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org-footnote.el (38283B)

      1 ;;; org-footnote.el --- Footnote support in Org      -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      4 ;;
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;;
      9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;;
     11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; This file contains the code dealing with footnotes in Org mode.
     29 ;;; Code:
     31 (require 'org-macs)
     32 (org-assert-version)
     34 ;;;; Declarations
     36 (require 'cl-lib)
     37 (require 'org-macs)
     38 (require 'org-compat)
     40 (declare-function org-at-comment-p "org" ())
     41 (declare-function org-at-heading-p "org" (&optional ignored))
     42 (declare-function org-back-over-empty-lines "org" ())
     43 (declare-function org-end-of-meta-data "org" (&optional full))
     44 (declare-function org-edit-footnote-reference "org-src" ())
     45 (declare-function org-element-at-point "org-element" (&optional pom cached-only))
     46 (declare-function org-element-class "org-element" (datum &optional parent))
     47 (declare-function org-element-context "org-element" (&optional element))
     48 (declare-function org-element-lineage "org-element" (blob &optional types with-self))
     49 (declare-function org-element-property "org-element" (property element))
     50 (declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
     51 (declare-function org-end-of-subtree "org"  (&optional invisible-ok to-heading))
     52 (declare-function org-fill-paragraph "org" (&optional justify region))
     53 (declare-function org-in-block-p "org" (names))
     54 (declare-function org-in-verbatim-emphasis "org" ())
     55 (declare-function org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p "org" ())
     56 (declare-function org-inside-latex-macro-p "org" ())
     57 (declare-function org-mark-ring-push "org" (&optional pos buffer))
     58 (declare-function org-fold-show-context "org-fold" (&optional key))
     59 (declare-function outline-next-heading "outline")
     61 (defvar electric-indent-mode)
     62 (defvar org-blank-before-new-entry)	; defined in org.el
     63 (defvar org-link-bracket-re)	; defined in org.el
     64 (defvar org-complex-heading-regexp)	; defined in org.el
     65 (defvar org-odd-levels-only)		; defined in org.el
     66 (defvar org-outline-regexp)		; defined in org.el
     67 (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol)		; defined in org.el
     70 ;;;; Constants
     72 (defconst org-footnote-re
     73   "\\[fn:\\(?:\\(?1:[-_[:word:]]+\\)?\\(:\\)\\|\\(?1:[-_[:word:]]+\\)\\]\\)"
     74   "Regular expression for matching footnotes.
     75 Match group 1 contains footnote's label.  It is nil for anonymous
     76 footnotes.  Match group 2 is non-nil only when footnote is
     77 inline, i.e., it contains its own definition.")
     79 (defconst org-footnote-definition-re "^\\[fn:\\([-_[:word:]]+\\)\\]"
     80   "Regular expression matching the definition of a footnote.
     81 Match group 1 contains definition's label.")
     83 (defconst org-footnote-forbidden-blocks '("comment" "example" "export" "src")
     84   "Names of blocks where footnotes are not allowed.")
     87 ;;;; Customization
     89 (defgroup org-footnote nil
     90   "Footnotes in Org mode."
     91   :tag "Org Footnote"
     92   :group 'org)
     94 (defcustom org-footnote-section "Footnotes"
     95   "Outline heading containing footnote definitions.
     97 This can be nil, to place footnotes locally at the end of the current
     98 outline node.  It can also be a string representing the name of a
     99 special outline heading under which footnotes should be put.
    101 This variable defines the place where Org puts the definition
    102 automatically, i.e. when creating the footnote, and when sorting
    103 the notes.  However, by hand, you may place definitions
    104 *anywhere*.
    106 If this is a string, during export, all subtrees starting with
    107 this heading will be ignored.
    109 If you don't use the customize interface to change this variable,
    110 you will need to run the following command after the change:
    112   `\\[universal-argument] \\[org-element-cache-reset]'"
    113   :group 'org-footnote
    114   :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
    115   :set (lambda (var val)
    116 	 (set-default-toplevel-value var val)
    117 	 (when (fboundp 'org-element-cache-reset)
    118 	   (org-element-cache-reset 'all)))
    119   :type '(choice
    120 	  (string :tag "Collect footnotes under heading")
    121 	  (const :tag "Define footnotes locally" nil))
    122   :safe #'string-or-null-p)
    124 (defcustom org-footnote-define-inline nil
    125   "Non-nil means define footnotes inline, at reference location.
    126 When nil, footnotes will be defined in a special section near
    127 the end of the document.  When t, the [fn:label:definition] notation
    128 will be used to define the footnote at the reference position."
    129   :group 'org-footnote
    130   :type 'boolean
    131   :safe #'booleanp)
    133 (defcustom org-footnote-auto-label t
    134   "Non-nil means define automatically new labels for footnotes.
    135 Possible values are:
    137 nil        Prompt the user for each label.
    138 t          Create unique labels of the form [fn:1], [fn:2], etc.
    139 confirm    Like t, but let the user edit the created value.
    140            The label can be removed from the minibuffer to create
    141            an anonymous footnote.
    142 random	   Automatically generate a unique, random label."
    143   :group 'org-footnote
    144   :type '(choice
    145 	  (const :tag "Prompt for label" nil)
    146 	  (const :tag "Create automatic [fn:N]" t)
    147 	  (const :tag "Offer automatic [fn:N] for editing" confirm)
    148 	  (const :tag "Create a random label" random))
    149   :safe #'symbolp)
    151 (defcustom org-footnote-auto-adjust nil
    152   "Non-nil means automatically adjust footnotes after insert/delete.
    153 When this is t, after each insertion or deletion of a footnote,
    154 simple fn:N footnotes will be renumbered, and all footnotes will be sorted.
    155 If you want to have just sorting or just renumbering, set this variable
    156 to `sort' or `renumber'.
    158 The main values of this variable can be set with in-buffer options:
    160 #+STARTUP: fnadjust
    161 #+STARTUP: nofnadjust"
    162   :group 'org-footnote
    163   :type '(choice
    164 	  (const :tag "No adjustment" nil)
    165 	  (const :tag "Renumber" renumber)
    166 	  (const :tag "Sort" sort)
    167 	  (const :tag "Renumber and Sort" t))
    168   :safe #'symbolp)
    170 (defcustom org-footnote-fill-after-inline-note-extraction nil
    171   "Non-nil means fill paragraphs after extracting footnotes.
    172 When extracting inline footnotes, the lengths of lines can change a lot.
    173 When this option is set, paragraphs from which an inline footnote has been
    174 extracted will be filled again."
    175   :group 'org-footnote
    176   :type 'boolean
    177   :safe #'booleanp)
    180 ;;;; Predicates
    182 (defun org-footnote-in-valid-context-p ()
    183   "Is point in a context where footnotes are allowed?"
    184   (save-match-data
    185     (not (or (org-at-comment-p)
    186 	     (org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)
    187 	     ;; Avoid literal example.
    188 	     (org-in-verbatim-emphasis)
    189 	     (save-excursion
    190 	       (beginning-of-line)
    191 	       (looking-at "[ \t]*:[ \t]+"))
    192 	     ;; Avoid forbidden blocks.
    193 	     (org-in-block-p org-footnote-forbidden-blocks)))))
    195 (defun org-footnote-at-reference-p ()
    196   "Non-nil if point is at a footnote reference.
    197 If so, return a list containing its label, beginning and ending
    198 positions, and the definition, when inline."
    199   (let ((reference (org-element-context)))
    200     (when (eq 'footnote-reference (org-element-type reference))
    201       (let ((end (save-excursion
    202 		   (goto-char (org-element-property :end reference))
    203 		   (skip-chars-backward " \t")
    204 		   (point))))
    205 	(when (< (point) end)
    206 	  (list (org-element-property :label reference)
    207 		(org-element-property :begin reference)
    208 		end
    209 		(and (eq 'inline (org-element-property :type reference))
    210 		     (buffer-substring-no-properties
    211 		      (org-element-property :contents-begin reference)
    212 		      (org-element-property :contents-end
    213 					    reference)))))))))
    215 (defun org-footnote-at-definition-p ()
    216   "Non-nil if point is within a footnote definition.
    218 This matches only pure definitions like [fn:name] at the
    219 beginning of a line.  It does not match references like
    220 \[fn:name:definition], where the footnote text is included and
    221 defined locally.
    223 The return value is nil if not at a footnote definition, and
    224 a list with label, start, end and definition of the footnote
    225 otherwise."
    226   (pcase (org-element-lineage (org-element-at-point) '(footnote-definition) t)
    227     (`nil nil)
    228     (definition
    229       (let* ((label (org-element-property :label definition))
    230 	     (begin (org-element-property :post-affiliated definition))
    231 	     (end (save-excursion
    232 		    (goto-char (org-element-property :end definition))
    233 		    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    234 		    (line-beginning-position 2)))
    235 	     (contents-begin (org-element-property :contents-begin definition))
    236 	     (contents-end (org-element-property :contents-end definition))
    237 	     (contents
    238 	      (if (not contents-begin) ""
    239 		(org-trim
    240 		 (buffer-substring-no-properties contents-begin
    241 						 contents-end)))))
    242 	(list label begin end contents)))))
    245 ;;;; Internal functions
    247 (defun org-footnote--allow-reference-p ()
    248   "Non-nil when a footnote reference can be inserted at point."
    249   ;; XXX: This is similar to `org-footnote-in-valid-context-p' but
    250   ;; more accurate and usually faster, except in some corner cases.
    251   ;; It may replace it after doing proper benchmarks as it would be
    252   ;; used in fontification.
    253   (unless (bolp)
    254     (let* ((context (org-element-context))
    255 	   (type (org-element-type context)))
    256       (cond
    257        ;; No footnote reference in attributes.
    258        ((let ((post (org-element-property :post-affiliated context)))
    259 	  (and post (< (point) post)))
    260 	nil)
    261        ;; Paragraphs and blank lines at top of document are fine.
    262        ((memq type '(nil paragraph)))
    263        ;; So are contents of verse blocks.
    264        ((eq type 'verse-block)
    265 	(and (>= (point) (org-element-property :contents-begin context))
    266 	     (< (point) (org-element-property :contents-end context))))
    267        ;; In an headline or inlinetask, point must be either on the
    268        ;; heading itself or on the blank lines below.
    269        ((memq type '(headline inlinetask))
    270 	(or (not (org-at-heading-p))
    271 	    (and (save-excursion
    272 		   (beginning-of-line)
    273 		   (and (let ((case-fold-search t))
    274 			  (not (looking-at-p "\\*+ END[ \t]*$")))
    275 			(let ((case-fold-search nil))
    276 			  (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp))))
    277 		 (match-beginning 4)
    278 		 (>= (point) (match-beginning 4))
    279 		 (or (not (match-beginning 5))
    280 		     (< (point) (match-beginning 5))))))
    281        ;; White spaces after an object or blank lines after an element
    282        ;; are OK.
    283        ((>= (point)
    284 	    (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :end context))
    285 			    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    286 			    (if (eq (org-element-class context) 'object) (point)
    287 			      (line-beginning-position 2)))))
    288        ;; At the beginning of a footnote definition, right after the
    289        ;; label, is OK.
    290        ((eq type 'footnote-definition) (looking-at (rx space)))
    291        ;; Other elements are invalid.
    292        ((eq (org-element-class context) 'element) nil)
    293        ;; Just before object is fine.
    294        ((= (point) (org-element-property :begin context)))
    295        ;; Within recursive object too, but not in a link.
    296        ((eq type 'link) nil)
    297        ((eq type 'table-cell)
    298         ;; :contents-begin is not reliable on empty cells, so special
    299         ;; case it.
    300         (<= (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))
    301             (org-element-property :contents-end context)))
    302        ((let ((cbeg (org-element-property :contents-begin context))
    303 	      (cend (org-element-property :contents-end context)))
    304 	  (and cbeg (>= (point) cbeg) (<= (point) cend))))))))
    306 (defun org-footnote--clear-footnote-section ()
    307   "Remove all footnote sections in buffer and create a new one.
    308 New section is created at the end of the buffer.  Leave point
    309 within the new section."
    310   (when org-footnote-section
    311     (goto-char (point-min))
    312     (let ((regexp (format "^\\*+ +%s[ \t]*$"
    313 			  (regexp-quote org-footnote-section))))
    314       (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
    315 	(delete-region
    316 	 (match-beginning 0)
    317 	 (org-end-of-subtree t t))))
    318     (goto-char (point-max))
    319     ;; Clean-up blank lines at the end of the buffer.
    320     (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    321     (unless (bobp)
    322       (forward-line)
    323       (when (eolp) (insert "\n")))
    324     (delete-region (point) (point-max))
    325     (when (and (cdr (assq 'heading org-blank-before-new-entry))
    326 	       (zerop (save-excursion (org-back-over-empty-lines))))
    327       (insert "\n"))
    328     (insert "* " org-footnote-section "\n")))
    330 (defun org-footnote--set-label (label)
    331   "Set label of footnote at point to string LABEL.
    332 Assume point is at the beginning of the reference or definition
    333 to rename."
    334   (forward-char 4)
    335   (cond ((eq (char-after) ?:) (insert label))
    336 	((looking-at "\\([-_[:word:]]+\\)") (replace-match label nil nil nil 1))
    337 	(t nil)))
    339 (defun org-footnote--collect-references (&optional anonymous)
    340   "Collect all labeled footnote references in current buffer.
    342 Return an alist where associations follow the pattern
    346 with
    348   LABEL     the label of the of the definition,
    349   MARKER    a marker pointing to its beginning,
    350   TOP-LEVEL a boolean, nil when the footnote is contained within
    351             another one,
    352   SIZE      the length of the inline definition, in characters,
    353             or nil for non-inline references.
    355 When optional ANONYMOUS is non-nil, also collect anonymous
    356 references.  In such cases, LABEL is nil.
    358 References are sorted according to a deep-reading order."
    359   (org-with-wide-buffer
    360    (goto-char (point-min))
    361    (let ((regexp (if anonymous org-footnote-re "\\[fn:[-_[:word:]]+[]:]"))
    362 	 references nested)
    363      (save-excursion
    364        (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
    365 	 ;; Ignore definitions.
    366 	 (unless (and (eq (char-before) ?\])
    367 		      (= (line-beginning-position) (match-beginning 0)))
    368 	   ;; Ensure point is within the reference before parsing it.
    369 	   (backward-char)
    370 	   (let ((object (org-element-context)))
    371 	     (when (eq (org-element-type object) 'footnote-reference)
    372 	       (let* ((label (org-element-property :label object))
    373 		      (begin (org-element-property :begin object))
    374 		      (size
    375 		       (and (eq (org-element-property :type object) 'inline)
    376 			    (- (org-element-property :contents-end object)
    377 			       (org-element-property :contents-begin object)))))
    378 		 (let ((d (org-element-lineage object '(footnote-definition))))
    379 		   (push (list label (copy-marker begin) (not d) size)
    380 			 references)
    381 		   (when d
    382 		     ;; Nested references are stored in alist NESTED.
    383 		     ;; Associations there follow the pattern
    384 		     ;;
    385 		     ;;   (DEFINITION-LABEL . REFERENCES)
    386 		     (let* ((def-label (org-element-property :label d))
    387 			    (labels (assoc def-label nested)))
    388 		       (if labels (push label (cdr labels))
    389 			 (push (list def-label label) nested)))))))))))
    390      ;; Sort the list of references.  Nested footnotes have priority
    391      ;; over top-level ones.
    392      (letrec ((ordered nil)
    393 	      (add-reference
    394 	       (lambda (ref allow-nested)
    395 		 (when (or allow-nested (nth 2 ref))
    396 		   (push ref ordered)
    397 		   (dolist (r (mapcar (lambda (l) (assoc l references))
    398 				      (reverse
    399 				       (cdr (assoc (nth 0 ref) nested)))))
    400 		     (funcall add-reference r t))))))
    401        (dolist (r (reverse references) (nreverse ordered))
    402 	 (funcall add-reference r nil))))))
    404 (defun org-footnote--collect-definitions (&optional delete)
    405   "Collect all footnote definitions in current buffer.
    407 Return an alist where associations follow the pattern
    409   (LABEL . DEFINITION)
    411 with LABEL and DEFINITION being, respectively, the label and the
    412 definition of the footnote, as strings.
    414 When optional argument DELETE is non-nil, delete the definition
    415 while collecting them."
    416   (org-with-wide-buffer
    417    (goto-char (point-min))
    418    (let (definitions seen)
    419      (while (re-search-forward org-footnote-definition-re nil t)
    420        (backward-char)
    421        (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
    422 	 (let ((label (org-element-property :label element)))
    423 	   (when (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'footnote-definition)
    424 		      (not (member label seen)))
    425 	     (push label seen)
    426 	     (let* ((beg (progn
    427 			   (goto-char (org-element-property :begin element))
    428 			   (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    429 			   (if (bobp) (point) (line-beginning-position 2))))
    430 		    (end (progn
    431 			   (goto-char (org-element-property :end element))
    432 			   (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    433 			   (line-beginning-position 2)))
    434 		    (def (org-trim (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
    435 	       (push (cons label def) definitions)
    436 	       (when delete (delete-region beg end)))))))
    437      definitions)))
    439 (defun org-footnote--goto-local-insertion-point ()
    440   "Find insertion point for footnote, just before next outline heading.
    441 Assume insertion point is within currently accessible part of the buffer."
    442   (org-with-limited-levels (outline-next-heading))
    443   (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
    444   (unless (bobp) (forward-line))
    445   (unless (bolp) (insert "\n")))
    448 ;;;; Navigation
    450 (defun org-footnote-get-next-reference (&optional label backward limit)
    451   "Return complete reference of the next footnote.
    453 If LABEL is provided, get the next reference of that footnote.  If
    454 BACKWARD is non-nil, find previous reference instead.  LIMIT is
    455 the buffer position bounding the search.
    457 Return value is a list like those provided by `org-footnote-at-reference-p'.
    458 If no footnote is found, return nil."
    459   (let ((label-regexp (if label (format "\\[fn:%s[]:]" label) org-footnote-re)))
    460     (catch :exit
    461       (save-excursion
    462 	(while (funcall (if backward #'re-search-backward #'re-search-forward)
    463 			label-regexp limit t)
    464 	  (unless backward (backward-char))
    465 	  (pcase (org-footnote-at-reference-p)
    466 	    (`nil nil)
    467 	    (reference (throw :exit reference))))))))
    469 (defun org-footnote-next-reference-or-definition (limit)
    470   "Move point to next footnote reference or definition.
    472 LIMIT is the buffer position bounding the search.
    474 Return value is a list like those provided by
    475 `org-footnote-at-reference-p' or `org-footnote-at-definition-p'.
    476 If no footnote is found, return nil.
    478 This function is meant to be used for fontification only."
    479   (let ((origin (point)))
    480     (catch 'exit
    481       (while t
    482 	(unless (re-search-forward org-footnote-re limit t)
    483 	  (goto-char origin)
    484 	  (throw 'exit nil))
    485 	;; Beware: with non-inline footnotes point will be just after
    486 	;; the closing square bracket.
    487 	(backward-char)
    488 	(cond
    489 	 ((and (/= (match-beginning 0) (line-beginning-position))
    490 	       (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
    491 		      (label (match-string-no-properties 1))
    492 		      ;; Inline footnotes don't end at (match-end 0)
    493 		      ;; as `org-footnote-re' stops just after the
    494 		      ;; second colon.  Find the real ending with
    495 		      ;; `scan-sexps', so Org doesn't get fooled by
    496 		      ;; unrelated closing square brackets.
    497 		      (end (ignore-errors (scan-sexps beg 1))))
    498 		 (and end
    499 		      ;; Verify match isn't a part of a link.
    500 		      (not (save-excursion
    501 			     (goto-char beg)
    502 			     (let ((linkp
    503 				    (save-match-data
    504 				      (org-in-regexp org-link-bracket-re))))
    505 			       (and linkp (< (point) (cdr linkp))))))
    506 		      ;; Verify point doesn't belong to a LaTeX macro.
    507 		      (not (org-inside-latex-macro-p))
    508 		      (throw 'exit
    509 			     (list label beg end
    510 				   ;; Definition: ensure this is an
    511 				   ;; inline footnote first.
    512 				   (and (match-end 2)
    513 					(org-trim
    514 					 (buffer-substring-no-properties
    515 					  (match-end 0) (1- end))))))))))
    516 	 ;; Definition: also grab the last square bracket, matched in
    517 	 ;; `org-footnote-re' for non-inline footnotes.
    518 	 ((and (save-excursion
    519 		 (beginning-of-line)
    520 		 (save-match-data (org-footnote-in-valid-context-p)))
    521 	       (save-excursion
    522 		 (end-of-line)
    523 		 ;; Footnotes definitions are separated by new
    524 		 ;; headlines, another footnote definition or 2 blank
    525 		 ;; lines.
    526 		 (let ((end (match-end 0))
    527 		       (lim (save-excursion
    528 			      (re-search-backward
    529 			       (concat org-outline-regexp-bol
    530 				       "\\|^\\([ \t]*\n\\)\\{2,\\}")
    531 			       nil t))))
    532 		   (and (re-search-backward org-footnote-definition-re lim t)
    533 			(throw 'exit
    534 			       (list nil
    535 				     (match-beginning 0)
    536 				     (if (eq (char-before end) ?\]) end
    537 				       (1+ end)))))))))
    538 	 (t nil))))))
    540 (defun org-footnote-goto-definition (label &optional location)
    541   "Move point to the definition of the footnote LABEL.
    543 LOCATION, when non-nil specifies the buffer position of the
    544 definition.
    546 Throw an error if there is no definition or if it cannot be
    547 reached from current narrowed part of buffer.  Return a non-nil
    548 value if point was successfully moved."
    549   (interactive "sLabel: ")
    550   (let* ((label (org-footnote-normalize-label label))
    551 	 (def-start (or location (nth 1 (org-footnote-get-definition label)))))
    552     (cond
    553      ((not def-start)
    554       (user-error "Cannot find definition of footnote %s" label))
    555      ((or (> def-start (point-max)) (< def-start (point-min)))
    556       (user-error "Definition is outside narrowed part of buffer")))
    557     (org-mark-ring-push)
    558     (goto-char def-start)
    559     (looking-at (format "\\[fn:%s[]:]" (regexp-quote label)))
    560     (goto-char (match-end 0))
    561     (org-fold-show-context 'link-search)
    562     (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    563       (message "%s" (substitute-command-keys
    564 		     "Edit definition and go back with \
    565 `\\[org-mark-ring-goto]' or, if unique, with `\\[org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c]'.")))
    566     t))
    568 (defun org-footnote-goto-previous-reference (label)
    569   "Find the first closest (to point) reference of footnote with label LABEL."
    570   (interactive "sLabel: ")
    571   (let* ((label (org-footnote-normalize-label label))
    572 	 (reference
    573 	  (save-excursion
    574 	    (or (org-footnote-get-next-reference label t)
    575 		(org-footnote-get-next-reference label)
    576 		(and (buffer-narrowed-p)
    577 		     (org-with-wide-buffer
    578 		      (or (org-footnote-get-next-reference label t)
    579 			  (org-footnote-get-next-reference label)))))))
    580 	 (start (nth 1 reference)))
    581     (cond ((not reference)
    582 	   (user-error "Cannot find reference of footnote %S" label))
    583 	  ((or (> start (point-max)) (< start (point-min)))
    584 	   (user-error "Reference is outside narrowed part of buffer")))
    585     (org-mark-ring-push)
    586     (goto-char start)
    587     (org-fold-show-context 'link-search)))
    590 ;;;; Getters
    592 (defun org-footnote-normalize-label (label)
    593   "Return LABEL without \"fn:\" prefix.
    594 If LABEL is the empty string or constituted of white spaces only,
    595 return nil instead."
    596   (pcase (org-trim label)
    597     ("" nil)
    598     ((pred (string-prefix-p "fn:")) (substring label 3))
    599     (_ label)))
    601 (defun org-footnote-get-definition (label)
    602   "Return label, boundaries and definition of the footnote LABEL."
    603   (let* ((label (regexp-quote (org-footnote-normalize-label label)))
    604 	 (re (format "^\\[fn:%s\\]\\|.\\[fn:%s:" label label)))
    605     (org-with-wide-buffer
    606      (goto-char (point-min))
    607      (catch 'found
    608        (while (re-search-forward re nil t)
    609 	 (let* ((datum (progn (backward-char) (org-element-context)))
    610 		(type (org-element-type datum)))
    611 	   (when (memq type '(footnote-definition footnote-reference))
    612 	     (throw 'found
    613 		    (list
    614 		     label
    615 		     (org-element-property :begin datum)
    616 		     (org-element-property :end datum)
    617 		     (let ((cbeg (org-element-property :contents-begin datum)))
    618 		       (if (not cbeg) ""
    619 			 (replace-regexp-in-string
    620 			  "[ \t\n]*\\'"
    621 			  ""
    622 			  (buffer-substring-no-properties
    623 			   cbeg
    624 			   (org-element-property :contents-end datum))))))))))
    625        nil))))
    627 (defun org-footnote-all-labels ()
    628   "List all defined footnote labels used throughout the buffer.
    629 This function ignores narrowing, if any."
    630   (org-with-wide-buffer
    631    (goto-char (point-min))
    632    (let (all)
    633      (while (re-search-forward org-footnote-re nil t)
    634        (backward-char)
    635        (let ((context (org-element-context)))
    636 	 (when (memq (org-element-type context)
    637 		     '(footnote-definition footnote-reference))
    638 	   (let ((label (org-element-property :label context)))
    639 	     (when label (cl-pushnew label all :test #'equal))))))
    640      all)))
    642 (defun org-footnote-unique-label (&optional current)
    643   "Return a new unique footnote label.
    645 The function returns the first numeric label currently unused.
    647 Optional argument CURRENT is the list of labels active in the
    648 buffer."
    649   (let ((current (or current (org-footnote-all-labels))))
    650     (let ((count 1))
    651       (while (member (number-to-string count) current)
    652 	(cl-incf count))
    653       (number-to-string count))))
    656 ;;;; Adding, Deleting Footnotes
    658 (defun org-footnote-new ()
    659   "Insert a new footnote.
    660 This command prompts for a label.  If this is a label referencing an
    661 existing label, only insert the label.  If the footnote label is empty
    662 or new, let the user edit the definition of the footnote."
    663   (interactive)
    664   (unless (org-footnote--allow-reference-p)
    665     (user-error "Cannot insert a footnote here"))
    666   (let* ((all (org-footnote-all-labels))
    667 	 (label
    668 	  (if (eq org-footnote-auto-label 'random)
    669 	      (format "%x" (abs (random)))
    670 	    (org-footnote-normalize-label
    671 	     (let ((propose (org-footnote-unique-label all)))
    672 	       (if (eq org-footnote-auto-label t) propose
    673 		 (completing-read
    674 		  "Label (leave empty for anonymous): "
    675 		  (mapcar #'list all) nil nil
    676 		  (and (eq org-footnote-auto-label 'confirm) propose))))))))
    677     (cond ((not label)
    678 	   (insert "[fn::]")
    679 	   (backward-char 1))
    680 	  ((member label all)
    681 	   (insert "[fn:" label "]")
    682 	   (message "New reference to existing note"))
    683 	  (org-footnote-define-inline
    684 	   (insert "[fn:" label ":]")
    685 	   (backward-char 1)
    686 	   (org-footnote-auto-adjust-maybe))
    687 	  (t
    688 	   (insert "[fn:" label "]")
    689 	   (let ((p (org-footnote-create-definition label)))
    690 	     ;; `org-footnote-goto-definition' needs to be called
    691 	     ;; after `org-footnote-auto-adjust-maybe'.  Otherwise
    692 	     ;; both label and location of the definition are lost.
    693 	     ;; On the contrary, it needs to be called before
    694 	     ;; `org-edit-footnote-reference' so that the remote
    695 	     ;; editing buffer can display the correct label.
    696 	     (if (ignore-errors (org-footnote-goto-definition label p))
    697 		 (org-footnote-auto-adjust-maybe)
    698 	       ;; Definition was created outside current scope: edit
    699 	       ;; it remotely.
    700 	       (org-footnote-auto-adjust-maybe)
    701 	       (org-edit-footnote-reference)))))))
    703 (defun org-footnote-create-definition (label)
    704   "Start the definition of a footnote with label LABEL.
    705 Return buffer position at the beginning of the definition.  This
    706 function doesn't move point."
    707   (let ((label (org-footnote-normalize-label label))
    708 	electric-indent-mode)		; Prevent wrong indentation.
    709     (org-preserve-local-variables
    710      (org-with-wide-buffer
    711       (cond
    712        ((not org-footnote-section) (org-footnote--goto-local-insertion-point))
    713        ((save-excursion
    714 	  (goto-char (point-min))
    715 	  (re-search-forward
    716 	   (concat "^\\*+[ \t]+" (regexp-quote org-footnote-section) "[ \t]*$")
    717 	   nil t))
    718 	(goto-char (match-end 0))
    719         (org-end-of-meta-data t)
    720 	(unless (bolp) (insert "\n")))
    721        (t (org-footnote--clear-footnote-section)))
    722       (when (zerop (org-back-over-empty-lines)) (insert "\n"))
    723       (insert "[fn:" label "] \n")
    724       (line-beginning-position 0)))))
    726 (defun org-footnote-delete-references (label)
    727   "Delete every reference to footnote LABEL.
    728 Return the number of footnotes removed."
    729   (save-excursion
    730     (goto-char (point-min))
    731     (let (ref (nref 0))
    732       (while (setq ref (org-footnote-get-next-reference label))
    733 	(goto-char (nth 1 ref))
    734 	(delete-region (nth 1 ref) (nth 2 ref))
    735 	(cl-incf nref))
    736       nref)))
    738 (defun org-footnote-delete-definitions (label)
    739   "Delete every definition of the footnote LABEL.
    740 Return the number of footnotes removed."
    741   (save-excursion
    742     (goto-char (point-min))
    743     (let ((def-re (format "^\\[fn:%s\\]" (regexp-quote label)))
    744 	  (ndef 0))
    745       (while (re-search-forward def-re nil t)
    746 	(pcase (org-footnote-at-definition-p)
    747 	  (`(,_ ,start ,end ,_)
    748 	   ;; Remove the footnote, and all blank lines before it.
    749 	   (delete-region (progn
    750 			    (goto-char start)
    751 			    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    752 			    (if (bobp) (point) (line-beginning-position 2)))
    753 			  (progn
    754 			    (goto-char end)
    755 			    (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    756 			    (if (bobp) (point) (line-beginning-position 2))))
    757 	   (cl-incf ndef))))
    758       ndef)))
    760 (defun org-footnote-delete (&optional label)
    761   "Delete the footnote at point.
    762 This will remove the definition (even multiple definitions if they exist)
    763 and all references of a footnote label.
    765 If LABEL is non-nil, delete that footnote instead."
    766   (catch 'done
    767     (org-preserve-local-variables
    768      (let* ((nref 0) (ndef 0) x
    769 	    ;; 1. Determine LABEL of footnote at point.
    770 	    (label (cond
    771 		    ;; LABEL is provided as argument.
    772 		    (label)
    773 		    ;; Footnote reference at point.  If the footnote is
    774 		    ;; anonymous, delete it and exit instead.
    775 		    ((setq x (org-footnote-at-reference-p))
    776 		     (or (car x)
    777 			 (progn
    778 			   (delete-region (nth 1 x) (nth 2 x))
    779 			   (message "Anonymous footnote removed")
    780 			   (throw 'done t))))
    781 		    ;; Footnote definition at point.
    782 		    ((setq x (org-footnote-at-definition-p))
    783 		     (car x))
    784 		    (t (error "Don't know which footnote to remove")))))
    785        ;; 2. Now that LABEL is non-nil, find every reference and every
    786        ;; definition, and delete them.
    787        (setq nref (org-footnote-delete-references label)
    788 	     ndef (org-footnote-delete-definitions label))
    789        ;; 3. Verify consistency of footnotes and notify user.
    790        (org-footnote-auto-adjust-maybe)
    791        (message "%d definition(s) of and %d reference(s) of footnote %s removed"
    792 		ndef nref label)))))
    795 ;;;; Sorting, Renumbering, Normalizing
    797 (defun org-footnote-renumber-fn:N ()
    798   "Order numbered footnotes into a sequence in the document."
    799   (interactive)
    800   (let* ((c 0)
    801 	 (references (cl-remove-if-not
    802 		      (lambda (r) (string-match-p "\\`[0-9]+\\'" (car r)))
    803 		      (org-footnote--collect-references)))
    804 	 (alist (mapcar (lambda (l) (cons l (number-to-string (cl-incf c))))
    805 			(delete-dups (mapcar #'car references)))))
    806     (org-with-wide-buffer
    807      ;; Re-number references.
    808      (dolist (ref references)
    809        (goto-char (nth 1 ref))
    810        (org-footnote--set-label (cdr (assoc (nth 0 ref) alist))))
    811      ;; Re-number definitions.
    812      (goto-char (point-min))
    813      (while (re-search-forward "^\\[fn:\\([0-9]+\\)\\]" nil t)
    814        (replace-match (or (cdr (assoc (match-string 1) alist))
    815 			  ;; Un-referenced definitions get higher
    816 			  ;; numbers.
    817 			  (number-to-string (cl-incf c)))
    818 		      nil nil nil 1)))))
    820 (defun org-footnote-sort ()
    821   "Rearrange footnote definitions in the current buffer.
    822 Sort footnote definitions so they match order of footnote
    823 references.  Also relocate definitions at the end of their
    824 relative section or within a single footnote section, according
    825 to `org-footnote-section'.  Inline definitions are ignored."
    826   (let ((references (org-footnote--collect-references)))
    827     (org-preserve-local-variables
    828      (let ((definitions (org-footnote--collect-definitions 'delete)))
    829        (org-with-wide-buffer
    830 	(org-footnote--clear-footnote-section)
    831 	;; Insert footnote definitions at the appropriate location,
    832 	;; separated by a blank line.  Each definition is inserted
    833 	;; only once throughout the buffer.
    834 	(let (inserted)
    835 	  (dolist (cell references)
    836 	    (let ((label (car cell))
    837 		  (nested (not (nth 2 cell)))
    838 		  (inline (nth 3 cell)))
    839 	      (unless (or (member label inserted) inline)
    840 		(push label inserted)
    841 		(unless (or org-footnote-section nested)
    842 		  ;; If `org-footnote-section' is non-nil, or
    843 		  ;; reference is nested, point is already at the
    844 		  ;; correct position.  Otherwise, move at the
    845 		  ;; appropriate location within the section
    846 		  ;; containing the reference.
    847 		  (goto-char (nth 1 cell))
    848 		  (org-footnote--goto-local-insertion-point))
    849 		(insert "\n"
    850 			(or (cdr (assoc label definitions))
    851 			    (format "[fn:%s] DEFINITION NOT FOUND." label))
    852 			"\n"))))
    853 	  ;; Insert un-referenced footnote definitions at the end.
    854           ;; Combine all insertions into one to create a single cache
    855           ;; update call.
    856           (combine-change-calls (point) (point)
    857 	    (pcase-dolist (`(,label . ,definition) definitions)
    858 	      (unless (member label inserted)
    859 	        (insert "\n" definition "\n"))))))))))
    861 (defun org-footnote-normalize ()
    862   "Turn every footnote in buffer into a numbered one."
    863   (interactive)
    864   (org-preserve-local-variables
    865    (let ((n 0)
    866 	 (translations nil)
    867 	 (definitions nil)
    868 	 (references (org-footnote--collect-references 'anonymous)))
    869      (org-with-wide-buffer
    870       ;; Update label for reference.  We need to do this before
    871       ;; clearing definitions in order to rename nested footnotes
    872       ;; before they are deleted.
    873       (dolist (cell references)
    874 	(let* ((label (car cell))
    875 	       (anonymous (not label))
    876 	       (new
    877 		(cond
    878 		 ;; In order to differentiate anonymous references
    879 		 ;; from regular ones, set their labels to integers,
    880 		 ;; not strings.
    881 		 (anonymous (setcar cell (cl-incf n)))
    882 		 ((cdr (assoc label translations)))
    883 		 (t (let ((l (number-to-string (cl-incf n))))
    884 		      (push (cons label l) translations)
    885 		      l)))))
    886 	  (goto-char (nth 1 cell))	; Move to reference's start.
    887 	  (org-footnote--set-label
    888 	   (if anonymous (number-to-string new) new))
    889 	  (let ((size (nth 3 cell)))
    890 	    ;; Transform inline footnotes into regular references and
    891 	    ;; retain their definition for later insertion as
    892 	    ;; a regular footnote definition.
    893 	    (when size
    894 	      (let ((def (concat
    895 			  (format "[fn:%s] " new)
    896 			  (org-trim
    897 			   (substring
    898 			    (delete-and-extract-region
    899 			     (point) (+ (point) size 1))
    900 			    1)))))
    901 		(push (cons (if anonymous new label) def) definitions)
    902 		(when org-footnote-fill-after-inline-note-extraction
    903 		  (org-fill-paragraph)))))))
    904       ;; Collect definitions.  Update labels according to ALIST.
    905       (let ((definitions
    906 	      (nconc definitions
    907 		     (org-footnote--collect-definitions 'delete)))
    908 	    (inserted))
    909 	(org-footnote--clear-footnote-section)
    910 	(dolist (cell references)
    911 	  (let* ((label (car cell))
    912 		 (anonymous (integerp label))
    913 		 (pos (nth 1 cell)))
    914 	    ;; Move to appropriate location, if required.  When there
    915 	    ;; is a footnote section or reference is nested, point is
    916 	    ;; already at the expected location.
    917 	    (unless (or org-footnote-section (not (nth 2 cell)))
    918 	      (goto-char pos)
    919 	      (org-footnote--goto-local-insertion-point))
    920 	    ;; Insert new definition once label is updated.
    921 	    (unless (member label inserted)
    922 	      (push label inserted)
    923 	      (let ((stored (cdr (assoc label definitions)))
    924 		    ;; Anonymous footnotes' label is already
    925 		    ;; up-to-date.
    926 		    (new (if anonymous label
    927 			   (cdr (assoc label translations)))))
    928 		(insert "\n"
    929 			(cond
    930 			 ((not stored)
    931 			  (format "[fn:%s] DEFINITION NOT FOUND." new))
    932 			 (anonymous stored)
    933 			 (t
    934 			  (replace-regexp-in-string
    935 			   "\\`\\[fn:\\(.*?\\)\\]" new stored nil nil 1)))
    936 			"\n")))))
    937 	;; Insert un-referenced footnote definitions at the end.
    938 	(pcase-dolist (`(,label . ,definition) definitions)
    939 	  (unless (member label inserted)
    940 	    (insert "\n"
    941 		    (replace-regexp-in-string org-footnote-definition-re
    942 					      (format "[fn:%d]" (cl-incf n))
    943 					      definition)
    944 		    "\n"))))))))
    946 (defun org-footnote-auto-adjust-maybe ()
    947   "Renumber and/or sort footnotes according to user settings."
    948   (when (memq org-footnote-auto-adjust '(t renumber))
    949     (org-footnote-renumber-fn:N))
    950   (when (memq org-footnote-auto-adjust '(t sort))
    951     (let ((label (car (org-footnote-at-definition-p))))
    952       (org-footnote-sort)
    953       (when label
    954 	(goto-char (point-min))
    955 	(and (re-search-forward (format "^\\[fn:%s\\]" (regexp-quote label))
    956 				nil t)
    957 	     (progn (insert " ")
    958 		    (just-one-space)))))))
    961 ;;;; End-user interface
    963 ;;;###autoload
    964 (defun org-footnote-action (&optional special)
    965   "Do the right thing for footnotes.
    967 When at a footnote reference, jump to the definition.
    969 When at a definition, jump to the references if they exist, offer
    970 to create them otherwise.
    972 When neither at definition or reference, create a new footnote,
    973 interactively if possible.
    975 With prefix arg SPECIAL, or when no footnote can be created,
    976 offer additional commands in a menu."
    977   (interactive "P")
    978   (let* ((context (and (not special) (org-element-context)))
    979 	 (type (org-element-type context)))
    980     (cond
    981      ;; On white space after element, insert a new footnote.
    982      ((and context
    983 	   (> (point)
    984 	      (save-excursion
    985 		(goto-char (org-element-property :end context))
    986 		(skip-chars-backward " \t")
    987 		(point))))
    988       (org-footnote-new))
    989      ((eq type 'footnote-reference)
    990       (let ((label (org-element-property :label context)))
    991 	(cond
    992 	 ;; Anonymous footnote: move point at the beginning of its
    993 	 ;; definition.
    994 	 ((not label)
    995 	  (goto-char (org-element-property :contents-begin context)))
    996 	 ;; Check if a definition exists: then move to it.
    997 	 ((let ((p (nth 1 (org-footnote-get-definition label))))
    998 	    (when p (org-footnote-goto-definition label p))))
    999 	 ;; No definition exists: offer to create it.
   1000 	 ((yes-or-no-p (format "No definition for %s.  Create one? " label))
   1001 	  (let ((p (org-footnote-create-definition label)))
   1002 	    (or (ignore-errors (org-footnote-goto-definition label p))
   1003 		;; Since definition was created outside current scope,
   1004 		;; edit it remotely.
   1005 		(org-edit-footnote-reference)))))))
   1006      ((eq type 'footnote-definition)
   1007       (org-footnote-goto-previous-reference
   1008        (org-element-property :label context)))
   1009      ((or special (not (org-footnote--allow-reference-p)))
   1010       (message "Footnotes: [s]ort | [r]enumber fn:N | [S]=r+s | [n]ormalize | \
   1011 \[d]elete")
   1012       (pcase (read-char-exclusive)
   1013 	(?s (org-footnote-sort))
   1014 	(?r (org-footnote-renumber-fn:N))
   1015 	(?S (org-footnote-renumber-fn:N)
   1016 	    (org-footnote-sort))
   1017 	(?n (org-footnote-normalize))
   1018 	(?d (org-footnote-delete))
   1019 	(char (error "No such footnote command %c" char))))
   1020      (t (org-footnote-new)))))
   1023 (provide 'org-footnote)
   1025 ;; Local variables:
   1026 ;; generated-autoload-file: "org-loaddefs.el"
   1027 ;; End:
   1029 ;;; org-footnote.el ends here