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org-id.el (27516B)

      1 ;;; org-id.el --- Global identifiers for Org entries -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2008-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      4 ;;
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;;
      9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;;
     11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; This file implements globally unique identifiers for Org entries.
     28 ;; Identifiers are stored in the entry as an :ID: property.  Functions
     29 ;; are provided that create and retrieve such identifiers, and that find
     30 ;; entries based on the identifier.
     32 ;; Identifiers consist of a prefix (default "Org" given by the variable
     33 ;; `org-id-prefix') and a unique part that can be created by a number
     34 ;; of different methods, see the variable `org-id-method'.
     35 ;; Org has a builtin method that uses a compact encoding of the creation
     36 ;; time of the ID, with microsecond accuracy.  This virtually
     37 ;; guarantees globally unique identifiers, even if several people are
     38 ;; creating IDs at the same time in files that will eventually be used
     39 ;; together.
     40 ;;
     41 ;; By default Org uses UUIDs as global unique identifiers.
     42 ;;
     43 ;; This file defines the following API:
     44 ;;
     45 ;; org-id-get-create
     46 ;;        Create an ID for the entry at point if it does not yet have one.
     47 ;;        Returns the ID (old or new).  This function can be used
     48 ;;        interactively, with prefix argument the creation of a new ID is
     49 ;;        forced, even if there was an old one.
     50 ;;
     51 ;; org-id-get
     52 ;;        Get the ID property of an entry.  Using appropriate arguments
     53 ;;        to the function, it can also create the ID for this entry.
     54 ;;
     55 ;; org-id-goto
     56 ;;        Command to go to a specific ID, this command can be used
     57 ;;        interactively.
     58 ;;
     59 ;; org-id-get-with-outline-path-completion
     60 ;;        Retrieve the ID of an entry, using outline path completion.
     61 ;;        This function can work for multiple files.
     62 ;;
     63 ;; org-id-get-with-outline-drilling
     64 ;;        Retrieve the ID of an entry, using outline path completion.
     65 ;;        This function only works for the current file.
     66 ;;
     67 ;; org-id-find
     68 ;;        Find the location of an entry with specific id.
     69 ;;
     71 ;;; Code:
     73 (require 'org-macs)
     74 (org-assert-version)
     76 (require 'org)
     77 (require 'org-refile)
     78 (require 'ol)
     80 (declare-function message-make-fqdn "message" ())
     81 (declare-function org-goto-location "org-goto" (&optional _buf help))
     82 ;; Declared inside `org-element-with-disabled-cache' macro.
     83 (declare-function org-element--cache-active-p "org-element.el" (&optional called-from-cache-change-func-p))
     85 ;;; Customization
     87 (defgroup org-id nil
     88   "Options concerning global entry identifiers in Org mode."
     89   :tag "Org ID"
     90   :group 'org)
     92 (defcustom org-id-link-to-org-use-id nil
     93   "Non-nil means storing a link to an Org file will use entry IDs.
     94 \\<org-mode-map>
     95 The variable can have the following values:
     97 t     Create an ID if needed to make a link to the current entry.
     99 create-if-interactive
    100       If `org-store-link' is called directly (interactively, as a user
    101       command), do create an ID to support the link.  But when doing the
    102       job for capture, only use the ID if it already exists.  The
    103       purpose of this setting is to avoid proliferation of unwanted
    104       IDs, just because you happen to be in an Org file when you
    105       call `org-capture' that automatically and preemptively creates a
    106       link.  If you do want to get an ID link in a capture template to
    107       an entry not having an ID, create it first by explicitly creating
    108       a link to it, using `\\[org-store-link]' first.
    110 create-if-interactive-and-no-custom-id
    111       Like create-if-interactive, but do not create an ID if there is
    112       a CUSTOM_ID property defined in the entry.
    114 use-existing
    115       Use existing ID, do not create one.
    117 nil   Never use an ID to make a link, instead link using a text search for
    118       the headline text."
    119   :group 'org-link-store
    120   :group 'org-id
    121   :version "24.3"
    122   :type '(choice
    123 	  (const :tag "Create ID to make link" t)
    124 	  (const :tag "Create if storing link interactively"
    125 		 create-if-interactive)
    126 	  (const :tag "Create if storing link interactively and no CUSTOM_ID is present"
    127 		 create-if-interactive-and-no-custom-id)
    128 	  (const :tag "Only use existing" use-existing)
    129 	  (const :tag "Do not use ID to create link" nil)))
    131 (defcustom org-id-uuid-program "uuidgen"
    132   "The uuidgen program."
    133   :group 'org-id
    134   :type 'string)
    136 (defcustom org-id-ts-format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%6N"
    137   "Timestamp format for IDs generated using `ts' `org-id-method'.
    138 The format should be suitable to pass as an argument to `format-time-string'.
    140 Defaults to ISO8601 timestamps without separators and without
    141 timezone, local time and precision down to 1e-6 seconds."
    142   :type 'string
    143   :package-version '(Org . "9.5"))
    145 (defcustom org-id-method 'uuid
    146   "The method that should be used to create new IDs.
    148 An ID will consist of the optional prefix specified in `org-id-prefix',
    149 and a unique part created by the method this variable specifies.
    151 Allowed values are:
    153 org        Org's own internal method, using an encoding of the current time to
    154            microsecond accuracy, and optionally the current domain of the
    155            computer.  See the variable `org-id-include-domain'.
    157 uuid       Create random (version 4) UUIDs.  If the program defined in
    158            `org-id-uuid-program' is available it is used to create the ID.
    159            Otherwise an internal functions is used.
    161 ts         Create ID's based on timestamps as specified in `org-id-ts-format'."
    162   :group 'org-id
    163   :type '(choice
    164 	  (const :tag "Org's internal method" org)
    165 	  (const :tag "external: uuidgen" uuid)
    166 	  (const :tag "Timestamp with format `org-id-ts-format'" ts)))
    168 (defcustom org-id-prefix nil
    169   "The prefix for IDs.
    171 This may be a string, or it can be nil to indicate that no prefix is required.
    172 When a string, the string should have no space characters as IDs are expected
    173 to have no space characters in them."
    174   :group 'org-id
    175   :type '(choice
    176 	  (const :tag "No prefix")
    177 	  (string :tag "Prefix")))
    179 (defcustom org-id-include-domain nil
    180   "Non-nil means add the domain name to new IDs.
    181 This ensures global uniqueness of IDs, and is also suggested by
    182 the relevant RFCs.  This is relevant only if `org-id-method' is
    183 `org' or `ts'.  When uuidgen is used, the domain will never be added.
    185 The default is to not use this because we have no really good way to get
    186 the true domain, and Org entries will normally not be shared with enough
    187 people to make this necessary."
    188   :group 'org-id
    189   :type 'boolean)
    191 (defcustom org-id-track-globally t
    192   "Non-nil means track IDs through files, so that links work globally.
    193 This work by maintaining a hash table for IDs and writing this table
    194 to disk when exiting Emacs.  Because of this, it works best if you use
    195 a single Emacs process, not many.
    197 When nil, IDs are not tracked.  Links to IDs will still work within
    198 a buffer, but not if the entry is located in another file.
    199 IDs can still be used if the entry with the id is in the same file as
    200 the link."
    201   :group 'org-id
    202   :type 'boolean)
    204 (defcustom org-id-locations-file (locate-user-emacs-file ".org-id-locations")
    205   "The file for remembering in which file an ID was defined.
    206 This variable is only relevant when `org-id-track-globally' is set."
    207   :group 'org-id
    208   :type 'file)
    210 (defcustom org-id-locations-file-relative nil
    211   "Determine if `org-id-locations' should be stored as relative links.
    212 Non-nil means that links to locations are stored as links
    213 relative to the location of where `org-id-locations-file' is
    214 stored.
    216 Nil means to store absolute paths to files.
    218 This customization is useful when folders are shared across
    219 systems but mounted at different roots.  Relative path to
    220 `org-id-locations-file' still has to be maintained across
    221 systems."
    222   :group 'org-id
    223   :type 'boolean
    224   :package-version '(Org . "9.3"))
    226 (defvar org-id-locations nil
    227   "List of files with IDs in those files.")
    229 (defvar org-id-files nil
    230   "List of files that contain IDs.")
    232 (defcustom org-id-extra-files 'org-agenda-text-search-extra-files
    233   "Files to be searched for IDs, besides the agenda files.
    234 When Org reparses files to remake the list of files and IDs it is tracking,
    235 it will normally scan the agenda files, the archives related to agenda files,
    236 any files that are listed as ID containing in the current register, and
    237 any Org file currently visited by Emacs.
    238 You can list additional files here.
    239 This variable is only relevant when `org-id-track-globally' is set."
    240   :group 'org-id
    241   :type
    242   '(choice
    243     (symbol :tag "Variable")
    244     (repeat :tag "List of files"
    245 	    (file))))
    247 (defcustom org-id-search-archives t
    248   "Non-nil means search also the archive files of agenda files for entries.
    249 This is a possibility to reduce overhead, but it means that entries moved
    250 to the archives can no longer be found by ID.
    251 This variable is only relevant when `org-id-track-globally' is set."
    252   :group 'org-id
    253   :type 'boolean)
    255 ;;; The API functions
    257 ;;;###autoload
    258 (defun org-id-get-create (&optional force)
    259   "Create an ID for the current entry and return it.
    260 If the entry already has an ID, just return it.
    261 With optional argument FORCE, force the creation of a new ID."
    262   (interactive "P")
    263   (when force
    264     (org-entry-put (point) "ID" nil))
    265   (org-id-get (point) 'create))
    267 ;;;###autoload
    268 (defun org-id-copy ()
    269   "Copy the ID of the entry at point to the kill ring.
    270 Create an ID if necessary."
    271   (interactive)
    272   (org-kill-new (org-id-get nil 'create)))
    274 (defvar org-id-overriding-file-name nil
    275   "Tell `org-id-get' to use this as the file name when creating an ID.
    276 This is useful when working with contents in a temporary buffer
    277 that will be copied back to the original.")
    279 ;;;###autoload
    280 (defun org-id-get (&optional pom create prefix)
    281   "Get the ID property of the entry at point-or-marker POM.
    282 If POM is nil, refer to the entry at point.
    283 If the entry does not have an ID, the function returns nil.
    284 However, when CREATE is non-nil, create an ID if none is present already.
    285 PREFIX will be passed through to `org-id-new'.
    286 In any case, the ID of the entry is returned."
    287   (org-with-point-at pom
    288     (let ((id (org-entry-get nil "ID")))
    289       (cond
    290        ((and id (stringp id) (string-match "\\S-" id))
    291 	id)
    292        (create
    293 	(setq id (org-id-new prefix))
    294 	(org-entry-put pom "ID" id)
    295 	(org-id-add-location id
    296 			     (or org-id-overriding-file-name
    297 				 (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))
    298 	id)))))
    300 ;;;###autoload
    301 (defun org-id-get-with-outline-path-completion (&optional targets)
    302   "Use `outline-path-completion' to retrieve the ID of an entry.
    303 TARGETS may be a setting for `org-refile-targets' to define
    304 eligible headlines.  When omitted, all headlines in the current
    305 file are eligible.  This function returns the ID of the entry.
    306 If necessary, the ID is created."
    307   (let* ((org-refile-targets (or targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 10)))))
    308 	 (org-refile-use-outline-path
    309 	  (if (caar org-refile-targets) 'file t))
    310 	 (org-refile-target-verify-function nil)
    311 	 (spos (org-refile-get-location "Entry"))
    312 	 (pom (and spos (move-marker (make-marker) (or (nth 3 spos) 1)
    313 				     (get-file-buffer (nth 1 spos))))))
    314     (prog1 (org-id-get pom 'create)
    315       (move-marker pom nil))))
    317 ;;;###autoload
    318 (defun org-id-get-with-outline-drilling ()
    319   "Use an outline-cycling interface to retrieve the ID of an entry.
    320 This only finds entries in the current buffer, using `org-goto-location'.
    321 It returns the ID of the entry.  If necessary, the ID is created."
    322   (let* ((spos (org-goto-location))
    323 	 (pom (and spos (move-marker (make-marker) (car spos)))))
    324     (prog1 (org-id-get pom 'create)
    325       (move-marker pom nil))))
    327 ;;;###autoload
    328 (defun org-id-goto (id)
    329   "Switch to the buffer containing the entry with id ID.
    330 Move the cursor to that entry in that buffer."
    331   (interactive "sID: ")
    332   (let ((m (org-id-find id 'marker)))
    333     (unless m
    334       (error "Cannot find entry with ID \"%s\"" id))
    335     (pop-to-buffer-same-window (marker-buffer m))
    336     (goto-char m)
    337     (move-marker m nil)
    338     (org-fold-show-context)))
    340 ;;;###autoload
    341 (defun org-id-find (id &optional markerp)
    342   "Return the location of the entry with the id ID.
    343 The return value is a cons cell (file-name . position), or nil
    344 if there is no entry with that ID.
    345 With optional argument MARKERP, return the position as a new marker."
    346   (cond
    347    ((symbolp id) (setq id (symbol-name id)))
    348    ((numberp id) (setq id (number-to-string id))))
    349   (let ((file (org-id-find-id-file id))
    350 	org-agenda-new-buffers where)
    351     (when file
    352       (setq where (org-id-find-id-in-file id file markerp)))
    353     (unless where
    354       (org-id-update-id-locations nil t)
    355       (setq file (org-id-find-id-file id))
    356       (when file
    357 	(setq where (org-id-find-id-in-file id file markerp))))
    358     where))
    360 ;;; Internal functions
    362 ;; Creating new IDs
    364 ;;;###autoload
    365 (defun org-id-new (&optional prefix)
    366   "Create a new globally unique ID.
    368 An ID consists of two parts separated by a colon:
    369 - a prefix
    370 - a unique part that will be created according to `org-id-method'.
    372 PREFIX can specify the prefix, the default is given by the variable
    373 `org-id-prefix'.  However, if PREFIX is the symbol `none', don't use any
    374 prefix even if `org-id-prefix' specifies one.
    376 So a typical ID could look like \"Org:4nd91V40HI\"."
    377   (let* ((prefix (if (eq prefix 'none)
    378 		     ""
    379 		   (concat (or prefix org-id-prefix) ":")))
    380 	 unique)
    381     (if (equal prefix ":") (setq prefix ""))
    382     (cond
    383      ((memq org-id-method '(uuidgen uuid))
    384       (setq unique (org-trim (shell-command-to-string org-id-uuid-program)))
    385       (unless (org-uuidgen-p unique)
    386 	(setq unique (org-id-uuid))))
    387      ((eq org-id-method 'org)
    388       (let* ((etime (org-reverse-string (org-id-time-to-b36)))
    389 	     (postfix (when org-id-include-domain
    390 			(require 'message)
    391 			(concat "@" (message-make-fqdn)))))
    392 	(setq unique (concat etime postfix))))
    393      ((eq org-id-method 'ts)
    394       (let ((ts (format-time-string org-id-ts-format))
    395 	    (postfix (when org-id-include-domain
    396 		       (require 'message)
    397 		       (concat "@" (message-make-fqdn)))))
    398 	(setq unique (concat ts postfix))))
    399      (t (error "Invalid `org-id-method'")))
    400     (concat prefix unique)))
    402 (defun org-id-uuid ()
    403   "Return string with random (version 4) UUID."
    404   (let ((rnd (md5 (format "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"
    405 			  (random)
    406 			  (org-time-convert-to-list nil)
    407 			  (user-uid)
    408 			  (emacs-pid)
    409 			  (user-full-name)
    410 			  user-mail-address
    411 			  (recent-keys)))))
    412     (format "%s-%s-4%s-%s%s-%s"
    413 	    (substring rnd 0 8)
    414 	    (substring rnd 8 12)
    415 	    (substring rnd 13 16)
    416 	    (format "%x"
    417 		    (logior
    418 		     #b10000000
    419 		     (logand
    420 		      #b10111111
    421 		      (string-to-number
    422 		       (substring rnd 16 18) 16))))
    423 	    (substring rnd 18 20)
    424 	    (substring rnd 20 32))))
    426 (defun org-id-int-to-b36-one-digit (integer)
    427   "Convert INTEGER between 0 and 61 into a single character 0..9, A..Z, a..z."
    428   (cond
    429    ((< integer 10) (+ ?0 integer))
    430    ((< integer 36) (+ ?a integer -10))
    431    (t (error "Larger that 35"))))
    433 (defun org-id-b36-to-int-one-digit (i)
    434   "Convert character 0..9, A..Z, a..z into a number 0..61.
    435 The input I may be a character, or a single-letter string."
    436   (and (stringp i) (setq i (string-to-char i)))
    437   (cond
    438    ((and (>= i ?0) (<= i ?9)) (- i ?0))
    439    ((and (>= i ?a) (<= i ?z)) (+ (- i ?a) 10))
    440    (t (error "Invalid b36 letter"))))
    442 (defun org-id-int-to-b36 (integer &optional length)
    443   "Convert an INTEGER to a base-36 number represented as a string.
    444 The returned string is padded with leading zeros to LENGTH if necessary."
    445   (let ((s "")
    446         (i integer))
    447     (while (> i 0)
    448       (setq s (concat (char-to-string
    449 		       (org-id-int-to-b36-one-digit (mod i 36))) s)
    450 	    i (/ i 36)))
    451     (setq length (max 1 (or length 1)))
    452     (if (< (length s) length)
    453 	(setq s (concat (make-string (- length (length s)) ?0) s)))
    454     s))
    456 (defun org-id-b36-to-int (string)
    457   "Convert a base-36 STRING into the corresponding integer."
    458   (let ((r 0))
    459     (mapc (lambda (i) (setq r (+ (* r 36) (org-id-b36-to-int-one-digit i))))
    460 	  string)
    461     r))
    463 (defun org-id-time-to-b36 (&optional time)
    464   "Encode TIME as a 12-digit string.
    465 This string holds the time to micro-second accuracy, and can be decoded
    466 using `org-id-decode'."
    467   ;; FIXME: If TIME represents N seconds after the epoch, then
    468   ;; this encoding assumes 0 <= N < 110075314176 = (* (expt 36 4) 65536),
    469   ;; i.e., that TIME is from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to 5458-02-23 20:09:36 UTC.
    470   (setq time (org-time-convert-to-list nil))
    471   (concat (org-id-int-to-b36 (nth 0 time) 4)
    472 	  (org-id-int-to-b36 (nth 1 time) 4)
    473 	  (org-id-int-to-b36 (nth 2 time) 4)))
    475 (defun org-id-decode (id)
    476   "Split ID into the prefix and the time value that was used to create it.
    477 The return value is (prefix . time) where PREFIX is nil or a string,
    478 and TIME is a Lisp time value (HI LO USEC)."
    479   (let (prefix time parts)
    480     (setq parts (org-split-string id ":"))
    481     (if (= 2 (length parts))
    482 	(setq prefix (car parts) time (nth 1 parts))
    483       (setq prefix nil time (nth 0 parts)))
    484     (setq time (org-reverse-string time))
    485     (setq time (list (org-id-b36-to-int (substring time 0 4))
    486 		     (org-id-b36-to-int (substring time 4 8))
    487 		     (org-id-b36-to-int (substring time 8 12))))
    488     (cons prefix time)))
    490 ;; Storing ID locations (files)
    492 ;;;###autoload
    493 (defun org-id-update-id-locations (&optional files silent)
    494   "Scan relevant files for IDs.
    495 Store the relation between files and corresponding IDs.
    496 This will scan all agenda files, all associated archives, all open Org
    497 files, and all files currently mentioned in `org-id-locations'.
    498 When FILES is given, scan also these files.
    499 If SILENT is non-nil, messages are suppressed."
    500   (interactive)
    501   (unless org-id-track-globally
    502     (error "Please turn on `org-id-track-globally' if you want to track IDs"))
    503   (setq org-id-locations nil)
    504   (let* ((files
    505           (delete-dups
    506            (mapcar #'file-truename
    507                    (cl-remove-if-not
    508 		    ;; Default `org-id-extra-files' value contains
    509 		    ;; `agenda-archives' symbol.
    510 		    #'stringp
    511 		    (append
    512 		     ;; Agenda files and all associated archives.
    513 		     (org-agenda-files t org-id-search-archives)
    514 		     ;; Explicit extra files.
    515 		     (if (symbolp org-id-extra-files)
    516 			 (symbol-value org-id-extra-files)
    517 		       org-id-extra-files)
    518 		     ;; All files known to have IDs.
    519 		     org-id-files
    520                      ;; All Org files open in Emacs.
    521                      (mapcar #'buffer-file-name (org-buffer-list 'files t))
    522 		     ;; Additional files from function call.
    523 		     files)))))
    524          (nfiles (length files))
    525          (id-regexp
    526 	  (rx (seq bol (0+ (any "\t ")) ":ID:" (1+ " ") (not (any " ")))))
    527          (seen-ids nil)
    528          (ndup 0)
    529          (i 0))
    530     (with-temp-buffer
    531       (org-element-with-disabled-cache
    532         (delay-mode-hooks
    533 	  (org-mode)
    534 	  (dolist (file files)
    535 	    (when (file-exists-p file)
    536               (unless silent
    537                 (cl-incf i)
    538                 (message "Finding ID locations (%d/%d files): %s" i nfiles file))
    539 	      (insert-file-contents file nil nil nil 'replace)
    540               (let ((ids nil)
    541 		    (case-fold-search t))
    542                 (org-with-point-at 1
    543 		  (while (re-search-forward id-regexp nil t)
    544 		    (when (org-at-property-p)
    545                       (push (org-entry-get (point) "ID") ids)))
    546 		  (when ids
    547 		    (push (cons (abbreviate-file-name file) ids)
    548 			  org-id-locations)
    549 		    (dolist (id ids)
    550                       (cond
    551                        ((not (member id seen-ids)) (push id seen-ids))
    552                        (silent nil)
    553                        (t
    554                         (message "Duplicate ID %S" id)
    555                         (cl-incf ndup))))))))))))
    556     (setq org-id-files (mapcar #'car org-id-locations))
    557     (org-id-locations-save)
    558     ;; Now convert to a hash table.
    559     (setq org-id-locations (org-id-alist-to-hash org-id-locations))
    560     (when (and (not silent) (> ndup 0))
    561       (warn "WARNING: %d duplicate IDs found, check *Messages* buffer" ndup))
    562     (message "%d files scanned, %d files contains IDs, and %d IDs found."
    563              nfiles (length org-id-files) (hash-table-count org-id-locations))
    564     org-id-locations))
    566 (defun org-id-locations-save ()
    567   "Save `org-id-locations' in `org-id-locations-file'."
    568   (when (and org-id-track-globally org-id-locations)
    569     (let ((out (if (hash-table-p org-id-locations)
    570 		   (org-id-hash-to-alist org-id-locations)
    571 		 org-id-locations)))
    572       (when (and org-id-locations-file-relative out)
    573 	(setq out (mapcar
    574                    (lambda (item)
    575 		     (if (file-name-absolute-p (car item))
    576 		         (cons (file-relative-name
    577                                 (car item) (file-name-directory
    578 					    org-id-locations-file))
    579                                (cdr item))
    580                        item))
    581 	           out)))
    582       (with-temp-file org-id-locations-file
    583 	(let ((print-level nil)
    584 	      (print-length nil))
    585 	  (print out (current-buffer)))))))
    587 (defun org-id-locations-load ()
    588   "Read the data from `org-id-locations-file'."
    589   (setq org-id-locations nil)
    590   (when org-id-track-globally
    591     (with-temp-buffer
    592       (condition-case nil
    593 	  (progn
    594 	    (insert-file-contents org-id-locations-file)
    595 	    (setq org-id-locations (read (current-buffer)))
    596 	    (let ((loc (file-name-directory org-id-locations-file)))
    597 	      (mapc (lambda (item)
    598 		      (unless (file-name-absolute-p (car item))
    599 			(setf (car item) (expand-file-name (car item) loc))))
    600 		    org-id-locations)))
    601 	(error
    602          (message "Could not read `org-id-locations' from %s, setting it to nil"
    603 		  org-id-locations-file))))
    604     (setq org-id-files (mapcar 'car org-id-locations))
    605     (setq org-id-locations (org-id-alist-to-hash org-id-locations))))
    607 (defun org-id-add-location (id file)
    608   "Add the ID with location FILE to the database of ID locations."
    609   ;; Only if global tracking is on, and when the buffer has a file
    610   (unless file
    611     (error "`org-id-get' expects a file-visiting buffer"))
    612   (let ((afile (abbreviate-file-name file)))
    613     (when (and org-id-track-globally id)
    614       (unless org-id-locations (org-id-locations-load))
    615       (puthash id afile org-id-locations)
    616       (unless (member afile org-id-files)
    617 	(add-to-list 'org-id-files afile)))))
    619 (unless noninteractive
    620   (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'org-id-locations-save))
    622 (defun org-id-hash-to-alist (hash)
    623   "Turn an org-id HASH into an alist.
    624 This is to be able to write it to a file."
    625   (let (res x)
    626     (maphash
    627      (lambda (k v)
    628        (if (setq x (assoc v res))
    629 	   (setcdr x (cons k (cdr x)))
    630 	 (push (list v k) res)))
    631      hash)
    632     res))
    634 (defun org-id-alist-to-hash (list)
    635   "Turn an org-id location LIST into a hash table."
    636   (let ((res (make-hash-table
    637 	      :test 'equal
    638 	      :size (apply '+ (mapcar 'length list))))
    639 	f)
    640     (mapc
    641      (lambda (x)
    642        (setq f (car x))
    643        (mapc (lambda (i) (puthash i f res)) (cdr x)))
    644      list)
    645     res))
    647 (defun org-id-paste-tracker (txt &optional buffer-or-file)
    648   "Update any ids in TXT and assign BUFFER-OR-FILE to them."
    649   (when org-id-track-globally
    650     (save-match-data
    651       (setq buffer-or-file (or buffer-or-file (current-buffer)))
    652       (when (bufferp buffer-or-file)
    653 	(setq buffer-or-file (or (buffer-base-buffer buffer-or-file)
    654 				 buffer-or-file))
    655 	(setq buffer-or-file (buffer-file-name buffer-or-file)))
    656       (when buffer-or-file
    657 	(let ((fname (abbreviate-file-name buffer-or-file))
    658 	      (s 0))
    659 	  (while (string-match "^[ \t]*:ID:[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n\r]+\\)" txt s)
    660 	    (setq s (match-end 0))
    661 	    (org-id-add-location (match-string 1 txt) fname)))))))
    663 ;; Finding entries with specified id
    665 ;;;###autoload
    666 (defun org-id-find-id-file (id)
    667   "Query the id database for the file in which ID is located."
    668   (unless org-id-locations (org-id-locations-load))
    669   (or (and org-id-locations
    670 	   (hash-table-p org-id-locations)
    671 	   (gethash id org-id-locations))
    672       ;; Fall back on current buffer
    673       (buffer-file-name (or (buffer-base-buffer (current-buffer))
    674 			    (current-buffer)))))
    676 (defun org-id-find-id-in-file (id file &optional markerp)
    677   "Return the position of the entry ID in FILE.
    679 If that files does not exist, or if it does not contain this ID,
    680 return nil.
    682 The position is returned as a cons cell (file-name . position).  With
    683 optional argument MARKERP, return the position as a new marker."
    684   (cond
    685    ((not file) nil)
    686    ((not (file-exists-p file)) nil)
    687    (t
    688     (let* ((visiting (find-buffer-visiting file))
    689 	   (buffer (or visiting (find-file-noselect file))))
    690       (unwind-protect
    691 	  (with-current-buffer buffer
    692 	    (let ((pos (org-find-entry-with-id id)))
    693 	      (cond
    694 	       ((null pos) nil)
    695 	       (markerp (move-marker (make-marker) pos buffer))
    696 	       (t (cons file pos)))))
    697 	;; Remove opened buffer in the process.
    698 	(unless (or visiting markerp) (kill-buffer buffer)))))))
    700 ;; id link type
    702 ;; Calling the following function is hard-coded into `org-store-link',
    703 ;; so we do have to add it to `org-store-link-functions'.
    705 ;;;###autoload
    706 (defun org-id-store-link ()
    707   "Store a link to the current entry, using its ID.
    709 If before first heading store first title-keyword as description
    710 or filename if no title."
    711   (interactive)
    712   (when (and (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)) (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
    713     (let* ((link (concat "id:" (org-id-get-create)))
    714 	   (case-fold-search nil)
    715 	   (desc (save-excursion
    716 		   (org-back-to-heading-or-point-min t)
    717                    (cond ((org-before-first-heading-p)
    718                           (let ((keywords (org-collect-keywords '("TITLE"))))
    719                             (if keywords
    720                                 (cadr (assoc "TITLE" keywords))
    721                               (file-name-nondirectory
    722 			       (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))))
    723 		         ((looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
    724 			  (if (match-end 4)
    725 			      (match-string 4)
    726 			    (match-string 0)))
    727                          (t link)))))
    728       (org-link-store-props :link link :description desc :type "id")
    729       link)))
    731 (defun org-id-open (id _)
    732   "Go to the entry with id ID."
    733   (org-mark-ring-push)
    734   (let ((m (org-id-find id 'marker))
    735 	cmd)
    736     (unless m
    737       (error "Cannot find entry with ID \"%s\"" id))
    738     ;; Use a buffer-switching command in analogy to finding files
    739     (setq cmd
    740 	  (or
    741 	   (cdr
    742 	    (assq
    743 	     (cdr (assq 'file org-link-frame-setup))
    744 	     '((find-file . switch-to-buffer)
    745 	       (find-file-other-window . switch-to-buffer-other-window)
    746 	       (find-file-other-frame . switch-to-buffer-other-frame))))
    747 	   'switch-to-buffer-other-window))
    748     (if (not (equal (current-buffer) (marker-buffer m)))
    749 	(funcall cmd (marker-buffer m)))
    750     (goto-char m)
    751     (move-marker m nil)
    752     (org-fold-show-context)))
    754 (org-link-set-parameters "id" :follow #'org-id-open)
    756 (provide 'org-id)
    758 ;; Local variables:
    759 ;; generated-autoload-file: "org-loaddefs.el"
    760 ;; End:
    762 ;;; org-id.el ends here