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consult-register.el (13474B)

      1 ;;; consult-register.el --- Consult commands for registers -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
      7 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      8 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      9 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     10 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     12 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     13 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     15 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     18 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     20 ;;; Commentary:
     22 ;; Provides register-related Consult commands.
     24 ;;; Code:
     26 (require 'consult)
     27 (require 'kmacro)
     29 (defcustom consult-register-prefix #("#" 0 1 (face consult-key))
     30   "Prepend prefix in front of register keys during completion."
     31   :type '(choice (const nil) string)
     32   :group 'consult)
     34 (defvar consult-register--narrow
     35   '((?n . "Number")
     36     (?s . "String")
     37     (?p . "Point")
     38     (?r . "Rectangle")
     39     (?t . "Frameset")
     40     (?k . "Kmacro")
     41     (?f . "File")
     42     (?b . "Buffer")
     43     (?w . "Window"))
     44   "Register type names.
     45 Each element of the list must have the form (char . name).")
     47 (cl-defun consult-register--format-value (val)
     48   "Format generic register VAL as string."
     49   (with-output-to-string (register-val-describe val nil)))
     51 (cl-defgeneric consult-register--describe (val)
     52   "Describe generic register VAL."
     53   (list (consult-register--format-value val)))
     55 (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val number))
     56   "Describe numeric register VAL."
     57   (list (consult-register--format-value val) 'consult--type ?n))
     59 (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val string))
     60   "Describe string register VAL."
     61   (list val 'consult--type
     62         (if (eq (car (get-text-property 0 'yank-handler val))
     63                 'rectangle--insert-for-yank)
     64             ?r ?s)))
     66 (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val marker))
     67   "Describe marker register VAL."
     68   (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer val)
     69     (save-excursion
     70       (without-restriction
     71         (goto-char val)
     72         (let* ((line (line-number-at-pos))
     73                (str (propertize (consult--line-with-mark val)
     74                                 'consult-location (cons val line))))
     75           (list (consult--format-file-line-match (buffer-name) line str)
     76                 'multi-category `(consult-location . ,str)
     77                 'consult--type ?p))))))
     79 (defmacro consult-register--describe-kmacro ()
     80   "Generate method which describes kmacro register."
     81   `(cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val ,(if (< emacs-major-version 30) 'kmacro-register 'kmacro)))
     82      (list (consult-register--format-value val) 'consult--type ?k)))
     83 (consult-register--describe-kmacro)
     85 (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val (head file)))
     86   "Describe file register VAL."
     87   (list (propertize (abbreviate-file-name (cdr val)) 'face 'consult-file)
     88         'consult--type ?f 'multi-category `(file . ,(cdr val))))
     90 (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val (head buffer)))
     91   "Describe buffer register VAL."
     92   (list (propertize (cdr val) 'face 'consult-buffer)
     93         'consult--type ?f 'multi-category `(buffer . ,(cdr val))))
     95 (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val (head file-query)))
     96   "Describe file-query register VAL."
     97   (list (format "%s at position %d"
     98                 (propertize (abbreviate-file-name (cadr val))
     99                             'face 'consult-file)
    100                 (caddr val))
    101         'consult--type ?f 'multi-category `(file . ,(cadr val))))
    103 (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val cons))
    104   "Describe rectangle or window-configuration register VAL."
    105   (cond
    106    ((stringp (car val))
    107     (list (string-join val "\n") 'consult--type ?r))
    108    ((window-configuration-p (car val))
    109     (list (consult-register--format-value val)
    110           'consult--type ?w))
    111    (t (list (consult-register--format-value val)))))
    113 (with-eval-after-load 'frameset
    114   (cl-defmethod consult-register--describe ((val frameset-register))
    115     "Describe frameset register VAL."
    116     (list (consult-register--format-value val) 'consult--type ?t)))
    118 ;;;###autoload
    119 (defun consult-register-window (buffer &optional show-empty)
    120   "Enhanced drop-in replacement for `register-preview'.
    122 BUFFER is the window buffer.
    123 SHOW-EMPTY must be t if the window should be shown for an empty register list."
    124   (let ((regs (consult-register--alist 'noerror))
    125         (separator
    126          (and (display-graphic-p)
    127               (propertize #(" \n" 0 1 (display (space :align-to right)))
    128                           'face '(:inherit consult-separator :height 1 :underline t)))))
    129     (when (or show-empty regs)
    130       (with-current-buffer-window buffer
    131           (cons 'display-buffer-at-bottom
    132                 '((window-height . fit-window-to-buffer)
    133                   (preserve-size . (nil . t))))
    134           nil
    135         (setq-local cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil
    136                     mode-line-format nil
    137                     truncate-lines t
    138                     window-min-height 1
    139                     window-resize-pixelwise t)
    140         (insert (mapconcat
    141                  (lambda (reg)
    142                    (concat (funcall register-preview-function reg) separator))
    143                  regs nil))))))
    145 ;;;###autoload
    146 (defun consult-register-format (reg &optional completion)
    147   "Enhanced preview of register REG.
    148 This function can be used as `register-preview-function'.
    149 If COMPLETION is non-nil format the register for completion."
    150   (pcase-let* ((`(,key . ,val) reg)
    151                (key-str (propertize (single-key-description key) 'face 'consult-key))
    152                (key-len (max 3 (length key-str)))
    153                (`(,str . ,props) (consult-register--describe val)))
    154     (when (string-search "\n" str)
    155       (let* ((lines (seq-take (seq-remove #'string-blank-p (split-string str "\n")) 3))
    156              (space (apply #'min most-positive-fixnum
    157                            (mapcar (lambda (x) (string-match-p "[^ ]" x)) lines))))
    158         (setq str (mapconcat (lambda (x) (substring x space))
    159                              lines (concat "\n" (make-string (1+ key-len) ?\s))))))
    160     (setq str (concat
    161                (and completion consult-register-prefix)
    162                key-str (make-string (- key-len (length key-str)) ?\s) " "
    163                str (and (not completion) "\n")))
    164     (when completion
    165       (add-text-properties
    166        0 (length str)
    167        `(consult--candidate ,(car reg) ,@props)
    168        str))
    169     str))
    171 (defun consult-register--alist (&optional noerror filter)
    172   "Return register list, sorted and filtered with FILTER.
    173 Raise an error if the list is empty and NOERROR is nil."
    174   (or (sort (seq-filter
    175              ;; Sometimes, registers are made without a `cdr'.
    176              ;; Such registers don't do anything, and can be ignored.
    177              (lambda (x) (and (cdr x) (or (not filter) (funcall filter x))))
    178              register-alist)
    179             #'car-less-than-car)
    180       (and (not noerror) (user-error "All registers are empty"))))
    182 (defun consult-register--candidates (&optional filter)
    183   "Return formatted completion candidates, filtered with FILTER."
    184   (mapcar (lambda (reg) (consult-register-format reg 'completion))
    185           (consult-register--alist nil filter)))
    187 ;;;###autoload
    188 (defun consult-register (&optional arg)
    189   "Load register and either jump to location or insert the stored text.
    191 This command is useful to search the register contents.  For quick access
    192 to registers it is still recommended to use the register functions
    193 `consult-register-load' and `consult-register-store' or the built-in
    194 built-in register access functions.  The command supports narrowing, see
    195 `consult-register--narrow'.  Marker positions are previewed.  See
    196 `jump-to-register' and `insert-register' for the meaning of prefix ARG."
    197   (interactive "P")
    198   (consult-register-load
    199    (consult--read
    200     (consult-register--candidates)
    201     :prompt "Register: "
    202     :category 'multi-category
    203     :state
    204     (let ((preview (consult--jump-preview)))
    205       (lambda (action cand)
    206         ;; Preview only markers
    207         (funcall preview action
    208                  (when-let (reg (get-register cand))
    209                    (and (markerp reg) reg)))))
    210     :group (consult--type-group consult-register--narrow)
    211     :narrow (consult--type-narrow consult-register--narrow)
    212     :sort nil
    213     :require-match t
    214     :history t ;; disable history
    215     :lookup #'consult--lookup-candidate)
    216    arg))
    218 ;;;###autoload
    219 (defun consult-register-load (reg &optional arg)
    220   "Do what I mean with a REG.
    222 For a window configuration, restore it.  For a number or text, insert it.
    223 For a location, jump to it.  See `jump-to-register' and `insert-register'
    224 for the meaning of prefix ARG."
    225   (interactive
    226    (list
    227     (and (consult-register--alist)
    228          (register-read-with-preview "Load register: "))
    229     current-prefix-arg))
    230   (condition-case err
    231       (jump-to-register reg arg)
    232     (user-error
    233      (unless (string-search "access aborted" (error-message-string err))
    234        (insert-register reg (not arg))))))
    236 (defun consult-register--action (action-list)
    237   "Read register key and execute action from ACTION-LIST.
    239 This function is derived from `register-read-with-preview'."
    240   (let* ((buffer "*Register Preview*")
    241          (prefix (car action-list))
    242          (action-list (cdr action-list))
    243          (action (car (nth 0 action-list)))
    244          (preview
    245           (lambda ()
    246             (unless (get-buffer-window buffer)
    247               (register-preview buffer 'show-empty)
    248               (when-let (win (get-buffer-window buffer))
    249                 (with-selected-window win
    250                   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    251                     (goto-char (point-max))
    252                     (insert
    253                      (propertize (concat prefix ":  ") 'face 'consult-help)
    254                      (mapconcat
    255                       (lambda (x)
    256                         (concat (propertize (format "M-%c" (car x)) 'face 'consult-key)
    257                                 " " (propertize (cadr x) 'face 'consult-help)))
    258                       action-list "  "))
    259                     (fit-window-to-buffer)))))))
    260          (timer (when (numberp register-preview-delay)
    261                   (run-at-time register-preview-delay nil preview)))
    262          (help-chars (seq-remove #'get-register (cons help-char help-event-list)))
    263          key reg)
    264     (unwind-protect
    265         (while (not reg)
    266           (while (memq (setq key
    267                              (read-key (propertize (caddr (assq action action-list))
    268                                                    'face 'minibuffer-prompt)))
    269                        help-chars)
    270             (funcall preview))
    271           (setq key (if (and (eql key ?\e) (characterp last-input-event))
    272                         ;; in terminal Emacs M-letter is read as two keys, ESC and the letter,
    273                         ;; use what would have been read in graphical Emacs
    274                         (logior #x8000000 last-input-event)
    275                       last-input-event))
    276           (cond
    277            ((or (eq ?\C-g key)
    278                 (eq 'escape key)
    279                 (eq ?\C-\[ key))
    280             (keyboard-quit))
    281            ((and (numberp key) (assq (logxor #x8000000 key) action-list))
    282             (setq action (logxor #x8000000 key)))
    283            ((characterp key)
    284             (setq reg key))
    285            (t (user-error "Non-character input"))))
    286       (when (timerp timer)
    287         (cancel-timer timer))
    288       (let ((w (get-buffer-window buffer)))
    289         (when (window-live-p w)
    290           (delete-window w)))
    291       (when (get-buffer buffer)
    292         (kill-buffer buffer)))
    293     (when reg
    294       (funcall (cadddr (assq action action-list)) reg))))
    296 ;;;###autoload
    297 (defun consult-register-store (arg)
    298   "Store register dependent on current context, showing an action menu.
    300 With an active region, store/append/prepend the contents, optionally
    301 deleting the region when a prefix ARG is given.  With a numeric prefix
    302 ARG, store or add the number.  Otherwise store point, frameset, window or
    303 kmacro."
    304   (interactive "P")
    305   (consult-register--action
    306    (cond
    307     ((use-region-p)
    308      (let ((beg (region-beginning))
    309            (end (region-end)))
    310        `("Region"
    311          (?c "copy" "Copy region to register: " ,(lambda (r) (copy-to-register r beg end arg t)))
    312          (?a "append" "Append region to register: " ,(lambda (r) (append-to-register r beg end arg)))
    313          (?p "prepend" "Prepend region to register: " ,(lambda (r) (prepend-to-register r beg end arg))))))
    314     ((numberp arg)
    315      `(,(format "Number %s" arg)
    316        (?s "store" ,(format "Store %s in register: " arg) ,(lambda (r) (number-to-register arg r)))
    317        (?a "add" ,(format "Add %s to register: " arg) ,(lambda (r) (increment-register arg r)))))
    318     (t
    319      `("Store"
    320        (?p "point" "Point to register: " ,#'point-to-register)
    321        (?f "file" "File to register: " ,(lambda (r) (set-register r `(file . ,(buffer-file-name)))))
    322        (?t "frameset" "Frameset to register: " ,#'frameset-to-register)
    323        (?w "window" "Window to register: " ,#'window-configuration-to-register)
    324        ,@(and last-kbd-macro `((?k "kmacro" "Kmacro to register: " ,#'kmacro-to-register))))))))
    326 (provide 'consult-register)
    327 ;;; consult-register.el ends here