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org-macs.el (58968B)

      1 ;;; org-macs.el --- Top-level Definitions for Org -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;;
      9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;;
     11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; This file contains macro definitions, defsubst definitions, other
     28 ;; stuff needed for compilation and top-level forms in Org mode, as
     29 ;; well lots of small functions that are not Org mode specific but
     30 ;; simply generally useful stuff.
     32 ;;; Code:
     34 (require 'cl-lib)
     35 (require 'format-spec)
     37 ;;; Org version verification.
     39 (defmacro org-assert-version ()
     40   "Assert compile time and runtime version match."
     41   ;; We intentionally use a more permissive `org-release' instead of
     42   ;; `org-git-version' to work around deficiencies in Elisp
     43   ;; compilation after pulling latest changes.  Unchanged files will
     44   ;; not be re-compiled and thus their macro-expanded
     45   ;; `org-assert-version' calls would fail using strict
     46   ;; `org-git-version' check because the generated Org version strings
     47   ;; will not match.
     48   `(unless (equal (org-release) ,(org-release))
     49      (warn "Org version mismatch.  Make sure that correct `load-path' is set early in init.el
     50 This warning usually appears when a built-in Org version is loaded
     51 prior to the more recent Org version.
     53 Version mismatch is commonly encountered in the following situations:
     55 1. Emacs is loaded using literate Org config and more recent Org
     56    version is loaded inside the file loaded by `org-babel-load-file'.
     57    `org-babel-load-file' triggers the built-in Org version clashing
     58    the newer Org version attempt to be loaded later.
     60    It is recommended to move the Org loading code before the
     61    `org-babel-load-file' call.
     63 2. New Org version is loaded manually by setting `load-path', but some
     64    other package depending on Org is loaded before the `load-path' is
     65    configured.
     66    This \"other package\" is triggering built-in Org version, again
     67    causing the version mismatch.
     69    It is recommended to set `load-path' as early in the config as
     70    possible.
     72 3. New Org version is loaded using straight.el package manager and
     73    other package depending on Org is loaded before straight triggers
     74    loading of the newer Org version.
     76    It is recommended to put
     78     %s
     80    early in the config.  Ideally, right after the straight.el
     81    bootstrap.  Moving `use-package' :straight declaration may not be
     82    sufficient if the corresponding `use-package' statement is
     83    deferring the loading."
     84            ;; Avoid `warn' replacing "'" with "’" (see `format-message').
     85            "(straight-use-package 'org)")
     86      (error "Org version mismatch.  Make sure that correct `load-path' is set early in init.el")))
     88 ;; We rely on org-macs when generating Org version.  Checking Org
     89 ;; version here will interfere with Org build process.
     90 ;; (org-assert-version)
     92 (declare-function org-mode "org" ())
     93 (declare-function org-agenda-files "org" (&optional unrestricted archives))
     94 (declare-function org-time-string-to-seconds "org" (s))
     95 (declare-function org-fold-show-context "org-fold" (&optional key))
     96 (declare-function org-fold-save-outline-visibility "org-fold" (use-markers &rest body))
     97 (declare-function org-fold-next-visibility-change "org-fold" (&optional pos limit ignore-hidden-p previous-p))
     98 (declare-function org-fold-core-with-forced-fontification "org-fold" (&rest body))
     99 (declare-function org-fold-folded-p "org-fold" (&optional pos limit ignore-hidden-p previous-p))
    100 (declare-function string-collate-lessp "org-compat" (s1 s2 &optional locale ignore-case))
    101 (declare-function org-time-convert-to-integer "org-compat" (time))
    103 (defvar org-ts-regexp0)
    104 (defvar ffap-url-regexp)
    105 (defvar org-fold-core-style)
    108 ;;; Macros
    110 (defmacro org-with-gensyms (symbols &rest body)
    111   (declare (debug (sexp body)) (indent 1))
    112   `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (s)
    113 		   `(,s (make-symbol (concat "--" (symbol-name ',s)))))
    114                  symbols)
    115      ,@body))
    117 ;; Use `with-silent-modifications' to ignore cosmetic changes and
    118 ;; `org-unmodified' to ignore real text modifications.
    119 (defmacro org-unmodified (&rest body)
    120   "Run BODY while preserving the buffer's `buffer-modified-p' state."
    121   (declare (debug (body)))
    122   (org-with-gensyms (was-modified)
    123     `(let ((,was-modified (buffer-modified-p)))
    124        (unwind-protect
    125            (let ((buffer-undo-list t)
    126 		 (inhibit-modification-hooks t))
    127 	     ,@body)
    128 	 (set-buffer-modified-p ,was-modified)))))
    130 (defmacro org-with-base-buffer (buffer &rest body)
    131   "Run BODY in base buffer for BUFFER.
    132 If BUFFER is nil, use base buffer for `current-buffer'."
    133   (declare (debug (body)) (indent 1))
    134   `(with-current-buffer (or (buffer-base-buffer ,buffer)
    135                             (or ,buffer (current-buffer)))
    136      ,@body))
    138 (defmacro org-with-point-at (pom &rest body)
    139   "Move to buffer and point of point-or-marker POM for the duration of BODY."
    140   (declare (debug (form body)) (indent 1))
    141   (org-with-gensyms (mpom)
    142     `(let ((,mpom ,pom))
    143        (save-excursion
    144 	 (when (markerp ,mpom) (set-buffer (marker-buffer ,mpom)))
    145 	 (org-with-wide-buffer
    146 	  (goto-char (or ,mpom (point)))
    147 	  ,@body)))))
    149 (defmacro org-with-remote-undo (buffer &rest body)
    150   "Execute BODY while recording undo information in two buffers."
    151   (declare (debug (form body)) (indent 1))
    152   (org-with-gensyms (cline cmd buf1 buf2 undo1 undo2 c1 c2)
    153     `(let ((,cline (org-current-line))
    154 	   (,cmd this-command)
    155 	   (,buf1 (current-buffer))
    156 	   (,buf2 ,buffer)
    157 	   (,undo1 buffer-undo-list)
    158 	   (,undo2 (with-current-buffer ,buffer buffer-undo-list))
    159 	   ,c1 ,c2)
    160        ,@body
    161        (when org-agenda-allow-remote-undo
    162 	 (setq ,c1 (org-verify-change-for-undo
    163 		    ,undo1 (with-current-buffer ,buf1 buffer-undo-list))
    164 	       ,c2 (org-verify-change-for-undo
    165 		    ,undo2 (with-current-buffer ,buf2 buffer-undo-list)))
    166 	 (when (or ,c1 ,c2)
    167 	   ;; make sure there are undo boundaries
    168 	   (and ,c1 (with-current-buffer ,buf1 (undo-boundary)))
    169 	   (and ,c2 (with-current-buffer ,buf2 (undo-boundary)))
    170 	   ;; remember which buffer to undo
    171 	   (push (list ,cmd ,cline ,buf1 ,c1 ,buf2 ,c2)
    172 		 org-agenda-undo-list))))))
    174 (defmacro org-no-read-only (&rest body)
    175   "Inhibit read-only for BODY."
    176   (declare (debug (body)))
    177   `(let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ,@body))
    179 (defalias 'org-save-outline-visibility #'org-fold-save-outline-visibility)
    181 (defmacro org-with-wide-buffer (&rest body)
    182   "Execute body while temporarily widening the buffer."
    183   (declare (debug (body)))
    184   `(save-excursion
    185      (save-restriction
    186        (widen)
    187        ,@body)))
    189 (defmacro org-with-limited-levels (&rest body)
    190   "Execute BODY with limited number of outline levels."
    191   (declare (debug (body)))
    192   `(progn
    193      (defvar org-called-with-limited-levels)
    194      (defvar org-outline-regexp)
    195      (defvar outline-regexp)
    196      (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol)
    197      (let* ((org-called-with-limited-levels t)
    198             (org-outline-regexp (org-get-limited-outline-regexp))
    199             (outline-regexp org-outline-regexp)
    200             (org-outline-regexp-bol (concat "^" org-outline-regexp)))
    201        ,@body)))
    203 (defmacro org-eval-in-environment (environment form)
    204   (declare (debug (form form)) (indent 1) (obsolete cl-progv "2021"))
    205   `(eval (list 'let ,environment ',form)))
    207 ;;;###autoload
    208 (defmacro org-load-noerror-mustsuffix (file)
    209   "Load FILE with optional arguments NOERROR and MUSTSUFFIX."
    210   `(load ,file 'noerror nil nil 'mustsuffix))
    212 (defmacro org-preserve-local-variables (&rest body)
    213   "Execute BODY while preserving local variables."
    214   (declare (debug (body)))
    215   `(let ((local-variables
    216 	  (org-with-wide-buffer
    217 	   (goto-char (point-max))
    218 	   (let ((case-fold-search t))
    219 	     (and (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*# +Local Variables:"
    220 				      (max (- (point) 3000) 1)
    221 				      t)
    222                (let ((buffer-undo-list t))
    223 	         (delete-and-extract-region (point) (point-max)))))))
    224          (tick-counter-before (buffer-modified-tick)))
    225      (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
    226        (when local-variables
    227 	 (org-with-wide-buffer
    228 	  (goto-char (point-max))
    229 	  (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
    230           (let ((modified (< tick-counter-before (buffer-modified-tick)))
    231                 (buffer-undo-list t))
    232 	    (insert local-variables)
    233             (unless modified
    234               (restore-buffer-modified-p nil))))))))
    236 (defmacro org-no-popups (&rest body)
    237   "Suppress popup windows and evaluate BODY."
    238   `(let (pop-up-frames pop-up-windows)
    239      ,@body))
    241 (defmacro org-element-with-disabled-cache (&rest body)
    242   "Run BODY without active org-element-cache."
    243   (declare (debug (form body)) (indent 0))
    244   `(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'org-element--cache-active-p) (lambda (&rest _) nil)))
    245      ,@body))
    248 ;;; Buffer and windows
    250 (defun org-base-buffer (buffer)
    251   "Return the base buffer of BUFFER, if it has one.  Else return the buffer."
    252   (when buffer
    253     (or (buffer-base-buffer buffer)
    254 	buffer)))
    256 (defun org-find-base-buffer-visiting (file)
    257   "Like `find-buffer-visiting' but always return the base buffer and
    258 not an indirect buffer."
    259   (let ((buf (or (get-file-buffer file)
    260 		 (find-buffer-visiting file))))
    261     (org-base-buffer buf)))
    263 (defun org-switch-to-buffer-other-window (&rest args)
    264   "Switch to buffer in a second window on the current frame.
    265 In particular, do not allow pop-up frames.
    266 Returns the newly created buffer."
    267   (org-no-popups (apply #'switch-to-buffer-other-window args)))
    269 (defun org-fit-window-to-buffer (&optional window max-height min-height
    270                                            shrink-only)
    271   "Fit WINDOW to the buffer, but only if it is not a side-by-side window.
    272 WINDOW defaults to the selected window.  MAX-HEIGHT and MIN-HEIGHT are
    273 passed through to `fit-window-to-buffer'.  If SHRINK-ONLY is set, call
    274 `shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer' instead, the height limit is
    275 ignored in this case."
    276   (cond ((not (window-full-width-p window))
    277          ;; Do nothing if another window would suffer.
    278          )
    279         ((not shrink-only)
    280          (fit-window-to-buffer window max-height min-height))
    281         (t (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer window)))
    282   (or window (selected-window)))
    284 (defun org-buffer-list (&optional predicate exclude-tmp)
    285   "Return a list of Org buffers.
    286 PREDICATE can be `export', `files' or `agenda'.
    288 export   restrict the list to Export buffers.
    289 files    restrict the list to buffers visiting Org files.
    290 agenda   restrict the list to buffers visiting agenda files.
    292 If EXCLUDE-TMP is non-nil, ignore temporary buffers."
    293   (let* ((bfn nil)
    294 	 (agenda-files (and (eq predicate 'agenda)
    295 			    (mapcar 'file-truename (org-agenda-files t))))
    296 	 (filter
    297 	  (cond
    298 	   ((eq predicate 'files)
    299 	    (lambda (b) (with-current-buffer b (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))))
    300 	   ((eq predicate 'export)
    301 	    (lambda (b) (string-match "\\*Org .*Export" (buffer-name b))))
    302 	   ((eq predicate 'agenda)
    303 	    (lambda (b)
    304 	      (with-current-buffer b
    305 		(and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    306 		     (setq bfn (buffer-file-name b))
    307 		     (member (file-truename bfn) agenda-files)))))
    308 	   (t (lambda (b) (with-current-buffer b
    309 			    (or (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    310 				(string-match "\\*Org .*Export"
    311 					      (buffer-name b)))))))))
    312     (delq nil
    313 	  (mapcar
    314 	   (lambda(b)
    315 	     (if (and (funcall filter b)
    316 		      (or (not exclude-tmp)
    317 			  (not (string-match "tmp" (buffer-name b)))))
    318 		 b
    319 	       nil))
    320 	   (buffer-list)))))
    324 ;;; File
    326 (defun org-file-newer-than-p (file time)
    327   "Non-nil if FILE modification time is greater than TIME.
    328 TIME should be obtained earlier for the same FILE name using
    330   \(file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes file))
    332 If TIME is nil (file did not exist) then any existing FILE
    333 is considered as a newer one.  Some file systems have coarse
    334 timestamp resolution, for example 1 second on HFS+ or 2 seconds on FAT,
    335 so nil may be returned when file is updated twice within a short period
    336 of time.  File timestamp and system clock `current-time' may have
    337 different resolution, so attempts to compare them may give unexpected
    338 results.
    340 Consider `file-newer-than-file-p' to check up to date state
    341 in target-prerequisite files relation."
    342   (let ((mtime (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes file))))
    343     (and mtime (or (not time) (time-less-p time mtime)))))
    345 (defun org-compile-file (source process ext &optional err-msg log-buf spec)
    346   "Compile a SOURCE file using PROCESS.
    348 PROCESS is either a function or a list of shell commands, as
    349 strings.  EXT is a file extension, without the leading dot, as
    350 a string.  It is used to check if the process actually succeeded.
    352 PROCESS must create a file with the same base name and directory
    353 as SOURCE, but ending with EXT.  The function then returns its
    354 filename.  Otherwise, it raises an error.  The error message can
    355 then be refined by providing string ERR-MSG, which is appended to
    356 the standard message.
    358 If PROCESS is a function, it is called with a single argument:
    359 the SOURCE file.
    361 If it is a list of commands, each of them is called using
    362 `shell-command'.  By default, in each command, %b, %f, %F, %o and
    363 %O are replaced with, respectively, SOURCE base name, name, full
    364 name, directory and absolute output file name.  It is possible,
    365 however, to use more place-holders by specifying them in optional
    366 argument SPEC, as an alist following the pattern
    370 When PROCESS is a list of commands, optional argument LOG-BUF can
    371 be set to a buffer or a buffer name.  `shell-command' then uses
    372 it for output."
    373   (let* ((base-name (file-name-base source))
    374 	 (full-name (file-truename source))
    375          (relative-name (file-relative-name source))
    376 	 (out-dir (if (file-name-directory source)
    377                       ;; Expand "~".  Shell expansion will be disabled
    378                       ;; in the shell command call.
    379                       (file-name-directory full-name)
    380                     "./"))
    381 	 (output (expand-file-name (concat base-name "." ext) out-dir))
    382 	 (time (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes output)))
    383 	 (err-msg (if (stringp err-msg) (concat ".  " err-msg) "")))
    384     (save-window-excursion
    385       (pcase process
    386 	((pred functionp) (funcall process (shell-quote-argument relative-name)))
    387 	((pred consp)
    388 	 (let ((log-buf (and log-buf (get-buffer-create log-buf)))
    389 	       (spec (append spec
    390 			     `((?b . ,(shell-quote-argument base-name))
    391 			       (?f . ,(shell-quote-argument relative-name))
    392 			       (?F . ,(shell-quote-argument full-name))
    393 			       (?o . ,(shell-quote-argument out-dir))
    394 			       (?O . ,(shell-quote-argument output))))))
    395            ;; Combine output of all commands in PROCESS.
    396            (with-current-buffer log-buf
    397              (let (buffer-read-only)
    398                (erase-buffer)))
    399            (let ((shell-command-dont-erase-buffer t))
    400 	     (dolist (command process)
    401 	       (shell-command (format-spec command spec) log-buf)))
    402 	   (when log-buf (with-current-buffer log-buf (compilation-mode)))))
    403 	(_ (error "No valid command to process %S%s" source err-msg))))
    404     ;; Check for process failure.  Output file is expected to be
    405     ;; located in the same directory as SOURCE.
    406     (unless (org-file-newer-than-p output time)
    407       (error (format "File %S wasn't produced%s" output err-msg)))
    408     output))
    412 ;;; Indentation
    414 (defmacro org-current-text-indentation ()
    415   "Like `current-indentation', but ignore display/invisible properties."
    416   `(let ((buffer-invisibility-spec nil))
    417      (current-indentation)))
    419 (defun org-do-remove-indentation (&optional n skip-fl)
    420   "Remove the maximum common indentation from the buffer.
    421 When optional argument N is a positive integer, remove exactly
    422 that much characters from indentation, if possible.  When
    423 optional argument SKIP-FL is non-nil, skip the first
    424 line.  Return nil if it fails."
    425   (catch :exit
    426     (goto-char (point-min))
    427     ;; Find maximum common indentation, if not specified.
    428     (let ((n (or n
    429 		 (let ((min-ind (point-max)))
    430 		   (save-excursion
    431                      (when skip-fl (forward-line))
    432 		     (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*\\S-" nil t)
    433 		       (let ((ind (org-current-text-indentation)))
    434 			 (if (zerop ind) (throw :exit nil)
    435 			   (setq min-ind (min min-ind ind))))))
    436 		   min-ind))))
    437       (if (zerop n) (throw :exit nil)
    438 	;; Remove exactly N indentation, but give up if not possible.
    439         (when skip-fl (forward-line))
    440 	(while (not (eobp))
    441 	  (let ((ind (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t") (current-column))))
    442 	    (cond ((eolp) (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (point)))
    443 		  ((< ind n) (throw :exit nil))
    444 		  (t (indent-line-to (- ind n))))
    445 	    (forward-line)))
    446 	;; Signal success.
    447 	t))))
    451 ;;; Input
    453 (defun org-read-function (prompt &optional allow-empty?)
    454   "Prompt for a function.
    455 If ALLOW-EMPTY? is non-nil, return nil rather than raising an
    456 error when the user input is empty."
    457   (let ((func (completing-read prompt obarray #'fboundp t)))
    458     (cond ((not (string= func ""))
    459 	   (intern func))
    460 	  (allow-empty? nil)
    461 	  (t (user-error "Empty input is not valid")))))
    463 (declare-function org-time-stamp-inactive "org" (&optional arg))
    465 (defun org-completing-read (&rest args)
    466   "Completing-read with SPACE being a normal character."
    467   (let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
    468 	(minibuffer-local-completion-map
    469 	 (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-completion-map)))
    470     (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map " " #'self-insert-command)
    471     (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map "?" #'self-insert-command)
    472     (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map (kbd "C-c !")
    473       #'org-time-stamp-inactive)
    474     (apply #'completing-read args)))
    476 (defun org--mks-read-key (allowed-keys prompt navigation-keys)
    477   "Read a key and ensure it is a member of ALLOWED-KEYS.
    478 Enable keys to scroll the window if NAVIGATION-KEYS is set.
    479 TAB, SPC and RET are treated equivalently."
    480   (setq header-line-format (when navigation-keys "Use C-n, C-p, C-v, M-v to navigate."))
    481   (let ((char-key (read-char-exclusive prompt)))
    482     (if (and navigation-keys (memq char-key '(14 16 22 134217846)))
    483 	(progn
    484 	  (org-scroll char-key)
    485 	  (org--mks-read-key allowed-keys prompt navigation-keys))
    486       (let ((key (char-to-string
    487 		  (pcase char-key
    488 		    ((or ?\s ?\t ?\r) ?\t)
    489 		    (char char)))))
    490 	(if (member key allowed-keys)
    491 	    key
    492 	  (message "Invalid key: `%s'" key)
    493 	  (sit-for 1)
    494 	  (org--mks-read-key allowed-keys prompt navigation-keys))))))
    496 (defun org-mks (table title &optional prompt specials)
    497   "Select a member of an alist with multiple keys.
    499 TABLE is the alist which should contain entries where the car is a string.
    500 There should be two types of entries.
    502 1. prefix descriptions like (\"a\" \"Description\")
    503    This indicates that `a' is a prefix key for multi-letter selection, and
    504    that there are entries following with keys like \"ab\", \"ax\"...
    506 2. Select-able members must have more than two elements, with the first
    507    being the string of keys that lead to selecting it, and the second a
    508    short description string of the item.
    510 The command will then make a temporary buffer listing all entries
    511 that can be selected with a single key, and all the single key
    512 prefixes.  When you press the key for a single-letter entry, it is selected.
    513 When you press a prefix key, the commands (and maybe further prefixes)
    514 under this key will be shown and offered for selection.
    516 TITLE will be placed over the selection in the temporary buffer,
    517 PROMPT will be used when prompting for a key.  SPECIALS is an
    518 alist with (\"key\" \"description\") entries.  When one of these
    519 is selected, only the bare key is returned."
    520   (save-window-excursion
    521     (let ((inhibit-quit t)
    522 	  (buffer (org-switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Org Select*"))
    523 	  (prompt (or prompt "Select: "))
    524 	  case-fold-search
    525 	  current)
    526       (unwind-protect
    527 	  (catch 'exit
    528 	    (while t
    529 	      (erase-buffer)
    530 	      (insert title "\n\n")
    531 	      (let ((des-keys nil)
    532 		    (allowed-keys '("\C-g"))
    533 		    (tab-alternatives '("\s" "\t" "\r"))
    534 		    (cursor-type nil))
    535 		;; Populate allowed keys and descriptions keys
    536 		;; available with CURRENT selector.
    537 		(let ((re (format "\\`%s\\(.\\)\\'"
    538 				  (if current (regexp-quote current) "")))
    539 		      (prefix (if current (concat current " ") "")))
    540 		  (dolist (entry table)
    541 		    (pcase entry
    542 		      ;; Description.
    543 		      (`(,(and key (pred (string-match re))) ,desc)
    544 		       (let ((k (match-string 1 key)))
    545 			 (push k des-keys)
    546 			 ;; Keys ending in tab, space or RET are equivalent.
    547 			 (if (member k tab-alternatives)
    548 			     (push "\t" allowed-keys)
    549 			   (push k allowed-keys))
    550 			 (insert prefix "[" k "]" "..." "  " desc "..." "\n")))
    551 		      ;; Usable entry.
    552 		      (`(,(and key (pred (string-match re))) ,desc . ,_)
    553 		       (let ((k (match-string 1 key)))
    554 			 (insert prefix "[" k "]" "     " desc "\n")
    555 			 (push k allowed-keys)))
    556 		      (_ nil))))
    557 		;; Insert special entries, if any.
    558 		(when specials
    559 		  (insert "----------------------------------------------------\
    560 ---------------------------\n")
    561 		  (pcase-dolist (`(,key ,description) specials)
    562 		    (insert (format "[%s]     %s\n" key description))
    563 		    (push key allowed-keys)))
    564 		;; Display UI and let user select an entry or
    565 		;; a sub-level prefix.
    566 		(goto-char (point-min))
    567 		(org-fit-window-to-buffer)
    568 		(message "") ; With this line the prompt appears in
    569                                         ; the minibuffer. Else keystrokes may
    570                                         ; appear, which is spurious.
    571 		(let ((pressed (org--mks-read-key
    572 				allowed-keys prompt
    573 				(not (pos-visible-in-window-p (1- (point-max)))))))
    574 		  (setq current (concat current pressed))
    575 		  (cond
    576 		   ((equal pressed "\C-g") (user-error "Abort"))
    577 		   ;; Selection is a prefix: open a new menu.
    578 		   ((member pressed des-keys))
    579 		   ;; Selection matches an association: return it.
    580 		   ((let ((entry (assoc current table)))
    581 		      (and entry (throw 'exit entry))))
    582 		   ;; Selection matches a special entry: return the
    583 		   ;; selection prefix.
    584 		   ((assoc current specials) (throw 'exit current))
    585 		   (t (error "No entry available")))))))
    586 	(when buffer (kill-buffer buffer))))))
    589 ;;; List manipulation
    591 (defsubst org-get-alist-option (option key)
    592   (cond ((eq key t) t)
    593 	((eq option t) t)
    594 	((assoc key option) (cdr (assoc key option)))
    595 	(t (let ((r (cdr (assq 'default option))))
    596 	     (if (listp r) (delq nil r) r)))))
    598 (defsubst org-last (list)
    599   "Return the last element of LIST."
    600   (car (last list)))
    602 (defsubst org-uniquify (list)
    603   "Non-destructively remove duplicate elements from LIST."
    604   (let ((res (copy-sequence list))) (delete-dups res)))
    606 (defun org-uniquify-alist (alist)
    607   "Merge elements of ALIST with the same key.
    609 For example, in this alist:
    611 \(org-uniquify-alist \\='((a 1) (b 2) (a 3)))
    612   => ((a 1 3) (b 2))
    614 merge (a 1) and (a 3) into (a 1 3).
    616 The function returns the new ALIST."
    617   (let (rtn)
    618     (dolist (e alist rtn)
    619       (let (n)
    620 	(if (not (assoc (car e) rtn))
    621 	    (push e rtn)
    622 	  (setq n (cons (car e) (append (cdr (assoc (car e) rtn)) (cdr e))))
    623 	  (setq rtn (assq-delete-all (car e) rtn))
    624 	  (push n rtn))))))
    626 (defun org-delete-all (elts list)
    627   "Remove all elements in ELTS from LIST.
    628 Comparison is done with `equal'.  It is a destructive operation
    629 that may remove elements by altering the list structure."
    630   (while elts
    631     (setq list (delete (pop elts) list)))
    632   list)
    634 (defun org-plist-delete-all (plist props)
    635   "Delete all elements in PROPS from PLIST."
    636   (dolist (e props plist)
    637     (setq plist (org-plist-delete plist e))))
    639 (defun org-plist-delete (plist property)
    640   "Delete PROPERTY from PLIST.
    641 This is in contrast to merely setting it to 0."
    642   (let (p)
    643     (while plist
    644       (if (not (eq property (car plist)))
    645 	  (setq p (plist-put p (car plist) (nth 1 plist))))
    646       (setq plist (cddr plist)))
    647     p))
    649 (defun org-combine-plists (&rest plists)
    650   "Create a single property list from all plists in PLISTS.
    651 The process starts by copying the first list, and then setting properties
    652 from the other lists.  Settings in the last list are the most significant
    653 ones and overrule settings in the other lists."
    654   (let ((rtn (copy-sequence (pop plists)))
    655 	p v ls)
    656     (while plists
    657       (setq ls (pop plists))
    658       (while ls
    659 	(setq p (pop ls) v (pop ls))
    660 	(setq rtn (plist-put rtn p v))))
    661     rtn))
    665 ;;; Local variables
    667 (defconst org-unique-local-variables
    668   '(org-element--cache
    669     org-element--headline-cache
    670     org-element--cache-change-tic
    671     org-element--cache-last-buffer-size
    672     org-element--cache-change-warning
    673     org-element--cache-gapless
    674     org-element--cache-hash-left
    675     org-element--cache-hash-right
    676     org-element--cache-size
    677     org-element--headline-cache-size
    678     org-element--cache-sync-keys-value
    679     org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring
    680     org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring-size
    681     org-element--cache-sync-keys
    682     org-element--cache-sync-requests
    683     org-element--cache-sync-timer)
    684   "List of local variables that cannot be transferred to another buffer.")
    686 (defun org-get-local-variables ()
    687   "Return a list of all local variables in an Org mode buffer."
    688   (delq nil
    689 	(mapcar
    690 	 (lambda (x)
    691 	   (let* ((binding (if (symbolp x) (list x) (list (car x) (cdr x))))
    692 		  (name (car binding)))
    693 	     (and (not (get name 'org-state))
    694 		  (not (memq name org-unique-local-variables))
    695 		  (string-match-p
    696 		   "\\`\\(org-\\|orgtbl-\\|outline-\\|comment-\\|paragraph-\\|\
    697 auto-fill\\|normal-auto-fill\\|fill-paragraph\\|indent-\\)"
    698 		   (symbol-name name))
    699 		  binding)))
    700 	 (with-temp-buffer
    701 	   (org-mode)
    702 	   (buffer-local-variables)))))
    704 (defun org-clone-local-variables (from-buffer &optional regexp)
    705   "Clone local variables from FROM-BUFFER.
    706 Optional argument REGEXP selects variables to clone."
    707   (dolist (pair (buffer-local-variables from-buffer))
    708     (pcase pair
    709       (`(,name . ,value)		;ignore unbound variables
    710        (when (and (not (memq name org-unique-local-variables))
    711 		  (or (null regexp) (string-match-p regexp (symbol-name name))))
    712 	 (ignore-errors (set (make-local-variable name) value)))))))
    715 ;;; Miscellaneous
    717 (defsubst org-call-with-arg (command arg)
    718   "Call COMMAND interactively, but pretend prefix arg was ARG."
    719   (let ((current-prefix-arg arg)) (call-interactively command)))
    721 (defsubst org-check-external-command (cmd &optional use no-error)
    722   "Check if external program CMD for USE exists, error if not.
    723 When the program does exist, return its path.
    724 When it does not exist and NO-ERROR is set, return nil.
    725 Otherwise, throw an error.  The optional argument USE can describe what this
    726 program is needed for, so that the error message can be more informative."
    727   (or (executable-find cmd)
    728       (if no-error
    729 	  nil
    730 	(error "Can't find `%s'%s" cmd
    731 	       (if use (format " (%s)" use) "")))))
    733 (defun org-display-warning (message)
    734   "Display the given MESSAGE as a warning."
    735   (display-warning 'org message :warning))
    737 (defun org-unlogged-message (&rest args)
    738   "Display a message, but avoid logging it in the *Messages* buffer."
    739   (let ((message-log-max nil))
    740     (apply #'message args)))
    742 (defmacro org-dlet (binders &rest body)
    743   "Like `let*' but using dynamic scoping."
    744   (declare (indent 1) (debug let))
    745   (let ((vars (mapcar (lambda (binder)
    746                         (if (consp binder) (car binder) binder))
    747                       binders)))
    748     `(progn
    749        (with-no-warnings
    750          ,@(mapcar (lambda (var) `(defvar ,var)) vars))
    751        (let* ,binders ,@body))))
    753 (defmacro org-pushnew-to-end (val var)
    754   "Like `cl-pushnew' but pushes to the end of the list.
    755 Uses `equal' for comparisons.
    757 Beware: this performs O(N) memory allocations, so if you use it in a loop, you
    758 get an unnecessary O(N²) space complexity, so you're usually better off using
    759 `cl-pushnew' (with a final `reverse' if you care about the order of elements)."
    760   (declare (debug (form gv-place)))
    761   (let ((v (make-symbol "v")))
    762     `(let ((,v ,val))
    763        (unless (member ,v ,var)
    764          (setf ,var (append ,var (list ,v)))))))
    766 (defun org-eval (form)
    767   "Eval FORM and return result."
    768   (condition-case error
    769       (eval form t)
    770     (error (format "%%![Error: %s]" error))))
    772 (defvar org-outline-regexp) ; defined in org.el
    773 (defvar org-odd-levels-only) ; defined in org.el
    774 (defvar org-inlinetask-min-level) ; defined in org-inlinetask.el
    775 (defun org-get-limited-outline-regexp ()
    776   "Return outline-regexp with limited number of levels.
    777 The number of levels is controlled by `org-inlinetask-min-level'."
    778   (cond ((not (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
    779 	 outline-regexp)
    780 	((not (featurep 'org-inlinetask))
    781 	 org-outline-regexp)
    782 	(t
    783 	 (let* ((limit-level (1- org-inlinetask-min-level))
    784 		(nstars (if org-odd-levels-only
    785 			    (1- (* limit-level 2))
    786 			  limit-level)))
    787 	   (format "\\*\\{1,%d\\} " nstars)))))
    789 (defun org--line-empty-p (n)
    790   "Is the Nth next line empty?
    791 Counts the current line as N = 1 and the previous line as N = 0;
    792 see `beginning-of-line'."
    793   (and (not (bobp))
    794        (save-excursion
    795 	 (beginning-of-line n)
    796 	 (looking-at-p "[ \t]*$"))))
    798 (defun org-previous-line-empty-p ()
    799   "Is the previous line a blank line?
    800 When NEXT is non-nil, check the next line instead."
    801   (org--line-empty-p 0))
    803 (defun org-next-line-empty-p ()
    804   "Is the previous line a blank line?
    805 When NEXT is non-nil, check the next line instead."
    806   (org--line-empty-p 2))
    810 ;;; Motion
    812 (defsubst org-goto-line (N)
    813   (save-restriction
    814     (widen)
    815     (goto-char (point-min))
    816     (forward-line (1- N))))
    818 (defsubst org-current-line (&optional pos)
    819   (save-excursion
    820     (and pos (goto-char pos))
    821     ;; works also in narrowed buffer, because we start at 1, not point-min
    822     (+ (if (bolp) 1 0) (count-lines 1 (point)))))
    826 ;;; Overlays and text properties
    828 (defun org-overlay-display (ovl text &optional face evap)
    829   "Make overlay OVL display TEXT with face FACE."
    830   (overlay-put ovl 'display text)
    831   (when face (overlay-put ovl 'face face))
    832   (when evap (overlay-put ovl 'evaporate t)))
    834 (defun org-overlay-before-string (ovl text &optional face evap)
    835   "Make overlay OVL display TEXT with face FACE."
    836   (when face (org-add-props text nil 'face face))
    837   (overlay-put ovl 'before-string text)
    838   (when evap (overlay-put ovl 'evaporate t)))
    840 (defun org-find-overlays (prop &optional pos delete)
    841   "Find all overlays specifying PROP at POS or point.
    842 If DELETE is non-nil, delete all those overlays."
    843   (let (found)
    844     (dolist (ov (overlays-at (or pos (point))) found)
    845       (cond ((not (overlay-get ov prop)))
    846 	    (delete (delete-overlay ov))
    847 	    (t (push ov found))))))
    849 (defun org-find-text-property-region (pos prop)
    850   "Find a region around POS containing same non-nil value of PROP text property.
    851 Return nil when PROP is not set at POS."
    852   (let* ((beg (and (get-text-property pos prop) pos))
    853 	 (end beg))
    854     (when beg
    855       (unless (or (equal beg (point-min))
    856 		  (not (eq (get-text-property beg prop)
    857 			 (get-text-property (1- beg) prop))))
    858 	(setq beg (previous-single-property-change pos prop nil (point-min))))
    859       (unless (or (equal end (point-max))
    860 		  ;; (not (eq (get-text-property end prop)
    861 		  ;; 	 (get-text-property (1+ end) prop)))
    862 		  )
    863 	(setq end (next-single-property-change pos prop nil (point-max))))
    864       (cons beg end))))
    867 ;;; Regexp matching
    869 (defsubst org-pos-in-match-range (pos n)
    870   (and (match-beginning n)
    871        (<= (match-beginning n) pos)
    872        (>= (match-end n) pos)))
    874 (defun org-skip-whitespace ()
    875   "Skip over space, tabs and newline characters."
    876   (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r"))
    878 (defun org-match-line (regexp)
    879   "Match REGEXP at the beginning of the current line."
    880   (save-excursion
    881     (beginning-of-line)
    882     (looking-at regexp)))
    884 (defun org-match-any-p (re list)
    885   "Non-nil if regexp RE matches an element in LIST."
    886   (cl-some (lambda (x) (string-match-p re x)) list))
    888 (defun org-in-regexp (regexp &optional nlines visually)
    889   "Check if point is inside a match of REGEXP.
    891 Normally only the current line is checked, but you can include
    892 NLINES extra lines around point into the search.  If VISUALLY is
    893 set, require that the cursor is not after the match but really
    894 on, so that the block visually is on the match.
    896 Return nil or a cons cell (BEG . END) where BEG and END are,
    897 respectively, the positions at the beginning and the end of the
    898 match."
    899   (catch :exit
    900     (let ((pos (point))
    901           (eol (line-end-position (if nlines (1+ nlines) 1))))
    902       (save-excursion
    903 	(beginning-of-line (- 1 (or nlines 0)))
    904 	(while (and (re-search-forward regexp eol t)
    905 		    (<= (match-beginning 0) pos))
    906 	  (let ((end (match-end 0)))
    907 	    (when (or (> end pos) (and (= end pos) (not visually)))
    908 	      (throw :exit (cons (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))))))))
    910 (defun org-point-in-group (point group &optional context)
    911   "Check if POINT is in match-group GROUP.
    912 If CONTEXT is non-nil, return a list with CONTEXT and the boundaries of the
    913 match.  If the match group does not exist or point is not inside it,
    914 return nil."
    915   (and (match-beginning group)
    916        (>= point (match-beginning group))
    917        (<= point (match-end group))
    918        (if context
    919 	   (list context (match-beginning group) (match-end group))
    920 	 t)))
    922 (defun org-url-p (s)
    923   "Non-nil if string S is a URL."
    924   (require 'ffap)
    925   (and ffap-url-regexp (string-match-p ffap-url-regexp s)))
    928 ;;; String manipulation
    930 (defun org-string< (a b)
    931   (string-collate-lessp a b))
    933 (defun org-string<= (a b)
    934   (or (string= a b) (string-collate-lessp a b)))
    936 (defun org-string>= (a b)
    937   (not (string-collate-lessp a b)))
    939 (defun org-string> (a b)
    940   (and (not (string= a b))
    941        (not (string-collate-lessp a b))))
    943 (defun org-string<> (a b)
    944   (not (string= a b)))
    946 (defsubst org-trim (s &optional keep-lead)
    947   "Remove whitespace at the beginning and the end of string S.
    948 When optional argument KEEP-LEAD is non-nil, removing blank lines
    949 at the beginning of the string does not affect leading indentation."
    950   (replace-regexp-in-string
    951    (if keep-lead "\\`\\([ \t]*\n\\)+" "\\`[ \t\n\r]+") ""
    952    (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" "" s)))
    954 (defun org-string-nw-p (s)
    955   "Return S if S is a string containing a non-blank character.
    956 Otherwise, return nil."
    957   (and (stringp s)
    958        (string-match-p "[^ \r\t\n]" s)
    959        s))
    961 (defun org-reverse-string (string)
    962   "Return the reverse of STRING."
    963   (apply #'string (nreverse (string-to-list string))))
    965 (defun org-split-string (string &optional separators)
    966   "Splits STRING into substrings at SEPARATORS.
    968 SEPARATORS is a regular expression.  When nil, it defaults to
    969 \"[ \f\t\n\r\v]+\".
    971 Unlike `split-string', matching SEPARATORS at the beginning and
    972 end of string are ignored."
    973   (let ((separators (or separators "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+")))
    974     (if (not (string-match separators string)) (list string)
    975       (let ((i (match-end 0))
    976 	    (results
    977 	     (and (/= 0 (match-beginning 0)) ;skip leading separator
    978 		  (list (substring string 0 (match-beginning 0))))))
    979 	(while (string-match separators string i)
    980 	  (push (substring string i (match-beginning 0))
    981 		results)
    982 	  (setq i (match-end 0)))
    983 	(nreverse (if (= i (length string))
    984 		      results		;skip trailing separator
    985 		    (cons (substring string i) results)))))))
    987 (defun org--string-from-props (s property beg end)
    988   "Return the visible part of string S.
    989 Visible part is determined according to text PROPERTY, which is
    990 either `invisible' or `display'.  BEG and END are 0-indices
    991 delimiting S."
    992   (let ((width 0)
    993 	(cursor beg))
    994     (while (setq beg (text-property-not-all beg end property nil s))
    995       (let* ((next (next-single-property-change beg property s end))
    996 	     (spec (get-text-property beg property s))
    997 	     (value
    998 	      (pcase property
    999 		(`invisible
   1000 		 ;; If `invisible' property means text is to be
   1001 		 ;; invisible, return 0.  Otherwise return nil so as
   1002 		 ;; to resume search.
   1003 		 (and (or (eq t buffer-invisibility-spec)
   1004 			  (assoc-string spec buffer-invisibility-spec))
   1005 		      0))
   1006 		(`display
   1007 		 (pcase spec
   1008 		   (`nil nil)
   1009 		   (`(space . ,props)
   1010 		    (let ((width (plist-get props :width)))
   1011 		      (and (wholenump width) width)))
   1012 		   (`(image . ,_)
   1013                     (and (fboundp 'image-size)
   1014                          (ceiling (car (image-size spec)))))
   1015 		   ((pred stringp)
   1016 		    ;; Displayed string could contain invisible parts,
   1017 		    ;; but no nested display.
   1018 		    (org--string-from-props spec 'invisible 0 (length spec)))
   1019 		   (_
   1020 		    ;; Un-handled `display' value.  Ignore it.
   1021 		    ;; Consider the original string instead.
   1022 		    nil)))
   1023 		(_ (error "Unknown property: %S" property)))))
   1024 	(when value
   1025 	  (cl-incf width
   1026 		   ;; When looking for `display' parts, we still need
   1027 		   ;; to look for `invisible' property elsewhere.
   1028 		   (+ (cond ((eq property 'display)
   1029 			     (org--string-from-props s 'invisible cursor beg))
   1030 			    ((= cursor beg) 0)
   1031 			    (t (string-width (substring s cursor beg))))
   1032 		      value))
   1033 	  (setq cursor next))
   1034 	(setq beg next)))
   1035     (+ width
   1036        ;; Look for `invisible' property in the last part of the
   1037        ;; string.  See above.
   1038        (cond ((eq property 'display)
   1039 	      (org--string-from-props s 'invisible cursor end))
   1040 	     ((= cursor end) 0)
   1041 	     (t (string-width (substring s cursor end)))))))
   1043 (defun org--string-width-1 (string)
   1044   "Return width of STRING when displayed in the current buffer.
   1045 Unlike `string-width', this function takes into consideration
   1046 `invisible' and `display' text properties.  It supports the
   1047 latter in a limited way, mostly for combinations used in Org.
   1048 Results may be off sometimes if it cannot handle a given
   1049 `display' value."
   1050   (org--string-from-props string 'display 0 (length string)))
   1052 (defun org-string-width (string &optional pixels)
   1053   "Return width of STRING when displayed in the current buffer.
   1054 Return width in pixels when PIXELS is non-nil."
   1055   (if (and (version< emacs-version "28") (not pixels))
   1056       ;; FIXME: Fallback to old limited version, because
   1057       ;; `window-pixel-width' is buggy in older Emacs.
   1058       (org--string-width-1 string)
   1059     ;; Wrap/line prefix will make `window-text-pizel-size' return too
   1060     ;; large value including the prefix.
   1061     (remove-text-properties 0 (length string)
   1062                             '(wrap-prefix t line-prefix t)
   1063                             string)
   1064     ;; Face should be removed to make sure that all the string symbols
   1065     ;; are using default face with constant width.  Constant char width
   1066     ;; is critical to get right string width from pixel width (not needed
   1067     ;; when PIXELS are requested though).
   1068     (unless pixels
   1069       (remove-text-properties 0 (length string) '(face t) string))
   1070     (let (;; We need to remove the folds to make sure that folded table
   1071           ;; alignment is not messed up.
   1072           (current-invisibility-spec
   1073            (or (and (not (listp buffer-invisibility-spec))
   1074                     buffer-invisibility-spec)
   1075                (let (result)
   1076                  (dolist (el buffer-invisibility-spec)
   1077                    (unless (or (memq el
   1078                                      '(org-fold-drawer
   1079                                        org-fold-block
   1080                                        org-fold-outline))
   1081                                (and (listp el)
   1082                                     (memq (car el)
   1083                                           '(org-fold-drawer
   1084                                             org-fold-block
   1085                                             org-fold-outline))))
   1086                      (push el result)))
   1087                  result)))
   1088           (current-char-property-alias-alist char-property-alias-alist))
   1089       (with-temp-buffer
   1090         (setq-local display-line-numbers nil)
   1091         (setq-local buffer-invisibility-spec
   1092                     (if (listp current-invisibility-spec)
   1093                         (mapcar (lambda (el)
   1094                                   ;; Consider ellipsis to have 0 width.
   1095                                   ;; It is what Emacs 28+ does, but we have
   1096                                   ;; to force it in earlier Emacs versions.
   1097                                   (if (and (consp el) (cdr el))
   1098                                       (list (car el))
   1099                                     el))
   1100                                 current-invisibility-spec)
   1101                       current-invisibility-spec))
   1102         (setq-local char-property-alias-alist
   1103                     current-char-property-alias-alist)
   1104         (let (pixel-width symbol-width)
   1105           (with-silent-modifications
   1106             (erase-buffer)
   1107             (insert string)
   1108             (setq pixel-width
   1109                   (if (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
   1110                       (car (window-text-pixel-size
   1111                             nil (line-beginning-position) (point-max)))
   1112                     (let ((dedicatedp (window-dedicated-p))
   1113                           (oldbuffer (window-buffer)))
   1114                       (unwind-protect
   1115                           (progn
   1116                             ;; Do not throw error in dedicated windows.
   1117                             (set-window-dedicated-p nil nil)
   1118                             (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
   1119                             (car (window-text-pixel-size
   1120                                   nil (line-beginning-position) (point-max))))
   1121                         (set-window-buffer nil oldbuffer)
   1122                         (set-window-dedicated-p nil dedicatedp)))))
   1123             (unless pixels
   1124               (erase-buffer)
   1125               (insert "a")
   1126               (setq symbol-width
   1127                     (if (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
   1128                         (car (window-text-pixel-size
   1129                               nil (line-beginning-position) (point-max)))
   1130                       (let ((dedicatedp (window-dedicated-p))
   1131                             (oldbuffer (window-buffer)))
   1132                         (unwind-protect
   1133                             (progn
   1134                               ;; Do not throw error in dedicated windows.
   1135                               (set-window-dedicated-p nil nil)
   1136                               (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
   1137                               (car (window-text-pixel-size
   1138                                     nil (line-beginning-position) (point-max))))
   1139                           (set-window-buffer nil oldbuffer)
   1140                           (set-window-dedicated-p nil dedicatedp)))))))
   1141           (if pixels
   1142               pixel-width
   1143             (/ pixel-width symbol-width)))))))
   1145 (defmacro org-current-text-column ()
   1146   "Like `current-column' but ignore display properties."
   1147   `(string-width (buffer-substring-no-properties
   1148                   (line-beginning-position) (point))))
   1150 (defun org-not-nil (v)
   1151   "If V not nil, and also not the string \"nil\", then return V.
   1152 Otherwise return nil."
   1153   (and v (not (equal v "nil")) v))
   1155 (defun org-unbracket-string (pre post string)
   1156   "Remove PRE/POST from the beginning/end of STRING.
   1157 Both PRE and POST must be pre-/suffixes of STRING, or neither is
   1158 removed.  Return the new string.  If STRING is nil, return nil."
   1159   (declare (indent 2))
   1160   (and string
   1161        (if (and (string-prefix-p pre string)
   1162 		(string-suffix-p post string))
   1163 	   (substring string (length pre)
   1164                       (and (not (string-equal "" post)) (- (length post))))
   1165 	 string)))
   1167 (defun org-strip-quotes (string)
   1168   "Strip double quotes from around STRING, if applicable.
   1169 If STRING is nil, return nil."
   1170   (org-unbracket-string "\"" "\"" string))
   1172 (defsubst org-current-line-string (&optional to-here)
   1173   "Return current line, as a string.
   1174 If optional argument TO-HERE is non-nil, return string from
   1175 beginning of line up to point."
   1176   (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
   1177 		    (if to-here (point) (line-end-position))))
   1179 (defun org-shorten-string (s maxlength)
   1180   "Shorten string S so that it is no longer than MAXLENGTH characters.
   1181 If the string is shorter or has length MAXLENGTH, just return the
   1182 original string.  If it is longer, the functions finds a space in the
   1183 string, breaks this string off at that locations and adds three dots
   1184 as ellipsis.  Including the ellipsis, the string will not be longer
   1185 than MAXLENGTH.  If finding a good breaking point in the string does
   1186 not work, the string is just chopped off in the middle of a word
   1187 if necessary."
   1188   (if (<= (length s) maxlength)
   1189       s
   1190     (let* ((n (max (- maxlength 4) 1))
   1191 	   (re (concat "\\`\\(.\\{1," (number-to-string n)
   1192 		       "\\}[^ ]\\)\\([ ]\\|\\'\\)")))
   1193       (if (string-match re s)
   1194 	  (concat (match-string 1 s) "...")
   1195 	(concat (substring s 0 (max (- maxlength 3) 0)) "...")))))
   1197 (defun org-remove-tabs (s &optional width)
   1198   "Replace tabulators in S with spaces.
   1199 Assumes that s is a single line, starting in column 0."
   1200   (setq width (or width tab-width))
   1201   (while (string-match "\t" s)
   1202     (setq s (replace-match
   1203 	     (make-string
   1204 	      (- (* width (/ (+ (match-beginning 0) width) width))
   1205 		 (match-beginning 0)) ?\ )
   1206 	     t t s)))
   1207   s)
   1209 (defun org-wrap (string &optional width lines)
   1210   "Wrap string to either a number of lines, or a width in characters.
   1211 If WIDTH is non-nil, the string is wrapped to that width, however many lines
   1212 that costs.  If there is a word longer than WIDTH, the text is actually
   1213 wrapped to the length of that word.
   1214 IF WIDTH is nil and LINES is non-nil, the string is forced into at most that
   1215 many lines, whatever width that takes.
   1216 The return value is a list of lines, without newlines at the end."
   1217   (let* ((words (split-string string))
   1218 	 (maxword (apply #'max (mapcar #'org-string-width words)))
   1219 	 w ll)
   1220     (cond (width
   1221 	   (org--do-wrap words (max maxword width)))
   1222 	  (lines
   1223 	   (setq w maxword)
   1224 	   (setq ll (org--do-wrap words maxword))
   1225 	   (if (<= (length ll) lines)
   1226 	       ll
   1227 	     (setq ll words)
   1228 	     (while (> (length ll) lines)
   1229 	       (setq w (1+ w))
   1230 	       (setq ll (org--do-wrap words w)))
   1231 	     ll))
   1232 	  (t (error "Cannot wrap this")))))
   1234 (defun org--do-wrap (words width)
   1235   "Create lines of maximum width WIDTH (in characters) from word list WORDS."
   1236   (let (lines line)
   1237     (while words
   1238       (setq line (pop words))
   1239       (while (and words (< (+ (length line) (length (car words))) width))
   1240 	(setq line (concat line " " (pop words))))
   1241       (setq lines (push line lines)))
   1242     (nreverse lines)))
   1244 (defun org-remove-indentation (code &optional n)
   1245   "Remove maximum common indentation in string CODE and return it.
   1246 N may optionally be the number of columns to remove.  Return CODE
   1247 as-is if removal failed."
   1248   (with-temp-buffer
   1249     (insert code)
   1250     (if (org-do-remove-indentation n) (buffer-string) code)))
   1252 (defun org-fill-template (template alist)
   1253   "Find each %key of ALIST in TEMPLATE and replace it."
   1254   (let ((case-fold-search nil))
   1255     (dolist (entry (sort (copy-sequence alist)
   1256                          ; Sort from longest key to shortest, so that
   1257                          ; "noweb-ref" and "tangle-mode" get processed
   1258                          ; before "noweb" and "tangle", respectively.
   1259                          (lambda (a b) (< (length (car b)) (length (car a))))))
   1260       (setq template
   1261 	    (replace-regexp-in-string
   1262 	     (concat "%" (regexp-quote (car entry)))
   1263 	     (or (cdr entry) "") template t t)))
   1264     template))
   1266 (defun org-replace-escapes (string table)
   1267   "Replace %-escapes in STRING with values in TABLE.
   1268 TABLE is an association list with keys like \"%a\" and string values.
   1269 The sequences in STRING may contain normal field width and padding information,
   1270 for example \"%-5s\".  Replacements happen in the sequence given by TABLE,
   1271 so values can contain further %-escapes if they are define later in TABLE."
   1272   (let ((tbl (copy-alist table))
   1273 	(case-fold-search nil)
   1274         (pchg 0)
   1275         re rpl)
   1276     (dolist (e tbl)
   1277       (setq re (concat "%-?[0-9.]*" (substring (car e) 1)))
   1278       (when (and (cdr e) (string-match re (cdr e)))
   1279         (let ((sref (substring (cdr e) (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
   1280               (safe "SREF"))
   1281           (add-text-properties 0 3 (list 'sref sref) safe)
   1282           (setcdr e (replace-match safe t t (cdr e)))))
   1283       (while (string-match re string)
   1284         (setq rpl (format (concat (substring (match-string 0 string) 0 -1) "s")
   1285                           (cdr e)))
   1286         (setq string (replace-match rpl t t string))))
   1287     (while (setq pchg (next-property-change pchg string))
   1288       (let ((sref (get-text-property pchg 'sref string)))
   1289 	(when (and sref (string-match "SREF" string pchg))
   1290 	  (setq string (replace-match sref t t string)))))
   1291     string))
   1294 ;;; Text properties
   1296 (defconst org-rm-props '(invisible t face t keymap t intangible t mouse-face t
   1297 				   rear-nonsticky t mouse-map t fontified t
   1298 				   org-emphasis t)
   1299   "Properties to remove when a string without properties is wanted.")
   1301 (defun org-buffer-substring-fontified (beg end)
   1302   "Return fontified region between BEG and END."
   1303   (when (bound-and-true-p jit-lock-mode)
   1304     (when (text-property-not-all beg end 'fontified t)
   1305       (save-excursion (save-match-data (font-lock-fontify-region beg end)))))
   1306   (buffer-substring beg end))
   1308 (defun org-looking-at-fontified (re)
   1309   "Call `looking-at' RE and make sure that the match is fontified."
   1310   (prog1 (looking-at re)
   1311     (when (bound-and-true-p jit-lock-mode)
   1312       (when (text-property-not-all
   1313              (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
   1314              'fontified t)
   1315         (save-excursion
   1316           (save-match-data
   1317             (font-lock-fontify-region (match-beginning 0)
   1318                               (match-end 0))))))))
   1320 (defsubst org-no-properties (s &optional restricted)
   1321   "Remove all text properties from string S.
   1322 When RESTRICTED is non-nil, only remove the properties listed
   1323 in `org-rm-props'."
   1324   (if restricted (remove-text-properties 0 (length s) org-rm-props s)
   1325     (set-text-properties 0 (length s) nil s))
   1326   s)
   1327 (defun org-add-props (string plist &rest props)
   1328   "Add text properties to entire string, from beginning to end.
   1329 PLIST may be a list of properties, PROPS are individual properties and values
   1330 that will be added to PLIST.  Returns the string that was modified."
   1331   (declare (indent 2))
   1332   (add-text-properties
   1333    0 (length string) (if props (append plist props) plist) string)
   1334   string)
   1336 (defun org-make-parameter-alist (plist)
   1337   "Return alist based on PLIST.
   1338 PLIST is a property list with alternating symbol names and values.
   1339 The returned alist is a list of lists with the symbol name in `car'
   1340 and the value in `cadr'."
   1341   (when plist
   1342     (cons (list (car plist) (cadr plist))
   1343 	  (org-make-parameter-alist (cddr plist)))))
   1345 (defsubst org-get-at-bol (property)
   1346   "Get text property PROPERTY at the beginning of line."
   1347   (get-text-property (line-beginning-position) property))
   1349 (defun org-get-at-eol (property n)
   1350   "Get text property PROPERTY at the end of line less N characters."
   1351   (get-text-property (- (line-end-position) n) property))
   1353 (defun org-find-text-property-in-string (prop s)
   1354   "Return the first non-nil value of property PROP in string S."
   1355   (or (get-text-property 0 prop s)
   1356       (get-text-property (or (next-single-property-change 0 prop s) 0)
   1357 			 prop s)))
   1359 ;; FIXME: move to org-fold?
   1360 (defun org-invisible-p (&optional pos folding-only)
   1361   "Non-nil if the character after POS is invisible.
   1362 If POS is nil, use `point' instead.  When optional argument
   1363 FOLDING-ONLY is non-nil, only consider invisible parts due to
   1364 folding of a headline, a block or a drawer, i.e., not because of
   1365 fontification."
   1366   (let ((value (invisible-p (or pos (point)))))
   1367     (cond ((not value) nil)
   1368 	  (folding-only (org-fold-folded-p (or pos (point))))
   1369 	  (t value))))
   1371 (defun org-truly-invisible-p ()
   1372   "Check if point is at a character currently not visible.
   1373 This version does not only check the character property, but also
   1374 `visible-mode'."
   1375   (unless (bound-and-true-p visible-mode)
   1376     (org-invisible-p)))
   1378 (defun org-invisible-p2 ()
   1379   "Check if point is at a character currently not visible.
   1380 If the point is at EOL (and not at the beginning of a buffer too),
   1381 move it back by one char before doing this check."
   1382   (save-excursion
   1383     (when (and (eolp) (not (bobp)))
   1384       (backward-char 1))
   1385     (org-invisible-p)))
   1387 (defun org-region-invisible-p (beg end)
   1388   "Check if region if completely hidden."
   1389   (org-with-wide-buffer
   1390    (and (org-invisible-p beg)
   1391         (org-invisible-p (org-fold-next-visibility-change beg end)))))
   1393 (defun org-find-visible ()
   1394   "Return closest visible buffer position, or `point-max'."
   1395   (if (org-invisible-p)
   1396       (org-fold-next-visibility-change (point))
   1397     (point)))
   1399 (defun org-find-invisible ()
   1400   "Return closest invisible buffer position, or `point-max'."
   1401   (if (org-invisible-p)
   1402       (point)
   1403     (org-fold-next-visibility-change (point))))
   1406 ;;; Time
   1408 (defun org-2ft (s)
   1409   "Convert S to a floating point time.
   1410 If S is already a number, just return it.  If it is a string,
   1411 parse it as a time string and apply `float-time' to it.  If S is
   1412 nil, just return 0."
   1413   (cond
   1414    ((numberp s) s)
   1415    ((stringp s)
   1416     (condition-case nil
   1417 	(org-time-string-to-seconds s)
   1418       (error 0)))
   1419    (t 0)))
   1421 (defun org-time= (a b)
   1422   (let ((a (org-2ft a))
   1423 	(b (org-2ft b)))
   1424     (and (> a 0) (> b 0) (= a b))))
   1426 (defun org-time< (a b)
   1427   (let ((a (org-2ft a))
   1428 	(b (org-2ft b)))
   1429     (and (> a 0) (> b 0) (< a b))))
   1431 (defun org-time<= (a b)
   1432   (let ((a (org-2ft a))
   1433 	(b (org-2ft b)))
   1434     (and (> a 0) (> b 0) (<= a b))))
   1436 (defun org-time> (a b)
   1437   (let ((a (org-2ft a))
   1438 	(b (org-2ft b)))
   1439     (and (> a 0) (> b 0) (> a b))))
   1441 (defun org-time>= (a b)
   1442   (let ((a (org-2ft a))
   1443 	(b (org-2ft b)))
   1444     (and (> a 0) (> b 0) (>= a b))))
   1446 (defun org-time<> (a b)
   1447   (let ((a (org-2ft a))
   1448 	(b (org-2ft b)))
   1449     (and (> a 0) (> b 0) (\= a b))))
   1451 (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
   1452   "Compatibility and convenience helper for `encode-time'.
   1453 TIME may be a 9 components list (SECONDS ... YEAR IGNORED DST ZONE)
   1454 as the recommended way since Emacs-27 or 6 or 9 separate arguments
   1455 similar to the only possible variant for Emacs-26 and earlier.
   1456 6 elements list as the only argument causes wrong type argument till
   1457 Emacs-29.
   1459 Warning: use -1 for DST to guess the actual value, nil means no
   1460 daylight saving time and may be wrong at particular time.
   1462 DST value is ignored prior to Emacs-27.  Since Emacs-27 DST value matters
   1463 even when multiple arguments is passed to this macro and such
   1464 behavior is different from `encode-time'.  See
   1465 Info node `(elisp)Time Conversion' for details and caveats,
   1466 preferably the latest version."
   1467   (if (version< emacs-version "27.1")
   1468       (if (cdr time)
   1469           `(encode-time ,@time)
   1470         `(apply #'encode-time ,@time))
   1471     (if (ignore-errors (with-no-warnings (encode-time '(0 0 0 1 1 1971))))
   1472         (pcase (length time) ; Emacs-29 since d75e2c12eb
   1473           (1 `(encode-time ,@time))
   1474           ((or 6 9) `(encode-time (list ,@time)))
   1475           (_ (error "`org-encode-time' may be called with 1, 6, or 9 arguments but %d given"
   1476                     (length time))))
   1477       (pcase (length time)
   1478         (1 `(encode-time ,@time))
   1479         (6 `(encode-time (list ,@time nil -1 nil)))
   1480         (9 `(encode-time (list ,@time)))
   1481         (_ (error "`org-encode-time' may be called with 1, 6, or 9 arguments but %d given"
   1482                   (length time)))))))
   1484 (defun org-parse-time-string (s &optional nodefault)
   1485   "Parse Org time string S.
   1487 If time is not given, defaults to 0:00.  However, with optional
   1488 NODEFAULT, hour and minute fields are nil if not given.
   1490 Throw an error if S does not contain a valid Org time string.
   1491 Note that the first match for YYYY-MM-DD will be used (e.g.,
   1492 \"-52000-02-03\" will be taken as \"2000-02-03\").
   1494 This should be a lot faster than the `parse-time-string'."
   1495   (unless (string-match org-ts-regexp0 s)
   1496     (error "Not an Org time string: %s" s))
   1497   (list 0
   1498 	(cond ((match-beginning 8) (string-to-number (match-string 8 s)))
   1499 	      (nodefault nil)
   1500 	      (t 0))
   1501 	(cond ((match-beginning 7) (string-to-number (match-string 7 s)))
   1502 	      (nodefault nil)
   1503 	      (t 0))
   1504 	(string-to-number (match-string 4 s))
   1505 	(string-to-number (match-string 3 s))
   1506 	(string-to-number (match-string 2 s))
   1507 	nil -1 nil))
   1509 (defun org-matcher-time (s)
   1510   "Interpret a time comparison value S as a floating point time.
   1512 S can be an Org time stamp, a modifier, e.g., \"<+2d>\", or the
   1513 following special strings: \"<now>\", \"<today>\",
   1514 \"<tomorrow>\", and \"<yesterday>\".
   1516 Return 0. if S is not recognized as a valid value."
   1517   (let ((today (float-time (org-encode-time
   1518                             (append '(0 0 0) (nthcdr 3 (decode-time)))))))
   1519     (save-match-data
   1520       (cond
   1521        ((string= s "<now>") (float-time))
   1522        ((string= s "<today>") today)
   1523        ((string= s "<tomorrow>") (+ 86400.0 today))
   1524        ((string= s "<yesterday>") (- today 86400.0))
   1525        ((string-match "\\`<\\([-+][0-9]+\\)\\([hdwmy]\\)>\\'" s)
   1526 	(+ (if (string= (match-string 2 s) "h") (float-time) today)
   1527 	   (* (string-to-number (match-string 1 s))
   1528 	      (cdr (assoc (match-string 2 s)
   1529 			  '(("h" . 3600.0)
   1530 			    ("d" . 86400.0)   ("w" . 604800.0)
   1531 			    ("m" . 2678400.0) ("y" . 31557600.0)))))))
   1532        ((string-match org-ts-regexp0 s) (org-2ft s))
   1533        (t 0.)))))
   1535 (defun org-scroll (key &optional additional-keys)
   1536   "Receive KEY and scroll the current window accordingly.
   1537 When ADDITIONAL-KEYS is not nil, also include SPC and DEL in the
   1538 allowed keys for scrolling, as expected in the export dispatch
   1539 window."
   1540   (let ((scrlup (if additional-keys '(?\s ?\C-v) ?\C-v))
   1541 	(scrldn (if additional-keys `(?\d ?\M-v) ?\M-v)))
   1542     (pcase key
   1543       (?\C-n (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max)))
   1544 	         (ignore-errors (scroll-up 1))
   1545 	       (message "End of buffer")
   1546 	       (sit-for 1)))
   1547       (?\C-p (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-min)))
   1548 	         (ignore-errors (scroll-down 1))
   1549 	       (message "Beginning of buffer")
   1550 	       (sit-for 1)))
   1551       ;; SPC or
   1552       ((guard (memq key scrlup))
   1553        (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max)))
   1554 	   (scroll-up nil)
   1555 	 (message "End of buffer")
   1556 	 (sit-for 1)))
   1557       ;; DEL
   1558       ((guard (memq key scrldn))
   1559        (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-min)))
   1560 	   (scroll-down nil)
   1561 	 (message "Beginning of buffer")
   1562 	 (sit-for 1))))))
   1564 (cl-defun org-knuth-hash (number &optional (base 32))
   1565   "Calculate Knuth's multiplicative hash for NUMBER.
   1566 BASE is the maximum bitcount.
   1567 Credit:"
   1568   (cl-assert (and (<= 0 base 32)))
   1569   (ash (* number 2654435769) (- base 32)))
   1571 (provide 'org-macs)
   1573 ;; Local variables:
   1574 ;; generated-autoload-file: "org-loaddefs.el"
   1575 ;; End:
   1577 ;;; org-macs.el ends here