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elfeed-tube-fill.el (15853B)

      1 ;;; elfeed-tube-fill.el --- Back-fill elfeed-tube feeds  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2022  Karthik Chikmagalur
      5 ;; Author: Karthik Chikmagalur <>
      6 ;; Keywords: multimedia, convenience
      8 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSE
     10 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
     12 ;;; Commentary:
     13 ;;
     14 ;; This file contains commands to back-fill Elfeed YouTube feeds. Back-filling a
     15 ;; feed fetches all historical entries for the corresponding YouTube channel or
     16 ;; playlist and adds them to the Elfeed database. Youtube RSS feeds generally
     17 ;; contain only the latest 15 entries.
     18 ;;
     19 ;; Call `elfeed-tube-fill-feeds' in an Elfeed search or entry buffer to
     20 ;; back-fill entries for the corresponding feed. You can select a region of
     21 ;; entries to fill all the corresponding feeds.
     22 ;;
     23 ;;; Code:
     25 (require 'elfeed-tube)
     27 (declare-function elfeed-tube--get-entries "elfeed-tube")
     28 (defvar elfeed-tube--api-channels-videos-path "/api/v1/channels/videos/%s")
     29 (defvar elfeed-tube--api-playlists-videos-path "/api/v1/playlists/%s")
     30 (defvar elfeed-tube--fill-tags nil
     31   "Alist of Elfeed feed-ids and tags to add.
     33 These tags (list of symbols) will be added when back-filling the
     34 corresponding feed.")
     37 (cl-deftype elfeed-tube--fill-api-data ()
     38   `(satisfies
     39    (lambda (coll)
     40      (and (vectorp coll)
     41       (or (= coll 0)
     42               (cl-every (lambda (vd) (and (plist-get vd :videoId)
     43                                      (plist-get vd :published)
     44                                      (plist-get vd :title)))
     45                         coll))))))
     47 ;;;###autoload (autoload 'elfeed-tube-fill-feeds "elfeed-tube-utils" "Fetch and add all channel videos for ENTRIES' feeds." t nil)
     48 (aio-defun elfeed-tube-fill-feeds (entries &optional interactive-p)
     49   "Fetch and add all channel videos for ENTRIES' feeds.
     51 YouTube RSS feeds generally contain only the latest 15 entries.
     52 Use this command to fetch and add to Elfeed all videos
     53 corresponding a channel or playlist.
     55 ENTRIES is the entry at point or visited entry, or the list of
     56 selected entries if the region is active.
     58 When called interactively, INTERACTIVE-P is t and a summary
     59 window will be shown before taking any action."
     60   (interactive (list (elfeed-tube--ensure-list (elfeed-tube--get-entries))
     61                      t))
     62   (let ((feeds (cl-reduce
     63                 (lambda (accum entry)
     64                   (if-let* ((feed (elfeed-entry-feed entry))
     65                             ((memq feed accum)))
     66                       accum
     67                     (cons feed accum)))
     68                 entries
     69                 :initial-value nil)))
     70     (if interactive-p
     71         (elfeed-tube--fill-display-feeds feeds)
     72       (aio-await (elfeed-tube--fill-feeds feeds)))))
     74 (aio-defun elfeed-tube--fill-feeds (feeds)
     75   "Find videos corresponding to the channels/playlists for Elfeed feeds FEEDS.
     77 Videos not already present will be added to the Elfeed database."
     78   (cl-check-type feeds (and (not null) (not atom)))
     79   (cl-check-type (car feeds) elfeed-feed)
     81   (dolist (feed feeds)
     82     (elfeed-tube-log 'debug "[(fill-feeds): Backfilling feed: %s]" (elfeed-feed-title feed))
     83     (let ((elfeed-tube-auto-fetch-p nil)
     84           (feed-url (elfeed-feed-url feed))
     85           (feed-id  (elfeed-feed-id feed))
     86           (feed-title (elfeed-feed-title feed))
     87           (add-count)
     88           (feed-entries-to-add
     89            (thread-first
     90              (elfeed-tube--fill-feed feed)
     91              (aio-await)
     92              (cl-delete-duplicates :key (lambda (x) (plist-get x :videoId)) :test #'string=)
     93              (vconcat)
     94              (elfeed-tube--fill-feed-dates)
     95              (aio-await))))
     97       (cl-check-type feed-entries-to-add elfeed-tube--fill-api-data
     98                      "Missing video attributes (ID, Title or Publish Date).")
    100       (if (= (length feed-entries-to-add) 0)
    101           (message "Nothing to retrieve for feed \"%s\" (%s)" feed-title feed-url)
    102         (setq add-count (length feed-entries-to-add))
    104         (condition-case error
    105             (thread-last
    106               feed-entries-to-add
    107               (cl-map 'list (apply-partially #'elfeed-tube--entry-create feed-id))
    108               (cl-map 'list (lambda (entry)
    109                               (setf (elfeed-entry-tags entry)
    110                                     (or (alist-get feed-id elfeed-tube--fill-tags
    111                                                    nil nil #'equal)
    112                                         '(unread)))
    113                               entry))
    114               (elfeed-db-add))
    115           (error (elfeed-handle-parse-error feed-url error)))
    116         ;; (prin1 feed-entries-to-add (get-buffer "*scratch*"))
    117         (elfeed-tube-log 'debug "[(elfeed-db): Backfilling feed: %s][Added %d videos]"
    118                          feed-title add-count)
    119         (message "Retrieved %d missing videos for feed \"%s\" (%s)"
    120                  add-count feed-title feed-url)
    121         (run-hook-with-args 'elfeed-update-hooks feed-url)))))
    123 ;; feed: elfeed-feed struct, page: int or nil -> vector(plist entries for feed videos not in db)
    124 (aio-defun elfeed-tube--fill-feed (feed &optional page)
    125   "Find videos corresponding to the channel/playlist for Elfeed feed FEED.
    127 Return video metadata as a vector of plists. Metadata
    128 corresponding to videos already in the Elfeed database are
    129 filtered out.
    131 PAGE corresponds to the page number of results requested from the API."
    132   (cl-check-type feed elfeed-feed "An Elfeed Feed")
    133   (cl-check-type page (or null (integer 0 *)) "A positive integer.")
    135   (if-let* ((page (or page 1))
    136             (feed-url (elfeed-feed-url feed))
    137             (feed-title (elfeed-feed-title feed))
    138             (api-path (cond ((string-match "playlist_id=\\(.*?\\)/*$" feed-url)
    139                              (concat
    140                               (format elfeed-tube--api-playlists-videos-path
    141                                       (match-string 1 feed-url))
    142                               "?fields=videos(title,videoId,author)"
    143                               "&page=" (number-to-string (or page 1))))
    144                             ((string-match "channel_id=\\(.*?\\)/*$" feed-url)
    145                              (concat
    146                               (format elfeed-tube--api-channels-videos-path
    147                                       (match-string 1 feed-url))
    148                               "?fields="
    149                               "title,videoId,author,published"
    150                               "&sort_by=newest"
    151                               "&page=" (number-to-string (or page 1))))
    152                             (t (elfeed-tube-log 'error "[Malformed/Not YouTube feed: %s][%s]"
    153                                                 feed-title feed-url)
    154                                nil)))
    155             (feed-type (cond ((string-match "playlist_id=\\(.*?\\)/*$" feed-url) 'playlist)
    156                              ((string-match "channel_id=\\(.*?\\)/*$" feed-url)  'channel))))
    157       (let ((feed-entry-video-ids
    158              (mapcar (lambda (e) (elfeed-tube--url-video-id (elfeed-entry-link e)))
    159                      (elfeed-feed-entries feed)))
    160             (feed-id (elfeed-feed-id feed)))
    161         (if-let*
    162             ((api-data
    163               (aio-await
    164                (elfeed-tube--aio-fetch
    165                 (concat (aio-await (elfeed-tube--get-invidious-url)) api-path)
    166                 #'elfeed-tube--nrotate-invidious-servers)))
    167              (api-data (pcase feed-type
    168                          ('channel api-data)
    169                          ('playlist
    170                           (cl-check-type api-data (and (not null) list))
    171                           (plist-get api-data :videos))))
    172              ((> (length api-data) 0)))
    173             (progn
    174               (cl-check-type api-data elfeed-tube--fill-api-data)
    175               (elfeed-tube-log 'debug "[Backfilling: page %d][Fetched: %d entries]"
    176                                (or page 1) (length api-data))
    177               (vconcat
    178                (cl-delete-if   ;remove entries already in db
    179                 (lambda (elt) (member (plist-get elt :videoId) feed-entry-video-ids))
    180                 api-data)
    181                (aio-await (elfeed-tube--fill-feed feed (1+ page)))))
    182           (make-vector 0 0)))
    183     (elfeed-tube-log 'error "[Malformed/Not Youtube feed: %s][%s]" feed-title feed-url)))
    185 ;; api-data: vector(plist entries for feed videos) -> vector(plist entries for
    186 ;; feed videos with correct dates.)
    187 (aio-defun elfeed-tube--fill-feed-dates (api-data)
    188   "Add or correct dates for videos in API-DATA.
    190 API-DATA is a vector of plists, one per video. This function
    191 returns a vector of plists with video publish dates
    192 corrected/added as the value of the plist's :published key."
    193   (cl-check-type api-data elfeed-tube--fill-api-data)
    194   (let ((date-queries)
    195         (feed-videos-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
    196         (fix-count 0))
    198     (if (= (length api-data) 0)
    199         api-data
    200       (progn
    201         (elfeed-tube-log 'debug "[Fixing publish dates]")
    202         (cl-loop for video-plist across api-data
    203                  for video-id = (plist-get video-plist :videoId)
    204                  do (puthash video-id video-plist feed-videos-map)
    205                  do (push (elfeed-tube--with-label
    206                            video-id #'elfeed-tube--aio-fetch
    207                            (concat (aio-wait-for (elfeed-tube--get-invidious-url))
    208                                    elfeed-tube--api-videos-path
    209                                    video-id "?fields=published"))
    210                           date-queries))
    212         (dolist (promise (nreverse date-queries))
    213           (pcase-let* ((`(,video-id . ,corrected-date) (aio-await promise))
    214                        (video-plist (gethash video-id feed-videos-map)))
    216             (plist-put video-plist :published (plist-get corrected-date :published))
    217             (cl-incf fix-count)))
    219         (elfeed-tube-log 'debug "[Fixed publish dates for %d videos]" fix-count)
    221         (vconcat (hash-table-values feed-videos-map))))))
    223 ;; Back-fill GUI
    225 (defsubst elfeed-tube--fill-tags-strings (taglist)
    226   "Convert a list of tags TAGLIST to a comma separated string."
    227   (mapconcat
    228    (lambda (s) (propertize (symbol-name s)
    229                       'face 'elfeed-search-tag-face))
    230    taglist ","))
    232 (defun elfeed-tube--fill-display-feeds (feeds)
    233   "Produce a summary of Elfeed FEEDS to be back-filled.
    235 Back-filling a YouTube feed will fetch all its videos not
    236 presently available in its RSS feed or in the Elfeed database."
    237   (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*Elfeed-Tube Channels*")))
    238     (with-current-buffer buffer
    239       (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
    240       (elfeed-tube-channels-mode)
    242       (setq tabulated-list-use-header-line t ; default to no header
    243             header-line-format nil
    244             ;; tabulated-list--header-string nil
    245             tabulated-list-format
    246             '[("Channel" 22 t)
    247               ("#Entries" 10 t)
    248               ("Tags to apply" 30 nil)
    249               ("Feed URL" 30 nil)])
    251       (setq
    252        tabulated-list-entries
    253        (cl-loop for feed in feeds
    254                 for n upfrom 1
    255                 for feed-url = (elfeed-feed-url feed)
    256                 for channel-id = (progn (string-match "=\\(.*?\\)$" feed-url)
    257                                         (match-string 1 feed-url))
    258                 for feed-title = (list (propertize (elfeed-feed-title feed)
    259                                                    'feed feed)
    260                                        'mouse-face 'highlight
    261                                        'action
    262                                        #'elfeed-tube-add--visit-channel
    263                                        'follow-link t
    264                                        'help-echo
    265                                        (or (and channel-id
    266                                                 (concat
    267                                                  ""
    268                                                  channel-id))
    269                                            ""))
    270                 for feed-count = (number-to-string (length (elfeed-feed-entries feed)))
    271                 for feed-tags = (if-let ((taglist
    272                                           (alist-get (elfeed-feed-id feed)
    273                                                      elfeed-tube--fill-tags nil t #'equal)))
    274                                     (elfeed-tube--fill-tags-strings taglist)
    275                                   (propertize "unread" 'face 'elfeed-search-tag-face))
    276                 collect
    277                 `(,n
    278                   [,feed-title
    279                    ,feed-count
    280                    ,feed-tags
    281                    ,feed-url])))
    283       (tabulated-list-init-header)
    284       (tabulated-list-print)
    285       (goto-address-mode 1)
    287       (goto-char (point-max))
    288       (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
    289             (continue (propertize "C-c C-c" 'face 'help-key-binding))
    290             (cancel-q (propertize "q" 'face 'help-key-binding))
    291             (cancel   (propertize "C-c C-k" 'face 'help-key-binding)))
    293         (let ((inhibit-message t)) (toggle-truncate-lines 1))
    294         (insert "\n")
    295         (insert
    296          "      " (propertize "t" 'face 'help-key-binding)
    297          " or "   (propertize "+" 'face 'help-key-binding)
    298          ": Set tags to apply to back-filled entries for feed.\n\n"
    299          "     " continue ": Add All (historical) videos from these channels to Elfeed.\n"
    300          cancel-q " or " cancel ": Quit and cancel this operation.\n"))
    302       (goto-char (point-min))
    304       (use-local-map (copy-keymap elfeed-tube-channels-mode-map))
    305       (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") #'elfeed-tube--fill-confirm)
    306       (local-set-key (kbd "+")       #'elfeed-tube--fill-tags-add)
    307       (local-set-key (kbd "t")       #'elfeed-tube--fill-tags-add)
    309       (display-buffer
    310        buffer `(nil
    311                 (window-height . ,#'fit-window-to-buffer)
    312                 (body-function . ,#'select-window))))))
    314 (defun elfeed-tube--fill-tags-add ()
    315   "Add tags to back-filled entries fetched for feed at point."
    316   (interactive)
    317   (when-let* ((entry (tabulated-list-get-entry))
    318               (feed (thread-last (aref entry 0)
    319                                  (car)
    320                                  (get-text-property 0 'feed)))
    321               (title (elfeed-feed-title feed))
    322               (id    (elfeed-feed-id feed))
    323               (tags  (read-from-minibuffer
    324                       (format "Add tags for \"%s\" (comma separated): " title)
    325                       (thread-last
    326                         (or (alist-get id elfeed-tube--fill-tags nil t #'equal) '(unread))
    327                         (mapcar #'symbol-name)
    328                         (funcall (lambda (tg) (string-join tg ","))))))
    329               (taglist (thread-last (split-string tags "," t "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+")
    330                                     (mapcar #'intern-soft)
    331                                     (elfeed-normalize-tags))))
    332     (setf (alist-get (elfeed-feed-id feed) elfeed-tube--fill-tags nil nil #'equal)
    333           taglist)
    334     (tabulated-list-set-col 2 (elfeed-tube--fill-tags-strings taglist))))
    336 (aio-defun elfeed-tube--fill-confirm ()
    337   "Back-fill video entries for the displayed Elfeed feeds."
    338   (interactive)
    339   (cl-assert (derived-mode-p 'elfeed-tube-channels-mode))
    340   (cl-loop for table-entry in tabulated-list-entries
    341            for feed-title = (car (aref (cadr table-entry) 0))
    342            collect (get-text-property 0 'feed feed-title) into feeds
    343            finally do (elfeed-tube-log 'debug "[(fill-confirm-feeds): %S]"
    344                                        (mapcar #'elfeed-feed-title feeds))
    345            finally do
    346            (progn
    347              (quit-window 'kill-buffer)
    348              (message "Backfilling YouTube feeds...")
    349              (aio-await (elfeed-tube--fill-feeds feeds))
    350              (message "Backfilling Youtube feeds... done."))))
    352 (provide 'elfeed-tube-fill)
    353 ;;; elfeed-tube-fill.el ends here