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paredit.el (122756B)

      1 ;;; paredit.el --- minor mode for editing parentheses  -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2005--2019 Taylor R. Campbell
      5 ;; Author: Taylor R. Campbell <>
      6 ;; Version: 25beta
      7 ;; Package-Version: 20191121.2328
      8 ;; Package-Commit: 8330a41e8188fe18d3fa805bb9aa529f015318e8
      9 ;; Created: 2005-07-31
     10 ;; Keywords: lisp
     16 ;; Paredit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     17 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     18 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     19 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     20 ;;
     21 ;; Paredit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     22 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     24 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     25 ;;
     26 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     27 ;; along with paredit.  If not, see <>.
     29 ;;; The currently released version of paredit is available at
     30 ;;;   <>.
     31 ;;;
     32 ;;; The latest beta version of paredit is available at
     33 ;;;   <>.
     34 ;;;
     35 ;;; The Git repository for paredit is available at
     36 ;;;   <>
     37 ;;;
     38 ;;; Release notes are available at
     39 ;;;   <>.
     41 ;;; Install paredit by placing `paredit.el' in `/path/to/elisp', a
     42 ;;; directory of your choice, and adding to your .emacs file:
     43 ;;;
     44 ;;;   (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/elisp")
     45 ;;;   (autoload 'enable-paredit-mode "paredit"
     46 ;;;     "Turn on pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code."
     47 ;;;     t)
     48 ;;;
     49 ;;; Start Paredit Mode on the fly with `M-x enable-paredit-mode RET',
     50 ;;; or always enable it in a major mode `M' (e.g., `lisp') with:
     51 ;;;
     52 ;;;   (add-hook 'M-mode-hook 'enable-paredit-mode)
     53 ;;;
     54 ;;; Customize paredit using `eval-after-load':
     55 ;;;
     56 ;;;   (eval-after-load 'paredit
     57 ;;;     '(progn
     58 ;;;        (define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "ESC M-A-C-s-)")
     59 ;;;          'paredit-dwim)))
     60 ;;;
     61 ;;; Send questions, bug reports, comments, feature suggestions, &c.,
     62 ;;; via email to the author's surname at
     63 ;;;
     64 ;;; Paredit should run in GNU Emacs 21 or later and XEmacs 21.5.28 or
     65 ;;; later.
     67 ;;; The paredit minor mode, Paredit Mode, binds common character keys,
     68 ;;; such as `(', `)', `"', and `\', to commands that carefully insert
     69 ;;; S-expression structures in the buffer:
     70 ;;;
     71 ;;;   ( inserts `()', leaving the point in the middle;
     72 ;;;   ) moves the point over the next closing delimiter;
     73 ;;;   " inserts `""' if outside a string, or inserts an escaped
     74 ;;;      double-quote if in the middle of a string, or moves over the
     75 ;;;      closing double-quote if at the end of a string; and
     76 ;;;   \ prompts for the character to escape, to avoid inserting lone
     77 ;;;      backslashes that may break structure.
     78 ;;;
     79 ;;; In comments, these keys insert themselves.  If necessary, you can
     80 ;;; insert these characters literally outside comments by pressing
     81 ;;; `C-q' before these keys, in case a mistake has broken the
     82 ;;; structure.
     83 ;;;
     84 ;;; These key bindings are designed so that when typing new code in
     85 ;;; Paredit Mode, you can generally type exactly the same sequence of
     86 ;;; keys you would have typed without Paredit Mode.
     87 ;;;
     88 ;;; Paredit Mode also binds common editing keys, such as `DEL', `C-d',
     89 ;;; and `C-k', to commands that respect S-expression structures in the
     90 ;;; buffer:
     91 ;;;
     92 ;;;   DEL deletes the previous character, unless it is a delimiter: DEL
     93 ;;;        will move the point backward over a closing delimiter, and
     94 ;;;        will delete a delimiter pair together if between an open and
     95 ;;;        closing delimiter;
     96 ;;;
     97 ;;;   C-d deletes the next character in much the same manner; and
     98 ;;;
     99 ;;;   C-k kills all S-expressions that begin anywhere between the point
    100 ;;;        and the end of the line or the closing delimiter of the
    101 ;;;        enclosing list, whichever is first.
    102 ;;;
    103 ;;; If necessary, you can delete a character, kill a line, &c.,
    104 ;;; irrespective of S-expression structure, by pressing `C-u' before
    105 ;;; these keys, in case a mistake has broken the structure.
    106 ;;;
    107 ;;; Finally, Paredit Mode binds some keys to complex S-expression
    108 ;;; editing operations.  For example, `C-<right>' makes the enclosing
    109 ;;; list slurp up an S-expression to its right (here `|' denotes the
    110 ;;; point):
    111 ;;;
    112 ;;;   (foo (bar | baz) quux)  C-<right>  (foo (bar | baz quux))
    113 ;;;
    114 ;;; Some paredit commands automatically reindent code.  When they do,
    115 ;;; they try to indent as locally as possible, to avoid interfering
    116 ;;; with any indentation you might have manually written.  Only the
    117 ;;; advanced S-expression manipulation commands automatically reindent,
    118 ;;; and only the forms that they immediately operated upon (and their
    119 ;;; subforms).
    120 ;;;
    121 ;;; This code is written for clarity, not efficiency.  It frequently
    122 ;;; walks over S-expressions redundantly.  If you have problems with
    123 ;;; the time it takes to execute some of the commands, let me know.
    125 ;;; This assumes Unix-style LF line endings.
    127 (defconst paredit-version 25)
    128 (defconst paredit-beta-p t)
    130 (eval-and-compile
    132   (defun paredit-xemacs-p ()
    133     ;; No idea where I got this definition from.  Edward O'Connor
    134     ;; (hober in #emacs) suggested the current definition.
    135     ;;   (and (boundp 'running-xemacs)
    136     ;;        running-xemacs)
    137     (featurep 'xemacs))
    139   (defun paredit-gnu-emacs-p ()
    140     ;++ This could probably be improved.
    141     (not (paredit-xemacs-p)))
    143   (defmacro xcond (&rest clauses)
    144     "Exhaustive COND.
    145 Signal an error if no clause matches."
    146     `(cond ,@clauses
    147            (t (error "XCOND lost."))))
    149   (defalias 'paredit-warn (if (fboundp 'warn) 'warn 'message))
    151   (defvar paredit-sexp-error-type
    152     (with-temp-buffer
    153       (insert "(")
    154       (condition-case condition
    155           (backward-sexp)
    156         (error (if (eq (car condition) 'error)
    157                    (paredit-warn "%s%s%s%s%s"
    158                                  "Paredit is unable to discriminate"
    159                                  " S-expression parse errors from"
    160                                  " other errors. "
    161                                  " This may cause obscure problems. "
    162                                  " Please upgrade Emacs."))
    163                (car condition)))))
    165   (defmacro paredit-handle-sexp-errors (body &rest handler)
    166     `(condition-case ()
    167          ,body
    168        (,paredit-sexp-error-type ,@handler)))
    170   (put 'paredit-handle-sexp-errors 'lisp-indent-function 1)
    172   (defmacro paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (&rest body)
    173     `(paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn ,@body)
    174        nil))
    176   (put 'paredit-ignore-sexp-errors 'lisp-indent-function 0)
    178   (defmacro paredit-preserving-column (&rest body)
    179     "Evaluate BODY and restore point to former column, relative to code.
    180 Assumes BODY will change only indentation.
    181 If point was on code, it moves with the code.
    182 If point was on indentation, it stays in indentation."
    183     (let ((column (make-symbol "column"))
    184           (indentation (make-symbol "indentation")))
    185       `(let ((,column (current-column))
    186              (,indentation (paredit-current-indentation)))
    187          (let ((value (progn ,@body)))
    188            (paredit-restore-column ,column ,indentation)
    189            value))))
    191   (put 'paredit-preserving-column 'lisp-indent-function 0)
    193   nil)
    195 ;;;; Minor Mode Definition
    197 (defvar paredit-lighter " Paredit"
    198   "Mode line lighter Paredit Mode.")
    200 (defvar paredit-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
    201   "Keymap for the paredit minor mode.")
    203 (defvar paredit-override-check-parens-function
    204   (lambda (condition) (declare ignore condition) nil)
    205   "Function to tell whether unbalanced text should inhibit Paredit Mode.")
    207 ;;;###autoload
    208 (define-minor-mode paredit-mode
    209   "Minor mode for pseudo-structurally editing Lisp code.
    210 With a prefix argument, enable Paredit Mode even if there are
    211   unbalanced parentheses in the buffer.
    212 Paredit behaves badly if parentheses are unbalanced, so exercise
    213   caution when forcing Paredit Mode to be enabled, and consider
    214   fixing unbalanced parentheses instead.
    215 \\<paredit-mode-map>"
    216   :lighter paredit-lighter
    217   ;; Setting `paredit-mode' to false here aborts enabling Paredit Mode.
    218   (if (and paredit-mode
    219            (not current-prefix-arg))
    220       (condition-case condition
    221           (check-parens)
    222         (error
    223          (if (not (funcall paredit-override-check-parens-function condition))
    224              (progn (setq paredit-mode nil)
    225                     (signal (car condition) (cdr condition))))))))
    227 (defun paredit-override-check-parens-interactively (condition)
    228   (y-or-n-p (format "Enable Paredit Mode despite condition %S? " condition)))
    230 ;;;###autoload
    231 (defun enable-paredit-mode ()
    232   "Turn on pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code."
    233   (interactive)
    234   (paredit-mode +1))
    236 (defun disable-paredit-mode ()
    237   "Turn off pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code."
    238   (interactive)
    239   (paredit-mode -1))
    241 (defvar paredit-backward-delete-key
    242   (xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p)    "BS")
    243          ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p) "DEL")))
    245 (defvar paredit-forward-delete-keys
    246   (xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p)    '("DEL"))
    247          ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p) '("<delete>" "<deletechar>"))))
    249 ;;;; Paredit Keys
    251 ;;; Separating the definition and initialization of this variable
    252 ;;; simplifies the development of paredit, since re-evaluating DEFVAR
    253 ;;; forms doesn't actually do anything.
    255 (defvar paredit-commands nil
    256   "List of paredit commands with their keys and examples.")
    258 ;;; Each specifier is of the form:
    259 ;;;   (key[s] function (example-input example-output) ...)
    260 ;;; where key[s] is either a single string suitable for passing to KBD
    261 ;;; or a list of such strings.  Entries in this list may also just be
    262 ;;; strings, in which case they are headings for the next entries.
    264 (progn (setq paredit-commands
    265  `(
    266    "Basic Insertion Commands"
    267    ("("         paredit-open-round
    268                 ("(a b |c d)"
    269                  "(a b (|) c d)")
    270                 ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
    271                  "(foo \"bar (|baz\" quux)"))
    272    (")"         paredit-close-round
    273                 ("(a b |c   )" "(a b c)|")
    274                 ("; Hello,| world!"
    275                  "; Hello,)| world!"))
    276    ("M-)"       paredit-close-round-and-newline
    277                 ("(defun f (x|  ))"
    278                  "(defun f (x)\n  |)")
    279                 ("; (Foo.|"
    280                  "; (Foo.)|"))
    281    ("["         paredit-open-square
    282                 ("(a b |c d)"
    283                  "(a b [|] c d)")
    284                 ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
    285                  "(foo \"bar [|baz\" quux)"))
    286    ("]"         paredit-close-square
    287                 ("(define-key keymap [frob|  ] 'frobnicate)"
    288                  "(define-key keymap [frob]| 'frobnicate)")
    289                 ("; [Bar.|"
    290                  "; [Bar.]|"))
    292    ("\""        paredit-doublequote
    293                 ("(frob grovel |full lexical)"
    294                  "(frob grovel \"|\" full lexical)"
    295                  "(frob grovel \"\"| full lexical)")
    296                 ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
    297                  "(foo \"bar \\\"|baz\" quux)")
    298                 ("(frob grovel)   ; full |lexical"
    299                  "(frob grovel)   ; full \"|lexical"))
    300    ("M-\""      paredit-meta-doublequote
    301                 ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
    302                  "(foo \"bar baz\"| quux)")
    303                 ("(foo |(bar #\\x \"baz \\\\ quux\") zot)"
    304                  ,(concat "(foo \"|(bar #\\\\x \\\"baz \\\\"
    305                           "\\\\ quux\\\")\" zot)")))
    306    ("\\"        paredit-backslash
    307                 ("(string #|)\n  ; Character to escape: x"
    308                  "(string #\\x|)")
    309                 ("\"foo|bar\"\n  ; Character to escape: \""
    310                  "\"foo\\\"|bar\""))
    311    (";"         paredit-semicolon
    312                 ("|(frob grovel)"
    313                  ";|(frob grovel)")
    314                 ("(frob |grovel)"
    315                  "(frob ;|grovel\n )")
    316                 ("(frob |grovel (bloit\n               zargh))"
    317                  "(frob ;|grovel\n (bloit\n  zargh))")
    318                 ("(frob grovel)          |"
    319                  "(frob grovel)          ;|"))
    320    ("M-;"       paredit-comment-dwim
    321                 ("(foo |bar)   ; baz"
    322                  "(foo bar)                               ; |baz")
    323                 ("(frob grovel)|"
    324                  "(frob grovel)                           ;|")
    325                 ("(zot (foo bar)\n|\n     (baz quux))"
    326                  "(zot (foo bar)\n     ;; |\n     (baz quux))")
    327                 ("(zot (foo bar) |(baz quux))"
    328                  "(zot (foo bar)\n     ;; |\n     (baz quux))")
    329                 ("|(defun hello-world ...)"
    330                  ";;; |\n(defun hello-world ...)"))
    332    ("C-j"       paredit-newline
    333                 ("(let ((n (frobbotz))) |(display (+ n 1)\nport))"
    334                  ,(concat "(let ((n (frobbotz)))"
    335                           "\n  |(display (+ n 1)"
    336                           "\n           port))")))
    338    "Deleting & Killing"
    339    (("C-d" ,@paredit-forward-delete-keys)
    340                 paredit-forward-delete
    341                 ("(quu|x \"zot\")" "(quu| \"zot\")")
    342                 ("(quux |\"zot\")"
    343                  "(quux \"|zot\")"
    344                  "(quux \"|ot\")")
    345                 ("(foo (|) bar)" "(foo | bar)")
    346                 ("|(foo bar)" "(|foo bar)"))
    347    (,paredit-backward-delete-key
    348                 paredit-backward-delete
    349                 ("(\"zot\" q|uux)" "(\"zot\" |uux)")
    350                 ("(\"zot\"| quux)"
    351                  "(\"zot|\" quux)"
    352                  "(\"zo|\" quux)")
    353                 ("(foo (|) bar)" "(foo | bar)")
    354                 ("(foo bar)|" "(foo bar|)"))
    355    ("C-k"       paredit-kill
    356                 ("(foo bar)|     ; Useless comment!"
    357                  "(foo bar)|")
    358                 ("(|foo bar)     ; Useful comment!"
    359                  "(|)     ; Useful comment!")
    360                 ("|(foo bar)     ; Useless line!"
    361                  "|")
    362                 ("(foo \"|bar baz\"\n     quux)"
    363                  "(foo \"|\"\n     quux)"))
    364    ("M-d"       paredit-forward-kill-word
    365                 ("|(foo bar)    ; baz"
    366                  "(| bar)    ; baz"
    367                  "(|)    ; baz"
    368                  "()    ;|")
    369                 (";;;| Frobnicate\n(defun frobnicate ...)"
    370                  ";;;|\n(defun frobnicate ...)"
    371                  ";;;\n(| frobnicate ...)"))
    372    (,(concat "M-" paredit-backward-delete-key)
    373                 paredit-backward-kill-word
    374                 ("(foo bar)    ; baz\n(quux)|"
    375                  "(foo bar)    ; baz\n(|)"
    376                  "(foo bar)    ; |\n()"
    377                  "(foo |)    ; \n()"
    378                  "(|)    ; \n()"))
    380    "Movement & Navigation"
    381    ("C-M-f"     paredit-forward
    382                 ("(foo |(bar baz) quux)"
    383                  "(foo (bar baz)| quux)")
    384                 ("(foo (bar)|)"
    385                  "(foo (bar))|"))
    386    ("C-M-b"     paredit-backward
    387                 ("(foo (bar baz)| quux)"
    388                  "(foo |(bar baz) quux)")
    389                 ("(|(foo) bar)"
    390                  "|((foo) bar)"))
    391    ("C-M-u"     paredit-backward-up)
    392    ("C-M-d"     paredit-forward-down)
    393    ("C-M-p"     paredit-backward-down)  ; Built-in, these are FORWARD-
    394    ("C-M-n"     paredit-forward-up)     ; & BACKWARD-LIST, which have
    395                                         ; no need given C-M-f & C-M-b.
    397    "Depth-Changing Commands"
    398    ("M-("       paredit-wrap-round
    399                 ("(foo |bar baz)"
    400                  "(foo (|bar) baz)"))
    401    ("M-s"       paredit-splice-sexp
    402                 ("(foo (bar| baz) quux)"
    403                  "(foo bar| baz quux)"))
    404    (("M-<up>" "ESC <up>")
    405                 paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward
    406                 ("(foo (let ((x 5)) |(sqrt n)) bar)"
    407                  "(foo |(sqrt n) bar)"))
    408    (("M-<down>" "ESC <down>")
    409                 paredit-splice-sexp-killing-forward
    410                 ("(a (b c| d e) f)"
    411                  "(a b c| f)"))
    412    ("M-r"       paredit-raise-sexp
    413                 ("(dynamic-wind in (lambda () |body) out)"
    414                  "(dynamic-wind in |body out)"
    415                  "|body"))
    416    ("M-?"       paredit-convolute-sexp
    417                 ("(let ((x 5) (y 3)) (frob |(zwonk)) (wibblethwop))"
    418                  "(frob |(let ((x 5) (y 3)) (zwonk) (wibblethwop)))"))
    420    "Barfage & Slurpage"
    421    (("C-)" "C-<right>")
    422                 paredit-forward-slurp-sexp
    423                 ("(foo (bar |baz) quux zot)"
    424                  "(foo (bar |baz quux) zot)")
    425                 ("(a b ((c| d)) e f)"
    426                  "(a b ((c| d) e) f)"))
    427    (("C-}" "C-<left>")
    428                 paredit-forward-barf-sexp
    429                 ("(foo (bar |baz quux) zot)"
    430                  "(foo (bar |baz) quux zot)"))
    431    (("C-(" "C-M-<left>" "ESC C-<left>")
    432                 paredit-backward-slurp-sexp
    433                 ("(foo bar (baz| quux) zot)"
    434                  "(foo (bar baz| quux) zot)")
    435                 ("(a b ((c| d)) e f)"
    436                  "(a (b (c| d)) e f)"))
    437    (("C-{" "C-M-<right>" "ESC C-<right>")
    438                 paredit-backward-barf-sexp
    439                 ("(foo (bar baz |quux) zot)"
    440                  "(foo bar (baz |quux) zot)"))
    442    "Miscellaneous Commands"
    443    ("M-S"       paredit-split-sexp
    444                 ("(hello| world)"
    445                  "(hello)| (world)")
    446                 ("\"Hello, |world!\""
    447                  "\"Hello, \"| \"world!\""))
    448    ("M-J"       paredit-join-sexps
    449                 ("(hello)| (world)"
    450                  "(hello| world)")
    451                 ("\"Hello, \"| \"world!\""
    452                  "\"Hello, |world!\"")
    453                 ("hello-\n|  world"
    454                  "hello-|world"))
    455    ("C-c C-M-l" paredit-recenter-on-sexp)
    456    ("M-q"       paredit-reindent-defun)
    457    ))
    458        nil)                             ; end of PROGN
    460 ;;;;; Command Examples
    462 (eval-and-compile
    463   (defmacro paredit-do-commands (vars string-case &rest body)
    464     (let ((spec     (nth 0 vars))
    465           (keys     (nth 1 vars))
    466           (fn       (nth 2 vars))
    467           (examples (nth 3 vars)))
    468       `(dolist (,spec paredit-commands)
    469          (if (stringp ,spec)
    470              ,string-case
    471            (let ((,keys (let ((k (car ,spec)))
    472                           (cond ((stringp k) (list k))
    473                                 ((listp k) k)
    474                                 (t (error "Invalid paredit command %s."
    475                                           ,spec)))))
    476                  (,fn (cadr ,spec))
    477                  (,examples (cddr ,spec)))
    478              ,@body)))))
    480   (put 'paredit-do-commands 'lisp-indent-function 2))
    482 (defun paredit-define-keys ()
    483   (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
    484       nil       ; string case
    485     (dolist (key keys)
    486       (define-key paredit-mode-map (read-kbd-macro key) fn))))
    488 (defun paredit-function-documentation (fn)
    489   (let ((original-doc (get fn 'paredit-original-documentation))
    490         (doc (documentation fn 'function-documentation)))
    491     (or original-doc
    492         (progn (put fn 'paredit-original-documentation doc)
    493                doc))))
    495 (defun paredit-annotate-mode-with-examples ()
    496   (let ((contents
    497          (list (paredit-function-documentation 'paredit-mode))))
    498     (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
    499         (push (concat "\n\n" spec "\n")
    500               contents)
    501       (let ((name (symbol-name fn)))
    502         (if (string-match (symbol-name 'paredit-) name)
    503             (push (concat "\n\n\\[" name "]\t" name
    504                           (if examples
    505                               (mapconcat (lambda (example)
    506                                            (concat
    507                                             "\n"
    508                                             (mapconcat 'identity
    509                                                        example
    510                                                        "\n  --->\n")
    511                                             "\n"))
    512                                          examples
    513                                          "")
    514                               "\n  (no examples)\n"))
    515                   contents))))
    516     (put 'paredit-mode 'function-documentation
    517          (apply 'concat (reverse contents))))
    518   ;; PUT returns the huge string we just constructed, which we don't
    519   ;; want it to return.
    520   nil)
    522 (defun paredit-annotate-functions-with-examples ()
    523   (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
    524       nil       ; string case
    525     (put fn 'function-documentation
    526          (concat (paredit-function-documentation fn)
    527                  "\n\n\\<paredit-mode-map>\\[" (symbol-name fn) "]\n"
    528                  (mapconcat (lambda (example)
    529                               (concat "\n"
    530                                       (mapconcat 'identity
    531                                                  example
    532                                                  "\n  ->\n")
    533                                       "\n"))
    534                             examples
    535                             "")))))
    537 ;;;;; HTML Examples
    539 (defun paredit-insert-html-examples ()
    540   "Insert HTML for a paredit quick reference table."
    541   (interactive)
    542   (let ((insert-lines
    543          (lambda (&rest lines) (dolist (line lines) (insert line) (newline))))
    544         (initp nil))
    545     (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
    546         (progn (if initp
    547                    (funcall insert-lines "</table>")
    548                    (setq initp t))
    549                (funcall insert-lines (concat "<h3>" spec "</h3>"))
    550                (funcall insert-lines "<table>"))
    551       (let ((name (symbol-name fn))
    552             (keys
    553              (mapconcat (lambda (key)
    554                           (concat "<tt>" (paredit-html-quote key) "</tt>"))
    555                         keys
    556                         ", ")))
    557         (funcall insert-lines "<tr>")
    558         (funcall insert-lines (concat "  <th align=\"left\">" keys "</th>"))
    559         (funcall insert-lines (concat "  <th align=\"left\">" name "</th>"))
    560         (funcall insert-lines "</tr>")
    561         (funcall insert-lines
    562                  "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><table cellpadding=\"5\"><tr>")
    563         (dolist (example examples)
    564           (let ((prefix "<td><table border=\"1\"><tr><td><table><tr><td><pre>")
    565                 (examples
    566                  (mapconcat 'paredit-html-quote
    567                             example
    568                             (concat "</pre></td></tr>"
    569                                     "<tr><th>&darr;</th></tr>"
    570                                     "<tr><td><pre>")))
    571                 (suffix "</pre></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td>"))
    572             (funcall insert-lines (concat prefix examples suffix))))
    573         (funcall insert-lines "</tr></table></td></tr>")))
    574     (funcall insert-lines "</table>")))
    576 (defun paredit-html-quote (string)
    577   (with-temp-buffer
    578     (dotimes (i (length string))
    579       (insert (let ((c (elt string i)))
    580                 (cond ((eq c ?\<) "&lt;")
    581                       ((eq c ?\>) "&gt;")
    582                       ((eq c ?\&) "&amp;")
    583                       ((eq c ?\') "&apos;")
    584                       ((eq c ?\") "&quot;")
    585                       (t c)))))
    586     (buffer-string)))
    588 ;;;; Delimiter Insertion
    590 (eval-and-compile
    591   (defun paredit-conc-name (&rest strings)
    592     (intern (apply 'concat strings)))
    594   (defmacro define-paredit-pair (open close name)
    595     `(progn
    596        (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-open-" name) (&optional n)
    597          ,(concat "Insert a balanced " name " pair.
    598 With a prefix argument N, put the closing " name " after N
    599   S-expressions forward.
    600 If the region is active, `transient-mark-mode' is enabled, and the
    601   region's start and end fall in the same parenthesis depth, insert a
    602   " name " pair around the region.
    603 If in a string or a comment, insert a single " name ".
    604 If in a character literal, do nothing.  This prevents changing what was
    605   in the character literal to a meaningful delimiter unintentionally.")
    606          (interactive "P")
    607          (cond ((or (paredit-in-string-p)
    608                     (paredit-in-comment-p))
    609                 (insert ,open))
    610                ((not (paredit-in-char-p))
    611                 (paredit-insert-pair n ,open ,close 'goto-char)
    612                 (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (indent-sexp)))))
    613        (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-close-" name) ()
    614          ,(concat "Move past one closing delimiter and reindent.
    615 \(Agnostic to the specific closing delimiter.)
    616 If in a string or comment, insert a single closing " name ".
    617 If in a character literal, do nothing.  This prevents changing what was
    618   in the character literal to a meaningful delimiter unintentionally.")
    619          (interactive)
    620          (paredit-move-past-close ,close))
    621        (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-close-" name "-and-newline") ()
    622          ,(concat "Move past one closing delimiter, add a newline,"
    623                   " and reindent.
    624 If there was a margin comment after the closing delimiter, preserve it
    625   on the same line.")
    626          (interactive)
    627          (paredit-move-past-close-and-newline ,close))
    628        (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-wrap-" name)
    629            (&optional argument)
    630          ,(concat "Wrap the following S-expression.
    631 See `paredit-wrap-sexp' for more details.")
    632          (interactive "P")
    633          (paredit-wrap-sexp argument ,open ,close))
    634        (add-to-list 'paredit-wrap-commands
    635                     ',(paredit-conc-name "paredit-wrap-" name)))))
    637 (defvar paredit-wrap-commands '(paredit-wrap-sexp)
    638   "List of paredit commands that wrap S-expressions.
    639 Used by `paredit-yank-pop'; for internal paredit use only.")
    641 (define-paredit-pair ?\( ?\) "round")
    642 (define-paredit-pair ?\[ ?\] "square")
    643 (define-paredit-pair ?\{ ?\} "curly")
    644 (define-paredit-pair ?\< ?\> "angled")
    646 ;;; Aliases for the old names.
    648 (defalias 'paredit-open-parenthesis 'paredit-open-round)
    649 (defalias 'paredit-close-parenthesis 'paredit-close-round)
    650 (defalias 'paredit-close-parenthesis-and-newline
    651   'paredit-close-round-and-newline)
    653 (defalias 'paredit-open-bracket 'paredit-open-square)
    654 (defalias 'paredit-close-bracket 'paredit-close-square)
    655 (defalias 'paredit-close-bracket-and-newline
    656   'paredit-close-square-and-newline)
    658 (defun paredit-move-past-close (close)
    659   (paredit-move-past-close-and close
    660     (lambda ()
    661       (paredit-blink-paren-match nil))))
    663 (defun paredit-move-past-close-and-newline (close)
    664   (paredit-move-past-close-and close
    665     (lambda ()
    666       (let ((comment.point (paredit-find-comment-on-line)))
    667         (newline)
    668         (if comment.point
    669             (save-excursion
    670               (forward-line -1)
    671               (end-of-line)
    672               (indent-to (cdr comment.point))
    673               (insert (car comment.point)))))
    674       (lisp-indent-line)
    675       (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp))
    676       (paredit-blink-paren-match t))))
    678 (defun paredit-move-past-close-and (close if-moved)
    679   (if (or (paredit-in-string-p)
    680           (paredit-in-comment-p))
    681       (insert close)
    682     (if (paredit-in-char-p) (forward-char))
    683     (paredit-move-past-close-and-reindent close)
    684     (funcall if-moved)))
    686 (defun paredit-find-comment-on-line ()
    687   "Find a margin comment on the current line.
    688 Return nil if there is no such comment or if there is anything but
    689   whitespace until such a comment.
    690 If such a comment exists, delete the comment (including all leading
    691   whitespace) and return a cons whose car is the comment as a string
    692   and whose cdr is the point of the comment's initial semicolon,
    693   relative to the start of the line."
    694   (save-excursion
    695     (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
    696     (and (eq ?\; (char-after))
    697          (not (eq ?\; (char-after (1+ (point)))))
    698          (not (or (paredit-in-string-p)
    699                   (paredit-in-char-p)))
    700          (let* ((start                  ;Move to before the semicolon.
    701                  (progn (backward-char) (point)))
    702                 (comment
    703                  (buffer-substring start (point-at-eol))))
    704            (paredit-skip-whitespace nil (point-at-bol))
    705            (delete-region (point) (point-at-eol))
    706            (cons comment (- start (point-at-bol)))))))
    708 (defun paredit-insert-pair (n open close forward)
    709   (let* ((regionp
    710           (and (paredit-region-active-p)
    711                (paredit-region-safe-for-insert-p)))
    712          (end
    713           (and regionp
    714                (not n)
    715                (prog1 (region-end) (goto-char (region-beginning))))))
    716     (let ((spacep (paredit-space-for-delimiter-p nil open)))
    717       (if spacep (insert " "))
    718       (insert open)
    719       (save-excursion
    720         ;; Move past the desired region.
    721         (cond (n
    722                (funcall forward
    723                         (paredit-scan-sexps-hack (point)
    724                                                  (prefix-numeric-value n))))
    725               (regionp
    726                (funcall forward (+ end (if spacep 2 1)))))
    727         ;; The string case can happen if we are inserting string
    728         ;; delimiters.  The comment case may happen by moving to the
    729         ;; end of a buffer that has a comment with no trailing newline.
    730         (if (and (not (paredit-in-string-p))
    731                  (paredit-in-comment-p))
    732             (newline))
    733         (insert close)
    734         (if (paredit-space-for-delimiter-p t close)
    735             (insert " "))))))
    737 ;++ This needs a better name...
    739 (defun paredit-scan-sexps-hack (point n)
    740   (save-excursion
    741     (goto-char point)
    742     (let ((direction (if (< 0 n) +1 -1))
    743           (magnitude (abs n))
    744           (count 0))
    745       (catch 'exit
    746         (while (< count magnitude)
    747           (let ((p
    748                  (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (scan-sexps (point) direction)
    749                    nil)))
    750             (if (not p) (throw 'exit nil))
    751             (goto-char p))
    752           (setq count (+ count 1)))))
    753     (point)))
    755 (defun paredit-region-safe-for-insert-p ()
    756   (save-excursion
    757     (let ((beginning (region-beginning))
    758           (end (region-end)))
    759       (goto-char beginning)
    760       (let* ((beginning-state (paredit-current-parse-state))
    761              (end-state
    762               (parse-partial-sexp beginning end nil nil beginning-state)))
    763         (and (=  (nth 0 beginning-state)   ; 0. depth in parens
    764                  (nth 0 end-state))
    765              (eq (nth 3 beginning-state)   ; 3. non-nil if inside a
    766                  (nth 3 end-state))        ;    string
    767              (eq (nth 4 beginning-state)   ; 4. comment status, yada
    768                  (nth 4 end-state))
    769              (eq (nth 5 beginning-state)   ; 5. t if following char
    770                  (nth 5 end-state)))))))   ;    quote
    772 (defvar paredit-space-for-delimiter-predicates nil
    773   "List of predicates for whether to put space by delimiter at point.
    774 Each predicate is a function that is is applied to two arguments, ENDP
    775   and DELIMITER, and that returns a boolean saying whether to put a
    776   space next to the delimiter -- before/after the delimiter if ENDP is
    777   false/true, respectively.
    778 If any predicate returns false, no space is inserted: every predicate
    779   has veto power.
    780 Each predicate may assume that the point is not at the beginning/end of
    781   the buffer, and that the point is preceded/followed by a word
    782   constituent, symbol constituent, string quote, or delimiter matching
    783   DELIMITER, if ENDP is false/true, respectively.
    784 Each predicate should examine only text before/after the point if ENDP is
    785   false/true, respectively.")
    787 (defun paredit-space-for-delimiter-p (endp delimiter)
    788   ;; If at the buffer limit, don't insert a space.  If there is a word,
    789   ;; symbol, other quote, or non-matching parenthesis delimiter (i.e. a
    790   ;; close when want an open the string or an open when we want to
    791   ;; close the string), do insert a space.
    792   (and (not (if endp (eobp) (bobp)))
    793        (memq (char-syntax (if endp (char-after) (char-before)))
    794              (list ?w ?_ ?\"
    795                    (let ((matching (matching-paren delimiter)))
    796                      (and matching (char-syntax matching)))
    797                    (and (not endp)
    798                         (eq ?\" (char-syntax delimiter))
    799                         ?\) )))
    800        (catch 'exit
    801          (dolist (predicate paredit-space-for-delimiter-predicates)
    802            (if (not (funcall predicate endp delimiter))
    803                (throw 'exit nil)))
    804          t)))
    806 (defun paredit-move-past-close-and-reindent (close)
    807   (let ((open (paredit-missing-close)))
    808     (if open
    809         (if (eq close (matching-paren open))
    810             (save-excursion
    811               (message "Missing closing delimiter: %c" close)
    812               (insert close))
    813             (error "Mismatched missing closing delimiter: %c ... %c"
    814                    open close))))
    815   (up-list)
    816   (if (catch 'return                    ; This CATCH returns T if it
    817         (while t                        ; should delete leading spaces
    818           (save-excursion               ; and NIL if not.
    819             (let ((before-paren (1- (point))))
    820               (back-to-indentation)
    821               (cond ((not (eq (point) before-paren))
    822                      ;; Can't call PAREDIT-DELETE-LEADING-WHITESPACE
    823                      ;; here -- we must return from SAVE-EXCURSION
    824                      ;; first.
    825                      (throw 'return t))
    826                     ((save-excursion (forward-line -1)
    827                                      (end-of-line)
    828                                      (paredit-in-comment-p))
    829                      ;; Moving the closing delimiter any further
    830                      ;; would put it into a comment, so we just
    831                      ;; indent the closing delimiter where it is and
    832                      ;; abort the loop, telling its continuation that
    833                      ;; no leading whitespace should be deleted.
    834                      (lisp-indent-line)
    835                      (throw 'return nil))
    836                     (t (delete-indentation)))))))
    837       (paredit-delete-leading-whitespace)))
    839 (defun paredit-missing-close ()
    840   (save-excursion
    841     (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (backward-up-list)
    842       (error "Not inside a list."))
    843     (let ((open (char-after)))
    844       (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (forward-sexp) nil)
    845         open))))
    847 (defun paredit-delete-leading-whitespace ()
    848   ;; This assumes that we're on the closing delimiter already.
    849   (save-excursion
    850     (backward-char)
    851     (while (let ((syn (char-syntax (char-before))))
    852              (and (or (eq syn ?\ ) (eq syn ?-))     ; whitespace syntax
    853                   ;; The above line is a perfect example of why the
    854                   ;; following test is necessary.
    855                   (not (paredit-in-char-p (1- (point))))))
    856       (delete-char -1))))
    858 (defun paredit-blink-paren-match (another-line-p)
    859   (if (and blink-matching-paren
    860            (or (not show-paren-mode) another-line-p))
    861       (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
    862         (save-excursion
    863           (backward-sexp)
    864           (forward-sexp)
    865           ;; SHOW-PAREN-MODE inhibits any blinking, so we disable it
    866           ;; locally here.
    867           (let ((show-paren-mode nil))
    868             (blink-matching-open))))))
    870 (defun paredit-doublequote (&optional n)
    871   "Insert a pair of double-quotes.
    872 With a prefix argument N, wrap the following N S-expressions in
    873   double-quotes, escaping intermediate characters if necessary.
    874 If the region is active, `transient-mark-mode' is enabled, and the
    875   region's start and end fall in the same parenthesis depth, insert a
    876   pair of double-quotes around the region, again escaping intermediate
    877   characters if necessary.
    878 Inside a comment, insert a literal double-quote.
    879 At the end of a string, move past the closing double-quote.
    880 In the middle of a string, insert a backslash-escaped double-quote.
    881 If in a character literal, do nothing.  This prevents accidentally
    882   changing a what was in the character literal to become a meaningful
    883   delimiter unintentionally."
    884   (interactive "P")
    885   (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
    886          (if (eq (point) (- (paredit-enclosing-string-end) 1))
    887              (forward-char)             ; Just move past the closing quote.
    888            ;; Don't split a \x into an escaped backslash and a string end.
    889            (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p) (forward-char))
    890            (insert ?\\ ?\" )))
    891         ((paredit-in-comment-p)
    892          (insert ?\" ))
    893         ((not (paredit-in-char-p))
    894          (paredit-insert-pair n ?\" ?\" 'paredit-forward-for-quote))))
    896 (defun paredit-meta-doublequote (&optional n)
    897   "Move to the end of the string.
    898 If not in a string, act as `paredit-doublequote'; if not prefix argument
    899  is specified and the region is not active or `transient-mark-mode' is
    900  disabled, the default is to wrap one S-expression, however, not zero."
    901   (interactive "P")
    902   (if (not (paredit-in-string-p))
    903       (paredit-doublequote (or n (and (not (paredit-region-active-p)) 1)))
    904       (goto-char (paredit-enclosing-string-end))))
    906 (defun paredit-meta-doublequote-and-newline (&optional n)
    907   "Move to the end of the string, insert a newline, and indent.
    908 If not in a string, act as `paredit-doublequote'; if not prefix argument
    909  is specified and the region is not active or `transient-mark-mode' is
    910  disabled, the default is to wrap one S-expression, however, not zero."
    911   (interactive "P")
    912   (if (not (paredit-in-string-p))
    913       (paredit-doublequote (or n (and (not (paredit-region-active-p)) 1)))
    914       (progn (goto-char (paredit-enclosing-string-end))
    915              (newline)
    916              (lisp-indent-line)
    917              (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp)))))
    919 (defun paredit-forward-for-quote (end)
    920   (let ((state (paredit-current-parse-state)))
    921     (while (< (point) end)
    922       (let ((new-state (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
    923                                            nil nil state)))
    924         (if (paredit-in-string-p new-state)
    925             (if (not (paredit-in-string-escape-p))
    926                 (setq state new-state)
    927               ;; Escape character: turn it into an escaped escape
    928               ;; character by appending another backslash.
    929               (insert ?\\ )
    930               ;; Now the point is after both escapes, and we want to
    931               ;; rescan from before the first one to after the second
    932               ;; one.
    933               (setq state
    934                     (parse-partial-sexp (- (point) 2) (point)
    935                                         nil nil state))
    936               ;; Advance the end point, since we just inserted a new
    937               ;; character.
    938               (setq end (1+ end)))
    939           ;; String: escape by inserting a backslash before the quote.
    940           (backward-char)
    941           (insert ?\\ )
    942           ;; The point is now between the escape and the quote, and we
    943           ;; want to rescan from before the escape to after the quote.
    944           (setq state
    945                 (parse-partial-sexp (1- (point)) (1+ (point))
    946                                     nil nil state))
    947           ;; Advance the end point for the same reason as above.
    948           (setq end (1+ end)))))))
    950 ;;;; Escape Insertion
    952 (defun paredit-backslash ()
    953   "Insert a backslash followed by a character to escape."
    954   (interactive)
    955   (cond ((paredit-in-string-p) (paredit-backslash-interactive))
    956         ((paredit-in-comment-p) (insert ?\\))
    957         ((paredit-in-char-p) (forward-char) (paredit-backslash-interactive))
    958         (t (paredit-backslash-interactive))))
    960 (defun paredit-backslash-interactive ()
    961   (insert ?\\ )
    962   ;; Read a character to insert after the backslash.  If anything
    963   ;; goes wrong -- the user hits delete (entering the rubout
    964   ;; `character'), aborts with C-g, or enters non-character input
    965   ;; -- then delete the backslash to avoid a dangling escape.
    966   (let ((delete-p t))
    967     (unwind-protect
    968         (let ((char (read-char "Character to escape: " t)))
    969           (if (not (eq char ?\^?))
    970               (progn (message "Character to escape: %c" char)
    971                      (insert char)
    972                      (setq delete-p nil))))
    973       (if delete-p
    974           (progn (message "Deleting escape.")
    975                  (delete-char -1))))))
    977 (defun paredit-newline ()
    978   "Insert a newline and indent it.
    979 This is like `newline-and-indent', but it not only indents the line
    980   that the point is on but also the S-expression following the point,
    981   if there is one.
    982 Move forward one character first if on an escaped character.
    983 If in a string, just insert a literal newline.
    984 If in a comment and if followed by invalid structure, call
    985   `indent-new-comment-line' to keep the invalid structure in a
    986   comment."
    987   (interactive)
    988   (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
    989          (newline))
    990         ((paredit-in-comment-p)
    991          (if (paredit-region-ok-p (point) (point-at-eol))
    992              (progn (newline-and-indent)
    993                     (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp)))
    994              (indent-new-comment-line)))
    995         (t
    996          (if (paredit-in-char-p)
    997              (forward-char))
    998          (newline-and-indent)
    999          ;; Indent the following S-expression, but don't signal an
   1000          ;; error if there's only a closing delimiter after the point.
   1001          (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp)))))
   1003 (defun paredit-reindent-defun (&optional argument)
   1004   "Reindent the definition that the point is on.
   1005 If the point is in a string or a comment, fill the paragraph instead,
   1006   and with a prefix argument, justify as well."
   1007   (interactive "P")
   1008   (if (or (paredit-in-string-p)
   1009           (paredit-in-comment-p))
   1010       (lisp-fill-paragraph argument)
   1011     (paredit-preserving-column
   1012       (save-excursion
   1013         (end-of-defun)
   1014         (beginning-of-defun)
   1015         (indent-sexp)))))
   1017 ;;;; Comment Insertion
   1019 (defun paredit-semicolon (&optional n)
   1020   "Insert a semicolon.
   1021 With a prefix argument N, insert N semicolons.
   1022 If in a string, do just that and nothing else.
   1023 If in a character literal, move to the beginning of the character
   1024   literal before inserting the semicolon.
   1025 If the enclosing list ends on the line after the point, break the line
   1026   after the last S-expression following the point.
   1027 If a list begins on the line after the point but ends on a different
   1028   line, break the line after the last S-expression following the point
   1029   before the list."
   1030   (interactive "p")
   1031   (if (or (paredit-in-string-p) (paredit-in-comment-p))
   1032       (insert (make-string (or n 1) ?\; ))
   1033     (if (paredit-in-char-p)
   1034         (backward-char 2))
   1035     (let ((line-break-point (paredit-semicolon-find-line-break-point)))
   1036       (if line-break-point
   1037           (paredit-semicolon-with-line-break line-break-point (or n 1))
   1038           (insert (make-string (or n 1) ?\; ))))))
   1040 (defun paredit-semicolon-find-line-break-point ()
   1041   (and (not (eolp))                   ;Implies (not (eobp)).
   1042        (let ((eol (point-at-eol)))
   1043          (save-excursion
   1044            (catch 'exit
   1045              (while t
   1046                (let ((line-break-point (point)))
   1047                  (cond ((paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (forward-sexp) t)
   1048                           nil)
   1049                         ;; Successfully advanced by an S-expression.
   1050                         ;; If that S-expression started on this line
   1051                         ;; and ended on another one, break here.
   1052                         (cond ((not (eq eol (point-at-eol)))
   1053                                (throw 'exit
   1054                                       (and (save-excursion
   1055                                              (backward-sexp)
   1056                                              (eq eol (point-at-eol)))
   1057                                            line-break-point)))
   1058                               ((eobp)
   1059                                (throw 'exit nil))))
   1060                        ((save-excursion
   1061                           (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
   1062                           (or (eolp) (eobp) (eq (char-after) ?\;)))
   1063                         ;; Can't move further, but there's no closing
   1064                         ;; delimiter we're about to clobber -- either
   1065                         ;; it's on the next line or we're at the end of
   1066                         ;; the buffer.  Don't break the line.
   1067                         (throw 'exit nil))
   1068                        (t
   1069                         ;; Can't move because we hit a delimiter at the
   1070                         ;; end of this line.  Break here.
   1071                         (throw 'exit line-break-point))))))))))
   1073 (defun paredit-semicolon-with-line-break (line-break-point n)
   1074   (let ((line-break-marker (make-marker)))
   1075     (set-marker line-break-marker line-break-point)
   1076     (set-marker-insertion-type line-break-marker t)
   1077     (insert (make-string (or n 1) ?\; ))
   1078     (save-excursion
   1079       (goto-char line-break-marker)
   1080       (set-marker line-break-marker nil)
   1081       (newline)
   1082       (lisp-indent-line)
   1083       ;; This step is redundant if we are inside a list, but even if we
   1084       ;; are at the top level, we want at least to indent whatever we
   1085       ;; bumped off the line.
   1086       (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp))
   1087       (paredit-indent-sexps))))
   1089 ;;; This is all a horrible, horrible hack, primarily for GNU Emacs 21,
   1090 ;;; in which there is no `comment-or-uncomment-region'.
   1092 (autoload 'comment-forward "newcomment")
   1093 (autoload 'comment-normalize-vars "newcomment")
   1094 (autoload 'comment-region "newcomment")
   1095 (autoload 'comment-search-forward "newcomment")
   1096 (autoload 'uncomment-region "newcomment")
   1098 (defun paredit-initialize-comment-dwim ()
   1099   (require 'newcomment)
   1100   (if (not (fboundp 'comment-or-uncomment-region))
   1101       (defalias 'comment-or-uncomment-region
   1102         (lambda (beginning end &optional argument)
   1103           (interactive "*r\nP")
   1104           (if (save-excursion (goto-char beginning)
   1105                               (comment-forward (point-max))
   1106                               (<= end (point)))
   1107               (uncomment-region beginning end argument)
   1108               (comment-region beginning end argument)))))
   1109   (defalias 'paredit-initialize-comment-dwim 'comment-normalize-vars)
   1110   (comment-normalize-vars))
   1112 (defvar paredit-comment-prefix-toplevel ";;; "
   1113   "String of prefix for top-level comments aligned at the left margin.")
   1115 (defvar paredit-comment-prefix-code ";; "
   1116   "String of prefix for comments indented at the same depth as code.")
   1118 (defvar paredit-comment-prefix-margin ";"
   1119   "String of prefix for comments on the same line as code in the margin.")
   1121 (defun paredit-comment-dwim (&optional argument)
   1122   "Call the Lisp comment command you want (Do What I Mean).
   1123 This is like `comment-dwim', but it is specialized for Lisp editing.
   1124 If transient mark mode is enabled and the mark is active, comment or
   1125   uncomment the selected region, depending on whether it was entirely
   1126   commented not not already.
   1127 If there is already a comment on the current line, with no prefix
   1128   argument, indent to that comment; with a prefix argument, kill that
   1129   comment.
   1130 Otherwise, insert a comment appropriate for the context and ensure that
   1131   any code following the comment is moved to the next line.
   1132 At the top level, where indentation is calculated to be at column 0,
   1133   insert a triple-semicolon comment; within code, where the indentation
   1134   is calculated to be non-zero, and on the line there is either no code
   1135   at all or code after the point, insert a double-semicolon comment;
   1136   and if the point is after all code on the line, insert a single-
   1137   semicolon margin comment at `comment-column'."
   1138   (interactive "*P")
   1139   (paredit-initialize-comment-dwim)
   1140   (cond ((paredit-region-active-p)
   1141          (comment-or-uncomment-region (region-beginning)
   1142                                       (region-end)
   1143                                       argument))
   1144         ((paredit-comment-on-line-p)
   1145          (if argument
   1146              (comment-kill (if (integerp argument) argument nil))
   1147              (comment-indent)))
   1148         (t (paredit-insert-comment))))
   1150 (defun paredit-comment-on-line-p ()
   1151   "True if there is a comment on the line following point.
   1152 This is expected to be called only in `paredit-comment-dwim'; do not
   1153   call it elsewhere."
   1154   (save-excursion
   1155     (beginning-of-line)
   1156     (let ((comment-p nil))
   1157       ;; Search forward for a comment beginning.  If there is one, set
   1158       ;; COMMENT-P to true; if not, it will be nil.
   1159       (while (progn
   1160                (setq comment-p          ;t -> no error
   1161                      (comment-search-forward (point-at-eol) t))
   1162                (and comment-p
   1163                     (or (paredit-in-string-p)
   1164                         (paredit-in-char-p (1- (point))))))
   1165         (forward-char))
   1166       comment-p)))
   1168 (defun paredit-insert-comment ()
   1169   (let ((code-after-p
   1170          (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
   1171                          (not (eolp))))
   1172         (code-before-p
   1173          (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil (point-at-bol))
   1174                          (not (bolp)))))
   1175     (cond ((and (bolp)
   1176                 (let ((indent
   1177                        (let ((indent (calculate-lisp-indent)))
   1178                          (if (consp indent) (car indent) indent))))
   1179                   (and indent (zerop indent))))
   1180            ;; Top-level comment
   1181            (if code-after-p (save-excursion (newline)))
   1182            (insert paredit-comment-prefix-toplevel))
   1183           ((or code-after-p (not code-before-p))
   1184            ;; Code comment
   1185            (if code-before-p
   1186                (newline-and-indent)
   1187                (lisp-indent-line))
   1188            (insert paredit-comment-prefix-code)
   1189            (if code-after-p
   1190                (save-excursion
   1191                  (newline)
   1192                  (lisp-indent-line)
   1193                  (paredit-indent-sexps))))
   1194           (t
   1195            ;; Margin comment
   1196            (indent-to comment-column 1) ; 1 -> force one leading space
   1197            (insert paredit-comment-prefix-margin)))))
   1199 ;;;; Character Deletion
   1201 (defun paredit-forward-delete (&optional argument)
   1202   "Delete a character forward or move forward over a delimiter.
   1203 If on an opening S-expression delimiter, move forward into the
   1204   S-expression.
   1205 If on a closing S-expression delimiter, refuse to delete unless the
   1206   S-expression is empty, in which case delete the whole S-expression.
   1207 With a numeric prefix argument N, delete N characters forward.
   1208 With a `C-u' prefix argument, simply delete a character forward,
   1209   without regard for delimiter balancing."
   1210   (interactive "P")
   1211   (cond ((or (consp argument) (eobp))
   1212          (delete-char +1))
   1213         ((integerp argument)
   1214          (if (< argument 0)
   1215              (paredit-backward-delete argument)
   1216              (while (> argument 0)
   1217                (paredit-forward-delete)
   1218                (setq argument (- argument 1)))))
   1219         ((paredit-in-string-p)
   1220          (paredit-forward-delete-in-string))
   1221         ((paredit-in-comment-p)
   1222          (paredit-forward-delete-in-comment))
   1223         ((paredit-in-char-p)            ; Escape -- delete both chars.
   1224          (delete-char -1)
   1225          (delete-char +1))
   1226         ((eq (char-after) ?\\ )         ; ditto
   1227          (delete-char +2))
   1228         ((let ((syn (char-syntax (char-after))))
   1229            (or (eq syn ?\( )
   1230                (eq syn ?\" )))
   1231          (if (save-excursion
   1232                (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (forward-sexp) t)
   1233                  nil))
   1234              (forward-char)
   1235            (message "Deleting spurious opening delimiter.")
   1236            (delete-char +1)))
   1237         ((and (not (paredit-in-char-p (1- (point))))
   1238               (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?\) )
   1239               (eq (char-before) (matching-paren (char-after))))
   1240          (delete-char -1)               ; Empty list -- delete both
   1241          (delete-char +1))              ;   delimiters.
   1242         ((eq ?\; (char-after))
   1243          (paredit-forward-delete-comment-start))
   1244         ((eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?\) )
   1245          (if (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   1246                  (save-excursion (forward-char) (backward-sexp) t)
   1247                nil)
   1248              (message "End of list!")
   1249              (progn
   1250                (message "Deleting spurious closing delimiter.")
   1251                (delete-char +1))))
   1252         ;; Just delete a single character, if it's not a closing
   1253         ;; delimiter.  (The character literal case is already handled
   1254         ;; by now.)
   1255         (t (delete-char +1))))
   1257 (defun paredit-forward-delete-in-string ()
   1258   (let ((start+end (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
   1259     (cond ((not (eq (point) (cdr start+end)))
   1260            ;; If it's not the close-quote, it's safe to delete.  But
   1261            ;; first handle the case that we're in a string escape.
   1262            (cond ((paredit-in-string-escape-p)
   1263                   ;; We're right after the backslash, so backward
   1264                   ;; delete it before deleting the escaped character.
   1265                   (delete-char -1))
   1266                  ((eq (char-after) ?\\ )
   1267                   ;; If we're not in a string escape, but we are on a
   1268                   ;; backslash, it must start the escape for the next
   1269                   ;; character, so delete the backslash before deleting
   1270                   ;; the next character.
   1271                   (delete-char +1)))
   1272            (delete-char +1))
   1273           ((eq (1- (point)) (car start+end))
   1274            ;; If it is the close-quote, delete only if we're also right
   1275            ;; past the open-quote (i.e. it's empty), and then delete
   1276            ;; both quotes.  Otherwise we refuse to delete it.
   1277            (delete-char -1)
   1278            (delete-char +1)))))
   1280 (defun paredit-check-forward-delete-in-comment ()
   1281   ;; Point is in a comment, possibly at eol.  We are about to delete
   1282   ;; some characters forward; if we are at eol, we are about to delete
   1283   ;; the line break.  Refuse to do so if if moving the next line into
   1284   ;; the comment would break structure.
   1285   (if (eolp)
   1286       (let ((next-line-start (point-at-bol 2))
   1287             (next-line-end (point-at-eol 2)))
   1288         (paredit-check-region next-line-start next-line-end))))
   1290 (defun paredit-forward-delete-in-comment ()
   1291   (paredit-check-forward-delete-in-comment)
   1292   (delete-char +1))
   1294 (defun paredit-forward-delete-comment-start ()
   1295   ;; Point precedes a comment start (not at eol).  Refuse to delete a
   1296   ;; comment start if the comment contains unbalanced junk.
   1297   (paredit-check-region (+ (point) 1) (point-at-eol))
   1298   (delete-char +1))
   1300 (defun paredit-backward-delete (&optional argument)
   1301   "Delete a character backward or move backward over a delimiter.
   1302 If on a closing S-expression delimiter, move backward into the
   1303   S-expression.
   1304 If on an opening S-expression delimiter, refuse to delete unless the
   1305   S-expression is empty, in which case delete the whole S-expression.
   1306 With a numeric prefix argument N, delete N characters backward.
   1307 With a `C-u' prefix argument, simply delete a character backward,
   1308   without regard for delimiter balancing."
   1309   (interactive "P")
   1310   (cond ((or (consp argument) (bobp))
   1311          ;++ Should this untabify?
   1312          (delete-char -1))
   1313         ((integerp argument)
   1314          (if (< argument 0)
   1315              (paredit-forward-delete (- 0 argument))
   1316              (while (> argument 0)
   1317                (paredit-backward-delete)
   1318                (setq argument (- argument 1)))))
   1319         ((paredit-in-string-p)
   1320          (paredit-backward-delete-in-string))
   1321         ((paredit-in-comment-p)
   1322          (paredit-backward-delete-in-comment))
   1323         ((paredit-in-char-p)            ; Escape -- delete both chars.
   1324          (delete-char -1)
   1325          (delete-char +1))
   1326         ((paredit-in-char-p (1- (point)))
   1327          (delete-char -2))              ; ditto
   1328         ((let ((syn (char-syntax (char-before))))
   1329            (or (eq syn ?\) )
   1330                (eq syn ?\" )))
   1331          (if (save-excursion
   1332                (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (backward-sexp) t)
   1333                  nil))
   1334              (backward-char)
   1335            (message "Deleting spurious closing delimiter.")
   1336            (delete-char -1)))
   1337         ((and (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?\( )
   1338               (eq (char-after) (matching-paren (char-before))))
   1339          (delete-char -1)               ; Empty list -- delete both
   1340          (delete-char +1))              ;   delimiters.
   1341         ((bolp)
   1342          (paredit-backward-delete-maybe-comment-end))
   1343         ((eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?\( )
   1344          (if (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   1345                  (save-excursion (backward-char) (forward-sexp) t)
   1346                nil)
   1347              (message "Beginning of list!")
   1348              (progn
   1349                (message "Deleting spurious closing delimiter.")
   1350                (delete-char -1))))
   1351         ;; Delete it, unless it's an opening delimiter.  The case of
   1352         ;; character literals is already handled by now.
   1353         (t
   1354          ;; Turn off the @#&*&!^&(%^ botch in GNU Emacs 24 that changed
   1355          ;; `backward-delete-char' and `backward-delete-char-untabify'
   1356          ;; semantically so that they delete the region in transient
   1357          ;; mark mode.
   1358          (let ((delete-active-region nil))
   1359            (backward-delete-char-untabify +1)))))
   1361 (defun paredit-backward-delete-in-string ()
   1362   (let ((start+end (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
   1363     (cond ((not (eq (1- (point)) (car start+end)))
   1364            ;; If it's not the open-quote, it's safe to delete.
   1365            (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p)
   1366                ;; If we're on a string escape, since we're about to
   1367                ;; delete the backslash, we must first delete the
   1368                ;; escaped char.
   1369                (delete-char +1))
   1370            (delete-char -1)
   1371            (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p)
   1372                ;; If, after deleting a character, we find ourselves in
   1373                ;; a string escape, we must have deleted the escaped
   1374                ;; character, and the backslash is behind the point, so
   1375                ;; backward delete it.
   1376                (delete-char -1)))
   1377           ((eq (point) (cdr start+end))
   1378            ;; If it is the open-quote, delete only if we're also right
   1379            ;; past the close-quote (i.e. it's empty), and then delete
   1380            ;; both quotes.  Otherwise we refuse to delete it.
   1381            (delete-char -1)
   1382            (delete-char +1)))))
   1384 (defun paredit-backward-delete-in-comment ()
   1385   ;; Point is in a comment, possibly just after the comment start.
   1386   ;; Refuse to delete a comment start if the comment contains
   1387   ;; unbalanced junk.
   1388   (if (save-excursion
   1389         (backward-char)
   1390         ;; Must call `paredit-in-string-p' before
   1391         ;; `paredit-in-comment-p'.
   1392         (not (or (paredit-in-string-p) (paredit-in-comment-p))))
   1393       (paredit-check-region (point) (point-at-eol)))
   1394   (backward-delete-char-untabify +1))
   1396 (defun paredit-backward-delete-maybe-comment-end ()
   1397   ;; Point is at bol, possibly just after a comment end (i.e., the
   1398   ;; previous line may have had a line comment).  Refuse to delete a
   1399   ;; comment end if moving the current line into the previous line's
   1400   ;; comment would break structure.
   1401   (if (save-excursion
   1402         (backward-char)
   1403         (and (not (paredit-in-string-p)) (paredit-in-comment-p)))
   1404       (paredit-check-region (point-at-eol) (point-at-bol)))
   1405   (delete-char -1))
   1407 ;;;; Killing
   1409 (defun paredit-kill (&optional argument)
   1410   "Kill a line as if with `kill-line', but respecting delimiters.
   1411 In a string, act exactly as `kill-line' but do not kill past the
   1412   closing string delimiter.
   1413 On a line with no S-expressions on it starting after the point or
   1414   within a comment, act exactly as `kill-line'.
   1415 Otherwise, kill all S-expressions that start after the point.
   1416 With a `C-u' prefix argument, just do the standard `kill-line'.
   1417 With a numeric prefix argument N, do `kill-line' that many times."
   1418   (interactive "P")
   1419   (cond (argument
   1420          (kill-line (if (integerp argument) argument 1)))
   1421         ((paredit-in-string-p)
   1422          (paredit-kill-line-in-string))
   1423         ((paredit-in-comment-p)
   1424          (paredit-kill-line-in-comment))
   1425         ((save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
   1426                          (or (eolp) (eq (char-after) ?\; )))
   1427          ;** Be careful about trailing backslashes.
   1428          (if (paredit-in-char-p)
   1429              (backward-char))
   1430          (kill-line))
   1431         (t (paredit-kill-sexps-on-line))))
   1433 (defun paredit-kill-line-in-string ()
   1434   (if (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
   1435                       (eolp))
   1436       (kill-line)
   1437     (save-excursion
   1438       ;; Be careful not to split an escape sequence.
   1439       (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p)
   1440           (backward-char))
   1441       (kill-region (point)
   1442                    (min (point-at-eol)
   1443                         (cdr (paredit-string-start+end-points)))))))
   1445 (defun paredit-kill-line-in-comment ()
   1446   ;; The variable `kill-whole-line' is not relevant: the point is in a
   1447   ;; comment, and hence not at the beginning of the line.
   1448   (paredit-check-forward-delete-in-comment)
   1449   (kill-line))
   1451 (defun paredit-kill-sexps-on-line ()
   1452   (if (paredit-in-char-p)               ; Move past the \ and prefix.
   1453       (backward-char 2))                ; (# in Scheme/CL, ? in elisp)
   1454   (let ((beginning (point))
   1455         (eol (point-at-eol)))
   1456     (let ((end-of-list-p (paredit-forward-sexps-to-kill beginning eol)))
   1457       ;; If we got to the end of the list and it's on the same line,
   1458       ;; move backward past the closing delimiter before killing.  (This
   1459       ;; allows something like killing the whitespace in (    ).)
   1460       (if end-of-list-p (progn (up-list) (backward-char)))
   1461       (if kill-whole-line
   1462           (paredit-kill-sexps-on-whole-line beginning)
   1463         (kill-region beginning
   1464                      ;; If all of the S-expressions were on one line,
   1465                      ;; i.e. we're still on that line after moving past
   1466                      ;; the last one, kill the whole line, including
   1467                      ;; any comments; otherwise just kill to the end of
   1468                      ;; the last S-expression we found.  Be sure,
   1469                      ;; though, not to kill any closing parentheses.
   1470                      (if (and (not end-of-list-p)
   1471                               (eq (point-at-eol) eol))
   1472                          eol
   1473                          (point)))))))
   1475 ;;; Please do not try to understand this code unless you have a VERY
   1476 ;;; good reason to do so.  I gave up trying to figure it out well
   1477 ;;; enough to explain it, long ago.
   1479 (defun paredit-forward-sexps-to-kill (beginning eol)
   1480   (let ((end-of-list-p nil)
   1481         (firstp t))
   1482     ;; Move to the end of the last S-expression that started on this
   1483     ;; line, or to the closing delimiter if the last S-expression in
   1484     ;; this list is on the line.
   1485     (catch 'return
   1486       (while t
   1487         ;; This and the `kill-whole-line' business below fix a bug that
   1488         ;; inhibited any S-expression at the very end of the buffer
   1489         ;; (with no trailing newline) from being deleted.  It's a
   1490         ;; bizarre fix that I ought to document at some point, but I am
   1491         ;; too busy at the moment to do so.
   1492         (if (and kill-whole-line (eobp)) (throw 'return nil))
   1493         (save-excursion
   1494           (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (forward-sexp)
   1495             (up-list)
   1496             (setq end-of-list-p (eq (point-at-eol) eol))
   1497             (throw 'return nil))
   1498           (if (or (and (not firstp)
   1499                        (not kill-whole-line)
   1500                        (eobp))
   1501                   (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   1502                       (progn (backward-sexp) nil)
   1503                     t)
   1504                   (not (eq (point-at-eol) eol)))
   1505               (throw 'return nil)))
   1506         (forward-sexp)
   1507         (if (and firstp
   1508                  (not kill-whole-line)
   1509                  (eobp))
   1510             (throw 'return nil))
   1511         (setq firstp nil)))
   1512     end-of-list-p))
   1514 (defun paredit-kill-sexps-on-whole-line (beginning)
   1515   (kill-region beginning
   1516                (or (save-excursion     ; Delete trailing indentation...
   1517                      (paredit-skip-whitespace t)
   1518                      (and (not (eq (char-after) ?\; ))
   1519                           (point)))
   1520                    ;; ...or just use the point past the newline, if
   1521                    ;; we encounter a comment.
   1522                    (point-at-eol)))
   1523   (cond ((save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil (point-at-bol))
   1524                          (bolp))
   1525          ;; Nothing but indentation before the point, so indent it.
   1526          (lisp-indent-line))
   1527         ((eobp) nil)       ; Protect the CHAR-SYNTAX below against NIL.
   1528         ;; Insert a space to avoid invalid joining if necessary.
   1529         ((let ((syn-before (char-syntax (char-before)))
   1530                (syn-after  (char-syntax (char-after))))
   1531            (or (and (eq syn-before ?\) )            ; Separate opposing
   1532                     (eq syn-after  ?\( ))           ;   parentheses,
   1533                (and (eq syn-before ?\" )            ; string delimiter
   1534                     (eq syn-after  ?\" ))           ;   pairs,
   1535                (and (memq syn-before '(?_ ?w))      ; or word or symbol
   1536                     (memq syn-after  '(?_ ?w)))))   ;   constituents.
   1537          (insert " "))))
   1539 ;;;;; Killing Words
   1541 ;;; This is tricky and asymmetrical because backward parsing is
   1542 ;;; extraordinarily difficult or impossible, so we have to implement
   1543 ;;; killing in both directions by parsing forward.
   1545 (defun paredit-forward-kill-word ()
   1546   "Kill a word forward, skipping over intervening delimiters."
   1547   (interactive)
   1548   (let ((beginning (point)))
   1549     (skip-syntax-forward " -")
   1550     (let* ((parse-state (paredit-current-parse-state))
   1551            (state (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state 'char-after)))
   1552       (while (not (or (eobp)
   1553                       (eq ?w (char-syntax (char-after)))))
   1554         (setq parse-state
   1555               (progn (forward-char 1) (paredit-current-parse-state))
   1556 ;;               (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
   1557 ;;                                   nil nil parse-state)
   1558               )
   1559         (let* ((old-state state)
   1560                (new-state
   1561                 (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state 'char-after)))
   1562           (cond ((not (eq old-state new-state))
   1563                  (setq parse-state
   1564                        (paredit-kill-word-hack old-state
   1565                                                new-state
   1566                                                parse-state))
   1567                  (setq state
   1568                        (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state
   1569                                                 'char-after))
   1570                  (setq beginning (point)))))))
   1571     (goto-char beginning)
   1572     (kill-word 1)))
   1574 (defun paredit-backward-kill-word ()
   1575   "Kill a word backward, skipping over any intervening delimiters."
   1576   (interactive)
   1577   (if (not (or (bobp)
   1578                (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?w)))
   1579       (let ((end (point)))
   1580         (backward-word 1)
   1581         (forward-word 1)
   1582         (goto-char (min end (point)))
   1583         (let* ((parse-state (paredit-current-parse-state))
   1584                (state
   1585                 (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state 'char-before)))
   1586           (while (and (< (point) end)
   1587                       (progn
   1588                         (setq parse-state
   1589                               (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
   1590                                                   nil nil parse-state))
   1591                         (or (eq state
   1592                                 (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state
   1593                                                          'char-before))
   1594                             (progn (backward-char 1) nil)))))
   1595           (if (and (eq state 'comment)
   1596                    (eq ?\# (char-after (point)))
   1597                    (eq ?\| (char-before (point))))
   1598               (backward-char 1)))))
   1599   (backward-kill-word 1))
   1601 ;;;;;; Word-Killing Auxiliaries
   1603 (defun paredit-kill-word-state (parse-state adjacent-char-fn)
   1604   (cond ((paredit-in-comment-p parse-state) 'comment)
   1605         ((paredit-in-string-p  parse-state) 'string)
   1606         ((memq (char-syntax (funcall adjacent-char-fn))
   1607                '(?\( ?\) ))
   1608          'delimiter)
   1609         (t 'other)))
   1611 ;;; This optionally advances the point past any comment delimiters that
   1612 ;;; should probably not be touched, based on the last state change and
   1613 ;;; the characters around the point.  It returns a new parse state,
   1614 ;;; starting from the PARSE-STATE parameter.
   1616 (defun paredit-kill-word-hack (old-state new-state parse-state)
   1617   (cond ((and (not (eq old-state 'comment))
   1618               (not (eq new-state 'comment))
   1619               (not (paredit-in-string-escape-p))
   1620               (eq ?\# (char-before))
   1621               (eq ?\| (char-after)))
   1622          (forward-char 1)
   1623          (paredit-current-parse-state)
   1624 ;;          (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
   1625 ;;                              nil nil parse-state)
   1626          )
   1627         ((and (not (eq old-state 'comment))
   1628               (eq new-state 'comment)
   1629               (eq ?\; (char-before)))
   1630          (skip-chars-forward ";")
   1631          (paredit-current-parse-state)
   1632 ;;          (parse-partial-sexp (point) (save-excursion
   1633 ;;                                        (skip-chars-forward ";"))
   1634 ;;                              nil nil parse-state)
   1635          )
   1636         (t parse-state)))
   1638 (defun paredit-copy-as-kill ()
   1639   "Save in the kill ring the region that `paredit-kill' would kill."
   1640   (interactive)
   1641   (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
   1642          (paredit-copy-as-kill-in-string))
   1643         ((paredit-in-comment-p)
   1644          (copy-region-as-kill (point) (point-at-eol)))
   1645         ((save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
   1646                          (or (eolp) (eq (char-after) ?\; )))
   1647          ;** Be careful about trailing backslashes.
   1648          (save-excursion
   1649            (if (paredit-in-char-p)
   1650                (backward-char))
   1651            (copy-region-as-kill (point) (point-at-eol))))
   1652         (t (paredit-copy-sexps-as-kill))))
   1654 (defun paredit-copy-as-kill-in-string ()
   1655   (save-excursion
   1656     (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p)
   1657         (backward-char))
   1658     (copy-region-as-kill (point)
   1659                          (min (point-at-eol)
   1660                               (cdr (paredit-string-start+end-points))))))
   1662 (defun paredit-copy-sexps-as-kill ()
   1663   (save-excursion
   1664     (if (paredit-in-char-p)
   1665         (backward-char 2))
   1666     (let ((beginning (point))
   1667           (eol (point-at-eol)))
   1668       (let ((end-of-list-p (paredit-forward-sexps-to-kill beginning eol)))
   1669         (if end-of-list-p (progn (up-list) (backward-char)))
   1670         (copy-region-as-kill beginning
   1671                              (cond (kill-whole-line
   1672                                     (or (save-excursion
   1673                                           (paredit-skip-whitespace t)
   1674                                           (and (not (eq (char-after) ?\; ))
   1675                                                (point)))
   1676                                         (point-at-eol)))
   1677                                    ((and (not end-of-list-p)
   1678                                          (eq (point-at-eol) eol))
   1679                                     eol)
   1680                                    (t
   1681                                     (point))))))))
   1683 ;;;; Deleting Regions
   1685 (defun paredit-delete-region (start end)
   1686   "Delete the text between point and mark, like `delete-region'.
   1687 If that text is unbalanced, signal an error instead.
   1688 With a prefix argument, skip the balance check."
   1689   (interactive "r")
   1690   (if (and start end (not current-prefix-arg))
   1691       (paredit-check-region-for-delete start end))
   1692   (setq this-command 'delete-region)
   1693   (delete-region start end))
   1695 (defun paredit-kill-region (start end)
   1696   "Kill the text between point and mark, like `kill-region'.
   1697 If that text is unbalanced, signal an error instead.
   1698 With a prefix argument, skip the balance check."
   1699   (interactive "r")
   1700   (if (and start end (not current-prefix-arg))
   1701       (paredit-check-region-for-delete start end))
   1702   (setq this-command 'kill-region)
   1703   (kill-region start end))
   1705 (defun paredit-check-region-for-delete (start end)
   1706   "Signal an error deleting text between START and END is unsafe."
   1707   (save-excursion
   1708     (goto-char start)
   1709     (let* ((start-state (paredit-current-parse-state))
   1710            (end-state (parse-partial-sexp start end nil nil start-state)))
   1711       (paredit-check-region-for-delete:depth start start-state end end-state)
   1712       (paredit-check-region-for-delete:string start start-state end end-state)
   1713       (paredit-check-region-for-delete:comment start start-state end end-state)
   1714       (paredit-check-region-for-delete:char-quote start start-state
   1715                                                   end end-state))))
   1717 (defun paredit-check-region-for-delete:depth (start start-state end end-state)
   1718   (let ((start-depth (nth 0 start-state))
   1719         (end-depth (nth 0 end-state)))
   1720     (if (not (= start-depth end-depth))
   1721         (error "Mismatched parenthesis depth: %S at start, %S at end."
   1722                start-depth
   1723                end-depth))))
   1725 (defun paredit-check-region-for-delete:string (start start-state end end-state)
   1726   (let ((start-string-p (nth 3 start-state))
   1727         (end-string-p (nth 3 end-state)))
   1728     (if (not (eq start-string-p end-string-p))
   1729         (error "Mismatched string state: start %sin string, end %sin string."
   1730                (if start-string-p "" "not ")
   1731                (if end-string-p "" "not ")))))
   1733 (defun paredit-check-region-for-delete:comment
   1734     (start start-state end end-state)
   1735   (let ((start-comment-state (nth 4 start-state))
   1736         (end-comment-state (nth 4 end-state)))
   1737     (if (not (or (eq start-comment-state end-comment-state)
   1738                  ;; If we are moving text into or out of a line
   1739                  ;; comment, make sure that the text is balanced.  (The
   1740                  ;; comment state may be a number, not t or nil at all,
   1741                  ;; for nestable comments, which are not handled by
   1742                  ;; this heuristic (or any of paredit, really).)
   1743                  (and (or (and (eq start-comment-state nil)
   1744                                (eq end-comment-state t))
   1745                           (and (eq start-comment-state t)
   1746                                (eq end-comment-state nil)))
   1747                       (save-excursion
   1748                         (goto-char end)
   1749                         (paredit-region-ok-p (point) (point-at-eol))))))
   1750         (error "Mismatched comment state: %s"
   1751                (cond ((and (integerp start-comment-state)
   1752                            (integerp end-comment-state))
   1753                       (format "depth %S at start, depth %S at end."
   1754                               start-comment-state
   1755                               end-comment-state))
   1756                      ((integerp start-comment-state)
   1757                       "start in nested comment, end otherwise.")
   1758                      ((integerp end-comment-state)
   1759                       "end in nested comment, start otherwise.")
   1760                      (start-comment-state
   1761                       "start in comment, end not in comment.")
   1762                      (end-comment-state
   1763                       "end in comment, start not in comment.")
   1764                      (t
   1765                       (format "start %S, end %S."
   1766                               start-comment-state
   1767                               end-comment-state)))))))
   1769 (defun paredit-check-region-for-delete:char-quote
   1770     (start start-state end end-state)
   1771   (let ((start-char-quote (nth 5 start-state))
   1772         (end-char-quote (nth 5 end-state)))
   1773     (if (not (eq start-char-quote end-char-quote))
   1774         (let ((phrase "character quotation"))
   1775           (error "Mismatched %s: start %sin %s, end %sin %s."
   1776                  phrase
   1777                  (if start-char-quote "" "not ")
   1778                  phrase
   1779                  (if end-char-quote "" "not ")
   1780                  phrase)))))
   1782 ;;;; Point Motion
   1784 (eval-and-compile
   1785   (defmacro defun-motion (name bvl doc &rest body)
   1786     `(defun ,name ,bvl
   1787        ,doc
   1788        ,(xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p)
   1789                 '(interactive "_"))
   1790                ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p)
   1791                 ;++ Not sure this is sufficient for the `^'.
   1792                 (if (fboundp 'handle-shift-selection)
   1793                     '(interactive "^p")
   1794                     '(interactive "p"))))
   1795        ,@body)))
   1797 (defun-motion paredit-forward (&optional arg)
   1798   "Move forward an S-expression, or up an S-expression forward.
   1799 If there are no more S-expressions in this one before the closing
   1800   delimiter, move past that closing delimiter; otherwise, move forward
   1801   past the S-expression following the point."
   1802   (let ((n (or arg 1)))
   1803     (cond ((< 0 n) (dotimes (i n)       (paredit-move-forward)))
   1804           ((< n 0) (dotimes (i (- n))   (paredit-move-backward))))))
   1806 (defun-motion paredit-backward (&optional arg)
   1807   "Move backward an S-expression, or up an S-expression backward.
   1808 If there are no more S-expressions in this one before the opening
   1809   delimiter, move past that opening delimiter backward; otherwise, move
   1810   move backward past the S-expression preceding the point."
   1811   (let ((n (or arg 1)))
   1812     (cond ((< 0 n) (dotimes (i n)       (paredit-move-backward)))
   1813           ((< n 0) (dotimes (i (- n))   (paredit-move-forward))))))
   1815 (defun paredit-move-forward ()
   1816   (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
   1817          (let ((end (paredit-enclosing-string-end)))
   1818            ;; `forward-sexp' and `up-list' may move into the next string
   1819            ;; in the buffer.  Don't do that; move out of the current one.
   1820            (if (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   1821                    (progn (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (forward-sexp)
   1822                             (up-list))
   1823                           (<= end (point)))
   1824                  t)
   1825                (goto-char end))))
   1826         ((paredit-in-char-p)
   1827          (forward-char))
   1828         (t
   1829          (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (forward-sexp)
   1830            (up-list)))))
   1832 (defun paredit-move-backward ()
   1833   (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
   1834          (let ((start (paredit-enclosing-string-start)))
   1835            (if (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   1836                    (progn (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (backward-sexp)
   1837                             (backward-up-list))
   1838                           (<= (point) start))
   1839                  t)
   1840                (goto-char start))))
   1841         ((paredit-in-char-p)
   1842          ;++ Corner case: a buffer of `\|x'.  What to do?
   1843          (backward-char 2))
   1844         (t
   1845          (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (backward-sexp)
   1846            (backward-up-list)))))
   1848 ;;;; Window Positioning
   1850 (defalias 'paredit-recentre-on-sexp 'paredit-recenter-on-sexp)
   1852 (defun paredit-recenter-on-sexp (&optional n)
   1853   "Recenter the screen on the S-expression following the point.
   1854 With a prefix argument N, encompass all N S-expressions forward."
   1855   (interactive "P")
   1856   (let* ((p (point))
   1857          (end-point (progn (forward-sexp n) (point)))
   1858          (start-point (progn (goto-char end-point) (backward-sexp n) (point))))
   1859     ;; Point is at beginning of first S-expression.
   1860     (let ((p-visible nil) (start-visible nil))
   1861       (save-excursion
   1862         (forward-line (/ (count-lines start-point end-point) 2))
   1863         (recenter)
   1864         (setq p-visible (pos-visible-in-window-p p))
   1865         (setq start-visible (pos-visible-in-window-p start-point)))
   1866       (cond ((not start-visible)
   1867              ;; Implies (not p-visible).  Put the start at the top of
   1868              ;; the screen.
   1869              (recenter 0))
   1870             (p-visible
   1871              ;; Go back to p if we can.
   1872              (goto-char p))))))
   1874 (defun paredit-recenter-on-defun ()
   1875   "Recenter the screen on the definition at point."
   1876   (interactive)
   1877   (save-excursion
   1878     (beginning-of-defun)
   1879     (paredit-recenter-on-sexp)))
   1881 (defun paredit-focus-on-defun ()
   1882   "Moves display to the top of the definition at point."
   1883   (interactive)
   1884   (beginning-of-defun)
   1885   (recenter 0))
   1887 ;;;; Generalized Upward/Downward Motion
   1889 (defun paredit-up/down (n vertical-direction)
   1890   (let ((horizontal-direction (if (< 0 n) +1 -1)))
   1891     (while (/= n 0)
   1892       (goto-char
   1893        (paredit-next-up/down-point horizontal-direction vertical-direction))
   1894       (setq n (- n horizontal-direction)))))
   1896 (defun paredit-next-up/down-point (horizontal-direction vertical-direction)
   1897   (let ((state (paredit-current-parse-state))
   1898         (scan-lists
   1899          (lambda ()
   1900            (scan-lists (point) horizontal-direction vertical-direction))))
   1901     (cond ((paredit-in-string-p state)
   1902            (let ((start+end (paredit-string-start+end-points state)))
   1903              (if (< 0 vertical-direction)
   1904                  (if (< 0 horizontal-direction)
   1905                      (+ 1 (cdr start+end))
   1906                      (car start+end))
   1907                  ;; We could let the user try to descend into lists
   1908                  ;; within the string, but that would be asymmetric
   1909                  ;; with the up case, which rises out of the whole
   1910                  ;; string and not just out of a list within the
   1911                  ;; string, so this case will just be an error.
   1912                  (error "Can't descend further into string."))))
   1913           ((< 0 vertical-direction)
   1914            ;; When moving up, just try to rise up out of the list.
   1915            (or (funcall scan-lists)
   1916                (buffer-end horizontal-direction)))
   1917           ((< vertical-direction 0)
   1918            ;; When moving down, look for a string closer than a list,
   1919            ;; and use that if we find it.
   1920            (let* ((list-start
   1921                    (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (funcall scan-lists) nil))
   1922                   (string-start
   1923                    (paredit-find-next-string-start horizontal-direction
   1924                                                    list-start)))
   1925              (if (and string-start list-start)
   1926                  (if (< 0 horizontal-direction)
   1927                      (min string-start list-start)
   1928                      (max string-start list-start))
   1929                  (or string-start
   1930                      ;; Scan again: this is a kludgey way to report the
   1931                      ;; error if there really was one.
   1932                      (funcall scan-lists)
   1933                      (buffer-end horizontal-direction)))))
   1934           (t
   1935            (error "Vertical direction must be nonzero in `%s'."
   1936                   'paredit-up/down)))))
   1938 (defun paredit-find-next-string-start (horizontal-direction limit)
   1939   (let ((buffer-limit-p (if (< 0 horizontal-direction) 'eobp 'bobp))
   1940         (next-char (if (< 0 horizontal-direction) 'char-after 'char-before))
   1941         (pastp (if (< 0 horizontal-direction) '> '<)))
   1942     (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   1943         (save-excursion
   1944           (catch 'exit
   1945             (while t
   1946               (if (or (funcall buffer-limit-p)
   1947                       (and limit (funcall pastp (point) limit)))
   1948                   (throw 'exit nil))
   1949               (forward-sexp horizontal-direction)
   1950               (save-excursion
   1951                 (backward-sexp horizontal-direction)
   1952                 (if (eq ?\" (char-syntax (funcall next-char)))
   1953                     (throw 'exit (+ (point) horizontal-direction)))))))
   1954       nil)))
   1956 (defun-motion paredit-forward-down (&optional argument)
   1957   "Move forward down into a list.
   1958 With a positive argument, move forward down that many levels.
   1959 With a negative argument, move backward down that many levels."
   1960   (paredit-up/down (or argument +1) -1))
   1962 (defun-motion paredit-backward-up (&optional argument)
   1963   "Move backward up out of the enclosing list.
   1964 With a positive argument, move backward up that many levels.
   1965 With a negative argument, move forward up that many levels.
   1966 If in a string initially, that counts as one level."
   1967   (paredit-up/down (- 0 (or argument +1)) +1))
   1969 (defun-motion paredit-forward-up (&optional argument)
   1970   "Move forward up out of the enclosing list.
   1971 With a positive argument, move forward up that many levels.
   1972 With a negative argument, move backward up that many levels.
   1973 If in a string initially, that counts as one level."
   1974   (paredit-up/down (or argument +1) +1))
   1976 (defun-motion paredit-backward-down (&optional argument)
   1977   "Move backward down into a list.
   1978 With a positive argument, move backward down that many levels.
   1979 With a negative argument, move forward down that many levels."
   1980   (paredit-up/down (- 0 (or argument +1)) -1))
   1982 ;;;; Depth-Changing Commands:  Wrapping, Splicing, & Raising
   1984 (defun paredit-wrap-sexp (&optional argument open close)
   1985   "Wrap the following S-expression.
   1986 If a `C-u' prefix argument is given, wrap all S-expressions following
   1987   the point until the end of the buffer or of the enclosing list.
   1988 If a numeric prefix argument N is given, wrap N S-expressions.
   1989 Automatically indent the newly wrapped S-expression.
   1990 As a special case, if the point is at the end of a list, simply insert
   1991   a parenthesis pair, rather than inserting a lone opening delimiter
   1992   and then signalling an error, in the interest of preserving
   1993   structure.
   1994 By default OPEN and CLOSE are round delimiters."
   1995   (interactive "P")
   1996   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-wrap-sexp)
   1997   (let ((open (or open ?\( ))
   1998         (close (or close ?\) )))
   1999     (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2000         ((lambda (n) (paredit-insert-pair n open close 'goto-char))
   2001          (cond ((integerp argument) argument)
   2002                ((consp argument) (paredit-count-sexps-forward))
   2003                ((paredit-region-active-p) nil)
   2004                (t 1)))
   2005       (insert close)
   2006       (backward-char)))
   2007   (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (indent-sexp)))
   2009 (defun paredit-yank-pop (&optional argument)
   2010   "Replace just-yanked text with the next item in the kill ring.
   2011 If this command follows a `yank', just run `yank-pop'.
   2012 If this command follows a `paredit-wrap-sexp', or any other paredit
   2013   wrapping command (see `paredit-wrap-commands'), run `yank' and
   2014   reindent the enclosing S-expression.
   2015 If this command is repeated, run `yank-pop' and reindent the enclosing
   2016   S-expression.
   2018 The argument is passed on to `yank' or `yank-pop'; see their
   2019   documentation for details."
   2020   (interactive "*p")
   2021   (cond ((eq last-command 'yank)
   2022          (yank-pop argument))
   2023         ((memq last-command paredit-wrap-commands)
   2024          (yank argument)
   2025          ;; `yank' futzes with `this-command'.
   2026          (setq this-command 'paredit-yank-pop)
   2027          (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (indent-sexp)))
   2028         ((eq last-command 'paredit-yank-pop)
   2029          ;; Pretend we just did a `yank', so that we can use
   2030          ;; `yank-pop' without duplicating its definition.
   2031          (setq last-command 'yank)
   2032          (yank-pop argument)
   2033          ;; Return to our original state.
   2034          (setq last-command 'paredit-yank-pop)
   2035          (setq this-command 'paredit-yank-pop)
   2036          (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (indent-sexp)))
   2037         (t (error "Last command was not a yank or a wrap: %s" last-command))))
   2039 (defun paredit-splice-sexp (&optional argument)
   2040   "Splice the list that the point is on by removing its delimiters.
   2041 With a prefix argument as in `C-u', kill all S-expressions backward in
   2042   the current list before splicing all S-expressions forward into the
   2043   enclosing list.
   2044 With two prefix arguments as in `C-u C-u', kill all S-expressions
   2045   forward in the current list before splicing all S-expressions
   2046   backward into the enclosing list.
   2047 With a numerical prefix argument N, kill N S-expressions backward in
   2048   the current list before splicing the remaining S-expressions into the
   2049   enclosing list.  If N is negative, kill forward.
   2050 Inside a string, unescape all backslashes, or signal an error if doing
   2051   so would invalidate the buffer's structure."
   2052   (interactive "P")
   2053   (if (paredit-in-string-p)
   2054       (paredit-splice-string argument)
   2055     (if (paredit-in-comment-p)
   2056         (error "Can't splice comment."))
   2057     (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (paredit-enclosing-list-start)
   2058       (error "Can't splice top level."))
   2059     (paredit-kill-surrounding-sexps-for-splice argument)
   2060     (let ((delete-start (paredit-enclosing-list-start))
   2061           (delete-end
   2062            (let ((limit
   2063                   (save-excursion
   2064                     (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (forward-sexp) (backward-sexp))
   2065                     (point))))
   2066              (save-excursion
   2067                (backward-up-list)
   2068                (forward-char +1)
   2069                (paredit-skip-whitespace t limit)
   2070                (point)))))
   2071       (let ((end-marker (make-marker)))
   2072         (save-excursion
   2073           (up-list)
   2074           (delete-char -1)
   2075           (set-marker end-marker (point)))
   2076         (delete-region delete-start delete-end)
   2077         (paredit-splice-reindent delete-start (marker-position end-marker))))))
   2079 (defun paredit-splice-reindent (start end)
   2080   (paredit-preserving-column
   2081     ;; If we changed the first subform of the enclosing list, we must
   2082     ;; reindent the whole enclosing list.
   2083     (if (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2084             (save-excursion
   2085               (backward-up-list)
   2086               (down-list)
   2087               (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (forward-sexp))
   2088               (< start (point)))
   2089           nil)
   2090         (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (indent-sexp))
   2091         (paredit-indent-region start end))))
   2093 (defun paredit-kill-surrounding-sexps-for-splice (argument)
   2094   (cond ((or (paredit-in-string-p)
   2095              (paredit-in-comment-p))
   2096          (error "Invalid context for splicing S-expressions."))
   2097         ((or (not argument) (eq argument 0)) nil)
   2098         ((or (numberp argument) (eq argument '-))
   2099          ;; Kill S-expressions before/after the point by saving the
   2100          ;; point, moving across them, and killing the region.
   2101          (let* ((argument (if (eq argument '-) -1 argument))
   2102                 (saved (paredit-point-at-sexp-boundary (- argument))))
   2103            (goto-char saved)
   2104            (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (backward-sexp argument))
   2105            (paredit-hack-kill-region saved (point))))
   2106         ((consp argument)
   2107          (let ((v (car argument)))
   2108            (if (= v 4)                  ;One `C-u'.
   2109                ;; Move backward until we hit the open paren; then
   2110                ;; kill that selected region.
   2111                (let ((end (point)))
   2112                  (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2113                    (while (not (bobp))
   2114                      (backward-sexp)))
   2115                  (paredit-hack-kill-region (point) end))
   2116                ;; Move forward until we hit the close paren; then
   2117                ;; kill that selected region.
   2118                (let ((beginning (point)))
   2119                  (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2120                    (while (not (eobp))
   2121                      (forward-sexp)))
   2122                  (paredit-hack-kill-region beginning (point))))))
   2123         (t (error "Bizarre prefix argument `%s'." argument))))
   2125 (defun paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward (&optional n)
   2126   "Splice the list the point is on by removing its delimiters, and
   2127   also kill all S-expressions before the point in the current list.
   2128 With a prefix argument N, kill only the preceding N S-expressions."
   2129   (interactive "P")
   2130   (paredit-splice-sexp (if n
   2131                            (prefix-numeric-value n)
   2132                            '(4))))
   2134 (defun paredit-splice-sexp-killing-forward (&optional n)
   2135   "Splice the list the point is on by removing its delimiters, and
   2136   also kill all S-expressions after the point in the current list.
   2137 With a prefix argument N, kill only the following N S-expressions."
   2138   (interactive "P")
   2139   (paredit-splice-sexp (if n
   2140                            (- (prefix-numeric-value n))
   2141                            '(16))))
   2143 (defun paredit-raise-sexp (&optional argument)
   2144   "Raise the following S-expression in a tree, deleting its siblings.
   2145 With a prefix argument N, raise the following N S-expressions.  If N
   2146   is negative, raise the preceding N S-expressions.
   2147 If the point is on an S-expression, such as a string or a symbol, not
   2148   between them, that S-expression is considered to follow the point."
   2149   (interactive "P")
   2150   (save-excursion
   2151     (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
   2152            (goto-char (car (paredit-string-start+end-points))))
   2153           ((paredit-in-char-p)
   2154            (backward-sexp))
   2155           ((paredit-in-comment-p)
   2156            (error "No S-expression to raise in comment.")))
   2157     ;; Select the S-expressions we want to raise in a buffer substring.
   2158     (let* ((n (prefix-numeric-value argument))
   2159            (bound (scan-sexps (point) n))
   2160            (sexps
   2161             (if (< n 0)
   2162                 (buffer-substring bound (paredit-point-at-sexp-end))
   2163                 (buffer-substring (paredit-point-at-sexp-start) bound))))
   2164       ;; Move up to the list we're raising those S-expressions out of and
   2165       ;; delete it.
   2166       (backward-up-list)
   2167       (delete-region (point) (scan-sexps (point) 1))
   2168       (let* ((indent-start (point))
   2169              (indent-end (save-excursion (insert sexps) (point))))
   2170         ;; If the expression spans multiple lines, its indentation is
   2171         ;; probably broken, so reindent it -- but don't reindent
   2172         ;; anything that we didn't touch outside the expression.
   2173         ;;
   2174         ;; XXX What if the *column* of the starting point was preserved
   2175         ;; too?  Should we avoid reindenting in that case?
   2176         (if (not (eq (save-excursion (goto-char indent-start) (point-at-eol))
   2177                      (save-excursion (goto-char indent-end) (point-at-eol))))
   2178             (indent-region indent-start indent-end nil))))))
   2180 ;;; The effects of convolution on the surrounding whitespace are pretty
   2181 ;;; random.  If you have better suggestions, please let me know.
   2183 (defun paredit-convolute-sexp (&optional n)
   2184   "Convolute S-expressions.
   2185 Save the S-expressions preceding point and delete them.
   2186 Splice the S-expressions following point.
   2187 Wrap the enclosing list in a new list prefixed by the saved text.
   2188 With a prefix argument N, move up N lists before wrapping."
   2189   (interactive "p")
   2190   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-convolute-sexp)
   2191   ;; Make sure we can move up before destroying anything.
   2192   (save-excursion (backward-up-list n) (backward-up-list))
   2193   (let (open close)                     ;++ Is this a good idea?
   2194     (let ((prefix
   2195            (let ((end (point)))
   2196              (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2197                (while (not (bobp)) (backward-sexp)))
   2198              (prog1 (buffer-substring (point) end)
   2199                (backward-up-list)
   2200                (save-excursion (forward-sexp)
   2201                                (setq close (char-before))
   2202                                (delete-char -1))
   2203                (setq open (char-after))
   2204                (delete-region (point) end)
   2205                ;; I'm not sure this makes sense...
   2206                (if (not (eolp)) (just-one-space))))))
   2207       (backward-up-list n)
   2208       (paredit-insert-pair 1 open close 'goto-char)
   2209       (insert prefix)
   2210       ;; I'm not sure this makes sense either...
   2211       (if (not (eolp)) (just-one-space))
   2212       (save-excursion
   2213         (backward-up-list)
   2214         (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp))))))
   2216 (defun paredit-splice-string (argument)
   2217   (let ((original-point (point))
   2218         (start+end (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
   2219     (let ((start (car start+end))
   2220           (end (cdr start+end)))
   2221       ;; START and END both lie before the respective quote
   2222       ;; characters, which we want to delete; thus we increment START
   2223       ;; by one to extract the string, and we increment END by one to
   2224       ;; delete the string.
   2225       (let* ((escaped-string
   2226               (cond ((not (consp argument))
   2227                      (buffer-substring (1+ start) end))
   2228                     ((= 4 (car argument))
   2229                      (buffer-substring original-point end))
   2230                     (t
   2231                      (buffer-substring (1+ start) original-point))))
   2232              (unescaped-string
   2233               (paredit-unescape-string escaped-string)))
   2234         (if (not unescaped-string)
   2235             (error "Unspliceable string.")
   2236           (save-excursion
   2237             (goto-char start)
   2238             (delete-region start (1+ end))
   2239             (insert unescaped-string))
   2240           (if (not (and (consp argument)
   2241                         (= 4 (car argument))))
   2242               (goto-char (- original-point 1))))))))
   2244 (defun paredit-unescape-string (string)
   2245   (with-temp-buffer
   2246     (insert string)
   2247     (goto-char (point-min))
   2248     (while (and (not (eobp))
   2249                 ;; nil -> no bound; t -> no errors.
   2250                 (search-forward "\\" nil t))
   2251       (delete-char -1)
   2252       (forward-char))
   2253     (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2254         (progn (scan-sexps (point-min) (point-max))
   2255                (buffer-string))
   2256       nil)))
   2258 ;;;; Slurpage & Barfage
   2260 (defun paredit-forward-slurp-sexp (&optional argument)
   2261   "Add the S-expression following the current list into that list
   2262   by moving the closing delimiter.
   2263 Automatically reindent the newly slurped S-expression with respect to
   2264   its new enclosing form.
   2265 If in a string, move the opening double-quote forward by one
   2266   S-expression and escape any intervening characters as necessary,
   2267   without altering any indentation or formatting."
   2268   (interactive "P")
   2269   (save-excursion
   2270     (cond ((paredit-in-comment-p)
   2271            (error "Invalid context for slurping S-expressions."))
   2272           ((numberp argument)
   2273            (if (< argument 0)
   2274                (paredit-forward-barf-sexp (- 0 argument))
   2275                (while (< 0 argument)
   2276                  (paredit-forward-slurp-sexp)
   2277                  (setq argument (- argument 1)))))
   2278           ((paredit-in-string-p)
   2279            ;; If there is anything to slurp into the string, take that.
   2280            ;; Otherwise, try to slurp into the enclosing list.
   2281            (if (save-excursion
   2282                  (goto-char (paredit-enclosing-string-end))
   2283                  (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (forward-sexp) nil)
   2284                    t))
   2285                (progn
   2286                  (goto-char (paredit-enclosing-string-end))
   2287                  (paredit-forward-slurp-into-list argument))
   2288                (paredit-forward-slurp-into-string argument)))
   2289           (t
   2290            (paredit-forward-slurp-into-list argument)))))
   2292 (defun paredit-forward-slurp-into-list (&optional argument)
   2293   (let ((nestedp nil))
   2294     (save-excursion
   2295       (up-list)                            ; Up to the end of the list to
   2296       (let ((close (char-before)))         ;   save and delete the closing
   2297         (delete-char -1)                   ;   delimiter.
   2298         (let ((start (point)))
   2299           (catch 'return                   ; Go to the end of the desired
   2300             (while t                       ;   S-expression, going up a
   2301               (paredit-handle-sexp-errors  ;   list if it's not in this,
   2302                   (progn (forward-sexp)
   2303                          (if argument
   2304                              (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2305                                (while (not (eobp))
   2306                                  (forward-sexp))))
   2307                          (throw 'return nil))
   2308                 (setq nestedp t)
   2309                 (up-list)
   2310                 (setq close                ; adjusting for mixed
   2311                       (prog1 (char-before) ;   delimiters as necessary,
   2312                         (delete-char -1)
   2313                         (insert close))))))
   2314           (insert close)                   ;  to insert that delimiter.
   2315           (indent-region start (point) nil))))
   2316     (if (and (not nestedp)
   2317              (eq (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil) (point))
   2318                  (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (forward-char) (point)))
   2319              (eq (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (backward-sexp) (point))
   2320                  (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t) (point))))
   2321         (delete-region (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil) (point))
   2322                        (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t) (point))))))
   2324 (defun paredit-forward-slurp-into-string (&optional argument)
   2325   (let ((start (paredit-enclosing-string-start))
   2326         (end (paredit-enclosing-string-end)))
   2327     (goto-char end)
   2328     ;; Signal any errors that we might get first, before mucking with
   2329     ;; the buffer's contents.
   2330     (save-excursion (forward-sexp))
   2331     (let ((close (char-before)))
   2332       ;; Skip intervening whitespace if we're slurping into an empty
   2333       ;; string.  XXX What about nonempty strings?
   2334       (if (and (= (+ start 2) end)
   2335                (eq (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t) (point))
   2336                    (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (backward-sexp) (point))))
   2337           (delete-region (- (point) 1)
   2338                          (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t) (point)))
   2339           (delete-char -1))
   2340       (paredit-forward-for-quote
   2341        (save-excursion
   2342          (forward-sexp)
   2343          (if argument
   2344              (while (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (forward-sexp) t) nil)))
   2345          (point)))
   2346       (insert close))))
   2348 (defun paredit-forward-barf-sexp (&optional argument)
   2349   "Remove the last S-expression in the current list from that list
   2350   by moving the closing delimiter.
   2351 Automatically reindent the newly barfed S-expression with respect to
   2352   its new enclosing form."
   2353   (interactive "P")
   2354   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-forward-barf-sexp)
   2355   (if (and (numberp argument) (< argument 0))
   2356       (paredit-forward-slurp-sexp (- 0 argument))
   2357     (let ((start (point)) (end nil))
   2358       (save-excursion
   2359         (up-list)                       ; Up to the end of the list to
   2360         (let ((close (char-before)))    ;   save and delete the closing
   2361           (delete-char -1)              ;   delimiter.
   2362           (setq end (point))
   2363           (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors   ; Go back to where we want to
   2364             (if (or (not argument)      ;   insert the delimiter.
   2365                     (numberp argument))
   2366                 (backward-sexp argument)
   2367                 (while (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2368                            (save-excursion (backward-sexp) (<= start (point)))
   2369                          nil)
   2370                   (backward-sexp))))
   2371           (paredit-skip-whitespace nil) ; Skip leading whitespace.
   2372           (cond ((bobp)
   2373                  ;++ We'll have deleted the close, but there's no open.
   2374                  ;++ Is that OK?
   2375                  (error "Barfing all subexpressions with no open-paren?"))
   2376                 ((paredit-in-comment-p) ; Don't put the close-paren in
   2377                  (newline)))            ;   a comment.
   2378           (insert close))
   2379         ;; Reindent all of the newly barfed S-expressions.  Start at the
   2380         ;; start of the first barfed S-expression, not at the close we
   2381         ;; just inserted.
   2382         (forward-sexp)
   2383         (backward-sexp)
   2384         (if (or (not argument) (numberp argument))
   2385             (paredit-forward-and-indent argument)
   2386             (indent-region (point) end))))))
   2388 (defun paredit-backward-slurp-sexp (&optional argument)
   2389   "Add the S-expression preceding the current list into that list
   2390   by moving the closing delimiter.
   2391 Automatically reindent the whole form into which new S-expression was
   2392   slurped.
   2393 If in a string, move the opening double-quote backward by one
   2394   S-expression and escape any intervening characters as necessary,
   2395   without altering any indentation or formatting."
   2396   (interactive "P")
   2397   (save-excursion
   2398     (cond ((paredit-in-comment-p)
   2399            (error "Invalid context for slurping S-expressions."))
   2400           ((numberp argument)
   2401            (if (< argument 0)
   2402                (paredit-backward-barf-sexp (- 0 argument))
   2403                (while (< 0 argument)
   2404                  (paredit-backward-slurp-sexp)
   2405                  (setq argument (- argument 1)))))
   2406           ((paredit-in-string-p)
   2407            ;; If there is anything to slurp into the string, take that.
   2408            ;; Otherwise, try to slurp into the enclosing list.
   2409            (if (save-excursion
   2410                  (goto-char (paredit-enclosing-string-start))
   2411                  (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (backward-sexp) nil)
   2412                    t))
   2413                (progn
   2414                  (goto-char (paredit-enclosing-string-start))
   2415                  (paredit-backward-slurp-into-list argument))
   2416                (paredit-backward-slurp-into-string argument)))
   2417           (t
   2418            (paredit-backward-slurp-into-list argument)))))
   2420 (defun paredit-backward-slurp-into-list (&optional argument)
   2421   (let ((nestedp nil))
   2422     (save-excursion
   2423       (backward-up-list)
   2424       (let ((open (char-after)))
   2425         (delete-char +1)
   2426         (catch 'return
   2427           (while t
   2428             (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2429                 (progn (backward-sexp)
   2430                        (if argument
   2431                            (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2432                              (while (not (bobp))
   2433                                (backward-sexp))))
   2434                        (throw 'return nil))
   2435               (setq nestedp t)
   2436               (backward-up-list)
   2437               (setq open
   2438                     (prog1 (char-after)
   2439                       (save-excursion (insert open) (delete-char +1)))))))
   2440         (insert open))
   2441       ;; Reindent the line at the beginning of wherever we inserted the
   2442       ;; opening delimiter, and then indent the whole S-expression.
   2443       (backward-up-list)
   2444       (lisp-indent-line)
   2445       (indent-sexp))
   2446     ;; If we slurped into an empty list, don't leave dangling space:
   2447     ;; (foo |).
   2448     (if (and (not nestedp)
   2449              (eq (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil) (point))
   2450                  (save-excursion (backward-sexp) (forward-sexp) (point)))
   2451              (eq (save-excursion (up-list) (backward-char) (point))
   2452                  (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t) (point))))
   2453         (delete-region (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil) (point))
   2454                        (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t) (point))))))
   2456 (defun paredit-backward-slurp-into-string (&optional argument)
   2457   (let ((start (paredit-enclosing-string-start))
   2458         (end (paredit-enclosing-string-end)))
   2459     (goto-char start)
   2460     ;; Signal any errors that we might get first, before mucking with
   2461     ;; the buffer's contents.
   2462     (save-excursion (backward-sexp))
   2463     (let ((open (char-after))
   2464           (target (point)))
   2465       ;; Skip intervening whitespace if we're slurping into an empty
   2466       ;; string.  XXX What about nonempty strings?
   2467       (if (and (= (+ start 2) end)
   2468                (eq (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil) (point))
   2469                    (save-excursion (backward-sexp) (forward-sexp) (point))))
   2470           (delete-region (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil) (point))
   2471                          (+ (point) 1))
   2472           (delete-char +1))
   2473       (backward-sexp)
   2474       (if argument
   2475           (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2476             (while (not (bobp))
   2477               (backward-sexp))))
   2478       (insert open)
   2479       (paredit-forward-for-quote target))))
   2481 (defun paredit-backward-barf-sexp (&optional argument)
   2482   "Remove the first S-expression in the current list from that list
   2483   by moving the closing delimiter.
   2484 Automatically reindent the barfed S-expression and the form from which
   2485   it was barfed."
   2486   (interactive "P")
   2487   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-backward-barf-sexp)
   2488   (if (and (numberp argument) (< argument 0))
   2489       (paredit-backward-slurp-sexp (- 0 argument))
   2490     (let ((end (make-marker)))
   2491       (set-marker end (point))
   2492       (save-excursion
   2493         (backward-up-list)
   2494         (let ((open (char-after)))
   2495           (delete-char +1)
   2496           (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2497             (paredit-forward-and-indent
   2498              (if (or (not argument) (numberp argument))
   2499                  argument
   2500                  (let ((n 0))
   2501                    (save-excursion
   2502                      (while (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2503                                 (save-excursion
   2504                                   (forward-sexp)
   2505                                   (<= (point) end))
   2506                               nil)
   2507                        (forward-sexp)
   2508                        (setq n (+ n 1))))
   2509                    n))))
   2510           (while (progn (paredit-skip-whitespace t) (eq (char-after) ?\; ))
   2511             (forward-line 1))
   2512           (if (eobp)
   2513               ;++ We'll have deleted the close, but there's no open.
   2514               ;++ Is that OK?
   2515               (error "Barfing all subexpressions with no close-paren?"))
   2516           ;** Don't use `insert' here.  Consider, e.g., barfing from
   2517           ;**   (foo|)
   2518           ;** and how `save-excursion' works.
   2519           (insert-before-markers open))
   2520         (backward-up-list)
   2521         (lisp-indent-line)
   2522         (indent-sexp)))))
   2524 ;;;; Splitting & Joining
   2526 (defun paredit-split-sexp ()
   2527   "Split the list or string the point is on into two."
   2528   (interactive)
   2529   (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
   2530          (insert "\"")
   2531          (save-excursion (insert " \"")))
   2532         ((or (paredit-in-comment-p)
   2533              (paredit-in-char-p))
   2534          (error "Invalid context for splitting S-expression."))
   2535         (t
   2536          (let ((open (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (char-after)))
   2537                (close (save-excursion (up-list) (char-before))))
   2538            (delete-horizontal-space)
   2539            (insert close)
   2540            (save-excursion
   2541              (insert ?\ )
   2542              (insert open)
   2543              (backward-char)
   2544              (indent-sexp))))))
   2546 (defun paredit-join-sexps ()
   2547   "Join the S-expressions adjacent on either side of the point.
   2548 Both must be lists, strings, or atoms; error if there is a mismatch."
   2549   (interactive)
   2550   (cond ((paredit-in-comment-p) (error "Can't join S-expressions in comment."))
   2551         ((paredit-in-string-p) (error "Nothing to join in a string."))
   2552         ((paredit-in-char-p) (error "Can't join characters.")))
   2553   (let ((left-point (paredit-point-at-sexp-end))
   2554         (right-point (paredit-point-at-sexp-start)))
   2555     (let ((left-char (char-before left-point))
   2556           (right-char (char-after right-point)))
   2557       (let ((left-syntax (char-syntax left-char))
   2558             (right-syntax (char-syntax right-char)))
   2559         (cond ((< right-point left-point)
   2560                (error "Can't join a datum with itself."))
   2561               ((and (eq left-syntax ?\) )
   2562                     (eq right-syntax ?\( )
   2563                     (eq left-char (matching-paren right-char))
   2564                     (eq right-char (matching-paren left-char)))
   2565                (paredit-join-lists-internal left-point right-point)
   2566                (paredit-preserving-column
   2567                  (save-excursion
   2568                    (backward-up-list)
   2569                    (indent-sexp))))
   2570               ((and (eq left-syntax ?\" )
   2571                     (eq right-syntax ?\" ))
   2572                ;; Delete any intermediate formatting.
   2573                (delete-region (1- left-point) (1+ right-point)))
   2574               ((and (memq left-syntax '(?w ?_)) ; Word or symbol
   2575                     (memq right-syntax '(?w ?_)))
   2576                (delete-region left-point right-point))
   2577               (t (error "Mismatched S-expressions to join.")))))))
   2579 (defun paredit-join-lists-internal (left-point right-point)
   2580   (save-excursion
   2581     ;; Leave intermediate formatting alone.
   2582     (goto-char right-point)
   2583     (delete-char +1)
   2584     (goto-char left-point)
   2585     (delete-char -1)
   2586     ;; Kludge: Add an extra space in several conditions.
   2587     (if (or
   2588          ;; (foo)| ;x\n(bar) => (foo | ;x\nbar), not (foo|  ;x\nbar).
   2589          (and (not (eolp))
   2590               (save-excursion
   2591                 (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
   2592                 (eq (char-after) ?\;)))
   2593          ;; (foo)|(bar) => (foo| bar), not (foo|bar).
   2594          (and (= left-point right-point)
   2595               (not (or (eq ?\  (char-syntax (char-before)))
   2596                        (eq ?\  (char-syntax (char-after)))))))
   2597         (insert ?\  ))))
   2599 ;++ How ought paredit-join to handle comments intervening symbols or strings?
   2600 ;++ Idea:
   2601 ;++
   2602 ;++   "foo"   |        ;bar
   2603 ;++   "baz"      ;quux
   2604 ;++
   2605 ;++ =>
   2606 ;++
   2607 ;++   "foo|baz"       ;bar
   2608 ;++              ;quux
   2609 ;++
   2610 ;++ The point should stay where it is relative to the comments, and the
   2611 ;++ the comments' columns should all be preserved, perhaps.  Hmmmm...
   2612 ;++ What about this?
   2613 ;++
   2614 ;++   "foo"           ;bar
   2615 ;++       |           ;baz
   2616 ;++   "quux"          ;zot
   2618 ;++ Should rename:
   2619 ;++     paredit-point-at-sexp-start     -> paredit-start-of-sexp-after-point
   2620 ;++     paredit-point-at-sexp-end       -> paredit-end-of-sexp-before-point
   2622 ;;;; Variations on the Lurid Theme
   2624 ;;; I haven't the imagination to concoct clever names for these.
   2626 (defun paredit-add-to-previous-list ()
   2627   "Add the S-expression following point to the list preceding point."
   2628   (interactive)
   2629   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-add-to-previous-list)
   2630   (save-excursion
   2631     (down-list -1)                      ;++ backward-down-list...
   2632     (paredit-forward-slurp-sexp)))
   2634 (defun paredit-add-to-next-list ()
   2635   "Add the S-expression preceding point to the list following point.
   2636 If no S-expression precedes point, move up the tree until one does."
   2637   (interactive)
   2638   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-add-to-next-list)
   2639   (save-excursion
   2640     (down-list)
   2641     (paredit-backward-slurp-sexp)))
   2643 (defun paredit-join-with-previous-list ()
   2644   "Join the list the point is on with the previous list in the buffer."
   2645   (interactive)
   2646   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-join-with-previous-list)
   2647   (save-excursion
   2648     (while (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (save-excursion (backward-sexp) nil)
   2649              (backward-up-list)
   2650              t))
   2651     (paredit-join-sexps)))
   2653 (defun paredit-join-with-next-list ()
   2654   "Join the list the point is on with the next list in the buffer."
   2655   (interactive)
   2656   (paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp 'paredit-join-with-next-list)
   2657   (save-excursion
   2658     (while (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (save-excursion (forward-sexp) nil)
   2659              (up-list)
   2660              t))
   2661     (paredit-join-sexps)))
   2663 ;;;; Utilities
   2665 (defun paredit-in-string-escape-p ()
   2666   "True if the point is on a character escape of a string.
   2667 This is true only if the character is preceded by an odd number of
   2668   backslashes.
   2669 This assumes that `paredit-in-string-p' has already returned true."
   2670   (let ((oddp nil))
   2671     (save-excursion
   2672       (while (eq (char-before) ?\\ )
   2673         (setq oddp (not oddp))
   2674         (backward-char)))
   2675     oddp))
   2677 (defun paredit-in-char-p (&optional position)
   2678   "True if point is on a character escape outside a string."
   2679   (save-excursion
   2680     (goto-char (or position (point)))
   2681     (paredit-in-string-escape-p)))
   2683 (defun paredit-skip-whitespace (trailing-p &optional limit)
   2684   "Skip past any whitespace, or until the point LIMIT is reached.
   2685 If TRAILING-P is nil, skip leading whitespace; otherwise, skip trailing
   2686   whitespace."
   2687   (funcall (if trailing-p 'skip-chars-forward 'skip-chars-backward)
   2688            " \t\n"  ; This should skip using the syntax table, but LF
   2689            limit))    ; is a comment end, not newline, in Lisp mode.
   2691 (defalias 'paredit-region-active-p
   2692   (xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p) 'region-active-p)
   2693          ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p)
   2694           (lambda ()
   2695             (and mark-active transient-mark-mode)))))
   2697 (defun paredit-hack-kill-region (start end)
   2698   "Kill the region between START and END.
   2699 Do not append to any current kill, and
   2700  do not let the next kill append to this one."
   2701   (interactive "r")                     ;Eh, why not?
   2702   ;; KILL-REGION sets THIS-COMMAND to tell the next kill that the last
   2703   ;; command was a kill.  It also checks LAST-COMMAND to see whether it
   2704   ;; should append.  If we bind these locally, any modifications to
   2705   ;; THIS-COMMAND will be masked, and it will not see LAST-COMMAND to
   2706   ;; indicate that it should append.
   2707   (let ((this-command nil)
   2708         (last-command nil))
   2709     (kill-region start end)))
   2711 ;;;;; Reindentation utilities
   2713 ;++ Should `paredit-indent-sexps' and `paredit-forward-and-indent' use
   2714 ;++ `paredit-indent-region' rather than `indent-region'?
   2716 (defun paredit-indent-sexps ()
   2717   "If in a list, indent all following S-expressions in the list."
   2718   (let* ((start (point))
   2719          (end (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn (up-list) (point)) nil)))
   2720     (if end
   2721         (indent-region start end nil))))
   2723 (defun paredit-forward-and-indent (&optional n)
   2724   "Move forward by N S-expressions, indenting them with `indent-region'."
   2725   (let ((start (point)))
   2726     (forward-sexp n)
   2727     (indent-region start (point) nil)))
   2729 (defun paredit-indent-region (start end)
   2730   "Indent the region from START to END.
   2731 Don't reindent the line starting at START, however."
   2732   (if (not (<= start end))
   2733       (error "Incorrectly related points: %S, %S" start end))
   2734   (save-excursion
   2735     (goto-char start)
   2736     (let ((bol (point-at-bol)))
   2737       ;; Skip all S-expressions that end on the starting line, but
   2738       ;; don't go past `end'.
   2739       (if (and (save-excursion (goto-char end) (not (eq bol (point-at-bol))))
   2740                (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2741                    (catch 'exit
   2742                      (while t
   2743                        (save-excursion
   2744                          (forward-sexp)
   2745                          (if (not (eq bol (point-at-bol)))
   2746                              (throw 'exit t))
   2747                          (if (not (< (point) end))
   2748                              (throw 'exit nil)))
   2749                        (forward-sexp)))
   2750                  nil))
   2751           (progn
   2752             ;; Point is still on the same line, but precedes an
   2753             ;; S-expression that ends on a different line.
   2754             (if (not (eq bol (point-at-bol)))
   2755                 (error "Internal error -- we moved forward a line!"))
   2756             (goto-char (+ 1 (point-at-eol)))
   2757             (if (not (<= (point) end))
   2758                 (error "Internal error -- we frobnitzed the garfnut!"))
   2759             (indent-region (point) end nil))))))
   2761 ;;;;; S-expression Parsing Utilities
   2763 ;++ These routines redundantly traverse S-expressions a great deal.
   2764 ;++ If performance issues arise, this whole section will probably have
   2765 ;++ to be refactored to preserve the state longer, like paredit.scm
   2766 ;++ does, rather than to traverse the definition N times for every key
   2767 ;++ stroke as it presently does.
   2769 (defun paredit-current-parse-state ()
   2770   "Return parse state of point from beginning of defun."
   2771   (let ((point (point)))
   2772     (beginning-of-defun)
   2773     ;; Calling PARSE-PARTIAL-SEXP will advance the point to its second
   2774     ;; argument (unless parsing stops due to an error, but we assume it
   2775     ;; won't in paredit-mode).
   2776     (parse-partial-sexp (point) point)))
   2778 (defun paredit-in-string-p (&optional state)
   2779   "True if the parse state is within a double-quote-delimited string.
   2780 If no parse state is supplied, compute one from the beginning of the
   2781   defun to the point."
   2782   ;; 3. non-nil if inside a string (the terminator character, really)
   2783   (and (nth 3 (or state (paredit-current-parse-state)))
   2784        t))
   2786 (defun paredit-string-start+end-points (&optional state)
   2787   "Return a cons of the points of open and close quotes of the string.
   2788 The string is determined from the parse state STATE, or the parse state
   2789   from the beginning of the defun to the point.
   2790 This assumes that `paredit-in-string-p' has already returned true, i.e.
   2791   that the point is already within a string."
   2792   (save-excursion
   2793     ;; 8. character address of start of comment or string; nil if not
   2794     ;;    in one
   2795     (let ((start (nth 8 (or state (paredit-current-parse-state)))))
   2796       (goto-char start)
   2797       (forward-sexp 1)
   2798       (cons start (1- (point))))))
   2800 (defun paredit-enclosing-string-start ()
   2801   (car (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
   2803 (defun paredit-enclosing-string-end ()
   2804   (+ 1 (cdr (paredit-string-start+end-points))))
   2806 (defun paredit-enclosing-list-start ()
   2807   (save-excursion
   2808     (backward-up-list)
   2809     (point)))
   2811 (defun paredit-enclosing-list-end ()
   2812   (save-excursion
   2813     (up-list)
   2814     (point)))
   2816 (defun paredit-in-comment-p (&optional state)
   2817   "True if parse state STATE is within a comment.
   2818 If no parse state is supplied, compute one from the beginning of the
   2819   defun to the point."
   2820   ;; 4. nil if outside a comment, t if inside a non-nestable comment,
   2821   ;;    else an integer (the current comment nesting)
   2822   (and (nth 4 (or state (paredit-current-parse-state)))
   2823        t))
   2825 (defun paredit-prefix-numeric-value (argument)
   2826   ;++ Kludgerific.
   2827   (cond ((integerp argument) argument)
   2828         ((eq argument '-) -1)
   2829         ((consp argument)
   2830          (cond ((equal argument '(4)) (paredit-count-sexps-forward))   ;C-u
   2831                ((equal argument '(16)) (paredit-count-sexps-backward)) ;C-u C-u
   2832                (t (error "Invalid prefix argument: %S" argument))))
   2833         ((paredit-region-active-p)
   2834          (save-excursion
   2835            (save-restriction
   2836              (narrow-to-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
   2837              (cond ((= (point) (point-min)) (paredit-count-sexps-forward))
   2838                    ((= (point) (point-max)) (paredit-count-sexps-backward))
   2839                    (t
   2840                     (error "Point %S is not start or end of region: %S..%S"
   2841                            (point) (region-beginning) (region-end)))))))
   2842         (t 1)))
   2844 (defun paredit-count-sexps-forward ()
   2845   (save-excursion
   2846     (let ((n 0) (p nil))                ;hurk
   2847       (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2848         (while (setq p (scan-sexps (point) +1))
   2849           (goto-char p)
   2850           (setq n (+ n 1))))
   2851       n)))
   2853 (defun paredit-count-sexps-backward ()
   2854   (save-excursion
   2855     (let ((n 0) (p nil))                ;hurk
   2856       (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
   2857         (while (setq p (scan-sexps (point) -1))
   2858           (goto-char p)
   2859           (setq n (+ n 1))))
   2860       n)))
   2862 (defun paredit-point-at-sexp-boundary (n)
   2863   (cond ((< n 0) (paredit-point-at-sexp-start))
   2864         ((= n 0) (point))
   2865         ((> n 0) (paredit-point-at-sexp-end))))
   2867 (defun paredit-point-at-sexp-start ()
   2868   (save-excursion
   2869     (forward-sexp)
   2870     (backward-sexp)
   2871     (point)))
   2873 (defun paredit-point-at-sexp-end ()
   2874   (save-excursion
   2875     (backward-sexp)
   2876     (forward-sexp)
   2877     (point)))
   2879 (defun paredit-lose-if-not-in-sexp (command)
   2880   (if (or (paredit-in-string-p)
   2881           (paredit-in-comment-p)
   2882           (paredit-in-char-p))
   2883       (error "Invalid context for command `%s'." command)))
   2885 (defun paredit-check-region (start end)
   2886   "Signal an error if text between `start' and `end' is unbalanced."
   2887   ;; `narrow-to-region' will move the point, so avoid calling it if we
   2888   ;; don't need to.  We don't want to use `save-excursion' because we
   2889   ;; want the point to move if `check-parens' reports an error.
   2890   (if (not (paredit-region-ok-p start end))
   2891       (save-restriction
   2892         (narrow-to-region start end)
   2893         (check-parens))))
   2895 (defun paredit-region-ok-p (start end)
   2896   "Return true iff the region between `start' and `end' is balanced.
   2897 This is independent of context -- it doesn't check what state the
   2898   text at `start' is in."
   2899   (save-excursion
   2900     (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
   2901         (progn
   2902           (save-restriction
   2903             (narrow-to-region start end)
   2904             (scan-sexps (point-min) (point-max)))
   2905           t)
   2906       nil)))
   2908 (defun paredit-current-indentation ()
   2909   (save-excursion
   2910     (back-to-indentation)
   2911     (current-column)))
   2913 (defun paredit-restore-column (column indentation)
   2914   ;; Preserve the point's position either in the indentation or in the
   2915   ;; code: if on code, move with the code; if in indentation, leave it
   2916   ;; in the indentation, either where it was (if still on indentation)
   2917   ;; or at the end of the indentation (if the code moved far enough
   2918   ;; left).
   2919   (let ((indentation* (paredit-current-indentation)))
   2920     (goto-char
   2921      (+ (point-at-bol)
   2922         (cond ((not (< column indentation))
   2923                (+ column (- indentation* indentation)))
   2924               ((<= indentation* column) indentation*)
   2925               (t column))))))
   2927 ;;;; Initialization
   2929 (paredit-define-keys)
   2930 (paredit-annotate-mode-with-examples)
   2931 (paredit-annotate-functions-with-examples)
   2933 (provide 'paredit)
   2935 ;;; Local Variables:
   2936 ;;; outline-regexp: "\n;;;;+"
   2937 ;;; End:
   2939 ;;; paredit.el ends here