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org-datetree.el (10304B)

      1 ;;; org-datetree.el --- Create date entries in a tree -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;;
      9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;;
     11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; This file contains code to create entries in a tree where the top-level
     28 ;; nodes represent years, the level 2 nodes represent the months, and the
     29 ;; level 1 entries days.
     31 ;;; Code:
     33 (require 'org-macs)
     34 (org-assert-version)
     36 (require 'org)
     38 (defvar org-datetree-base-level 1
     39   "The level at which years should be placed in the date tree.
     40 This is normally one, but if the buffer has an entry with a
     41 DATE_TREE (or WEEK_TREE for ISO week entries) property (any
     42 value), the date tree will become a subtree under that entry, so
     43 the base level will be properly adjusted.")
     45 (defcustom org-datetree-add-timestamp nil
     46   "When non-nil, add a time stamp matching date of entry.
     47 Added time stamp is active unless value is `inactive'."
     48   :group 'org-capture
     49   :version "24.3"
     50   :type '(choice
     51 	  (const :tag "Do not add a time stamp" nil)
     52 	  (const :tag "Add an inactive time stamp" inactive)
     53 	  (const :tag "Add an active time stamp" active)))
     55 ;;;###autoload
     56 (defun org-datetree-find-date-create (d &optional keep-restriction)
     57   "Find or create a day entry for date D.
     58 If KEEP-RESTRICTION is non-nil, do not widen the buffer.
     59 When it is nil, the buffer will be widened to make sure an existing date
     60 tree can be found.  If it is the symbol `subtree-at-point', then the tree
     61 will be built under the headline at point."
     62   (org-datetree--find-create-group d 'day keep-restriction))
     64 ;;;###autoload
     65 (defun org-datetree-find-month-create (d &optional keep-restriction)
     66   "Find or create a month entry for date D.
     67 Compared to `org-datetree-find-date-create' this function creates
     68 entries grouped by month instead of days.
     69 If KEEP-RESTRICTION is non-nil, do not widen the buffer.
     70 When it is nil, the buffer will be widened to make sure an existing date
     71 tree can be found.  If it is the symbol `subtree-at-point', then the tree
     72 will be built under the headline at point."
     73   (org-datetree--find-create-group d 'month keep-restriction))
     75 (defun org-datetree--find-create-group
     76     (d time-grouping &optional keep-restriction)
     77   "Find or create an entry for date D.
     78 If time-period is day, group entries by day.
     79 If time-period is month, then group entries by month."
     80   (setq-local org-datetree-base-level 1)
     81   (save-restriction
     82     (if (eq keep-restriction 'subtree-at-point)
     83 	(progn
     84 	  (unless (org-at-heading-p) (error "Not at heading"))
     85 	  (widen)
     86 	  (org-narrow-to-subtree)
     87 	  (setq-local org-datetree-base-level
     88 		      (org-get-valid-level (org-current-level) 1)))
     89       (unless keep-restriction (widen))
     90       ;; Support the old way of tree placement, using a property
     91       (let ((prop (org-find-property "DATE_TREE")))
     92 	(when prop
     93 	  (goto-char prop)
     94 	  (setq-local org-datetree-base-level
     95 		      (org-get-valid-level (org-current-level) 1))
     96 	  (org-narrow-to-subtree))))
     97     (goto-char (point-min))
     98     (let ((year (calendar-extract-year d))
     99 	  (month (calendar-extract-month d))
    100 	  (day (calendar-extract-day d)))
    101       (org-datetree--find-create
    102        "^\\*+[ \t]+\\([12][0-9]\\{3\\}\\)\\(\\s-*?\
    103 \\([ \t]:[[:alnum:]:_@#%%]+:\\)?\\s-*$\\)"
    104        year)
    105       (org-datetree--find-create
    106        "^\\*+[ \t]+%d-\\([01][0-9]\\) \\w+$"
    107        year month)
    108       (when (eq time-grouping 'day)
    109 	(org-datetree--find-create
    110 	 "^\\*+[ \t]+%d-%02d-\\([0123][0-9]\\) \\w+$"
    111 	 year month day)))))
    113 ;;;###autoload
    114 (defun org-datetree-find-iso-week-create (d &optional keep-restriction)
    115   "Find or create an ISO week entry for date D.
    116 Compared to `org-datetree-find-date-create' this function creates
    117 entries ordered by week instead of months.
    118 When it is nil, the buffer will be widened to make sure an existing date
    119 tree can be found.  If it is the symbol `subtree-at-point', then the tree
    120 will be built under the headline at point."
    121   (setq-local org-datetree-base-level 1)
    122   (save-restriction
    123     (if (eq keep-restriction 'subtree-at-point)
    124 	(progn
    125 	  (unless (org-at-heading-p) (error "Not at heading"))
    126 	  (widen)
    127 	  (org-narrow-to-subtree)
    128 	  (setq-local org-datetree-base-level
    129 		      (org-get-valid-level (org-current-level) 1)))
    130       (unless keep-restriction (widen))
    131       ;; Support the old way of tree placement, using a property
    132       (let ((prop (org-find-property "WEEK_TREE")))
    133 	(when prop
    134 	  (goto-char prop)
    135 	  (setq-local org-datetree-base-level
    136 		      (org-get-valid-level (org-current-level) 1))
    137 	  (org-narrow-to-subtree))))
    138     (goto-char (point-min))
    139     (require 'cal-iso)
    140     (let* ((year (calendar-extract-year d))
    141 	   (month (calendar-extract-month d))
    142 	   (day (calendar-extract-day d))
    143 	   (time (org-encode-time 0 0 0 day month year))
    144 	   (iso-date (calendar-iso-from-absolute
    145 		      (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d)))
    146 	   (weekyear (nth 2 iso-date))
    147 	   (week (nth 0 iso-date)))
    148       ;; ISO 8601 week format is %G-W%V(-%u)
    149       (org-datetree--find-create
    150        "^\\*+[ \t]+\\([12][0-9]\\{3\\}\\)\\(\\s-*?\
    151 \\([ \t]:[[:alnum:]:_@#%%]+:\\)?\\s-*$\\)"
    152        weekyear nil nil
    153        (format-time-string "%G" time))
    154       (org-datetree--find-create
    155        "^\\*+[ \t]+%d-W\\([0-5][0-9]\\)$"
    156        weekyear week nil
    157        (format-time-string "%G-W%V" time))
    158       ;; For the actual day we use the regular date instead of ISO week.
    159       (org-datetree--find-create
    160        "^\\*+[ \t]+%d-%02d-\\([0123][0-9]\\) \\w+$"
    161        year month day))))
    163 (defun org-datetree--find-create
    164     (regex-template year &optional month day insert)
    165   "Find the datetree matched by REGEX-TEMPLATE for YEAR, MONTH, or DAY.
    166 REGEX-TEMPLATE is passed to `format' with YEAR, MONTH, and DAY as
    167 arguments.  Match group 1 is compared against the specified date
    168 component.  If INSERT is non-nil and there is no match then it is
    169 inserted into the buffer."
    170   (when (or month day)
    171     (org-narrow-to-subtree))
    172   (let ((re (format regex-template year month day))
    173 	match)
    174     (goto-char (point-min))
    175     (while (and (setq match (re-search-forward re nil t))
    176 		(goto-char (match-beginning 1))
    177 		(< (string-to-number (match-string 1)) (or day month year))))
    178     (cond
    179      ((not match)
    180       (goto-char (point-max))
    181       (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
    182       (org-datetree-insert-line year month day insert))
    183      ((= (string-to-number (match-string 1)) (or day month year))
    184       (beginning-of-line))
    185      (t
    186       (beginning-of-line)
    187       (org-datetree-insert-line year month day insert)))))
    189 (defun org-datetree-insert-line (year &optional month day text)
    190   (delete-region (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (point)) (point))
    191   (when (org--blank-before-heading-p) (insert "\n"))
    192   (insert "\n" (make-string org-datetree-base-level ?*) " \n")
    193   (backward-char)
    194   (when month (org-do-demote))
    195   (when day (org-do-demote))
    196   (if text
    197       (insert text)
    198     (insert (format "%d" year))
    199     (when month
    200       (insert
    201        (if day
    202 	   (format-time-string "-%m-%d %A" (org-encode-time 0 0 0 day month year))
    203 	 (format-time-string "-%m %B" (org-encode-time 0 0 0 1 month year))))))
    204   (when (and day org-datetree-add-timestamp)
    205     (save-excursion
    206       (insert "\n")
    207       (org-indent-line)
    208       (org-insert-time-stamp
    209        (org-encode-time 0 0 0 day month year)
    210        nil
    211        (eq org-datetree-add-timestamp 'inactive))))
    212   (beginning-of-line))
    214 (defun org-datetree-file-entry-under (txt d)
    215   "Insert a node TXT into the date tree under date D."
    216   (org-datetree-find-date-create d)
    217   (let ((level (org-get-valid-level (funcall outline-level) 1)))
    218     (org-end-of-subtree t t)
    219     (org-back-over-empty-lines)
    220     (org-paste-subtree level txt)))
    222 (defun org-datetree-cleanup ()
    223   "Make sure all entries in the current tree are under the correct date.
    224 It may be useful to restrict the buffer to the applicable portion
    225 before running this command, even though the command tries to be smart."
    226   (interactive)
    227   (goto-char (point-min))
    228   (let ((dre (concat "\\<" org-deadline-string "\\>[ \t]*\\'"))
    229 	(sre (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string "\\>[ \t]*\\'")))
    230     (while (re-search-forward org-ts-regexp nil t)
    231       (catch 'next
    232 	(let ((tmp (buffer-substring
    233 		    (max (line-beginning-position)
    234 			 (- (match-beginning 0) org-ds-keyword-length))
    235 		    (match-beginning 0))))
    236 	  (when (or (string-suffix-p "-" tmp)
    237 		    (string-match dre tmp)
    238 		    (string-match sre tmp))
    239 	    (throw 'next nil))
    240 	  (let* ((dct (decode-time (org-time-string-to-time (match-string 0))))
    241 		 (date (list (nth 4 dct) (nth 3 dct) (nth 5 dct)))
    242 		 (year (nth 2 date))
    243 		 (month (car date))
    244 		 (day (nth 1 date))
    245 		 (pos (point))
    246 		 (hdl-pos (progn (org-back-to-heading t) (point))))
    247 	    (unless (org-up-heading-safe)
    248 	      ;; No parent, we are not in a date tree.
    249 	      (goto-char pos)
    250 	      (throw 'next nil))
    251 	    (unless (looking-at "\\*+[ \t]+[0-9]+-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]")
    252 	      ;; Parent looks wrong, we are not in a date tree.
    253 	      (goto-char pos)
    254 	      (throw 'next nil))
    255 	    (when (looking-at (format "\\*+[ \t]+%d-%02d-%02d" year month day))
    256 	      ;; At correct date already, do nothing.
    257 	      (goto-char pos)
    258 	      (throw 'next nil))
    259 	    ;; OK, we need to refile this entry.
    260 	    (goto-char hdl-pos)
    261 	    (org-cut-subtree)
    262 	    (save-excursion
    263 	      (save-restriction
    264 		(org-datetree-file-entry-under (current-kill 0) date)))))))))
    266 (provide 'org-datetree)
    268 ;; Local variables:
    269 ;; generated-autoload-file: "org-loaddefs.el"
    270 ;; End:
    272 ;;; org-datetree.el ends here