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oc-basic.el (36178B)

      1 ;;; oc-basic.el --- basic back-end for citations  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <>
      7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
      9 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     14 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     20 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     22 ;;; Commentary:
     24 ;; The `basic' citation processor provides "activate", "follow", "export" and
     25 ;; "insert" capabilities.
     27 ;; "activate" capability re-uses default fontification, but provides additional
     28 ;; features on both correct and wrong keys according to the bibliography
     29 ;; defined in the document.
     31 ;; When the mouse is over a known key, it displays the corresponding
     32 ;; bibliography entry.  Any wrong key, however, is highlighted with `error'
     33 ;; face.  Moreover, moving the mouse onto it displays a list of suggested correct
     34 ;; keys, and pressing <mouse-1> on the faulty key will try to fix it according to
     35 ;; those suggestions.
     37 ;; On a citation key, "follow" capability moves point to the corresponding entry
     38 ;; in the current bibliography.  Elsewhere on the citation, it asks the user to
     39 ;; follow any of the keys cited there, with completion.
     41 ;; "export" capability supports the following citation styles:
     42 ;;
     43 ;;   - author (a), including caps (c) variant,
     44 ;;   - noauthor (na) including bare (b) variant,
     45 ;;   - text (t), including bare (b), caps (c), and bare-caps (bc) variants,
     46 ;;   - note (ft, including bare (b), caps (c), and bare-caps (bc) variants,
     47 ;;   - nocite (n)
     48 ;;   - numeric (nb),
     49 ;;   - default, including bare (b), caps (c), and bare-caps (bc) variants.
     50 ;;
     51 ;; It also supports the following styles for bibliography:
     52 ;;   - plain
     53 ;;   - numeric
     54 ;;   - author-year (default)
     56 ;; "insert" capability inserts or edits (with completion) citation style or
     57 ;; citation reference keys.  In an appropriate place, it offers to insert a new
     58 ;; citation.  With a prefix argument, it removes the one at point.
     60 ;; It supports bibliography files in BibTeX (".bibtex"), biblatex (".bib") and
     61 ;; JSON (".json") format.
     63 ;; Disclaimer: this citation processor is meant to be a proof of concept, and
     64 ;; possibly a fall-back mechanism when nothing else is available.  It is too
     65 ;; limited for any serious use case.
     67 ;;; Code:
     69 (require 'org-macs)
     70 (org-assert-version)
     72 (require 'bibtex)
     73 (require 'json)
     74 (require 'map)
     75 (require 'oc)
     76 (require 'seq)
     78 (declare-function org-open-at-point "org" (&optional arg))
     79 (declare-function org-open-file "org" (path &optional in-emacs line search))
     81 (declare-function org-element-interpret-data "org-element" (data))
     82 (declare-function org-element-property "org-element" (property element))
     83 (declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
     85 (declare-function org-export-data "org-export" (data info))
     86 (declare-function org-export-derived-backend-p "org-export" (backend &rest backends))
     87 (declare-function org-export-raw-string "org-export" (contents))
     90 ;;; Customization
     91 (defcustom org-cite-basic-sorting-field 'author
     92   "Field used to sort bibliography items as a symbol, or nil."
     93   :group 'org-cite
     94   :package-version '(Org . "9.5")
     95   :type 'symbol
     96   :safe #'symbolp)
     98 (defcustom org-cite-basic-author-year-separator ", "
     99   "String used to separate cites in an author-year configuration."
    100   :group 'org-cite
    101   :package-version '(Org . "9.5")
    102   :type 'string
    103   :safe #'stringp)
    105 (defcustom org-cite-basic-max-key-distance 2
    106   "Maximum (Levenshtein) distance between a wrong key and its suggestions."
    107   :group 'org-cite
    108   :package-version '(Org . "9.5")
    109   :type 'integer
    110   :safe #'integerp)
    112 (defcustom org-cite-basic-author-column-end 25
    113   "Column where author field ends in completion table, as an integer."
    114   :group 'org-cite
    115   :package-version '(Org . "9.5")
    116   :type 'integer
    117   :safe #'integerp)
    119 (defcustom org-cite-basic-column-separator "  "
    120   "Column separator in completion table, as a string."
    121   :group 'org-cite
    122   :package-version '(Org . "9.5")
    123   :type 'string
    124   :safe #'stringp)
    126 (defcustom org-cite-basic-mouse-over-key-face 'highlight
    127   "Face used when mouse is over a citation key."
    128   :group 'org-cite
    129   :package-version '(Org . "9.5")
    130   :type 'face
    131   :safe #'facep)
    134 ;;; Internal variables
    135 (defvar org-cite-basic--bibliography-cache nil
    136   "Cache for parsed bibliography files.
    138 This is an association list following the pattern:
    140   (FILE-ID . ENTRIES)
    142 FILE-ID is a cons cell (FILE . HASH), with FILE being the absolute file name of
    143 the bibliography file, and HASH a hash of its contents.
    145 ENTRIES is a hash table with citation references as keys and fields alist as
    146 values.")
    148 (defvar org-cite-basic--completion-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
    149   "Cache for key completion table.
    151 This is an a hash-table.")
    154 ;;; Internal functions
    155 (defun org-cite-basic--parse-json ()
    156   "Parse JSON entries in the current buffer.
    157 Return a hash table with citation references as keys and fields alist as values."
    158   (let ((entries (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    159     (let ((json-array-type 'list)
    160           (json-key-type 'symbol))
    161       (dolist (item (json-read))
    162         (puthash (cdr (assq 'id item))
    163                  (mapcar (pcase-lambda (`(,field . ,value))
    164                            (pcase field
    165                              ((or 'author 'editors)
    166                               ;; Author and editors are arrays of
    167                               ;; objects, each of them designing a
    168                               ;; person.  These objects may contain
    169                               ;; multiple properties, but for this
    170                               ;; basic processor, we'll focus on
    171                               ;; `given' and `family'.
    172                               ;;
    173                               ;; For compatibility with BibTeX, add
    174                               ;; "and" between authors and editors.
    175                               (cons field
    176                                     (mapconcat
    177                                      (lambda (alist)
    178                                        (concat (alist-get 'family alist)
    179                                                " "
    180                                                (alist-get 'given alist)))
    181                                      value
    182                                      " and ")))
    183                              ('issued
    184                               ;; Date are expressed as an array
    185                               ;; (`date-parts') or a "string (`raw'
    186                               ;; or `literal'). In both cases,
    187                               ;; extract the year and associate it
    188                               ;; to `year' field, for compatibility
    189                               ;; with BibTeX format.
    190                               (let ((date (or (alist-get 'date-parts value)
    191                                               (alist-get 'literal value)
    192                                               (alist-get 'raw value))))
    193                                 (cons 'year
    194                                       (cond
    195                                        ((consp date)
    196                                          (let ((year (caar date)))
    197                                            (cond
    198                                              ((numberp year) (number-to-string year))
    199                                              ((stringp year) year)
    200                                              (t
    201                                                (error
    202                                                  "First element of CSL-JSON date-parts should be a number or string, got %s: %S"
    203                                                  (type-of year) year)))))
    204                                        ((stringp date)
    205                                         (replace-regexp-in-string
    206                                           (rx
    207                                             (minimal-match (zero-or-more anything))
    208                                             (group-n 1 (repeat 4 digit))
    209                                             (zero-or-more anything))
    210                                           (rx (backref 1))
    211                                           date))
    212                                        (t
    213                                         (error "Unknown CSL-JSON date format: %S"
    214                                                value))))))
    215                              (_
    216                               (cons field value))))
    217                          item)
    218                  entries))
    219       entries)))
    221 (defun org-cite-basic--parse-bibtex (dialect)
    222   "Parse BibTeX entries in the current buffer.
    223 DIALECT is the BibTeX dialect used.  See `bibtex-dialect'.
    224 Return a hash table with citation references as keys and fields alist as values."
    225   (let ((entries (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
    226         (bibtex-sort-ignore-string-entries t))
    227     (bibtex-set-dialect dialect t)
    228     ;; Throw an error if bibliography is malformed.
    229     (unless (bibtex-validate)
    230       (user-error "Malformed bibliography at %S"
    231                   (or (buffer-file-name) (current-buffer))))
    232     (bibtex-map-entries
    233      (lambda (key &rest _)
    234        ;; Normalize entries: field names are turned into symbols
    235        ;; including special "=key=" and "=type=", and consecutive
    236        ;; white spaces are removed from values.
    237        (puthash key
    238                 (mapcar
    239                  (pcase-lambda (`(,field . ,value))
    240                    (pcase field
    241                      ("=key=" (cons 'id key))
    242                      ("=type=" (cons 'type value))
    243                      (_
    244                       (cons
    245                        (intern (downcase field))
    246                        (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n]+" " " value)))))
    247                  ;; Parse, substituting the @string replacements.
    248                  ;; See Emacs bug#56475 discussion.
    249                  (let ((bibtex-string-files `(,(buffer-file-name)))
    250                        (bibtex-expand-strings t))
    251                    (bibtex-parse-entry t)))
    252                 entries)))
    253     entries))
    255 (defvar org-cite-basic--file-id-cache nil
    256   "Hash table linking files to their hash.")
    257 (defun org-cite-basic--parse-bibliography (&optional info)
    258   "List all entries available in the buffer.
    260 Each association follows the pattern
    262   (FILE . ENTRIES)
    264 where FILE is the absolute file name of the BibTeX file, and ENTRIES is a hash
    265 table where keys are references and values are association lists between fields,
    266 as symbols, and values as strings or nil.
    268 Optional argument INFO is the export state, as a property list."
    269   (unless (hash-table-p org-cite-basic--file-id-cache)
    270     (setq org-cite-basic--file-id-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    271   (if (plist-member info :cite-basic/bibliography)
    272       (plist-get info :cite-basic/bibliography)
    273     (let ((results nil))
    274       (dolist (file (org-cite-list-bibliography-files))
    275         (when (file-readable-p file)
    276           (with-temp-buffer
    277             (when (or (org-file-has-changed-p file)
    278                       (not (gethash file org-cite-basic--file-id-cache)))
    279               (insert-file-contents file)
    280               (set-visited-file-name file t)
    281               (puthash file (org-buffer-hash) org-cite-basic--file-id-cache))
    282             (condition-case nil
    283                 (unwind-protect
    284 	            (let* ((file-id (cons file (gethash file org-cite-basic--file-id-cache)))
    285                            (entries
    286                             (or (cdr (assoc file-id org-cite-basic--bibliography-cache))
    287                                 (let ((table
    288                                        (pcase (file-name-extension file)
    289                                          ("json" (org-cite-basic--parse-json))
    290                                          ("bib" (org-cite-basic--parse-bibtex 'biblatex))
    291                                          ("bibtex" (org-cite-basic--parse-bibtex 'BibTeX))
    292                                          (ext
    293                                           (user-error "Unknown bibliography extension: %S"
    294                                                       ext)))))
    295                                   (push (cons file-id table) org-cite-basic--bibliography-cache)
    296                                   table))))
    297                       (push (cons file entries) results))
    298                   (set-visited-file-name nil t))
    299               (error (setq org-cite-basic--file-id-cache nil))))))
    300       (when info (plist-put info :cite-basic/bibliography results))
    301       results)))
    303 (defun org-cite-basic--key-number (key info)
    304   "Return number associated to cited KEY.
    305 INFO is the export state, as a property list."
    306   (let ((predicate
    307          (org-cite-basic--field-less-p org-cite-basic-sorting-field info)))
    308     (org-cite-key-number key info predicate)))
    310 (defun org-cite-basic--all-keys ()
    311   "List all keys available in current bibliography."
    312   (seq-mapcat (pcase-lambda (`(,_ . ,entries))
    313                 (map-keys entries))
    314               (org-cite-basic--parse-bibliography)))
    316 (defun org-cite-basic--get-entry (key &optional info)
    317   "Return BibTeX entry for KEY, as an association list.
    318 When non-nil, INFO is the export state, as a property list."
    319   (catch :found
    320     (pcase-dolist (`(,_ . ,entries) (org-cite-basic--parse-bibliography info))
    321       (let ((entry (gethash key entries)))
    322         (when entry (throw :found entry))))
    323     nil))
    325 (defun org-cite-basic--get-field (field entry-or-key &optional info raw)
    326   "Return FIELD value for ENTRY-OR-KEY, or nil.
    328 FIELD is a symbol.  ENTRY-OR-KEY is either an association list, as returned by
    329 `org-cite-basic--get-entry', or a string representing a citation key.
    331 Optional argument INFO is the export state, as a property list.
    333 Return value may be nil or a string.  If current export back-end is derived
    334 from `latex', return a raw string instead, unless optional argument RAW is
    335 non-nil."
    336   (let ((value
    337          (cdr
    338           (assq field
    339                 (pcase entry-or-key
    340                   ((pred stringp)
    341                    (org-cite-basic--get-entry entry-or-key info))
    342                   ((pred consp)
    343                    entry-or-key)
    344                   (_
    345                    (error "Wrong value for ENTRY-OR-KEY: %S" entry-or-key)))))))
    346     (if (and value
    347              (not raw)
    348              (org-export-derived-backend-p (plist-get info :back-end) 'latex))
    349         (org-export-raw-string value)
    350       value)))
    352 (defun org-cite-basic--shorten-names (names)
    353   "Return a list of family names from a list of full NAMES.
    355 To better accomomodate corporate names, this will only shorten
    356 personal names of the form \"family, given\"."
    357   (when (stringp names)
    358     (mapconcat
    359      (lambda (name)
    360        (if (eq 1 (length name))
    361            (cdr (split-string name))
    362          (car (split-string name ", "))))
    363      (split-string names " and ")
    364      ", ")))
    366 (defun org-cite-basic--number-to-suffix (n)
    367   "Compute suffix associated to number N.
    368 This is used for disambiguation."
    369   (let ((result nil))
    370     (apply #'string
    371            (mapcar (lambda (n) (+ 97 n))
    372                    (catch :complete
    373                      (while t
    374                        (push (% n 26) result)
    375                        (setq n (/ n 26))
    376                        (cond
    377                         ((= n 0) (throw :complete result))
    378                         ((< n 27) (throw :complete (cons (1- n) result)))
    379                         ((= n 27) (throw :complete (cons 0 (cons 0 result))))
    380                         (t nil))))))))
    382 (defun org-cite-basic--get-author (entry-or-key &optional info raw)
    383   "Return author associated to ENTRY-OR-KEY.
    385 ENTRY-OR-KEY, INFO and RAW arguments are the same arguments as
    386 used in `org-cite-basic--get-field', which see.
    388 Author is obtained from the \"author\" field, if available, or
    389 from the \"editor\" field otherwise."
    390   (or (org-cite-basic--get-field 'author entry-or-key info raw)
    391       (org-cite-basic--get-field 'editor entry-or-key info raw)))
    393 (defun org-cite-basic--get-year (entry-or-key info &optional no-suffix)
    394   "Return year associated to ENTRY-OR-KEY.
    396 ENTRY-OR-KEY is either an association list, as returned by
    397 `org-cite-basic--get-entry', or a string representing a citation
    398 key.  INFO is the export state, as a property list.
    400 Year is obtained from the \"year\" field, if available, or from
    401 the \"date\" field if it starts with a year pattern.
    403 Unlike `org-cite-basic--get-field', this function disambiguates
    404 author-year patterns by adding a letter suffix to the year when
    405 necessary, unless optional argument NO-SUFFIX is non-nil."
    406   ;; The cache is an association list with the following structure:
    407   ;;
    408   ;;    (AUTHOR-YEAR . KEY-SUFFIX-ALIST).
    409   ;;
    410   ;; AUTHOR-YEAR is the author year pair associated to current entry
    411   ;; or key.
    412   ;;
    413   ;; KEY-SUFFIX-ALIST is an association (KEY . SUFFIX), where KEY is
    414   ;; the cite key, as a string, and SUFFIX is the generated suffix
    415   ;; string, or the empty string.
    416   (let* ((author (org-cite-basic--get-author entry-or-key info 'raw))
    417          (year
    418           (or (org-cite-basic--get-field 'year entry-or-key info 'raw)
    419               (let ((date
    420                      (org-cite-basic--get-field 'date entry-or-key info t)))
    421                 (and (stringp date)
    422                      (string-match (rx string-start
    423                                        (group (= 4 digit))
    424                                        (or string-end (not digit)))
    425                                    date)
    426                      (match-string 1 date)))))
    427          (cache-key (cons author year))
    428          (key
    429           (pcase entry-or-key
    430             ((pred stringp) entry-or-key)
    431             ((pred consp) (cdr (assq 'id entry-or-key)))
    432             (_ (error "Wrong value for ENTRY-OR-KEY: %S" entry-or-key))))
    433          (cache (plist-get info :cite-basic/author-date-cache)))
    434     (pcase (assoc cache-key cache)
    435       ('nil
    436        (let ((value (cons cache-key (list (cons key "")))))
    437          (plist-put info :cite-basic/author-date-cache (cons value cache))
    438          year))
    439       (`(,_ . ,alist)
    440        (let ((suffix
    441               (or (cdr (assoc key alist))
    442                   (let ((new (org-cite-basic--number-to-suffix
    443                               (1- (length alist)))))
    444                     (push (cons key new) alist)
    445                     new))))
    446          (if no-suffix year (concat year suffix)))))))
    448 (defun org-cite-basic--print-entry (entry style &optional info)
    449   "Format ENTRY according to STYLE string.
    450 ENTRY is an alist, as returned by `org-cite-basic--get-entry'.
    451 Optional argument INFO is the export state, as a property list."
    452   (let ((author (org-cite-basic--get-author entry info))
    453         (title (org-cite-basic--get-field 'title entry info))
    454         (from
    455          (or (org-cite-basic--get-field 'publisher entry info)
    456              (org-cite-basic--get-field 'journal entry info)
    457              (org-cite-basic--get-field 'institution entry info)
    458              (org-cite-basic--get-field 'school entry info))))
    459     (pcase style
    460       ("plain"
    461        (let ((year (org-cite-basic--get-year entry info 'no-suffix)))
    462          (org-cite-concat
    463           (org-cite-basic--shorten-names author) ". "
    464           title (and from (list ", " from)) ", " year ".")))
    465       ("numeric"
    466        (let ((n (org-cite-basic--key-number (cdr (assq 'id entry)) info))
    467              (year (org-cite-basic--get-year entry info 'no-suffix)))
    468          (org-cite-concat
    469           (format "[%d] " n) author ", "
    470           (org-cite-emphasize 'italic title)
    471           (and from (list ", " from)) ", "
    472           year ".")))
    473       ;; Default to author-year.  Use year disambiguation there.
    474       (_
    475        (let ((year (org-cite-basic--get-year entry info)))
    476          (org-cite-concat
    477           author " (" year "). "
    478           (org-cite-emphasize 'italic title)
    479           (and from (list ", " from)) "."))))))
    482 ;;; "Activate" capability
    483 (defun org-cite-basic--close-keys (key keys)
    484   "List cite keys close to KEY in terms of string distance."
    485   (seq-filter (lambda (k)
    486                 (>= org-cite-basic-max-key-distance
    487                     (org-string-distance k key)))
    488               keys))
    490 (defun org-cite-basic--set-keymap (beg end suggestions)
    491   "Set keymap on citation key between BEG and END positions.
    493 When the key is know, SUGGESTIONS is nil.  Otherwise, it may be
    494 a list of replacement keys, as strings, which will be offered as
    495 substitutes for the unknown key.  Finally, it may be the symbol
    496 `all'."
    497   (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
    498     (define-key km (kbd "<mouse-1>")
    499       (pcase suggestions
    500         ('nil #'org-open-at-point)
    501         ('all #'org-cite-insert)
    502         (_
    503          (lambda ()
    504            (interactive)
    505            (save-excursion
    506              (goto-char beg)
    507              (delete-region beg end)
    508              (insert
    509               "@"
    510               (if (= 1 (length suggestions))
    511                   (car suggestions)
    512                 (completing-read "Did you mean: "
    513                                  suggestions nil t))))))))
    514     (put-text-property beg end 'keymap km)))
    516 (defun org-cite-basic-activate (citation)
    517   "Set various text properties on CITATION object.
    519 Fontify whole citation with `org-cite' face.  Fontify key with `error' face
    520 when it does not belong to known keys.  Otherwise, use `org-cite-key' face.
    522 Moreover, when mouse is on a known key, display the corresponding bibliography.
    523 On a wrong key, suggest a list of possible keys, and offer to substitute one of
    524 them with a mouse click."
    525   (pcase-let ((`(,beg . ,end) (org-cite-boundaries citation))
    526               (keys (org-cite-basic--all-keys)))
    527     (put-text-property beg end 'font-lock-multiline t)
    528     (add-face-text-property beg end 'org-cite)
    529     (dolist (reference (org-cite-get-references citation))
    530       (pcase-let* ((`(,beg . ,end) (org-cite-key-boundaries reference))
    531                    (key (org-element-property :key reference)))
    532         ;; Highlight key on mouse over.
    533         (put-text-property beg end
    534                            'mouse-face
    535                            org-cite-basic-mouse-over-key-face)
    536         (if (member key keys)
    537             ;; Activate a correct key.  Face is `org-cite-key' and
    538             ;; `help-echo' displays bibliography entry, for reference.
    539             ;; <mouse-1> calls `org-open-at-point'.
    540             (let* ((entry (org-cite-basic--get-entry key))
    541                    (bibliography-entry
    542                     (org-element-interpret-data
    543                      (org-cite-basic--print-entry entry "plain"))))
    544               (add-face-text-property beg end 'org-cite-key)
    545               (put-text-property beg end 'help-echo bibliography-entry)
    546               (org-cite-basic--set-keymap beg end nil))
    547           ;; Activate a wrong key.  Face is `error', `help-echo'
    548           ;; displays possible suggestions.
    549           (add-face-text-property beg end 'error)
    550           (let ((close-keys (org-cite-basic--close-keys key keys)))
    551             (when close-keys
    552               (put-text-property beg end 'help-echo
    553                                  (concat "Suggestions (mouse-1 to substitute): "
    554                                          (mapconcat #'identity close-keys " "))))
    555             ;; When the are close know keys, <mouse-1> provides
    556             ;; completion to fix the current one.  Otherwise, call
    557             ;; `org-cite-insert'.
    558             (org-cite-basic--set-keymap beg end (or close-keys 'all))))))))
    561 ;;; "Export" capability
    562 (defun org-cite-basic--format-author-year (citation format-cite format-ref info)
    563   "Format CITATION object according to author-year format.
    565 FORMAT-CITE is a function of three arguments: the global prefix, the contents,
    566 and the global suffix.  All arguments can be strings or secondary strings.
    568 FORMAT-REF is a function of four arguments: the reference prefix, as a string or
    569 secondary string, the author, the year, and the reference suffix, as a string or
    570 secondary string.
    572 INFO is the export state, as a property list."
    573   (org-export-data
    574    (funcall format-cite
    575             (org-element-property :prefix citation)
    576             (org-cite-mapconcat
    577              (lambda (ref)
    578                (let ((k (org-element-property :key ref))
    579                      (prefix (org-element-property :prefix ref))
    580                      (suffix (org-element-property :suffix ref)))
    581                  (funcall format-ref
    582                           prefix
    583                           (org-cite-basic--get-author k info)
    584                           (org-cite-basic--get-year k info)
    585                           suffix)))
    586              (org-cite-get-references citation)
    587              org-cite-basic-author-year-separator)
    588             (org-element-property :suffix citation))
    589    info))
    591 (defun org-cite-basic--citation-numbers (citation info)
    592   "Return numbers associated to references in CITATION object.
    593 INFO is the export state as a property list."
    594   (let* ((numbers
    595           (sort (mapcar (lambda (k) (org-cite-basic--key-number k info))
    596                         (org-cite-get-references citation t))
    597                 #'<))
    598          (last (car numbers))
    599          (result (list (number-to-string (pop numbers)))))
    600     ;; Use compact number references, i.e., "1, 2, 3" becomes "1-3".
    601     (while numbers
    602       (let ((current (pop numbers))
    603             (next (car numbers)))
    604         (cond
    605          ((and next
    606                (= current (1+ last))
    607                (= current (1- next)))
    608           (unless (equal "-" (car result))
    609             (push "-" result)))
    610          ((equal "-" (car result))
    611           (push (number-to-string current) result))
    612          (t
    613           (push (format ", %d" current) result)))
    614         (setq last current)))
    615     (apply #'concat (nreverse result))))
    617 (defun org-cite-basic--field-less-p (field info)
    618   "Return a sort predicate comparing FIELD values for two citation keys.
    619 INFO is the export state, as a property list."
    620   (and field
    621        (lambda (a b)
    622          (string-collate-lessp
    623           (org-cite-basic--get-field field a info 'raw)
    624           (org-cite-basic--get-field field b info 'raw)
    625           nil t))))
    627 (defun org-cite-basic--sort-keys (keys info)
    628   "Sort KEYS by author name.
    629 INFO is the export communication channel, as a property list."
    630   (let ((predicate (org-cite-basic--field-less-p org-cite-basic-sorting-field info)))
    631     (if predicate
    632         (sort keys predicate)
    633       keys)))
    635 (defun org-cite-basic-export-citation (citation style _ info)
    636   "Export CITATION object.
    637 STYLE is the expected citation style, as a pair of strings or nil.  INFO is the
    638 export communication channel, as a property list."
    639   (let ((has-variant-p
    640          (lambda (variant type)
    641            ;; Non-nil when style VARIANT has TYPE.  TYPE is either
    642            ;; `bare' or `caps'.
    643            (member variant
    644                    (pcase type
    645                      ('bare '("bare" "bare-caps" "b" "bc"))
    646                      ('caps '("caps" "bare-caps" "c" "bc"))
    647                      (_ (error "Invalid variant type: %S" type)))))))
    648     (pcase style
    649       ;; "author" style.
    650       (`(,(or "author" "a") . ,variant)
    651        (let ((caps (member variant '("caps" "c"))))
    652          (org-export-data
    653           (mapconcat
    654            (lambda (key)
    655              (let ((author (org-cite-basic--get-author key info)))
    656                (if caps (capitalize author) author)))
    657            (org-cite-get-references citation t)
    658            org-cite-basic-author-year-separator)
    659           info)))
    660       ;; "noauthor" style.
    661       (`(,(or "noauthor" "na") . ,variant)
    662        (format (if (funcall has-variant-p variant 'bare) "%s" "(%s)")
    663                (mapconcat (lambda (key) (org-cite-basic--get-year key info))
    664                           (org-cite-get-references citation t)
    665                           org-cite-basic-author-year-separator)))
    666       ;; "nocite" style.
    667       (`(,(or "nocite" "n") . ,_) nil)
    668       ;; "text" and "note" styles.
    669       (`(,(and (or "text" "note" "t" "ft") style) . ,variant)
    670        (when (and (member style '("note" "ft"))
    671                   (not (org-cite-inside-footnote-p citation)))
    672          (org-cite-adjust-note citation info)
    673          (org-cite-wrap-citation citation info))
    674        (let ((bare (funcall has-variant-p variant 'bare))
    675              (caps (funcall has-variant-p variant 'caps)))
    676          (org-cite-basic--format-author-year
    677           citation
    678           (lambda (p c s) (org-cite-concat p c s))
    679           (lambda (p a y s)
    680             (org-cite-concat p
    681                              (if caps (capitalize a) a)
    682                              (if bare " " " (")
    683                              y s
    684                              (and (not bare) ")")))
    685           info)))
    686       ;; "numeric" style.
    687       ;;
    688       ;; When using this style on citations with multiple references,
    689       ;; use global affixes and ignore local ones.
    690       (`(,(or "numeric" "nb") . ,_)
    691        (pcase-let ((`(,prefix . ,suffix) (org-cite-main-affixes citation)))
    692          (org-export-data
    693           (org-cite-concat
    694            "(" prefix (org-cite-basic--citation-numbers citation info) suffix ")")
    695           info)))
    696       ;; Default ("nil") style.
    697       (`(,_ . ,variant)
    698        (let ((bare (funcall has-variant-p variant 'bare))
    699              (caps (funcall has-variant-p variant 'caps)))
    700          (org-cite-basic--format-author-year
    701           citation
    702           (lambda (p c s)
    703             (org-cite-concat (and (not bare) "(") p c s (and (not bare) ")")))
    704           (lambda (p a y s)
    705             (org-cite-concat p (if caps (capitalize a) a) ", " y s))
    706           info)))
    707       ;; This should not happen.
    708       (_ (error "Invalid style: %S" style)))))
    710 (defun org-cite-basic-export-bibliography (keys _files style _props backend info)
    711   "Generate bibliography.
    712 KEYS is the list of cited keys, as strings.  STYLE is the expected bibliography
    713 style, as a string.  BACKEND is the export back-end, as a symbol.  INFO is the
    714 export state, as a property list."
    715   (mapconcat
    716    (lambda (entry)
    717      (org-export-data
    718       (org-cite-make-paragraph
    719        (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
    720             (org-export-raw-string "\\noindent\n"))
    721        (org-cite-basic--print-entry entry style info))
    722       info))
    723    (delq nil
    724          (mapcar
    725           (lambda (k) (org-cite-basic--get-entry k info))
    726           (org-cite-basic--sort-keys keys info)))
    727    "\n"))
    730 ;;; "Follow" capability
    731 (defun org-cite-basic-goto (datum _)
    732   "Follow citation or citation reference DATUM.
    733 When DATUM is a citation reference, open bibliography entry referencing
    734 the citation key.  Otherwise, select which key to follow among all keys
    735 present in the citation."
    736   (let* ((key
    737           (if (eq 'citation-reference (org-element-type datum))
    738               (org-element-property :key datum)
    739             (pcase (org-cite-get-references datum t)
    740               (`(,key) key)
    741               (keys
    742                (or (completing-read "Select citation key: " keys nil t)
    743                    (user-error "Aborted"))))))
    744          (file
    745           (pcase (seq-find (pcase-lambda (`(,_ . ,entries))
    746                              (gethash key entries))
    747                            (org-cite-basic--parse-bibliography))
    748             (`(,f . ,_) f)
    749             (_  (user-error "Cannot find citation key: %S" key)))))
    750     (org-open-file file '(4))
    751     (pcase (file-name-extension file)
    752       ("json"
    753        ;; `rx' can not be used with Emacs <27.1 since `literal' form
    754        ;; is not supported.
    755        (let ((regexp (rx-to-string `(seq "\"id\":" (0+ (any "[ \t]")) "\"" ,key "\"") t)))
    756          (goto-char (point-min))
    757          (re-search-forward regexp)
    758          (search-backward "{")))
    759       (_
    760        (bibtex-set-dialect)
    761        (bibtex-search-entry key)))))
    764 ;;; "Insert" capability
    765 (defun org-cite-basic--complete-style (_)
    766   "Offer completion for style.
    767 Return chosen style as a string."
    768   (let* ((styles
    769           (mapcar (pcase-lambda (`((,style . ,_) . ,_))
    770                     style)
    771                   (org-cite-supported-styles))))
    772     (pcase styles
    773       (`(,style) style)
    774       (_ (completing-read "Style (\"\" for default): " styles nil t)))))
    776 (defun org-cite-basic--key-completion-table ()
    777   "Return completion table for cite keys, as a hash table.
    779 In this hash table, keys are a strings with author, date, and
    780 title of the reference.  Values are the cite keys.
    782 Return nil if there are no bibliography files or no entries."
    783   ;; Populate bibliography cache.
    784   (let ((entries (org-cite-basic--parse-bibliography)))
    785     (cond
    786      ((null entries) nil)               ;no bibliography files
    787      ((gethash entries org-cite-basic--completion-cache)
    788       org-cite-basic--completion-cache)
    789      (t
    790       (clrhash org-cite-basic--completion-cache)
    791       (dolist (key (org-cite-basic--all-keys))
    792         (let* ((entry (org-cite-basic--get-entry
    793                        key
    794                        ;; Supply pre-calculated bibliography to avoid
    795                        ;; performance degradation.
    796                        (list :cite-basic/bibliography entries)))
    797                (completion
    798                 (concat
    799                  (let ((author (org-cite-basic--get-author entry nil 'raw)))
    800                    (if author
    801                        (truncate-string-to-width
    802                         (replace-regexp-in-string " and " "; " author)
    803                         org-cite-basic-author-column-end nil ?\s)
    804                      (make-string org-cite-basic-author-column-end ?\s)))
    805                  org-cite-basic-column-separator
    806                  (let ((date (org-cite-basic--get-year entry nil 'no-suffix)))
    807                    (format "%4s" (or date "")))
    808                  org-cite-basic-column-separator
    809                  (org-cite-basic--get-field 'title entry nil t))))
    810           (puthash completion key org-cite-basic--completion-cache)))
    811       (unless (map-empty-p org-cite-basic--completion-cache) ;no key
    812         (puthash entries t org-cite-basic--completion-cache)
    813         org-cite-basic--completion-cache)))))
    815 (defun org-cite-basic--complete-key (&optional multiple)
    816   "Prompt for a reference key and return a citation reference string.
    818 When optional argument MULTIPLE is non-nil, prompt for multiple
    819 keys, until one of them is nil.  Then return the list of
    820 reference strings selected.
    822 Raise an error when no bibliography is set in the buffer."
    823   (let* ((table
    824           (or (org-cite-basic--key-completion-table)
    825               (user-error "No bibliography set")))
    826          (prompt
    827           (lambda (text)
    828             (completing-read text table nil t))))
    829     (if (null multiple)
    830         (let ((key (gethash (funcall prompt "Key: ") table)))
    831           (org-string-nw-p key))
    832       (let* ((keys nil)
    833              (build-prompt
    834               (lambda ()
    835                 (if keys
    836                     (format "Key (empty input exits) %s: "
    837                             (mapconcat #'identity (reverse keys) ";"))
    838                   "Key (empty input exits): "))))
    839         (let ((key (funcall prompt (funcall build-prompt))))
    840           (while (org-string-nw-p key)
    841             (push (gethash key table) keys)
    842             (setq key (funcall prompt (funcall build-prompt)))))
    843         keys))))
    846 ;;; Register processor
    847 (org-cite-register-processor 'basic
    848   :activate #'org-cite-basic-activate
    849   :export-citation #'org-cite-basic-export-citation
    850   :export-bibliography #'org-cite-basic-export-bibliography
    851   :follow #'org-cite-basic-goto
    852   :insert (org-cite-make-insert-processor #'org-cite-basic--complete-key
    853                                           #'org-cite-basic--complete-style)
    854   :cite-styles
    855   '((("author" "a") ("caps" "c"))
    856     (("noauthor" "na") ("bare" "b"))
    857     (("nocite" "n"))
    858     (("note" "ft") ("bare-caps" "bc") ("caps" "c"))
    859     (("numeric" "nb"))
    860     (("text" "t") ("bare-caps" "bc") ("caps" "c"))
    861     (("nil") ("bare" "b") ("bare-caps" "bc") ("caps" "c"))))
    863 (provide 'oc-basic)
    864 ;;; oc-basic.el ends here