
My Emacs configuration
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Log | Files | Refs | LICENSE (4967B)

      1 This repository contains add-ons to Org.
      3 You can use them by installing the =org-contrib= NonGNU ELPA package
      4 from
      6 ** Please help maintaining these add-ons
      8 Files in this repository used to live in the Org repository but have
      9 been filtered out of the Org 9.5 release.  The =contrib/= directory used
     10 to contain a =scripts/= directory that now lives on [[][the Worg repository]].
     12 *Files in this repository receive little if no maintainance and there
     13 is no guaranty that they are compatible with the Org stable version.*
     15 For files a =Maintainer= header and a =Homepage= pointing outside of this
     16 repository are in transition: they are maintained and will be removed
     17 from the next minor or major release of this repository.  As a user,
     18 please carefully track the new URL where the add-on is now maintained.
     20 If you want to maintain some of these add-ons, please send me an email
     21 at once you set up a separate repository for them.
     23 ** License
     25 All files in this repository are licensed under the GNU General Public
     26 License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
     27 later version.  See [[file:COPYING][COPYING]].
     29 ** Files to remove from the next release
     31 If a file has a "Homepage:" keyword, it will be removed from the next
     32 minor or major release.
     34 ** Other files
     35 *** Org utils
     37 - org-annotate-file.el :: Annotate a file with org syntax
     38 - org-bibtex-extras.el :: Extras for working with org-bibtex entries
     39 - org-checklist.el :: org functions for checklist handling
     40 - org-choose.el :: Use TODO keywords to mark decision states
     41 - org-collector.el :: Collect properties into tables
     42 - org-contribdir.el :: Dummy file to mark the org contrib Lisp directory
     43 - org-depend.el :: TODO dependencies for Org-mode
     44 - org-effectiveness.el :: Measuring your personal effectiveness
     45 - org-eldoc.el :: Eldoc documentation for SRC blocks
     46 - org-eval.el :: The <lisp> tag, adapted from Muse
     47 - org-eval-light.el :: Evaluate in-buffer code on demand
     48 - org-expiry.el :: Expiry mechanism for Org entries
     49 - org-git-link.el :: Provide org links to specific file version
     50 - org-interactive-query.el :: Interactive modification of tags query
     51 - org-invoice.el :: Help manage client invoices in OrgMode
     52 - org-learn.el :: SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm
     53 - org-license.el :: Insert free licenses to your org documents
     54 - org-mac-iCal.el :: Imports events from to the Emacs diary
     55 - org-mairix.el :: Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs
     56 - org-panel.el :: Simple routines for us with bad memory
     57 - org-registry.el :: A registry for Org links
     58 - org-screen.el :: Visit screen sessions through Org-mode links
     59 - org-screenshot.el :: Take and manage screenshots in Org-mode files
     60 - org-secretary.el :: Team management with org-mode
     61 - org-static-mathjax.el :: Muse-like tags in Org-mode
     62 - org-sudoku.el :: Create and solve SUDOKU puzzles in Org tables
     63 - org-toc.el :: Table of contents for Org-mode buffer
     64 - org-track.el :: Keep up with Org development
     65 - org-wikinodes.el :: CamelCase wiki-like links for Org
     67 *** Org exporters
     69 - ox-bibtex.el :: Export bibtex fragments
     70 - ox-confluence.el :: Confluence Wiki exporter
     71 - ox-deck.el :: deck.js presentations exporter
     72 - ox-extra.el :: Convenience functions for org export
     73 - ox-freemind.el :: Freemind exporter
     74 - ox-groff.el :: Groff exporter
     75 - ox-s5.el :: S5 presentations exporter
     76 - ox-taskjuggler.el :: TaskJuggler exporter
     78 *** Org link
     80 - ol-bookmark.el :: Links to bookmarks
     81 - ol-elisp-symbol.el :: Links to Emacs-lisp symbols
     82 - ol-git-link.el :: Links to specific file version
     83 - ol-mew.el :: Links to Mew messages
     84 - ol-vm.el :: Support for links to VM messages
     85 - ol-wl.el :: Support for links to Wanderlust messages
     87 *** Org Babel languages
     89 - ob-abc.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for ABC
     90 - ob-asymptote.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Asymptote
     91 - ob-coq.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Coq
     92 - ob-csharp.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for csharp evaluation
     93 - ob-ebnf.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for EBNF
     94 - ob-eukleides.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for eukleides evaluation
     95 - ob-fomus.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for fomus evaluation
     96 - ob-hledger.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for hledger
     97 - ob-io.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Io
     98 - ob-J.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for J
     99 - ob-ledger.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Ledger
    100 - ob-mathomatic.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for mathomatic evaluation
    101 - ob-mscgen.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Mscgen
    102 - ob-oz.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Oz evaluation
    103 - ob-picolisp.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Picolisp
    104 - ob-shen.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Shen
    105 - ob-stan.el :: Babel Functions for Stan
    106 - ob-stata.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Stata evaluation
    107 - ob-tcl.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for tcl evaluation
    108 - ob-vala.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for Vala
    109 - ob-vbnet.el :: Org-mode Babel Functions for VB.Net evaluation