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org-src.el (57159B)

      1 ;;; org-src.el --- Source code examples in Org       -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      4 ;;
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;;	   Bastien Guerry <>
      7 ;;         Dan Davison <davison at stats dot ox dot ac dot uk>
      8 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      9 ;; URL:
     10 ;;
     11 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     12 ;;
     13 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     14 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     15 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     16 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     18 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     19 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     21 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     24 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     25 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     26 ;;
     27 ;;; Commentary:
     29 ;; This file contains the code dealing with source code examples in
     30 ;; Org mode.
     32 ;;; Code:
     34 (require 'org-macs)
     35 (org-assert-version)
     37 (require 'cl-lib)
     38 (require 'ob-comint)
     39 (require 'org-macs)
     40 (require 'org-compat)
     41 (require 'org-keys)
     43 (declare-function org--get-expected-indentation "org" (element contentsp))
     44 (declare-function org-mode "org" ())
     45 (declare-function org--get-expected-indentation "org" (element contentsp))
     46 (declare-function org-fold-region "org-fold" (from to flag &optional spec-or-alias))
     47 (declare-function org-element-at-point "org-element" (&optional pom cached-only))
     48 (declare-function org-element-class "org-element" (datum &optional parent))
     49 (declare-function org-element-context "org-element" (&optional element))
     50 (declare-function org-element-lineage "org-element"
     51 		  (blob &optional types with-self))
     52 (declare-function org-element--parse-paired-brackets "org-element" (char))
     53 (declare-function org-element-property "org-element" (property element))
     54 (declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
     55 (declare-function org-footnote-goto-definition "org-footnote"
     56 		  (label &optional location))
     58 (defvar org-inhibit-startup)
     60 (defcustom org-edit-src-turn-on-auto-save nil
     61   "Non-nil means turn `auto-save-mode' on when editing a source block.
     62 This will save the content of the source code editing buffer into
     63 a newly created file, not the base buffer for this source block.
     65 If you want to regularly save the base buffer instead of the source
     66 code editing buffer, see `org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay' instead."
     67   :group 'org-edit-structure
     68   :version "24.4"
     69   :package-version '(Org . "8.0")
     70   :type 'boolean)
     72 (defcustom org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay 0
     73   "Delay before saving a source code buffer back into its base buffer.
     74 When a positive integer N, save after N seconds of idle time.
     75 When 0 (the default), don't auto-save.
     77 If you want to save the source code buffer itself, don't use this.
     78 Check `org-edit-src-turn-on-auto-save' instead."
     79   :group 'org-edit-structure
     80   :version "24.4"
     81   :package-version '(Org . "8.0")
     82   :type 'integer)
     84 (defcustom org-coderef-label-format "(ref:%s)"
     85   "The default coderef format.
     86 This format string will be used to search for coderef labels in literal
     87 examples (EXAMPLE and SRC blocks).  The format can be overwritten in
     88 an individual literal example with the -l option, like
     90 #+BEGIN_SRC pascal +n -r -l \"((%s))\"
     91 ...
     92 #+END_SRC
     94 If you want to use this for HTML export, make sure that the format does
     95 not introduce special font-locking, and avoid the HTML special
     96 characters `<', `>', and `&'.  The reason for this restriction is that
     97 the labels are searched for only after htmlize has done its job."
     98   :group 'org-edit-structure ; FIXME this is not in the right group
     99   :type 'string)
    101 (defcustom org-edit-fixed-width-region-mode 'artist-mode
    102   "The mode that should be used to edit fixed-width regions.
    103 These are the regions where each line starts with a colon."
    104   :group 'org-edit-structure
    105   :type '(choice
    106 	  (const artist-mode)
    107 	  (const picture-mode)
    108 	  (const fundamental-mode)
    109 	  (function :tag "Other (specify)")))
    111 (defcustom org-src-preserve-indentation nil
    112   "If non-nil preserve leading whitespace characters on export.
    113 \\<org-mode-map>
    114 If non-nil leading whitespace characters in source code blocks
    115 are preserved on export, and when switching between the org
    116 buffer and the language mode edit buffer.
    118 When this variable is nil, after editing with `\\[org-edit-src-code]',
    119 the minimum (across-lines) number of leading whitespace characters
    120 are removed from all lines, and the code block is uniformly indented
    121 according to the value of `org-edit-src-content-indentation'."
    122   :group 'org-edit-structure
    123   :type 'boolean)
    125 (defcustom org-edit-src-content-indentation 2
    126   "Indentation for the content of a source code block.
    128 This should be the number of spaces added to the indentation of the #+begin
    129 line in order to compute the indentation of the block content after
    130 editing it with `\\[org-edit-src-code]'.
    132 It has no effect if `org-src-preserve-indentation' is non-nil."
    133   :group 'org-edit-structure
    134   :type 'integer
    135   :safe #'wholenump)
    137 (defcustom org-edit-src-persistent-message t
    138   "Non-nil means show persistent exit help message while editing src examples.
    139 The message is shown in the header-line, which will be created in the
    140 first line of the window showing the editing buffer."
    141   :group 'org-edit-structure
    142   :type 'boolean)
    144 (defcustom org-src-ask-before-returning-to-edit-buffer t
    145   "Non-nil means ask before switching to an existing edit buffer.
    146 If nil, when `org-edit-src-code' is used on a block that already
    147 has an active edit buffer, it will switch to that edit buffer
    148 immediately; otherwise it will ask whether you want to return to
    149 the existing edit buffer."
    150   :group 'org-edit-structure
    151   :version "24.4"
    152   :package-version '(Org . "8.0")
    153   :type 'boolean)
    155 (defcustom org-src-window-setup 'reorganize-frame
    156   "How the source code edit buffer should be displayed.
    157 Possible values for this option are:
    159 plain              Show edit buffer using `display-buffer'.  Users can
    160                    further control the display behavior by modifying
    161                    `display-buffer-alist' and its relatives.
    162 current-window     Show edit buffer in the current window, keeping all other
    163                    windows.
    164 split-window-below Show edit buffer below the current window, keeping all
    165                    other windows.
    166 split-window-right Show edit buffer to the right of the current window,
    167                    keeping all other windows.
    168 other-window       Use `switch-to-buffer-other-window' to display edit buffer.
    169 reorganize-frame   Show only two windows on the current frame, the current
    170                    window and the edit buffer.
    171 other-frame        Use `switch-to-buffer-other-frame' to display edit buffer.
    172                    Also, when exiting the edit buffer, kill that frame.
    174 Values that modify the window layout (reorganize-frame, split-window-below,
    175 split-window-right) will restore the layout after exiting the edit buffer."
    176   :group 'org-edit-structure
    177   :type '(choice
    178           (const plain)
    179 	  (const current-window)
    180 	  (const split-window-below)
    181 	  (const split-window-right)
    182 	  (const other-frame)
    183 	  (const other-window)
    184 	  (const reorganize-frame)))
    186 (defvar org-src-mode-hook nil
    187   "Hook run after Org switched a source code snippet to its Emacs mode.
    188 \\<org-mode-map>
    189 This hook will run:
    190 - when editing a source code snippet with `\\[org-edit-special]'
    191 - when formatting a source code snippet for export with htmlize.
    193 You may want to use this hook for example to turn off `outline-minor-mode'
    194 or similar things which you want to have when editing a source code file,
    195 but which mess up the display of a snippet in Org exported files.")
    197 (defcustom org-src-lang-modes
    198   '(("C" . c)
    199     ("C++" . c++)
    200     ("asymptote" . asy)
    201     ("bash" . sh)
    202     ("beamer" . latex)
    203     ("calc" . fundamental)
    204     ("cpp" . c++)
    205     ("ditaa" . artist)
    206     ("desktop" . conf-desktop)
    207     ("dot" . fundamental)
    208     ("elisp" . emacs-lisp)
    209     ("ocaml" . tuareg)
    210     ("screen" . shell-script)
    211     ("shell" . sh)
    212     ("sqlite" . sql)
    213     ("toml" . conf-toml))
    214   "Alist mapping languages to their major mode.
    216 The key is the language name.  The value is the mode name, as
    217 a string or a symbol, without the \"-mode\" suffix.
    219 For many languages this is simple, but for language where this is
    220 not the case, this variable provides a way to simplify things on
    221 the user side.  For example, there is no `ocaml-mode' in Emacs,
    222 but the mode to use is `tuareg-mode'."
    223   :group 'org-edit-structure
    224   :package-version '(Org . "9.6")
    225   :type '(repeat
    226 	  (cons
    227 	   (string "Language name")
    228 	   (symbol "Major mode"))))
    230 (defcustom org-src-block-faces nil
    231   "Alist of faces to be used for source-block.
    232 Each element is a cell of the format
    234      (\"language\" FACE)
    236 Where FACE is either a defined face or an anonymous face.
    238 For instance, the following would color the background of
    239 emacs-lisp source blocks and python source blocks in purple and
    240 green, respectability.
    242   (setq org-src-block-faces
    243         \\='((\"emacs-lisp\" (:background \"#EEE2FF\"))
    244           (\"python\" (:background \"#e5ffb8\"))))"
    245   :group 'org-edit-structure
    246   :type '(repeat (list (string :tag "language")
    247                        (choice
    248                         (face :tag "Face")
    249                         (sexp :tag "Anonymous face"))))
    250   :version "26.1"
    251   :package-version '(Org . "9.0"))
    253 (defcustom org-src-tab-acts-natively t
    254   "If non-nil, TAB uses the language's major-mode binding in code blocks."
    255   :type 'boolean
    256   :package-version '(Org . "9.4")
    257   :group 'org-babel)
    261 ;;; Internal functions and variables
    263 (defvar org-src--auto-save-timer nil
    264   "Idle Timer auto-saving remote editing buffers.")
    266 (defvar-local org-src--allow-write-back t)
    267 (put 'org-src--allow-write-back 'permanent-local t)
    269 (defvar-local org-src--babel-info nil)
    270 (put 'org-src--babel-info 'permanent-local t)
    272 (defvar-local org-src--beg-marker nil)
    273 (put 'org-src--beg-marker 'permanent-local t)
    275 (defvar-local org-src--block-indentation nil)
    276 (put 'org-src--block-indentation 'permanent-local t)
    278 (defvar-local org-src--content-indentation nil)
    279 (put 'org-src--content-indentation 'permanent-local t)
    281 (defvar-local org-src--end-marker nil)
    282 (put 'org-src--end-marker 'permanent-local t)
    284 (defvar-local org-src--from-org-mode nil)
    285 (put 'org-src--from-org-mode 'permanent-local t)
    287 (defvar-local org-src--overlay nil)
    288 (put 'org-src--overlay 'permanent-local t)
    290 (defvar-local org-src--preserve-indentation nil)
    291 (put 'org-src--preserve-indentation 'permanent-local t)
    293 (defvar-local org-src--remote nil)
    294 (put 'org-src--remote 'permanent-local t)
    296 (defvar-local org-src--saved-temp-window-config nil)
    297 (put 'org-src--saved-temp-window-config 'permanent-local t)
    299 (defvar-local org-src--source-type nil
    300   "Type of element being edited, as a symbol.")
    301 (put 'org-src--source-type 'permanent-local t)
    303 (defvar-local org-src--tab-width nil
    304   "Contains `tab-width' value from Org source buffer.
    305 However, if `indent-tabs-mode' is nil in that buffer, its value
    306 is 0.")
    307 (put 'org-src--tab-width 'permanent-local t)
    309 (defvar-local org-src-source-file-name nil
    310   "File name associated to Org source buffer, or nil.")
    311 (put 'org-src-source-file-name 'permanent-local t)
    313 (defvar-local org-src--preserve-blank-line nil)
    314 (put 'org-src--preserve-blank-line 'permanent-local t)
    316 (defun org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (org-buffer-name lang)
    317   "Construct the buffer name for a source editing buffer.
    318 Format is \"*Org Src ORG-BUFFER-NAME [ LANG ]*\"."
    319   (concat "*Org Src " org-buffer-name "[ " lang " ]*"))
    321 (defun org-src--edit-buffer (beg end)
    322   "Return buffer editing area between BEG and END.
    323 Return nil if there is no such buffer."
    324   (catch 'exit
    325     (dolist (b (buffer-list))
    326       (with-current-buffer b
    327 	(and (org-src-edit-buffer-p)
    328 	     (= beg org-src--beg-marker)
    329 	     (eq (marker-buffer beg) (marker-buffer org-src--beg-marker))
    330 	     (= end org-src--end-marker)
    331 	     (eq (marker-buffer end) (marker-buffer org-src--end-marker))
    332 	     (throw 'exit b))))))
    334 (defun org-src--coordinates (pos beg end)
    335   "Return coordinates of POS relatively to BEG and END.
    336 POS, BEG and END are buffer positions.  Return value is either
    337 a cons cell (LINE . COLUMN) or symbol `end'.  See also
    338 `org-src--goto-coordinates'."
    339   (if (>= pos end) 'end
    340     (org-with-wide-buffer
    341      (goto-char (max beg pos))
    342      (cons (count-lines (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-beginning-position))
    343                         (line-beginning-position))
    344 	   ;; Column is relative to the end of line to avoid problems of
    345 	   ;; comma escaping or colons appended in front of the line.
    346 	   (- (point) (min end (line-end-position)))))))
    348 (defun org-src--goto-coordinates (coord beg end)
    349   "Move to coordinates COORD relatively to BEG and END.
    350 COORD are coordinates, as returned by `org-src--coordinates',
    351 which see.  BEG and END are buffer positions."
    352   (goto-char
    353    (if (eq coord 'end) (max (1- end) beg)
    354      ;; If BEG happens to be located outside of the narrowed part of
    355      ;; the buffer, widen it first.
    356      (org-with-wide-buffer
    357       (goto-char beg)
    358       (forward-line (car coord))
    359       (max (point)
    360            (+ (min end (line-end-position))
    361               (cdr coord)))))))
    363 (defun org-src--contents-area (datum)
    364   "Return contents boundaries of DATUM.
    365 DATUM is an element or object.  Return a list (BEG END CONTENTS)
    366 where BEG and END are buffer positions and CONTENTS is a string."
    367   (let ((type (org-element-type datum)))
    368     (org-with-wide-buffer
    369      (cond
    370       ((eq type 'footnote-definition)
    371        (let* ((beg (progn
    372 		     (goto-char (org-element-property :post-affiliated datum))
    373 		     (search-forward "]")))
    374 	      (end (or (org-element-property :contents-end datum) beg)))
    375 	 (list beg end (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
    376       ((eq type 'inline-src-block)
    377        (let ((beg (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :begin datum))
    378 			 (search-forward "{" (line-end-position) t)))
    379 	     (end (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :end datum))
    380 			 (search-backward "}" (line-beginning-position) t))))
    381 	 (list beg end (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
    382       ((eq type 'latex-fragment)
    383        (let ((beg (org-element-property :begin datum))
    384 	     (end (org-with-point-at (org-element-property :end datum)
    385 		    (skip-chars-backward " \t")
    386 		    (point))))
    387 	 (list beg end (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
    388       ((org-element-property :contents-begin datum)
    389        (let ((beg (org-element-property :contents-begin datum))
    390 	     (end (org-element-property :contents-end datum)))
    391 	 (list beg end (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
    392       ((memq type '(example-block export-block src-block comment-block))
    393        (list (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :post-affiliated datum))
    394 		    (line-beginning-position 2))
    395 	     (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :end datum))
    396 		    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    397 		    (line-beginning-position 1))
    398 	     (org-element-property :value datum)))
    399       ((memq type '(fixed-width latex-environment table))
    400        (let ((beg (org-element-property :post-affiliated datum))
    401 	     (end (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :end datum))
    402 			 (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    403 			 (line-beginning-position 2))))
    404 	 (list beg
    405 	       end
    406 	       (if (eq type 'fixed-width) (org-element-property :value datum)
    407 		 (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))))
    408       (t (error "Unsupported element or object: %s" type))))))
    410 (defun org-src--make-source-overlay (beg end edit-buffer)
    411   "Create overlay between BEG and END positions and return it.
    412 EDIT-BUFFER is the buffer currently editing area between BEG and
    413 END."
    414   (let ((overlay (make-overlay beg end)))
    415     (overlay-put overlay 'face 'secondary-selection)
    416     (overlay-put overlay 'edit-buffer edit-buffer)
    417     (overlay-put overlay 'help-echo
    418 		 "Click with mouse-1 to switch to buffer editing this segment")
    419     (overlay-put overlay 'face 'secondary-selection)
    420     (overlay-put overlay 'keymap
    421 		 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    422 		   (define-key map [mouse-1] 'org-edit-src-continue)
    423 		   map))
    424     (let ((read-only
    425 	   (list
    426 	    (lambda (&rest _)
    427 	      (user-error
    428 	       "Cannot modify an area being edited in a dedicated buffer")))))
    429       (overlay-put overlay 'modification-hooks read-only)
    430       (overlay-put overlay 'insert-in-front-hooks read-only)
    431       (overlay-put overlay 'insert-behind-hooks read-only))
    432     overlay))
    434 (defun org-src--remove-overlay ()
    435   "Remove overlay from current source buffer."
    436   (when (overlayp org-src--overlay) (delete-overlay org-src--overlay)))
    438 (defun org-src--on-datum-p (datum)
    439   "Non-nil when point is on DATUM.
    440 DATUM is an element or an object.  Consider blank lines or white
    441 spaces after it as being outside."
    442   (and (>= (point) (org-element-property :begin datum))
    443        (<= (point)
    444 	   (org-with-wide-buffer
    445 	    (goto-char (org-element-property :end datum))
    446 	    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    447 	    (if (eq (org-element-class datum) 'element)
    448 		(line-end-position)
    449 	      (point))))))
    451 (defun org-src--contents-for-write-back (write-back-buf)
    452   "Populate WRITE-BACK-BUF with contents in the appropriate format.
    453 Assume point is in the corresponding edit buffer."
    454   (let ((indentation-offset
    455 	 (if org-src--preserve-indentation 0
    456 	   (+ (or org-src--block-indentation 0)
    457 	      (if (memq org-src--source-type '(example-block src-block))
    458 		  org-src--content-indentation
    459 		0))))
    460 	(use-tabs? (and (> org-src--tab-width 0) t))
    461         (preserve-fl (eq org-src--source-type 'latex-fragment))
    462 	(source-tab-width org-src--tab-width)
    463 	(contents (org-with-wide-buffer
    464                    (let ((eol (line-end-position)))
    465                      (list (buffer-substring (point-min) eol)
    466                            (buffer-substring eol (point-max))))))
    467 	(write-back org-src--allow-write-back)
    468         (preserve-blank-line org-src--preserve-blank-line)
    469         marker)
    470     (with-current-buffer write-back-buf
    471       ;; Reproduce indentation parameters from source buffer.
    472       (setq indent-tabs-mode use-tabs?)
    473       (when (> source-tab-width 0) (setq tab-width source-tab-width))
    474       ;; Apply WRITE-BACK function on edit buffer contents.
    475       (insert (org-no-properties (car contents)))
    476       (setq marker (point-marker))
    477       (insert (org-no-properties (car (cdr contents))))
    478       (goto-char (point-min))
    479       (when (functionp write-back) (save-excursion (funcall write-back)))
    480       ;; Add INDENTATION-OFFSET to every line in buffer,
    481       ;; unless indentation is meant to be preserved.
    482       (when (> indentation-offset 0)
    483 	(when preserve-fl (forward-line))
    484         (while (not (eobp))
    485 	  (skip-chars-forward " \t")
    486           (when (or (not (eolp))                               ; not a blank line
    487                     (and (eq (point) (marker-position marker)) ; current line
    488                          preserve-blank-line))
    489 	    (let ((i (current-column)))
    490 	      (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (point))
    491 	      (indent-to (+ i indentation-offset))))
    492 	  (forward-line)))
    493       (set-marker marker nil))))
    495 (defun org-src--edit-element
    496     (datum name &optional initialize write-back contents remote)
    497   "Edit DATUM contents in a dedicated buffer NAME.
    499 INITIALIZE is a function to call upon creating the buffer.
    501 When WRITE-BACK is non-nil, assume contents will replace original
    502 region.  Moreover, if it is a function, apply it in the edit
    503 buffer, from point min, before returning the contents.
    505 When CONTENTS is non-nil, display them in the edit buffer.
    506 Otherwise, show DATUM contents as specified by
    507 `org-src--contents-area'.
    509 When REMOTE is non-nil, do not try to preserve point or mark when
    510 moving from the edit area to the source.
    512 Leave point in edit buffer."
    513   (when (memq org-src-window-setup '(reorganize-frame
    514 				     split-window-below
    515 				     split-window-right))
    516     (setq org-src--saved-temp-window-config (current-window-configuration)))
    517   (let* ((area (org-src--contents-area datum))
    518 	 (beg (copy-marker (nth 0 area)))
    519 	 (end (copy-marker (nth 1 area) t))
    520 	 (old-edit-buffer (org-src--edit-buffer beg end))
    521 	 (contents (or contents (nth 2 area))))
    522     (if (and old-edit-buffer
    523 	     (or (not org-src-ask-before-returning-to-edit-buffer)
    524 		 (y-or-n-p "Return to existing edit buffer ([n] will revert changes)? ")))
    525 	;; Move to existing buffer.
    526 	(org-src-switch-to-buffer old-edit-buffer 'return)
    527       ;; Discard old edit buffer.
    528       (when old-edit-buffer
    529 	(with-current-buffer old-edit-buffer (org-src--remove-overlay))
    530 	(kill-buffer old-edit-buffer))
    531       (let* ((org-mode-p (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
    532 	     (source-file-name (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
    533 	     (source-tab-width (if indent-tabs-mode tab-width 0))
    534 	     (type (org-element-type datum))
    535 	     (block-ind (org-with-point-at (org-element-property :begin datum)
    536                           (cond
    537                            ((save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp))
    538 			    (org-current-text-indentation))
    539                            ((org-element-property :parent datum)
    540                             (org--get-expected-indentation
    541                              (org-element-property :parent datum) nil))
    542                            (t (org-current-text-indentation)))))
    543 	     (content-ind org-edit-src-content-indentation)
    544              (blank-line (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
    545                                          (looking-at-p "^[[:space:]]*$")))
    546              (empty-line (and blank-line (looking-at-p "^$")))
    547              (preserve-blank-line (or (and blank-line (not empty-line))
    548                                       (and empty-line (= (+ block-ind content-ind) 0))))
    549 	     (preserve-ind
    550 	      (and (memq type '(example-block src-block))
    551 		   (or (org-element-property :preserve-indent datum)
    552 		       org-src-preserve-indentation)))
    553 	     ;; Store relative positions of mark (if any) and point
    554 	     ;; within the edited area.
    555 	     (point-coordinates (and (not remote)
    556 				     (org-src--coordinates (point) beg end)))
    557 	     (mark-coordinates (and (not remote)
    558 				    (org-region-active-p)
    559 				    (let ((m (mark)))
    560 				      (and (>= m beg) (>= end m)
    561 					   (org-src--coordinates m beg end)))))
    562 	     ;; Generate a new edit buffer.
    563 	     (buffer (generate-new-buffer name))
    564 	     ;; Add an overlay on top of source.
    565 	     (overlay (org-src--make-source-overlay beg end buffer)))
    566 	;; Switch to edit buffer.
    567 	(org-src-switch-to-buffer buffer 'edit)
    568 	;; Insert contents.
    569 	(insert contents)
    570 	(remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
    571 				'(display nil invisible nil intangible nil))
    572 	(let ((lf (eq type 'latex-fragment)))
    573           (unless preserve-ind (org-do-remove-indentation (and lf block-ind) lf)))
    574 	(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
    575 	(setq buffer-file-name nil)
    576 	;; Initialize buffer.
    577 	(when (functionp initialize)
    578 	  (let ((org-inhibit-startup t))
    579 	    (condition-case e
    580 		(funcall initialize)
    581 	      (error (message "Initialization fails with: %S"
    582 			      (error-message-string e))))))
    583 	;; Transmit buffer-local variables for exit function.  It must
    584 	;; be done after initializing major mode, as this operation
    585 	;; may reset them otherwise.
    586 	(setq org-src--tab-width source-tab-width)
    587 	(setq org-src--from-org-mode org-mode-p)
    588 	(setq org-src--beg-marker beg)
    589 	(setq org-src--end-marker end)
    590 	(setq org-src--remote remote)
    591 	(setq org-src--source-type type)
    592 	(setq org-src--block-indentation block-ind)
    593 	(setq org-src--content-indentation content-ind)
    594 	(setq org-src--preserve-indentation preserve-ind)
    595 	(setq org-src--overlay overlay)
    596 	(setq org-src--allow-write-back write-back)
    597 	(setq org-src-source-file-name source-file-name)
    598         (setq org-src--preserve-blank-line preserve-blank-line)
    599 	;; Start minor mode.
    600 	(org-src-mode)
    601 	;; Clear undo information so we cannot undo back to the
    602 	;; initial empty buffer.
    603 	(buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
    604 	(buffer-enable-undo)
    605 	;; Move mark and point in edit buffer to the corresponding
    606 	;; location.
    607 	(if remote
    608 	    (progn
    609 	      ;; Put point at first non read-only character after
    610 	      ;; leading blank.
    611 	      (goto-char
    612 	       (or (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) 'read-only nil)
    613 		   (point-max)))
    614 	      (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n"))
    615 	  ;; Set mark and point.
    616 	  (when mark-coordinates
    617 	    (org-src--goto-coordinates mark-coordinates (point-min) (point-max))
    618 	    (push-mark (point) 'no-message t)
    619 	    (setq deactivate-mark nil))
    620 	  (org-src--goto-coordinates
    621 	   point-coordinates (point-min) (point-max)))))))
    625 ;;; Fontification of source blocks
    627 (defvar org-src-fontify-natively) ; Defined in org.el
    628 (defun org-src-font-lock-fontify-block (lang start end)
    629   "Fontify code block between START and END using LANG's syntax.
    630 This function is called by Emacs' automatic fontification, as long
    631 as `org-src-fontify-natively' is non-nil."
    632   (let ((modified (buffer-modified-p)))
    633     (remove-text-properties start end '(face nil))
    634     (let ((lang-mode (org-src-get-lang-mode lang)))
    635       (when (fboundp lang-mode)
    636         (let ((string (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
    637 	      (org-buffer (current-buffer)))
    638 	  (with-current-buffer
    639 	      (get-buffer-create
    640 	       (format " *org-src-fontification:%s*" lang-mode))
    641 	    (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks nil))
    642 	      (erase-buffer)
    643 	      ;; Add string and a final space to ensure property change.
    644 	      (insert string " "))
    645 	    (unless (eq major-mode lang-mode) (funcall lang-mode))
    646             (font-lock-ensure)
    647 	    (let ((pos (point-min)) next)
    648 	      (while (setq next (next-property-change pos))
    649 	        ;; Handle additional properties from font-lock, so as to
    650 	        ;; preserve, e.g., composition.
    651                 ;; FIXME: We copy 'font-lock-face property explicitly because
    652                 ;; `font-lock-mode' is not enabled in the buffers starting from
    653                 ;; space and the remapping between 'font-lock-face and 'face
    654                 ;; text properties may thus not be set.  See commit
    655                 ;; 453d634bc.
    656 	        (dolist (prop (append '(font-lock-face face) font-lock-extra-managed-props))
    657 		  (let ((new-prop (get-text-property pos prop)))
    658                     (when new-prop
    659                       (if (not (eq prop 'invisible))
    660 		          (put-text-property
    661 		           (+ start (1- pos)) (1- (+ start next)) prop new-prop
    662 		           org-buffer)
    663                         ;; Special case.  `invisible' text property may
    664                         ;; clash with Org folding.  Do not assign
    665                         ;; `invisible' text property directly.  Use
    666                         ;; property alias instead.
    667                         (let ((invisibility-spec
    668                                (or
    669                                 ;; ATOM spec.
    670                                 (and (memq new-prop buffer-invisibility-spec)
    671                                      new-prop)
    672                                 ;; (ATOM . ELLIPSIS) spec.
    673                                 (assq new-prop buffer-invisibility-spec))))
    674                           (with-current-buffer org-buffer
    675                             ;; Add new property alias.
    676                             (unless (memq 'org-src-invisible
    677                                           (cdr (assq 'invisible char-property-alias-alist)))
    678                               (setq-local
    679                                char-property-alias-alist
    680                                (cons (cons 'invisible
    681 			                   (nconc (cdr (assq 'invisible char-property-alias-alist))
    682                                                   '(org-src-invisible)))
    683 		                     (remove (assq 'invisible char-property-alias-alist)
    684 			                     char-property-alias-alist))))
    685                             ;; Carry over the invisibility spec, unless
    686                             ;; already present.  Note that there might
    687                             ;; be conflicting invisibility specs from
    688                             ;; different major modes.  We cannot do much
    689                             ;; about this then.
    690                             (when invisibility-spec
    691                               (add-to-invisibility-spec invisibility-spec))
    692                             (put-text-property
    693 		             (+ start (1- pos)) (1- (+ start next))
    694                              'org-src-invisible new-prop
    695 		             org-buffer)))))))
    696 	        (setq pos next)))
    697             (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))
    698     ;; Add Org faces.
    699     (let ((src-face (nth 1 (assoc-string lang org-src-block-faces t))))
    700       (when (or (facep src-face) (listp src-face))
    701         (font-lock-append-text-property start end 'face src-face))
    702       (font-lock-append-text-property start end 'face 'org-block))
    703     ;; Clear abbreviated link folding.
    704     (org-fold-region start end nil 'org-link)
    705     (add-text-properties
    706      start end
    707      '(font-lock-fontified t fontified t font-lock-multiline t))
    708     (set-buffer-modified-p modified)))
    710 (defun org-fontify-inline-src-blocks (limit)
    711   "Try to apply `org-fontify-inline-src-blocks-1'."
    712   (condition-case nil
    713       (org-fontify-inline-src-blocks-1 limit)
    714     (error (message "Org mode fontification error in %S at %d"
    715                     (current-buffer)
    716                     (line-number-at-pos)))))
    718 (defun org-fontify-inline-src-blocks-1 (limit)
    719   "Fontify inline src_LANG blocks, from `point' up to LIMIT."
    720   (let ((case-fold-search t))
    721     ;; The regexp below is copied from `org-element-inline-src-block-parser'.
    722     (while (re-search-forward "\\_<src_\\([^ \t\n[{]+\\)[{[]?" limit t)
    723       (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
    724             (lang-beg (match-beginning 1))
    725             (lang-end (match-end 1))
    726             pt)
    727         (font-lock-append-text-property
    728          lang-beg lang-end 'face 'org-meta-line)
    729         (font-lock-append-text-property
    730          beg lang-beg 'face 'shadow)
    731         (font-lock-append-text-property
    732          beg lang-end 'face 'org-inline-src-block)
    733         (setq pt (goto-char lang-end))
    734         ;; `org-element--parse-paired-brackets' doesn't take a limit, so to
    735         ;; prevent it searching the entire rest of the buffer we temporarily
    736         ;; narrow the active region.
    737         (save-restriction
    738           (narrow-to-region beg
    739                             (min limit (or (save-excursion
    740                                              (and (search-forward"\n" limit t 2)
    741                                                   (point)))
    742                                            (point-max))))
    743           (when (ignore-errors (org-element--parse-paired-brackets ?\[))
    744             (font-lock-append-text-property
    745              pt (point) 'face 'org-inline-src-block)
    746             (setq pt (point)))
    747           (when (ignore-errors (org-element--parse-paired-brackets ?\{))
    748             (remove-text-properties pt (point) '(face nil))
    749             (font-lock-append-text-property
    750              pt (1+ pt) 'face '(org-inline-src-block shadow))
    751             (unless (= (1+ pt) (1- (point)))
    752               (if org-src-fontify-natively
    753                   (org-src-font-lock-fontify-block
    754                    (buffer-substring-no-properties lang-beg lang-end)
    755                    (1+ pt) (1- (point)))
    756                 (font-lock-append-text-property
    757                  (1+ pt) (1- (point)) 'face 'org-inline-src-block)))
    758             (font-lock-append-text-property
    759              (1- (point)) (point) 'face '(org-inline-src-block shadow))
    760             (setq pt (point)))))
    761       t)))
    764 ;;; Escape contents
    766 (defun org-escape-code-in-region (beg end)
    767   "Escape lines between BEG and END.
    768 Escaping happens when a line starts with \"*\", \"#+\", \",*\" or
    769 \",#+\" by appending a comma to it."
    770   (interactive "r")
    771   (save-excursion
    772     (goto-char end)
    773     (while (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*\\(,*\\(?:\\*\\|#\\+\\)\\)" beg t)
    774       (save-excursion (replace-match ",\\1" nil nil nil 1)))))
    776 (defun org-escape-code-in-string (s)
    777   "Escape lines in string S.
    778 Escaping happens when a line starts with \"*\", \"#+\", \",*\" or
    779 \",#+\" by appending a comma to it."
    780   (replace-regexp-in-string "^[ \t]*\\(,*\\(?:\\*\\|#\\+\\)\\)" ",\\1"
    781 			    s nil nil 1))
    783 (defun org-unescape-code-in-region (beg end)
    784   "Un-escape lines between BEG and END.
    785 Un-escaping happens by removing the first comma on lines starting
    786 with \",*\", \",#+\", \",,*\" and \",,#+\"."
    787   (interactive "r")
    788   (save-excursion
    789     (goto-char end)
    790     (while (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*,*\\(,\\)\\(?:\\*\\|#\\+\\)" beg t)
    791       (save-excursion (replace-match "" nil nil nil 1)))))
    793 (defun org-unescape-code-in-string (s)
    794   "Un-escape lines in string S.
    795 Un-escaping happens by removing the first comma on lines starting
    796 with \",*\", \",#+\", \",,*\" and \",,#+\"."
    797   (replace-regexp-in-string
    798    "^[ \t]*,*\\(,\\)\\(?:\\*\\|#\\+\\)" "" s nil nil 1))
    802 ;;; Org src minor mode
    804 (defvar org-src-mode-map
    805   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    806     (define-key map "\C-c'" 'org-edit-src-exit)
    807     (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'org-edit-src-abort)
    808     (define-key map "\C-x\C-s" 'org-edit-src-save)
    809     map))
    811 (define-minor-mode org-src-mode
    812   "Minor mode for language major mode buffers generated by Org.
    813 \\<org-mode-map>
    814 This minor mode is turned on in two situations:
    815   - when editing a source code snippet with `\\[org-edit-special]'
    816   - when formatting a source code snippet for export with htmlize.
    818 \\{org-src-mode-map}
    820 See also `org-src-mode-hook'."
    821   :lighter " OrgSrc"
    822   (when org-edit-src-persistent-message
    823     (setq header-line-format
    824 	  (substitute-command-keys
    825 	   (if org-src--allow-write-back
    826 	       "Edit, then exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]' or abort with \
    827 `\\[org-edit-src-abort]'"
    828 	     "Exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]' or abort with \
    829 `\\[org-edit-src-abort]'"))))
    830   ;; Possibly activate various auto-save features (for the edit buffer
    831   ;; or the source buffer).
    832   (when org-edit-src-turn-on-auto-save
    833     (setq buffer-auto-save-file-name
    834 	  (concat (make-temp-name "org-src-")
    835 		  (format-time-string "-%Y-%d-%m")
    836 		  ".txt")))
    837   (unless (or org-src--auto-save-timer
    838 	      (= 0 org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay))
    839     (setq org-src--auto-save-timer
    840 	  (run-with-idle-timer
    841 	   org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay t
    842 	   (lambda ()
    843 	     (save-excursion
    844 	       (let (edit-flag)
    845 		 (dolist (b (buffer-list))
    846 		   (with-current-buffer b
    847 		     (when (org-src-edit-buffer-p)
    848 		       (unless edit-flag (setq edit-flag t))
    849 		       (when (buffer-modified-p) (org-edit-src-save)))))
    850 		 (unless edit-flag
    851 		   (cancel-timer org-src--auto-save-timer)
    852 		   (setq org-src--auto-save-timer nil)))))))))
    854 (defun org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer ()
    855   "Configure the src edit buffer."
    856   (when (bound-and-true-p org-src--from-org-mode)
    857     (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'org-src--remove-overlay nil 'local)
    858     (if (bound-and-true-p org-src--allow-write-back)
    859 	(progn
    860 	  (setq buffer-offer-save t)
    861 	  (setq write-contents-functions '(org-edit-src-save)))
    862       (setq buffer-read-only t))))
    864 (add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook #'org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
    868 ;;; Babel related functions
    870 (defun org-src-associate-babel-session (info)
    871   "Associate edit buffer with comint session.
    872 INFO should be a list similar in format to the return value of
    873 `org-babel-get-src-block-info'."
    874   (interactive)
    875   (let ((session (cdr (assq :session (nth 2 info)))))
    876     (and session (not (string= session "none"))
    877 	 (org-babel-comint-buffer-livep session)
    878 	 (let ((f (intern (format "org-babel-%s-associate-session"
    879                                   (nth 0 info)))))
    880            (and (fboundp f) (funcall f session))))))
    882 (defun org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer ()
    883   "Configure src editing buffer."
    884   (when org-src--babel-info
    885     (org-src-associate-babel-session org-src--babel-info)))
    887 (add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook #'org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer)
    890 ;;; Public API
    892 (defmacro org-src-do-at-code-block (&rest body)
    893   "Execute BODY from an edit buffer in the Org mode buffer."
    894   (declare (debug (body)))
    895   `(let ((beg-marker org-src--beg-marker))
    896      (when beg-marker
    897        (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer beg-marker)
    898 	 (goto-char beg-marker)
    899 	 ,@body))))
    901 (defun org-src-do-key-sequence-at-code-block (&optional key)
    902   "Execute key sequence at code block in the source Org buffer.
    903 The command bound to KEY in the Org-babel key map is executed
    904 remotely with point temporarily at the start of the code block in
    905 the Org buffer.
    907 This command is not bound to a key by default, to avoid conflicts
    908 with language major mode bindings.  To bind it to C-c @ in all
    909 language major modes, you could use
    911   (add-hook \\='org-src-mode-hook
    912             (lambda () (define-key org-src-mode-map \"\\C-c@\"
    913                     \\='org-src-do-key-sequence-at-code-block)))
    915 In that case, for example, C-c @ t issued in code edit buffers
    916 would tangle the current Org code block, C-c @ e would execute
    917 the block and C-c @ h would display the other available
    918 Org-babel commands."
    919   (interactive "kOrg-babel key: ")
    920   (if (equal key (kbd "C-g")) (keyboard-quit)
    921     (org-edit-src-save)
    922     (org-src-do-at-code-block
    923      (call-interactively (lookup-key org-babel-map key)))))
    925 (defun org-src-get-lang-mode (lang)
    926   "Return major mode that should be used for LANG.
    927 LANG is a string, and the returned major mode is a symbol."
    928   (intern
    929    (concat
    930     (let ((l (or (cdr (assoc lang org-src-lang-modes)) lang)))
    931       (if (symbolp l) (symbol-name l) l))
    932     "-mode")))
    934 (defun org-src-edit-buffer-p (&optional buffer)
    935   "Non-nil when current buffer is a source editing buffer.
    936 If BUFFER is non-nil, test it instead."
    937   (let ((buffer (org-base-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)))))
    938     (and (buffer-live-p buffer)
    939 	 (local-variable-p 'org-src--beg-marker buffer)
    940 	 (local-variable-p 'org-src--end-marker buffer))))
    942 (defun org-src-source-buffer ()
    943   "Return source buffer edited in current buffer.
    944 Raise an error when current buffer is not a source editing buffer."
    945   (unless (org-src-edit-buffer-p) (error "Not in a source buffer"))
    946   (or (marker-buffer org-src--beg-marker)
    947       (error "No source buffer available for current editing session")))
    949 (defun org-src-source-type ()
    950   "Return type of element edited in current buffer.
    951 Raise an error when current buffer is not a source editing buffer."
    952   (unless (org-src-edit-buffer-p) (error "Not in a source buffer"))
    953   org-src--source-type)
    955 (defun org-src-switch-to-buffer (buffer context)
    956   "Switch to BUFFER considering CONTEXT and `org-src-window-setup'."
    957   (pcase org-src-window-setup
    958     (`plain
    959      (when (eq context 'exit) (quit-restore-window))
    960      (pop-to-buffer buffer))
    961     (`current-window (pop-to-buffer-same-window buffer))
    962     (`other-window
    963      (let ((cur-win (selected-window)))
    964        (org-switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
    965        (when (eq context 'exit) (quit-restore-window cur-win))))
    966     (`split-window-below
    967      (if (eq context 'exit)
    968 	 (delete-window)
    969        (select-window (split-window-vertically)))
    970      (pop-to-buffer-same-window buffer))
    971     (`split-window-right
    972      (if (eq context 'exit)
    973 	 (delete-window)
    974        (select-window (split-window-horizontally)))
    975      (pop-to-buffer-same-window buffer))
    976     (`other-frame
    977      (pcase context
    978        (`exit
    979 	(let ((frame (selected-frame)))
    980 	  (switch-to-buffer-other-frame buffer)
    981 	  (delete-frame frame)))
    982        (`save
    983 	(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
    984 	(pop-to-buffer-same-window buffer))
    985        (_ (switch-to-buffer-other-frame buffer))))
    986     (`reorganize-frame
    987      (when (eq context 'edit) (delete-other-windows))
    988      (org-switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
    989      (when (eq context 'exit) (delete-other-windows)))
    990     (`switch-invisibly (set-buffer buffer))
    991     (_
    992      (message "Invalid value %s for `org-src-window-setup'"
    993 	      org-src-window-setup)
    994      (pop-to-buffer-same-window buffer))))
    996 (defun org-src-coderef-format (&optional element)
    997   "Return format string for block at point.
    999 When optional argument ELEMENT is provided, use that block.
   1000 Otherwise, assume point is either at a source block, at an
   1001 example block.
   1003 If point is in an edit buffer, retrieve format string associated
   1004 to the remote source block."
   1005   (cond
   1006    ((and element (org-element-property :label-fmt element)))
   1007    ((org-src-edit-buffer-p) (org-src-do-at-code-block (org-src-coderef-format)))
   1008    ((org-element-property :label-fmt (org-element-at-point)))
   1009    (t org-coderef-label-format)))
   1011 (defun org-src-coderef-regexp (fmt &optional label)
   1012   "Return regexp matching a coderef format string FMT.
   1014 When optional argument LABEL is non-nil, match coderef for that
   1015 label only.
   1017 Match group 1 contains the full coderef string with surrounding
   1018 white spaces.  Match group 2 contains the same string without any
   1019 surrounding space.  Match group 3 contains the label.
   1021 A coderef format regexp can only match at the end of a line."
   1022   (format "\\([ \t]*\\(%s\\)[ \t]*\\)$"
   1023 	  (replace-regexp-in-string
   1024 	   "%s"
   1025 	   (if label (regexp-quote label) "\\([-a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*\\)")
   1026 	   (regexp-quote fmt)
   1027 	   nil t)))
   1029 (defun org-edit-footnote-reference ()
   1030   "Edit definition of footnote reference at point."
   1031   (interactive)
   1032   (let* ((context (org-element-context))
   1033 	 (label (org-element-property :label context)))
   1034     (unless (and (eq (org-element-type context) 'footnote-reference)
   1035 		 (org-src--on-datum-p context))
   1036       (user-error "Not on a footnote reference"))
   1037     (unless label (user-error "Cannot edit remotely anonymous footnotes"))
   1038     (let* ((definition (org-with-wide-buffer
   1039 			(org-footnote-goto-definition label)
   1040 			(backward-char)
   1041 			(org-element-context)))
   1042 	   (inline? (eq 'footnote-reference (org-element-type definition)))
   1043 	   (contents
   1044 	    (org-with-wide-buffer
   1045 	     (buffer-substring-no-properties
   1046 	      (or (org-element-property :post-affiliated definition)
   1047 		  (org-element-property :begin definition))
   1048 	      (cond
   1049 	       (inline? (1+ (org-element-property :contents-end definition)))
   1050 	       ((org-element-property :contents-end definition))
   1051 	       (t (goto-char (org-element-property :post-affiliated definition))
   1052 		  (line-end-position)))))))
   1053       (add-text-properties
   1054        0
   1055        (progn (string-match (if inline? "\\`\\[fn:.*?:" "\\`.*?\\]") contents)
   1056 	      (match-end 0))
   1057        '(read-only "Cannot edit footnote label" front-sticky t rear-nonsticky t)
   1058        contents)
   1059       (when inline?
   1060 	(let ((l (length contents)))
   1061 	  (add-text-properties
   1062 	   (1- l) l
   1063 	   '(read-only "Cannot edit past footnote reference"
   1064 		       front-sticky nil rear-nonsticky nil)
   1065 	   contents)))
   1066       (org-src--edit-element
   1067        definition
   1068        (format "*Edit footnote [%s]*" label)
   1069        (let ((source (current-buffer)))
   1070 	 (lambda ()
   1071 	   (org-mode)
   1072 	   (org-clone-local-variables source)))
   1073        (lambda ()
   1074 	 (if (not inline?) (delete-region (point) (search-forward "]"))
   1075 	   (delete-region (point) (search-forward ":" nil t 2))
   1076 	   (delete-region (1- (point-max)) (point-max))
   1077 	   (when (re-search-forward "\n[ \t]*\n" nil t)
   1078 	     (user-error "Inline definitions cannot contain blank lines"))
   1079 	   ;; If footnote reference belongs to a table, make sure to
   1080 	   ;; remove any newline characters in order to preserve
   1081 	   ;; table's structure.
   1082 	   (when (org-element-lineage definition '(table-cell))
   1083 	     (while (search-forward "\n" nil t) (replace-match " ")))))
   1084        contents
   1085        'remote))
   1086     ;; Report success.
   1087     t))
   1089 (defun org-edit-table.el ()
   1090   "Edit \"table.el\" table at point.
   1091 \\<org-src-mode-map>
   1092 A new buffer is created and the table is copied into it.  Then
   1093 the table is recognized with `table-recognize'.  When done
   1094 editing, exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]'.  The edited text will \
   1095 then replace
   1096 the area in the Org mode buffer.
   1098 Throw an error when not at such a table."
   1099   (interactive)
   1100   (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
   1101     (unless (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'table)
   1102 		 (eq (org-element-property :type element) 'table.el)
   1103 		 (org-src--on-datum-p element))
   1104       (user-error "Not in a table.el table"))
   1105     (org-src--edit-element
   1106      element
   1107      (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) "Table")
   1108      #'text-mode t)
   1109     (when (bound-and-true-p flyspell-mode) (flyspell-mode -1))
   1110     (table-recognize)
   1111     t))
   1113 (defun org-edit-latex-fragment ()
   1114   "Edit LaTeX fragment at point."
   1115   (interactive)
   1116   (let ((context (org-element-context)))
   1117     (unless (and (eq 'latex-fragment (org-element-type context))
   1118 		 (org-src--on-datum-p context))
   1119       (user-error "Not on a LaTeX fragment"))
   1120     (let* ((contents
   1121 	    (buffer-substring-no-properties
   1122 	     (org-element-property :begin context)
   1123 	     (- (org-element-property :end context)
   1124 		(org-element-property :post-blank context))))
   1125 	   (delim-length (if (string-match "\\`\\$[^$]" contents) 1 2)))
   1126       ;; Make the LaTeX deliminators read-only.
   1127       (add-text-properties 0 delim-length
   1128 			   (list 'read-only "Cannot edit LaTeX deliminator"
   1129 				 'front-sticky t
   1130 				 'rear-nonsticky t)
   1131 			   contents)
   1132       (let ((l (length contents)))
   1133 	(add-text-properties (- l delim-length) l
   1134 			     (list 'read-only "Cannot edit LaTeX deliminator"
   1135 				   'front-sticky nil
   1136 				   'rear-nonsticky nil)
   1137 			     contents))
   1138       (org-src--edit-element
   1139        context
   1140        (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) "LaTeX fragment")
   1141        (org-src-get-lang-mode "latex")
   1142        (lambda ()
   1143 	 ;; Blank lines break things, replace with a single newline.
   1144 	 (while (re-search-forward "\n[ \t]*\n" nil t) (replace-match "\n"))
   1145 	 ;; If within a table a newline would disrupt the structure,
   1146 	 ;; so remove newlines.
   1147 	 (goto-char (point-min))
   1148 	 (when (org-element-lineage context '(table-cell))
   1149 	   (while (search-forward "\n" nil t) (replace-match " "))))
   1150        contents))
   1151     t))
   1153 (defun org-edit-latex-environment ()
   1154   "Edit LaTeX environment at point.
   1155 \\<org-src-mode-map>
   1156 The LaTeX environment is copied into a new buffer.  Major mode is
   1157 set to the one associated to \"latex\" in `org-src-lang-modes',
   1158 or to `latex-mode' if there is none.
   1160 When done, exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]'.  The edited text \
   1161 will then replace
   1162 the LaTeX environment in the Org mode buffer."
   1163   (interactive)
   1164   (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
   1165     (unless (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'latex-environment)
   1166 		 (org-src--on-datum-p element))
   1167       (user-error "Not in a LaTeX environment"))
   1168     (org-src--edit-element
   1169      element
   1170      (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) "LaTeX environment")
   1171      (org-src-get-lang-mode "latex")
   1172      t)
   1173     t))
   1175 (defun org-edit-export-block ()
   1176   "Edit export block at point.
   1177 \\<org-src-mode-map>
   1178 A new buffer is created and the block is copied into it, and the
   1179 buffer is switched into an appropriate major mode.  See also
   1180 `org-src-lang-modes'.
   1182 When done, exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]'.  The edited text \
   1183 will then replace
   1184 the area in the Org mode buffer.
   1186 Throw an error when not at an export block."
   1187   (interactive)
   1188   (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
   1189     (unless (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'export-block)
   1190 		 (org-src--on-datum-p element))
   1191       (user-error "Not in an export block"))
   1192     (let* ((type (downcase (or (org-element-property :type element)
   1193 			       ;; Missing export-block type.  Fallback
   1194 			       ;; to default mode.
   1195 			       "fundamental")))
   1196 	   (mode (org-src-get-lang-mode type)))
   1197       (unless (functionp mode) (error "No such language mode: %s" mode))
   1198       (org-src--edit-element
   1199        element
   1200        (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) type)
   1201        mode
   1202        (lambda () (org-escape-code-in-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
   1203     t))
   1205 (defun org-edit-comment-block ()
   1206   "Edit comment block at point.
   1207 \\<org-src-mode-map>
   1208 A new buffer is created and the block is copied into it, and the
   1209 buffer is switched into Org mode.
   1211 When done, exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]'.  The edited text will
   1212 then replace the area in the Org mode buffer.
   1214 Throw an error when not at a comment block."
   1215   (interactive)
   1216   (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
   1217     (unless (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'comment-block)
   1218 		 (org-src--on-datum-p element))
   1219       (user-error "Not in a comment block"))
   1220     (org-src--edit-element
   1221      element
   1222      (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) "org")
   1223      'org-mode
   1224      (lambda () (org-escape-code-in-region (point-min) (point-max)))
   1225      (org-unescape-code-in-string (org-element-property :value element)))
   1226     t))
   1228 (defun org-edit-src-code (&optional code edit-buffer-name)
   1229   "Edit the source or example block at point.
   1230 \\<org-src-mode-map>
   1231 The code is copied to a separate buffer and the appropriate mode
   1232 is turned on.  When done, exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]'.  This \
   1233 will remove the
   1234 original code in the Org buffer, and replace it with the edited
   1235 version.  See `org-src-window-setup' to configure the display of
   1236 windows containing the Org buffer and the code buffer.
   1238 When optional argument CODE is a string, edit it in a dedicated
   1239 buffer instead.
   1241 When optional argument EDIT-BUFFER-NAME is non-nil, use it as the
   1242 name of the sub-editing buffer."
   1243   (interactive)
   1244   (let* ((element (org-element-at-point))
   1245 	 (type (org-element-type element)))
   1246     (unless (and (memq type '(example-block src-block))
   1247 		 (org-src--on-datum-p element))
   1248       (user-error "Not in a source or example block"))
   1249     (let* ((lang
   1250 	    (if (eq type 'src-block) (org-element-property :language element)
   1251 	      "example"))
   1252 	   (lang-f (and (eq type 'src-block) (org-src-get-lang-mode lang)))
   1253 	   (babel-info (and (eq type 'src-block)
   1254 			    (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'no-eval)))
   1255 	   deactivate-mark)
   1256       (when (and (eq type 'src-block) (not (functionp lang-f)))
   1257 	(error "No such language mode: %s" lang-f))
   1258       (org-src--edit-element
   1259        element
   1260        (or edit-buffer-name
   1261 	   (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) lang))
   1262        lang-f
   1263        (and (null code)
   1264 	    (lambda () (org-escape-code-in-region (point-min) (point-max))))
   1265        (and code (org-unescape-code-in-string code)))
   1266       ;; Finalize buffer.
   1267       (setq-local org-coderef-label-format
   1268 		  (or (org-element-property :label-fmt element)
   1269 		      org-coderef-label-format))
   1270       (when (eq type 'src-block)
   1271 	(setq org-src--babel-info babel-info)
   1272 	(let ((edit-prep-func (intern (concat "org-babel-edit-prep:" lang))))
   1273 	  (when (fboundp edit-prep-func)
   1274 	    (funcall edit-prep-func babel-info))))
   1275       t)))
   1277 (defun org-edit-inline-src-code ()
   1278   "Edit inline source code at point."
   1279   (interactive)
   1280   (let ((context (org-element-context)))
   1281     (unless (and (eq (org-element-type context) 'inline-src-block)
   1282 		 (org-src--on-datum-p context))
   1283       (user-error "Not on inline source code"))
   1284     (let* ((lang (org-element-property :language context))
   1285 	   (lang-f (org-src-get-lang-mode lang))
   1286 	   (babel-info (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'no-eval))
   1287 	   deactivate-mark)
   1288       (unless (functionp lang-f) (error "No such language mode: %s" lang-f))
   1289       (org-src--edit-element
   1290        context
   1291        (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) lang)
   1292        lang-f
   1293        (lambda ()
   1294 	 ;; Inline source blocks are limited to one line.
   1295 	 (while (re-search-forward "\n[ \t]*" nil t) (replace-match " "))
   1296 	 ;; Trim contents.
   1297 	 (goto-char (point-min))
   1298 	 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
   1299 	 (delete-region (point-min) (point))
   1300 	 (goto-char (point-max))
   1301 	 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
   1302 	 (delete-region (point) (point-max))))
   1303       ;; Finalize buffer.
   1304       (setq org-src--babel-info babel-info)
   1305       (setq org-src--preserve-indentation t)
   1306       (let ((edit-prep-func (intern (concat "org-babel-edit-prep:" lang))))
   1307 	(when (fboundp edit-prep-func) (funcall edit-prep-func babel-info)))
   1308       ;; Return success.
   1309       t)))
   1311 (defun org-edit-fixed-width-region ()
   1312   "Edit the fixed-width ASCII drawing at point.
   1313 \\<org-src-mode-map>
   1314 This must be a region where each line starts with a colon
   1315 followed by a space or a newline character.
   1317 A new buffer is created and the fixed-width region is copied into
   1318 it, and the buffer is switched into the major mode defined in
   1319 `org-edit-fixed-width-region-mode', which see.
   1321 When done, exit with `\\[org-edit-src-exit]'.  The edited text \
   1322 will then replace
   1323 the area in the Org mode buffer."
   1324   (interactive)
   1325   (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
   1326     (unless (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'fixed-width)
   1327 		 (org-src--on-datum-p element))
   1328       (user-error "Not in a fixed-width area"))
   1329     (org-src--edit-element
   1330      element
   1331      (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) "Fixed Width")
   1332      org-edit-fixed-width-region-mode
   1333      (lambda () (while (not (eobp)) (insert ": ") (forward-line))))
   1334     ;; Return success.
   1335     t))
   1337 (defun org-edit-src-abort ()
   1338   "Abort editing of the src code and return to the Org buffer."
   1339   (interactive)
   1340   (let (org-src--allow-write-back) (org-edit-src-exit)))
   1342 (defun org-edit-src-continue (event)
   1343   "Unconditionally return to buffer editing area under point.
   1344 Throw an error if there is no such buffer.
   1345 EVENT is passed to `mouse-set-point'."
   1346   (interactive "e")
   1347   (mouse-set-point event)
   1348   (let ((buf (get-char-property (point) 'edit-buffer)))
   1349     (if buf (org-src-switch-to-buffer buf 'continue)
   1350       (user-error "No sub-editing buffer for area at point"))))
   1352 (defun org-edit-src-save ()
   1353   "Save parent buffer with current state source-code buffer."
   1354   (interactive)
   1355   (unless (org-src-edit-buffer-p) (user-error "Not in a sub-editing buffer"))
   1356   (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
   1357   (let ((write-back-buf (generate-new-buffer "*org-src-write-back*"))
   1358 	(beg org-src--beg-marker)
   1359 	(end org-src--end-marker)
   1360 	(overlay org-src--overlay))
   1361     (org-src--contents-for-write-back write-back-buf)
   1362     (with-current-buffer (org-src-source-buffer)
   1363       (undo-boundary)
   1364       (goto-char beg)
   1365       ;; Temporarily disable read-only features of OVERLAY in order to
   1366       ;; insert new contents.
   1367       (delete-overlay overlay)
   1368       (let ((expecting-bol (bolp)))
   1369 	(if (version< emacs-version "27.1")
   1370 	    (progn (delete-region beg end)
   1371 		   (insert (with-current-buffer write-back-buf (buffer-string))))
   1372 	  (save-restriction
   1373 	    (narrow-to-region beg end)
   1374 	    (org-replace-buffer-contents write-back-buf 0.1 nil)
   1375 	    (goto-char (point-max))))
   1376 	(when (and expecting-bol (not (bolp))) (insert "\n")))
   1377       (kill-buffer write-back-buf)
   1378       (save-buffer)
   1379       (move-overlay overlay beg (point))))
   1380   ;; `write-contents-functions' requires the function to return
   1381   ;; a non-nil value so that other functions are not called.
   1382   t)
   1384 (defun org-edit-src-exit ()
   1385   "Kill current sub-editing buffer and return to source buffer."
   1386   (interactive)
   1387   (unless (org-src-edit-buffer-p)
   1388     (error "Not in a sub-editing buffer"))
   1389   (let* ((beg org-src--beg-marker)
   1390 	 (end org-src--end-marker)
   1391 	 (write-back org-src--allow-write-back)
   1392 	 (remote org-src--remote)
   1393 	 (coordinates (and (not remote)
   1394 			   (org-src--coordinates (point) 1 (point-max))))
   1395 	 (write-back-buf
   1396           (and write-back (generate-new-buffer "*org-src-write-back*"))))
   1397     (when write-back (org-src--contents-for-write-back write-back-buf))
   1398     (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
   1399     ;; Switch to source buffer.  Kill sub-editing buffer.
   1400     (let ((edit-buffer (current-buffer))
   1401 	  (source-buffer (marker-buffer beg)))
   1402       (unless source-buffer
   1403         (when write-back-buf (kill-buffer write-back-buf))
   1404         (error "Source buffer disappeared.  Aborting"))
   1405       (org-src-switch-to-buffer source-buffer 'exit)
   1406       (kill-buffer edit-buffer))
   1407     ;; Insert modified code.  Ensure it ends with a newline character.
   1408     (org-with-wide-buffer
   1409      (when (and write-back
   1410                 (not (equal (buffer-substring beg end)
   1411 			  (with-current-buffer write-back-buf
   1412                             (buffer-string)))))
   1413        (undo-boundary)
   1414        (goto-char beg)
   1415        (let ((expecting-bol (bolp)))
   1416 	 (if (version< emacs-version "27.1")
   1417 	     (progn (delete-region beg end)
   1418 		    (insert (with-current-buffer write-back-buf
   1419                               (buffer-string))))
   1420 	   (save-restriction
   1421 	     (narrow-to-region beg end)
   1422 	     (org-replace-buffer-contents write-back-buf 0.1 nil)
   1423 	     (goto-char (point-max))))
   1424 	 (when (and expecting-bol (not (bolp))) (insert "\n")))))
   1425     (when write-back-buf (kill-buffer write-back-buf))
   1426     ;; If we are to return to source buffer, put point at an
   1427     ;; appropriate location.  In particular, if block is hidden, move
   1428     ;; to the beginning of the block opening line.
   1429     (unless remote
   1430       (goto-char beg)
   1431       (cond
   1432        ;; Block is hidden; move at start of block.
   1433        ((if (eq org-fold-core-style 'text-properties)
   1434             (org-fold-folded-p nil 'block)
   1435           (cl-some (lambda (o) (eq (overlay-get o 'invisible) 'org-hide-block))
   1436 		   (overlays-at (point))))
   1437 	(beginning-of-line 0))
   1438        (write-back (org-src--goto-coordinates coordinates beg end))))
   1439     ;; Clean up left-over markers and restore window configuration.
   1440     (set-marker beg nil)
   1441     (set-marker end nil)
   1442     (when org-src--saved-temp-window-config
   1443       (unwind-protect
   1444 	  (set-window-configuration org-src--saved-temp-window-config)
   1445 	(setq org-src--saved-temp-window-config nil)))))
   1447 (provide 'org-src)
   1449 ;;; org-src.el ends here