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org-sudoku.el (8842B)

      1 ;;; org-sudoku.el --- Create and solve SUDOKU games in Org tables
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      4 ;;
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp, games
      7 ;; Homepage:
      8 ;; Version: 0.01
      9 ;;
     10 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
     11 ;;
     12 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     14 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     15 ;; any later version.
     17 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     23 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     26 ;;
     27 ;; This is a quick hack to create and solve SUDOKU games in org tables.
     28 ;;
     29 ;; Commands:
     30 ;;
     31 ;; org-sudoku-create         Create a new SUDOKU game
     32 ;; org-sudoku-solve-field    Solve the field at point in a SUDOKU game
     33 ;;                           (this is for cheeting when you are stuck)
     34 ;; org-sudoku-solve          Solve the entire game
     35 ;;
     37 ;;; Code
     39 (require 'org)
     40 (require 'org-table)
     42 ;;; Customization
     44 (defvar org-sudoku-size 9
     45   "The size of the sudoku game, 9 for a 9x9 game and 4 for a 4x4 game.
     46 Larger games do not seem to work because of limited resources - even though
     47 the algorithm is general.")
     49 (defvar org-sudoku-timeout 2.0
     50   "Timeout for finding a solution when creating a new game.
     51 After this timeout, the program starts over from scratch to create
     52 a game.")
     54 ;;; Interactive commands
     56 (defun org-sudoku-create (nfilled)
     57   "Create a sudoku game."
     58   (interactive "nNumber of pre-filled fields: ")
     59   (let ((sizesq org-sudoku-size)
     60 	game)
     61     (loop for i from 1 to org-sudoku-size do
     62 	  (loop for j from 1 to org-sudoku-size do
     63 		(push (list (cons i j) 0) game)))
     64     (setq game (nreverse game))
     65     (random t)
     66     (setq game (org-sudoku-build-allowed game))
     67     (setq game (org-sudoku-set-field game (cons 1 1)
     68 				     (1+ (random org-sudoku-size))))
     69     (catch 'solved
     70       (let ((cnt 0))
     71 	(while t
     72 	  (catch 'abort
     73 	    (message "Attempt %d to create a game" (setq cnt (1+ cnt)))
     74 	    (setq game1 (org-sudoku-deep-copy game))
     75 	    (setq game1 (org-sudoku-solve-game
     76 			 game1 'random (+ (float-time) org-sudoku-timeout)))
     77 	    (when game1
     78 	      (setq game game1)
     79 	      (throw 'solved t))))))
     80     (let ((sqrtsize (floor (sqrt org-sudoku-size))))
     81       (loop for i from 1 to org-sudoku-size do
     82 	    (insert "| |\n")
     83 	    (if (and (= (mod i sqrtsize) 0) (< i org-sudoku-size))
     84 		(insert "|-\n")))
     85       (backward-char 5)
     86       (org-table-align))
     87     (while (> (length game) nfilled)
     88       (setq game (delete (nth (1+ (random (length game))) game) game)))
     89     (mapc (lambda (e)
     90 	    (org-table-put (caar e) (cdar e) (int-to-string (nth 1 e))))
     91 	  game)
     92     (org-table-align)
     93     (org-table-goto-line 1)
     94     (org-table-goto-column 1)
     95     (message "Enjoy!")))
     97 (defun org-sudoku-solve ()
     98   "Solve the sudoku game in the table at point."
     99   (interactive)
    100   (unless (org-at-table-p)
    101     (error "not at a table"))
    102   (let (game)
    103     (setq game (org-sudoku-get-game))
    104     (setq game (org-sudoku-build-allowed game))
    105     (setq game (org-sudoku-solve-game game))
    106     ;; Insert the values
    107     (mapc (lambda (e)
    108 	    (org-table-put (caar e) (cdar e) (int-to-string (nth 1 e))))
    109 	  game)
    110     (org-table-align)))
    112 (defun org-sudoku-solve-field ()
    113   "Just solve the field at point.
    114 This works by solving the whole game, then inserting only the single field."
    115   (interactive)
    116   (unless (org-at-table-p)
    117     (error "Not at a table"))
    118   (org-table-check-inside-data-field)
    119   (let ((i (org-table-current-dline))
    120 	(j (org-table-current-column))
    121 	game)
    122     (setq game (org-sudoku-get-game))
    123     (setq game (org-sudoku-build-allowed game))
    124     (setq game (org-sudoku-solve-game game))
    125     (if game
    126 	(progn
    127 	  (org-table-put i j (number-to-string
    128 			      (nth 1 (assoc (cons i j) game)))
    129 			 'align)
    130 	  (org-table-goto-line i)
    131 	  (org-table-goto-column j))
    132       (error "No solution"))))
    134 ;;; Internal functions
    136 (defun org-sudoku-get-game ()
    137   "Interpret table at point as sudoku game and read it.
    138 A game structure is returned."
    139   (let (b e g i j game)
    141     (org-table-goto-line 1)
    142     (org-table-goto-column 1)
    143     (setq b (point))
    144     (org-table-goto-line org-sudoku-size)
    145     (org-table-goto-column org-sudoku-size)
    146     (setq e (point))
    147     (setq g (org-table-copy-region b e))
    148     (setq i 0 j 0)
    149     (mapc (lambda (c)
    150 	    (setq i (1+ i) j 0)
    151 	    (mapc
    152 	     (lambda (v)
    153 	       (setq j (1+ j))
    154 	       (push (list (cons i j)
    155 			   (string-to-number v))
    156 		     game))
    157 	     c))
    158 	  g)
    159     (nreverse game)))
    161 (defun org-sudoku-build-allowed (game)
    162   (let (i j v numbers)
    163     (loop for i from 1 to org-sudoku-size do
    164 	  (push i numbers))
    165     (setq numbers (nreverse numbers))
    166     ;; add the lists of allowed values for each entry
    167     (setq game (mapcar
    168 		(lambda (e)
    169 		  (list (car e) (nth 1 e)
    170 			(if (= (nth 1 e) 0)
    171 			    (copy-sequence numbers)
    172 			  nil)))
    173 		game))
    174     ;; remove the known values from the list of allowed values
    175     (mapc
    176      (lambda (e)
    177        (setq i (caar e) j (cdar e) v (cadr e))
    178        (when (> v 0)
    179 	 ;; We do have a value here
    180 	 (mapc
    181 	  (lambda (f)
    182 	    (setq a (assoc f game))
    183 	    (setf (nth 2 a) (delete v (nth 2 a))))
    184 	  (cons (cons i j) (org-sudoku-rel-fields i j)))))
    185      game)
    186     game))
    188 (defun org-sudoku-find-next-constrained-field (game)
    189   (setq game (mapcar (lambda (e) (if (nth 2 e) e nil)) game))
    190   (setq game (delq nil game))
    191   (let (va vb la lb)
    192     (setq game
    193 	  (sort game (lambda (a b)
    194 		       (setq va (nth 1 a) vb (nth 1 b)
    195 			     la (length (nth 2 a)) lb (length (nth 2 b)))
    196 		       (cond
    197 			((and (= va 0) (> vb 0)) t)
    198 			((and (> va 0) (= vb 0)) nil)
    199 			((not (= (* va vb) 0)) nil)
    200 			(t (< la lb))))))
    201     (if (or (not game) (> 0 (nth 1 (car game))))
    202 	nil
    203       (caar game))))
    205 (defun org-sudoku-solve-game (game &optional random stop-at)
    206   "Solve GAME.
    207 If RANDOM is non-nit, select candidates randomly from a fields option.
    208 If RANDOM is nil, always start with the first allowed value and try
    209 solving from there.
    210 STOP-AT can be a float time, the solver will abort at that time because
    211 it is probably stuck."
    212   (let (e v v1 allowed next g)
    213     (when (and stop-at
    214 	       (> (float-time) stop-at))
    215       (setq game nil)
    216       (throw 'abort nil))
    217     (while (setq next (org-sudoku-find-next-constrained-field game))
    218       (setq e (assoc next game)
    219 	    v (nth 1 e)
    220 	    allowed (nth 2 e))
    221       (catch 'solved
    222 	(if (= (length allowed) 1)
    223 	    (setq game (org-sudoku-set-field game next (car allowed)))
    224 	  (while allowed
    225 	    (setq g (org-sudoku-deep-copy game))
    226 	    (if (not random)
    227 		(setq v1 (car allowed))
    228 	      (setq v1 (nth (random (length allowed)) allowed)))
    229 	    (setq g (org-sudoku-set-field g next v1))
    230 	    (setq g (org-sudoku-solve-game g random stop-at))
    231 	    (when g
    232 	      (setq game g)
    233 	      (throw 'solved g)))
    234 	  (setq game nil))))
    235     (if (or (not game)
    236 	    (org-sudoku-unknown-field-p game))
    237 	nil
    238       game)))
    240 (defun org-sudoku-unknown-field-p (game)
    241   "Are there still unknown fields in the game?"
    242   (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (e) (if (> (nth 1 e) 0) nil t)) game)))
    244 (defun org-sudoku-deep-copy (game)
    245   "Make a copy of the game so that manipulating the copy does not change the parent."
    246   (mapcar (lambda(e)
    247 	    (list (car e) (nth 1 e) (copy-sequence (nth 2 e))))
    248 	  game))
    250 (defun org-sudoku-set-field (game field value)
    251   "Put VALUE into FIELD, and tell related fields that they cannot be VALUE."
    252   (let (i j)
    253     (setq i (car field) j (cdr field))
    254     (setq a (assoc field game))
    255     (setf (nth 1 a) value)
    256     (setf (nth 2 a) nil)
    258     ;; Remove value from all related fields
    259     (mapc
    260      (lambda (f)
    261        (setq a (assoc f game))
    262        (setf (nth 2 a) (delete value (nth 2 a))))
    263      (org-sudoku-rel-fields i j))
    264     game))
    266 (defun org-sudoku-rel-fields (i j)
    267   "Compute the list of related fields for field (i j)."
    268   (let ((sqrtsize (floor (sqrt org-sudoku-size)))
    269 	ll imin imax jmin jmax f)
    270     (setq f (cons i j))
    271     (loop for ii from 1 to org-sudoku-size do
    272 	  (or (= ii i) (push (cons ii j) ll)))
    273     (loop for jj from 1 to org-sudoku-size do
    274 	  (or (= jj j) (push (cons i jj) ll)))
    275     (setq imin (1+ (* sqrtsize (/ (1- i) sqrtsize)))
    276 	  imax (+ imin sqrtsize -1))
    277     (setq jmin (1+ (* sqrtsize (/ (1- j) sqrtsize)))
    278 	  jmax (+ jmin sqrtsize -1))
    279     (loop for ii from imin to imax do
    280 	  (loop for jj from jmin to jmax do
    281 		(setq ff (cons ii jj))
    282 		(or (equal ff f)
    283 		    (member ff ll)
    284 		    (push ff ll))))
    285     ll))
    287 ;;; org-sudoku ends here