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org-macro.el (17300B)

      1 ;;; org-macro.el --- Macro Replacement Code for Org  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     15 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     25 ;; Macros are expanded with `org-macro-replace-all', which relies
     26 ;; internally on `org-macro-expand'.
     28 ;; Default templates for expansion are stored in the buffer-local
     29 ;; variable `org-macro-templates'.  This variable is updated by
     30 ;; `org-macro-initialize-templates', which recursively calls
     31 ;; `org-macro--collect-macros' in order to read setup files.
     33 ;; Argument in macros are separated with commas.  Proper escaping rules
     34 ;; are implemented in `org-macro-escape-arguments' and arguments can
     35 ;; be extracted from a string with `org-macro-extract-arguments'.
     37 ;; Along with macros defined through #+MACRO: keyword, default
     38 ;; templates include the following hard-coded macros:
     39 ;;   {{{time(format-string)}}},
     40 ;;   {{{property(node-property)}}},
     41 ;;   {{{input-file}}},
     42 ;;   {{{modification-time(format-string)}}},
     43 ;;   {{{n(counter,action}}}.
     45 ;; Upon exporting, "ox.el" will also provide {{{author}}}, {{{date}}},
     46 ;; {{{email}}} and {{{title}}} macros.
     48 ;;; Code:
     50 (require 'org-macs)
     51 (org-assert-version)
     53 (require 'cl-lib)
     54 (require 'org-macs)
     55 (require 'org-compat)
     57 (declare-function org-collect-keywords "org" (keywords &optional unique directory))
     58 (declare-function org-element-at-point "org-element" (&optional pom cached-only))
     59 (declare-function org-element-context "org-element" (&optional element))
     60 (declare-function org-element-copy "org-element" (datum))
     61 (declare-function org-element-macro-parser "org-element" ())
     62 (declare-function org-element-keyword-parser "org-element" (limit affiliated))
     63 (declare-function org-element-put-property "org-element" (element property value))
     64 (declare-function org-element-parse-secondary-string "org-element" (string restriction &optional parent))
     65 (declare-function org-element-property "org-element" (property element))
     66 (declare-function org-element-restriction "org-element" (element))
     67 (declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
     68 (declare-function org-entry-get "org" (pom property &optional inherit literal-nil))
     69 (declare-function org-file-contents "org" (file &optional noerror nocache))
     70 (declare-function org-in-commented-heading-p "org" (&optional no-inheritance element))
     71 (declare-function org-link-search "ol" (s &optional avoid-pos stealth))
     72 (declare-function org-mode "org" ())
     73 (declare-function vc-backend "vc-hooks" (f))
     74 (declare-function vc-call "vc-hooks" (fun file &rest args) t)
     75 (declare-function vc-exec-after "vc-dispatcher" (code &optional success))
     77 (defvar org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline)
     79 ;;; Variables
     81 (defvar-local org-macro-templates nil
     82   "Alist containing all macro templates in current buffer.
     83 Associations are in the shape of (NAME . TEMPLATE) where NAME
     84 stands for macro's name and template for its replacement value,
     85 both as strings.  This is an internal variable.  Do not set it
     86 directly, use instead:
     88   #+MACRO: name template")
     90 ;;; Functions
     92 (defun org-macro--makeargs (template)
     93   "Compute the formal arglist to use for TEMPLATE."
     94   (let ((max 0) (i 0))
     95     (while (string-match "\\$\\([0-9]+\\)" template i)
     96       (setq i (match-end 0))
     97       (setq max (max max (string-to-number (match-string 1 template)))))
     98     (let ((args '(&rest _)))
     99       (if (< max 1) args ;Avoid `&optional &rest', refused by Emacs-26!
    100         (while (> max 0)
    101           (push (intern (format "$%d" max)) args)
    102           (setq max (1- max)))
    103         (cons '&optional args)))))
    105 (defun org-macro--set-templates (templates)
    106   "Set template for the macro NAME.
    107 VALUE is the template of the macro.  The new value override the
    108 previous one, unless VALUE is nil.  Return the updated list."
    109   (let ((new-templates nil))
    110     (pcase-dolist (`(,name . ,value) templates)
    111       (let ((old-definition (assoc name new-templates)))
    112         (when (and (stringp value) (string-match-p "\\`(eval\\>" value))
    113           ;; Pre-process the evaluation form for faster macro expansion.
    114           (let* ((args (org-macro--makeargs value))
    115                  (body
    116                   (condition-case nil
    117                       ;; `value' is of the form "(eval ...)" but we
    118                       ;; don't want this to mean to pass the result to
    119                       ;; `eval' (which would cause double evaluation),
    120                       ;; so we strip the `eval' away with `cadr'.
    121 		      (cadr (read value))
    122 		    (error
    123                      (user-error "Invalid definition for macro %S" name)))))
    124 	    (setq value (eval (macroexpand-all `(lambda ,args ,body)) t))))
    125         (cond ((and value old-definition) (setcdr old-definition value))
    126 	      (old-definition)
    127 	      (t (push (cons name (or value "")) new-templates)))))
    128     new-templates))
    130 (defun org-macro--collect-macros ()
    131   "Collect macro definitions in current buffer and setup files.
    132 Return an alist containing all macro templates found."
    133   (let ((templates
    134          `(("author" . ,(org-macro--find-keyword-value "AUTHOR" t))
    135 	   ("email" . ,(org-macro--find-keyword-value "EMAIL"))
    136 	   ("title" . ,(org-macro--find-keyword-value "TITLE" t))
    137 	   ("date" . ,(org-macro--find-date)))))
    138     (pcase (org-collect-keywords '("MACRO"))
    139       (`(("MACRO" . ,values))
    140        (dolist (value values)
    141 	 (when (string-match "^\\(\\S-+\\)[ \t]*" value)
    142 	   (let ((name (match-string 1 value))
    143 		 (definition (substring value (match-end 0))))
    144              (push (cons name definition) templates))))))
    145     templates))
    147 (defun org-macro-initialize-templates (&optional default)
    148   "Collect macro templates defined in current buffer.
    150 DEFAULT is a list of globally available templates.
    152 Templates are stored in buffer-local variable `org-macro-templates'.
    154 In addition to buffer-defined macros, the function installs the
    155 following ones: \"n\", \"author\", \"email\", \"keyword\",
    156 \"time\", \"property\", and, if the buffer is associated to
    157 a file, \"input-file\" and \"modification-time\"."
    158   (require 'org-element)
    159   (org-macro--counter-initialize)	;for "n" macro
    160   (setq org-macro-templates
    161 	(nconc
    162 	 ;; Install user-defined macros.  Local macros have higher
    163          ;; precedence than global ones.
    164          (org-macro--set-templates (append default (org-macro--collect-macros)))
    165 	 ;; Install file-specific macros.
    166 	 (let ((visited-file (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))
    167 	   (and visited-file
    168 		(file-exists-p visited-file)
    169 		(list
    170 		 `("input-file" . ,(file-name-nondirectory visited-file))
    171 		 `("modification-time" .
    172 		   ,(let ((modtime (file-attribute-modification-time
    173 			            (file-attributes visited-file))))
    174 		      (lambda (arg1 &optional arg2 &rest _)
    175 		        (format-time-string
    176                          arg1
    177                          (or (and (org-string-nw-p arg2)
    178                                   (org-macro--vc-modified-time visited-file))
    179                              modtime))))))))
    180 	 ;; Install generic macros.
    181 	 '(("keyword" . (lambda (arg1 &rest _)
    182                           (org-macro--find-keyword-value arg1 t)))
    183 	   ("n" . (lambda (&optional arg1 arg2 &rest _)
    184                     (org-macro--counter-increment arg1 arg2)))
    185            ("property" . (lambda (arg1 &optional arg2 &rest _)
    186                            (org-macro--get-property arg1 arg2)))
    187 	   ("time" . (lambda (arg1 &rest _)
    188                        (format-time-string arg1)))))))
    190 (defun org-macro-expand (macro templates)
    191   "Return expanded MACRO, as a string.
    192 MACRO is an object, obtained, for example, with
    193 `org-element-context'.  TEMPLATES is an alist of templates used
    194 for expansion.  See `org-macro-templates' for a buffer-local
    195 default value.  Return nil if no template was found."
    196   (let ((template
    197 	 ;; Macro names are case-insensitive.
    198 	 (cdr (assoc-string (org-element-property :key macro) templates t))))
    199     (when template
    200       (let* ((value
    201 	      (if (functionp template)
    202 	          (apply template (org-element-property :args macro))
    203 	        (replace-regexp-in-string
    204 	         "\\$[0-9]+"
    205 	         (lambda (m)
    206 		   (or (nth (1- (string-to-number (substring m 1)))
    207 			    (org-element-property :args macro))
    208 		       ;; No argument: remove place-holder.
    209 		       ""))
    210 		 template nil 'literal))))
    211         ;; Force return value to be a string.
    212         (format "%s" (or value ""))))))
    214 (defun org-macro-replace-all (templates &optional keywords)
    215   "Replace all macros in current buffer by their expansion.
    217 TEMPLATES is an alist of templates used for expansion.  See
    218 `org-macro-templates' for a buffer-local default value.
    220 Optional argument KEYWORDS, when non-nil is a list of keywords,
    221 as strings, where macro expansion is allowed.
    223 Return an error if a macro in the buffer cannot be associated to
    224 a definition in TEMPLATES."
    225   (org-with-wide-buffer
    226    (goto-char (point-min))
    227    (let ((properties-regexp (format "\\`EXPORT_%s\\+?\\'"
    228 				    (regexp-opt keywords)))
    229 	 record)
    230      (while (re-search-forward "{{{[-A-Za-z0-9_]" nil t)
    231        (unless (save-match-data (org-in-commented-heading-p))
    232 	 (let* ((datum (save-match-data (org-element-context)))
    233 		(type (org-element-type datum))
    234 		(macro
    235 		 (cond
    236 		  ((eq type 'macro) datum)
    237 		  ;; In parsed keywords and associated node
    238 		  ;; properties, force macro recognition.
    239 		  ((or (and (eq type 'keyword)
    240 			    (member (org-element-property :key datum) keywords))
    241 		       (and (eq type 'node-property)
    242 			    (string-match-p properties-regexp
    243 					    (org-element-property :key datum))))
    244 		   (save-excursion
    245 		     (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
    246 		     (org-element-macro-parser))))))
    247 	   (when macro
    248              ;; `:parent' property might change as we modify buffer.
    249              ;; We do not care about it when checking for circular
    250              ;; dependencies.  So, setting `:parent' to nil making sure
    251              ;; that actual macro element (if org-element-cache is
    252              ;; active) is unchanged.
    253              (setq macro (cl-copy-list macro))
    254              (org-element-put-property macro :parent nil)
    255 	     (let* ((key (org-element-property :key macro))
    256 		    (value (org-macro-expand macro templates))
    257 		    (begin (org-element-property :begin macro))
    258 		    (signature (list begin
    259 				     macro
    260 				     (org-element-property :args macro))))
    261 	       ;; Avoid circular dependencies by checking if the same
    262 	       ;; macro with the same arguments is expanded at the
    263 	       ;; same position twice.
    264 	       (cond ((member signature record)
    265 		      (error "Circular macro expansion: %s" key))
    266 		     (value
    267 		      (push signature record)
    268 		      (delete-region
    269 		       begin
    270 		       ;; Preserve white spaces after the macro.
    271 		       (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :end macro))
    272 			      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
    273 			      (point)))
    274 		      ;; Leave point before replacement in case of
    275 		      ;; recursive expansions.
    276 		      (save-excursion (insert value)))
    277 		     ;; Special "results" macro: if it is not defined,
    278 		     ;; simply leave it as-is.  It will be expanded in
    279 		     ;; a second phase.
    280 		     ((equal key "results"))
    281 		     (t
    282 		      (error "Undefined Org macro: %s; aborting"
    283 			     (org-element-property :key macro))))))))))))
    285 (defun org-macro-escape-arguments (&rest args)
    286   "Build macro's arguments string from ARGS.
    287 ARGS are strings.  Return value is a string with arguments
    288 properly escaped and separated with commas.  This is the opposite
    289 of `org-macro-extract-arguments'."
    290   (let ((s ""))
    291     (dolist (arg (reverse args) (substring s 1))
    292       (setq s
    293 	    (concat
    294 	     ","
    295 	     (replace-regexp-in-string
    296 	      "\\(\\\\*\\),"
    297 	      (lambda (m)
    298 		(concat (make-string (1+ (* 2 (length (match-string 1 m)))) ?\\)
    299 			","))
    300 	      ;; If a non-terminal argument ends on backslashes, make
    301 	      ;; sure to also escape them as they will be followed by
    302 	      ;; a comma.
    303 	      (concat arg (and (not (equal s ""))
    304 			       (string-match "\\\\+\\'" arg)
    305 			       (match-string 0 arg)))
    306 	      nil t)
    307 	     s)))))
    309 (defun org-macro-extract-arguments (s)
    310   "Extract macro arguments from string S.
    311 S is a string containing comma separated values properly escaped.
    312 Return a list of arguments, as strings.  This is the opposite of
    313 `org-macro-escape-arguments'."
    314   ;; Do not use `org-split-string' since empty strings are
    315   ;; meaningful here.
    316   (split-string
    317    (replace-regexp-in-string
    318     "\\(\\\\*\\),"
    319     (lambda (str)
    320       (let ((len (length (match-string 1 str))))
    321 	(concat (make-string (/ len 2) ?\\)
    322 		(if (zerop (mod len 2)) "\000" ","))))
    323     s nil t)
    324    "\000"))
    327 ;;; Helper functions and variables for internal macros
    329 (defun org-macro--get-property (property location)
    330   "Find PROPERTY's value at LOCATION.
    331 PROPERTY is a string.  LOCATION is a search string, as expected
    332 by `org-link-search', or the empty string."
    333   (save-excursion
    334     (when (org-string-nw-p location)
    335       (condition-case _
    336 	  (let ((org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline t))
    337 	    (org-link-search location nil t))
    338         (error
    339 	 (error "Macro property failed: cannot find location %s" location))))
    340     (org-entry-get nil property 'selective)))
    342 (defun org-macro--find-keyword-value (name &optional collect)
    343   "Find value for keyword NAME in current buffer.
    344 Return value associated to the keywords named after NAME, as
    345 a string, or nil.  When optional argument COLLECT is non-nil,
    346 concatenate values, separated with a space, from various keywords
    347 in the buffer."
    348   (org-with-point-at 1
    349     (let ((regexp (format "^[ \t]*#\\+%s:" (regexp-quote name)))
    350 	  (case-fold-search t)
    351 	  (result nil))
    352       (catch :exit
    353 	(while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
    354 	  (let ((element (org-with-point-at (match-beginning 0) (org-element-keyword-parser (line-end-position) (list (match-beginning 0))))))
    355 	    (when (eq 'keyword (org-element-type element))
    356 	      (let ((value (org-element-property :value element)))
    357 		(if (not collect) (throw :exit value)
    358 		  (setq result (concat result " " value)))))))
    359 	(and result (org-trim result))))))
    361 (defun org-macro--find-date ()
    362   "Find value for DATE in current buffer.
    363 Return value as a string."
    364   (let* ((value (org-macro--find-keyword-value "DATE"))
    365 	 (date (org-element-parse-secondary-string
    366 		value (org-element-restriction 'keyword))))
    367     (if (and (consp date)
    368 	     (not (cdr date))
    369 	     (eq 'timestamp (org-element-type (car date))))
    370 	(format "(eval (if (org-string-nw-p $1) %s %S))"
    371 		(format "(org-format-timestamp '%S $1)"
    372 			(org-element-copy (car date)))
    373 		value)
    374       value)))
    376 (defun org-macro--vc-modified-time (file)
    377   (require 'vc) ; Not everything we need is autoloaded.
    378   (save-window-excursion
    379     (when (vc-backend file)
    380       (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *org-vc*"))
    381 	    (case-fold-search t)
    382 	    date)
    383 	(unwind-protect
    384 	    (progn
    385 	      (vc-call print-log (list file) buf nil nil 1)
    386 	      (with-current-buffer buf
    387 		(vc-exec-after
    388 		 (lambda ()
    389 		   (goto-char (point-min))
    390 		   (when (re-search-forward "Date:?[ \t]*" nil t)
    391 		     (let ((time (parse-time-string
    392 				  (buffer-substring
    393 				   (point) (line-end-position)))))
    394 		       (when (cl-some #'identity time)
    395 			 (setq date (org-encode-time time))))))))
    396 	      (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buf)))
    397 		(while (and proc (accept-process-output proc .5 nil t)))))
    398 	  (kill-buffer buf))
    399 	date))))
    401 (defvar org-macro--counter-table nil
    402   "Hash table containing counter value per name.")
    404 (defun org-macro--counter-initialize ()
    405   "Initialize `org-macro--counter-table'."
    406   (setq org-macro--counter-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    408 (defun org-macro--counter-increment (name &optional action)
    409   "Increment counter NAME.
    410 NAME is a string identifying the counter.
    412 When non-nil, optional argument ACTION is a string.
    414 If the string is \"-\", keep the NAME counter at its current
    415 value, i.e. do not increment.
    417 If the string represents an integer, set the counter to this number.
    419 Any other non-empty string resets the counter to 1."
    420   (let ((name-trimmed (if (stringp name) (org-trim name) ""))
    421         (action-trimmed (when (org-string-nw-p action)
    422                           (org-trim action))))
    423     (puthash name-trimmed
    424              (cond ((not (org-string-nw-p action-trimmed))
    425                     (1+ (gethash name-trimmed org-macro--counter-table 0)))
    426                    ((string= "-" action-trimmed)
    427                     (gethash name-trimmed org-macro--counter-table 1))
    428                    ((string-match-p "\\`[0-9]+\\'" action-trimmed)
    429                     (string-to-number action-trimmed))
    430                    (t 1))
    431              org-macro--counter-table)))
    433 (provide 'org-macro)
    435 ;;; org-macro.el ends here