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org-persist.el (47546B)

      1 ;;; org-persist.el --- Persist cached data across Emacs sessions         -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Ihor Radchenko <yantar92 at gmail dot com>
      6 ;; Keywords: cache, storage
      8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     15 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     24 ;;
     25 ;; This file implements persistent cache storage across Emacs sessions.
     26 ;; Both global and buffer-local data can be stored.  This
     27 ;; implementation is not meant to be used to store important data -
     28 ;; all the caches should be safe to remove at any time.
     29 ;;
     30 ;; Example usage:
     31 ;;
     32 ;; 1. Temporarily cache Elisp symbol value to disk.  Remove upon
     33 ;;    closing Emacs:
     34 ;;    (org-persist-write 'variable-symbol)
     35 ;;    (org-persist-read 'variable-symbol) ;; read the data later
     36 ;; 2. Temporarily cache a remote URL file to disk.  Remove upon
     37 ;;    closing Emacs:
     38 ;;    (org-persist-write 'url "")
     39 ;;    (org-persist-read 'url "")
     40 ;;    `org-persist-read' will return the cached file location or nil if cached file
     41 ;;    has been removed.
     42 ;; 3. Temporarily cache a file, including TRAMP path to disk:
     43 ;;    (org-persist-write 'file "/path/to/file")
     44 ;; 4. Cache file or URL while some other file exists.
     45 ;;    (org-persist-register '(url "") '(:file "/path to the other file") :expiry 'never :write-immediately t)
     46 ;;    or, if the other file is current buffer file
     47 ;;    (org-persist-register '(url "") (current-buffer) :expiry 'never :write-immediately t)
     48 ;; 5. Cache value of a Elisp variable to disk.  The value will be
     49 ;;    saved and restored automatically (except buffer-local
     50 ;;    variables).
     51 ;;    ;; Until `org-persist-default-expiry'
     52 ;;    (org-persist-register 'variable-symbol)
     53 ;;    ;; Specify expiry explicitly
     54 ;;    (org-persist-register 'variable-symbol :expiry 'never)
     55 ;;    ;; Save buffer-local variable (buffer-local will not be
     56 ;;    ;; autoloaded!)
     57 ;;    (org-persist-register 'org-element--cache (current-buffer))
     58 ;;    ;; Save buffer-local variable preserving circular links:
     59 ;;    (org-persist-register 'org-element--headline-cache (current-buffer)
     60 ;;               :inherit 'org-element--cache)
     61 ;; 6. Load variable by side effects assigning variable symbol:
     62 ;;    (org-persist-load 'variable-symbol (current-buffer))
     63 ;; 7. Version variable value:
     64 ;;    (org-persist-register '((elisp variable-symbol) (version "2.0")))
     65 ;; 8. Cancel variable persistence:
     66 ;;    (org-persist-unregister 'variable-symbol 'all) ; in all buffers
     67 ;;    (org-persist-unregister 'variable-symbol) ;; global variable
     68 ;;    (org-persist-unregister 'variable-symbol (current-buffer)) ;; buffer-local
     69 ;;
     70 ;; Most common data type is variable data.  However, other data types
     71 ;; can also be stored.
     72 ;;
     73 ;; Persistent data is stored in individual files.  Each of the files
     74 ;; can contain a collection of related data, which is particularly
     75 ;; useful when, say, several variables cross-reference each-other's
     76 ;; data-cells and we want to preserve their circular structure.
     77 ;;
     78 ;; Each data collection can be associated with a local or remote file,
     79 ;; its inode number, or contents hash.  The persistent data collection
     80 ;; can later be accessed using either file buffer, file, inode, or
     81 ;; contents hash.
     82 ;;
     83 ;; The data collections can be versioned and removed upon expiry.
     84 ;;
     85 ;; In the code below I will use the following naming conventions:
     86 ;; 1. Container :: a type of data to be stored
     87 ;;    Containers can store elisp variables, files, and version
     88 ;;    numbers.  Each container can be customized with container
     89 ;;    options.  For example, `elisp' container is customized with
     90 ;;    variable symbol.  (elisp variable) is a container storing
     91 ;;    Lisp variable value.  Similarly, (version "2.0") container
     92 ;;    will store version number.
     93 ;; 2. Associated :: an object the container is associated with.  The
     94 ;;    object can be a buffer, file, inode number, file contents hash,
     95 ;;    a generic key, or multiple of them.  Associated can also be nil.
     96 ;; 3. Data collection :: a list of containers linked to an associated
     97 ;;    object/objects.  Each data collection can also have auxiliary
     98 ;;    records.  Their only purpose is readability of the collection
     99 ;;    index.
    100 ;; 4. Index file :: a file listing all the stored data collections.
    101 ;; 5. Persist file :: a file holding data values or references to
    102 ;;    actual data values for a single data collection.  This file
    103 ;;    contains an alist associating each data container in data
    104 ;;    collection with its value or a reference to the actual value.
    105 ;;
    106 ;; All the persistent data is stored in `org-persist-directory'.  The data
    107 ;; collections are listed in `org-persist-index-file' and the actual data is
    108 ;; stored in UID-style subfolders.
    109 ;;
    110 ;; The `org-persist-index-file' stores the value of `org-persist--index'.
    111 ;;
    112 ;; Each collection is represented as a plist containing the following
    113 ;; properties:
    114 ;; - `:container'   : list of data continers to be stored in single
    115 ;;                    file;
    116 ;; - `:persist-file': data file name;
    117 ;; - `:associated'  : list of associated objects;
    118 ;; - `:last-access' : last date when the container has been accessed;
    119 ;; - `:expiry'      : list of expiry conditions.
    120 ;; - all other keywords are ignored
    121 ;;
    122 ;; The available types of data containers are:
    123 ;; 1. (file variable-symbol) or just variable-symbol :: Storing
    124 ;;    elisp variable data.
    125 ;; 2. (file) :: Store a copy of the associated file preserving the
    126 ;;    extension.
    127 ;;    (file "/path/to/a/file") :: Store a copy of the file in path.
    128 ;; 3. (version "version number") :: Version the data collection.
    129 ;;     If the stored collection has different version than "version
    130 ;;     number", disregard it.
    131 ;; 4. (url) :: Store a downloaded copy of URL object.
    132 ;;
    133 ;; The data collections can expire, in which case they will be removed
    134 ;; from the persistent storage at the end of Emacs session.  The
    135 ;; expiry condition can be set when saving/registering data
    136 ;; containers.  The expirty condition can be `never' - data will never
    137 ;; expire; nil - data will expire at the end of current Emacs session;
    138 ;; a number - data will expire after the number days from last access;
    139 ;; a function - data will expire if the function, called with a single
    140 ;; argument - collection, returns non-nil.
    141 ;;
    142 ;;
    143 ;; Data collections associated with files will automatically expire
    144 ;; when the file is removed.  If the associated file is remote, the
    145 ;; expiry is controlled by `org-persist-remote-files' instead.
    146 ;;
    147 ;; Data loading/writing can be more accurately controlled using
    148 ;; `org-persist-before-write-hook', `org-persist-before-read-hook', and `org-persist-after-read-hook'.
    150 ;;; Code:
    152 (require 'org-macs)
    153 (org-assert-version)
    155 (require 'org-compat)
    156 (require 'org-id)
    157 (require 'xdg nil t)
    159 (declare-function org-back-to-heading "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
    160 (declare-function org-next-visible-heading "org" (arg))
    161 (declare-function org-at-heading-p "org" (&optional invisible-not-ok))
    164 (defconst org-persist--storage-version "3.1"
    165   "Persistent storage layout version.")
    167 (defgroup org-persist nil
    168   "Persistent cache for Org mode."
    169   :tag "Org persist"
    170   :group 'org)
    172 (defcustom org-persist-directory (expand-file-name
    173                        (org-file-name-concat
    174                         (let ((cache-dir (when (fboundp 'xdg-cache-home)
    175                                            (xdg-cache-home))))
    176                           (if (or (seq-empty-p cache-dir)
    177                                   (not (file-exists-p cache-dir))
    178                                   (file-exists-p (org-file-name-concat
    179                                                   user-emacs-directory
    180                                                   "org-persist")))
    181                               user-emacs-directory
    182                             cache-dir))
    183                         "org-persist/"))
    184   "Directory where the data is stored."
    185   :group 'org-persist
    186   :package-version '(Org . "9.6")
    187   :type 'directory)
    189 (defcustom org-persist-remote-files 100
    190   "Whether to keep persistent data for remote files.
    192 When this variable is nil, never save persistent data associated with
    193 remote files.  When t, always keep the data.  When
    194 `check-existence', contact remote server containing the file and only
    195 keep the data when the file exists on the server.  When a number, keep
    196 up to that number persistent values for remote files.
    198 Note that the last option `check-existence' may cause Emacs to show
    199 password prompts to log in."
    200   :group 'org-persist
    201   :package-version '(Org . "9.6")
    202   :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
    203                  (const :tag "Always" t)
    204                  (number :tag "Keep not more than X files")
    205                  (const :tag "Check if exist on remote" check-existence)))
    207 (defcustom org-persist-default-expiry 30
    208   "Default expiry condition for persistent data.
    210 When this variable is nil, all the data vanishes at the end of Emacs
    211 session.  When `never', the data never vanishes.  When a number, the
    212 data is deleted that number days after last access.  When a function,
    213 it should be a function returning non-nil when the data is expired.  The
    214 function will be called with a single argument - collection."
    215   :group 'org-persist
    216   :package-version '(Org . "9.6")
    217   :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" never)
    218                  (const :tag "Always" nil)
    219                  (number :tag "Keep N days")
    220                  (function :tag "Function")))
    222 (defconst org-persist-index-file "index"
    223   "File name used to store the data index.")
    225 (defvar org-persist--disable-when-emacs-Q t
    226   "Disable persistence when Emacs is called with -Q command line arg.
    227 When non-nil, this sets `org-persist-directory' to temporary directory.
    229 This variable must be set before loading org-persist library.")
    231 (defvar org-persist-before-write-hook nil
    232   "Abnormal hook ran before saving data.
    233 The hook must accept the same arguments as `org-persist-write'.
    234 The hooks will be evaluated until a hook returns non-nil.
    235 If any of the hooks return non-nil, do not save the data.")
    237 (defvar org-persist-before-read-hook nil
    238   "Abnormal hook ran before reading data.
    239 The hook must accept the same arguments as `org-persist-read'.
    240 The hooks will be evaluated until a hook returns non-nil.
    241 If any of the hooks return non-nil, do not read the data.")
    243 (defvar org-persist-after-read-hook nil
    244   "Abnormal hook ran after reading data.
    245 The hook must accept the same arguments as `org-persist-read'.")
    247 (defvar org-persist--index nil
    248   "Global index.
    250 The index is a list of plists.  Each plist contains information about
    251 persistent data storage.  Each plist contains the following
    252 properties:
    254   - `:container'  : list of data continers to be stored in single file
    255   - `:persist-file': data file name
    256   - `:associated'  : list of associated objects
    257   - `:last-access' : last date when the container has been read
    258   - `:expiry'      : list of expiry conditions
    259   - all other keywords are ignored.")
    261 (defvar org-persist--index-hash nil
    262   "Hash table storing `org-persist--index'.  Used for quick access.
    263 They keys are conses of (container . associated).")
    265 (defvar org-persist--report-time 0.5
    266   "Whether to report read/write time.
    268 When the value is a number, it is a threshold number of seconds.  If
    269 the read/write time of a single variable exceeds the threshold, a
    270 message is displayed.
    272 When the value is a non-nil non-number, always display the message.
    273 When the value is nil, never display the message.")
    275 ;;;; Common functions
    277 (defun org-persist--display-time (duration format &rest args)
    278   "Report DURATION according to FORMAT + ARGS message.
    279 FORMAT and ARGS are passed to `message'."
    280   (when (or (and org-persist--report-time
    281                  (numberp org-persist--report-time)
    282                  (>= duration org-persist--report-time))
    283             (and org-persist--report-time
    284                  (not (numberp org-persist--report-time))))
    285     (apply #'message
    286            (format "org-persist: %s took %%.2f sec" format)
    287            (append args (list duration)))))
    289 (defun org-persist--read-elisp-file (&optional buffer-or-file)
    290   "Read elisp data from BUFFER-OR-FILE or current buffer."
    291   (unless buffer-or-file (setq buffer-or-file (current-buffer)))
    292   (with-temp-buffer
    293     (if (bufferp buffer-or-file)
    294         (set-buffer buffer-or-file)
    295       (insert-file-contents buffer-or-file))
    296     (condition-case err
    297         (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
    298               (read-circle t)
    299               (start-time (float-time)))
    300           ;; FIXME: Reading sometimes fails to read circular objects.
    301           ;; I suspect that it happens when we have object reference
    302           ;; #N# read before object definition #N=.  If it is really
    303           ;; so, it should be Emacs bug - either in `read' or in
    304           ;; `prin1'.  Meanwhile, just fail silently when `read'
    305           ;; fails to parse the saved cache object.
    306           (prog1
    307               (read (current-buffer))
    308             (org-persist--display-time
    309              (- (float-time) start-time)
    310              "Reading from %S" buffer-or-file)))
    311       ;; Recover gracefully if index file is corrupted.
    312       (error
    313        ;; Remove problematic file.
    314        (unless (bufferp buffer-or-file) (delete-file buffer-or-file))
    315        ;; Do not report the known error to user.
    316        (if (string-match-p "Invalid read syntax" (error-message-string err))
    317            (message "Emacs reader failed to read data in %S. The error was: %S"
    318                     buffer-or-file (error-message-string err))
    319          (warn "Emacs reader failed to read data in %S. The error was: %S"
    320                buffer-or-file (error-message-string err)))
    321        nil))))
    323 (defun org-persist--write-elisp-file (file data &optional no-circular pp)
    324   "Write elisp DATA to FILE."
    325   (let ((print-circle (not no-circular))
    326         print-level
    327         print-length
    328         print-quoted
    329         (print-escape-control-characters t)
    330         (print-escape-nonascii t)
    331         (print-continuous-numbering t)
    332         print-number-table
    333         (start-time (float-time)))
    334     (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory file))
    335       (make-directory (file-name-directory file) t))
    336     (with-temp-file file
    337       (if pp
    338           (pp data (current-buffer))
    339         (prin1 data (current-buffer))))
    340     (org-persist--display-time
    341      (- (float-time) start-time)
    342      "Writing to %S" file)))
    344 (defmacro org-persist-gc:generic (container collection)
    345   "Garbage collect CONTAINER data from COLLECTION."
    346   `(let* ((c (org-persist--normalize-container ,container))
    347           (gc-func-symbol (intern (format "org-persist-gc:%s" (car c)))))
    348      (unless (fboundp gc-func-symbol)
    349        (error "org-persist: GC function %s not defined"
    350               gc-func-symbol))
    351      (funcall gc-func-symbol c ,collection)))
    353 (defmacro org-persist--gc-expired-p (cnd collection)
    354   "Check if expiry condition CND triggers for COLLECTION."
    355   `(pcase ,cnd
    356      (`nil t)
    357      (`never nil)
    358      ((pred numberp)
    359       (when (plist-get ,collection :last-access)
    360         (> (float-time) (+ (plist-get ,collection :last-access) (* ,cnd 24 60 60)))))
    361      ((pred functionp)
    362       (funcall ,cnd ,collection))
    363      (_ (error "org-persist: Unsupported expiry type %S" ,cnd))))
    365 ;;;; Working with index
    367 (defmacro org-persist-collection-let (collection &rest body)
    368   "Bind container and associated from COLLECTION and execute BODY."
    369   (declare (debug (form body)) (indent 1))
    370   `(with-no-warnings
    371      (let* ((container (plist-get ,collection :container))
    372             (associated (plist-get ,collection :associated))
    373             (path (plist-get associated :file))
    374             (inode (plist-get associated :inode))
    375             (hash (plist-get associated :hash))
    376             (key (plist-get associated :key)))
    377        ;; Suppress "unused variable" warnings.
    378        (ignore container associated path inode hash key)
    379        ,@body)))
    381 (defun org-persist--find-index (collection)
    382 "Find COLLECTION in `org-persist--index'."
    383 (org-persist-collection-let collection
    384   (and org-persist--index-hash
    385        (catch :found
    386          (dolist (cont (cons container container))
    387            (let (r)
    388              (setq r (or (gethash (cons cont associated) org-persist--index-hash)
    389                          (and path (gethash (cons cont (list :file path)) org-persist--index-hash))
    390                          (and inode (gethash (cons cont (list :inode inode)) org-persist--index-hash))
    391                          (and hash (gethash (cons cont (list :hash hash)) org-persist--index-hash))
    392                          (and key (gethash (cons cont (list :key key)) org-persist--index-hash))))
    393              (when r (throw :found r))))))))
    395 (defun org-persist--add-to-index (collection &optional hash-only)
    396   "Add or update COLLECTION in `org-persist--index'.
    397 When optional HASH-ONLY is non-nil, only modify the hash table.
    398 Return PLIST."
    399   (org-persist-collection-let collection
    400     (let ((existing (org-persist--find-index collection)))
    401       (if existing
    402           (progn
    403             (plist-put existing :container container)
    404             (plist-put (plist-get existing :associated) :file path)
    405             (plist-put (plist-get existing :associated) :inode inode)
    406             (plist-put (plist-get existing :associated) :hash hash)
    407             (plist-put (plist-get existing :associated) :key key)
    408             existing)
    409         (unless hash-only (push collection org-persist--index))
    410         (unless org-persist--index-hash (setq org-persist--index-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
    411         (dolist (cont (cons container container))
    412           (puthash (cons cont associated) collection org-persist--index-hash)
    413           (when path (puthash (cons cont (list :file path)) collection org-persist--index-hash))
    414           (when inode (puthash (cons cont (list :inode inode)) collection org-persist--index-hash))
    415           (when hash (puthash (cons cont (list :hash inode)) collection org-persist--index-hash))
    416           (when key (puthash (cons cont (list :key inode)) collection org-persist--index-hash)))
    417         collection))))
    419 (defun org-persist--remove-from-index (collection)
    420   "Remove COLLECTION from `org-persist--index'."
    421   (let ((existing (org-persist--find-index collection)))
    422     (when existing
    423       (org-persist-collection-let collection
    424         (dolist (cont (cons container container))
    425           (unless (listp (car container))
    426             (org-persist-gc:generic cont collection))
    427           (remhash (cons cont associated) org-persist--index-hash)
    428           (when path (remhash (cons cont (list :file path)) org-persist--index-hash))
    429           (when inode (remhash (cons cont (list :inode inode)) org-persist--index-hash))
    430           (when hash (remhash (cons cont (list :hash hash)) org-persist--index-hash))
    431           (when key (remhash (cons cont (list :key key)) org-persist--index-hash))))
    432       (setq org-persist--index (delq existing org-persist--index)))))
    434 (defun org-persist--get-collection (container &optional associated misc)
    435   "Return or create collection used to store CONTAINER for ASSOCIATED.
    436 When ASSOCIATED is nil, it is a global CONTAINER.
    437 ASSOCIATED can also be a (:buffer buffer) or buffer, (:file file-path)
    438 or file-path, (:inode inode), (:hash hash), or or (:key key).
    439 MISC, if non-nil will be appended to the collection.  It must be a plist."
    440   (unless (and (listp container) (listp (car container)))
    441     (setq container (list container)))
    442   (setq associated (org-persist--normalize-associated associated))
    443   (when (and misc (or (not (listp misc)) (= 1 (% (length misc) 2))))
    444     (error "org-persist: Not a plist: %S" misc))
    445   (or (org-persist--find-index
    446        `( :container ,(org-persist--normalize-container container)
    447           :associated ,associated))
    448       (org-persist--add-to-index
    449        (nconc
    450         (list :container (org-persist--normalize-container container)
    451               :persist-file
    452               (replace-regexp-in-string "^.." "\\&/" (org-id-uuid))
    453               :associated associated)
    454         misc))))
    456 ;;;; Reading container data.
    458 (defun org-persist--normalize-container (container)
    459   "Normalize CONTAINER representation into (type . settings)."
    460   (if (and (listp container) (listp (car container)))
    461       (mapcar #'org-persist--normalize-container container)
    462     (pcase container
    463       ((or `elisp `version `file `index `url)
    464        (list container nil))
    465       ((pred symbolp)
    466        (list `elisp container))
    467       (`(,(or `elisp `version `file `index `url) . ,_)
    468        container)
    469       (_ (error "org-persist: Unknown container type: %S" container)))))
    471 (defvar org-persist--associated-buffer-cache (make-hash-table :weakness 'key)
    472   "Buffer hash cache.")
    474 (defun org-persist--normalize-associated (associated)
    475   "Normalize ASSOCIATED representation into (:type value)."
    476   (pcase associated
    477     ((or (pred stringp) `(:file ,_))
    478      (unless (stringp associated)
    479        (setq associated (cadr associated)))
    480      (let* ((rtn `(:file ,associated))
    481             (inode (and (fboundp 'file-attribute-inode-number)
    482                         (file-attribute-inode-number
    483                          (file-attributes associated)))))
    484        (when inode (plist-put rtn :inode inode))
    485        rtn))
    486     ((or (pred bufferp) `(:buffer ,_))
    487      (unless (bufferp associated)
    488        (setq associated (cadr associated)))
    489      (let ((cached (gethash associated org-persist--associated-buffer-cache))
    490            file inode hash)
    491        (if (and cached (eq (buffer-modified-tick associated)
    492                            (car cached)))
    493            (progn
    494              (setq file (nth 1 cached)
    495                    inode (nth 2 cached)
    496                    hash (nth 3 cached)))
    497          (setq file (buffer-file-name
    498                      (or (buffer-base-buffer associated)
    499                          associated)))
    500          (setq inode (when (and file
    501                                 (fboundp 'file-attribute-inode-number))
    502                        (file-attribute-inode-number
    503                         (file-attributes file))))
    504          (setq hash (secure-hash 'md5 associated))
    505          (puthash associated
    506                   (list (buffer-modified-tick associated)
    507                         file inode hash)
    508                   org-persist--associated-buffer-cache))
    509        (let ((rtn `(:hash ,hash)))
    510          (when file (setq rtn (plist-put rtn :file file)))
    511          (when inode (setq rtn (plist-put rtn :inode inode)))
    512          rtn)))
    513     ((pred listp)
    514      associated)
    515     (_ (error "Unknown associated object %S" associated))))
    517 (defmacro org-persist-read:generic (container reference-data collection)
    518   "Read and return the data stored in CONTAINER.
    519 REFERENCE-DATA is associated with CONTAINER in the persist file.
    520 COLLECTION is the plist holding data collection."
    521   `(let* ((c (org-persist--normalize-container ,container))
    522           (read-func-symbol (intern (format "org-persist-read:%s" (car c)))))
    523      (setf ,collection (plist-put ,collection :last-access (float-time)))
    524      (setf ,collection (plist-put ,collection :last-access-hr (format-time-string "%FT%T%z" (float-time))))
    525      (unless (fboundp read-func-symbol)
    526        (error "org-persist: Read function %s not defined"
    527               read-func-symbol))
    528      (funcall read-func-symbol c ,reference-data ,collection)))
    530 (defun org-persist-read:elisp (_ lisp-value __)
    531   "Read elisp container and return LISP-VALUE."
    532   lisp-value)
    534 (defun org-persist-read:version (container _ __)
    535   "Read version CONTAINER."
    536   (cadr container))
    538 (defun org-persist-read:file (_ path __)
    539   "Read file container from PATH."
    540   (when (and path (file-exists-p (concat org-persist-directory path)))
    541     (concat org-persist-directory path)))
    543 (defun org-persist-read:url (_ path __)
    544   "Read file container from PATH."
    545   (when (and path (file-exists-p (concat org-persist-directory path)))
    546     (concat org-persist-directory path)))
    548 (defun org-persist-read:index (cont index-file _)
    549   "Read index container CONT from INDEX-FILE."
    550   (when (file-exists-p index-file)
    551     (let ((index (org-persist--read-elisp-file index-file)))
    552       (when index
    553         (catch :found
    554           (dolist (collection index)
    555             (org-persist-collection-let collection
    556               (when (and (not associated)
    557                          (pcase container
    558                            (`((index ,version))
    559                             (equal version (cadr cont)))
    560                            (_ nil)))
    561                 (throw :found index)))))))))
    563 ;;;; Applying container data for side effects.
    565 (defmacro org-persist-load:generic (container reference-data collection)
    566   "Load the data stored in CONTAINER for side effects.
    567 REFERENCE-DATA is associated with CONTAINER in the persist file.
    568 COLLECTION is the plist holding data collection."
    569   `(let* ((container (org-persist--normalize-container ,container))
    570           (load-func-symbol (intern (format "org-persist-load:%s" (car container)))))
    571      (setf ,collection (plist-put ,collection :last-access (float-time)))
    572      (setf ,collection (plist-put ,collection :last-access-hr (format-time-string "%FT%T%z" (float-time))))
    573      (unless (fboundp load-func-symbol)
    574        (error "org-persist: Load function %s not defined"
    575               load-func-symbol))
    576      (funcall load-func-symbol container ,reference-data ,collection)))
    578 (defun org-persist-load:elisp (container lisp-value collection)
    579   "Assign elisp CONTAINER in COLLECTION LISP-VALUE."
    580   (let ((lisp-symbol (cadr container))
    581         (buffer (when (plist-get (plist-get collection :associated) :file)
    582                   (get-file-buffer (plist-get (plist-get collection :associated) :file)))))
    583     (if buffer
    584         (with-current-buffer buffer
    585           (make-variable-buffer-local lisp-symbol)
    586           (set lisp-symbol lisp-value))
    587       (set lisp-symbol lisp-value))))
    589 (defalias 'org-persist-load:version #'org-persist-read:version)
    590 (defalias 'org-persist-load:file #'org-persist-read:file)
    592 (defun org-persist-load:index (container index-file _)
    593   "Load `org-persist--index' from INDEX-FILE according to CONTAINER."
    594   (unless org-persist--index
    595     (setq org-persist--index (org-persist-read:index container index-file nil))
    596     (setq org-persist--index-hash nil)
    597     (if org-persist--index
    598         (mapc (lambda (collection) (org-persist--add-to-index collection 'hash)) org-persist--index)
    599       (setq org-persist--index nil)
    600       (when (file-exists-p org-persist-directory)
    601         (dolist (file (directory-files org-persist-directory 'absolute
    602                                        "\\`[^.][^.]"))
    603           (if (file-directory-p file)
    604               (delete-directory file t)
    605             (delete-file file))))
    606       (plist-put (org-persist--get-collection container) :expiry 'never))))
    608 (defun org-persist--load-index ()
    609   "Load `org-persist--index."
    610   (org-persist-load:index
    611    `(index ,org-persist--storage-version)
    612    (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory org-persist-index-file)
    613    nil))
    615 ;;;; Writing container data
    617 (defmacro org-persist-write:generic (container collection)
    618   "Write CONTAINER in COLLECTION."
    619   `(let* ((c (org-persist--normalize-container ,container))
    620           (write-func-symbol (intern (format "org-persist-write:%s" (car c)))))
    621      (setf ,collection (plist-put ,collection :last-access (float-time)))
    622      (setf ,collection (plist-put ,collection :last-access-hr (format-time-string "%FT%T%z" (float-time))))
    623      (unless (fboundp write-func-symbol)
    624        (error "org-persist: Write function %s not defined"
    625               write-func-symbol))
    626      (funcall write-func-symbol c ,collection)))
    628 (defun org-persist-write:elisp (container collection)
    629   "Write elisp CONTAINER according to COLLECTION."
    630   (if (and (plist-get (plist-get collection :associated) :file)
    631            (get-file-buffer (plist-get (plist-get collection :associated) :file)))
    632       (let ((buf (get-file-buffer (plist-get (plist-get collection :associated) :file))))
    633         ;; FIXME: There is `buffer-local-boundp' introduced in Emacs 28.
    634         ;; Not using it yet to keep backward compatibility.
    635         (condition-case nil
    636             (buffer-local-value (cadr container) buf)
    637           (void-variable nil)))
    638     (when (boundp (cadr container))
    639       (symbol-value (cadr container)))))
    641 (defalias 'org-persist-write:version #'ignore)
    643 (defun org-persist-write:file (c collection)
    644   "Write file container C according to COLLECTION."
    645   (org-persist-collection-let collection
    646     (when (or (and path (file-exists-p path))
    647               (and (stringp (cadr c)) (file-exists-p (cadr c))))
    648       (when (and (stringp (cadr c)) (file-exists-p (cadr c)))
    649         (setq path (cadr c)))
    650       (let* ((persist-file (plist-get collection :persist-file))
    651              (ext (file-name-extension path))
    652              (file-copy (org-file-name-concat
    653                          org-persist-directory
    654                          (format "%s-%s.%s" persist-file (md5 path) ext))))
    655         (unless (file-exists-p file-copy)
    656           (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory file-copy))
    657             (make-directory (file-name-directory file-copy) t))
    658           (copy-file path file-copy 'overwrite))
    659         (format "%s-%s.%s" persist-file (md5 path) ext)))))
    661 (defun org-persist-write:url (c collection)
    662   "Write url container C according to COLLECTION."
    663   (org-persist-collection-let collection
    664     (when (or path (cadr c))
    665       (when (cadr c) (setq path (cadr c)))
    666       (let* ((persist-file (plist-get collection :persist-file))
    667              (ext (file-name-extension path))
    668              (file-copy (org-file-name-concat
    669                          org-persist-directory
    670                          (format "%s-%s.%s" persist-file (md5 path) ext))))
    671         (unless (file-exists-p file-copy)
    672           (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory file-copy))
    673             (make-directory (file-name-directory file-copy) t))
    674           (if (org--should-fetch-remote-resource-p path)
    675               (url-copy-file path file-copy 'overwrite)
    676             (error "The remote resource %S is considered unsafe, and will not be downloaded."
    677                    path)))
    678         (format "%s-%s.%s" persist-file (md5 path) ext)))))
    680 (defun org-persist-write:index (container _)
    681   "Write index CONTAINER."
    682   (org-persist--get-collection container)
    683   (unless (file-exists-p org-persist-directory)
    684     (make-directory org-persist-directory))
    685   (unless (file-exists-p org-persist-directory)
    686     (warn "Failed to create org-persist storage in %s."
    687           org-persist-directory)
    688     (let ((dir (directory-file-name
    689                 (file-name-as-directory org-persist-directory))))
    690       (while (and (not (file-exists-p dir))
    691                   (not (equal dir (setq dir (directory-file-name
    692                                            (file-name-directory dir)))))))
    693       (unless (file-writable-p dir)
    694         (message "Missing write access rights to org-persist-directory: %S"
    695                  org-persist-directory))))
    696   (when (file-exists-p org-persist-directory)
    697     (org-persist--write-elisp-file
    698      (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory org-persist-index-file)
    699      org-persist--index
    700      t t)
    701     (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory org-persist-index-file)))
    703 (defun org-persist--save-index ()
    704   "Save `org-persist--index."
    705   (org-persist-write:index
    706    `(index ,org-persist--storage-version) nil))
    708 ;;;; Public API
    710 (cl-defun org-persist-register (container &optional associated &rest misc
    711                                &key inherit
    712                                &key (expiry org-persist-default-expiry)
    713                                &key (write-immediately nil)
    714                                &allow-other-keys)
    715   "Register CONTAINER in ASSOCIATED to be persistent across Emacs sessions.
    716 Optional key INHERIT makes CONTAINER dependent on another container.
    717 Such dependency means that data shared between variables will be
    718 preserved (see elisp#Circular Objects).
    719 Optional key EXPIRY will set the expiry condition of the container.
    720 It can be `never', nil - until end of session, a number of days since
    721 last access, or a function accepting a single argument - collection.
    722 EXPIRY key has no effect when INHERIT is non-nil.
    723 Optional key WRITE-IMMEDIATELY controls whether to save the container
    724 data immediately.
    725 MISC will be appended to the collection.  It must be alternating :KEY
    726 VALUE pairs.
    727 When WRITE-IMMEDIATELY is non-nil, the return value will be the same
    728 with `org-persist-write'."
    729   (unless org-persist--index (org-persist--load-index))
    730   (setq container (org-persist--normalize-container container))
    731   (when inherit
    732     (setq inherit (org-persist--normalize-container inherit))
    733     (let ((inherited-collection (org-persist--get-collection inherit associated))
    734           new-collection)
    735       (unless (member container (plist-get inherited-collection :container))
    736         (setq new-collection
    737               (plist-put (copy-sequence inherited-collection) :container
    738                          (cons container (plist-get inherited-collection :container))))
    739         (org-persist--remove-from-index inherited-collection)
    740         (org-persist--add-to-index new-collection))))
    741   (let ((collection (org-persist--get-collection container associated misc)))
    742     (when (and expiry (not inherit))
    743       (when expiry (plist-put collection :expiry expiry))))
    744   (when (or (bufferp associated) (bufferp (plist-get associated :buffer)))
    745     (with-current-buffer (if (bufferp associated)
    746                              associated
    747                            (plist-get associated :buffer))
    748       (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'org-persist-write-all-buffer nil 'local)))
    749   (when write-immediately (org-persist-write container associated)))
    751 (defun org-persist-unregister (container &optional associated)
    752   "Unregister CONTAINER in ASSOCIATED to be persistent.
    753 When ASSOCIATED is `all', unregister CONTAINER everywhere."
    754   (unless org-persist--index (org-persist--load-index))
    755   (setq container (org-persist--normalize-container container))
    756   (if (eq associated 'all)
    757       (mapc (lambda (collection)
    758               (when (member container (plist-get collection :container))
    759                 (org-persist-unregister container (plist-get collection :associated))))
    760             org-persist--index)
    761     (setq associated (org-persist--normalize-associated associated))
    762     (let ((collection (org-persist--find-index `(:container ,container :associated ,associated))))
    763       (when collection
    764         (if (= (length (plist-get collection :container)) 1)
    765             (org-persist--remove-from-index collection)
    766           (plist-put collection :container
    767                      (remove container (plist-get collection :container)))
    768           (org-persist--add-to-index collection))))))
    770 (defvar org-persist--write-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
    771   "Hash table storing as-written data objects.
    773 This data is used to avoid reading the data multiple times.")
    774 (defun org-persist-read (container &optional associated hash-must-match load?)
    775   "Restore CONTAINER data for ASSOCIATED.
    776 When HASH-MUST-MATCH is non-nil, do not restore data if hash for
    777 ASSOCIATED file or buffer does not match.
    778 ASSOCIATED can be a plist, a buffer, or a string.
    779 A buffer is treated as (:buffer ASSOCIATED).
    780 A string is treated as (:file ASSOCIATED).
    781 When LOAD? is non-nil, load the data instead of reading."
    782   (unless org-persist--index (org-persist--load-index))
    783   (setq associated (org-persist--normalize-associated associated))
    784   (setq container (org-persist--normalize-container container))
    785   (let* ((collection (org-persist--find-index `(:container ,container :associated ,associated)))
    786          (persist-file
    787           (when collection
    788             (org-file-name-concat
    789              org-persist-directory
    790              (plist-get collection :persist-file))))
    791          (data nil))
    792     (when (and collection
    793                (file-exists-p persist-file)
    794                (or (not (plist-get collection :expiry)) ; current session
    795                    (not (org-persist--gc-expired-p
    796                        (plist-get collection :expiry) collection)))
    797                (or (not hash-must-match)
    798                    (and (plist-get associated :hash)
    799                         (equal (plist-get associated :hash)
    800                                (plist-get (plist-get collection :associated) :hash)))))
    801       (unless (seq-find (lambda (v)
    802                           (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-persist-before-read-hook v associated))
    803                         (plist-get collection :container))
    804         (setq data (or (gethash persist-file org-persist--write-cache)
    805                        (org-persist--read-elisp-file persist-file)))
    806         (when data
    807           (cl-loop for container in (plist-get collection :container)
    808                    with result = nil
    809                    do
    810                    (if load?
    811                        (push (org-persist-load:generic container (alist-get container data nil nil #'equal) collection) result)
    812                      (push (org-persist-read:generic container (alist-get container data nil nil #'equal) collection) result))
    813                    (run-hook-with-args 'org-persist-after-read-hook container associated)
    814                    finally return (if (= 1 (length result)) (car result) result)))))))
    816 (defun org-persist-load (container &optional associated hash-must-match)
    817   "Load CONTAINER data for ASSOCIATED.
    818 The arguments have the same meaning as in `org-persist-read'."
    819   (org-persist-read container associated hash-must-match t))
    821 (defun org-persist-load-all (&optional associated)
    822   "Restore all the persistent data associated with ASSOCIATED."
    823   (unless org-persist--index (org-persist--load-index))
    824   (setq associated (org-persist--normalize-associated associated))
    825   (let (all-containers)
    826     (dolist (collection org-persist--index)
    827       (when collection
    828         (cl-pushnew (plist-get collection :container) all-containers :test #'equal)))
    829     (dolist (container all-containers)
    830       (condition-case err
    831           (org-persist-load container associated t)
    832         (error
    833          (message "%s. Deleting bad index entry." err)
    834          (org-persist--remove-from-index (org-persist--find-index `(:container ,container :associated ,associated)))
    835          nil)))))
    837 (defun org-persist-load-all-buffer ()
    838   "Call `org-persist-load-all' in current buffer."
    839   (org-persist-load-all (current-buffer)))
    841 (defun org-persist-write (container &optional associated ignore-return)
    842   "Save CONTAINER according to ASSOCIATED.
    843 ASSOCIATED can be a plist, a buffer, or a string.
    844 A buffer is treated as (:buffer ASSOCIATED).
    845 A string is treated as (:file ASSOCIATED).
    846 The return value is nil when writing fails and the written value (as
    847 returned by `org-persist-read') on success.
    848 When IGNORE-RETURN is non-nil, just return t on success without calling
    849 `org-persist-read'."
    850   (setq associated (org-persist--normalize-associated associated))
    851   ;; Update hash
    852   (when (and (plist-get associated :file)
    853              (plist-get associated :hash)
    854              (get-file-buffer (plist-get associated :file)))
    855     (setq associated (org-persist--normalize-associated (get-file-buffer (plist-get associated :file)))))
    856   (let ((collection (org-persist--get-collection container associated)))
    857     (setf collection (plist-put collection :associated associated))
    858     (unless (or
    859              ;; Prevent data leakage from encrypted files.
    860              ;; We do it in somewhat paranoid manner and do not
    861              ;; allow anything related to encrypted files to be
    862              ;; written.
    863              (and (plist-get associated :file)
    864                   (string-match-p epa-file-name-regexp (plist-get associated :file)))
    865              (seq-find (lambda (v)
    866                          (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-persist-before-write-hook v associated))
    867                        (plist-get collection :container)))
    868       (when (or (file-exists-p org-persist-directory) (org-persist--save-index))
    869         (let ((file (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory (plist-get collection :persist-file)))
    870               (data (mapcar (lambda (c) (cons c (org-persist-write:generic c collection)))
    871                             (plist-get collection :container))))
    872           (puthash file data org-persist--write-cache)
    873           (org-persist--write-elisp-file file data)
    874           (or ignore-return (org-persist-read container associated)))))))
    876 (defun org-persist-write-all (&optional associated)
    877   "Save all the persistent data.
    878 When ASSOCIATED is non-nil, only save the matching data."
    879   (unless org-persist--index (org-persist--load-index))
    880   (setq associated (org-persist--normalize-associated associated))
    881   (if
    882       (and (equal 1 (length org-persist--index))
    883            ;; The single collection only contains a single container
    884            ;; in the container list.
    885            (equal 1 (length (plist-get (car org-persist--index) :container)))
    886            ;; The container is an `index' container.
    887            (eq 'index (caar (plist-get (car org-persist--index) :container)))
    888            (or (not (file-exists-p org-persist-directory))
    889                (org-directory-empty-p org-persist-directory)))
    890       ;; Do not write anything, and clear up `org-persist-directory' to reduce
    891       ;; clutter.
    892       (when (and (file-exists-p org-persist-directory)
    893                  (org-directory-empty-p org-persist-directory))
    894         (delete-directory org-persist-directory))
    895     ;; Write the data.
    896     (let (all-containers)
    897       (dolist (collection org-persist--index)
    898         (if associated
    899             (when collection
    900               (cl-pushnew (plist-get collection :container) all-containers :test #'equal))
    901           (condition-case err
    902               (org-persist-write (plist-get collection :container) (plist-get collection :associated) t)
    903             (error
    904              (message "%s. Deleting bad index entry." err)
    905              (org-persist--remove-from-index collection)
    906              nil))))
    907       (dolist (container all-containers)
    908         (let ((collection (org-persist--find-index `(:container ,container :associated ,associated))))
    909           (when collection
    910             (condition-case err
    911                 (org-persist-write container associated t)
    912               (error
    913                (message "%s. Deleting bad index entry." err)
    914                (org-persist--remove-from-index collection)
    915                nil))))))))
    917 (defun org-persist-write-all-buffer ()
    918   "Call `org-persist-write-all' in current buffer.
    919 Do nothing in an indirect buffer."
    920   (unless (buffer-base-buffer (current-buffer))
    921     (org-persist-write-all (current-buffer))))
    923 (defalias 'org-persist-gc:elisp #'ignore)
    924 (defalias 'org-persist-gc:index #'ignore)
    926 (defun org-persist-gc:file (container collection)
    927   "Garbage collect file CONTAINER in COLLECTION."
    928   (let ((file (org-persist-read container (plist-get collection :associated))))
    929     (when (file-exists-p file)
    930       (delete-file file))))
    932 (defun org-persist-gc:url (container collection)
    933   "Garbage collect url CONTAINER in COLLECTION."
    934   (let ((file (org-persist-read container (plist-get collection :associated))))
    935     (when (file-exists-p file)
    936       (delete-file file))))
    938 (defmacro org-persist--gc-persist-file (persist-file)
    939   "Garbage collect PERSIST-FILE."
    940   `(when (file-exists-p ,persist-file)
    941      (delete-file ,persist-file)
    942      (when (org-directory-empty-p (file-name-directory ,persist-file))
    943        (delete-directory (file-name-directory ,persist-file)))))
    945 (defun org-persist-gc ()
    946   "Remove expired or unregistered containers.
    947 Also, remove containers associated with non-existing files."
    948   (let (new-index (remote-files-num 0))
    949     (dolist (collection org-persist--index)
    950       (let* ((file (plist-get (plist-get collection :associated) :file))
    951              (file-remote (when file (file-remote-p file)))
    952              (persist-file (when (plist-get collection :persist-file)
    953                              (org-file-name-concat
    954                               org-persist-directory
    955                               (plist-get collection :persist-file))))
    956              (expired? (org-persist--gc-expired-p
    957                         (plist-get collection :expiry) collection)))
    958         (when persist-file
    959           (when file
    960             (when file-remote (cl-incf remote-files-num))
    961             (unless (if (not file-remote)
    962                         (file-exists-p file)
    963                       (pcase org-persist-remote-files
    964                         ('t t)
    965                         ('check-existence
    966                          (file-exists-p file))
    967                         ((pred numberp)
    968                          (<= org-persist-remote-files remote-files-num))
    969                         (_ nil)))
    970               (setq expired? t)))
    971           (if expired?
    972               (org-persist--gc-persist-file persist-file)
    973             (push collection new-index)))))
    974     (setq org-persist--index (nreverse new-index))))
    976 (defun org-persist-clear-storage-maybe ()
    977   "Clear `org-persist-directory' according to `org-persist--disable-when-emacs-Q'.
    979 When `org-persist--disable-when-emacs-Q' is non-nil and Emacs is called with -Q
    980 command line argument, `org-persist-directory' is created in potentially public
    981 system temporary directory.  Remove everything upon existing Emacs in
    982 such scenario."
    983   (when (and org-persist--disable-when-emacs-Q
    984              ;; FIXME: This is relying on undocumented fact that
    985              ;; Emacs sets `user-init-file' to nil when loaded with
    986              ;; "-Q" argument.
    987              (not user-init-file)
    988              (file-exists-p org-persist-directory))
    989     (delete-directory org-persist-directory 'recursive)))
    991 ;; Point to temp directory when `org-persist--disable-when-emacs-Q' is set.
    992 (when (and org-persist--disable-when-emacs-Q
    993            ;; FIXME: This is relying on undocumented fact that
    994            ;; Emacs sets `user-init-file' to nil when loaded with
    995            ;; "-Q" argument.
    996            (not user-init-file))
    997   (setq org-persist-directory
    998         (make-temp-file "org-persist-" 'dir)))
   1000 ;; Automatically write the data, but only when we have write access.
   1001 (let ((dir (directory-file-name
   1002             (file-name-as-directory org-persist-directory))))
   1003   (while (and (not (file-exists-p dir))
   1004               (not (equal dir (setq dir (directory-file-name
   1005                                          (file-name-directory dir)))))))
   1006   (if (not (file-writable-p dir))
   1007       (message "Missing write access rights to org-persist-directory: %S"
   1008                org-persist-directory)
   1009     (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'org-persist-clear-storage-maybe) ; Run last.
   1010     (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'org-persist-write-all)
   1011     ;; `org-persist-gc' should run before `org-persist-write-all'.
   1012     ;; So we are adding the hook after `org-persist-write-all'.
   1013     (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'org-persist-gc)))
   1015 (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'org-persist-load-all)
   1017 (provide 'org-persist)
   1019 ;;; org-persist.el ends here