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ol-mhe.el (7962B)

      1 ;;; ol-mhe.el --- Links to MH-E Messages             -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Thomas Baumann <thomas dot baumann at ch dot tum dot de>
      6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;;
      9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     10 ;;
     11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     24 ;;
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; This file implements links to MH-E messages from within Org.
     28 ;; Org mode loads this module by default - if this is not what you want,
     29 ;; configure the variable `org-modules'.
     31 ;;; Code:
     33 (require 'org-macs)
     34 (org-assert-version)
     36 (require 'org-macs)
     37 (require 'ol)
     39 ;; Customization variables
     41 (defcustom org-mhe-search-all-folders nil
     42   "Non-nil means the search for the mh-message may extend to all folders.
     43 When non-nil, the search for a message will extend to all other
     44 folders if it cannot be found in the folder given in the link.
     45 Searching all folders may be slow with the default pick based
     46 search but is very efficient with one of the other search engines
     47 supported by MH-E."
     48   :group 'org-link-follow
     49   :type 'boolean)
     51 ;; Declare external functions and variables
     52 (declare-function mh-display-msg "mh-show" (msg-num folder-name))
     53 (declare-function mh-find-path "mh-utils" ())
     54 (declare-function mh-get-header-field "mh-utils" (field))
     55 (declare-function mh-get-msg-num "mh-utils" (error-if-no-message))
     56 (declare-function mh-header-display "mh-show" ())
     57 (declare-function mh-index-previous-folder "mh-search" ())
     58 (declare-function mh-normalize-folder-name "mh-utils"
     59 		  (folder &optional empty-string-okay dont-remove-trailing-slash
     60 			  return-nil-if-folder-empty))
     61 (declare-function mh-search "mh-search"
     62 		  (folder search-regexp &optional redo-search-flag
     63 			  window-config))
     64 (declare-function mh-search-choose "mh-search" (&optional searcher))
     65 (declare-function mh-show "mh-show" (&optional message redisplay-flag))
     66 (declare-function mh-show-buffer-message-number "mh-comp" (&optional buffer))
     67 (declare-function mh-show-header-display "mh-show" t t)
     68 (declare-function mh-show-msg "mh-show" (msg))
     69 (declare-function mh-show-show "mh-show" t t)
     70 (declare-function mh-visit-folder "mh-folder" (folder &optional
     71 						      range index-data))
     72 (defvar mh-progs)
     73 (defvar mh-current-folder)
     74 (defvar mh-show-folder-buffer)
     75 (defvar mh-index-folder)
     76 (defvar mh-searcher)
     77 (defvar mh-search-regexp-builder)
     79 ;; Install the link type
     80 (org-link-set-parameters "mhe" :follow #'org-mhe-open :store #'org-mhe-store-link)
     82 ;; Implementation
     83 (defun org-mhe-store-link ()
     84   "Store a link to an MH-E folder or message."
     85   (when (or (eq major-mode 'mh-folder-mode)
     86 	    (eq major-mode 'mh-show-mode))
     87     (save-window-excursion
     88       (let* ((from (org-mhe-get-header "From:"))
     89 	     (to (org-mhe-get-header "To:"))
     90 	     (message-id (org-mhe-get-header "Message-Id:"))
     91 	     (subject (org-mhe-get-header "Subject:"))
     92 	     (date (org-mhe-get-header "Date:"))
     93 	     link desc)
     94 	(org-link-store-props :type "mh" :from from :to to :date date
     95 			      :subject subject :message-id message-id)
     96 	(setq desc (org-link-email-description))
     97 	(setq link (concat "mhe:" (org-mhe-get-message-real-folder) "#"
     98 			   (org-unbracket-string "<" ">" message-id)))
     99 	(org-link-add-props :link link :description desc)
    100 	link))))
    102 (defun org-mhe-open (path _)
    103   "Follow an MH-E message link specified by PATH."
    104   (let (folder article)
    105     (if (not (string-match "\\`\\([^#]+\\)\\(#\\(.*\\)\\)?" path))
    106 	(error "Error in MH-E link"))
    107     (setq folder (match-string 1 path)
    108 	  article (match-string 3 path))
    109     (org-mhe-follow-link folder article)))
    111 ;;; mh-e integration based on planner-mode
    112 (defun org-mhe-get-message-real-folder ()
    113   "Return the name of the real folder for the current message.
    114 So if you use sequences, it will now work."
    115   (save-excursion
    116     (let* ((folder
    117 	    (if (eq major-mode 'mh-folder-mode)
    118 		mh-current-folder
    119 	      ;; Refer to the show buffer
    120 	      mh-show-folder-buffer))
    121 	   (end-index
    122 	    (if (boundp 'mh-index-folder)
    123 		(min (length mh-index-folder) (length folder))))
    124 	   )
    125       ;; a simple test on mh-index-data does not work, because
    126       ;; mh-index-data is always nil in a show buffer.
    127       (if (and (boundp 'mh-index-folder)
    128 	       (string= mh-index-folder (substring folder 0 end-index)))
    129 	  (if (eq major-mode 'mh-show-mode)
    130 	      (save-window-excursion
    131 		(let (pop-up-frames)
    132 		  (when (buffer-live-p (get-buffer folder))
    133 		    (progn
    134 		      (pop-to-buffer folder)
    135 		      (org-mhe-get-message-folder-from-index)
    136 		      )
    137 		    )))
    138 	    (org-mhe-get-message-folder-from-index)
    139 	    )
    140 	folder
    141 	)
    142       )))
    144 (defun org-mhe-get-message-folder-from-index ()
    145   "Return the name of the message folder in an index folder buffer."
    146   (save-excursion
    147     (mh-index-previous-folder)
    148     (if (re-search-forward "^\\(\\+.*\\)$" nil t)
    149 	(message "%s" (match-string 1)))))
    151 (defun org-mhe-get-message-folder ()
    152   "Return the name of the current message folder.
    153 Be careful if you use sequences."
    154   (save-excursion
    155     (if (eq major-mode 'mh-folder-mode)
    156 	mh-current-folder
    157       ;; Refer to the show buffer
    158       mh-show-folder-buffer)))
    160 (defun org-mhe-get-message-num ()
    161   "Return the number of the current message.
    162 Be careful if you use sequences."
    163   (save-excursion
    164     (if (eq major-mode 'mh-folder-mode)
    165 	(mh-get-msg-num nil)
    166       ;; Refer to the show buffer
    167       (mh-show-buffer-message-number))))
    169 (defun org-mhe-get-header (header)
    170   "Return the field for HEADER of the message in folder mode.
    171 This will create a show buffer for the corresponding message.  If
    172 you have a better idea of how to do this then please let us know."
    173   (let* ((folder (org-mhe-get-message-folder))
    174 	 (num (org-mhe-get-message-num))
    175 	 (buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "show-" folder)))
    176 	 (header-field))
    177     (with-current-buffer buffer
    178       (mh-display-msg num folder)
    179       (if (eq major-mode 'mh-folder-mode)
    180 	  (mh-header-display)
    181 	(mh-show-header-display))
    182       (set-buffer buffer)
    183       (setq header-field (mh-get-header-field header))
    184       (if (eq major-mode 'mh-folder-mode)
    185 	  (mh-show)
    186 	(mh-show-show))
    187       (org-trim header-field))))
    189 (defun org-mhe-follow-link (folder article)
    190   "Follow an MH-E link to FOLDER and ARTICLE.
    191 If ARTICLE is nil FOLDER is shown.  If the configuration variable
    192 `org-mhe-search-all-folders' is t and `mh-searcher' is pick,
    193 ARTICLE is searched in all folders.  Indexed searches (swish++,
    194 namazu, and others supported by MH-E) will always search in all
    195 folders."
    196   (require 'mh-e)
    197   (require 'mh-search)
    198   (require 'mh-utils)
    199   (mh-find-path)
    200   (if (not article)
    201       (mh-visit-folder (mh-normalize-folder-name folder))
    202     (mh-search-choose)
    203     (if (eq mh-searcher 'pick)
    204 	(progn
    205 	  (setq article (org-link-add-angle-brackets article))
    206 	  (mh-search folder (list "--message-id" article))
    207 	  (when (and org-mhe-search-all-folders
    208 		     (not (org-mhe-get-message-real-folder)))
    209 	    (kill-buffer)
    210 	    (mh-search "+" (list "--message-id" article))))
    211       (if mh-search-regexp-builder
    212 	  (mh-search "+" (funcall mh-search-regexp-builder
    213 				  (list (cons 'message-id article))))
    214 	(mh-search "+" article)))
    215     (if (org-mhe-get-message-real-folder)
    216 	(mh-show-msg 1)
    217       (kill-buffer)
    218       (error "Message not found"))))
    220 (provide 'ol-mhe)
    222 ;;; ol-mhe.el ends here