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flymake-autoloads.el (4281B)

      1 ;;; flymake-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
      2 ;;
      3 ;;; Code:
      5 (add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
      6                          (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
      9 ;;;### (autoloads nil "flymake" "flymake.el" (0 0 0 0))
     10 ;;; Generated autoloads from flymake.el
     12 (autoload 'flymake-log "flymake" "\
     13 Log, at level LEVEL, the message MSG formatted with ARGS.
     14 LEVEL is passed to `display-warning', which is used to display
     15 the warning.  If this form is included in a file,
     16 the generated warning contains an indication of the file that
     17 generated it.
     19 \(fn LEVEL MSG &rest ARGS)" nil t)
     21 (autoload 'flymake-make-diagnostic "flymake" "\
     22 Make a Flymake diagnostic for LOCUS's region from BEG to END.
     23 LOCUS is a buffer object or a string designating a file name.
     25 TYPE is a diagnostic symbol and TEXT is string describing the
     26 problem detected in this region.  DATA is any object that the
     27 caller wishes to attach to the created diagnostic for later
     28 retrieval with `flymake-diagnostic-data'.
     30 If LOCUS is a buffer BEG and END should be buffer positions
     31 inside it.  If LOCUS designates a file, BEG and END should be a
     32 cons (LINE . COL) indicating a file position.  In this second
     33 case, END may be ommited in which case the region is computed
     34 using `flymake-diag-region' if the diagnostic is appended to an
     35 actual buffer.
     37 OVERLAY-PROPERTIES is an alist of properties attached to the
     38 created diagnostic, overriding the default properties and any
     39 properties listed in the `flymake-overlay-control' property of
     40 the diagnostic's type symbol.
     42 \(fn LOCUS BEG END TYPE TEXT &optional DATA OVERLAY-PROPERTIES)" nil nil)
     44 (autoload 'flymake-diagnostics "flymake" "\
     45 Get Flymake diagnostics in region determined by BEG and END.
     47 If neither BEG or END is supplied, use whole accessible buffer,
     48 otherwise if BEG is non-nil and END is nil, consider only
     49 diagnostics at BEG.
     51 \(fn &optional BEG END)" nil nil)
     53 (autoload 'flymake-diag-region "flymake" "\
     54 Compute BUFFER's region (BEG . END) corresponding to LINE and COL.
     55 If COL is nil, return a region just for LINE.  Return nil if the
     56 region is invalid.  This function saves match data.
     58 \(fn BUFFER LINE &optional COL)" nil nil)
     60 (autoload 'flymake-mode "flymake" "\
     61 Toggle Flymake mode on or off.
     63 If called interactively, enable Flymake mode if ARG is positive,
     64 and disable it if ARG is zero or negative.  If called from Lisp,
     65 also enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and toggle it if
     66 ARG is `toggle'; disable the mode otherwise.
     68 Flymake is an Emacs minor mode for on-the-fly syntax checking.
     69 Flymake collects diagnostic information from multiple sources,
     70 called backends, and visually annotates the buffer with the
     71 results.
     73 Flymake performs these checks while the user is editing.
     74 The customization variables `flymake-start-on-flymake-mode',
     75 `flymake-no-changes-timeout' determine the exact circumstances
     76 whereupon Flymake decides to initiate a check of the buffer.
     78 The commands `flymake-goto-next-error' and
     79 `flymake-goto-prev-error' can be used to navigate among Flymake
     80 diagnostics annotated in the buffer.
     82 The visual appearance of each type of diagnostic can be changed
     83 by setting properties `flymake-overlay-control', `flymake-bitmap'
     84 and `flymake-severity' on the symbols of diagnostic types (like
     85 `:error', `:warning' and `:note').
     87 Activation or deactivation of backends used by Flymake in each
     88 buffer happens via the special hook
     89 `flymake-diagnostic-functions'.
     91 Some backends may take longer than others to respond or complete,
     92 and some may decide to disable themselves if they are not
     93 suitable for the current buffer.  The commands
     94 `flymake-running-backends', `flymake-disabled-backends' and
     95 `flymake-reporting-backends' summarize the situation, as does the
     96 special *Flymake log* buffer.
     98 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
    100 (autoload 'flymake-mode-on "flymake" "\
    101 Turn Flymake mode on." nil nil)
    103 (autoload 'flymake-mode-off "flymake" "\
    104 Turn Flymake mode off." nil nil)
    106 (if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "flymake" '("flymake-")))
    108 ;;;***
    110 ;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("flymake-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))
    112 ;;;***
    114 ;; Local Variables:
    115 ;; version-control: never
    116 ;; no-byte-compile: t
    117 ;; no-update-autoloads: t
    118 ;; coding: utf-8
    119 ;; End:
    120 ;;; flymake-autoloads.el ends here