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eglot.el (143708B)

      1 ;;; eglot.el --- Client for Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Version: 1.8
      6 ;; Author: João Távora <>
      7 ;; Maintainer: João Távora <>
      8 ;; URL:
      9 ;; Keywords: convenience, languages
     10 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (jsonrpc "1.0.14") (flymake "1.0.9") (project "0.3.0") (xref "1.0.1") (eldoc "1.11.0"))
     12 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     14 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     16 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     17 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     19 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     24 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     25 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
     27 ;;; Commentary:
     29 ;; Simply M-x eglot should be enough to get you started, but here's a
     30 ;; little info (see the accompanying or the URL for more).
     31 ;;
     32 ;; M-x eglot starts a server via a shell-command guessed from
     33 ;; `eglot-server-programs', using the current major-mode (for whatever
     34 ;; language you're programming in) as a hint.  If it can't guess, it
     35 ;; prompts you in the mini-buffer for these things.  Actually, the
     36 ;; server needen't be locally started: you can connect to a running
     37 ;; server via TCP by entering a <host:port> syntax.
     38 ;;
     39 ;; Anyway, if the connection is successful, you should see an `eglot'
     40 ;; indicator pop up in your mode-line.  More importantly, this means
     41 ;; current *and future* file buffers of that major mode *inside your
     42 ;; current project* automatically become \"managed\" by the LSP
     43 ;; server, i.e.  information about their contents is exchanged
     44 ;; periodically to provide enhanced code analysis via
     45 ;; `xref-find-definitions', `flymake-mode', `eldoc-mode',
     46 ;; `completion-at-point', among others.
     47 ;;
     48 ;; To "unmanage" these buffers, shutdown the server with M-x
     49 ;; eglot-shutdown.
     50 ;;
     51 ;; You can also do:
     52 ;;
     53 ;;   (add-hook 'foo-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
     54 ;;
     55 ;; To attempt to start an eglot session automatically every time a
     56 ;; foo-mode buffer is visited.
     57 ;;
     58 ;;; Code:
     60 (require 'json)
     61 (require 'imenu)
     62 (require 'cl-lib)
     63 (require 'project)
     64 (require 'seq)
     65 (require 'url-parse)
     66 (require 'url-util)
     67 (require 'pcase)
     68 (require 'compile) ; for some faces
     69 (require 'warnings)
     70 (require 'flymake)
     71 (require 'xref)
     72 (eval-when-compile
     73   (require 'subr-x))
     74 (require 'jsonrpc)
     75 (require 'filenotify)
     76 (require 'ert)
     77 (require 'array)
     79 ;; ElDoc is preloaded in Emacs, so `require'-ing won't guarantee we are
     80 ;; using the latest version from GNU Elpa when we load eglot.el.  Use an
     81 ;; heuristic to see if we need to `load' it in Emacs < 28.
     82 (if (and (< emacs-major-version 28)
     83          (not (boundp 'eldoc-documentation-strategy)))
     84     (load "eldoc")
     85   (require 'eldoc))
     87 ;; forward-declare, but don't require (Emacs 28 doesn't seem to care)
     88 (defvar markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively)
     89 (defvar company-backends)
     90 (defvar company-tooltip-align-annotations)
     94 ;;; User tweakable stuff
     95 (defgroup eglot nil
     96   "Interaction with Language Server Protocol servers."
     97   :prefix "eglot-"
     98   :group 'applications)
    100 (defun eglot-alternatives (alternatives)
    101   "Compute server-choosing function for `eglot-server-programs'.
    102 Each element of ALTERNATIVES is a string PROGRAM or a list of
    103 strings (PROGRAM ARGS...) where program names an LSP server
    104 program to start with ARGS.  Returns a function of one argument.
    105 When invoked, that function will return a list (ABSPATH ARGS),
    106 where ABSPATH is the absolute path of the PROGRAM that was
    107 chosen (interactively or automatically)."
    108   (lambda (&optional interactive)
    109     ;; JT@2021-06-13: This function is way more complicated than it
    110     ;; could be because it accounts for the fact that
    111     ;; `eglot--executable-find' may take much longer to execute on
    112     ;; remote files.
    113     (let* ((listified (cl-loop for a in alternatives
    114                                collect (if (listp a) a (list a))))
    115            (err (lambda ()
    116                   (error "None of '%s' are valid executables"
    117                          (mapconcat #'car listified ", ")))))
    118       (cond (interactive
    119              (let* ((augmented (mapcar (lambda (a)
    120                                          (let ((found (eglot--executable-find
    121                                                        (car a) t)))
    122                                            (and found
    123                                                 (cons (car a) (cons found (cdr a))))))
    124                                        listified))
    125                     (available (remove nil augmented)))
    126                (cond ((cdr available)
    127                       (cdr (assoc
    128                             (completing-read
    129                              "[eglot] More than one server executable available:"
    130                              (mapcar #'car available)
    131                              nil t nil nil (car (car available)))
    132                             available #'equal)))
    133                      ((cdr (car available)))
    134                      (t
    135                       ;; Don't error when used interactively, let the
    136                       ;; Eglot prompt the user for alternative (github#719)
    137                       nil))))
    138             (t
    139              (cl-loop for (p . args) in listified
    140                       for probe = (eglot--executable-find p t)
    141                       when probe return (cons probe args)
    142                       finally (funcall err)))))))
    144 (defvar eglot-server-programs `((rust-mode . (eglot-rls "rls"))
    145                                 (cmake-mode . ("cmake-language-server"))
    146                                 (vimrc-mode . ("vim-language-server" "--stdio"))
    147                                 (python-mode
    148                                  . ,(eglot-alternatives
    149                                      '("pylsp" "pyls" ("pyright-langserver" "--stdio"))))
    150                                 ((js-mode typescript-mode)
    151                                  . ("typescript-language-server" "--stdio"))
    152                                 (sh-mode . ("bash-language-server" "start"))
    153                                 ((php-mode phps-mode)
    154                                  . ("php" "vendor/felixfbecker/\
    155 language-server/bin/php-language-server.php"))
    156                                 ((c++-mode c-mode) . ,(eglot-alternatives
    157                                                        '("clangd" "ccls")))
    158                                 (((caml-mode :language-id "ocaml")
    159                                   (tuareg-mode :language-id "ocaml") reason-mode)
    160                                  . ("ocamllsp"))
    161                                 (ruby-mode
    162                                  . ("solargraph" "socket" "--port" :autoport))
    163                                 (haskell-mode
    164                                  . ("haskell-language-server-wrapper" "--lsp"))
    165                                 (elm-mode . ("elm-language-server"))
    166                                 (mint-mode . ("mint" "ls"))
    167                                 (kotlin-mode . ("kotlin-language-server"))
    168                                 (go-mode . ("gopls"))
    169                                 ((R-mode ess-r-mode) . ("R" "--slave" "-e"
    170                                                         "languageserver::run()"))
    171                                 (java-mode . eglot--eclipse-jdt-contact)
    172                                 (dart-mode . ("dart_language_server"))
    173                                 (elixir-mode . (""))
    174                                 (ada-mode . ("ada_language_server"))
    175                                 (scala-mode . ("metals-emacs"))
    176                                 ((tex-mode context-mode texinfo-mode bibtex-mode)
    177                                  . ("digestif"))
    178                                 (erlang-mode . ("erlang_ls" "--transport" "stdio"))
    179                                 (yaml-mode . ("yaml-language-server" "--stdio"))
    180                                 (nix-mode . ("rnix-lsp"))
    181                                 (gdscript-mode . ("localhost" 6008))
    182                                 ((fortran-mode f90-mode) . ("fortls"))
    183                                 (lua-mode . ("lua-lsp"))
    184                                 (zig-mode . ("zls"))
    185                                 (css-mode . ,(eglot-alternatives '(("vscode-css-language-server" "--stdio") ("css-languageserver" "--stdio"))))
    186                                 (html-mode . ,(eglot-alternatives '(("vscode-html-language-server" "--stdio") ("html-languageserver" "--stdio"))))
    187                                 (json-mode . ,(eglot-alternatives '(("vscode-json-language-server" "--stdio") ("json-languageserver" "--stdio"))))
    188                                 (dockerfile-mode . ("docker-langserver" "--stdio")))
    189   "How the command `eglot' guesses the server to start.
    190 An association list of (MAJOR-MODE . CONTACT) pairs.  MAJOR-MODE
    191 identifies the buffers that are to be managed by a specific
    192 language server.  The associated CONTACT specifies how to connect
    193 to a server for those buffers.
    195 MAJOR-MODE can be:
    197 * In the most common case, a symbol such as `c-mode';
    199 * A list (MAJOR-MODE-SYMBOL :LANGUAGE-ID ID) where
    200   MAJOR-MODE-SYMBOL is the aforementioned symbol and ID is a
    201   string identifying the language to the server;
    203 * A list combining the previous two alternatives, meaning
    204   multiple major modes will be associated with a single server
    205   program.
    207 CONTACT can be:
    209 * In the most common case, a list of strings (PROGRAM [ARGS...]).
    210   PROGRAM is called with ARGS and is expected to serve LSP requests
    211   over the standard input/output channels.
    213 * A list (HOST PORT [TCP-ARGS...]) where HOST is a string and
    214   PORT is a positive integer for connecting to a server via TCP.
    215   Remaining ARGS are passed to `open-network-stream' for
    216   upgrading the connection with encryption or other capabilities.
    218 * A list (PROGRAM [ARGS...] :autoport [MOREARGS...]), whereupon a
    219   combination of the two previous options is used.  First, an
    220   attempt is made to find an available server port, then PROGRAM
    221   is launched with ARGS; the `:autoport' keyword substituted for
    222   that number; and MOREARGS.  Eglot then attempts to establish a
    223   TCP connection to that port number on the localhost.
    225 * A cons (CLASS-NAME . INITARGS) where CLASS-NAME is a symbol
    226   designating a subclass of `eglot-lsp-server', for representing
    227   experimental LSP servers.  INITARGS is a keyword-value plist
    228   used to initialize the object of CLASS-NAME, or a plain list
    229   interpreted as the previous descriptions of CONTACT.  In the
    230   latter case that plain list is used to produce a plist with a
    231   suitable :PROCESS initarg to CLASS-NAME.  The class
    232   `eglot-lsp-server' descends from `jsonrpc-process-connection',
    233   which you should see for the semantics of the mandatory
    234   :PROCESS argument.
    236 * A function of a single argument producing any of the above
    237   values for CONTACT.  The argument's value is non-nil if the
    238   connection was requested interactively (e.g. from the `eglot'
    239   command), and nil if it wasn't (e.g. from `eglot-ensure').  If
    240   the call is interactive, the function can ask the user for
    241   hints on finding the required programs, etc.  Otherwise, it
    242   should not ask the user for any input, and return nil or signal
    243   an error if it can't produce a valid CONTACT.")
    245 (defface eglot-highlight-symbol-face
    246   '((t (:inherit bold)))
    247   "Face used to highlight the symbol at point.")
    249 (defface eglot-mode-line
    250   '((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face :weight bold)))
    251   "Face for package-name in EGLOT's mode line.")
    253 (defcustom eglot-autoreconnect 3
    254   "Control ability to reconnect automatically to the LSP server.
    255 If t, always reconnect automatically (not recommended).  If nil,
    256 never reconnect automatically after unexpected server shutdowns,
    257 crashes or network failures.  A positive integer number says to
    258 only autoreconnect if the previous successful connection attempt
    259 lasted more than that many seconds."
    260   :type '(choice (boolean :tag "Whether to inhibit autoreconnection")
    261                  (integer :tag "Number of seconds")))
    263 (defcustom eglot-connect-timeout 30
    264   "Number of seconds before timing out LSP connection attempts.
    265 If nil, never time out."
    266   :type 'number)
    268 (defcustom eglot-sync-connect 3
    269   "Control blocking of LSP connection attempts.
    270 If t, block for `eglot-connect-timeout' seconds.  A positive
    271 integer number means block for that many seconds, and then wait
    272 for the connection in the background.  nil has the same meaning
    273 as 0, i.e. don't block at all."
    274   :type '(choice (boolean :tag "Whether to inhibit autoreconnection")
    275                  (integer :tag "Number of seconds")))
    277 (defcustom eglot-autoshutdown nil
    278   "If non-nil, shut down server after killing last managed buffer."
    279   :type 'boolean)
    281 (defcustom eglot-send-changes-idle-time 0.5
    282   "Don't tell server of changes before Emacs's been idle for this many seconds."
    283   :type 'number)
    285 (defcustom eglot-events-buffer-size 2000000
    286   "Control the size of the Eglot events buffer.
    287 If a number, don't let the buffer grow larger than that many
    288 characters.  If 0, don't use an event's buffer at all.  If nil,
    289 let the buffer grow forever."
    290   :type '(choice (const :tag "No limit" nil)
    291                  (integer :tag "Number of characters")))
    293 (defcustom eglot-confirm-server-initiated-edits 'confirm
    294   "Non-nil if server-initiated edits should be confirmed with user."
    295   :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't show confirmation prompt" nil)
    296                  (symbol :tag "Show confirmation prompt" 'confirm)))
    298 (defcustom eglot-extend-to-xref nil
    299   "If non-nil, activate Eglot in cross-referenced non-project files."
    300   :type 'boolean)
    302 (defvar eglot-withhold-process-id nil
    303   "If non-nil, Eglot will not send the Emacs process id to the language server.
    304 This can be useful when using docker to run a language server.")
    306 ;; Customizable via `completion-category-overrides'.
    307 (when (assoc 'flex completion-styles-alist)
    308   (add-to-list 'completion-category-defaults '(eglot (styles flex basic))))
    311 ;;; Constants
    312 ;;;
    313 (defconst eglot--symbol-kind-names
    314   `((1 . "File") (2 . "Module")
    315     (3 . "Namespace") (4 . "Package") (5 . "Class")
    316     (6 . "Method") (7 . "Property") (8 . "Field")
    317     (9 . "Constructor") (10 . "Enum") (11 . "Interface")
    318     (12 . "Function") (13 . "Variable") (14 . "Constant")
    319     (15 . "String") (16 . "Number") (17 . "Boolean")
    320     (18 . "Array") (19 . "Object") (20 . "Key")
    321     (21 . "Null") (22 . "EnumMember") (23 . "Struct")
    322     (24 . "Event") (25 . "Operator") (26 . "TypeParameter")))
    324 (defconst eglot--kind-names
    325   `((1 . "Text") (2 . "Method") (3 . "Function") (4 . "Constructor")
    326     (5 . "Field") (6 . "Variable") (7 . "Class") (8 . "Interface")
    327     (9 . "Module") (10 . "Property") (11 . "Unit") (12 . "Value")
    328     (13 . "Enum") (14 . "Keyword") (15 . "Snippet") (16 . "Color")
    329     (17 . "File") (18 . "Reference") (19 . "Folder") (20 . "EnumMember")
    330     (21 . "Constant") (22 . "Struct") (23 . "Event") (24 . "Operator")
    331     (25 . "TypeParameter")))
    333 (defconst eglot--{} (make-hash-table) "The empty JSON object.")
    335 (defun eglot--executable-find (command &optional remote)
    336   "Like Emacs 27's `executable-find', ignore REMOTE on Emacs 26."
    337   (if (>= emacs-major-version 27) (executable-find command remote)
    338     (executable-find command)))
    341 ;;; Message verification helpers
    342 ;;;
    343 (eval-and-compile
    344   (defvar eglot--lsp-interface-alist
    345     `(
    346       (CodeAction (:title) (:kind :diagnostics :edit :command :isPreferred))
    347       (ConfigurationItem () (:scopeUri :section))
    348       (Command ((:title . string) (:command . string)) (:arguments))
    349       (CompletionItem (:label)
    350                       (:kind :detail :documentation :deprecated :preselect
    351                              :sortText :filterText :insertText :insertTextFormat
    352                              :textEdit :additionalTextEdits :commitCharacters
    353                              :command :data))
    354       (Diagnostic (:range :message) (:severity :code :source :relatedInformation :codeDescription))
    355       (DocumentHighlight (:range) (:kind))
    356       (FileSystemWatcher (:globPattern) (:kind))
    357       (Hover (:contents) (:range))
    358       (InitializeResult (:capabilities) (:serverInfo))
    359       (Location (:uri :range))
    360       (LocationLink (:targetUri :targetRange :targetSelectionRange) (:originSelectionRange))
    361       (LogMessageParams (:type :message))
    362       (MarkupContent (:kind :value))
    363       (ParameterInformation (:label) (:documentation))
    364       (Position (:line :character))
    365       (Range (:start :end))
    366       (Registration (:id :method) (:registerOptions))
    367       (ResponseError (:code :message) (:data))
    368       (ShowMessageParams (:type :message))
    369       (ShowMessageRequestParams (:type :message) (:actions))
    370       (SignatureHelp (:signatures) (:activeSignature :activeParameter))
    371       (SignatureInformation (:label) (:documentation :parameters :activeParameter))
    372       (SymbolInformation (:name :kind :location)
    373                          (:deprecated :containerName))
    374       (DocumentSymbol (:name :range :selectionRange :kind)
    375                       ;; `:containerName' isn't really allowed , but
    376                       ;; it simplifies the impl of `eglot-imenu'.
    377                       (:detail :deprecated :children :containerName))
    378       (TextDocumentEdit (:textDocument :edits) ())
    379       (TextEdit (:range :newText))
    380       (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier (:uri :version) ())
    381       (WorkspaceEdit () (:changes :documentChanges))
    382       )
    383     "Alist (INTERFACE-NAME . INTERFACE) of known external LSP interfaces.
    385 INTERFACE-NAME is a symbol designated by the spec as
    386 \"interface\".  INTERFACE is a list (REQUIRED OPTIONAL) where
    387 REQUIRED and OPTIONAL are lists of KEYWORD designating field
    388 names that must be, or may be, respectively, present in a message
    389 adhering to that interface.  KEY can be a keyword or a cons (SYM
    390 TYPE), where type is used by `cl-typep' to check types at
    391 runtime.
    393 Here's what an element of this alist might look like:
    395     (Command ((:title . string) (:command . string)) (:arguments))"))
    397 (eval-and-compile
    398   (defvar eglot-strict-mode (if load-file-name '()
    399                               '(disallow-non-standard-keys
    400                                 ;; Uncomment these two for fun at
    401                                 ;; compile-time or with flymake-mode.
    402                                 ;;
    403                                 ;; enforce-required-keys
    404                                 ;; enforce-optional-keys
    405                                 ))
    406     "How strictly to check LSP interfaces at compile- and run-time.
    408 Value is a list of symbols (if the list is empty, no checks are
    409 performed).
    411 If the symbol `disallow-non-standard-keys' is present, an error
    412 is raised if any extraneous fields are sent by the server.  At
    413 compile-time, a warning is raised if a destructuring spec
    414 includes such a field.
    416 If the symbol `enforce-required-keys' is present, an error is
    417 raised if any required fields are missing from the message sent
    418 from the server.  At compile-time, a warning is raised if a
    419 destructuring spec doesn't use such a field.
    421 If the symbol `enforce-optional-keys' is present, nothing special
    422 happens at run-time.  At compile-time, a warning is raised if a
    423 destructuring spec doesn't use all optional fields.
    425 If the symbol `disallow-unknown-methods' is present, Eglot warns
    426 on unknown notifications and errors on unknown requests.
    427 "))
    429 (defun eglot--plist-keys (plist)
    430   (cl-loop for (k _v) on plist by #'cddr collect k))
    432 (cl-defun eglot--check-object (interface-name
    433                                object
    434                                &optional
    435                                (enforce-required t)
    436                                (disallow-non-standard t)
    437                                (check-types t))
    438   "Check that OBJECT conforms to INTERFACE.  Error otherwise."
    439   (cl-destructuring-bind
    440       (&key types required-keys optional-keys &allow-other-keys)
    441       (eglot--interface interface-name)
    442     (when-let ((missing (and enforce-required
    443                              (cl-set-difference required-keys
    444                                                 (eglot--plist-keys object)))))
    445       (eglot--error "A `%s' must have %s" interface-name missing))
    446     (when-let ((excess (and disallow-non-standard
    447                             (cl-set-difference
    448                              (eglot--plist-keys object)
    449                              (append required-keys optional-keys)))))
    450       (eglot--error "A `%s' mustn't have %s" interface-name excess))
    451     (when check-types
    452       (cl-loop
    453        for (k v) on object by #'cddr
    454        for type = (or (cdr (assoc k types)) t) ;; FIXME: enforce nil type?
    455        unless (cl-typep v type)
    456        do (eglot--error "A `%s' must have a %s as %s, but has %s"
    457                         interface-name )))
    458     t))
    460 (eval-and-compile
    461   (defun eglot--keywordize-vars (vars)
    462     (mapcar (lambda (var) (intern (format ":%s" var))) vars))
    464   (defun eglot--ensure-type (k) (if (consp k) k (cons k t)))
    466   (defun eglot--interface (interface-name)
    467     (let* ((interface (assoc interface-name eglot--lsp-interface-alist))
    468            (required (mapcar #'eglot--ensure-type (car (cdr interface))))
    469            (optional (mapcar #'eglot--ensure-type (cadr (cdr interface)))))
    470       (list :types (append required optional)
    471             :required-keys (mapcar #'car required)
    472             :optional-keys (mapcar #'car optional))))
    474   (defun eglot--check-dspec (interface-name dspec)
    475     "Check destructuring spec DSPEC against INTERFACE-NAME."
    476     (cl-destructuring-bind (&key required-keys optional-keys &allow-other-keys)
    477         (eglot--interface interface-name)
    478       (cond ((or required-keys optional-keys)
    479              (let ((too-many
    480                     (and
    481                      (memq 'disallow-non-standard-keys eglot-strict-mode)
    482                      (cl-set-difference
    483                       (eglot--keywordize-vars dspec)
    484                       (append required-keys optional-keys))))
    485                    (ignored-required
    486                     (and
    487                      (memq 'enforce-required-keys eglot-strict-mode)
    488                      (cl-set-difference
    489                       required-keys (eglot--keywordize-vars dspec))))
    490                    (missing-out
    491                     (and
    492                      (memq 'enforce-optional-keys eglot-strict-mode)
    493                      (cl-set-difference
    494                       optional-keys (eglot--keywordize-vars dspec)))))
    495                (when too-many (byte-compile-warn
    496                                "Destructuring for %s has extraneous %s"
    497                                interface-name too-many))
    498                (when ignored-required (byte-compile-warn
    499                                        "Destructuring for %s ignores required %s"
    500                                        interface-name ignored-required))
    501                (when missing-out (byte-compile-warn
    502                                   "Destructuring for %s is missing out on %s"
    503                                   interface-name missing-out))))
    504             (t
    505              (byte-compile-warn "Unknown LSP interface %s" interface-name))))))
    507 (cl-defmacro eglot--dbind (vars object &body body)
    508   "Destructure OBJECT, binding VARS in BODY.
    509 VARS is ([(INTERFACE)] SYMS...)
    510 Honour `eglot-strict-mode'."
    511   (declare (indent 2) (debug (sexp sexp &rest form)))
    512   (let ((interface-name (if (consp (car vars))
    513                             (car (pop vars))))
    514         (object-once (make-symbol "object-once"))
    515         (fn-once (make-symbol "fn-once")))
    516     (cond (interface-name
    517            (eglot--check-dspec interface-name vars)
    518            `(let ((,object-once ,object))
    519               (cl-destructuring-bind (&key ,@vars &allow-other-keys) ,object-once
    520                 (eglot--check-object ',interface-name ,object-once
    521                                      (memq 'enforce-required-keys eglot-strict-mode)
    522                                      (memq 'disallow-non-standard-keys eglot-strict-mode)
    523                                      (memq 'check-types eglot-strict-mode))
    524                 ,@body)))
    525           (t
    526            `(let ((,object-once ,object)
    527                   (,fn-once (lambda (,@vars) ,@body)))
    528               (if (memq 'disallow-non-standard-keys eglot-strict-mode)
    529                   (cl-destructuring-bind (&key ,@vars) ,object-once
    530                     (funcall ,fn-once ,@vars))
    531                 (cl-destructuring-bind (&key ,@vars &allow-other-keys) ,object-once
    532                   (funcall ,fn-once ,@vars))))))))
    535 (cl-defmacro eglot--lambda (cl-lambda-list &body body)
    536   "Function of args CL-LAMBDA-LIST for processing INTERFACE objects.
    537 Honour `eglot-strict-mode'."
    538   (declare (indent 1) (debug (sexp &rest form)))
    539   (let ((e (cl-gensym "jsonrpc-lambda-elem")))
    540     `(lambda (,e) (eglot--dbind ,cl-lambda-list ,e ,@body))))
    542 (cl-defmacro eglot--dcase (obj &rest clauses)
    543   "Like `pcase', but for the LSP object OBJ.
    544 CLAUSES is a list (DESTRUCTURE FORMS...) where DESTRUCTURE is
    545 treated as in `eglot-dbind'."
    546   (declare (indent 1) (debug (sexp &rest (sexp &rest form))))
    547   (let ((obj-once (make-symbol "obj-once")))
    548     `(let ((,obj-once ,obj))
    549        (cond
    550         ,@(cl-loop
    551            for (vars . body) in clauses
    552            for vars-as-keywords = (eglot--keywordize-vars vars)
    553            for interface-name = (if (consp (car vars))
    554                                     (car (pop vars)))
    555            for condition =
    556            (cond (interface-name
    557                   (eglot--check-dspec interface-name vars)
    558                   ;; In this mode, in runtime, we assume
    559                   ;; `eglot-strict-mode' is partially on, otherwise we
    560                   ;; can't disambiguate between certain types.
    561                   `(ignore-errors
    562                      (eglot--check-object
    563                       ',interface-name ,obj-once
    564                       t
    565                       (memq 'disallow-non-standard-keys eglot-strict-mode)
    566                       t)))
    567                  (t
    568                   ;; In this interface-less mode we don't check
    569                   ;; `eglot-strict-mode' at all: just check that the object
    570                   ;; has all the keys the user wants to destructure.
    571                   `(null (cl-set-difference
    572                           ',vars-as-keywords
    573                           (eglot--plist-keys ,obj-once)))))
    574            collect `(,condition
    575                      (cl-destructuring-bind (&key ,@vars &allow-other-keys)
    576                          ,obj-once
    577                        ,@body)))
    578         (t
    579          (eglot--error "%S didn't match any of %S"
    580                        ,obj-once
    581                        ',(mapcar #'car clauses)))))))
    584 ;;; API (WORK-IN-PROGRESS!)
    585 ;;;
    586 (cl-defmacro eglot--when-live-buffer (buf &rest body)
    587   "Check BUF live, then do BODY in it." (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
    588   (let ((b (cl-gensym)))
    589     `(let ((,b ,buf)) (if (buffer-live-p ,b) (with-current-buffer ,b ,@body)))))
    591 (cl-defmacro eglot--when-buffer-window (buf &body body)
    592   "Check BUF showing somewhere, then do BODY in it." (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
    593   (let ((b (cl-gensym)))
    594     `(let ((,b ,buf))
    595        ;;notice the exception when testing with `ert'
    596        (when (or (get-buffer-window ,b) (ert-running-test))
    597          (with-current-buffer ,b ,@body)))))
    599 (cl-defmacro eglot--widening (&rest body)
    600   "Save excursion and restriction.  Widen.  Then run BODY." (declare (debug t))
    601   `(save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) ,@body)))
    603 (cl-defgeneric eglot-handle-request (server method &rest params)
    604   "Handle SERVER's METHOD request with PARAMS.")
    606 (cl-defgeneric eglot-handle-notification (server method &rest params)
    607   "Handle SERVER's METHOD notification with PARAMS.")
    609 (cl-defgeneric eglot-execute-command (server command arguments)
    610   "Ask SERVER to execute COMMAND with ARGUMENTS.")
    612 (cl-defgeneric eglot-initialization-options (server)
    613   "JSON object to send under `initializationOptions'."
    614   (:method (_s) eglot--{})) ; blank default
    616 (cl-defgeneric eglot-register-capability (server method id &rest params)
    617   "Ask SERVER to register capability METHOD marked with ID."
    618   (:method
    619    (_s method _id &rest _params)
    620    (eglot--warn "Server tried to register unsupported capability `%s'"
    621                 method)))
    623 (cl-defgeneric eglot-unregister-capability (server method id &rest params)
    624   "Ask SERVER to register capability METHOD marked with ID."
    625   (:method
    626    (_s method _id &rest _params)
    627    (eglot--warn "Server tried to unregister unsupported capability `%s'"
    628                 method)))
    630 (cl-defgeneric eglot-client-capabilities (server)
    631   "What the EGLOT LSP client supports for SERVER."
    632   (:method (_s)
    633            (list
    634             :workspace (list
    635                         :applyEdit t
    636                         :executeCommand `(:dynamicRegistration :json-false)
    637                         :workspaceEdit `(:documentChanges :json-false)
    638                         :didChangeWatchedFiles `(:dynamicRegistration t)
    639                         :symbol `(:dynamicRegistration :json-false)
    640                         :configuration t)
    641             :textDocument
    642             (list
    643              :synchronization (list
    644                                :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    645                                :willSave t :willSaveWaitUntil t :didSave t)
    646              :completion      (list :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    647                                     :completionItem
    648                                     `(:snippetSupport
    649                                       ,(if (eglot--snippet-expansion-fn)
    650                                            t
    651                                          :json-false))
    652                                     :contextSupport t)
    653              :hover              (list :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    654                                        :contentFormat
    655                                        (if (fboundp 'gfm-view-mode)
    656                                            ["markdown" "plaintext"]
    657                                          ["plaintext"]))
    658              :signatureHelp      (list :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    659                                        :signatureInformation
    660                                        `(:parameterInformation
    661                                          (:labelOffsetSupport t)
    662                                          :activeParameterSupport t))
    663              :references         `(:dynamicRegistration :json-false)
    664              :definition         (list :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    665                                        :linkSupport t)
    666              :declaration        (list :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    667                                        :linkSupport t)
    668              :implementation     (list :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    669                                        :linkSupport t)
    670              :typeDefinition     (list :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    671                                        :linkSupport t)
    672              :documentSymbol     (list
    673                                   :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    674                                   :hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport t
    675                                   :symbolKind `(:valueSet
    676                                                 [,@(mapcar
    677                                                     #'car eglot--symbol-kind-names)]))
    678              :documentHighlight  `(:dynamicRegistration :json-false)
    679              :codeAction         (list
    680                                   :dynamicRegistration :json-false
    681                                   :codeActionLiteralSupport
    682                                   '(:codeActionKind
    683                                     (:valueSet
    684                                      ["quickfix"
    685                                       "refactor" "refactor.extract"
    686                                       "refactor.inline" "refactor.rewrite"
    687                                       "source" "source.organizeImports"]))
    688                                   :isPreferredSupport t)
    689              :formatting         `(:dynamicRegistration :json-false)
    690              :rangeFormatting    `(:dynamicRegistration :json-false)
    691              :rename             `(:dynamicRegistration :json-false)
    692              :publishDiagnostics (list :relatedInformation :json-false
    693                                        ;; TODO: We can support :codeDescription after
    694                                        ;; adding an appropriate UI to
    695                                        ;; Flymake.
    696                                        :codeDescriptionSupport :json-false))
    697             :experimental eglot--{})))
    699 (defclass eglot-lsp-server (jsonrpc-process-connection)
    700   ((project-nickname
    701     :documentation "Short nickname for the associated project."
    702     :accessor eglot--project-nickname
    703     :reader eglot-project-nickname)
    704    (major-mode
    705     :documentation "Major mode symbol."
    706     :accessor eglot--major-mode)
    707    (language-id
    708     :documentation "Language ID string for the mode."
    709     :accessor eglot--language-id)
    710    (capabilities
    711     :documentation "JSON object containing server capabilities."
    712     :accessor eglot--capabilities)
    713    (server-info
    714     :documentation "JSON object containing server info."
    715     :accessor eglot--server-info)
    716    (shutdown-requested
    717     :documentation "Flag set when server is shutting down."
    718     :accessor eglot--shutdown-requested)
    719    (project
    720     :documentation "Project associated with server."
    721     :accessor eglot--project)
    722    (spinner
    723     :documentation "List (ID DOING-WHAT DONE-P) representing server progress."
    724     :initform `(nil nil t) :accessor eglot--spinner)
    725    (inhibit-autoreconnect
    726     :initform t
    727     :documentation "Generalized boolean inhibiting auto-reconnection if true."
    728     :accessor eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect)
    729    (file-watches
    730     :documentation "Map ID to list of WATCHES for `didChangeWatchedFiles'."
    731     :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :accessor eglot--file-watches)
    732    (managed-buffers
    733     :documentation "List of buffers managed by server."
    734     :accessor eglot--managed-buffers)
    735    (saved-initargs
    736     :documentation "Saved initargs for reconnection purposes."
    737     :accessor eglot--saved-initargs)
    738    (inferior-process
    739     :documentation "Server subprocess started automatically."
    740     :accessor eglot--inferior-process))
    741   :documentation
    742   "Represents a server. Wraps a process for LSP communication.")
    745 ;;; Process management
    746 (defvar eglot--servers-by-project (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
    747   "Keys are projects.  Values are lists of processes.")
    749 (defun eglot-shutdown (server &optional _interactive timeout preserve-buffers)
    750   "Politely ask SERVER to quit.
    751 Interactively, read SERVER from the minibuffer unless there is
    752 only one and it's managing the current buffer.
    754 Forcefully quit it if it doesn't respond within TIMEOUT seconds.
    755 TIMEOUT defaults to 1.5 seconds.  Don't leave this function with
    756 the server still running.
    758 If PRESERVE-BUFFERS is non-nil (interactively, when called with a
    759 prefix argument), do not kill events and output buffers of
    760 SERVER."
    761   (interactive (list (eglot--read-server "Shutdown which server"
    762                                          (eglot-current-server))
    763                      t nil current-prefix-arg))
    764   (eglot--message "Asking %s politely to terminate" (jsonrpc-name server))
    765   (unwind-protect
    766       (progn
    767         (setf (eglot--shutdown-requested server) t)
    768         (jsonrpc-request server :shutdown nil :timeout (or timeout 1.5))
    769         (jsonrpc-notify server :exit nil))
    770     ;; Now ask jsonrpc.el to shut down the server.
    771     (jsonrpc-shutdown server (not preserve-buffers))
    772     (unless preserve-buffers (kill-buffer (jsonrpc-events-buffer server)))))
    774 (defun eglot-shutdown-all (&optional preserve-buffers)
    775   "Politely ask all language servers to quit, in order.
    776 PRESERVE-BUFFERS as in `eglot-shutdown', which see."
    777   (interactive (list current-prefix-arg))
    778   (cl-loop for ss being the hash-values of eglot--servers-by-project
    779            do (cl-loop for s in ss do (eglot-shutdown s nil preserve-buffers))))
    781 (defun eglot--on-shutdown (server)
    782   "Called by jsonrpc.el when SERVER is already dead."
    783   ;; Turn off `eglot--managed-mode' where appropriate.
    784   (dolist (buffer (eglot--managed-buffers server))
    785     (let (;; Avoid duplicate shutdowns (github#389)
    786           (eglot-autoshutdown nil))
    787       (eglot--when-live-buffer buffer (eglot--managed-mode-off))))
    788   ;; Kill any expensive watches
    789   (maphash (lambda (_id watches)
    790              (mapcar #'file-notify-rm-watch watches))
    791            (eglot--file-watches server))
    792   ;; Kill any autostarted inferior processes
    793   (when-let (proc (eglot--inferior-process server))
    794     (delete-process proc))
    795   ;; Sever the project/server relationship for `server'
    796   (setf (gethash (eglot--project server) eglot--servers-by-project)
    797         (delq server
    798               (gethash (eglot--project server) eglot--servers-by-project)))
    799   (cond ((eglot--shutdown-requested server)
    800          t)
    801         ((not (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server))
    802          (eglot--warn "Reconnecting after unexpected server exit.")
    803          (eglot-reconnect server))
    804         ((timerp (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server))
    805          (eglot--warn "Not auto-reconnecting, last one didn't last long."))))
    807 (defun eglot--all-major-modes ()
    808   "Return all known major modes."
    809   (let ((retval))
    810     (mapatoms (lambda (sym)
    811                 (when (plist-member (symbol-plist sym) 'derived-mode-parent)
    812                   (push sym retval))))
    813     retval))
    815 (defvar eglot--command-history nil
    816   "History of CONTACT arguments to `eglot'.")
    818 (defun eglot--lookup-mode (mode)
    819   "Lookup `eglot-server-programs' for MODE.
    820 Return (LANGUAGE-ID . CONTACT-PROXY).  If not specified,
    821 LANGUAGE-ID is determined from MODE."
    822   (cl-loop
    823    for (modes . contact) in eglot-server-programs
    824    thereis (cl-some
    825             (lambda (spec)
    826               (cl-destructuring-bind (probe &key language-id &allow-other-keys)
    827                   (if (consp spec) spec (list spec))
    828                 (and (provided-mode-derived-p mode probe)
    829                      (cons
    830                       (or language-id
    831                           (or (get mode 'eglot-language-id)
    832                               (get spec 'eglot-language-id)
    833                               (string-remove-suffix "-mode" (symbol-name mode))))
    834                       contact))))
    835             (if (or (symbolp modes) (keywordp (cadr modes)))
    836                 (list modes) modes))))
    838 (defun eglot--guess-contact (&optional interactive)
    839   "Helper for `eglot'.
    841 non-nil, maybe prompt user, else error as soon as something can't
    842 be guessed."
    843   (let* ((guessed-mode (if buffer-file-name major-mode))
    844          (managed-mode
    845           (cond
    846            ((and interactive
    847                  (or (>= (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 16)
    848                      (not guessed-mode)))
    849             (intern
    850              (completing-read
    851               "[eglot] Start a server to manage buffers of what major mode? "
    852               (mapcar #'symbol-name (eglot--all-major-modes)) nil t
    853               (symbol-name guessed-mode) nil (symbol-name guessed-mode) nil)))
    854            ((not guessed-mode)
    855             (eglot--error "Can't guess mode to manage for `%s'" (current-buffer)))
    856            (t guessed-mode)))
    857          (lang-id-and-guess (eglot--lookup-mode guessed-mode))
    858          (language-id (car lang-id-and-guess))
    859          (guess (cdr lang-id-and-guess))
    860          (guess (if (functionp guess)
    861                     (funcall guess interactive)
    862                   guess))
    863          (class (or (and (consp guess) (symbolp (car guess))
    864                          (prog1 (unless current-prefix-arg (car guess))
    865                            (setq guess (cdr guess))))
    866                     'eglot-lsp-server))
    867          (program (and (listp guess)
    868                        (stringp (car guess))
    869                        ;; A second element might be the port of a (host, port)
    870                        ;; pair, but in that case it is not a string.
    871                        (or (null (cdr guess)) (stringp (cadr guess)))
    872                        (car guess)))
    873          (base-prompt
    874           (and interactive
    875                "Enter program to execute (or <host>:<port>): "))
    876          (program-guess
    877           (and program
    878                (combine-and-quote-strings (cl-subst ":autoport:"
    879                                                     :autoport guess))))
    880          (prompt
    881           (and base-prompt
    882                (cond (current-prefix-arg base-prompt)
    883                      ((null guess)
    884                       (format "[eglot] Sorry, couldn't guess for `%s'!\n%s"
    885                               managed-mode base-prompt))
    886                      ((and program
    887                            (not (file-name-absolute-p program))
    888                            (not (eglot--executable-find program t)))
    889                       (concat (format "[eglot] I guess you want to run `%s'"
    890                                       program-guess)
    891                               (format ", but I can't find `%s' in PATH!" program)
    892                               "\n" base-prompt)))))
    893          (contact
    894           (or (and prompt
    895                    (let ((s (read-shell-command
    896                              prompt
    897                              program-guess
    898                              'eglot-command-history)))
    899                      (if (string-match "^\\([^\s\t]+\\):\\([[:digit:]]+\\)$"
    900                                        (string-trim s))
    901                          (list (match-string 1 s)
    902                                (string-to-number (match-string 2 s)))
    903                        (cl-subst
    904                         :autoport ":autoport:" (split-string-and-unquote s)
    905                         :test #'equal))))
    906               guess
    907               (eglot--error "Couldn't guess for `%s'!" managed-mode))))
    908     (list managed-mode (eglot--current-project) class contact language-id)))
    910 (defvar eglot-lsp-context)
    911 (put 'eglot-lsp-context 'variable-documentation
    912      "Dynamically non-nil when searching for projects in LSP context.")
    914 (defvar eglot--servers-by-xrefed-file
    915   (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness 'value))
    917 (defun eglot--current-project ()
    918   "Return a project object for Eglot's LSP purposes.
    919 This relies on `project-current' and thus on
    920 `project-find-functions'.  Functions in the latter
    921 variable (which see) can query the value `eglot-lsp-context' to
    922 decide whether a given directory is a project containing a
    923 suitable root directory for a given LSP server's purposes."
    924   (let ((eglot-lsp-context t))
    925     (or (project-current) `(transient . ,default-directory))))
    927 ;;;###autoload
    928 (defun eglot (managed-major-mode project class contact language-id
    929                                  &optional interactive)
    930   "Manage a project with a Language Server Protocol (LSP) server.
    932 The LSP server of CLASS is started (or contacted) via CONTACT.
    933 If this operation is successful, current *and future* file
    934 buffers of MANAGED-MAJOR-MODE inside PROJECT become \"managed\"
    935 by the LSP server, meaning information about their contents is
    936 exchanged periodically to provide enhanced code-analysis via
    937 `xref-find-definitions', `flymake-mode', `eldoc-mode',
    938 `completion-at-point', among others.
    940 Interactively, the command attempts to guess MANAGED-MAJOR-MODE
    941 from current buffer, CLASS and CONTACT from
    942 `eglot-server-programs' and PROJECT from
    943 `project-find-functions'.  The search for active projects in this
    944 context binds `eglot-lsp-context' (which see).
    946 If it can't guess, the user is prompted.  With a single
    947 \\[universal-argument] prefix arg, it always prompt for COMMAND.
    948 With two \\[universal-argument] prefix args, also prompts for
    951 PROJECT is a project object as returned by `project-current'.
    953 CLASS is a subclass of `eglot-lsp-server'.
    955 CONTACT specifies how to contact the server.  It is a
    956 keyword-value plist used to initialize CLASS or a plain list as
    957 described in `eglot-server-programs', which see.
    959 LANGUAGE-ID is the language ID string to send to the server for
    960 MANAGED-MAJOR-MODE, which matters to a minority of servers.
    962 INTERACTIVE is t if called interactively."
    963   (interactive (append (eglot--guess-contact t) '(t)))
    964   (let* ((current-server (eglot-current-server))
    965          (live-p (and current-server (jsonrpc-running-p current-server))))
    966     (if (and live-p
    967              interactive
    968              (y-or-n-p "[eglot] Live process found, reconnect instead? "))
    969         (eglot-reconnect current-server interactive)
    970       (when live-p (ignore-errors (eglot-shutdown current-server)))
    971       (eglot--connect managed-major-mode project class contact language-id))))
    973 (defun eglot-reconnect (server &optional interactive)
    974   "Reconnect to SERVER.
    975 INTERACTIVE is t if called interactively."
    976   (interactive (list (eglot--current-server-or-lose) t))
    977   (when (jsonrpc-running-p server)
    978     (ignore-errors (eglot-shutdown server interactive nil 'preserve-buffers)))
    979   (eglot--connect (eglot--major-mode server)
    980                   (eglot--project server)
    981                   (eieio-object-class-name server)
    982                   (eglot--saved-initargs server)
    983                   (eglot--language-id server))
    984   (eglot--message "Reconnected!"))
    986 (defvar eglot--managed-mode) ; forward decl
    988 ;;;###autoload
    989 (defun eglot-ensure ()
    990   "Start Eglot session for current buffer if there isn't one."
    991   (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
    992     (cl-labels
    993         ((maybe-connect
    994           ()
    995           (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'maybe-connect nil)
    996           (eglot--when-live-buffer buffer
    997             (unless eglot--managed-mode
    998               (apply #'eglot--connect (eglot--guess-contact))))))
    999       (when buffer-file-name
   1000         (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'maybe-connect 'append nil)))))
   1002 (defun eglot-events-buffer (server)
   1003   "Display events buffer for SERVER.
   1004 Use current server's or first available Eglot events buffer."
   1005   (interactive (list (eglot-current-server)))
   1006   (let ((buffer (if server (jsonrpc-events-buffer server)
   1007                   (cl-find "\\*EGLOT.*events\\*"
   1008                            (buffer-list)
   1009                            :key #'buffer-name :test #'string-match))))
   1010     (if buffer (display-buffer buffer)
   1011       (eglot--error "Can't find an Eglot events buffer!"))))
   1013 (defun eglot-stderr-buffer (server)
   1014   "Display stderr buffer for SERVER."
   1015   (interactive (list (eglot--current-server-or-lose)))
   1016   (display-buffer (jsonrpc-stderr-buffer server)))
   1018 (defun eglot-forget-pending-continuations (server)
   1019   "Forget pending requests for SERVER."
   1020   (interactive (list (eglot--current-server-or-lose)))
   1021   (jsonrpc-forget-pending-continuations server))
   1023 (defvar eglot-connect-hook
   1024   '(eglot-signal-didChangeConfiguration)
   1025   "Hook run after connecting in `eglot--connect'.")
   1027 (defvar eglot-server-initialized-hook
   1028   '()
   1029   "Hook run after a `eglot-lsp-server' instance is created.
   1031 That is before a connection was established. Use
   1032 `eglot-connect-hook' to hook into when a connection was
   1033 successfully established and the server on the other side has
   1034 received the initializing configuration.
   1036 Each function is passed the server as an argument")
   1038 (defun eglot--cmd (contact)
   1039   "Helper for `eglot--connect'."
   1040   (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
   1041       ;; TODO: this seems like a bug, although it’s everywhere. For
   1042       ;; some reason, for remote connections only, over a pipe, we
   1043       ;; need to turn off line buffering on the tty.
   1044       ;;
   1045       ;; Not only does this seem like there should be a better way,
   1046       ;; but it almost certainly doesn’t work on non-unix systems.
   1047       (list "sh" "-c"
   1048             (string-join (cons "stty raw > /dev/null;"
   1049                                (mapcar #'shell-quote-argument contact))
   1050              " "))
   1051     contact))
   1053 (defvar-local eglot--cached-server nil
   1054   "A cached reference to the current EGLOT server.")
   1056 (defun eglot--connect (managed-major-mode project class contact language-id)
   1058 This docstring appeases checkdoc, that's all."
   1059   (let* ((default-directory (project-root project))
   1060          (nickname (file-name-base (directory-file-name default-directory)))
   1061          (readable-name (format "EGLOT (%s/%s)" nickname managed-major-mode))
   1062          autostart-inferior-process
   1063          (contact (if (functionp contact) (funcall contact) contact))
   1064          (initargs
   1065           (cond ((keywordp (car contact)) contact)
   1066                 ((integerp (cadr contact))
   1067                  `(:process ,(lambda ()
   1068                                (apply #'open-network-stream
   1069                                       readable-name nil
   1070                                       (car contact) (cadr contact)
   1071                                       (cddr contact)))))
   1072                 ((and (stringp (car contact)) (memq :autoport contact))
   1073                  `(:process ,(lambda ()
   1074                                (pcase-let ((`(,connection . ,inferior)
   1075                                             (eglot--inferior-bootstrap
   1076                                              readable-name
   1077                                              contact)))
   1078                                  (setq autostart-inferior-process inferior)
   1079                                  connection))))
   1080                 ((stringp (car contact))
   1081                  `(:process
   1082                    ,(lambda ()
   1083                       (let ((default-directory default-directory))
   1084                         (make-process
   1085                          :name readable-name
   1086                          :command (eglot--cmd contact)
   1087                          :connection-type 'pipe
   1088                          :coding 'utf-8-emacs-unix
   1089                          :noquery t
   1090                          :stderr (get-buffer-create
   1091                                   (format "*%s stderr*" readable-name))
   1092                          :file-handler t)))))))
   1093          (spread (lambda (fn) (lambda (server method params)
   1094                                 (let ((eglot--cached-server server))
   1095                                  (apply fn server method (append params nil))))))
   1096          (server
   1097           (apply
   1098            #'make-instance class
   1099            :name readable-name
   1100            :events-buffer-scrollback-size eglot-events-buffer-size
   1101            :notification-dispatcher (funcall spread #'eglot-handle-notification)
   1102            :request-dispatcher (funcall spread #'eglot-handle-request)
   1103            :on-shutdown #'eglot--on-shutdown
   1104            initargs))
   1105          (cancelled nil)
   1106          (tag (make-symbol "connected-catch-tag")))
   1107     (setf (eglot--saved-initargs server) initargs)
   1108     (setf (eglot--project server) project)
   1109     (setf (eglot--project-nickname server) nickname)
   1110     (setf (eglot--major-mode server) managed-major-mode)
   1111     (setf (eglot--language-id server) language-id)
   1112     (setf (eglot--inferior-process server) autostart-inferior-process)
   1113     (run-hook-with-args 'eglot-server-initialized-hook server)
   1114     ;; Now start the handshake.  To honour `eglot-sync-connect'
   1115     ;; maybe-sync-maybe-async semantics we use `jsonrpc-async-request'
   1116     ;; and mimic most of `jsonrpc-request'.
   1117     (unwind-protect
   1118         (condition-case _quit
   1119             (let ((retval
   1120                    (catch tag
   1121                      (jsonrpc-async-request
   1122                       server
   1123                       :initialize
   1124                       (list :processId
   1125                             (unless (or eglot-withhold-process-id
   1126                                         (file-remote-p default-directory)
   1127                                         (eq (jsonrpc-process-type server)
   1128                                             'network))
   1129                               (emacs-pid))
   1130                             ;; Maybe turn trampy `/ssh:foo@bar:/path/to/'
   1131                             ;; into `/path/to/', so LSP groks it.
   1132                             :rootPath (file-local-name
   1133                                        (expand-file-name default-directory))
   1134                             :rootUri (eglot--path-to-uri default-directory)
   1135                             :initializationOptions (eglot-initialization-options
   1136                                                     server)
   1137                             :capabilities (eglot-client-capabilities server))
   1138                       :success-fn
   1139                       (eglot--lambda ((InitializeResult) capabilities serverInfo)
   1140                         (unless cancelled
   1141                           (push server
   1142                                 (gethash project eglot--servers-by-project))
   1143                           (setf (eglot--capabilities server) capabilities)
   1144                           (setf (eglot--server-info server) serverInfo)
   1145                           (jsonrpc-notify server :initialized eglot--{})
   1146                           (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
   1147                             (with-current-buffer buffer
   1148                               ;; No need to pass SERVER as an argument: it has
   1149                               ;; been registered in `eglot--servers-by-project',
   1150                               ;; so that it can be found (and cached) from
   1151                               ;; `eglot--maybe-activate-editing-mode' in any
   1152                               ;; managed buffer.
   1153                               (eglot--maybe-activate-editing-mode)))
   1154                           (setf (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server)
   1155                                 (cond
   1156                                  ((booleanp eglot-autoreconnect)
   1157                                   (not eglot-autoreconnect))
   1158                                  ((cl-plusp eglot-autoreconnect)
   1159                                   (run-with-timer
   1160                                    eglot-autoreconnect nil
   1161                                    (lambda ()
   1162                                      (setf (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server)
   1163                                            (null eglot-autoreconnect)))))))
   1164                           (let ((default-directory (project-root project))
   1165                                 (major-mode managed-major-mode))
   1166                             (hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer)
   1167                             (run-hook-with-args 'eglot-connect-hook server))
   1168                           (eglot--message
   1169                            "Connected! Server `%s' now managing `%s' buffers \
   1170 in project `%s'."
   1171                            (or (plist-get serverInfo :name)
   1172                                (jsonrpc-name server))
   1173                            managed-major-mode
   1174                            (eglot-project-nickname server))
   1175                           (when tag (throw tag t))))
   1176                       :timeout eglot-connect-timeout
   1177                       :error-fn (eglot--lambda ((ResponseError) code message)
   1178                                   (unless cancelled
   1179                                     (jsonrpc-shutdown server)
   1180                                     (let ((msg (format "%s: %s" code message)))
   1181                                       (if tag (throw tag `(error . ,msg))
   1182                                         (eglot--error msg)))))
   1183                       :timeout-fn (lambda ()
   1184                                     (unless cancelled
   1185                                       (jsonrpc-shutdown server)
   1186                                       (let ((msg (format "Timed out")))
   1187                                         (if tag (throw tag `(error . ,msg))
   1188                                           (eglot--error msg))))))
   1189                      (cond ((numberp eglot-sync-connect)
   1190                             (accept-process-output nil eglot-sync-connect))
   1191                            (eglot-sync-connect
   1192                             (while t (accept-process-output nil 30)))))))
   1193               (pcase retval
   1194                 (`(error . ,msg) (eglot--error msg))
   1195                 (`nil (eglot--message "Waiting in background for server `%s'"
   1196                                       (jsonrpc-name server))
   1197                       nil)
   1198                 (_ server)))
   1199           (quit (jsonrpc-shutdown server) (setq cancelled 'quit)))
   1200       (setq tag nil))))
   1202 (defun eglot--inferior-bootstrap (name contact &optional connect-args)
   1203   "Use CONTACT to start a server, then connect to it.
   1204 Return a cons of two process objects (CONNECTION . INFERIOR).
   1205 Name both based on NAME.
   1206 CONNECT-ARGS are passed as additional arguments to
   1207 `open-network-stream'."
   1208   (let* ((port-probe (make-network-process :name "eglot-port-probe-dummy"
   1209                                            :server t
   1210                                            :host "localhost"
   1211                                            :service 0))
   1212          (port-number (unwind-protect
   1213                           (process-contact port-probe :service)
   1214                         (delete-process port-probe)))
   1215          inferior connection)
   1216     (unwind-protect
   1217         (progn
   1218           (setq inferior
   1219                 (make-process
   1220                  :name (format "autostart-inferior-%s" name)
   1221                  :stderr (format "*%s stderr*" name)
   1222                  :noquery t
   1223                  :command (cl-subst
   1224                            (format "%s" port-number) :autoport contact)))
   1225           (setq connection
   1226                 (cl-loop
   1227                  repeat 10 for i from 1
   1228                  do (accept-process-output nil 0.5)
   1229                  while (process-live-p inferior)
   1230                  do (eglot--message
   1231                      "Trying to connect to localhost and port %s (attempt %s)"
   1232                      port-number i)
   1233                  thereis (ignore-errors
   1234                            (apply #'open-network-stream
   1235                                   (format "autoconnect-%s" name)
   1236                                   nil
   1237                                   "localhost" port-number connect-args))))
   1238           (cons connection inferior))
   1239       (cond ((and (process-live-p connection)
   1240                   (process-live-p inferior))
   1241              (eglot--message "Done, connected to %s!" port-number))
   1242             (t
   1243              (when inferior (delete-process inferior))
   1244              (when connection (delete-process connection))
   1245              (eglot--error "Could not start and connect to server%s"
   1246                            (if inferior
   1247                                (format " started with %s"
   1248                                        (process-command inferior))
   1249                              "!")))))))
   1252 ;;; Helpers (move these to API?)
   1253 ;;;
   1254 (defun eglot--error (format &rest args)
   1255   "Error out with FORMAT with ARGS."
   1256   (error "[eglot] %s" (apply #'format format args)))
   1258 (defun eglot--message (format &rest args)
   1259   "Message out with FORMAT with ARGS."
   1260   (message "[eglot] %s" (apply #'format format args)))
   1262 (defun eglot--warn (format &rest args)
   1263   "Warning message with FORMAT and ARGS."
   1264   (apply #'eglot--message (concat "(warning) " format) args)
   1265   (let ((warning-minimum-level :error))
   1266     (display-warning 'eglot (apply #'format format args) :warning)))
   1268 (defun eglot-current-column () (- (point) (point-at-bol)))
   1270 (defvar eglot-current-column-function #'eglot-lsp-abiding-column
   1271   "Function to calculate the current column.
   1273 This is the inverse operation of
   1274 `eglot-move-to-column-function' (which see).  It is a function of
   1275 no arguments returning a column number.  For buffers managed by
   1276 fully LSP-compliant servers, this should be set to
   1277 `eglot-lsp-abiding-column' (the default), and
   1278 `eglot-current-column' for all others.")
   1280 (defun eglot-lsp-abiding-column (&optional lbp)
   1281   "Calculate current COLUMN as defined by the LSP spec.
   1282 LBP defaults to `line-beginning-position'."
   1283   (/ (- (length (encode-coding-region (or lbp (line-beginning-position))
   1284                                       (point) 'utf-16 t))
   1285         2)
   1286      2))
   1288 (defun eglot--pos-to-lsp-position (&optional pos)
   1289   "Convert point POS to LSP position."
   1290   (eglot--widening
   1291    (list :line (1- (line-number-at-pos pos t)) ; F!@&#$CKING OFF-BY-ONE
   1292          :character (progn (when pos (goto-char pos))
   1293                            (funcall eglot-current-column-function)))))
   1295 (defvar eglot-move-to-column-function #'eglot-move-to-lsp-abiding-column
   1296   "Function to move to a column reported by the LSP server.
   1298 According to the standard, LSP column/character offsets are based
   1299 on a count of UTF-16 code units, not actual visual columns.  So
   1300 when LSP says position 3 of a line containing just \"aXbc\",
   1301 where X is a multi-byte character, it actually means `b', not
   1302 `c'. However, many servers don't follow the spec this closely.
   1304 For buffers managed by fully LSP-compliant servers, this should
   1305 be set to `eglot-move-to-lsp-abiding-column' (the default), and
   1306 `eglot-move-to-column' for all others.")
   1308 (defun eglot-move-to-column (column)
   1309   "Move to COLUMN without closely following the LSP spec."
   1310   ;; We cannot use `move-to-column' here, because it moves to *visual*
   1311   ;; columns, which can be different from LSP columns in case of
   1312   ;; `whitespace-mode', `prettify-symbols-mode', etc.  (github#296,
   1313   ;; github#297)
   1314   (goto-char (min (+ (line-beginning-position) column)
   1315                   (line-end-position))))
   1317 (defun eglot-move-to-lsp-abiding-column (column)
   1318   "Move to COLUMN abiding by the LSP spec."
   1319   (save-restriction
   1320     (cl-loop
   1321      with lbp = (line-beginning-position)
   1322      initially
   1323      (narrow-to-region lbp (line-end-position))
   1324      (move-to-column column)
   1325      for diff = (- column
   1326                    (eglot-lsp-abiding-column lbp))
   1327      until (zerop diff)
   1328      do (condition-case eob-err
   1329             (forward-char (/ (if (> diff 0) (1+ diff) (1- diff)) 2))
   1330           (end-of-buffer (cl-return eob-err))))))
   1332 (defun eglot--lsp-position-to-point (pos-plist &optional marker)
   1333   "Convert LSP position POS-PLIST to Emacs point.
   1334 If optional MARKER, return a marker instead"
   1335   (save-excursion
   1336     (save-restriction
   1337       (widen)
   1338       (goto-char (point-min))
   1339       (forward-line (min most-positive-fixnum
   1340                          (plist-get pos-plist :line)))
   1341       (unless (eobp) ;; if line was excessive leave point at eob
   1342         (let ((tab-width 1)
   1343               (col (plist-get pos-plist :character)))
   1344           (unless (wholenump col)
   1345             (eglot--warn
   1346              "Caution: LSP server sent invalid character position %s. Using 0 instead."
   1347              col)
   1348             (setq col 0))
   1349           (funcall eglot-move-to-column-function col)))
   1350       (if marker (copy-marker (point-marker)) (point)))))
   1352 (defconst eglot--uri-path-allowed-chars
   1353   (let ((vec (copy-sequence url-path-allowed-chars)))
   1354     (aset vec ?: nil) ;; see github#639
   1355     vec)
   1356   "Like `url-path-allows-chars' but more restrictive.")
   1358 (defun eglot--path-to-uri (path)
   1359   "URIfy PATH."
   1360   (let ((truepath (file-truename path)))
   1361     (concat "file://"
   1362             ;; Add a leading "/" for local MS Windows-style paths.
   1363             (if (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
   1364                      (not (file-remote-p truepath)))
   1365                 "/")
   1366             (url-hexify-string
   1367              ;; Again watch out for trampy paths.
   1368              (directory-file-name (file-local-name truepath))
   1369              eglot--uri-path-allowed-chars))))
   1371 (defun eglot--uri-to-path (uri)
   1372   "Convert URI to file path, helped by `eglot--current-server'."
   1373   (when (keywordp uri) (setq uri (substring (symbol-name uri) 1)))
   1374   (let* ((server (eglot-current-server))
   1375          (remote-prefix (and server
   1376                              (file-remote-p
   1377                               (project-root (eglot--project server)))))
   1378          (retval (url-filename (url-generic-parse-url (url-unhex-string uri))))
   1379          ;; Remove the leading "/" for local MS Windows-style paths.
   1380          (normalized (if (and (not remote-prefix)
   1381                               (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
   1382                               (cl-plusp (length retval)))
   1383                          (substring retval 1)
   1384                        retval)))
   1385     (concat remote-prefix normalized)))
   1387 (defun eglot--snippet-expansion-fn ()
   1388   "Compute a function to expand snippets.
   1389 Doubles as an indicator of snippet support."
   1390   (and (boundp 'yas-minor-mode)
   1391        (symbol-value 'yas-minor-mode)
   1392        'yas-expand-snippet))
   1394 (defun eglot--format-markup (markup)
   1395   "Format MARKUP according to LSP's spec."
   1396   (pcase-let ((`(,string ,mode)
   1397                (if (stringp markup) (list markup 'gfm-view-mode)
   1398                  (list (plist-get markup :value)
   1399                        (pcase (plist-get markup :kind)
   1400                          ("markdown" 'gfm-view-mode)
   1401                          ("plaintext" 'text-mode)
   1402                          (_ major-mode))))))
   1403     (with-temp-buffer
   1404       (setq-local markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively t)
   1405       (insert string)
   1406       (let ((inhibit-message t)
   1407 	    (message-log-max nil))
   1408         (ignore-errors (delay-mode-hooks (funcall mode))))
   1409       (font-lock-ensure)
   1410       (string-trim (filter-buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))))
   1412 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'eglot-ignored-server-capabilites
   1413   'eglot-ignored-server-capabilities "1.8")
   1415 (defcustom eglot-ignored-server-capabilities (list)
   1416   "LSP server capabilities that Eglot could use, but won't.
   1417 You could add, for instance, the symbol
   1418 `:documentHighlightProvider' to prevent automatic highlighting
   1419 under cursor."
   1420   :type '(set
   1421           :tag "Tick the ones you're not interested in"
   1422           (const :tag "Documentation on hover" :hoverProvider)
   1423           (const :tag "Code completion" :completionProvider)
   1424           (const :tag "Function signature help" :signatureHelpProvider)
   1425           (const :tag "Go to definition" :definitionProvider)
   1426           (const :tag "Go to type definition" :typeDefinitionProvider)
   1427           (const :tag "Go to implementation" :implementationProvider)
   1428           (const :tag "Go to declaration" :implementationProvider)
   1429           (const :tag "Find references" :referencesProvider)
   1430           (const :tag "Highlight symbols automatically" :documentHighlightProvider)
   1431           (const :tag "List symbols in buffer" :documentSymbolProvider)
   1432           (const :tag "List symbols in workspace" :workspaceSymbolProvider)
   1433           (const :tag "Execute code actions" :codeActionProvider)
   1434           (const :tag "Code lens" :codeLensProvider)
   1435           (const :tag "Format buffer" :documentFormattingProvider)
   1436           (const :tag "Format portion of buffer" :documentRangeFormattingProvider)
   1437           (const :tag "On-type formatting" :documentOnTypeFormattingProvider)
   1438           (const :tag "Rename symbol" :renameProvider)
   1439           (const :tag "Highlight links in document" :documentLinkProvider)
   1440           (const :tag "Decorate color references" :colorProvider)
   1441           (const :tag "Fold regions of buffer" :foldingRangeProvider)
   1442           (const :tag "Execute custom commands" :executeCommandProvider)))
   1444 (defun eglot--server-capable (&rest feats)
   1445   "Determine if current server is capable of FEATS."
   1446   (unless (cl-some (lambda (feat)
   1447                      (memq feat eglot-ignored-server-capabilites))
   1448                    feats)
   1449     (cl-loop for caps = (eglot--capabilities (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
   1450              then (cadr probe)
   1451              for (feat . more) on feats
   1452              for probe = (plist-member caps feat)
   1453              if (not probe) do (cl-return nil)
   1454              if (eq (cadr probe) :json-false) do (cl-return nil)
   1455              if (not (listp (cadr probe))) do (cl-return (if more nil (cadr probe)))
   1456              finally (cl-return (or (cadr probe) t)))))
   1458 (defun eglot--range-region (range &optional markers)
   1459   "Return region (BEG . END) that represents LSP RANGE.
   1460 If optional MARKERS, make markers."
   1461   (let* ((st (plist-get range :start))
   1462          (beg (eglot--lsp-position-to-point st markers))
   1463          (end (eglot--lsp-position-to-point (plist-get range :end) markers)))
   1464     (cons beg end)))
   1466 (defun eglot--read-server (prompt &optional dont-if-just-the-one)
   1467   "Read a running Eglot server from minibuffer using PROMPT.
   1468 If DONT-IF-JUST-THE-ONE and there's only one server, don't prompt
   1469 and just return it.  PROMPT shouldn't end with a question mark."
   1470   (let ((servers (cl-loop for servers
   1471                           being hash-values of eglot--servers-by-project
   1472                           append servers))
   1473         (name (lambda (srv)
   1474                 (format "%s/%s" (eglot-project-nickname srv)
   1475                         (eglot--major-mode srv)))))
   1476     (cond ((null servers)
   1477            (eglot--error "No servers!"))
   1478           ((or (cdr servers) (not dont-if-just-the-one))
   1479            (let* ((default (when-let ((current (eglot-current-server)))
   1480                              (funcall name current)))
   1481                   (read (completing-read
   1482                          (if default
   1483                              (format "%s (default %s)? " prompt default)
   1484                            (concat prompt "? "))
   1485                          (mapcar name servers)
   1486                          nil t
   1487                          nil nil
   1488                          default)))
   1489              (cl-find read servers :key name :test #'equal)))
   1490           (t (car servers)))))
   1493 ;;; Minor modes
   1494 ;;;
   1495 (defvar eglot-mode-map
   1496   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1497     (define-key map [remap display-local-help] 'eldoc-doc-buffer)
   1498     map))
   1500 (defvar-local eglot--current-flymake-report-fn nil
   1501   "Current flymake report function for this buffer.")
   1503 (defvar-local eglot--saved-bindings nil
   1504   "Bindings saved by `eglot--setq-saving'.")
   1506 (defvar eglot-stay-out-of '()
   1507   "List of Emacs things that Eglot should try to stay of.
   1508 Each element is a string, a symbol, or a regexp which is matched
   1509 against a variable's name.  Examples include the string
   1510 \"company\" or the symbol `xref'.
   1512 Before Eglot starts \"managing\" a particular buffer, it
   1513 opinionatedly sets some peripheral Emacs facilities, such as
   1514 Flymake, Xref and Company.  These overriding settings help ensure
   1515 consistent Eglot behaviour and only stay in place until
   1516 \"managing\" stops (usually via `eglot-shutdown'), whereupon the
   1517 previous settings are restored.
   1519 However, if you wish for Eglot to stay out of a particular Emacs
   1520 facility that you'd like to keep control of add an element to
   1521 this list and Eglot will refrain from setting it.
   1523 For example, to keep your Company customization use
   1525 (add-to-list 'eglot-stay-out-of 'company)")
   1527 (defun eglot--stay-out-of-p (symbol)
   1528   "Tell if EGLOT should stay of of SYMBOL."
   1529   (cl-find (symbol-name symbol) eglot-stay-out-of
   1530            :test (lambda (s thing)
   1531                    (let ((re (if (symbolp thing) (symbol-name thing) thing)))
   1532                      (string-match re s)))))
   1534 (defmacro eglot--setq-saving (symbol binding)
   1535   `(unless (or (not (boundp ',symbol)) (eglot--stay-out-of-p ',symbol))
   1536      (push (cons ',symbol (symbol-value ',symbol)) eglot--saved-bindings)
   1537      (setq-local ,symbol ,binding)))
   1539 (defun eglot-managed-p ()
   1540   "Tell if current buffer is managed by EGLOT."
   1541   eglot--managed-mode)
   1543 (make-obsolete-variable
   1544  'eglot--managed-mode-hook 'eglot-managed-mode-hook "1.6")
   1546 (defvar eglot-managed-mode-hook nil
   1547   "A hook run by EGLOT after it started/stopped managing a buffer.
   1548 Use `eglot-managed-p' to determine if current buffer is managed.")
   1550 (define-minor-mode eglot--managed-mode
   1551   "Mode for source buffers managed by some EGLOT project."
   1552   :init-value nil :lighter nil :keymap eglot-mode-map
   1553   (cond
   1554    (eglot--managed-mode
   1555     (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'eglot--after-change nil t)
   1556     (add-hook 'before-change-functions 'eglot--before-change nil t)
   1557     (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'eglot--managed-mode-off nil t)
   1558     ;; Prepend "didClose" to the hook after the "nonoff", so it will run first
   1559     (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/didClose nil t)
   1560     (add-hook 'before-revert-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/didClose nil t)
   1561     (add-hook 'after-revert-hook 'eglot--after-revert-hook nil t)
   1562     (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/willSave nil t)
   1563     (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/didSave nil t)
   1564     (unless (eglot--stay-out-of-p 'xref)
   1565       (add-hook 'xref-backend-functions 'eglot-xref-backend nil t))
   1566     (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'eglot-completion-at-point nil t)
   1567     (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook #'eglot--managed-mode-off nil t)
   1568     (add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'eglot--post-self-insert-hook nil t)
   1569     (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'eglot--pre-command-hook nil t)
   1570     (eglot--setq-saving eldoc-documentation-functions
   1571                         '(eglot-signature-eldoc-function
   1572                           eglot-hover-eldoc-function))
   1573     (eglot--setq-saving eldoc-documentation-strategy
   1574                         #'eldoc-documentation-enthusiast)
   1575     (eglot--setq-saving xref-prompt-for-identifier nil)
   1576     (eglot--setq-saving flymake-diagnostic-functions '(eglot-flymake-backend))
   1577     (eglot--setq-saving company-backends '(company-capf))
   1578     (eglot--setq-saving company-tooltip-align-annotations t)
   1579     (unless (eglot--stay-out-of-p 'imenu)
   1580       (add-function :before-until (local 'imenu-create-index-function)
   1581                     #'eglot-imenu))
   1582     (unless (eglot--stay-out-of-p 'flymake) (flymake-mode 1))
   1583     (unless (eglot--stay-out-of-p 'eldoc) (eldoc-mode 1))
   1584     (cl-pushnew (current-buffer) (eglot--managed-buffers (eglot-current-server))))
   1585    (t
   1586     (remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'eglot--after-change t)
   1587     (remove-hook 'before-change-functions 'eglot--before-change t)
   1588     (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'eglot--managed-mode-off t)
   1589     (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/didClose t)
   1590     (remove-hook 'before-revert-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/didClose t)
   1591     (remove-hook 'after-revert-hook 'eglot--after-revert-hook t)
   1592     (remove-hook 'before-save-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/willSave t)
   1593     (remove-hook 'after-save-hook 'eglot--signal-textDocument/didSave t)
   1594     (remove-hook 'xref-backend-functions 'eglot-xref-backend t)
   1595     (remove-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'eglot-completion-at-point t)
   1596     (remove-hook 'change-major-mode-hook #'eglot--managed-mode-off t)
   1597     (remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'eglot--post-self-insert-hook t)
   1598     (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'eglot--pre-command-hook t)
   1599     (cl-loop for (var . saved-binding) in eglot--saved-bindings
   1600              do (set (make-local-variable var) saved-binding))
   1601     (remove-function (local 'imenu-create-index-function) #'eglot-imenu)
   1602     (when eglot--current-flymake-report-fn
   1603       (eglot--report-to-flymake nil)
   1604       (setq eglot--current-flymake-report-fn nil))
   1605     (let ((server eglot--cached-server))
   1606       (setq eglot--cached-server nil)
   1607       (when server
   1608         (setf (eglot--managed-buffers server)
   1609               (delq (current-buffer) (eglot--managed-buffers server)))
   1610         (when (and eglot-autoshutdown
   1611                    (null (eglot--managed-buffers server)))
   1612           (eglot-shutdown server))))))
   1613   ;; Note: the public hook runs before the internal eglot--managed-mode-hook.
   1614   (run-hooks 'eglot-managed-mode-hook))
   1616 (defun eglot--managed-mode-off ()
   1617   "Turn off `eglot--managed-mode' unconditionally."
   1618   (eglot--managed-mode -1))
   1620 (defun eglot-current-server ()
   1621   "Return logical EGLOT server for current buffer, nil if none."
   1622   (setq eglot--cached-server
   1623         (or eglot--cached-server
   1624             (cl-find major-mode
   1625                      (gethash (eglot--current-project) eglot--servers-by-project)
   1626                      :key #'eglot--major-mode)
   1627             (and eglot-extend-to-xref
   1628                  buffer-file-name
   1629                  (gethash (expand-file-name buffer-file-name)
   1630                           eglot--servers-by-xrefed-file)))))
   1632 (defun eglot--current-server-or-lose ()
   1633   "Return current logical EGLOT server connection or error."
   1634   (or (eglot-current-server)
   1635       (jsonrpc-error "No current JSON-RPC connection")))
   1637 (defvar-local eglot--unreported-diagnostics nil
   1638   "Unreported Flymake diagnostics for this buffer.")
   1640 (defvar revert-buffer-preserve-modes)
   1641 (defun eglot--after-revert-hook ()
   1642   "Eglot's `after-revert-hook'."
   1643   (when revert-buffer-preserve-modes (eglot--signal-textDocument/didOpen)))
   1645 (defun eglot--maybe-activate-editing-mode ()
   1646   "Maybe activate `eglot--managed-mode'.
   1648 If it is activated, also signal textDocument/didOpen."
   1649   (unless eglot--managed-mode
   1650     ;; Called when `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' is t but
   1651     ;; `revert-buffer-preserve-modes' is nil.
   1652     (when (and buffer-file-name (eglot-current-server))
   1653       (setq eglot--unreported-diagnostics `(:just-opened . nil))
   1654       (eglot--managed-mode)
   1655       (eglot--signal-textDocument/didOpen))))
   1657 (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'eglot--maybe-activate-editing-mode)
   1658 (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'eglot--maybe-activate-editing-mode)
   1660 (defun eglot-clear-status (server)
   1661   "Clear the last JSONRPC error for SERVER."
   1662   (interactive (list (eglot--current-server-or-lose)))
   1663   (setf (jsonrpc-last-error server) nil))
   1666 ;;; Mode-line, menu and other sugar
   1667 ;;;
   1668 (defvar eglot--mode-line-format `(:eval (eglot--mode-line-format)))
   1670 (put 'eglot--mode-line-format 'risky-local-variable t)
   1672 (defun eglot--mouse-call (what)
   1673   "Make an interactive lambda for calling WHAT from mode-line."
   1674   (lambda (event)
   1675     (interactive "e")
   1676     (let ((start (event-start event))) (with-selected-window (posn-window start)
   1677                                          (save-excursion
   1678                                            (goto-char (or (posn-point start)
   1679                                                           (point)))
   1680                                            (call-interactively what)
   1681                                            (force-mode-line-update t))))))
   1683 (defun eglot--mode-line-props (thing face defs &optional prepend)
   1684   "Helper for function `eglot--mode-line-format'.
   1685 Uses THING, FACE, DEFS and PREPEND."
   1686   (cl-loop with map = (make-sparse-keymap)
   1687            for (elem . rest) on defs
   1688            for (key def help) = elem
   1689            do (define-key map `[mode-line ,key] (eglot--mouse-call def))
   1690            concat (format "%s: %s" key help) into blurb
   1691            when rest concat "\n" into blurb
   1692            finally (return `(:propertize ,thing
   1693                                          face ,face
   1694                                          keymap ,map help-echo ,(concat prepend blurb)
   1695                                          mouse-face mode-line-highlight))))
   1697 (defun eglot--mode-line-format ()
   1698   "Compose the EGLOT's mode-line."
   1699   (pcase-let* ((server (eglot-current-server))
   1700                (nick (and server (eglot-project-nickname server)))
   1701                (pending (and server (hash-table-count
   1702                                      (jsonrpc--request-continuations server))))
   1703                (`(,_id ,doing ,done-p ,_detail) (and server (eglot--spinner server)))
   1704                (last-error (and server (jsonrpc-last-error server))))
   1705     (append
   1706      `(,(eglot--mode-line-props "eglot" 'eglot-mode-line nil))
   1707      (when nick
   1708        `(":" ,(eglot--mode-line-props
   1709                nick 'eglot-mode-line
   1710                '((C-mouse-1 eglot-stderr-buffer "go to stderr buffer")
   1711                  (mouse-1 eglot-events-buffer "go to events buffer")
   1712                  (mouse-2 eglot-shutdown      "quit server")
   1713                  (mouse-3 eglot-reconnect     "reconnect to server")))
   1714          ,@(when last-error
   1715              `("/" ,(eglot--mode-line-props
   1716                      "error" 'compilation-mode-line-fail
   1717                      '((mouse-3 eglot-clear-status  "clear this status"))
   1718                      (format "An error occurred: %s\n" (plist-get last-error
   1719                                                                  :message)))))
   1720          ,@(when (and doing (not done-p))
   1721              `("/" ,(eglot--mode-line-props doing
   1722                                             'compilation-mode-line-run '())))
   1723          ,@(when (cl-plusp pending)
   1724              `("/" ,(eglot--mode-line-props
   1725                      (format "%d" pending) 'warning
   1726                      '((mouse-3 eglot-forget-pending-continuations
   1727                                 "forget pending continuations"))
   1728                      "Number of outgoing, \
   1729 still unanswered LSP requests to the server"))))))))
   1731 (add-to-list 'mode-line-misc-info
   1732              `(eglot--managed-mode (" [" eglot--mode-line-format "] ")))
   1734 (put 'eglot-note 'flymake-category 'flymake-note)
   1735 (put 'eglot-warning 'flymake-category 'flymake-warning)
   1736 (put 'eglot-error 'flymake-category 'flymake-error)
   1738 (defalias 'eglot--make-diag 'flymake-make-diagnostic)
   1739 (defalias 'eglot--diag-data 'flymake-diagnostic-data)
   1741 (cl-loop for i from 1
   1742          for type in '(eglot-note eglot-warning eglot-error )
   1743          do (put type 'flymake-overlay-control
   1744                  `((mouse-face . highlight)
   1745                    (priority . ,(+ 50 i))
   1746                    (keymap . ,(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   1747                                 (define-key map [mouse-1]
   1748                                   (eglot--mouse-call 'eglot-code-actions))
   1749                                 map)))))
   1752 ;;; Protocol implementation (Requests, notifications, etc)
   1753 ;;;
   1754 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   1755   (_server method &key &allow-other-keys)
   1756   "Handle unknown notification."
   1757   (unless (or (string-prefix-p "$" (format "%s" method))
   1758               (not (memq 'disallow-unknown-methods eglot-strict-mode)))
   1759     (eglot--warn "Server sent unknown notification method `%s'" method)))
   1761 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-request
   1762   (_server method &key &allow-other-keys)
   1763   "Handle unknown request."
   1764   (when (memq 'disallow-unknown-methods eglot-strict-mode)
   1765     (jsonrpc-error "Unknown request method `%s'" method)))
   1767 (cl-defmethod eglot-execute-command
   1768   (server command arguments)
   1769   "Execute COMMAND on SERVER with `:workspace/executeCommand'.
   1770 COMMAND is a symbol naming the command."
   1771   (jsonrpc-request server :workspace/executeCommand
   1772                    `(:command ,(format "%s" command) :arguments ,arguments)))
   1774 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   1775   (_server (_method (eql window/showMessage)) &key type message)
   1776   "Handle notification window/showMessage."
   1777   (eglot--message (propertize "Server reports (type=%s): %s"
   1778                               'face (if (<= type 1) 'error))
   1779                   type message))
   1781 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-request
   1782   (_server (_method (eql window/showMessageRequest)) &key type message actions)
   1783   "Handle server request window/showMessageRequest."
   1784   (let* ((actions (append actions nil)) ;; gh#627
   1785          (label (completing-read
   1786                  (concat
   1787                   (format (propertize "[eglot] Server reports (type=%s): %s"
   1788                                       'face (if (<= type 1) 'error))
   1789                           type message)
   1790                   "\nChoose an option: ")
   1791                  (or (mapcar (lambda (obj) (plist-get obj :title)) actions)
   1792                      '("OK"))
   1793                  nil t (plist-get (elt actions 0) :title))))
   1794     (if label `(:title ,label) :null)))
   1796 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   1797   (_server (_method (eql window/logMessage)) &key _type _message)
   1798   "Handle notification window/logMessage.") ;; noop, use events buffer
   1800 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   1801   (_server (_method (eql telemetry/event)) &rest _any)
   1802   "Handle notification telemetry/event.") ;; noop, use events buffer
   1804 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   1805   (server (_method (eql textDocument/publishDiagnostics)) &key uri diagnostics
   1806           &allow-other-keys) ; FIXME: doesn't respect `eglot-strict-mode'
   1807   "Handle notification publishDiagnostics."
   1808   (if-let ((buffer (find-buffer-visiting (eglot--uri-to-path uri))))
   1809       (with-current-buffer buffer
   1810         (cl-loop
   1811          for diag-spec across diagnostics
   1812          collect (eglot--dbind ((Diagnostic) range message severity source)
   1813                      diag-spec
   1814                    (setq message (concat source ": " message))
   1815                    (pcase-let
   1816                        ((sev severity)
   1817                         (`(,beg . ,end) (eglot--range-region range)))
   1818                      ;; Fallback to `flymake-diag-region' if server
   1819                      ;; botched the range
   1820                      (when (= beg end)
   1821                        (if-let* ((st (plist-get range :start))
   1822                                  (diag-region
   1823                                   (flymake-diag-region
   1824                                    (current-buffer) (1+ (plist-get st :line))
   1825                                    (plist-get st :character))))
   1826                            (setq beg (car diag-region) end (cdr diag-region))
   1827                          (eglot--widening
   1828                           (goto-char (point-min))
   1829                           (setq beg
   1830                                 (point-at-bol
   1831                                  (1+ (plist-get (plist-get range :start) :line))))
   1832                           (setq end
   1833                                 (point-at-eol
   1834                                  (1+ (plist-get (plist-get range :end) :line)))))))
   1835                      (eglot--make-diag (current-buffer) beg end
   1836                                        (cond ((null sev) 'eglot-error)
   1837 					     ((<= sev 1) 'eglot-error)
   1838                                              ((= sev 2)  'eglot-warning)
   1839                                              (t          'eglot-note))
   1840                                        message `((eglot-lsp-diag . ,diag-spec)))))
   1841          into diags
   1842          finally (cond (eglot--current-flymake-report-fn
   1843                         (eglot--report-to-flymake diags))
   1844                        (t
   1845                         (setq eglot--unreported-diagnostics (cons t diags))))))
   1846     (jsonrpc--debug server "Diagnostics received for unvisited %s" uri)))
   1848 (cl-defun eglot--register-unregister (server things how)
   1849   "Helper for `registerCapability'.
   1850 THINGS are either registrations or unregisterations (sic)."
   1851   (cl-loop
   1852    for thing in (cl-coerce things 'list)
   1853    do (eglot--dbind ((Registration) id method registerOptions) thing
   1854         (apply (cl-ecase how
   1855                  (register 'eglot-register-capability)
   1856                  (unregister 'eglot-unregister-capability))
   1857                server (intern method) id registerOptions))))
   1859 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-request
   1860   (server (_method (eql client/registerCapability)) &key registrations)
   1861   "Handle server request client/registerCapability."
   1862   (eglot--register-unregister server registrations 'register))
   1864 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-request
   1865   (server (_method (eql client/unregisterCapability))
   1866           &key unregisterations) ;; XXX: "unregisterations" (sic)
   1867   "Handle server request client/unregisterCapability."
   1868   (eglot--register-unregister server unregisterations 'unregister))
   1870 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-request
   1871   (_server (_method (eql workspace/applyEdit)) &key _label edit)
   1872   "Handle server request workspace/applyEdit."
   1873   (eglot--apply-workspace-edit edit eglot-confirm-server-initiated-edits))
   1875 (defun eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier ()
   1876   "Compute TextDocumentIdentifier object for current buffer."
   1877   `(:uri ,(eglot--path-to-uri (or buffer-file-name
   1878                                   (ignore-errors
   1879                                     (buffer-file-name
   1880                                      (buffer-base-buffer)))))))
   1882 (defvar-local eglot--versioned-identifier 0)
   1884 (defun eglot--VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier ()
   1885   "Compute VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier object for current buffer."
   1886   (append (eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier)
   1887           `(:version ,eglot--versioned-identifier)))
   1889 (defun eglot--TextDocumentItem ()
   1890   "Compute TextDocumentItem object for current buffer."
   1891   (append
   1892    (eglot--VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier)
   1893    (list :languageId
   1894 	 (eglot--language-id (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
   1895          :text
   1896          (eglot--widening
   1897           (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))
   1899 (defun eglot--TextDocumentPositionParams ()
   1900   "Compute TextDocumentPositionParams."
   1901   (list :textDocument (eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier)
   1902         :position (eglot--pos-to-lsp-position)))
   1904 (defvar-local eglot--last-inserted-char nil
   1905   "If non-nil, value of the last inserted character in buffer.")
   1907 (defun eglot--post-self-insert-hook ()
   1908   "Set `eglot--last-inserted-char'."
   1909   (setq eglot--last-inserted-char last-input-event))
   1911 (defun eglot--pre-command-hook ()
   1912   "Reset `eglot--last-inserted-char'."
   1913   (setq eglot--last-inserted-char nil))
   1915 (defun eglot--CompletionParams ()
   1916   (append
   1917    (eglot--TextDocumentPositionParams)
   1918    `(:context
   1919      ,(if-let (trigger (and (characterp eglot--last-inserted-char)
   1920                             (cl-find eglot--last-inserted-char
   1921                                      (eglot--server-capable :completionProvider
   1922                                                             :triggerCharacters)
   1923                                      :key (lambda (str) (aref str 0))
   1924                                      :test #'char-equal)))
   1925           `(:triggerKind 2 :triggerCharacter ,trigger) `(:triggerKind 1)))))
   1927 (defvar-local eglot--recent-changes nil
   1928   "Recent buffer changes as collected by `eglot--before-change'.")
   1930 (cl-defmethod jsonrpc-connection-ready-p ((_server eglot-lsp-server) _what)
   1931   "Tell if SERVER is ready for WHAT in current buffer."
   1932   (and (cl-call-next-method) (not eglot--recent-changes)))
   1934 (defvar-local eglot--change-idle-timer nil "Idle timer for didChange signals.")
   1936 (defun eglot--before-change (beg end)
   1937   "Hook onto `before-change-functions' with BEG and END."
   1938   (when (listp eglot--recent-changes)
   1939     ;; Records BEG and END, crucially convert them into LSP
   1940     ;; (line/char) positions before that information is lost (because
   1941     ;; the after-change thingy doesn't know if newlines were
   1942     ;; deleted/added).  Also record markers of BEG and END
   1943     ;; (github#259)
   1944     (push `(,(eglot--pos-to-lsp-position beg)
   1945             ,(eglot--pos-to-lsp-position end)
   1946             (,beg . ,(copy-marker beg nil))
   1947             (,end . ,(copy-marker end t)))
   1948           eglot--recent-changes)))
   1950 (defun eglot--after-change (beg end pre-change-length)
   1951   "Hook onto `after-change-functions'.
   1952 Records BEG, END and PRE-CHANGE-LENGTH locally."
   1953   (cl-incf eglot--versioned-identifier)
   1954   (pcase (and (listp eglot--recent-changes)
   1955               (car eglot--recent-changes))
   1956     (`(,lsp-beg ,lsp-end
   1957                 (,b-beg . ,b-beg-marker)
   1958                 (,b-end . ,b-end-marker))
   1959      ;; github#259 and github#367: With `capitalize-word' or somesuch,
   1960      ;; `before-change-functions' always records the whole word's
   1961      ;; `b-beg' and `b-end'.  Similarly, when coalescing two lines
   1962      ;; into one, `fill-paragraph' they mark the end of the first line
   1963      ;; up to the end of the second line.  In both situations, args
   1964      ;; received here contradict that information: `beg' and `end'
   1965      ;; will differ by 1 and will likely only encompass the letter
   1966      ;; that was capitalized or, in the sentence-joining situation,
   1967      ;; the replacement of the newline with a space.  That's we keep
   1968      ;; markers _and_ positions so we're able to detect and correct
   1969      ;; this.  We ignore `beg', `len' and `pre-change-len' and send
   1970      ;; "fuller" information about the region from the markers.  I've
   1971      ;; also experimented with doing this unconditionally but it seems
   1972      ;; to break when newlines are added.
   1973      (if (and (= b-end b-end-marker) (= b-beg b-beg-marker)
   1974               (or (/= beg b-beg) (/= end b-end)))
   1975          (setcar eglot--recent-changes
   1976                  `(,lsp-beg ,lsp-end ,(- b-end-marker b-beg-marker)
   1977                             ,(buffer-substring-no-properties b-beg-marker
   1978                                                              b-end-marker)))
   1979        (setcar eglot--recent-changes
   1980                `(,lsp-beg ,lsp-end ,pre-change-length
   1981                           ,(buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))))
   1982     (_ (setf eglot--recent-changes :emacs-messup)))
   1983   (when eglot--change-idle-timer (cancel-timer eglot--change-idle-timer))
   1984   (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
   1985     (setq eglot--change-idle-timer
   1986           (run-with-idle-timer
   1987            eglot-send-changes-idle-time
   1988            nil (lambda () (eglot--when-live-buffer buf
   1989                             (when eglot--managed-mode
   1990                               (eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange)
   1991                               (setq eglot--change-idle-timer nil))))))))
   1993 ;; HACK! Launching a deferred sync request with outstanding changes is a
   1994 ;; bad idea, since that might lead to the request never having a
   1995 ;; chance to run, because `jsonrpc-connection-ready-p'.
   1996 (advice-add #'jsonrpc-request :before
   1997             (cl-function (lambda (_proc _method _params &key
   1998                                         deferred &allow-other-keys)
   1999                            (when (and eglot--managed-mode deferred)
   2000                              (eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange))))
   2001             '((name . eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange)))
   2003 (defvar-local eglot-workspace-configuration ()
   2004   "Alist of (SECTION . VALUE) entries configuring the LSP server.
   2005 SECTION should be a keyword or a string, value can be anything
   2006 that can be converted to JSON.")
   2008 ;;;###autoload
   2009 (put 'eglot-workspace-configuration 'safe-local-variable 'listp)
   2011 (defun eglot-signal-didChangeConfiguration (server)
   2012   "Send a `:workspace/didChangeConfiguration' signal to SERVER.
   2013 When called interactively, use the currently active server"
   2014   (interactive (list (eglot--current-server-or-lose)))
   2015   (jsonrpc-notify
   2016    server :workspace/didChangeConfiguration
   2017    (list
   2018     :settings
   2019     (cl-loop for (section . v) in eglot-workspace-configuration
   2020              collect (if (keywordp section)
   2021                          section
   2022                        (intern (format ":%s" section)))
   2023              collect v))))
   2025 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-request
   2026   (server (_method (eql workspace/configuration)) &key items)
   2027   "Handle server request workspace/configuration."
   2028   (apply #'vector
   2029          (mapcar
   2030           (eglot--lambda ((ConfigurationItem) scopeUri section)
   2031             (with-temp-buffer
   2032               (let* ((uri-path (eglot--uri-to-path scopeUri))
   2033                      (default-directory
   2034                        (if (and (not (string-empty-p uri-path))
   2035                                 (file-directory-p uri-path))
   2036                            (file-name-as-directory uri-path)
   2037                          (project-root (eglot--project server)))))
   2038                 (setq-local major-mode (eglot--major-mode server))
   2039                 (hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer)
   2040                 (alist-get section eglot-workspace-configuration
   2041                            nil nil
   2042                            (lambda (wsection section)
   2043                              (string=
   2044                               (if (keywordp wsection)
   2045                                   (substring (symbol-name wsection) 1)
   2046                                 wsection)
   2047                               section))))))
   2048           items)))
   2050 (defun eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange ()
   2051   "Send textDocument/didChange to server."
   2052   (when eglot--recent-changes
   2053     (let* ((server (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
   2054            (sync-capability (eglot--server-capable :textDocumentSync))
   2055            (sync-kind (if (numberp sync-capability) sync-capability
   2056                         (plist-get sync-capability :change)))
   2057            (full-sync-p (or (eq sync-kind 1)
   2058                             (eq :emacs-messup eglot--recent-changes))))
   2059       (jsonrpc-notify
   2060        server :textDocument/didChange
   2061        (list
   2062         :textDocument (eglot--VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier)
   2063         :contentChanges
   2064         (if full-sync-p
   2065             (vector `(:text ,(eglot--widening
   2066                               (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
   2067                                                               (point-max)))))
   2068           (cl-loop for (beg end len text) in (reverse eglot--recent-changes)
   2069                    ;; github#259: `capitalize-word' and commands based
   2070                    ;; on `casify_region' will cause multiple duplicate
   2071                    ;; empty entries in `eglot--before-change' calls
   2072                    ;; without an `eglot--after-change' reciprocal.
   2073                    ;; Weed them out here.
   2074                    when (numberp len)
   2075                    vconcat `[,(list :range `(:start ,beg :end ,end)
   2076                                     :rangeLength len :text text)]))))
   2077       (setq eglot--recent-changes nil)
   2078       (setf (eglot--spinner server) (list nil :textDocument/didChange t))
   2079       (jsonrpc--call-deferred server))))
   2081 (defun eglot--signal-textDocument/didOpen ()
   2082   "Send textDocument/didOpen to server."
   2083   (setq eglot--recent-changes nil eglot--versioned-identifier 0)
   2084   (jsonrpc-notify
   2085    (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2086    :textDocument/didOpen `(:textDocument ,(eglot--TextDocumentItem))))
   2088 (defun eglot--signal-textDocument/didClose ()
   2089   "Send textDocument/didClose to server."
   2090   (with-demoted-errors
   2091       "[eglot] error sending textDocument/didClose: %s"
   2092     (jsonrpc-notify
   2093      (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2094      :textDocument/didClose `(:textDocument ,(eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier)))))
   2096 (defun eglot--signal-textDocument/willSave ()
   2097   "Send textDocument/willSave to server."
   2098   (let ((server (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
   2099         (params `(:reason 1 :textDocument ,(eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier))))
   2100     (jsonrpc-notify server :textDocument/willSave params)
   2101     (when (eglot--server-capable :textDocumentSync :willSaveWaitUntil)
   2102       (ignore-errors
   2103         (eglot--apply-text-edits
   2104          (jsonrpc-request server :textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil params
   2105                           :timeout 0.5))))))
   2107 (defun eglot--signal-textDocument/didSave ()
   2108   "Send textDocument/didSave to server."
   2109   (eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange)
   2110   (jsonrpc-notify
   2111    (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2112    :textDocument/didSave
   2113    (list
   2114     ;; TODO: Handle TextDocumentSaveRegistrationOptions to control this.
   2115     :text (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))
   2116     :textDocument (eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier))))
   2118 (defun eglot-flymake-backend (report-fn &rest _more)
   2119   "A Flymake backend for Eglot.
   2120 Calls REPORT-FN (or arranges for it to be called) when the server
   2121 publishes diagnostics.  Between calls to this function, REPORT-FN
   2122 may be called multiple times (respecting the protocol of
   2123 `flymake-backend-functions')."
   2124   (cond (eglot--managed-mode
   2125          (setq eglot--current-flymake-report-fn report-fn)
   2126          ;; Report anything unreported
   2127          (when eglot--unreported-diagnostics
   2128            (eglot--report-to-flymake (cdr eglot--unreported-diagnostics))))
   2129         (t
   2130          (funcall report-fn nil))))
   2132 (defun eglot--report-to-flymake (diags)
   2133   "Internal helper for `eglot-flymake-backend'."
   2134   (save-restriction
   2135     (widen)
   2136     (funcall eglot--current-flymake-report-fn diags
   2137              ;; If the buffer hasn't changed since last
   2138              ;; call to the report function, flymake won't
   2139              ;; delete old diagnostics.  Using :region
   2140              ;; keyword forces flymake to delete
   2141              ;; them (github#159).
   2142              :region (cons (point-min) (point-max))))
   2143   (setq eglot--unreported-diagnostics nil))
   2145 (defun eglot-xref-backend () "EGLOT xref backend." 'eglot)
   2147 (defvar eglot--temp-location-buffers (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
   2148   "Helper variable for `eglot--handling-xrefs'.")
   2150 (defvar eglot-xref-lessp-function #'ignore
   2151   "Compare two `xref-item' objects for sorting.")
   2153 (cl-defmacro eglot--collecting-xrefs ((collector) &rest body)
   2154   "Sort and handle xrefs collected with COLLECTOR in BODY."
   2155   (declare (indent 1) (debug (sexp &rest form)))
   2156   (let ((collected (cl-gensym "collected")))
   2157     `(unwind-protect
   2158          (let (,collected)
   2159            (cl-flet ((,collector (xref) (push xref ,collected)))
   2160              ,@body)
   2161            (setq ,collected (nreverse ,collected))
   2162            (sort ,collected eglot-xref-lessp-function))
   2163        (maphash (lambda (_uri buf) (kill-buffer buf)) eglot--temp-location-buffers)
   2164        (clrhash eglot--temp-location-buffers))))
   2166 (defun eglot--xref-make-match (name uri range)
   2167   "Like `xref-make-match' but with LSP's NAME, URI and RANGE.
   2168 Try to visit the target file for a richer summary line."
   2169   (pcase-let*
   2170       ((file (eglot--uri-to-path uri))
   2171        (visiting (or (find-buffer-visiting file)
   2172                      (gethash uri eglot--temp-location-buffers)))
   2173        (collect (lambda ()
   2174                   (eglot--widening
   2175                    (pcase-let* ((`(,beg . ,end) (eglot--range-region range))
   2176                                 (bol (progn (goto-char beg) (point-at-bol)))
   2177                                 (substring (buffer-substring bol (point-at-eol)))
   2178                                 (hi-beg (- beg bol))
   2179                                 (hi-end (- (min (point-at-eol) end) bol)))
   2180                      (add-face-text-property hi-beg hi-end 'xref-match
   2181                                              t substring)
   2182                      (list substring (1+ (current-line)) (eglot-current-column)
   2183                            (- end beg))))))
   2184        (`(,summary ,line ,column ,length)
   2185         (cond
   2186          (visiting (with-current-buffer visiting (funcall collect)))
   2187          ((file-readable-p file) (with-current-buffer
   2188                                      (puthash uri (generate-new-buffer " *temp*")
   2189                                               eglot--temp-location-buffers)
   2190                                    (insert-file-contents file)
   2191                                    (funcall collect)))
   2192          (t ;; fall back to the "dumb strategy"
   2193           (let* ((start (cl-getf range :start))
   2194                  (line (1+ (cl-getf start :line)))
   2195                  (start-pos (cl-getf start :character))
   2196                  (end-pos (cl-getf (cl-getf range :end) :character)))
   2197             (list name line start-pos (- end-pos start-pos)))))))
   2198     (setf (gethash (expand-file-name file) eglot--servers-by-xrefed-file)
   2199           (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
   2200     (xref-make-match summary (xref-make-file-location file line column) length)))
   2202 (cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-completion-table ((_backend (eql eglot)))
   2203   (eglot--error "Cannot (yet) provide reliable completion table for LSP symbols"))
   2205 (cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-at-point ((_backend (eql eglot)))
   2206   ;; JT@19/10/09: This is a totally dummy identifier that isn't even
   2207   ;; passed to LSP.  The reason for this particular wording is to
   2208   ;; construct a readable message "No references for LSP identifier at
   2209   ;; point.".   See
   2210   "LSP identifier at point.")
   2212 (defvar eglot--lsp-xref-refs nil
   2213   "`xref' objects for overriding `xref-backend-references''s.")
   2215 (cl-defun eglot--lsp-xrefs-for-method (method &key extra-params capability)
   2216   "Make `xref''s for METHOD, EXTRA-PARAMS, check CAPABILITY."
   2217   (unless (eglot--server-capable
   2218            (or capability
   2219                (intern
   2220                 (format ":%sProvider"
   2221                         (cadr (split-string (symbol-name method)
   2222                                             "/"))))))
   2223     (eglot--error "Sorry, this server doesn't do %s" method))
   2224   (let ((response
   2225          (jsonrpc-request
   2226           (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2227           method (append (eglot--TextDocumentPositionParams) extra-params))))
   2228     (eglot--collecting-xrefs (collect)
   2229       (mapc
   2230        (lambda (loc-or-loc-link)
   2231          (let ((sym-name (symbol-name (symbol-at-point))))
   2232            (eglot--dcase loc-or-loc-link
   2233              (((LocationLink) targetUri targetSelectionRange)
   2234               (collect (eglot--xref-make-match sym-name
   2235                                                targetUri targetSelectionRange)))
   2236              (((Location) uri range)
   2237               (collect (eglot--xref-make-match sym-name
   2238                                                uri range))))))
   2239        (if (vectorp response) response (and response (list response)))))))
   2241 (cl-defun eglot--lsp-xref-helper (method &key extra-params capability )
   2242   "Helper for `eglot-find-declaration' & friends."
   2243   (let ((eglot--lsp-xref-refs (eglot--lsp-xrefs-for-method
   2244                                method
   2245                                :extra-params extra-params
   2246                                :capability capability)))
   2247     (if eglot--lsp-xref-refs
   2248         (xref-find-references "LSP identifier at point.")
   2249       (eglot--message "%s returned no references" method))))
   2251 (defun eglot-find-declaration ()
   2252   "Find declaration for SYM, the identifier at point."
   2253   (interactive)
   2254   (eglot--lsp-xref-helper :textDocument/declaration))
   2256 (defun eglot-find-implementation ()
   2257   "Find implementation for SYM, the identifier at point."
   2258   (interactive)
   2259   (eglot--lsp-xref-helper :textDocument/implementation))
   2261 (defun eglot-find-typeDefinition ()
   2262   "Find type definition for SYM, the identifier at point."
   2263   (interactive)
   2264   (eglot--lsp-xref-helper :textDocument/typeDefinition))
   2266 (cl-defmethod xref-backend-definitions ((_backend (eql eglot)) _identifier)
   2267   (eglot--lsp-xrefs-for-method :textDocument/definition))
   2269 (cl-defmethod xref-backend-references ((_backend (eql eglot)) _identifier)
   2270   (or
   2271    eglot--lsp-xref-refs
   2272    (eglot--lsp-xrefs-for-method
   2273     :textDocument/references :extra-params `(:context (:includeDeclaration t)))))
   2275 (cl-defmethod xref-backend-apropos ((_backend (eql eglot)) pattern)
   2276   (when (eglot--server-capable :workspaceSymbolProvider)
   2277     (eglot--collecting-xrefs (collect)
   2278       (mapc
   2279        (eglot--lambda ((SymbolInformation) name location)
   2280          (eglot--dbind ((Location) uri range) location
   2281            (collect (eglot--xref-make-match name uri range))))
   2282        (jsonrpc-request (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2283                         :workspace/symbol
   2284                         `(:query ,pattern))))))
   2286 (defun eglot-format-buffer ()
   2287   "Format contents of current buffer."
   2288   (interactive)
   2289   (eglot-format nil nil))
   2291 (defun eglot-format (&optional beg end)
   2292   "Format region BEG END.
   2293 If either BEG or END is nil, format entire buffer.
   2294 Interactively, format active region, or entire buffer if region
   2295 is not active."
   2296   (interactive (and (region-active-p) (list (region-beginning) (region-end))))
   2297   (pcase-let ((`(,method ,cap ,args)
   2298                (cond
   2299                 ((and beg end)
   2300                  `(:textDocument/rangeFormatting
   2301                    :documentRangeFormattingProvider
   2302                    (:range ,(list :start (eglot--pos-to-lsp-position beg)
   2303                                   :end (eglot--pos-to-lsp-position end)))))
   2304                 (t
   2305                  '(:textDocument/formatting :documentFormattingProvider nil)))))
   2306     (unless (eglot--server-capable cap)
   2307       (eglot--error "Server can't format!"))
   2308     (eglot--apply-text-edits
   2309      (jsonrpc-request
   2310       (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2311       method
   2312       (cl-list*
   2313        :textDocument (eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier)
   2314        :options (list :tabSize tab-width
   2315                       :insertSpaces (if indent-tabs-mode :json-false t))
   2316        args)
   2317       :deferred method))))
   2319 (defun eglot-completion-at-point ()
   2320   "EGLOT's `completion-at-point' function."
   2321   ;; Commit logs for this function help understand what's going on.
   2322   (when-let (completion-capability (eglot--server-capable :completionProvider))
   2323     (let* ((server (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
   2324            (sort-completions
   2325             (lambda (completions)
   2326               (cl-sort completions
   2327                        #'string-lessp
   2328                        :key (lambda (c)
   2329                               (or (plist-get
   2330                                    (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item c)
   2331                                    :sortText)
   2332                                   "")))))
   2333            (metadata `(metadata (category . eglot)
   2334                                 (display-sort-function . ,sort-completions)))
   2335            resp items (cached-proxies :none)
   2336            (proxies
   2337             (lambda ()
   2338               (if (listp cached-proxies) cached-proxies
   2339                 (setq resp
   2340                       (jsonrpc-request server
   2341                                        :textDocument/completion
   2342                                        (eglot--CompletionParams)
   2343                                        :deferred :textDocument/completion
   2344                                        :cancel-on-input t))
   2345                 (setq items (append
   2346                              (if (vectorp resp) resp (plist-get resp :items))
   2347                              nil))
   2348                 (setq cached-proxies
   2349                       (mapcar
   2350                        (jsonrpc-lambda
   2351                            (&rest item &key label insertText insertTextFormat
   2352                                   &allow-other-keys)
   2353                          (let ((proxy
   2354                                 (cond ((and (eql insertTextFormat 2)
   2355                                             (eglot--snippet-expansion-fn))
   2356                                        (string-trim-left label))
   2357                                       ((and insertText
   2358                                             (not (string-empty-p insertText)))
   2359                                        insertText)
   2360                                       (t
   2361                                        (string-trim-left label)))))
   2362                            (unless (zerop (length proxy))
   2363                              (put-text-property 0 1 'eglot--lsp-item item proxy))
   2364                            proxy))
   2365                        items)))))
   2366            (resolved (make-hash-table))
   2367            (resolve-maybe
   2368             ;; Maybe completion/resolve JSON object `lsp-comp' into
   2369             ;; another JSON object, if at all possible.  Otherwise,
   2370             ;; just return lsp-comp.
   2371             (lambda (lsp-comp)
   2372               (or (gethash lsp-comp resolved)
   2373                   (setf (gethash lsp-comp resolved)
   2374                         (if (and (eglot--server-capable :completionProvider
   2375                                                         :resolveProvider)
   2376                                  (plist-get lsp-comp :data))
   2377                             (jsonrpc-request server :completionItem/resolve
   2378                                              lsp-comp :cancel-on-input t)
   2379                           lsp-comp)))))
   2380            (bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
   2381       (list
   2382        (or (car bounds) (point))
   2383        (or (cdr bounds) (point))
   2384        (lambda (probe pred action)
   2385          (cond
   2386           ((eq action 'metadata) metadata)               ; metadata
   2387           ((eq action 'lambda)                           ; test-completion
   2388            (test-completion probe (funcall proxies)))
   2389           ((eq (car-safe action) 'boundaries) nil)       ; boundaries
   2390           ((null action)                                 ; try-completion
   2391            (try-completion probe (funcall proxies)))
   2392           ((eq action t)                                 ; all-completions
   2393            (all-completions
   2394             ""
   2395             (funcall proxies)
   2396             (lambda (proxy)
   2397               (let* ((item (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy))
   2398                      (filterText (plist-get item :filterText)))
   2399                 (and (or (null pred) (funcall pred proxy))
   2400                      (string-prefix-p
   2401                       probe (or filterText proxy) completion-ignore-case))))))))
   2402        :annotation-function
   2403        (lambda (proxy)
   2404          (eglot--dbind ((CompletionItem) detail kind)
   2405              (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy)
   2406            (let* ((detail (and (stringp detail)
   2407                                (not (string= detail ""))
   2408                                detail))
   2409                   (annotation
   2410                    (or detail
   2411                        (cdr (assoc kind eglot--kind-names)))))
   2412              (when annotation
   2413                (concat " "
   2414                        (propertize annotation
   2415                                    'face 'font-lock-function-name-face))))))
   2416        :company-kind
   2417        ;; Associate each lsp-item with a lsp-kind symbol.
   2418        (lambda (proxy)
   2419          (when-let* ((lsp-item (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy))
   2420                      (kind (alist-get (plist-get lsp-item :kind)
   2421                                       eglot--kind-names)))
   2422            (intern (downcase kind))))
   2423        :company-docsig
   2424        ;; FIXME: autoImportText is specific to the pyright language server
   2425        (lambda (proxy)
   2426          (when-let* ((lsp-comp (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy))
   2427                      (data (plist-get (funcall resolve-maybe lsp-comp) :data))
   2428                      (import-text (plist-get data :autoImportText)))
   2429            import-text))
   2430        :company-doc-buffer
   2431        (lambda (proxy)
   2432          (let* ((documentation
   2433                  (let ((lsp-comp (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy)))
   2434                    (plist-get (funcall resolve-maybe lsp-comp) :documentation)))
   2435                 (formatted (and documentation
   2436                                 (eglot--format-markup documentation))))
   2437            (when formatted
   2438              (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " *eglot doc*")
   2439                (erase-buffer)
   2440                (insert formatted)
   2441                (current-buffer)))))
   2442        :company-require-match 'never
   2443        :company-prefix-length
   2444        (save-excursion
   2445          (when (car bounds) (goto-char (car bounds)))
   2446          (when (listp completion-capability)
   2447            (looking-back
   2448             (regexp-opt
   2449              (cl-coerce (cl-getf completion-capability :triggerCharacters) 'list))
   2450             (line-beginning-position))))
   2451        :exclusive 'no
   2452        :exit-function
   2453        (lambda (proxy status)
   2454          (when (eq status 'finished)
   2455            ;; To assist in using this whole `completion-at-point'
   2456            ;; function inside `completion-in-region', ensure the exit
   2457            ;; function runs in the buffer where the completion was
   2458            ;; triggered from.  This should probably be in Emacs itself.
   2459            ;; (github#505)
   2460            (with-current-buffer (if (minibufferp)
   2461                                     (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))
   2462                                   (current-buffer))
   2463              (eglot--dbind ((CompletionItem) insertTextFormat
   2464                             insertText textEdit additionalTextEdits label)
   2465                  (funcall
   2466                   resolve-maybe
   2467                   (or (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy)
   2468                       ;; When selecting from the *Completions*
   2469                       ;; buffer, `proxy' won't have any properties.
   2470                       ;; A lookup should fix that (github#148)
   2471                       (get-text-property
   2472                        0 'eglot--lsp-item
   2473                        (cl-find proxy (funcall proxies) :test #'string=))))
   2474                (let ((snippet-fn (and (eql insertTextFormat 2)
   2475                                       (eglot--snippet-expansion-fn))))
   2476                  (cond (textEdit
   2477                         ;; Undo (yes, undo) the newly inserted completion.
   2478                         ;; If before completion the buffer was "foo.b" and
   2479                         ;; now is "", `proxy' will be "bar".  We
   2480                         ;; want to delete only "ar" (`proxy' minus the
   2481                         ;; symbol whose bounds we've calculated before)
   2482                         ;; (github#160).
   2483                         (delete-region (+ (- (point) (length proxy))
   2484                                           (if bounds
   2485                                               (- (cdr bounds) (car bounds))
   2486                                             0))
   2487                                        (point))
   2488                         (eglot--dbind ((TextEdit) range newText) textEdit
   2489                           (pcase-let ((`(,beg . ,end)
   2490                                        (eglot--range-region range)))
   2491                             (delete-region beg end)
   2492                             (goto-char beg)
   2493                             (funcall (or snippet-fn #'insert) newText)))
   2494                         (when (cl-plusp (length additionalTextEdits))
   2495                           (eglot--apply-text-edits additionalTextEdits)))
   2496                        (snippet-fn
   2497                         ;; A snippet should be inserted, but using plain
   2498                         ;; `insertText'.  This requires us to delete the
   2499                         ;; whole completion, since `insertText' is the full
   2500                         ;; completion's text.
   2501                         (delete-region (- (point) (length proxy)) (point))
   2502                         (funcall snippet-fn (or insertText label)))))
   2503                (eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange)
   2504                (eldoc)))))))))
   2506 (defun eglot--hover-info (contents &optional range)
   2507   (let ((heading (and range (pcase-let ((`(,beg . ,end) (eglot--range-region range)))
   2508                               (concat (buffer-substring beg end)  ": "))))
   2509         (body (mapconcat #'eglot--format-markup
   2510                          (if (vectorp contents) contents (list contents)) "\n")))
   2511     (when (or heading (cl-plusp (length body))) (concat heading body))))
   2513 (defun eglot--sig-info (sigs active-sig sig-help-active-param)
   2514   (cl-loop
   2515    for (sig . moresigs) on (append sigs nil) for i from 0
   2516    concat
   2517    (eglot--dbind ((SignatureInformation) label documentation parameters activeParameter) sig
   2518      (with-temp-buffer
   2519        (save-excursion (insert label))
   2520        (let ((active-param (or activeParameter sig-help-active-param))
   2521              params-start params-end)
   2522          ;; Ad-hoc attempt to parse label as <name>(<params>)
   2523          (when (looking-at "\\([^(]+\\)(\\([^)]+\\))")
   2524            (setq params-start (match-beginning 2) params-end (match-end 2))
   2525            (add-face-text-property (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
   2526                                    'font-lock-function-name-face))
   2527          (when (eql i active-sig)
   2528            ;; Decide whether to add one-line-summary to signature line
   2529            (when (and (stringp documentation)
   2530                       (string-match "[[:space:]]*\\([^.\r\n]+[.]?\\)"
   2531                                     documentation))
   2532              (setq documentation (match-string 1 documentation))
   2533              (unless (string-prefix-p (string-trim documentation) label)
   2534                (goto-char (point-max))
   2535                (insert ": " (eglot--format-markup documentation))))
   2536            ;; Decide what to do with the active parameter...
   2537            (when (and (eql i active-sig) active-param
   2538                       (< -1 active-param (length parameters)))
   2539              (eglot--dbind ((ParameterInformation) label documentation)
   2540                  (aref parameters active-param)
   2541                ;; ...perhaps highlight it in the formals list
   2542                (when params-start
   2543                  (goto-char params-start)
   2544                  (pcase-let
   2545                      ((`(,beg ,end)
   2546                        (if (stringp label)
   2547                            (let ((case-fold-search nil))
   2548                              (and (re-search-forward
   2549                                    (concat "\\<" (regexp-quote label) "\\>")
   2550                                    params-end t)
   2551                                   (list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
   2552                          (mapcar #'1+ (append label nil)))))
   2553                    (if (and beg end)
   2554                        (add-face-text-property
   2555                         beg end
   2556                         'eldoc-highlight-function-argument))))
   2557                ;; ...and/or maybe add its doc on a line by its own.
   2558                (when documentation
   2559                  (goto-char (point-max))
   2560                  (insert "\n"
   2561                          (propertize
   2562                           (if (stringp label)
   2563                               label
   2564                             (apply #'buffer-substring (mapcar #'1+ label)))
   2565                           'face 'eldoc-highlight-function-argument)
   2566                          ": " (eglot--format-markup documentation))))))
   2567          (buffer-string))))
   2568    when moresigs concat "\n"))
   2570 (defun eglot-signature-eldoc-function (cb)
   2571   "A member of `eldoc-documentation-functions', for signatures."
   2572   (when (eglot--server-capable :signatureHelpProvider)
   2573     (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
   2574       (jsonrpc-async-request
   2575        (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2576        :textDocument/signatureHelp (eglot--TextDocumentPositionParams)
   2577        :success-fn
   2578        (eglot--lambda ((SignatureHelp)
   2579                        signatures activeSignature activeParameter)
   2580          (eglot--when-buffer-window buf
   2581            (funcall cb
   2582                     (unless (seq-empty-p signatures)
   2583                       (eglot--sig-info signatures
   2584                                        activeSignature
   2585                                        activeParameter)))))
   2586        :deferred :textDocument/signatureHelp))
   2587     t))
   2589 (defun eglot-hover-eldoc-function (cb)
   2590   "A member of `eldoc-documentation-functions', for hover."
   2591   (when (eglot--server-capable :hoverProvider)
   2592     (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
   2593       (jsonrpc-async-request
   2594        (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2595        :textDocument/hover (eglot--TextDocumentPositionParams)
   2596        :success-fn (eglot--lambda ((Hover) contents range)
   2597                      (eglot--when-buffer-window buf
   2598                        (let ((info (unless (seq-empty-p contents)
   2599                                      (eglot--hover-info contents range))))
   2600                          (funcall cb info :buffer t))))
   2601        :deferred :textDocument/hover))
   2602     (eglot--highlight-piggyback cb)
   2603     t))
   2605 (defvar eglot--highlights nil "Overlays for textDocument/documentHighlight.")
   2607 (defun eglot--highlight-piggyback (_cb)
   2608   "Request and handle `:textDocument/documentHighlight'."
   2609   ;; FIXME: Obviously, this is just piggy backing on eldoc's calls for
   2610   ;; convenience, as shown by the fact that we just ignore cb.
   2611   (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
   2612     (when (eglot--server-capable :documentHighlightProvider)
   2613       (jsonrpc-async-request
   2614        (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2615        :textDocument/documentHighlight (eglot--TextDocumentPositionParams)
   2616        :success-fn
   2617        (lambda (highlights)
   2618          (mapc #'delete-overlay eglot--highlights)
   2619          (setq eglot--highlights
   2620                (eglot--when-buffer-window buf
   2621                  (mapcar
   2622                   (eglot--lambda ((DocumentHighlight) range)
   2623                     (pcase-let ((`(,beg . ,end)
   2624                                  (eglot--range-region range)))
   2625                       (let ((ov (make-overlay beg end)))
   2626                         (overlay-put ov 'face 'eglot-highlight-symbol-face)
   2627                         (overlay-put ov 'modification-hooks
   2628                                      `(,(lambda (o &rest _) (delete-overlay o))))
   2629                         ov)))
   2630                   highlights))))
   2631        :deferred :textDocument/documentHighlight)
   2632       nil)))
   2634 (defun eglot-imenu ()
   2635   "EGLOT's `imenu-create-index-function'."
   2636   (cl-labels
   2637       ((visit (_name one-obj-array)
   2638               (imenu-default-goto-function
   2639                nil (car (eglot--range-region
   2640                          (eglot--dcase (aref one-obj-array 0)
   2641                            (((SymbolInformation) location)
   2642                             (plist-get location :range))
   2643                            (((DocumentSymbol) selectionRange)
   2644                             selectionRange))))))
   2645        (unfurl (obj)
   2646                (eglot--dcase obj
   2647                  (((SymbolInformation)) (list obj))
   2648                  (((DocumentSymbol) name children)
   2649                   (cons obj
   2650                         (mapcar
   2651                          (lambda (c)
   2652                            (plist-put
   2653                             c :containerName
   2654                             (let ((existing (plist-get c :containerName)))
   2655                               (if existing (format "%s::%s" name existing)
   2656                                 name))))
   2657                          (mapcan #'unfurl children)))))))
   2658     (mapcar
   2659      (pcase-lambda (`(,kind . ,objs))
   2660        (cons
   2661         (alist-get kind eglot--symbol-kind-names "Unknown")
   2662         (mapcan (pcase-lambda (`(,container . ,objs))
   2663                   (let ((elems (mapcar (lambda (obj)
   2664                                          (list (plist-get obj :name)
   2665                                                `[,obj] ;; trick
   2666                                                #'visit))
   2667                                        objs)))
   2668                     (if container (list (cons container elems)) elems)))
   2669                 (seq-group-by
   2670                  (lambda (e) (plist-get e :containerName)) objs))))
   2671      (seq-group-by
   2672       (lambda (obj) (plist-get obj :kind))
   2673       (mapcan #'unfurl
   2674               (jsonrpc-request (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2675                                :textDocument/documentSymbol
   2676                                `(:textDocument
   2677                                  ,(eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier))
   2678                                :cancel-on-input non-essential))))))
   2680 (defun eglot--apply-text-edits (edits &optional version)
   2681   "Apply EDITS for current buffer if at VERSION, or if it's nil."
   2682   (unless (or (not version) (equal version eglot--versioned-identifier))
   2683     (jsonrpc-error "Edits on `%s' require version %d, you have %d"
   2684                    (current-buffer) version eglot--versioned-identifier))
   2685   (atomic-change-group
   2686     (let* ((change-group (prepare-change-group))
   2687            (howmany (length edits))
   2688            (reporter (make-progress-reporter
   2689                       (format "[eglot] applying %s edits to `%s'..."
   2690                               howmany (current-buffer))
   2691                       0 howmany))
   2692            (done 0))
   2693       (mapc (pcase-lambda (`(,newText ,beg . ,end))
   2694               (let ((source (current-buffer)))
   2695                 (with-temp-buffer
   2696                   (insert newText)
   2697                   (let ((temp (current-buffer)))
   2698                     (with-current-buffer source
   2699                       (save-excursion
   2700                         (save-restriction
   2701                           (narrow-to-region beg end)
   2703                           ;; On emacs versions < 26.2,
   2704                           ;; `replace-buffer-contents' is buggy - it calls
   2705                           ;; change functions with invalid arguments - so we
   2706                           ;; manually call the change functions here.
   2707                           ;;
   2708                           ;; See emacs bugs #32237, #32278:
   2709                           ;;
   2710                           ;;
   2711                           (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)
   2712                                 (length (- end beg))
   2713                                 (beg (marker-position beg))
   2714                                 (end (marker-position end)))
   2715                             (run-hook-with-args 'before-change-functions
   2716                                                 beg end)
   2717                             (replace-buffer-contents temp)
   2718                             (run-hook-with-args 'after-change-functions
   2719                                                 beg (+ beg (length newText))
   2720                                                 length))))
   2721                       (progress-reporter-update reporter (cl-incf done)))))))
   2722             (mapcar (eglot--lambda ((TextEdit) range newText)
   2723                       (cons newText (eglot--range-region range 'markers)))
   2724                     (reverse edits)))
   2725       (undo-amalgamate-change-group change-group)
   2726       (progress-reporter-done reporter))))
   2728 (defun eglot--apply-workspace-edit (wedit &optional confirm)
   2729   "Apply the workspace edit WEDIT.  If CONFIRM, ask user first."
   2730   (eglot--dbind ((WorkspaceEdit) changes documentChanges) wedit
   2731     (let ((prepared
   2732            (mapcar (eglot--lambda ((TextDocumentEdit) textDocument edits)
   2733                      (eglot--dbind ((VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier) uri version)
   2734                          textDocument
   2735                        (list (eglot--uri-to-path uri) edits version)))
   2736                    documentChanges)))
   2737       (cl-loop for (uri edits) on changes by #'cddr
   2738                do (push (list (eglot--uri-to-path uri) edits) prepared))
   2739       (if (or confirm
   2740               (cl-notevery #'find-buffer-visiting
   2741                            (mapcar #'car prepared)))
   2742           (unless (y-or-n-p
   2743                    (format "[eglot] Server wants to edit:\n  %s\n Proceed? "
   2744                            (mapconcat #'identity (mapcar #'car prepared) "\n  ")))
   2745             (eglot--error "User cancelled server edit")))
   2746       (cl-loop for edit in prepared
   2747                for (path edits version) = edit
   2748                do (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect path)
   2749                     (eglot--apply-text-edits edits version))
   2750                finally (eldoc) (eglot--message "Edit successful!")))))
   2752 (defun eglot-rename (newname)
   2753   "Rename the current symbol to NEWNAME."
   2754   (interactive
   2755    (list (read-from-minibuffer (format "Rename `%s' to: " (symbol-at-point))
   2756                                nil nil nil nil
   2757                                (symbol-name (symbol-at-point)))))
   2758   (unless (eglot--server-capable :renameProvider)
   2759     (eglot--error "Server can't rename!"))
   2760   (eglot--apply-workspace-edit
   2761    (jsonrpc-request (eglot--current-server-or-lose)
   2762                     :textDocument/rename `(,@(eglot--TextDocumentPositionParams)
   2763                                            :newName ,newname))
   2764    current-prefix-arg))
   2766 (defun eglot--region-bounds () "Region bounds if active, else point and nil."
   2767   (if (use-region-p) `(,(region-beginning) ,(region-end)) `(,(point) nil)))
   2769 (defun eglot-code-actions (beg &optional end action-kind)
   2770   "Offer to execute actions of ACTION-KIND between BEG and END.
   2771 If ACTION-KIND is nil, consider all kinds of actions.
   2772 Interactively, default BEG and END to region's bounds else BEG is
   2773 point and END is nil, which results in a request for code actions
   2774 at point.  With prefix argument, prompt for ACTION-KIND."
   2775   (interactive
   2776    `(,@(eglot--region-bounds)
   2777      ,(and current-prefix-arg
   2778            (completing-read "[eglot] Action kind: "
   2779                             '("quickfix" "refactor.extract" "refactor.inline"
   2780                               "refactor.rewrite" "source.organizeImports")))))
   2781   (unless (eglot--server-capable :codeActionProvider)
   2782     (eglot--error "Server can't execute code actions!"))
   2783   (let* ((server (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
   2784          (actions
   2785           (jsonrpc-request
   2786            server
   2787            :textDocument/codeAction
   2788            (list :textDocument (eglot--TextDocumentIdentifier)
   2789                  :range (list :start (eglot--pos-to-lsp-position beg)
   2790                               :end (eglot--pos-to-lsp-position end))
   2791                  :context
   2792                  `(:diagnostics
   2793                    [,@(cl-loop for diag in (flymake-diagnostics beg end)
   2794                                when (cdr (assoc 'eglot-lsp-diag
   2795                                                 (eglot--diag-data diag)))
   2796                                collect it)]
   2797                    ,@(when action-kind `(:only [,action-kind]))))
   2798            :deferred t))
   2799          (menu-items
   2800           (or (cl-loop for action across actions
   2801                        ;; Do filtering ourselves, in case the `:only'
   2802                        ;; didn't go through.
   2803                        when (or (not action-kind)
   2804                                 (equal action-kind (plist-get action :kind)))
   2805                        collect (cons (plist-get action :title) action))
   2806               (apply #'eglot--error
   2807                      (if action-kind `("No \"%s\" code actions here" ,action-kind)
   2808                        `("No code actions here")))))
   2809          (preferred-action (cl-find-if
   2810                             (lambda (menu-item)
   2811                               (plist-get (cdr menu-item) :isPreferred))
   2812                             menu-items))
   2813          (default-action (car (or preferred-action (car menu-items))))
   2814          (action (if (and action-kind (null (cadr menu-items)))
   2815                      (cdr (car menu-items))
   2816                    (if (listp last-nonmenu-event)
   2817                        (x-popup-menu last-nonmenu-event `("Eglot code actions:"
   2818                                                           ("dummy" ,@menu-items)))
   2819                      (cdr (assoc (completing-read
   2820                                   (format "[eglot] Pick an action (default %s): "
   2821                                           default-action)
   2822                                   menu-items nil t nil nil default-action)
   2823                                  menu-items))))))
   2824     (eglot--dcase action
   2825       (((Command) command arguments)
   2826        (eglot-execute-command server (intern command) arguments))
   2827       (((CodeAction) edit command)
   2828        (when edit (eglot--apply-workspace-edit edit))
   2829        (when command
   2830          (eglot--dbind ((Command) command arguments) command
   2831            (eglot-execute-command server (intern command) arguments)))))))
   2833 (defmacro eglot--code-action (name kind)
   2834   "Define NAME to execute KIND code action."
   2835   `(defun ,name (beg &optional end)
   2836      ,(format "Execute '%s' code actions between BEG and END." kind)
   2837      (interactive (eglot--region-bounds))
   2838      (eglot-code-actions beg end ,kind)))
   2840 (eglot--code-action eglot-code-action-organize-imports "source.organizeImports")
   2841 (eglot--code-action eglot-code-action-extract "refactor.extract")
   2842 (eglot--code-action eglot-code-action-inline "refactor.inline")
   2843 (eglot--code-action eglot-code-action-rewrite "refactor.rewrite")
   2844 (eglot--code-action eglot-code-action-quickfix "quickfix")
   2847 ;;; Dynamic registration
   2848 ;;;
   2849 (cl-defmethod eglot-register-capability
   2850   (server (method (eql workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles)) id &key watchers)
   2851   "Handle dynamic registration of workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles."
   2852   (eglot-unregister-capability server method id)
   2853   (let* (success
   2854          (globs (mapcar
   2855                  (eglot--lambda ((FileSystemWatcher) globPattern)
   2856                    (eglot--glob-compile globPattern t t))
   2857                  watchers))
   2858          (dirs-to-watch
   2859           (delete-dups (mapcar #'file-name-directory
   2860                                (project-files
   2861                                 (eglot--project server))))))
   2862     (cl-labels
   2863         ((handle-event
   2864           (event)
   2865           (pcase-let ((`(,desc ,action ,file ,file1) event))
   2866             (cond
   2867              ((and (memq action '(created changed deleted))
   2868                    (cl-find file globs :test (lambda (f g) (funcall g f))))
   2869               (jsonrpc-notify
   2870                server :workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles
   2871                `(:changes ,(vector `(:uri ,(eglot--path-to-uri file)
   2872                                           :type ,(cl-case action
   2873                                                    (created 1)
   2874                                                    (changed 2)
   2875                                                    (deleted 3)))))))
   2876              ((eq action 'renamed)
   2877               (handle-event `(,desc 'deleted ,file))
   2878               (handle-event `(,desc 'created ,file1)))))))
   2879       (unwind-protect
   2880           (progn
   2881             (dolist (dir dirs-to-watch)
   2882               (push (file-notify-add-watch dir '(change) #'handle-event)
   2883                     (gethash id (eglot--file-watches server))))
   2884             (setq
   2885              success
   2886              `(:message ,(format "OK, watching %s directories in %s watchers"
   2887                                  (length dirs-to-watch) (length watchers)))))
   2888         (unless success
   2889           (eglot-unregister-capability server method id))))))
   2891 (cl-defmethod eglot-unregister-capability
   2892   (server (_method (eql workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles)) id)
   2893   "Handle dynamic unregistration of workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles."
   2894   (mapc #'file-notify-rm-watch (gethash id (eglot--file-watches server)))
   2895   (remhash id (eglot--file-watches server))
   2896   (list t "OK"))
   2899 ;;; Glob heroics
   2900 ;;;
   2901 (defun eglot--glob-parse (glob)
   2902   "Compute list of (STATE-SYM EMITTER-FN PATTERN)."
   2903   (with-temp-buffer
   2904     (save-excursion (insert glob))
   2905     (cl-loop
   2906      with grammar = '((:**      "\\*\\*/?"              eglot--glob-emit-**)
   2907                       (:*       "\\*"                   eglot--glob-emit-*)
   2908                       (:?       "\\?"                   eglot--glob-emit-?)
   2909                       (:{}      "{[^][*{}]+}"           eglot--glob-emit-{})
   2910                       (:range   "\\[\\^?[^][/,*{}]+\\]" eglot--glob-emit-range)
   2911                       (:literal "[^][,*?{}]+"           eglot--glob-emit-self))
   2912      until (eobp)
   2913      collect (cl-loop
   2914               for (_token regexp emitter) in grammar
   2915               thereis (and (re-search-forward (concat "\\=" regexp) nil t)
   2916                            (list (cl-gensym "state-") emitter (match-string 0)))
   2917               finally (error "Glob '%s' invalid at %s" (buffer-string) (point))))))
   2919 (defun eglot--glob-compile (glob &optional byte-compile noerror)
   2920   "Convert GLOB into Elisp function.  Maybe BYTE-COMPILE it.
   2921 If NOERROR, return predicate, else erroring function."
   2922   (let* ((states (eglot--glob-parse glob))
   2923          (body `(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " *eglot-glob-matcher*")
   2924                   (erase-buffer)
   2925                   (save-excursion (insert string))
   2926                   (cl-labels ,(cl-loop for (this that) on states
   2927                                        for (self emit text) = this
   2928                                        for next = (or (car that) 'eobp)
   2929                                        collect (funcall emit text self next))
   2930                     (or (,(caar states))
   2931                         (error "Glob done but more unmatched text: '%s'"
   2932                                (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))))
   2933          (form `(lambda (string) ,(if noerror `(ignore-errors ,body) body))))
   2934     (if byte-compile (byte-compile form) form)))
   2936 (defun eglot--glob-emit-self (text self next)
   2937   `(,self () (re-search-forward ,(concat "\\=" (regexp-quote text))) (,next)))
   2939 (defun eglot--glob-emit-** (_ self next)
   2940   `(,self () (or (ignore-errors (save-excursion (,next)))
   2941                  (and (re-search-forward "\\=/?[^/]+/?") (,self)))))
   2943 (defun eglot--glob-emit-* (_ self next)
   2944   `(,self () (re-search-forward "\\=[^/]")
   2945           (or (ignore-errors (save-excursion (,next))) (,self))))
   2947 (defun eglot--glob-emit-? (_ self next)
   2948   `(,self () (re-search-forward "\\=[^/]") (,next)))
   2950 (defun eglot--glob-emit-{} (arg self next)
   2951   (let ((alternatives (split-string (substring arg 1 (1- (length arg))) ",")))
   2952     `(,self ()
   2953             (or ,@(cl-loop for alt in alternatives
   2954                            collect `(re-search-forward ,(concat "\\=" alt) nil t))
   2955                 (error "Failed matching any of %s" ',alternatives))
   2956             (,next))))
   2958 (defun eglot--glob-emit-range (arg self next)
   2959   (when (eq ?! (aref arg 1)) (aset arg 1 ?^))
   2960   `(,self () (re-search-forward ,(concat "\\=" arg)) (,next)))
   2963 ;;; Rust-specific
   2964 ;;;
   2965 (defclass eglot-rls (eglot-lsp-server) () :documentation "Rustlang's RLS.")
   2967 (cl-defmethod jsonrpc-connection-ready-p ((server eglot-rls) what)
   2968   "Except for :completion, RLS isn't ready until Indexing done."
   2969   (and (cl-call-next-method)
   2970        (or ;; RLS normally ready for this, even if building.
   2971         (eq :textDocument/completion what)
   2972         (pcase-let ((`(,_id ,what ,done ,_detail) (eglot--spinner server)))
   2973           (and (equal "Indexing" what) done)))))
   2975 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   2976   ((server eglot-rls) (_method (eql window/progress))
   2977    &key id done title message &allow-other-keys)
   2978   "Handle notification window/progress."
   2979   (setf (eglot--spinner server) (list id title done message)))
   2982 ;;; eclipse-jdt-specific
   2983 ;;;
   2984 (defclass eglot-eclipse-jdt (eglot-lsp-server) ()
   2985   :documentation "Eclipse's Java Development Tools Language Server.")
   2987 (cl-defmethod eglot-initialization-options ((server eglot-eclipse-jdt))
   2988   "Passes through required jdt initialization options."
   2989   `(:workspaceFolders
   2990     [,@(cl-delete-duplicates
   2991         (mapcar #'eglot--path-to-uri
   2992                 (let* ((root (project-root (eglot--project server))))
   2993                   (cons root
   2994                         (mapcar
   2995                          #'file-name-directory
   2996                          (append
   2997                           (file-expand-wildcards (concat root "*/pom.xml"))
   2998                           (file-expand-wildcards (concat root "*/build.gradle"))
   2999                           (file-expand-wildcards (concat root "*/.project")))))))
   3000         :test #'string=)]
   3001     ,@(if-let ((home (or (getenv "JAVA_HOME")
   3002                          (ignore-errors
   3003                            (expand-file-name
   3004                             ".."
   3005                             (file-name-directory
   3006                              (file-chase-links (executable-find "javac"))))))))
   3007           `(:settings (:java (:home ,home)))
   3008         (ignore (eglot--warn "JAVA_HOME env var not set")))))
   3010 (defun eglot--eclipse-jdt-contact (interactive)
   3011   "Return a contact for connecting to server, as a cons cell.
   3012 If INTERACTIVE, prompt user for details."
   3013   (cl-labels
   3014       ((is-the-jar
   3015         (path)
   3016         (and (string-match-p
   3017               "org\\.eclipse\\.equinox\\.launcher_.*\\.jar$"
   3018               (file-name-nondirectory path))
   3019              (file-exists-p path))))
   3020     (let* ((classpath (or (getenv "CLASSPATH") path-separator))
   3021            (cp-jar (cl-find-if #'is-the-jar (split-string classpath path-separator)))
   3022            (jar cp-jar)
   3023            (dir
   3024             (cond
   3025              (jar (file-name-as-directory
   3026                    (expand-file-name ".." (file-name-directory jar))))
   3027              (interactive
   3028               (expand-file-name
   3029                (read-directory-name
   3030                 (concat "Path to directory (could not"
   3031                         " find it in CLASSPATH): ")
   3032                 nil nil t)))
   3033              (t (error "Could not find jar in CLASSPATH"))))
   3034            (repodir
   3035             (concat dir
   3036                     ""))
   3037            (repodir (if (file-directory-p repodir) repodir dir))
   3038            (config
   3039             (concat
   3040              repodir
   3041              (cond
   3042               ((string= system-type "darwin") "config_mac")
   3043               ((string= system-type "windows-nt") "config_win")
   3044               (t "config_linux"))))
   3045            (workspace
   3046             (expand-file-name (md5 (project-root (eglot--current-project)))
   3047                               (locate-user-emacs-file
   3048                                "eglot-eclipse-jdt-cache"))))
   3049       (unless jar
   3050         (setq jar
   3051               (cl-find-if #'is-the-jar
   3052                           (directory-files (concat repodir "plugins") t))))
   3053       (unless (and jar (file-exists-p jar) (file-directory-p config))
   3054         (error "Could not find required files (build required?)"))
   3055       (when (and interactive (not cp-jar)
   3056                  (y-or-n-p (concat "Add path to the server program "
   3057                                    "to CLASSPATH environment variable?")))
   3058         (setenv "CLASSPATH" (concat (getenv "CLASSPATH") path-separator jar)))
   3059       (unless (file-directory-p workspace)
   3060         (make-directory workspace t))
   3061       (cons 'eglot-eclipse-jdt
   3062             (list (executable-find "java")
   3063                   ""
   3064                   "-Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4"
   3065                   ""
   3066                   "-jar" jar
   3067                   "-configuration" config
   3068                   "-data" workspace)))))
   3070 (cl-defmethod eglot-execute-command
   3071   ((_server eglot-eclipse-jdt) (_cmd (eql java.apply.workspaceEdit)) arguments)
   3072   "Eclipse JDT breaks spec and replies with edits as arguments."
   3073   (mapc #'eglot--apply-workspace-edit arguments))
   3075 (provide 'eglot)
   3076 ;;; eglot.el ends here
   3078 ;; Local Variables:
   3079 ;; bug-reference-bug-regexp: "\\(github#\\([0-9]+\\)\\)"
   3080 ;; bug-reference-url-format: ""
   3081 ;; checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag: nil
   3082 ;; End: