
My Emacs configuration
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lua-mode-pkg.el (889B)

      1 ;; Generated package description from lua-mode.el  -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
      2 (define-package "lua-mode" "20221027" "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" '((emacs "24.3")) :commit "1cb83e691627fb92290d452cb08b6c5f73fe19b6" :authors '(("2011-2013 immerrr" . "") ("2010-2011 Reuben Thomas" . "") ("2006 Juergen Hoetzel" . "") ("2004 various (support for Lua 5 and byte compilation)") ("2001 Christian Vogler" . "") ("1997 Bret Mogilefsky" . "") ("tcl-mode by Gregor Schmid" . "") ("with tons of assistance from") ("Paul Du Bois" . "") ("Aaron Smith" . "")) :maintainer '("2011-2013 immerrr" . "") :keywords '("languages" "processes" "tools") :url "")