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org-mouse.el (39300B)

      1 ;;; org-mouse.el --- Better mouse support for Org -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Piotr Zielinski <piotr dot zielinski at gmail dot com>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Carsten Dominik <>
      8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     15 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     24 ;;
     25 ;; Org-mouse provides mouse support for org-mode.
     26 ;;
     27 ;;
     28 ;;
     29 ;; Org mouse implements the following features:
     30 ;; * following links with the left mouse button
     31 ;; * subtree expansion/collapse (org-cycle) with the left mouse button
     32 ;; * several context menus on the right mouse button:
     33 ;;    + general text
     34 ;;    + headlines
     35 ;;    + timestamps
     36 ;;    + priorities
     37 ;;    + links
     38 ;;    + tags
     39 ;; * promoting/demoting/moving subtrees with mouse-3
     40 ;;    + if the drag starts and ends in the same line then promote/demote
     41 ;;    + otherwise move the subtree
     42 ;;
     43 ;; Use
     44 ;; ---
     45 ;;
     46 ;; To use this package, put the following line in your .emacs:
     47 ;;
     48 ;;    (require 'org-mouse)
     49 ;;
     51 ;; FIXME:
     52 ;; + deal with folding / unfolding issues
     54 ;; TODO (This list is only theoretical, if you'd like to have some
     55 ;; feature implemented or a bug fix please send me an email, even if
     56 ;; something similar appears in the list below.  This will help me get
     57 ;; the priorities right.):
     58 ;;
     59 ;; + org-store-link, insert link
     60 ;; + org tables
     61 ;; + occur with the current word/tag (same menu item)
     62 ;; + ctrl-c ctrl-c, for example, renumber the current list
     63 ;; + internal links
     65 ;; Please email the maintainer with new feature suggestions / bugs
     67 ;; History:
     68 ;;
     69 ;; Since version 5.10: Changes are listed in the general Org docs.
     70 ;;
     71 ;; Version 5.09;; + Version number synchronization with Org mode.
     72 ;;
     73 ;; Version 0.25
     74 ;; + made compatible with Org 4.70 (thanks to Carsten for the patch)
     75 ;;
     76 ;; Version 0.24
     77 ;; + minor changes to the table menu
     78 ;;
     79 ;; Version 0.23
     80 ;; + preliminary support for tables and calculation marks
     81 ;; + context menu support for org-agenda-undo & org-sort-entries
     82 ;;
     83 ;; Version 0.22
     84 ;; + handles undo support for the agenda buffer (requires Org >=4.58)
     85 ;;
     86 ;; Version 0.21
     87 ;; + selected text activates its context menu
     88 ;; + shift-middleclick or right-drag inserts the text from the clipboard in the form of a link
     89 ;;
     90 ;; Version 0.20
     91 ;; + the new "TODO Status" submenu replaces the "Cycle TODO" menu item
     92 ;; + the TODO menu can now list occurrences of a specific TODO keyword
     93 ;; + #+STARTUP line is now recognized
     94 ;;
     95 ;; Version 0.19
     96 ;; + added support for dragging URLs to the org-buffer
     97 ;;
     98 ;; Version 0.18
     99 ;; + added support for agenda blocks
    100 ;;
    101 ;; Version 0.17
    102 ;; + toggle checkboxes with a single click
    103 ;;
    104 ;; Version 0.16
    105 ;; + added support for checkboxes
    106 ;;
    107 ;; Version 0.15
    108 ;; + Org now works with the Agenda buffer as well
    109 ;;
    110 ;; Version 0.14
    111 ;; + added a menu option that converts plain list items to outline items
    112 ;;
    113 ;; Version 0.13
    114 ;; + "Insert Heading" now inserts a sibling heading if the point is
    115 ;;   on "***" and a child heading otherwise
    116 ;;
    117 ;; Version 0.12
    118 ;; + compatible with Emacs 21
    119 ;; + custom agenda commands added to the main menu
    120 ;; + moving trees should now work between windows in the same frame
    121 ;;
    122 ;; Version 0.11
    123 ;; + fixed org-mouse-at-link (thanks to Carsten)
    124 ;; + removed [follow-link] bindings
    125 ;;
    126 ;; Version 0.10
    127 ;; + added a menu option to remove highlights
    128 ;; + compatible with Org 4.21 now
    129 ;;
    130 ;; Version 0.08:
    131 ;; + trees can be moved/promoted/demoted by dragging with the right
    132 ;;   mouse button (mouse-3)
    133 ;; + small changes in the above function
    134 ;;
    135 ;; Versions 0.01 -- 0.07: (I don't remember)
    137 ;;; Code:
    139 (require 'org-macs)
    140 (org-assert-version)
    142 (require 'org)
    143 (require 'cl-lib)
    145 (defvar org-agenda-allow-remote-undo)
    146 (defvar org-agenda-undo-list)
    147 (defvar org-agenda-custom-commands)
    148 (declare-function org-agenda-change-all-lines "org-agenda"
    149 		  (newhead hdmarker &optional fixface just-this))
    150 (declare-function org-verify-change-for-undo "org-agenda" (l1 l2))
    151 (declare-function org-apply-on-list "org-list" (function init-value &rest args))
    152 (declare-function org-agenda-earlier "org-agenda" (arg))
    153 (declare-function org-agenda-later "org-agenda" (arg))
    155 (defvar org-mouse-main-buffer nil
    156   "Active buffer for mouse operations.")
    157 (defvar org-mouse-plain-list-regexp "\\([ \t]*\\)\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) "
    158   "Regular expression that matches a plain list.")
    159 (defvar org-mouse-direct t
    160   "Internal variable indicating whether the current action is direct.
    162 If t, then the current action has been invoked directly through the buffer
    163 it is intended to operate on.  If nil, then the action has been invoked
    164 indirectly, for example, through the agenda buffer.")
    166 (defgroup org-mouse nil
    167   "Mouse support for `org-mode'."
    168   :tag "Org Mouse"
    169   :group 'org)
    171 (defcustom org-mouse-punctuation ":"
    172   "Punctuation used when inserting text by drag and drop."
    173   :type 'string)
    175 (defcustom org-mouse-features
    176   '(context-menu yank-link activate-stars activate-bullets activate-checkboxes)
    177   "The features of org-mouse that should be activated.
    178 Changing this variable requires a restart of Emacs to get activated."
    179   :type '(set :greedy t
    180 	      (const :tag "Mouse-3 shows context menu" context-menu)
    181 	      (const :tag "C-mouse-1 and mouse-3 move trees" move-tree)
    182 	      (const :tag "S-mouse-2 and drag-mouse-3 yank link" yank-link)
    183 	      (const :tag "Activate headline stars" activate-stars)
    184 	      (const :tag "Activate item bullets" activate-bullets)
    185 	      (const :tag "Activate checkboxes" activate-checkboxes)))
    187 (defun org-mouse-re-search-line (regexp)
    188   "Search the current line for a given regular expression."
    189   (beginning-of-line)
    190   (re-search-forward regexp (line-end-position) t))
    192 (defun org-mouse-end-headline ()
    193   "Go to the end of current headline (ignoring tags)."
    194   (interactive)
    195   (end-of-line)
    196   (skip-chars-backward "\t ")
    197   (when (looking-back ":[A-Za-z]+:" (line-beginning-position))
    198     (skip-chars-backward ":A-Za-z")
    199     (skip-chars-backward "\t ")))
    201 (defvar-local org-mouse-context-menu-function nil
    202   "Function to create the context menu.
    203 The value of this variable is the function invoked by
    204 `org-mouse-context-menu' as the context menu.")
    206 (defun org-mouse-show-context-menu (event prefix)
    207   "Invoke the context menu.
    209 If the value of `org-mouse-context-menu-function' is a function, then
    210 this function is called.  Otherwise, the current major mode menu is used."
    211   (interactive "@e \nP")
    212   (if (and (= (event-click-count event) 1)
    213 	   (or (not mark-active)
    214                (sit-for
    215                 (/ (if (fboundp 'mouse-double-click-time) ; Emacs >= 29
    216                        (mouse-double-click-time)
    217                      double-click-time)
    218                    1000.0))))
    219       (progn
    220 	(select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
    221 	(when (not (org-mouse-mark-active))
    222 	  (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event)))
    223 	  (when (not (eolp)) (save-excursion (run-hooks 'post-command-hook)))
    224 	  (sit-for 0))
    225 	(if (functionp org-mouse-context-menu-function)
    226 	    (funcall org-mouse-context-menu-function event)
    227           (popup-menu (mouse-menu-major-mode-map) event prefix)))
    228     (setq this-command 'mouse-save-then-kill)
    229     (mouse-save-then-kill event)))
    231 (defun org-mouse-line-position ()
    232   "Return `:beginning' or `:middle' or `:end', depending on the point position.
    234 If the point is at the end of the line, return `:end'.
    235 If the point is separated from the beginning of the line only by white
    236 space and *'s (`org-mouse-bolp'), return `:beginning'.  Otherwise,
    237 return `:middle'."
    238   (cond
    239    ((eolp) :end)
    240    ((org-mouse-bolp) :beginning)
    241    (t :middle)))
    243 (defun org-mouse-empty-line ()
    244   "Return non-nil iff the line contains only white space."
    245   (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
    247 (defun org-mouse-next-heading ()
    248   "Go to the next heading.
    249 If there is none, ensure that the point is at the beginning of an empty line."
    250   (unless (outline-next-heading)
    251     (beginning-of-line)
    252     (unless (org-mouse-empty-line)
    253       (end-of-line)
    254       (newline))))
    256 (defun org-mouse-insert-heading ()
    257   "Insert a new heading, as `org-insert-heading'.
    259 If the point is at the :beginning (`org-mouse-line-position') of the line,
    260 insert the new heading before the current line.  Otherwise, insert it
    261 after the current heading."
    262   (interactive)
    263   (cl-case (org-mouse-line-position)
    264     (:beginning (beginning-of-line)
    265 		(org-insert-heading))
    266     (t (org-mouse-next-heading)
    267        (org-insert-heading))))
    269 (defun org-mouse-timestamp-today (&optional shift units)
    270   "Change the timestamp into SHIFT UNITS in the future.
    272 For the acceptable UNITS, see `org-timestamp-change'."
    273   (interactive)
    274   (org-time-stamp nil)
    275   (when shift (org-timestamp-change shift units)))
    277 (defun org-mouse-keyword-menu (keywords function &optional selected itemformat)
    278   "A helper function.
    280 Returns a menu fragment consisting of KEYWORDS.  When a keyword
    281 is selected by the user, FUNCTION is called with the selected
    282 keyword as the only argument.
    284 If SELECTED is nil, then all items are normal menu items.  If
    285 SELECTED is a function, then each item is a checkbox, which is
    286 enabled for a given keyword iff (funcall SELECTED keyword) return
    287 non-nil.  If SELECTED is neither nil nor a function, then the
    288 items are radio buttons.  A radio button is enabled for the
    289 keyword `equal' to SELECTED.
    291 ITEMFORMAT governs formatting of the elements of KEYWORDS.  If it
    292 is a function, it is invoked with the keyword as the only
    293 argument.  If it is a string, it is interpreted as the format
    294 string to (format ITEMFORMAT keyword).  If it is neither a string
    295 nor a function, elements of KEYWORDS are used directly."
    296   (mapcar
    297    (lambda (keyword)
    298      (vector (cond
    299 	      ((functionp itemformat) (funcall itemformat keyword))
    300 	      ((stringp itemformat) (format itemformat keyword))
    301 	      (t keyword))
    302 	     `(funcall #',function ,keyword)
    303 	     :style (cond
    304 		     ((null selected) t)
    305 		     ((functionp selected) 'toggle)
    306 		     (t 'radio))
    307 	     :selected (if (functionp selected)
    308 			   (and (funcall selected keyword) t)
    309 			 (equal selected keyword))))
    310    keywords))
    312 (defun org-mouse-remove-match-and-spaces ()
    313   "Remove the match, make just one space around the point."
    314   (interactive)
    315   (replace-match "")
    316   (just-one-space))
    318 (defvar org-mouse-rest)
    319 (defun org-mouse-replace-match-and-surround
    320     (_newtext &optional _fixedcase _literal _string subexp)
    321   "The same as `replace-match', but surrounds the replacement with spaces."
    322   (apply #'replace-match org-mouse-rest)
    323   (save-excursion
    324     (goto-char (match-beginning (or subexp 0)))
    325     (just-one-space)
    326     (goto-char (match-end (or subexp 0)))
    327     (just-one-space)))
    329 (defun org-mouse-keyword-replace-menu (keywords &optional group itemformat
    330 						nosurround)
    331   "A helper function.
    333 Returns a menu fragment consisting of KEYWORDS.  When a keyword
    334 is selected, group GROUP of the current match is replaced by the
    335 keyword.  The method ensures that both ends of the replacement
    336 are separated from the rest of the text in the buffer by
    337 individual spaces (unless NOSURROUND is non-nil).
    339 The final entry of the menu is always \"None\", which removes the
    340 match.
    342 ITEMFORMAT governs formatting of the elements of KEYWORDS.  If it
    343 is a function, it is invoked with the keyword as the only
    344 argument.  If it is a string, it is interpreted as the format
    345 string to (format ITEMFORMAT keyword).  If it is neither a string
    346 nor a function, elements of KEYWORDS are used directly."
    347   (setq group (or group 0))
    348   (let ((replace (org-mouse-match-closure
    349 		  (if nosurround #'replace-match
    350 		    #'org-mouse-replace-match-and-surround))))
    351     (append
    352      (org-mouse-keyword-menu
    353       keywords
    354       (lambda (keyword) (funcall replace keyword t t nil group))
    355       (match-string group)
    356       itemformat)
    357      `(["None" org-mouse-remove-match-and-spaces
    358 	:style radio
    359 	:selected ,(not (member (match-string group) keywords))]))))
    361 (defun org-mouse-show-headlines ()
    362   "Change the visibility of the current org buffer to only show headlines."
    363   (interactive)
    364   (let ((this-command 'org-cycle)
    365 	(last-command 'org-cycle)
    366 	(org-cycle-global-status nil))
    367     (org-cycle '(4))
    368     (org-cycle '(4))))
    370 (defun org-mouse-show-overview ()
    371   "Change visibility of current org buffer to first-level headlines only."
    372   (interactive)
    373   (let ((org-cycle-global-status nil))
    374     (org-cycle '(4))))
    376 (defun org-mouse-set-priority (priority)
    377   "Set the priority of the current headline to PRIORITY."
    378   (org-priority priority))
    380 (defvar org-mouse-priority-regexp "\\[#\\([A-Z]\\)\\]"
    381   "Regular expression matching the priority indicator.
    382 Differs from `org-priority-regexp' in that it doesn't contain the
    383 leading `.*?'.")
    385 (defun org-mouse-get-priority (&optional default)
    386   "Return the priority of the current headline.
    387 DEFAULT is returned if no priority is given in the headline."
    388   (save-excursion
    389     (if (org-mouse-re-search-line org-mouse-priority-regexp)
    390 	(match-string 1)
    391       (when default (char-to-string org-priority-default)))))
    393 (defun org-mouse-delete-timestamp ()
    394   "Deletes the current timestamp as well as the preceding keyword.
    396   (when (or (org-at-date-range-p) (org-at-timestamp-p 'lax))
    397     (replace-match "")			;delete the timestamp
    398     (skip-chars-backward " :A-Z")
    399     (when (looking-at " *[A-Z][A-Z]+:")
    400       (replace-match ""))))
    402 (defun org-mouse-looking-at (regexp skipchars &optional movechars)
    403   (save-excursion
    404     (let ((point (point)))
    405       (if (looking-at regexp) t
    406 	(skip-chars-backward skipchars)
    407 	(forward-char (or movechars 0))
    408 	(when (looking-at regexp)
    409 	  (> (match-end 0) point))))))
    411 (defun org-mouse-priority-list ()
    412   (cl-loop for priority from ?A to org-priority-lowest
    413 	   collect (char-to-string priority)))
    415 (defun org-mouse-todo-menu (state)
    416   "Create the menu with TODO keywords."
    417   (append
    418    (let ((kwds org-todo-keywords-1))
    419      (org-mouse-keyword-menu
    420       kwds
    421       #'org-todo
    422       (lambda (kwd) (equal state kwd))))))
    424 (defun org-mouse-tag-menu ()		;todo
    425   "Create the tags menu."
    426   (append
    427    (let ((tags (org-get-tags nil t)))
    428      (org-mouse-keyword-menu
    429       (sort (mapcar #'car (org-get-buffer-tags)) #'string-lessp)
    430       (lambda (tag)
    431 	(org-mouse-set-tags
    432 	 (sort (if (member tag tags)
    433 		   (delete tag tags)
    434 		 (cons tag tags))
    435 	       #'string-lessp)))
    436       (lambda (tag) (member tag tags))
    437       ))
    438    '("--"
    439      ["Align Tags Here" (org-align-tags) t]
    440      ["Align Tags in Buffer" (org-align-tags t) t]
    441      ["Set Tags ..." (org-set-tags-command) t])))
    443 (defun org-mouse-set-tags (tags)
    444   (org-set-tags tags))
    446 (defun org-mouse-insert-checkbox ()
    447   (interactive)
    448   (and (org-at-item-p)
    449        (goto-char (match-end 0))
    450        (unless (org-at-item-checkbox-p)
    451 	 (delete-horizontal-space)
    452 	 (insert " [ ] "))))
    454 (defun org-mouse-agenda-type (type)
    455   (pcase type
    456     (`tags "Tags: ")
    457     (`todo "TODO: ")
    458     (`tags-tree "Tags tree: ")
    459     (`todo-tree "TODO tree: ")
    460     (`occur-tree "Occur tree: ")
    461     (_ "Agenda command ???")))
    463 (defun org-mouse-list-options-menu (alloptions &optional function)
    464   (let ((options (save-match-data
    465 		   (split-string (match-string-no-properties 1)))))
    466     (print options)
    467     (cl-loop for name in alloptions
    468 	     collect
    469 	     (vector name
    470 		     `(progn
    471 			(replace-match
    472 			 (mapconcat 'identity
    473 				    (sort (if (member ',name ',options)
    474 					      (delete ',name ',options)
    475 					    (cons ',name ',options))
    476 					  'string-lessp)
    477 				    " ")
    478 			 nil nil nil 1)
    479 			(when (functionp ',function) (funcall ',function)))
    480 		     :style 'toggle
    481 		     :selected (and (member name options) t)))))
    483 (defun org-mouse-clip-text (text maxlength)
    484   (if (> (length text) maxlength)
    485       (concat (substring text 0 (- maxlength 3)) "...")
    486     text))
    488 (defun org-mouse-popup-global-menu ()
    489   (popup-menu
    490    `("Main Menu"
    491      ["Show Overview" org-mouse-show-overview t]
    492      ["Show Headlines" org-mouse-show-headlines t]
    493      ["Show All" org-show-all t]
    494      ["Remove Highlights" org-remove-occur-highlights
    495       :visible org-occur-highlights]
    496      "--"
    497      ["Check Deadlines"
    498       (if (functionp 'org-check-deadlines-and-todos)
    499 	  (org-check-deadlines-and-todos org-deadline-warning-days)
    500 	(org-check-deadlines org-deadline-warning-days))
    501       t]
    502      ["Check TODOs" org-show-todo-tree t]
    503      ("Check Tags"
    504       ,@(org-mouse-keyword-menu
    505 	 (sort (mapcar #'car (org-get-buffer-tags)) #'string-lessp)
    506          (lambda (tag) (org-tags-sparse-tree nil tag)))
    507       "--"
    508       ["Custom Tag ..." org-tags-sparse-tree t])
    509      ["Check Phrase ..." org-occur]
    510      "--"
    511      ["Display Agenda" org-agenda-list t]
    512      ["Display TODO List" org-todo-list t]
    513      ("Display Tags"
    514       ,@(org-mouse-keyword-menu
    515 	 (sort (mapcar #'car (org-get-buffer-tags)) #'string-lessp)
    516          (lambda (tag) (org-tags-view nil tag)))
    517       "--"
    518       ["Custom Tag ..." org-tags-view t])
    519      ["Display Calendar" org-goto-calendar t]
    520      "--"
    521      ,@(org-mouse-keyword-menu
    522 	(mapcar #'car org-agenda-custom-commands)
    523         (lambda (key)
    524 	  (org-agenda nil (string-to-char key)))
    525 	nil
    526         (lambda (key)
    527           (let ((entry (assoc key org-agenda-custom-commands)))
    528             (org-mouse-clip-text
    529              (cond
    530               ((stringp (nth 1 entry)) (nth 1 entry))
    531               ((stringp (nth 2 entry))
    532                (concat (org-mouse-agenda-type (nth 1 entry))
    533                        (nth 2 entry)))
    534               (t "Agenda Command `%s'"))
    535              30))))
    536      "--"
    537      ["Delete Blank Lines" delete-blank-lines
    538       :visible (org-mouse-empty-line)]
    539      ["Insert Checkbox" org-mouse-insert-checkbox
    540       :visible (and (org-at-item-p) (not (org-at-item-checkbox-p)))]
    541      ["Insert Checkboxes"
    542       (org-mouse-for-each-item 'org-mouse-insert-checkbox)
    543       :visible (and (org-at-item-p) (not (org-at-item-checkbox-p)))]
    544      ["Plain List to Outline" org-mouse-transform-to-outline
    545       :visible (org-at-item-p)])))
    547 (defun org-mouse-get-context (contextlist context)
    548   (let ((contextdata (assq context contextlist)))
    549     (when contextdata
    550       (save-excursion
    551 	(goto-char (nth 1 contextdata))
    552 	(re-search-forward ".*" (nth 2 contextdata))))))
    554 (defun org-mouse-for-each-item (funct)
    555   ;; Functions called by `org-apply-on-list' need an argument.
    556   (let ((wrap-fun (lambda (_) (funcall funct))))
    557     (when (ignore-errors (goto-char (org-in-item-p)))
    558       (save-excursion (org-apply-on-list wrap-fun nil)))))
    560 (defun org-mouse-bolp ()
    561   "Return true if there only spaces, tabs, and `*' before point.
    562 This means, between the beginning of line and the point."
    563   (save-excursion
    564     (skip-chars-backward " \t*") (bolp)))
    566 (defun org-mouse-insert-item (text)
    567   (cl-case (org-mouse-line-position)
    568     (:beginning				; insert before
    569      (beginning-of-line)
    570      (looking-at "[ \t]*")
    571      (open-line 1)
    572      (indent-to-column (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)))
    573      (insert "+ "))
    574     (:middle				; insert after
    575      (end-of-line)
    576      (newline t)
    577      (indent-relative)
    578      (insert "+ "))
    579     (:end				; insert text here
    580      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
    581      (kill-region (point) (line-end-position))
    582      (unless (looking-back org-mouse-punctuation (line-beginning-position))
    583        (insert (concat org-mouse-punctuation " ")))))
    584   (insert text)
    585   (beginning-of-line))
    587 (advice-add 'dnd-insert-text :around #'org--mouse-dnd-insert-text)
    588 (defun org--mouse-dnd-insert-text (orig-fun window action text &rest args)
    589   (if (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    590       (org-mouse-insert-item text)
    591     (apply orig-fun window action text args)))
    593 (advice-add 'dnd-open-file :around #'org--mouse-dnd-open-file)
    594 (defun org--mouse-dnd-open-file (orig-fun uri &rest args)
    595   (if (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    596       (org-mouse-insert-item uri)
    597     (apply orig-fun uri args)))
    599 (defun org-mouse-match-closure (function)
    600   (let ((match (match-data t)))
    601     (lambda (&rest rest)
    602       (save-match-data
    603 	(set-match-data match)
    604 	(apply function rest)))))
    606 (defun org-mouse-yank-link (click)
    607   (interactive "e")
    608   ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
    609   (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
    610   (mouse-set-point click)
    611   (setq mouse-selection-click-count 0)
    612   (delete-horizontal-space)
    613   (insert-for-yank (concat " [[" (current-kill 0) "]] ")))
    615 (defun org-mouse-context-menu (&optional event)
    616   (let* ((stamp-prefixes (list org-deadline-string org-scheduled-string))
    617 	 (contextlist (org-context))
    618 	 (get-context (lambda (context) (org-mouse-get-context contextlist context))))
    619     (cond
    620      ((org-mouse-mark-active)
    621       (let ((region-string (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))))
    622 	(popup-menu
    623 	 `(nil
    624 	   ["Sparse Tree" (org-occur ',region-string)]
    625 	   ["Find in Buffer" (occur ',region-string)]
    626 	   ["Grep in Current Dir"
    627 	    (grep (format "grep -rnH -e '%s' *" ',region-string))]
    628 	   ["Grep in Parent Dir"
    629 	    (grep (format "grep -rnH -e '%s' ../*" ',region-string))]
    630 	   "--"
    631 	   ["Convert to Link"
    632 	    (progn (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning)) (insert "[["))
    633 		   (save-excursion (goto-char (region-end)) (insert "]]")))]
    634 	   ["Insert Link Here" (org-mouse-yank-link ',event)]))))
    635      ((save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[ \t]*#\\+STARTUP: \\(.*\\)"))
    636       (popup-menu
    637        `(nil
    638 	 ,@(org-mouse-list-options-menu (mapcar #'car org-startup-options)
    639 					'org-mode-restart))))
    640      ((or (eolp)
    641 	  (and (looking-at "\\(  \\|\t\\)\\(\\+:[0-9a-zA-Z_:]+\\)?\\(  \\|\t\\)+$")
    642 	       (looking-back "  \\|\t" (- (point) 2)
    643 			     (line-beginning-position))))
    644       (org-mouse-popup-global-menu))
    645      ((funcall get-context :checkbox)
    646       (popup-menu
    647        '(nil
    648 	 ["Toggle" org-toggle-checkbox t]
    649 	 ["Remove" org-mouse-remove-match-and-spaces t]
    650 	 ""
    651 	 ["All Clear" (org-mouse-for-each-item
    652 		       (lambda ()
    653 			 (when (save-excursion (org-at-item-checkbox-p))
    654 			   (replace-match "[ ] "))))]
    655 	 ["All Set" (org-mouse-for-each-item
    656 		     (lambda ()
    657 		       (when (save-excursion (org-at-item-checkbox-p))
    658 			 (replace-match "[X] "))))]
    659 	 ["All Toggle" (org-mouse-for-each-item 'org-toggle-checkbox) t]
    660 	 ["All Remove" (org-mouse-for-each-item
    661 			(lambda ()
    662 			  (when (save-excursion (org-at-item-checkbox-p))
    663 			    (org-mouse-remove-match-and-spaces))))]
    664 	 )))
    665      ((and (org-mouse-looking-at "\\b\\w+" "a-zA-Z0-9_")
    666 	   (member (match-string 0) org-todo-keywords-1))
    667       (popup-menu
    668        `(nil
    669 	 ,@(org-mouse-todo-menu (match-string 0))
    670 	 "--"
    671 	 ["Check TODOs" org-show-todo-tree t]
    672 	 ["List all TODO keywords" org-todo-list t]
    673 	 [,(format "List only %s" (match-string 0))
    674 	  (org-todo-list (match-string 0)) t]
    675 	 )))
    676      ((and (org-mouse-looking-at "\\b[A-Z]+:" "A-Z")
    677 	   (member (match-string 0) stamp-prefixes))
    678       (popup-menu
    679        `(nil
    680 	 ,@(org-mouse-keyword-replace-menu stamp-prefixes)
    681 	 "--"
    682 	 ["Check Deadlines" org-check-deadlines t]
    683 	 )))
    684      ((org-mouse-looking-at org-mouse-priority-regexp "[]A-Z#") ; priority
    685       (popup-menu `(nil ,@(org-mouse-keyword-replace-menu
    686 			   (org-mouse-priority-list) 1 "Priority %s" t))))
    687      ((funcall get-context :link)
    688       (popup-menu
    689        '(nil
    690 	 ["Open" org-open-at-point t]
    691 	 ["Open in Emacs" (org-open-at-point t) t]
    692 	 "--"
    693 	 ["Copy link" (org-kill-new (match-string 0))]
    694 	 ["Cut link"
    695 	  (progn
    696 	    (kill-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
    697 	    (just-one-space))]
    698 	 "--"
    699 	 ["Grep for TODOs"
    700 	  (grep (format "grep -nH -i 'todo\\|fixme' %s*" (match-string 2)))]
    701 					;       ["Paste file link" ((insert "file:") (yank))]
    702 	 )))
    703      ((org-mouse-looking-at ":\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\):" "A-Za-z0-9_" -1) ;tags
    704       (popup-menu
    705        `(nil
    706 	 [,(format-message "Display `%s'" (match-string 1))
    707 	  (org-tags-view nil ,(match-string 1))]
    708 	 [,(format-message "Sparse Tree `%s'" (match-string 1))
    709 	  (org-tags-sparse-tree nil ,(match-string 1))]
    710 	 "--"
    711 	 ,@(org-mouse-tag-menu))))
    712      ((org-at-timestamp-p 'lax)
    713       (popup-menu
    714        '(nil
    715 	 ["Show Day" org-open-at-point t]
    716 	 ["Change Timestamp" org-time-stamp t]
    717 	 ["Delete Timestamp" (org-mouse-delete-timestamp) t]
    718 	 ["Compute Time Range" org-evaluate-time-range (org-at-date-range-p)]
    719 	 "--"
    720 	 ["Set for Today" org-mouse-timestamp-today]
    721 	 ["Set for Tomorrow" (org-mouse-timestamp-today 1 'day)]
    722 	 ["Set in 1 Week" (org-mouse-timestamp-today 7 'day)]
    723 	 ["Set in 2 Weeks" (org-mouse-timestamp-today 14 'day)]
    724 	 ["Set in a Month" (org-mouse-timestamp-today 1 'month)]
    725 	 "--"
    726 	 ["+ 1 Day" (org-timestamp-change 1 'day)]
    727 	 ["+ 1 Week" (org-timestamp-change 7 'day)]
    728 	 ["+ 1 Month" (org-timestamp-change 1 'month)]
    729 	 "--"
    730 	 ["- 1 Day" (org-timestamp-change -1 'day)]
    731 	 ["- 1 Week" (org-timestamp-change -7 'day)]
    732 	 ["- 1 Month" (org-timestamp-change -1 'month)])))
    733      ((funcall get-context :table-special)
    734       (let ((mdata (match-data)))
    735 	(cl-incf (car mdata) 2)
    736 	(store-match-data mdata))
    737       (message "match: %S" (match-string 0))
    738       (popup-menu `(nil ,@(org-mouse-keyword-replace-menu
    739 			   '(" " "!" "^" "_" "$" "#" "*" "'") 0
    740 			   (lambda (mark)
    741 			     (cl-case (string-to-char mark)
    742 			       (?  "( ) Nothing Special")
    743 			       (?! "(!) Column Names")
    744 			       (?^ "(^) Field Names Above")
    745 			       (?_ "(^) Field Names Below")
    746 			       (?$ "($) Formula Parameters")
    747 			       (?# "(#) Recalculation: Auto")
    748 			       (?* "(*) Recalculation: Manual")
    749 			       (?' "(') Recalculation: None")))
    750 			   t))))
    751      ((assq :table contextlist)
    752       (popup-menu
    753        '(nil
    754 	 ["Align Table" org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c]
    755 	 ["Blank Field" org-table-blank-field]
    756 	 ["Edit Field" org-table-edit-field]
    757 	 "--"
    758 	 ("Column"
    759 	  ["Move Column Left" org-metaleft]
    760 	  ["Move Column Right" org-metaright]
    761 	  ["Delete Column" org-shiftmetaleft]
    762 	  ["Insert Column" org-shiftmetaright]
    763 	  "--"
    764 	  ["Enable Narrowing" (setq org-table-limit-column-width (not org-table-limit-column-width)) :selected org-table-limit-column-width :style toggle])
    765 	 ("Row"
    766 	  ["Move Row Up" org-metaup]
    767 	  ["Move Row Down" org-metadown]
    768 	  ["Delete Row" org-shiftmetaup]
    769 	  ["Insert Row" org-shiftmetadown]
    770 	  ["Sort lines in region" org-table-sort-lines (org-at-table-p)]
    771 	  "--"
    772 	  ["Insert Hline" org-table-insert-hline])
    773 	 ("Rectangle"
    774 	  ["Copy Rectangle" org-copy-special]
    775 	  ["Cut Rectangle" org-cut-special]
    776 	  ["Paste Rectangle" org-paste-special]
    777 	  ["Fill Rectangle" org-table-wrap-region])
    778 	 "--"
    779 	 ["Set Column Formula" org-table-eval-formula]
    780 	 ["Set Field Formula" (org-table-eval-formula '(4))]
    781 	 ["Edit Formulas" org-table-edit-formulas]
    782 	 "--"
    783 	 ["Recalculate Line" org-table-recalculate]
    784 	 ["Recalculate All" (org-table-recalculate '(4))]
    785 	 ["Iterate All" (org-table-recalculate '(16))]
    786 	 "--"
    787 	 ["Toggle Recalculate Mark" org-table-rotate-recalc-marks]
    788 	 ["Sum Column/Rectangle" org-table-sum
    789 	  :active (or (org-at-table-p) (org-region-active-p))]
    790 	 ["Field Info" org-table-field-info]
    791 	 ["Debug Formulas"
    792 	  (setq org-table-formula-debug (not org-table-formula-debug))
    793 	  :style toggle :selected org-table-formula-debug]
    794 	 )))
    795      ((and (assq :headline contextlist) (not (eolp)))
    796       (let ((priority (org-mouse-get-priority t)))
    797 	(popup-menu
    798 	 `("Headline Menu"
    799 	   ("Tags and Priorities"
    800 	    ,@(org-mouse-keyword-menu
    801 	       (org-mouse-priority-list)
    802                (lambda (keyword)
    803                  (org-mouse-set-priority (string-to-char keyword)))
    804 	       priority "Priority %s")
    805 	    "--"
    806 	    ,@(org-mouse-tag-menu))
    807 	   ("TODO Status"
    808 	    ,@(org-mouse-todo-menu (org-get-todo-state)))
    809 	   ["Show Tags"
    810 	    (with-current-buffer org-mouse-main-buffer (org-agenda-show-tags))
    811 	    :visible (not org-mouse-direct)]
    812 	   ["Show Priority"
    813 	    (with-current-buffer org-mouse-main-buffer (org-agenda-show-priority))
    814 	    :visible (not org-mouse-direct)]
    815 	   ,@(if org-mouse-direct '("--") nil)
    816 	   ["New Heading" org-mouse-insert-heading :visible org-mouse-direct]
    817 	   ["Set Deadline"
    818 	    (progn (org-mouse-end-headline) (insert " ") (org-deadline))
    819 	    :active (not (save-excursion
    820 			   (org-mouse-re-search-line org-deadline-regexp)))]
    821 	   ["Schedule Task"
    822 	    (progn (org-mouse-end-headline) (insert " ") (org-schedule))
    823 	    :active (not (save-excursion
    824 			   (org-mouse-re-search-line org-scheduled-regexp)))]
    825 	   ["Insert Timestamp"
    826 	    (progn (org-mouse-end-headline) (insert " ") (org-time-stamp nil)) t]
    827 					;	 ["Timestamp (inactive)" org-time-stamp-inactive t]
    828 	   "--"
    829 	   ["Archive Subtree" org-archive-subtree]
    830 	   ["Cut Subtree"  org-cut-special]
    831 	   ["Copy Subtree"  org-copy-special]
    832 	   ["Paste Subtree"  org-paste-special :visible org-mouse-direct]
    833 	   ("Sort Children"
    834 	    ["Alphabetically" (org-sort-entries nil ?a)]
    835 	    ["Numerically" (org-sort-entries nil ?n)]
    836 	    ["By Time/Date" (org-sort-entries nil ?t)]
    837 	    "--"
    838 	    ["Reverse Alphabetically" (org-sort-entries nil ?A)]
    839 	    ["Reverse Numerically" (org-sort-entries nil ?N)]
    840 	    ["Reverse By Time/Date" (org-sort-entries nil ?T)])
    841 	   "--"
    842 	   ["Move Trees" org-mouse-move-tree :active nil]
    843 	   ))))
    844      (t
    845       (org-mouse-popup-global-menu)))))
    847 (defun org-mouse-mark-active ()
    848   (and mark-active transient-mark-mode))
    850 (defun org-mouse-in-region-p (pos)
    851   (and (org-mouse-mark-active)
    852        (>= pos (region-beginning))
    853        (<  pos (region-end))))
    855 (defun org-mouse-down-mouse (event)
    856   (interactive "e")
    857   (setq this-command last-command)
    858   (unless (and (= 1 (event-click-count event))
    859 	       (org-mouse-in-region-p (posn-point (event-start event))))
    860     (mouse-drag-region event)))
    862 (add-hook 'org-mode-hook
    863           (lambda ()
    864             (setq org-mouse-context-menu-function #'org-mouse-context-menu)
    866             (when (memq 'context-menu org-mouse-features)
    867               (org-defkey org-mouse-map [mouse-3] nil)
    868               (org-defkey org-mode-map [mouse-3] #'org-mouse-show-context-menu))
    869             (org-defkey org-mode-map [down-mouse-1] #'org-mouse-down-mouse)
    870             (when (memq 'context-menu org-mouse-features)
    871               (org-defkey org-mouse-map [C-drag-mouse-1] #'org-mouse-move-tree)
    872               (org-defkey org-mouse-map [C-down-mouse-1] #'org-mouse-move-tree-start))
    873             (when (memq 'yank-link org-mouse-features)
    874               (org-defkey org-mode-map [S-mouse-2] #'org-mouse-yank-link)
    875               (org-defkey org-mode-map [drag-mouse-3] #'org-mouse-yank-link))
    876             (when (memq 'move-tree org-mouse-features)
    877               (org-defkey org-mouse-map [drag-mouse-3] #'org-mouse-move-tree)
    878               (org-defkey org-mouse-map [down-mouse-3] #'org-mouse-move-tree-start))
    880             (when (memq 'activate-stars org-mouse-features)
    881               (font-lock-add-keywords
    882                nil
    883                `((,org-outline-regexp
    884                   0 `(face org-link mouse-face highlight keymap ,org-mouse-map)
    885                   'prepend))
    886                t))
    888             (when (memq 'activate-bullets org-mouse-features)
    889               (font-lock-add-keywords
    890                nil
    891                `(("^[ \t]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) +"
    892                   (1 `(face org-link keymap ,org-mouse-map mouse-face highlight)
    893                      'prepend)))
    894                t))
    896             (when (memq 'activate-checkboxes org-mouse-features)
    897               (font-lock-add-keywords
    898                nil
    899                `(("^[ \t]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\)[ \t]+\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?[0-9]+\\][ \t]*\\)?\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)"
    900                   (1 `(face nil keymap ,org-mouse-map mouse-face highlight) prepend)))
    901                t))
    903             (advice-add 'org-open-at-point :around #'org--mouse-open-at-point)))
    905 (defun org--mouse-open-at-point (orig-fun &rest args)
    906   (let ((context (org-context)))
    907     (cond
    908      ((assq :headline-stars context) (org-cycle))
    909      ((assq :checkbox context) (org-toggle-checkbox))
    910      ((assq :item-bullet context)
    911       (let ((org-cycle-include-plain-lists t)) (org-cycle)))
    912      ((org-footnote-at-reference-p) nil)
    913      (t (apply orig-fun args)))))
    915 (defun org-mouse-move-tree-start (_event)
    916   (interactive "e")
    917   (message "Same line: promote/demote, (***):move before, (text): make a child"))
    920 (defun org-mouse-make-marker (position)
    921   (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window position))
    922     (copy-marker (posn-point position))))
    924 (defun org-mouse-move-tree (event)
    925   ;; todo: handle movements between different buffers
    926   (interactive "e")
    927   (save-excursion
    928     (let* ((start (org-mouse-make-marker (event-start event)))
    929 	   (end (org-mouse-make-marker (event-end event)))
    930 	   (sbuf (marker-buffer start))
    931 	   (ebuf (marker-buffer end)))
    933       (when (and sbuf ebuf)
    934 	(set-buffer sbuf)
    935 	(goto-char start)
    936 	(org-back-to-heading)
    937 	(if (and (eq sbuf ebuf)
    938 		 (equal
    939 		  (point)
    940 		  (save-excursion (goto-char end) (org-back-to-heading) (point))))
    941 	    ;; if the same line then promote/demote
    942 	    (if (>= end start) (org-demote-subtree) (org-promote-subtree))
    943 	  ;; if different lines then move
    944 	  (org-cut-subtree)
    946 	  (set-buffer ebuf)
    947 	  (goto-char end)
    948 	  (org-back-to-heading)
    949 	  (when  (and (eq sbuf ebuf)
    950 		      (equal
    951 		       (point)
    952 		       (save-excursion (goto-char start)
    953 				       (org-back-to-heading) (point))))
    954 	    (progn (org-end-of-subtree nil t)
    955 		   (unless (eobp) (backward-char)))
    956 	    (end-of-line)
    957 	    (if (eobp) (newline) (forward-char)))
    959 	  (when (looking-at org-outline-regexp)
    960 	    (let ((level (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0))))
    961 	      (when (> end (match-end 0))
    962 		(progn (org-end-of-subtree nil t)
    963 		       (unless (eobp) (backward-char)))
    964 		(end-of-line)
    965 		(if (eobp) (newline) (forward-char))
    966 		(setq level (1+ level)))
    967 	      (org-paste-subtree level)
    968 	      (save-excursion
    969 		(progn (org-end-of-subtree nil t)
    970 		       (unless (eobp) (backward-char)))
    971 		(when (bolp) (delete-char -1))))))))))
    974 (defun org-mouse-transform-to-outline ()
    975   (interactive)
    976   (org-back-to-heading)
    977   (let ((minlevel 1000)
    978 	(replace-text (concat (match-string 0) "* ")))
    979     (beginning-of-line 2)
    980     (save-excursion
    981       (while (not (or (eobp) (looking-at org-outline-regexp)))
    982 	(when (looking-at org-mouse-plain-list-regexp)
    983 	  (setq minlevel (min minlevel (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)))))
    984 	(forward-line)))
    985     (while (not (or (eobp) (looking-at org-outline-regexp)))
    986       (when (and (looking-at org-mouse-plain-list-regexp)
    987 		 (eq minlevel (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))))
    988 	(replace-match replace-text))
    989       (forward-line))))
    991 (defvar org-mouse-cmd) ;dynamically scoped from `org-with-remote-undo'.
    993 (defun org-mouse-do-remotely (command)
    994   ;;  (org-agenda-check-no-diary)
    995   (when (get-text-property (point) 'org-marker)
    996     (let* ((anticol (- (line-end-position) (point)))
    997 	   (marker (get-text-property (point) 'org-marker))
    998 	   (buffer (marker-buffer marker))
    999 	   (pos (marker-position marker))
   1000 	   (hdmarker (get-text-property (point) 'org-hd-marker))
   1001 	   (buffer-read-only nil)
   1002 	   (newhead "--- removed ---")
   1003 	   (org-mouse-direct nil)
   1004 	   (org-mouse-main-buffer (current-buffer)))
   1005       (when (eq (with-current-buffer buffer major-mode) 'org-mode)
   1006 	(let ((endmarker (with-current-buffer buffer
   1007 			   (org-end-of-subtree nil t)
   1008 			   (unless (eobp) (forward-char 1))
   1009 			   (point-marker))))
   1010 	  (org-with-remote-undo buffer
   1011 	    (with-current-buffer buffer
   1012 	      (widen)
   1013 	      (goto-char pos)
   1014 	      (org-fold-show-hidden-entry)
   1015 	      (save-excursion
   1016 		(and (outline-next-heading)
   1017 		     (org-fold-heading nil)))   ; show the next heading
   1018 	      (org-back-to-heading)
   1019 	      (setq marker (point-marker))
   1020               (goto-char (max (line-beginning-position) (- (line-end-position) anticol)))
   1021 	      (funcall command)
   1022 	      (message "_cmd: %S" org-mouse-cmd)
   1023 	      (message "this-command: %S" this-command)
   1024 	      (unless (eq (marker-position marker) (marker-position endmarker))
   1025 		(setq newhead (org-get-heading))))
   1027 	    (beginning-of-line 1)
   1028 	    (save-excursion
   1029 	      (org-agenda-change-all-lines newhead hdmarker 'fixface))))
   1030 	t))))
   1032 (defun org-mouse-agenda-context-menu (&optional _event)
   1033   (or (org-mouse-do-remotely 'org-mouse-context-menu)
   1034       (popup-menu
   1035        '("Agenda"
   1036 	 ("Agenda Files")
   1037 	 "--"
   1038 	 ["Undo" (progn (message "last command: %S" last-command) (setq this-command 'org-agenda-undo) (org-agenda-undo))
   1039 	  :visible (if (eq last-command 'org-agenda-undo)
   1040 		       org-agenda-pending-undo-list
   1041 		     org-agenda-undo-list)]
   1042 	 ["Rebuild Buffer" org-agenda-redo t]
   1043 	 ["New Diary Entry"
   1044 	  org-agenda-diary-entry (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda) t]
   1045 	 "--"
   1046 	 ["Goto Today" org-agenda-goto-today
   1047 	  (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda) t]
   1048 	 ["Display Calendar" org-agenda-goto-calendar
   1049 	  (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda) t]
   1050 	 ("Calendar Commands"
   1051 	  ["Phases of the Moon" org-agenda-phases-of-moon
   1052 	   (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
   1053 	  ["Sunrise/Sunset" org-agenda-sunrise-sunset
   1054 	   (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
   1055 	  ["Holidays" org-agenda-holidays
   1056 	   (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
   1057 	  ["Convert" org-agenda-convert-date
   1058 	   (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
   1059 	  "--"
   1060 	  ["Create iCalendar file" org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files t])
   1061 	 "--"
   1062 	 ["Day View" org-agenda-day-view
   1063 	  :active (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
   1064 	  :style radio :selected (eq org-agenda-current-span 'day)]
   1065 	 ["Week View" org-agenda-week-view
   1066 	  :active (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
   1067 	  :style radio :selected (eq org-agenda-current-span 'week)]
   1068 	 "--"
   1069 	 ["Show Logbook entries" org-agenda-log-mode
   1070 	  :style toggle :selected org-agenda-show-log
   1071 	  :active (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
   1072 	 ["Include Diary" org-agenda-toggle-diary
   1073 	  :style toggle :selected org-agenda-include-diary
   1074 	  :active (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
   1075 	 ["Use Time Grid" org-agenda-toggle-time-grid
   1076 	  :style toggle :selected org-agenda-use-time-grid
   1077 	  :active (org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
   1078 	 ["Follow Mode" org-agenda-follow-mode
   1079 	  :style toggle :selected org-agenda-follow-mode]
   1080 	 "--"
   1081 	 ["Quit" org-agenda-quit t]
   1082 	 ["Exit and Release Buffers" org-agenda-exit t]
   1083 	 ))))
   1085 (defun org-mouse-get-gesture (event)
   1086   (let ((startxy (posn-x-y (event-start event)))
   1087 	(endxy (posn-x-y (event-end event))))
   1088     (if (< (car startxy) (car endxy)) :right :left)))
   1091 					; (setq org-agenda-mode-hook nil)
   1092 (defvar org-agenda-mode-map)
   1093 (add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook
   1094 	  (lambda ()
   1095 	    (setq org-mouse-context-menu-function #'org-mouse-agenda-context-menu)
   1096 	    (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [mouse-3] #'org-mouse-show-context-menu)
   1097 	    (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [down-mouse-3] #'org-mouse-move-tree-start)
   1098 	    (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [C-mouse-4] #'org-agenda-earlier)
   1099 	    (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [C-mouse-5] #'org-agenda-later)
   1100 	    (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [drag-mouse-3]
   1101 			(lambda (event) (interactive "e")
   1102 			  (cl-case (org-mouse-get-gesture event)
   1103 			    (:left (org-agenda-earlier 1))
   1104 			    (:right (org-agenda-later 1)))))))
   1106 (provide 'org-mouse)
   1108 ;;; org-mouse.el ends here