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org-eval.el (7504B)

      1 ;;; org-eval.el --- Display result of evaluating code in various languages
      2 ;; Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      3 ;;
      4 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      5 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      6 ;; Homepage:
      7 ;; Version: 0.04
      8 ;;
      9 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;;
     11 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     14 ;; any later version.
     16 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     26 ;;
     27 ;; This modules allows to include output from various commands into an
     28 ;; Org-mode buffer, both for live display, and for export.
     29 ;; This technique has been copied from emacs-wiki and Emacs Muse, and
     30 ;; we try to make it work here in a way as similar as possible to
     31 ;; Muse, so that people who move between both worlds don't need to learn
     32 ;; new syntax.
     33 ;;
     34 ;; Basically it works like this:
     35 ;;
     36 ;;    <lisp>(concat "aaa" "bbb")</lisp>
     37 ;;
     38 ;; will display "aaabbb" in the buffer and export like that as well.
     39 ;; The leading lisp tag will also accept the attributes "markup" and
     40 ;; "lang", to specify how the text should be formatted during export.
     41 ;; For example,
     42 ;;
     43 ;;    <lisp markup="src" lang="emacs-lisp"> .... </lisp>
     44 ;;
     45 ;; will format the result of the lisp form as if it was lisp source
     46 ;; code.  Internally, it will wrap the text into a
     47 ;;
     48 ;;    #+begin_src emacs-lisp
     49 ;;    #+end_src
     50 ;;
     51 ;; structure so that the right things happen when the exporter is running.
     52 ;;
     53 ;; By default, only the <lisp> tag is turned on, but you can configure
     54 ;; the variable `org-eval-interpreters' to add more interpreters like
     55 ;; `perl', `python', or the `shell'.
     56 ;;
     57 ;; You can edit the code snippets with "C-c '" (org-edit-src-code).
     58 ;;
     59 ;; Please note that this mechanism is potentially dangerous, because it
     60 ;; executes code that you don't even see.  This gives you great power,
     61 ;; but also enough rope to hang yourself.  And, it gives your friends
     62 ;; who send you Org files plenty of opportunity for good and bad jokes.
     63 ;; This is also why this module is not turned on by default, but only
     64 ;; available as a contributed package.
     65 ;;
     66 ;;
     67 ;;
     68 (require 'org)
     70 ;;; Customization
     72 (defgroup org-eval nil
     73   "Options concerning including output from commands into the Org-mode buffer."
     74   :tag "Org Eval"
     75   :group 'org)
     77 (defface org-eval
     78   (org-compatible-face nil
     79     '((((class color grayscale) (min-colors 88) (background light))
     80        (:foreground "grey40"))
     81       (((class color grayscale) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
     82        (:foreground "grey60"))
     83       (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background light))
     84        (:foreground "green"))
     85       (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background dark))
     86        (:foreground "yellow"))))
     87   "Face for command output that is included into an Org-mode buffer."
     88   :group 'org-eval
     89   :group 'org-faces)
     91 (defvar org-eval-regexp nil)
     93 (defun org-eval-set-interpreters (var value)
     94   (set-default var value)
     95   (setq org-eval-regexp
     96 	(concat "<\\("
     97 		(mapconcat 'regexp-quote value "\\|")
     98 		"\\)"
     99 		"\\([^>]\\{0,50\\}?\\)>"
    100 		"\\([^\000]+?\\)</\\1>")))
    102 (defcustom org-eval-interpreters '("lisp")
    103   "Interpreters allows for evaluation tags.
    104 This is a list of program names (as strings) that can evaluate code and
    105 insert the output into an Org-mode buffer.  Valid choices are
    107 lisp    Interpret Emacs Lisp code and display the result
    108 shell   Pass command to the shell and display the result
    109 perl    The perl interpreter
    110 python  Thy python interpreter
    111 ruby    The ruby interpreter"
    112   :group 'org-eval
    113   :set 'org-eval-set-interpreters
    114   :type '(set :greedy t
    115 	      (const "lisp")
    116 	      (const "perl")
    117 	      (const "python")
    118 	      (const "ruby")
    119 	      (const "shell")))
    121 (defun org-eval-handle-snippets (limit &optional replace)
    122   "Evaluate code snippets and display the results as display property.
    123 When REPLACE is non-nil, replace the code region with the result (used
    124 for export)."
    125   (let (a)
    126     (while (setq a (text-property-any (point) (or limit (point-max))
    127 				      'org-eval t))
    128       (remove-text-properties
    129        a (next-single-property-change a 'org-eval nil limit)
    130        '(display t intangible t org-eval t))))
    131   (while (re-search-forward org-eval-regexp limit t)
    132     (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
    133 	   (end (match-end 0))
    134 	   (kind (match-string 1))
    135 	   (attr (match-string 2))
    136 	   (code (match-string 3))
    137 	   (value (org-eval-code kind code))
    138 	   markup lang)
    139       (if replace
    140 	  (progn
    141 	    (setq attr (save-match-data (org-eval-get-attributes attr))
    142 		  markup (cdr (assoc "markup" attr))
    143 		  lang  (cdr (assoc "lang" attr)))
    144 	    (replace-match
    145 	     (concat (if markup (format "#+BEGIN_%s" (upcase markup)))
    146 		     (if (and markup (equal (downcase markup) "src"))
    147 			 (concat " " (or lang "fundamental")))
    148 		     "\n"
    149 		     value
    150 		     (if markup (format "\n#+END_%s\n" (upcase markup))))
    151 	     t t))
    152 	(add-text-properties
    153 	 beg end
    154 	 (list 'display value 'intangible t 'font-lock-multiline t
    155 	       'face 'org-eval
    156 	       'org-eval t))))))
    158 (defun org-eval-replace-snippts ()
    159   "Replace EVAL snippets in the entire buffer.
    160 This should go into the `org-export-preprocess-hook'."
    161   (goto-char (point-min))
    162   (org-eval-handle-snippets nil 'replace))
    164 (add-hook 'org-export-preprocess-hook 'org-eval-replace-snippts)
    165 (add-hook 'org-font-lock-hook 'org-eval-handle-snippets)
    167 (defun org-eval-get-attributes (str)
    168   (let ((start 0) key value rtn)
    169     (while (string-match "\\<\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)\\>=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" str start)
    170       (setq key (match-string 1 str)
    171 	    value (match-string 2 str)
    172 	    start (match-end 0))
    173       (push (cons key value) rtn))
    174     rtn))
    176 (defun org-eval-code (interpreter code)
    177   (cond
    178    ((equal interpreter "lisp")
    179     (org-eval-lisp (concat "(progn\n" code "\n)")))
    180    ((equal interpreter "shell")
    181     (shell-command-to-string code))
    182    ((member interpreter '("perl" "python" "ruby"))
    183     (org-eval-run (executable-find interpreter) code))
    184    (t (error "Cannot evaluate code type %s" interpreter))))
    186 (defun org-eval-lisp (form)
    187   "Evaluate the given form and return the result as a string."
    188   (require 'pp)
    189   (save-match-data
    190     (condition-case err
    191         (let ((object (eval (read form))))
    192           (cond
    193            ((stringp object) object)
    194            ((and (listp object)
    195                  (not (eq object nil)))
    196             (let ((string (pp-to-string object)))
    197               (substring string 0 (1- (length string)))))
    198            ((numberp object)
    199             (number-to-string object))
    200            ((eq object nil) "")
    201            (t
    202             (pp-to-string object))))
    203       (error
    204        (org-display-warning (format "%s: Error evaluating %s: %s"
    205                                      "???" form err))
    206        "; INVALID LISP CODE"))))
    208 (defun org-eval-run (cmd code)
    209   (with-temp-buffer
    210     (insert code)
    211     (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) cmd nil 'replace)
    212     (buffer-string)))
    214 (provide 'org-eval)
    216 ;;; org-eval.el ends here