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elfeed-lib.el (14500B)

      1 ;;; elfeed-lib.el --- misc functions for elfeed -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
      5 ;;; Commentary:
      7 ;; These are general functions that aren't specific to web feeds. It's
      8 ;; a library of useful functions to Elfeed.
     10 ;;; Code:
     12 (require 'cl-lib)
     13 (require 'thingatpt)
     14 (require 'time-date)
     15 (require 'url-parse)
     16 (require 'url-util)
     17 (require 'xml)
     19 (defun elfeed-expose (function &rest args)
     20   "Return an interactive version of FUNCTION, 'exposing' it to the user."
     21   (lambda () (interactive) (apply function args)))
     23 (defun elfeed-goto-line (n)
     24   "Like `goto-line' but for non-interactive use."
     25   (goto-char (point-min))
     26   (forward-line (1- n)))
     28 (defun elfeed-kill-buffer ()
     29   "Kill the current buffer."
     30   (interactive)
     31   (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
     33 (defun elfeed-kill-line ()
     34   "Clear out the current line without touching anything else."
     35   (beginning-of-line)
     36   (let ((start (point)))
     37     (end-of-line)
     38     (delete-region start (point))))
     40 (defun elfeed-time-duration (time &optional now)
     41   "Turn a time expression into a number of seconds. Uses
     42 `timer-duration' but allows a bit more flair.
     44 If `now' is non-nil, use it as the current time (`float-time'). This
     45 is mostly useful for testing."
     46   (cond
     47    ((numberp time) time)
     48    ((let ((iso-time (elfeed-parse-simple-iso-8601 time)))
     49       (when iso-time (- (or now (float-time)) iso-time))))
     50    ((string-match-p "[[:alpha:]]" time)
     51     (let* ((clean (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(ago\\|old\\|-\\)" " " time))
     52            (duration (timer-duration clean)))
     53       ;; convert to float since float-time is used elsewhere
     54       (when duration (float duration))))))
     56 (defun elfeed-looks-like-url-p (string)
     57   "Return true if STRING looks like it could be a URL."
     58   (and (stringp string)
     59        (not (string-match-p "[ \n\t\r]" string))
     60        (not (null (url-type (url-generic-parse-url string))))))
     62 (defun elfeed-format-column (string width &optional align)
     63   "Return STRING truncated or padded to WIDTH following ALIGNment.
     64 Align should be a keyword :left or :right."
     65   (if (<= width 0)
     66       ""
     67     (format (format "%%%s%d.%ds" (if (eq align :left) "-" "") width width)
     68             string)))
     70 (defun elfeed-clamp (min value max)
     71   "Clamp a value between two values."
     72   (min max (max min value)))
     74 (defun elfeed-valid-regexp-p (regexp)
     75   "Return t if REGEXP is a valid REGEXP."
     76   (ignore-errors
     77     (prog1 t
     78       (string-match-p regexp ""))))
     80 (defun elfeed-cleanup (name)
     81   "Trim trailing and leading spaces and collapse multiple spaces."
     82   (let ((trim (replace-regexp-in-string "[\f\n\r\t\v ]+" " " (or name ""))))
     83     (replace-regexp-in-string "^ +\\| +$" "" trim)))
     85 (defun elfeed-parse-simple-iso-8601 (string)
     86   "Attempt to parse STRING as a simply formatted ISO 8601 date.
     87 Examples: 2015-02-22, 2015-02, 20150222"
     88   (let* ((re (cl-flet ((re-numbers (num) (format "\\([0-9]\\{%s\\}\\)" num)))
     89                (format "^%s-?%s-?%s?\\(T%s:%s:?%s?\\)?"
     90                        (re-numbers 4)
     91                        (re-numbers 2)
     92                        (re-numbers 2)
     93                        (re-numbers 2)
     94                        (re-numbers 2)
     95                        (re-numbers 2))))
     96          (matches (save-match-data
     97                     (when (string-match re string)
     98                       (cl-loop for i from 1 to 7
     99                                collect (let ((match (match-string i string)))
    100                                          (and match (string-to-number match))))))))
    101     (when matches
    102       (cl-multiple-value-bind (year month day _ hour min sec) matches
    103         (float-time (encode-time (or sec 0) (or min 0) (or hour 0)
    104                                  (or day 1) month year t))))))
    106 (defun elfeed-new-date-for-entry (old-date new-date)
    107   "Decide entry date, given an existing date (nil for new) and a new date.
    108 Existing entries' dates are unchanged if the new date is not
    109 parseable. New entries with unparseable dates default to the
    110 current time."
    111   (or (elfeed-float-time new-date)
    112       old-date
    113       (float-time)))
    115 (defun elfeed-float-time (date)
    116   "Like `float-time' but accept anything reasonable for DATE.
    117 Defaults to nil if DATE could not be parsed. Date is allowed to
    118 be relative to now (`elfeed-time-duration')."
    119   (cl-typecase date
    120     (string
    121      (let ((iso-8601 (elfeed-parse-simple-iso-8601 date)))
    122        (if iso-8601
    123            iso-8601
    124          (let ((duration (elfeed-time-duration date)))
    125            (if duration
    126                (- (float-time) duration)
    127              (let ((time (ignore-errors (date-to-time date))))
    128                ;; check if date-to-time failed, silently or otherwise
    129                (unless (or (null time) (equal time '(14445 17280)))
    130                  (float-time time))))))))
    131     (integer date)
    132     (otherwise nil)))
    134 (defun elfeed-xml-parse-region (&optional beg end buffer parse-dtd _parse-ns)
    135   "Decode (if needed) and parse XML file. Uses coding system from
    136 XML encoding declaration."
    137   (unless beg (setq beg (point-min)))
    138   (unless end (setq end (point-max)))
    139   (setf (point) beg)
    140   (when (re-search-forward
    141          "<\\?xml.*?encoding=[\"']\\([^\"']+\\)[\"'].*?\\?>" nil t)
    142     (let ((coding-system (intern-soft (downcase (match-string 1)))))
    143       (when (ignore-errors (check-coding-system coding-system))
    144         (let ((mark-beg (make-marker))
    145               (mark-end (make-marker)))
    146           ;; Region changes with encoding, so use markers to track it.
    147           (set-marker mark-beg beg)
    148           (set-marker mark-end end)
    149           (set-buffer-multibyte t)
    150           (recode-region mark-beg mark-end coding-system 'raw-text)
    151           (setf beg (marker-position mark-beg)
    152                 end (marker-position mark-end))))))
    153   (let ((xml-default-ns ()))
    154     (xml-parse-region beg end buffer parse-dtd 'symbol-qnames)))
    156 (defun elfeed-xml-unparse (element)
    157   "Inverse of `elfeed-xml-parse-region', writing XML to the buffer."
    158   (cl-destructuring-bind (tag attrs . body) element
    159     (insert (format "<%s" tag))
    160     (dolist (attr attrs)
    161       (cl-destructuring-bind (key . value) attr
    162         (insert (format " %s='%s'" key (xml-escape-string value)))))
    163     (if (null body)
    164         (insert "/>")
    165       (insert ">")
    166       (dolist (sub body)
    167         (if (stringp sub)
    168             (insert (xml-escape-string sub))
    169           (elfeed-xml-unparse sub)))
    170       (insert (format "</%s>" tag)))))
    172 (defun elfeed-directory-empty-p (dir)
    173   "Return non-nil if DIR is empty."
    174   (null (cddr (directory-files dir))))
    176 (defun elfeed-slurp (file &optional literally)
    177   "Return the contents of FILE as a string."
    178   (with-temp-buffer
    179     (if literally
    180         (insert-file-contents-literally file)
    181       (insert-file-contents file))
    182     (buffer-string)))
    184 (cl-defun elfeed-spit (file string &key fsync append (encoding 'utf-8))
    185   "Write STRING to FILE."
    186   (let ((coding-system-for-write encoding)
    187         (write-region-inhibit-fsync (not fsync)))
    188     (with-temp-buffer
    189       (insert string)
    190       (write-region nil nil file append 0))))
    192 (defvar elfeed-gzip-supported-p--cache :unknown
    193   "To avoid running the relatively expensive test more than once.")
    195 (defun elfeed-gzip-supported-p ()
    196   "Return non-nil if `auto-compression-mode' can handle gzip."
    197   (if (not (eq elfeed-gzip-supported-p--cache :unknown))
    198       elfeed-gzip-supported-p--cache
    199     (setf elfeed-gzip-supported-p--cache
    200           (and (executable-find "gzip")
    201                (ignore-errors
    202                  (save-window-excursion
    203                    (let ((file (make-temp-file "gziptest" nil ".gz"))
    204                          (data (cl-loop for i from 32 to 3200
    205                                         collect i into chars
    206                                         finally
    207                                         (return (apply #'string chars)))))
    208                      (unwind-protect
    209                          (progn
    210                            (elfeed-spit file data)
    211                            (and (string= data (elfeed-slurp file))
    212                                 (not (string= data (elfeed-slurp file t)))))
    213                        (delete-file file)))))))))
    215 (defun elfeed-libxml-supported-p ()
    216   "Return non-nil if `libxml-parse-html-region' is available."
    217   (with-temp-buffer
    218     (insert "<html></html>")
    219     (and (fboundp 'libxml-parse-html-region)
    220          (not (null (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max)))))))
    222 (defun elfeed-keyword->symbol (keyword)
    223   "If a keyword, convert KEYWORD into a plain symbol (remove the colon)."
    224   (if (keywordp keyword)
    225       (intern (substring (symbol-name keyword) 1))
    226     keyword))
    228 (defun elfeed-resize-vector (vector length)
    229   "Return a copy of VECTOR set to size LENGTH."
    230   (let ((new-vector (make-vector length nil)))
    231     (prog1 new-vector ; don't use dotimes result (bug#16206)
    232       (dotimes (i (min (length new-vector) (length vector)))
    233         (setf (aref new-vector i) (aref vector i))))))
    235 (defun elfeed-readable-p (value)
    236   "Return non-nil if VALUE can be serialized."
    237   (condition-case _
    238       (prog1 t (read (prin1-to-string value)))
    239     (error nil)))
    241 (defun elfeed-strip-properties (string)
    242   "Return a copy of STRING with all properties removed.
    243 If STRING is nil, returns nil."
    244   (when string
    245     (let ((copy (copy-sequence string)))
    246       (prog1 copy
    247         (set-text-properties 0 (length copy) nil copy)))))
    249 (defun elfeed-clipboard-get ()
    250   "Try to get a sensible value from the system clipboard.
    251 On systems running X, it will try to use the PRIMARY selection
    252 first, then fall back onto the standard clipboard like other
    253 systems."
    254   (elfeed-strip-properties
    255    (or (and (fboundp 'x-get-selection)
    256             (funcall 'x-get-selection))
    257        (and (functionp interprogram-paste-function)
    258             (funcall interprogram-paste-function))
    259        (and (fboundp 'w32-get-clipboard-data)
    260             (funcall 'w32-get-clipboard-data))
    261        (ignore-errors
    262          (current-kill 0 :non-destructively)))))
    264 (defun elfeed-get-link-at-point ()
    265   "Try to a link at point and return its URL."
    266   (or (get-text-property (point) 'shr-url)
    267       (and (fboundp 'eww-current-url)
    268            (funcall 'eww-current-url))
    269       (get-text-property (point) :nt-link)))
    271 (defun elfeed-get-url-at-point ()
    272   "Try to get a plain URL at point."
    273   (or (if (fboundp 'thing-at-point-url-at-point)
    274           (thing-at-point-url-at-point)
    275         (with-no-warnings (url-get-url-at-point)))
    276       (thing-at-point 'url)))
    278 (defun elfeed-move-to-first-empty-line ()
    279   "Place point after first blank line, for use with `url-retrieve'.
    280 If no such line exists, point is left in place."
    281   (let ((start (point)))
    282     (setf (point) (point-min))
    283     (unless (search-forward-regexp "^$" nil t)
    284       (setf (point) start))))
    286 (defun elfeed--shuffle (seq)
    287   "Destructively shuffle SEQ."
    288   (let ((n (length seq)))
    289     (prog1 seq  ; don't use dotimes result (bug#16206)
    290       (dotimes (i n)
    291         (cl-rotatef (elt seq i) (elt seq (+ i (cl-random (- n i)))))))))
    293 (defun elfeed-split-ranges-to-numbers (str n)
    294   "Convert STR containing enclosure numbers into a list of numbers.
    295 STR is a string; N is the highest possible number in the list.
    296 This includes expanding e.g. 3-5 into 3,4,5.  If the letter
    297 \"a\" ('all')) is given, that is expanded to a list with numbers [1..n]."
    298   (let ((str-split (split-string str))
    299         beg end list)
    300     (dolist (elem str-split list)
    301       ;; special number "a" converts into all enclosures 1-N.
    302       (when (equal elem "a")
    303         (setf elem (concat "1-" (int-to-string n))))
    304       (if (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)" elem)
    305           ;; we have found a range A-B, which needs converting
    306           ;; into the numbers A, A+1, A+2, ... B.
    307           (progn
    308             (setf beg (string-to-number (match-string 1 elem))
    309                   end (string-to-number (match-string 2 elem)))
    310             (while (<= beg end)
    311               (setf list (nconc list (list beg))
    312                     beg (1+ beg))))
    313         ;; else just a number
    314         (push (string-to-number elem) list)))))
    316 (defun elfeed-remove-dot-segments (input)
    317   "Relative URL algorithm as described in RFC 3986 ยง5.2.4."
    318   (cl-loop
    319    with output = ""
    320    for s = input
    321    then (cond
    322          ((string-match-p "^\\.\\./" s)
    323           (substring s 3))
    324          ((string-match-p "^\\./" s)
    325           (substring s 2))
    326          ((string-match-p "^/\\./" s)
    327           (substring s 2))
    328          ((string-match-p "^/\\.$" s) "/")
    329          ((string-match-p "^/\\.\\./" s)
    330           (setf output (replace-regexp-in-string "/?[^/]*$" "" output))
    331           (substring s 3))
    332          ((string-match-p "^/\\.\\.$" s)
    333           (setf output (replace-regexp-in-string "/?[^/]*$" "" output))
    334           "/")
    335          ((string-match-p "^\\.\\.?$" s)
    336           "")
    337          ((string-match "^/?[^/]*" s)
    338           (setf output (concat output (match-string 0 s)))
    339           (replace-regexp-in-string "^/?[^/]*" "" s)))
    340    until (zerop (length s))
    341    finally return output))
    343 (defun elfeed-update-location (old-url new-url)
    344   "Return full URL for maybe-relative NEW-URL based on full OLD-URL."
    345   (if (null new-url)
    346       old-url
    347     (let ((old (url-generic-parse-url old-url))
    348           (new (url-generic-parse-url new-url)))
    349       (cond
    350        ;; Is new URL absolute already?
    351        ((url-type new) new-url)
    352        ;; Empty is a special case (clear fragment)
    353        ((equal new-url "")
    354         (setf (url-target old) nil)
    355         (url-recreate-url old))
    356        ;; Does it start with //? Append the old protocol.
    357        ((url-fullness new) (concat (url-type old) ":" new-url))
    358        ;; Is it a relative path?
    359        ((not (string-match-p "^/" new-url))
    360         (let* ((old-dir (or (file-name-directory (url-filename old)) "/"))
    361                (concat (concat old-dir new-url))
    362                (new-file (elfeed-remove-dot-segments concat)))
    363           (setf (url-filename old) nil
    364                 (url-target old) nil
    365                 (url-attributes old) nil
    366                 (url-filename old) new-file)
    367           (url-recreate-url old)))
    368        ;; Replace the relative part.
    369        ((progn
    370           (setf (url-filename old) (elfeed-remove-dot-segments new-url)
    371                 (url-target old) nil
    372                 (url-attributes old) nil)
    373           (url-recreate-url old)))))))
    375 (defun elfeed-url-to-namespace (url)
    376   "Compute an ID namespace from URL."
    377   (let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url url))
    378          (host (url-host urlobj)))
    379     (if (= 0 (length host))
    380         url
    381       host)))
    383 (provide 'elfeed-lib)
    385 ;;; elfeed-lib.el ends here