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org-inlinetask.el (13207B)

      1 ;;; org-inlinetask.el --- Tasks Independent of Outline Hierarchy -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      4 ;;
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      7 ;; URL:
      9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     23 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     25 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     26 ;;
     27 ;;; Commentary:
     28 ;;
     29 ;; This module implements inline tasks in Org mode.  Inline tasks are
     30 ;; tasks that have all the properties of normal outline nodes,
     31 ;; including the ability to store meta data like scheduling dates,
     32 ;; TODO state, tags and properties.  However, these nodes are treated
     33 ;; specially by the visibility cycling.
     34 ;;
     35 ;; Visibility cycling exempts these nodes from cycling.  So whenever
     36 ;; their parent is opened, so are these tasks.  This will only work
     37 ;; with `org-cycle', so if you are also using other commands to
     38 ;; show/hide entries, you will occasionally find these tasks to behave
     39 ;; like all other outline nodes, seemingly splitting the text of the
     40 ;; parent into children.
     41 ;;
     42 ;; Special fontification of inline tasks, so that they can be
     43 ;; immediately recognized.  From the stars of the headline, only last
     44 ;; two will be visible, the others will be hidden using the `org-hide'
     45 ;; face.
     46 ;;
     47 ;; An inline task is identified solely by a minimum outline level,
     48 ;; given by the variable `org-inlinetask-min-level', default 15.
     49 ;;
     50 ;; If you need to have a time planning line (DEADLINE etc), drawers,
     51 ;; for example LOGBOOK of PROPERTIES, or even normal text as part of
     52 ;; the inline task, you must add an "END" headline with the same
     53 ;; number of stars.
     54 ;;
     55 ;; As an example, here are two valid inline tasks:
     56 ;;
     57 ;;    **************** TODO A small task
     58 ;;
     59 ;; and
     60 ;;
     61 ;;    **************** TODO Another small task
     62 ;;                     DEADLINE: <2009-03-30 Mon>
     63 ;;                     :PROPERTIES:
     64 ;;                     :SOMETHING: another thing
     65 ;;                     :END:
     66 ;;                     And here is some extra text
     67 ;;    **************** END
     68 ;;
     69 ;; Also, if you want to use refiling and archiving for inline tasks,
     70 ;; The END line must be present to make things work properly.
     71 ;;
     72 ;; Note that you should not try to use inline tasks within plain list,
     73 ;; visibility cycling is known to be problematic when doing so.
     74 ;;
     75 ;; This package installs one new command:
     76 ;;
     77 ;; C-c C-x t      Insert a new inline task with END line
     79 ;;; Code:
     81 (require 'org-macs)
     82 (org-assert-version)
     84 (require 'org)
     86 (defgroup org-inlinetask nil
     87   "Options concerning inline tasks in Org mode."
     88   :tag "Org Inline Tasks"
     89   :group 'org-structure)
     91 (defcustom org-inlinetask-min-level 15
     92   "Minimum level a headline must have before it is treated as an inline task.
     93 Don't set it to something higher than `29' or clocking will break since this
     94 is the hardcoded maximum number of stars `org-clock-sum' will work with.
     96 It is strongly recommended that you set `org-cycle-max-level' not at all,
     97 or to a number smaller than this one.  In fact, when `org-cycle-max-level' is
     98 not set, it will be assumed to be one less than the value of smaller than
     99 the value of this variable."
    100   :group 'org-inlinetask
    101   :type '(choice
    102 	  (const :tag "Off" nil)
    103 	  (integer)))
    105 (defcustom org-inlinetask-show-first-star nil
    106   "Non-nil means display the first star of an inline task as additional marker.
    107 When nil, the first star is not shown."
    108   :tag "Org Inline Tasks"
    109   :group 'org-structure
    110   :type 'boolean)
    112 (defvar org-odd-levels-only)
    113 (defvar org-keyword-time-regexp)
    114 (defvar org-complex-heading-regexp)
    115 (defvar org-property-end-re)
    117 (defcustom org-inlinetask-default-state nil
    118   "Non-nil means make inline tasks have a TODO keyword initially.
    119 This should be the state `org-inlinetask-insert-task' should use by
    120 default, or nil if no state should be assigned."
    121   :group 'org-inlinetask
    122   :version "24.1"
    123   :type '(choice
    124 	  (const :tag "No state" nil)
    125 	  (string :tag "Specific state")))
    127 (defun org-inlinetask-insert-task (&optional no-state)
    128   "Insert an inline task.
    129 If prefix arg NO-STATE is set, ignore `org-inlinetask-default-state'.
    130 If there is a region wrap it inside the inline task."
    131   (interactive "P")
    132   ;; Error when inside an inline task, except if point was at its very
    133   ;; beginning, in which case the new inline task will be inserted
    134   ;; before this one.
    135   (when (and (org-inlinetask-in-task-p)
    136 	     (not (and (org-inlinetask-at-task-p) (bolp))))
    137     (user-error "Cannot nest inline tasks"))
    138   (or (bolp) (newline))
    139   (let* ((indent (if org-odd-levels-only
    140 		     (1- (* 2 org-inlinetask-min-level))
    141 		   org-inlinetask-min-level))
    142 	 (indent-string (concat (make-string indent ?*) " "))
    143 	 (rbeg (if (org-region-active-p) (region-beginning) (point)))
    144 	 (rend (if (org-region-active-p) (region-end) (point))))
    145     (goto-char rend)
    146     (insert "\n" indent-string "END\n")
    147     (goto-char rbeg)
    148     (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
    149     (insert indent-string
    150 	    (if (or no-state (not org-inlinetask-default-state))
    151 		""
    152 	      (concat org-inlinetask-default-state " "))
    153 	    (if (= rend rbeg) "" "\n"))
    154     (unless (= rend rbeg) (end-of-line 0))))
    155 (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-xt" 'org-inlinetask-insert-task)
    157 (defun org-inlinetask-outline-regexp ()
    158   "Return string matching an inline task heading.
    159 The number of levels is controlled by `org-inlinetask-min-level'."
    160   (let ((nstars (if org-odd-levels-only
    161 		    (1- (* org-inlinetask-min-level 2))
    162 		  org-inlinetask-min-level)))
    163     (format "^\\(\\*\\{%d,\\}\\)[ \t]+" nstars)))
    165 (defun org-inlinetask-end-p ()
    166   "Return a non-nil value if point is on inline task's END part."
    167   (let ((case-fold-search t))
    168     (org-match-line (concat (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp) "END[ \t]*$"))))
    170 (defun org-inlinetask-at-task-p ()
    171   "Return non-nil if point is at beginning of an inline task."
    172   (and (org-match-line (concat (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)  "\\(.*\\)"))
    173        (not (org-inlinetask-end-p))))
    175 (defun org-inlinetask-in-task-p ()
    176   "Return true if point is inside an inline task."
    177   (save-excursion
    178     (beginning-of-line)
    179     (let ((case-fold-search t))
    180       (or (looking-at-p (concat (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp) "\\(?:.*\\)"))
    181 	  (and (re-search-forward "^\\*+[ \t]+" nil t)
    182 	       (org-inlinetask-end-p))))))
    184 (defun org-inlinetask-goto-beginning ()
    185   "Go to the beginning of the inline task at point."
    186   (end-of-line)
    187   (let ((case-fold-search t)
    188 	(inlinetask-re (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
    189     (re-search-backward inlinetask-re nil t)
    190     (when (org-inlinetask-end-p)
    191       (re-search-backward inlinetask-re nil t))))
    193 (defun org-inlinetask-goto-end ()
    194   "Go to the end of the inline task at point.
    195 Return point."
    196   (save-match-data
    197     (beginning-of-line)
    198     (let ((case-fold-search t)
    199 	  (inlinetask-re (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
    200       (cond
    201        ((org-inlinetask-end-p)
    202         (forward-line))
    203        ((looking-at-p inlinetask-re)
    204         (forward-line)
    205         (cond
    206          ((org-inlinetask-end-p) (forward-line))
    207          ((looking-at-p inlinetask-re))
    208          ((org-inlinetask-in-task-p)
    209           (re-search-forward inlinetask-re nil t)
    210           (forward-line))
    211          (t nil)))
    212        (t
    213         (re-search-forward inlinetask-re nil t)
    214         (forward-line)))))
    215   (point))
    217 (defun org-inlinetask-get-task-level ()
    218   "Get the level of the inline task around.
    219 This assumes the point is inside an inline task."
    220   (save-excursion
    221     (end-of-line)
    222     (re-search-backward (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp) nil t)
    223     (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))))
    225 (defun org-inlinetask-promote ()
    226   "Promote the inline task at point.
    227 If the task has an end part, promote it.  Also, prevents level from
    228 going below `org-inlinetask-min-level'."
    229   (interactive)
    230   (if (not (org-inlinetask-in-task-p))
    231       (user-error "Not in an inline task")
    232     (save-excursion
    233       (let* ((lvl (org-inlinetask-get-task-level))
    234 	     (next-lvl (org-get-valid-level lvl -1))
    235 	     (diff (- next-lvl lvl))
    236 	     (down-task (concat (make-string next-lvl ?*)))
    237 	     beg)
    238 	(if (< next-lvl org-inlinetask-min-level)
    239 	    (user-error "Cannot promote an inline task at minimum level")
    240 	  (org-inlinetask-goto-beginning)
    241 	  (setq beg (point))
    242 	  (replace-match down-task nil t nil 1)
    243 	  (org-inlinetask-goto-end)
    244           (if (and (eobp) (looking-back "END\\s-*" (line-beginning-position)))
    245               (beginning-of-line)
    246             (forward-line -1))
    247 	  (unless (= (point) beg)
    248             (looking-at (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp))
    249 	    (replace-match down-task nil t nil 1)
    250 	    (when (eq org-adapt-indentation t)
    251 	      (goto-char beg)
    252 	      (org-fixup-indentation diff))))))))
    254 (defun org-inlinetask-demote ()
    255   "Demote the inline task at point.
    256 If the task has an end part, also demote it."
    257   (interactive)
    258   (if (not (org-inlinetask-in-task-p))
    259       (user-error "Not in an inline task")
    260     (save-excursion
    261       (let* ((lvl (org-inlinetask-get-task-level))
    262 	     (next-lvl (org-get-valid-level lvl 1))
    263 	     (diff (- next-lvl lvl))
    264 	     (down-task (concat (make-string next-lvl ?*)))
    265 	     beg)
    266 	(org-inlinetask-goto-beginning)
    267 	(setq beg (point))
    268 	(replace-match down-task nil t nil 1)
    269 	(org-inlinetask-goto-end)
    270         (if (and (eobp) (looking-back "END\\s-*" (line-beginning-position)))
    271             (beginning-of-line)
    272           (forward-line -1))
    273 	(unless (= (point) beg)
    274           (looking-at (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp))
    275 	  (replace-match down-task nil t nil 1)
    276 	  (when (eq org-adapt-indentation t)
    277 	    (goto-char beg)
    278 	    (org-fixup-indentation diff)))))))
    280 (defvar org-indent-indentation-per-level) ; defined in org-indent.el
    282 (defface org-inlinetask '((t :inherit shadow))
    283   "Face for inlinetask headlines."
    284   :group 'org-faces)
    286 (defun org-inlinetask-fontify (limit)
    287   "Fontify the inline tasks down to LIMIT."
    288   (let* ((nstars (if org-odd-levels-only
    289 		     (1- (* 2 (or org-inlinetask-min-level 200)))
    290 		   (or org-inlinetask-min-level 200)))
    291 	 (re (concat "^\\(\\*\\)\\(\\*\\{"
    292 		     (format "%d" (- nstars 3))
    293 		     ",\\}\\)\\(\\*\\* .*\\)"))
    294 	 ;; Virtual indentation will add the warning face on the first
    295 	 ;; star.  Thus, in that case, only hide it.
    296 	 (start-face (if (and (bound-and-true-p org-indent-mode)
    297 			      (> org-indent-indentation-per-level 1))
    298 			 'org-hide
    299 		       'org-warning)))
    300     (while (re-search-forward re limit t)
    301       (if org-inlinetask-show-first-star
    302 	  (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
    303 			       `(face ,start-face font-lock-fontified t)))
    304       (add-text-properties (match-beginning
    305 			    (if org-inlinetask-show-first-star 2 1))
    306 			   (match-end 2)
    307 			   '(face org-hide font-lock-fontified t))
    308       (add-text-properties (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)
    309 			   '(face org-inlinetask font-lock-fontified t)))))
    311 (defun org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility (&optional state)
    312   "Toggle visibility of inline task at point.
    313 When optional argument STATE is `fold', fold unconditionally.
    314 When STATE is `unfold', unfold unconditionally."
    315   (let ((end (save-excursion
    316 	       (org-inlinetask-goto-end)
    317 	       (if (bolp) (1- (point)) (point))))
    318 	(start (save-excursion
    319 		 (org-inlinetask-goto-beginning)
    320                  (line-end-position))))
    321     (cond
    322      ;; Nothing to show/hide.
    323      ((= end start))
    324      ;; Inlinetask was folded: expand it.
    325      ((and (not (eq state 'fold))
    326            (or (eq state 'unfold)
    327                (org-fold-get-folding-spec 'headline (1+ start))))
    328       (org-fold-region start end nil 'headline))
    329      (t (org-fold-region start end t 'headline)))))
    331 (defun org-inlinetask-hide-tasks (state)
    332   "Hide inline tasks in buffer when STATE is `contents' or `children'.
    333 This function is meant to be used in `org-cycle-hook'."
    334   (pcase state
    335     (`contents
    336      (let ((regexp (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
    337        (save-excursion
    338 	 (goto-char (point-min))
    339 	 (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
    340 	   (org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility 'fold)
    341 	   (org-inlinetask-goto-end)))))
    342     (`children
    343      (save-excursion
    344        (while
    345 	   (or (org-inlinetask-at-task-p)
    346 	       (and (outline-next-heading) (org-inlinetask-at-task-p)))
    347 	 (org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility 'fold)
    348 	 (org-inlinetask-goto-end))))))
    350 (defun org-inlinetask-remove-END-maybe ()
    351   "Remove an END line when present."
    352   (when (looking-at (format "\\([ \t]*\n\\)*\\*\\{%d,\\}[ \t]+END[ \t]*$"
    353 			    org-inlinetask-min-level))
    354     (replace-match "")))
    356 (add-hook 'org-font-lock-hook 'org-inlinetask-fontify)
    357 (add-hook 'org-cycle-hook 'org-inlinetask-hide-tasks)
    359 (provide 'org-inlinetask)
    361 ;;; org-inlinetask.el ends here