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org-crypt.el (11656B)

      1 ;;; org-crypt.el --- Public Key Encryption for Org Entries -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      2 ;;
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: John Wiegley <>
      7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
      8 ;;
      9 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     14 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     20 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     22 ;;; Commentary:
     24 ;; Right now this is just a set of functions to play with.  It depends
     25 ;; on the epg library.  Here's how you would use it:
     26 ;;
     27 ;; 1. To mark an entry for encryption, tag the heading with "crypt".
     28 ;;    You can change the tag to any complex tag matching string by
     29 ;;    setting the `org-crypt-tag-matcher' variable.
     30 ;;
     31 ;; 2. Set the encryption key to use in the `org-crypt-key' variable,
     32 ;;    or use `M-x org-set-property' to set the property CRYPTKEY to
     33 ;;    any address in your public keyring.  The text of the entry (but
     34 ;;    not its properties or headline) will be encrypted for this user.
     35 ;;    For them to read it, the corresponding secret key must be
     36 ;;    located in the secret key ring of the account where you try to
     37 ;;    decrypt it.  This makes it possible to leave secure notes that
     38 ;;    only the intended recipient can read in a shared-org-mode-files
     39 ;;    scenario.
     40 ;;    If the key is not set, org-crypt will default to symmetric encryption.
     41 ;;
     42 ;; 3. To later decrypt an entry, use `org-decrypt-entries' or
     43 ;;    `org-decrypt-entry'.  It might be useful to bind this to a key,
     44 ;;    like C-c C-/.
     45 ;;
     46 ;; 4. To automatically encrypt all necessary entries when saving a
     47 ;;    file, call `org-crypt-use-before-save-magic' after loading
     48 ;;    org-crypt.el.
     50 ;;; Thanks:
     52 ;; - Carsten Dominik
     53 ;; - Vitaly Ostanin
     55 ;;; Code:
     57 (require 'org-macs)
     58 (org-assert-version)
     60 (require 'org-macs)
     61 (require 'org-compat)
     63 (declare-function epg-decrypt-string "epg" (context cipher))
     64 (declare-function epg-list-keys "epg" (context &optional name mode))
     65 (declare-function epg-make-context "epg"
     66 		  (&optional protocol armor textmode include-certs
     67 			     cipher-algorithm digest-algorithm
     68 			     compress-algorithm))
     69 (declare-function epg-encrypt-string "epg"
     70 		  (context plain recipients &optional sign always-trust))
     71 (defvar epg-context)
     73 (declare-function org-back-over-empty-lines "org" ())
     74 (declare-function org-back-to-heading "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
     75 (declare-function org-before-first-heading-p "org" ())
     76 (declare-function org-end-of-meta-data "org" (&optional full))
     77 (declare-function org-end-of-subtree "org" (&optional invisible-ok to-heading))
     78 (declare-function org-entry-get "org" (pom property &optional inherit literal-nil))
     79 (declare-function org-fold-subtree "org-fold" (flag))
     80 (declare-function org-make-tags-matcher "org" (match))
     81 (declare-function org-previous-visible-heading "org" (arg))
     82 (declare-function org-scan-tags "org" (action matcher todo-only &optional start-level))
     83 (declare-function org-set-property "org" (property value))
     85 (defgroup org-crypt nil
     86   "Org Crypt."
     87   :tag "Org Crypt"
     88   :group 'org)
     90 (defcustom org-crypt-tag-matcher "crypt"
     91   "The tag matcher used to find headings whose contents should be encrypted.
     93 See the \"Match syntax\" section of the org manual for more details."
     94   :type 'string
     95   :group 'org-crypt)
     97 (defcustom org-crypt-key ""
     98   "The default key to use when encrypting the contents of a heading.
    100 If this variable is nil, always use symmetric encryption, unconditionally.
    102 Otherwise, The string is matched against all keys in the key ring.
    103 In particular, the empty string matches no key.  If no key is found,
    104 look for the `epa-file-encrypt-to' local variable.  Ultimately fall back
    105 to symmetric encryption.
    107 This setting can be overridden in the CRYPTKEY property."
    108   :group 'org-crypt
    109   :type '(choice
    110 	  (string :tag "Public key(s) matching")
    111 	  (const :tag "Symmetric encryption" nil)))
    113 (defcustom org-crypt-disable-auto-save 'ask
    114   "What org-decrypt should do if `auto-save-mode' is enabled.
    116 t        : Disable auto-save-mode for the current buffer
    117            prior to decrypting an entry.
    119 nil      : Leave auto-save-mode enabled.
    120            This may cause data to be written to disk unencrypted!
    122 `ask'    : Ask user whether or not to disable auto-save-mode
    123            for the current buffer.
    125 `encrypt': Leave auto-save-mode enabled for the current buffer,
    126            but automatically re-encrypt all decrypted entries
    127            *before* auto-saving.
    128            NOTE: This only works for entries which have a tag
    129            that matches `org-crypt-tag-matcher'."
    130   :group 'org-crypt
    131   :version "24.1"
    132   :type '(choice (const :tag "Always"  t)
    133                  (const :tag "Never"   nil)
    134                  (const :tag "Ask"     ask)
    135                  (const :tag "Encrypt" encrypt)))
    137 (defun org-crypt--encrypted-text (beg end)
    138   "Return encrypted text in between BEG and END."
    139   ;; Ignore indentation.
    140   (replace-regexp-in-string
    141    "^[ \t]*" ""
    142    (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
    144 (defun org-at-encrypted-entry-p ()
    145   "Is the current entry encrypted?
    146 When the entry is encrypted, return a pair (BEG . END) where BEG
    147 and END are buffer positions delimiting the encrypted area."
    148   (org-with-wide-buffer
    149    (unless (org-before-first-heading-p)
    150      (org-back-to-heading t)
    151      (org-end-of-meta-data 'standard)
    152      (let ((case-fold-search nil)
    153 	   (banner-start (rx (seq bol
    154 				  (zero-or-more (any "\t "))
    155 				  "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"
    156 				  eol))))
    157        (when (looking-at banner-start)
    158 	 (let ((start (point))
    159 	       (banner-end (rx (seq bol
    160 				    (or (group (zero-or-more (any "\t "))
    161 					       "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"
    162 					       eol)
    163 					(seq (one-or-more "*") " "))))))
    164 	   (when (and (re-search-forward banner-end nil t) (match-string 1))
    165 	     (cons start (line-beginning-position 2)))))))))
    167 (defun org-crypt-check-auto-save ()
    168   "Check whether auto-save-mode is enabled for the current buffer.
    170 `auto-save-mode' may cause leakage when decrypting entries, so
    171 check whether it's enabled, and decide what to do about it.
    173 See `org-crypt-disable-auto-save'."
    174   (when buffer-auto-save-file-name
    175     (cond
    176      ((or
    177        (eq org-crypt-disable-auto-save t)
    178        (and
    179 	(eq org-crypt-disable-auto-save 'ask)
    180 	(y-or-n-p "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage.  Disable it for current buffer? ")))
    181       (message "org-decrypt: Disabling auto-save-mode for %s"
    182                (or (buffer-file-name) (current-buffer)))
    183       ;; The argument to auto-save-mode has to be "-1", since
    184       ;; giving a "nil" argument toggles instead of disabling.
    185       (auto-save-mode -1))
    186      ((eq org-crypt-disable-auto-save nil)
    187       (message "org-decrypt: Decrypting entry with auto-save-mode enabled.  This may cause leakage."))
    188      ((eq org-crypt-disable-auto-save 'encrypt)
    189       (message "org-decrypt: Enabling re-encryption on auto-save.")
    190       (add-hook 'auto-save-hook
    191 		(lambda ()
    192 		  (message "org-crypt: Re-encrypting all decrypted entries due to auto-save.")
    193 		  (org-encrypt-entries))
    194 		nil t))
    195      (t nil))))
    197 (defun org-crypt-key-for-heading ()
    198   "Return the encryption key(s) for the current heading.
    199 Assume `epg-context' is set."
    200   (and org-crypt-key
    201        (or (epg-list-keys epg-context
    202 			  (pcase (org-entry-get nil "CRYPTKEY" 'selective 'literal-nil)
    203                             ("nil" "")
    204                             (key (or key org-crypt-key ""))))
    205 	   (bound-and-true-p epa-file-encrypt-to)
    206 	   (progn
    207 	     (message "No crypt key set, using symmetric encryption.")
    208 	     nil))))
    210 ;;;###autoload
    211 (defun org-encrypt-entry ()
    212   "Encrypt the content of the current headline."
    213   (interactive)
    214   (unless (org-at-encrypted-entry-p)
    215     (require 'epg)
    216     (setq-local epg-context (epg-make-context nil t t))
    217     (org-with-wide-buffer
    218      (org-back-to-heading t)
    219      (let ((start-heading (point))
    220 	   (crypt-key (org-crypt-key-for-heading))
    221 	   (folded? (org-invisible-p (line-beginning-position))))
    222        (org-end-of-meta-data 'standard)
    223        (let ((beg (point))
    224 	     (folded-heading
    225 	      (and folded?
    226 		   (save-excursion
    227 		     (org-previous-visible-heading 1)
    228 		     (point)))))
    229 	 (goto-char start-heading)
    230 	 (org-end-of-subtree t t)
    231 	 (org-back-over-empty-lines)
    232 	 (let* ((contents (delete-and-extract-region beg (point)))
    233 		(key (get-text-property 0 'org-crypt-key contents))
    234 		(checksum (get-text-property 0 'org-crypt-checksum contents)))
    235 	   (condition-case err
    236 	       (insert
    237 		;; Text and key have to be identical, otherwise we
    238 		;; re-crypt.
    239 		(if (and (equal crypt-key key)
    240 			 (string= checksum (sha1 contents)))
    241 		    (get-text-property 0 'org-crypt-text contents)
    242 		  (epg-encrypt-string epg-context contents crypt-key)))
    243 	     ;; If encryption failed, make sure to insert back entry
    244 	     ;; contents in the buffer.
    245 	     (error
    246 	      (insert contents)
    247 	      (error (error-message-string err)))))
    248 	 (when folded-heading
    249 	   (goto-char folded-heading)
    250 	   (org-fold-subtree t))
    251 	 nil)))))
    253 ;;;###autoload
    254 (defun org-decrypt-entry ()
    255   "Decrypt the content of the current headline."
    256   (interactive)
    257   (pcase (org-at-encrypted-entry-p)
    258     (`(,beg . ,end)
    259      (require 'epg)
    260      (setq-local epg-context (epg-make-context nil t t))
    261      (org-with-point-at beg
    262        (org-crypt-check-auto-save)
    263        (let* ((folded-heading
    264 	       (and (org-invisible-p)
    265 		    (save-excursion
    266 		      (org-previous-visible-heading 1)
    267 		      (point))))
    268 	      (encrypted-text (org-crypt--encrypted-text beg end))
    269 	      (decrypted-text
    270 	       (decode-coding-string
    271 		(epg-decrypt-string epg-context encrypted-text)
    272 		'utf-8)))
    273 	 ;; Delete region starting just before point, because the
    274 	 ;; outline property starts at the \n of the heading.
    275 	 (delete-region (1- (point)) end)
    276 	 ;; Store a checksum of the decrypted and the encrypted text
    277 	 ;; value.  This allows reusing the same encrypted text if the
    278 	 ;; text does not change, and therefore avoid a re-encryption
    279 	 ;; process.
    280 	 (insert "\n"
    281 		 (propertize decrypted-text
    282 			     'org-crypt-checksum (sha1 decrypted-text)
    283 			     'org-crypt-key (org-crypt-key-for-heading)
    284 			     'org-crypt-text encrypted-text))
    285 	 (when folded-heading
    286 	   (goto-char folded-heading)
    287 	   (org-fold-subtree t))
    288 	 nil)))
    289     (_ nil)))
    291 (defvar org--matcher-tags-todo-only)
    293 ;;;###autoload
    294 (defun org-encrypt-entries ()
    295   "Encrypt all top-level entries in the current buffer."
    296   (interactive)
    297   (let ((org--matcher-tags-todo-only nil))
    298     (org-scan-tags
    299      'org-encrypt-entry
    300      (cdr (org-make-tags-matcher org-crypt-tag-matcher))
    301      org--matcher-tags-todo-only)))
    303 ;;;###autoload
    304 (defun org-decrypt-entries ()
    305   "Decrypt all entries in the current buffer."
    306   (interactive)
    307   (let ((org--matcher-tags-todo-only nil))
    308     (org-scan-tags
    309      'org-decrypt-entry
    310      (cdr (org-make-tags-matcher org-crypt-tag-matcher))
    311      org--matcher-tags-todo-only)))
    313 ;;;###autoload
    314 (defun org-crypt-use-before-save-magic ()
    315   "Add a hook to automatically encrypt entries before a file is saved to disk."
    316   (add-hook
    317    'org-mode-hook
    318    (lambda () (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'org-encrypt-entries nil t))))
    320 (add-hook 'org-fold-reveal-start-hook 'org-decrypt-entry)
    322 (provide 'org-crypt)
    324 ;;; org-crypt.el ends here