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magit-section.el (76658B)

      1 ;;; magit-section.el --- Sections for read-only buffers  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2021  The Magit Project Contributors
      4 ;;
      5 ;; You should have received a copy of the file which
      6 ;; lists all contributors.  If not, see
      8 ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      9 ;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <>
     11 ;; Keywords: tools
     12 ;; Homepage:
     13 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.19.1"))
     14 ;; Package-Version: 3.3.0
     15 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
     17 ;; Magit-Section is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     18 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     19 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     20 ;; any later version.
     21 ;;
     22 ;; Magit-Section is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     23 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     25 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     26 ;;
     27 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     28 ;; along with Magit.  If not, see
     30 ;;; Commentary:
     32 ;; This package implements the main user interface of Magit — the
     33 ;; collapsible sections that make up its buffers.  This package used
     34 ;; to be distributed as part of Magit but now it can also be used by
     35 ;; other packages that have nothing to do with Magit or Git.
     37 ;;; Code:
     39 (require 'cl-lib)
     40 (require 'dash)
     41 (require 'eieio)
     42 (require 'seq)
     43 (require 'subr-x)
     45 (eval-when-compile (require 'benchmark))
     47 ;;; Hooks
     49 (defvar magit-section-movement-hook nil
     50   "Hook run by `magit-section-goto'.
     51 That function in turn is used by all section movement commands.")
     53 (defvar magit-section-highlight-hook
     54   '(magit-section-highlight
     55     magit-section-highlight-selection)
     56   "Functions used to highlight the current section.
     57 Each function is run with the current section as only argument
     58 until one of them returns non-nil.")
     60 (defvar magit-section-unhighlight-hook nil
     61   "Functions used to unhighlight the previously current section.
     62 Each function is run with the current section as only argument
     63 until one of them returns non-nil.  Most sections are properly
     64 unhighlighted without requiring a specialized unhighlighter,
     65 diff-related sections being the only exception.")
     67 (defvar magit-section-set-visibility-hook
     68   '(magit-section-cached-visibility)
     69   "Hook used to set the initial visibility of a section.
     70 Stop at the first function that returns non-nil.  The returned
     71 value should be `show', `hide' or nil.  If no function returns
     72 non-nil, determine the visibility as usual, i.e. use the
     73 hardcoded section specific default (see `magit-insert-section').")
     75 (defvar magit-section-goto-successor-hook nil
     76   "Hook used to go to the same section as was current before a refresh.
     77 This is only used if the standard mechanism for doing so did not
     78 succeed.")
     80 ;;; Options
     82 (defgroup magit-section nil
     83   "Expandable sections."
     84   :link '(info-link "(magit)Sections")
     85   :group 'extensions)
     87 (defcustom magit-section-show-child-count t
     88   "Whether to append the number of children to section headings.
     89 This only applies to sections for which doing so makes sense."
     90   :package-version '(magit . "2.1.0")
     91   :group 'magit-section
     92   :type 'boolean)
     94 (defcustom magit-section-cache-visibility t
     95   "Whether to cache visibility of sections.
     97 Sections always retain their visibility state when they are being
     98 recreated during a refresh.  But if a section disappears and then
     99 later reappears again, then this option controls whether this is
    100 the case.
    102 If t, then cache the visibility of all sections.  If a list of
    103 section types, then only do so for matching sections.  If nil,
    104 then don't do so for any sections."
    105   :package-version '(magit . "2.12.0")
    106   :group 'magit-section
    107   :type '(choice (const  :tag "Don't cache visibility" nil)
    108                  (const  :tag "Cache visibility of all sections" t)
    109                  (repeat :tag "Cache visibility for section types" symbol)))
    111 (defcustom magit-section-initial-visibility-alist
    112   '((stashes . hide))
    113   "Alist controlling the initial visibility of sections.
    115 Each element maps a section type or lineage to the initial
    116 visibility state for such sections.  The state has to be one of
    117 `show' or `hide', or a function that returns one of these symbols.
    118 A function is called with the section as the only argument.
    120 Use the command `magit-describe-section' to determine a section's
    121 lineage or type.  The vector in the output is the section lineage
    122 and the type is the first element of that vector.  Wildcards can
    123 be used, see `magit-section-match'.
    125 Currently this option is only used to override hardcoded defaults,
    126 but in the future it will also be used set the defaults.
    128 An entry whose key is `magit-status-initial-section' specifies
    129 the visibility of the section `magit-status-goto-initial-section'
    130 jumps to.  This does not only override defaults, but also other
    131 entries of this alist."
    132   :package-version '(magit . "2.12.0")
    133   :group 'magit-section
    134   :type '(alist :key-type (sexp :tag "Section type/lineage")
    135                 :value-type (choice (const hide)
    136                                     (const show)
    137                                     function)))
    139 (defcustom magit-section-visibility-indicator
    140   (if (window-system)
    141       '(magit-fringe-bitmap> . magit-fringe-bitmapv)
    142     (cons (if (char-displayable-p ?…) "…" "...")
    143           t))
    144   "Whether and how to indicate that a section can be expanded/collapsed.
    146 If nil, then don't show any indicators.
    147 Otherwise the value has to have one of these two forms:
    151   Both values have to be variables whose values are fringe
    152   bitmaps.  In this case every section that can be expanded or
    153   collapsed gets an indicator in the left fringe.
    155   To provide extra padding around the indicator, set
    156   `left-fringe-width' in `magit-mode-hook'.
    158 \(STRING . BOOLEAN)
    160   In this case STRING (usually an ellipsis) is shown at the end
    161   of the heading of every collapsed section.  Expanded sections
    162   get no indicator.  The cdr controls whether the appearance of
    163   these ellipsis take section highlighting into account.  Doing
    164   so might potentially have an impact on performance, while not
    165   doing so is kinda ugly."
    166   :package-version '(magit . "3.0.0")
    167   :group 'magit-section
    168   :type '(choice (const :tag "No indicators" nil)
    169                  (cons  :tag "Use +- fringe indicators"
    170                         (const magit-fringe-bitmap+)
    171                         (const magit-fringe-bitmap-))
    172                  (cons  :tag "Use >v fringe indicators"
    173                         (const magit-fringe-bitmap>)
    174                         (const magit-fringe-bitmapv))
    175                  (cons  :tag "Use bold >v fringe indicators)"
    176                         (const magit-fringe-bitmap-bold>)
    177                         (const magit-fringe-bitmap-boldv))
    178                  (cons  :tag "Use custom fringe indicators"
    179                         (variable :tag "Expandable bitmap variable")
    180                         (variable :tag "Collapsible bitmap variable"))
    181                  (cons  :tag "Use ellipses at end of headings"
    182                         (string :tag "Ellipsis" "…")
    183                         (choice :tag "Use face kludge"
    184                                 (const :tag "Yes (potentially slow)" t)
    185                                 (const :tag "No (kinda ugly)" nil)))))
    187 (defcustom magit-keep-region-overlay nil
    188   "Whether to keep the region overlay when there is a valid selection.
    190 By default Magit removes the regular region overlay if, and only
    191 if, that region constitutes a valid selection as understood by
    192 Magit commands.  Otherwise it does not remove that overlay, and
    193 the region looks like it would in other buffers.
    195 There are two types of such valid selections: hunk-internal
    196 regions and regions that select two or more sibling sections.
    197 In such cases Magit removes the region overlay and instead
    198 highlights a slightly larger range.  All text (for hunk-internal
    199 regions) or the headings of all sections (for sibling selections)
    200 that are inside that range (not just inside the region) are acted
    201 on by commands such as the staging command.  This buffer range
    202 begins at the beginning of the line on which the region begins
    203 and ends at the end of the line on which the region ends.
    205 Because Magit acts on this larger range and not the region, it is
    206 actually quite important to visualize that larger range.  If we
    207 don't do that, then one might think that these commands act on
    208 the region instead.  If you want to *also* visualize the region,
    209 then set this option to t.  But please note that when the region
    210 does *not* constitute a valid selection, then the region is
    211 *always* visualized as usual, and that it is usually under such
    212 circumstances that you want to use a non-magit command to act on
    213 the region.
    215 Besides keeping the region overlay, setting this option to t also
    216 causes all face properties, except for `:foreground', to be
    217 ignored for the faces used to highlight headings of selected
    218 sections.  This avoids the worst conflicts that result from
    219 displaying the region and the selection overlays at the same
    220 time.  We are not interested in dealing with other conflicts.
    221 In fact we *already* provide a way to avoid all of these
    222 conflicts: *not* changing the value of this option.
    224 It should be clear by now that we consider it a mistake to set
    225 this to display the region when the Magit selection is also
    226 visualized, but since it has been requested a few times and
    227 because it doesn't cost much to offer this option we do so.
    228 However that might change.  If the existence of this option
    229 starts complicating other things, then it will be removed."
    230   :package-version '(magit . "2.3.0")
    231   :group 'magit-section
    232   :type 'boolean)
    234 (defcustom magit-section-disable-line-numbers t
    235   "In Magit buffers, whether to disable modes that display line numbers.
    237 Some users who turn on `global-display-line-numbers-mode' (or
    238 `global-nlinum-mode' or `global-linum-mode') expect line numbers
    239 to be displayed everywhere except in Magit buffers.  Other users
    240 do not expect Magit buffers to be treated differently.  At least
    241 in theory users in the first group should not use the global mode,
    242 but that ship has sailed, thus this option."
    243   :package-version '(magit . "3.0.0")
    244   :group 'magit-section
    245   :type 'boolean)
    247 ;;; Faces
    249 (defgroup magit-section-faces nil
    250   "Faces used by Magit-Section."
    251   :group 'magit-section
    252   :group 'faces)
    254 (defface magit-section-highlight
    255   `((((class color) (background light))
    256      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    257      :background "grey95")
    258     (((class color) (background  dark))
    259      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    260      :background "grey20"))
    261   "Face for highlighting the current section."
    262   :group 'magit-section-faces)
    264 (defface magit-section-heading
    265   `((((class color) (background light))
    266      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    267      :foreground "DarkGoldenrod4"
    268      :weight bold)
    269     (((class color) (background  dark))
    270      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    271      :foreground "LightGoldenrod2"
    272      :weight bold))
    273   "Face for section headings."
    274   :group 'magit-section-faces)
    276 (defface magit-section-secondary-heading
    277   `((t ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    278        :weight bold))
    279   "Face for section headings of some secondary headings."
    280   :group 'magit-section-faces)
    282 (defface magit-section-heading-selection
    283   `((((class color) (background light))
    284      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    285      :foreground "salmon4")
    286     (((class color) (background  dark))
    287      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
    288      :foreground "LightSalmon3"))
    289   "Face for selected section headings."
    290   :group 'magit-section-faces)
    292 ;;; Classes
    294 (defvar magit--current-section-hook nil
    295   "Internal variable used for `magit-describe-section'.")
    297 (defvar magit--section-type-alist nil)
    299 (defclass magit-section ()
    300   ((keymap   :initform nil :allocation :class)
    301    (type     :initform nil :initarg :type)
    302    (value    :initform nil :initarg :value)
    303    (start    :initform nil :initarg :start)
    304    (content  :initform nil)
    305    (end      :initform nil)
    306    (hidden   :initform nil)
    307    (washer   :initform nil)
    308    (process  :initform nil)
    309    (heading-highlight-face :initform nil)
    310    (inserter :initform (symbol-value 'magit--current-section-hook))
    311    (parent   :initform nil :initarg :parent)
    312    (children :initform nil)))
    314 ;;; Mode
    316 (defvar symbol-overlay-inhibit-map)
    318 (defvar magit-section-mode-map
    319   (let ((map (make-keymap)))
    320     (suppress-keymap map t)
    321     (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'magit-section-toggle)
    322     (define-key map [C-tab]     'magit-section-cycle)
    323     (define-key map [M-tab]     'magit-section-cycle)
    324     ;; [backtab] is the most portable binding for Shift+Tab.
    325     (define-key map [backtab]   'magit-section-cycle-global)
    326     (define-key map (kbd   "^") 'magit-section-up)
    327     (define-key map (kbd   "p") 'magit-section-backward)
    328     (define-key map (kbd   "n") 'magit-section-forward)
    329     (define-key map (kbd "M-p") 'magit-section-backward-sibling)
    330     (define-key map (kbd "M-n") 'magit-section-forward-sibling)
    331     (define-key map (kbd   "1") 'magit-section-show-level-1)
    332     (define-key map (kbd   "2") 'magit-section-show-level-2)
    333     (define-key map (kbd   "3") 'magit-section-show-level-3)
    334     (define-key map (kbd   "4") 'magit-section-show-level-4)
    335     (define-key map (kbd "M-1") 'magit-section-show-level-1-all)
    336     (define-key map (kbd "M-2") 'magit-section-show-level-2-all)
    337     (define-key map (kbd "M-3") 'magit-section-show-level-3-all)
    338     (define-key map (kbd "M-4") 'magit-section-show-level-4-all)
    339     map))
    341 (define-derived-mode magit-section-mode special-mode "Magit-Sections"
    342   "Parent major mode from which major modes with Magit-like sections inherit.
    344 Magit-Section is documented in info node `(magit-section)'."
    345   :group 'magit-section
    346   (buffer-disable-undo)
    347   (setq truncate-lines t)
    348   (setq buffer-read-only t)
    349   (setq-local line-move-visual t) ; see #1771
    350   ;; Turn off syntactic font locking, but not by setting
    351   ;; `font-lock-defaults' because that would enable font locking, and
    352   ;; not all magit plugins may be ready for that (see #3950).
    353   (setq-local font-lock-syntactic-face-function #'ignore)
    354   (setq show-trailing-whitespace nil)
    355   (setq-local symbol-overlay-inhibit-map t)
    356   (setq list-buffers-directory (abbreviate-file-name default-directory))
    357   ;; (hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer)
    358   (make-local-variable 'text-property-default-nonsticky)
    359   (push (cons 'keymap t) text-property-default-nonsticky)
    360   (add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'magit-section-pre-command-hook nil t)
    361   (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'magit-section-update-highlight t t)
    362   (add-hook 'deactivate-mark-hook #'magit-section-deactivate-mark t t)
    363   (setq-local redisplay-highlight-region-function
    364               'magit-section--highlight-region)
    365   (setq-local redisplay-unhighlight-region-function
    366               'magit-section--unhighlight-region)
    367   (when magit-section-disable-line-numbers
    368     (when (bound-and-true-p global-linum-mode)
    369       (linum-mode -1))
    370     (when (and (fboundp 'nlinum-mode)
    371                (bound-and-true-p global-nlinum-mode))
    372       (nlinum-mode -1))
    373     (when (and (fboundp 'display-line-numbers-mode)
    374                (bound-and-true-p global-display-line-numbers-mode))
    375       (display-line-numbers-mode -1)))
    376   (when (fboundp 'magit-preserve-section-visibility-cache)
    377     (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'magit-preserve-section-visibility-cache)))
    379 ;;; Core
    381 (defvar-local magit-root-section nil
    382   "The root section in the current buffer.
    383 All other sections are descendants of this section.  The value
    384 of this variable is set by `magit-insert-section' and you should
    385 never modify it.")
    386 (put 'magit-root-section 'permanent-local t)
    388 (defun magit-current-section ()
    389   "Return the section at point."
    390   (or (get-text-property (point) 'magit-section) magit-root-section))
    392 (defun magit-section-ident (section)
    393   "Return an unique identifier for SECTION.
    394 The return value has the form ((TYPE . VALUE)...)."
    395   (with-slots (type value parent) section
    396     (cons (cons type
    397                 (cond ((eieio-object-p value)
    398                        (magit-section-ident-value value))
    399                       ((not (memq type '(unpulled unpushed))) value)
    400                       ((string-match-p "@{upstream}" value) value)
    401                       ;; Unfortunately Git chokes on "@{push}" when
    402                       ;; the value of `push.default' does not allow a
    403                       ;; 1:1 mapping.  Arbitrary commands may consult
    404                       ;; the section value so we cannot use "@{push}".
    405                       ;; But `unpushed' and `unpulled' sections should
    406                       ;; keep their identity when switching branches
    407                       ;; so we have to use another value here.
    408                       ((string-match-p "\\`\\.\\." value) "..@{push}")
    409                       (t "@{push}..")))
    410           (and parent
    411                (magit-section-ident parent)))))
    413 (cl-defgeneric magit-section-ident-value (value)
    414   "Return a constant representation of VALUE.
    415 VALUE is the value of a `magit-section' object.  If that is an
    416 object itself, then that is not suitable to be used to identify
    417 the section because two objects may represent the same thing but
    418 not be equal.  If possible a method should be added for such
    419 objects, which returns a value that is equal.  Otherwise the
    420 catch-all method is used, which just returns the argument
    421 itself.")
    423 (cl-defmethod magit-section-ident-value (arg) arg)
    425 (defun magit-get-section (ident &optional root)
    426   "Return the section identified by IDENT.
    427 IDENT has to be a list as returned by `magit-section-ident'.
    428 If optional ROOT is non-nil, then search in that section tree
    429 instead of in the one whose root `magit-root-section' is."
    430   (setq ident (reverse ident))
    431   (let ((section (or root magit-root-section)))
    432     (when (eq (car (pop ident))
    433               (oref section type))
    434       (while (and ident
    435                   (pcase-let* ((`(,type . ,value) (car ident))
    436                                (value (magit-section-ident-value value)))
    437                     (setq section
    438                           (cl-find-if (lambda (section)
    439                                         (and (eq (oref section type) type)
    440                                              (equal (magit-section-ident-value
    441                                                      (oref section value))
    442                                                     value)))
    443                                       (oref section children)))))
    444         (pop ident))
    445       section)))
    447 (defun magit-section-lineage (section)
    448   "Return the lineage of SECTION.
    449 The return value has the form (TYPE...)."
    450   (cons (oref section type)
    451         (when-let ((parent (oref section parent)))
    452           (magit-section-lineage parent))))
    454 (defvar magit-insert-section--current nil "For internal use only.")
    455 (defvar magit-insert-section--parent  nil "For internal use only.")
    456 (defvar magit-insert-section--oldroot nil "For internal use only.")
    458 ;;; Commands
    459 ;;;; Movement
    461 (defun magit-section-forward ()
    462   "Move to the beginning of the next visible section."
    463   (interactive)
    464   (if (eobp)
    465       (user-error "No next section")
    466     (let ((section (magit-current-section)))
    467       (if (oref section parent)
    468           (let ((next (and (not (oref section hidden))
    469                            (not (= (oref section end)
    470                                    (1+ (point))))
    471                            (car (oref section children)))))
    472             (while (and section (not next))
    473               (unless (setq next (car (magit-section-siblings section 'next)))
    474                 (setq section (oref section parent))))
    475             (if next
    476                 (magit-section-goto next)
    477               (user-error "No next section")))
    478         (magit-section-goto 1)))))
    480 (defun magit-section-backward ()
    481   "Move to the beginning of the current or the previous visible section.
    482 When point is at the beginning of a section then move to the
    483 beginning of the previous visible section.  Otherwise move to
    484 the beginning of the current section."
    485   (interactive)
    486   (if (bobp)
    487       (user-error "No previous section")
    488     (let ((section (magit-current-section)) children)
    489       (cond
    490        ((and (= (point)
    491                 (1- (oref section end)))
    492              (setq children (oref section children)))
    493         (magit-section-goto (car (last children))))
    494        ((and (oref section parent)
    495              (not (= (point)
    496                      (oref section start))))
    497         (magit-section-goto section))
    498        (t
    499         (let ((prev (car (magit-section-siblings section 'prev))))
    500           (if prev
    501               (while (and (not (oref prev hidden))
    502                           (setq children (oref prev children)))
    503                 (setq prev (car (last children))))
    504             (setq prev (oref section parent)))
    505           (cond (prev
    506                  (magit-section-goto prev))
    507                 ((oref section parent)
    508                  (user-error "No previous section"))
    509                 ;; Eob special cases.
    510                 ((not (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'invisible))
    511                  (magit-section-goto -1))
    512                 (t
    513                  (goto-char (previous-single-property-change
    514                              (1- (point)) 'invisible))
    515                  (forward-line -1)
    516                  (magit-section-goto (magit-current-section))))))))))
    518 (defun magit-section-up ()
    519   "Move to the beginning of the parent section."
    520   (interactive)
    521   (--if-let (oref (magit-current-section) parent)
    522       (magit-section-goto it)
    523     (user-error "No parent section")))
    525 (defun magit-section-forward-sibling ()
    526   "Move to the beginning of the next sibling section.
    527 If there is no next sibling section, then move to the parent."
    528   (interactive)
    529   (let ((current (magit-current-section)))
    530     (if (oref current parent)
    531         (--if-let (car (magit-section-siblings current 'next))
    532             (magit-section-goto it)
    533           (magit-section-forward))
    534       (magit-section-goto 1))))
    536 (defun magit-section-backward-sibling ()
    537   "Move to the beginning of the previous sibling section.
    538 If there is no previous sibling section, then move to the parent."
    539   (interactive)
    540   (let ((current (magit-current-section)))
    541     (if (oref current parent)
    542         (--if-let (car (magit-section-siblings current 'prev))
    543             (magit-section-goto it)
    544           (magit-section-backward))
    545       (magit-section-goto -1))))
    547 (defun magit-section-goto (arg)
    548   (if (integerp arg)
    549       (progn (forward-line arg)
    550              (setq arg (magit-current-section)))
    551     (goto-char (oref arg start)))
    552   (run-hook-with-args 'magit-section-movement-hook arg))
    554 (defun magit-section-set-window-start (section)
    555   "Ensure the beginning of SECTION is visible."
    556   (unless (pos-visible-in-window-p (oref section end))
    557     (set-window-start (selected-window) (oref section start))))
    559 (defmacro magit-define-section-jumper (name heading type &optional value)
    560   "Define an interactive function to go some section.
    561 Together TYPE and VALUE identify the section.
    562 HEADING is the displayed heading of the section."
    563   (declare (indent defun))
    564   `(defun ,name (&optional expand) ,(format "\
    565 Jump to the section \"%s\".
    566 With a prefix argument also expand it." heading)
    567           (interactive "P")
    568           (--if-let (magit-get-section
    569                      (cons (cons ',type ,value)
    570                            (magit-section-ident magit-root-section)))
    571               (progn (goto-char (oref it start))
    572                      (when expand
    573                        (with-local-quit (magit-section-show it))
    574                        (recenter 0)))
    575             (message ,(format "Section \"%s\" wasn't found" heading)))))
    577 ;;;; Visibility
    579 (defun magit-section-show (section)
    580   "Show the body of the current section."
    581   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    582   (oset section hidden nil)
    583   (magit-section--maybe-wash section)
    584   (when-let ((beg (oref section content)))
    585     (remove-overlays beg (oref section end) 'invisible t))
    586   (magit-section-maybe-update-visibility-indicator section)
    587   (magit-section-maybe-cache-visibility section)
    588   (dolist (child (oref section children))
    589     (if (oref child hidden)
    590         (magit-section-hide child)
    591       (magit-section-show child))))
    593 (defun magit-section--maybe-wash (section)
    594   (when-let ((washer (oref section washer)))
    595     (oset section washer nil)
    596     (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
    597           (magit-insert-section--parent section)
    598           (content (oref section content)))
    599       (save-excursion
    600         (if (and content (< content (oref section end)))
    601             (funcall washer section) ; already partially washed (hunk)
    602           (goto-char (oref section end))
    603           (oset section content (point-marker))
    604           (funcall washer)
    605           (oset section end (point-marker)))))
    606     (magit-section-update-highlight)))
    608 (defun magit-section-hide (section)
    609   "Hide the body of the current section."
    610   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    611   (if (eq section magit-root-section)
    612       (user-error "Cannot hide root section")
    613     (oset section hidden t)
    614     (when-let ((beg (oref section content)))
    615       (let ((end (oref section end)))
    616         (remove-overlays beg end 'invisible t)
    617         (let ((o (make-overlay beg end)))
    618           (overlay-put o 'evaporate t)
    619           (overlay-put o 'invisible t))))
    620     (magit-section-maybe-update-visibility-indicator section)
    621     (magit-section-maybe-cache-visibility section)))
    623 (defun magit-section-toggle (section)
    624   "Toggle visibility of the body of the current section."
    625   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    626   (if (eq section magit-root-section)
    627       (user-error "Cannot hide root section")
    628     (goto-char (oref section start))
    629     (if (oref section hidden)
    630         (magit-section-show section)
    631       (magit-section-hide section))))
    633 (defun magit-section-toggle-children (section)
    634   "Toggle visibility of bodies of children of the current section."
    635   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    636   (goto-char (oref section start))
    637   (let* ((children (oref section children))
    638          (show (--any-p (oref it hidden) children)))
    639     (dolist (c children)
    640       (oset c hidden show)))
    641   (magit-section-show section))
    643 (defun magit-section-show-children (section &optional depth)
    644   "Recursively show the bodies of children of the current section.
    645 With a prefix argument show children that deep and hide deeper
    646 children."
    647   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    648   (magit-section-show-children-1 section depth)
    649   (magit-section-show section))
    651 (defun magit-section-show-children-1 (section &optional depth)
    652   (dolist (child (oref section children))
    653     (oset child hidden nil)
    654     (if depth
    655         (if (> depth 0)
    656             (magit-section-show-children-1 child (1- depth))
    657           (magit-section-hide child))
    658       (magit-section-show-children-1 child))))
    660 (defun magit-section-hide-children (section)
    661   "Recursively hide the bodies of children of the current section."
    662   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    663   (mapc 'magit-section-hide (oref section children)))
    665 (defun magit-section-show-headings (section)
    666   "Recursively show headings of children of the current section.
    667 Only show the headings, previously shown text-only bodies are
    668 hidden."
    669   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    670   (magit-section-show-headings-1 section)
    671   (magit-section-show section))
    673 (defun magit-section-show-headings-1 (section)
    674   (dolist (child (oref section children))
    675     (oset child hidden nil)
    676     (when (or (oref child children)
    677               (not (oref child content)))
    678       (magit-section-show-headings-1 child))))
    680 (defun magit-section-cycle (section)
    681   "Cycle visibility of current section and its children."
    682   (interactive (list (magit-current-section)))
    683   (goto-char (oref section start))
    684   (if (oref section hidden)
    685       (progn (magit-section-show section)
    686              (magit-section-hide-children section))
    687     (let ((children (oref section children)))
    688       (cond ((and (--any-p (oref it hidden)   children)
    689                   (--any-p (oref it children) children))
    690              (magit-section-show-headings section))
    691             ((seq-some 'magit-section-hidden-body children)
    692              (magit-section-show-children section))
    693             (t
    694              (magit-section-hide section))))))
    696 (defun magit-section-cycle-global ()
    697   "Cycle visibility of all sections in the current buffer."
    698   (interactive)
    699   (let ((children (oref magit-root-section children)))
    700     (cond ((and (--any-p (oref it hidden)   children)
    701                 (--any-p (oref it children) children))
    702            (magit-section-show-headings magit-root-section))
    703           ((seq-some 'magit-section-hidden-body children)
    704            (magit-section-show-children magit-root-section))
    705           (t
    706            (mapc 'magit-section-hide children)))))
    708 (defun magit-section-hidden-body (section &optional pred)
    709   (--if-let (oref section children)
    710       (funcall (or pred '-any-p) 'magit-section-hidden-body it)
    711     (and (oref section content)
    712          (oref section hidden))))
    714 (defun magit-section-invisible-p (section)
    715   "Return t if the SECTION's body is invisible.
    716 When the body of an ancestor of SECTION is collapsed then
    717 SECTION's body (and heading) obviously cannot be visible."
    718   (or (oref section hidden)
    719       (--when-let (oref section parent)
    720         (magit-section-invisible-p it))))
    722 (defun magit-section-show-level (level)
    723   "Show surrounding sections up to LEVEL.
    724 If LEVEL is negative, show up to the absolute value.
    725 Sections at higher levels are hidden."
    726   (if (< level 0)
    727       (let ((s (magit-current-section)))
    728         (setq level (- level))
    729         (while (> (1- (length (magit-section-ident s))) level)
    730           (setq s (oref s parent))
    731           (goto-char (oref s start)))
    732         (magit-section-show-children magit-root-section (1- level)))
    733     (cl-do* ((s (magit-current-section)
    734                 (oref s parent))
    735              (i (1- (length (magit-section-ident s)))
    736                 (cl-decf i)))
    737         ((cond ((< i level) (magit-section-show-children s (- level i 1)) t)
    738                ((= i level) (magit-section-hide s) t))
    739          (magit-section-goto s)))))
    741 (defun magit-section-show-level-1 ()
    742   "Show surrounding sections on first level."
    743   (interactive)
    744   (magit-section-show-level 1))
    746 (defun magit-section-show-level-1-all ()
    747   "Show all sections on first level."
    748   (interactive)
    749   (magit-section-show-level -1))
    751 (defun magit-section-show-level-2 ()
    752   "Show surrounding sections up to second level."
    753   (interactive)
    754   (magit-section-show-level 2))
    756 (defun magit-section-show-level-2-all ()
    757   "Show all sections up to second level."
    758   (interactive)
    759   (magit-section-show-level -2))
    761 (defun magit-section-show-level-3 ()
    762   "Show surrounding sections up to third level."
    763   (interactive)
    764   (magit-section-show-level 3))
    766 (defun magit-section-show-level-3-all ()
    767   "Show all sections up to third level."
    768   (interactive)
    769   (magit-section-show-level -3))
    771 (defun magit-section-show-level-4 ()
    772   "Show surrounding sections up to fourth level."
    773   (interactive)
    774   (magit-section-show-level 4))
    776 (defun magit-section-show-level-4-all ()
    777   "Show all sections up to fourth level."
    778   (interactive)
    779   (magit-section-show-level -4))
    781 ;;;; Auxiliary
    783 (defun magit-describe-section-briefly (section &optional ident)
    784   "Show information about the section at point.
    785 With a prefix argument show the section identity instead of the
    786 section lineage.  This command is intended for debugging purposes."
    787   (interactive (list (magit-current-section) current-prefix-arg))
    788   (let ((str (format "#<%s %S %S %s-%s%s>"
    789                      (eieio-object-class section)
    790                      (let ((val (oref section value)))
    791                        (cond ((stringp val)
    792                               (substring-no-properties val))
    793                              ((and (eieio-object-p val)
    794                                    (fboundp 'cl-prin1-to-string))
    795                               (cl-prin1-to-string val))
    796                              (t
    797                               val)))
    798                      (if ident
    799                          (magit-section-ident section)
    800                        (apply #'vector (magit-section-lineage section)))
    801                      (when-let ((m (oref section start)))
    802                        (marker-position m))
    803                      (if-let ((m (oref section content)))
    804                          (format "[%s-]" (marker-position m))
    805                        "")
    806                      (when-let ((m (oref section end)))
    807                        (marker-position m)))))
    808     (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
    809         (message "%s" str)
    810       str)))
    812 (cl-defmethod cl-print-object ((section magit-section) stream)
    813   "Print `magit-describe-section' result of SECTION."
    814   ;; Used by debug and edebug as of Emacs 26.
    815   (princ (magit-describe-section-briefly section) stream))
    817 (defun magit-describe-section (section &optional interactive-p)
    818   "Show information about the section at point."
    819   (interactive (list (magit-current-section) t))
    820   (let ((inserter-section section))
    821     (while (and inserter-section (not (oref inserter-section inserter)))
    822       (setq inserter-section (oref inserter-section parent)))
    823     (when (and inserter-section (oref inserter-section inserter))
    824       (setq section inserter-section)))
    825   (pcase (oref section inserter)
    826     (`((,hook ,fun) . ,src-src)
    827      (help-setup-xref `(magit-describe-section ,section) interactive-p)
    828      (with-help-window (help-buffer)
    829        (with-current-buffer standard-output
    830          (insert (format-message
    831                   "%s\n  is inserted by `%s'\n  from `%s'"
    832                   (magit-describe-section-briefly section)
    833                   (make-text-button (symbol-name fun) nil
    834                                     :type 'help-function
    835                                     'help-args (list fun))
    836                   (make-text-button (symbol-name hook) nil
    837                                     :type 'help-variable
    838                                     'help-args (list hook))))
    839          (pcase-dolist (`(,hook ,fun) src-src)
    840            (insert (format-message
    841                     ",\n  called by `%s'\n  from `%s'"
    842                     (make-text-button (symbol-name fun) nil
    843                                       :type 'help-function
    844                                       'help-args (list fun))
    845                     (make-text-button (symbol-name hook) nil
    846                                       :type 'help-variable
    847                                       'help-args (list hook)))))
    848          (insert ".\n\n")
    849          (insert
    850           (format-message
    851            "`%s' is "
    852            (make-text-button (symbol-name fun) nil
    853                              :type 'help-function 'help-args (list fun))))
    854          (describe-function-1 fun))))
    855     (_ (message "%s, inserter unknown"
    856                 (magit-describe-section-briefly section)))))
    858 ;;; Match
    860 (cl-defun magit-section-match
    861     (condition &optional (section (magit-current-section)))
    862   "Return t if SECTION matches CONDITION.
    864 SECTION defaults to the section at point.  If SECTION is not
    865 specified and there also is no section at point, then return
    866 nil.
    868 CONDITION can take the following forms:
    869   (CONDITION...)  matches if any of the CONDITIONs matches.
    870   [CLASS...]      matches if the section's class is the same
    871                   as the first CLASS or a subclass of that;
    872                   the section's parent class matches the
    873                   second CLASS; and so on.
    874   [* CLASS...]    matches sections that match [CLASS...] and
    875                   also recursively all their child sections.
    876   CLASS           matches if the section's class is the same
    877                   as CLASS or a subclass of that; regardless
    878                   of the classes of the parent sections.
    880 Each CLASS should be a class symbol, identifying a class that
    881 derives from `magit-section'.  For backward compatibility CLASS
    882 can also be a \"type symbol\".  A section matches such a symbol
    883 if the value of its `type' slot is `eq'.  If a type symbol has
    884 an entry in `magit--section-type-alist', then a section also
    885 matches that type if its class is a subclass of the class that
    886 corresponds to the type as per that alist.
    888 Note that it is not necessary to specify the complete section
    889 lineage as printed by `magit-describe-section-briefly', unless
    890 of course you want to be that precise."
    891   (and section (magit-section-match-1 condition section)))
    893 (defun magit-section-match-1 (condition section)
    894   (cl-assert condition)
    895   (and section
    896        (if (listp condition)
    897            (--first (magit-section-match-1 it section) condition)
    898          (magit-section-match-2 (if (symbolp condition)
    899                                     (list condition)
    900                                   (cl-coerce condition 'list))
    901                                 section))))
    903 (defun magit-section-match-2 (condition section)
    904   (if (eq (car condition) '*)
    905       (or (magit-section-match-2 (cdr condition) section)
    906           (when-let ((parent (oref section parent)))
    907             (magit-section-match-2 condition parent)))
    908     (and (let ((c (car condition)))
    909            (if (class-p c)
    910                (cl-typep section c)
    911              (if-let ((class (cdr (assq c magit--section-type-alist))))
    912                  (cl-typep section class)
    913                (eq (oref section type) c))))
    914          (or (not (setq condition (cdr condition)))
    915              (when-let ((parent (oref section parent)))
    916                (magit-section-match-2 condition parent))))))
    918 (defun magit-section-value-if (condition &optional section)
    919   "If the section at point matches CONDITION, then return its value.
    921 If optional SECTION is non-nil then test whether that matches
    922 instead.  If there is no section at point and SECTION is nil,
    923 then return nil.  If the section does not match, then return
    924 nil.
    926 See `magit-section-match' for the forms CONDITION can take."
    927   (when-let ((section (or section (magit-current-section))))
    928     (and (magit-section-match condition section)
    929          (oref section value))))
    931 (defmacro magit-section-when (condition &rest body)
    932   "If the section at point matches CONDITION, evaluate BODY.
    934 If the section matches, then evaluate BODY forms sequentially
    935 with `it' bound to the section and return the value of the last
    936 form.  If there are no BODY forms, then return the value of the
    937 section.  If the section does not match or if there is no section
    938 at point, then return nil.
    940 See `magit-section-match' for the forms CONDITION can take."
    941   (declare (obsolete
    942             "instead use `magit-section-match' or `magit-section-value-if'."
    943             "Magit 2.90.0")
    944            (indent 1)
    945            (debug (sexp body)))
    946   `(--when-let (magit-current-section)
    947      ;; Quoting CONDITION here often leads to double-quotes, which
    948      ;; isn't an issue because `magit-section-match-1' implicitly
    949      ;; deals with that.  We shouldn't force users of this function
    950      ;; to not quote CONDITION because that would needlessly break
    951      ;; backward compatibility.
    952      (when (magit-section-match ',condition it)
    953        ,@(or body '((oref it value))))))
    955 (defmacro magit-section-case (&rest clauses)
    956   "Choose among clauses on the type of the section at point.
    958 Each clause looks like (CONDITION BODY...).  The type of the
    959 section is compared against each CONDITION; the BODY forms of the
    960 first match are evaluated sequentially and the value of the last
    961 form is returned.  Inside BODY the symbol `it' is bound to the
    962 section at point.  If no clause succeeds or if there is no
    963 section at point, return nil.
    965 See `magit-section-match' for the forms CONDITION can take.
    966 Additionally a CONDITION of t is allowed in the final clause, and
    967 matches if no other CONDITION match, even if there is no section
    968 at point."
    969   (declare (indent 0)
    970            (debug (&rest (sexp body))))
    971   `(let* ((it (magit-current-section)))
    972      (cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
    973                        `(,(or (eq (car clause) t)
    974                               `(and it
    975                                     (magit-section-match-1 ',(car clause) it)))
    976                          ,@(cdr clause)))
    977                      clauses))))
    979 (defun magit-section-match-assoc (section alist)
    980   "Return the value associated with SECTION's type or lineage in ALIST."
    981   (seq-some (pcase-lambda (`(,key . ,val))
    982               (and (magit-section-match-1 key section) val))
    983             alist))
    985 ;;; Create
    987 (defvar magit-insert-section-hook nil
    988   "Hook run after `magit-insert-section's BODY.
    989 Avoid using this hook and only ever do so if you know
    990 what you are doing and are sure there is no other way.")
    992 (defmacro magit-insert-section (&rest args)
    993   "Insert a section at point.
    995 Create a section object of type CLASS, storing VALUE in its
    996 `value' slot, and insert the section at point.  CLASS is a
    997 subclass of `magit-section' or has the form `(eval FORM)', in
    998 which case FORM is evaluated at runtime and should return a
    999 subclass.  In other places a sections class is oftern referred
   1000 to as its \"type\".
   1002 Many commands behave differently depending on the class of the
   1003 current section and sections of a certain class can have their
   1004 own keymap, which is specified using the `keymap' class slot.
   1005 The value of that slot should be a variable whose value is a
   1006 keymap.
   1008 For historic reasons Magit and Forge in most cases use symbols
   1009 as CLASS that don't actually identify a class and that lack the
   1010 appropriate package prefix.  This works due to some undocumented
   1011 kludges, which are not available to other packages.
   1013 When optional HIDE is non-nil collapse the section body by
   1014 default, i.e. when first creating the section, but not when
   1015 refreshing the buffer.  Else expand it by default.  This can be
   1016 overwritten using `magit-section-set-visibility-hook'.  When a
   1017 section is recreated during a refresh, then the visibility of
   1018 predecessor is inherited and HIDE is ignored (but the hook is
   1019 still honored).
   1021 BODY is any number of forms that actually insert the section's
   1022 heading and body.  Optional NAME, if specified, has to be a
   1023 symbol, which is then bound to the object of the section being
   1024 inserted.
   1026 Before BODY is evaluated the `start' of the section object is set
   1027 to the value of `point' and after BODY was evaluated its `end' is
   1028 set to the new value of `point'; BODY is responsible for moving
   1029 `point' forward.
   1031 If it turns out inside BODY that the section is empty, then
   1032 `magit-cancel-section' can be used to abort and remove all traces
   1033 of the partially inserted section.  This can happen when creating
   1034 a section by washing Git's output and Git didn't actually output
   1035 anything this time around.
   1037 \(fn [NAME] (CLASS &optional VALUE HIDE) &rest BODY)"
   1038   (declare (indent defun)
   1039            (debug ([&optional symbolp]
   1040                    (&or [("eval" form) &optional form form]
   1041                         [symbolp &optional form form])
   1042                    body)))
   1043   (let ((tp (cl-gensym "type"))
   1044         (s* (and (symbolp (car args))
   1045                  (pop args)))
   1046         (s  (cl-gensym "section")))
   1047     `(let* ((,tp ,(let ((type (nth 0 (car args))))
   1048                     (if (eq (car-safe type) 'eval)
   1049                         (cadr type)
   1050                       `',type)))
   1051             (,s (funcall (if (class-p ,tp)
   1052                              ,tp
   1053                            (or (cdr (assq ,tp magit--section-type-alist))
   1054                                'magit-section))
   1055                          :type
   1056                          (or (and (class-p ,tp)
   1057                                   (car (rassq ,tp magit--section-type-alist)))
   1058                              ,tp)
   1059                          :value ,(nth 1 (car args))
   1060                          :start (point-marker)
   1061                          :parent magit-insert-section--parent)))
   1062        (oset ,s hidden
   1063              (let ((value (run-hook-with-args-until-success
   1064                            'magit-section-set-visibility-hook ,s)))
   1065                (if value
   1066                    (eq value 'hide)
   1067                  (let ((incarnation (and magit-insert-section--oldroot
   1068                                          (magit-get-section
   1069                                           (magit-section-ident ,s)
   1070                                           magit-insert-section--oldroot))))
   1071                    (if incarnation
   1072                        (oref incarnation hidden)
   1073                      (let ((value (magit-section-match-assoc
   1074                                    ,s magit-section-initial-visibility-alist)))
   1075                        (if value
   1076                            (progn
   1077                              (when (functionp value)
   1078                                (setq value (funcall value ,s)))
   1079                              (eq value 'hide))
   1080                          ,(nth 2 (car args)))))))))
   1081        (let ((magit-insert-section--current ,s)
   1082              (magit-insert-section--parent  ,s)
   1083              (magit-insert-section--oldroot
   1084               (or magit-insert-section--oldroot
   1085                   (unless magit-insert-section--parent
   1086                     (prog1 magit-root-section
   1087                       (setq magit-root-section ,s))))))
   1088          (catch 'cancel-section
   1089            ,@(if s*
   1090                  `((let ((,s* ,s))
   1091                      ,@(cdr args)))
   1092                (cdr args))
   1093            ;; `magit-insert-section-hook' should *not* be run with
   1094            ;; `magit-run-section-hook' because it's a hook that runs
   1095            ;; on section insertion, not a section inserting hook.
   1096            (run-hooks 'magit-insert-section-hook)
   1097            (magit-insert-child-count ,s)
   1098            (set-marker-insertion-type (oref ,s start) t)
   1099            (let* ((end (oset ,s end (point-marker)))
   1100                   (class-map (oref-default ,s keymap))
   1101                   (magit-map (intern (format "magit-%s-section-map"
   1102                                              (oref ,s type))))
   1103                   (forge-map (intern (format "forge-%s-section-map"
   1104                                              (oref ,s type))))
   1105                   (map (or (and         class-map  (symbol-value class-map))
   1106                            (and (boundp magit-map) (symbol-value magit-map))
   1107                            (and (boundp forge-map) (symbol-value forge-map)))))
   1108              (save-excursion
   1109                (goto-char (oref ,s start))
   1110                (while (< (point) end)
   1111                  (let ((next (or (next-single-property-change
   1112                                   (point) 'magit-section)
   1113                                  end)))
   1114                    (unless (get-text-property (point) 'magit-section)
   1115                      (put-text-property (point) next 'magit-section ,s)
   1116                      (when map
   1117                        (put-text-property (point) next 'keymap map)))
   1118                    (goto-char next)))))
   1119            (if (eq ,s magit-root-section)
   1120                (let ((magit-section-cache-visibility nil))
   1121                  (magit-section-show ,s))
   1122              (oset (oref ,s parent) children
   1123                    (nconc (oref (oref ,s parent) children)
   1124                           (list ,s)))))
   1125          ,s))))
   1127 (defun magit-cancel-section ()
   1128   "Cancel inserting the section that is currently being inserted.
   1129 Remove all traces of that section."
   1130   (when magit-insert-section--current
   1131     (if (not (oref magit-insert-section--current parent))
   1132         (insert "(empty)\n")
   1133       (delete-region (oref magit-insert-section--current start)
   1134                      (point))
   1135       (setq magit-insert-section--current nil)
   1136       (throw 'cancel-section nil))))
   1138 (defun magit-insert-heading (&rest args)
   1139   "Insert the heading for the section currently being inserted.
   1141 This function should only be used inside `magit-insert-section'.
   1143 When called without any arguments, then just set the `content'
   1144 slot of the object representing the section being inserted to
   1145 a marker at `point'.  The section should only contain a single
   1146 line when this function is used like this.
   1148 When called with arguments ARGS, which have to be strings, or
   1149 nil, then insert those strings at point.  The section should not
   1150 contain any text before this happens and afterwards it should
   1151 again only contain a single line.  If the `face' property is set
   1152 anywhere inside any of these strings, then insert all of them
   1153 unchanged.  Otherwise use the `magit-section-heading' face for
   1154 all inserted text.
   1156 The `content' property of the section object is the end of the
   1157 heading (which lasts from `start' to `content') and the beginning
   1158 of the the body (which lasts from `content' to `end').  If the
   1159 value of `content' is nil, then the section has no heading and
   1160 its body cannot be collapsed.  If a section does have a heading,
   1161 then its height must be exactly one line, including a trailing
   1162 newline character.  This isn't enforced, you are responsible for
   1163 getting it right.  The only exception is that this function does
   1164 insert a newline character if necessary."
   1165   (declare (indent defun))
   1166   (when args
   1167     (let ((heading (apply #'concat args)))
   1168       (insert (if (or (text-property-not-all 0 (length heading)
   1169                                              'font-lock-face nil heading)
   1170                       (text-property-not-all 0 (length heading)
   1171                                              'face nil heading))
   1172                   heading
   1173                 (propertize heading 'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading)))))
   1174   (unless (bolp)
   1175     (insert ?\n))
   1176   (when (fboundp 'magit-maybe-make-margin-overlay)
   1177     (magit-maybe-make-margin-overlay))
   1178   (oset magit-insert-section--current content (point-marker)))
   1180 (defmacro magit-insert-section-body (&rest body)
   1181   "Use BODY to insert the section body, once the section is expanded.
   1182 If the section is expanded when it is created, then this is
   1183 like `progn'.  Otherwise BODY isn't evaluated until the section
   1184 is explicitly expanded."
   1185   (declare (indent 0))
   1186   (let ((f (cl-gensym))
   1187         (s (cl-gensym)))
   1188     `(let ((,f (lambda () ,@body))
   1189            (,s magit-insert-section--current))
   1190        (if (oref ,s hidden)
   1191            (oset ,s washer
   1192                  (lambda ()
   1193                    (funcall ,f)
   1194                    (magit-section-maybe-remove-visibility-indicator ,s)))
   1195          (funcall ,f)))))
   1197 (defun magit-insert-headers (hook)
   1198   (let* ((header-sections nil)
   1199          (magit-insert-section-hook
   1200           (cons (lambda ()
   1201                   (push magit-insert-section--current
   1202                         header-sections))
   1203                 (if (listp magit-insert-section-hook)
   1204                     magit-insert-section-hook
   1205                   (list magit-insert-section-hook)))))
   1206     (magit-run-section-hook hook)
   1207     (when header-sections
   1208       (insert "\n")
   1209       ;; Make the first header into the parent of the rest.
   1210       (when (cdr header-sections)
   1211         (cl-callf nreverse header-sections)
   1212         (let* ((1st-header (pop header-sections))
   1213                (header-parent (oref 1st-header parent)))
   1214           (oset header-parent children (list 1st-header))
   1215           (oset 1st-header children header-sections)
   1216           (oset 1st-header content (oref (car header-sections) start))
   1217           (oset 1st-header end (oref (car (last header-sections)) end))
   1218           (dolist (sub-header header-sections)
   1219             (oset sub-header parent 1st-header)))))))
   1221 (defun magit-insert-child-count (section)
   1222   "Modify SECTION's heading to contain number of child sections.
   1224 If `magit-section-show-child-count' is non-nil and the SECTION
   1225 has children and its heading ends with \":\", then replace that
   1226 with \" (N)\", where N is the number of child sections.
   1228 This function is called by `magit-insert-section' after that has
   1229 evaluated its BODY.  Admittedly that's a bit of a hack."
   1230   ;; This has to be fast, not pretty!
   1231   (let (content count)
   1232     (when (and magit-section-show-child-count
   1233                (setq count (length (oref section children)))
   1234                (> count 0)
   1235                (setq content (oref section content))
   1236                (eq (char-before (1- content)) ?:))
   1237       (save-excursion
   1238         (goto-char (- content 2))
   1239         (insert (format " (%s)" count))
   1240         (delete-char 1)))))
   1242 ;;; Highlight
   1244 (defvar-local magit-section-pre-command-section nil)
   1245 (defvar-local magit-section-highlight-overlays nil)
   1246 (defvar-local magit-section-highlighted-sections nil)
   1247 (defvar-local magit-section-unhighlight-sections nil)
   1249 (defun magit-section-pre-command-hook ()
   1250   (setq magit-section-pre-command-section (magit-current-section)))
   1252 (defun magit-section-deactivate-mark ()
   1253   (magit-section-update-highlight t))
   1255 (defun magit-section-update-highlight (&optional force)
   1256   (let ((section (magit-current-section)))
   1257     (when (or force (not (eq magit-section-pre-command-section section)))
   1258       (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
   1259             (deactivate-mark nil)
   1260             (selection (magit-region-sections)))
   1261         (mapc #'delete-overlay magit-section-highlight-overlays)
   1262         (setq magit-section-highlight-overlays nil)
   1263         (setq magit-section-unhighlight-sections
   1264               magit-section-highlighted-sections)
   1265         (setq magit-section-highlighted-sections nil)
   1266         (unless (eq section magit-root-section)
   1267           (run-hook-with-args-until-success
   1268            'magit-section-highlight-hook section selection))
   1269         (dolist (s magit-section-unhighlight-sections)
   1270           (run-hook-with-args-until-success
   1271            'magit-section-unhighlight-hook s selection))
   1272         (restore-buffer-modified-p nil)))
   1273     (magit-section-maybe-paint-visibility-ellipses)))
   1275 (defun magit-section-highlight (section selection)
   1276   "Highlight SECTION and if non-nil all sections in SELECTION.
   1277 This function works for any section but produces undesirable
   1278 effects for diff related sections, which by default are
   1279 highlighted using `magit-diff-highlight'.  Return t."
   1280   (when-let ((face (oref section heading-highlight-face)))
   1281     (dolist (section (or selection (list section)))
   1282       (magit-section-make-overlay
   1283        (oref section start)
   1284        (or (oref section content)
   1285            (oref section end))
   1286        face)))
   1287   (cond (selection
   1288          (magit-section-make-overlay (oref (car selection) start)
   1289                                      (oref (car (last selection)) end)
   1290                                      'magit-section-highlight)
   1291          (magit-section-highlight-selection nil selection))
   1292         (t
   1293          (magit-section-make-overlay (oref section start)
   1294                                      (oref section end)
   1295                                      'magit-section-highlight)))
   1296   t)
   1298 (defun magit-section-highlight-selection (_ selection)
   1299   "Highlight the section-selection region.
   1300 If SELECTION is non-nil, then it is a list of sections selected by
   1301 the region.  The headings of these sections are then highlighted.
   1303 This is a fallback for people who don't want to highlight the
   1304 current section and therefore removed `magit-section-highlight'
   1305 from `magit-section-highlight-hook'.
   1307 This function is necessary to ensure that a representation of
   1308 such a region is visible.  If neither of these functions were
   1309 part of the hook variable, then such a region would be
   1310 invisible."
   1311   (when (and selection
   1312              (not (and (eq this-command 'mouse-drag-region))))
   1313     (dolist (section selection)
   1314       (magit-section-make-overlay (oref section start)
   1315                                   (or (oref section content)
   1316                                       (oref section end))
   1317                                   'magit-section-heading-selection))
   1318     t))
   1320 (defun magit-section-make-overlay (start end face)
   1321   ;; Yes, this doesn't belong here.  But the alternative of
   1322   ;; spreading this hack across the code base is even worse.
   1323   (when (and magit-keep-region-overlay
   1324              (memq face '(magit-section-heading-selection
   1325                           magit-diff-file-heading-selection
   1326                           magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection)))
   1327     (setq face (list :foreground (face-foreground face))))
   1328   (let ((ov (make-overlay start end nil t)))
   1329     (overlay-put ov 'font-lock-face face)
   1330     (overlay-put ov 'evaporate t)
   1331     (push ov magit-section-highlight-overlays)
   1332     ov))
   1334 (defun magit-section-goto-successor (section line char arg)
   1335   (let ((ident (magit-section-ident section)))
   1336     (--if-let (magit-get-section ident)
   1337         (let ((start (oref it start)))
   1338           (goto-char start)
   1339           (unless (eq it magit-root-section)
   1340             (ignore-errors
   1341               (forward-line line)
   1342               (forward-char char))
   1343             (unless (eq (magit-current-section) it)
   1344               (goto-char start))))
   1345       (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success
   1346            'magit-section-goto-successor-hook section arg)
   1347           (goto-char (--if-let (magit-section-goto-successor-1 section)
   1348                          (if (eq (oref it type) 'button)
   1349                              (point-min)
   1350                            (oref it start))
   1351                        (point-min)))))))
   1353 (defun magit-section-goto-successor-1 (section)
   1354   (or (--when-let (pcase (oref section type)
   1355                     (`staged 'unstaged)
   1356                     (`unstaged 'staged)
   1357                     (`unpushed 'unpulled)
   1358                     (`unpulled 'unpushed))
   1359         (magit-get-section `((,it) (status))))
   1360       (--when-let (car (magit-section-siblings section 'next))
   1361         (magit-get-section (magit-section-ident it)))
   1362       (--when-let (car (magit-section-siblings section 'prev))
   1363         (magit-get-section (magit-section-ident it)))
   1364       (--when-let (oref section parent)
   1365         (or (magit-get-section (magit-section-ident it))
   1366             (magit-section-goto-successor-1 it)))))
   1368 ;;; Region
   1370 (defvar-local magit-section--region-overlays nil)
   1372 (defun magit-section--delete-region-overlays ()
   1373   (mapc #'delete-overlay magit-section--region-overlays)
   1374   (setq magit-section--region-overlays nil))
   1376 (defun magit-section--highlight-region (start end window rol)
   1377   (magit-section--delete-region-overlays)
   1378   (if (and (not magit-keep-region-overlay)
   1379            (or (magit-region-sections)
   1380                (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'magit-region-highlight-hook
   1381                                                  (magit-current-section)))
   1382            (not (= (line-number-at-pos start)
   1383                    (line-number-at-pos end)))
   1384            ;; (not (eq (car-safe last-command-event) 'mouse-movement))
   1385            )
   1386       (funcall (default-value 'redisplay-unhighlight-region-function) rol)
   1387     (funcall (default-value 'redisplay-highlight-region-function)
   1388              start end window rol)))
   1390 (defun magit-section--unhighlight-region (rol)
   1391   (magit-section--delete-region-overlays)
   1392   (funcall (default-value 'redisplay-unhighlight-region-function) rol))
   1394 ;;; Visibility
   1396 (defvar-local magit-section-visibility-cache nil)
   1397 (put 'magit-section-visibility-cache 'permanent-local t)
   1399 (defun magit-section-cached-visibility (section)
   1400   "Set SECTION's visibility to the cached value."
   1401   (cdr (assoc (magit-section-ident section)
   1402               magit-section-visibility-cache)))
   1404 (cl-defun magit-section-cache-visibility
   1405     (&optional (section magit-insert-section--current))
   1406   ;; Emacs 25's `alist-get' lacks TESTFN.
   1407   (let* ((id  (magit-section-ident section))
   1408          (elt (assoc id magit-section-visibility-cache))
   1409          (val (if (oref section hidden) 'hide 'show)))
   1410     (if elt
   1411         (setcdr elt val)
   1412       (push (cons id val) magit-section-visibility-cache))))
   1414 (cl-defun magit-section-maybe-cache-visibility
   1415     (&optional (section magit-insert-section--current))
   1416   (when (or (eq magit-section-cache-visibility t)
   1417             (memq (oref section type)
   1418                   magit-section-cache-visibility))
   1419     (magit-section-cache-visibility section)))
   1421 (defun magit-section-maybe-update-visibility-indicator (section)
   1422   (when magit-section-visibility-indicator
   1423     (let ((beg (oref section start))
   1424           (cnt (oref section content))
   1425           (end (oref section end)))
   1426       (when (and cnt (or (not (= cnt end)) (oref section washer)))
   1427         (let ((eoh (save-excursion
   1428                      (goto-char beg)
   1429                      (line-end-position))))
   1430           (cond
   1431            ((symbolp (car-safe magit-section-visibility-indicator))
   1432             ;; It would make more sense to put the overlay only on the
   1433             ;; location we actually don't put it on, but then inserting
   1434             ;; before that location (while taking care not to mess with
   1435             ;; the overlay) would cause the fringe bitmap to disappear
   1436             ;; (but not other effects of the overlay).
   1437             (let ((ov (magit--overlay-at (1+ beg) 'magit-vis-indicator 'fringe)))
   1438               (unless ov
   1439                 (setq ov (make-overlay (1+ beg) eoh))
   1440                 (overlay-put ov 'evaporate t)
   1441                 (overlay-put ov 'magit-vis-indicator 'fringe))
   1442               (overlay-put
   1443                ov 'before-string
   1444                (propertize "fringe" 'display
   1445                            (list 'left-fringe
   1446                                  (if (oref section hidden)
   1447                                      (car magit-section-visibility-indicator)
   1448                                    (cdr magit-section-visibility-indicator))
   1449                                  'fringe)))))
   1450            ((stringp (car-safe magit-section-visibility-indicator))
   1451             (let ((ov (magit--overlay-at (1- eoh) 'magit-vis-indicator 'eoh)))
   1452               (cond ((oref section hidden)
   1453                      (unless ov
   1454                        (setq ov (make-overlay (1- eoh) eoh))
   1455                        (overlay-put ov 'evaporate t)
   1456                        (overlay-put ov 'magit-vis-indicator 'eoh))
   1457                      (overlay-put ov 'after-string
   1458                                   (car magit-section-visibility-indicator)))
   1459                     (ov
   1460                      (delete-overlay ov)))))))))))
   1462 (defvar-local magit--ellipses-sections nil)
   1464 (defun magit-section-maybe-paint-visibility-ellipses ()
   1465   ;; This is needed because we hide the body instead of "the body
   1466   ;; except the final newline and additionally the newline before
   1467   ;; the body"; otherwise we could use `buffer-invisibility-spec'.
   1468   (when (stringp (car-safe magit-section-visibility-indicator))
   1469     (let* ((sections (append magit--ellipses-sections
   1470                              (setq magit--ellipses-sections
   1471                                    (or (magit-region-sections)
   1472                                        (list (magit-current-section))))))
   1473            (beg (--map (oref it start) sections))
   1474            (end (--map (oref it end)   sections)))
   1475       (when (region-active-p)
   1476         ;; This ensures that the region face is removed from ellipses
   1477         ;; when the region becomes inactive, but fails to ensure that
   1478         ;; all ellipses within the active region use the region face,
   1479         ;; because the respective overlay has not yet been updated at
   1480         ;; this time.  The magit-selection face is always applied.
   1481         (push (region-beginning) beg)
   1482         (push (region-end)       end))
   1483       (setq beg (apply #'min beg))
   1484       (setq end (apply #'max end))
   1485       (dolist (ov (overlays-in beg end))
   1486         (when (eq (overlay-get ov 'magit-vis-indicator) 'eoh)
   1487           (overlay-put
   1488            ov 'after-string
   1489            (propertize
   1490             (car magit-section-visibility-indicator) 'font-lock-face
   1491             (let ((pos (overlay-start ov)))
   1492               (delq nil (nconc (--map (overlay-get it 'font-lock-face)
   1493                                       (overlays-at pos))
   1494                                (list (get-char-property
   1495                                       pos 'font-lock-face))))))))))))
   1497 (defun magit-section-maybe-remove-visibility-indicator (section)
   1498   (when (and magit-section-visibility-indicator
   1499              (= (oref section content)
   1500                 (oref section end)))
   1501     (dolist (o (overlays-in (oref section start)
   1502                             (save-excursion
   1503                               (goto-char (oref section start))
   1504                               (1+ (line-end-position)))))
   1505       (when (overlay-get o 'magit-vis-indicator)
   1506         (delete-overlay o)))))
   1508 (defvar-local magit-section--opened-sections nil)
   1510 (defun magit-section--open-temporarily (beg end)
   1511   (save-excursion
   1512     (goto-char beg)
   1513     (let ((section (magit-current-section)))
   1514       (while section
   1515         (let ((content (oref section content)))
   1516           (if (and (magit-section-invisible-p section)
   1517                    (<= (or content (oref section start))
   1518                        beg
   1519                        (oref section end)))
   1520               (progn
   1521                 (when content
   1522                   (magit-section-show section)
   1523                   (push section magit-section--opened-sections))
   1524                 (setq section (oref section parent)))
   1525             (setq section nil))))))
   1526   (or (eq search-invisible t)
   1527       (not (isearch-range-invisible beg end))))
   1529 (defun isearch-clean-overlays@magit-mode (fn)
   1530   (if (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode)
   1531       (let ((pos (point)))
   1532         (dolist (section magit-section--opened-sections)
   1533           (unless (<= (oref section content) pos (oref section end))
   1534             (magit-section-hide section)))
   1535         (setq magit-section--opened-sections nil))
   1536     (funcall fn)))
   1538 (advice-add 'isearch-clean-overlays :around
   1539             'isearch-clean-overlays@magit-mode)
   1541 ;;; Utilities
   1543 (cl-defun magit-section-selected-p (section &optional (selection nil sselection))
   1544   (and (not (eq section magit-root-section))
   1545        (or  (eq section (magit-current-section))
   1546             (memq section (if sselection
   1547                               selection
   1548                             (setq selection (magit-region-sections))))
   1549             (--when-let (oref section parent)
   1550               (magit-section-selected-p it selection)))))
   1552 (defun magit-section-parent-value (section)
   1553   (when-let ((parent (oref section parent)))
   1554     (oref parent value)))
   1556 (defun magit-section-siblings (section &optional direction)
   1557   "Return a list of the sibling sections of SECTION.
   1559 If optional DIRECTION is `prev', then return siblings that come
   1560 before SECTION.  If it is `next', then return siblings that come
   1561 after SECTION.  For all other values, return all siblings
   1562 excluding SECTION itself."
   1563   (when-let ((parent (oref section parent)))
   1564     (let ((siblings (oref parent children)))
   1565       (pcase direction
   1566         (`prev  (cdr (member section (reverse siblings))))
   1567         (`next  (cdr (member section siblings)))
   1568         (_      (remq section siblings))))))
   1570 (defun magit-region-values (&optional condition multiple)
   1571   "Return a list of the values of the selected sections.
   1573 Return the values that themselves would be returned by
   1574 `magit-region-sections' (which see)."
   1575   (--map (oref it value)
   1576          (magit-region-sections condition multiple)))
   1578 (defun magit-region-sections (&optional condition multiple)
   1579   "Return a list of the selected sections.
   1581 When the region is active and constitutes a valid section
   1582 selection, then return a list of all selected sections.  This is
   1583 the case when the region begins in the heading of a section and
   1584 ends in the heading of the same section or in that of a sibling
   1585 section.  If optional MULTIPLE is non-nil, then the region cannot
   1586 begin and end in the same section.
   1588 When the selection is not valid, then return nil.  In this case,
   1589 most commands that can act on the selected sections will instead
   1590 act on the section at point.
   1592 When the region looks like it would in any other buffer then
   1593 the selection is invalid.  When the selection is valid then the
   1594 region uses the `magit-section-highlight' face.  This does not
   1595 apply to diffs where things get a bit more complicated, but even
   1596 here if the region looks like it usually does, then that's not
   1597 a valid selection as far as this function is concerned.
   1599 If optional CONDITION is non-nil, then the selection not only
   1600 has to be valid; all selected sections additionally have to match
   1601 CONDITION, or nil is returned.  See `magit-section-match' for the
   1602 forms CONDITION can take."
   1603   (when (region-active-p)
   1604     (let* ((rbeg (region-beginning))
   1605            (rend (region-end))
   1606            (sbeg (get-text-property rbeg 'magit-section))
   1607            (send (get-text-property rend 'magit-section)))
   1608       (when (and send
   1609                  (not (eq send magit-root-section))
   1610                  (not (and multiple (eq send sbeg))))
   1611         (let ((siblings (cons sbeg (magit-section-siblings sbeg 'next)))
   1612               sections)
   1613           (when (and (memq send siblings)
   1614                      (magit-section-position-in-heading-p sbeg rbeg)
   1615                      (magit-section-position-in-heading-p send rend))
   1616             (while siblings
   1617               (push (car siblings) sections)
   1618               (when (eq (pop siblings) send)
   1619                 (setq siblings nil)))
   1620             (setq sections (nreverse sections))
   1621             (when (or (not condition)
   1622                       (--all-p (magit-section-match condition it) sections))
   1623               sections)))))))
   1625 (defun magit-section-position-in-heading-p (&optional section pos)
   1626   "Return t if POSITION is inside the heading of SECTION.
   1627 POSITION defaults to point and SECTION defaults to the
   1628 current section."
   1629   (unless section
   1630     (setq section (magit-current-section)))
   1631   (unless pos
   1632     (setq pos (point)))
   1633   (and section
   1634        (>= pos (oref section start))
   1635        (<  pos (or (oref section content)
   1636                    (oref section end)))
   1637        t))
   1639 (defun magit-section-internal-region-p (&optional section)
   1640   "Return t if the region is active and inside SECTION's body.
   1641 If optional SECTION is nil, use the current section."
   1642   (and (region-active-p)
   1643        (or section (setq section (magit-current-section)))
   1644        (let ((beg (get-text-property (region-beginning) 'magit-section)))
   1645          (and (eq beg (get-text-property   (region-end) 'magit-section))
   1646               (eq beg section)))
   1647        (not (or (magit-section-position-in-heading-p section (region-beginning))
   1648                 (magit-section-position-in-heading-p section (region-end))))
   1649        t))
   1651 (defun magit-section--backward-protected ()
   1652   "Move to the beginning of the current or the previous visible section.
   1653 Same as `magit-section-backward' but for non-interactive use.
   1654 Suppress `magit-section-movement-hook', and return a boolean to
   1655 indicate whether a section was found, instead of raising an error
   1656 if not."
   1657   (condition-case nil
   1658       (let ((magit-section-movement-hook nil))
   1659         (magit-section-backward)
   1660         t)
   1661     (user-error nil)))
   1663 (defun magit-section--backward-find (predicate)
   1664   "Move to the first previous section satisfying PREDICATE.
   1665 PREDICATE does not take any parameter and should not move
   1666 point."
   1667   (let (found)
   1668     (while (and (setq found (magit-section--backward-protected))
   1669                 (not (funcall predicate))))
   1670     found))
   1672 (defun magit-wash-sequence (function)
   1673   "Repeatedly call FUNCTION until it returns nil or eob is reached.
   1674 FUNCTION has to move point forward or return nil."
   1675   (while (and (not (eobp)) (funcall function))))
   1677 (defun magit-add-section-hook (hook function &optional at append local)
   1678   "Add to the value of section hook HOOK the function FUNCTION.
   1680 Add FUNCTION at the beginning of the hook list unless optional
   1681 APPEND is non-nil, in which case FUNCTION is added at the end.
   1682 If FUNCTION already is a member, then move it to the new location.
   1684 If optional AT is non-nil and a member of the hook list, then
   1685 add FUNCTION next to that instead.  Add before or after AT, or
   1686 replace AT with FUNCTION depending on APPEND.  If APPEND is the
   1687 symbol `replace', then replace AT with FUNCTION.  For any other
   1688 non-nil value place FUNCTION right after AT.  If nil, then place
   1689 FUNCTION right before AT.  If FUNCTION already is a member of the
   1690 list but AT is not, then leave FUNCTION where ever it already is.
   1692 If optional LOCAL is non-nil, then modify the hook's buffer-local
   1693 value rather than its global value.  This makes the hook local by
   1694 copying the default value.  That copy is then modified.
   1696 HOOK should be a symbol.  If HOOK is void, it is first set to nil.
   1697 HOOK's value must not be a single hook function.  FUNCTION should
   1698 be a function that takes no arguments and inserts one or multiple
   1699 sections at point, moving point forward.  FUNCTION may choose not
   1700 to insert its section(s), when doing so would not make sense.  It
   1701 should not be abused for other side-effects.  To remove FUNCTION
   1702 again use `remove-hook'."
   1703   (unless (boundp hook)
   1704     (error "Cannot add function to undefined hook variable %s" hook))
   1705   (unless (default-boundp hook)
   1706     (set-default hook nil))
   1707   (let ((value (if local
   1708                    (if (local-variable-p hook)
   1709                        (symbol-value hook)
   1710                      (unless (local-variable-if-set-p hook)
   1711                        (make-local-variable hook))
   1712                      (copy-sequence (default-value hook)))
   1713                  (default-value hook))))
   1714     (if at
   1715         (when (setq at (member at value))
   1716           (setq value (delq function value))
   1717           (cond ((eq append 'replace)
   1718                  (setcar at function))
   1719                 (append
   1720                  (push function (cdr at)))
   1721                 (t
   1722                  (push (car at) (cdr at))
   1723                  (setcar at function))))
   1724       (setq value (delq function value)))
   1725     (unless (member function value)
   1726       (setq value (if append
   1727                       (append value (list function))
   1728                     (cons function value))))
   1729     (when (eq append 'replace)
   1730       (setq value (delq at value)))
   1731     (if local
   1732         (set hook value)
   1733       (set-default hook value))))
   1735 (defvar-local magit-disabled-section-inserters nil)
   1737 (defun magit-disable-section-inserter (fn)
   1738   "Disable the section inserter FN in the current repository.
   1739 It is only intended for use in \".dir-locals.el\" and
   1740 \".dir-locals-2.el\".  Also see info node `(magit)Per-Repository
   1741 Configuration'."
   1742   (cl-pushnew fn magit-disabled-section-inserters))
   1744 (put 'magit-disable-section-inserter 'safe-local-eval-function t)
   1746 (defun magit-run-section-hook (hook &rest args)
   1747   "Run HOOK with ARGS, warning about invalid entries."
   1748   (let ((entries (symbol-value hook)))
   1749     (unless (listp entries)
   1750       (setq entries (list entries)))
   1751     (--when-let (-remove #'functionp entries)
   1752       (message "`%s' contains entries that are no longer valid.
   1753 %s\nUsing standard value instead.  Please re-configure hook variable."
   1754                hook
   1755                (mapconcat (lambda (sym) (format "  `%s'" sym)) it "\n"))
   1756       (sit-for 5)
   1757       (setq entries (eval (car (get hook 'standard-value)))))
   1758     (dolist (entry entries)
   1759       (let ((magit--current-section-hook (cons (list hook entry)
   1760                                                magit--current-section-hook)))
   1761         (unless (memq entry magit-disabled-section-inserters)
   1762           (if (bound-and-true-p magit-refresh-verbose)
   1763               (let ((time (benchmark-elapse (apply entry args))))
   1764                 (message "  %-50s %s %s" entry time
   1765                          (cond ((> time 0.03) "!!")
   1766                                ((> time 0.01) "!")
   1767                                (t ""))))
   1768             (apply entry args)))))))
   1770 (cl-defun magit--overlay-at (pos prop &optional (val nil sval) testfn)
   1771   (cl-find-if (lambda (o)
   1772                 (let ((p (overlay-properties o)))
   1773                   (and (plist-member p prop)
   1774                        (or (not sval)
   1775                            (funcall (or testfn #'eql)
   1776                                     (plist-get p prop)
   1777                                     val)))))
   1778               (overlays-at pos t)))
   1780 ;;; Bitmaps
   1782 (when (fboundp 'define-fringe-bitmap)
   1783   (define-fringe-bitmap 'magit-fringe-bitmap+
   1784     [#b00000000
   1785      #b00011000
   1786      #b00011000
   1787      #b01111110
   1788      #b01111110
   1789      #b00011000
   1790      #b00011000
   1791      #b00000000])
   1792   (define-fringe-bitmap 'magit-fringe-bitmap-
   1793     [#b00000000
   1794      #b00000000
   1795      #b00000000
   1796      #b01111110
   1797      #b01111110
   1798      #b00000000
   1799      #b00000000
   1800      #b00000000])
   1802   (define-fringe-bitmap 'magit-fringe-bitmap>
   1803     [#b01100000
   1804      #b00110000
   1805      #b00011000
   1806      #b00001100
   1807      #b00011000
   1808      #b00110000
   1809      #b01100000
   1810      #b00000000])
   1811   (define-fringe-bitmap 'magit-fringe-bitmapv
   1812     [#b00000000
   1813      #b10000010
   1814      #b11000110
   1815      #b01101100
   1816      #b00111000
   1817      #b00010000
   1818      #b00000000
   1819      #b00000000])
   1821   (define-fringe-bitmap 'magit-fringe-bitmap-bold>
   1822     [#b11100000
   1823      #b01110000
   1824      #b00111000
   1825      #b00011100
   1826      #b00011100
   1827      #b00111000
   1828      #b01110000
   1829      #b11100000])
   1830   (define-fringe-bitmap 'magit-fringe-bitmap-boldv
   1831     [#b10000001
   1832      #b11000011
   1833      #b11100111
   1834      #b01111110
   1835      #b00111100
   1836      #b00011000
   1837      #b00000000
   1838      #b00000000])
   1839   )
   1841 ;;; _
   1842 (provide 'magit-section)
   1843 ;;; magit-section.el ends here