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magit-branch.el (40551B)

      1 ;;; magit-branch.el --- branch support  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2021  The Magit Project Contributors
      4 ;;
      5 ;; You should have received a copy of the file which
      6 ;; lists all contributors.  If not, see
      8 ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      9 ;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <>
     11 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
     13 ;; Magit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     14 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     15 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     16 ;; any later version.
     17 ;;
     18 ;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     19 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     20 ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
     21 ;; License for more details.
     22 ;;
     23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     24 ;; along with Magit.  If not, see
     26 ;;; Commentary:
     28 ;; This library implements support for branches.  It defines commands
     29 ;; for creating, checking out, manipulating, and configuring branches.
     30 ;; Commands defined here are mainly concerned with branches as
     31 ;; pointers, commands that deal with what a branch points at, are
     32 ;; defined elsewhere.
     34 ;;; Code:
     36 (require 'magit)
     37 (require 'magit-reset)
     39 ;;; Options
     41 (defcustom magit-branch-read-upstream-first t
     42   "Whether to read upstream before name of new branch when creating a branch.
     44 `nil'      Read the branch name first.
     45 `t'        Read the upstream first.
     46 `fallback' Read the upstream first, but if it turns out that the chosen
     47            value is not a valid upstream (because it cannot be resolved
     48            as an existing revision), then treat it as the name of the
     49            new branch and continue by reading the upstream next."
     50   :package-version '(magit . "2.2.0")
     51   :group 'magit-commands
     52   :type '(choice (const :tag "read branch name first" nil)
     53                  (const :tag "read upstream first" t)
     54                  (const :tag "read upstream first, with fallback" fallback)))
     56 (defcustom magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream nil
     57   "Whether to favor remote upstreams when creating new branches.
     59 When a new branch is created, then the branch, commit, or stash
     60 at point is suggested as the default starting point of the new
     61 branch, or if there is no such revision at point the current
     62 branch.  In either case the user may choose another starting
     63 point.
     65 If the chosen starting point is a branch, then it may also be set
     66 as the upstream of the new branch, depending on the value of the
     67 Git variable `branch.autoSetupMerge'.  By default this is done
     68 for remote branches, but not for local branches.
     70 You might prefer to always use some remote branch as upstream.
     71 If the chosen starting point is (1) a local branch, (2) whose
     72 name matches a member of the value of this option, (3) the
     73 upstream of that local branch is a remote branch with the same
     74 name, and (4) that remote branch can be fast-forwarded to the
     75 local branch, then the chosen branch is used as starting point,
     76 but its own upstream is used as the upstream of the new branch.
     78 Members of this option's value are treated as branch names that
     79 have to match exactly unless they contain a character that makes
     80 them invalid as a branch name.  Recommended characters to use
     81 to trigger interpretation as a regexp are \"*\" and \"^\".  Some
     82 other characters which you might expect to be invalid, actually
     83 are not, e.g. \".+$\" are all perfectly valid.  More precisely,
     84 if `git check-ref-format --branch STRING' exits with a non-zero
     85 status, then treat STRING as a regexp.
     87 Assuming the chosen branch matches these conditions you would end
     88 up with with e.g.:
     90   feature --upstream--> origin/master
     92 instead of
     94   feature --upstream--> master --upstream--> origin/master
     96 Which you prefer is a matter of personal preference.  If you do
     97 prefer the former, then you should add branches such as \"master\",
     98 \"next\", and \"maint\" to the value of this options."
     99   :package-version '(magit . "2.4.0")
    100   :group 'magit-commands
    101   :type '(repeat string))
    103 (defcustom magit-branch-adjust-remote-upstream-alist nil
    104   "Alist of upstreams to be used when branching from remote branches.
    106 When creating a local branch from an ephemeral branch located
    107 on a remote, e.g. a feature or hotfix branch, then that remote
    108 branch should usually not be used as the upstream branch, since
    109 the push-remote already allows accessing it and having both the
    110 upstream and the push-remote reference the same related branch
    111 would be wasteful.  Instead a branch like \"maint\" or \"master\"
    112 should be used as the upstream.
    114 This option allows specifying the branch that should be used as
    115 the upstream when branching certain remote branches.  The value
    116 is an alist of the form ((UPSTREAM . RULE)...).  The first
    117 element is used whose UPSTREAM exists and whose RULE matches
    118 the name of the new branch.  Subsequent elements are ignored.
    120 UPSTREAM is the branch to be used as the upstream for branches
    121 specified by RULE.  It can be a local or a remote branch.
    123 RULE can either be a regular expression, matching branches whose
    124 upstream should be the one specified by UPSTREAM.  Or it can be
    125 a list of the only branches that should *not* use UPSTREAM; all
    126 other branches will.  Matching is done after stripping the remote
    127 part of the name of the branch that is being branched from.
    129 If you use a finite set of non-ephemeral branches across all your
    130 repositories, then you might use something like:
    132   ((\"origin/master\" . (\"master\" \"next\" \"maint\")))
    134 Or if the names of all your ephemeral branches contain a slash,
    135 at least in some repositories, then a good value could be:
    137   ((\"origin/master\" . \"/\"))
    139 Of course you can also fine-tune:
    141   ((\"origin/maint\" . \"\\\\\\=`hotfix/\")
    142    (\"origin/master\" . \"\\\\\\=`feature/\"))
    144 UPSTREAM can be a local branch:
    146   ((\"master\" . (\"master\" \"next\" \"maint\")))
    148 Because the main branch is no longer almost always named \"master\"
    149 you should also account for other common names:
    151   ((\"main\"  . (\"main\" \"master\" \"next\" \"maint\"))
    152    (\"master\" . (\"main\" \"master\" \"next\" \"maint\")))
    154 If you use remote branches as UPSTREAM, then you might also want
    155 to set `magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream' to a non-nil value.
    156 However, I recommend that you use local branches as UPSTREAM."
    157   :package-version '(magit . "2.9.0")
    158   :group 'magit-commands
    159   :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Use upstream")
    160                        (choice :tag "for branches"
    161                                (regexp :tag "matching")
    162                                (repeat :tag "except"
    163                                        (string :tag "branch"))))))
    165 (defcustom magit-branch-rename-push-target t
    166   "Whether the push-remote setup is preserved when renaming a branch.
    168 The command `magit-branch-rename' renames a branch named OLD to
    169 NEW.  This option controls how much of the push-remote setup is
    170 preserved when doing so.
    172 When nil, then preserve nothing and unset `branch.OLD.pushRemote'.
    174 When `local-only', then first set `branch.NEW.pushRemote' to the
    175   same value as `branch.OLD.pushRemote', provided the latter is
    176   actually set and unless the former already has another value.
    178 When t, then rename the branch named OLD on the remote specified
    179   by `branch.OLD.pushRemote' to NEW, provided OLD exists on that
    180   remote and unless NEW already exists on the remote.
    182 When `forge-only' and the `forge' package is available, then
    183   behave like `t' if the remote points to a repository on a forge
    184   (currently Github or Gitlab), otherwise like `local-only'.
    186 Another supported but obsolete value is `github-only'.  It is a
    187   misnomer because it now treated as an alias for `forge-only'."
    188   :package-version '(magit . "2.90.0")
    189   :group 'magit-commands
    190   :type '(choice
    191           (const :tag "Don't preserve push-remote setup" nil)
    192           (const :tag "Preserve push-remote setup" local-only)
    193           (const :tag "... and rename corresponding branch on remote" t)
    194           (const :tag "... but only if remote is on a forge" forge-only)))
    196 (defcustom magit-branch-direct-configure t
    197   "Whether the command `magit-branch' shows Git variables.
    198 When set to nil, no variables are displayed by this transient
    199 command, instead the sub-transient `magit-branch-configure'
    200 has to be used to view and change branch related variables."
    201   :package-version '(magit . "2.7.0")
    202   :group 'magit-commands
    203   :type 'boolean)
    205 (defcustom magit-published-branches '("origin/master")
    206   "List of branches that are considered to be published."
    207   :package-version '(magit . "2.13.0")
    208   :group 'magit-commands
    209   :type '(repeat string))
    211 ;;; Commands
    213 ;;;###autoload (autoload 'magit-branch "magit" nil t)
    214 (transient-define-prefix magit-branch (branch)
    215   "Add, configure or remove a branch."
    216   :man-page "git-branch"
    217   ["Arguments"
    218    (7 "-r" "Recurse submodules when checking out an existing branch"
    219       "--recurse-submodules"
    220       :if (lambda () (version<= "2.13" (magit-git-version))))]
    221   ["Variables"
    222    :if (lambda ()
    223          (and magit-branch-direct-configure
    224               (oref transient--prefix scope)))
    225    ("d" magit-branch.<branch>.description)
    226    ("u" magit-branch.<branch>.merge/remote)
    227    ("r" magit-branch.<branch>.rebase)
    228    ("p" magit-branch.<branch>.pushRemote)]
    229   [["Checkout"
    230     ("b" "branch/revision"   magit-checkout)
    231     ("l" "local branch"      magit-branch-checkout)
    232     (6 "o" "new orphan"      magit-branch-orphan)]
    233    [""
    234     ("c" "new branch"        magit-branch-and-checkout)
    235     ("s" "new spin-off"      magit-branch-spinoff)
    236     (5 "w" "new worktree"    magit-worktree-checkout)]
    237    ["Create"
    238     ("n" "new branch"        magit-branch-create)
    239     ("S" "new spin-out"      magit-branch-spinout)
    240     (5 "W" "new worktree"    magit-worktree-branch)]
    241    ["Do"
    242     ("C" "configure..."      magit-branch-configure)
    243     ("m" "rename"            magit-branch-rename)
    244     ("x" "reset"             magit-branch-reset)
    245     ("k" "delete"            magit-branch-delete)]
    246    [""
    247     (7 "h" "shelve"          magit-branch-shelve)
    248     (7 "H" "unshelve"        magit-branch-unshelve)]]
    249   (interactive (list (magit-get-current-branch)))
    250   (transient-setup 'magit-branch nil nil :scope branch))
    252 (defun magit-branch-arguments ()
    253   (transient-args 'magit-branch))
    255 ;;;###autoload
    256 (defun magit-checkout (revision &optional args)
    257   "Checkout REVISION, updating the index and the working tree.
    258 If REVISION is a local branch, then that becomes the current
    259 branch.  If it is something else, then `HEAD' becomes detached.
    260 Checkout fails if the working tree or the staging area contain
    261 changes.
    262 \n(git checkout REVISION)."
    263   (interactive (list (magit-read-other-branch-or-commit "Checkout")
    264                      (magit-branch-arguments)))
    265   (when (string-match "\\`heads/\\(.+\\)" revision)
    266     (setq revision (match-string 1 revision)))
    267   (magit-run-git "checkout" args revision))
    269 ;;;###autoload
    270 (defun magit-branch-create (branch start-point)
    271   "Create BRANCH at branch or revision START-POINT."
    272   (interactive (magit-branch-read-args "Create branch"))
    273   (magit-call-git "branch" branch start-point)
    274   (magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream branch start-point)
    275   (magit-refresh))
    277 ;;;###autoload
    278 (defun magit-branch-and-checkout (branch start-point &optional args)
    279   "Create and checkout BRANCH at branch or revision START-POINT."
    280   (interactive (append (magit-branch-read-args "Create and checkout branch")
    281                        (list (magit-branch-arguments))))
    282   (if (string-match-p "^stash@{[0-9]+}$" start-point)
    283       (magit-run-git "stash" "branch" branch start-point)
    284     (magit-call-git "checkout" args "-b" branch start-point)
    285     (magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream branch start-point)
    286     (magit-refresh)))
    288 ;;;###autoload
    289 (defun magit-branch-or-checkout (arg &optional start-point)
    290   "Hybrid between `magit-checkout' and `magit-branch-and-checkout'.
    292 Ask the user for an existing branch or revision.  If the user
    293 input actually can be resolved as a branch or revision, then
    294 check that out, just like `magit-checkout' would.
    296 Otherwise create and checkout a new branch using the input as
    297 its name.  Before doing so read the starting-point for the new
    298 branch.  This is similar to what `magit-branch-and-checkout'
    299 does."
    300   (interactive
    301    (let ((arg (magit-read-other-branch-or-commit "Checkout")))
    302      (list arg
    303            (and (not (magit-commit-p arg))
    304                 (magit-read-starting-point "Create and checkout branch" arg)))))
    305   (when (string-match "\\`heads/\\(.+\\)" arg)
    306     (setq arg (match-string 1 arg)))
    307   (if start-point
    308       (magit-branch-and-checkout arg start-point)
    309     (magit-checkout arg)))
    311 ;;;###autoload
    312 (defun magit-branch-checkout (branch &optional start-point)
    313   "Checkout an existing or new local branch.
    315 Read a branch name from the user offering all local branches and
    316 a subset of remote branches as candidates.  Omit remote branches
    317 for which a local branch by the same name exists from the list
    318 of candidates.  The user can also enter a completely new branch
    319 name.
    321 - If the user selects an existing local branch, then check that
    322   out.
    324 - If the user selects a remote branch, then create and checkout
    325   a new local branch with the same name.  Configure the selected
    326   remote branch as push target.
    328 - If the user enters a new branch name, then create and check
    329   that out, after also reading the starting-point from the user.
    331 In the latter two cases the upstream is also set.  Whether it is
    332 set to the chosen START-POINT or something else depends on the
    333 value of `magit-branch-adjust-remote-upstream-alist', just like
    334 when using `magit-branch-and-checkout'."
    335   (interactive
    336    (let* ((current (magit-get-current-branch))
    337           (local   (magit-list-local-branch-names))
    338           (remote  (--filter (and (string-match "[^/]+/" it)
    339                                   (not (member (substring it (match-end 0))
    340                                                (cons "HEAD" local))))
    341                              (magit-list-remote-branch-names)))
    342           (choices (nconc (delete current local) remote))
    343           (atpoint (magit-branch-at-point))
    344           (choice  (magit-completing-read
    345                     "Checkout branch" choices
    346                     nil nil nil 'magit-revision-history
    347                     (or (car (member atpoint choices))
    348                         (and atpoint
    349                              (car (member (and (string-match "[^/]+/" atpoint)
    350                                                (substring atpoint (match-end 0)))
    351                                           choices)))))))
    352      (cond ((member choice remote)
    353             (list (and (string-match "[^/]+/" choice)
    354                        (substring choice (match-end 0)))
    355                   choice))
    356            ((member choice local)
    357             (list choice))
    358            (t
    359             (list choice (magit-read-starting-point "Create" choice))))))
    360   (if (not start-point)
    361       (magit-checkout branch (magit-branch-arguments))
    362     (when (magit-anything-modified-p t)
    363       (user-error "Cannot checkout when there are uncommitted changes"))
    364     (magit-branch-and-checkout branch start-point)
    365     (when (magit-remote-branch-p start-point)
    366       (pcase-let ((`(,remote . ,remote-branch)
    367                    (magit-split-branch-name start-point)))
    368         (when (and (equal branch remote-branch)
    369                    (not (equal remote (magit-get "remote.pushDefault"))))
    370           (magit-set remote "branch" branch "pushRemote"))))))
    372 (defun magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream (branch start-point)
    373   (--when-let
    374       (or (and (magit-get-upstream-branch branch)
    375                (magit-get-indirect-upstream-branch start-point))
    376           (and (magit-remote-branch-p start-point)
    377                (let ((name (cdr (magit-split-branch-name start-point))))
    378                  (-some (pcase-lambda (`(,upstream . ,rule))
    379                           (and (magit-branch-p upstream)
    380                                (if (listp rule)
    381                                    (not (member name rule))
    382                                  (string-match-p rule name))
    383                                upstream))
    384                         magit-branch-adjust-remote-upstream-alist))))
    385     (magit-call-git "branch" (concat "--set-upstream-to=" it) branch)))
    387 ;;;###autoload
    388 (defun magit-branch-orphan (branch start-point)
    389   "Create and checkout an orphan BRANCH with contents from revision START-POINT."
    390   (interactive (magit-branch-read-args "Create and checkout orphan branch"))
    391   (magit-run-git "checkout" "--orphan" branch start-point))
    393 (defun magit-branch-read-args (prompt &optional default-start)
    394   (if magit-branch-read-upstream-first
    395       (let ((choice (magit-read-starting-point prompt nil default-start)))
    396         (if (magit-rev-verify choice)
    397             (list (magit-read-string-ns
    398                    (if magit-completing-read--silent-default
    399                        (format "%s (starting at `%s')" prompt choice)
    400                      "Name for new branch")
    401                    (let ((def (mapconcat #'identity
    402                                          (cdr (split-string choice "/"))
    403                                          "/")))
    404                      (and (member choice (magit-list-remote-branch-names))
    405                           (not (member def (magit-list-local-branch-names)))
    406                           def)))
    407                   choice)
    408           (if (eq magit-branch-read-upstream-first 'fallback)
    409               (list choice
    410                     (magit-read-starting-point prompt choice default-start))
    411             (user-error "Not a valid starting-point: %s" choice))))
    412     (let ((branch (magit-read-string-ns (concat prompt " named"))))
    413       (list branch (magit-read-starting-point prompt branch default-start)))))
    415 ;;;###autoload
    416 (defun magit-branch-spinout (branch &optional from)
    417   "Create new branch from the unpushed commits.
    418 Like `magit-branch-spinoff' but remain on the current branch.
    419 If there are any uncommitted changes, then behave exactly like
    420 `magit-branch-spinoff'."
    421   (interactive (list (magit-read-string-ns "Spin out branch")
    422                      (car (last (magit-region-values 'commit)))))
    423   (magit--branch-spinoff branch from nil))
    425 ;;;###autoload
    426 (defun magit-branch-spinoff (branch &optional from)
    427   "Create new branch from the unpushed commits.
    429 Create and checkout a new branch starting at and tracking the
    430 current branch.  That branch in turn is reset to the last commit
    431 it shares with its upstream.  If the current branch has no
    432 upstream or no unpushed commits, then the new branch is created
    433 anyway and the previously current branch is not touched.
    435 This is useful to create a feature branch after work has already
    436 began on the old branch (likely but not necessarily \"master\").
    438 If the current branch is a member of the value of option
    439 `magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream' (which see), then the
    440 current branch will be used as the starting point as usual, but
    441 the upstream of the starting-point may be used as the upstream
    442 of the new branch, instead of the starting-point itself.
    444 If optional FROM is non-nil, then the source branch is reset
    445 to `FROM~', instead of to the last commit it shares with its
    446 upstream.  Interactively, FROM is only ever non-nil, if the
    447 region selects some commits, and among those commits, FROM is
    448 the commit that is the fewest commits ahead of the source
    449 branch.
    451 The commit at the other end of the selection actually does not
    452 matter, all commits between FROM and `HEAD' are moved to the new
    453 branch.  If FROM is not reachable from `HEAD' or is reachable
    454 from the source branch's upstream, then an error is raised."
    455   (interactive (list (magit-read-string-ns "Spin off branch")
    456                      (car (last (magit-region-values 'commit)))))
    457   (magit--branch-spinoff branch from t))
    459 (defun magit--branch-spinoff (branch from checkout)
    460   (when (magit-branch-p branch)
    461     (user-error "Cannot spin off %s.  It already exists" branch))
    462   (when (and (not checkout)
    463              (magit-anything-modified-p))
    464     (message "Staying on HEAD due to uncommitted changes")
    465     (setq checkout t))
    466   (if-let ((current (magit-get-current-branch)))
    467       (let ((tracked (magit-get-upstream-branch current))
    468             base)
    469         (when from
    470           (unless (magit-rev-ancestor-p from current)
    471             (user-error "Cannot spin off %s.  %s is not reachable from %s"
    472                         branch from current))
    473           (when (and tracked
    474                      (magit-rev-ancestor-p from tracked))
    475             (user-error "Cannot spin off %s.  %s is ancestor of upstream %s"
    476                         branch from tracked)))
    477         (let ((magit-process-raise-error t))
    478           (if checkout
    479               (magit-call-git "checkout" "-b" branch current)
    480             (magit-call-git "branch" branch current)))
    481         (--when-let (magit-get-indirect-upstream-branch current)
    482           (magit-call-git "branch" "--set-upstream-to" it branch))
    483         (when (and tracked
    484                    (setq base
    485                          (if from
    486                              (concat from "^")
    487                            (magit-git-string "merge-base" current tracked)))
    488                    (not (magit-rev-eq base current)))
    489           (if checkout
    490               (magit-call-git "update-ref" "-m"
    491                               (format "reset: moving to %s" base)
    492                               (concat "refs/heads/" current) base)
    493             (magit-call-git "reset" "--hard" base))))
    494     (if checkout
    495         (magit-call-git "checkout" "-b" branch)
    496       (magit-call-git "branch" branch)))
    497   (magit-refresh))
    499 ;;;###autoload
    500 (defun magit-branch-reset (branch to &optional set-upstream)
    501   "Reset a branch to the tip of another branch or any other commit.
    503 When the branch being reset is the current branch, then do a
    504 hard reset.  If there are any uncommitted changes, then the user
    505 has to confirm the reset because those changes would be lost.
    507 This is useful when you have started work on a feature branch but
    508 realize it's all crap and want to start over.
    510 When resetting to another branch and a prefix argument is used,
    511 then also set the target branch as the upstream of the branch
    512 that is being reset."
    513   (interactive
    514    (let* ((atpoint (magit-local-branch-at-point))
    515           (branch  (magit-read-local-branch "Reset branch" atpoint)))
    516      (list branch
    517            (magit-completing-read (format "Reset %s to" branch)
    518                                   (delete branch (magit-list-branch-names))
    519                                   nil nil nil 'magit-revision-history
    520                                   (or (and (not (equal branch atpoint)) atpoint)
    521                                       (magit-get-upstream-branch branch)))
    522            current-prefix-arg)))
    523   (let ((magit-inhibit-refresh t))
    524     (if (equal branch (magit-get-current-branch))
    525         (if (and (magit-anything-modified-p)
    526                  (not (yes-or-no-p
    527                        "Uncommitted changes will be lost.  Proceed? ")))
    528             (user-error "Abort")
    529           (magit-reset-hard to))
    530       (magit-call-git "update-ref"
    531                       "-m" (format "reset: moving to %s" to)
    532                       (magit-git-string "rev-parse" "--symbolic-full-name"
    533                                         branch)
    534                       to))
    535     (when (and set-upstream (magit-branch-p to))
    536       (magit-set-upstream-branch branch to)
    537       (magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream branch to)))
    538   (magit-refresh))
    540 (defvar magit-branch-delete-never-verify nil
    541   "Whether `magit-branch-delete' always pushes with \"--no-verify\".")
    543 ;;;###autoload
    544 (defun magit-branch-delete (branches &optional force)
    545   "Delete one or multiple branches.
    546 If the region marks multiple branches, then offer to delete
    547 those, otherwise prompt for a single branch to be deleted,
    548 defaulting to the branch at point."
    549   ;; One would expect this to be a command as simple as, for example,
    550   ;; `magit-branch-rename'; but it turns out everyone wants to squeeze
    551   ;; a bit of extra functionality into this one, including myself.
    552   (interactive
    553    (let ((branches (magit-region-values 'branch t))
    554          (force current-prefix-arg))
    555      (if (> (length branches) 1)
    556          (magit-confirm t nil "Delete %i branches" nil branches)
    557        (setq branches
    558              (list (magit-read-branch-prefer-other
    559                     (if force "Force delete branch" "Delete branch")))))
    560      (unless force
    561        (when-let ((unmerged (-remove #'magit-branch-merged-p branches)))
    562          (if (magit-confirm 'delete-unmerged-branch
    563                "Delete unmerged branch %s"
    564                "Delete %i unmerged branches"
    565                'noabort unmerged)
    566              (setq force branches)
    567            (or (setq branches (-difference branches unmerged))
    568                (user-error "Abort")))))
    569      (list branches force)))
    570   (let* ((refs (mapcar #'magit-ref-fullname branches))
    571          (ambiguous (--remove it refs)))
    572     (when ambiguous
    573       (user-error
    574        "%s ambiguous.  Please cleanup using git directly."
    575        (let ((len (length ambiguous)))
    576          (cond
    577           ((= len 1)
    578            (format "%s is" (-first #'magit-ref-ambiguous-p branches)))
    579           ((= len (length refs))
    580            (format "These %s names are" len))
    581           (t
    582            (format "%s of these names are" len))))))
    583     (cond
    584      ((string-match "^refs/remotes/\\([^/]+\\)" (car refs))
    585       (let* ((remote (match-string 1 (car refs)))
    586              (offset (1+ (length remote))))
    587         (cond
    588          ((magit-confirm 'delete-branch-on-remote
    589             "Delete %s on the remote (not just locally)"
    590             "Delete %i branches on the remote (not just locally)"
    591             'noabort branches)
    592           ;; The ref may actually point at another rev on the remote,
    593           ;; but this is better than nothing.
    594           (dolist (ref refs)
    595             (message "Delete %s (was %s)" ref
    596                      (magit-rev-parse "--short" ref)))
    597           ;; Assume the branches actually still exist on the remote.
    598           (magit-run-git-async
    599            "push"
    600            (and (or force magit-branch-delete-never-verify) "--no-verify")
    601            remote
    602            (--map (concat ":" (substring it offset)) branches))
    603           ;; If that is not the case, then this deletes the tracking branches.
    604           (set-process-sentinel
    605            magit-this-process
    606            (apply-partially 'magit-delete-remote-branch-sentinel remote refs)))
    607          (t
    608           (dolist (ref refs)
    609             (message "Delete %s (was %s)" ref
    610                      (magit-rev-parse "--short" ref))
    611             (magit-call-git "update-ref" "-d" ref))
    612           (magit-refresh)))))
    613      ((> (length branches) 1)
    614       (setq branches (delete (magit-get-current-branch) branches))
    615       (mapc 'magit-branch-maybe-delete-pr-remote branches)
    616       (mapc 'magit-branch-unset-pushRemote branches)
    617       (magit-run-git "branch" (if force "-D" "-d") branches))
    618      (t ; And now for something completely different.
    619       (let* ((branch (car branches))
    620              (prompt (format "Branch %s is checked out.  " branch))
    621              (main (magit-main-branch)))
    622         (when (equal branch (magit-get-current-branch))
    623           (pcase (if (or (equal branch main)
    624                          (not main))
    625                      (magit-read-char-case prompt nil
    626                        (?d "[d]etach HEAD & delete" 'detach)
    627                        (?a "[a]bort"                'abort))
    628                    (magit-read-char-case prompt nil
    629                      (?d "[d]etach HEAD & delete" 'detach)
    630                      (?c (format "[c]heckout %s & delete" main) 'main)
    631                      (?a "[a]bort" 'abort)))
    632             (`detach (unless (or (equal force '(4))
    633                                  (member branch force)
    634                                  (magit-branch-merged-p branch t))
    635                        (magit-confirm 'delete-unmerged-branch
    636                          "Delete unmerged branch %s" ""
    637                          nil (list branch)))
    638                      (magit-call-git "checkout" "--detach"))
    639             (`main   (unless (or (equal force '(4))
    640                                  (member branch force)
    641                                  (magit-branch-merged-p branch main))
    642                        (magit-confirm 'delete-unmerged-branch
    643                          "Delete unmerged branch %s" ""
    644                          nil (list branch)))
    645                      (magit-call-git "checkout" main))
    646             (`abort  (user-error "Abort")))
    647           (setq force t))
    648         (magit-branch-maybe-delete-pr-remote branch)
    649         (magit-branch-unset-pushRemote branch)
    650         (magit-run-git "branch" (if force "-D" "-d") branch))))))
    652 (put 'magit-branch-delete 'interactive-only t)
    654 (defun magit-branch-maybe-delete-pr-remote (branch)
    655   (when-let ((remote (magit-get "branch" branch "pullRequestRemote")))
    656     (let* ((variable (format "remote.%s.fetch" remote))
    657            (refspecs (magit-get-all variable)))
    658       (unless (member (format "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/%s/*" remote)
    659                       refspecs)
    660         (let ((refspec
    661                (if (equal (magit-get "branch" branch "pushRemote") remote)
    662                    (format "+refs/heads/%s:refs/remotes/%s/%s"
    663                            branch remote branch)
    664                  (let ((merge (magit-get "branch" branch "merge")))
    665                    (and merge
    666                         (string-prefix-p "refs/heads/" merge)
    667                         (setq merge (substring merge 11))
    668                         (format "+refs/heads/%s:refs/remotes/%s/%s"
    669                                 merge remote merge))))))
    670           (when (member refspec refspecs)
    671             (if (and (= (length refspecs) 1)
    672                      (magit-confirm 'delete-pr-remote
    673                        (format "Also delete remote %s (%s)" remote
    674                                "no pull-request branch remains")
    675                        nil t))
    676                 (magit-call-git "remote" "rm" remote)
    677               (magit-call-git "config" "--unset-all" variable
    678                               (format "^%s$" (regexp-quote refspec))))))))))
    680 (defun magit-branch-unset-pushRemote (branch)
    681   (magit-set nil "branch" branch "pushRemote"))
    683 (defun magit-delete-remote-branch-sentinel (remote refs process event)
    684   (when (memq (process-status process) '(exit signal))
    685     (if (= (process-exit-status process) 1)
    686         (if-let ((on-remote (--map (concat "refs/remotes/" remote "/" it)
    687                                    (magit-remote-list-branches remote)))
    688                  (rest (--filter (and (not (member it on-remote))
    689                                       (magit-ref-exists-p it))
    690                                  refs)))
    691             (progn
    692               (process-put process 'inhibit-refresh t)
    693               (magit-process-sentinel process event)
    694               (setq magit-this-error nil)
    695               (message "Some remote branches no longer exist.  %s"
    696                        "Deleting just the local tracking refs instead...")
    697               (dolist (ref rest)
    698                 (magit-call-git "update-ref" "-d" ref))
    699               (magit-refresh)
    700               (message "Deleting local remote-tracking refs...done"))
    701           (magit-process-sentinel process event))
    702       (magit-process-sentinel process event))))
    704 ;;;###autoload
    705 (defun magit-branch-rename (old new &optional force)
    706   "Rename the branch named OLD to NEW.
    708 With a prefix argument FORCE, rename even if a branch named NEW
    709 already exists.
    711 If `branch.OLD.pushRemote' is set, then unset it.  Depending on
    712 the value of `magit-branch-rename-push-target' (which see) maybe
    713 set `branch.NEW.pushRemote' and maybe rename the push-target on
    714 the remote."
    715   (interactive
    716    (let ((branch (magit-read-local-branch "Rename branch")))
    717      (list branch
    718            (magit-read-string-ns (format "Rename branch '%s' to" branch)
    719                                  nil 'magit-revision-history)
    720            current-prefix-arg)))
    721   (when (string-match "\\`heads/\\(.+\\)" old)
    722     (setq old (match-string 1 old)))
    723   (when (equal old new)
    724     (user-error "Old and new branch names are the same"))
    725   (magit-call-git "branch" (if force "-M" "-m") old new)
    726   (when magit-branch-rename-push-target
    727     (let ((remote (magit-get-push-remote old))
    728           (old-specified (magit-get "branch" old "pushRemote"))
    729           (new-specified (magit-get "branch" new "pushRemote")))
    730       (when (and old-specified (or force (not new-specified)))
    731         ;; Keep the target setting branch specified, even if that is
    732         ;; redundant.  But if a branch by the same name existed before
    733         ;; and the rename isn't forced, then do not change a leftover
    734         ;; setting.  Such a leftover setting may or may not conform to
    735         ;; what we expect here...
    736         (magit-set old-specified "branch" new "pushRemote"))
    737       (when (and (equal (magit-get-push-remote new) remote)
    738                  ;; ...and if it does not, then we must abort.
    739                  (not (eq magit-branch-rename-push-target 'local-only))
    740                  (or (not (memq magit-branch-rename-push-target
    741                                 '(forge-only github-only)))
    742                      (and (require (quote forge) nil t)
    743                           (fboundp 'forge--forge-remote-p)
    744                           (forge--forge-remote-p remote))))
    745         (let ((old-target (magit-get-push-branch old t))
    746               (new-target (magit-get-push-branch new t))
    747               (remote (magit-get-push-remote new)))
    748           (when (and old-target
    749                      (not new-target)
    750                      (magit-y-or-n-p (format "Also rename %S to %S on \"%s\""
    751                                              old new remote)))
    752             ;; Rename on (i.e. within) the remote, but only if the
    753             ;; destination ref doesn't exist yet.  If that ref already
    754             ;; exists, then it probably is of some value and we better
    755             ;; not touch it.  Ignore what the local ref points at,
    756             ;; i.e. if the local and the remote ref didn't point at
    757             ;; the same commit before the rename then keep it that way.
    758             (magit-call-git "push" "-v" remote
    759                             (format "%s:refs/heads/%s" old-target new)
    760                             (format ":refs/heads/%s" old)))))))
    761   (magit-branch-unset-pushRemote old)
    762   (magit-refresh))
    764 ;;;###autoload
    765 (defun magit-branch-shelve (branch)
    766   "Shelve a BRANCH.
    767 Rename \"refs/heads/BRANCH\" to \"refs/shelved/BRANCH\",
    768 and also rename the respective reflog file."
    769   (interactive (list (magit-read-other-local-branch "Shelve branch")))
    770   (let ((old (concat "refs/heads/"   branch))
    771         (new (concat "refs/shelved/" branch)))
    772     (magit-git "update-ref" new old "")
    773     (magit--rename-reflog-file old new)
    774     (magit-branch-unset-pushRemote branch)
    775     (magit-run-git "branch" "-D" branch)))
    777 ;;;###autoload
    778 (defun magit-branch-unshelve (branch)
    779   "Unshelve a BRANCH
    780 Rename \"refs/shelved/BRANCH\" to \"refs/heads/BRANCH\",
    781 and also rename the respective reflog file."
    782   (interactive
    783    (list (magit-completing-read
    784           "Unshelve branch"
    785           (--map (substring it 8)
    786                  (magit-list-refnames "refs/shelved"))
    787           nil t)))
    788   (let ((old (concat "refs/shelved/" branch))
    789         (new (concat "refs/heads/"   branch)))
    790     (magit-git "update-ref" new old "")
    791     (magit--rename-reflog-file old new)
    792     (magit-run-git "update-ref" "-d" old)))
    794 (defun magit--rename-reflog-file (old new)
    795   (let ((old (magit-git-dir (concat "logs/" old)))
    796         (new (magit-git-dir (concat "logs/" new))))
    797     (when (file-exists-p old)
    798       (make-directory (file-name-directory new) t)
    799       (rename-file old new t))))
    801 ;;; Configure
    803 ;;;###autoload (autoload 'magit-branch-configure "magit-branch" nil t)
    804 (transient-define-prefix magit-branch-configure (branch)
    805   "Configure a branch."
    806   :man-page "git-branch"
    807   [:description
    808    (lambda ()
    809      (concat
    810       (propertize "Configure " 'face 'transient-heading)
    811       (propertize (oref transient--prefix scope) 'face 'magit-branch-local)))
    812    ("d"   magit-branch.<branch>.description)
    813    ("u"   magit-branch.<branch>.merge/remote)
    814    ("r"   magit-branch.<branch>.rebase)
    815    ("p"   magit-branch.<branch>.pushRemote)]
    816   ["Configure repository defaults"
    817    ("R" magit-pull.rebase)
    818    ("P" magit-remote.pushDefault)]
    819   ["Configure branch creation"
    820    ("a m" magit-branch.autoSetupMerge)
    821    ("a r" magit-branch.autoSetupRebase)]
    822   (interactive
    823    (list (or (and (not current-prefix-arg)
    824                   (not (and magit-branch-direct-configure
    825                             (eq transient-current-command 'magit-branch)))
    826                   (magit-get-current-branch))
    827              (magit--read-branch-scope))))
    828   (transient-setup 'magit-branch-configure nil nil :scope branch))
    830 (defun magit--read-branch-scope (&optional obj)
    831   (magit-read-local-branch
    832    (if obj
    833        (format "Set %s for branch"
    834                (format (oref obj variable) "<name>"))
    835      "Configure branch")))
    837 (transient-define-suffix magit-branch.<branch>.description (branch)
    838   "Edit the description of BRANCH."
    839   :class 'magit--git-variable
    840   :transient nil
    841   :variable "branch.%s.description"
    842   (interactive (list (oref transient-current-prefix scope)))
    843   (magit-run-git-with-editor "branch" "--edit-description" branch))
    845 (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'magit-branch-description-check-buffers)
    847 (defun magit-branch-description-check-buffers ()
    848   (and buffer-file-name
    849        (string-match-p "/\\(BRANCH\\|EDIT\\)_DESCRIPTION\\'" buffer-file-name)))
    851 (defclass magit--git-branch:upstream (magit--git-variable)
    852   ((format :initform " %k %m %M\n   %r %R")))
    854 (transient-define-infix magit-branch.<branch>.merge/remote ()
    855   :class 'magit--git-branch:upstream)
    857 (cl-defmethod transient-init-value ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream))
    858   (when-let ((branch (oref transient--prefix scope))
    859              (remote (magit-get "branch" branch "remote"))
    860              (merge  (magit-get "branch" branch "merge")))
    861     (oset obj value (list remote merge))))
    863 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream))
    864   (if (oref obj value)
    865       (oset obj value nil)
    866     (magit-read-upstream-branch (oref transient--prefix scope) "Upstream")))
    868 (cl-defmethod transient-infix-set ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream) refname)
    869   (magit-set-upstream-branch (oref transient--prefix scope) refname)
    870   (oset obj value
    871         (let ((branch (oref transient--prefix scope)))
    872           (when-let ((r (magit-get "branch" branch "remote"))
    873                      (m (magit-get "branch" branch "merge")))
    874             (list r m))))
    875   (magit-refresh))
    877 (cl-defmethod transient-format ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream))
    878   (let ((branch (oref transient--prefix scope)))
    879     (format-spec
    880      (oref obj format)
    881      `((?k . ,(transient-format-key obj))
    882        (?r . ,(format "branch.%s.remote" branch))
    883        (?m . ,(format "branch.%s.merge" branch))
    884        (?R . ,(transient-format-value obj #'car))
    885        (?M . ,(transient-format-value obj #'cadr))))))
    887 (cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream) key)
    888   (if-let ((value (funcall key (oref obj value))))
    889       (propertize value 'face 'transient-argument)
    890     (propertize "unset" 'face 'transient-inactive-argument)))
    892 (transient-define-infix magit-branch.<branch>.rebase ()
    893   :class 'magit--git-variable:choices
    894   :scope 'magit--read-branch-scope
    895   :variable "branch.%s.rebase"
    896   :fallback "pull.rebase"
    897   :choices '("true" "false")
    898   :default "false")
    900 (transient-define-infix magit-branch.<branch>.pushRemote ()
    901   :class 'magit--git-variable:choices
    902   :scope 'magit--read-branch-scope
    903   :variable "branch.%s.pushRemote"
    904   :fallback "remote.pushDefault"
    905   :choices 'magit-list-remotes)
    907 (transient-define-infix magit-pull.rebase ()
    908   :class 'magit--git-variable:choices
    909   :variable "pull.rebase"
    910   :choices '("true" "false")
    911   :default "false")
    913 (transient-define-infix magit-remote.pushDefault ()
    914   :class 'magit--git-variable:choices
    915   :variable "remote.pushDefault"
    916   :choices 'magit-list-remotes)
    918 (transient-define-infix magit-branch.autoSetupMerge ()
    919   :class 'magit--git-variable:choices
    920   :variable "branch.autoSetupMerge"
    921   :choices '("always" "true" "false")
    922   :default "true")
    924 (transient-define-infix magit-branch.autoSetupRebase ()
    925   :class 'magit--git-variable:choices
    926   :variable "branch.autoSetupRebase"
    927   :choices '("always" "local" "remote" "never")
    928   :default "never")
    930 ;;; _
    931 (provide 'magit-branch)
    932 ;;; magit-branch.el ends here