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deadgrep.el (57581B)

      1 ;;; deadgrep.el --- fast, friendly searching with ripgrep  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2018  Wilfred Hughes
      5 ;; Author: Wilfred Hughes <>
      6 ;; URL:
      7 ;; Package-Version: 20220209.719
      8 ;; Package-Commit: 0a3ba239c458ffc4f63a180b43d0e70b81742a3e
      9 ;; Keywords: tools
     10 ;; Version: 0.11
     11 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.12.0") (s "1.11.0") (spinner "1.7.3"))
     13 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     14 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     15 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     16 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     18 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     19 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     21 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     24 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     26 ;;; Commentary:
     28 ;; Perform text searches with the speed of ripgrep and the comfort of
     29 ;; Emacs.  This is a bespoke mode that does not rely on
     30 ;; compilation-mode, but tries to be a perfect fit for ripgrep.
     32 ;; Install from MELPA, then `M-x deadgrep' will do a search!
     34 ;;; Code:
     36 (require 'cl-lib)
     37 (require 's)
     38 (require 'dash)
     39 (require 'spinner)
     41 (defgroup deadgrep nil
     42   "A powerful text search UI using ripgrep."
     43   :group 'tools
     44   :group 'matching)
     46 (defcustom deadgrep-executable
     47   "rg"
     48   "The rg executable used by deadgrep.
     49 This will be looked up on `exec-path' if it isn't an absolute
     50 path to the binary."
     51   :type 'string
     52   :group 'deadgrep)
     54 (defcustom deadgrep-max-buffers
     55   4
     56   "Deadgrep will kill the least recently used results buffer
     57 if there are more than this many.
     59 To disable cleanup entirely, set this variable to nil."
     60   :type '(choice
     61           (number :tag "Maximum of buffers allowed")
     62           (const :tag "Disable cleanup" nil))
     63   :group 'deadgrep)
     65 (defcustom deadgrep-project-root-function
     66   #'deadgrep--project-root
     67   "Function called by `deadgrep' to work out the root directory
     68 to search from.
     70 See also `deadgrep-project-root-overrides'."
     71   :type 'function
     72   :group 'deadgrep)
     74 (defvar deadgrep-project-root-overrides nil
     75   "An alist associating project directories with the desired
     76 search directory.
     78 This is useful for large repos where you only want to search a
     79 subdirectory. It's also handy for nested repos where you want to
     80 search from the parent.
     82 This affects the behaviour of `deadgrep--project-root', so this
     83 variable has no effect if you change
     84 `deadgrep-project-root-function'.")
     86 (defvar deadgrep-history
     87   nil
     88   "A list of the previous search terms.")
     90 (defvar deadgrep-max-line-length
     91   500
     92   "Truncate lines if they are longer than this.
     94 Emacs performance can be really poor with long lines, so this
     95 ensures that searching minified files does not slow down movement
     96 in results buffers.
     98 In extreme cases (100KiB+ single-line files), we can get a stack
     99 overflow on our regexp matchers if we don't apply this.")
    101 (defcustom deadgrep-display-buffer-function
    102   'switch-to-buffer-other-window
    103   "Function used to show the deadgrep result buffer.
    105 This function is called with one argument, the results buffer to
    106 display."
    107   :type 'function
    108   :group 'deadgrep)
    110 (defface deadgrep-meta-face
    111   '((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
    112   "Face used for deadgrep UI text."
    113   :group 'deadgrep)
    115 (defface deadgrep-filename-face
    116   '((t :inherit bold))
    117   "Face used for filename headings in results buffers."
    118   :group 'deadgrep)
    120 (defface deadgrep-search-term-face
    121   '((t :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))
    122   "Face used for the search term in results buffers."
    123   :group 'deadgrep)
    125 (defface deadgrep-regexp-metachar-face
    126   '((t :inherit
    127        ;; TODO: I've seen a more appropriate face in some themes,
    128        ;; find out what to use instead here.
    129        font-lock-constant-face))
    130   "Face used for regexp metacharacters in search terms."
    131   :group 'deadgrep)
    133 (defface deadgrep-match-face
    134   '((t :inherit match))
    135   "Face used for the portion of a line that matches the search term."
    136   :group 'deadgrep)
    138 (defvar-local deadgrep--search-term nil)
    139 ;; Ensure this variable is ignored by `kill-all-local-variables' when
    140 ;; switching between `deadgrep-mode' and `deadgrep-edit-mode'.
    141 (put 'deadgrep--search-term 'permanent-local t)
    143 (defvar-local deadgrep--search-type 'string)
    144 (put 'deadgrep--search-type 'permanent-local t)
    145 (defvar-local deadgrep--search-case 'smart)
    146 (put 'deadgrep--search-case 'permanent-local t)
    147 (defvar-local deadgrep--file-type 'all)
    148 (put 'deadgrep--file-type 'permanent-local t)
    150 (defvar-local deadgrep--context nil
    151   "When set, also show context of results.
    152 This is stored as a cons cell of integers (lines-before . lines-after).")
    153 (put 'deadgrep--context 'permanent-local t)
    154 (defvar-local deadgrep--initial-filename nil
    155   "The filename of the buffer that deadgrep was started from.
    156 Used to offer better default values for file options.")
    157 (put 'deadgrep--initial-filename 'permanent-local t)
    159 (defvar-local deadgrep--current-file nil
    160   "The file we're currently inserting results for.")
    161 (defvar-local deadgrep--spinner nil)
    162 (defvar-local deadgrep--remaining-output nil
    163   "We can't guarantee that our process filter will always receive whole lines.
    164 We save the last line here, in case we need to append more text to it.")
    165 (defvar-local deadgrep--postpone-start nil
    166   "If non-nil, don't (re)start searches.")
    167 (defvar-local deadgrep--running nil
    168   "If non-nil, a search is still running.")
    170 (defvar-local deadgrep--debug-command nil)
    171 (put 'deadgrep--debug-command 'permanent-local t)
    172 (defvar-local deadgrep--debug-first-output nil)
    173 (put 'deadgrep--debug-first-output 'permanent-local t)
    175 (defvar-local deadgrep--imenu-alist nil
    176   "Alist that stores filename and position for each matched files.
    177 It is used to create `imenu' index.")
    179 (defconst deadgrep--position-column-width 5)
    181 (defconst deadgrep--color-code
    182   (rx "\x1b[" (+ digit) "m")
    183   "Regular expression for an ANSI color code.")
    185 (defun deadgrep--insert-output (output &optional finished)
    186   "Propertize OUTPUT from rigrep and write to the current buffer."
    187   ;; If we had an unfinished line from our last call, include that.
    188   (when deadgrep--remaining-output
    189     (setq output (concat deadgrep--remaining-output output))
    190     (setq deadgrep--remaining-output nil))
    192   (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
    193         (lines (s-lines output))
    194         prev-line-num)
    195     ;; Process filters run asynchronously, and don't guarantee that
    196     ;; OUTPUT ends with a complete line. Save the last line for
    197     ;; later processing.
    198     (unless finished
    199       (setq deadgrep--remaining-output (-last-item lines))
    200       (setq lines (butlast lines)))
    202     (save-excursion
    203       (goto-char (point-max))
    204       (dolist (line lines)
    205         (cond
    206          ;; Ignore blank lines.
    207          ((s-blank? line))
    208          ;; Lines of just -- are used as a context separator when
    209          ;; calling ripgrep with context flags.
    210          ((string= line "--")
    211           (let ((separator "--"))
    212             ;; Try to make the separator length match the previous
    213             ;; line numbers.
    214             (when prev-line-num
    215               (setq separator
    216                     (s-repeat (log prev-line-num 10) "-")))
    217             (insert
    218              (propertize (concat separator "\n")
    219                          'face 'deadgrep-meta-face))))
    220          ;; If we have a warning or don't have a color code, ripgrep
    221          ;; must be complaining about something (e.g. zero matches for
    222          ;; a glob, or permission denied on some directories).
    223          ((or
    224            (s-starts-with-p "WARNING: " line)
    225            (not (s-matches-p deadgrep--color-code line)))
    226           (when deadgrep--current-file
    227             (setq deadgrep--current-file nil)
    228             (insert "\n"))
    229           (insert line "\n\n"))
    230          (t
    231           (-let* ((truncate-p (> (length line) deadgrep-max-line-length))
    232                   (line
    233                    (if truncate-p
    234                        (substring line 0 deadgrep-max-line-length)
    235                      line))
    236                   ((filename line-num content) (deadgrep--split-line line))
    237                   (formatted-line-num
    238                    (s-pad-right deadgrep--position-column-width " "
    239                                 (number-to-string line-num)))
    240                   (pretty-line-num
    241                    (propertize formatted-line-num
    242                                'face 'deadgrep-meta-face
    243                                'deadgrep-filename filename
    244                                'deadgrep-line-number line-num
    245                                'read-only t
    246                                'front-sticky t
    247                                'rear-nonsticky t))
    248                   (pretty-filename
    249                    (propertize filename
    250                                'face 'deadgrep-filename-face
    251                                'deadgrep-filename filename
    252                                'read-only t
    253                                'front-sticky t)))
    254             (cond
    255              ;; This is the first file we've seen, print the heading.
    256              ((null deadgrep--current-file)
    257               (push (cons filename (point)) deadgrep--imenu-alist)
    258               (insert pretty-filename "\n"))
    259              ;; This is a new file, print the heading with a spacer.
    260              ((not (equal deadgrep--current-file filename))
    261               (push (cons filename (1+ (point))) deadgrep--imenu-alist)
    262               (insert "\n" pretty-filename "\n")))
    263             (setq deadgrep--current-file filename)
    265             ;; TODO: apply the invisible property if the user decided
    266             ;; to hide this filename before we finished finding
    267             ;; results in it.
    268             (insert pretty-line-num content)
    269             (when truncate-p
    270               (insert
    271                (propertize " ... (truncated)"
    272                            'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)))
    273             (insert "\n")
    275             (setq prev-line-num line-num))))))))
    277 (defcustom deadgrep-finished-hook nil
    278   "Hook run when `deadgrep' search is finished."
    279   :type 'hook
    280   :group 'deadgrep)
    282 (defun deadgrep--process-sentinel (process output)
    283   "Update the deadgrep buffer associated with PROCESS as complete."
    284   (let ((buffer (process-buffer process))
    285         (finished-p (string= output "finished\n")))
    286     (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
    287       (with-current-buffer buffer
    288         (setq deadgrep--running nil)
    289         ;; rg has terminated, so stop the spinner.
    290         (spinner-stop deadgrep--spinner)
    292         (deadgrep--insert-output "" finished-p)
    294         ;; Report any errors that occurred.
    295         (unless (member output
    296                         (list
    297                          "exited abnormally with code 1\n"
    298                          "interrupt\n"
    299                          "finished\n"))
    300           (save-excursion
    301             (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    302               (goto-char (point-max))
    303               (insert output))))
    305         (run-hooks 'deadgrep-finished-hook)
    306         (message "Deadgrep finished")))))
    308 (defun deadgrep--process-filter (process output)
    309   ;; Searches may see a lot of output, but it's really useful to have
    310   ;; a snippet of output when debugging. Store the first output received.
    311   (unless deadgrep--debug-first-output
    312     (setq deadgrep--debug-first-output output))
    314   ;; If we had an unfinished line from our last call, include that.
    315   (when deadgrep--remaining-output
    316     (setq output (concat deadgrep--remaining-output output))
    317     (setq deadgrep--remaining-output nil))
    319   (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer process))
    320     (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
    321       (deadgrep--insert-output output))))
    323 (defun deadgrep--extract-regexp (pattern s)
    324   "Search for PATTERN in S, and return the content of the first group."
    325   (string-match pattern s)
    326   (match-string 1 s))
    328 (defconst deadgrep--filename-regexp
    329   (rx bos "\x1b[0m\x1b[3" (or "5" "6") "m"
    330       (? "./")
    331       (group (+? anything))
    332       "\x1b[")
    333   "Extracts the filename from a ripgrep line with ANSI color sequences.
    334 We use the color sequences to extract the filename exactly, even
    335 if the path contains colons.")
    337 (defconst deadgrep--line-num-regexp
    338   (rx "\x1b[32m" (group (+ digit)))
    339   "Extracts the line number from a ripgrep line with ANSI color sequences.
    340 Ripgrep uses a unique color for line numbers, so we use that to
    341 extract the linue number exactly.")
    343 (defconst deadgrep--line-contents-regexp
    344   (rx "\x1b[32m" (+ digit) "\x1b[0m" (or ":" "-") (group (* anything)))
    345   "Extract the line contents from a ripgrep line with ANSI color sequences.
    346 Use the unique color for line numbers to ensure we start at the
    347 correct colon.
    349 Note that the text in the group will still contain color codes
    350 highlighting which parts matched the user's search term.")
    352 (defconst deadgrep--hit-regexp
    353   (rx-to-string
    354    `(seq
    355      ;; A reset color code.
    356      "\x1b[0m"
    357      ;; Two color codes, bold and color (any order).
    358      (regexp ,deadgrep--color-code)
    359      (regexp ,deadgrep--color-code)
    360      ;; The actual text.
    361      (group (+? anything))
    362      ;; A reset color code again.
    363      "\x1b[0m"))
    364   "Extract the portion of a line found by ripgrep that matches the user's input.
    365 This may occur multiple times in one line.")
    367 (defun deadgrep--split-line (line)
    368   "Split out the components of a raw LINE of output from rg.
    369 Return the filename, line number, and the line content with ANSI
    370 color codes replaced with string properties."
    371   (list
    372    (deadgrep--extract-regexp deadgrep--filename-regexp line)
    373    (string-to-number
    374     (deadgrep--extract-regexp deadgrep--line-num-regexp line))
    375    (deadgrep--propertize-hits
    376     (deadgrep--extract-regexp deadgrep--line-contents-regexp line))))
    378 (defun deadgrep--escape-backslash (s)
    379   "Escape occurrences of backslashes in S.
    381 This differs from `regexp-quote', which outputs a regexp pattern.
    382 Instead, we provide a string suitable for REP in
    383 `replace-regexp-in-string'."
    384   (s-replace "\\" "\\\\" s))
    386 (defun deadgrep--propertize-hits (line-contents)
    387   "Given LINE-CONTENTS from ripgrep, replace ANSI color codes
    388 with a text face property `deadgrep-match-face'."
    389   (replace-regexp-in-string
    390    deadgrep--hit-regexp
    391    (lambda (s)
    392      (propertize
    393       (deadgrep--escape-backslash (match-string 1 s))
    394       'face 'deadgrep-match-face))
    395    line-contents))
    397 (define-button-type 'deadgrep-search-term
    398   'action #'deadgrep--search-term
    399   'help-echo "Change search term")
    401 (defun deadgrep--search-prompt (&optional default)
    402   "The prompt shown to the user when starting a deadgrep search."
    403   (let ((kind (if (eq deadgrep--search-type 'regexp)
    404                   "by regexp" "for text")))
    405     (if default
    406         (format "Search %s (default %s): " kind default)
    407       (format "Search %s: " kind))))
    409 (defun deadgrep--search-term (_button)
    410   (deadgrep-search-term))
    412 (defun deadgrep-search-term ()
    413   "Change the current search term and restart the search."
    414   (interactive)
    415   (setq deadgrep--search-term
    416         (read-from-minibuffer
    417          (deadgrep--search-prompt)
    418          deadgrep--search-term))
    419   (rename-buffer
    420    (deadgrep--buffer-name deadgrep--search-term default-directory) t)
    421   (deadgrep-restart))
    423 (define-button-type 'deadgrep-type
    424   'action #'deadgrep--search-type
    425   'search-type nil
    426   'help-echo "Change search type")
    428 (defun deadgrep--search-type (button)
    429   (setq deadgrep--search-type (button-get button 'search-type))
    430   (deadgrep-restart))
    432 (define-button-type 'deadgrep-case
    433   'action #'deadgrep--case
    434   'case nil
    435   'help-echo "Change case sensitivity")
    437 (defun deadgrep--case (button)
    438   (setq deadgrep--search-case (button-get button 'case))
    439   (deadgrep-restart))
    441 (define-button-type 'deadgrep-context
    442   'action #'deadgrep--context
    443   'context nil
    444   'help-echo "Show/hide context around match")
    446 (defun deadgrep--context (button)
    447   ;; deadgrep--context takes the value of (before . after) when set.
    448   (setq deadgrep--context
    449         (cl-case (button-get button 'context)
    450           ((nil)
    451            nil)
    452           (before
    453            (cons
    454             (read-number "Show N lines before: ")
    455             (or (cdr-safe deadgrep--context) 0)))
    456           (after
    457            (cons
    458             (or (car-safe deadgrep--context) 0)
    459             (read-number "Show N lines after: ")))
    460           (t
    461            (error "Unknown context type"))))
    463   (deadgrep-restart))
    465 (defun deadgrep--type-list ()
    466   "Query the rg executable for available file types."
    467   (let* ((output (with-output-to-string
    468                    (with-current-buffer standard-output
    469                      (process-file-shell-command
    470                       (format "%s --type-list" deadgrep-executable)
    471                       nil '(t nil)))))
    472          (lines (s-lines (s-trim output)))
    473          (types-and-globs
    474           (--map
    475            (s-split (rx ": ") it)
    476            lines)))
    477     (-map
    478      (-lambda ((type globs))
    479        (list type (s-split (rx ", ") globs)))
    480      types-and-globs)))
    482 (define-button-type 'deadgrep-file-type
    483   'action #'deadgrep--file-type
    484   'case nil
    485   'help-echo "Change file type")
    487 (defun deadgrep--format-file-type (file-type extensions)
    488   (let* ((max-exts 4)
    489          (truncated (> (length extensions) max-exts)))
    490     (when truncated
    491       (setq extensions
    492             (append (-take max-exts extensions)
    493                     (list "..."))))
    494     (format "%s (%s)"
    495             file-type
    496             (s-join ", " extensions))))
    498 (defun deadgrep--glob-regexp (glob)
    499   "Convert GLOB pattern to the equivalent elisp regexp."
    500   (let* ((i 0)
    501          (result "^"))
    502     (while (< i (length glob))
    503       (let* ((char (elt glob i)))
    504         (cond
    505          ;; . matches a literal . in globs.
    506          ((eq char ?.)
    507           (setq result (concat result "\\."))
    508           (cl-incf i))
    509          ;; ? matches a single char in globs.
    510          ((eq char ??)
    511           (setq result (concat result "."))
    512           (cl-incf i))
    513          ;; * matches zero or more of anything.
    514          ((eq char ?*)
    515           (setq result (concat result ".*"))
    516           (cl-incf i))
    517          ;; [ab] matches a literal a or b.
    518          ;; [a-z] matches characters between a and z inclusive.
    519          ;; [?] matches a literal ?.
    520          ((eq char ?\[)
    521           ;; Find the matching ].
    522           (let ((j (1+ i)))
    523             (while (and (< j (length glob))
    524                         (not (eq (elt glob j) ?\])))
    525               (cl-incf j))
    526             (cl-incf j)
    527             (setq result (concat result
    528                                  (substring glob i j)))
    529             (setq i j)))
    530          (t
    531           (setq result (concat result (char-to-string char)))
    532           (cl-incf i)))))
    533     (concat result "$")))
    535 (defun deadgrep--matches-globs-p (filename globs)
    536   "Return non-nil if FILENAME matches any glob pattern in GLOBS."
    537   (when filename
    538     (--any (string-match-p (deadgrep--glob-regexp it) filename)
    539            globs)))
    541 (defun deadgrep--relevant-file-type (filename types-and-globs)
    542   "Try to find the most relevant item in TYPES-AND-GLOBS for FILENAME."
    543   (let (;; Find all the items in TYPES-AND-GLOBS whose glob match
    544         ;; FILENAME.
    545         (matching (-filter (-lambda ((_type globs))
    546                              (deadgrep--matches-globs-p filename globs))
    547                            types-and-globs)))
    548     (->> matching
    549          ;; Prefer longer names, so "markdown" over "md" for the type
    550          ;; name.
    551          (-sort (-lambda ((type1 _) (type2 _))
    552                   (< (length type1) (length type2))))
    553          ;; Prefer types with more extensions, as they tend to be more
    554          ;; common languages (e.g. 'ocaml' over 'ml').
    555          (-sort (-lambda ((_ globs1) (_ globs2))
    556                   (< (length globs1) (length globs2))))
    557          ;; But prefer elisp over lisp for .el files.
    558          (-sort (-lambda ((type1 _) (type2 _))
    559                   ;; Return t if we're comparing elisp with lisp, nil
    560                   ;; otherwise.
    561                   (and (equal type1 "lisp")
    562                        (equal type2 "elisp"))))
    563          ;; Take the highest scoring matching.
    564          (-last-item))))
    566 (defun deadgrep--read-file-type (filename)
    567   "Read a ripgrep file type, defaulting to the type that matches FILENAME."
    568   (let* (;; Get the list of types we can offer.
    569          (types-and-globs (deadgrep--type-list))
    570          ;; Build a list mapping the formatted types to the type name.
    571          (type-choices
    572           (-map
    573            (-lambda ((type globs))
    574              (list
    575               (deadgrep--format-file-type type globs)
    576               type))
    577            types-and-globs))
    578          ;; Work out the default type name based on the filename.
    579          (default-type-and-globs
    580            (deadgrep--relevant-file-type filename types-and-globs))
    581          (default
    582            (-when-let ((default-type default-globs) default-type-and-globs)
    583              (deadgrep--format-file-type default-type default-globs)))
    584          ;; Prompt the user for a file type.
    585          (chosen
    586           (completing-read
    587            "File type: " type-choices nil t nil nil default)))
    588     (nth 1 (assoc chosen type-choices))))
    590 (defun deadgrep--file-type (button)
    591   (let ((button-type (button-get button 'file-type)))
    592     (cond
    593      ((eq button-type 'all)
    594       (setq deadgrep--file-type 'all))
    595      ((eq button-type 'type)
    596       (let ((new-file-type
    597              (deadgrep--read-file-type deadgrep--initial-filename)))
    598         (setq deadgrep--file-type (cons 'type new-file-type))))
    599      ((eq button-type 'glob)
    600       (let* ((initial-value
    601               (cond
    602                ;; If we already have a glob pattern, edit it.
    603                ((eq (car-safe deadgrep--file-type) 'glob)
    604                 (cdr deadgrep--file-type))
    605                ;; If the initial file had a file name of the form
    606                ;;, offer *.bar as the initial glob.
    607                ((and deadgrep--initial-filename
    608                      (file-name-extension deadgrep--initial-filename))
    609                 (format "*.%s"
    610                         (file-name-extension deadgrep--initial-filename)))
    611                (t
    612                 "*")))
    613              (prompt
    614               (if (string= initial-value "*")
    615                   ;; Show an example to avoid confusion with regexp syntax.
    616                   "Glob (e.g. *.js): "
    617                 "Glob: "))
    618              (glob
    619               (read-from-minibuffer
    620                prompt
    621                initial-value)))
    622         (setq deadgrep--file-type (cons 'glob glob))))
    623      (t
    624       (error "Unknown button type: %S" button-type))))
    625   (deadgrep-restart))
    627 (define-button-type 'deadgrep-directory
    628   'action #'deadgrep--directory
    629   'help-echo "Change base directory")
    631 (defun deadgrep--directory (_button)
    632   (deadgrep-directory))
    634 (defun deadgrep-directory ()
    635   "Prompt the user for a new search directory, then restart the search."
    636   (interactive)
    637   (setq default-directory
    638         (expand-file-name
    639          (read-directory-name "Search files in: ")))
    640   (rename-buffer
    641    (deadgrep--buffer-name deadgrep--search-term default-directory))
    642   (deadgrep-restart))
    644 (defun deadgrep--button (text type &rest properties)
    645   ;; `make-text-button' mutates the string to add properties, so copy
    646   ;; TEXT first.
    647   (setq text (substring-no-properties text))
    648   (apply #'make-text-button text nil :type type properties))
    650 (defun deadgrep--arguments (search-term search-type case context)
    651   "Return a list of command line arguments that we can execute in a shell
    652 to obtain ripgrep results."
    653   (let (args)
    654     (push "--color=ansi" args)
    655     (push "--line-number" args)
    656     (push "--no-heading" args)
    657     (push "--no-column" args)
    658     (push "--with-filename" args)
    660     (cond
    661      ((eq search-type 'string)
    662       (push "--fixed-strings" args))
    663      ((eq search-type 'words)
    664       (push "--fixed-strings" args)
    665       (push "--word-regexp" args))
    666      ((eq search-type 'regexp))
    667      (t
    668       (error "Unknown search type: %s" search-type)))
    670     (cond
    671      ((eq case 'smart)
    672       (push "--smart-case" args))
    673      ((eq case 'sensitive)
    674       (push "--case-sensitive" args))
    675      ((eq case 'ignore)
    676       (push "--ignore-case" args))
    677      (t
    678       (error "Unknown case: %s" case)))
    680     (cond
    681      ((eq deadgrep--file-type 'all))
    682      ((eq (car-safe deadgrep--file-type) 'type)
    683       (push (format "--type=%s" (cdr deadgrep--file-type)) args))
    684      ((eq (car-safe deadgrep--file-type) 'glob)
    685       (push (format "--type-add=custom:%s" (cdr deadgrep--file-type)) args)
    686       (push "--type=custom" args))
    687      (t
    688       (error "Unknown file-type: %S" deadgrep--file-type)))
    690     (when context
    691       (push (format "--before-context=%s" (car context)) args)
    692       (push (format "--after-context=%s" (cdr context)) args))
    694     (push "--" args)
    695     (push search-term args)
    696     (push "." args)
    698     (nreverse args)))
    700 (defun deadgrep--write-heading ()
    701   "Write the deadgrep heading with buttons reflecting the current
    702 search settings."
    703   (let ((start-pos (point))
    704         (inhibit-read-only t))
    705     (insert (propertize "Search term: "
    706                         'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)
    707             (if (eq deadgrep--search-type 'regexp)
    708                 (deadgrep--propertize-regexp deadgrep--search-term)
    709               (propertize
    710                deadgrep--search-term
    711                'face 'deadgrep-search-term-face))
    712             " "
    713             (deadgrep--button "change" 'deadgrep-search-term)
    714             "\n"
    715             (propertize "Search type: "
    716                         'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)
    718             (if (eq deadgrep--search-type 'string)
    719                 "string"
    720               (deadgrep--button "string" 'deadgrep-type
    721                                 'search-type 'string))
    722             " "
    723             (if (eq deadgrep--search-type 'words)
    724                 "words"
    725               (deadgrep--button "words" 'deadgrep-type
    726                                 'search-type 'words))
    727             " "
    728             (if (eq deadgrep--search-type 'regexp)
    729                 "regexp"
    730               (deadgrep--button "regexp" 'deadgrep-type
    731                                 'search-type 'regexp))
    732             "\n"
    733             (propertize "Case: "
    734                         'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)
    735             (if (eq deadgrep--search-case 'smart)
    736                 "smart"
    737               (deadgrep--button "smart" 'deadgrep-case
    738                                 'case 'smart))
    739             " "
    740             (if (eq deadgrep--search-case 'sensitive)
    741                 "sensitive"
    742               (deadgrep--button "sensitive" 'deadgrep-case
    743                                 'case 'sensitive))
    744             " "
    745             (if (eq deadgrep--search-case 'ignore)
    746                 "ignore"
    747               (deadgrep--button "ignore" 'deadgrep-case
    748                                 'case 'ignore))
    749             "\n"
    750             (propertize "Context: "
    751                         'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)
    752             (if deadgrep--context
    753                 (deadgrep--button "none" 'deadgrep-context
    754                                   'context nil)
    755               "none")
    756             " "
    757             (deadgrep--button "before" 'deadgrep-context
    758                               'context 'before)
    759             (if deadgrep--context
    760                 (format ":%d" (car deadgrep--context))
    761               "")
    762             " "
    763             (deadgrep--button "after" 'deadgrep-context
    764                               'context 'after)
    765             (if deadgrep--context
    766                 (format ":%d" (cdr deadgrep--context))
    767               "")
    769             "\n\n"
    770             (propertize "Directory: "
    771                         'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)
    772             (deadgrep--button
    773              (abbreviate-file-name default-directory)
    774              'deadgrep-directory)
    775             (if (get-text-property 0 'deadgrep-overridden default-directory)
    776                 (propertize " (from override)" 'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)
    777               "")
    778             "\n"
    779             (propertize "Files: "
    780                         'face 'deadgrep-meta-face)
    781             (if (eq deadgrep--file-type 'all)
    782                 "all"
    783               (deadgrep--button "all" 'deadgrep-file-type
    784                                 'file-type 'all))
    785             " "
    786             (deadgrep--button "type" 'deadgrep-file-type
    787                               'file-type 'type)
    788             (if (eq (car-safe deadgrep--file-type) 'type)
    789                 (format ":%s" (cdr deadgrep--file-type))
    790               "")
    791             " "
    792             (deadgrep--button "glob" 'deadgrep-file-type
    793                               'file-type 'glob)
    794             (if (eq (car-safe deadgrep--file-type) 'glob)
    795                 (format ":%s" (cdr deadgrep--file-type))
    796               "")
    797             "\n\n")
    798     (put-text-property
    799      start-pos (point)
    800      'read-only t)
    801     (put-text-property
    802      start-pos (point)
    803      'front-sticky t)))
    805 ;; TODO: could we do this in the minibuffer too?
    806 (defun deadgrep--propertize-regexp (regexp)
    807   "Given a string REGEXP representing a search term with regular
    808 expression syntax, highlight the metacharacters.
    809 Returns a copy of REGEXP with properties set."
    810   (setq regexp (copy-sequence regexp))
    812   ;; See
    813   (let ((metachars
    814          ;; Characters that don't match themselves.
    815          '(?\( ?\) ?\[ ?\] ?\{ ?\} ?| ?. ?+ ?* ?? ?^ ?$))
    816         ;; Characters that have special regexp meaning when preceded
    817         ;; with a backslash. This includes things like \b but not
    818         ;; things like \n.
    819         (escape-metachars
    820          '(?A ?b ?B ?d ?D ?p ?s ?S ?w ?W ?z))
    821         (prev-char nil))
    822     ;; Put the standard search term face on every character
    823     ;; individually.
    824     (dotimes (i (length regexp))
    825       (put-text-property
    826        i (1+ i)
    827        'face 'deadgrep-search-term-face
    828        regexp))
    829     ;; Put the metacharacter face on any character that isn't treated
    830     ;; literally.
    831     (--each-indexed (string-to-list regexp)
    832       (cond
    833        ;; Highlight everything between { and }.
    834        ((and (eq it ?\{) (not (equal prev-char ?\\)))
    835         (let ((closing-pos it-index))
    836           ;; TODO: we have loops like this in several places, factor
    837           ;; out.
    838           (while (and (< closing-pos (length regexp))
    839                       (not (eq (elt regexp closing-pos)
    840                                ?\})))
    841             (cl-incf closing-pos))
    842           ;; Step over the closing }, if we found one.
    843           (unless (= closing-pos (length regexp))
    844             (cl-incf closing-pos))
    845           (put-text-property
    846            it-index closing-pos
    847            'face
    848            'deadgrep-regexp-metachar-face
    849            regexp)))
    850        ;; Highlight individual metachars.
    851        ((and (memq it metachars) (not (equal prev-char ?\\)))
    852         (put-text-property
    853          it-index (1+ it-index)
    854          'face
    855          'deadgrep-regexp-metachar-face
    856          regexp))
    857        ((and (memq it escape-metachars) (equal prev-char ?\\))
    858         (put-text-property
    859          (1- it-index) (1+ it-index)
    860          'face 'deadgrep-regexp-metachar-face
    861          regexp)))
    863       (setq prev-char it)))
    864   regexp)
    866 (defun deadgrep--buffer-name (search-term directory)
    867   ;; TODO: Handle buffers already existing with this name.
    868   (format "*deadgrep %s %s*"
    869           (s-truncate 30 search-term)
    870           (abbreviate-file-name directory)))
    872 (defun deadgrep--buffers ()
    873   "All the current deadgrep results buffers.
    874 Returns a list ordered by the most recently accessed."
    875   (--filter (with-current-buffer it
    876               (eq major-mode 'deadgrep-mode))
    877             ;; `buffer-list' seems to be ordered by most recently
    878             ;; visited first.
    879             (buffer-list)))
    881 (defun deadgrep--buffer (search-term directory initial-filename)
    882   "Create and initialise a search results buffer."
    883   (let* ((buf-name (deadgrep--buffer-name search-term directory))
    884          (buf (get-buffer buf-name)))
    885     (if buf
    886         ;; There was already a buffer with this name. Reset its search
    887         ;; state.
    888         (with-current-buffer buf
    889           (deadgrep--stop-and-reset))
    890       ;; We need to create the buffer, ensure we don't exceed
    891       ;; `deadgrep-max-buffers' by killing the least recently used.
    892       (progn
    893         (when (numberp deadgrep-max-buffers)
    894           (let* ((excess-buffers (-drop (1- deadgrep-max-buffers)
    895                                         (deadgrep--buffers))))
    896             ;; Kill buffers so we have one buffer less than the maximum
    897             ;; before we create a new one.
    898             (-each excess-buffers #'kill-buffer)))
    900         (setq buf (get-buffer-create buf-name))))
    902     (with-current-buffer buf
    903       (setq default-directory directory)
    904       (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    905         ;; This needs to happen first, as it clobbers all buffer-local
    906         ;; variables.
    907         (deadgrep-mode)
    908         (erase-buffer)
    910         (setq deadgrep--search-term search-term)
    911         (setq deadgrep--current-file nil)
    912         (setq deadgrep--initial-filename initial-filename))
    913       (setq buffer-read-only t))
    914     buf))
    916 (defvar deadgrep-mode-map
    917   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    918     (define-key map (kbd "RET") #'deadgrep-visit-result)
    919     (define-key map (kbd "o") #'deadgrep-visit-result-other-window)
    920     ;; TODO: we should still be able to click on buttons.
    922     (define-key map (kbd "S") #'deadgrep-search-term)
    923     (define-key map (kbd "D") #'deadgrep-directory)
    924     (define-key map (kbd "g") #'deadgrep-restart)
    926     ;; TODO: this should work when point is anywhere in the file, not
    927     ;; just on its heading.
    928     (define-key map (kbd "TAB") #'deadgrep-toggle-file-results)
    930     ;; Keybinding chosen to match `kill-compilation'.
    931     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") #'deadgrep-kill-process)
    933     (define-key map (kbd "n") #'deadgrep-forward)
    934     (define-key map (kbd "p") #'deadgrep-backward)
    935     (define-key map (kbd "N") #'deadgrep-forward-match)
    936     (define-key map (kbd "P") #'deadgrep-backward-match)
    937     (define-key map (kbd "M-n") #'deadgrep-forward-filename)
    938     (define-key map (kbd "M-p") #'deadgrep-backward-filename)
    940     map)
    941   "Keymap for `deadgrep-mode'.")
    943 (defvar deadgrep-edit-mode-map
    944   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    945     (define-key map (kbd "RET") #'deadgrep-visit-result)
    946     map)
    947   "Keymap for `deadgrep-edit-mode'.")
    949 (define-derived-mode deadgrep-mode special-mode
    950   '("Deadgrep" (:eval (spinner-print deadgrep--spinner)))
    951   "Major mode for deadgrep results buffers."
    952   (remove-hook 'after-change-functions #'deadgrep--propagate-change t))
    954 (defun deadgrep--find-file (path)
    955   "Open PATH in a buffer, and return a cons cell
    956 \(BUF . OPENED). OPENED is nil if there was aleady a buffer for
    957 this path."
    958   (let* ((initial-buffers (buffer-list))
    959          (opened nil)
    960          ;; Skip running find-file-hook since it may prompt the user.
    961          (find-file-hook nil)
    962          ;; If we end up opening a buffer, don't bother with file
    963          ;; variables. It prompts the user, and we discard the buffer
    964          ;; afterwards anyway.
    965          (enable-local-variables nil)
    966          ;; Bind `auto-mode-alist' to nil, so we open the buffer in
    967          ;; `fundamental-mode' if it isn't already open.
    968          (auto-mode-alist nil)
    969          ;; Use `find-file-noselect' so we still decode bytes from the
    970          ;; underlying file.
    971          (buf (find-file-noselect path)))
    972     (unless (-contains-p initial-buffers buf)
    973       (setq opened t))
    974     (cons buf opened)))
    976 (defun deadgrep--propagate-change (beg end length)
    977   "Repeat the last modification to the results buffer in the
    978 underlying file."
    979   ;; We should never be called outside an edit buffer, but be
    980   ;; defensive. Buggy functions in change hooks are painful.
    981   (when (eq major-mode 'deadgrep-edit-mode)
    982     (save-mark-and-excursion
    983       (goto-char beg)
    984       (-let* ((column (+ (deadgrep--current-column) length))
    985               (filename (deadgrep--filename))
    986               (line-number (deadgrep--line-number))
    987               ((buf . opened) (deadgrep--find-file filename))
    988               (inserted (buffer-substring beg end)))
    989         (with-current-buffer buf
    990           (save-mark-and-excursion
    991             (save-restriction
    992               (widen)
    993               (goto-char
    994                (deadgrep--buffer-position line-number column))
    995               (delete-char (- length))
    996               (insert inserted)))
    997           ;; If we weren't visiting this file before, just save it and
    998           ;; close it.
    999           (when opened
   1000             (basic-save-buffer)
   1001             (kill-buffer buf)))))))
   1003 (defcustom deadgrep-edit-mode-hook nil
   1004   "Called after `deadgrep-edit-mode' is turned on."
   1005   :type 'hook
   1006   :group 'deadgrep)
   1008 (defun deadgrep-edit-mode ()
   1009   "Major mode for editing the results files directly from a
   1010 deadgrep results buffer.
   1012 \\{deadgrep-edit-mode-map}"
   1013   (interactive)
   1014   (unless (eq major-mode 'deadgrep-mode)
   1015     (user-error "deadgrep-edit-mode only works in deadgrep result buffers"))
   1016   (when deadgrep--running
   1017     (user-error "Can't edit a results buffer until the search is finished"))
   1018   ;; We deliberately don't use `define-derived-mode' here because we
   1019   ;; want to check the previous value of `major-mode'. Initialise the
   1020   ;; major mode manually.
   1021   (delay-mode-hooks
   1022     (kill-all-local-variables)
   1023     (setq major-mode 'deadgrep-edit-mode)
   1024     (setq mode-name
   1025           '(:propertize "Deadgrep:Edit" face mode-line-emphasis))
   1026     (use-local-map deadgrep-edit-mode-map)
   1027     ;; Done major mode manual initialise (copied from `define-derived-mode').
   1029     ;; Allow editing, and propagate changes.
   1030     (setq buffer-read-only nil)
   1031     (add-hook 'after-change-functions #'deadgrep--propagate-change nil t)
   1033     (message "Now editing, use `M-x deadgrep-mode' when finished"))
   1035   (run-mode-hooks 'deadgrep-edit-mode-hook))
   1037 (defun deadgrep--current-column ()
   1038   "Get the current column position in char terms.
   1039 This treats tabs as 1 and ignores the line numbers in the results
   1040 buffer."
   1041   (let* ((line-start (line-beginning-position))
   1042          (line-number
   1043           (get-text-property line-start 'deadgrep-line-number))
   1044          (line-number-width
   1045           (max deadgrep--position-column-width
   1046                (length (number-to-string line-number))))
   1047          (char-count 0))
   1048     (save-excursion
   1049       (while (not (equal (point) line-start))
   1050         (cl-incf char-count)
   1051         (backward-char 1)))
   1052     (max
   1053      (- char-count line-number-width)
   1054      0)))
   1056 (defun deadgrep--flash-column-offsets (start end)
   1057   "Temporarily highlight column offset from START to END."
   1058   (let* ((line-start (line-beginning-position))
   1059          (overlay (make-overlay
   1060                    (+ line-start start)
   1061                    (+ line-start end))))
   1062     (overlay-put overlay 'face 'highlight)
   1063     (run-with-timer 1.0 nil 'delete-overlay overlay)))
   1065 (defun deadgrep--match-face-p (pos)
   1066   "Is there a match face at POS?"
   1067   (eq (get-text-property pos 'face) 'deadgrep-match-face))
   1069 (defun deadgrep--match-positions ()
   1070   "Return a list of indexes of the current line's matches."
   1071   (let (positions)
   1072     (save-excursion
   1073       (beginning-of-line)
   1075       (let* ((line-number
   1076               (get-text-property (point) 'deadgrep-line-number))
   1077              (line-number-width
   1078               (max deadgrep--position-column-width
   1079                    (length (number-to-string line-number))))
   1080              (i 0)
   1081              (start-pos 0)
   1082              (line-end-pos (line-end-position)))
   1084         (forward-char line-number-width)
   1086         (while (<= (point) line-end-pos)
   1087           ;; If we've just entered a match, record the start position.
   1088           (when (and (deadgrep--match-face-p (point))
   1089                      (not (deadgrep--match-face-p (1- (point)))))
   1090             (setq start-pos i))
   1091           ;; If we've just left a match, record the match range.
   1092           (when (and (not (deadgrep--match-face-p (point)))
   1093                      (deadgrep--match-face-p (1- (point))))
   1094             (push (list start-pos i) positions))
   1096           (setq i (1+ i))
   1097           (forward-char 1))))
   1099     (nreverse positions)))
   1101 (defun deadgrep--buffer-position (line-number column-offset)
   1102   "Return the position equivalent to LINE-NUMBER at COLUMN-OFFSET
   1103 in the current buffer."
   1104   (save-excursion
   1105     (save-restriction
   1106       (widen)
   1107       (goto-char (point-min))
   1108       (forward-line (1- line-number))
   1109       (forward-char column-offset)
   1111       (point))))
   1113 (defun deadgrep--filename (&optional pos)
   1114   "Get the filename of the result at point POS.
   1115 If POS is nil, use the beginning position of the current line."
   1116   (get-text-property (or pos (line-beginning-position)) 'deadgrep-filename))
   1118 (defun deadgrep--line-number ()
   1119   "Get the filename of the result at point."
   1120   (get-text-property (line-beginning-position) 'deadgrep-line-number))
   1122 (defun deadgrep--visit-result (open-fn)
   1123   "Goto the search result at point."
   1124   (interactive)
   1125   (let* ((pos (line-beginning-position))
   1126          (file-name (deadgrep--filename))
   1127          (line-number (deadgrep--line-number))
   1128          (column-offset (when line-number (deadgrep--current-column)))
   1129          (match-positions (when line-number (deadgrep--match-positions))))
   1130     (when file-name
   1131       (when overlay-arrow-position
   1132         (set-marker overlay-arrow-position nil))
   1133       ;; Show an arrow next to the last result viewed. This is
   1134       ;; consistent with `compilation-next-error-function' and also
   1135       ;; useful with `deadgrep-visit-result-other-window'.
   1136       (setq overlay-arrow-position (copy-marker pos))
   1138       (funcall open-fn file-name)
   1139       (goto-char (point-min))
   1141       (when line-number
   1142         (-let [destination-pos (deadgrep--buffer-position
   1143                                 line-number column-offset)]
   1144           ;; Put point on the position of the match, widening the
   1145           ;; buffer if necessary.
   1146           (when (or (< destination-pos (point-min))
   1147                     (> destination-pos (point-max)))
   1148             (widen))
   1149           (goto-char destination-pos)
   1151           ;; Temporarily highlight the parts of the line that matched
   1152           ;; the search term.
   1153           (-each match-positions
   1154             (-lambda ((start end))
   1155               (deadgrep--flash-column-offsets start end))))))))
   1157 (defun deadgrep-visit-result-other-window ()
   1158   "Goto the search result at point, opening in another window."
   1159   (interactive)
   1160   (deadgrep--visit-result #'find-file-other-window))
   1162 (defun deadgrep-visit-result ()
   1163   "Goto the search result at point."
   1164   (interactive)
   1165   (deadgrep--visit-result #'find-file))
   1167 (defvar-local deadgrep--hidden-files nil
   1168   "An alist recording which files currently have their lines
   1169 hidden in this deadgrep results buffer.
   1171 Keys are interned filenames, so they compare with `eq'.")
   1173 (defun deadgrep-toggle-file-results ()
   1174   "Show/hide the results of the file at point."
   1175   (interactive)
   1176   (let* ((file-name (deadgrep--filename))
   1177          (line-number (deadgrep--line-number)))
   1178     (when (and file-name (not line-number))
   1179       ;; We're on a file heading.
   1180       (if (alist-get (intern file-name) deadgrep--hidden-files)
   1181           (deadgrep--show)
   1182         (deadgrep--hide)))))
   1184 (defun deadgrep--show ()
   1185   (-let* ((file-name (deadgrep--filename))
   1186           ((start-pos end-pos) (alist-get (intern file-name) deadgrep--hidden-files)))
   1187     (remove-overlays start-pos end-pos 'invisible t)
   1188     (setf (alist-get (intern file-name) deadgrep--hidden-files)
   1189           nil)))
   1191 (defun deadgrep--hide ()
   1192   "Hide the file results immediately after point."
   1193   (save-excursion
   1194     (let* ((file-name (deadgrep--filename))
   1195            (start-pos
   1196             (progn
   1197               (forward-line)
   1198               (point)))
   1199            (end-pos
   1200             (progn
   1201               (while (and
   1202                       (get-text-property (point) 'deadgrep-line-number)
   1203                       (not (bobp)))
   1204                 (forward-line))
   1205               ;; Step over the newline.
   1206               (1+ (point))))
   1207            (o (make-overlay start-pos end-pos)))
   1208       (overlay-put o 'invisible t)
   1209       (setf (alist-get (intern file-name) deadgrep--hidden-files)
   1210             (list start-pos end-pos)))))
   1212 (defun deadgrep--interrupt-process ()
   1213   "Gracefully stop the rg process, synchronously."
   1214   (-when-let (proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
   1215     ;; Ensure that our process filter is not called again.
   1216     (set-process-filter proc #'ignore)
   1218     (interrupt-process proc)
   1219     ;; Wait for the process to terminate, so we know that
   1220     ;; `deadgrep--process-sentinel' has been called.
   1221     (while (process-live-p proc)
   1222       ;; `redisplay' can trigger process filters or sentinels.
   1223       (redisplay)
   1224       (sleep-for 0.1))))
   1226 (defun deadgrep-kill-process ()
   1227   "Kill the deadgrep process associated with the current buffer."
   1228   (interactive)
   1229   (if (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
   1230       (deadgrep--interrupt-process)
   1231     (message "No process running.")))
   1233 (defun deadgrep--item-p (pos)
   1234   "Is there something at POS that we can interact with?"
   1235   (or (button-at pos)
   1236       (deadgrep--filename pos)))
   1238 (defun deadgrep--filename-p (pos)
   1239   "Is there a filename at POS that we can interact with?"
   1240   (eq (get-text-property pos 'face) 'deadgrep-filename-face))
   1242 (defun deadgrep--move (forward-p)
   1243   "Move to the next item.
   1244 This will either be a button, a filename, or a search result."
   1245   (interactive)
   1246   (let ((pos (point)))
   1247     ;; If point is initially on an item, move past it.
   1248     (while (and (deadgrep--item-p pos)
   1249                 (if forward-p
   1250                     (< pos (point-max))
   1251                   (> pos (point-min))))
   1252       (if forward-p
   1253           (cl-incf pos)
   1254         (cl-decf pos)))
   1255     ;; Find the next item.
   1256     (while (and (not (deadgrep--item-p pos))
   1257                 (if forward-p
   1258                     (< pos (point-max))
   1259                   (> pos (point-min))))
   1260       (if forward-p
   1261           (cl-incf pos)
   1262         (cl-decf pos)))
   1263     ;; Regardless of direction, ensure point is at the beginning of
   1264     ;; the item.
   1265     (while (and (if forward-p
   1266                     (< pos (point-max))
   1267                   (> pos (point-min)))
   1268                 (deadgrep--item-p (1- pos)))
   1269       (cl-decf pos))
   1270     ;; If we reached an item (we aren't at the first/last item), then
   1271     ;; go to it.
   1272     (when (deadgrep--item-p pos)
   1273       (goto-char pos))))
   1275 (defun deadgrep-forward ()
   1276   "Move forward to the next item.
   1277 This will either be a button, a filename, or a search result. See
   1278 also `deadgrep-forward-match'."
   1279   (interactive)
   1280   (deadgrep--move t))
   1282 (defun deadgrep-backward ()
   1283   "Move backward to the previous item.
   1284 This will either be a button, a filename, or a search result. See
   1285 also `deadgrep-backward-match'."
   1286   (interactive)
   1287   (deadgrep--move nil))
   1289 (defun deadgrep-forward-filename ()
   1290   "Move forward to the next filename."
   1291   (interactive)
   1292   (deadgrep--move-match t 'deadgrep-filename-face))
   1294 (defun deadgrep-backward-filename ()
   1295   "Move backward to the previous filename."
   1296   (interactive)
   1297   (deadgrep--move-match nil 'deadgrep-filename-face))
   1299 (defun deadgrep--move-match (forward-p face)
   1300   "Move point to the beginning of the next/previous match."
   1301   (interactive)
   1302   (let ((start-pos (point)))
   1303     ;; Move over the current match, if we were already on one.
   1304     (while (eq (get-text-property (point) 'face)
   1305                face)
   1306       (if forward-p (forward-char) (backward-char)))
   1307     (condition-case nil
   1308         (progn
   1309           ;; Move point to the next match, which may be on the same line.
   1310           (while (not (eq (get-text-property (point) 'face)
   1311                           face))
   1312             (if forward-p (forward-char) (backward-char)))
   1313           ;; Ensure point is at the beginning of the match.
   1314           (unless forward-p
   1315             (while (eq (get-text-property (point) 'face)
   1316                        face)
   1317               (backward-char))
   1318             (forward-char)))
   1319       ;; Don't move point beyond the last match. However, it's still
   1320       ;; useful to signal that we're at the end, so users can use this
   1321       ;; command with macros and terminate when it's done.
   1322       (beginning-of-buffer
   1323        (goto-char start-pos)
   1324        (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil))
   1325       (end-of-buffer
   1326        (goto-char start-pos)
   1327        (signal 'end-of-buffer nil)))))
   1329 (defun deadgrep-forward-match ()
   1330   "Move point forward to the beginning of next match.
   1331 Note that a result line may contain more than one match, or zero
   1332 matches (if the result line has been truncated)."
   1333   (interactive)
   1334   (deadgrep--move-match t 'deadgrep-match-face))
   1336 (defun deadgrep-backward-match ()
   1337   "Move point backward to the beginning of previous match."
   1338   (interactive)
   1339   (deadgrep--move-match nil 'deadgrep-match-face))
   1341 (defun deadgrep--start (search-term search-type case)
   1342   "Start a ripgrep search."
   1343   (setq deadgrep--spinner (spinner-create 'progress-bar t))
   1344   (setq deadgrep--running t)
   1345   (spinner-start deadgrep--spinner)
   1346   (let* ((args (deadgrep--arguments
   1347                 search-term search-type case
   1348                 deadgrep--context))
   1349          (process
   1350           (apply #'start-file-process
   1351                  (format "rg %s" search-term)
   1352                  (current-buffer)
   1353                  deadgrep-executable
   1354                  args)))
   1355     (setq deadgrep--debug-command
   1356           (format "%s %s" deadgrep-executable (s-join " " args)))
   1357     (set-process-filter process #'deadgrep--process-filter)
   1358     (set-process-sentinel process #'deadgrep--process-sentinel)))
   1360 (defun deadgrep--stop-and-reset ()
   1361   "Terminate the current search and reset any search state."
   1362   ;; Stop the old search, so we don't carry on inserting results from
   1363   ;; the last thing we searched for.
   1364   (deadgrep--interrupt-process)
   1366   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
   1367     ;; Reset UI: remove results, reset items hidden by TAB, and arrow
   1368     ;; position.
   1369     (erase-buffer)
   1370     (setq deadgrep--hidden-files nil)
   1371     (when overlay-arrow-position
   1372       (set-marker overlay-arrow-position nil))
   1374     ;; Reset intermediate search state.
   1375     (setq deadgrep--current-file nil)
   1376     (setq deadgrep--spinner nil)
   1377     (setq deadgrep--remaining-output nil)
   1378     (setq deadgrep--current-file nil)
   1379     (setq deadgrep--debug-first-output nil)
   1380     (setq deadgrep--imenu-alist nil)))
   1382 (defun deadgrep-restart ()
   1383   "Re-run ripgrep with the current search settings."
   1384   (interactive)
   1385   ;; If we haven't started yet, start the search if we've been called
   1386   ;; by the user.
   1387   (when (and deadgrep--postpone-start
   1388              (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
   1389     (setq deadgrep--postpone-start nil))
   1391   (deadgrep--stop-and-reset)
   1393   (let ((start-point (point))
   1394         (inhibit-read-only t))
   1395     (deadgrep--write-heading)
   1396     ;; If the point was in the heading, ensure that we restore its
   1397     ;; position.
   1398     (goto-char (min (point-max) start-point))
   1400     (if deadgrep--postpone-start
   1401         (deadgrep--write-postponed)
   1402       (deadgrep--start
   1403        deadgrep--search-term
   1404        deadgrep--search-type
   1405        deadgrep--search-case))))
   1407 (defun deadgrep--read-search-term ()
   1408   "Read a search term from the minibuffer.
   1409 If region is active, return that immediately.  Otherwise, prompt
   1410 for a string, offering the current word as a default."
   1411   (let (search-term)
   1412     (if (use-region-p)
   1413         (progn
   1414           (setq search-term
   1415                 (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end)))
   1416           (deactivate-mark))
   1417       (let* ((sym (symbol-at-point))
   1418              (sym-name (when sym
   1419                          (substring-no-properties (symbol-name sym))))
   1420              ;; TODO: prompt should say search string or search regexp
   1421              ;; as appropriate.
   1422              (prompt
   1423               (deadgrep--search-prompt sym-name)))
   1424         (setq search-term
   1425               (read-from-minibuffer
   1426                prompt nil nil nil 'deadgrep-history sym-name))
   1427         (when (equal search-term "")
   1428           (setq search-term sym-name))))
   1429     (unless (equal (car deadgrep-history) search-term)
   1430       (push search-term deadgrep-history))
   1431     search-term))
   1433 (defun deadgrep--normalise-dirname (path)
   1434   "Expand PATH and ensure that it doesn't end with a slash.
   1435 If PATH is remote path, it is not expanded."
   1436   (directory-file-name (if (file-remote-p path)
   1437                            path
   1438                          (let (file-name-handler-alist)
   1439                            (expand-file-name path)))))
   1441 (defun deadgrep--lookup-override (path)
   1442   "If PATH is present in `deadgrep-project-root-overrides',
   1443 return the overridden value.
   1444 Otherwise, return PATH as is."
   1445   (let* ((normalised-path (deadgrep--normalise-dirname path))
   1446          (override
   1447           (-first
   1448            (-lambda ((original . _))
   1449              (equal (deadgrep--normalise-dirname original) normalised-path))
   1450            deadgrep-project-root-overrides)))
   1451     (when override
   1452       (setq path (cdr override))
   1453       (unless (stringp path)
   1454         (user-error "Bad override: expected a path string, but got: %S" path))
   1455       (setq path (propertize path 'deadgrep-overridden t)))
   1456     path))
   1458 (defun deadgrep--project-root ()
   1459   "Guess the project root of the given FILE-PATH."
   1460   (let ((root default-directory)
   1461         (project (project-current)))
   1462     (when project
   1463       (-when-let (roots (project-roots project))
   1464         (setq root (car roots))))
   1465     (when root
   1466       (deadgrep--lookup-override root))))
   1468 (defun deadgrep--write-postponed ()
   1469   (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
   1470          (restart-key
   1471           (where-is-internal #'deadgrep-restart deadgrep-mode-map t)))
   1472     (save-excursion
   1473       (goto-char (point-max))
   1474       (insert
   1475        (format "Press %s to start the search."
   1476                (key-description restart-key))))))
   1478 (defun deadgrep--create-imenu-index ()
   1479   "Create `imenu' index for matched files."
   1480   (when deadgrep--imenu-alist
   1481     (list (cons "Files" (reverse deadgrep--imenu-alist)))))
   1483 ;;;###autoload
   1484 (defun deadgrep (search-term &optional directory)
   1485   "Start a ripgrep search for SEARCH-TERM in DIRECTORY.
   1487 If not provided, DIR defaults to the directory as determined by
   1488 `deadgrep-project-root-function'.
   1490 See also `deadgrep-project-root-overrides'.
   1492 If called with a prefix argument, create the results buffer but
   1493 don't actually start the search."
   1494   (interactive (list (deadgrep--read-search-term)))
   1495   (let* ((dir (or directory
   1496                   (funcall deadgrep-project-root-function)))
   1497          (buf (deadgrep--buffer
   1498                search-term
   1499                dir
   1500                (or deadgrep--initial-filename
   1501                    (buffer-file-name))))
   1502          (last-results-buf (car-safe (deadgrep--buffers)))
   1503          prev-search-type
   1504          prev-search-case)
   1505     ;; Find out what search settings were used last time.
   1506     (when last-results-buf
   1507       (with-current-buffer last-results-buf
   1508         (setq prev-search-type deadgrep--search-type)
   1509         (setq prev-search-case deadgrep--search-case)))
   1511     (funcall deadgrep-display-buffer-function buf)
   1513     (with-current-buffer buf
   1514       (setq imenu-create-index-function #'deadgrep--create-imenu-index)
   1515       (setq next-error-function #'deadgrep-next-error)
   1517       ;; If we have previous search settings, apply them to our new
   1518       ;; search results buffer.
   1519       (when last-results-buf
   1520         (setq deadgrep--search-type prev-search-type)
   1521         (setq deadgrep--search-case prev-search-case))
   1523       (deadgrep--write-heading)
   1525       (if current-prefix-arg
   1526           ;; Don't start the search, just create the buffer and inform
   1527           ;; the user how to start when they're ready.
   1528           (progn
   1529             (setq deadgrep--postpone-start t)
   1530             (deadgrep--write-postponed))
   1531         ;; Start the search immediately.
   1532         (deadgrep--start
   1533          search-term
   1534          deadgrep--search-type
   1535          deadgrep--search-case)))))
   1537 (defun deadgrep-next-error (arg reset)
   1538   "Move to the next error.
   1539 If ARG is given, move by that many errors.
   1541 This is intended for use with `next-error-function', which see."
   1542   (when reset
   1543     (goto-char (point-min)))
   1544   (beginning-of-line)
   1545   (let ((direction (> arg 0)))
   1546     (setq arg (abs arg))
   1548     (while (and
   1549             (not (zerop arg))
   1550             (not (eobp)))
   1551       (if direction
   1552           (forward-line 1)
   1553         (forward-line -1))
   1554       ;; If we are on a specific result (not a heading), we have a line
   1555       ;; number.
   1556       (when (get-text-property (point) 'deadgrep-line-number)
   1557         (cl-decf arg))))
   1558   (deadgrep-visit-result-other-window))
   1560 (defun deadgrep-debug ()
   1561   "Show a buffer with some debug information about the current search."
   1562   (interactive)
   1563   (unless (eq major-mode 'deadgrep-mode)
   1564     (user-error "deadgrep-debug should be run in a deadgrep results buffer"))
   1566   (let ((command deadgrep--debug-command)
   1567         (output deadgrep--debug-first-output)
   1568         (buf (get-buffer-create "*deadgrep debug*"))
   1569         (inhibit-read-only t))
   1570     (pop-to-buffer buf)
   1571     (erase-buffer)
   1572     (special-mode)
   1573     (setq buffer-read-only t)
   1575     (insert
   1576      (propertize
   1577       "About your environment:\n"
   1578       'face 'deadgrep-filename-face)
   1579      (format "Platform: %s\n" system-type)
   1580      (format "Emacs version: %s\n" emacs-version)
   1581      (format "Command: %s\n" command)
   1582      (format "default-directory: %S\n" default-directory)
   1583      (format "exec-path: %S\n" exec-path)
   1584      (if (boundp 'tramp-remote-path)
   1585      (format "tramp-remote-path: %S\n" tramp-remote-path)
   1586        "")
   1587      (propertize
   1588       "\nInitial output from ripgrep:\n"
   1589       'face 'deadgrep-filename-face)
   1590      (format "%S" output)
   1591      (propertize
   1592       "\n\nPlease file bugs at"
   1593       'face 'deadgrep-filename-face))))
   1595 (defun deadgrep-kill-all-buffers ()
   1596   "Kill all open deadgrep buffers."
   1597   (interactive)
   1598   (dolist (buffer (deadgrep--buffers))
   1599     (kill-buffer buffer)))
   1601 (provide 'deadgrep)
   1602 ;;; deadgrep.el ends here