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corfu.el (55140B)

      1 ;;; corfu.el --- Completion Overlay Region FUnction -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021, 2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Daniel Mendler <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Daniel Mendler <>
      7 ;; Created: 2021
      8 ;; Version: 0.27
      9 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
     10 ;; Homepage:
     12 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     14 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     16 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     17 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     19 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     24 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     25 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     27 ;;; Commentary:
     29 ;; Corfu enhances the default completion in region function with a
     30 ;; completion overlay. The current candidates are shown in a popup
     31 ;; below or above the point. Corfu can be considered the minimalistic
     32 ;; completion-in-region counterpart of Vertico.
     34 ;;; Code:
     36 (require 'seq)
     37 (eval-when-compile
     38   (require 'cl-lib)
     39   (require 'subr-x))
     41 (defgroup corfu nil
     42   "Completion Overlay Region FUnction."
     43   :group 'convenience
     44   :prefix "corfu-")
     46 (defcustom corfu-count 10
     47   "Maximal number of candidates to show."
     48   :type 'integer)
     50 (defcustom corfu-scroll-margin 2
     51   "Number of lines at the top and bottom when scrolling.
     52 The value should lie between 0 and corfu-count/2."
     53   :type 'integer)
     55 (defcustom corfu-min-width 15
     56   "Popup minimum width in characters."
     57   :type 'integer)
     59 (defcustom corfu-max-width 100
     60   "Popup maximum width in characters."
     61   :type 'integer)
     63 (defcustom corfu-cycle nil
     64   "Enable cycling for `corfu-next' and `corfu-previous'."
     65   :type 'boolean)
     67 (defcustom corfu-on-exact-match 'insert
     68   "Configure how a single exact match should be handled."
     69   :type '(choice (const insert) (const quit) (const nil)))
     71 (defcustom corfu-continue-commands
     72   ;; nil is undefined command
     73   '(nil ignore universal-argument universal-argument-more digit-argument
     74         "\\`corfu-" "\\`scroll-other-window")
     75   "Continue Corfu completion after executing these commands."
     76   :type '(repeat (choice regexp symbol)))
     78 (defcustom corfu-preview-current 'insert
     79   "Preview currently selected candidate.
     80 If the variable has the value `insert', the candidate is automatically
     81 inserted on further input."
     82   :type '(choice boolean (const insert)))
     84 (defcustom corfu-preselect-first t
     85   "Preselect first candidate."
     86   :type 'boolean)
     88 (defcustom corfu-separator ?\s
     89   "Component separator character.
     90 The character used for separating components in the input. The presence
     91 of this separator character will inhibit quitting at completion
     92 boundaries, so that any further characters can be entered. To enter the
     93 first separator character, call `corfu-insert-separator' (bound to M-SPC
     94 by default). Useful for multi-component completion styles such as
     95 Orderless."
     96   :type 'character)
     98 (defcustom corfu-quit-at-boundary 'separator
     99   "Automatically quit at completion boundary.
    100 nil: Never quit at completion boundary.
    101 t: Always quit at completion boundary.
    102 separator: Quit at boundary if no `corfu-separator' has been inserted."
    103   :type '(choice boolean (const separator)))
    105 (defcustom corfu-quit-no-match 'separator
    106   "Automatically quit if no matching candidate is found.
    107 nil: Stay alive even if there is no match.
    108 t: Quit if there is no match.
    109 separator: Only stay alive if there is no match and
    110 `corfu-separator' has been inserted."
    111   :type '(choice boolean (const separator)))
    113 (defcustom corfu-excluded-modes nil
    114   "List of modes excluded by `global-corfu-mode'."
    115   :type '(repeat symbol))
    117 (defcustom corfu-left-margin-width 0.5
    118   "Width of the left margin in units of the character width."
    119   :type 'float)
    121 (defcustom corfu-right-margin-width 0.5
    122   "Width of the right margin in units of the character width."
    123   :type 'float)
    125 (defcustom corfu-bar-width 0.2
    126   "Width of the bar in units of the character width."
    127   :type 'float)
    129 (defcustom corfu-echo-documentation '(1.0 . 0.2)
    130   "Show documentation string in the echo area after that number of seconds.
    131 Set to nil to disable the echo message or to t for an instant message.
    132 The value can be a pair of two floats to specify initial and subsequent
    133 delay."
    134   :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
    135                  (const :tag "Instant" t)
    136                  (number :tag "Delay in seconds")
    137                  (cons :tag "Two Delays"
    138                        (choice :tag "Initial   " number)
    139                        (choice :tag "Subsequent" number))))
    141 (defcustom corfu-margin-formatters nil
    142   "Registry for margin formatter functions.
    143 Each function of the list is called with the completion metadata as
    144 argument until an appropriate formatter is found. The function should
    145 return a formatter function, which takes the candidate string and must
    146 return a string, possibly an icon."
    147   :type 'hook)
    149 (defcustom corfu-sort-function #'corfu-sort-length-alpha
    150   "Default sorting function, used if no `display-sort-function' is specified."
    151   :type `(choice
    152           (const :tag "No sorting" nil)
    153           (const :tag "By length and alpha" ,#'corfu-sort-length-alpha)
    154           (function :tag "Custom function")))
    156 (defcustom corfu-sort-override-function nil
    157   "Override sort function which overrides the `display-sort-function'."
    158   :type '(choice (const nil) function))
    160 (defcustom corfu-auto-prefix 3
    161   "Minimum length of prefix for auto completion.
    162 The completion backend can override this with
    163 :company-prefix-length."
    164   :type 'integer)
    166 (defcustom corfu-auto-delay 0.2
    167   "Delay for auto completion."
    168   :type 'float)
    170 (defcustom corfu-auto-commands
    171   '("self-insert-command\\'"
    172     c-electric-colon c-electric-lt-gt c-electric-slash c-scope-operator)
    173   "Commands which initiate auto completion."
    174   :type '(repeat (choice regexp symbol)))
    176 (defcustom corfu-auto nil
    177   "Enable auto completion."
    178   :type 'boolean)
    180 (defgroup corfu-faces nil
    181   "Faces used by Corfu."
    182   :group 'corfu
    183   :group 'faces)
    185 (defface corfu-default
    186   '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#191a1b")
    187     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#f0f0f0")
    188     (t :background "gray"))
    189   "Default face, foreground and background colors used for the popup.")
    191 (defface corfu-current
    192   '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
    193      :background "#00415e" :foreground "white")
    194     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
    195      :background "#c0efff" :foreground "black")
    196     (t :background "blue" :foreground "white"))
    197   "Face used to highlight the currently selected candidate.")
    199 (defface corfu-bar
    200   '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#a8a8a8")
    201     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#505050")
    202     (t :background "gray"))
    203   "The background color is used for the scrollbar indicator.")
    205 (defface corfu-border
    206   '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#323232")
    207     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#d7d7d7")
    208     (t :background "gray"))
    209   "The background color used for the thin border.")
    211 (defface corfu-echo
    212   '((t :inherit completions-annotations))
    213   "Face used for echo area messages.")
    215 (defface corfu-annotations
    216   '((t :inherit completions-annotations))
    217   "Face used for annotations.")
    219 (defface corfu-deprecated
    220   '((t :inherit shadow :strike-through t))
    221   "Face used for deprecated candidates.")
    223 (defvar corfu-map
    224   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    225     (define-key map [remap beginning-of-buffer] #'corfu-first)
    226     (define-key map [remap end-of-buffer] #'corfu-last)
    227     (define-key map [remap scroll-down-command] #'corfu-scroll-down)
    228     (define-key map [remap scroll-up-command] #'corfu-scroll-up)
    229     (define-key map [remap next-line] #'corfu-next)
    230     (define-key map [remap previous-line] #'corfu-previous)
    231     (define-key map [remap completion-at-point] #'corfu-complete)
    232     (define-key map [down] #'corfu-next)
    233     (define-key map [up] #'corfu-previous)
    234     (define-key map [remap keyboard-escape-quit] #'corfu-reset)
    235     ;; XXX [tab] is bound because of org-mode
    236     ;; The binding should be removed from org-mode-map.
    237     (define-key map [tab] #'corfu-complete)
    238     (define-key map "\M-n" #'corfu-next)
    239     (define-key map "\M-p" #'corfu-previous)
    240     (define-key map "\C-g" #'corfu-quit)
    241     (define-key map "\r" #'corfu-insert)
    242     (define-key map "\t" #'corfu-complete)
    243     (define-key map "\M-g" 'corfu-info-location)
    244     (define-key map "\M-h" 'corfu-info-documentation)
    245     (define-key map "\M- " #'corfu-insert-separator)
    246     map)
    247   "Corfu keymap used when popup is shown.")
    249 (defvar corfu--auto-timer nil
    250   "Auto completion timer.")
    252 (defvar-local corfu--candidates nil
    253   "List of candidates.")
    255 (defvar-local corfu--metadata nil
    256   "Completion metadata.")
    258 (defvar-local corfu--base ""
    259   "Base string, which is concatenated with the candidate.")
    261 (defvar-local corfu--total 0
    262   "Length of the candidate list `corfu--candidates'.")
    264 (defvar-local corfu--highlight #'identity
    265   "Deferred candidate highlighting function.")
    267 (defvar-local corfu--index -1
    268   "Index of current candidate or negative for prompt selection.")
    270 (defvar-local corfu--preselect -1
    271   "Index of preselected candidate, negative for prompt selection.")
    273 (defvar-local corfu--scroll 0
    274   "Scroll position.")
    276 (defvar-local corfu--input nil
    277   "Cons of last prompt contents and point.")
    279 (defvar-local corfu--preview-ov nil
    280   "Current candidate overlay.")
    282 (defvar-local corfu--extra nil
    283   "Extra completion properties.")
    285 (defvar-local corfu--change-group nil
    286   "Undo change group.")
    288 (defvar-local corfu--echo-timer nil
    289   "Echo area message timer.")
    291 (defvar-local corfu--echo-message nil
    292   "Last echo message.")
    294 (defvar corfu--frame nil
    295   "Popup frame.")
    297 (defvar corfu--frame-timer nil
    298   "Frame hide timer.")
    300 (defconst corfu--state-vars
    301   '(corfu--base
    302     corfu--candidates
    303     corfu--highlight
    304     corfu--index
    305     corfu--preselect
    306     corfu--scroll
    307     corfu--input
    308     corfu--total
    309     corfu--preview-ov
    310     corfu--extra
    311     corfu--echo-timer
    312     corfu--echo-message
    313     corfu--change-group
    314     corfu--metadata)
    315   "Buffer-local state variables used by Corfu.")
    317 (defvar corfu--frame-parameters
    318   '((no-accept-focus . t)
    319     (no-focus-on-map . t)
    320     (min-width . t)
    321     (min-height . t)
    322     (width . 0)
    323     (height . 0)
    324     (border-width . 0)
    325     (child-frame-border-width . 1)
    326     (left-fringe . 0)
    327     (right-fringe . 0)
    328     (vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
    329     (horizontal-scroll-bars . nil)
    330     (menu-bar-lines . 0)
    331     (tool-bar-lines . 0)
    332     (tab-bar-lines . 0)
    333     (no-other-frame . t)
    334     (unsplittable . t)
    335     (undecorated . t)
    336     (cursor-type . nil)
    337     (visibility . nil)
    338     (no-special-glyphs . t)
    339     (desktop-dont-save . t))
    340   "Default child frame parameters.")
    342 (defvar corfu--buffer-parameters
    343   '((mode-line-format . nil)
    344     (header-line-format . nil)
    345     (tab-line-format . nil)
    346     (tab-bar-format . nil) ;; Emacs 28 tab-bar-format
    347     (frame-title-format . "")
    348     (truncate-lines . t)
    349     (cursor-in-non-selected-windows . nil)
    350     (cursor-type . nil)
    351     (show-trailing-whitespace . nil)
    352     (display-line-numbers . nil)
    353     (left-fringe-width . nil)
    354     (right-fringe-width . nil)
    355     (left-margin-width . 0)
    356     (right-margin-width . 0)
    357     (fringes-outside-margins . 0)
    358     (fringe-indicator-alist . nil)
    359     (indicate-empty-lines . nil)
    360     (indicate-buffer-boundaries . nil)
    361     (buffer-read-only . t))
    362   "Default child frame buffer parameters.")
    364 (defvar corfu--mouse-ignore-map
    365   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    366     (dotimes (i 7)
    367       (dolist (k '(mouse down-mouse drag-mouse double-mouse triple-mouse))
    368         (define-key map (vector (intern (format "%s-%s" k (1+ i)))) #'ignore)))
    369     map)
    370   "Ignore all mouse clicks.")
    372 (defun corfu--make-buffer (content)
    373   "Create corfu buffer with CONTENT."
    374   (let ((fr face-remapping-alist)
    375         (ls line-spacing)
    376         (buffer (get-buffer-create " *corfu*")))
    377     (with-current-buffer buffer
    378       ;;; XXX HACK install mouse ignore map
    379       (use-local-map corfu--mouse-ignore-map)
    380       (dolist (var corfu--buffer-parameters)
    381         (set (make-local-variable (car var)) (cdr var)))
    382       (setq-local face-remapping-alist (copy-tree fr)
    383                   line-spacing ls)
    384       (cl-pushnew 'corfu-default (alist-get 'default face-remapping-alist))
    385       (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)
    386             (inhibit-read-only t))
    387         (erase-buffer)
    388         (insert content)
    389         (goto-char (point-min))))
    390     buffer))
    392 ;; Function adapted from posframe.el by tumashu
    393 (defvar x-gtk-resize-child-frames) ;; Not present on non-gtk builds
    394 (defun corfu--make-frame (x y width height content)
    395   "Show child frame at X/Y with WIDTH/HEIGHT and CONTENT."
    396   (let* ((window-min-height 1)
    397          (window-min-width 1)
    398          (x-gtk-resize-child-frames
    399           (let ((case-fold-search t))
    400             (and
    401              ;; XXX HACK to fix resizing on gtk3/gnome taken from posframe.el
    402              ;; More information:
    403              ;; *
    404              ;; *
    405              ;; *
    406              (string-match-p "gtk3" system-configuration-features)
    407              (string-match-p "gnome\\|cinnamon"
    408                              (or (getenv "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")
    409                                  (getenv "DESKTOP_SESSION") ""))
    410              'resize-mode)))
    411          (after-make-frame-functions)
    412          (edge (window-inside-pixel-edges))
    413          (ch (default-line-height))
    414          (border (alist-get 'child-frame-border-width corfu--frame-parameters))
    415          (x (max border (min (+ (car edge) x (- border))
    416                              (- (frame-pixel-width) width))))
    417          (yb (+ (cadr edge) (window-tab-line-height) y ch))
    418          (y (if (> (+ yb (* corfu-count ch) ch ch) (frame-pixel-height))
    419                 (- yb height ch 1)
    420               yb))
    421          (buffer (corfu--make-buffer content))
    422          (parent (window-frame)))
    423     (unless (and (frame-live-p corfu--frame)
    424                  (eq (frame-parent corfu--frame) parent))
    425       (when corfu--frame (delete-frame corfu--frame))
    426       (setq corfu--frame (make-frame
    427                           `((parent-frame . ,parent)
    428                             (minibuffer . ,(minibuffer-window parent))
    429                             ;; Set `internal-border-width' for Emacs 27
    430                             (internal-border-width . ,border)
    431                             ,@corfu--frame-parameters))))
    432     ;; XXX HACK Setting the same frame-parameter/face-background is not a nop.
    433     ;; Check explicitly before applying the setting. Without the check, the
    434     ;; frame flickers on Mac.
    435     ;; XXX HACK We have to apply the face background before adjusting the frame
    436     ;; parameter, otherwise the border is not updated (BUG!).
    437     (let* ((face (if (facep 'child-frame-border) 'child-frame-border 'internal-border))
    438            (new (face-attribute 'corfu-border :background nil 'default)))
    439       (unless (equal (face-attribute face :background corfu--frame 'default) new)
    440         (set-face-background face new corfu--frame)))
    441     (let ((new (face-attribute 'corfu-default :background nil 'default)))
    442       (unless (equal (frame-parameter corfu--frame 'background-color) new)
    443         (set-frame-parameter corfu--frame 'background-color new)))
    444     (let ((win (frame-root-window corfu--frame)))
    445       (set-window-buffer win buffer)
    446       ;; Disallow selection of root window (#63)
    447       (set-window-parameter win 'no-delete-other-windows t)
    448       (set-window-parameter win 'no-other-window t)
    449       ;; Mark window as dedicated to prevent frame reuse (#60)
    450       (set-window-dedicated-p win t))
    451     (set-frame-size corfu--frame width height t)
    452     (if (frame-visible-p corfu--frame)
    453         ;; XXX HACK Avoid flicker when frame is already visible.
    454         ;; Redisplay, wait for resize and then move the frame.
    455         (unless (equal (frame-position corfu--frame) (cons x y))
    456           (redisplay 'force)
    457           (sleep-for 0.01)
    458           (set-frame-position corfu--frame x y))
    459       ;; XXX HACK: Force redisplay, otherwise the popup sometimes does not
    460       ;; display content.
    461       (set-frame-position corfu--frame x y)
    462       (redisplay 'force)
    463       (make-frame-visible corfu--frame))
    464     (redirect-frame-focus corfu--frame parent)))
    466 (defun corfu--popup-show (pos off width lines &optional curr lo bar)
    467   "Show LINES as popup at POS - OFF.
    468 WIDTH is the width of the popup.
    469 The current candidate CURR is highlighted.
    470 A scroll bar is displayed from LO to LO+BAR."
    471   (let* ((ch (default-line-height))
    472          (cw (default-font-width))
    473          (ml (ceiling (* cw corfu-left-margin-width)))
    474          (mr (ceiling (* cw corfu-right-margin-width)))
    475          (bw (ceiling (min mr (* cw corfu-bar-width))))
    476          (marginl (and (> ml 0) (propertize " " 'display `(space :width (,ml)))))
    477          (marginr (and (> mr 0) (propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to right))))
    478          (sbar (when (> bw 0)
    479                  (concat (propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right (,mr))))
    480                          (propertize " " 'display `(space :width (,(- mr bw))))
    481                          (propertize " " 'face 'corfu-bar 'display `(space :width (,bw))))))
    482          (row 0)
    483          (pos (posn-x-y (posn-at-point pos)))
    484          (x (or (car pos) 0))
    485          (y (or (cdr pos) 0)))
    486     (corfu--make-frame
    487      (- x ml (* cw off)) y
    488      (+ (* width cw) ml mr) (* (length lines) ch)
    489      (mapconcat (lambda (line)
    490                   (let ((str (concat marginl line
    491                                      (if (and lo (<= lo row (+ lo bar))) sbar marginr))))
    492                     (when (eq row curr)
    493                       (add-face-text-property
    494                        0 (length str) 'corfu-current 'append str))
    495                     (setq row (1+ row))
    496                     str))
    497                 lines "\n"))))
    499 (defun corfu--hide-frame-deferred ()
    500   "Deferred frame hiding."
    501   (setq corfu--frame-timer nil)
    502   (when (frame-live-p corfu--frame)
    503     (make-frame-invisible corfu--frame)
    504     (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (frame-root-window corfu--frame))
    505       (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)
    506             (inhibit-read-only t))
    507         (erase-buffer)))))
    509 (defun corfu--popup-hide ()
    510   "Hide Corfu popup."
    511   (when (and (frame-live-p corfu--frame) (not corfu--frame-timer))
    512     (setq corfu--frame-timer (run-at-time 0 nil #'corfu--hide-frame-deferred))))
    514 (defun corfu--popup-support-p ()
    515   "Return non-nil if child frames are supported."
    516   (display-graphic-p))
    518 (defun corfu--move-to-front (elem list)
    519   "Move ELEM to front of LIST."
    520   (if-let (found (member elem list))
    521       (let ((head (list (car found))))
    522         (nconc head (delq (setcar found nil) list)))
    523     list))
    525 ;; bug#47711: Deferred highlighting for `completion-all-completions'
    526 ;; XXX There is one complication: `completion--twq-all' already adds
    527 ;; `completions-common-part'.
    528 (defun corfu--all-completions (&rest args)
    529   "Compute all completions for ARGS with deferred highlighting."
    530   (cl-letf* ((orig-pcm (symbol-function #'completion-pcm--hilit-commonality))
    531              (orig-flex (symbol-function #'completion-flex-all-completions))
    532              ((symbol-function #'completion-flex-all-completions)
    533               (lambda (&rest args)
    534                 ;; Unfortunately for flex we have to undo the deferred
    535                 ;; highlighting, since flex uses the completion-score for
    536                 ;; sorting, which is applied during highlighting.
    537                 (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'completion-pcm--hilit-commonality) orig-pcm))
    538                   (apply orig-flex args))))
    539              ;; Defer the following highlighting functions
    540              (hl #'identity)
    541              ((symbol-function #'completion-hilit-commonality)
    542               (lambda (cands prefix &optional base)
    543                 (setq hl (lambda (x) (nconc (completion-hilit-commonality x prefix base) nil)))
    544                 (and cands (nconc cands base))))
    545              ((symbol-function #'completion-pcm--hilit-commonality)
    546               (lambda (pattern cands)
    547                 (setq hl (lambda (x)
    548                            ;; `completion-pcm--hilit-commonality' sometimes
    549                            ;; throws an internal error for example when entering
    550                            ;; "/sudo:://u".
    551                            (condition-case nil
    552                                (completion-pcm--hilit-commonality pattern x)
    553                              (t x))))
    554                 cands)))
    555     ;; Only advise orderless after it has been loaded to avoid load order issues
    556     (if (and (fboundp 'orderless-highlight-matches)
    557              (fboundp 'orderless-pattern-compiler))
    558         (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'orderless-highlight-matches)
    559                    (lambda (pattern cands)
    560                      (let ((regexps (orderless-pattern-compiler pattern)))
    561                        (setq hl (lambda (x) (orderless-highlight-matches regexps x))))
    562                      cands)))
    563           (cons (apply #'completion-all-completions args) hl))
    564       (cons (apply #'completion-all-completions args) hl))))
    566 (defun corfu--sort-predicate (x y)
    567   "Sorting predicate which compares X and Y."
    568   (or (< (length x) (length y)) (and (= (length x) (length y)) (string< x y))))
    570 (defun corfu-sort-length-alpha (list)
    571   "Sort LIST by length and alphabetically."
    572   (sort list #'corfu--sort-predicate))
    574 (defmacro corfu--partition! (list form)
    575   "Evaluate FORM for every element and partition LIST."
    576   (let ((head1 (make-symbol "head1"))
    577         (head2 (make-symbol "head2"))
    578         (tail1 (make-symbol "tail1"))
    579         (tail2 (make-symbol "tail2")))
    580     `(let* ((,head1 (cons nil nil))
    581             (,head2 (cons nil nil))
    582             (,tail1 ,head1)
    583             (,tail2 ,head2))
    584        (while ,list
    585          (if (let ((it (car ,list))) ,form)
    586              (progn
    587                (setcdr ,tail1 ,list)
    588                (pop ,tail1))
    589            (setcdr ,tail2 ,list)
    590            (pop ,tail2))
    591          (pop ,list))
    592        (setcdr ,tail1 (cdr ,head2))
    593        (setcdr ,tail2 nil)
    594        (setq ,list (cdr ,head1)))))
    596 (defun corfu--move-prefix-candidates-to-front (field candidates)
    597   "Move CANDIDATES which match prefix of FIELD to the beginning."
    598   (let* ((word (substring field 0
    599                           (seq-position field corfu-separator)))
    600          (len (length word)))
    601     (corfu--partition!
    602      candidates
    603      (and (>= (length it) len)
    604           (eq t (compare-strings word 0 len it 0 len
    605                                  completion-ignore-case))))))
    607 (defun corfu--filter-files (files)
    608   "Filter FILES by `completion-ignored-extensions'."
    609   (let ((re (concat "\\(?:\\(?:\\`\\|/\\)\\.\\.?/\\|"
    610                     (regexp-opt completion-ignored-extensions)
    611                     "\\)\\'")))
    612     (or (seq-remove (lambda (x) (string-match-p re x)) files) files)))
    614 (defun corfu--sort-function ()
    615   "Return the sorting function."
    616   (or corfu-sort-override-function
    617       (corfu--metadata-get 'display-sort-function)
    618       corfu-sort-function))
    620 (defun corfu--recompute-candidates (str pt table pred)
    621   "Recompute candidates from STR, PT, TABLE and PRED."
    622   (pcase-let* ((before (substring str 0 pt))
    623                (after (substring str pt))
    624                (corfu--metadata (completion-metadata before table pred))
    625                ;; bug#47678: `completion-boundaries` fails for `partial-completion`
    626                ;; if the cursor is moved between the slashes of "~//".
    627                ;; See also vertico.el which has the same issue.
    628                (bounds (or (condition-case nil
    629                                (completion-boundaries before table pred after)
    630                              (t (cons 0 (length after))))))
    631                (field (substring str (car bounds) (+ pt (cdr bounds))))
    632                (completing-file (eq (corfu--metadata-get 'category) 'file))
    633                (`(,all . ,hl) (corfu--all-completions str table pred pt corfu--metadata))
    634                (base (or (when-let (z (last all)) (prog1 (cdr z) (setcdr z nil))) 0))
    635                (corfu--base (substring str 0 base)))
    636     ;; Filter the ignored file extensions. We cannot use modified predicate for
    637     ;; this filtering, since this breaks the special casing in the
    638     ;; `completion-file-name-table' for `file-exists-p' and `file-directory-p'.
    639     (when completing-file (setq all (corfu--filter-files all)))
    640     (setq all (delete-consecutive-dups (funcall (or (corfu--sort-function) #'identity) all)))
    641     (setq all (corfu--move-prefix-candidates-to-front field all))
    642     (when (and completing-file (not (string-suffix-p "/" field)))
    643       (setq all (corfu--move-to-front (concat field "/") all)))
    644     (setq all (corfu--move-to-front field all))
    645     (list corfu--base all (length all) hl corfu--metadata
    646           ;; Select the prompt when the input is a valid completion
    647           ;; and if it is not equal to the first candidate.
    648           (if (or (not corfu-preselect-first) (not all)
    649                   (and (not (equal field (car all)))
    650                        (not (and completing-file (equal (concat field "/") (car all))))
    651                        (test-completion str table pred)))
    652               -1 0))))
    654 (defun corfu--update-candidates (str pt table pred)
    655   "Update candidates from STR, PT, TABLE and PRED."
    656   ;; Redisplay such that the input becomes immediately visible before the
    657   ;; expensive candidate recomputation is performed (Issue #48). See also
    658   ;; corresponding vertico#89.
    659   (redisplay)
    660   (pcase
    661       ;; Bind non-essential=t to prevent Tramp from opening new connections,
    662       ;; without the user explicitly requesting it via M-TAB.
    663       (let ((non-essential t))
    664         (while-no-input (corfu--recompute-candidates str pt table pred)))
    665     ('nil (keyboard-quit))
    666     (`(,base ,candidates ,total ,hl ,metadata ,preselect)
    667      (setq corfu--input (cons str pt)
    668            corfu--candidates candidates
    669            corfu--base base
    670            corfu--total total
    671            corfu--preselect preselect
    672            corfu--index preselect
    673            corfu--highlight hl
    674            corfu--metadata metadata))))
    676 (defun corfu--match-symbol-p (pattern sym)
    677   "Return non-nil if SYM is matching an element of the PATTERN list."
    678   (and (symbolp sym)
    679        (cl-loop for x in pattern
    680                 thereis (if (symbolp x)
    681                             (eq sym x)
    682                           (string-match-p x (symbol-name sym))))))
    684 (defun corfu-quit ()
    685   "Quit Corfu completion."
    686   (interactive)
    687   (completion-in-region-mode -1))
    689 (defun corfu-reset ()
    690   "Reset Corfu completion.
    691 This command can be executed multiple times by hammering the ESC key. If a
    692 candidate is selected, unselect the candidate. Otherwise reset the input. If
    693 there hasn't been any input, then quit."
    694   (interactive)
    695   (if (/= corfu--index corfu--preselect)
    696       (progn
    697         (corfu--goto -1)
    698         (setq this-command #'corfu-first))
    699     ;; Cancel all changes and start new change group.
    700     (cancel-change-group corfu--change-group)
    701     (activate-change-group (setq corfu--change-group (prepare-change-group)))
    702     (when (eq last-command #'corfu-reset) (corfu-quit))))
    704 (defun corfu--affixate (cands)
    705   "Annotate CANDS with annotation function."
    706   (setq cands
    707         (if-let (aff (or (corfu--metadata-get 'affixation-function)
    708                          (plist-get corfu--extra :affixation-function)))
    709             (funcall aff cands)
    710           (if-let (ann (or (corfu--metadata-get 'annotation-function)
    711                            (plist-get corfu--extra :annotation-function)))
    712               (cl-loop for cand in cands collect
    713                        (let ((suffix (or (funcall ann cand) "")))
    714                          ;; The default completion UI adds the
    715                          ;; `completions-annotations' face if no other faces are
    716                          ;; present. We use a custom `corfu-annotations' face to
    717                          ;; allow further styling which fits better for popups.
    718                          (unless (text-property-not-all 0 (length suffix) 'face nil suffix)
    719                            (setq suffix (propertize suffix 'face 'corfu-annotations)))
    720                          (list cand "" suffix)))
    721             (cl-loop for cand in cands collect (list cand "" "")))))
    722   (let* ((dep (plist-get corfu--extra :company-deprecated))
    723          (completion-extra-properties corfu--extra)
    724          (mf (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'corfu-margin-formatters corfu--metadata)))
    725     (cl-loop for x in cands for (c . _) = x do
    726              (when mf
    727                (setf (cadr x) (funcall mf c)))
    728              (when (and dep (funcall dep c))
    729                (setcar x (setq c (substring c)))
    730                (add-face-text-property 0 (length c) 'corfu-deprecated 'append c)))
    731     (cons mf cands)))
    733 (defun corfu--metadata-get (prop)
    734   "Return PROP from completion metadata."
    735   ;; Note: Do not use `completion-metadata-get' in order to avoid Marginalia.
    736   ;; The Marginalia annotators are too heavy for the Corfu popup!
    737   (cdr (assq prop corfu--metadata)))
    739 (defun corfu--format-candidates (cands)
    740   "Format annotated CANDS."
    741   (setq cands
    742         (cl-loop for c in cands collect
    743                  (cl-loop for s in c collect
    744                           (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*" " " s))))
    745   (let* ((cw (cl-loop for x in cands maximize (string-width (car x))))
    746          (pw (cl-loop for x in cands maximize (string-width (cadr x))))
    747          (sw (cl-loop for x in cands maximize (string-width (caddr x))))
    748          (width (+ pw cw sw))
    749          ;; -4 because of margins and some additional safety
    750          (max-width (min corfu-max-width (- (frame-width) 4))))
    751     (when (> width max-width)
    752       (setq sw (max 0 (- max-width pw cw))
    753             width (+ pw cw sw)))
    754     (when (< width corfu-min-width)
    755       (setq cw (+ cw (- corfu-min-width width))
    756             width corfu-min-width))
    757     (setq width (min width max-width))
    758     (list pw width
    759           (cl-loop for (cand prefix suffix) in cands collect
    760                    (truncate-string-to-width
    761                     (concat prefix
    762                             (make-string (max 0 (- pw (string-width prefix))) ?\s)
    763                             cand
    764                             (when (/= sw 0)
    765                               (make-string
    766                                (+ (max 0 (- cw (string-width cand)))
    767                                   (max 0 (- sw (string-width suffix))))
    768                                ?\s))
    769                             suffix)
    770                     width)))))
    772 (defun corfu--update-scroll ()
    773   "Update scroll position."
    774   (let ((off (max (min corfu-scroll-margin (/ corfu-count 2)) 0))
    775         (corr (if (= corfu-scroll-margin (/ corfu-count 2)) (1- (mod corfu-count 2)) 0)))
    776     (setq corfu--scroll (min (max 0 (- corfu--total corfu-count))
    777                              (max 0 (+ corfu--index off 1 (- corfu-count))
    778                                   (min (- corfu--index off corr) corfu--scroll))))))
    780 (defun corfu--candidates-popup (pos)
    781   "Show candidates popup at POS."
    782   (corfu--update-scroll)
    783   (pcase-let* ((last (min (+ corfu--scroll corfu-count) corfu--total))
    784                (bar (ceiling (* corfu-count corfu-count) corfu--total))
    785                (lo (min (- corfu-count bar 1) (floor (* corfu-count corfu--scroll) corfu--total)))
    786                (`(,mf . ,acands) (corfu--affixate (funcall corfu--highlight
    787                                    (seq-subseq corfu--candidates corfu--scroll last))))
    788                (`(,pw ,width ,fcands) (corfu--format-candidates acands))
    789                ;; Disable the left margin if a margin formatter is active.
    790                (corfu-left-margin-width (if mf 0 corfu-left-margin-width)))
    791     ;; Nonlinearity at the end and the beginning
    792     (when (/= corfu--scroll 0)
    793       (setq lo (max 1 lo)))
    794     (when (/= last corfu--total)
    795       (setq lo (min (- corfu-count bar 2) lo)))
    796     (corfu--popup-show (+ pos (length corfu--base)) pw width fcands (- corfu--index corfu--scroll)
    797                        (and (> corfu--total corfu-count) lo) bar)))
    799 (defun corfu--preview-current (beg end)
    800   "Show current candidate as overlay given BEG and END."
    801   (when-let (cand (and corfu-preview-current (>= corfu--index 0)
    802                        (/= corfu--index corfu--preselect)
    803                        (nth corfu--index corfu--candidates)))
    804     (setq corfu--preview-ov (make-overlay beg end nil t t))
    805     (overlay-put corfu--preview-ov 'priority 1000)
    806     (overlay-put corfu--preview-ov 'window (selected-window))
    807     (overlay-put corfu--preview-ov
    808                  (if (= beg end) 'after-string 'display)
    809                  (concat corfu--base cand))))
    811 (defun corfu--echo-cancel (&optional msg)
    812   "Cancel echo timer and refresh MSG to prevent flicker during redisplay."
    813   (when corfu--echo-timer
    814     (cancel-timer corfu--echo-timer)
    815     (setq corfu--echo-timer nil))
    816   (corfu--echo-show msg))
    818 (defun corfu--echo-show (msg)
    819   "Show MSG in echo area."
    820   (when (or msg corfu--echo-message)
    821     (setq msg (or msg "")
    822           corfu--echo-message msg)
    823     (corfu--message "%s" (if (text-property-not-all 0 (length msg) 'face nil msg)
    824                              msg
    825                            (propertize msg 'face 'corfu-echo)))))
    827 (defun corfu--echo-documentation ()
    828   "Show documentation string of current candidate in echo area."
    829   (if-let* ((delay (if (consp corfu-echo-documentation)
    830                        (funcall (if corfu--echo-message #'cdr #'car)
    831                                 corfu-echo-documentation)
    832                      corfu-echo-documentation))
    833             (fun (plist-get corfu--extra :company-docsig))
    834             (cand (and (>= corfu--index 0)
    835                        (nth corfu--index corfu--candidates))))
    836       (if (or (eq delay t) (<= delay 0))
    837           (corfu--echo-show (funcall fun cand))
    838         (corfu--echo-cancel)
    839         (setq corfu--echo-timer
    840               (run-at-time delay nil
    841                            (lambda ()
    842                              (corfu--echo-show (funcall fun cand))))))
    843     (corfu--echo-cancel)))
    845 (defun corfu--update ()
    846   "Refresh Corfu UI."
    847   (pcase-let* ((`(,beg ,end ,table ,pred) completion-in-region--data)
    848                (pt (- (point) beg))
    849                (str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
    850                (initializing (not corfu--input)))
    851     (when corfu--frame-timer
    852       (cancel-timer corfu--frame-timer)
    853       (setq corfu--frame-timer nil))
    854     (corfu--echo-cancel corfu--echo-message)
    855     (cond
    856      ;; XXX Guard against errors during candidate generation.
    857      ;; Turn off completion immediately if there are errors
    858      ;; For example dabbrev throws error "No dynamic expansion ... found".
    859      ;; TODO Report this as a bug? Are completion tables supposed to throw errors?
    860      ((condition-case err
    861           ;; Only recompute when input changed
    862           (unless (equal corfu--input (cons str pt))
    863             (corfu--update-candidates str pt table pred)
    864             nil)
    865         (error (corfu-quit)
    866                (message "Corfu completion error: %s" (error-message-string err)))))
    867      ;; 1) Initializing, no candidates => Quit. Happens during auto completion.
    868      ((and initializing (not corfu--candidates))
    869       (corfu-quit))
    870      ;; 2) Single exactly matching candidate and no further completion is possible.
    871      ((and (not (equal str ""))
    872            (equal (car corfu--candidates) str) (not (cdr corfu--candidates))
    873            (not (consp (completion-try-completion str table pred pt corfu--metadata)))
    874            (or initializing corfu-on-exact-match))
    875       ;; Quit directly when initializing. This happens during auto completion.
    876       (if (or initializing (eq corfu-on-exact-match 'quit))
    877           (corfu-quit)
    878         (corfu--done str 'finished)))
    879      ;; 3) There exist candidates => Show candidates popup.
    880      (corfu--candidates
    881       (corfu--candidates-popup beg)
    882       (corfu--preview-current beg end)
    883       (corfu--echo-documentation)
    884       (redisplay 'force)) ;; XXX HACK Ensure that popup is redisplayed
    885      ;; 4) There are no candidates & corfu-quit-no-match => Confirmation popup.
    886      ((and (not corfu--candidates)
    887            (pcase-exhaustive corfu-quit-no-match
    888              ('t nil)
    889              ('nil t)
    890              ('separator (seq-contains-p (car corfu--input) corfu-separator))))
    891       (corfu--popup-show beg 0 8 '(#("No match" 0 8 (face italic))))
    892       (redisplay 'force)) ;; XXX HACK Ensure that popup is redisplayed
    893      (t (corfu-quit)))))
    895 (defun corfu--pre-command ()
    896   "Insert selected candidate unless command is marked to continue completion."
    897   (when corfu--preview-ov
    898     (delete-overlay corfu--preview-ov)
    899     (setq corfu--preview-ov nil))
    900   (when (and (eq corfu-preview-current 'insert)
    901              (/= corfu--index corfu--preselect)
    902              ;; See the comment about `overriding-local-map' in `corfu--post-command'.
    903              (not (or overriding-terminal-local-map
    904                       (corfu--match-symbol-p corfu-continue-commands this-command))))
    905     (corfu--insert 'exact)))
    907 (defun corfu-insert-separator ()
    908   "Insert a separator character, inhibiting quit on completion boundary.
    909 See `corfu-separator' for more details."
    910   (interactive)
    911   (insert corfu-separator))
    913 (defun corfu--post-command ()
    914   "Refresh Corfu after last command."
    915   (or (pcase completion-in-region--data
    916         (`(,beg ,end . ,_)
    917          (when (let ((pt (point)))
    918                  (and (eq (marker-buffer beg) (current-buffer))
    919                       ;; Check ranges
    920                       (<= beg pt end)
    921                       (save-excursion
    922                         (goto-char beg)
    923                         (let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
    924                           (<= (line-beginning-position) pt (line-end-position))))
    925                       (or
    926                        ;; TODO We keep alive Corfu if a `overriding-terminal-local-map' is
    927                        ;; installed, for example the `universal-argument-map'. It would be good to
    928                        ;; think about a better criterion instead. Unfortunately relying on
    929                        ;; `this-command' alone is not sufficient, since the value of `this-command'
    930                        ;; gets clobbered in the case of transient keymaps.
    931                        overriding-terminal-local-map
    932                        ;; Check if it is an explicitly listed continue command
    933                        (corfu--match-symbol-p corfu-continue-commands this-command)
    934                        (and
    935                         ;; Check for empty input
    936                         (or (not corfu--input) (< beg end))
    937                         ;; Check separator or predicate
    938                         (or (not corfu-quit-at-boundary)
    939                             (and (eq corfu-quit-at-boundary 'separator)
    940                                  (or (eq this-command #'corfu-insert-separator)
    941                                      ;; with separator, any further chars allowed
    942                                      (seq-contains-p (car corfu--input) corfu-separator)))
    943                             (funcall completion-in-region-mode--predicate))))))
    944            (corfu--update)
    945            t)))
    946       (corfu-quit))
    947   (when corfu-auto (corfu--auto-post-command)))
    949 (defun corfu--goto (index)
    950   "Go to candidate with INDEX."
    951   (setq corfu--index (max corfu--preselect (min index (1- corfu--total)))))
    953 (defun corfu-next (&optional n)
    954   "Go forward N candidates."
    955   (interactive "p")
    956   (let ((index (+ corfu--index (or n 1))))
    957     (corfu--goto
    958      (cond
    959       ((not corfu-cycle) index)
    960       ((= corfu--total 0) -1)
    961       ((< corfu--preselect 0) (1- (mod (1+ index) (1+ corfu--total))))
    962       (t (mod index corfu--total))))))
    964 (defun corfu-previous (&optional n)
    965   "Go backward N candidates."
    966   (interactive "p")
    967   (corfu-next (- (or n 1))))
    969 (defun corfu-scroll-down (&optional n)
    970   "Go back by N pages."
    971   (interactive "p")
    972   (corfu--goto (max 0 (- corfu--index (* (or n 1) corfu-count)))))
    974 (defun corfu-scroll-up (&optional n)
    975   "Go forward by N pages."
    976   (interactive "p")
    977   (corfu-scroll-down (- (or n 1))))
    979 (defun corfu-first ()
    980   "Go to first candidate, or to the prompt when the first candidate is selected."
    981   (interactive)
    982   (corfu--goto (if (> corfu--index 0) 0 -1)))
    984 (defun corfu-last ()
    985   "Go to last candidate."
    986   (interactive)
    987   (corfu--goto (1- corfu--total)))
    989 (defun corfu-complete ()
    990   "Try to complete current input.
    991 If a candidate is selected, insert it."
    992   (interactive)
    993   (pcase-let ((`(,beg ,end ,table ,pred) completion-in-region--data))
    994     (if (>= corfu--index 0)
    995         ;; Continue completion with selected candidate
    996         (progn
    997           (corfu--insert nil)
    998           ;; Exit with status 'finished if input is a valid match and no further
    999           ;; completion is possible. Furthermore treat the completion as
   1000           ;; finished if we are at the end of a boundary, even if other longer
   1001           ;; candidates would still match, since the user invoked `corfu-complete'
   1002           ;; with an explicitly selected candidate!
   1003           (let ((newstr (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
   1004             (when (and (test-completion newstr table pred)
   1005                        (or
   1006                         (not (consp (completion-try-completion
   1007                                      newstr table pred (length newstr)
   1008                                      (completion-metadata newstr table pred))))
   1009                         (equal (completion-boundaries newstr table pred "") '(0 . 0))))
   1010               (corfu--done newstr 'finished))))
   1011       ;; Try to complete the current input string
   1012       (let* ((pt (max 0 (- (point) beg)))
   1013              (str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
   1014              (metadata (completion-metadata (substring str 0 pt) table pred)))
   1015         (pcase (completion-try-completion str table pred pt metadata)
   1016           ('t
   1017            (goto-char end)
   1018            (corfu--done str 'finished))
   1019           (`(,newstr . ,newpt)
   1020            (unless (equal str newstr)
   1021              ;; bug#55205: completion--replace removes properties!
   1022              (completion--replace beg end (concat newstr)))
   1023            (goto-char (+ beg newpt))
   1024            ;; Exit with status 'finished if input is a valid match
   1025            ;; and no further completion is possible.
   1026            (when (and (test-completion newstr table pred)
   1027                       (not (consp (completion-try-completion
   1028                                    newstr table pred newpt
   1029                                    (completion-metadata newstr table pred)))))
   1030              (corfu--done newstr 'finished))))))))
   1032 (defun corfu--insert (status)
   1033   "Insert current candidate, exit with STATUS if non-nil."
   1034   (pcase-let* ((`(,beg ,end . ,_) completion-in-region--data)
   1035                (str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
   1036     ;; XXX There is a small bug here, depending on interpretation.
   1037     ;; When completing "~/emacs/master/li|/calc" where "|" is the
   1038     ;; cursor, then the candidate only includes the prefix
   1039     ;; "~/emacs/master/lisp/", but not the suffix "/calc". Default
   1040     ;; completion has the same problem when selecting in the
   1041     ;; *Completions* buffer. See bug#48356.
   1042     (setq str (concat corfu--base (substring-no-properties
   1043                                    (nth corfu--index corfu--candidates))))
   1044     ;; bug#55205: completion--replace removes properties!
   1045     (completion--replace beg end (concat str))
   1046     (corfu--goto -1) ;; Reset selection, but continue completion.
   1047     (when status (corfu--done str status)))) ;; Exit with status
   1049 (defun corfu--done (str status)
   1050   "Call the `:exit-function' with STR and STATUS and exit completion."
   1051   (let ((exit (plist-get corfu--extra :exit-function)))
   1052     ;; For successfull completions, amalgamate undo operations,
   1053     ;; such that completion can be undone in a single step.
   1054     (undo-amalgamate-change-group corfu--change-group)
   1055     (corfu-quit)
   1056     ;; XXX Is the :exit-function handling sufficient?
   1057     (when exit (funcall exit str status))))
   1059 (defun corfu-insert ()
   1060   "Insert current candidate.
   1061 Quit if no candidate is selected."
   1062   (interactive)
   1063   (if (>= corfu--index 0)
   1064       (corfu--insert 'finished)
   1065     (corfu-quit)))
   1067 (defun corfu--setup ()
   1068   "Setup Corfu completion state."
   1069   (setq corfu--extra completion-extra-properties)
   1070   (completion-in-region-mode 1)
   1071   (undo-boundary) ;; Necessary to support `corfu-reset'
   1072   (activate-change-group (setq corfu--change-group (prepare-change-group)))
   1073   (setcdr (assq #'completion-in-region-mode minor-mode-overriding-map-alist) corfu-map)
   1074   (add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'corfu--pre-command nil 'local)
   1075   (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'corfu--post-command)
   1076   ;; Disable default post-command handling, since we have our own
   1077   ;; checks in `corfu--post-command'.
   1078   (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'completion-in-region--postch)
   1079   (let ((sym (make-symbol "corfu--teardown"))
   1080         (buf (current-buffer)))
   1081     (fset sym (lambda ()
   1082                 ;; Ensure that the teardown runs in the correct buffer, if still alive.
   1083                 (unless completion-in-region-mode
   1084                   (remove-hook 'completion-in-region-mode-hook sym)
   1085                   (with-current-buffer (if (buffer-live-p buf) buf (current-buffer))
   1086                     (corfu--teardown)))))
   1087     (add-hook 'completion-in-region-mode-hook sym)))
   1089 (defun corfu--teardown ()
   1090   "Teardown Corfu."
   1091   (corfu--popup-hide)
   1092   (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'corfu--pre-command 'local)
   1093   (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'corfu--post-command)
   1094   (when corfu--preview-ov (delete-overlay corfu--preview-ov))
   1095   (corfu--echo-cancel)
   1096   (accept-change-group corfu--change-group)
   1097   (mapc #'kill-local-variable corfu--state-vars))
   1099 (defun corfu--in-region (&rest args)
   1100   "Corfu completion in region function called with ARGS."
   1101   ;; XXX We can get an endless loop when `completion-in-region-function' is set
   1102   ;; globally to `corfu--in-region'. This should never happen.
   1103   (apply (if (corfu--popup-support-p) #'corfu--in-region-1
   1104            (default-value 'completion-in-region-function))
   1105          args))
   1107 (defun corfu--in-region-1 (beg end table &optional pred)
   1108   "Complete in region, see `completion-in-region' for BEG, END, TABLE, PRED."
   1109   (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
   1110   ;; Restart the completion. This can happen for example if C-M-/
   1111   ;; (`dabbrev-completion') is pressed while the Corfu popup is already open.
   1112   (when completion-in-region-mode (corfu-quit))
   1113   (let* ((pt (max 0 (- (point) beg)))
   1114          (str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
   1115          (before (substring str 0 pt))
   1116          (metadata (completion-metadata before table pred))
   1117          (exit (plist-get completion-extra-properties :exit-function))
   1118          (threshold (completion--cycle-threshold metadata))
   1119          (completion-in-region-mode-predicate
   1120           (or completion-in-region-mode-predicate (lambda () t))))
   1121     (pcase (completion-try-completion str table pred pt metadata)
   1122       ('nil (corfu--message "No match") nil)
   1123       ('t (goto-char end)
   1124           (corfu--message "Sole match")
   1125           (when exit (funcall exit str 'finished))
   1126           t)
   1127       (`(,newstr . ,newpt)
   1128        (pcase-let ((`(,base ,candidates ,total . ,_)
   1129                     (corfu--recompute-candidates str pt table pred)))
   1130          (unless (markerp beg) (setq beg (copy-marker beg)))
   1131          (setq end (copy-marker end t)
   1132                completion-in-region--data (list beg end table pred))
   1133          (unless (equal str newstr)
   1134            ;; bug#55205: completion--replace removes properties!
   1135            (completion--replace beg end (concat newstr)))
   1136          (goto-char (+ beg newpt))
   1137          (if (= total 1)
   1138              ;; If completion is finished and cannot be further completed,
   1139              ;; return 'finished. Otherwise setup the Corfu popup.
   1140              (cond
   1141               ((consp (completion-try-completion
   1142                        newstr table pred newpt
   1143                        (completion-metadata newstr table pred)))
   1144                (corfu--setup))
   1145               (exit (funcall exit newstr 'finished)))
   1146            (if (or (= total 0) (not threshold)
   1147                    (and (not (eq threshold t)) (< threshold total)))
   1148                (corfu--setup)
   1149              (corfu--cycle-candidates total candidates (+ (length base) beg) end)
   1150              ;; Do not show Corfu when "trivially" cycling, i.e.,
   1151              ;; when the completion is finished after the candidate.
   1152              (unless (equal (completion-boundaries (car candidates) table pred "")
   1153                             '(0 . 0))
   1154                (corfu--setup)))))
   1155        t))))
   1157 (defun corfu--message (&rest msg)
   1158   "Show completion MSG."
   1159   (let (message-log-max) (apply #'message msg)))
   1161 (defun corfu--cycle-candidates (total cands beg end)
   1162   "Cycle between TOTAL number of CANDS.
   1163 See `completion-in-region' for the arguments BEG, END, TABLE, PRED."
   1164   (let* ((idx 0)
   1165          (map (make-sparse-keymap))
   1166          (replace (lambda ()
   1167                     (interactive)
   1168                     ;; bug#55205: completion--replace removes properties!
   1169                     (completion--replace beg end (concat (nth idx cands)))
   1170                     (corfu--message "Cycling %d/%d..." (1+ idx) total)
   1171                     (setq idx (mod (1+ idx) total))
   1172                     (set-transient-map map))))
   1173     (define-key map [remap completion-at-point] replace)
   1174     (define-key map [remap corfu-complete] replace)
   1175     (define-key map (vector last-command-event) replace)
   1176     (funcall replace)))
   1178 (defun corfu--auto-complete-deferred (&optional tick)
   1179   "Initiate auto completion if TICK did not change."
   1180   (setq corfu--auto-timer nil)
   1181   (when (and (not completion-in-region-mode)
   1182              (or (not tick) (equal tick (corfu--auto-tick))))
   1183     (pcase (while-no-input ;; Interruptible capf query
   1184              (run-hook-wrapped 'completion-at-point-functions #'corfu--capf-wrapper))
   1185       (`(,fun ,beg ,end ,table . ,plist)
   1186        (let ((completion-in-region-mode-predicate
   1187               (lambda () (eq beg (car-safe (funcall fun)))))
   1188              (completion-extra-properties plist))
   1189          (setq completion-in-region--data
   1190                (list (if (markerp beg) beg (copy-marker beg))
   1191                      (copy-marker end t)
   1192                      table
   1193                      (plist-get plist :predicate)))
   1194          (corfu--setup)
   1195          (corfu--update))))))
   1197 (defun corfu--auto-post-command ()
   1198   "Post command hook which initiates auto completion."
   1199   (when corfu--auto-timer
   1200     (cancel-timer corfu--auto-timer)
   1201     (setq corfu--auto-timer nil))
   1202   (when (and (not completion-in-region-mode)
   1203              (not defining-kbd-macro)
   1204              (not buffer-read-only)
   1205              (corfu--match-symbol-p corfu-auto-commands this-command)
   1206              (corfu--popup-support-p))
   1207     (if (<= corfu-auto-delay 0)
   1208         (corfu--auto-complete-deferred)
   1209       ;; NOTE: Do not use idle timer since this leads to unacceptable slowdowns,
   1210       ;; in particular if flyspell-mode is enabled.
   1211       (setq corfu--auto-timer
   1212             (run-at-time corfu-auto-delay nil
   1213                          #'corfu--auto-complete-deferred (corfu--auto-tick))))))
   1215 (defun corfu--auto-tick ()
   1216   "Return the current tick/status of the buffer.
   1217 Auto completion is only performed if the tick did not change."
   1218   (list (current-buffer) (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point)))
   1220 ;;;###autoload
   1221 (define-minor-mode corfu-mode
   1222   "Completion Overlay Region FUnction."
   1223   :global nil :group 'corfu
   1224   (cond
   1225    (corfu-mode
   1226     ;; FIXME: Install advice which fixes `completion--capf-wrapper', such that
   1227     ;; it respects the completion styles for non-exclusive capfs. See FIXME in
   1228     ;; the `completion--capf-wrapper' function in minibuffer.el, where the
   1229     ;; issue has been mentioned. We never uninstall this advice since the
   1230     ;; advice is active *globally*.
   1231     (advice-add #'completion--capf-wrapper :around #'corfu--capf-wrapper-advice)
   1232     (advice-add #'eldoc-display-message-no-interference-p :before-while #'corfu--allow-eldoc)
   1233     (and corfu-auto (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'corfu--auto-post-command nil 'local))
   1234     (setq-local completion-in-region-function #'corfu--in-region))
   1235    (t
   1236     (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'corfu--auto-post-command 'local)
   1237     (kill-local-variable 'completion-in-region-function))))
   1239 (defun corfu--capf-wrapper (fun &optional prefix)
   1240   "Wrapper for `completion-at-point' FUN.
   1241 The wrapper determines if the capf is applicable at the current position
   1242 and performs sanity checking on the returned result. PREFIX is a prefix
   1243 length override, set to t for manual completion."
   1244   (pcase (funcall fun)
   1245     ((and res `(,beg ,end ,table . ,plist))
   1246      (and (integer-or-marker-p beg) ;; Valid capf result
   1247           (<= beg (point) end)      ;; Sanity checking
   1248           ;; When auto completing, check the prefix length!
   1249           (let ((len (or prefix
   1250                          (plist-get plist :company-prefix-length)
   1251                          (- (point) beg))))
   1252             (or (eq len t) (>= len corfu-auto-prefix)))
   1253           ;; For non-exclusive capfs, check for valid completion.
   1254           (or (not (eq 'no (plist-get plist :exclusive)))
   1255               (let* ((str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
   1256                      (pt (- (point) beg))
   1257                      (pred (plist-get plist :predicate))
   1258                      (md (completion-metadata (substring str 0 pt) table pred)))
   1259                 ;; We use `completion-try-completion' to check if there are
   1260                 ;; completions. The upstream `completion--capf-wrapper' uses
   1261                 ;; `try-completion' which is incorrect since it only checks for
   1262                 ;; prefix completions.
   1263                 (completion-try-completion str table pred pt md)))
   1264           (cons fun res)))))
   1266 (defun corfu--capf-wrapper-advice (orig fun which)
   1267   "Around advice for `completion--capf-wrapper'.
   1268 The ORIG function takes the FUN and WHICH arguments."
   1269   (if corfu-mode (corfu--capf-wrapper fun t) (funcall orig fun which)))
   1271 ;;;###autoload
   1272 (define-globalized-minor-mode global-corfu-mode corfu-mode corfu--on :group 'corfu)
   1274 (defun corfu--on ()
   1275   "Turn `corfu-mode' on."
   1276   (unless (or noninteractive
   1277               (eq (aref (buffer-name) 0) ?\s)
   1278               (memq major-mode corfu-excluded-modes))
   1279     (corfu-mode 1)))
   1281 (defun corfu--allow-eldoc ()
   1282   "Return non-nil if Corfu is currently not active."
   1283   (not (and corfu-mode completion-in-region-mode)))
   1285 ;; Emacs 28: Do not show Corfu commands with M-X
   1286 (dolist (sym '(corfu-next corfu-previous corfu-first corfu-last corfu-quit corfu-reset
   1287                corfu-complete corfu-insert corfu-scroll-up corfu-scroll-down
   1288                corfu-insert-separator))
   1289   (put sym 'completion-predicate #'ignore))
   1291 (provide 'corfu)
   1292 ;;; corfu.el ends here