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elfeed-curl.el (22441B)

      1 ;;; elfeed-curl.el --- curl backend for Elfeed -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;;; Comments:
      5 ;; An alternative to `url-retrieve' and `url-queue' that fetches URLs
      6 ;; using the curl command line program.
      8 ;; The API is three functions:
     10 ;; * `elfeed-curl-retrieve'
     11 ;; * `elfeed-curl-retrieve-synchronously'
     12 ;; * `elfeed-curl-enqueue'
     14 ;; And has four buffer-local variables for use in callbacks:
     16 ;; * `elfeed-curl-headers'
     17 ;; * `elfeed-curl-status-code'
     18 ;; * `elfeed-curl-error-message'
     19 ;; * `elfeed-curl-location'
     21 ;; The buffer delivered to callbacks may contain multiple requests. It
     22 ;; will be narrowed to the specific content for the current request.
     23 ;; It's vitally important that callbacks do not kill the buffer
     24 ;; because it may be needed for other callbacks. It also means the
     25 ;; buffer won't necessarily be around when the callback returns.
     26 ;; Callbacks should also avoid editing the buffer, though this
     27 ;; generally shouldn't impact other requests.
     29 ;; Sometimes Elfeed asks curl to retrieve multiple requests and
     30 ;; deliver them concatenated. Due to the possibility of HTTP/1.0 being
     31 ;; involved — and other ambiguous-length protocols — there's no
     32 ;; perfectly unambiguous way to split the output. To work around this,
     33 ;; I use curl's --write-out to insert a randomly-generated token after
     34 ;; each request. It's highly unlikely (1 in ~1e38) that this token
     35 ;; will appear in content, so I can use it to identify the end of each
     36 ;; request.
     38 ;;; Code:
     40 (require 'url)
     41 (require 'cl-lib)
     42 (require 'elfeed-lib)
     43 (require 'elfeed-log)
     45 (defcustom elfeed-curl-program-name "curl"
     46   "Name/path by which to invoke the curl program."
     47   :group 'elfeed
     48   :type 'string)
     50 (defcustom elfeed-curl-max-connections 16
     51   "Maximum number of concurrent fetches."
     52   :group 'elfeed
     53   :type 'integer)
     55 (defcustom elfeed-curl-timeout 30
     56   "Maximum number of seconds a fetch is allowed to take once started."
     57   :group 'elfeed
     58   :type 'integer)
     60 (defcustom elfeed-curl-extra-arguments ()
     61   "A list of additional arguments to pass to cURL.
     62 These extra arguments are appended after Elfeed's own arguments,
     63 and care must be taken to not interfere with Elfeed's needs. The
     64 guideline is to avoid arguments that change anything about cURL's
     65 output format."
     66   :group 'elfeed
     67   :type '(repeat string))
     69 (defvar elfeed-curl-queue ()
     70   "List of pending curl requests.")
     72 (defvar elfeed-curl-queue-active 0
     73   "Number of concurrent requests currently active.")
     75 (defvar-local elfeed-curl-headers nil
     76   "Alist of HTTP response headers.")
     78 (defvar-local elfeed-curl-status-code nil
     79   "Numeric HTTP response code, nil for non-HTTP protocols.")
     81 (defvar-local elfeed-curl-error-message nil
     82   "Human-friendly message describing the error.")
     84 (defvar-local elfeed-curl-location nil
     85   "Actual URL fetched (after any redirects).")
     87 (defvar-local elfeed-curl--regions ()
     88   "List of markers bounding separate requests.")
     90 (defvar-local elfeed-curl--requests ()
     91   "List of URL / callback pairs for the current buffer.")
     93 (defvar-local elfeed-curl--token nil
     94   "Unique token that splits requests.")
     96 (defvar-local elfeed-curl--refcount nil
     97   "Number of callbacks waiting on the current buffer.")
     99 (defvar elfeed-curl--error-codes
    100   '((1 . "Unsupported protocol.")
    101     (2 . "Failed to initialize.")
    102     (3 . "URL malformed. The syntax was not correct.")
    103     (4 . "A feature or option that was needed to perform the desired request was not enabled or was explicitly disabled at build-time.")
    104     (5 . "Couldn't resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved.")
    105     (6 . "Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.")
    106     (7 . "Failed to connect to host.")
    107     (8 . "FTP weird server reply. The server sent data curl couldn't parse.")
    108     (9 . "FTP access denied.")
    109     (11 . "FTP weird PASS reply.")
    110     (13 . "FTP weird PASV reply.")
    111     (14 . "FTP weird 227 format.")
    112     (15 . "FTP can't get host.")
    113     (16 . "A problem was detected in the HTTP2 framing layer.")
    114     (17 . "FTP couldn't set binary.")
    115     (18 . "Partial file. Only a part of the file was transferred.")
    116     (19 . "FTP couldn't download/access the given file, the RETR (or similar) command failed.")
    117     (21 . "FTP quote error. A quote command returned error from the server.")
    118     (22 . "HTTP page not retrieved.")
    119     (23 . "Write error.")
    120     (25 . "FTP couldn't STOR file.")
    121     (26 . "Read error. Various reading problems.")
    122     (27 . "Out of memory. A memory allocation request failed.")
    123     (28 . "Operation timeout.")
    124     (30 . "FTP PORT failed.")
    125     (31 . "FTP couldn't use REST.")
    126     (33 . "HTTP range error. The range \"command\" didn't work.")
    127     (34 . "HTTP post error. Internal post-request generation error.")
    128     (35 . "SSL connect error. The SSL handshaking failed.")
    129     (36 . "FTP bad download resume.")
    130     (37 . "FILE couldn't read file.")
    131     (38 . "LDAP bind operation failed.")
    132     (39 . "LDAP search failed.")
    133     (41 . "Function not found. A required LDAP function was not found.")
    134     (42 . "Aborted by callback.")
    135     (43 . "Internal error. A function was called with a bad parameter.")
    136     (45 . "Interface error. A specified outgoing interface could not be used.")
    137     (47 . "Too many redirects.")
    138     (48 . "Unknown option specified to libcurl.")
    139     (49 . "Malformed telnet option.")
    140     (51 . "The peer's SSL certificate or SSH MD5 fingerprint was not OK.")
    141     (52 . "The server didn't reply anything, which here is considered an error.")
    142     (53 . "SSL crypto engine not found.")
    143     (54 . "Cannot set SSL crypto engine as default.")
    144     (55 . "Failed sending network data.")
    145     (56 . "Failure in receiving network data.")
    146     (58 . "Problem with the local certificate.")
    147     (59 . "Couldn't use specified SSL cipher.")
    148     (60 . "Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates.")
    149     (61 . "Unrecognized transfer encoding.")
    150     (62 . "Invalid LDAP URL.")
    151     (63 . "Maximum file size exceeded.")
    152     (64 . "Requested FTP SSL level failed.")
    153     (65 . "Sending the data requires a rewind that failed.")
    154     (66 . "Failed to initialise SSL Engine.")
    155     (67 . "The user name, password, or similar was not accepted and curl failed to log in.")
    156     (68 . "File not found on TFTP server.")
    157     (69 . "Permission problem on TFTP server.")
    158     (70 . "Out of disk space on TFTP server.")
    159     (71 . "Illegal TFTP operation.")
    160     (72 . "Unknown TFTP transfer ID.")
    161     (73 . "File already exists (TFTP).")
    162     (74 . "No such user (TFTP).")
    163     (75 . "Character conversion failed.")
    164     (76 . "Character conversion functions required.")
    165     (77 . "Problem with reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?).")
    166     (78 . "The resource referenced in the URL does not exist.")
    167     (79 . "An unspecified error occurred during the SSH session.")
    168     (80 . "Failed to shut down the SSL connection.")
    169     (82 . "Could not load CRL file, missing or wrong format (added in 7.19.0).")
    170     (83 . "Issuer check failed (added in 7.19.0).")
    171     (84 . "The FTP PRET command failed")
    172     (85 . "RTSP: mismatch of CSeq numbers")
    173     (86 . "RTSP: mismatch of Session Identifiers")
    174     (87 . "unable to parse FTP file list")
    175     (88 . "FTP chunk callback reported error")
    176     (89 . "No connection available, the session will be queued")
    177     (90 . "SSL public key does not matched pinned public key")))
    179 (defvar elfeed-curl--capabilities-cache
    180   (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness 'key)
    181   "Used to avoid invoking curl more than once for version info.")
    183 (defun elfeed-curl-get-capabilities ()
    184   "Return capabilities plist for the curl at `elfeed-curl-program-name'.
    185 :version     -- cURL's version string
    186 :compression -- non-nil if --compressed is supported
    187 :protocols   -- symbol list of supported protocols
    188 :features    -- string list of supported features"
    189   (let* ((cache elfeed-curl--capabilities-cache)
    190          (cache-value (gethash elfeed-curl-program-name cache)))
    191     (if cache-value
    192         cache-value
    193       (with-temp-buffer
    194         (call-process elfeed-curl-program-name nil t nil "--version")
    195         (let ((version
    196                (progn
    197                  (setf (point) (point-min))
    198                  (when (re-search-forward "[.0-9]+" nil t)
    199                    (match-string 0))))
    200               (protocols
    201                (progn
    202                  (setf (point) (point-min))
    203                  (when (re-search-forward "^Protocols: \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
    204                    (mapcar #'intern (split-string (match-string 1))))))
    205               (features
    206                (progn
    207                  (setf (point) (point-min))
    208                  (when (re-search-forward "^Features: \\(.*\\)$")
    209                    (split-string (match-string 1))))))
    210           (setf (gethash elfeed-curl-program-name cache)
    211                 (list :version version
    212                       :compression (not (null (member "libz" features)))
    213                       :protocols protocols
    214                       :features features)))))))
    216 (defun elfeed-curl-get-version ()
    217   "Return the version of curl for `elfeed-curl-program-name'."
    218   (plist-get (elfeed-curl-get-capabilities) :version))
    219 (make-obsolete 'elfeed-curl-get-version 'elfeed-curl-get-capabilities "3.0.1")
    221 (defun elfeed-curl--token ()
    222   "Return a unique, random string that prints as a symbol without escapes.
    223 This token is used to split requests. The % is excluded since
    224 it's special to --write-out."
    225   (let* ((token (make-string 22 ?=))
    226          (set "!$&*+-/0123456789:<>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_\
    227 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|~"))
    228     (prog1 token ; workaround bug#16206
    229       (dotimes (i (- (length token) 2))
    230         (setf (aref token (1+ i)) (aref set (cl-random (length set))))))))
    232 (defun elfeed-curl--parse-write-out ()
    233   "Parse curl's write-out (-w) messages into `elfeed-curl--regions'."
    234   (widen)
    235   (setf (point) (point-max)
    236         elfeed-curl--regions ())
    237   (while (> (point) (point-min))
    238     (search-backward elfeed-curl--token)
    239     (cl-decf (point))
    240     (let ((end (point)))
    241       (cl-destructuring-bind (_ . header) (read (current-buffer))
    242         (setf (point) end)
    243         ;; Find next sentinel token
    244         (if (search-backward elfeed-curl--token nil t)
    245             (search-forward ")" nil t)
    246           (setf (point) (point-min)))
    247         (let* ((header-start (point))
    248                (header-end (+ (point) header))
    249                (content-start (+ (point) header))
    250                (content-end end)
    251                (regions (list header-start header-end
    252                               content-start content-end))
    253                (markers (cl-loop for p in regions
    254                                  for marker = (make-marker)
    255                                  collect (set-marker marker p))))
    256           (push markers elfeed-curl--regions))))))
    258 (defun elfeed-curl--narrow (kind n)
    259   "Narrow to Nth region of KIND (:header, :content)."
    260   (let ((region (nth n elfeed-curl--regions)))
    261     (cl-destructuring-bind (h-start h-end c-start c-end) region
    262       (cl-ecase kind
    263         (:header (narrow-to-region h-start h-end))
    264         (:content (narrow-to-region c-start c-end))))))
    266 (defun elfeed-curl--parse-http-headers ()
    267   "Parse the current HTTP response headers into buffer-locals.
    268 Sets `elfeed-curl-headers'and `elfeed-curl-status-code'.
    269 Use `elfeed-curl--narrow' to select a header."
    270   (when (> (- (point-max) (point-min)) 0)
    271     (setf (point) (point-max))
    272     (re-search-backward "HTTP/[.0-9]+ +\\([0-9]+\\)")
    273     (setf elfeed-curl-status-code (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
    274     (cl-loop initially (setf (point) (point-max))
    275              while (re-search-backward "^\\([^:]+\\): +\\([^\r\n]+\\)" nil t)
    276              for key = (downcase (match-string 1))
    277              for value = (match-string 2)
    278              collect (cons key value) into headers
    279              finally (setf elfeed-curl-headers headers))))
    281 (defun elfeed-curl--decode ()
    282   "Try to decode the buffer based on the headers."
    283   (let ((content-type (cdr (assoc "Content-Type" elfeed-curl-headers))))
    284     (if (and content-type (string-match "charset=\\(.+\\)" content-type))
    285         (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max)
    286                               (coding-system-from-name
    287                                (match-string 1 content-type)))
    288       (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'utf-8))))
    290 (defun elfeed-curl--final-location (location headers)
    291   "Given start LOCATION and HEADERS, find the final location."
    292   (cl-loop for (key . value) in headers
    293            when (equal key "location")
    294            do (setf location (elfeed-update-location location value))
    295            finally return location))
    297 (defun elfeed-curl--args (url token &optional headers method data)
    298   "Build an argument list for curl for URL.
    299 URL can be a string or a list of URL strings."
    300   (let* ((args ())
    301          (capabilities (elfeed-curl-get-capabilities)))
    302     (push "--disable" args)
    303     (when (plist-get capabilities :compression)
    304       (push "--compressed" args))
    305     (push "--silent" args)
    306     (push "--location" args)
    307     (push (format "-w(%s . %%{size_header})" token) args)
    308     (push (format "-m%s" elfeed-curl-timeout) args)
    309     (push "-D-" args)
    310     (dolist (header headers)
    311       (cl-destructuring-bind (key . value) header
    312         (push (format "-H%s: %s" key value) args)))
    313     (when method (push (format "-X%s" method) args))
    314     (when data (push (format "-d%s" data) args))
    315     (setf args (nconc (reverse elfeed-curl-extra-arguments) args))
    316     (if (listp url)
    317         (nconc (nreverse args) url)
    318       (nreverse (cons url args)))))
    320 (defun elfeed-curl--prepare-response (url n protocol)
    321   "Prepare response N for delivery to user."
    322   (elfeed-curl--narrow :header n)
    323   (when (eq protocol 'http)
    324     (elfeed-curl--parse-http-headers))
    325   (setf elfeed-curl-location
    326         (elfeed-curl--final-location url elfeed-curl-headers))
    327   (elfeed-curl--narrow :content n)
    328   (elfeed-curl--decode)
    329   (current-buffer))
    331 (cl-defun elfeed-curl-retrieve-synchronously (url &key headers method data)
    332   "Retrieve the contents for URL and return a new buffer with them.
    334 HEADERS is an alist of additional headers to add to the HTTP request.
    335 METHOD is the HTTP method to use.
    336 DATA is the content to include in the request."
    337   (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *curl*")
    338     (setf elfeed-curl--token (elfeed-curl--token))
    339     (let ((args (elfeed-curl--args url elfeed-curl--token headers method data))
    340           (coding-system-for-read 'binary))
    341       (apply #'call-process elfeed-curl-program-name nil t nil args))
    342     (elfeed-curl--parse-write-out)
    343     (elfeed-curl--prepare-response url 0 (elfeed-curl--protocol-type url))))
    345 (defun elfeed-curl--protocol-type (url)
    346   (let ((scheme (intern (or (url-type (url-generic-parse-url url)) "nil"))))
    347     (cl-case scheme
    348       ((https nil) 'http)
    349       (otherwise scheme))))
    351 (defun elfeed-curl--call-callback (buffer n url cb)
    352   "Prepare the buffer for callback N and call it."
    353   (let ((result nil)
    354         (protocol (elfeed-curl--protocol-type url)))
    355     (with-current-buffer buffer
    356       (setf elfeed-curl-error-message "unable to parse curl response")
    357       (unwind-protect
    358           (progn
    359             (elfeed-curl--prepare-response url n protocol)
    360             (cond ((eq protocol 'file)
    361                    ;; No status code is returned by curl for file:// urls
    362                    (setf result t
    363                          elfeed-curl-error-message nil))
    364                   ((eq protocol 'gopher)
    365                    (setf result t
    366                          elfeed-curl-error-message nil
    367                          elfeed-curl-status-code nil))
    368                   ((and (>= elfeed-curl-status-code 400)
    369                         (<= elfeed-curl-status-code 599))
    370                    (setf elfeed-curl-error-message
    371                          (format "HTTP %d" elfeed-curl-status-code)))
    372                   (t
    373                    (setf result t
    374                          elfeed-curl-error-message nil)))
    375             ;; Always call callback
    376             (unwind-protect
    377                 (funcall cb result)
    378               ;; Always clean up
    379               (when (zerop (cl-decf elfeed-curl--refcount))
    380                 (kill-buffer))))))))
    382 (defun elfeed-curl--fail-callback (buffer cb)
    383   "Inform the callback the request failed."
    384   (with-current-buffer buffer
    385     (unwind-protect
    386         (funcall cb nil)
    387       (when (zerop (cl-decf elfeed-curl--refcount))
    388         (kill-buffer)))))
    390 (defun elfeed-curl--sentinel (process status)
    391   "Manage the end of a curl process' life."
    392   (let ((buffer (process-buffer process)))
    393     (with-current-buffer buffer
    394       ;; Fire off callbacks in separate interpreter turns so they can
    395       ;; each fail in isolation from each other.
    396       (if (equal status "finished\n")
    397           (cl-loop with handler = #'elfeed-curl--call-callback
    398                    initially do (elfeed-curl--parse-write-out)
    399                    for (url . cb) in elfeed-curl--requests
    400                    for n upfrom 0
    401                    do (run-at-time 0 nil handler buffer n url cb))
    402         (if (string-match "exited abnormally with code \\([0-9]+\\)" status)
    403             (let* ((code (string-to-number (match-string 1 status)))
    404                    (message (cdr (assoc code elfeed-curl--error-codes))))
    405               (setf elfeed-curl-error-message
    406                     (format "(%d) %s" code
    407                             (or message "Unknown curl error!"))))
    408           (setf elfeed-curl-error-message status))
    409         (cl-loop with handler = #'elfeed-curl--fail-callback
    410                  for (_ . cb) in elfeed-curl--requests
    411                  do (run-at-time 0 nil handler buffer cb))))))
    413 (cl-defun elfeed-curl-retrieve (url cb &key headers method data)
    414   "Retrieve URL contents asynchronously, calling CB with one status argument.
    416 The callback must *not* kill the buffer!
    418 The destination buffer is set at the current buffer for the
    419 callback.
    421 HEADERS is an alist of additional headers to add to HTTP requests.
    422 METHOD is the HTTP method to use.
    423 DATA is the content to include in the request.
    425 URL can be a list of URLs, which will fetch them all in the same
    426 curl process. In this case, CB can also be either a list of the
    427 same length, or just a single function to be called once for each
    428 URL in the list. Headers will be common to all requests. A TCP or
    429 DNS failure in one will cause all to fail, but 4xx and 5xx
    430 results will not."
    431   (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *curl*")
    432     (setf elfeed-curl--token (elfeed-curl--token))
    433     (let* ((coding-system-for-read 'binary)
    434            (process-connection-type nil)
    435            (args (elfeed-curl--args url elfeed-curl--token headers method data))
    436            (process (apply #'start-process "elfeed-curl" (current-buffer)
    437                            elfeed-curl-program-name args)))
    438       (prog1 process
    439         (if (listp url)
    440             (progn
    441               (when (functionp cb)
    442                 (setf cb (make-list (length url) cb)))
    443               (setf elfeed-curl--requests (cl-mapcar #'cons url cb)
    444                     elfeed-curl--refcount (length url)))
    445           (push (cons url cb) elfeed-curl--requests)
    446           (setf elfeed-curl--refcount 1))
    447         (set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
    448         (setf (process-sentinel process) #'elfeed-curl--sentinel)))))
    450 (defun elfeed-curl--request-key (url headers method data)
    451   "Try to fetch URLs with matching keys at the same time."
    452   (unless (listp url)
    453     (let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url url)))
    454       (list (url-type urlobj)
    455             (url-host urlobj)
    456             (url-portspec urlobj)
    457             headers
    458             method
    459             data))))
    461 (defun elfeed-curl--queue-consolidate (queue-in)
    462   "Group compatible requests together and return a new queue.
    463 Compatible means the requests have the same protocol, domain,
    464 port, headers, method, and body, allowing them to be used safely
    465 in the same curl invocation."
    466   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
    467         (keys ())
    468         (queue-out ()))
    469     (dolist (entry queue-in)
    470       (cl-destructuring-bind (url _ headers method data) entry
    471         (let* ((key (elfeed-curl--request-key url headers method data)))
    472           (push key keys)
    473           (push entry (gethash key table nil)))))
    474     (dolist (key (nreverse keys))
    475       (let ((entry (gethash key table)))
    476         (when entry
    477           (let ((rotated (list (nreverse (cl-mapcar #'car entry))
    478                                (nreverse (cl-mapcar #'cadr entry))
    479                                (cl-caddar entry)
    480                                (elt (car entry) 3)
    481                                (elt (car entry) 4))))
    482             (push rotated queue-out)
    483             (setf (gethash key table) nil)))))
    484     (nreverse queue-out)))
    486 (defun elfeed-curl--queue-wrap (cb)
    487   "Wrap the curl CB so that it operates the queue."
    488   (lambda (status)
    489     (cl-decf elfeed-curl-queue-active)
    490     (elfeed-curl--run-queue)
    491     (funcall cb status)))
    493 (defvar elfeed-curl--run-queue-queued nil
    494   "Non-nil if run-queue has already been queued for the next turn.")
    496 (defun elfeed-curl--run-queue ()
    497   "Possibly fire off some new requests."
    498   (when elfeed-curl--run-queue-queued
    499     (setf elfeed-curl--run-queue-queued nil
    500           ;; Try to consolidate the new requests.
    501           elfeed-curl-queue
    502           (elfeed-curl--queue-consolidate elfeed-curl-queue)))
    503   (while (and (< elfeed-curl-queue-active elfeed-curl-max-connections)
    504               (> (length elfeed-curl-queue) 0))
    505     (cl-destructuring-bind (url cb headers method data) (pop elfeed-curl-queue)
    506       (elfeed-log 'debug "retrieve %s" url)
    507       (cl-incf elfeed-curl-queue-active 1)
    508       (elfeed-curl-retrieve
    509        url
    510        (if (functionp cb)
    511            (elfeed-curl--queue-wrap cb)
    512          (cons (elfeed-curl--queue-wrap (car cb))
    513                (cdr cb)))
    514        :headers headers
    515        :method method
    516        :data data))))
    518 (cl-defun elfeed-curl-enqueue (url cb &key headers method data)
    519   "Just like `elfeed-curl-retrieve', but restricts concurrent fetches."
    520   (unless (or (stringp url)
    521               (and (listp url) (cl-every #'stringp url)))
    522     ;; Signal error synchronously instead of asynchronously in the timer
    523     (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'string-p-or-string-list-p url)))
    524   (let ((entry (list url cb headers method data)))
    525     (setf elfeed-curl-queue (nconc elfeed-curl-queue (list entry)))
    526     (unless elfeed-curl--run-queue-queued
    527       (run-at-time 0 nil #'elfeed-curl--run-queue)
    528       (setf elfeed-curl--run-queue-queued t))))
    530 (provide 'elfeed-curl)
    532 ;;; elfeed-curl.el ends here