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elfeed-db.el (25354B)

      1 ;;; elfeed-db.el --- database and model for elfeed -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
      5 ;;; Commentary:
      7 ;; Elfeed is aware of two type of things: feeds and entries. All dates
      8 ;; are stored as floating point epoch seconds.
     10 ;; Feeds are keyed by their user-provided feed URL, which acts as the
     11 ;; feed identity regardless of any other stated identity. Feeds have a
     12 ;; list of entries.
     14 ;; Entries are keyed in order of preference by id (Atom), guid (RSS),
     15 ;; or link. To avoid circular references, entries refer to their
     16 ;; parent feeds by URL.
     18 ;; Feed content is stored in a content-addressable loose-file
     19 ;; database, very similar to an unpacked Git object database. Entries
     20 ;; have references to items in this database (elfeed-ref), keeping the
     21 ;; actual entry struct memory footprint small. Most importantly, this
     22 ;; keeps the core index small so that it can quickly be written as a
     23 ;; whole to the filesystem. The wire format is just the s-expression
     24 ;; print form of the top-level hash table.
     26 ;; The database can be compacted into a small number of compressed
     27 ;; files with the interactive function `elfeed-db-compact'. This could
     28 ;; be used as a kill-emacs hook.
     30 ;; An AVL tree containing all database entries ordered by date is
     31 ;; maintained as part of the database. We almost always want to look
     32 ;; at entries ordered by date and this step accomplished that very
     33 ;; efficiently with the AVL tree. This is the reasoning behind the
     34 ;; `with-elfeed-db-visit' interface.
     36 ;; Unfortunately there's a nasty bug (bug#15190) in the reader that
     37 ;; makes hash tables and `print-circle' incompatible. It's been fixed
     38 ;; in trunk, but many users will likely be stuck with this bug for the
     39 ;; next few years. This means the database format can't exploit
     40 ;; circular references.
     42 ;; Entry and feed objects can have arbitrary metadata attached,
     43 ;; automatically stored in the database. The setf-able `elfeed-meta'
     44 ;; function is used to access these.
     46 ;;; Code:
     48 (require 'cl-lib)
     49 (require 'avl-tree)
     50 (require 'elfeed-lib)
     52 (defcustom elfeed-db-directory "~/.elfeed"
     53   "Directory where elfeed will store its database."
     54   :group 'elfeed
     55   :type 'directory)
     57 (defvar elfeed-db nil
     58   "The core database for elfeed.")
     60 (defvar elfeed-db-feeds nil
     61   "Feeds hash table, part of `elfeed-db'.")
     63 (defvar elfeed-db-entries nil
     64   "Entries hash table, part of `elfeed-db'.")
     66 (defvar elfeed-db-index nil
     67   "Collection of all entries sorted by date, part of `elfeed-db'.")
     69 (defvar elfeed-db-version
     70   ;; If records are avaiable (Emacs 26), use the newer database format
     71   (if (functionp 'record)
     72       4
     73     "0.0.3")
     74   "The database version this version of Elfeed expects to use.")
     76 (defvar elfeed-new-entry-hook ()
     77   "Functions in this list are called with the new entry as its argument.
     78 This is a chance to add custom tags to new entries.")
     80 (defvar elfeed-db-update-hook ()
     81   "Functions in this list are called with no arguments any time
     82 the :last-update time is updated.")
     84 (defvar elfeed-db-unload-hook ()
     85   "Hook to run immediately after `elfeed-db-unload'.")
     87 ;; Data model:
     89 (cl-defstruct (elfeed-feed (:constructor elfeed-feed--create))
     90   "A web feed, contains elfeed-entry structs."
     91   id url title author meta)
     93 (cl-defstruct (elfeed-entry (:constructor elfeed-entry--create))
     94   "A single entry from a feed, normalized towards Atom."
     95   id title link date content content-type enclosures tags feed-id meta)
     97 (defun elfeed-entry-merge (a b)
     98   "Merge B into A, preserving A's tags. Return true if an actual
     99 update occurred, not counting content."
    100   (setf (elfeed-entry-tags b) (elfeed-entry-tags a)
    101         (elfeed-entry-content a) (elfeed-entry-content b))
    102   (cl-loop for (key value) on (elfeed-entry-meta b) by #'cddr
    103            do (setf (elfeed-entry-meta a)
    104                     (plist-put (elfeed-entry-meta a) key value)))
    105   (not
    106    (zerop
    107     (cl-loop for i from 1 below (1- (length a))
    108              for part-a = (aref a i)
    109              for part-b = (aref b i)
    110              count (not (equal part-a part-b))
    111              do (setf (aref a i) part-b)))))
    113 (defun elfeed-db-get-feed (id)
    114   "Get/create the feed for ID."
    115   (elfeed-db-ensure)
    116   (let ((feed (gethash id elfeed-db-feeds)))
    117     (or feed
    118         (setf (gethash id elfeed-db-feeds)
    119               (elfeed-feed--create :id id)))))
    121 (defun elfeed-db-get-entry (id)
    122   "Get the entry for ID."
    123   (elfeed-db-ensure)
    124   (gethash id elfeed-db-entries))
    126 (defun elfeed-db-compare (a b)
    127   "Return true if entry A is newer than entry B."
    128   (let* ((entry-a (elfeed-db-get-entry a))
    129          (entry-b (elfeed-db-get-entry b))
    130          (date-a (elfeed-entry-date entry-a))
    131          (date-b (elfeed-entry-date entry-b)))
    132     (if (= date-a date-b)
    133         (string< (prin1-to-string b) (prin1-to-string a))
    134       (> date-a date-b))))
    136 (defun elfeed-db-set-update-time ()
    137   "Update the database last-update time."
    138   (setf elfeed-db (plist-put elfeed-db :last-update (float-time)))
    139   (run-hooks 'elfeed-db-update-hook))
    141 (defun elfeed-db-add (entries)
    142   "Add ENTRIES to the database."
    143   (elfeed-db-ensure)
    144   (cl-loop for entry in entries
    145            for id = (elfeed-entry-id entry)
    146            for original = (gethash id elfeed-db-entries)
    147            for new-date = (elfeed-entry-date entry)
    148            for original-date = (and original (elfeed-entry-date original))
    149            do (elfeed-deref-entry entry)
    150            when original count
    151            (if (= new-date original-date)
    152                (elfeed-entry-merge original entry)
    153              (avl-tree-delete elfeed-db-index id)
    154              (prog1 (elfeed-entry-merge original entry)
    155                (avl-tree-enter elfeed-db-index id)))
    156            into change-count
    157            else count
    158            (setf (gethash id elfeed-db-entries) entry)
    159            into change-count
    160            and do
    161            (progn
    162              (avl-tree-enter elfeed-db-index id)
    163              (cl-loop for hook in elfeed-new-entry-hook
    164                       do (funcall hook entry)))
    165            finally
    166            (unless (zerop change-count)
    167              (elfeed-db-set-update-time)))
    168   :success)
    170 (defun elfeed-entry-feed (entry)
    171   "Get the feed struct for ENTRY."
    172   (elfeed-db-get-feed (elfeed-entry-feed-id entry)))
    174 (defun elfeed-normalize-tags (tags &rest more-tags)
    175   "Return the normalized tag list for TAGS."
    176   (let ((all (apply #'append tags (nconc more-tags (list ())))))
    177     (cl-delete-duplicates (cl-sort all #'string< :key #'symbol-name))))
    179 (defun elfeed-tag-1 (entry &rest tags)
    180   "Add TAGS to ENTRY."
    181   (let ((current (elfeed-entry-tags entry)))
    182     (setf (elfeed-entry-tags entry)
    183           (elfeed-normalize-tags (append tags current)))))
    185 (defun elfeed-untag-1 (entry &rest tags)
    186   "Remove TAGS from ENTRY."
    187   (setf (elfeed-entry-tags entry)
    188         (cl-loop for tag in (elfeed-entry-tags entry)
    189                  unless (memq tag tags) collect tag)))
    191 (defun elfeed-tag (entry-or-entry-list &rest tags)
    192   "Add TAGS to ENTRY-OR-ENTRY-LIST and run `elfeed-tag-hooks'."
    193   (let* ((entries (if (elfeed-entry-p entry-or-entry-list)
    194                       (list entry-or-entry-list)
    195                     entry-or-entry-list)))
    196     (run-hook-with-args 'elfeed-tag-hooks entries tags)
    197     (cl-loop for entry in entries do (apply #'elfeed-tag-1 entry tags))))
    199 (defun elfeed-untag (entry-or-entry-list &rest tags)
    200   "Remove TAGS from ENTRY-OR-ENTRY-LIST and run `elfeed-untag-hooks'."
    201   (let* ((entries (if (elfeed-entry-p entry-or-entry-list)
    202                       (list entry-or-entry-list)
    203                     entry-or-entry-list)))
    204     (run-hook-with-args 'elfeed-untag-hooks entries tags)
    205     (cl-loop for entry in entries do (apply #'elfeed-untag-1 entry tags))))
    207 (defun elfeed-tagged-p (tag entry)
    208   "Return true if ENTRY is tagged by TAG."
    209   (memq tag (elfeed-entry-tags entry)))
    211 (defun elfeed-db-last-update ()
    212   "Return the last database update time in (`float-time') seconds."
    213   (elfeed-db-ensure)
    214   (or (plist-get elfeed-db :last-update) 0))
    216 (defmacro with-elfeed-db-visit (entry-and-feed &rest body)
    217   "Visit each entry in the database from newest to oldest.
    218 Use `elfeed-db-return' to exit early and optionally return data.
    220   (with-elfeed-db-visit (entry feed)
    221     (do-something entry)
    222     (when (some-date-criteria-p entry)
    223       (elfeed-db-return)))"
    224   (declare (indent defun))
    225   `(catch 'elfeed-db-done
    226      (prog1 nil
    227        (elfeed-db-ensure)
    228        (avl-tree-mapc
    229         (lambda (id)
    230           (let* ((,(cl-first entry-and-feed) (elfeed-db-get-entry id))
    231                  (,(cl-second entry-and-feed)
    232                   (elfeed-entry-feed ,(cl-first entry-and-feed))))
    233             ,@body))
    234         elfeed-db-index))))
    236 (defun elfeed-feed-entries (feed-or-id)
    237   "Return a list of all entries for a particular feed.
    238 The FEED-OR-ID may be a feed struct or a feed ID (url)."
    239   (let ((feed-id (if (elfeed-feed-p feed-or-id)
    240                      (elfeed-feed-id feed-or-id)
    241                    feed-or-id)))
    242     (let ((entries))
    243       (with-elfeed-db-visit (entry feed)
    244         (when (equal (elfeed-feed-id feed) feed-id)
    245           (push entry entries)))
    246       (nreverse entries))))
    248 (defun elfeed-apply-hooks-now ()
    249   "Apply `elfeed-new-entry-hook' to all entries in the database."
    250   (interactive)
    251   (with-elfeed-db-visit (entry _)
    252     (cl-loop for hook in elfeed-new-entry-hook
    253              do (funcall hook entry))))
    255 (defmacro elfeed-db-return (&optional value)
    256   "Use this to exit early and return VALUE from `with-elfeed-db-visit'."
    257   `(throw 'elfeed-db-done ,value))
    259 (defun elfeed-db-get-all-tags ()
    260   "Return a list of all tags currently in the database."
    261   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
    262     (with-elfeed-db-visit (e _)
    263       (dolist (tag (elfeed-entry-tags e))
    264         (setf (gethash tag table) tag)))
    265     (let ((tags ()))
    266       (maphash (lambda (k _) (push k tags)) table)
    267       (cl-sort tags #'string< :key #'symbol-name))))
    269 ;; Saving and Loading:
    271 (defun elfeed-db-save ()
    272   "Write the database index to the filesystem."
    273   (elfeed-db-ensure)
    274   (setf elfeed-db (plist-put elfeed-db :version elfeed-db-version))
    275   (mkdir elfeed-db-directory t)
    276   (let ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8))
    277     (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "index" elfeed-db-directory)
    278       (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
    279             (print-level nil)
    280             (print-length nil)
    281             (print-circle nil))
    282         (princ (format ";;; Elfeed Database Index (version %s)\n\n"
    283                        elfeed-db-version))
    284         (when (eql elfeed-db-version 4)
    285           ;; Put empty dummy index in front
    286           (princ ";; Dummy index for backwards compatablity:\n")
    287           (prin1 (elfeed-db--dummy))
    288           (princ "\n\n;; Real index:\n"))
    289         (prin1 elfeed-db)
    290         :success))))
    292 (defun elfeed-db-save-safe ()
    293   "Run `elfeed-db-save' without triggering any errors, for use as a safe hook."
    294   (ignore-errors (elfeed-db-save)))
    296 (defun elfeed-db-upgrade (db)
    297   "Upgrade the database from a previous format."
    298   (if (not (vectorp (plist-get db :index)))
    299       db  ; Database is already in record format
    300     (let* ((new-db (elfeed-db--empty))
    301            ;; Dynamically bind for other functions
    302            (elfeed-db-feeds (plist-get new-db :feeds))
    303            (elfeed-db-entries (plist-get new-db :entries))
    304            (elfeed-db-index (plist-get new-db :index)))
    305       ;; Fix up feeds
    306       (cl-loop with table = (plist-get new-db :feeds)
    307                for feed hash-values of (plist-get db :feeds)
    308                for id = (aref feed 1)
    309                for fixed = (elfeed-feed--create
    310                             :id id
    311                             :url (aref feed 2)
    312                             :title (aref feed 3)
    313                             :author (aref feed 4)
    314                             :meta (aref feed 5))
    315                do (setf (gethash id table) fixed))
    316       ;; Fix up entries
    317       (cl-loop with table = (plist-get new-db :entries)
    318                with index = (plist-get new-db :index)
    319                for entry hash-values of (plist-get db :entries)
    320                for id = (aref entry 1)
    321                for content = (aref entry 5)
    322                for fixed = (elfeed-entry--create
    323                             :id id
    324                             :title (aref entry 2)
    325                             :link (aref entry 3)
    326                             :date (aref entry 4)
    327                             :content (if (vectorp content)
    328                                          (elfeed-ref--create
    329                                           :id (aref content 1))
    330                                        content)
    331                             :content-type (aref entry 6)
    332                             :enclosures (aref entry 7)
    333                             :tags (aref entry 8)
    334                             :feed-id (aref entry 9)
    335                             :meta (aref entry 10))
    336                do (setf (gethash id table) fixed)
    337                do (avl-tree-enter index id))
    338       (plist-put new-db :last-update (plist-get db :last-update)))))
    340 (defun elfeed-db--empty ()
    341   "Create an empty database object."
    342   `(:version ,elfeed-db-version
    343     :feeds ,(make-hash-table :test 'equal)
    344     :entries ,(make-hash-table :test 'equal)
    345     ;; Compiler may warn about this (bug#15327):
    346     :index ,(avl-tree-create #'elfeed-db-compare)))
    348 (defun elfeed-db--dummy ()
    349   "Create an empty dummy database for Emacs 25 and earlier."
    350   (list :version "0.0.3"
    351         :feeds #s(hash-table size 65
    352                              test equal
    353                              rehash-size 1.5
    354                              rehash-threshold 0.8
    355                              data ())
    356         :entries #s(hash-table size 65
    357                                test equal
    358                                rehash-size 1.5
    359                                rehash-threshold 0.8
    360                                data ())
    361         :index [cl-struct-avl-tree- [nil nil nil 0] elfeed-db-compare]))
    363 ;; To cope with the incompatible struct changes in Emacs 26, Elfeed
    364 ;; uses version 4 of the database format when run under Emacs 26. This
    365 ;; version saves a dummy, empty index in front of the real database. A
    366 ;; user going from Emacs 26 to Emacs 25 will quietly load an empty
    367 ;; index since it's unreasonable to downgrade (would require rewriting
    368 ;; the Emacs reader from scratch).
    370 (defun elfeed-db-load ()
    371   "Load the database index from the filesystem."
    372   (let ((index (expand-file-name "index" elfeed-db-directory))
    373         (enable-local-variables nil)) ; don't set local variables from index!
    374     (if (not (file-exists-p index))
    375         (setf elfeed-db (elfeed-db--empty))
    376       ;; Override the default value for major-mode. There is no
    377       ;; preventing find-file-noselect from starting the default major
    378       ;; mode while also having it handle buffer conversion. Some
    379       ;; major modes crash Emacs when enabled in large buffers (e.g.
    380       ;; org-mode). This includes the Elfeed index, so we must not let
    381       ;; this happen.
    382       (cl-letf (((default-value 'major-mode) 'fundamental-mode))
    383         (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect index :nowarn)
    384           (goto-char (point-min))
    385           (if (eql elfeed-db-version 4)
    386               ;; May need to skip over dummy database
    387               (let ((db-1 (read (current-buffer)))
    388                     (db-2 (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer)))))
    389                 (setf elfeed-db (or db-2 db-1)))
    390             ;; Just load first database
    391             (setf elfeed-db (read (current-buffer))))
    392           (kill-buffer))))
    393     ;; Perform an upgrade if necessary and possible
    394     (unless (equal (plist-get elfeed-db :version) elfeed-db-version)
    395       (ignore-errors
    396         (copy-file index (concat index ".backup")))
    397       (message "Upgrading Elfeed index for Emacs 26 ...")
    398       (setf elfeed-db (elfeed-db-upgrade elfeed-db))
    399       (message "Elfeed index upgrade complete."))
    400     (setf elfeed-db-feeds (plist-get elfeed-db :feeds)
    401           elfeed-db-entries (plist-get elfeed-db :entries)
    402           elfeed-db-index (plist-get elfeed-db :index)
    403           ;; Internal function use required for security!
    404           (avl-tree--cmpfun elfeed-db-index) #'elfeed-db-compare)))
    406 (defun elfeed-db-unload ()
    407   "Unload the database so that it can be operated on externally.
    409 Runs `elfeed-db-unload-hook' after unloading the database."
    410   (interactive)
    411   (elfeed-db-save)
    412   (setf elfeed-db nil
    413         elfeed-db-feeds nil
    414         elfeed-db-entries nil
    415         elfeed-db-index nil)
    416   (run-hooks 'elfeed-db-unload-hook))
    418 (defun elfeed-db-ensure ()
    419   "Ensure that the database has been loaded."
    420   (when (null elfeed-db) (elfeed-db-load)))
    422 (defun elfeed-db-size ()
    423   "Return a count of the number of entries in the database."
    424   (let ((count-table (hash-table-count elfeed-db-entries))
    425         (count-tree (avl-tree-size elfeed-db-index)))
    426     (if (= count-table count-tree)
    427         count-table
    428       (error "Elfeed database error: entry count mismatch."))))
    430 ;; Metadata:
    432 (defun elfeed-meta--plist (thing)
    433   "Get the metadata plist for THING."
    434   (cl-typecase thing
    435     (elfeed-feed  (elfeed-feed-meta  thing))
    436     (elfeed-entry (elfeed-entry-meta thing))
    437     (otherwise (error "Don't know how to access metadata on %S" thing))))
    439 (defun elfeed-meta--set-plist (thing plist)
    440   "Set the metadata plist on THING to PLIST."
    441   (cl-typecase thing
    442     (elfeed-feed  (setf (elfeed-feed-meta thing) plist))
    443     (elfeed-entry (setf (elfeed-entry-meta thing) plist))
    444     (otherwise (error "Don't know how to access metadata on %S" thing))))
    446 (defun elfeed-db--plist-fixup (plist)
    447   "Remove nil values from PLIST."
    448   (cl-loop for (k v) on plist by #'cddr
    449            when (not (null v))
    450            collect k and collect v))
    452 (defun elfeed-meta (thing key &optional default)
    453   "Access metadata for THING (entry, feed) under KEY."
    454   (or (plist-get (elfeed-meta--plist thing) key)
    455       default))
    457 (defun elfeed-meta--put (thing key value)
    458   "Set metadata to VALUE on THING under KEY."
    459   (when (not (elfeed-readable-p value)) (error "New value must be readable."))
    460   (let ((new-plist (plist-put (elfeed-meta--plist thing) key value)))
    461     (prog1 value
    462       (elfeed-meta--set-plist thing (elfeed-db--plist-fixup new-plist)))))
    464 (gv-define-setter elfeed-meta (value thing key &optional _default)
    465   `(elfeed-meta--put ,thing ,key ,value))
    467 ;; Filesystem storage:
    469 (defvar elfeed-ref-archive nil
    470   "Index of archived/packed content.")
    472 (defvar elfeed-ref-cache nil
    473   "Temporary storage of the full archive content.")
    475 (cl-defstruct (elfeed-ref (:constructor elfeed-ref--create))
    476   id)
    478 (defun elfeed-ref--file (ref)
    479   "Determine the storage filename for REF."
    480   (let* ((id (elfeed-ref-id ref))
    481          (root (expand-file-name "data" elfeed-db-directory))
    482          (subdir (expand-file-name (substring id 0 2) root)))
    483     (expand-file-name id subdir)))
    485 (cl-defun elfeed-ref-archive-filename (&optional (suffix ""))
    486   "Return the base filename of the archive files."
    487   (concat (expand-file-name "data/archive" elfeed-db-directory) suffix))
    489 (defun elfeed-ref-archive-load ()
    490   "Load the archived ref index."
    491   (let ((archive-index (elfeed-ref-archive-filename ".index")))
    492     (if (file-exists-p archive-index)
    493         (with-temp-buffer
    494           (insert-file-contents archive-index)
    495           (setf elfeed-ref-archive (read (current-buffer))))
    496       (setf elfeed-ref-archive :empty))))
    498 (defun elfeed-ref-archive-ensure ()
    499   "Ensure that the archive index is loaded."
    500   (when (null elfeed-ref-archive) (elfeed-ref-archive-load)))
    502 (defun elfeed-ref-exists-p (ref)
    503   "Return true if REF can be dereferenced."
    504   (elfeed-ref-archive-ensure)
    505   (or (and (hash-table-p elfeed-ref-archive)
    506            (not (null (gethash (elfeed-ref-id ref) elfeed-ref-archive))))
    507       (file-exists-p (elfeed-ref--file ref))))
    509 (defun elfeed-deref (ref)
    510   "Fetch the content behind the reference, or nil if non-existent."
    511   (elfeed-ref-archive-ensure)
    512   (if (not (elfeed-ref-p ref))
    513       ref
    514     (let ((index (and (hash-table-p elfeed-ref-archive)
    515                       (gethash (elfeed-ref-id ref) elfeed-ref-archive)))
    516           (archive-file (elfeed-ref-archive-filename ".gz"))
    517           (coding-system-for-read 'utf-8))
    518       (if (and index (file-exists-p archive-file))
    519           (progn
    520             (when (null elfeed-ref-cache)
    521               (with-temp-buffer
    522                 (insert-file-contents archive-file)
    523                 (setf elfeed-ref-cache (buffer-string)))
    524               ;; Clear cache on next turn.
    525               (run-at-time 0 nil (lambda () (setf elfeed-ref-cache nil))))
    526             (substring elfeed-ref-cache (car index) (cdr index)))
    527         (let ((file (elfeed-ref--file ref)))
    528           (when (file-exists-p file)
    529             (with-temp-buffer
    530               (insert-file-contents file)
    531               (buffer-string))))))))
    533 (defun elfeed-ref (content)
    534   "Create a reference to CONTENT, to be persistently stored."
    535   (if (elfeed-ref-p content)
    536       content
    537     (let* ((id (secure-hash 'sha1 (encode-coding-string content 'utf-8 t)))
    538            (ref (elfeed-ref--create :id id))
    539            (file (elfeed-ref--file ref)))
    540       (prog1 ref
    541         (unless (elfeed-ref-exists-p ref)
    542           (mkdir (file-name-directory file) t)
    543           (let ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
    544                 ;; Content data loss is a tolerable risk.
    545                 ;; Fsync will occur soon on index write anyway.
    546                 (write-region-inhibit-fsync t))
    547             (with-temp-file file
    548               (insert content))))))))
    550 (defun elfeed-deref-entry (entry)
    551   "Move ENTRY's content to filesystem storage. Return the entry."
    552   (let ((content (elfeed-entry-content entry)))
    553     (prog1 entry
    554       (when (stringp content)
    555         (setf (elfeed-entry-content entry) (elfeed-ref content))))))
    557 (defun elfeed-ref-delete (ref)
    558   "Remove the content behind REF from the database."
    559   (ignore-errors
    560     (delete-file (elfeed-ref--file ref))))
    562 (defun elfeed-db-gc-empty-feeds ()
    563   "Remove feeds with no entries from the database."
    564   (let ((seen (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
    565     (with-elfeed-db-visit (entry feed)
    566       (setf (gethash (elfeed-feed-id feed) seen) feed))
    567     (maphash (lambda (id _)
    568                (unless (gethash id seen)
    569                  (remhash id elfeed-db-feeds)))
    570              elfeed-db-feeds)))
    572 (defun elfeed-db-gc (&optional stats-p)
    573   "Clean up unused content from the content database.
    574 If STATS is true, return the space cleared in bytes."
    575   (elfeed-db-gc-empty-feeds)
    576   (let* ((data (expand-file-name "data" elfeed-db-directory))
    577          (dirs (directory-files data t "^[0-9a-z]\\{2\\}$"))
    578          (ids (cl-mapcan (lambda (d) (directory-files d nil nil t)) dirs))
    579          (table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
    580     (dolist (id ids)
    581       (setf (gethash id table) nil))
    582     (with-elfeed-db-visit (entry _)
    583       (let ((content (elfeed-entry-content entry)))
    584         (when (elfeed-ref-p content)
    585           (setf (gethash (elfeed-ref-id content) table) t))))
    586     (cl-loop for id hash-keys of table using (hash-value used)
    587              for used-p = (or used (member id '("." "..")))
    588              when (and (not used-p) stats-p)
    589              sum (let* ((ref (elfeed-ref--create :id id))
    590                         (file (elfeed-ref--file ref)))
    591                    (* 1.0 (nth 7 (file-attributes file))))
    592              unless used-p
    593              do (elfeed-ref-delete (elfeed-ref--create :id id))
    594              finally (cl-loop for dir in dirs
    595                               when (elfeed-directory-empty-p dir)
    596                               do (delete-directory dir)))))
    598 (defun elfeed-db-pack ()
    599   "Pack all content into a single archive for efficient storage."
    600   (let ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
    601         (next-archive (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
    602         (packed ()))
    603     (make-directory (expand-file-name "data" elfeed-db-directory) t)
    604     (with-temp-file (elfeed-ref-archive-filename ".gz")
    605       (with-elfeed-db-visit (entry _)
    606         (let ((ref (elfeed-entry-content entry))
    607               (start (1- (point))))
    608           (when (elfeed-ref-p ref)
    609             (let ((content (elfeed-deref ref)))
    610               (when content
    611                 (push ref packed)
    612                 (insert content)
    613                 (setf (gethash (elfeed-ref-id ref) next-archive)
    614                       (cons start (1- (point))))))))))
    615     (with-temp-file (elfeed-ref-archive-filename ".index")
    616       (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
    617             (print-level nil)
    618             (print-length nil)
    619             (print-circle nil))
    620         (prin1 next-archive)))
    621     (setf elfeed-ref-cache nil)
    622     (setf elfeed-ref-archive next-archive)
    623     (mapc #'elfeed-ref-delete packed)
    624     :success))
    626 (defun elfeed-db-compact ()
    627   "Minimize the Elfeed database storage size on the filesystem.
    628 This requires that auto-compression-mode can handle
    629 gzip-compressed files, so the gzip program must be in your PATH."
    630   (interactive)
    631   (unless (elfeed-gzip-supported-p)
    632     (error "aborting compaction: gzip auto-compression-mode unsupported"))
    633   (elfeed-db-pack)
    634   (elfeed-db-gc))
    636 (defun elfeed-db-gc-safe ()
    637   "Run `elfeed-db-gc' without triggering any errors, for use as a safe hook."
    638   (ignore-errors (elfeed-db-gc)))
    640 (unless noninteractive
    641   (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'elfeed-db-gc-safe :append)
    642   (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'elfeed-db-save-safe))
    644 (provide 'elfeed-db)
    646 ;;; elfeed-db.el ends here