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magit-process.el (52062B)

      1 ;;; magit-process.el --- process functionality  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2021  The Magit Project Contributors
      4 ;;
      5 ;; You should have received a copy of the file which
      6 ;; lists all contributors.  If not, see
      8 ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      9 ;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <>
     11 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
     13 ;; Magit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     14 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     15 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     16 ;; any later version.
     17 ;;
     18 ;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     19 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     20 ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
     21 ;; License for more details.
     22 ;;
     23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     24 ;; along with Magit.  If not, see
     26 ;;; Commentary:
     28 ;; This library implements the tools used to run Git for side-effects.
     30 ;; Note that the functions used to run Git and then consume its
     31 ;; output, are defined in `magit-git.el'.  There's a bit of overlap
     32 ;; though.
     34 ;;; Code:
     36 (require 'magit-utils)
     37 (require 'magit-section)
     38 (require 'magit-git)
     39 (require 'magit-mode)
     41 (require 'ansi-color)
     42 (require 'with-editor)
     44 (declare-function auth-source-search "auth-source"
     45                   (&rest spec &key max require create delete &allow-other-keys))
     47 ;;; Options
     49 (defcustom magit-process-connection-type (not (eq system-type 'cygwin))
     50   "Connection type used for the Git process.
     52 If nil, use pipes: this is usually more efficient, and works on Cygwin.
     53 If t, use ptys: this enables Magit to prompt for passphrases when needed."
     54   :group 'magit-process
     55   :type '(choice (const :tag "pipe" nil)
     56                  (const :tag "pty" t)))
     58 (defcustom magit-need-cygwin-noglob
     59   (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
     60        (with-temp-buffer
     61          (let ((process-environment
     62                 (append magit-git-environment process-environment)))
     63            (condition-case e
     64                (process-file magit-git-executable
     65                              nil (current-buffer) nil
     66                              "-c" "alias.echo=!echo" "echo" "x{0}")
     67              (file-error
     68               (lwarn 'magit-process :warning
     69                      "Could not run Git: %S" e))))
     70          (equal "x0\n" (buffer-string))))
     71   "Whether to use a workaround for Cygwin's globbing behavior.
     73 If non-nil, add environment variables to `process-environment' to
     74 prevent the git.exe distributed by Cygwin and MSYS2 from
     75 attempting to perform glob expansion when called from a native
     76 Windows build of Emacs.  See #2246."
     77   :package-version '(magit . "2.3.0")
     78   :group 'magit-process
     79   :type '(choice (const :tag "Yes" t)
     80                  (const :tag "No" nil)))
     82 (defcustom magit-process-popup-time -1
     83   "Popup the process buffer if a command takes longer than this many seconds."
     84   :group 'magit-process
     85   :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" -1)
     86                  (const :tag "Immediately" 0)
     87                  (integer :tag "After this many seconds")))
     89 (defcustom magit-process-log-max 32
     90   "Maximum number of sections to keep in a process log buffer.
     91 When adding a new section would go beyond the limit set here,
     92 then the older half of the sections are remove.  Sections that
     93 belong to processes that are still running are never removed.
     94 When this is nil, no sections are ever removed."
     95   :package-version '(magit . "2.1.0")
     96   :group 'magit-process
     97   :type '(choice (const :tag "Never remove old sections" nil) integer))
     99 (defvar magit-process-extreme-logging nil
    100   "Whether `magit-process-file' logs to the *Messages* buffer.
    102 Only intended for temporary use when you try to figure out how
    103 Magit uses Git behind the scene.  Output that normally goes to
    104 the magit-process buffer continues to go there.  Not all output
    105 goes to either of these two buffers.
    107 Also see `magit-git-debug'.")
    109 (defcustom magit-process-error-tooltip-max-lines 20
    110   "The number of lines for `magit-process-error-lines' to return.
    112 These are displayed in a tooltip for `mode-line-process' errors.
    114 If `magit-process-error-tooltip-max-lines' is nil, the tooltip
    115 displays the text of `magit-process-error-summary' instead."
    116   :package-version '(magit . "2.12.0")
    117   :group 'magit-process
    118   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use summary line" nil)
    119                  integer))
    121 (defcustom magit-credential-cache-daemon-socket
    122   (--some (pcase-let ((`(,prog . ,args) (split-string it)))
    123             (if (and prog
    124                      (string-match-p
    125                       "\\`\\(?:\\(?:/.*/\\)?git-credential-\\)?cache\\'" prog))
    126                 (or (cl-loop for (opt val) on args
    127                              if (string= opt "--socket")
    128                              return val)
    129                     (expand-file-name "~/.git-credential-cache/socket"))))
    130           ;; Note: `magit-process-file' is not yet defined when
    131           ;; evaluating this form, so we use `process-lines'.
    132           (ignore-errors
    133             (let ((process-environment
    134                    (append magit-git-environment process-environment)))
    135               (process-lines magit-git-executable
    136                              "config" "--get-all" "credential.helper"))))
    137   "If non-nil, start a credential cache daemon using this socket.
    139 When using Git's cache credential helper in the normal way, Emacs
    140 sends a SIGHUP to the credential daemon after the git subprocess
    141 has exited, causing the daemon to also quit.  This can be avoided
    142 by starting the `git-credential-cache--daemon' process directly
    143 from Emacs.
    145 The function `magit-maybe-start-credential-cache-daemon' takes
    146 care of starting the daemon if necessary, using the value of this
    147 option as the socket.  If this option is nil, then it does not
    148 start any daemon.  Likewise if another daemon is already running,
    149 then it starts no new daemon.  This function has to be a member
    150 of the hook variable `magit-credential-hook' for this to work.
    151 If an error occurs while starting the daemon, most likely because
    152 the necessary executable is missing, then the function removes
    153 itself from the hook, to avoid further futile attempts."
    154   :package-version '(magit . "2.3.0")
    155   :group 'magit-process
    156   :type '(choice (file  :tag "Socket")
    157                  (const :tag "Don't start a cache daemon" nil)))
    159 (defcustom magit-process-yes-or-no-prompt-regexp
    160   (concat " [\[(]"
    161           "\\([Yy]\\(?:es\\)?\\)"
    162           "[/|]"
    163           "\\([Nn]o?\\)"
    164           ;; OpenSSH v8 prints this.  See #3969.
    165           "\\(?:/\\[fingerprint\\]\\)?"
    166           "[\])] ?[?:]? ?$")
    167   "Regexp matching Yes-or-No prompts of Git and its subprocesses."
    168   :package-version '(magit . "2.1.0")
    169   :group 'magit-process
    170   :type 'regexp)
    172 (defcustom magit-process-password-prompt-regexps
    173   '("^\\(Enter \\)?[Pp]assphrase\\( for \\(RSA \\)?key '.*'\\)?: ?$"
    174     ;; Match-group 99 is used to identify the "user@host" part.
    175     "^\\(Enter \\)?[Pp]assword\\( for '?\\(https?://\\)?\\(?99:[^']*\\)'?\\)?: ?$"
    176     "Please enter the passphrase for the ssh key"
    177     "Please enter the passphrase to unlock the OpenPGP secret key"
    178     "^.*'s password: ?$"
    179     "^Token: $" ; For git-credential-manager-core (#4318).
    180     "^Yubikey for .*: ?$"
    181     "^Enter PIN for .*: ?$")
    182   "List of regexps matching password prompts of Git and its subprocesses.
    183 Also see `magit-process-find-password-functions'."
    184   :package-version '(magit . "3.0.0")
    185   :group 'magit-process
    186   :type '(repeat (regexp)))
    188 (defcustom magit-process-find-password-functions nil
    189   "List of functions to try in sequence to get a password.
    191 These functions may be called when git asks for a password, which
    192 is detected using `magit-process-password-prompt-regexps'.  They
    193 are called if and only if matching the prompt resulted in the
    194 value of the 99th submatch to be non-nil.  Therefore users can
    195 control for which prompts these functions should be called by
    196 putting the host name in the 99th submatch, or not.
    198 If the functions are called, then they are called in the order
    199 given, with the host name as only argument, until one of them
    200 returns non-nil.  If they are not called or none of them returns
    201 non-nil, then the password is read from the user instead."
    202   :package-version '(magit . "2.3.0")
    203   :group 'magit-process
    204   :type 'hook
    205   :options '(magit-process-password-auth-source))
    207 (defcustom magit-process-username-prompt-regexps
    208   '("^Username for '.*': ?$")
    209   "List of regexps matching username prompts of Git and its subprocesses."
    210   :package-version '(magit . "2.1.0")
    211   :group 'magit-process
    212   :type '(repeat (regexp)))
    214 (defcustom magit-process-prompt-functions nil
    215   "List of functions used to forward arbitrary questions to the user.
    217 Magit has dedicated support for forwarding username and password
    218 prompts and Yes-or-No questions asked by Git and its subprocesses
    219 to the user.  This can be customized using other options in the
    220 `magit-process' customization group.
    222 If you encounter a new question that isn't handled by default,
    223 then those options should be used instead of this hook.
    225 However subprocesses may also ask questions that differ too much
    226 from what the code related to the above options assume, and this
    227 hook allows users to deal with such questions explicitly.
    229 Each function is called with the process and the output string
    230 as arguments until one of the functions returns non-nil.  The
    231 function is responsible for asking the user the appropriate
    232 question using e.g. `read-char-choice' and then forwarding the
    233 answer to the process using `process-send-string'.
    235 While functions such as `magit-process-yes-or-no-prompt' may not
    236 be sufficient to handle some prompt, it may still be of benefit
    237 to look at the implementations to gain some insights on how to
    238 implement such functions."
    239   :package-version '(magit . "3.0.0")
    240   :group 'magit-process
    241   :type 'hook)
    243 (defcustom magit-process-ensure-unix-line-ending t
    244   "Whether Magit should ensure a unix coding system when talking to Git."
    245   :package-version '(magit . "2.6.0")
    246   :group 'magit-process
    247   :type 'boolean)
    249 (defcustom magit-process-display-mode-line-error t
    250   "Whether Magit should retain and highlight process errors in the mode line."
    251   :package-version '(magit . "2.12.0")
    252   :group 'magit-process
    253   :type 'boolean)
    255 (defface magit-process-ok
    256   '((t :inherit magit-section-heading :foreground "green"))
    257   "Face for zero exit-status."
    258   :group 'magit-faces)
    260 (defface magit-process-ng
    261   '((t :inherit magit-section-heading :foreground "red"))
    262   "Face for non-zero exit-status."
    263   :group 'magit-faces)
    265 (defface magit-mode-line-process
    266   '((t :inherit mode-line-emphasis))
    267   "Face for `mode-line-process' status when Git is running for side-effects."
    268   :group 'magit-faces)
    270 (defface magit-mode-line-process-error
    271   '((t :inherit error))
    272   "Face for `mode-line-process' error status.
    274 Used when `magit-process-display-mode-line-error' is non-nil."
    275   :group 'magit-faces)
    277 ;;; Process Mode
    279 (defvar magit-process-mode-map
    280   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    281     (set-keymap-parent map magit-mode-map)
    282     map)
    283   "Keymap for `magit-process-mode'.")
    285 (define-derived-mode magit-process-mode magit-mode "Magit Process"
    286   "Mode for looking at Git process output."
    287   :group 'magit-process
    288   (hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer)
    289   (setq imenu-prev-index-position-function
    290         'magit-imenu--process-prev-index-position-function)
    291   (setq imenu-extract-index-name-function
    292         'magit-imenu--process-extract-index-name-function))
    294 (defun magit-process-buffer (&optional nodisplay)
    295   "Display the current repository's process buffer.
    297 If that buffer doesn't exist yet, then create it.
    298 Non-interactively return the buffer and unless
    299 optional NODISPLAY is non-nil also display it."
    300   (interactive)
    301   (let ((topdir (magit-toplevel)))
    302     (unless topdir
    303       (magit--with-safe-default-directory nil
    304         (setq topdir default-directory)
    305         (let (prev)
    306           (while (not (equal topdir prev))
    307             (setq prev topdir)
    308             (setq topdir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name topdir)))))))
    309     (let ((buffer (or (--first (with-current-buffer it
    310                                  (and (eq major-mode 'magit-process-mode)
    311                                       (equal default-directory topdir)))
    312                                (buffer-list))
    313                       (let ((default-directory topdir))
    314                         (magit-generate-new-buffer 'magit-process-mode)))))
    315       (with-current-buffer buffer
    316         (if magit-root-section
    317             (when magit-process-log-max
    318               (magit-process-truncate-log))
    319           (magit-process-mode)
    320           (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
    321                 (magit-insert-section--parent  nil)
    322                 (magit-insert-section--oldroot nil))
    323             (make-local-variable 'text-property-default-nonsticky)
    324             (magit-insert-section (processbuf)
    325               (insert "\n")))))
    326       (unless nodisplay
    327         (magit-display-buffer buffer))
    328       buffer)))
    330 (defun magit-process-kill ()
    331   "Kill the process at point."
    332   (interactive)
    333   (when-let ((process (magit-section-value-if 'process)))
    334     (unless (eq (process-status process) 'run)
    335       (user-error "Process isn't running"))
    336     (magit-confirm 'kill-process)
    337     (kill-process process)))
    339 ;;; Synchronous Processes
    341 (defvar magit-process-raise-error nil)
    343 (defun magit-git (&rest args)
    344   "Call Git synchronously in a separate process, for side-effects.
    346 Option `magit-git-executable' specifies the Git executable.
    347 The arguments ARGS specify arguments to Git, they are flattened
    348 before use.
    350 Process output goes into a new section in the buffer returned by
    351 `magit-process-buffer'.  If Git exits with a non-zero status,
    352 then raise an error."
    353   (let ((magit-process-raise-error t))
    354     (magit-call-git args)))
    356 (defun magit-run-git (&rest args)
    357   "Call Git synchronously in a separate process, and refresh.
    359 Function `magit-git-executable' specifies the Git executable and
    360 option `magit-git-global-arguments' specifies constant arguments.
    361 The arguments ARGS specify arguments to Git, they are flattened
    362 before use.
    364 After Git returns, the current buffer (if it is a Magit buffer)
    365 as well as the current repository's status buffer are refreshed.
    367 Process output goes into a new section in the buffer returned by
    368 `magit-process-buffer'."
    369   (let ((magit--refresh-cache (list (cons 0 0))))
    370     (magit-call-git args)
    371     (when (member (car args) '("init" "clone"))
    372       ;; Creating a new repository invalidates the cache.
    373       (setq magit--refresh-cache nil))
    374     (magit-refresh)))
    376 (defvar magit-pre-call-git-hook nil)
    378 (defun magit-call-git (&rest args)
    379   "Call Git synchronously in a separate process.
    381 Function `magit-git-executable' specifies the Git executable and
    382 option `magit-git-global-arguments' specifies constant arguments.
    383 The arguments ARGS specify arguments to Git, they are flattened
    384 before use.
    386 Process output goes into a new section in the buffer returned by
    387 `magit-process-buffer'."
    388   (run-hooks 'magit-pre-call-git-hook)
    389   (let ((default-process-coding-system (magit--process-coding-system)))
    390     (apply #'magit-call-process
    391            (magit-git-executable)
    392            (magit-process-git-arguments args))))
    394 (defun magit-call-process (program &rest args)
    395   "Call PROGRAM synchronously in a separate process.
    396 Process output goes into a new section in the buffer returned by
    397 `magit-process-buffer'."
    398   (pcase-let ((`(,process-buf . ,section)
    399                (magit-process-setup program args)))
    400     (magit-process-finish
    401      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    402        (apply #'magit-process-file program nil process-buf nil args))
    403      process-buf (current-buffer) default-directory section)))
    405 (defun magit-process-git (destination &rest args)
    406   "Call Git synchronously in a separate process, returning its exit code.
    407 DESTINATION specifies how to handle the output, like for
    408 `call-process', except that file handlers are supported.
    409 Enable Cygwin's \"noglob\" option during the call and
    410 ensure unix eol conversion."
    411   (apply #'magit-process-file
    412          (magit-git-executable)
    413          nil destination nil
    414          (magit-process-git-arguments args)))
    416 (defun magit-process-file (process &optional infile buffer display &rest args)
    417   "Process files synchronously in a separate process.
    418 Identical to `process-file' but temporarily enable Cygwin's
    419 \"noglob\" option during the call and ensure unix eol
    420 conversion."
    421   (when magit-process-extreme-logging
    422     (let ((inhibit-message t))
    423       (message "$ %s" (magit-process--format-arguments process args))))
    424   (let ((process-environment (magit-process-environment))
    425         (default-process-coding-system (magit--process-coding-system)))
    426     (apply #'process-file process infile buffer display args)))
    428 (defun magit-process-environment ()
    429   ;; The various w32 hacks are only applicable when running on the
    430   ;; local machine.  As of Emacs 25.1, a local binding of
    431   ;; process-environment different from the top-level value affects
    432   ;; the environment used in
    433   ;; tramp-sh-handle-{start-file-process,process-file}.
    434   (let ((local (not (file-remote-p default-directory))))
    435     (append magit-git-environment
    436             (and local
    437                  (cdr (assoc magit-git-executable magit-git-w32-path-hack)))
    438             (and local magit-need-cygwin-noglob
    439                  (mapcar (lambda (var)
    440                            (concat var "=" (--if-let (getenv var)
    441                                                (concat it " noglob")
    442                                              "noglob")))
    443                          '("CYGWIN" "MSYS")))
    444             process-environment)))
    446 (defvar magit-this-process nil)
    448 (defun magit-run-git-with-input (&rest args)
    449   "Call Git in a separate process.
    450 ARGS is flattened and then used as arguments to Git.
    452 The current buffer's content is used as the process's standard
    453 input.  The buffer is assumed to be temporary and thus OK to
    454 modify.
    456 Function `magit-git-executable' specifies the Git executable and
    457 option `magit-git-global-arguments' specifies constant arguments.
    458 The remaining arguments ARGS specify arguments to Git, they are
    459 flattened before use."
    460   (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
    461     ;; On w32, git expects UTF-8 encoded input, ignore any user
    462     ;; configuration telling us otherwise (see #3250).
    463     (encode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'utf-8-unix))
    464   (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
    465       ;; We lack `process-file-region', so fall back to asynch +
    466       ;; waiting in remote case.
    467       (progn
    468         (magit-start-git (current-buffer) args)
    469         (while (and magit-this-process
    470                     (eq (process-status magit-this-process) 'run))
    471           (sleep-for 0.005)))
    472     (run-hooks 'magit-pre-call-git-hook)
    473     (pcase-let* ((process-environment (magit-process-environment))
    474                  (default-process-coding-system (magit--process-coding-system))
    475                  (flat-args (magit-process-git-arguments args))
    476                  (`(,process-buf . ,section)
    477                   (magit-process-setup (magit-git-executable) flat-args))
    478                  (inhibit-read-only t))
    479       (magit-process-finish
    480        (apply #'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
    481               (magit-git-executable) nil process-buf nil flat-args)
    482        process-buf nil default-directory section))))
    484 ;;; Asynchronous Processes
    486 (defun magit-run-git-async (&rest args)
    487   "Start Git, prepare for refresh, and return the process object.
    488 ARGS is flattened and then used as arguments to Git.
    490 Display the command line arguments in the echo area.
    492 After Git returns some buffers are refreshed: the buffer that was
    493 current when this function was called (if it is a Magit buffer
    494 and still alive), as well as the respective Magit status buffer.
    496 See `magit-start-process' for more information."
    497   (message "Running %s %s" (magit-git-executable)
    498            (let ((m (mapconcat #'identity (-flatten args) " ")))
    499              (remove-list-of-text-properties 0 (length m) '(face) m)
    500              m))
    501   (magit-start-git nil args))
    503 (defun magit-run-git-with-editor (&rest args)
    504   "Export GIT_EDITOR and start Git.
    505 Also prepare for refresh and return the process object.
    506 ARGS is flattened and then used as arguments to Git.
    508 Display the command line arguments in the echo area.
    510 After Git returns some buffers are refreshed: the buffer that was
    511 current when this function was called (if it is a Magit buffer
    512 and still alive), as well as the respective Magit status buffer.
    514 See `magit-start-process' and `with-editor' for more information."
    515   (magit--record-separated-gitdir)
    516   (magit-with-editor (magit-run-git-async args)))
    518 (defun magit-run-git-sequencer (&rest args)
    519   "Export GIT_EDITOR and start Git.
    520 Also prepare for refresh and return the process object.
    521 ARGS is flattened and then used as arguments to Git.
    523 Display the command line arguments in the echo area.
    525 After Git returns some buffers are refreshed: the buffer that was
    526 current when this function was called (if it is a Magit buffer
    527 and still alive), as well as the respective Magit status buffer.
    528 If the sequence stops at a commit, make the section representing
    529 that commit the current section by moving `point' there.
    531 See `magit-start-process' and `with-editor' for more information."
    532   (apply #'magit-run-git-with-editor args)
    533   (set-process-sentinel magit-this-process #'magit-sequencer-process-sentinel)
    534   magit-this-process)
    536 (defvar magit-pre-start-git-hook nil)
    538 (defun magit-start-git (input &rest args)
    539   "Start Git, prepare for refresh, and return the process object.
    541 If INPUT is non-nil, it has to be a buffer or the name of an
    542 existing buffer.  The buffer content becomes the processes
    543 standard input.
    545 Function `magit-git-executable' specifies the Git executable and
    546 option `magit-git-global-arguments' specifies constant arguments.
    547 The remaining arguments ARGS specify arguments to Git, they are
    548 flattened before use.
    550 After Git returns some buffers are refreshed: the buffer that was
    551 current when this function was called (if it is a Magit buffer
    552 and still alive), as well as the respective Magit status buffer.
    554 See `magit-start-process' for more information."
    555   (run-hooks 'magit-pre-start-git-hook)
    556   (let ((default-process-coding-system (magit--process-coding-system)))
    557     (apply #'magit-start-process (magit-git-executable) input
    558            (magit-process-git-arguments args))))
    560 (defun magit-start-process (program &optional input &rest args)
    561   "Start PROGRAM, prepare for refresh, and return the process object.
    563 If optional argument INPUT is non-nil, it has to be a buffer or
    564 the name of an existing buffer.  The buffer content becomes the
    565 processes standard input.
    567 The process is started using `start-file-process' and then setup
    568 to use the sentinel `magit-process-sentinel' and the filter
    569 `magit-process-filter'.  Information required by these functions
    570 is stored in the process object.  When this function returns the
    571 process has not started to run yet so it is possible to override
    572 the sentinel and filter.
    574 After the process returns, `magit-process-sentinel' refreshes the
    575 buffer that was current when `magit-start-process' was called (if
    576 it is a Magit buffer and still alive), as well as the respective
    577 Magit status buffer."
    578   (pcase-let*
    579       ((`(,process-buf . ,section)
    580         (magit-process-setup program args))
    581        (process
    582         (let ((process-connection-type
    583                ;; Don't use a pty, because it would set icrnl
    584                ;; which would modify the input (issue #20).
    585                (and (not input) magit-process-connection-type))
    586               (process-environment (magit-process-environment))
    587               (default-process-coding-system (magit--process-coding-system)))
    588           (apply #'start-file-process
    589                  (file-name-nondirectory program)
    590                  process-buf program args))))
    591     (with-editor-set-process-filter process #'magit-process-filter)
    592     (set-process-sentinel process #'magit-process-sentinel)
    593     (set-process-buffer   process process-buf)
    594     (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
    595       ;; On w32, git expects UTF-8 encoded input, ignore any user
    596       ;; configuration telling us otherwise.
    597       (set-process-coding-system process nil 'utf-8-unix))
    598     (process-put process 'section section)
    599     (process-put process 'command-buf (current-buffer))
    600     (process-put process 'default-dir default-directory)
    601     (when magit-inhibit-refresh
    602       (process-put process 'inhibit-refresh t))
    603     (oset section process process)
    604     (with-current-buffer process-buf
    605       (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))
    606     (when input
    607       (with-current-buffer input
    608         (process-send-region process (point-min) (point-max))
    609         (process-send-eof    process)))
    610     (setq magit-this-process process)
    611     (oset section value process)
    612     (magit-process-display-buffer process)
    613     process))
    615 (defun magit-parse-git-async (&rest args)
    616   (setq args (magit-process-git-arguments args))
    617   (let ((command-buf (current-buffer))
    618         (process-buf (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))
    619         (toplevel (magit-toplevel)))
    620     (with-current-buffer process-buf
    621       (setq default-directory toplevel)
    622       (let ((process
    623              (let ((process-connection-type nil)
    624                    (process-environment (magit-process-environment))
    625                    (default-process-coding-system
    626                      (magit--process-coding-system)))
    627                (apply #'start-file-process "git" process-buf
    628                       (magit-git-executable) args))))
    629         (process-put process 'command-buf command-buf)
    630         (process-put process 'parsed (point))
    631         (setq magit-this-process process)
    632         process))))
    634 ;;; Process Internals
    636 (defun magit-process-setup (program args)
    637   (magit-process-set-mode-line program args)
    638   (let ((pwd default-directory)
    639         (buf (magit-process-buffer t)))
    640     (cons buf (with-current-buffer buf
    641                 (prog1 (magit-process-insert-section pwd program args nil nil)
    642                   (backward-char 1))))))
    644 (defun magit-process-insert-section (pwd program args &optional errcode errlog)
    645   (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
    646         (magit-insert-section--parent magit-root-section)
    647         (magit-insert-section--oldroot nil))
    648     (goto-char (1- (point-max)))
    649     (magit-insert-section (process)
    650       (insert (if errcode
    651                   (format "%3s " (propertize (number-to-string errcode)
    652                                              'font-lock-face 'magit-process-ng))
    653                 "run "))
    654       (unless (equal (expand-file-name pwd)
    655                      (expand-file-name default-directory))
    656         (insert (file-relative-name pwd default-directory) ?\s))
    657       (insert (magit-process--format-arguments program args))
    658       (magit-insert-heading)
    659       (when errlog
    660         (if (bufferp errlog)
    661             (insert (with-current-buffer errlog
    662                       (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
    663           (insert-file-contents errlog)
    664           (goto-char (1- (point-max)))))
    665       (insert "\n"))))
    667 (defun magit-process--format-arguments (program args)
    668   (cond
    669    ((and args (equal program (magit-git-executable)))
    670     (setq args (-split-at (length magit-git-global-arguments) args))
    671     (concat (propertize (file-name-nondirectory program)
    672                         'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading)
    673             " "
    674             (propertize (if (stringp magit-ellipsis)
    675                             magit-ellipsis
    676                           ;; For backward compatibility.
    677                           (char-to-string magit-ellipsis))
    678                         'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading
    679                         'help-echo (mapconcat #'identity (car args) " "))
    680             " "
    681             (propertize (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument (cadr args) " ")
    682                         'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading)))
    683    ((and args (equal program shell-file-name))
    684     (propertize (cadr args)
    685                 'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading))
    686    (t
    687     (concat (propertize (file-name-nondirectory program)
    688                         'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading)
    689             " "
    690             (propertize (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument args " ")
    691                         'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading)))))
    693 (defun magit-process-truncate-log ()
    694   (let* ((head nil)
    695          (tail (oref magit-root-section children))
    696          (count (length tail)))
    697     (when (> (1+ count) magit-process-log-max)
    698       (while (and (cdr tail)
    699                   (> count (/ magit-process-log-max 2)))
    700         (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
    701                (section (car tail))
    702                (process (oref section process)))
    703           (cond ((not process))
    704                 ((memq (process-status process) '(exit signal))
    705                  (delete-region (oref section start)
    706                                 (1+ (oref section end)))
    707                  (cl-decf count))
    708                 (t
    709                  (push section head))))
    710         (pop tail))
    711       (oset magit-root-section children
    712             (nconc (reverse head) tail)))))
    714 (defun magit-process-sentinel (process event)
    715   "Default sentinel used by `magit-start-process'."
    716   (when (memq (process-status process) '(exit signal))
    717     (setq event (substring event 0 -1))
    718     (when (string-match "^finished" event)
    719       (message (concat (capitalize (process-name process)) " finished")))
    720     (magit-process-finish process)
    721     (when (eq process magit-this-process)
    722       (setq magit-this-process nil))
    723     (unless (process-get process 'inhibit-refresh)
    724       (let ((command-buf (process-get process 'command-buf)))
    725         (if (buffer-live-p command-buf)
    726             (with-current-buffer command-buf
    727               (magit-refresh))
    728           (with-temp-buffer
    729             (setq default-directory (process-get process 'default-dir))
    730             (magit-refresh)))))))
    732 (defun magit-sequencer-process-sentinel (process event)
    733   "Special sentinel used by `magit-run-git-sequencer'."
    734   (when (memq (process-status process) '(exit signal))
    735     (magit-process-sentinel process event)
    736     (when-let ((process-buf (process-buffer process)))
    737       (when (buffer-live-p process-buf)
    738         (when-let ((status-buf (with-current-buffer process-buf
    739                                  (magit-get-mode-buffer 'magit-status-mode))))
    740           (with-current-buffer status-buf
    741             (--when-let
    742                 (magit-get-section
    743                  `((commit . ,(magit-rev-parse "HEAD"))
    744                    (,(pcase (car (cadr (-split-at
    745                                         (1+ (length magit-git-global-arguments))
    746                                         (process-command process))))
    747                        ((or "rebase" "am")   'rebase-sequence)
    748                        ((or "cherry-pick" "revert") 'sequence)))
    749                    (status)))
    750               (goto-char (oref it start))
    751               (magit-section-update-highlight))))))))
    753 (defun magit-process-filter (proc string)
    754   "Default filter used by `magit-start-process'."
    755   (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
    756     (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    757       (goto-char (process-mark proc))
    758       ;; Find last ^M in string.  If one was found, ignore
    759       ;; everything before it and delete the current line.
    760       (when-let ((ret-pos (cl-position ?\r string :from-end t)))
    761         (cl-callf substring string (1+ ret-pos))
    762         (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (point)))
    763       (insert (propertize string 'magit-section
    764                           (process-get proc 'section)))
    765       (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
    766       ;; Make sure prompts are matched after removing ^M.
    767       (magit-process-yes-or-no-prompt proc string)
    768       (magit-process-username-prompt  proc string)
    769       (magit-process-password-prompt  proc string)
    770       (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'magit-process-prompt-functions
    771                                         proc string))))
    773 (defmacro magit-process-kill-on-abort (proc &rest body)
    774   (declare (indent 1) (debug (form body)))
    775   (let ((map (cl-gensym)))
    776     `(let ((,map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    777        (set-keymap-parent ,map minibuffer-local-map)
    778        ;; Note: Leaving (kbd ...) unevaluated leads to the
    779        ;; magit-process:password-prompt test failing.
    780        (define-key ,map ,(kbd "C-g")
    781          (lambda ()
    782            (interactive)
    783            (ignore-errors (kill-process ,proc))
    784            (abort-recursive-edit)))
    785        (let ((minibuffer-local-map ,map))
    786          ,@body))))
    788 (defun magit-process-yes-or-no-prompt (process string)
    789   "Forward Yes-or-No prompts to the user."
    790   (when-let ((beg (string-match magit-process-yes-or-no-prompt-regexp string)))
    791     (let ((max-mini-window-height 30))
    792       (process-send-string
    793        process
    794        (downcase
    795         (concat
    796          (match-string
    797           (if (save-match-data
    798                 (magit-process-kill-on-abort process
    799                   (yes-or-no-p (substring string 0 beg)))) 1 2)
    800           string)
    801          "\n"))))))
    803 (defun magit-process-password-auth-source (key)
    804   "Use `auth-source-search' to get a password.
    805 If found, return the password.  Otherwise, return nil.
    807 To use this function add it to the appropriate hook
    808   (add-hook 'magit-process-find-password-functions
    809             'magit-process-password-auth-source)
    811 KEY typically derives from a prompt such as:
    812   Password for ''
    813 in which case it would be the string
    815 which matches the ~/.authinfo.gpg entry
    816   machine login yourname password 12345
    817 or iff that is undefined, for backward compatibility
    818   machine password 12345
    820 On you should not use your password but a
    821 personal access token, see [1].  For information about
    822 the peculiarities of other forges, please consult the
    823 respective documentation.
    825 After manually editing ~/.authinfo.gpg you must reset
    826 the cache using
    827   M-x auth-source-forget-all-cached RET
    829 The above will save you from having to repeatedly type
    830 your token or password, but you might still repeatedly
    831 be asked for your username.  To prevent that, change an
    832 URL like
    834 to
    837 Instead of changing all such URLs manually, they can
    838 be translated on the fly by doing this once
    839   git config --global \
    840     url. \
    843 [1]:"
    844   (require 'auth-source)
    845   (and (string-match "\\`\\(.+\\)@\\([^@]+\\)\\'" key)
    846        (let* ((user (match-string 1 key))
    847               (host (match-string 2 key))
    848               (secret
    849                (plist-get
    850                 (car (or (auth-source-search :max 1 :host host :user user)
    851                          (auth-source-search :max 1 :host key)))
    852                 :secret)))
    853          (if (functionp secret)
    854              (funcall secret)
    855            secret))))
    857 (defun magit-process-git-credential-manager-core (process string)
    858   "Authenticate using `git-credential-manager-core'.
    860 To use this function add it to the appropriate hook
    861   (add-hook \\='magit-process-prompt-functions
    862             \\='magit-process-git-credential-manager-core)"
    863   (and (string-match "^option (enter for default): $" string)
    864        (progn
    865          (magit-process-buffer)
    866          (let ((option (format "%c\n"
    867                                (read-char-choice "Option: " '(?\r ?\j ?1 ?2)))))
    868            (insert-before-markers-and-inherit option)
    869            (process-send-string process option)))))
    871 (defun magit-process-password-prompt (process string)
    872   "Find a password based on prompt STRING and send it to git.
    873 Use `magit-process-password-prompt-regexps' to find a known
    874 prompt.  If and only if one is found, then call functions in
    875 `magit-process-find-password-functions' until one of them returns
    876 the password.  If all functions return nil, then read the password
    877 from the user."
    878   (when-let ((prompt (magit-process-match-prompt
    879                       magit-process-password-prompt-regexps string)))
    880     (process-send-string
    881      process (magit-process-kill-on-abort process
    882                (concat (or (when-let ((key (match-string 99 string)))
    883                              (run-hook-with-args-until-success
    884                               'magit-process-find-password-functions key))
    885                            (read-passwd prompt))
    886                        "\n")))))
    888 (defun magit-process-username-prompt (process string)
    889   "Forward username prompts to the user."
    890   (--when-let (magit-process-match-prompt
    891                magit-process-username-prompt-regexps string)
    892     (process-send-string
    893      process (magit-process-kill-on-abort process
    894                (concat (read-string it nil nil (user-login-name)) "\n")))))
    896 (defun magit-process-match-prompt (prompts string)
    897   "Match STRING against PROMPTS and set match data.
    898 Return the matched string suffixed with \": \", if needed."
    899   (when (--any-p (string-match it string) prompts)
    900     (let ((prompt (match-string 0 string)))
    901       (cond ((string-suffix-p ": " prompt) prompt)
    902             ((string-suffix-p ":"  prompt) (concat prompt " "))
    903             (t                             (concat prompt ": "))))))
    905 (defun magit--process-coding-system ()
    906   (let ((fro (or magit-git-output-coding-system
    907                  (car default-process-coding-system)))
    908         (to (cdr default-process-coding-system)))
    909     (if magit-process-ensure-unix-line-ending
    910         (cons (coding-system-change-eol-conversion fro 'unix)
    911               (coding-system-change-eol-conversion to 'unix))
    912       (cons fro to))))
    914 (defvar magit-credential-hook nil
    915   "Hook run before Git needs credentials.")
    917 (defvar magit-credential-cache-daemon-process nil)
    919 (defun magit-maybe-start-credential-cache-daemon ()
    920   "Maybe start a `git-credential-cache--daemon' process.
    922 If such a process is already running or if the value of option
    923 `magit-credential-cache-daemon-socket' is nil, then do nothing.
    924 Otherwise start the process passing the value of that options
    925 as argument."
    926   (unless (or (not magit-credential-cache-daemon-socket)
    927               (process-live-p magit-credential-cache-daemon-process)
    928               (memq magit-credential-cache-daemon-process
    929                     (list-system-processes)))
    930     (setq magit-credential-cache-daemon-process
    931           (or (--first (let* ((attr (process-attributes it))
    932                               (comm (cdr (assq 'comm attr)))
    933                               (user (cdr (assq 'user attr))))
    934                          (and (string= comm "git-credential-cache--daemon")
    935                               (string= user user-login-name)))
    936                        (list-system-processes))
    937               (condition-case nil
    938                   (start-process "git-credential-cache--daemon"
    939                                  " *git-credential-cache--daemon*"
    940                                  (magit-git-executable)
    941                                  "credential-cache--daemon"
    942                                  magit-credential-cache-daemon-socket)
    943                 ;; Some Git implementations (e.g. Windows) won't have
    944                 ;; this program; if we fail the first time, stop trying.
    945                 ((debug error)
    946                  (remove-hook 'magit-credential-hook
    947                               #'magit-maybe-start-credential-cache-daemon)))))))
    949 (add-hook 'magit-credential-hook #'magit-maybe-start-credential-cache-daemon)
    951 (defun tramp-sh-handle-start-file-process--magit-tramp-process-environment
    952     (fn name buffer program &rest args)
    953   (if magit-tramp-process-environment
    954       (apply fn name buffer
    955              (car magit-tramp-process-environment)
    956              (append (cdr magit-tramp-process-environment)
    957                      (cons program args)))
    958     (apply fn name buffer program args)))
    960 (advice-add 'tramp-sh-handle-start-file-process :around
    961             'tramp-sh-handle-start-file-process--magit-tramp-process-environment)
    963 (defun tramp-sh-handle-process-file--magit-tramp-process-environment
    964     (fn program &optional infile destination display &rest args)
    965   (if magit-tramp-process-environment
    966       (apply fn "env" infile destination display
    967              (append magit-tramp-process-environment
    968                      (cons program args)))
    969     (apply fn program infile destination display args)))
    971 (advice-add 'tramp-sh-handle-process-file :around
    972             'tramp-sh-handle-process-file--magit-tramp-process-environment)
    974 (defvar magit-mode-line-process-map
    975   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    976     (define-key map (kbd "<mode-line> <mouse-1>")
    977       'magit-process-buffer)
    978     map)
    979   "Keymap for `mode-line-process'.")
    981 (defun magit-process-set-mode-line (program args)
    982   "Display the git command (sans arguments) in the mode line."
    983   (when (equal program (magit-git-executable))
    984     (setq args (nthcdr (length magit-git-global-arguments) args)))
    985   (let ((str (concat " " (propertize
    986                           (concat (file-name-nondirectory program)
    987                                   (and args (concat " " (car args))))
    988                           'mouse-face 'highlight
    989                           'keymap magit-mode-line-process-map
    990                           'help-echo "mouse-1: Show process buffer"
    991                           'font-lock-face 'magit-mode-line-process))))
    992     (magit-repository-local-set 'mode-line-process str)
    993     (dolist (buf (magit-mode-get-buffers))
    994       (with-current-buffer buf
    995         (setq mode-line-process str)))
    996     (force-mode-line-update t)))
    998 (defun magit-process-set-mode-line-error-status (&optional error str)
    999   "Apply an error face to the string set by `magit-process-set-mode-line'.
   1001 If ERROR is supplied, include it in the `mode-line-process' tooltip.
   1003 If STR is supplied, it replaces the `mode-line-process' text."
   1004   (setq str (or str (magit-repository-local-get 'mode-line-process)))
   1005   (when str
   1006     (setq error (format "%smouse-1: Show process buffer"
   1007                         (if (stringp error)
   1008                             (concat error "\n\n")
   1009                           "")))
   1010     (setq str (concat " " (propertize
   1011                            (substring-no-properties str 1)
   1012                            'mouse-face 'highlight
   1013                            'keymap magit-mode-line-process-map
   1014                            'help-echo error
   1015                            'font-lock-face 'magit-mode-line-process-error)))
   1016     (magit-repository-local-set 'mode-line-process str)
   1017     (dolist (buf (magit-mode-get-buffers))
   1018       (with-current-buffer buf
   1019         (setq mode-line-process str)))
   1020     (force-mode-line-update t)
   1021     ;; We remove any error status from the mode line when a magit
   1022     ;; buffer is refreshed (see `magit-refresh-buffer'), but we must
   1023     ;; ensure that we ignore any refreshes during the remainder of the
   1024     ;; current command -- otherwise a newly-set error status would be
   1025     ;; removed before it was seen.  We set a flag which prevents the
   1026     ;; status from being removed prior to the next command, so that
   1027     ;; the error status is guaranteed to remain visible until then.
   1028     (let ((repokey (magit-repository-local-repository)))
   1029       ;; The following closure captures the repokey value, and is
   1030       ;; added to `pre-command-hook'.
   1031       (cl-labels ((enable-magit-process-unset-mode-line
   1032                    () ;;; Remove ourself from the hook variable, so
   1033                       ;;; that we only run once.
   1034                    (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook
   1035                                 #'enable-magit-process-unset-mode-line)
   1036                    ;; Clear the inhibit flag for the repository in
   1037                    ;; which we set it.
   1038                    (magit-repository-local-set
   1039                     'inhibit-magit-process-unset-mode-line nil repokey)))
   1040         ;; Set the inhibit flag until the next command is invoked.
   1041         (magit-repository-local-set
   1042          'inhibit-magit-process-unset-mode-line t repokey)
   1043         (add-hook 'pre-command-hook
   1044                   #'enable-magit-process-unset-mode-line)))))
   1046 (defun magit-process-unset-mode-line-error-status ()
   1047   "Remove any current error status from the mode line."
   1048   (let ((status (or mode-line-process
   1049                     (magit-repository-local-get 'mode-line-process))))
   1050     (when (and status
   1051                (eq (get-text-property 1 'font-lock-face status)
   1052                    'magit-mode-line-process-error))
   1053       (magit-process-unset-mode-line))))
   1055 (defun magit-process-unset-mode-line (&optional directory)
   1056   "Remove the git command from the mode line."
   1057   (let ((default-directory (or directory default-directory)))
   1058     (unless (magit-repository-local-get 'inhibit-magit-process-unset-mode-line)
   1059       (magit-repository-local-set 'mode-line-process nil)
   1060       (dolist (buf (magit-mode-get-buffers))
   1061         (with-current-buffer buf (setq mode-line-process nil)))
   1062       (force-mode-line-update t))))
   1064 (defvar magit-process-error-message-regexps
   1065   (list "^\\*ERROR\\*: Canceled by user$"
   1066         "^\\(?:error\\|fatal\\|git\\): \\(.*\\)$"
   1067         "^\\(Cannot rebase:.*\\)$"))
   1069 (define-error 'magit-git-error "Git error")
   1071 (defun magit-process-error-summary (process-buf section)
   1072   "A one-line error summary from the given SECTION."
   1073   (or (and (buffer-live-p process-buf)
   1074            (with-current-buffer process-buf
   1075              (and (oref section content)
   1076                   (save-excursion
   1077                     (goto-char (oref section end))
   1078                     (run-hook-wrapped
   1079                      'magit-process-error-message-regexps
   1080                      (lambda (re)
   1081                        (save-excursion
   1082                          (and (re-search-backward
   1083                                re (oref section start) t)
   1084                               (or (match-string-no-properties 1)
   1085                                   (and (not magit-process-raise-error)
   1086                                        'suppressed))))))))))
   1087       "Git failed"))
   1089 (defun magit-process-error-tooltip (process-buf section)
   1090   "Returns the text from SECTION of the PROCESS-BUF buffer.
   1092 Limited by `magit-process-error-tooltip-max-lines'."
   1093   (and (integerp magit-process-error-tooltip-max-lines)
   1094        (> magit-process-error-tooltip-max-lines 0)
   1095        (buffer-live-p process-buf)
   1096        (with-current-buffer process-buf
   1097          (save-excursion
   1098            (goto-char (or (oref section content)
   1099                           (oref section start)))
   1100            (buffer-substring-no-properties
   1101             (point)
   1102             (save-excursion
   1103               (forward-line magit-process-error-tooltip-max-lines)
   1104               (goto-char
   1105                (if (> (point) (oref section end))
   1106                    (oref section end)
   1107                  (point)))
   1108               ;; Remove any trailing whitespace.
   1109               (when (re-search-backward "[^[:space:]\n]"
   1110                                         (oref section start) t)
   1111                 (forward-char 1))
   1112               (point)))))))
   1114 (defvar-local magit-this-error nil)
   1116 (defvar magit-process-finish-apply-ansi-colors nil)
   1118 (defun magit-process-finish (arg &optional process-buf command-buf
   1119                                  default-dir section)
   1120   (unless (integerp arg)
   1121     (setq process-buf (process-buffer arg))
   1122     (setq command-buf (process-get arg 'command-buf))
   1123     (setq default-dir (process-get arg 'default-dir))
   1124     (setq section     (process-get arg 'section))
   1125     (setq arg         (process-exit-status arg)))
   1126   (when (fboundp 'dired-uncache)
   1127     (dired-uncache default-dir))
   1128   (when (buffer-live-p process-buf)
   1129     (with-current-buffer process-buf
   1130       (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
   1131             (marker (oref section start)))
   1132         (goto-char marker)
   1133         (save-excursion
   1134           (delete-char 3)
   1135           (set-marker-insertion-type marker nil)
   1136           (insert (propertize (format "%3s" arg)
   1137                               'magit-section section
   1138                               'font-lock-face (if (= arg 0)
   1139                                                   'magit-process-ok
   1140                                                 'magit-process-ng)))
   1141           (set-marker-insertion-type marker t))
   1142         (when magit-process-finish-apply-ansi-colors
   1143           (ansi-color-apply-on-region (oref section content)
   1144                                       (oref section end)))
   1145         (if (= (oref section end)
   1146                (+ (line-end-position) 2))
   1147             (save-excursion
   1148               (goto-char (1+ (line-end-position)))
   1149               (delete-char -1)
   1150               (oset section content nil))
   1151           (let ((buf (magit-process-buffer t)))
   1152             (when (and (= arg 0)
   1153                        (not (--any-p (eq (window-buffer it) buf)
   1154                                      (window-list))))
   1155               (magit-section-hide section)))))))
   1156   (if (= arg 0)
   1157       ;; Unset the `mode-line-process' value upon success.
   1158       (magit-process-unset-mode-line default-dir)
   1159     ;; Otherwise process the error.
   1160     (let ((msg (magit-process-error-summary process-buf section)))
   1161       ;; Change `mode-line-process' to an error face upon failure.
   1162       (if magit-process-display-mode-line-error
   1163           (magit-process-set-mode-line-error-status
   1164            (or (magit-process-error-tooltip process-buf section)
   1165                msg))
   1166         (magit-process-unset-mode-line default-dir))
   1167       ;; Either signal the error, or else display the error summary in
   1168       ;; the status buffer and with a message in the echo area.
   1169       (cond
   1170        (magit-process-raise-error
   1171         (signal 'magit-git-error (list (format "%s (in %s)" msg default-dir))))
   1172        ((not (eq msg 'suppressed))
   1173         (when (buffer-live-p process-buf)
   1174           (with-current-buffer process-buf
   1175             (when-let ((status-buf (magit-get-mode-buffer 'magit-status-mode)))
   1176               (with-current-buffer status-buf
   1177                 (setq magit-this-error msg)))))
   1178         (message "%s ... [%s buffer %s for details]" msg
   1179                  (if-let ((key (and (buffer-live-p command-buf)
   1180                                     (with-current-buffer command-buf
   1181                                       (car (where-is-internal
   1182                                             'magit-process-buffer))))))
   1183                      (format "Hit %s to see" (key-description key))
   1184                    "See")
   1185                  (buffer-name process-buf))))))
   1186   arg)
   1188 (defun magit-process-display-buffer (process)
   1189   (when (process-live-p process)
   1190     (let ((buf (process-buffer process)))
   1191       (cond ((not (buffer-live-p buf)))
   1192             ((= magit-process-popup-time 0)
   1193              (if (minibufferp)
   1194                  (switch-to-buffer-other-window buf)
   1195                (pop-to-buffer buf)))
   1196             ((> magit-process-popup-time 0)
   1197              (run-with-timer magit-process-popup-time nil
   1198                              (lambda (p)
   1199                                (when (eq (process-status p) 'run)
   1200                                  (let ((buf (process-buffer p)))
   1201                                    (when (buffer-live-p buf)
   1202                                      (if (minibufferp)
   1203                                          (switch-to-buffer-other-window buf)
   1204                                        (pop-to-buffer buf))))))
   1205                              process))))))
   1207 (defun magit--log-action (summary line list)
   1208   (let (heading lines)
   1209     (if (cdr list)
   1210         (progn (setq heading (funcall summary list))
   1211                (setq lines (mapcar line list)))
   1212       (setq heading (funcall line (car list))))
   1213     (with-current-buffer (magit-process-buffer t)
   1214       (goto-char (1- (point-max)))
   1215       (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
   1216         (magit-insert-section (message)
   1217           (magit-insert-heading (concat "  * " heading))
   1218           (when lines
   1219             (dolist (line lines)
   1220               (insert line "\n"))
   1221             (insert "\n"))))
   1222       (let ((inhibit-message t))
   1223         (when heading
   1224           (setq lines (cons heading lines)))
   1225         (message (mapconcat #'identity lines "\n"))))))
   1227 ;;; _
   1228 (provide 'magit-process)
   1229 ;;; magit-process.el ends here