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ob-exp.el (18662B)

      1 ;;; ob-exp.el --- Exportation of Babel Source Blocks -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Authors: Eric Schulte
      6 ;;	Dan Davison
      7 ;; Keywords: literate programming, reproducible research
      8 ;; URL:
     10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     23 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     25 ;;; Code:
     27 (require 'org-macs)
     28 (org-assert-version)
     30 (require 'ob-core)
     32 (declare-function org-babel-lob-get-info "ob-lob" (&optional datum no-eval))
     33 (declare-function org-element-at-point "org-element" (&optional pom cached-only))
     34 (declare-function org-element-context "org-element" (&optional element))
     35 (declare-function org-element-property "org-element" (property element))
     36 (declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
     37 (declare-function org-escape-code-in-string "org-src" (s))
     38 (declare-function org-export-copy-buffer "ox"
     39                   (&optional buffer drop-visibility
     40                              drop-narrowing drop-contents
     41                              drop-locals))
     42 (declare-function org-in-commented-heading-p "org" (&optional no-inheritance element))
     43 (declare-function org-in-archived-heading-p "org" (&optional no-inheritance element))
     45 (defvar org-src-preserve-indentation)
     47 (defcustom org-export-use-babel t
     48   "Switch controlling code evaluation and header processing during export.
     49 When set to nil no code will be evaluated as part of the export
     50 process and no header arguments will be obeyed.  Users who wish
     51 to avoid evaluating code on export should use the header argument
     52 `:eval never-export'."
     53   :group 'org-babel
     54   :version "24.1"
     55   :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
     56 		 (const :tag "Always" t))
     57   :safe #'null)
     60 (defmacro org-babel-exp--at-source (&rest body)
     61   "Evaluate BODY at the source of the Babel block at point.
     62 Source is located in `org-babel-exp-reference-buffer'.  The value
     63 returned is the value of the last form in BODY.  Assume that
     64 point is at the beginning of the Babel block."
     65   (declare (indent 1) (debug body))
     66   `(let ((source (get-text-property (point) 'org-reference)))
     67      ;; Source blocks created during export process (e.g., by other
     68      ;; source blocks) are not referenced.  In this case, do not move
     69      ;; point at all.
     70      (with-current-buffer (if source org-babel-exp-reference-buffer
     71 			    (current-buffer))
     72        (org-with-wide-buffer
     73 	(when source (goto-char source))
     74 	,@body))))
     76 (defun org-babel-exp-src-block (&optional element)
     77   "Process source block for export.
     78 Depending on the \":export\" header argument, replace the source
     79 code block like this:
     81 both ---- display the code and the results
     83 code ---- the default, display the code inside the block but do
     84           not process
     86 results - just like none only the block is run on export ensuring
     87           that its results are present in the Org mode buffer
     89 none ---- do not display either code or results upon export
     91 Optional argument ELEMENT must contain source block element at point.
     93 Assume point is at block opening line."
     94   (interactive)
     95   (save-excursion
     96     (let* ((info (org-babel-get-src-block-info nil element))
     97 	   (lang (nth 0 info))
     98 	   (raw-params (nth 2 info))
     99 	   hash)
    100       ;; bail if we couldn't get any info from the block
    101       (unless noninteractive
    102 	(message "org-babel-exp process %s at position %d..."
    103 		 lang
    104 		 (line-beginning-position)))
    105       (when info
    106 	;; if we're actually going to need the parameters
    107 	(when (member (cdr (assq :exports (nth 2 info))) '("both" "results"))
    108 	  (let ((lang-headers (intern (concat "org-babel-default-header-args:"
    109 					      lang))))
    110 	    (org-babel-exp--at-source
    111 		(setf (nth 2 info)
    112 		      (org-babel-process-params
    113 		       (apply #'org-babel-merge-params
    114 			      org-babel-default-header-args
    115 			      (and (boundp lang-headers)
    116 				   (symbol-value lang-headers))
    117 			      (append (org-babel-params-from-properties lang)
    118 				      (list raw-params)))))))
    119 	  (setf hash (org-babel-sha1-hash info :export)))
    120 	(org-babel-exp-do-export info 'block hash)))))
    122 (defcustom org-babel-exp-call-line-template
    123   ""
    124   "Template used to export call lines.
    125 This template may be customized to include the call line name
    126 with any export markup.  The template is filled out using
    127 `org-fill-template', and the following %keys may be used.
    129  line --- call line
    131 An example value would be \"\\n: call: %line\" to export the call line
    132 wrapped in a verbatim environment.
    134 Note: the results are inserted separately after the contents of
    135 this template."
    136   :group 'org-babel
    137   :type 'string)
    139 (defun org-babel-exp-process-buffer ()
    140   "Execute all Babel blocks in current buffer."
    141   (interactive)
    142   (when org-export-use-babel
    143     (save-window-excursion
    144       (let ((case-fold-search t)
    145 	    (regexp "\\(call\\|src\\)_\\|^[ \t]*#\\+\\(BEGIN_SRC\\|CALL:\\)")
    146 	    ;; Get a pristine copy of current buffer so Babel
    147 	    ;; references are properly resolved and source block
    148 	    ;; context is preserved.
    149 	    (org-babel-exp-reference-buffer (org-export-copy-buffer))
    150             element)
    151 	(unwind-protect
    152 	    (save-excursion
    153 	      ;; First attach to every source block their original
    154 	      ;; position, so that they can be retrieved within
    155 	      ;; `org-babel-exp-reference-buffer', even after heavy
    156 	      ;; modifications on current buffer.
    157 	      ;;
    158 	      ;; False positives are harmless, so we don't check if
    159 	      ;; we're really at some Babel object.  Moreover,
    160 	      ;; `line-end-position' ensures that we propertize
    161 	      ;; a noticeable part of the object, without affecting
    162 	      ;; multiple objects on the same line.
    163 	      (goto-char (point-min))
    164 	      (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
    165 		(let ((s (match-beginning 0)))
    166 		  (put-text-property s (line-end-position) 'org-reference s)))
    167 	      ;; Evaluate from top to bottom every Babel block
    168 	      ;; encountered.
    169 	      (goto-char (point-min))
    170               ;; We are about to do a large number of changes in
    171               ;; buffer, but we do not care about folding in this
    172               ;; buffer.
    173               (org-fold-core-ignore-modifications
    174 	        (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
    175                   (setq element (org-element-at-point))
    176 		  (unless (save-match-data
    177                             (or (org-in-commented-heading-p nil element)
    178 				(org-in-archived-heading-p nil element)))
    179 		    (let* ((object? (match-end 1))
    180 			   (element (save-match-data
    181 				      (if object?
    182                                           (org-element-context element)
    183 				        ;; No deep inspection if we're
    184 				        ;; just looking for an element.
    185                                         element)))
    186 			   (type
    187 			    (pcase (org-element-type element)
    188 			      ;; Discard block elements if we're looking
    189 			      ;; for inline objects.  False results
    190 			      ;; happen when, e.g., "call_" syntax is
    191 			      ;; located within affiliated keywords:
    192 			      ;;
    193 			      ;; #+name: call_src
    194 			      ;; #+begin_src ...
    195 			      ((and (or `babel-call `src-block) (guard object?))
    196 			       nil)
    197 			      (type type)))
    198 			   (begin
    199 			    (copy-marker (org-element-property :begin element)))
    200 			   (end
    201 			    (copy-marker
    202 			     (save-excursion
    203 			       (goto-char (org-element-property :end element))
    204 			       (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    205 			       (point)))))
    206 		      (pcase type
    207 		        (`inline-src-block
    208 		         (let* ((info
    209 			         (org-babel-get-src-block-info nil element))
    210 			        (params (nth 2 info)))
    211 			   (setf (nth 1 info)
    212 			         (if (and (cdr (assq :noweb params))
    213 					  (string= "yes"
    214 						   (cdr (assq :noweb params))))
    215 				     (org-babel-expand-noweb-references
    216 				      info org-babel-exp-reference-buffer)
    217 				   (nth 1 info)))
    218 			   (goto-char begin)
    219 			   (let ((replacement
    220 				  (org-babel-exp-do-export info 'inline)))
    221 			     (if (equal replacement "")
    222 			         ;; Replacement code is empty: remove
    223 			         ;; inline source block, including extra
    224 			         ;; white space that might have been
    225 			         ;; created when inserting results.
    226 			         (delete-region begin
    227 					        (progn (goto-char end)
    228 						       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
    229 						       (point)))
    230 			       ;; Otherwise: remove inline source block
    231 			       ;; but preserve following white spaces.
    232 			       ;; Then insert value.
    233                                (unless (string= replacement
    234                                                 (buffer-substring begin end))
    235 			         (delete-region begin end)
    236 			         (insert replacement))))))
    237 		        ((or `babel-call `inline-babel-call)
    238                          (org-babel-exp-do-export
    239                           (or (org-babel-lob-get-info element)
    240                               (user-error "Unknown Babel reference: %s"
    241                                           (org-element-property :call element)))
    242                           'lob)
    243 		         (let ((rep
    244 			        (org-fill-template
    245 			         org-babel-exp-call-line-template
    246 			         `(("line"  .
    247 				    ,(org-element-property :value element))))))
    248 			   ;; If replacement is empty, completely remove
    249 			   ;; the object/element, including any extra
    250 			   ;; white space that might have been created
    251 			   ;; when including results.
    252 			   (if (equal rep "")
    253 			       (delete-region
    254 			        begin
    255 			        (progn (goto-char end)
    256 				       (if (not (eq type 'babel-call))
    257 					   (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t")
    258 						  (point))
    259 				         (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n")
    260 				         (line-beginning-position))))
    261 			     ;; Otherwise, preserve trailing
    262 			     ;; spaces/newlines and then, insert
    263 			     ;; replacement string.
    264 			     (goto-char begin)
    265 			     (delete-region begin end)
    266 			     (insert rep))))
    267 		        (`src-block
    268 		         (let ((match-start (copy-marker (match-beginning 0)))
    269 			       (ind (org-current-text-indentation)))
    270 			   ;; Take care of matched block: compute
    271 			   ;; replacement string.  In particular, a nil
    272 			   ;; REPLACEMENT means the block is left as-is
    273 			   ;; while an empty string removes the block.
    274 			   (let ((replacement
    275 				  (progn (goto-char match-start)
    276 				         (org-babel-exp-src-block element))))
    277 			     (cond ((not replacement) (goto-char end))
    278 				   ((equal replacement "")
    279 				    (goto-char end)
    280 				    (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n")
    281 				    (beginning-of-line)
    282 				    (delete-region begin (point)))
    283 				   (t
    284 				    (if (or org-src-preserve-indentation
    285 					    (org-element-property
    286 					     :preserve-indent element))
    287 				        ;; Indent only code block
    288 				        ;; markers.
    289 				        (with-temp-buffer
    290                                           ;; Do not use tabs for block
    291                                           ;; indentation.
    292                                           (when (fboundp 'indent-tabs-mode)
    293                                             (indent-tabs-mode -1)
    294                                             ;; FIXME: Emacs 26
    295                                             ;; compatibility.
    296                                             (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil))
    297                                           (insert replacement)
    298 					  (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
    299 					  (indent-line-to ind)
    300 					  (goto-char 1)
    301 					  (indent-line-to ind)
    302                                           (setq replacement (buffer-string)))
    303 				      ;; Indent everything.
    304                                       (with-temp-buffer
    305                                         ;; Do not use tabs for block
    306                                         ;; indentation.
    307                                         (when (fboundp 'indent-tabs-mode)
    308                                           (indent-tabs-mode -1)
    309                                           ;; FIXME: Emacs 26
    310                                           ;; compatibility.
    311                                           (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil))
    312                                         (insert replacement)
    313 				        (indent-rigidly
    314 				         1 (point) ind)
    315                                         (setq replacement (buffer-string))))
    316 				    (goto-char match-start)
    317                                     (let ((rend (save-excursion
    318 						  (goto-char end)
    319 						  (line-end-position))))
    320                                       (if (string-equal replacement
    321                                                         (buffer-substring match-start rend))
    322                                           (goto-char rend)
    323 				        (delete-region match-start
    324 					               (save-excursion
    325 					                 (goto-char end)
    326 					                 (line-end-position)))
    327 				        (insert replacement))))))
    328 			   (set-marker match-start nil))))
    329 		      (set-marker begin nil)
    330 		      (set-marker end nil))))))
    331 	  (kill-buffer org-babel-exp-reference-buffer)
    332           (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
    333                                   '(org-reference nil)))))))
    335 (defun org-babel-exp-do-export (info type &optional hash)
    336   "Return a string with the exported content of a code block.
    337 The function respects the value of the :exports header argument."
    338   (let ((silently (lambda () (let ((session (cdr (assq :session (nth 2 info)))))
    339 			       (unless (equal "none" session)
    340 			         (org-babel-exp-results info type 'silent)))))
    341 	(clean (lambda () (if (eq type 'inline)
    342 			      (org-babel-remove-inline-result)
    343 		            (org-babel-remove-result info)))))
    344     (pcase (or (cdr (assq :exports (nth 2 info))) "code")
    345       ("none" (funcall silently) (funcall clean) "")
    346       ("code" (funcall silently) (funcall clean) (org-babel-exp-code info type))
    347       ("results" (org-babel-exp-results info type nil hash) "")
    348       ("both"
    349        (org-babel-exp-results info type nil hash)
    350        (org-babel-exp-code info type)))))
    352 (defcustom org-babel-exp-code-template
    353   "#+begin_src %lang%switches%flags\n%body\n#+end_src"
    354   "Template used to export the body of code blocks.
    355 This template may be customized to include additional information
    356 such as the code block name, or the values of particular header
    357 arguments.  The template is filled out using `org-fill-template',
    358 and the following %keys may be used.
    360  lang ------ the language of the code block
    361  name ------ the name of the code block
    362  body ------ the body of the code block
    363  switches -- the switches associated to the code block
    364  flags ----- the flags passed to the code block
    366 In addition to the keys mentioned above, every header argument
    367 defined for the code block may be used as a key and will be
    368 replaced with its value."
    369   :group 'org-babel
    370   :type 'string
    371   :package-version '(Org . "9.6"))
    373 (defcustom org-babel-exp-inline-code-template
    374   "src_%lang[%switches%flags]{%body}"
    375   "Template used to export the body of inline code blocks.
    376 This template may be customized to include additional information
    377 such as the code block name, or the values of particular header
    378 arguments.  The template is filled out using `org-fill-template',
    379 and the following %keys may be used.
    381  lang ------ the language of the code block
    382  name ------ the name of the code block
    383  body ------ the body of the code block
    384  switches -- the switches associated to the code block
    385  flags ----- the flags passed to the code block
    387 In addition to the keys mentioned above, every header argument
    388 defined for the code block may be used as a key and will be
    389 replaced with its value."
    390   :group 'org-babel
    391   :type 'string
    392   :version "26.1"
    393   :package-version '(Org . "8.3"))
    395 (defun org-babel-exp-code (info type)
    396   "Return the original code block formatted for export."
    397   (setf (nth 1 info)
    398 	(if (string= "strip-export" (cdr (assq :noweb (nth 2 info))))
    399 	    (replace-regexp-in-string
    400 	     (org-babel-noweb-wrap) "" (nth 1 info))
    401 	  (if (org-babel-noweb-p (nth 2 info) :export)
    402 	      (org-babel-expand-noweb-references
    403 	       info org-babel-exp-reference-buffer)
    404 	    (nth 1 info))))
    405   (org-fill-template
    406    (if (eq type 'inline)
    407        org-babel-exp-inline-code-template
    408      org-babel-exp-code-template)
    409    `(("lang"  . ,(nth 0 info))
    410      ;; Inline source code should not be escaped.
    411      ("body"  . ,(let ((body (nth 1 info)))
    412                    (if (eq type 'inline) body
    413                      (org-escape-code-in-string body))))
    414      ("switches" . ,(let ((f (nth 3 info)))
    415 		      (and (org-string-nw-p f) (concat " " f))))
    416      ("flags" . ,(let ((f (assq :flags (nth 2 info))))
    417 		   (and f (concat " " (cdr f)))))
    418      ,@(mapcar (lambda (pair)
    419 		 (cons (substring (symbol-name (car pair)) 1)
    420 		       (format "%S" (cdr pair))))
    421 	       (nth 2 info))
    422      ("name"  . ,(or (nth 4 info) "")))))
    424 (defun org-babel-exp-results (info type &optional silent hash)
    425   "Evaluate and return the results of the current code block for export.
    426 Results are prepared in a manner suitable for export by Org mode.
    427 This function is called by `org-babel-exp-do-export'.  The code
    428 block will be evaluated.  Optional argument SILENT can be used to
    429 inhibit insertion of results into the buffer."
    430   (unless (and hash (equal hash (org-babel-current-result-hash)))
    431     (let ((lang (nth 0 info))
    432 	  (body (if (org-babel-noweb-p (nth 2 info) :eval)
    433 		    (org-babel-expand-noweb-references
    434 		     info org-babel-exp-reference-buffer)
    435 		  (nth 1 info)))
    436 	  (info (copy-sequence info))
    437 	  (org-babel-current-src-block-location (point-marker)))
    438       ;; Skip code blocks which we can't evaluate.
    439       (when (fboundp (intern (concat "org-babel-execute:" lang)))
    440 	(org-babel-eval-wipe-error-buffer)
    441 	(setf (nth 1 info) body)
    442 	(setf (nth 2 info)
    443 	      (org-babel-exp--at-source
    444 		  (org-babel-process-params
    445 		   (org-babel-merge-params
    446 		    (nth 2 info)
    447 		    `((:results . ,(if silent "silent" "replace")))))))
    448 	(pcase type
    449 	  (`block (org-babel-execute-src-block nil info))
    450 	  (`inline
    451 	    ;; Position the point on the inline source block
    452 	    ;; allowing `org-babel-insert-result' to check that the
    453 	    ;; block is inline.
    454 	    (goto-char (nth 5 info))
    455 	    (org-babel-execute-src-block nil info))
    456 	  (`lob
    457 	   (save-excursion
    458 	     (goto-char (nth 5 info))
    459 	     (org-babel-execute-src-block nil info))))))))
    461 (provide 'ob-exp)
    463 ;;; ob-exp.el ends here