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compat.el (11930B)

      1 ;;; compat.el --- Emacs Lisp Compatibility Library -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Philip Kaludercic <>, Daniel Mendler <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Daniel Mendler <>, Compat Development <~pkal/>
      7 ;; Version:
      8 ;; URL:
      9 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4"))
     10 ;; Keywords: lisp
     12 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     17 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     23 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     25 ;;; Commentary:
     27 ;; To allow for the usage of Emacs functions and macros that are
     28 ;; defined in newer versions of Emacs, compat.el provides definitions
     29 ;; that are installed ONLY if necessary.  If Compat is installed on a
     30 ;; recent version of Emacs, all of the definitions are disabled at
     31 ;; compile time, such that no negative performance impact is incurred.
     32 ;; These reimplementations of functions and macros are at least
     33 ;; subsets of the actual implementations.  Be sure to read the
     34 ;; documentation string to make sure.
     35 ;;
     36 ;; Not every function provided in newer versions of Emacs is provided
     37 ;; here.  Some depend on new features from the core, others cannot be
     38 ;; implemented to a meaningful degree.  Please consult the Compat
     39 ;; manual for details.  The main audience for this library are not
     40 ;; regular users, but package maintainers.  Therefore commands and
     41 ;; user options are usually not implemented here.
     43 ;;; Code:
     45 (when (eval-when-compile (< emacs-major-version 29))
     46   (require 'compat-29))
     48 ;;;; Macros for explicit compatibility function calls
     50 (defmacro compat-function (fun)
     51   "Return compatibility function symbol for FUN.
     53 If the Emacs version provides a sufficiently recent version of
     54 FUN, the symbol FUN is returned itself. Otherwise the macro
     55 returns the symbol of a compatibility function which supports the
     56 behavior and calling convention of the current stable Emacs
     57 version. For example Compat 29.1 will provide compatibility
     58 functions which implement the behavior and calling convention of
     59 Emacs 29.1."
     60   (let ((compat (intern (format "compat--%s" fun))))
     61     `#',(if (fboundp compat) compat fun)))
     63 (defmacro compat-call (fun &rest args)
     64   "Call compatibility function or macro FUN with ARGS.
     66 See `compat-function' for the compatibility function resolution."
     67   (let ((compat (intern (format "compat--%s" fun))))
     68     `(,(if (fboundp compat) compat fun) ,@args)))
     70 ;;;; Emacs 27 (Conditionally defined functions)
     72 ;; TODO Maybe the functions should be moved to a separate file compat-cond.el,
     73 ;; which will be always loaded? However this file maybe empty, so maybe the best
     74 ;; place for these functions is indeed here. Conditionally-defined functions are
     75 ;; a special complicated edge case, which need more testing. Therefore the json
     76 ;; functions are currently marked as untested.
     78 (eval-when-compile (load "compat-macs.el" nil t t))
     79 (compat-declare-version "27.1")
     81 ;;;;; Defined in json.c
     83 (declare-function json-serialize nil (object &rest args))
     84 (declare-function json-encode "json" (object))
     85 (declare-function json-read-from-string "json" (string))
     86 (declare-function json-read "json" ())
     87 (defvar json-encoding-pretty-print)
     88 (defvar json-object-type)
     89 (defvar json-array-type)
     90 (defvar json-false)
     91 (defvar json-null)
     93 (compat-defun json-serialize (object &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
     94   "Return the JSON representation of OBJECT as a string.
     96 OBJECT must be t, a number, string, vector, hashtable, alist, plist,
     97 or the Lisp equivalents to the JSON null and false values, and its
     98 elements must recursively consist of the same kinds of values.  t will
     99 be converted to the JSON true value.  Vectors will be converted to
    100 JSON arrays, whereas hashtables, alists and plists are converted to
    101 JSON objects.  Hashtable keys must be strings without embedded null
    102 characters and must be unique within each object.  Alist and plist
    103 keys must be symbols; if a key is duplicate, the first instance is
    104 used.
    106 The Lisp equivalents to the JSON null and false values are
    107 configurable in the arguments ARGS, a list of keyword/argument pairs:
    109 The keyword argument `:null-object' specifies which object to use
    110 to represent a JSON null value.  It defaults to `:null'.
    112 The keyword argument `:false-object' specifies which object to use to
    113 represent a JSON false value.  It defaults to `:false'.
    115 In you specify the same value for `:null-object' and `:false-object',
    116 a potentially ambiguous situation, the JSON output will not contain
    117 any JSON false values."
    118   :cond (not (condition-case nil
    119                  (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
    120                (:success t)
    121                (void-function nil)
    122                (json-unavailable nil)))
    123   (unless (fboundp 'json-encode)
    124     (require 'json))
    125   (letrec ((fix (lambda (obj)
    126                   (cond
    127                    ((hash-table-p obj)
    128                     (let ((ht (copy-hash-table obj)))
    129                       (maphash
    130                        (lambda (key val)
    131                          (unless (stringp key)
    132                            (signal
    133                             'wrong-type-argument
    134                             (list 'stringp key)))
    135                          (puthash key (funcall fix val) ht))
    136                        obj)
    137                       ht))
    138                    ((and (listp obj) (consp (car obj))) ;alist
    139                     (mapcar
    140                      (lambda (ent)
    141                        (cons (symbol-name (car ent))
    142                              (funcall fix (cdr ent))))
    143                      obj))
    144                    ((listp obj) ;plist
    145                     (let (alist)
    146                       (while obj
    147                         (push (cons (cond
    148                                      ((keywordp (car obj))
    149                                       (substring
    150                                        (symbol-name (car obj))
    151                                        1))
    152                                      ((symbolp (car obj))
    153                                       (symbol-name (car obj)))
    154                                      ((signal
    155                                        'wrong-type-argument
    156                                        (list 'symbolp (car obj)))))
    157                                     (funcall fix (cadr obj)))
    158                               alist)
    159                         (unless (consp (cdr obj))
    160                           (signal 'wrong-type-argument '(consp nil)))
    161                         (setq obj (cddr obj)))
    162                       (nreverse alist)))
    163                    ((vectorp obj)
    164                     (let ((vec (make-vector (length obj) nil)))
    165                       (dotimes (i (length obj))
    166                         (aset vec i (funcall fix (aref obj i))))
    167                       vec))
    168                    (obj))))
    169            (json-encoding-pretty-print nil)
    170            (json-false (or (plist-get args :false-object) :false))
    171            (json-null (or (plist-get args :null-object) :null)))
    172     (json-encode (funcall fix object))))
    174 (compat-defun json-insert (object &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
    175   "Insert the JSON representation of OBJECT before point.
    176 This is the same as (insert (json-serialize OBJECT)), but potentially
    177 faster.  See the function `json-serialize' for allowed values of
    178 OBJECT."
    179   :cond (not (condition-case nil
    180                  (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
    181                (:success t)
    182                (void-function nil)
    183                (json-unavailable nil)))
    184   (insert (apply #'json-serialize object args)))
    186 (compat-defun json-parse-string (string &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
    187   "Parse the JSON STRING into a Lisp object.
    188 This is essentially the reverse operation of `json-serialize', which
    189 see.  The returned object will be the JSON null value, the JSON false
    190 value, t, a number, a string, a vector, a list, a hashtable, an alist,
    191 or a plist.  Its elements will be further objects of these types.  If
    192 there are duplicate keys in an object, all but the last one are
    193 ignored.  If STRING doesn't contain a valid JSON object, this function
    194 signals an error of type `json-parse-error'.
    196 The arguments ARGS are a list of keyword/argument pairs:
    198 The keyword argument `:object-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
    199 to represent objects; it can be `hash-table', `alist' or `plist'.  It
    200 defaults to `hash-table'.
    202 The keyword argument `:array-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
    203 to represent arrays; it can be `array' (the default) or `list'.
    205 The keyword argument `:null-object' specifies which object to use
    206 to represent a JSON null value.  It defaults to `:null'.
    208 The keyword argument `:false-object' specifies which object to use to
    209 represent a JSON false value.  It defaults to `:false'."
    210   :cond (not (condition-case nil
    211                  (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
    212                (:success t)
    213                (void-function nil)
    214                (json-unavailable nil)))
    215   (unless (fboundp 'json-read-from-string)
    216     (require 'json))
    217   (condition-case err
    218       (let ((json-object-type (or (plist-get args :object-type) 'hash-table))
    219             (json-array-type (or (plist-get args :array-type) 'vector))
    220             (json-false (or (plist-get args :false-object) :false))
    221             (json-null (or (plist-get args :null-object) :null)))
    222         (when (eq json-array-type 'array)
    223           (setq json-array-type 'vector))
    224         (json-read-from-string string))
    225     (json-error (signal 'json-parse-error err))))
    227 (compat-defun json-parse-buffer (&rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
    228   "Read JSON object from current buffer starting at point.
    229 Move point after the end of the object if parsing was successful.
    230 On error, don't move point.
    232 The returned object will be a vector, list, hashtable, alist, or
    233 plist.  Its elements will be the JSON null value, the JSON false
    234 value, t, numbers, strings, or further vectors, lists, hashtables,
    235 alists, or plists.  If there are duplicate keys in an object, all
    236 but the last one are ignored.
    238 If the current buffer doesn't contain a valid JSON object, the
    239 function signals an error of type `json-parse-error'.
    241 The arguments ARGS are a list of keyword/argument pairs:
    243 The keyword argument `:object-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
    244 to represent objects; it can be `hash-table', `alist' or `plist'.  It
    245 defaults to `hash-table'.
    247 The keyword argument `:array-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
    248 to represent arrays; it can be `array' (the default) or `list'.
    250 The keyword argument `:null-object' specifies which object to use
    251 to represent a JSON null value.  It defaults to `:null'.
    253 The keyword argument `:false-object' specifies which object to use to
    254 represent a JSON false value.  It defaults to `:false'."
    255   :cond (not (condition-case nil
    256                  (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
    257                (:success t)
    258                (void-function nil)
    259                (json-unavailable nil)))
    260   (unless (fboundp 'json-read)
    261     (require 'json))
    262   (condition-case err
    263       (let ((json-object-type (or (plist-get args :object-type) 'hash-table))
    264             (json-array-type (or (plist-get args :array-type) 'vector))
    265             (json-false (or (plist-get args :false-object) :false))
    266             (json-null (or (plist-get args :null-object) :null)))
    267         (when (eq json-array-type 'array)
    268           (setq json-array-type 'vector))
    269         (json-read))
    270     (json-error (signal 'json-parse-buffer err))))
    272 (provide 'compat)
    273 ;;; compat.el ends here