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forge-topic.el (39505B)

      1 ;;; forge-topic.el --- Topics support              -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2018-2022  Jonas Bernoulli
      5 ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      7 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
      9 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
     11 ;; Forge is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     12 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     14 ;; any later version.
     15 ;;
     16 ;; Forge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     17 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     18 ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
     19 ;; License for more details.
     20 ;;
     21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     22 ;; along with Forge.  If not, see
     24 ;;; Code:
     26 (require 'bug-reference)
     27 (require 'markdown-mode)
     28 (require 'parse-time)
     29 (require 'yaml)
     31 (require 'forge)
     32 (require 'forge-post)
     34 ;;; Options
     36 (defcustom forge-topic-list-order '(updated . string>)
     37   "Order of topics listed in the status buffer.
     39 The value has the form (SLOT . PREDICATE), where SLOT is a
     40 slot of issue or pullreq objects, and PREDICATE is a function
     41 used to order the topics by that slot.  Reasonable values
     42 include (number . >) and (updated . string>)."
     43   :package-version '(forge . "0.1.0")
     44   :group 'forge
     45   :type '(cons (symbol   :tag "Slot")
     46                (function :tag "Predicate")))
     48 (defcustom forge-topic-list-limit '(60 . 5)
     49   "Limit the number of topics listed in the status buffer.
     51 All unread topics are always shown.  If the value of this option
     52 has the form (OPEN . CLOSED), then the integer OPEN specifies the
     53 maximal number of topics and CLOSED specifies the maximal number
     54 of closed topics.  IF CLOSED is negative then show no closed
     55 topics until the command `forge-toggle-closed-visibility' changes
     56 the sign.
     58 The value can also be an integer, in which case it limits the
     59 number of closed topics only."
     60   :package-version '(forge . "0.1.0")
     61   :group 'forge
     62   :type '(choice (number :tag "Maximal number of closed issues")
     63                  (cons (number :tag "Maximal number of open issues")
     64                        (number :tag "Maximal number of closed issues"))))
     66 (defcustom forge-post-heading-format "%a %C\n"
     67   "Format for post headings in topic view.
     69 The following %-sequences are supported:
     71 `%a' The forge nickname of the author.
     72 `%c' The absolute creation date.
     73 `%C' The relative creation date."
     74   :package-version '(forge . "0.1.0")
     75   :group 'forge
     76   :type 'string)
     78 (defcustom forge-post-fill-region t
     79   "Whether to call `fill-region' before displaying forge posts."
     80   :package-version '(forge . "0.1.0")
     81   :group 'forge
     82   :type 'boolean)
     84 (defcustom forge-bug-reference-hooks
     85   '(find-file-hook
     86     forge-post-mode-hook
     87     git-commit-setup-hook
     88     magit-mode-hook)
     89   "Hooks to which `forge-bug-reference-setup' is added.
     90 This variable has to be customized before `forge' is loaded."
     91   :package-version '(forge . "0.2.0")
     92   :group 'forge
     93   :options '(find-file-hook
     94              forge-post-mode-hook
     95              git-commit-setup-hook
     96              magit-mode-hook)
     97   :type '(list :convert-widget custom-hook-convert-widget))
     99 (defvar-local forge-display-in-status-buffer t
    100   "Whether to display topics in the current Magit status buffer.")
    101 (put 'forge-display-in-status-buffer 'permanent-local t)
    103 (defvar forge-format-avatar-function nil
    104   "Function used to insert avatars in certain locations.
    105 This is experimental and intended for users who wish to
    106 implement such a function themselves.  See #447.")
    108 ;;; Faces
    110 (defface forge-topic-unread
    111   '((t :inherit bold))
    112   "Face used for title of unread topics."
    113   :group 'forge-faces)
    115 (defface forge-topic-closed
    116   '((t :inherit magit-dimmed))
    117   "Face used for title of closed topics."
    118   :group 'forge-faces)
    120 (defface forge-topic-open
    121   '((t :inherit default))
    122   "Face used for title of open topics."
    123   :group 'forge-faces)
    125 (defface forge-topic-merged
    126   '((t :inherit magit-dimmed))
    127   "Face used for number of merged pull-requests."
    128   :group 'forge-faces)
    130 (defface forge-topic-unmerged
    131   '((t :inherit magit-dimmed :slant italic))
    132   "Face used for number of unmerged pull-requests."
    133   :group 'forge-faces)
    135 (defface forge-topic-label
    136   `((t :box ( :line-width ,(if (>= emacs-major-version 28) (cons -1 -1) -1)
    137               :style released-button)))
    138   "Face used for topic labels."
    139   :group 'forge-faces)
    141 (defface forge-post-author
    142   '((t :inherit bold))
    143   "Face used for post author in topic view."
    144   :group 'forge-faces)
    146 (defface forge-post-date
    147   '((t :inherit italic))
    148   "Face used for post date in topic view."
    149   :group 'forge-faces)
    151 ;;; Class
    153 (defclass forge-topic (forge-post) () :abstract t)
    155 (cl-defmethod forge--object-id ((class (subclass forge-topic)) repo number)
    156   "Return the id for a CLASS object in REPO identified by id NUMBER."
    157   (base64-encode-string
    158    (encode-coding-string
    159     (format "%s:%s%s"
    160             (base64-decode-string (oref repo id))
    161             (substring (symbol-name class)
    162                        (length (oref-default class closql-class-prefix)))
    163             number)
    164     'utf-8)
    165    t))
    167 (cl-defmethod forge--object-id ((prefix string) number-or-id)
    168   (base64-encode-string
    169    (encode-coding-string
    170     (format "%s:%s"
    171             (base64-decode-string prefix)
    172             (if (numberp number-or-id)
    173                 number-or-id
    174               ;; Currently every id is base64 encode.  Unfortunately
    175               ;; we cannot use the ids of Gitlab labels (see comment
    176               ;; in the respective `forge--update-labels' method),
    177               ;; and have to use their names, which are not encoded.
    178               (or (ignore-errors (base64-decode-string number-or-id))
    179                   number-or-id)))
    180     'utf-8)
    181    t))
    183 ;;; Query
    185 (cl-defmethod forge-get-parent ((topic forge-topic))
    186   (forge-get-repository topic))
    188 (cl-defmethod forge-get-repository ((topic forge-topic))
    189   (closql-get (forge-db)
    190               (oref topic repository)
    191               'forge-repository))
    193 (cl-defmethod forge-get-topic ((topic forge-topic))
    194   topic)
    196 (cl-defmethod forge-get-topic ((repo forge-repository) number-or-id)
    197   (if (numberp number-or-id)
    198       (if (< number-or-id 0)
    199           (forge-get-pullreq repo (abs number-or-id))
    200         (or (forge-get-issue repo number-or-id)
    201             (forge-get-pullreq repo number-or-id)))
    202     (or (forge-get-issue number-or-id)
    203         (forge-get-pullreq number-or-id))))
    205 (cl-defmethod forge-get-topic ((number integer))
    206   (if (< number 0)
    207       (forge-get-pullreq (abs number))
    208     (or (forge-get-issue number)
    209         (forge-get-pullreq number))))
    211 (cl-defmethod forge-get-topic ((id string))
    212   (or (forge-get-issue id)
    213       (forge-get-pullreq id)))
    215 (cl-defmethod forge-ls-recent-topics ((repo forge-repository) table)
    216   (magit--with-repository-local-cache (list 'forge-ls-recent-topics table)
    217     (let* ((id (oref repo id))
    218            (limit forge-topic-list-limit)
    219            (open-limit   (if (consp limit) (car limit) limit))
    220            (closed-limit (if (consp limit) (cdr limit) limit))
    221            (topics (forge-sql [:select * :from $i1
    222                                :where (and (= repository $s2)
    223                                            (notnull unread-p))]
    224                               table id)))
    225       (mapc (lambda (row)
    226               (cl-pushnew row topics :test #'equal))
    227             (if (consp limit)
    228                 (forge-sql [:select * :from $i1
    229                             :where (and (= repository $s2)
    230                                         (isnull closed))
    231                             :order-by [(desc updated)]
    232                             :limit $s3]
    233                            table id open-limit)
    234               (forge-sql [:select * :from $i1
    235                           :where (and (= repository $s2)
    236                                       (isnull closed))]
    237                          table id)))
    238       (when (> closed-limit 0)
    239         (mapc (lambda (row)
    240                 (cl-pushnew row topics :test #'equal))
    241               (forge-sql [:select * :from $i1
    242                           :where (and (= repository $s2)
    243                                       (notnull closed))
    244                           :order-by [(desc updated)]
    245                           :limit $s3]
    246                          table id closed-limit)))
    247       (cl-sort (mapcar (let ((class (if (eq table 'pullreq)
    248                                         'forge-pullreq
    249                                       'forge-issue)))
    250                          (lambda (row)
    251                            (closql--remake-instance class (forge-db) row)))
    252                        topics)
    253                (cdr forge-topic-list-order)
    254                :key (lambda (it) (eieio-oref it (car forge-topic-list-order)))))))
    256 (cl-defmethod forge-ls-topics ((repo forge-repository)
    257                                class &optional type select)
    258   (let* ((table (oref-default class closql-table))
    259          (id (oref repo id))
    260          (rows (pcase-exhaustive type
    261                  (`open   (forge-sql [:select $i1 :from $i2
    262                                       :where (and (= repository $s3)
    263                                                   (isnull closed))
    264                                       :order-by [(desc number)]]
    265                                      (or select '*) table id))
    266                  (`closed (forge-sql [:select $i1 :from $i2
    267                                       :where (and (= repository $s3)
    268                                                   (notnull closed))
    269                                       :order-by [(desc number)]]
    270                                      (or select '*) table id))
    271                  (`nil    (forge-sql [:select $i1 :from $i2
    272                                       :where (= repository $s3)
    273                                       :order-by [(desc number)]]
    274                                      (or select '*) table id)))))
    275     (if select
    276         rows
    277       (mapcar (lambda (row)
    278                 (closql--remake-instance class (forge-db) row))
    279               rows))))
    281 ;;; Utilities
    283 (cl-defmethod forge--format ((topic forge-topic) slot &optional spec)
    284   (forge--format (forge-get-repository topic) slot
    285                  `(,@spec (?i . ,(oref topic number)))))
    287 (cl-defmethod forge-visit ((topic forge-topic))
    288   (forge-topic-setup-buffer topic)
    289   (forge-topic-mark-read (forge-get-repository topic) topic))
    291 (cl-defmethod forge-topic-mark-read ((_ forge-repository) topic)
    292   (oset topic unread-p nil))
    294 (defun forge--sanitize-string (string)
    295   ;; For Gitlab this may also be nil.
    296   (if string
    297       (replace-regexp-in-string "\r\n" "\n" string t t)
    298     ""))
    300 (defun forge-insert-topics (heading topics prefix)
    301   "Under a new section with HEADING, insert TOPICS."
    302   (when topics
    303     (let ((width (apply #'max
    304                         (--map (length (number-to-string (oref it number)))
    305                                topics)))
    306           list-section-type topic-section-type)
    307       (cond ((forge--childp (car topics) 'forge-issue)
    308              (setq list-section-type  'issues)
    309              (setq topic-section-type 'issue))
    310             ((forge--childp (car topics) 'forge-pullreq)
    311              (setq list-section-type  'pullreqs)
    312              (setq topic-section-type 'pullreq)))
    313       (magit-insert-section ((eval list-section-type) nil t)
    314         (magit-insert-heading
    315           (concat (magit--propertize-face (concat heading " ")
    316                                           'magit-section-heading)
    317                   (magit--propertize-face (format "(%s)" (length topics))
    318                                           'magit-section-child-count)))
    319         (magit-make-margin-overlay nil t)
    320         (magit-insert-section-body
    321           (dolist (topic topics)
    322             (forge-insert-topic topic topic-section-type width prefix))
    323           (insert ?\n)
    324           (magit-make-margin-overlay nil t))))))
    326 (defun forge-insert-topic (topic &optional topic-section-type width prefix)
    327   "Insert TOPIC as a new section.
    328 If TOPIC-SECTION-TYPE is provided, it is the section type to use.
    329 If WIDTH is provided, it is a fixed width to use for the topic
    330 identifier."
    331   (unless topic-section-type
    332     (setq topic-section-type
    333           (cond ((forge--childp topic 'forge-issue) 'issue)
    334                 ((forge--childp topic 'forge-pullreq) 'pullreq))))
    335   (magit-insert-section ((eval topic-section-type) topic t)
    336     (forge--insert-topic-contents topic width prefix)))
    338 (cl-defmethod forge--format-topic-id ((topic forge-topic) &optional prefix)
    339   (propertize (format "%s%s"
    340                       (or prefix (forge--topic-type-prefix topic))
    341                       (oref topic number))
    342               'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
    344 (cl-defmethod forge--insert-topic-contents ((topic forge-topic) width prefix)
    345   (with-slots (number title unread-p closed) topic
    346     (insert (format (if width (format "%%-%is" (1+ width)) "%s")
    347                     (forge--format-topic-id topic prefix)))
    348     (forge--insert-topic-marks topic)
    349     (insert " ")
    350     (insert (magit-log-propertize-keywords
    351              nil (propertize title 'font-lock-face
    352                              (cond (unread-p 'forge-topic-unread)
    353                                    (closed   'forge-topic-closed)
    354                                    (t        'forge-topic-open)))))
    355     (forge--insert-topic-labels topic)
    356     (insert "\n")
    357     (magit-log-format-author-margin
    358      (oref topic author)
    359      (format-time-string "%s" (parse-iso8601-time-string (oref topic created)))
    360      t)))
    362 ;;; Mode
    364 (defvar forge-topic-mode-map
    365   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    366     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-n") 'forge-create-post)
    367     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-r") 'forge-create-post)
    368     (define-key map [remap magit-browse-thing] 'forge-browse-topic)
    369     (define-key map [remap magit-visit-thing] 'markdown-follow-link-at-point)
    370     (define-key map [mouse-2] 'markdown-follow-link-at-point)
    371     map))
    373 (define-derived-mode forge-topic-mode magit-mode "View Topic"
    374   "View a forge issue or pull-request."
    375   (setq-local markdown-translate-filename-function
    376               #'forge--markdown-translate-filename-function))
    378 (defvar forge-topic-headers-hook
    379   '(forge-insert-topic-title
    380     forge-insert-topic-state
    381     forge-insert-topic-refs
    382     forge-insert-topic-milestone
    383     forge-insert-topic-labels
    384     forge-insert-topic-marks
    385     forge-insert-topic-assignees
    386     forge-insert-topic-review-requests))
    388 (defvar forge-post-section-map
    389   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    390     (define-key map [remap magit-browse-thing] 'forge-browse-post)
    391     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing]   'forge-edit-post)
    392     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k")            'forge-delete-comment)
    393     map))
    395 (defvar-local forge-buffer-topic nil)
    396 (defvar-local forge-buffer-topic-ident nil)
    398 (defun forge-topic-setup-buffer (topic)
    399   (let* ((repo  (forge-get-repository topic))
    400          (ident (concat (forge--topic-type-prefix topic)
    401                         (number-to-string (oref topic number))))
    402          (name  (format "*forge: %s/%s %s*"
    403                         (oref repo owner)
    404                         (oref repo name)
    405                         ident))
    406          (magit-generate-buffer-name-function (lambda (_mode _value) name))
    407          (current-repo (forge-get-repository nil))
    408          (default-directory (if (and current-repo
    409                                      (eq (oref current-repo id)
    410                                          (oref repo id)))
    411                                 default-directory
    412                               (or (oref repo worktree)
    413                                   default-directory))))
    414     (magit-setup-buffer #'forge-topic-mode t
    415       (forge-buffer-topic topic)
    416       (forge-buffer-topic-ident ident))))
    418 (defun forge-topic-refresh-buffer ()
    419   (let ((topic (closql-reload forge-buffer-topic)))
    420     (setq forge-buffer-topic topic)
    421     (magit-set-header-line-format
    422      (format "%s: %s" forge-buffer-topic-ident (oref topic title)))
    423     (magit-insert-section (topicbuf)
    424       (magit-insert-headers 'forge-topic-headers-hook)
    425       (when (and (forge-pullreq-p topic)
    426                  (not (oref topic merged)))
    427         (magit-insert-section (pullreq topic)
    428           (magit-insert-heading "Commits")
    429           (forge--insert-pullreq-commits topic)))
    430       (when-let ((note (oref topic note)))
    431         (magit-insert-section (note)
    432           (magit-insert-heading "Note")
    433           (insert (forge--fontify-markdown note) "\n\n")))
    434       (dolist (post (cons topic (oref topic posts)))
    435         (with-slots (author created body) post
    436           (magit-insert-section section (post post)
    437             (oset section heading-highlight-face
    438                   'magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight)
    439             (let ((heading
    440                    (format-spec
    441                     forge-post-heading-format
    442                     `((?a . ,(propertize (concat (forge--format-avatar author)
    443                                                  (or author "(ghost)"))
    444                                          'font-lock-face 'forge-post-author))
    445                       (?c . ,(propertize created 'font-lock-face 'forge-post-date))
    446                       (?C . ,(propertize (apply #'format "%s %s ago"
    447                                                 (magit--age
    448                                                  (float-time
    449                                                   (date-to-time created))))
    450                                          'font-lock-face 'forge-post-date))))))
    451               (add-face-text-property 0 (length heading)
    452                                       'magit-diff-hunk-heading t heading)
    453               (magit-insert-heading heading))
    454             (insert (forge--fontify-markdown body) "\n\n"))))
    455       (when (and (display-images-p)
    456                  (fboundp 'markdown-display-inline-images))
    457         (let ((markdown-display-remote-images t))
    458           (markdown-display-inline-images))))))
    460 (cl-defmethod magit-buffer-value (&context (major-mode forge-topic-mode))
    461   forge-buffer-topic-ident)
    463 (defvar forge-topic-title-section-map
    464   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    465     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing] 'forge-edit-topic-title)
    466     map))
    468 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-title
    469     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    470   (magit-insert-section (topic-title)
    471     (insert (format "%-11s" "Title: ") (oref topic title) "\n")))
    473 (defvar forge-topic-state-section-map
    474   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    475     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing] 'forge-edit-topic-state)
    476     map))
    478 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-state
    479     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    480   (magit-insert-section (topic-state)
    481     (insert (format
    482              "%-11s%s\n" "State: "
    483              (let ((state (oref topic state)))
    484                (magit--propertize-face
    485                 (symbol-name state)
    486                 (pcase (list state (forge-pullreq-p (forge-topic-at-point)))
    487                   (`(merged) 'forge-topic-merged)
    488                   (`(closed) 'forge-topic-closed)
    489                   (`(open t) 'forge-topic-unmerged)
    490                   (`(open)   'forge-topic-open))))))))
    492 (defvar forge-topic-milestone-section-map
    493   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    494     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing] 'forge-edit-topic-milestone)
    495     map))
    497 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-milestone
    498     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    499   (magit-insert-section (topic-milestone)
    500     (insert (format "%-11s" "Milestone: ")
    501             (or (forge--get-topic-milestone topic)
    502                 ;; If the user hasn't pulled this repository yet after
    503                 ;; updating to db v7, then only the id is available.
    504                 (oref topic milestone)
    505                 (propertize "none" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
    506             "\n")))
    508 (defun forge--get-topic-milestone (topic)
    509   (when-let ((id (oref topic milestone)))
    510     (caar (forge-sql [:select [title] :from milestone :where (= id $s1)] id))))
    512 (defvar forge-topic-labels-section-map
    513   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    514     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing] 'forge-edit-topic-labels)
    515     map))
    517 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-labels
    518     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    519   (magit-insert-section (topic-labels)
    520     (insert (format "%-11s" "Labels: "))
    521     (if-let ((labels (closql--iref topic 'labels)))
    522         (forge--insert-topic-labels topic t labels)
    523       (insert (propertize "none" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)))
    524     (insert ?\n)))
    526 (defun forge--format-topic-labels (topic)
    527   (when-let ((labels (closql--iref topic 'labels)))
    528     (mapconcat (pcase-lambda (`(,name ,color ,_desc))
    529                  (propertize name 'font-lock-face (list :box color)))
    530                labels " ")))
    532 (defun forge--insert-topic-labels (topic &optional skip-separator labels)
    533   (pcase-dolist (`(,name ,color ,description)
    534                  (or labels (closql--iref topic 'labels)))
    535     (if skip-separator
    536         (setq skip-separator nil)
    537       (insert " "))
    538     (let* ((background (forge--sanitize-color color))
    539            (foreground (forge--contrast-color background)))
    540       (insert name)
    541       (let ((o (make-overlay (- (point) (length name)) (point))))
    542         (overlay-put o 'priority 2)
    543         (overlay-put o 'evaporate t)
    544         (overlay-put o 'font-lock-face
    545                      `(( :background ,background
    546                          :foreground ,foreground)
    547                        forge-topic-label))
    548         (when description
    549           (overlay-put o 'help-echo description))))))
    551 (defvar forge-topic-marks-section-map
    552   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    553     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing] 'forge-edit-topic-marks)
    554     map))
    556 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-marks
    557     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    558   (magit-insert-section (topic-marks)
    559     (insert (format "%-11s" "Marks: "))
    560     (if-let ((marks (closql--iref topic 'marks)))
    561         (forge--insert-topic-marks topic t marks)
    562       (insert (propertize "none" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)))
    563     (insert ?\n)))
    565 (defun forge--insert-topic-marks (topic &optional skip-separator marks)
    566   (pcase-dolist (`(,name ,face ,description)
    567                  (or marks (closql--iref topic 'marks)))
    568     (if skip-separator
    569         (setq skip-separator nil)
    570       (insert " "))
    571     (insert name)
    572     (let ((o (make-overlay (- (point) (length name)) (point))))
    573       (overlay-put o 'priority 2)
    574       (overlay-put o 'evaporate t)
    575       (overlay-put o 'font-lock-face (list face 'forge-topic-label))
    576       (when description
    577         (overlay-put o 'help-echo description)))))
    579 (defun forge--sanitize-color (color)
    580   (cond ((x-color-values color) color)
    581         ;; Discard alpha information.
    582         ((string-match-p "\\`#.\\{4\\}\\'" color) (substring color 0 3))
    583         ((string-match-p "\\`#.\\{8\\}\\'" color) (substring color 0 6))
    584         (t "#000000"))) ; Use fallback instead of invalid color.
    586 (defun forge--contrast-color (color)
    587   "Return black or white depending on the luminance of COLOR."
    588   (if (> (forge--x-color-luminance color) 0.5) "black" "white"))
    590 ;; Copy of `rainbow-x-color-luminance'.
    591 (defun forge--x-color-luminance (color)
    592   "Calculate the luminance of a color string (e.g. \"#ffaa00\", \"blue\").
    593 Return a value between 0 and 1."
    594   (let ((values (x-color-values color)))
    595     (forge--color-luminance (/ (nth 0 values) 256.0)
    596                             (/ (nth 1 values) 256.0)
    597                             (/ (nth 2 values) 256.0))))
    599 ;; Copy of `rainbow-color-luminance'.
    600 ;; Also see
    601 (defun forge--color-luminance (red green blue)
    602   "Calculate the luminance of color composed of RED, GREEN and BLUE.
    603 Return a value between 0 and 1."
    604   (/ (+ (* .2126 red) (* .7152 green) (* .0722 blue)) 256))
    606 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-refs
    607     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    608   (when (forge-pullreq-p topic)
    609     (magit-insert-section (topic-refs)
    610       (with-slots (cross-repo-p base-repo base-ref head-repo head-ref) topic
    611         (let ((separator (propertize ":" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
    612               (deleted (propertize "(deleted)" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)))
    613           (insert (format "%-11s" "Refs: ")
    614                   (if cross-repo-p
    615                       (concat base-repo separator base-ref)
    616                     base-ref)
    617                   (propertize "..." 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)
    618                   (if cross-repo-p
    619                       (if (and head-repo head-ref)
    620                           (concat head-repo separator head-ref)
    621                         deleted)
    622                     (or head-ref deleted))
    623                   "\n"))))))
    625 (defvar forge-topic-assignees-section-map
    626   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    627     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing] 'forge-edit-topic-assignees)
    628     map))
    630 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-assignees
    631     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    632   (magit-insert-section (topic-assignees)
    633     (insert (format "%-11s" "Assignees: "))
    634     (if-let ((assignees (closql--iref topic 'assignees)))
    635         (insert (mapconcat (pcase-lambda (`(,login ,name))
    636                              (format "%s%s (@%s)"
    637                                      (forge--format-avatar login)
    638                                      name login))
    639                            assignees ", "))
    640       (insert (propertize "none" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)))
    641     (insert ?\n)))
    643 (defvar forge-topic-review-requests-section-map
    644   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    645     (define-key map [remap magit-edit-thing] 'forge-edit-topic-review-requests)
    646     map))
    648 (cl-defun forge-insert-topic-review-requests
    649     (&optional (topic forge-buffer-topic))
    650   (when (and (forge-github-repository-p (forge-get-repository topic))
    651              (forge-pullreq-p topic))
    652     (magit-insert-section (topic-review-requests)
    653       (insert (format "%-11s" "Review-Requests: "))
    654       (if-let ((review-requests (closql--iref topic 'review-requests)))
    655           (insert (mapconcat (pcase-lambda (`(,login ,name))
    656                                (format "%s%s (@%s)"
    657                                        (forge--format-avatar login)
    658                                        name login))
    659                              review-requests ", "))
    660         (insert (propertize "none" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)))
    661       (insert ?\n))))
    663 (defun forge--fontify-markdown (text)
    664   (with-temp-buffer
    665     (delay-mode-hooks
    666       (gfm-mode))
    667     (insert text)
    668     (font-lock-ensure)
    669     (when forge-post-fill-region
    670       (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
    671     (buffer-string)))
    673 (cl-defmethod forge--topic-type-prefix ((_ forge-topic))
    674   "Get the identifier prefix specific to the type of TOPIC."
    675   "#")
    677 (cl-defmethod forge--topic-type-prefix ((_repo forge-repository) _type)
    678   "#")
    680 (defun forge--markdown-translate-filename-function (file)
    681   (if (string-match-p "\\`https?://" file)
    682       file
    683     (let ((host (oref (forge-get-repository t) githost)))
    684       (concat (if (member host ghub-insecure-hosts) "http://" "https://")
    685               host
    686               (and (not (string-prefix-p "/" file)) "/")
    687               file))))
    689 (defun forge--format-avatar (author)
    690   (if forge-format-avatar-function
    691       (funcall forge-format-avatar-function author)
    692     ""))
    694 ;;; Completion
    696 (defun forge-read-topic (prompt &optional type allow-number)
    697   (when (eq type t)
    698     (setq type (if current-prefix-arg nil 'open)))
    699   (let* ((default (forge-current-topic))
    700          (repo    (forge-get-repository (or default t)))
    701          (choices (mapcar
    702                    (apply-partially #'forge--topic-format-choice repo)
    703                    (cl-sort
    704                     (nconc
    705                      (forge-ls-pullreqs repo type [number title id class])
    706                      (forge-ls-issues   repo type [number title id class]))
    707                     #'> :key #'car)))
    708          (choice  (magit-completing-read
    709                    prompt choices nil nil nil nil
    710                    (and default
    711                         (setq default (forge--topic-format-choice default))
    712                         (member default choices)
    713                         (car default)))))
    714     (or (cdr (assoc choice choices))
    715         (and allow-number
    716              (let ((number (string-to-number choice)))
    717                (if (= number 0)
    718                    (user-error "Not an existing topic or number: %s")
    719                  number))))))
    721 (cl-defmethod forge--topic-format-choice ((topic forge-topic))
    722   (cons (format "%s%s  %s"
    723                 (forge--topic-type-prefix topic)
    724                 (oref topic number)
    725                 (oref topic title))
    726         (oref topic id)))
    728 (cl-defmethod forge--topic-format-choice ((repo forge-repository) args)
    729   (pcase-let ((`(,number ,title ,id ,class) args))
    730     (cons (format "%s%s  %s"
    731                   (forge--topic-type-prefix repo class)
    732                   number
    733                   title)
    734           id)))
    736 (defun forge-topic-completion-at-point ()
    737   (let ((bol (line-beginning-position))
    738         repo)
    739     (and (looking-back "[!#][0-9]*" bol)
    740          (or (not bug-reference-prog-mode)
    741              (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))) ; inside comment or string
    742          (setq repo (forge-get-repository t))
    743          (looking-back (if (forge--childp repo 'forge-gitlab-repository)
    744                            "\\(?3:[!#]\\)\\(?2:[0-9]*\\)"
    745                          "#\\(?2:[0-9]*\\)")
    746                        bol)
    747          (list (match-beginning 2)
    748                (match-end 0)
    749                (mapcar (lambda (row)
    750                          (propertize (number-to-string (car row))
    751                                      :title (format " %s" (cadr row))))
    752                        (if (forge--childp repo 'forge-gitlab-repository)
    753                            (forge-sql [:select [number title]
    754                                        :from $i1
    755                                        :where (= repository $s2)
    756                                        :order-by [(desc updated)]]
    757                                       (if (equal (match-string 3) "#")
    758                                           'issue
    759                                         'pullreq)
    760                                       (oref repo id))
    761                          (forge-sql [:select [number title updated]
    762                                      :from pullreq
    763                                      :where (= repository $s1)
    764                                      :union
    765                                      :select [number title updated]
    766                                      :from issue
    767                                      :where (= repository $s1)
    768                                      :order-by [(desc updated)]]
    769                                     (oref repo id))))
    770                :annotation-function (lambda (c) (get-text-property 0 :title c))))))
    772 ;;; Parse
    774 (defun forge--topic-parse-buffer (&optional file)
    775   (save-match-data
    776     (save-excursion
    777       (goto-char (point-min))
    778       ;; Unlike for issues, Github ignores the yaml front-matter for
    779       ;; pull-requests.  We just assume that nobody tries to use it
    780       ;; anyway.  If that turned out to be wrong, we would have to
    781       ;; deal with it by complicating matters around here.
    782       (let ((alist (or (and (forge--childp (forge-get-repository t)
    783                                            'forge-github-repository)
    784                             (save-excursion (forge--topic-parse-yaml)))
    785                        (save-excursion (forge--topic-parse-plain)))))
    786         (setf (alist-get 'file alist) file)
    787         (setf (alist-get 'text alist) (magit--buffer-string nil nil ?\n))
    788         (when (and file (not (alist-get 'prompt alist)))
    789           (setf (alist-get 'prompt alist)
    790                 (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory file))))
    791         ;; If there is a yaml front-matter, then it is supposed
    792         ;; to have a `title' field, but this may not be the case.
    793         (when (and (not file)
    794                    (not (alist-get 'title alist)))
    795           (setf (alist-get 'title alist)
    796                 (read-string "Title: ")))
    797         alist))))
    799 (defun forge--topic-parse-yaml ()
    800   (let (alist beg end)
    801     (when (looking-at "^---[\s\t]*$")
    802       (forward-line)
    803       (setq beg (point))
    804       (when (re-search-forward "^---[\s\t]*$" nil t)
    805         (setq end (match-beginning 0))
    806         (setq alist (yaml-parse-string
    807                      (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)
    808                      :object-type 'alist))
    809         (let-alist alist
    810           (setf (alist-get 'prompt alist)
    811                 (format "[%s] %s" .name .about))
    812           (when (and .labels (atom .labels))
    813             (setf (alist-get 'labels alist) (list .labels)))
    814           (when (and .assignees (atom .assignees))
    815             (setf (alist-get 'assignees alist) (list .assignees))))))
    816     alist))
    818 (defun forge--topic-parse-plain ()
    819   (let (title body)
    820     (when (looking-at "\\`#*")
    821       (goto-char (match-end 0)))
    822     (setq title (magit--buffer-string (point) (line-end-position) t))
    823     (forward-line)
    824     (setq body (magit--buffer-string (point) nil ?\n))
    825     `((title . ,(string-trim title))
    826       (body  . ,(string-trim body)))))
    828 (defun forge--topic-parse-link-buffer ()
    829   (save-match-data
    830     (save-excursion
    831       (goto-char (point-min))
    832       (mapcar (lambda (alist)
    833                 (cons (cons 'prompt (concat (alist-get 'name alist) " -- "
    834                                             (alist-get 'about alist)))
    835                       alist))
    836               (forge--topic-parse-yaml-links)))))
    838 (defun forge--topic-parse-yaml-links ()
    839   (alist-get 'contact_links
    840              (yaml-parse-string (buffer-substring-no-properties
    841                                  (point-min)
    842                                  (point-max))
    843                                 :object-type 'alist
    844                                 :sequence-type 'list)))
    846 ;;; Templates
    848 (cl-defgeneric forge--topic-templates (repo class)
    849   "Return a list of topic template files for REPO and a topic of CLASS.")
    851 (cl-defgeneric forge--topic-template (repo class)
    852   "Return a topic template alist for REPO and a topic of CLASS.
    853 If there are multiple templates, then the user is asked to select
    854 one of them.  It there are no templates, then return a very basic
    855 alist, containing just `text' and `position'.")
    857 (defun forge--topic-templates-data (repo class)
    858   (let ((branch (oref repo default-branch)))
    859     (mapcan (lambda (f)
    860               (with-temp-buffer
    861                 (magit-git-insert "cat-file" "-p" (concat branch ":" f))
    862                 (if (equal (file-name-nondirectory f) "config.yml")
    863                     (forge--topic-parse-link-buffer)
    864                   (list (forge--topic-parse-buffer f)))))
    865             (forge--topic-templates repo class))))
    867 (cl-defmethod forge--topic-template ((repo forge-repository)
    868                                      (class (subclass forge-topic)))
    869   (let ((choices (forge--topic-templates-data repo class)))
    870     (if (cdr choices)
    871         (let ((c (magit-completing-read
    872                   (if (eq class 'forge-pullreq)
    873                       "Select pull-request template"
    874                     "Select issue template")
    875                   (--map (alist-get 'prompt it) choices)
    876                   nil t)))
    877           (--first (equal (alist-get 'prompt it) c) choices))
    878       (car choices))))
    880 ;;; Bug-Reference
    882 (when (< emacs-major-version 28)
    883   (defun bug-reference-fontify (start end)
    884     "Apply bug reference overlays to region."
    885     (save-excursion
    886       (let ((beg-line (progn (goto-char start) (line-beginning-position)))
    887             (end-line (progn (goto-char end) (line-end-position))))
    888         ;; Remove old overlays.
    889         (bug-reference-unfontify beg-line end-line)
    890         (goto-char beg-line)
    891         (while (and (< (point) end-line)
    892                     (re-search-forward bug-reference-bug-regexp end-line 'move))
    893           (when (and (or (not bug-reference-prog-mode)
    894                          ;; This tests for both comment and string syntax.
    895                          (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)))
    896                      ;; This is the part where this redefinition differs
    897                      ;; from the original defined in "bug-reference.el".
    898                      (not (and (derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode
    899                                                'forge-notifications-mode)
    900                                (= (match-beginning 0)
    901                                   (line-beginning-position))))
    902                      ;; End of additions.
    903                      )
    904             (let ((overlay (make-overlay (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
    905                                          nil t nil)))
    906               (overlay-put overlay 'category 'bug-reference)
    907               ;; Don't put a link if format is undefined
    908               (when bug-reference-url-format
    909                 (overlay-put overlay 'bug-reference-url
    910                              (if (stringp bug-reference-url-format)
    911                                  (format bug-reference-url-format
    912                                          (match-string-no-properties 2))
    913                                (funcall bug-reference-url-format)))))))))))
    915 (defun forge-bug-reference-setup ()
    916   "Setup `bug-reference' in the current buffer.
    917 If forge data has been fetched for the current repository, then
    918 enable `bug-reference-mode' or `bug-reference-prog-mode' and
    919 modify `bug-reference-bug-regexp' if appropriate."
    920   (unless bug-reference-url-format
    921     (magit--with-safe-default-directory nil
    922       (when-let ((repo (forge-get-repository 'full)))
    923         (if (>= emacs-major-version 28)
    924             (when (derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode
    925                                   'forge-notifications-mode)
    926               (setq-local
    927                bug-reference-auto-setup-functions
    928                (let ((hook bug-reference-auto-setup-functions))
    929                  (list (lambda ()
    930                          ;; HOOK is not allowed to be a lexical var:
    931                          ;; (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'hook)
    932                          (catch 'success
    933                            (dolist (f hook)
    934                              (when (funcall f)
    935                                (setq bug-reference-bug-regexp
    936                                      (concat "." bug-reference-bug-regexp))
    937                                (throw 'success t)))))))))
    938           (setq-local bug-reference-url-format
    939                       (if (forge--childp repo 'forge-gitlab-repository)
    940                           (lambda ()
    941                             (forge--format repo
    942                                            (if (equal (match-string 3) "#")
    943                                                'issue-url-format
    944                                              'pullreq-url-format)
    945                                            `((?i . ,(match-string 2)))))
    946                         (forge--format repo 'issue-url-format '((?i . "%s")))))
    947           (setq-local bug-reference-bug-regexp
    948                       (if (forge--childp repo 'forge-gitlab-repository)
    949                           "\\(?3:[!#]\\)\\(?2:[0-9]+\\)"
    950                         "#\\(?2:[0-9]+\\)")))
    951         (if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
    952             (bug-reference-prog-mode 1)
    953           (bug-reference-mode 1))
    954         (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions
    955                   'forge-topic-completion-at-point nil t)))))
    957 (when (and (not noninteractive) forge--sqlite-available-p)
    958   (dolist (hook forge-bug-reference-hooks)
    959     (add-hook hook #'forge-bug-reference-setup)))
    961 ;;; _
    962 (provide 'forge-topic)
    963 ;;; forge-topic.el ends here