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org-roam-graph.el (12787B)

      1 ;;; org-roam-graph.el --- Basic graphing functionality for Org-roam -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Jethro Kuan <>
      5 ;; Author: Jethro Kuan <>
      6 ;; URL:
      7 ;; Keywords: org-mode, roam, convenience
      8 ;; Version: 2.2.2
      9 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (org "9.4") (org-roam "2.1"))
     11 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
     13 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     14 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     15 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     16 ;; any later version.
     17 ;;
     18 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     19 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     21 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     22 ;;
     23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     24 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
     25 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
     26 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
     28 ;;; Commentary:
     29 ;;
     30 ;; This extension implements capability to build and generate graphs in Org-roam
     31 ;; with the help of Graphviz.
     32 ;;
     33 ;;; Code:
     34 (require 'xml) ;xml-escape-string
     35 (require 'org-roam)
     37 ;;; Options
     38 (defcustom org-roam-graph-viewer (executable-find "firefox")
     39   "Method to view the org-roam graph.
     40 It may be one of the following:
     41   - a string representing the path to the executable for viewing the graph.
     42   - a function accepting a single argument: the graph file path.
     43   - nil uses `view-file' to view the graph."
     44   :type '(choice
     45           (string   :tag "Path to executable")
     46           (function :tag "Function to display graph" eww-open-file)
     47           (const    :tag "view-file"))
     48   :group 'org-roam)
     50 (defcustom org-roam-graph-executable "dot"
     51   "Path to graphing executable, or its name."
     52   :type 'string
     53   :group 'org-roam)
     55 (defcustom org-roam-graph-filetype "svg"
     56   "File type to generate when producing graphs."
     57   :type 'string
     58   :group 'org-roam)
     61 (defcustom org-roam-graph-extra-config nil
     62   "Extra options passed to graphviz.
     63 Example:
     64  '((\"rankdir\" . \"LR\"))"
     65   :type '(alist)
     66   :group 'org-roam)
     68 (defcustom org-roam-graph-edge-extra-config nil
     69   "Extra edge options passed to graphviz.
     70 Example:
     71  '((\"dir\" . \"back\"))"
     72   :type '(alist)
     73   :group 'org-roam)
     75 (defcustom org-roam-graph-node-extra-config
     76   '(("id" . (("style"      . "bold,rounded,filled")
     77              ("fillcolor"  . "#EEEEEE")
     78              ("color"      . "#C9C9C9")
     79              ("fontcolor"  . "#111111")))
     80     ("http" . (("style"      . "rounded,filled")
     81                ("fillcolor"  . "#EEEEEE")
     82                ("color"      . "#C9C9C9")
     83                ("fontcolor"  . "#0A97A6")))
     84     ("https" . (("style"      . "rounded,filled")
     85                 ("fillcolor"  . "#EEEEEE")
     86                 ("color"      . "#C9C9C9")
     87                 ("fontcolor"  . "#0A97A6"))))
     88   "Extra options for graphviz nodes."
     89   :type '(alist)
     90   :group 'org-roam)
     92 (defcustom org-roam-graph-link-hidden-types
     93   '("file")
     94   "What sort of links to hide from the Org-roam graph."
     95   :type '(repeat string)
     96   :group 'org-roam)
     98 (defcustom org-roam-graph-max-title-length 100
     99   "Maximum length of titles in graph nodes."
    100   :type 'number
    101   :group 'org-roam)
    103 (defcustom org-roam-graph-shorten-titles 'truncate
    104   "Determines how long titles appear in graph nodes.
    105 Recognized values are the symbols `truncate' and `wrap', in which
    106 cases the title will be truncated or wrapped, respectively, if it
    107 is longer than `org-roam-graph-max-title-length'.
    109 All other values including nil will have no effect."
    110   :type '(choice
    111           (const :tag "truncate" truncate)
    112           (const :tag "wrap" wrap)
    113           (const :tag "no" nil))
    114   :group 'org-roam)
    116 (defcustom org-roam-graph-link-builder 'org-roam-org-protocol-link-builder
    117   "Function used to build the Org-roam graph links.
    118 Given a node name, return a string to be used for the link fed to
    119 the graph generation utility."
    120   :type 'function
    121   :group 'org-roam)
    123 (defcustom org-roam-graph-generation-hook nil
    124   "Functions to run after the graph has been generated.
    125 Each function is called with two arguments: the filename
    126 containing the graph generation tool, and the generated graph."
    127   :type 'hook
    128   :group 'org-roam)
    130 (defun org-roam-org-protocol-link-builder (node)
    131   "Default org-roam link builder.  Generate an org-protocol link using NODE."
    132   (concat "org-protocol://roam-node?node="
    133           (url-hexify-string (org-roam-node-id node))))
    135 ;;; Interactive command
    136 ;;;###autoload
    137 (defun org-roam-graph (&optional arg node)
    138   "Build and possibly display a graph for NODE.
    139 ARG may be any of the following values:
    140   - nil       show the graph.
    141   - `\\[universal-argument]'     show the graph for NODE.
    142   - `\\[universal-argument]' N   show the graph for NODE limiting nodes to N steps."
    143   (interactive
    144    (list current-prefix-arg
    145          (and current-prefix-arg
    146               (org-roam-node-at-point 'assert))))
    147   (let ((graph (cl-typecase arg
    148                  (null (org-roam-graph--dot nil 'all-nodes))
    149                  (cons (org-roam-graph--dot (org-roam-graph--connected-component
    150                                              (org-roam-node-id node) 0)))
    151                  (integer (org-roam-graph--dot (org-roam-graph--connected-component
    152                                                 (org-roam-node-id node) (abs arg)))))))
    153     (org-roam-graph--build graph #'org-roam-graph--open)))
    155 ;;; Generation and Build process
    156 (defun org-roam-graph--build (graph &optional callback)
    157   "Generate the GRAPH, and execute CALLBACK when process exits successfully.
    158 CALLBACK is passed the graph file as its sole argument."
    159   (unless (stringp org-roam-graph-executable)
    160     (user-error "`org-roam-graph-executable' is not a string"))
    161   (unless (executable-find org-roam-graph-executable)
    162     (user-error (concat "Cannot find executable \"%s\" to generate the graph.  "
    163                         "Please adjust `org-roam-graph-executable'")
    164                 org-roam-graph-executable))
    165   (let* ((temp-dot   (make-temp-file "graph." nil ".dot" graph))
    166          (temp-graph (make-temp-file "graph." nil (concat "." org-roam-graph-filetype))))
    167     (org-roam-message "building graph")
    168     (make-process
    169      :name "*org-roam-graph*"
    170      :buffer " *org-roam-graph*"
    171      :command `(,org-roam-graph-executable ,temp-dot "-T" ,org-roam-graph-filetype "-o" ,temp-graph)
    172      :sentinel (when callback
    173                  (lambda (process _event)
    174                    (when (= 0 (process-exit-status process))
    175                      (progn (funcall callback temp-graph)
    176                             (run-hook-with-args 'org-roam-graph-generation-hook temp-dot temp-graph))))))))
    178 (defun org-roam-graph--dot (&optional edges all-nodes)
    179   "Build the graphviz given the EDGES of the graph.
    180 If ALL-NODES, include also nodes without edges."
    181   (let ((org-roam-directory-temp org-roam-directory)
    182         (nodes-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
    183         (seen-nodes (list))
    184         (edges (or edges (org-roam-db-query [:select :distinct [source dest type] :from links]))))
    185     (pcase-dolist (`(,id ,file ,title)
    186                    (org-roam-db-query [:select [id file title] :from nodes]))
    187       (puthash id (org-roam-node-create :file file :id id :title title) nodes-table))
    188     (with-temp-buffer
    189       (setq-local org-roam-directory org-roam-directory-temp)
    190       (insert "digraph \"org-roam\" {\n")
    191       (dolist (option org-roam-graph-extra-config)
    192         (insert (org-roam-graph--dot-option option) ";\n"))
    193       (insert (format " edge [%s];\n"
    194                       (mapconcat (lambda (var)
    195                                    (org-roam-graph--dot-option var nil "\""))
    196                                  org-roam-graph-edge-extra-config
    197                                  ",")))
    198       (pcase-dolist (`(,source ,dest ,type) edges)
    199         (unless (member type org-roam-graph-link-hidden-types)
    200           (pcase-dolist (`(,node ,node-type) `((,source "id")
    201                                                (,dest ,type)))
    202             (unless (member node seen-nodes)
    203               (insert (org-roam-graph--format-node
    204                        (or (gethash node nodes-table) node) node-type))
    205               (push node seen-nodes)))
    206           (insert (format "  \"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n"
    207                           (xml-escape-string source)
    208                           (xml-escape-string dest)))))
    209       (when all-nodes
    210         (maphash (lambda (id node)
    211                    (unless (member id seen-nodes)
    212                      (insert (org-roam-graph--format-node node "id"))))
    213                  nodes-table))
    214       (insert "}")
    215       (buffer-string))))
    217 (defun org-roam-graph--connected-component (id distance)
    218   "Return the edges for all nodes reachable from/connected to ID.
    219 DISTANCE is the maximum distance away from the root node."
    220   (let* ((query
    221           (if (= distance 0)
    222               "
    224   links_of(source, dest) AS
    225   (SELECT source, dest FROM links UNION
    226    SELECT dest, source FROM links),
    227    connected_component(source) AS
    228   (SELECT dest FROM links_of WHERE source = $s1 UNION
    229    SELECT dest FROM links_of JOIN connected_component USING(source))
    230 SELECT DISTINCT source, dest, type FROM links
    231 WHERE source IN connected_component OR dest IN connected_component;"
    232             "
    234   links_of(source, dest) AS
    235   (SELECT source, dest FROM links UNION
    236    SELECT dest, source FROM links),
    237   connected_component(source, trace) AS
    238   (VALUES ($s1 , json_array($s1)) UNION
    239    SELECT lo.dest, json_insert(cc.trace, '$[' || json_array_length(cc.trace) || ']', lo.dest) FROM
    240    connected_component AS cc JOIN links_of AS lo USING(source)
    241    WHERE (
    242     -- Avoid cycles by only visiting each node once.
    243     (SELECT count(*) FROM json_each(cc.trace) WHERE json_each.value == lo.dest) == 0
    244     -- Note: BFS is cut off early here.
    245     AND json_array_length(cc.trace) < $s2)),
    246   nodes(source) as (SELECT DISTINCT source
    247    FROM connected_component GROUP BY source ORDER BY min(json_array_length(trace)))
    248 SELECT DISTINCT source, dest, type FROM links WHERE source IN nodes OR dest IN nodes;")))
    249     (org-roam-db-query query id distance)))
    251 (defun org-roam-graph--dot-option (option &optional wrap-key wrap-val)
    252   "Return dot string of form KEY=VAL for OPTION cons.
    253 If WRAP-KEY is non-nil it wraps the KEY.
    254 If WRAP-VAL is non-nil it wraps the VAL."
    255   (concat wrap-key (car option) wrap-key
    256           "="
    257           wrap-val (cdr option) wrap-val))
    259 (defun org-roam-graph--format-node (node type)
    260   "Return a graphviz NODE with TYPE.
    261 Handles both Org-roam nodes, and string nodes (e.g. urls)."
    262   (let (node-id node-properties)
    263     (if (org-roam-node-p node)
    264         (let* ((title (org-roam-quote-string (org-roam-node-title node)))
    265                (shortened-title
    266                 (org-roam-quote-string
    267                  (pcase org-roam-graph-shorten-titles
    268                    (`truncate (truncate-string-to-width title org-roam-graph-max-title-length nil nil "..."))
    269                    (`wrap (org-roam-word-wrap org-roam-graph-max-title-length title))
    270                    (_ title)))))
    271           (setq node-id (org-roam-node-id node)
    272                 node-properties `(("label"   . ,shortened-title)
    273                                   ("URL"     . ,(funcall org-roam-graph-link-builder node))
    274                                   ("tooltip" . ,(xml-escape-string title)))))
    275       (setq node-id node
    276             node-properties (append `(("label" . ,(concat type ":" node)))
    277                                     (when (member type (list "http" "https"))
    278                                       `(("URL" . ,(xml-escape-string (concat type ":" node))))))))
    279     (format "\"%s\" [%s];\n"
    280             node-id
    281             (mapconcat (lambda (n)
    282                          (org-roam-graph--dot-option n nil "\""))
    283                        (append (cdr (assoc type org-roam-graph-node-extra-config))
    284                                node-properties) ","))))
    286 (defun org-roam-graph--open (file)
    287   "Open FILE using `org-roam-graph-viewer' with `view-file' as a fallback."
    288   (pcase org-roam-graph-viewer
    289     ((pred stringp)
    290      (if (executable-find org-roam-graph-viewer)
    291          (condition-case err
    292              (call-process org-roam-graph-viewer nil 0 nil file)
    293            (error (user-error "Failed to open org-roam graph: %s" err)))
    294        (user-error "Executable not found: \"%s\"" org-roam-graph-viewer)))
    295     ((pred functionp) (funcall org-roam-graph-viewer file))
    296     ('nil (view-file file))
    297     (_ (signal 'wrong-type-argument `((functionp stringp null) ,org-roam-graph-viewer)))))
    300 (provide 'org-roam-graph)
    302 ;;; org-roam-graph.el ends here