
My Emacs configuration
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      1 	    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
      3 	    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
      6 Table of Contents
      7 ─────────────────
      9 1. Features
     10 2. Installation and Configuration
     11 .. 1. Auto completion
     12 .. 2. Completing in the minibuffer
     13 .. 3. Completing in the Eshell or Shell
     14 .. 4. Orderless completion
     15 .. 5. TAB-and-Go completion
     16 .. 6. Transfer completion to the minibuffer
     17 3. Key bindings
     18 4. Extensions
     19 5. Complementary packages
     20 6. Alternatives
     21 7. Contributions
     24 Corfu enhances completion at point with a small completion popup. The
     25 current candidates are shown in a popup below or above the point. Corfu
     26 is the minimalistic `completion-in-region' counterpart of the [Vertico]
     27 minibuffer UI.
     29 Corfu is a small package, which relies on the Emacs completion
     30 facilities and concentrates on providing a polished completion
     31 UI. Completions are either provided by commands like
     32 `dabbrev-completion' or by pluggable backends
     33 (`completion-at-point-functions', Capfs). Most programming language
     34 major modes implement a Capf. Furthermore the language server packages,
     35 [Eglot] and [Lsp-mode], use Capfs which talk to the LSP server to
     36 retrieve the completions. Corfu does not include its own completion
     37 backends. The Emacs built-in Capfs and the Capfs provided by other
     38 programming language packages are usually sufficient. A few additional
     39 Capfs and completion utilities are provided by the [Cape] package.
     41 *NOTE*: Corfu uses child frames to show the popup and falls back to the
     42 default setting of the `completion-in-region-function' on non-graphical
     43 displays. If you want to use Corfu in the terminal, install the package
     44 [corfu-terminal], which provides an alternative overlay-based display.
     46 Table of Contents
     47 ─────────────────
     49 1. Features
     50 2. Installation and Configuration
     51 .. 1. Auto completion
     52 .. 2. Completing in the minibuffer
     53 .. 3. Completing in the Eshell or Shell
     54 .. 4. Orderless completion
     55 .. 5. TAB-and-Go completion
     56 .. 6. Transfer completion to the minibuffer
     57 3. Key bindings
     58 4. Extensions
     59 5. Complementary packages
     60 6. Alternatives
     61 7. Contributions
     64 [Vertico] <>
     66 [Eglot] <>
     68 [Lsp-mode] <>
     70 [Cape] <>
     72 [corfu-terminal] <>
     75 1 Features
     76 ══════════
     78   • Timer-based auto-completions (/off/ by default, set `corfu-auto').
     79   • Popup display with scrollbar indicator and arrow key navigation.
     80   • The popup can be summoned explicitly by pressing `TAB' at any time.
     81   • The current candidate is inserted with `TAB' and selected with
     82     `RET'.
     83   • Candidates sorting by prefix, string length and alphabetically.
     84   • The selected candidate is previewed (configurable via
     85     `corfu-preview-current').
     86   • The selected candidate automatically committed on further input by
     87     default.  (configurable via `corfu-preview-current').
     88   • The [Orderless] completion style is supported. The filter string can
     89     contain arbitrary characters, after inserting a space via `M-SPC'
     90     (configurable via `corfu-quit-at-boundary' and `corfu-separator').
     91   • Deferred completion style highlighting for performance.
     92   • Support for candidate annotations and documentation in the echo
     93     area.
     94   • Deprecated candidates are crossed out in the display.
     95   • Icons can be provided by an external package via margin formatter
     96     functions.
     97   • Extensions: Quick keys, Index keys, Sorting by history, Candidate
     98     documentation
    101 [Orderless] <>
    104 2 Installation and Configuration
    105 ════════════════════════════════
    107   Corfu is available from [GNU ELPA], such that it can be installed
    108   directly via `package-install'. After installation, the global minor
    109   mode can be enabled with `M-x global-corfu-mode'. In order to
    110   configure Corfu and other packages in your init.el, you may want to
    111   use `use-package'.
    113   Corfu is highly flexible and customizable via `corfu-*' customization
    114   variables, such that you can adapt it precisely to your
    115   requirements. However in order to quickly try out the Corfu completion
    116   package, it should be sufficient to activate `global-corfu-mode'. You
    117   can experiment with manual completion for example in an Elisp buffer
    118   or in an Eshell or Shell buffer. For auto completion, set
    119   `corfu-auto=t' before turning on `global-corfu-mode'.
    121   Here is an example configuration:
    123   ┌────
    124   │ (use-package corfu
    125   │   ;; Optional customizations
    126   │   ;; :custom
    127   │   ;; (corfu-cycle t)                ;; Enable cycling for `corfu-next/previous'
    128   │   ;; (corfu-auto t)                 ;; Enable auto completion
    129   │   ;; (corfu-separator ?\s)          ;; Orderless field separator
    130   │   ;; (corfu-quit-at-boundary nil)   ;; Never quit at completion boundary
    131   │   ;; (corfu-quit-no-match nil)      ;; Never quit, even if there is no match
    132   │   ;; (corfu-preview-current nil)    ;; Disable current candidate preview
    133   │   ;; (corfu-preselect-first nil)    ;; Disable candidate preselection
    134   │   ;; (corfu-on-exact-match nil)     ;; Configure handling of exact matches
    135   │   ;; (corfu-echo-documentation nil) ;; Disable documentation in the echo area
    136   │   ;; (corfu-scroll-margin 5)        ;; Use scroll margin
    137    138   │   ;; Enable Corfu only for certain modes.
    139   │   ;; :hook ((prog-mode . corfu-mode)
    140   │   ;;        (shell-mode . corfu-mode)
    141   │   ;;        (eshell-mode . corfu-mode))
    142    143   │   ;; Recommended: Enable Corfu globally.
    144   │   ;; This is recommended since Dabbrev can be used globally (M-/).
    145   │   ;; See also `corfu-excluded-modes'.
    146   │   :init
    147   │   (global-corfu-mode))
    148    149   │ ;; A few more useful configurations...
    150   │ (use-package emacs
    151   │   :init
    152   │   ;; TAB cycle if there are only few candidates
    153   │   (setq completion-cycle-threshold 3)
    154    155   │   ;; Emacs 28: Hide commands in M-x which do not apply to the current mode.
    156   │   ;; Corfu commands are hidden, since they are not supposed to be used via M-x.
    157   │   ;; (setq read-extended-command-predicate
    158   │   ;;       #'command-completion-default-include-p)
    159    160   │   ;; Enable indentation+completion using the TAB key.
    161   │   ;; `completion-at-point' is often bound to M-TAB.
    162   │   (setq tab-always-indent 'complete))
    163   └────
    165   Dabbrev completion is based on `completion-in-region' and can be used
    166   with Corfu.  You may want to swap the `dabbrev-completion' with the
    167   `dabbrev-expand' key for easier access, if you prefer completion. Also
    168   take a look at the `cape-dabbrev' completion at point function
    169   provided by my [Cape] package.
    171   ┌────
    172   │ ;; Use Dabbrev with Corfu!
    173   │ (use-package dabbrev
    174   │   ;; Swap M-/ and C-M-/
    175   │   :bind (("M-/" . dabbrev-completion)
    176   │ 	 ("C-M-/" . dabbrev-expand))
    177   │   ;; Other useful Dabbrev configurations.
    178   │   :custom
    179   │   (dabbrev-ignored-buffer-regexps '("\\.\\(?:pdf\\|jpe?g\\|png\\)\\'")))
    180   └────
    182   If you start to configure the package more deeply, I recommend to give
    183   the Orderless completion style a try for filtering. Orderless
    184   completion is different from the familiar prefix TAB completion. Corfu
    185   can be used with the default completion styles. The use of Orderless
    186   is not a necessity.
    188   ┌────
    189   │ ;; Optionally use the `orderless' completion style.
    190   │ (use-package orderless
    191   │   :init
    192   │   ;; Configure a custom style dispatcher (see the Consult wiki)
    193   │   ;; (setq orderless-style-dispatchers '(+orderless-dispatch)
    194   │   ;;       orderless-component-separator #'orderless-escapable-split-on-space)
    195   │   (setq completion-styles '(orderless basic)
    196   │ 	completion-category-defaults nil
    197   │ 	completion-category-overrides '((file (styles . (partial-completion))))))
    198   └────
    200   The `basic' completion style is specified as fallback in addition to
    201   `orderless' in order to ensure that completion commands which rely on
    202   dynamic completion tables, e.g., `completion-table-dynamic' or
    203   `completion-table-in-turn', work correctly. See `+orderless-dispatch'
    204   in the [Consult wiki] for an advanced Orderless style
    205   dispatcher. Additionally enable `partial-completion' for file path
    206   expansion. `partial-completion' is important for file wildcard
    207   support. Multiple files can be opened at once with `find-file' if you
    208   enter a wildcard. You may also give the `initials' completion style a
    209   try.
    211   See also the [Corfu Wiki] and the [Cape manual] for additional Capf
    212   configuration tips. The Lsp-mode configuration is documented in the
    213   wiki. For more general documentation read the chapter about completion
    214   in the [Emacs manual]. If you want to create your own Capfs, you can
    215   find documentation about completion in the [Elisp manual].
    218 [GNU ELPA] <>
    220 [Cape] <>
    222 [Consult wiki] <>
    224 [Corfu Wiki] <>
    226 [Cape manual] <>
    228 [Emacs manual]
    229 <>
    231 [Elisp manual]
    232 <>
    234 2.1 Auto completion
    235 ───────────────────
    237   Auto completion is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting
    238   `corfu-auto=t'. Furthermore you may want to configure Corfu to quit
    239   completion eagerly, such that the completion popup stays out of your
    240   way when it appeared unexpectedly.
    242   ┌────
    243   │ ;; Enable auto completion and configure quitting
    244   │ (setq corfu-auto t
    245   │       corfu-quit-no-match 'separator) ;; or t
    246   └────
    248   I recommend to experiment a bit with the various settings and key
    249   bindings to find a configuration which works for you. There is no one
    250   size fits all solution. Some people like auto completion, some like
    251   manual completion, some want to cycle with TAB and some with the arrow
    252   keys.
    254   In case you like aggressive auto completion settings, where the
    255   completion popup appears immediately, I recommend to use a cheap
    256   completion style like `basic', which performs prefix filtering. In
    257   this case Corfu completion should still be very fast in buffers with
    258   efficient completion backends. You can try the following settings in
    259   an Elisp buffer or the Emacs scratch buffer.
    261   ┌────
    262   │ ;; Aggressive completion, cheap prefix filtering.
    263   │ (setq-local corfu-auto t
    264   │ 	    corfu-auto-delay 0
    265   │ 	    corfu-auto-prefix 0
    266   │ 	    completion-styles '(basic))
    267   └────
    269   If you want to combine fast prefix filtering and Orderless filtering
    270   you can still do that by defining a custom Orderless completion style
    271   via `orderless-define-completion-style'. We use a custom style
    272   dispatcher, which enables prefix filtering for input shorter than 4
    273   characters. Note that such a setup is quite advanced. Please refer to
    274   the Orderless documentation and source code for further details.
    276   ┌────
    277   │ (defun orderless-fast-dispatch (word index total)
    278   │   (and (= index 0) (= total 1) (length< word 4)
    279   │        `(orderless-regexp . ,(concat "^" (regexp-quote word)))))
    280    281   │ (orderless-define-completion-style orderless-fast
    282   │   (orderless-style-dispatchers '(orderless-fast-dispatch))
    283   │   (orderless-matching-styles '(orderless-literal orderless-regexp)))
    284    285   │ (setq-local corfu-auto t
    286   │ 	    corfu-auto-delay 0
    287   │ 	    corfu-auto-prefix 0
    288   │ 	    completion-styles '(orderless-fast))
    289   └────
    292 2.2 Completing in the minibuffer
    293 ────────────────────────────────
    295   Corfu can be used for completion in the minibuffer, since it relies on
    296   child frames to display the candidates. By default,
    297   `global-corfu-mode' does not activate `corfu-mode' in the minibuffer,
    298   to avoid interference with specialised minibuffer completion UIs like
    299   Vertico or Mct. However you may still want to enable Corfu completion
    300   for commands like `M-:' (`eval-expression') or `M-!'
    301   (`shell-command'), which read from the minibuffer. Activate
    302   `corfu-mode' only if `completion-at-point' is bound in the
    303   minibuffer-local keymap to achieve this effect.
    305   ┌────
    306   │ (defun corfu-enable-in-minibuffer ()
    307   │   "Enable Corfu in the minibuffer if `completion-at-point' is bound."
    308   │   (when (where-is-internal #'completion-at-point (list (current-local-map)))
    309   │     ;; (setq-local corfu-auto nil) Enable/disable auto completion
    310   │     (corfu-mode 1)))
    311   │ (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'corfu-enable-in-minibuffer)
    312   └────
    314   You can also enable Corfu more generally for every minibuffer, as long
    315   as no other completion UI is active. If you use Mct or Vertico as your
    316   main minibuffer completion UI, the following snippet should yield the
    317   desired result.
    319   ┌────
    320   │ (defun corfu-enable-always-in-minibuffer ()
    321   │   "Enable Corfu in the minibuffer if Vertico/Mct are not active."
    322   │   (unless (or (bound-and-true-p mct--active)
    323   │ 	      (bound-and-true-p vertico--input))
    324   │     ;; (setq-local corfu-auto nil) Enable/disable auto completion
    325   │     (corfu-mode 1)))
    326   │ (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'corfu-enable-always-in-minibuffer 1)
    327   └────
    330 2.3 Completing in the Eshell or Shell
    331 ─────────────────────────────────────
    333   When completing in the Eshell I recommend conservative local settings
    334   without auto completion, such that the completion behavior is similar
    335   to widely used shells like Bash, Zsh or Fish.
    337   ┌────
    338   │ (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook
    339   │ 	  (lambda ()
    340   │ 	    (setq-local corfu-auto nil)
    341   │ 	    (corfu-mode)))
    342   └────
    344   When pressing `RET' while the Corfu popup is visible, the
    345   `corfu-insert' command will be invoked. This command does inserts the
    346   currently selected candidate, but it does not send the prompt input to
    347   Eshell or the comint process. Therefore you often have to press `RET'
    348   twice which feels like an unnecessary double confirmation. Fortunately
    349   it is easy to improve this! In my configuration I define the advice
    350   `corfu-send-shell' which sends the candidate after insertion.
    352   ┌────
    353   │ (defun corfu-send-shell (&rest _)
    354   │   "Send completion candidate when inside comint/eshell."
    355   │   (cond
    356   │    ((and (derived-mode-p 'eshell-mode) (fboundp 'eshell-send-input))
    357   │     (eshell-send-input))
    358   │    ((and (derived-mode-p 'comint-mode)  (fboundp 'comint-send-input))
    359   │     (comint-send-input))))
    360    361   │ (advice-add #'corfu-insert :after #'corfu-send-shell)
    362   └────
    364   Shell completion uses the flexible `Pcomplete' mechanism internally,
    365   which allows you to program the completions per shell command. If you
    366   want to know more, look into this [blog post], which shows how to
    367   configure Pcomplete for git commands. I recommend the [pcmpl-args]
    368   package which extends Pcomplete with completion support and helpful
    369   annotation support for more commands. Similar to the Fish shell,
    370   pcmpl-args uses man page parsing and –help output parsing to
    371   dynamically generate completions. This package brings Eshell
    372   completion to another level!
    374   Unfortunately Pcomplete has a few technical issues, which we can work
    375   around with the [Cape] library (Completion at point extensions). Cape
    376   provides wrappers, which sanitize the Pcomplete function. Ideally the
    377   bugs in Pcomplete should be fixed upstream. *For now these two advices
    378   are strongly recommended to achieve a sane Eshell experience.*
    380   ┌────
    381   │ ;; Silence the pcomplete capf, no errors or messages!
    382   │ (advice-add 'pcomplete-completions-at-point :around #'cape-wrap-silent)
    383    384   │ ;; Ensure that pcomplete does not write to the buffer
    385   │ ;; and behaves as a pure `completion-at-point-function'.
    386   │ (advice-add 'pcomplete-completions-at-point :around #'cape-wrap-purify)
    387   └────
    390 [blog post]
    391 <>
    393 [pcmpl-args] <>
    395 [Cape] <>
    398 2.4 Orderless completion
    399 ────────────────────────
    401   [Orderless] is an advanced completion style that supports
    402   multi-component search filters separated by a configurable character
    403   (space, by default). Normally, entering characters like space which
    404   lie outside the completion region boundaries (words, typically) causes
    405   Corfu to quit. This behavior is helpful with auto-completion, which
    406   may pop-up when not desired, e.g. on entering a new variable
    407   name. Just keep typing and Corfu will get out of the way.
    409   But orderless search terms can contain arbitrary characters; they are
    410   also interpreted as regular expressions. To use orderless, set
    411   `corfu-separator' (a space, by default) to the primary character of
    412   your orderless component separator.
    414   Then, when a new orderless component is desired, use `M-SPC'
    415   (`corfu-insert-separator') to enter the /first/ component separator in
    416   the input, and arbitrary orderless search terms and new separators can
    417   be entered thereafter.
    419   To treat the entire input as Orderless input, you can set the
    420   customization option `corfu-quit-at-boundary=t'. This disables the
    421   predicate which checks if the current completion boundary has been
    422   left. In contrast, if you /always/ want to quit at the boundary,
    423   simply set `corfu-quit-at-boundary=nil'. By default
    424   `corfu-quit-at-boundary' is set to `separator' which quits at
    425   completion boundaries as long as no separator has been inserted with
    426   `corfu-insert-separator'.
    428   Finally, there exists the user option `corfu-quit-no-match' which is
    429   set to `separator' by default. With this setting Corfu stays alive as
    430   soon as you start advanced filtering with a `corfu-separator' even if
    431   there are no matches, for example due to a typo. As long as no
    432   separator character has been inserted with `corfu-insert-separator',
    433   Corfu will still quit if there are no matches. This ensures that the
    434   Corfu popup goes away quickly if completion is not possible.
    436   In the following we show two configurations, one which works best with
    437   auto completion and one which may work better with manual completion
    438   if you prefer to always use `SPC' to separate the Orderless
    439   components.
    441   ┌────
    442   │ ;; Auto completion example
    443   │ (use-package corfu
    444   │   :custom
    445   │   (corfu-auto t)          ;; Enable auto completion
    446   │   ;; (corfu-separator ?_) ;; Set to orderless separator, if not using space
    447   │   :bind
    448   │   ;; Another key binding can be used, such as S-SPC.
    449   │   ;; (:map corfu-map ("M-SPC" . corfu-insert-separator))
    450   │   :init
    451   │   (global-corfu-mode))
    452    453   │ ;; Manual completion example
    454   │ (use-package corfu
    455   │   :custom
    456   │   ;; (corfu-separator ?_) ;; Set to orderless separator, if not using space
    457   │   :bind
    458   │   ;; Configure SPC for separator insertion
    459   │   (:map corfu-map ("SPC" . corfu-insert-separator))
    460   │   :init
    461   │   (global-corfu-mode))
    462   └────
    465 [Orderless] <>
    468 2.5 TAB-and-Go completion
    469 ─────────────────────────
    471   You may be interested in configuring Corfu in TAB-and-Go
    472   style. Pressing TAB moves to the next candidate and further input will
    473   then commit the selection.  Note that further input will not expand
    474   snippets or templates, which may not be desired but which leads
    475   overall to a more predictable behavior. In order to force snippet
    476   expansion, confirm a candidate explicitly with `RET'.
    478   ┌────
    479   │ (use-package corfu
    480   │   ;; TAB-and-Go customizations
    481   │   :custom
    482   │   (corfu-cycle t)             ;; Enable cycling for `corfu-next/previous'
    483   │   (corfu-preselect-first nil) ;; Disable candidate preselection
    484    485   │   ;; Use TAB for cycling, default is `corfu-complete'.
    486   │   :bind
    487   │   (:map corfu-map
    488   │ 	("TAB" . corfu-next)
    489   │ 	([tab] . corfu-next)
    490   │ 	("S-TAB" . corfu-previous)
    491   │ 	([backtab] . corfu-previous))
    492    493   │   :init
    494   │   (global-corfu-mode))
    495   └────
    498 2.6 Transfer completion to the minibuffer
    499 ─────────────────────────────────────────
    501   Sometimes it is useful to transfer the Corfu completion session to the
    502   minibuffer, since the minibuffer offers richer interaction
    503   features. In particular, [Embark] is available in the minibuffer, such
    504   that you can act on the candidates or export/collect the candidates to
    505   a separate buffer. Hopefully we can also add Corfu-support to Embark
    506   in the future, such that at least export/collect is possible directly
    507   from Corfu. But in my opinion having the ability to transfer the Corfu
    508   completion to the minibuffer is an even better feature, since further
    509   completion can be performed there.
    511   The command `corfu-move-to-minibuffer' is defined here in terms of
    512   `consult-completion-in-region', which uses the minibuffer completion
    513   UI via `completing-read'.
    515   ┌────
    516   │ (defun corfu-move-to-minibuffer ()
    517   │   (interactive)
    518   │   (let ((completion-extra-properties corfu--extra)
    519   │ 	completion-cycle-threshold completion-cycling)
    520   │     (apply #'consult-completion-in-region completion-in-region--data)))
    521   │ (define-key corfu-map "\M-m" #'corfu-move-to-minibuffer)
    522   └────
    525 [Embark] <>
    528 3 Key bindings
    529 ══════════════
    531   Corfu uses a transient keymap `corfu-map' which is active while the
    532   popup is shown. The keymap defines the following remappings and
    533   bindings:
    535   • `beginning-of-buffer' -> `corfu-first'
    536   • `end-of-buffer' -> `corfu-last'
    537   • `scroll-down-command' -> `corfu-scroll-down'
    538   • `scroll-up-command' -> `corfu-scroll-up'
    539   • `next-line', `down', `M-n' -> `corfu-next'
    540   • `previous-line', `up', `M-p' -> `corfu-previous'
    541   • `completion-at-point', `TAB' -> `corfu-complete'
    542   • `RET' -> `corfu-insert'
    543   • `M-g' -> `corfu-info-location'
    544   • `M-h' -> `corfu-info-documentation'
    545   • `M-SPC' -> `corfu-insert-separator'
    546   • `C-g' -> `corfu-quit'
    547   • `keyboard-escape-quit' -> `corfu-reset'
    550 4 Extensions
    551 ════════════
    553   We maintain small extension packages to Corfu in this repository in
    554   the subdirectory [extensions/]. The extensions are installed together
    555   with Corfu if you pull the package from ELPA. The extensions are
    556   inactive by default and can be enabled manually if
    557   desired. Furthermore it is possible to install all of the files
    558   separately, both `corfu.el' and the `corfu-*.el' extensions. Currently
    559   the following extensions come with the Corfu ELPA package:
    561   • [corfu-history]: `corfu-history-mode' to remember selected
    562     candidates and to improve sorting.
    563   • [corfu-indexed]: `corfu-indexed-mode' to select indexed candidates
    564     with prefix arguments.
    565   • [corfu-info]: Actions to access the candidate location and
    566     documentation.
    567   • [corfu-quick]: Commands to select using Avy-style quick keys.
    569   See the Commentary of those files for configuration details.
    572 [extensions/] <>
    574 [corfu-history]
    575 <>
    577 [corfu-indexed]
    578 <>
    580 [corfu-info]
    581 <>
    583 [corfu-quick]
    584 <>
    587 5 Complementary packages
    588 ════════════════════════
    590   Corfu works well together with all packages providing code completion
    591   via the `completion-at-point-functions'. Many modes and packages
    592   already provide a Capf out of the box. Nevertheless you may want to
    593   look into complementary packages to enhance your setup.
    595   • [corfu-terminal]: The corfu-terminal package provides an
    596     overlay-based display for Corfu, such that you can use Corfu in
    597     terminal Emacs.
    599   • [corfu-doc]: The corfu-doc package displays the candidate
    600     documentation in a popup next to the Corfu popup, similar to
    601     `company-quickhelp'.
    603   • [Orderless]: Corfu supports completion styles, including the
    604     advanced [Orderless] completion style, where the filtering
    605     expressions are separated by spaces or another character (see
    606     `corfu-separator').
    608   • [Cape]: Additional Capf backends and `completion-in-region' commands
    609     are provided by the [Cape] package. Among others, the package
    610     supplies a file path and a Dabbrev completion backend. Cape provides
    611     the `cape-company-to-capf' adapter to reuse Company backends in
    612     Corfu. Furthermore the function `cape-super-capf' can merge multiple
    613     Capfs, such that the candidates of multiple Capfs are displayed
    614     together at the same time.
    616   • [kind-icon]: Icons are supported by Corfu via an external
    617     package. For example the [kind-icon] package provides beautifully
    618     styled SVG icons based on monochromatic icon sets like material
    619     design.
    621   • [pcmpl-args]: Extend the Eshell/Shell Pcomplete mechanism with
    622     support for many more commands. Similar to the Fish shell, Pcomplete
    623     uses man page parsing to dynamically retrieve the completions and
    624     helpful annotations. This package brings Eshell completions to
    625     another level!
    627   • [Tempel]: Tiny template/snippet package with templates in Lisp
    628     syntax, which can be used in conjunction with Corfu.
    630   • [Vertico]: You may also want to look into my [Vertico]
    631     package. Vertico is the minibuffer completion counterpart of Corfu.
    634 [corfu-terminal] <>
    636 [corfu-doc] <>
    638 [Orderless] <>
    640 [Cape] <>
    642 [kind-icon] <>
    644 [pcmpl-args] <>
    646 [Tempel] <>
    648 [Vertico] <>
    651 6 Alternatives
    652 ══════════════
    654   • [Company]: Company is a widely used and mature completion package,
    655     which implements a similar interaction model and popup UI as
    656     Corfu. While Corfu relies exclusively on the standard Emacs
    657     completion API (Capfs), Company defines its own API for the
    658     backends. Company includes its completion backends, which are
    659     incompatible with the Emacs completion infrastructure. As a result
    660     of this design, Company is a more complex package than
    661     Corfu. Company by default uses overlays for the popup in contrast to
    662     the child frames used by Corfu. Overall both packages work well, but
    663     Company integrates less tightly with Emacs. The `completion-styles'
    664     support is more limited and the `completion-at-point' command and
    665     the `completion-in-region' function do not invoke Company.
    667   • [Mct]: Protesilaos' Minibuffer Confines Transcended package supports
    668     both minibuffer completion and completion in region. It reuses the
    669     default completion UI for this purpose and installs a timer which
    670     live updates the completion buffer. The main advantage of Mct is
    671     that you work with a regular Emacs buffer instead of with a
    672     popup. You can take advantage of the usual Emacs commands to
    673     navigate in the completions buffer. On top, Mct enhances the
    674     movement such that you can quickly switch between the completions
    675     buffer and the minibuffer or the region which is being
    676     completed. Mct does not support timer-based auto completion, but the
    677     integration into Emacs is naturally tight. Note that Mct development
    678     is currently [discontinued] due to recent changes of the default
    679     completion UI on the Emacs master branch.
    681   • [consult-completion-in-region]: The Consult package provides the
    682     function `consult-completion-in-region' which can be set as
    683     `completion-in-region-function' such that it handles
    684     `completion-at-point'. The function works by transferring the
    685     in-buffer completion to the minibuffer. In the minibuffer, the
    686     minibuffer completion UI, for example [Vertico] takes over. If you
    687     prefer to perform all your completions in the minibuffer
    688     `consult-completion-in-region' is your best option.
    691 [Company] <>
    693 [Mct] <>
    695 [discontinued]
    696 <>
    698 [consult-completion-in-region] <>
    700 [Vertico] <>
    703 7 Contributions
    704 ═══════════════
    706   Since this package is part of [GNU ELPA] contributions require a
    707   copyright assignment to the FSF.
    710 [GNU ELPA] <>