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org-fold.el (36669B)

      1 ;;; org-fold.el --- Folding of Org entries -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      4 ;;
      5 ;; Author: Ihor Radchenko <yantar92 at gmail dot com>
      6 ;; Keywords: folding, invisible text
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;;
      9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;;
     11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; This file contains code handling temporary invisibility (folding
     28 ;; and unfolding) of text in org buffers.
     30 ;; The folding is implemented using generic org-fold-core library.  This file
     31 ;; contains org-specific implementation of the folding.  Also, various
     32 ;; useful functions from org-fold-core are aliased under shorted `org-fold'
     33 ;; prefix.
     35 ;; The following features are implemented:
     36 ;; - Folding/unfolding various Org mode elements and regions of Org buffers:
     37 ;;   + Region before first heading;
     38 ;;   + Org headings, their text, children (subtree), siblings, parents, etc;
     39 ;;   + Org blocks and drawers
     40 ;; - Revealing Org structure around invisible point location
     41 ;; - Revealing folded Org elements broken by user edits
     43 ;;; Code:
     45 (require 'org-macs)
     46 (org-assert-version)
     48 (require 'org-macs)
     49 (require 'org-fold-core)
     51 (defvar org-inlinetask-min-level)
     52 (defvar org-link--link-folding-spec)
     53 (defvar org-link--description-folding-spec)
     54 (defvar org-odd-levels-only)
     55 (defvar org-drawer-regexp)
     56 (defvar org-property-end-re)
     57 (defvar org-link-descriptive)
     58 (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol)
     59 (defvar org-archive-tag)
     60 (defvar org-custom-properties-overlays)
     61 (defvar org-element-headline-re)
     63 (declare-function isearch-filter-visible "isearch" (beg end))
     64 (declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
     65 (declare-function org-element-at-point "org-element" (&optional pom cached-only))
     66 (declare-function org-element-property "org-element" (property element))
     67 (declare-function org-element--current-element "org-element" (limit &optional granularity mode structure))
     68 (declare-function org-element--cache-active-p "org-element" ())
     69 (declare-function org-toggle-custom-properties-visibility "org" ())
     70 (declare-function org-item-re "org-list" ())
     71 (declare-function org-up-heading-safe "org" ())
     72 (declare-function org-get-tags "org" (&optional pos local fontify))
     73 (declare-function org-get-valid-level "org" (level &optional change))
     74 (declare-function org-before-first-heading-p "org" ())
     75 (declare-function org-goto-sibling "org" (&optional previous))
     76 (declare-function org-block-map "org" (function &optional start end))
     77 (declare-function org-map-region "org" (fun beg end))
     78 (declare-function org-end-of-subtree "org" (&optional invisible-ok to-heading))
     79 (declare-function org-back-to-heading-or-point-min "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
     80 (declare-function org-back-to-heading "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
     81 (declare-function org-at-heading-p "org" (&optional invisible-not-ok))
     82 (declare-function org-cycle-hide-drawers "org-cycle" (state))
     84 (declare-function outline-show-branches "outline" ())
     85 (declare-function outline-hide-sublevels "outline" (levels))
     86 (declare-function outline-get-next-sibling "outline" ())
     87 (declare-function outline-invisible-p "outline" (&optional pos))
     88 (declare-function outline-next-heading "outline" ())
     90 ;;; Customization
     92 (defgroup org-fold-reveal-location nil
     93   "Options about how to make context of a location visible."
     94   :tag "Org Reveal Location"
     95   :group 'org-structure)
     97 (defcustom org-fold-show-context-detail '((agenda . local)
     98 				  (bookmark-jump . lineage)
     99 				  (isearch . lineage)
    100 				  (default . ancestors))
    101   "Alist between context and visibility span when revealing a location.
    103 \\<org-mode-map>Some actions may move point into invisible
    104 locations.  As a consequence, Org always exposes a neighborhood
    105 around point.  How much is shown depends on the initial action,
    106 or context.  Valid contexts are
    108   agenda         when exposing an entry from the agenda
    109   org-goto       when using the command `org-goto' (`\\[org-goto]')
    110   occur-tree     when using the command `org-occur' (`\\[org-sparse-tree] /')
    111   tags-tree      when constructing a sparse tree based on tags matches
    112   link-search    when exposing search matches associated with a link
    113   mark-goto      when exposing the jump goal of a mark
    114   bookmark-jump  when exposing a bookmark location
    115   isearch        when exiting from an incremental search
    116   default        default for all contexts not set explicitly
    118 Allowed visibility spans are
    120   minimal        show current headline; if point is not on headline,
    121                  also show entry
    123   local          show current headline, entry and next headline
    125   ancestors      show current headline and its direct ancestors; if
    126                  point is not on headline, also show entry
    128   ancestors-full show current subtree and its direct ancestors
    130   lineage        show current headline, its direct ancestors and all
    131                  their children; if point is not on headline, also show
    132                  entry and first child
    134   tree           show current headline, its direct ancestors and all
    135                  their children; if point is not on headline, also show
    136                  entry and all children
    138   canonical      show current headline, its direct ancestors along with
    139                  their entries and children; if point is not located on
    140                  the headline, also show current entry and all children
    142 As special cases, a nil or t value means show all contexts in
    143 `minimal' or `canonical' view, respectively.
    145 Some views can make displayed information very compact, but also
    146 make it harder to edit the location of the match.  In such
    147 a case, use the command `org-fold-reveal' (`\\[org-fold-reveal]') to show
    148 more context."
    149   :group 'org-fold-reveal-location
    150   :version "26.1"
    151   :package-version '(Org . "9.0")
    152   :type '(choice
    153 	  (const :tag "Canonical" t)
    154 	  (const :tag "Minimal" nil)
    155 	  (repeat :greedy t :tag "Individual contexts"
    156 		  (cons
    157 		   (choice :tag "Context"
    158 			   (const agenda)
    159 			   (const org-goto)
    160 			   (const occur-tree)
    161 			   (const tags-tree)
    162 			   (const link-search)
    163 			   (const mark-goto)
    164 			   (const bookmark-jump)
    165 			   (const isearch)
    166 			   (const default))
    167 		   (choice :tag "Detail level"
    168 			   (const minimal)
    169 			   (const local)
    170 			   (const ancestors)
    171                            (const ancestors-full)
    172 			   (const lineage)
    173 			   (const tree)
    174 			   (const canonical))))))
    176 (defvar org-fold-reveal-start-hook nil
    177   "Hook run before revealing a location.")
    179 (defcustom org-fold-catch-invisible-edits 'smart
    180   "Check if in invisible region before inserting or deleting a character.
    181 Valid values are:
    183 nil              Do not check, so just do invisible edits.
    184 error            Throw an error and do nothing.
    185 show             Make point visible, and do the requested edit.
    186 show-and-error   Make point visible, then throw an error and abort the edit.
    187 smart            Make point visible, and do insertion/deletion if it is
    188                  adjacent to visible text and the change feels predictable.
    189                  Never delete a previously invisible character or add in the
    190                  middle or right after an invisible region.  Basically, this
    191                  allows insertion and backward-delete right before ellipses.
    192                  FIXME: maybe in this case we should not even show?"
    193   :group 'org-edit-structure
    194   :version "24.1"
    195   :type '(choice
    196 	  (const :tag "Do not check" nil)
    197 	  (const :tag "Throw error when trying to edit" error)
    198 	  (const :tag "Unhide, but do not do the edit" show-and-error)
    199 	  (const :tag "Show invisible part and do the edit" show)
    200 	  (const :tag "Be smart and do the right thing" smart)))
    202 ;;; Core functionality
    204 ;;; API
    206 ;;;; Modifying folding specs
    208 (defalias 'org-fold-folding-spec-p #'org-fold-core-folding-spec-p)
    209 (defalias 'org-fold-add-folding-spec #'org-fold-core-add-folding-spec)
    210 (defalias 'org-fold-remove-folding-spec #'org-fold-core-remove-folding-spec)
    212 (defun org-fold-initialize (ellipsis)
    213   "Setup folding in current Org buffer."
    214   (setq-local org-fold-core-isearch-open-function #'org-fold--isearch-reveal)
    215   (setq-local org-fold-core-extend-changed-region-functions (list #'org-fold--extend-changed-region))
    216   ;; FIXME: Converting org-link + org-description to overlays when
    217   ;; search matches hidden "[[" part of the link, reverses priority of
    218   ;; link and description and hides the whole link.  Working around
    219   ;; this until there will be no need to convert text properties to
    220   ;; overlays for isearch.
    221   (setq-local org-fold-core--isearch-special-specs '(org-link))
    222   (org-fold-core-initialize
    223    `((,(if (eq org-fold-core-style 'text-properties) 'org-fold-outline 'outline)
    224       (:ellipsis . ,ellipsis)
    225       (:fragile . ,#'org-fold--reveal-outline-maybe)
    226       (:isearch-open . t)
    227       ;; This is needed to make sure that inserting a
    228       ;; new planning line in folded heading is not
    229       ;; revealed.  Also, the below combination of :front-sticky and
    230       ;; :rear-sticky conforms to the overlay properties in outline.el
    231       ;; and the older Org versions as in `outline-flag-region'.
    232       (:front-sticky . t)
    233       (:rear-sticky . nil)
    234       (:alias . (headline heading outline inlinetask plain-list)))
    235      (,(if (eq org-fold-core-style 'text-properties) 'org-fold-block 'org-hide-block)
    236       (:ellipsis . ,ellipsis)
    237       (:fragile . ,#'org-fold--reveal-drawer-or-block-maybe)
    238       (:isearch-open . t)
    239       (:front-sticky . t)
    240       (:alias . ( block center-block comment-block
    241                   dynamic-block example-block export-block
    242                   quote-block special-block src-block
    243                   verse-block)))
    244      (,(if (eq org-fold-core-style 'text-properties) 'org-fold-drawer 'org-hide-drawer)
    245       (:ellipsis . ,ellipsis)
    246       (:fragile . ,#'org-fold--reveal-drawer-or-block-maybe)
    247       (:isearch-open . t)
    248       (:front-sticky . t)
    249       (:alias . (drawer property-drawer)))
    250      ,org-link--description-folding-spec
    251      ,org-link--link-folding-spec)))
    253 ;;;; Searching and examining folded text
    255 (defalias 'org-fold-folded-p #'org-fold-core-folded-p)
    256 (defalias 'org-fold-get-folding-spec #'org-fold-core-get-folding-spec)
    257 (defalias 'org-fold-get-folding-specs-in-region #'org-fold-core-get-folding-specs-in-region)
    258 (defalias 'org-fold-get-region-at-point #'org-fold-core-get-region-at-point)
    259 (defalias 'org-fold-get-regions #'org-fold-core-get-regions)
    260 (defalias 'org-fold-next-visibility-change #'org-fold-core-next-visibility-change)
    261 (defalias 'org-fold-previous-visibility-change #'org-fold-core-previous-visibility-change)
    262 (defalias 'org-fold-next-folding-state-change #'org-fold-core-next-folding-state-change)
    263 (defalias 'org-fold-previous-folding-state-change #'org-fold-core-previous-folding-state-change)
    264 (defalias 'org-fold-search-forward #'org-fold-core-search-forward)
    266 ;;;;; Macros
    268 (defalias 'org-fold-save-outline-visibility #'org-fold-core-save-visibility)
    270 ;;;; Changing visibility (regions, blocks, drawers, headlines)
    272 ;;;;; Region visibility
    274 (defalias 'org-fold-region #'org-fold-core-region)
    275 (defalias 'org-fold-regions #'org-fold-core-regions)
    277 (defun org-fold-show-all (&optional types)
    278   "Show all contents in the visible part of the buffer.
    279 By default, the function expands headings, blocks and drawers.
    280 When optional argument TYPES is a list of symbols among `blocks',
    281 `drawers' and `headings', to only expand one specific type."
    282   (interactive)
    283   (dolist (type (or types '(blocks drawers headings)))
    284     (org-fold-region (point-min) (point-max) nil
    285 	     (pcase type
    286 	       (`blocks 'block)
    287 	       (`drawers 'drawer)
    288 	       (`headings 'headline)
    289 	       (_ (error "Invalid type: %S" type))))))
    291 (defun org-fold-flag-above-first-heading (&optional arg)
    292   "Hide from bob up to the first heading.
    293 Move point to the beginning of first heading or end of buffer."
    294   (goto-char (point-min))
    295   (unless (org-at-heading-p)
    296     (outline-next-heading))
    297   (unless (bobp)
    298     (org-fold-region 1 (1- (point)) (not arg) 'outline)))
    300 ;;;;; Heading visibility
    302 (defun org-fold-heading (flag &optional entry)
    303   "Fold/unfold the current heading.  FLAG non-nil means make invisible.
    304 When ENTRY is non-nil, show the entire entry."
    305   (save-excursion
    306     (org-back-to-heading t)
    307     ;; Check if we should show the entire entry
    308     (if (not entry)
    309 	(org-fold-region
    310 	 (line-end-position 0) (line-end-position) flag 'outline)
    311       (org-fold-show-entry)
    312       (save-excursion
    313 	;; FIXME: potentially catches inlinetasks
    314 	(and (outline-next-heading)
    315 	     (org-fold-heading nil))))))
    317 (defun org-fold-hide-entry ()
    318   "Hide the body directly following this heading."
    319   (interactive)
    320   (save-excursion
    321     (org-back-to-heading-or-point-min t)
    322     (when (org-at-heading-p) (forward-line))
    323     (unless (or (eobp) (org-at-heading-p)) ; Current headline is empty.
    324       (org-fold-region
    325        (line-end-position 0)
    326        (save-excursion
    327          (if (re-search-forward
    328               (concat "[\r\n]" (org-get-limited-outline-regexp)) nil t)
    329              (line-end-position 0)
    330            (point-max)))
    331        t
    332        'outline))))
    334 (defun org-fold-subtree (flag)
    335 "Hide (when FLAG) or reveal subtree at point."
    336   (save-excursion
    337     (org-back-to-heading t)
    338     (org-fold-region
    339      (line-end-position)
    340      (progn (org-end-of-subtree t t) (if (eobp) (point) (1- (point))))
    341      flag
    342      'outline)))
    344 ;; Replaces `outline-hide-subtree'.
    345 (defun org-fold-hide-subtree ()
    346   "Hide everything after this heading at deeper levels."
    347   (interactive)
    348   (org-fold-subtree t))
    350 ;; Replaces `outline-hide-sublevels'
    351 (defun org-fold-hide-sublevels (levels)
    352   "Hide everything but the top LEVELS levels of headers, in whole buffer.
    353 This also unhides the top heading-less body, if any.
    355 Interactively, the prefix argument supplies the value of LEVELS.
    356 When invoked without a prefix argument, LEVELS defaults to the level
    357 of the current heading, or to 1 if the current line is not a heading."
    358   (interactive (list
    359 		(cond
    360 		 (current-prefix-arg (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))
    361 		 ((save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
    362 				  (looking-at outline-regexp))
    363 		  (funcall outline-level))
    364 		 (t 1))))
    365   (if (< levels 1)
    366       (error "Must keep at least one level of headers"))
    367   (save-excursion
    368     (let* ((beg (progn
    369                   (goto-char (point-min))
    370                   ;; Skip the prelude, if any.
    371                   (unless (org-at-heading-p) (outline-next-heading))
    372                   (point)))
    373            (end (progn
    374                   (goto-char (point-max))
    375                   ;; Keep empty last line, if available.
    376                   (max (point-min) (if (bolp) (1- (point)) (point))))))
    377       (if (< end beg)
    378 	  (setq beg (prog1 end (setq end beg))))
    379       ;; First hide everything.
    380       (org-fold-region beg end t 'headline)
    381       ;; Then unhide the top level headers.
    382       (org-map-region
    383        (lambda ()
    384 	 (when (<= (funcall outline-level) levels)
    385            (org-fold-heading nil)))
    386        beg end)
    387       ;; Finally unhide any trailing newline.
    388       (goto-char (point-max))
    389       (if (and (bolp) (not (bobp)) (outline-invisible-p (1- (point))))
    390           (org-fold-region (max (point-min) (1- (point))) (point) nil)))))
    392 (defun org-fold-show-entry (&optional hide-drawers)
    393   "Show the body directly following its heading.
    394 Show the heading too, if it is currently invisible."
    395   (interactive)
    396   (save-excursion
    397     (org-back-to-heading-or-point-min t)
    398     (org-fold-region
    399      (line-end-position 0)
    400      (save-excursion
    401        (if (re-search-forward
    402             (concat "[\r\n]\\(" (org-get-limited-outline-regexp) "\\)") nil t)
    403            (match-beginning 1)
    404          (point-max)))
    405      nil
    406      'outline)
    407     (when hide-drawers (org-cycle-hide-drawers 'children))))
    409 (defalias 'org-fold-show-hidden-entry #'org-fold-show-entry
    410   "Show an entry where even the heading is hidden.")
    412 (defun org-fold-show-siblings ()
    413   "Show all siblings of the current headline."
    414   (save-excursion
    415     (while (org-goto-sibling) (org-fold-heading nil)))
    416   (save-excursion
    417     (while (org-goto-sibling 'previous)
    418       (org-fold-heading nil))))
    420 (defun org-fold-show-children (&optional level)
    421   "Show all direct subheadings of this heading.
    422 Prefix arg LEVEL is how many levels below the current level
    423 should be shown.  Default is enough to cause the following
    424 heading to appear."
    425   (interactive "p")
    426   (unless (org-before-first-heading-p)
    427     (save-excursion
    428       (org-with-limited-levels (org-back-to-heading t))
    429       (let* ((current-level (funcall outline-level))
    430              (max-level (org-get-valid-level
    431                          current-level
    432                          (if level (prefix-numeric-value level) 1)))
    433              (end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t t)))
    434              (regexp-fmt "^\\*\\{%d,%s\\}\\(?: \\|$\\)")
    435              (past-first-child nil)
    436              ;; Make sure to skip inlinetasks.
    437              (re (format regexp-fmt
    438                          current-level
    439                          (cond
    440                           ((not (featurep 'org-inlinetask)) "")
    441                           (org-odd-levels-only (- (* 2 org-inlinetask-min-level)
    442                                                   3))
    443                           (t (1- org-inlinetask-min-level))))))
    444         ;; Display parent heading.
    445         (org-fold-heading nil)
    446         (forward-line)
    447         ;; Display children.  First child may be deeper than expected
    448         ;; MAX-LEVEL.  Since we want to display it anyway, adjust
    449         ;; MAX-LEVEL accordingly.
    450         (while (re-search-forward re end t)
    451           (unless past-first-child
    452             (setq re (format regexp-fmt
    453                              current-level
    454                              (max (funcall outline-level) max-level)))
    455             (setq past-first-child t))
    456           (org-fold-heading nil))))))
    458 (defun org-fold-show-subtree ()
    459   "Show everything after this heading at deeper levels."
    460   (interactive)
    461   (org-fold-region
    462    (point) (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t t)) nil 'outline))
    464 (defun org-fold-show-branches ()
    465   "Show all subheadings of this heading, but not their bodies."
    466   (interactive)
    467   (org-fold-show-children 1000))
    469 (defun org-fold-show-branches-buffer ()
    470   "Show all branches in the buffer."
    471   (org-fold-flag-above-first-heading)
    472   (org-fold-hide-sublevels 1)
    473   (unless (eobp)
    474     (org-fold-show-branches)
    475     (while (outline-get-next-sibling)
    476       (org-fold-show-branches)))
    477   (goto-char (point-min)))
    479 ;;;;; Blocks and drawers visibility
    481 (defun org-fold--hide-wrapper-toggle (element category force no-error)
    482   "Toggle visibility for ELEMENT.
    484 ELEMENT is a block or drawer type parsed element.  CATEGORY is
    485 either `block' or `drawer'.  When FORCE is `off', show the block
    486 or drawer.  If it is non-nil, hide it unconditionally.  Throw an
    487 error when not at a block or drawer, unless NO-ERROR is non-nil.
    489 Return a non-nil value when toggling is successful."
    490   (let ((type (org-element-type element)))
    491     (cond
    492      ((memq type
    493             (pcase category
    494               (`drawer '(drawer property-drawer))
    495               (`block '(center-block
    496                         comment-block dynamic-block example-block export-block
    497                         quote-block special-block src-block verse-block))
    498               (_ (error "Unknown category: %S" category))))
    499       (let* ((post (org-element-property :post-affiliated element))
    500              (start (save-excursion
    501                       (goto-char post)
    502                       (line-end-position)))
    503              (end (save-excursion
    504                     (goto-char (org-element-property :end element))
    505                     (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
    506                     (line-end-position))))
    507         ;; Do nothing when not before or at the block opening line or
    508         ;; at the block closing line.
    509         (unless (let ((eol (line-end-position)))
    510                   (and (> eol start) (/= eol end)))
    511           (org-fold-region start end
    512                    (cond ((eq force 'off) nil)
    513                          (force t)
    514                          ((org-fold-folded-p start category) nil)
    515                          (t t))
    516                    category)
    517           ;; When the block is hidden away, make sure point is left in
    518           ;; a visible part of the buffer.
    519           (when (invisible-p (max (1- (point)) (point-min)))
    520             (goto-char post))
    521           ;; Signal success.
    522           t)))
    523      (no-error nil)
    524      (t
    525       (user-error (format "%s@%s: %s"
    526                           (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))
    527                           (point)
    528                           (if (eq category 'drawer)
    529 	                      "Not at a drawer"
    530 	                    "Not at a block")))))))
    532 (defun org-fold-hide-block-toggle (&optional force no-error element)
    533   "Toggle the visibility of the current block.
    535 When optional argument FORCE is `off', make block visible.  If it
    536 is non-nil, hide it unconditionally.  Throw an error when not at
    537 a block, unless NO-ERROR is non-nil.  When optional argument
    538 ELEMENT is provided, consider it instead of the current block.
    540 Return a non-nil value when toggling is successful."
    541   (interactive)
    542   (org-fold--hide-wrapper-toggle
    543    (or element (org-element-at-point)) 'block force no-error))
    545 (defun org-fold-hide-drawer-toggle (&optional force no-error element)
    546   "Toggle the visibility of the current drawer.
    548 When optional argument FORCE is `off', make drawer visible.  If
    549 it is non-nil, hide it unconditionally.  Throw an error when not
    550 at a drawer, unless NO-ERROR is non-nil.  When optional argument
    551 ELEMENT is provided, consider it instead of the current drawer.
    553 Return a non-nil value when toggling is successful."
    554   (interactive)
    555   (org-fold--hide-wrapper-toggle
    556    (or element (org-element-at-point)) 'drawer force no-error))
    558 (defun org-fold-hide-block-all ()
    559   "Fold all blocks in the current buffer."
    560   (interactive)
    561   (org-block-map (apply-partially #'org-fold-hide-block-toggle 'hide)))
    563 (defun org-fold-hide-drawer-all ()
    564   "Fold all drawers in the current buffer."
    565   (let ((begin (point-min))
    566         (end (point-max)))
    567     (org-fold--hide-drawers begin end)))
    569 (defun org-fold--hide-drawers (begin end)
    570   "Hide all drawers between BEGIN and END."
    571   (save-excursion
    572     (goto-char begin)
    573     (while (and (< (point) end)
    574                 (re-search-forward org-drawer-regexp end t))
    575       ;; Skip folded drawers
    576       (if (org-fold-folded-p nil 'drawer)
    577           (goto-char (org-fold-next-folding-state-change 'drawer nil end))
    578         (let* ((drawer (org-element-at-point))
    579                (type (org-element-type drawer)))
    580           (when (memq type '(drawer property-drawer))
    581             (org-fold-hide-drawer-toggle t nil drawer)
    582             ;; Make sure to skip drawer entirely or we might flag it
    583             ;; another time when matching its ending line with
    584             ;; `org-drawer-regexp'.
    585             (goto-char (org-element-property :end drawer))))))))
    587 (defun org-fold-hide-archived-subtrees (beg end)
    588   "Re-hide all archived subtrees after a visibility state change."
    589   (org-with-wide-buffer
    590    (let ((case-fold-search nil)
    591 	 (re (concat org-outline-regexp-bol ".*:" org-archive-tag ":")))
    592      (goto-char beg)
    593      ;; Include headline point is currently on.
    594      (beginning-of-line)
    595      (while (and (< (point) end) (re-search-forward re end t))
    596        (when (member org-archive-tag (org-get-tags nil t))
    597 	 (org-fold-subtree t)
    598 	 (org-end-of-subtree t))))))
    600 ;;;;; Reveal point location
    602 (defun org-fold-show-context (&optional key)
    603   "Make sure point and context are visible.
    604 Optional argument KEY, when non-nil, is a symbol.  See
    605 `org-fold-show-context-detail' for allowed values and how much is to
    606 be shown."
    607   (org-fold-show-set-visibility
    608    (cond ((symbolp org-fold-show-context-detail) org-fold-show-context-detail)
    609 	 ((cdr (assq key org-fold-show-context-detail)))
    610 	 (t (cdr (assq 'default org-fold-show-context-detail))))))
    613 (defvar org-hide-emphasis-markers); Defined in org.el
    614 (defvar org-pretty-entities); Defined in org.el
    615 (defun org-fold-show-set-visibility (detail)
    616   "Set visibility around point according to DETAIL.
    617 DETAIL is either nil, `minimal', `local', `ancestors',
    618 `ancestors-full', `lineage', `tree', `canonical' or t.  See
    619 `org-show-context-detail' for more information."
    620   ;; Show current heading and possibly its entry, following headline
    621   ;; or all children.
    622   (if (and (org-at-heading-p) (not (eq detail 'local)))
    623       (org-fold-heading nil)
    624     (org-fold-show-entry)
    625     ;; If point is hidden make sure to expose it.
    626     (when (org-invisible-p)
    627       ;; FIXME: No clue why, but otherwise the following might not work.
    628       (redisplay)
    629       (let ((region (org-fold-get-region-at-point)))
    630         ;; Reveal emphasis markers.
    631         (when (eq detail 'local)
    632           (let (org-hide-emphasis-markers
    633                 org-link-descriptive
    634                 org-pretty-entities
    635                 (org-hide-macro-markers nil)
    636                 (region (or (org-find-text-property-region (point) 'org-emphasis)
    637                             (org-find-text-property-region (point) 'org-macro)
    638                             (org-find-text-property-region (point) 'invisible)
    639                             region)))
    640             ;; Silence byte-compiler.
    641             (ignore org-hide-macro-markers)
    642             (when region
    643               (org-with-point-at (car region)
    644                 (beginning-of-line)
    645                 (let (font-lock-extend-region-functions)
    646                   (font-lock-fontify-region (max (point-min) (1- (car region))) (cdr region))))))
    647           ;; Unfold links.
    648           (when region
    649             (dolist (spec '(org-link org-link-description))
    650               (org-fold-region (car region) (cdr region) nil spec))))
    651         (when region
    652           (dolist (spec (org-fold-core-folding-spec-list))
    653             ;; Links are taken care by above.
    654             (unless (memq spec '(org-link org-link-description))
    655               (org-fold-region (car region) (cdr region) nil spec))))))
    656     (unless (org-before-first-heading-p)
    657       (org-with-limited-levels
    658        (cl-case detail
    659 	 ((tree canonical t) (org-fold-show-children))
    660 	 ((nil minimal ancestors ancestors-full))
    661 	 (t (save-excursion
    662 	      (outline-next-heading)
    663 	      (org-fold-heading nil)))))))
    664   ;; Show whole subtree.
    665   (when (eq detail 'ancestors-full) (org-fold-show-subtree))
    666   ;; Show all siblings.
    667   (when (eq detail 'lineage) (org-fold-show-siblings))
    668   ;; Show ancestors, possibly with their children.
    669   (when (memq detail '(ancestors ancestors-full lineage tree canonical t))
    670     (save-excursion
    671       (while (org-up-heading-safe)
    672 	(org-fold-heading nil)
    673 	(when (memq detail '(canonical t)) (org-fold-show-entry))
    674 	(when (memq detail '(tree canonical t)) (org-fold-show-children))))))
    676 (defun org-fold-reveal (&optional siblings)
    677   "Show current entry, hierarchy above it, and the following headline.
    679 This can be used to show a consistent set of context around
    680 locations exposed with `org-fold-show-context'.
    682 With optional argument SIBLINGS, on each level of the hierarchy all
    683 siblings are shown.  This repairs the tree structure to what it would
    684 look like when opened with hierarchical calls to `org-cycle'.
    686 With a \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] prefix, \
    687 go to the parent and show the entire tree."
    688   (interactive "P")
    689   (run-hooks 'org-fold-reveal-start-hook)
    690   (cond ((equal siblings '(4)) (org-fold-show-set-visibility 'canonical))
    691 	((equal siblings '(16))
    692 	 (save-excursion
    693 	   (when (org-up-heading-safe)
    694 	     (org-fold-show-subtree)
    695 	     (run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'subtree))))
    696 	(t (org-fold-show-set-visibility 'lineage))))
    698 ;;; Make isearch search in some text hidden via text properties.
    700 (defun org-fold--isearch-reveal (&rest _)
    701   "Reveal text at POS found by isearch."
    702   (org-fold-show-context 'isearch))
    704 ;;; Handling changes in folded elements
    706 (defun org-fold--extend-changed-region (from to)
    707   "Consider folded regions in the next/previous line when fixing
    708 region visibility.
    709 This function is intended to be used as a member of
    710 `org-fold-core-extend-changed-region-functions'."
    711   ;; If the edit is done in the first line of a folded drawer/block,
    712   ;; the folded text is only starting from the next line and needs to
    713   ;; be checked.
    714   (setq to (save-excursion (goto-char to) (line-beginning-position 2)))
    715   ;; If the ":END:" line of the drawer is deleted, the folded text is
    716   ;; only ending at the previous line and needs to be checked.
    717   (setq from (save-excursion (goto-char from) (line-beginning-position 0)))
    718   (cons from to))
    720 (defun org-fold--reveal-headline-at-point ()
    721   "Reveal header line and empty contents inside.
    722 Reveal the header line and, if present, also reveal its contents, when
    723 the contents consists of blank lines.
    725 Assume that point is located at the header line."
    726   (org-with-wide-buffer
    727    (beginning-of-line)
    728    (org-fold-region
    729     (max (point-min) (1- (point)))
    730     (let ((endl (line-end-position)))
    731       (save-excursion
    732         (goto-char endl)
    733         (skip-chars-forward "\n\t\r ")
    734         ;; Unfold blank lines after newly inserted headline.
    735         (if (equal (point)
    736                    (save-excursion
    737                      (goto-char endl)
    738                      (org-end-of-subtree)
    739                      (skip-chars-forward "\n\t\r ")))
    740             (point)
    741           endl)))
    742     nil 'headline)))
    744 (defun org-fold--reveal-outline-maybe (region _)
    745   "Reveal folded outline in REGION when needed.
    747 This function is intended to be used as :fragile property of
    748 `org-fold-outline' spec.  See `org-fold-core--specs' for details."
    749   (save-match-data
    750     (org-with-wide-buffer
    751      (goto-char (car region))
    752      ;; The line before beginning of the fold should be either a
    753      ;; headline or a list item.
    754      (backward-char)
    755      (beginning-of-line)
    756      ;; Make sure that headline is not partially hidden.
    757      (unless (org-fold-folded-p nil 'headline)
    758        (org-fold--reveal-headline-at-point))
    759      ;; Never hide level 1 headlines
    760      (save-excursion
    761        (goto-char (line-end-position))
    762        (unless (>= (point) (cdr region))
    763          (when (re-search-forward (rx bol "* ") (cdr region) t)
    764            (org-fold--reveal-headline-at-point))))
    765      ;; Make sure that headline after is not partially hidden.
    766      (goto-char (cdr region))
    767      (beginning-of-line)
    768      (unless (org-fold-folded-p nil 'headline)
    769        (when (looking-at-p org-element-headline-re)
    770          (org-fold--reveal-headline-at-point)))
    771      ;; Check the validity of headline
    772      (goto-char (car region))
    773      (backward-char)
    774      (beginning-of-line)
    775      (unless (let ((case-fold-search t))
    776 	       (looking-at (rx-to-string
    777                             `(or (regex ,(org-item-re))
    778 			         (regex ,org-outline-regexp-bol)))))
    779        t))))
    781 (defun org-fold--reveal-drawer-or-block-maybe (region spec)
    782   "Reveal folded drawer/block (according to SPEC) in REGION when needed.
    784 This function is intended to be used as :fragile property of
    785 `org-fold-drawer' or `org-fold-block' spec."
    786   (let ((begin-re (cond
    787 		   ((eq spec (org-fold-core-get-folding-spec-from-alias 'drawer))
    788 		    org-drawer-regexp)
    789 		   ;; Group one below contains the type of the block.
    790 		   ((eq spec (org-fold-core-get-folding-spec-from-alias 'block))
    791 		    (rx bol (zero-or-more (any " " "\t"))
    792 			"#+begin"
    793 			(or ":"
    794 			    (seq "_"
    795 				 (group (one-or-more (not (syntax whitespace))))))))))
    796         ;; To be determined later. May depend on `begin-re' match (i.e. for blocks).
    797         end-re)
    798     (save-match-data ; we should not clobber match-data in after-change-functions
    799       (let ((fold-begin (car region))
    800 	    (fold-end (cdr region)))
    801 	(let (unfold?)
    802 	  (catch :exit
    803 	    ;; The line before folded text should be beginning of
    804 	    ;; the drawer/block.
    805 	    (save-excursion
    806 	      (goto-char fold-begin)
    807 	      ;; The line before beginning of the fold should be the
    808 	      ;; first line of the drawer/block.
    809 	      (backward-char)
    810 	      (beginning-of-line)
    811 	      (unless (let ((case-fold-search t))
    812 			(looking-at begin-re)) ; the match-data will be used later
    813 		(throw :exit (setq unfold? t))))
    814             ;; Set `end-re' for the current drawer/block.
    815             (setq end-re
    816 		  (cond
    817 		   ((eq spec (org-fold-core-get-folding-spec-from-alias 'drawer))
    818                     org-property-end-re)
    819 		   ((eq spec (org-fold-core-get-folding-spec-from-alias 'block))
    820 		    (let ((block-type (match-string 1))) ; the last match is from `begin-re'
    821 		      (concat (rx bol (zero-or-more (any " " "\t")) "#+end")
    822 			      (if block-type
    823 				  (concat "_"
    824 					  (regexp-quote block-type)
    825 					  (rx (zero-or-more (any " " "\t")) eol))
    826 				(rx (opt ":") (zero-or-more (any " " "\t")) eol)))))))
    827 	    ;; The last line of the folded text should match `end-re'.
    828 	    (save-excursion
    829 	      (goto-char fold-end)
    830 	      (beginning-of-line)
    831 	      (unless (let ((case-fold-search t))
    832 			(looking-at end-re))
    833 		(throw :exit (setq unfold? t))))
    834 	    ;; There should be no `end-re' or
    835 	    ;; `org-outline-regexp-bol' anywhere in the
    836 	    ;; drawer/block body.
    837 	    (save-excursion
    838 	      (goto-char fold-begin)
    839 	      (when (save-excursion
    840 		      (let ((case-fold-search t))
    841 			(re-search-forward (rx-to-string `(or (regex ,end-re)
    842 						              (regex ,org-outline-regexp-bol)))
    843 					   (max (point)
    844 						(1- (save-excursion
    845 						      (goto-char fold-end)
    846 						      (line-beginning-position))))
    847 					   t)))
    848 		(throw :exit (setq unfold? t)))))
    849           unfold?)))))
    851 ;; Catching user edits inside invisible text
    852 (defun org-fold-check-before-invisible-edit (kind)
    853   "Check if editing KIND is dangerous with invisible text around.
    854 The detailed reaction depends on the user option
    855 `org-fold-catch-invisible-edits'."
    856   ;; First, try to get out of here as quickly as possible, to reduce overhead
    857   (when (and org-fold-catch-invisible-edits
    858 	     (or (not (boundp 'visible-mode)) (not visible-mode))
    859 	     (or (org-invisible-p)
    860 		 (org-invisible-p (max (point-min) (1- (point))))))
    861     ;; OK, we need to take a closer look.  Only consider invisibility
    862     ;; caused by folding of headlines, drawers, and blocks.  Edits
    863     ;; inside links will be handled by font-lock.
    864     (let* ((invisible-at-point (org-fold-folded-p (point) '(headline drawer block)))
    865 	   (invisible-before-point
    866 	    (and (not (bobp))
    867 	         (org-fold-folded-p (1- (point)) '(headline drawer block))))
    868 	   (border-and-ok-direction
    869 	    (or
    870 	     ;; Check if we are acting predictably before invisible
    871 	     ;; text.
    872 	     (and invisible-at-point (not invisible-before-point)
    873 		  (memq kind '(insert delete-backward)))
    874              ;; Check if we are acting predictably after invisible text
    875              ;; This works not well, and I have turned it off.  It seems
    876              ;; better to always show and stop after invisible text.
    877              ;; (and (not invisible-at-point) invisible-before-point
    878              ;;  (memq kind '(insert delete)))
    879              )))
    880       (when (or invisible-at-point invisible-before-point)
    881 	(when (eq org-fold-catch-invisible-edits 'error)
    882 	  (user-error "Editing in invisible areas is prohibited, make them visible first"))
    883 	(if (and org-custom-properties-overlays
    884 		 (y-or-n-p "Display invisible properties in this buffer? "))
    885 	    (org-toggle-custom-properties-visibility)
    886 	  ;; Make the area visible
    887           (save-excursion
    888 	    (org-fold-show-set-visibility 'local))
    889           (when invisible-before-point
    890             (org-with-point-at (1- (point)) (org-fold-show-set-visibility 'local)))
    891 	  (cond
    892 	   ((eq org-fold-catch-invisible-edits 'show)
    893 	    ;; That's it, we do the edit after showing
    894 	    (message
    895 	     "Unfolding invisible region around point before editing")
    896 	    (sit-for 1))
    897 	   ((and (eq org-fold-catch-invisible-edits 'smart)
    898 		 border-and-ok-direction)
    899 	    (message "Unfolding invisible region around point before editing"))
    900 	   (t
    901 	    ;; Don't do the edit, make the user repeat it in full visibility
    902 	    (user-error "Edit in invisible region aborted, repeat to confirm with text visible"))))))))
    904 (provide 'org-fold)
    906 ;;; org-fold.el ends here