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ol-mew.el (13984B)

      1 ;;; ol-mew.el --- Links to Mew messages
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Tokuya Kameshima <kames at fa2 dot so-net dot ne dot jp>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      7 ;; Homepage:
      9 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
     11 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     16 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; This file implements links to Mew messages from within Org-mode.
     28 ;; Org-mode loads this module by default - if this is not what you want,
     29 ;; configure the variable `org-modules'.
     30 ;;
     31 ;; Here is an example of workflow:
     33 ;; In your ~/.mew.el configuration file:
     34 ;;
     35 ;; (define-key mew-summary-mode-map "'" 'org-mew-search)
     36 ;; (eval-after-load "mew-summary"
     37 ;;   '(define-key mew-summary-mode-map "\C-o" 'org-mew-capture))
     39 ;; 1. In the Mew's inbox folder, take a glance at new messages to find
     40 ;;    a message that requires any action.
     42 ;; 2. If the message is a reply from somebody and associated with the
     43 ;;    existing orgmode entry, type M-x `org-mew-search' RET (or press
     44 ;;    the ' key simply) to find the entry.  If you can find the entry
     45 ;;    successfully and think you should start the task right now,
     46 ;;    start the task by M-x `org-agenda-clock-in' RET.
     48 ;; 3. If the message is a new message, type M-x `org-mew-capture' RET,
     49 ;;    enter the refile folder, and the buffer to capture the message
     50 ;;    is shown up (without selecting the template by hand).  Then you
     51 ;;    can fill the template and type C-c C-c to complete the capture.
     52 ;;    Note that you can configure `org-capture-templates' so that the
     53 ;;    captured entry has a link to the message.
     55 ;;; Code:
     57 (require 'org)
     58 (require 'ol)
     60 (defgroup org-mew nil
     61   "Options concerning the Mew link."
     62   :tag "Org Startup"
     63   :group 'org-link)
     65 (defcustom org-mew-link-to-refile-destination t
     66   "Create a link to the refile destination if the message is marked as refile."
     67   :group 'org-mew
     68   :type 'boolean)
     70 (defcustom org-mew-inbox-folder nil
     71   "The folder where new messages are incorporated.
     72 If `org-mew-inbox-folder' is non-nil, `org-mew-open' locates the message
     73 in this inbox folder as well as the folder specified by the link."
     74   :group 'org-mew
     75   :type 'string)
     77 (defcustom org-mew-use-id-db t
     78   "Use ID database to locate the message if id.db is created."
     79   :group 'org-mew
     80   :type 'boolean)
     82 (defcustom org-mew-subject-alist
     83   (list (cons (concat "^\\(?:\\(?:re\\|fwd?\\): *\\)*"
     84 		      "\\(?:[[(][a-z0-9._-]+[:,]? [0-9]+[])]\\)? *"
     85 		      "\\(?:\\(?:re\\|fwd?\\): *\\)*"
     86 		      "\\(.*\\)[ \t]*")
     87 	      1))
     88   "Alist of subject regular expression and matched group number for search."
     89   :group 'org-mew
     90   :type '(repeat (cons (regexp) (integer))))
     92 (defcustom org-mew-capture-inbox-folders nil
     93   "List of inbox folders whose messages need refile marked before capture.
     94 `org-mew-capture' will ask you to put the refile mark on the
     95 message if the message's folder is any of these folders and the
     96 message is not marked.  Nil means `org-mew-capture' never ask you
     97 destination folders before capture."
     98   :group 'org-mew
     99   :type '(repeat string))
    101 (defcustom org-mew-capture-guess-alist nil
    102   "Alist of the regular expression of the folder name and the capture
    103 template selection keys.
    105 For example,
    106     '((\"^%emacs-orgmode$\" . \"o\")
    107       (\"\" . \"t\"))
    108 the messages in \"%emacs-orgmode\" folder will be captured with
    109 the capture template associated with \"o\" key, and any other
    110 messages will be captured with the capture template associated
    111 with \"t\" key."
    112   :group 'org-mew
    113   :type '(repeat (cons regexp string)))
    115 ;; Declare external functions and variables
    116 (declare-function mew-cache-hit "ext:mew-cache" (fld msg &optional must-hit))
    117 (declare-function mew-case-folder "ext:mew-func" (case folder))
    118 (declare-function mew-folder-path-to-folder
    119 		  "ext:mew-func" (path &optional has-proto))
    120 (declare-function mew-idstr-to-id-list "ext:mew-header" (idstr &optional rev))
    121 (declare-function mew-folder-remotep "ext:mew-func" (folder))
    122 (declare-function mew-folder-virtualp "ext:mew-func" (folder))
    123 (declare-function mew-header-get-value "ext:mew-header"
    124 		  (field &optional as-list))
    125 (declare-function mew-init "ext:mew" ())
    126 (declare-function mew-refile-get "ext:mew-refile" (msg))
    127 (declare-function mew-sinfo-get-case "ext:mew-summary" ())
    128 (declare-function mew-summary-diag-global "ext:mew-thread" (id opt who))
    129 (declare-function mew-summary-display "ext:mew-summary2" (&optional redisplay))
    130 (declare-function mew-summary-folder-name "ext:mew-syntax" (&optional ext))
    131 (declare-function mew-summary-get-mark "ext:mew-mark" ())
    132 (declare-function mew-summary-message-number2 "ext:mew-syntax" ())
    133 (declare-function mew-summary-pick-with-mewl "ext:mew-pick"
    134 		  (pattern folder src-msgs))
    135 (declare-function mew-summary-refile "ext:mew-refile" (&optional report))
    136 (declare-function mew-summary-search-msg "ext:mew-const" (msg))
    137 (declare-function mew-summary-set-message-buffer "ext:mew-summary3" (fld msg))
    138 (declare-function mew-summary-visit-folder "ext:mew-summary4"
    139 		  (folder &optional goend no-ls))
    140 (declare-function mew-window-push "ext:mew" ())
    141 (declare-function mew-expand-folder "ext:mew-func" (folder))
    142 (declare-function mew-case:folder-folder "ext:mew-func" (case:folder))
    143 (declare-function mew "ext:mew" (&optional arg))
    144 (declare-function mew-message-goto-summary "ext:mew-message" ())
    145 (declare-function mew-summary-mode "ext:mew-summary" ())
    147 (defvar mew-init-p)
    148 (defvar mew-mark-afterstep-spec)
    149 (defvar mew-summary-goto-line-then-display)
    151 ;; Install the link type
    152 (org-link-set-parameters "mew" :follow #'org-mew-open :store #'org-mew-store-link)
    154 ;; Implementation
    155 (defun org-mew-store-link ()
    156   "Store a link to a Mew folder or message."
    157   (save-window-excursion
    158     (if (eq major-mode 'mew-message-mode)
    159 	(mew-message-goto-summary))
    160     (when (memq major-mode '(mew-summary-mode mew-virtual-mode))
    161       (let ((msgnum (mew-summary-message-number2))
    162 	    (folder-name (org-mew-folder-name)))
    163 	(if (fboundp 'mew-summary-set-message-buffer)
    164 	    (mew-summary-set-message-buffer folder-name msgnum)
    165 	  (set-buffer (mew-cache-hit folder-name msgnum t)))
    166 	(let* ((message-id (mew-header-get-value "Message-Id:"))
    167 	       (from (mew-header-get-value "From:"))
    168 	       (to (mew-header-get-value "To:"))
    169 	       (date (mew-header-get-value "Date:"))
    170 	       (subject (mew-header-get-value "Subject:"))
    171 	       desc link)
    172 	  (org-store-link-props :type "mew" :from from :to to :date date
    173 				:subject subject :message-id message-id)
    174 	  (setq message-id (org-unbracket-string "<" ">" message-id))
    175 	  (setq desc (org-email-link-description))
    176 	  (setq link (concat "mew:" folder-name "#" message-id))
    177 	  (org-add-link-props :link link :description desc)
    178 	  link)))))
    180 (defun org-mew-folder-name ()
    181   "Return the folder name of the current message."
    182   (save-window-excursion
    183     (if (eq major-mode 'mew-message-mode)
    184 	(mew-message-goto-summary))
    185     (let* ((msgnum (mew-summary-message-number2))
    186 	   (mark-info (mew-summary-get-mark)))
    187       (if (and org-mew-link-to-refile-destination
    188 	       (eq mark-info ?o))	; marked as refile
    189 	  (mew-case-folder (mew-sinfo-get-case)
    190 			   (nth 1 (mew-refile-get msgnum)))
    191 	(let ((folder-or-path (mew-summary-folder-name)))
    192 	  (mew-folder-path-to-folder folder-or-path t))))))
    194 (defun org-mew-open (path _)
    195   "Follow the Mew message link specified by PATH."
    196   (let (folder message-id)
    197     (cond ((string-match "\\`\\(+.*\\)+\\+\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" path) ; for Bastien's
    198 	   (setq folder (match-string 1 path))
    199 	   (setq message-id (match-string 2 path)))
    200 	  ((string-match "\\`\\(\\(%#\\)?[^#]+\\)\\(#\\(.*\\)\\)?" path)
    201 	   (setq folder (match-string 1 path))
    202 	   (setq message-id (match-string 4 path)))
    203 	  ((and org-mew-use-id-db (string-match "\\`#\\(.+\\)" path))
    204 	   (setq folder nil)
    205 	   (setq message-id (match-string 1 path)))
    206 	  (t (error "Error in Mew link")))
    207     (require 'mew)
    208     (mew-window-push)
    209     (unless mew-init-p (mew-init))
    210     (if (null folder)
    211 	(progn
    212 	  (mew t)
    213 	  (org-mew-open-by-message-id message-id))
    214       (or (org-mew-follow-link folder message-id)
    215 	  (and org-mew-inbox-folder (not (string= org-mew-inbox-folder folder))
    216 	       (org-mew-follow-link org-mew-inbox-folder message-id))
    217 	  (and org-mew-use-id-db
    218 	       (org-mew-open-by-message-id message-id))
    219 	  (error "Message not found")))))
    221 (defun org-mew-follow-link (folder message-id)
    222   (unless (org-mew-folder-exists-p folder)
    223     (error "No such folder or wrong folder %s" folder))
    224   (mew-summary-visit-folder folder)
    225   (when message-id
    226     (let ((msgnum (org-mew-get-msgnum folder message-id)))
    227       (when (mew-summary-search-msg msgnum)
    228 	(if mew-summary-goto-line-then-display
    229 	    (mew-summary-display))
    230 	t))))
    232 (defun org-mew-folder-exists-p (folder)
    233   (let ((dir (mew-expand-folder folder)))
    234     (cond
    235      ((mew-folder-virtualp folder) (get-buffer folder))
    236      ((null dir) nil)
    237      ((mew-folder-remotep (mew-case:folder-folder folder)) t)
    238      (t (file-directory-p dir)))))
    240 (defun org-mew-get-msgnum (folder message-id)
    241   (if (string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\'" message-id)
    242       message-id
    243     (let* ((pattern (concat "message-id=" message-id))
    244 	   (msgs (mew-summary-pick-with-mewl pattern folder nil)))
    245       (car msgs))))
    247 (defun org-mew-open-by-message-id (message-id)
    248   "Open message using ID database."
    249   (let ((result (mew-summary-diag-global (format "<%s>" message-id)
    250 					 "-p" "Message")))
    251     (unless (eq result t)
    252       (error "Message not found"))))
    254 ;; In ~/.mew.el, add the following line:
    255 ;;   (define-key mew-summary-mode-map "'" 'org-mew-search)
    256 (defun org-mew-search (&optional arg)
    257   "Show all entries related to the message using `org-search-view'.
    259 It shows entries which contains the message ID, the reference
    260 IDs, or the subject of the message.
    262 With C-u prefix, search for the entries that contains the message
    263 ID or any of the reference IDs.  With C-u C-u prefix, search for
    264 the message ID or the last reference ID.
    266 The search phase for the subject is extracted with
    267 `org-mew-subject-alist', which defines the regular expression of
    268 the subject and the group number to extract.  You can get rid of
    269 \"Re:\" and some other prefix from the subject text."
    270   (interactive "P")
    271   (when (memq major-mode '(mew-summary-mode mew-virtual-mode))
    272     (let ((last-reference-only (equal arg '(16)))
    273 	  (by-subject (null arg))
    274 	  (msgnum (mew-summary-message-number2))
    275 	  (folder-name (mew-summary-folder-name))
    276 	  subject message-id references id-list)
    277       (save-window-excursion
    278 	(if (fboundp 'mew-summary-set-message-buffer)
    279 	    (mew-summary-set-message-buffer folder-name msgnum)
    280 	  (set-buffer (mew-cache-hit folder-name msgnum t)))
    281 	(setq subject (mew-header-get-value "Subject:"))
    282 	(setq message-id (mew-header-get-value "Message-Id:"))
    283 	(setq references (mew-header-get-value "References:")))
    284       (setq id-list (mapcar (lambda (id) (org-unbracket-string "<" ">" id))
    285 			    (mew-idstr-to-id-list references)))
    286       (if last-reference-only
    287 	  (setq id-list (last id-list))
    288 	(if message-id
    289 	    (setq id-list (cons (org-unbracket-string "<" ">" message-id)
    290 				id-list))))
    291       (when (and by-subject (stringp subject))
    292 	(catch 'matched
    293 	  (mapc (lambda (elem)
    294 		  (let ((regexp (car elem))
    295 			(num (cdr elem)))
    296 		    (when (string-match regexp subject)
    297 		      (setq subject (match-string num subject))
    298 		      (throw 'matched t))))
    299 		org-mew-subject-alist))
    300 	(setq id-list (cons subject id-list)))
    301       (cond ((null id-list)
    302 	     (error "No message ID to search"))
    303 	    ((equal (length id-list) 1)
    304 	     (org-search-view nil (car id-list)))
    305 	    (t
    306 	     (org-search-view nil (format "{\\(%s\\)}"
    307 					  (mapconcat 'regexp-quote
    308 						     id-list "\\|"))))))
    309     (delete-other-windows)))
    311 (defun org-mew-capture (arg)
    312   "Guess the capture template from the folder name and invoke `org-capture'.
    314 This selects a capture template in `org-capture-templates' by
    315 searching for capture template selection keys defined in
    316 `org-mew-capture-guess-alist' which are associated with the
    317 regular expression that matches the message's folder name, and
    318 then invokes `org-capture'.
    320 If the message's folder is a inbox folder, you are prompted to
    321 put the refile mark on the message and the capture template is
    322 guessed from the refile destination folder.  You can customize
    323 the inbox folders by `org-mew-capture-inbox-folders'.
    325 If ARG is non-nil, this does not guess the capture template but
    326 asks you to select the capture template."
    327   (interactive "P")
    328   (or (not (member (org-mew-folder-name)
    329 		   org-mew-capture-inbox-folders))
    330       (eq (mew-summary-get-mark) ?o)
    331       (save-window-excursion
    332 	(if (eq major-mode 'mew-message-mode)
    333 	    (mew-message-goto-summary))
    334 	(let ((mew-mark-afterstep-spec '((?o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))))
    335 	  (mew-summary-refile)))
    336       (error "No refile folder selected"))
    337   (let* ((org-mew-link-to-refile-destination t)
    338 	 (folder-name (org-mew-folder-name))
    339 	 (keys (if arg
    340 		   nil
    341 		 (org-mew-capture-guess-selection-keys folder-name))))
    342     (org-capture nil keys)))
    344 (defun org-mew-capture-guess-selection-keys (folder-name)
    345   (catch 'found
    346     (let ((alist org-mew-capture-guess-alist))
    347       (while alist
    348 	(let ((elem (car alist)))
    349 	  (if (string-match (car elem) folder-name)
    350 	      (throw 'found (cdr elem))))
    351 	(setq alist (cdr alist))))))
    353 (provide 'ol-mew)
    355 ;;; ol-mew.el ends here