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org-list.el (138565B)

      1 ;;; org-list.el --- Plain lists for Org              -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      4 ;;
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;;	   Bastien Guerry <>
      7 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      8 ;; URL:
      9 ;;
     10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     11 ;;
     12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     23 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     24 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     25 ;;
     26 ;;; Commentary:
     28 ;; This file contains the code dealing with plain lists in Org mode.
     30 ;; The core concept behind lists is their structure.  A structure is
     31 ;; a snapshot of the list, in the shape of a data tree (see
     32 ;; `org-list-struct').
     34 ;; Once the list structure is stored, it is possible to make changes
     35 ;; on it that will be mirrored to the real list or to get information
     36 ;; about the list, using accessors and methods provided in the
     37 ;; library.  Most of them require the use of one or two helper
     38 ;; functions, namely `org-list-parents-alist' and
     39 ;; `org-list-prevs-alist'.
     41 ;; Structure is eventually applied to the buffer with
     42 ;; `org-list-write-struct'.  This function repairs (bullets,
     43 ;; indentation, checkboxes) the list in the process.  It should be
     44 ;; called near the end of any function working on structures.
     46 ;; Thus, a function applying to lists should usually follow this
     47 ;; template:
     49 ;; 1. Verify point is in a list and grab item beginning (with the same
     50 ;;    function `org-in-item-p').  If the function requires the cursor
     51 ;;    to be at item's bullet, `org-at-item-p' is more selective.  It
     52 ;;    is also possible to move point to the closest item with
     53 ;;    `org-list-search-backward', or `org-list-search-forward',
     54 ;;    applied to the function `org-item-beginning-re'.
     56 ;; 2. Get list structure with `org-list-struct'.
     58 ;; 3. Compute one, or both, helper functions,
     59 ;;    (`org-list-parents-alist', `org-list-prevs-alist') depending on
     60 ;;    needed accessors.
     62 ;; 4. Proceed with the modifications, using methods and accessors.
     64 ;; 5. Verify and apply structure to buffer, using
     65 ;;    `org-list-write-struct'.
     67 ;; 6. If changes made to the list might have modified check-boxes,
     68 ;;    call `org-update-checkbox-count-maybe'.
     70 ;; Computing a structure can be a costly operation on huge lists (a
     71 ;; few thousand lines long).  Thus, code should follow the rule:
     72 ;; "collect once, use many".  As a corollary, it is usually a bad idea
     73 ;; to use directly an interactive function inside the code, as those,
     74 ;; being independent entities, read the whole list structure another
     75 ;; time.
     77 ;;; Code:
     79 (require 'org-macs)
     80 (org-assert-version)
     82 (require 'cl-lib)
     83 (require 'org-macs)
     84 (require 'org-compat)
     85 (require 'org-fold-core)
     86 (require 'org-footnote)
     88 (defvar org-M-RET-may-split-line)
     89 (defvar org-adapt-indentation)
     90 (defvar org-auto-align-tags)
     91 (defvar org-blank-before-new-entry)
     92 (defvar org-clock-string)
     93 (defvar org-closed-string)
     94 (defvar org-deadline-string)
     95 (defvar org-done-keywords)
     96 (defvar org-drawer-regexp)
     97 (defvar org-element-all-objects)
     98 (defvar org-inhibit-startup)
     99 (defvar org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region)
    100 (defvar org-odd-levels-only)
    101 (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol)
    102 (defvar org-scheduled-string)
    103 (defvar org-todo-line-regexp)
    104 (defvar org-ts-regexp)
    105 (defvar org-ts-regexp-both)
    107 (declare-function org-at-heading-p "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
    108 (declare-function org-back-to-heading "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
    109 (declare-function org-before-first-heading-p "org" ())
    110 (declare-function org-current-level "org" ())
    111 (declare-function org-element-at-point "org-element" (&optional pom cached-only))
    112 (declare-function org-element-context "org-element" (&optional element))
    113 (declare-function org-element-interpret-data "org-element" (data))
    114 (declare-function org-element-lineage "org-element" (blob &optional types with-self))
    115 (declare-function org-element-macro-interpreter "org-element" (macro ##))
    116 (declare-function org-element-map "org-element" (data types fun &optional info first-match no-recursion with-affiliated))
    117 (declare-function org-element-normalize-string "org-element" (s))
    118 (declare-function org-element-parse-buffer "org-element" (&optional granularity visible-only))
    119 (declare-function org-element-property "org-element" (property element))
    120 (declare-function org-element-put-property "org-element" (element property value))
    121 (declare-function org-element-set-element "org-element" (old new))
    122 (declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
    123 (declare-function org-element-update-syntax "org-element" ())
    124 (declare-function org-end-of-meta-data "org" (&optional full))
    125 (declare-function org-entry-get "org" (pom property &optional inherit literal-nil))
    126 (declare-function org-export-create-backend "ox" (&rest rest) t)
    127 (declare-function org-export-data-with-backend "ox" (data backend info))
    128 (declare-function org-export-get-backend "ox" (name))
    129 (declare-function org-export-get-environment "ox" (&optional backend subtreep ext-plist))
    130 (declare-function org-export-get-next-element "ox" (blob info &optional n))
    131 (declare-function org-export-with-backend "ox" (backend data &optional contents info))
    132 (declare-function org-fix-tags-on-the-fly "org" ())
    133 (declare-function org-get-todo-state "org" ())
    134 (declare-function org-in-block-p "org" (names))
    135 (declare-function org-inlinetask-goto-beginning "org-inlinetask" ())
    136 (declare-function org-inlinetask-goto-end "org-inlinetask" ())
    137 (declare-function org-inlinetask-in-task-p "org-inlinetask" ())
    138 (declare-function org-inlinetask-outline-regexp "org-inlinetask" ())
    139 (declare-function org-level-increment "org" ())
    140 (declare-function org-mode "org" ())
    141 (declare-function org-narrow-to-subtree "org" (&optional element))
    142 (declare-function org-outline-level "org" ())
    143 (declare-function org-previous-line-empty-p "org" ())
    144 (declare-function org-reduced-level "org" (L))
    145 (declare-function org-set-tags "org" (tags))
    146 (declare-function org-fold-show-subtree "org-fold" ())
    147 (declare-function org-fold-region "org-fold" (from to flag &optional spec))
    148 (declare-function org-sort-remove-invisible "org" (S))
    149 (declare-function org-time-string-to-seconds "org" (s))
    150 (declare-function org-timer-hms-to-secs "org-timer" (hms))
    151 (declare-function org-timer-item "org-timer" (&optional arg))
    152 (declare-function outline-next-heading "outline" ())
    153 (declare-function outline-previous-heading "outline" ())
    157 ;;; Configuration variables
    159 (defgroup org-plain-lists nil
    160   "Options concerning plain lists in Org mode."
    161   :tag "Org Plain lists"
    162   :group 'org-structure)
    164 (defcustom org-cycle-include-plain-lists t
    165   "When t, make TAB cycle visibility on plain list items.
    166 Cycling plain lists works only when the cursor is on a plain list
    167 item.  When the cursor is on an outline heading, plain lists are
    168 treated as text.  This is the most stable way of handling this,
    169 which is why it is the default.
    171 When this is the symbol `integrate', then integrate plain list
    172 items when cycling, as if they were children of outline headings.
    174 This setting can lead to strange effects when switching visibility
    175 to `children', because the first \"child\" in a subtree decides
    176 what children should be listed.  If that first \"child\" is a
    177 plain list item with an implied large level number, all true
    178 children and grand children of the outline heading will be
    179 exposed in a children' view."
    180   :group 'org-plain-lists
    181   :group 'org-cycle
    182   :type '(choice
    183 	  (const :tag "Never" nil)
    184 	  (const :tag "With cursor in plain list (recommended)" t)
    185 	  (const :tag "As children of outline headings" integrate)))
    187 (defcustom org-list-demote-modify-bullet nil
    188   "Default bullet type installed when demoting an item.
    189 This is an association list, for each bullet type, this alist will point
    190 to the bullet that should be used when this item is demoted.
    191 For example,
    193  (setq org-list-demote-modify-bullet
    194        \\='((\"+\" . \"-\") (\"-\" . \"+\") (\"*\" . \"+\")))
    196 will make
    198   + Movies
    199     + Silence of the Lambs
    200     + My Cousin Vinny
    201   + Books
    202     + The Hunt for Red October
    203     + The Road to Omaha
    205 into
    207   + Movies
    208     - Silence of the Lambs
    209     - My Cousin Vinny
    210   + Books
    211     - The Hunt for Red October
    212     - The Road to Omaha"
    213   :group 'org-plain-lists
    214   :type '(repeat
    215 	  (cons
    216 	   (choice :tag "If the current bullet is  "
    217 		   (const "-")
    218 		   (const "+")
    219 		   (const "*")
    220 		   (const "1.")
    221 		   (const "1)"))
    222 	   (choice :tag "demotion will change it to"
    223 		   (const "-")
    224 		   (const "+")
    225 		   (const "*")
    226 		   (const "1.")
    227 		   (const "1)")))))
    229 (defcustom org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator t
    230   "The character that makes a line with leading number an ordered list item.
    231 Valid values are ?. and ?\\).  To get both terminators, use t.
    233 This variable needs to be set before org.el is loaded.  If you
    234 need to make a change while Emacs is running, use the customize
    235 interface or run the following code after updating it:
    237   `\\[org-element-update-syntax]'"
    238   :group 'org-plain-lists
    239   :type '(choice (const :tag "dot like in \"2.\"" ?.)
    240 		 (const :tag "paren like in \"2)\"" ?\))
    241 		 (const :tag "both" t))
    242   :set (lambda (var val) (set-default-toplevel-value var val)
    243 	 (when (featurep 'org-element) (org-element-update-syntax))))
    245 (defcustom org-list-allow-alphabetical nil
    246   "Non-nil means single character alphabetical bullets are allowed.
    248 Both uppercase and lowercase are handled.  Lists with more than
    249 26 items will fallback to standard numbering.  Alphabetical
    250 counters like \"[@c]\" will be recognized.
    252 This variable needs to be set before org.el is loaded.  If you
    253 need to make a change while Emacs is running, use the customize
    254 interface or run the following code after updating it:
    256   `\\[org-element-update-syntax]'"
    257   :group 'org-plain-lists
    258   :version "24.1"
    259   :type 'boolean
    260   :set (lambda (var val) (set-default-toplevel-value var val)
    261 	 (when (featurep 'org-element) (org-element-update-syntax))))
    263 (defcustom org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp nil
    264   "A regular expression matching bullets that should have 2 spaces after them.
    265 When nil, no bullet will have two spaces after them.  When
    266 a string, it will be used as a regular expression.  When the
    267 bullet type of a list is changed, the new bullet type will be
    268 matched against this regexp.  If it matches, there will be two
    269 spaces instead of one after the bullet in each item of the list."
    270   :group 'org-plain-lists
    271   :type '(choice
    272 	  (const :tag "never" nil)
    273 	  (regexp)))
    275 (defcustom org-list-automatic-rules '((checkbox . t)
    276 				      (indent . t))
    277   "Non-nil means apply set of rules when acting on lists.
    278 \\<org-mode-map>
    279 By default, automatic actions are taken when using
    280   `\\[org-meta-return]',
    281   `\\[org-metaright]',
    282   `\\[org-metaleft]',
    283   `\\[org-shiftmetaright]',
    284   `\\[org-shiftmetaleft]',
    285   `\\[org-ctrl-c-minus]',
    286   `\\[org-toggle-checkbox]',
    287   `\\[org-insert-todo-heading]'.
    289 You can disable individually these rules by setting them to nil.
    290 Valid rules are:
    292 checkbox  when non-nil, checkbox statistics is updated each time
    293           you either insert a new checkbox or toggle a checkbox.
    294 indent    when non-nil, indenting or outdenting list top-item
    295           with its subtree will move the whole list and
    296           outdenting a list whose bullet is * to column 0 will
    297           change that bullet to \"-\"."
    298   :group 'org-plain-lists
    299   :version "24.1"
    300   :type '(alist :tag "Sets of rules"
    301 		:key-type
    302 		(choice
    303 		 (const :tag "Checkbox" checkbox)
    304 		 (const :tag "Indent" indent))
    305 		:value-type
    306 		(boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)))
    308 (defcustom org-list-use-circular-motion nil
    309   "Non-nil means commands implying motion in lists should be cyclic.
    310 \\<org-mode-map>
    311 In that case, the item following the last item is the first one,
    312 and the item preceding the first item is the last one.
    314 This affects the behavior of
    315   `\\[org-move-item-up]',
    316   `\\[org-move-item-down]',
    317   `\\[org-next-item]',
    318   `\\[org-previous-item]'."
    319   :group 'org-plain-lists
    320   :version "24.1"
    321   :type 'boolean)
    323 (defvar org-checkbox-statistics-hook nil
    324   "Hook that is run whenever Org thinks checkbox statistics should be updated.
    325 This hook runs even if checkbox rule in
    326 `org-list-automatic-rules' does not apply, so it can be used to
    327 implement alternative ways of collecting statistics
    328 information.")
    330 (defcustom org-checkbox-hierarchical-statistics t
    331   "Non-nil means checkbox statistics counts only the state of direct children.
    332 When nil, all boxes below the cookie are counted.
    333 This can be set to nil on a per-node basis using a COOKIE_DATA property
    334 with the word \"recursive\" in the value."
    335   :group 'org-plain-lists
    336   :type 'boolean)
    338 (defcustom org-list-indent-offset 0
    339   "Additional indentation for sub-items in a list.
    340 By setting this to a small number, usually 1 or 2, one can more
    341 clearly distinguish sub-items in a list."
    342   :group 'org-plain-lists
    343   :version "24.1"
    344   :type 'integer)
    346 (defvar org-list-forbidden-blocks '("example" "verse" "src" "export")
    347   "Names of blocks where lists are not allowed.
    348 Names must be in lower case.")
    351 ;;; Predicates and regexps
    353 (defconst org-list-end-re "^[ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n"
    354   "Regex matching the end of a plain list.")
    356 (defconst org-list-full-item-re
    357   (concat "^[ \t]*\\(\\(?:[-+*]\\|\\(?:[0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)[.)]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)"
    358 	  "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*\\)?"
    359 	  "\\(?:\\(\\[[ X-]\\]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?"
    360 	  "\\(?:\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?")
    361   "Matches a list item and puts everything into groups:
    362 group 1: bullet
    363 group 2: counter
    364 group 3: checkbox
    365 group 4: description tag")
    367 (defun org-item-re ()
    368   "Return the correct regular expression for plain lists."
    369   (let ((term (cond
    370 	       ((eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator t) "[.)]")
    371 	       ((= org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?\)) ")")
    372 	       ((= org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.) "\\.")
    373 	       (t "[.)]")))
    374 	(alpha (if org-list-allow-alphabetical "\\|[A-Za-z]" "")))
    375     (concat "\\([ \t]*\\([-+]\\|\\(\\([0-9]+" alpha "\\)" term
    376 	    "\\)\\)\\|[ \t]+\\*\\)\\([ \t]+\\|$\\)")))
    378 (defsubst org-item-beginning-re ()
    379   "Regexp matching the beginning of a plain list item."
    380   (concat "^" (org-item-re)))
    382 (defun org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p (regexp)
    383   "Is point at a list item with REGEXP after bullet?"
    384   (and (org-at-item-p)
    385        (save-excursion
    386 	 (goto-char (match-end 0))
    387 	 (let ((counter-re (concat "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?"
    388 				   (if org-list-allow-alphabetical
    389 				       "\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)"
    390 				     "[0-9]+")
    391 				   "\\][ \t]*\\)")))
    392 	   ;; Ignore counter if any
    393 	   (when (looking-at counter-re) (goto-char (match-end 0))))
    394 	 (looking-at regexp))))
    396 (defun org-list-in-valid-context-p ()
    397   "Is point in a context where lists are allowed?"
    398   (not (org-in-block-p org-list-forbidden-blocks)))
    400 (defun org-in-item-p ()
    401   "Return item beginning position when in a plain list, nil otherwise."
    402   (save-excursion
    403     (beginning-of-line)
    404     (let* ((case-fold-search t)
    405 	   (context (org-list-context))
    406 	   (lim-up (car context))
    407 	   (inlinetask-re (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
    408 			       (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
    409 	   (item-re (org-item-re))
    410 	   ;; Indentation isn't meaningful when point starts at an empty
    411 	   ;; line or an inline task.
    412 	   (ind-ref (if (or (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
    413 			    (and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re)))
    414 			10000
    415 		      (org-current-text-indentation))))
    416       (cond
    417        ((eq (nth 2 context) 'invalid) nil)
    418        ((looking-at item-re) (point))
    419        (t
    420 	;; Detect if cursor in amidst `org-list-end-re'.  First, count
    421 	;; number HL of hard lines it takes, then call `org-in-regexp'
    422 	;; to compute its boundaries END-BOUNDS.  When point is
    423 	;; in-between, move cursor before regexp beginning.
    424 	(let ((hl 0) (i -1) end-bounds)
    425 	  (when (and (progn
    426 		       (while (setq i (string-match
    427 				       "[\r\n]" org-list-end-re (1+ i)))
    428 			 (setq hl (1+ hl)))
    429 		       (setq end-bounds (org-in-regexp org-list-end-re hl)))
    430 		     (>= (point) (car end-bounds))
    431 		     (< (point) (cdr end-bounds)))
    432 	    (goto-char (car end-bounds))
    433 	    (forward-line -1)))
    434 	;; Look for an item, less indented that reference line.
    435 	(catch 'exit
    436 	  (while t
    437 	    (let ((ind (org-current-text-indentation)))
    438 	      (cond
    439 	       ;; This is exactly what we want.
    440 	       ((and (looking-at item-re) (< ind ind-ref))
    441 		(throw 'exit (point)))
    442 	       ;; At upper bound of search or looking at the end of a
    443 	       ;; previous list: search is over.
    444 	       ((<= (point) lim-up) (throw 'exit nil))
    445 	       ((looking-at org-list-end-re) (throw 'exit nil))
    446 	       ;; Skip blocks, drawers, inline-tasks, blank lines
    447 	       ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+end_")
    448 		     (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_" lim-up t)))
    449 	       ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*:END:")
    450 		     (re-search-backward org-drawer-regexp lim-up t))
    451 		(beginning-of-line))
    452 	       ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
    453 		(org-inlinetask-goto-beginning)
    454 		(forward-line -1))
    455 	       ((looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (forward-line -1))
    456 	       ;; Text at column 0 cannot belong to a list: stop.
    457 	       ((zerop ind) (throw 'exit nil))
    458 	       ;; Normal text less indented than reference line, take
    459 	       ;; it as new reference.
    460 	       ((< ind ind-ref)
    461 		(setq ind-ref ind)
    462 		(forward-line -1))
    463 	       (t (forward-line -1)))))))))))
    465 (defun org-at-item-p ()
    466   "Is point in a line starting a hand-formatted item?"
    467   (save-excursion
    468     (beginning-of-line)
    469     (and (looking-at (org-item-re)) (org-list-in-valid-context-p))))
    471 (defun org-at-item-bullet-p ()
    472   "Is point at the bullet of a plain list item?"
    473   (and (org-at-item-p)
    474        (not (member (char-after) '(?\  ?\t)))
    475        (< (point) (match-end 0))))
    477 (defun org-at-item-timer-p ()
    478   "Is point at a line starting a plain list item with a timer?"
    479   (org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p
    480    "\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\)[ \t]+::[ \t]+"))
    482 (defun org-at-item-description-p ()
    483   "Is point at a description list item?"
    484   (org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p "\\(\\S-.+\\)[ \t]+::\\([ \t]+\\|$\\)"))
    486 (defun org-at-item-checkbox-p ()
    487   "Is point at a line starting a plain-list item with a checklet?"
    488   (org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p "\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)[ \t]+"))
    490 (defun org-at-item-counter-p ()
    491   "Is point at a line starting a plain-list item with a counter?"
    492   (and (org-at-item-p)
    493        (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
    494        (match-string 2)))
    498 ;;; Structures and helper functions
    500 (defun org-list-context ()
    501   "Determine context, and its boundaries, around point.
    503 Context will be a cell like (MIN MAX CONTEXT) where MIN and MAX
    504 are boundaries and CONTEXT is a symbol among `drawer', `block',
    505 `invalid', `inlinetask' and nil.
    507 Contexts `block' and `invalid' refer to `org-list-forbidden-blocks'."
    508   (save-match-data
    509     (save-excursion
    510       (org-with-limited-levels
    511        (beginning-of-line)
    512        (let ((case-fold-search t) (pos (point)) beg end context-type
    513 	     ;; Get positions of surrounding headings.  This is the
    514 	     ;; default context.
    515 	     (lim-up (or (save-excursion (and (ignore-errors (org-back-to-heading t))
    516 					      (point)))
    517 			 (point-min)))
    518 	     (lim-down (or (save-excursion (outline-next-heading)) (point-max))))
    519 	 ;; Is point inside a drawer?
    520 	 (let ((end-re "^[ \t]*:END:")
    521 	       (beg-re org-drawer-regexp))
    522 	   (when (save-excursion
    523 		   (and (not (looking-at beg-re))
    524 			(not (looking-at end-re))
    525 			(setq beg (and (re-search-backward beg-re lim-up t)
    526                                        (1+ (line-end-position))))
    527 			(setq end (or (and (re-search-forward end-re lim-down t)
    528 					   (1- (match-beginning 0)))
    529 				      lim-down))
    530 			(>= end pos)))
    531 	     (setq lim-up beg lim-down end context-type 'drawer)))
    532 	 ;; Is point strictly in a block, and of which type?
    533 	 (let ((block-re "^[ \t]*#\\+\\(begin\\|end\\)_") type)
    534 	   (when (save-excursion
    535 		   (and (not (looking-at block-re))
    536 			(setq beg (and (re-search-backward block-re lim-up t)
    537                                        (1+ (line-end-position))))
    538 			(looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)")
    539 			(setq type (downcase (match-string 1)))
    540 			(goto-char beg)
    541 			(setq end (or (and (re-search-forward block-re lim-down t)
    542                                            (1- (line-beginning-position)))
    543 				      lim-down))
    544 			(>= end pos)
    545 			(equal (downcase (match-string 1)) "end")))
    546 	     (setq lim-up beg lim-down end
    547 		   context-type (if (member type org-list-forbidden-blocks)
    548 				    'invalid 'block))))
    549 	 ;; Is point in an inlinetask?
    550 	 (when (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
    551 		    (save-excursion
    552 		      (let* ((beg-re (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp))
    553 			     (end-re (concat beg-re "END[ \t]*$")))
    554 			(and (not (looking-at "^\\*+"))
    555 			     (setq beg (and (re-search-backward beg-re lim-up t)
    556                                             (1+ (line-end-position))))
    557 			     (not (looking-at end-re))
    558 			     (setq end (and (re-search-forward end-re lim-down t)
    559 					    (1- (match-beginning 0))))
    560 			     (> (point) pos)))))
    561 	   (setq lim-up beg lim-down end context-type 'inlinetask))
    562 	 ;; Return context boundaries and type.
    563 	 (list lim-up lim-down context-type))))))
    565 (defun org-list-struct ()
    566   "Return structure of list at point.
    568 A list structure is an alist where key is point at item, and
    569 values are:
    570 1. indentation,
    571 2. bullet with trailing whitespace,
    572 3. bullet counter, if any,
    573 4. checkbox, if any,
    574 5. description tag, if any,
    575 6. position at item end.
    577 Thus the following list, where numbers in parens are
    578 line-beginning-position:
    580 - [X] first item                             (1)
    581   1. sub-item 1                              (18)
    582   5. [@5] sub-item 2                         (34)
    583   some other text belonging to first item    (55)
    584 - last item                                  (97)
    585   + tag :: description                       (109)
    586                                              (131)
    588 will get the following structure:
    590  ((1 0 \"- \"  nil \"[X]\" nil 97)
    591   (18 2 \"1. \"  nil nil nil 34)
    592   (34 2 \"5. \" \"5\" nil nil 55)
    593   (97 0 \"- \"  nil nil nil 131)
    594   (109 2 \"+ \" nil nil \"tag\" 131))
    596 Assume point is at an item."
    597   (save-excursion
    598     (beginning-of-line)
    599     (let* ((case-fold-search t)
    600 	   (context (org-list-context))
    601 	   (lim-up (car context))
    602 	   (lim-down (nth 1 context))
    603 	   (text-min-ind 10000)
    604 	   (item-re (org-item-re))
    605 	   (inlinetask-re (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
    606 			       (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
    607 	   (beg-cell (cons (point) (org-current-text-indentation)))
    608            itm-lst itm-lst-2 end-lst end-lst-2 struct
    609 	   (assoc-at-point
    610 	    ;; Return association at point.
    611 	    (lambda (ind)
    612 	      (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
    613 	      (let ((bullet (match-string-no-properties 1)))
    614 		(list (point)
    615 		      ind
    616 		      bullet
    617 		      (match-string-no-properties 2) ; counter
    618 		      (match-string-no-properties 3) ; checkbox
    619 		      ;; Description tag.
    620 		      (and (string-match-p "[-+*]" bullet)
    621 			   (match-string-no-properties 4))))))
    622 	   (end-before-blank
    623 	    ;; Ensure list ends at the first blank line.
    624 	    (lambda ()
    625 	      (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    626               (min (1+ (line-end-position)) lim-down))))
    627       ;; 1. Read list from starting item to its beginning, and save
    628       ;;    top item position and indentation in BEG-CELL.  Also store
    629       ;;    ending position of items in END-LST.
    630       (save-excursion
    631 	(catch 'exit
    632 	  (while t
    633 	    (let ((ind (org-current-text-indentation)))
    634 	      (cond
    635 	       ((<= (point) lim-up)
    636 		;; At upward limit: if we ended at an item, store it,
    637 		;; else dismiss useless data recorded above BEG-CELL.
    638 		;; Jump to part 2.
    639 		(throw 'exit
    640 		       (setq itm-lst
    641 			     (if (not (looking-at item-re))
    642 				 (memq (assq (car beg-cell) itm-lst) itm-lst)
    643 			       (setq beg-cell (cons (point) ind))
    644 			       (cons (funcall assoc-at-point ind) itm-lst)))))
    645 	       ;; Looking at a list ending regexp.  Dismiss useless
    646 	       ;; data recorded above BEG-CELL.  Jump to part 2.
    647 	       ((looking-at org-list-end-re)
    648 		(throw 'exit
    649 		       (setq itm-lst
    650 			     (memq (assq (car beg-cell) itm-lst) itm-lst))))
    651 	       ;; Point is at an item.  Add data to ITM-LST. It may
    652 	       ;; also end a previous item: save it in END-LST.  If
    653 	       ;; ind is less or equal than BEG-CELL and there is no
    654 	       ;; end at this ind or lesser, this item becomes the new
    655 	       ;; BEG-CELL.
    656 	       ((looking-at item-re)
    657 		(push (funcall assoc-at-point ind) itm-lst)
    658 		(push (cons ind (point)) end-lst)
    659 		(when (< ind text-min-ind) (setq beg-cell (cons (point) ind)))
    660 		(forward-line -1))
    661 	       ;; Skip blocks, drawers, inline tasks, blank lines.
    662 	       ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+end_")
    663 		     (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_" lim-up t)))
    664 	       ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*:END:")
    665 		     (re-search-backward org-drawer-regexp lim-up t))
    666 		(beginning-of-line))
    667 	       ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
    668 		(org-inlinetask-goto-beginning)
    669 		(forward-line -1))
    670 	       ((looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
    671 		(forward-line -1))
    672 	       ;; From there, point is not at an item.  Interpret
    673 	       ;; line's indentation:
    674 	       ;; - text at column 0 is necessarily out of any list.
    675 	       ;;   Dismiss data recorded above BEG-CELL.  Jump to
    676 	       ;;   part 2.
    677 	       ;; - any other case may be an ending position for an
    678 	       ;;   hypothetical item above.  Store it and proceed.
    679 	       ((zerop ind)
    680 		(throw 'exit
    681 		       (setq itm-lst
    682 			     (memq (assq (car beg-cell) itm-lst) itm-lst))))
    683 	       (t
    684 		(when (< ind text-min-ind) (setq text-min-ind ind))
    685 		(push (cons ind (point)) end-lst)
    686 		(forward-line -1)))))))
    687       ;; 2. Read list from starting point to its end, that is until we
    688       ;;    get out of context, or that a non-item line is less or
    689       ;;    equally indented than BEG-CELL's cdr.  Also, store ending
    690       ;;    position of items in END-LST-2.
    691       (catch 'exit
    692 	(while t
    693 	  (let ((ind (org-current-text-indentation)))
    694 	    (cond
    695 	     ((>= (point) lim-down)
    696 	      ;; At downward limit: this is de facto the end of the
    697 	      ;; list.  Save point as an ending position, and jump to
    698 	      ;; part 3.
    699 	      (throw 'exit
    700 		     (push (cons 0 (funcall end-before-blank)) end-lst-2)))
    701 	     ;; Looking at a list ending regexp.  Save point as an
    702 	     ;; ending position and jump to part 3.
    703 	     ((looking-at org-list-end-re)
    704 	      (throw 'exit (push (cons 0 (point)) end-lst-2)))
    705 	     ((looking-at item-re)
    706 	      ;; Point is at an item.  Add data to ITM-LST-2. It may
    707 	      ;; also end a previous item, so save it in END-LST-2.
    708 	      (push (funcall assoc-at-point ind) itm-lst-2)
    709 	      (push (cons ind (point)) end-lst-2)
    710 	      (forward-line 1))
    711 	     ;; Skip inline tasks and blank lines along the way
    712 	     ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
    713 	      (org-inlinetask-goto-end))
    714 	     ((looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
    715 	      (forward-line 1))
    716 	     ;; Ind is lesser or equal than BEG-CELL's.  The list is
    717 	     ;; over: store point as an ending position and jump to
    718 	     ;; part 3.
    719 	     ((<= ind (cdr beg-cell))
    720 	      (throw 'exit
    721 		     (push (cons 0 (funcall end-before-blank)) end-lst-2)))
    722 	     ;; Else, if ind is lesser or equal than previous item's,
    723 	     ;; this is an ending position: store it.  In any case,
    724 	     ;; skip block or drawer at point, and move to next line.
    725 	     (t
    726 	      (when (<= ind (nth 1 (car itm-lst-2)))
    727 		(push (cons ind (point)) end-lst-2))
    728 	      (cond
    729 	       ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_")
    730 		     (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#\\+end_" lim-down t)))
    731 	       ((and (looking-at org-drawer-regexp)
    732 		     (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*:END:" lim-down t))))
    733 	      (forward-line 1))))))
    734       (setq struct (append itm-lst (cdr (nreverse itm-lst-2)))
    735 	    end-lst (append end-lst (cdr (nreverse end-lst-2))))
    736       ;; 3. Associate each item to its end position.
    737       (org-list-struct-assoc-end struct end-lst)
    738       ;; 4. Return STRUCT
    739       struct)))
    741 (defun org-list-struct-assoc-end (struct end-list)
    742   "Associate proper ending point to items in STRUCT.
    744 END-LIST is a pseudo-alist where car is indentation and cdr is
    745 ending position.
    747 This function modifies STRUCT."
    748   (let ((endings end-list))
    749     (mapc
    750      (lambda (elt)
    751        (let ((pos (car elt))
    752 	     (ind (nth 1 elt)))
    753 	 ;; Remove end candidates behind current item.
    754 	 (while (or (<= (cdar endings) pos))
    755 	   (pop endings))
    756 	 ;; Add end position to item assoc.
    757 	 (let ((old-end (nthcdr 6 elt))
    758 	       (new-end (assoc-default ind endings '<=)))
    759 	   (if old-end
    760 	       (setcar old-end new-end)
    761 	     (setcdr elt (append (cdr elt) (list new-end)))))))
    762      struct)))
    764 (defun org-list-prevs-alist (struct)
    765   "Return alist between item and previous item in STRUCT."
    766   (let ((item-end-alist (mapcar (lambda (e) (cons (car e) (nth 6 e)))
    767 				struct)))
    768     (mapcar (lambda (e)
    769 	      (let ((prev (car (rassq (car e) item-end-alist))))
    770 		(cons (car e) prev)))
    771 	    struct)))
    773 (defun org-list-parents-alist (struct)
    774   "Return alist between item and parent in STRUCT."
    775   (let* ((ind-to-ori (list (list (nth 1 (car struct)))))
    776 	 (top-item (org-list-get-top-point struct))
    777 	 (prev-pos (list top-item)))
    778     (cons prev-pos
    779 	  (mapcar (lambda (item)
    780 		    (let ((pos (car item))
    781 			  (ind (nth 1 item))
    782 			  (prev-ind (caar ind-to-ori)))
    783 		      (push pos prev-pos)
    784 		      (cond
    785 		       ((> prev-ind ind)
    786 			;; A sub-list is over.  Find the associated
    787 			;; origin in IND-TO-ORI.  If it cannot be
    788 			;; found (ill-formed list), set its parent as
    789 			;; the first item less indented.  If there is
    790 			;; none, make it a top-level item.
    791 			(setq ind-to-ori
    792 			      (or (member (assq ind ind-to-ori) ind-to-ori)
    793                                   (catch 'exit
    794                                     (mapc
    795                                      (lambda (e)
    796                                        (when (< (car e) ind)
    797                                          (throw 'exit (member e ind-to-ori))))
    798                                      ind-to-ori)
    799                                     (list (list ind)))))
    800 			(cons pos (cdar ind-to-ori)))
    801                        ;; A sub-list starts.  Every item at IND will
    802                        ;; have previous item as its parent.
    803 		       ((< prev-ind ind)
    804 			(let ((origin (nth 1 prev-pos)))
    805 			  (push (cons ind origin) ind-to-ori)
    806 			  (cons pos origin)))
    807                        ;; Another item in the same sub-list: it shares
    808                        ;; the same parent as the previous item.
    809 		       (t (cons pos (cdar ind-to-ori))))))
    810 		  (cdr struct)))))
    812 (defun org-list--delete-metadata ()
    813   "Delete metadata from the heading at point.
    814 Metadata are tags, planning information and properties drawers."
    815   (save-match-data
    816     (org-with-wide-buffer
    817      (org-set-tags nil)
    818      (delete-region (line-beginning-position 2)
    819 		    (save-excursion
    820 		      (org-end-of-meta-data)
    821 		      (org-skip-whitespace)
    822 		      (if (eobp) (point) (line-beginning-position)))))))
    825 ;;; Accessors
    827 (defsubst org-list-get-nth (n key struct)
    828   "Return the Nth value of KEY in STRUCT."
    829   (nth n (assq key struct)))
    831 (defun org-list-set-nth (n key struct new)
    832   "Set the Nth value of KEY in STRUCT to NEW.
    833 \nThis function modifies STRUCT."
    834   (setcar (nthcdr n (assq key struct)) new))
    836 (defsubst org-list-get-ind (item struct)
    837   "Return indentation of ITEM in STRUCT."
    838   (org-list-get-nth 1 item struct))
    840 (defun org-list-set-ind (item struct ind)
    841   "Set indentation of ITEM in STRUCT to IND.
    842 \nThis function modifies STRUCT."
    843   (org-list-set-nth 1 item struct ind))
    845 (defsubst org-list-get-bullet (item struct)
    846   "Return bullet of ITEM in STRUCT."
    847   (org-list-get-nth 2 item struct))
    849 (defun org-list-set-bullet (item struct bullet)
    850   "Set bullet of ITEM in STRUCT to BULLET.
    851 \nThis function modifies STRUCT."
    852   (org-list-set-nth 2 item struct bullet))
    854 (defsubst org-list-get-counter (item struct)
    855   "Return counter of ITEM in STRUCT."
    856   (org-list-get-nth 3 item struct))
    858 (defsubst org-list-get-checkbox (item struct)
    859   "Return checkbox of ITEM in STRUCT or nil."
    860   (org-list-get-nth 4 item struct))
    862 (defun org-list-set-checkbox (item struct checkbox)
    863   "Set checkbox of ITEM in STRUCT to CHECKBOX.
    864 \nThis function modifies STRUCT."
    865   (org-list-set-nth 4 item struct checkbox))
    867 (defsubst org-list-get-tag (item struct)
    868   "Return end position of ITEM in STRUCT."
    869   (org-list-get-nth 5 item struct))
    871 (defun org-list-get-item-end (item struct)
    872   "Return end position of ITEM in STRUCT."
    873   (org-list-get-nth 6 item struct))
    875 (defun org-list-get-item-end-before-blank (item struct)
    876   "Return point at end of ITEM in STRUCT, before any blank line.
    877 Point returned is at end of line."
    878   (save-excursion
    879     (goto-char (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
    880     (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    881     (line-end-position)))
    883 (defun org-list-get-parent (item struct parents)
    884   "Return parent of ITEM or nil.
    885 STRUCT is the list structure.  PARENTS is the alist of parents,
    886 as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'."
    887   (let ((parents (or parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))))
    888     (cdr (assq item parents))))
    890 (defun org-list-has-child-p (item struct)
    891   "Non-nil if ITEM has a child.
    893 STRUCT is the list structure.
    895 Value returned is the position of the first child of ITEM."
    896   (let ((ind (org-list-get-ind item struct))
    897 	(child-maybe (car (nth 1 (member (assq item struct) struct)))))
    898     (when (and child-maybe
    899 	       (< ind (org-list-get-ind child-maybe struct)))
    900       child-maybe)))
    902 (defun org-list-get-next-item (item _struct prevs)
    903   "Return next item in same sub-list as ITEM, or nil.
    904 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
    905 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
    906   (car (rassq item prevs)))
    908 (defun org-list-get-prev-item (item _struct prevs)
    909   "Return previous item in same sub-list as ITEM, or nil.
    910 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
    911 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
    912   (cdr (assq item prevs)))
    914 (defun org-list-get-subtree (item struct)
    915   "List all items having ITEM as a common ancestor, or nil.
    916 STRUCT is the list structure."
    917   (let* ((item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
    918 	 (sub-struct (cdr (member (assq item struct) struct)))
    919 	 items)
    920     (catch :exit
    921       (pcase-dolist (`(,pos . ,_) sub-struct)
    922 	(if (< pos item-end)
    923 	    (push pos items)
    924 	  (throw :exit nil))))
    925     (nreverse items)))
    927 (defun org-list-get-all-items (item struct prevs)
    928   "List all items in the same sub-list as ITEM.
    929 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
    930 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
    931   (let ((prev-item item)
    932 	(next-item item)
    933 	before-item after-item)
    934     (while (setq prev-item (org-list-get-prev-item prev-item struct prevs))
    935       (push prev-item before-item))
    936     (while (setq next-item (org-list-get-next-item next-item struct prevs))
    937       (push next-item after-item))
    938     (append before-item (list item) (nreverse after-item))))
    940 (defun org-list-get-children (item _struct parents)
    941   "List all children of ITEM, or nil.
    942 STRUCT is the list structure.  PARENTS is the alist of parents,
    943 as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'."
    944   (let (all child)
    945     (while (setq child (car (rassq item parents)))
    946       (setq parents (cdr (member (assq child parents) parents)))
    947       (push child all))
    948     (nreverse all)))
    950 (defun org-list-get-top-point (struct)
    951   "Return point at beginning of list.
    952 STRUCT is the list structure."
    953   (caar struct))
    955 (defun org-list-get-bottom-point (struct)
    956   "Return point at bottom of list.
    957 STRUCT is the list structure."
    958   (apply #'max
    959 	 (mapcar (lambda (e) (org-list-get-item-end (car e) struct)) struct)))
    961 (defun org-list-get-list-begin (item struct prevs)
    962   "Return point at beginning of sub-list ITEM belongs.
    963 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
    964 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
    965   (let ((first-item item) prev-item)
    966     (while (setq prev-item (org-list-get-prev-item first-item struct prevs))
    967       (setq first-item prev-item))
    968     first-item))
    970 (defalias 'org-list-get-first-item 'org-list-get-list-begin)
    972 (defun org-list-get-last-item (item struct prevs)
    973   "Return point at last item of sub-list ITEM belongs.
    974 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
    975 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
    976   (let ((last-item item) next-item)
    977     (while (setq next-item (org-list-get-next-item last-item struct prevs))
    978       (setq last-item next-item))
    979     last-item))
    981 (defun org-list-get-list-end (item struct prevs)
    982   "Return point at end of sub-list ITEM belongs.
    983 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
    984 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
    985   (org-list-get-item-end (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs) struct))
    987 (defun org-list-get-list-type (item struct prevs)
    988   "Return the type of the list containing ITEM, as a symbol.
    990 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
    991 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'.
    993 Possible types are `descriptive', `ordered' and `unordered'.  The
    994 type is determined by the first item of the list."
    995   (let ((first (org-list-get-list-begin item struct prevs)))
    996     (cond
    997      ((string-match-p "[[:alnum:]]" (org-list-get-bullet first struct)) 'ordered)
    998      ((org-list-get-tag first struct) 'descriptive)
    999      (t 'unordered))))
   1001 (defun org-list-get-item-number (item struct prevs parents)
   1002   "Return ITEM's sequence number.
   1004 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
   1005 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'.  PARENTS is the
   1006 alist of ancestors, as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'.
   1008 Return value is a list of integers.  Counters have an impact on
   1009 that value."
   1010   (let ((get-relative-number
   1011 	 (lambda (item struct prevs)
   1012 	   ;; Return relative sequence number of ITEM in the sub-list
   1013 	   ;; it belongs.  STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is
   1014 	   ;; the alist of previous items.
   1015 	   (let ((seq 0) (pos item) counter)
   1016 	     (while (and (not (setq counter (org-list-get-counter pos struct)))
   1017 			 (setq pos (org-list-get-prev-item pos struct prevs)))
   1018 	       (cl-incf seq))
   1019 	     (if (not counter) (1+ seq)
   1020 	       (cond
   1021 		((string-match "[A-Za-z]" counter)
   1022 		 (+ (- (string-to-char (upcase (match-string 0 counter))) 64)
   1023 		    seq))
   1024 		((string-match "[0-9]+" counter)
   1025 		 (+ (string-to-number (match-string 0 counter)) seq))
   1026 		(t (1+ seq))))))))
   1027     ;; Cons each parent relative number into return value (OUT).
   1028     (let ((out (list (funcall get-relative-number item struct prevs)))
   1029 	  (parent item))
   1030       (while (setq parent (org-list-get-parent parent struct parents))
   1031 	(push (funcall get-relative-number parent struct prevs) out))
   1032       ;; Return value.
   1033       out)))
   1037 ;;; Searching
   1039 (defun org-list-search-generic (search re bound noerr)
   1040   "Search a string in valid contexts for lists.
   1041 Arguments SEARCH, RE, BOUND and NOERR are similar to those used
   1042 in `re-search-forward'."
   1043   (catch 'exit
   1044     (let ((origin (point)))
   1045       (while t
   1046 	;; 1. No match: return to origin or bound, depending on NOERR.
   1047 	(unless (funcall search re bound noerr)
   1048 	  (throw 'exit (and (goto-char (if (memq noerr '(t nil)) origin bound))
   1049 			    nil)))
   1050 	;; 2. Match in valid context: return point.  Else, continue
   1051 	;;    searching.
   1052 	(when (org-list-in-valid-context-p) (throw 'exit (point)))))))
   1054 (defun org-list-search-backward (regexp &optional bound noerror)
   1055   "Like `re-search-backward' but stop only where lists are recognized.
   1056 Arguments REGEXP, BOUND and NOERROR are similar to those used in
   1057 `re-search-backward'."
   1058   (org-list-search-generic #'re-search-backward
   1059 			   regexp (or bound (point-min)) noerror))
   1061 (defun org-list-search-forward (regexp &optional bound noerror)
   1062   "Like `re-search-forward' but stop only where lists are recognized.
   1063 Arguments REGEXP, BOUND and NOERROR are similar to those used in
   1064 `re-search-forward'."
   1065   (org-list-search-generic #'re-search-forward
   1066 			   regexp (or bound (point-max)) noerror))
   1070 ;;; Methods on structures
   1072 (defsubst org-list-bullet-string (bullet)
   1073   "Return BULLET with the correct number of whitespaces.
   1074 It determines the number of whitespaces to append by looking at
   1075 `org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp'."
   1076   (save-match-data
   1077     (let ((spaces (if (and org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp
   1078 			   (string-match
   1079 			    org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp bullet))
   1080 		      "  "
   1081 		    " ")))
   1082       (if (string-match "\\S-+\\([ \t]*\\)" bullet)
   1083 	  (replace-match spaces nil nil bullet 1)
   1084 	bullet))))
   1086 (defun org-list-swap-items (beg-A beg-B struct)
   1087   "Swap item starting at BEG-A with item starting at BEG-B in STRUCT.
   1089 Blank lines at the end of items are left in place.  Item
   1090 visibility is preserved.  Return the new structure after the
   1091 changes.
   1093 Assume BEG-A is lesser than BEG-B and that BEG-A and BEG-B belong
   1094 to the same sub-list.
   1096 This function modifies STRUCT."
   1097   (save-excursion
   1098     (org-fold-core-ignore-modifications
   1099       (let* ((end-A-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank beg-A struct))
   1100 	     (end-B-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank beg-B struct))
   1101 	     (end-A (org-list-get-item-end beg-A struct))
   1102 	     (end-B (org-list-get-item-end beg-B struct))
   1103 	     (size-A (- end-A-no-blank beg-A))
   1104 	     (size-B (- end-B-no-blank beg-B))
   1105 	     (body-A (buffer-substring beg-A end-A-no-blank))
   1106 	     (body-B (buffer-substring beg-B end-B-no-blank))
   1107 	     (between-A-no-blank-and-B (buffer-substring end-A-no-blank beg-B))
   1108 	     (sub-A (cons beg-A (org-list-get-subtree beg-A struct)))
   1109 	     (sub-B (cons beg-B (org-list-get-subtree beg-B struct)))
   1110 	     ;; Store inner folds responsible for visibility status.
   1111 	     (folds
   1112 	      (cons
   1113                (org-fold-core-get-regions :from beg-A :to end-A :relative t)
   1114                (org-fold-core-get-regions :from beg-B :to end-B :relative t))))
   1115         ;; Clear up the folds.
   1116         (org-fold-region beg-A end-B-no-blank nil)
   1117         ;; 1. Move effectively items in buffer.
   1118         (goto-char beg-A)
   1119         (delete-region beg-A end-B-no-blank)
   1120         (insert (concat body-B between-A-no-blank-and-B body-A))
   1121         ;; Restore visibility status.
   1122         (org-fold-core-regions (cdr folds) :relative beg-A)
   1123         (org-fold-core-regions
   1124          (car folds)
   1125          :relative (+ beg-B (- size-B size-A (length between-A-no-blank-and-B))))
   1126         ;; 2. Now modify struct.  No need to re-read the list, the
   1127         ;;    transformation is just a shift of positions.  Some special
   1128         ;;    attention is required for items ending at END-A and END-B
   1129         ;;    as empty spaces are not moved there.  In others words,
   1130         ;;    item BEG-A will end with whitespaces that were at the end
   1131         ;;    of BEG-B and the same applies to BEG-B.
   1132         (dolist (e struct)
   1133 	  (let ((pos (car e)))
   1134 	    (cond
   1135 	     ((< pos beg-A))
   1136 	     ((memq pos sub-A)
   1137 	      (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
   1138 	        (setcar e (+ pos (- end-B-no-blank end-A-no-blank)))
   1139 	        (setcar (nthcdr 6 e)
   1140 		        (+ end-e (- end-B-no-blank end-A-no-blank)))
   1141 	        (when (= end-e end-A) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) end-B))))
   1142 	     ((memq pos sub-B)
   1143 	      (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
   1144 	        (setcar e (- (+ pos beg-A) beg-B))
   1145 	        (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end-e (- beg-A beg-B)))
   1146 	        (when (= end-e end-B)
   1147 		  (setcar (nthcdr 6 e)
   1148 			  (+ beg-A size-B (- end-A end-A-no-blank))))))
   1149 	     ((< pos beg-B)
   1150 	      (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
   1151 	        (setcar e (+ pos (- size-B size-A)))
   1152 	        (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end-e (- size-B size-A))))))))
   1153         (setq struct (sort struct #'car-less-than-car))
   1154         ;; Return structure.
   1155         struct))))
   1157 (defun org-list-separating-blank-lines-number (pos struct prevs)
   1158   "Return number of blank lines that should separate items in list.
   1160 POS is the position of point where `org-list-insert-item' was called.
   1162 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
   1163 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'.
   1165 Assume point is at item's beginning.  If the item is alone, apply
   1166 some heuristics to guess the result."
   1167   (save-excursion
   1168     (let ((item (point))
   1169 	  (insert-blank-p
   1170 	   (cdr (assq 'plain-list-item org-blank-before-new-entry)))
   1171 	  usr-blank
   1172 	  (count-blanks
   1173 	   (lambda ()
   1174 	     ;; Count blank lines above beginning of line.
   1175 	     (save-excursion
   1176                (count-lines (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
   1177 			    (progn (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
   1178 				   (forward-line)
   1179 				   (point)))))))
   1180       (cond
   1181        ;; Trivial cases where there should be none.
   1182        ((not insert-blank-p) 0)
   1183        ;; When `org-blank-before-new-entry' says so, it is 1.
   1184        ((eq insert-blank-p t) 1)
   1185        ;; `plain-list-item' is 'auto.  Count blank lines separating
   1186        ;; neighbors' items in list.
   1187        (t (let ((next-p (org-list-get-next-item item struct prevs)))
   1188 	    (cond
   1189 	     ;; Is there a next item?
   1190 	     (next-p (goto-char next-p)
   1191 		     (funcall count-blanks))
   1192 	     ;; Is there a previous item?
   1193 	     ((org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs)
   1194 	      (funcall count-blanks))
   1195 	     ;; User inserted blank lines, trust him.
   1196 	     ((and (> pos (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct))
   1197 		   (> (save-excursion (goto-char pos)
   1198 				      (setq usr-blank (funcall count-blanks)))
   1199 		      0))
   1200 	      usr-blank)
   1201 	     ;; Are there blank lines inside the list so far?
   1202 	     ((save-excursion
   1203 		(goto-char (org-list-get-top-point struct))
   1204 		;; Do not use `org-list-search-forward' so blank lines
   1205 		;; in blocks can be counted in.
   1206 		(re-search-forward
   1207 		 "^[ \t]*$" (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct) t))
   1208 	      1)
   1209 	     ;; Default choice: no blank line.
   1210 	     (t 0))))))))
   1212 (defun org-list-insert-item (pos struct prevs &optional checkbox after-bullet)
   1213   "Insert a new list item at POS and return the new structure.
   1214 If POS is before first character after bullet of the item, the
   1215 new item will be created before the current one.
   1217 STRUCT is the list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous
   1218 items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'.
   1220 Insert a checkbox if CHECKBOX is non-nil, and string AFTER-BULLET
   1221 after the bullet.  Cursor will be after this text once the
   1222 function ends.
   1224 This function modifies STRUCT."
   1225   (let* ((case-fold-search t)
   1226 	 ;; Get information about list: ITEM containing POS, position
   1227 	 ;; of point with regards to item start (BEFOREP), blank lines
   1228 	 ;; number separating items (BLANK-NB), if we're allowed to
   1229 	 ;; (SPLIT-LINE-P).
   1230 	 (item
   1231 	  (catch :exit
   1232 	    (let ((i nil))
   1233 	      (pcase-dolist (`(,start ,_ ,_ ,_ ,_ ,_ ,end) struct)
   1234 		(cond
   1235 		 ((> start pos) (throw :exit i))
   1236 		 ((< end pos) nil)	;skip sub-lists before point
   1237 		 (t (setq i start))))
   1238 	      ;; If no suitable item is found, insert a sibling of the
   1239 	      ;; last item in buffer.
   1240 	      (or i (caar (reverse struct))))))
   1241 	 (item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
   1242 	 (item-end-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct))
   1243 	 (beforep
   1244 	  (progn
   1245 	    (goto-char item)
   1246 	    (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
   1247 	    (<= pos
   1248 		(cond
   1249 		 ((not (match-beginning 4)) (match-end 0))
   1250 		 ;; Ignore tag in a non-descriptive list.
   1251 		 ((save-match-data (string-match "[.)]" (match-string 1)))
   1252 		  (match-beginning 4))
   1253 		 (t (save-excursion
   1254 		      (goto-char (match-end 4))
   1255 		      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
   1256 		      (point)))))))
   1257 	 (split-line-p (org-get-alist-option org-M-RET-may-split-line 'item))
   1258 	 (blank-nb (org-list-separating-blank-lines-number pos struct prevs))
   1259 	 ;; Build the new item to be created.  Concatenate same bullet
   1260 	 ;; as item, checkbox, text AFTER-BULLET if provided, and text
   1261 	 ;; cut from point to end of item (TEXT-CUT) to form item's
   1262 	 ;; BODY.  TEXT-CUT depends on BEFOREP and SPLIT-LINE-P.  The
   1263 	 ;; difference of size between what was cut and what was
   1264 	 ;; inserted in buffer is stored in SIZE-OFFSET.
   1265 	 (ind (org-list-get-ind item struct))
   1266 	 (ind-size (if indent-tabs-mode
   1267 		       (+ (/ ind tab-width) (mod ind tab-width))
   1268 		     ind))
   1269 	 (bullet (org-list-bullet-string (org-list-get-bullet item struct)))
   1270 	 (box (and checkbox "[ ]"))
   1271 	 (text-cut
   1272 	  (and (not beforep)
   1273 	       split-line-p
   1274 	       (progn
   1275 		 (goto-char pos)
   1276 		 ;; If POS is greater than ITEM-END, then point is in
   1277 		 ;; some white lines after the end of the list.  Those
   1278 		 ;; must be removed, or they will be left, stacking up
   1279 		 ;; after the list.
   1280 		 (when (< item-end pos)
   1281                    (delete-region (1- item-end) (line-end-position)))
   1282 		 (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
   1283 		 ;; Cut position is after any blank on the line.
   1284 		 (save-excursion
   1285 		   (skip-chars-forward " \t")
   1286 		   (setq pos (point)))
   1287 		 (delete-and-extract-region (point) item-end-no-blank))))
   1288 	 (body
   1289 	  (concat bullet
   1290 		  (and box (concat box " "))
   1291 		  after-bullet
   1292 		  (and text-cut
   1293 		       (if (string-match "\\`[ \t]+" text-cut)
   1294 			   (replace-match "" t t text-cut)
   1295 			 text-cut))))
   1296 	 (item-sep (make-string  (1+ blank-nb) ?\n))
   1297 	 (item-size (+ ind-size (length body) (length item-sep)))
   1298 	 (size-offset (- item-size (length text-cut))))
   1299     ;; Insert effectively item into buffer.
   1300     (goto-char item)
   1301     (indent-to-column ind)
   1302     (insert body item-sep)
   1303     ;; Add new item to STRUCT.
   1304     (dolist (e struct)
   1305       (let ((p (car e)) (end (nth 6 e)))
   1306 	(cond
   1307 	 ;; Before inserted item, positions don't change but an item
   1308 	 ;; ending after insertion has its end shifted by SIZE-OFFSET.
   1309 	 ((< p item)
   1310 	  (when (> end item)
   1311 	    (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))
   1312 	 ;; Item where insertion happens may be split in two parts.
   1313 	 ;; In this case, move start by ITEM-SIZE and end by
   1314 	 ;; SIZE-OFFSET.
   1315 	 ((and (= p item) (not beforep) split-line-p)
   1316 	  (setcar e (+ p item-size))
   1317 	  (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset)))
   1318 	 ;; Items starting after modified item fall into two
   1319 	 ;; categories.
   1320 	 ;;
   1321 	 ;; If modified item was split, and current sub-item was
   1322 	 ;; located after split point, it was moved to the new item:
   1323 	 ;; the part between body start and split point (POS) was
   1324 	 ;; removed.  So we compute the length of that part and shift
   1325 	 ;; item's positions accordingly.
   1326 	 ;;
   1327 	 ;; Otherwise, the item was simply shifted by SIZE-OFFSET.
   1328 	 ((and split-line-p (not beforep) (>= p pos) (<= p item-end-no-blank))
   1329 	  (let ((offset (- pos item ind (length bullet) (length after-bullet))))
   1330 	    (setcar e (- p offset))
   1331 	    (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (- end offset))))
   1332 	 (t
   1333 	  (setcar e (+ p size-offset))
   1334 	  (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))))
   1335     (push (list item ind bullet nil box nil (+ item item-size)) struct)
   1336     (setq struct (sort struct #'car-less-than-car))
   1337     ;; If not BEFOREP, new item must appear after ITEM, so exchange
   1338     ;; ITEM with the next item in list.  Position cursor after bullet,
   1339     ;; counter, checkbox, and label.
   1340     (if beforep
   1341 	(goto-char item)
   1342       (setq struct (org-list-swap-items item (+ item item-size) struct))
   1343       (goto-char (org-list-get-next-item
   1344 		  item struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct))))
   1345     struct))
   1347 (defun org-list-delete-item (item struct)
   1348   "Remove ITEM from the list and return the new structure.
   1350 STRUCT is the list structure."
   1351   (let* ((end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
   1352 	 (beg (if (= (org-list-get-bottom-point struct) end)
   1353 		  ;; If ITEM ends with the list, delete blank lines
   1354 		  ;; before it.
   1355 		  (save-excursion
   1356 		    (goto-char item)
   1357 		    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
   1358                     (min (1+ (line-end-position)) (point-max)))
   1359 		item)))
   1360     ;; Remove item from buffer.
   1361     (delete-region beg end)
   1362     ;; Remove item from structure and shift others items accordingly.
   1363     ;; Don't forget to shift also ending position when appropriate.
   1364     (let ((size (- end beg)))
   1365       (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (e)
   1366 			  (let ((pos (car e)))
   1367 			    (cond
   1368 			     ((< pos item)
   1369 			      (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
   1370 				(cond
   1371 				 ((< end-e item) e)
   1372 				 ((= end-e item)
   1373 				  (append (butlast e) (list beg)))
   1374 				 (t
   1375 				  (append (butlast e) (list (- end-e size)))))))
   1376 			     ((< pos end) nil)
   1377 			     (t
   1378 			      (cons (- pos size)
   1379 				    (append (butlast (cdr e))
   1380 					    (list (- (nth 6 e) size))))))))
   1381 			struct)))))
   1383 (defun org-list-send-item (item dest struct)
   1384   "Send ITEM to destination DEST.
   1386 STRUCT is the list structure.
   1388 DEST can have various values.
   1390 If DEST is a buffer position, the function will assume it points
   1391 to another item in the same list as ITEM, and will move the
   1392 latter just before the former.
   1394 If DEST is `begin' (respectively `end'), ITEM will be moved at
   1395 the beginning (respectively end) of the list it belongs to.
   1397 If DEST is a string like \"N\", where N is an integer, ITEM will
   1398 be moved at the Nth position in the list.
   1400 If DEST is `kill', ITEM will be deleted and its body will be
   1401 added to the kill-ring.
   1403 If DEST is `delete', ITEM will be deleted.
   1405 Visibility of item is preserved.
   1407 This function returns, destructively, the new list structure."
   1408   (let* ((prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   1409 	 (item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
   1410 	 ;; Grab full item body minus its bullet.
   1411 	 (body (org-trim
   1412 		(buffer-substring
   1413 		 (save-excursion
   1414 		   (goto-char item)
   1415 		   (looking-at
   1416 		    (concat "[ \t]*"
   1417 			    (regexp-quote (org-list-get-bullet item struct))))
   1418 		   (match-end 0))
   1419 		 item-end)))
   1420 	 ;; Change DEST into a buffer position.  A trick is needed
   1421 	 ;; when ITEM is meant to be sent at the end of the list.
   1422 	 ;; Indeed, by setting locally `org-M-RET-may-split-line' to
   1423 	 ;; nil and insertion point (INS-POINT) to the first line's
   1424 	 ;; end of the last item, we ensure the new item will be
   1425 	 ;; inserted after the last item, and not after any of its
   1426 	 ;; hypothetical sub-items.
   1427 	 (ins-point (cond
   1428 		     ((or (eq dest 'kill) (eq dest 'delete)))
   1429 		     ((eq dest 'begin)
   1430 		      (setq dest (org-list-get-list-begin item struct prevs)))
   1431 		     ((eq dest 'end)
   1432 		      (setq dest (org-list-get-list-end item struct prevs))
   1433 		      (save-excursion
   1434 			(goto-char (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs))
   1435                         (line-end-position)))
   1436 		     ((and (stringp dest) (string-match-p "\\`[0-9]+\\'" dest))
   1437 		      (let* ((all (org-list-get-all-items item struct prevs))
   1438 			     (len (length all))
   1439 			     (index (mod (string-to-number dest) len)))
   1440 			(if (not (zerop index))
   1441 			    (setq dest (nth (1- index) all))
   1442 			  ;; Send ITEM at the end of the list.
   1443 			  (setq dest (org-list-get-list-end item struct prevs))
   1444 			  (save-excursion
   1445 			    (goto-char
   1446 			     (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs))
   1447                             (line-end-position)))))
   1448 		     (t dest)))
   1449 	 (org-M-RET-may-split-line nil)
   1450 	 ;; Store inner overlays (to preserve visibility).
   1451 	 (overlays (cl-remove-if (lambda (o) (or (< (overlay-start o) item)
   1452 						 (> (overlay-end o) item)))
   1453 				 (overlays-in item item-end))))
   1454     (cond
   1455      ((eq dest 'delete) (org-list-delete-item item struct))
   1456      ((eq dest 'kill)
   1457       (kill-new body)
   1458       (org-list-delete-item item struct))
   1459      ((and (integerp dest) (/= item ins-point))
   1460       (setq item (copy-marker item))
   1461       (setq struct (org-list-insert-item ins-point struct prevs nil body))
   1462       ;; 1. Structure returned by `org-list-insert-item' may not be
   1463       ;;    accurate, as it cannot see sub-items included in BODY.
   1464       ;;    Thus, first compute the real structure so far.
   1465       (let ((moved-items
   1466 	     (cons (marker-position item)
   1467 		   (org-list-get-subtree (marker-position item) struct)))
   1468 	    (new-end (org-list-get-item-end (point) struct))
   1469 	    (old-end (org-list-get-item-end (marker-position item) struct))
   1470 	    (new-item (point))
   1471 	    (shift (- (point) item)))
   1472 	;; 1.1. Remove the item just created in structure.
   1473 	(setq struct (delete (assq new-item struct) struct))
   1474 	;; 1.2. Copy ITEM and any of its sub-items at NEW-ITEM.
   1475 	(setq struct (sort
   1476 		      (append
   1477 		       struct
   1478 		       (mapcar (lambda (e)
   1479 				 (let* ((cell (assq e struct))
   1480 					(pos (car cell))
   1481 					(end (nth 6 cell)))
   1482 				   (cons (+ pos shift)
   1483 					 (append (butlast (cdr cell))
   1484 						 (list (if (= end old-end)
   1485 							   new-end
   1486 							 (+ end shift)))))))
   1487 			       moved-items))
   1488 		      #'car-less-than-car)))
   1489       ;; 2. Restore inner overlays.
   1490       (dolist (o overlays)
   1491 	(move-overlay o
   1492 		      (+ (overlay-start o) (- (point) item))
   1493 		      (+ (overlay-end o) (- (point) item))))
   1494       ;; 3. Eventually delete extra copy of the item and clean marker.
   1495       (prog1 (org-list-delete-item (marker-position item) struct)
   1496 	(move-marker item nil)))
   1497      (t struct))))
   1499 (defun org-list-struct-outdent (start end struct parents)
   1500   "Outdent items between positions START and END.
   1502 STRUCT is the list structure.  PARENTS is the alist of items'
   1503 parents, as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'.
   1505 START is included, END excluded."
   1506   (let* (acc
   1507 	 (out (lambda (cell)
   1508 		(let* ((item (car cell))
   1509 		       (parent (cdr cell)))
   1510 		  (cond
   1511 		   ;; Item not yet in zone: keep association.
   1512 		   ((< item start) cell)
   1513 		   ;; Item out of zone: follow associations in ACC.
   1514 		   ((>= item end)
   1515 		    (let ((convert (and parent (assq parent acc))))
   1516 		      (if convert (cons item (cdr convert)) cell)))
   1517 		   ;; Item has no parent: error
   1518 		   ((not parent)
   1519 		    (error "Cannot outdent top-level items"))
   1520 		   ;; Parent is outdented: keep association.
   1521 		   ((>= parent start)
   1522 		    (push (cons parent item) acc) cell)
   1523 		   (t
   1524 		    ;; Parent isn't outdented: reparent to grand-parent.
   1525 		    (let ((grand-parent (org-list-get-parent
   1526 					 parent struct parents)))
   1527 		      (push (cons parent item) acc)
   1528 		      (cons item grand-parent))))))))
   1529     (mapcar out parents)))
   1531 (defun org-list-struct-indent (start end struct parents prevs)
   1532   "Indent items between positions START and END.
   1534 STRUCT is the list structure.  PARENTS is the alist of parents
   1535 and PREVS is the alist of previous items, returned by,
   1536 respectively, `org-list-parents-alist' and
   1537 `org-list-prevs-alist'.
   1539 START is included and END excluded.
   1541 STRUCT may be modified if `org-list-demote-modify-bullet' matches
   1542 bullets between START and END."
   1543   (let* (acc
   1544 	 (set-assoc (lambda (cell) (push cell acc) cell))
   1545 	 (ind
   1546 	  (lambda (cell)
   1547 	    (let* ((item (car cell))
   1548 		   (parent (cdr cell)))
   1549 	      (cond
   1550 	       ;; Item not yet in zone: keep association.
   1551 	       ((< item start) cell)
   1552 	       ((>= item end)
   1553 		;; Item out of zone: follow associations in ACC.
   1554 		(let ((convert (assq parent acc)))
   1555 		  (if convert (cons item (cdr convert)) cell)))
   1556 	       (t
   1557 		;; Item is in zone...
   1558 		(let ((prev (org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs)))
   1559 		  ;; Check if bullet needs to be changed.
   1560 		  (pcase (assoc (let ((b (org-list-get-bullet item struct))
   1561 				      (case-fold-search nil))
   1562 				  (cond ((string-match "[A-Z]\\." b) "A.")
   1563 					((string-match "[A-Z])" b) "A)")
   1564 					((string-match "[a-z]\\." b) "a.")
   1565 					((string-match "[a-z])" b) "a)")
   1566 					((string-match "[0-9]\\." b) "1.")
   1567 					((string-match "[0-9])" b) "1)")
   1568 					(t (org-trim b))))
   1569 				org-list-demote-modify-bullet)
   1570 		    (`(,_ . ,bullet)
   1571 		     (org-list-set-bullet
   1572 		      item struct (org-list-bullet-string bullet)))
   1573 		    (_ nil))
   1574 		  (cond
   1575 		   ;; First item indented but not parent: error
   1576 		   ((and (not prev) (or (not parent) (< parent start)))
   1577 		    (user-error "Cannot indent the first item of a list"))
   1578 		   ;; First item and parent indented: keep same
   1579 		   ;; parent.
   1580 		   ((not prev) (funcall set-assoc cell))
   1581 		   ;; Previous item not indented: reparent to it.
   1582 		   ((< prev start) (funcall set-assoc (cons item prev)))
   1583 		   ;; Previous item indented: reparent like it.
   1584 		   (t
   1585 		    (funcall set-assoc
   1586 			     (cons item (cdr (assq prev acc)))))))))))))
   1587     (mapcar ind parents)))
   1591 ;;; Repairing structures
   1593 (defun org-list-use-alpha-bul-p (first struct prevs)
   1594   "Non-nil if list starting at FIRST can have alphabetical bullets.
   1596 STRUCT is list structure.  PREVS is the alist of previous items,
   1597 as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
   1598   (and org-list-allow-alphabetical
   1599        (catch 'exit
   1600 	 (let ((item first) (ascii 64) (case-fold-search nil))
   1601 	   ;; Pretend that bullets are uppercase and check if alphabet
   1602 	   ;; is sufficient, taking counters into account.
   1603 	   (while item
   1604 	     (let ((count (org-list-get-counter item struct)))
   1605 	       ;; Virtually determine current bullet
   1606 	       (if (and count (string-match-p "[a-zA-Z]" count))
   1607 		   ;; Counters are not case-sensitive.
   1608 		   (setq ascii (string-to-char (upcase count)))
   1609 		 (setq ascii (1+ ascii)))
   1610 	       ;; Test if bullet would be over z or Z.
   1611 	       (if (> ascii 90)
   1612 		   (throw 'exit nil)
   1613 		 (setq item (org-list-get-next-item item struct prevs)))))
   1614 	   ;; All items checked.  All good.
   1615 	   t))))
   1617 (defun org-list-inc-bullet-maybe (bullet)
   1618   "Increment BULLET if applicable."
   1619   (let ((case-fold-search nil))
   1620     (cond
   1621      ;; Num bullet: increment it.
   1622      ((string-match "[0-9]+" bullet)
   1623       (replace-match
   1624        (number-to-string (1+ (string-to-number (match-string 0 bullet))))
   1625        nil nil bullet))
   1626      ;; Alpha bullet: increment it.
   1627      ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" bullet)
   1628       (replace-match
   1629        (char-to-string (1+ (string-to-char (match-string 0 bullet))))
   1630        nil nil bullet))
   1631      ;; Unordered bullet: leave it.
   1632      (t bullet))))
   1634 (defun org-list-struct-fix-bul (struct prevs)
   1635   "Verify and correct bullets in STRUCT.
   1636 PREVS is the alist of previous items, as returned by
   1637 `org-list-prevs-alist'.
   1639 This function modifies STRUCT."
   1640   (let ((case-fold-search nil)
   1641 	(fix-bul
   1642 	 ;; Set bullet of ITEM in STRUCT, depending on the type of
   1643 	 ;; first item of the list, the previous bullet and counter
   1644 	 ;; if any.
   1645 	 (lambda (item)
   1646 	   (let* ((prev (org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs))
   1647 		  (prev-bul (and prev (org-list-get-bullet prev struct)))
   1648 		  (counter (org-list-get-counter item struct))
   1649 		  (bullet (org-list-get-bullet item struct))
   1650 		  (alphap (and (not prev)
   1651 			       (org-list-use-alpha-bul-p item struct prevs))))
   1652 	     (org-list-set-bullet
   1653 	      item struct
   1654 	      (org-list-bullet-string
   1655 	       (cond
   1656 		;; Alpha counter in alpha list: use counter.
   1657 		((and prev counter
   1658 		      (string-match "[a-zA-Z]" counter)
   1659 		      (string-match "[a-zA-Z]" prev-bul))
   1660 		 ;; Use cond to be sure `string-match' is used in
   1661 		 ;; both cases.
   1662 		 (let ((real-count
   1663 			(cond
   1664 			 ((string-match "[a-z]" prev-bul) (downcase counter))
   1665 			 ((string-match "[A-Z]" prev-bul) (upcase counter)))))
   1666 		   (replace-match real-count nil nil prev-bul)))
   1667 		;; Num counter in a num list: use counter.
   1668 		((and prev counter
   1669 		      (string-match "[0-9]+" counter)
   1670 		      (string-match "[0-9]+" prev-bul))
   1671 		 (replace-match counter nil nil prev-bul))
   1672 		;; No counter: increase, if needed, previous bullet.
   1673 		(prev
   1674 		 (org-list-inc-bullet-maybe (org-list-get-bullet prev struct)))
   1675 		;; Alpha counter at first item: use counter.
   1676 		((and counter (org-list-use-alpha-bul-p item struct prevs)
   1677 		      (string-match "[A-Za-z]" counter)
   1678 		      (string-match "[A-Za-z]" bullet))
   1679 		 (let ((real-count
   1680 			(cond
   1681 			 ((string-match "[a-z]" bullet) (downcase counter))
   1682 			 ((string-match "[A-Z]" bullet) (upcase counter)))))
   1683 		   (replace-match real-count nil nil bullet)))
   1684 		;; Num counter at first item: use counter.
   1685 		((and counter
   1686 		      (string-match "[0-9]+" counter)
   1687 		      (string-match "[0-9]+" bullet))
   1688 		 (replace-match counter nil nil bullet))
   1689 		;; First bullet is alpha uppercase: use "A".
   1690 		((and alphap (string-match "[A-Z]" bullet))
   1691 		 (replace-match "A" nil nil bullet))
   1692 		;; First bullet is alpha lowercase: use "a".
   1693 		((and alphap (string-match "[a-z]" bullet))
   1694 		 (replace-match "a" nil nil bullet))
   1695 		;; First bullet is num: use "1".
   1696 		((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)" bullet)
   1697 		 (replace-match "1" nil nil bullet))
   1698 		;; Not an ordered list: keep bullet.
   1699 		(t bullet))))))))
   1700     (mapc fix-bul (mapcar #'car struct))))
   1702 (defun org-list-struct-fix-ind (struct parents &optional bullet-size)
   1703   "Verify and correct indentation in STRUCT.
   1705 PARENTS is the alist of parents, as returned by
   1706 `org-list-parents-alist'.
   1708 If numeric optional argument BULLET-SIZE is set, assume all
   1709 bullets in list have this length to determine new indentation.
   1711 This function modifies STRUCT."
   1712   (let* ((ancestor (org-list-get-top-point struct))
   1713          (top-ind (org-list-get-ind ancestor struct))
   1714          (new-ind
   1715           (lambda (item)
   1716             (let ((parent (org-list-get-parent item struct parents)))
   1717               (if parent
   1718                   ;; Indent like parent + length of parent's bullet +
   1719 		  ;; sub-list offset.
   1720                   (org-list-set-ind
   1721 		   item struct (+ (or bullet-size
   1722 				      (length
   1723 				       (org-list-get-bullet parent struct)))
   1724 				  (org-list-get-ind parent struct)
   1725 				  org-list-indent-offset))
   1726                 ;; If no parent, indent like top-point.
   1727 		(org-list-set-ind item struct top-ind))))))
   1728     (mapc new-ind (mapcar #'car (cdr struct)))))
   1730 (defun org-list-struct-fix-box (struct parents prevs &optional ordered)
   1731   "Verify and correct checkboxes in STRUCT.
   1733 PARENTS is the alist of parents and PREVS is the alist of
   1734 previous items, as returned by, respectively,
   1735 `org-list-parents-alist' and `org-list-prevs-alist'.
   1737 If ORDERED is non-nil, a checkbox can only be checked when every
   1738 checkbox before it is checked too.  If there was an attempt to
   1739 break this rule, the function will return the blocking item.  In
   1740 all others cases, the return value will be nil.
   1742 This function modifies STRUCT."
   1743   (let ((all-items (mapcar #'car struct))
   1744 	(set-parent-box
   1745 	 (lambda (item)
   1746 	   (let* ((box-list
   1747 		   (mapcar (lambda (child)
   1748 			     (org-list-get-checkbox child struct))
   1749 			   (org-list-get-children item struct parents))))
   1750 	     (org-list-set-checkbox
   1751 	      item struct
   1752 	      (cond
   1753 	       ((and (member "[ ]" box-list) (member "[X]" box-list)) "[-]")
   1754 	       ((member "[-]" box-list) "[-]")
   1755 	       ((member "[X]" box-list) "[X]")
   1756 	       ((member "[ ]" box-list) "[ ]")
   1757 	       ;; Parent has no boxed child: leave box as-is.
   1758 	       (t (org-list-get-checkbox item struct)))))))
   1759 	parent-list)
   1760     ;; 1. List all parents with a checkbox.
   1761     (mapc
   1762      (lambda (e)
   1763        (let* ((parent (org-list-get-parent e struct parents))
   1764 	      (parent-box-p (org-list-get-checkbox parent struct)))
   1765 	 (when (and parent-box-p (not (memq parent parent-list)))
   1766 	   (push parent parent-list))))
   1767      all-items)
   1768     ;; 2. Sort those parents by decreasing indentation.
   1769     (setq parent-list (sort parent-list
   1770 			    (lambda (e1 e2)
   1771 			      (> (org-list-get-ind e1 struct)
   1772 				 (org-list-get-ind e2 struct)))))
   1773     ;; 3. For each parent, get all children's checkboxes to determine
   1774     ;;    and set its checkbox accordingly.
   1775     (mapc set-parent-box parent-list)
   1776     ;; 4. If ORDERED is set, see if we need to uncheck some boxes.
   1777     (when ordered
   1778       (let* ((box-list
   1779 	      (mapcar (lambda (e) (org-list-get-checkbox e struct)) all-items))
   1780 	     (after-unchecked (member "[ ]" box-list)))
   1781 	;; There are boxes checked after an unchecked one: fix that.
   1782 	(when (member "[X]" after-unchecked)
   1783 	  (let ((index (- (length struct) (length after-unchecked))))
   1784 	    (dolist (e (nthcdr index all-items))
   1785 	      (when (org-list-get-checkbox e struct)
   1786 		(org-list-set-checkbox e struct "[ ]")))
   1787 	    ;; Verify once again the structure, without ORDERED.
   1788 	    (org-list-struct-fix-box struct parents prevs nil)
   1789 	    ;; Return blocking item.
   1790 	    (nth index all-items)))))))
   1792 (defun org-list-struct-fix-item-end (struct)
   1793   "Verify and correct each item end position in STRUCT.
   1795 This function modifies STRUCT."
   1796   (let (end-list acc-end)
   1797     (pcase-dolist (`(,pos . ,_) struct)
   1798       (let ((ind-pos (org-list-get-ind pos struct))
   1799 	    (end-pos (org-list-get-item-end pos struct)))
   1800 	(unless (assq end-pos struct)
   1801 	  ;; To determine real ind of an ending position that is not
   1802 	  ;; at an item, we have to find the item it belongs to: it is
   1803 	  ;; the last item (ITEM-UP), whose ending is further than the
   1804 	  ;; position we're interested in.
   1805 	  (let ((item-up (assoc-default end-pos acc-end #'>)))
   1806 	    (push (cons
   1807 		   ;; Else part is for the bottom point.
   1808 		   (if item-up (+ (org-list-get-ind item-up struct) 2) 0)
   1809 		   end-pos)
   1810 		  end-list)))
   1811 	(push (cons ind-pos pos) end-list)
   1812 	(push (cons end-pos pos) acc-end)))
   1813     (setq end-list (sort end-list (lambda (e1 e2) (< (cdr e1) (cdr e2)))))
   1814     (org-list-struct-assoc-end struct end-list)))
   1816 (defun org-list-struct-apply-struct (struct old-struct)
   1817   "Apply set difference between STRUCT and OLD-STRUCT to the buffer.
   1819 OLD-STRUCT is the structure before any modifications, and STRUCT
   1820 the structure to be applied.  The function will only modify parts
   1821 of the list which have changed.
   1823 Initial position of cursor is restored after the changes."
   1824   (let* ((origin (point-marker))
   1825 	 (inlinetask-re (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
   1826 			     (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
   1827 	 (item-re (org-item-re))
   1828 	 (shift-body-ind
   1829 	  ;; Shift the indentation between END and BEG by DELTA.
   1830 	  ;; Start from the line before END.
   1831 	  (lambda (end beg delta)
   1832 	    (goto-char end)
   1833 	    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
   1834 	    (beginning-of-line)
   1835 	    (while (or (> (point) beg)
   1836 		       (and (= (point) beg)
   1837 			    (not (looking-at item-re))))
   1838 	      (cond
   1839 	       ;; Skip inline tasks.
   1840 	       ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
   1841 		(org-inlinetask-goto-beginning))
   1842 	       ;; Shift only non-empty lines.
   1843 	       ((looking-at-p "^[ \t]*\\S-")
   1844 		(indent-line-to (+ (org-current-text-indentation) delta))))
   1845 	      (forward-line -1))))
   1846 	 (modify-item
   1847 	  ;; Replace ITEM first line elements with new elements from
   1848 	  ;; STRUCT, if appropriate.
   1849 	  (lambda (item)
   1850 	    (goto-char item)
   1851 	    (let* ((new-ind (org-list-get-ind item struct))
   1852 		   (old-ind (org-current-text-indentation))
   1853 		   (new-bul (org-list-bullet-string
   1854 			     (org-list-get-bullet item struct)))
   1855 		   (old-bul (org-list-get-bullet item old-struct))
   1856 		   (new-box (org-list-get-checkbox item struct)))
   1857 	      (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
   1858 	      ;; a.  Replace bullet
   1859 	      (unless (equal old-bul new-bul)
   1860                 (let ((keep-space ""))
   1861                   (save-excursion
   1862                     ;; If origin is inside the bullet, preserve the
   1863                     ;; spaces after origin.
   1864                     (when (<= (match-beginning 1) origin (match-end 1))
   1865                       (org-with-point-at origin
   1866                         (save-match-data
   1867                           (when (looking-at "[ \t]+")
   1868                             (setq keep-space (match-string 0))))))
   1869                     (replace-match "" nil nil nil 1)
   1870                     (goto-char (match-end 1))
   1871                     (insert-before-markers new-bul)
   1872                     (insert keep-space))))
   1873               ;; Refresh potentially shifted match markers.
   1874               (goto-char item)
   1875               (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
   1876 	      ;; b.  Replace checkbox.
   1877 	      (cond
   1878 	       ((equal (match-string 3) new-box))
   1879 	       ((and (match-string 3) new-box)
   1880 		(replace-match new-box nil nil nil 3))
   1881 	       ((match-string 3)
   1882 		(looking-at ".*?\\([ \t]*\\[[ X-]\\]\\)")
   1883 		(replace-match "" nil nil nil 1))
   1884 	       (t (let ((counterp (match-end 2)))
   1885 		    (goto-char (if counterp (1+ counterp) (match-end 1)))
   1886 		    (insert (concat new-box (unless counterp " "))))))
   1887 	      ;; c.  Indent item to appropriate column.
   1888 	      (unless (= new-ind old-ind)
   1889                 (delete-region (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
   1890 			       (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t") (point)))
   1891 		(indent-to new-ind))))))
   1892     ;; 1. First get list of items and position endings.  We maintain
   1893     ;;    two alists: ITM-SHIFT, determining indentation shift needed
   1894     ;;    at item, and END-LIST, a pseudo-alist where key is ending
   1895     ;;    position and value point.
   1896     (let (end-list acc-end itm-shift all-ends sliced-struct)
   1897       (dolist (e old-struct)
   1898 	(let* ((pos (car e))
   1899 	       (ind-pos (org-list-get-ind pos struct))
   1900 	       (ind-old (org-list-get-ind pos old-struct))
   1901 	       (bul-pos (org-list-get-bullet pos struct))
   1902 	       (bul-old (org-list-get-bullet pos old-struct))
   1903 	       (ind-shift (- (+ ind-pos (length bul-pos))
   1904 			     (+ ind-old (length bul-old))))
   1905 	       (end-pos (org-list-get-item-end pos old-struct)))
   1906 	  (push (cons pos ind-shift) itm-shift)
   1907 	  (unless (assq end-pos old-struct)
   1908 	    ;; To determine real ind of an ending position that
   1909 	    ;; is not at an item, we have to find the item it
   1910 	    ;; belongs to: it is the last item (ITEM-UP), whose
   1911 	    ;; ending is further than the position we're
   1912 	    ;; interested in.
   1913 	    (let ((item-up (assoc-default end-pos acc-end #'>)))
   1914 	      (push (cons end-pos item-up) end-list)))
   1915 	  (push (cons end-pos pos) acc-end)))
   1916       ;; 2. Slice the items into parts that should be shifted by the
   1917       ;;    same amount of indentation.  Each slice follow the pattern
   1918       ;;    (END BEG DELTA).  Slices are returned in reverse order.
   1919       (setq all-ends (sort (append (mapcar #'car itm-shift)
   1920 				   (org-uniquify (mapcar #'car end-list)))
   1921 			   #'<)
   1922 	    acc-end (nreverse acc-end))
   1923       (while (cdr all-ends)
   1924 	(let* ((up (pop all-ends))
   1925 	       (down (car all-ends))
   1926 	       (itemp (assq up struct))
   1927 	       (delta
   1928 		(if itemp (cdr (assq up itm-shift))
   1929 		  ;; If we're not at an item, there's a child of the
   1930 		  ;; item point belongs to above.  Make sure the less
   1931 		  ;; indented line in this slice has the same column
   1932 		  ;; as that child.
   1933 		  (let* ((child (cdr (assq up acc-end)))
   1934 			 (ind (org-list-get-ind child struct))
   1935 			 (min-ind most-positive-fixnum))
   1936 		    (save-excursion
   1937 		      (goto-char up)
   1938 		      (while (< (point) down)
   1939 			;; Ignore empty lines.  Also ignore blocks and
   1940 			;; drawers contents.
   1941 			(unless (looking-at-p "[ \t]*$")
   1942 			  (setq min-ind (min (org-current-text-indentation) min-ind))
   1943 			  (cond
   1944 			   ((and (looking-at "#\\+BEGIN\\(:\\|_\\S-+\\)")
   1945 				 (re-search-forward
   1946 				  (format "^[ \t]*#\\+END%s[ \t]*$"
   1947 					  (match-string 1))
   1948 				  down t)))
   1949 			   ((and (looking-at org-drawer-regexp)
   1950 				 (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*:END:[ \t]*$"
   1951 						    down t)))))
   1952 			(forward-line)))
   1953 		    (- ind min-ind)))))
   1954 	  (push (list down up delta) sliced-struct)))
   1955       ;; 3. Shift each slice in buffer, provided delta isn't 0, from
   1956       ;;    end to beginning.  Take a special action when beginning is
   1957       ;;    at item bullet.
   1958       (dolist (e sliced-struct)
   1959 	(unless (zerop (nth 2 e)) (apply shift-body-ind e))
   1960 	(let* ((beg (nth 1 e))
   1961 	       (cell (assq beg struct)))
   1962 	  (unless (or (not cell) (equal cell (assq beg old-struct)))
   1963 	    (funcall modify-item beg)))))
   1964     ;; 4. Go back to initial position and clean marker.
   1965     (goto-char origin)
   1966     (move-marker origin nil)))
   1968 (defun org-list-write-struct (struct parents &optional old-struct)
   1969   "Correct bullets, checkboxes and indentation in list at point.
   1971 STRUCT is the list structure.  PARENTS is the alist of parents,
   1972 as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'.
   1974 When non-nil, optional argument OLD-STRUCT is the reference
   1975 structure of the list.  It should be provided whenever STRUCT
   1976 doesn't correspond anymore to the real list in buffer."
   1977   ;; Order of functions matters here: checkboxes and endings need
   1978   ;; correct indentation to be set, and indentation needs correct
   1979   ;; bullets.
   1980   ;;
   1981   ;; 0. Save a copy of structure before modifications
   1982   (let ((old-struct (or old-struct (copy-tree struct))))
   1983     ;; 1. Set a temporary, but coherent with PARENTS, indentation in
   1984     ;;    order to get items endings and bullets properly
   1985     (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2)
   1986     ;; 2. Fix each item end to get correct prevs alist.
   1987     (org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct)
   1988     ;; 3. Get bullets right.
   1989     (let ((prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))
   1990       (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs)
   1991       ;; 4. Now get real indentation.
   1992       (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents)
   1993       ;; 5. Eventually fix checkboxes.
   1994       (org-list-struct-fix-box struct parents prevs))
   1995     ;; 6. Apply structure modifications to buffer.
   1996     (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct))
   1997   ;; 7. Return the updated structure
   1998   struct)
   2002 ;;; Misc Tools
   2004 (defun org-apply-on-list (function init-value &rest args)
   2005   "Call FUNCTION on each item of the list at point.
   2006 FUNCTION must be called with at least one argument: INIT-VALUE,
   2007 that will contain the value returned by the function at the
   2008 previous item, plus ARGS extra arguments.
   2010 FUNCTION is applied on items in reverse order.
   2012 As an example, \(org-apply-on-list \(lambda \(result) \(1+ result)) 0)
   2013 will return the number of items in the current list.
   2015 Sublists of the list are skipped.  Cursor is always at the
   2016 beginning of the item."
   2017   (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2018 	 (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2019          (item (copy-marker (line-beginning-position)))
   2020 	 (all (org-list-get-all-items (marker-position item) struct prevs))
   2021 	 (value init-value))
   2022     (dolist (e (nreverse all))
   2023       (goto-char e)
   2024       (setq value (apply function value args)))
   2025     (goto-char item)
   2026     (move-marker item nil)
   2027     value))
   2029 (defun org-list-set-item-visibility (item struct view)
   2030   "Set visibility of ITEM in STRUCT to VIEW.
   2032 Possible values are: `folded', `children' or `subtree'.  See
   2033 `org-cycle' for more information."
   2034   (cond
   2035    ((eq view 'folded)
   2036     (let ((item-end (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct)))
   2037       ;; Hide from eol
   2038       (org-fold-region (save-excursion (goto-char item) (line-end-position))
   2039 		       item-end t 'outline)))
   2040    ((eq view 'children)
   2041     ;; First show everything.
   2042     (org-list-set-item-visibility item struct 'subtree)
   2043     ;; Then fold every child.
   2044     (let* ((parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2045 	   (children (org-list-get-children item struct parents)))
   2046       (dolist (child children)
   2047 	(org-list-set-item-visibility child struct 'folded))))
   2048    ((eq view 'subtree)
   2049     ;; Show everything
   2050     (let ((item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct)))
   2051       (org-fold-region item item-end nil 'outline)))))
   2053 (defun org-list-item-body-column (item)
   2054   "Return column at which body of ITEM should start."
   2055   (save-excursion
   2056     (goto-char item)
   2057     (looking-at "[ \t]*\\(\\S-+\\)")
   2058     (+ (progn (goto-char (match-end 1)) (current-column))
   2059        (if (and org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp
   2060 		(string-match-p org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp
   2061 				(match-string 1)))
   2062 	   2
   2063 	 1))))
   2067 ;;; Interactive functions
   2069 (defalias 'org-list-get-item-begin 'org-in-item-p)
   2071 (defun org-beginning-of-item ()
   2072   "Go to the beginning of the current item.
   2073 Throw an error when not in a list."
   2074   (interactive)
   2075   (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
   2076     (if begin (goto-char begin) (error "Not in an item"))))
   2078 (defun org-beginning-of-item-list ()
   2079   "Go to the beginning item of the current list or sublist.
   2080 Throw an error when not in a list."
   2081   (interactive)
   2082   (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
   2083     (if (not begin)
   2084 	(error "Not in an item")
   2085       (goto-char begin)
   2086       (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2087 	     (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))
   2088 	(goto-char (org-list-get-list-begin begin struct prevs))))))
   2090 (defun org-end-of-item-list ()
   2091   "Go to the end of the current list or sublist.
   2092 Throw an error when not in a list."
   2093   (interactive)
   2094   (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
   2095     (if (not begin)
   2096 	(error "Not in an item")
   2097       (goto-char begin)
   2098       (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2099 	     (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))
   2100 	(goto-char (org-list-get-list-end begin struct prevs))))))
   2102 (defun org-end-of-item ()
   2103   "Go to the end of the current item.
   2104 Throw an error when not in a list."
   2105   (interactive)
   2106   (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
   2107     (if (not begin)
   2108 	(error "Not in an item")
   2109       (goto-char begin)
   2110       (let ((struct (org-list-struct)))
   2111 	(goto-char (org-list-get-item-end begin struct))))))
   2113 (defun org-previous-item ()
   2114   "Move to the beginning of the previous item.
   2115 Throw an error when not in a list.  Also throw an error when at
   2116 first item, unless `org-list-use-circular-motion' is non-nil."
   2117   (interactive)
   2118   (let ((item (org-in-item-p)))
   2119     (if (not item)
   2120 	(error "Not in an item")
   2121       (goto-char item)
   2122       (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2123 	     (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2124 	     (prevp (org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs)))
   2125 	(cond
   2126 	 (prevp (goto-char prevp))
   2127 	 (org-list-use-circular-motion
   2128 	  (goto-char (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs)))
   2129 	 (t (error "On first item")))))))
   2131 (defun org-next-item ()
   2132   "Move to the beginning of the next item.
   2133 Throw an error when not in a list.  Also throw an error when at
   2134 last item, unless `org-list-use-circular-motion' is non-nil."
   2135   (interactive)
   2136   (let ((item (org-in-item-p)))
   2137     (if (not item)
   2138 	(error "Not in an item")
   2139       (goto-char item)
   2140       (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2141 	     (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2142 	     (prevp (org-list-get-next-item item struct prevs)))
   2143 	(cond
   2144 	 (prevp (goto-char prevp))
   2145 	 (org-list-use-circular-motion
   2146 	  (goto-char (org-list-get-first-item item struct prevs)))
   2147 	 (t (error "On last item")))))))
   2149 (defun org-move-item-down ()
   2150   "Move the item at point down, i.e. swap with following item.
   2151 Sub-items (items with larger indentation) are considered part of
   2152 the item, so this really moves item trees."
   2153   (interactive)
   2154   (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "Not at an item"))
   2155   (let* ((col (current-column))
   2156          (item (line-beginning-position))
   2157 	 (struct (org-list-struct))
   2158 	 (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2159          (next-item (org-list-get-next-item (line-beginning-position) struct prevs)))
   2160     (unless (or next-item org-list-use-circular-motion)
   2161       (user-error "Cannot move this item further down"))
   2162     (if (not next-item)
   2163 	(setq struct (org-list-send-item item 'begin struct))
   2164       (setq struct (org-list-swap-items item next-item struct))
   2165       (goto-char
   2166        (org-list-get-next-item item struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct))))
   2167     (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2168     (org-move-to-column col)))
   2170 (defun org-move-item-up ()
   2171   "Move the item at point up, i.e. swap with previous item.
   2172 Sub-items (items with larger indentation) are considered part of
   2173 the item, so this really moves item trees."
   2174   (interactive)
   2175   (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "Not at an item"))
   2176   (let* ((col (current-column))
   2177          (item (line-beginning-position))
   2178 	 (struct (org-list-struct))
   2179 	 (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2180          (prev-item (org-list-get-prev-item (line-beginning-position) struct prevs)))
   2181     (unless (or prev-item org-list-use-circular-motion)
   2182       (user-error "Cannot move this item further up"))
   2183     (if (not prev-item)
   2184 	(setq struct (org-list-send-item item 'end struct))
   2185       (setq struct (org-list-swap-items prev-item item struct)))
   2186     (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2187     (org-move-to-column col)))
   2189 (defun org-insert-item (&optional checkbox)
   2190   "Insert a new item at the current level.
   2191 If cursor is before first character after bullet of the item, the
   2192 new item will be created before the current one.
   2194 If CHECKBOX is non-nil, add a checkbox next to the bullet.
   2196 Return t when things worked, nil when we are not in an item, or
   2197 item is invisible."
   2198   (interactive "P")
   2199   (let ((itemp (org-in-item-p))
   2200 	(pos (point)))
   2201     ;; If cursor isn't is a list or if list is invisible, return nil.
   2202     (unless (or (not itemp)
   2203 		(save-excursion
   2204 		  (goto-char itemp)
   2205 		  (org-invisible-p)))
   2206       (if (save-excursion
   2207 	    (goto-char itemp)
   2208 	    (org-at-item-timer-p))
   2209 	  ;; Timer list: delegate to `org-timer-item'.
   2210 	  (progn (org-timer-item) t)
   2211 	(let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char itemp)
   2212 				       (org-list-struct)))
   2213 	       (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2214 	       ;; If we're in a description list, ask for the new term.
   2215 	       (desc (when (eq (org-list-get-list-type itemp struct prevs)
   2216 			       'descriptive)
   2217 		       " :: ")))
   2218 	  (setq struct (org-list-insert-item pos struct prevs checkbox desc))
   2219 	  (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2220 	  (when checkbox (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe))
   2221           (beginning-of-line)
   2222 	  (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
   2223 	  (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4)
   2224 			      (save-match-data
   2225 				(string-match "[.)]" (match-string 1))))
   2226 			 (match-beginning 4)
   2227 		       (match-end 0)))
   2228 	  (when desc (backward-char 1))
   2229 	  t)))))
   2231 (defun org-list-repair ()
   2232   "Fix indentation, bullets and checkboxes in the list at point."
   2233   (interactive)
   2234   (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "This is not a list"))
   2235   (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2236 	 (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct)))
   2237     (org-list-write-struct struct parents)))
   2239 (defun org-cycle-list-bullet (&optional which)
   2240   "Cycle through the different itemize/enumerate bullets.
   2241 This cycle the entire list level through the sequence:
   2243    `-'  ->  `+'  ->  `*'  ->  `1.'  ->  `1)'
   2245 If WHICH is a valid string, use that as the new bullet.  If WHICH
   2246 is an integer, 0 means `-', 1 means `+' etc.  If WHICH is
   2247 `previous', cycle backwards."
   2248   (interactive "P")
   2249   (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "Not at an item"))
   2250   (let ((origin (point-marker)))
   2251     (beginning-of-line)
   2252     (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2253            (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2254            (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2255            (list-beg (org-list-get-first-item (point) struct prevs))
   2256            ;; Record relative point position to bullet beginning.
   2257            (origin-offset (- origin
   2258                              (+ (point) (org-list-get-ind (point) struct))))
   2259            ;; Record relative point position to bullet end.
   2260            (origin-offset2 (- origin
   2261                               (+ (point) (org-list-get-ind (point) struct)
   2262                                  (length (org-list-get-bullet (point) struct)))))
   2263            (bullet (org-list-get-bullet list-beg struct))
   2264 	   (alpha-p (org-list-use-alpha-bul-p list-beg struct prevs))
   2265 	   (case-fold-search nil)
   2266 	   (current (cond
   2267 		     ((string-match "[a-z]\\." bullet) "a.")
   2268 		     ((string-match "[a-z])" bullet) "a)")
   2269 		     ((string-match "[A-Z]\\." bullet) "A.")
   2270 		     ((string-match "[A-Z])" bullet) "A)")
   2271 		     ((string-match "\\." bullet) "1.")
   2272 		     ((string-match ")" bullet) "1)")
   2273 		     (t (org-trim bullet))))
   2274            ;; Compute list of possible bullets, depending on context.
   2275 	   (bullet-list
   2276 	    (append '("-" "+" )
   2277 		    ;; *-bullets are not allowed at column 0.
   2278 		    (unless (looking-at "\\S-") '("*"))
   2279 		    ;; Description items cannot be numbered.
   2280 		    (unless (or (eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?\))
   2281 				(org-at-item-description-p))
   2282 		      '("1."))
   2283 		    (unless (or (eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.)
   2284 				(org-at-item-description-p))
   2285 		      '("1)"))
   2286 		    (unless (or (not alpha-p)
   2287 				(eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?\))
   2288 				(org-at-item-description-p))
   2289 		      '("a." "A."))
   2290 		    (unless (or (not alpha-p)
   2291 				(eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.)
   2292 				(org-at-item-description-p))
   2293 		      '("a)" "A)"))))
   2294 	   (len (length bullet-list))
   2295 	   (item-index (- len (length (member current bullet-list))))
   2296 	   (get-value (lambda (index) (nth (mod index len) bullet-list)))
   2297 	   (new (cond
   2298 		 ((member which bullet-list) which)
   2299 		 ((numberp which) (funcall get-value which))
   2300 		 ((eq 'previous which) (funcall get-value (1- item-index)))
   2301 		 (t (funcall get-value (1+ item-index))))))
   2302       ;; Use a short variation of `org-list-write-struct' as there's
   2303       ;; no need to go through all the steps.
   2304       (let ((old-struct (copy-tree struct)))
   2305         (org-list-set-bullet list-beg struct (org-list-bullet-string new))
   2306         (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs)
   2307         (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents)
   2308         (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct))
   2309       (goto-char origin)
   2310       (setq struct (org-list-struct))
   2311       (cond
   2312        ((>= origin-offset2 0)
   2313         (beginning-of-line)
   2314         (move-marker origin (+ (point)
   2315                                (org-list-get-ind (point) struct)
   2316                                (length (org-list-get-bullet (point) struct))
   2317                                origin-offset2))
   2318         (goto-char origin))
   2319        ((>= origin-offset 0)
   2320         (beginning-of-line)
   2321         (move-marker origin (+ (point)
   2322                                (org-list-get-ind (point) struct)
   2323                                origin-offset))
   2324         (goto-char origin)))
   2325       (move-marker origin nil))))
   2327 ;;;###autoload
   2328 (define-minor-mode org-list-checkbox-radio-mode
   2329   "When turned on, use list checkboxes as radio buttons."
   2330   :lighter " CheckBoxRadio"
   2331   (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
   2332     (user-error "Cannot turn this mode outside org-mode buffers")))
   2334 (defun org-toggle-radio-button (&optional arg)
   2335   "Toggle off all checkboxes and toggle on the one at point."
   2336   (interactive "P")
   2337   (if (not (org-at-item-p))
   2338       (user-error "Cannot toggle checkbox outside of a list")
   2339     (let* ((cpos (org-in-item-p))
   2340 	   (struct (org-list-struct))
   2341 	   (orderedp (org-entry-get nil "ORDERED"))
   2342 	   (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2343 	   (old-struct (copy-tree struct))
   2344 	   (cbox (org-list-get-checkbox cpos struct))
   2345            (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2346            (start (org-list-get-list-begin (line-beginning-position) struct prevs))
   2347 	   (new (unless (and cbox (equal arg '(4)) (equal start cpos))
   2348 		  "[ ]")))
   2349       (dolist (pos (org-list-get-all-items
   2350 		    start struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))
   2351 	(org-list-set-checkbox pos struct new))
   2352       (when new
   2353 	(org-list-set-checkbox
   2354 	 cpos struct
   2355 	 (cond ((equal arg '(4)) (unless cbox "[ ]"))
   2356 	       ((equal arg '(16)) (unless cbox "[-]"))
   2357 	       (t (if (equal cbox "[X]") "[ ]" "[X]")))))
   2358       (org-list-struct-fix-box struct parents prevs orderedp)
   2359       (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct)
   2360       (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe))))
   2362 (defun org-at-radio-list-p ()
   2363   "Is point at a list item with radio buttons?"
   2364   (when (org-match-line (org-item-re))	;short-circuit
   2365     (let* ((e (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (org-element-at-point))))
   2366       ;; Check we're really on a line with a bullet.
   2367       (when (memq (org-element-type e) '(item plain-list))
   2368 	;; Look for ATTR_ORG attribute in the current plain list.
   2369 	(let ((plain-list (org-element-lineage e '(plain-list) t)))
   2370 	  (org-with-point-at (org-element-property :post-affiliated plain-list)
   2371 	    (let ((case-fold-search t)
   2372 		  (regexp "^[ \t]*#\\+attr_org:.* :radio \\(\\S-+\\)")
   2373 		  (begin (org-element-property :begin plain-list)))
   2374 	      (and (re-search-backward regexp begin t)
   2375 		   (not (string-equal "nil" (match-string 1)))))))))))
   2377 (defun org-toggle-checkbox (&optional toggle-presence)
   2378   "Toggle the checkbox in the current line.
   2380 With prefix argument TOGGLE-PRESENCE, add or remove checkboxes.
   2381 With a double prefix argument, set the checkbox to \"[-]\".
   2383 When there is an active region, toggle status or presence of the
   2384 first checkbox there, and make every item inside have the same
   2385 status or presence, respectively.
   2387 If point is on a headline, apply this to all checkbox items in
   2388 the text below the heading, taking as reference the first item in
   2389 subtree, ignoring planning line and any drawer following it."
   2390   (interactive "P")
   2391   (if (org-at-radio-list-p)
   2392       (org-toggle-radio-button toggle-presence)
   2393     (save-excursion
   2394       (let* (singlep
   2395 	     block-item
   2396 	     lim-up
   2397 	     lim-down
   2398 	     (orderedp (org-entry-get nil "ORDERED"))
   2399 	     (_bounds
   2400 	      ;; In a region, start at first item in region.
   2401 	      (cond
   2402 	       ((org-region-active-p)
   2403 		(let ((limit (region-end)))
   2404 		  (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2405 		  (if (org-list-search-forward (org-item-beginning-re) limit t)
   2406                       (setq lim-up (line-beginning-position))
   2407 		    (error "No item in region"))
   2408 		  (setq lim-down (copy-marker limit))))
   2409 	       ((org-at-heading-p)
   2410 		;; On a heading, start at first item after drawers and
   2411 		;; time-stamps (scheduled, etc.).
   2412 		(let ((limit (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point))))
   2413 		  (org-end-of-meta-data t)
   2414 		  (if (org-list-search-forward (org-item-beginning-re) limit t)
   2415                       (setq lim-up (line-beginning-position))
   2416 		    (error "No item in subtree"))
   2417 		  (setq lim-down (copy-marker limit))))
   2418 	       ;; Just one item: set SINGLEP flag.
   2419 	       ((org-at-item-p)
   2420 		(setq singlep t)
   2421                 (setq lim-up (line-beginning-position)
   2422                       lim-down (copy-marker (line-end-position))))
   2423 	       (t (error "Not at an item or heading, and no active region"))))
   2424 	     ;; Determine the checkbox going to be applied to all items
   2425 	     ;; within bounds.
   2426 	     (ref-checkbox
   2427 	      (progn
   2428 		(goto-char lim-up)
   2429 		(let ((cbox (and (org-at-item-checkbox-p) (match-string 1))))
   2430 		  (cond
   2431 		   ((equal toggle-presence '(16)) "[-]")
   2432 		   ((equal toggle-presence '(4))
   2433 		    (unless cbox "[ ]"))
   2434 		   ((equal "[X]" cbox) "[ ]")
   2435 		   (t "[X]"))))))
   2436 	;; When an item is found within bounds, grab the full list at
   2437 	;; point structure, then: (1) set check-box of all its items
   2438 	;; within bounds to REF-CHECKBOX, (2) fix check-boxes of the
   2439 	;; whole list, (3) move point after the list.
   2440 	(goto-char lim-up)
   2441 	(while (and (< (point) lim-down)
   2442 		    (org-list-search-forward (org-item-beginning-re)
   2443 					     lim-down 'move))
   2444 	  (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2445 		 (struct-copy (copy-tree struct))
   2446 		 (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2447 		 (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2448 		 (bottom (copy-marker (org-list-get-bottom-point struct)))
   2449 		 (items-to-toggle (cl-remove-if
   2450 				   (lambda (e) (or (< e lim-up) (> e lim-down)))
   2451 				   (mapcar #'car struct))))
   2452 	    (dolist (e items-to-toggle)
   2453 	      (org-list-set-checkbox
   2454 	       e struct
   2455 	       ;; If there is no box at item, leave as-is unless
   2456 	       ;; function was called with C-u prefix.
   2457 	       (let ((cur-box (org-list-get-checkbox e struct)))
   2458 		 (if (or cur-box (equal toggle-presence '(4)))
   2459 		     ref-checkbox
   2460 		   cur-box))))
   2461 	    (setq block-item (org-list-struct-fix-box
   2462 			      struct parents prevs orderedp))
   2463 	    ;; Report some problems due to ORDERED status of subtree.
   2464 	    ;; If only one box was being checked, throw an error, else,
   2465 	    ;; only signal problems.
   2466 	    (cond
   2467 	     ((and singlep block-item (> lim-up block-item))
   2468 	      (error
   2469 	       "Checkbox blocked because of unchecked box at line %d"
   2470 	       (org-current-line block-item)))
   2471 	     (block-item
   2472 	      (message
   2473 	       "Checkboxes were removed due to unchecked box at line %d"
   2474 	       (org-current-line block-item))))
   2475 	    (goto-char bottom)
   2476 	    (move-marker bottom nil)
   2477 	    (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct struct-copy)))
   2478 	(move-marker lim-down nil))))
   2479   (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe))
   2481 (defun org-reset-checkbox-state-subtree ()
   2482   "Reset all checkboxes in an entry subtree."
   2483   (interactive "*")
   2484   (if (org-before-first-heading-p)
   2485       (error "Not inside a tree")
   2486     (save-restriction
   2487       (save-excursion
   2488 	(org-narrow-to-subtree)
   2489 	(org-fold-show-subtree)
   2490 	(goto-char (point-min))
   2491 	(let ((end (point-max)))
   2492 	  (while (< (point) end)
   2493 	    (when (org-at-item-checkbox-p)
   2494 	      (replace-match "[ ]" t t nil 1))
   2495 	    (beginning-of-line 2)))
   2496 	(org-update-checkbox-count-maybe 'all)))))
   2498 (defun org-update-checkbox-count (&optional all)
   2499   "Update the checkbox statistics in the current section.
   2501 This will find all statistic cookies like [57%] and [6/12] and
   2502 update them with the current numbers.
   2504 With optional prefix argument ALL, do this for the whole buffer."
   2505   (interactive "P")
   2506   (org-with-wide-buffer
   2507    (let* ((cookie-re "\\(\\(\\[[0-9]*%\\]\\)\\|\\(\\[[0-9]*/[0-9]*\\]\\)\\)")
   2508 	  (box-re "^[ \t]*\\([-+*]\\|\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)[.)]\\)[ \t]+\
   2509 \\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*\\)?\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)")
   2510           (cookie-data (or (org-entry-get nil "COOKIE_DATA") ""))
   2511 	  (recursivep
   2512 	   (or (not org-checkbox-hierarchical-statistics)
   2513 	       (string-match-p "\\<recursive\\>" cookie-data)))
   2514 	  (within-inlinetask (and (not all)
   2515 				  (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
   2516 				  (org-inlinetask-in-task-p)))
   2517 	  (end (cond (all (point-max))
   2518 		     (within-inlinetask
   2519 		      (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point)))
   2520 		     (t (save-excursion
   2521 			  (org-with-limited-levels (outline-next-heading))
   2522 			  (point)))))
   2523 	  (count-boxes
   2524 	   (lambda (item structs recursivep)
   2525 	     ;; Return number of checked boxes and boxes of all types
   2526 	     ;; in all structures in STRUCTS.  If RECURSIVEP is
   2527 	     ;; non-nil, also count boxes in sub-lists.  If ITEM is
   2528 	     ;; nil, count across the whole structure, else count only
   2529 	     ;; across subtree whose ancestor is ITEM.
   2530 	     (let ((c-on 0) (c-all 0))
   2531 	       (dolist (s structs (list c-on c-all))
   2532 		 (let* ((pre (org-list-prevs-alist s))
   2533 			(par (org-list-parents-alist s))
   2534 			(items
   2535 			 (cond
   2536 			  ((and recursivep item) (org-list-get-subtree item s))
   2537 			  (recursivep (mapcar #'car s))
   2538 			  (item (org-list-get-children item s par))
   2539 			  (t (org-list-get-all-items
   2540 			      (org-list-get-top-point s) s pre))))
   2541 			(cookies (delq nil (mapcar
   2542 					    (lambda (e)
   2543 					      (org-list-get-checkbox e s))
   2544 					    items))))
   2545 		   (cl-incf c-all (length cookies))
   2546 		   (cl-incf c-on (cl-count "[X]" cookies :test #'equal)))))))
   2547 	  cookies-list cache)
   2548      ;; Move to start.
   2549      (cond (all (goto-char (point-min)))
   2550 	   (within-inlinetask (org-back-to-heading t))
   2551 	   (t (org-with-limited-levels (outline-previous-heading))))
   2552      ;; Build an alist for each cookie found.  The key is the position
   2553      ;; at beginning of cookie and values ending position, format of
   2554      ;; cookie, number of checked boxes to report and total number of
   2555      ;; boxes.
   2556      (while (re-search-forward cookie-re end t)
   2557        (let ((context (save-excursion (backward-char)
   2558 				      (save-match-data (org-element-context)))))
   2559 	 (when (and (eq (org-element-type context) 'statistics-cookie)
   2560                     (not (string-match-p "\\<todo\\>" cookie-data)))
   2561 	   (push
   2562 	    (append
   2563 	     (list (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) (match-end 2))
   2564 	     (let* ((container
   2565 		     (org-element-lineage
   2566 		      context
   2567 		      '(drawer center-block dynamic-block inlinetask item
   2568 			       quote-block special-block verse-block)))
   2569 		    (beg (if container
   2570 			     (org-element-property :contents-begin container)
   2571 			   (save-excursion
   2572 			     (org-with-limited-levels
   2573 			      (outline-previous-heading))
   2574 			     (point)))))
   2575 	       (or (cdr (assq beg cache))
   2576 		   (save-excursion
   2577 		     (goto-char beg)
   2578 		     (let ((end
   2579 			    (if container
   2580 				(org-element-property :contents-end container)
   2581 			      (save-excursion
   2582 				(org-with-limited-levels (outline-next-heading))
   2583 				(point))))
   2584 			   structs)
   2585 		       (while (re-search-forward box-re end t)
   2586 			 (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
   2587 			   (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'item)
   2588 			     (push (org-element-property :structure element)
   2589 				   structs)
   2590 			     ;; Skip whole list since we have its
   2591 			     ;; structure anyway.
   2592 			     (while (setq element (org-element-lineage
   2593 						   element '(plain-list)))
   2594 			       (goto-char
   2595 				(min (org-element-property :end element)
   2596 				     end))))))
   2597 		       ;; Cache count for cookies applying to the same
   2598 		       ;; area.  Then return it.
   2599 		       (let ((count
   2600 			      (funcall count-boxes
   2601 				       (and (eq (org-element-type container)
   2602 						'item)
   2603 					    (org-element-property
   2604 					     :begin container))
   2605 				       structs
   2606 				       recursivep)))
   2607 			 (push (cons beg count) cache)
   2608 			 count))))))
   2609 	    cookies-list))))
   2610      ;; Apply alist to buffer.
   2611      (dolist (cookie cookies-list)
   2612        (let* ((beg (car cookie))
   2613 	      (end (nth 1 cookie))
   2614 	      (percent (nth 2 cookie))
   2615 	      (checked (nth 3 cookie))
   2616 	      (total (nth 4 cookie)))
   2617 	 (goto-char beg)
   2618 	 (insert
   2619 	  (if percent (format "[%d%%]" (floor (* 100.0 checked)
   2620 					      (max 1 total)))
   2621 	    (format "[%d/%d]" checked total)))
   2622 	 (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (- end beg)))
   2623 	 (when org-auto-align-tags (org-fix-tags-on-the-fly)))))))
   2625 (defun org-get-checkbox-statistics-face ()
   2626   "Select the face for checkbox statistics.
   2627 The face will be `org-done' when all relevant boxes are checked.
   2628 Otherwise it will be `org-todo'."
   2629   (if (match-end 1)
   2630       (if (equal (match-string 1) "100%")
   2631 	  'org-checkbox-statistics-done
   2632 	'org-checkbox-statistics-todo)
   2633     (if (and (> (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2))
   2634 	     (equal (match-string 2) (match-string 3)))
   2635 	'org-checkbox-statistics-done
   2636       'org-checkbox-statistics-todo)))
   2638 (defun org-update-checkbox-count-maybe (&optional all)
   2639   "Update checkbox statistics unless turned off by user.
   2640 With an optional argument ALL, update them in the whole buffer."
   2641   (when (cdr (assq 'checkbox org-list-automatic-rules))
   2642     (org-update-checkbox-count all))
   2643   (run-hooks 'org-checkbox-statistics-hook))
   2645 (defvar org-last-indent-begin-marker (make-marker))
   2646 (defvar org-last-indent-end-marker (make-marker))
   2647 (defun org-list-indent-item-generic (arg no-subtree struct)
   2648   "Indent a local list item including its children.
   2649 When number ARG is a negative, item will be outdented, otherwise
   2650 it will be indented.
   2652 If a region is active, all items inside will be moved.
   2654 If NO-SUBTREE is non-nil, only indent the item itself, not its
   2655 children.
   2657 STRUCT is the list structure.
   2659 Return t if successful."
   2660   (save-excursion
   2661     (let* ((regionp (org-region-active-p))
   2662 	   (rbeg (and regionp (region-beginning)))
   2663 	   (rend (and regionp (region-end)))
   2664 	   (top (org-list-get-top-point struct))
   2665 	   (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   2666 	   (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2667 	   ;; Are we going to move the whole list?
   2668 	   (specialp
   2669 	    (and (not regionp)
   2670                  (= top (line-beginning-position))
   2671 		 (cdr (assq 'indent org-list-automatic-rules))
   2672 		 (if no-subtree
   2673 		     (user-error
   2674 		      "At first item: use S-M-<left/right> to move the whole list")
   2675 		   t))))
   2676       ;; Determine begin and end points of zone to indent.  If moving
   2677       ;; more than one item, save them for subsequent moves.
   2678       (unless (and (memq last-command '(org-shiftmetaright org-shiftmetaleft))
   2679 		   (memq this-command '(org-shiftmetaright org-shiftmetaleft)))
   2680 	(if regionp
   2681 	    (progn
   2682 	      (set-marker org-last-indent-begin-marker rbeg)
   2683 	      (set-marker org-last-indent-end-marker rend))
   2684           (set-marker org-last-indent-begin-marker (line-beginning-position))
   2685 	  (set-marker org-last-indent-end-marker
   2686 		      (cond
   2687 		       (specialp (org-list-get-bottom-point struct))
   2688                        (no-subtree (1+ (line-beginning-position)))
   2689                        (t (org-list-get-item-end (line-beginning-position) struct))))))
   2690       (let* ((beg (marker-position org-last-indent-begin-marker))
   2691 	     (end (marker-position org-last-indent-end-marker)))
   2692 	(cond
   2693 	 ;; Special case: moving top-item with indent rule.
   2694 	 (specialp
   2695 	  (let* ((level-skip (org-level-increment))
   2696 		 (offset (if (< arg 0) (- level-skip) level-skip))
   2697 		 (top-ind (org-list-get-ind beg struct))
   2698 		 (old-struct (copy-tree struct)))
   2699 	    (if (< (+ top-ind offset) 0)
   2700 		(error "Cannot outdent beyond margin")
   2701 	      ;; Change bullet if necessary.
   2702 	      (when (and (= (+ top-ind offset) 0)
   2703 			 (string-match "\\*"
   2704 				       (org-list-get-bullet beg struct)))
   2705 		(org-list-set-bullet beg struct
   2706 				     (org-list-bullet-string "-")))
   2707 	      ;; Shift every item by OFFSET and fix bullets.  Then
   2708 	      ;; apply changes to buffer.
   2709 	      (pcase-dolist (`(,pos . ,_) struct)
   2710 		(let ((ind (org-list-get-ind pos struct)))
   2711 		  (org-list-set-ind pos struct (+ ind offset))))
   2712 	      (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs)
   2713 	      (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct))))
   2714 	 ;; Forbidden move:
   2715 	 ((and (< arg 0)
   2716 	       ;; If only one item is moved, it mustn't have a child.
   2717 	       (or (and no-subtree
   2718 			(not regionp)
   2719 			(org-list-has-child-p beg struct))
   2720 		   ;; If a subtree or region is moved, the last item
   2721 		   ;; of the subtree mustn't have a child.
   2722 		   (let ((last-item (caar
   2723 				     (reverse
   2724 				      (cl-remove-if
   2725 				       (lambda (e) (>= (car e) end))
   2726 				       struct)))))
   2727 		     (org-list-has-child-p last-item struct))))
   2728 	  (error "Cannot outdent an item without its children"))
   2729 	 ;; Normal shifting
   2730 	 (t
   2731 	  (let* ((old-struct (copy-tree struct))
   2732 		 (new-parents
   2733 		  (if (< arg 0)
   2734 		      (org-list-struct-outdent beg end struct parents)
   2735 		    (org-list-struct-indent beg end struct parents prevs))))
   2736 	    (org-list-write-struct struct new-parents old-struct))
   2737 	  (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe))))))
   2738   t)
   2740 (defun org-outdent-item ()
   2741   "Outdent a local list item, but not its children.
   2742 If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
   2743   (interactive)
   2744   (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
   2745     (cond
   2746      ((or (org-at-item-p)
   2747 	  (and regionp
   2748 	       (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2749 			       (org-at-item-p))))
   2750       (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
   2751 		      (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2752 				      (org-list-struct)))))
   2753 	(org-list-indent-item-generic -1 t struct)))
   2754      (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
   2755      (t (error "Not at an item")))))
   2757 (defun org-indent-item ()
   2758   "Indent a local list item, but not its children.
   2759 If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
   2760   (interactive)
   2761   (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
   2762     (cond
   2763      ((or (org-at-item-p)
   2764 	  (and regionp
   2765 	       (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2766 			       (org-at-item-p))))
   2767       (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
   2768 		      (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2769 				      (org-list-struct)))))
   2770 	(org-list-indent-item-generic 1 t struct)))
   2771      (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
   2772      (t (error "Not at an item")))))
   2774 (defun org-outdent-item-tree ()
   2775   "Outdent a local list item including its children.
   2776 If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
   2777   (interactive)
   2778   (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
   2779     (cond
   2780      ((or (org-at-item-p)
   2781 	  (and regionp
   2782 	       (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2783 			       (org-at-item-p))))
   2784       (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
   2785 		      (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2786 				      (org-list-struct)))))
   2787 	(org-list-indent-item-generic -1 nil struct)))
   2788      (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
   2789      (t (error "Not at an item")))))
   2791 (defun org-indent-item-tree ()
   2792   "Indent a local list item including its children.
   2793 If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
   2794   (interactive)
   2795   (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
   2796     (cond
   2797      ((or (org-at-item-p)
   2798 	  (and regionp
   2799 	       (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2800 			       (org-at-item-p))))
   2801       (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
   2802 		      (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
   2803 				      (org-list-struct)))))
   2804 	(org-list-indent-item-generic 1 nil struct)))
   2805      (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
   2806      (t (error "Not at an item")))))
   2808 (defvar org-tab-ind-state)
   2809 (defun org-cycle-item-indentation ()
   2810   "Cycle levels of indentation of an empty item.
   2812 The first run indents the item, if applicable.  Subsequent runs
   2813 outdent it at meaningful levels in the list.  When done, item is
   2814 put back at its original position with its original bullet.
   2816 Return t at each successful move."
   2817   (when (org-at-item-p)
   2818     (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2819 	   (item (line-beginning-position))
   2820 	   (ind (org-list-get-ind item struct)))
   2821       ;; Accept empty items or if cycle has already started.
   2822       (when (or (eq last-command 'org-cycle-item-indentation)
   2823 		(and (org-match-line org-list-full-item-re)
   2824 		     (>= (match-end 0)
   2825 			 (save-excursion
   2826 			   (goto-char (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
   2827 			   (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
   2828 			   (point)))))
   2829 	(setq this-command 'org-cycle-item-indentation)
   2830 	(let ((prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2831 	      (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct)))
   2832 	  (if (eq last-command 'org-cycle-item-indentation)
   2833 	      ;; When in the middle of the cycle, try to outdent.  If
   2834 	      ;; it fails, move point back to its initial position and
   2835 	      ;; reset cycle.
   2836 	      (pcase-let ((`(,old-ind . ,old-bul) org-tab-ind-state)
   2837 			  (allow-outdent
   2838 			   (lambda (struct prevs parents)
   2839 			     ;; Non-nil if current item can be
   2840 			     ;; outdented.
   2841 			     (and (not (org-list-get-next-item item nil prevs))
   2842 				  (not (org-list-has-child-p item struct))
   2843 				  (org-list-get-parent item struct parents)))))
   2844 		(cond
   2845 		 ((and (> ind old-ind)
   2846 		       (org-list-get-prev-item item nil prevs))
   2847 		  (org-list-indent-item-generic 1 t struct))
   2848 		 ((and (< ind old-ind)
   2849 		       (funcall allow-outdent struct prevs parents))
   2850 		  (org-list-indent-item-generic -1 t struct))
   2851 		 (t
   2852 		  (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
   2853 		  (indent-to-column old-ind)
   2854 		  (insert old-bul " ")
   2855 		  (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   2856 			 (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct)))
   2857 		    (if (and (> ind old-ind)
   2858 			     ;; We were previously indenting item.  It
   2859 			     ;; is no longer possible.  Try to outdent
   2860 			     ;; from initial position.
   2861 			     (funcall allow-outdent
   2862 				      struct
   2863 				      (org-list-prevs-alist struct)
   2864 				      parents))
   2865 			(org-list-indent-item-generic -1 t struct)
   2866 		      (org-list-write-struct struct parents)
   2867 		      ;; Start cycle over.
   2868 		      (setq this-command 'identity)
   2869 		      t)))))
   2870 	    ;; If a cycle is starting, remember initial indentation
   2871 	    ;; and bullet, then try to indent.  If it fails, try to
   2872 	    ;; outdent.
   2873 	    (setq org-tab-ind-state
   2874 		  (cons ind (org-trim (org-current-line-string))))
   2875 	    (cond
   2876 	     ((org-list-get-prev-item item nil prevs)
   2877 	      (org-list-indent-item-generic 1 t struct))
   2878 	     ((and (not (org-list-get-next-item item nil prevs))
   2879 		   (org-list-get-parent item struct parents))
   2880 	      (org-list-indent-item-generic -1 t struct))
   2881 	     (t
   2882 	      ;; This command failed.  So will the following one.
   2883 	      ;; There's no point in starting the cycle.
   2884 	      (setq this-command 'identity)
   2885 	      (user-error "Cannot move item")))))))))
   2887 (defun org-sort-list
   2888     (&optional with-case sorting-type getkey-func compare-func interactive?)
   2889   "Sort list items.
   2890 The cursor may be at any item of the list that should be sorted.
   2891 Sublists are not sorted.  Checkboxes, if any, are ignored.
   2893 Sorting can be alphabetically, numerically, by date/time as given
   2894 by a time stamp, by a property or by priority.
   2896 Comparing entries ignores case by default.  However, with an
   2897 optional argument WITH-CASE, the sorting considers case as well,
   2898 if the current locale allows for it.
   2900 The command prompts for the sorting type unless it has been given
   2901 to the function through the SORTING-TYPE argument, which needs to
   2902 be a character, among ?n ?N ?a ?A ?t ?T ?f ?F ?x or ?X.  Here is
   2903 the detailed meaning of each character:
   2905 n   Numerically, by converting the beginning of the item to a number.
   2906 a   Alphabetically.  Only the first line of item is checked.
   2907 t   By date/time, either the first active time stamp in the entry, if
   2908     any, or by the first inactive one.  In a timer list, sort the timers.
   2909 x   By \"checked\" status of a check list.
   2911 Capital letters will reverse the sort order.
   2913 If the SORTING-TYPE is ?f or ?F, then GETKEY-FUNC specifies
   2914 a function to be called with point at the beginning of the
   2915 record.  It must return a value that is compatible with COMPARE-FUNC,
   2916 the function used to compare entries.
   2918 Sorting is done against the visible part of the headlines, it
   2919 ignores hidden links.
   2921 A non-nil value for INTERACTIVE? is used to signal that this
   2922 function is being called interactively."
   2923   (interactive (list current-prefix-arg nil nil nil t))
   2924   (let* ((case-func (if with-case 'identity 'downcase))
   2925          (struct (org-list-struct))
   2926          (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   2927          (start (org-list-get-list-begin (line-beginning-position) struct prevs))
   2928          (end (org-list-get-list-end (line-beginning-position) struct prevs))
   2929 	 (sorting-type
   2930 	  (or sorting-type
   2931 	      (progn
   2932 		(message
   2933 		 "Sort plain list: [a]lpha  [n]umeric  [t]ime  [f]unc  [x]checked  A/N/T/F/X means reversed:")
   2934 		(read-char-exclusive))))
   2935 	 (dcst (downcase sorting-type))
   2936 	 (getkey-func
   2937 	  (and (= dcst ?f)
   2938 	       (or getkey-func
   2939 		   (and interactive?
   2940 			(org-read-function "Function for extracting keys: "))
   2941 		   (error "Missing key extractor"))))
   2942 	 (sort-func
   2943 	  (cond
   2944 	   ((= dcst ?a) #'string-collate-lessp)
   2945 	   ((= dcst ?f)
   2946 	    (or compare-func
   2947 		(and interactive?
   2948 		     (org-read-function
   2949 		      (concat "Function for comparing keys "
   2950 			      "(empty for default `sort-subr' predicate): ")
   2951 		      'allow-empty))))
   2952 	   ((= dcst ?t) #'<)
   2953 	   ((= dcst ?x) #'string<))))
   2954     (message "Sorting items...")
   2955     (save-restriction
   2956       (narrow-to-region start end)
   2957       (goto-char (point-min))
   2958       (let* ((case-fold-search nil)
   2959 	     (now (current-time))
   2960 	     (next-record (lambda ()
   2961 			    (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n")
   2962 			    (or (eobp) (beginning-of-line))))
   2963 	     (end-record (lambda ()
   2964 			   (goto-char (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank
   2965 				       (point) struct))))
   2966 	     (value-to-sort
   2967 	      (lambda ()
   2968 		(when (looking-at "[ \t]*[-+*0-9.)]+\\([ \t]+\\[[- X]\\]\\)?[ \t]+")
   2969 		  (cond
   2970 		   ((= dcst ?n)
   2971 		    (string-to-number
   2972 		     (org-sort-remove-invisible
   2973                       (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (line-end-position)))))
   2974 		   ((= dcst ?a)
   2975 		    (funcall case-func
   2976 			     (org-sort-remove-invisible
   2977 			      (buffer-substring
   2978                                (match-end 0) (line-end-position)))))
   2979 		   ((= dcst ?t)
   2980 		    (cond
   2981 		     ;; If it is a timer list, convert timer to seconds
   2982 		     ((org-at-item-timer-p)
   2983 		      (org-timer-hms-to-secs (match-string 1)))
   2984 		     ((or (save-excursion
   2985                             (re-search-forward org-ts-regexp (line-end-position) t))
   2986 			  (save-excursion (re-search-forward org-ts-regexp-both
   2987                                                              (line-end-position) t)))
   2988 		      (org-time-string-to-seconds (match-string 0)))
   2989 		     (t (float-time now))))
   2990 		   ((= dcst ?x) (or (and (stringp (match-string 1))
   2991 					 (match-string 1))
   2992 				    ""))
   2993 		   ((= dcst ?f)
   2994 		    (if getkey-func
   2995 			(let ((value (funcall getkey-func)))
   2996 			  (if (stringp value)
   2997 			      (funcall case-func value)
   2998 			    value))
   2999 		      (error "Invalid key function `%s'" getkey-func)))
   3000 		   (t (error "Invalid sorting type `%c'" sorting-type)))))))
   3001 	(sort-subr (/= dcst sorting-type)
   3002 		   next-record
   3003 		   end-record
   3004 		   value-to-sort
   3005 		   nil
   3006 		   sort-func)
   3007 	;; Read and fix list again, as `sort-subr' probably destroyed
   3008 	;; its structure.
   3009 	(org-list-repair)
   3010 	(run-hooks 'org-after-sorting-entries-or-items-hook)
   3011 	(message "Sorting items...done")))))
   3013 (defun org-toggle-item (arg)
   3014   "Convert headings or normal lines to items, items to normal lines.
   3015 If there is no active region, only the current line is considered.
   3017 If the first non blank line in the region is a headline, convert
   3018 all headlines to items, shifting text accordingly.
   3020 If it is an item, convert all items to normal lines.
   3022 If it is normal text, change region into a list of items.
   3023 With a prefix argument ARG, change the region in a single item."
   3024   (interactive "P")
   3025   (let ((extract-footnote-definitions
   3026          (lambda (end)
   3027            ;; Remove footnote definitions from point to END.
   3028            ;; Return the list of the extracted definitions.
   3029            (let (definitions element)
   3030              (save-excursion
   3031                (while (re-search-forward org-footnote-definition-re end t)
   3032                  (setq element (org-element-at-point))
   3033                  (when (eq 'footnote-definition
   3034                            (org-element-type element))
   3035                    (push (buffer-substring-no-properties
   3036                           (org-element-property :begin element)
   3037                           (org-element-property :end element))
   3038                          definitions)
   3039                    ;; Ensure at least 2 blank lines after the last
   3040                    ;; footnote definition, thus not slurping the
   3041                    ;; following element.
   3042                    (unless (<= 2 (org-element-property
   3043                                  :post-blank
   3044                                  (org-element-at-point)))
   3045                      (setf (car definitions)
   3046                            (concat (car definitions)
   3047                                    (make-string
   3048                                     (- 2 (org-element-property
   3049                                           :post-blank
   3050                                           (org-element-at-point)))
   3051                                     ?\n))))
   3052                    (delete-region
   3053                     (org-element-property :begin element)
   3054                     (org-element-property :end element))))
   3055                definitions))))
   3056         (shift-text
   3057 	 (lambda (ind end)
   3058 	   ;; Shift text in current section to IND, from point to END.
   3059 	   ;; The function leaves point to END line.
   3060 	   (let ((min-i 1000) (end (copy-marker end)))
   3061 	     ;; First determine the minimum indentation (MIN-I) of
   3062 	     ;; the text.
   3063 	     (save-excursion
   3064 	       (catch 'exit
   3065 		 (while (< (point) end)
   3066 		   (let ((i (org-current-text-indentation)))
   3067 		     (cond
   3068 		      ;; Skip blank lines and inline tasks.
   3069 		      ((looking-at "^[ \t]*$"))
   3070 		      ((looking-at org-outline-regexp-bol))
   3071 		      ;; We can't find less than 0 indentation.
   3072 		      ((zerop i) (throw 'exit (setq min-i 0)))
   3073 		      ((< i min-i) (setq min-i i))))
   3074 		   (forward-line))))
   3075 	     ;; Then indent each line so that a line indented to
   3076 	     ;; MIN-I becomes indented to IND.  Ignore blank lines
   3077 	     ;; and inline tasks in the process.
   3078 	     (let ((delta (- ind min-i)))
   3079 	       (while (< (point) end)
   3080 		 (unless (or (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
   3081 			     (looking-at org-outline-regexp-bol))
   3082 		   (indent-line-to (+ (org-current-text-indentation) delta)))
   3083 		 (forward-line))))))
   3084 	(skip-blanks
   3085 	 (lambda (pos)
   3086 	   ;; Return beginning of first non-blank line, starting from
   3087 	   ;; line at POS.
   3088 	   (save-excursion
   3089 	     (goto-char pos)
   3090 	     (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n")
   3091              (line-beginning-position))))
   3092 	beg end)
   3093     ;; Determine boundaries of changes.
   3094     (if (org-region-active-p)
   3095 	(setq beg (funcall skip-blanks (region-beginning))
   3096 	      end (copy-marker (region-end)))
   3097       (setq beg (line-beginning-position)
   3098             end (copy-marker (line-end-position))))
   3099     ;; Depending on the starting line, choose an action on the text
   3100     ;; between BEG and END.
   3101     (org-with-limited-levels
   3102      (save-excursion
   3103        (goto-char beg)
   3104        (cond
   3105 	;; Case 1. Start at an item: de-itemize.  Note that it only
   3106 	;;         happens when a region is active: `org-ctrl-c-minus'
   3107 	;;         would call `org-cycle-list-bullet' otherwise.
   3108 	((org-at-item-p)
   3109 	 (while (< (point) end)
   3110 	   (when (org-at-item-p)
   3111 	     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
   3112 	     (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)))
   3113 	   (forward-line)))
   3114 	;; Case 2. Start at a heading: convert to items.
   3115 	((org-at-heading-p)
   3116 	 ;; Remove metadata
   3117 	 (let (org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region)
   3118 	   (org-list--delete-metadata))
   3119 	 (let* ((bul (org-list-bullet-string "-"))
   3120 		(bul-len (length bul))
   3121 		;; Indentation of the first heading.  It should be
   3122 		;; relative to the indentation of its parent, if any.
   3123 		(start-ind (save-excursion
   3124 			     (cond
   3125 			      ((not org-adapt-indentation) 0)
   3126 			      ((not (outline-previous-heading)) 0)
   3127 			      (t (length (match-string 0))))))
   3128 		;; Level of first heading.  Further headings will be
   3129 		;; compared to it to determine hierarchy in the list.
   3130 		(ref-level (org-reduced-level (org-outline-level)))
   3131                 (footnote-definitions
   3132                  (funcall extract-footnote-definitions end)))
   3133 	   (while (< (point) end)
   3134 	     (let* ((level (org-reduced-level (org-outline-level)))
   3135 		    (delta (max 0 (- level ref-level)))
   3136 		    (todo-state (org-get-todo-state)))
   3137 	       ;; If current headline is less indented than the first
   3138 	       ;; one, set it as reference, in order to preserve
   3139 	       ;; subtrees.
   3140 	       (when (< level ref-level) (setq ref-level level))
   3141 	       ;; Remove metadata
   3142 	       (let (org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region)
   3143 		 (org-list--delete-metadata))
   3144 	       ;; Remove stars and TODO keyword.
   3145 	       (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (looking-at org-todo-line-regexp))
   3146 	       (delete-region (point) (or (match-beginning 3)
   3147 					  (line-end-position)))
   3148 	       (insert bul)
   3149 	       (indent-line-to (+ start-ind (* delta bul-len)))
   3150 	       ;; Turn TODO keyword into a check box.
   3151 	       (when todo-state
   3152 		 (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
   3153 			(old (copy-tree struct)))
   3154 		   (org-list-set-checkbox
   3155 		    (line-beginning-position)
   3156 		    struct
   3157 		    (if (member todo-state org-done-keywords)
   3158 			"[X]"
   3159 		      "[ ]"))
   3160 		   (org-list-write-struct struct
   3161 				  (org-list-parents-alist struct)
   3162 				  old)))
   3163 	       ;; Ensure all text down to END (or SECTION-END) belongs
   3164 	       ;; to the newly created item.
   3165 	       (let ((section-end (save-excursion
   3166 				    (or (outline-next-heading) (point)))))
   3167 		 (forward-line)
   3168 		 (funcall shift-text
   3169 			  (+ start-ind (* (1+ delta) bul-len))
   3170 			  (min end section-end)))))
   3171            (when footnote-definitions
   3172              (goto-char end)
   3173              ;; Insert footnote definitions after the list.
   3174              (unless (bolp) (beginning-of-line 2))
   3175              ;; At (point-max).
   3176              (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
   3177              (dolist (def footnote-definitions)
   3178                (insert def)))))
   3179 	;; Case 3. Normal line with ARG: make the first line of region
   3180 	;;         an item, and shift indentation of others lines to
   3181 	;;         set them as item's body.
   3182 	(arg (let* ((bul (org-list-bullet-string "-"))
   3183 		    (bul-len (length bul))
   3184 		    (ref-ind (org-current-text-indentation))
   3185                     (footnote-definitions
   3186                      (funcall extract-footnote-definitions end)))
   3187 	       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
   3188 	       (insert bul)
   3189 	       (forward-line)
   3190 	       (while (< (point) end)
   3191 		 ;; Ensure that lines less indented than first one
   3192 		 ;; still get included in item body.
   3193 		 (funcall shift-text
   3194 			  (+ ref-ind bul-len)
   3195 			  (min end (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading)
   3196 						       (point)))))
   3197 		 (forward-line))
   3198                (when footnote-definitions
   3199                  ;; If the new list is followed by same-level items,
   3200                  ;; move past them as well.
   3201                  (goto-char (org-element-property
   3202                              :end
   3203                              (org-element-lineage
   3204                               (org-element-at-point (1- end))
   3205                               '(plain-list) t)))
   3206                  ;; Insert footnote definitions after the list.
   3207                  (unless (bolp) (beginning-of-line 2))
   3208                  ;; At (point-max).
   3209                  (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
   3210                  (dolist (def footnote-definitions)
   3211                    (insert def)))))
   3212 	;; Case 4. Normal line without ARG: turn each non-item line
   3213 	;;         into an item.
   3214 	(t
   3215 	 (while (< (point) end)
   3216 	   (unless (or (org-at-heading-p) (org-at-item-p))
   3217 	     (when (looking-at "\\([ \t]*\\)\\(\\S-\\)")
   3218 	       (replace-match
   3219 		(concat "\\1" (org-list-bullet-string "-") "\\2"))))
   3220 	   (forward-line))))))))
   3223 ;;; Send and receive lists
   3225 (defun org-list-to-lisp (&optional delete)
   3226   "Parse the list at point and maybe DELETE it.
   3228 Return a list whose car is a symbol of list type, among
   3229 `ordered', `unordered' and `descriptive'.  Then, each item is
   3230 a list of strings and other sub-lists.
   3232 For example, the following list:
   3234   1. first item
   3235      + sub-item one
   3236      + [X] sub-item two
   3237      more text in first item
   3238   2. [@3] last item
   3240 is parsed as
   3242  (ordered
   3243   (\"first item\"
   3244    (unordered
   3245     (\"sub-item one\")
   3246     (\"[X] sub-item two\"))
   3247    \"more text in first item\")
   3248   (\"[@3] last item\"))
   3250 Point is left at list's end."
   3251   (letrec ((struct (org-list-struct))
   3252 	   (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
   3253 	   (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
   3254 	   (top (org-list-get-top-point struct))
   3255 	   (bottom (org-list-get-bottom-point struct))
   3256 	   (trim
   3257 	    (lambda (text)
   3258 	      ;; Remove indentation and final newline from TEXT.
   3259 	      (org-remove-indentation
   3260 	       (if (string-match-p "\n\\'" text)
   3261 		   (substring text 0 -1)
   3262 		 text))))
   3263 	   (parse-sublist
   3264 	    (lambda (e)
   3265 	      ;; Return a list whose car is list type and cdr a list
   3266 	      ;; of items' body.
   3267 	      (cons (org-list-get-list-type (car e) struct prevs)
   3268 		    (mapcar parse-item e))))
   3269 	   (parse-item
   3270 	    (lambda (e)
   3271 	      ;; Return a list containing counter of item, if any,
   3272 	      ;; text and any sublist inside it.
   3273 	      (let* ((end (org-list-get-item-end e struct))
   3274 		     (children (org-list-get-children e struct parents))
   3275 		     (body
   3276 		      (save-excursion
   3277 			(goto-char e)
   3278 			(looking-at "[ \t]*\\S-+[ \t]*")
   3279 			(list
   3280 			 (funcall
   3281 			  trim
   3282 			  (concat
   3283 			   (make-string (string-width (match-string 0)) ?\s)
   3284 			   (buffer-substring-no-properties
   3285 			    (match-end 0) (or (car children) end))))))))
   3286 		(while children
   3287 		  (let* ((child (car children))
   3288 			 (sub (org-list-get-all-items child struct prevs))
   3289 			 (last-in-sub (car (last sub))))
   3290 		    (push (funcall parse-sublist sub) body)
   3291 		    ;; Remove whole sub-list from children.
   3292 		    (setq children (cdr (memq last-in-sub children)))
   3293 		    ;; There is a chunk of text belonging to the item
   3294 		    ;; if last child doesn't end where next child
   3295 		    ;; starts or where item ends.
   3296 		    (let ((sub-end (org-list-get-item-end last-in-sub struct))
   3297 			  (next (or (car children) end)))
   3298 		      (when (/= sub-end next)
   3299 			(push (funcall
   3300 			       trim
   3301 			       (buffer-substring-no-properties sub-end next))
   3302 			      body)))))
   3303 		(nreverse body)))))
   3304     ;; Store output, take care of cursor position and deletion of
   3305     ;; list, then return output.
   3306     (prog1 (funcall parse-sublist (org-list-get-all-items top struct prevs))
   3307       (goto-char top)
   3308       (when delete
   3309 	(delete-region top bottom)
   3310 	(when (and (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$")) (looking-at org-list-end-re))
   3311 	  (replace-match ""))))))
   3313 (defun org-list-make-subtree ()
   3314   "Convert the plain list at point into a subtree."
   3315   (interactive)
   3316   (let ((item (org-in-item-p)))
   3317     (unless item (error "Not in a list"))
   3318     (goto-char item)
   3319     (let ((level (pcase (org-current-level)
   3320 		   (`nil 1)
   3321 		   (l (1+ (org-reduced-level l)))))
   3322 	  (list (save-excursion (org-list-to-lisp t))))
   3323       (insert (org-list-to-subtree list level) "\n"))))
   3325 (defun org-list-to-generic (list params)
   3326   "Convert a LIST parsed through `org-list-to-lisp' to a custom format.
   3328 LIST is a list as returned by `org-list-to-lisp', which see.
   3329 PARAMS is a property list of parameters used to tweak the output
   3330 format.
   3332 Valid parameters are:
   3334 :backend, :raw
   3336   Export back-end used as a basis to transcode elements of the
   3337   list, when no specific parameter applies to it.  It is also
   3338   used to translate its contents.  You can prevent this by
   3339   setting :raw property to a non-nil value.
   3341 :splice
   3343   When non-nil, only export the contents of the top most plain
   3344   list, effectively ignoring its opening and closing lines.
   3346 :ustart, :uend
   3348   Strings to start and end an unordered list.  They can also be
   3349   set to a function returning a string or nil, which will be
   3350   called with the depth of the list, counting from 1.
   3352 :ostart, :oend
   3354   Strings to start and end an ordered list.  They can also be set
   3355   to a function returning a string or nil, which will be called
   3356   with the depth of the list, counting from 1.
   3358 :dstart, :dend
   3360   Strings to start and end a descriptive list.  They can also be
   3361   set to a function returning a string or nil, which will be
   3362   called with the depth of the list, counting from 1.
   3364 :dtstart, :dtend, :ddstart, :ddend
   3366   Strings to start and end a descriptive term.
   3368 :istart, :iend
   3370   Strings to start or end a list item, and to start a list item
   3371   with a counter.  They can also be set to a function returning
   3372   a string or nil, which will be called with two arguments: the
   3373   type of list and the depth of the item, counting from 1.
   3375 :icount
   3377   Strings to start a list item with a counter.  It can also be
   3378   set to a function returning a string or nil, which will be
   3379   called with three arguments: the type of list, the depth of the
   3380   item, counting from 1, and the counter.  Its value, when
   3381   non-nil, has precedence over `:istart'.
   3383 :isep
   3385   String used to separate items.  It can also be set to
   3386   a function returning a string or nil, which will be called with
   3387   two arguments: the type of list and the depth of the item,
   3388   counting from 1.  It always start on a new line.
   3390 :ifmt
   3392   Function to be applied to the contents of every item.  It is
   3393   called with two arguments: the type of list and the contents.
   3395 :cbon, :cboff, :cbtrans
   3397   String to insert, respectively, an un-checked check-box,
   3398   a checked check-box and a check-box in transitional state."
   3399   (require 'ox)
   3400   (let* ((backend (plist-get params :backend))
   3401 	 (custom-backend
   3402 	  (org-export-create-backend
   3403 	   :parent (or backend 'org)
   3404 	   :transcoders
   3405 	   `((plain-list . ,(org-list--to-generic-plain-list params))
   3406 	     (item . ,(org-list--to-generic-item params))
   3407 	     (macro . (lambda (m c i) (org-element-macro-interpreter m nil))))))
   3408 	 data info)
   3409     ;; Write LIST back into Org syntax and parse it.
   3410     (with-temp-buffer
   3411       (let ((org-inhibit-startup t)) (org-mode))
   3412       (letrec ((insert-list
   3413 		(lambda (l)
   3414 		  (dolist (i (cdr l))
   3415 		    (funcall insert-item i (car l)))))
   3416 	       (insert-item
   3417 		(lambda (i type)
   3418 		  (let ((start (point)))
   3419 		    (insert (if (eq type 'ordered) "1. " "- "))
   3420 		    (dolist (e i)
   3421 		      (if (consp e) (funcall insert-list e)
   3422 			(insert e)
   3423 			(insert "\n")))
   3424 		    (beginning-of-line)
   3425 		    (save-excursion
   3426 		      (let ((ind (if (eq type 'ordered) 3 2)))
   3427 			(while (> (point) start)
   3428 			  (unless (looking-at-p "[ \t]*$")
   3429 			    (indent-to ind))
   3430 			  (forward-line -1))))))))
   3431 	(funcall insert-list list))
   3432       (setf data
   3433 	    (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'plain-list
   3434 	      #'identity nil t))
   3435       (setf info (org-export-get-environment backend nil params)))
   3436     (when (and backend (symbolp backend) (not (org-export-get-backend backend)))
   3437       (user-error "Unknown :backend value"))
   3438     (unless backend (require 'ox-org))
   3439     ;; When ':raw' property has a non-nil value, turn all objects back
   3440     ;; into Org syntax.
   3441     (when (and backend (plist-get params :raw))
   3442       (org-element-map data org-element-all-objects
   3443 	(lambda (object)
   3444 	  (org-element-set-element
   3445 	   object (org-element-interpret-data object)))))
   3446     ;; We use a low-level mechanism to export DATA so as to skip all
   3447     ;; usual pre-processing and post-processing, i.e., hooks, filters,
   3448     ;; Babel code evaluation, include keywords and macro expansion,
   3449     ;; and filters.
   3450     (let ((output (org-export-data-with-backend data custom-backend info)))
   3451       ;; Remove final newline.
   3452       (if (org-string-nw-p output) (substring-no-properties output 0 -1) ""))))
   3454 (defun org-list--depth (element)
   3455   "Return the level of ELEMENT within current plain list.
   3456 ELEMENT is either an item or a plain list."
   3457   (cl-count-if (lambda (ancestor) (eq (org-element-type ancestor) 'plain-list))
   3458 	       (org-element-lineage element nil t)))
   3460 (defun org-list--trailing-newlines (string)
   3461   "Return the number of trailing newlines in STRING."
   3462   (with-temp-buffer
   3463     (insert string)
   3464     (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
   3465     (count-lines (line-beginning-position 2) (point-max))))
   3467 (defun org-list--generic-eval (value &rest args)
   3468   "Evaluate VALUE according to its type.
   3469 VALUE is either nil, a string or a function.  In the latter case,
   3470 it is called with arguments ARGS."
   3471   (cond ((null value) nil)
   3472 	((stringp value) value)
   3473 	((functionp value) (apply value args))
   3474 	(t (error "Wrong value: %s" value))))
   3476 (defun org-list--to-generic-plain-list (params)
   3477   "Return a transcoder for `plain-list' elements.
   3478 PARAMS is a plist used to tweak the behavior of the transcoder."
   3479   (let ((ustart (plist-get params :ustart))
   3480 	(uend (plist-get params :uend))
   3481 	(ostart (plist-get params :ostart))
   3482 	(oend (plist-get params :oend))
   3483 	(dstart (plist-get params :dstart))
   3484 	(dend (plist-get params :dend))
   3485 	(splice (plist-get params :splice))
   3486 	(backend (plist-get params :backend)))
   3487     (lambda (plain-list contents info)
   3488       (let* ((type (org-element-property :type plain-list))
   3489 	     (depth (org-list--depth plain-list))
   3490 	     (start (and (not splice)
   3491 			 (org-list--generic-eval
   3492 			  (pcase type
   3493 			    (`ordered ostart)
   3494 			    (`unordered ustart)
   3495 			    (_ dstart))
   3496 			  depth)))
   3497 	     (end (and (not splice)
   3498 		       (org-list--generic-eval
   3499 			(pcase type
   3500 			  (`ordered oend)
   3501 			  (`unordered uend)
   3502 			  (_ dend))
   3503 			depth))))
   3504 	;; Make sure trailing newlines in END appear in the output by
   3505 	;; setting `:post-blank' property to their number.
   3506 	(when end
   3507 	  (org-element-put-property
   3508 	   plain-list :post-blank (org-list--trailing-newlines end)))
   3509 	;; Build output.
   3510 	(concat (and start (concat start "\n"))
   3511 		(if (or start end splice (not backend))
   3512 		    contents
   3513 		  (org-export-with-backend backend plain-list contents info))
   3514 		end)))))
   3516 (defun org-list--to-generic-item (params)
   3517   "Return a transcoder for `item' elements.
   3518 PARAMS is a plist used to tweak the behavior of the transcoder."
   3519   (let ((backend (plist-get params :backend))
   3520 	(istart (plist-get params :istart))
   3521 	(iend (plist-get params :iend))
   3522 	(isep (plist-get params :isep))
   3523 	(icount (plist-get params :icount))
   3524 	(ifmt (plist-get params :ifmt))
   3525 	(cboff (plist-get params :cboff))
   3526 	(cbon  (plist-get params :cbon))
   3527 	(cbtrans (plist-get params :cbtrans))
   3528 	(dtstart (plist-get params :dtstart))
   3529 	(dtend (plist-get params :dtend))
   3530 	(ddstart (plist-get params :ddstart))
   3531 	(ddend (plist-get params :ddend)))
   3532     (lambda (item contents info)
   3533       (let* ((type
   3534 	      (org-element-property :type (org-element-property :parent item)))
   3535 	     (tag (org-element-property :tag item))
   3536 	     (depth (org-list--depth item))
   3537 	     (separator (and (org-export-get-next-element item info)
   3538 			     (org-list--generic-eval isep type depth)))
   3539 	     (closing (pcase (org-list--generic-eval iend type depth)
   3540 			((or `nil "") "\n")
   3541 			((and (guard separator) s)
   3542 			 (if (equal (substring s -1) "\n") s (concat s "\n")))
   3543 			(s s))))
   3544 	;; When a closing line or a separator is provided, make sure
   3545 	;; its trailing newlines are taken into account when building
   3546 	;; output.  This is done by setting `:post-blank' property to
   3547 	;; the number of such lines in the last line to be added.
   3548 	(let ((last-string (or separator closing)))
   3549 	  (when last-string
   3550 	    (org-element-put-property
   3551 	     item
   3552 	     :post-blank
   3553 	     (max (1- (org-list--trailing-newlines last-string)) 0))))
   3554 	;; Build output.
   3555 	(concat
   3556 	 (let ((c (org-element-property :counter item)))
   3557 	   (if (and c icount) (org-list--generic-eval icount type depth c)
   3558 	     (org-list--generic-eval istart type depth)))
   3559 	 (let ((body
   3560 		(if (or istart iend icount ifmt cbon cboff cbtrans (not backend)
   3561 			(and (eq type 'descriptive)
   3562 			     (or dtstart dtend ddstart ddend)))
   3563 		    (concat
   3564 		     (pcase (org-element-property :checkbox item)
   3565 		       (`on cbon)
   3566 		       (`off cboff)
   3567 		       (`trans cbtrans))
   3568 		     (and tag
   3569 			  (concat dtstart
   3570 				  (if backend
   3571 				      (org-export-data-with-backend
   3572 				       tag backend info)
   3573 				    (org-element-interpret-data tag))
   3574 				  dtend))
   3575 		     (and tag ddstart)
   3576 		     (let ((contents
   3577 			    (if (= (length contents) 0) ""
   3578 			      (substring contents 0 -1))))
   3579 		       (if ifmt (org-list--generic-eval ifmt type contents)
   3580 			 contents))
   3581 		     (and tag ddend))
   3582 		  (org-export-with-backend backend item contents info))))
   3583 	   ;; Remove final newline.
   3584 	   (if (equal body "") ""
   3585 	     (substring (org-element-normalize-string body) 0 -1)))
   3586 	 closing
   3587 	 separator)))))
   3589 (defun org-list-to-latex (list &optional params)
   3590   "Convert LIST into a LaTeX list.
   3591 LIST is a parsed plain list, as returned by `org-list-to-lisp'.
   3592 PARAMS is a property list with overruling parameters for
   3593 `org-list-to-generic'.  Return converted list as a string."
   3594   (require 'ox-latex)
   3595   (org-list-to-generic list (org-combine-plists '(:backend latex) params)))
   3597 (defun org-list-to-html (list &optional params)
   3598   "Convert LIST into a HTML list.
   3599 LIST is a parsed plain list, as returned by `org-list-to-lisp'.
   3600 PARAMS is a property list with overruling parameters for
   3601 `org-list-to-generic'.  Return converted list as a string."
   3602   (require 'ox-html)
   3603   (org-list-to-generic list (org-combine-plists '(:backend html) params)))
   3605 (defun org-list-to-texinfo (list &optional params)
   3606   "Convert LIST into a Texinfo list.
   3607 LIST is a parsed plain list, as returned by `org-list-to-lisp'.
   3608 PARAMS is a property list with overruling parameters for
   3609 `org-list-to-generic'.  Return converted list as a string."
   3610   (require 'ox-texinfo)
   3611   (org-list-to-generic list (org-combine-plists '(:backend texinfo) params)))
   3613 (defun org-list-to-org (list &optional params)
   3614   "Convert LIST into an Org plain list.
   3615 LIST is as returned by `org-list-parse-list'.  PARAMS is a property list
   3616 with overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
   3617   (let* ((make-item
   3618 	  (lambda (type _depth &optional c)
   3619 	    (concat (if (eq type 'ordered) "1. " "- ")
   3620 		    (and c (format "[@%d] " c)))))
   3621 	 (defaults
   3622 	   (list :istart make-item
   3623 		 :icount make-item
   3624 		 :ifmt (lambda (_type contents)
   3625 			 (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\n  " contents))
   3626 		 :dtend " :: "
   3627 		 :cbon "[X] "
   3628 		 :cboff "[ ] "
   3629 		 :cbtrans "[-] ")))
   3630     (org-list-to-generic list (org-combine-plists defaults params))))
   3632 (defun org-list-to-subtree (list &optional start-level params)
   3633   "Convert LIST into an Org subtree.
   3634 LIST is as returned by `org-list-to-lisp'.  Subtree starts at
   3635 START-LEVEL or level 1 if nil.  PARAMS is a property list with
   3636 overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
   3637   (let* ((blank (pcase (cdr (assq 'heading org-blank-before-new-entry))
   3638 		  (`t t)
   3639 		  (`auto (save-excursion
   3640 			   (org-with-limited-levels (outline-previous-heading))
   3641 			   (org-previous-line-empty-p)))))
   3642 	 (level (or start-level 1))
   3643 	 (make-stars
   3644 	  (lambda (_type depth &optional _count)
   3645 	    ;; Return the string for the heading, depending on DEPTH
   3646 	    ;; of current sub-list.
   3647 	    (let ((oddeven-level (+ level (1- depth))))
   3648 	      (concat (make-string (if org-odd-levels-only
   3649 				       (1- (* 2 oddeven-level))
   3650 				     oddeven-level)
   3651 				   ?*)
   3652 		      " ")))))
   3653     (org-list-to-generic
   3654      list
   3655      (org-combine-plists
   3656       (list :splice t
   3657 	    :istart make-stars
   3658 	    :icount make-stars
   3659 	    :dtstart " " :dtend " "
   3660 	    :isep (if blank "\n\n" "\n")
   3661 	    :cbon "DONE " :cboff "TODO " :cbtrans "TODO ")
   3662       params))))
   3664 (provide 'org-list)
   3666 ;; Local variables:
   3667 ;; generated-autoload-file: "org-loaddefs.el"
   3668 ;; End:
   3670 ;;; org-list.el ends here