     steps:
     15       - checkout
     16       - run:
     17           name: Install pdf-tools Server Pre-reqs and Compile epdfinfo
     18           command: |
     19             make autobuild
     20       - run:
     21           name: Upgrade Cask to the latest version
     22           command: |
     23             cask upgrade-cask || true
     24       - run:
     25           name: Confirm that Emacs is installed and on Path
     26           command: |
     27             emacs --version
     28       - run:
     29           name: Confirm that Cask is installed and on Path
     30           command: |
     31             cask --version
     32       - run:
     33           name: Install pdf-tools elisp pre-reqs
     34           command: |
     35             cask install
     36       - run:
     37           name: Run pdf-tools elisp tests
     38           command: |
     39             make test
     41 # Test various Emacs versions on Ubuntu
     42 jobs:
     43   test-on-emacs-26:
     44     docker:
     45       - image: silex/emacs:26-ci-cask
     46         entrypoint: bash
     47     steps:
     48       - install-ubuntu-prereqs
     49       - install-pdf-tools-server
     51   test-on-emacs-27:
     52     docker:
     53       - image: silex/emacs:27-ci-cask
     54         entrypoint: bash
     55     steps:
     56       - install-ubuntu-prereqs
     57       - install-pdf-tools-server
     59   test-on-emacs-28:
     60     docker:
     61       - image: silex/emacs:28-ci-cask
     62         entrypoint: bash
     63     steps:
     64       - install-ubuntu-prereqs
     65       - install-pdf-tools-server
     67   test-on-emacs-master:
     68     docker:
     69       - image: silex/emacs:master-ci-cask
     70         entrypoint: bash
     71     steps:
     72       - install-ubuntu-prereqs
     73       - install-pdf-tools-server
     75   test-on-macos:
     76     macos:
     77       xcode: "14.1.0"
     78     resource_class: macos.x86.medium.gen2
     79     environment:
     80       HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1
     82     steps:
     83       - run:
     84           name: Install Emacs on MacOS
     85           command: |
     86             brew install --cask emacs
     87       - run:
     88           name: Install Cask on MacOS
     89           command: |
     90             git clone ~/.cask
     91       - run:
     92           name: Install Brew prereqs
     93           command: |
     94             brew install gnu-sed
     95       - run:
     96           name: Add Cask and Gnu-SED to the Path
     97           command: |
     98             echo 'export PATH="$HOME"/.cask/bin:"$(brew --prefix gnu-sed)"/libexec/gnubin:"$PATH"' >> "$BASH_ENV"
     99       - install-pdf-tools-server
    101 workflows:
    102   version: 2
    103   ci-test-matrix:
    104     jobs:
    105       - test-on-emacs-26
    106       - test-on-emacs-27
    107       - test-on-emacs-28
    108       - test-on-emacs-master
    109       - test-on-macos