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elfeed-show.el (19344B)

      1 ;;; elfeed-show.el --- display feed entries -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
      5 ;;; Code:
      7 (require 'cl-lib)
      8 (require 'shr)
      9 (require 'url-parse)
     10 (require 'browse-url)
     11 (require 'message) ; faces
     12 (require 'bookmark)
     13 (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
     15 (require 'elfeed)
     16 (require 'elfeed-db)
     17 (require 'elfeed-lib)
     18 (require 'elfeed-search)
     20 (defcustom elfeed-show-truncate-long-urls t
     21   "When non-nil, use an ellipsis to shorten very long displayed URLs."
     22   :group 'elfeed
     23   :type 'boolean)
     25 (defcustom elfeed-show-entry-author t
     26   "When non-nil, show the entry's author (if it's in the entry's metadata)."
     27   :group 'elfeed
     28   :type 'boolean)
     30 (defvar elfeed-show-entry nil
     31   "The entry being displayed in this buffer.")
     33 (defcustom elfeed-show-entry-switch #'switch-to-buffer
     34   "Function used to display the feed entry buffer."
     35   :group 'elfeed
     36   :type '(choice (function-item switch-to-buffer)
     37                  (function-item pop-to-buffer)
     38                  function))
     40 (defcustom elfeed-show-entry-delete #'elfeed-kill-buffer
     41   "Function called when quitting from the elfeed-entry buffer.
     42 Called without arguments."
     43   :group 'elfeed
     44   :type '(choice (function-item elfeed-kill-buffer)
     45                  (function-item delete-window)
     46                  function))
     48 (defvar elfeed-show-refresh-function #'elfeed-show-refresh--mail-style
     49   "Function called to refresh the `*elfeed-entry*' buffer.")
     51 (defvar elfeed-show-mode-map
     52   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     53     (prog1 map
     54       (suppress-keymap map)
     55       (define-key map "h" #'describe-mode)
     56       (define-key map "d" #'elfeed-show-save-enclosure)
     57       (define-key map "q" #'elfeed-kill-buffer)
     58       (define-key map "g" #'elfeed-show-refresh)
     59       (define-key map "n" #'elfeed-show-next)
     60       (define-key map "p" #'elfeed-show-prev)
     61       (define-key map "s" #'elfeed-show-new-live-search)
     62       (define-key map "b" #'elfeed-show-visit)
     63       (define-key map "y" #'elfeed-show-yank)
     64       (define-key map "u" #'elfeed-show-tag--unread)
     65       (define-key map "+" #'elfeed-show-tag)
     66       (define-key map "-" #'elfeed-show-untag)
     67       (define-key map "<" #'beginning-of-buffer)
     68       (define-key map ">" #'end-of-buffer)
     69       (define-key map (kbd "SPC") #'scroll-up-command)
     70       (define-key map (kbd "DEL") #'scroll-down-command)
     71       (define-key map (kbd "TAB") #'elfeed-show-next-link)
     72       (define-key map "\e\t" #'shr-previous-link)
     73       (define-key map [backtab] #'shr-previous-link)
     74       (define-key map "c" #'elfeed-kill-link-url-at-point)
     75       (define-key map [mouse-2] #'shr-browse-url)
     76       (define-key map "A" #'elfeed-show-add-enclosure-to-playlist)
     77       (define-key map "P" #'elfeed-show-play-enclosure)))
     78   "Keymap for `elfeed-show-mode'.")
     80 (defun elfeed-show-mode ()
     81   "Mode for displaying Elfeed feed entries.
     82 \\{elfeed-show-mode-map}"
     83   (interactive)
     84   (kill-all-local-variables)
     85   (use-local-map elfeed-show-mode-map)
     86   (setq major-mode 'elfeed-show-mode
     87         mode-name "elfeed-show"
     88         buffer-read-only t)
     89   (buffer-disable-undo)
     90   (make-local-variable 'elfeed-show-entry)
     91   (set (make-local-variable 'bookmark-make-record-function)
     92        #'elfeed-show-bookmark-make-record)
     93   (run-mode-hooks 'elfeed-show-mode-hook))
     95 (defalias 'elfeed-show-tag--unread
     96   (elfeed-expose #'elfeed-show-tag 'unread)
     97   "Mark the current entry unread.")
     99 (defun elfeed-insert-html (html &optional base-url)
    100   "Converted HTML markup to a propertized string."
    101   (shr-insert-document
    102    (if (elfeed-libxml-supported-p)
    103        (with-temp-buffer
    104          ;; insert <base> to work around libxml-parse-html-region bug
    105          (when base-url
    106            (insert (format "<base href=\"%s\">" base-url)))
    107          (insert html)
    108          (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max) base-url))
    109      '(i () "Elfeed: libxml2 functionality is unavailable"))))
    111 (cl-defun elfeed-insert-link (url &optional (content url))
    112   "Insert a clickable hyperlink to URL titled CONTENT."
    113   (when (and elfeed-show-truncate-long-urls
    114              (integerp shr-width)
    115              (> (length content) (- shr-width 8)))
    116     (let ((len (- (/ shr-width 2) 10)))
    117       (setq content (format "%s[...]%s"
    118                             (substring content 0 len)
    119                             (substring content (- len))))))
    120   (elfeed-insert-html (format "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" url content)))
    122 (defun elfeed-compute-base (url)
    123   "Return the base URL for URL, useful for relative paths."
    124   (let ((obj (url-generic-parse-url url)))
    125     (setf (url-filename obj) nil)
    126     (setf (url-target obj) nil)
    127     (url-recreate-url obj)))
    129 (defun elfeed--show-format-author (author)
    130   "Format author plist for the header."
    131   (cl-destructuring-bind (&key name uri email &allow-other-keys)
    132       author
    133     (cond ((and name uri email)
    134            (format "%s <%s> (%s)" name email uri))
    135           ((and name email)
    136            (format "%s <%s>" name email))
    137           ((and name uri)
    138            (format "%s (%s)" name uri))
    139           (name name)
    140           (email email)
    141           (uri uri)
    142           ("[unknown]"))))
    144 (defun elfeed-show-refresh--mail-style ()
    145   "Update the buffer to match the selected entry, using a mail-style."
    146   (interactive)
    147   (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
    148          (title (elfeed-entry-title elfeed-show-entry))
    149          (date (seconds-to-time (elfeed-entry-date elfeed-show-entry)))
    150          (authors (elfeed-meta elfeed-show-entry :authors))
    151          (link (elfeed-entry-link elfeed-show-entry))
    152          (tags (elfeed-entry-tags elfeed-show-entry))
    153          (tagsstr (mapconcat #'symbol-name tags ", "))
    154          (nicedate (format-time-string "%a, %e %b %Y %T %Z" date))
    155          (content (elfeed-deref (elfeed-entry-content elfeed-show-entry)))
    156          (type (elfeed-entry-content-type elfeed-show-entry))
    157          (feed (elfeed-entry-feed elfeed-show-entry))
    158          (feed-title (elfeed-feed-title feed))
    159          (base (and feed (elfeed-compute-base (elfeed-feed-url feed)))))
    160     (erase-buffer)
    161     (insert (format (propertize "Title: %s\n" 'face 'message-header-name)
    162                     (propertize title 'face 'message-header-subject)))
    163     (when elfeed-show-entry-author
    164       (dolist (author authors)
    165         (let ((formatted (elfeed--show-format-author author)))
    166           (insert
    167            (format (propertize "Author: %s\n" 'face 'message-header-name)
    168                    (propertize formatted 'face 'message-header-to))))))
    169     (insert (format (propertize "Date: %s\n" 'face 'message-header-name)
    170                     (propertize nicedate 'face 'message-header-other)))
    171     (insert (format (propertize "Feed: %s\n" 'face 'message-header-name)
    172                     (propertize feed-title 'face 'message-header-other)))
    173     (when tags
    174       (insert (format (propertize "Tags: %s\n" 'face 'message-header-name)
    175                       (propertize tagsstr 'face 'message-header-other))))
    176     (insert (propertize "Link: " 'face 'message-header-name))
    177     (elfeed-insert-link link link)
    178     (insert "\n")
    179     (cl-loop for enclosure in (elfeed-entry-enclosures elfeed-show-entry)
    180              do (insert (propertize "Enclosure: " 'face 'message-header-name))
    181              do (elfeed-insert-link (car enclosure))
    182              do (insert "\n"))
    183     (insert "\n")
    184     (if content
    185         (if (eq type 'html)
    186             (elfeed-insert-html content base)
    187           (insert content))
    188       (insert (propertize "(empty)\n" 'face 'italic)))
    189     (goto-char (point-min))))
    191 (defun elfeed-show-refresh ()
    192   "Update the buffer to match the selected entry."
    193   (interactive)
    194   (call-interactively elfeed-show-refresh-function))
    196 (defcustom elfeed-show-unique-buffers nil
    197   "When non-nil, every entry buffer gets a unique name.
    198 This allows for displaying multiple show buffers at the same
    199 time."
    200   :group 'elfeed
    201   :type 'boolean)
    203 (defun elfeed-show--buffer-name (entry)
    204   "Return the appropriate buffer name for ENTRY.
    205 The result depends on the value of `elfeed-show-unique-buffers'."
    206   (if elfeed-show-unique-buffers
    207       (format "*elfeed-entry-<%s %s>*"
    208 	      (elfeed-entry-title entry)
    209 	      (format-time-string "%F" (elfeed-entry-date entry)))
    210     "*elfeed-entry*"))
    212 (defun elfeed-show-entry (entry)
    213   "Display ENTRY in the current buffer."
    214   (let ((buff (get-buffer-create (elfeed-show--buffer-name entry))))
    215     (with-current-buffer buff
    216       (elfeed-show-mode)
    217       (setq elfeed-show-entry entry)
    218       (elfeed-show-refresh))
    219     (funcall elfeed-show-entry-switch buff)))
    221 (defun elfeed-show-next ()
    222   "Show the next item in the elfeed-search buffer."
    223   (interactive)
    224   (funcall elfeed-show-entry-delete)
    225   (with-current-buffer (elfeed-search-buffer)
    226     (when elfeed-search-remain-on-entry (forward-line 1))
    227     (call-interactively #'elfeed-search-show-entry)))
    229 (defun elfeed-show-prev ()
    230   "Show the previous item in the elfeed-search buffer."
    231   (interactive)
    232   (funcall elfeed-show-entry-delete)
    233   (with-current-buffer (elfeed-search-buffer)
    234     (when elfeed-search-remain-on-entry (forward-line 1))
    235     (forward-line -2)
    236     (call-interactively #'elfeed-search-show-entry)))
    238 (defun elfeed-show-new-live-search ()
    239   "Kill the current buffer, search again in *elfeed-search*."
    240   (interactive)
    241   (elfeed-kill-buffer)
    242   (elfeed)
    243   (elfeed-search-live-filter))
    245 (defun elfeed-show-visit (&optional use-generic-p)
    246   "Visit the current entry in your browser using `browse-url'.
    247 If there is a prefix argument, visit the current entry in the
    248 browser defined by `browse-url-generic-program'."
    249   (interactive "P")
    250   (let ((link (elfeed-entry-link elfeed-show-entry)))
    251     (when link
    252       (message "Sent to browser: %s" link)
    253       (if use-generic-p
    254           (browse-url-generic link)
    255         (browse-url link)))))
    257 (defun elfeed-show-yank ()
    258   "Copy the current entry link URL to the clipboard."
    259   (interactive)
    260   (let ((link (elfeed-entry-link elfeed-show-entry)))
    261     (when link
    262       (kill-new link)
    263       (if (fboundp 'gui-set-selection)
    264           (gui-set-selection 'PRIMARY link)
    265         (with-no-warnings
    266           (x-set-selection 'PRIMARY link)))
    267       (message "Yanked: %s" link))))
    269 (defun elfeed-show-tag (&rest tags)
    270   "Add TAGS to the displayed entry."
    271   (interactive (list (intern (read-from-minibuffer "Tag: "))))
    272   (let ((entry elfeed-show-entry))
    273     (apply #'elfeed-tag entry tags)
    274     (with-current-buffer (elfeed-search-buffer)
    275       (elfeed-search-update-entry entry))
    276     (elfeed-show-refresh)))
    278 (defun elfeed-show-untag (&rest tags)
    279   "Remove TAGS from the displayed entry."
    280   (interactive (let* ((tags (elfeed-entry-tags elfeed-show-entry))
    281                       (names (mapcar #'symbol-name tags))
    282                       (select (completing-read "Untag: " names nil :match)))
    283                  (list (intern select))))
    284   (let ((entry elfeed-show-entry))
    285     (apply #'elfeed-untag entry tags)
    286     (with-current-buffer (elfeed-search-buffer)
    287       (elfeed-search-update-entry entry))
    288     (elfeed-show-refresh)))
    290 ;; Enclosures:
    292 (defcustom elfeed-enclosure-default-dir (expand-file-name "~")
    293   "Default directory for saving enclosures.
    294 This can be either a string (a file system path), or a function
    295 that takes a filename and the mime-type as arguments, and returns
    296 the enclosure dir."
    297   :type 'directory
    298   :group 'elfeed
    299   :safe 'stringp)
    301 (defcustom elfeed-save-multiple-enclosures-without-asking nil
    302   "If non-nil, saving multiple enclosures asks once for a
    303 directory and saves all attachments in the chosen directory."
    304   :type 'boolean
    305   :group 'elfeed)
    307 (defvar elfeed-show-enclosure-filename-function
    308   #'elfeed-show-enclosure-filename-remote
    309   "Function called to generate the filename for an enclosure.")
    311 (defun elfeed--download-enclosure (url path)
    312   "Download asynchronously the enclosure from URL to PATH."
    313   (if (require 'async nil :noerror)
    314       (with-no-warnings
    315         (async-start
    316          (lambda ()
    317            (url-copy-file url path t))
    318          (lambda (_)
    319            (message (format "%s downloaded" url)))))
    320     (url-copy-file url path t)))
    322 (defun elfeed--get-enclosure-num (prompt entry &optional multi)
    323   "Ask the user with PROMPT for an enclosure number for ENTRY.
    324 The number is [1..n] for enclosures \[0..(n-1)] in the entry. If
    325 MULTI is nil, return the number for the enclosure;
    326 otherwise (MULTI is non-nil), accept ranges of enclosure numbers,
    327 as per `elfeed-split-ranges-to-numbers', and return the
    328 corresponding string."
    329   (let* ((count (length (elfeed-entry-enclosures entry)))
    330          def)
    331     (when (zerop count)
    332       (error "No enclosures to this entry"))
    333     (if (not multi)
    334         (if (= count 1)
    335             (read-number (format "%s: " prompt) 1)
    336           (read-number (format "%s (1-%d): " prompt count)))
    337       (progn
    338         (setq def (if (= count 1) "1" (format "1-%d" count)))
    339         (read-string (format "%s (default %s): " prompt def)
    340                      nil nil def)))))
    342 (defun elfeed--request-enclosure-path (fname path)
    343   "Ask the user where to save FNAME (default is PATH/FNAME)."
    344   (let ((fpath (expand-file-name
    345                 (read-file-name "Save as: " path nil nil fname) path)))
    346     (if (file-directory-p fpath)
    347         (expand-file-name fname fpath)
    348       fpath)))
    350 (defun elfeed--request-enclosures-dir (path)
    351   "Ask the user where to save multiple enclosures (default is PATH)."
    352   (let ((fpath (expand-file-name
    353                 (read-directory-name
    354                  (format "Save in directory: ") path nil nil nil) path)))
    355     (if (file-directory-p fpath)
    356         fpath)))
    358 (defun elfeed-show-enclosure-filename-remote (_entry url-enclosure)
    359   "Returns the remote filename as local filename for an enclosure."
    360   (file-name-nondirectory
    361    (url-unhex-string
    362     (car (url-path-and-query (url-generic-parse-url
    363                               url-enclosure))))))
    365 (defun elfeed-show-save-enclosure-single (&optional entry enclosure-index)
    366   "Save enclosure number ENCLOSURE-INDEX from ENTRY.
    367 If ENTRY is nil use the elfeed-show-entry variable.
    368 If ENCLOSURE-INDEX is nil ask for the enclosure number."
    369   (interactive)
    370   (let* ((path elfeed-enclosure-default-dir)
    371          (entry (or entry elfeed-show-entry))
    372          (enclosure-index (or enclosure-index
    373                               (elfeed--get-enclosure-num
    374                                "Enclosure to save" entry)))
    375          (url-enclosure (car (elt (elfeed-entry-enclosures entry)
    376                                   (- enclosure-index 1))))
    377          (fname
    378           (funcall elfeed-show-enclosure-filename-function
    379                    entry url-enclosure))
    380          (retry t)
    381          (fpath))
    382     (while retry
    383       (setf fpath (elfeed--request-enclosure-path fname path)
    384             retry (and (file-exists-p fpath)
    385                        (not (y-or-n-p (format "Overwrite '%s'?" fpath))))))
    386     (elfeed--download-enclosure url-enclosure fpath)))
    388 (defun elfeed-show-save-enclosure-multi (&optional entry)
    389   "Offer to save multiple entry enclosures from the current entry.
    390 Default is to save all enclosures, [1..n], where n is the number of
    391 enclosures.  You can type multiple values separated by space, e.g.
    392   1 3-6 8
    393 will save enclosures 1,3,4,5,6 and 8.
    395 Furthermore, there is a shortcut \"a\" which so means all
    396 enclosures, but as this is the default, you may not need it."
    397   (interactive)
    398   (let* ((entry (or entry elfeed-show-entry))
    399          (attachstr (elfeed--get-enclosure-num
    400                      "Enclosure number range (or 'a' for 'all')" entry t))
    401          (count (length (elfeed-entry-enclosures entry)))
    402          (attachnums (elfeed-split-ranges-to-numbers attachstr count))
    403          (path elfeed-enclosure-default-dir)
    404          (fpath))
    405     (if elfeed-save-multiple-enclosures-without-asking
    406         (let ((attachdir (elfeed--request-enclosures-dir path)))
    407           (dolist (enclosure-index attachnums)
    408             (let* ((url-enclosure
    409                     (aref (elfeed-entry-enclosures entry) enclosure-index))
    410                    (fname
    411                     (funcall elfeed-show-enclosure-filename-function
    412                              entry url-enclosure))
    413                    (retry t))
    414               (while retry
    415                 (setf fpath (expand-file-name (concat attachdir fname) path)
    416                       retry
    417                       (and (file-exists-p fpath)
    418                            (not (y-or-n-p (format "Overwrite '%s'?" fpath))))))
    419               (elfeed--download-enclosure url-enclosure fpath))))
    420       (dolist (enclosure-index attachnums)
    421         (elfeed-show-save-enclosure-single entry enclosure-index)))))
    423 (defun elfeed-show-save-enclosure (&optional multi)
    424   "Offer to save enclosure(s).
    425 If MULTI (prefix-argument) is nil, save a single one, otherwise,
    426 offer to save a range of enclosures."
    427   (interactive "P")
    428   (if multi
    429       (elfeed-show-save-enclosure-multi)
    430     (elfeed-show-save-enclosure-single)))
    432 (defun elfeed--enclosure-maybe-prompt-index (entry)
    433   "Prompt for an enclosure if there are multiple in ENTRY."
    434   (if (= 1 (length (elfeed-entry-enclosures entry)))
    435       1
    436     (elfeed--get-enclosure-num "Enclosure to play" entry)))
    438 (defun elfeed-show-play-enclosure (enclosure-index)
    439   "Play enclosure number ENCLOSURE-INDEX from current entry using EMMS.
    440 Prompts for ENCLOSURE-INDEX when called interactively."
    441   (interactive (list (elfeed--enclosure-maybe-prompt-index elfeed-show-entry)))
    442   (elfeed-show-add-enclosure-to-playlist enclosure-index)
    443   (with-no-warnings
    444     (with-current-emms-playlist
    445       (save-excursion
    446         (emms-playlist-last)
    447         (emms-playlist-mode-play-current-track)))))
    449 (defun elfeed-show-add-enclosure-to-playlist (enclosure-index)
    450   "Add enclosure number ENCLOSURE-INDEX to current EMMS playlist.
    451 Prompts for ENCLOSURE-INDEX when called interactively."
    453   (interactive (list (elfeed--enclosure-maybe-prompt-index elfeed-show-entry)))
    454   (require 'emms) ;; optional
    455   (with-no-warnings ;; due to lazy (require )
    456     (emms-add-url   (car (elt (elfeed-entry-enclosures elfeed-show-entry)
    457                               (- enclosure-index 1))))))
    459 (defun elfeed-show-next-link ()
    460   "Skip to the next link, exclusive of the Link header."
    461   (interactive)
    462   (let ((properties (text-properties-at (line-beginning-position))))
    463     (when (memq 'message-header-name properties)
    464       (forward-paragraph))
    465     (shr-next-link)))
    467 (defun elfeed-kill-link-url-at-point ()
    468   "Get link URL at point and store in kill-ring."
    469   (interactive)
    470   (let ((url (or (elfeed-get-link-at-point)
    471                  (elfeed-get-url-at-point))))
    472     (if url
    473         (progn (kill-new url) (message url))
    474       (call-interactively 'shr-copy-url))))
    476 ;; Bookmarks
    478 ;;;###autoload
    479 (defun elfeed-show-bookmark-handler (record)
    480   "Show the bookmarked entry saved in the `RECORD'."
    481   (let* ((id (bookmark-prop-get record 'id))
    482          (entry (elfeed-db-get-entry id))
    483          (position (bookmark-get-position record)))
    484     (elfeed-show-entry entry)
    485     (goto-char position)))
    487 (defun elfeed-show-bookmark-make-record ()
    488   "Save the current position and the entry into a bookmark."
    489   (let ((id (elfeed-entry-id elfeed-show-entry))
    490         (position (point))
    491         (title (elfeed-entry-title elfeed-show-entry)))
    492     `(,(format "elfeed entry \"%s\"" title)
    493       (id . ,id)
    494       (location . ,title)
    495       (position . ,position)
    496       (handler . elfeed-show-bookmark-handler))))
    498 (provide 'elfeed-show)
    500 ;;; elfeed-show.el ends here