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compat-macs.el (10040B)

      1 ;;; compat-macs.el --- Compatibility Macros -*- lexical-binding: t; no-byte-compile: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      7 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      8 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     10 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     15 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     16 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     18 ;;; Commentary:
     20 ;; These macros are used to define compatibility functions and macros.
     22 ;;; Code:
     24 ;; We always require subr-x at compile since many functions have been moved
     25 ;; around.
     26 (require 'subr-x)
     28 (defvar compat--version nil
     29   "Version of the currently defined compatibility definitions.")
     31 (defmacro compat-declare-version (version)
     32   "Set the Emacs version that is currently being handled to VERSION."
     33   (setq compat--version version)
     34   (let ((before (1- (car (version-to-list version)))))
     35     (when (and (< 24 before) (< emacs-major-version before))
     36       `(require ',(intern (format "compat-%d" before))))))
     38 (defun compat--format-docstring (type name docstring)
     39   "Format DOCSTRING for NAME of TYPE.
     40 Prepend compatibility notice to the actual documentation string."
     41   (with-temp-buffer
     42     (insert
     43      (format
     44       "[Compatibility %s for `%S', defined in Emacs %s.  \
     45 If this is not documented on yourself system, you can check \
     46 `(compat) Emacs %s' for more details.]\n\n%s"
     47       type name
     48       compat--version compat--version
     49       docstring))
     50     (let ((fill-column 80))
     51       (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
     52     (buffer-string)))
     54 (defun compat--check-attributes (attrs allowed)
     55   "Check ATTRS for ALLOWED keys and return rest."
     56   (while (keywordp (car attrs))
     57     (unless (memq (car attrs) allowed)
     58       (error "Invalid attribute %s" (car attrs)))
     59     (unless (cdr attrs)
     60       (error "Odd number of element in attribute list"))
     61     (setq attrs (cddr attrs)))
     62   attrs)
     64 (defun compat--condition-satisfied (attrs)
     65   "Check that version constraints specified by ATTRS are satisfied."
     66   (let ((min-version (plist-get attrs :min-version))
     67         (max-version (plist-get attrs :max-version))
     68         (cond (plist-get attrs :cond)))
     69     ;; Min/max version bounds must be satisfied.
     70     (and
     71      ;; Min/max version bounds must be satisfied.
     72      (or (not min-version) (version<= min-version emacs-version))
     73      (or (not max-version) (version< emacs-version max-version))
     74      ;; If a condition is specified, no version check is performed.
     75      (if cond
     76          (eval cond t)
     77        ;; The current Emacs must be older than the current declared Compat
     78        ;; version, see `compat-declare-version'.
     79        (version< emacs-version compat--version)))))
     81 (defun compat--guarded-definition (attrs args fun)
     82   "Guard compatibility definition generation.
     83 The version constraints specified by ATTRS are checked.
     84 ARGS is a list of keywords which are looked up and passed to FUN."
     85   (declare (indent 2))
     86   (let* ((body (compat--check-attributes
     87                 attrs `(,@args :min-version :max-version :cond :feature)))
     88          (feature (plist-get attrs :feature))
     89          (attrs `(:body ,body ,@attrs)))
     90     ;; Require feature at compile time
     91     (when feature
     92       (when (eq feature 'subr-x)
     93         (error "Feature subr-x must not be specified"))
     94       ;; If the feature does not exist, treat it as nil.  The function will then
     95       ;; be defined on the toplevel and not in a `with-eval-after-load' block.
     96       (setq feature (require feature nil t)))
     97     (when (compat--condition-satisfied attrs)
     98       (setq body (apply fun (mapcar (lambda (x) (plist-get attrs x)) args)))
     99       (when body
    100         (if feature
    101             `(with-eval-after-load ',feature ,@body)
    102           (macroexp-progn body))))))
    104 (defun compat--function-definition (type name arglist docstring rest)
    105   "Define function NAME of TYPE with ARGLIST and DOCSTRING.
    106 REST are attributes and the function BODY."
    107   (compat--guarded-definition rest '(:explicit :body)
    108     (lambda (explicit body)
    109       ;; Remove unsupported declares.  It might be possible to set these
    110       ;; properties otherwise.  That should be looked into and implemented
    111       ;; if it is the case.
    112       (when (and (listp (car-safe body)) (eq (caar body) 'declare))
    113         (when (version<= emacs-version "25")
    114           (delq (assq 'side-effect-free (car body)) (car body))
    115           (delq (assq 'pure (car body)) (car body))))
    116       ;; Use `:explicit' name if the function is already defined.
    117       (let* ((defname (if (and explicit (fboundp name))
    118                           (intern (format "compat--%s" name))
    119                         name))
    120              (def `(,(if (eq type 'macro) 'defmacro 'defun)
    121                     ,defname ,arglist
    122                     ,(compat--format-docstring type name docstring)
    123                     ,@body)))
    124         ;; An additional fboundp check is performed at runtime to make
    125         ;; sure that we never redefine an existing definition if Compat
    126         ;; is loaded on a newer Emacs version.
    127         (if (eq defname name)
    128             ;; Declare the function in a non-existing compat-declare
    129             ;; feature, such that the byte compiler does not complain
    130             ;; about possibly missing functions at runtime. The warnings
    131             ;; are generated due to the unless fboundp check.
    132             `((declare-function ,name nil)
    133               (unless (fboundp ',name) ,def))
    134           (list def))))))
    136 (defmacro compat-defalias (name def &rest attrs)
    137   "Define compatibility alias NAME as DEF.
    138 ATTRS is a plist of attributes, which specify the conditions
    139 under which the definition is generated.
    141 - :obsolete :: Mark the alias as obsolete.
    143 - :min-version :: Install the definition if the Emacs version is
    144   greater or equal than the given version.
    146 - :max-version :: Install the definition if the Emacs version is
    147   smaller than the given version.
    149 - :feature :: Wrap the definition with `with-eval-after-load'.
    151 - :cond :: Install the definition if :cond evaluates to non-nil."
    152   (declare (debug (name symbolp [&rest keywordp sexp])))
    153   (compat--guarded-definition attrs '(:obsolete)
    154     (lambda (obsolete)
    155       ;; The fboundp check is performed at runtime to make sure that we never
    156       ;; redefine an existing definition if Compat is loaded on a newer Emacs
    157       ;; version.
    158       `((unless (fboundp ',name)
    159           ,(let ((doc (compat--format-docstring
    160                        'function name
    161                        (get name 'function-documentation))))
    162              (if obsolete
    163                  `(define-obsolete-function-alias
    164                     ',name ',def ,compat--version ,doc)
    165                `(defalias ',name ',def ,doc))))))))
    167 (defmacro compat-defun (name arglist docstring &rest rest)
    168   "Define compatibility function NAME with arguments ARGLIST.
    169 The function must be documented in DOCSTRING.  REST is an
    170 attribute plist followed by the function body.  The attributes
    171 specify the conditions under which the compatiblity function is
    172 defined.
    174 - :explicit :: Make the definition available such that it can be
    175   called explicitly via `compat-call'.
    177 - :min-version :: Install the definition if the Emacs version is
    178   greater or equal than the given version.
    180 - :max-version :: Install the definition if the Emacs version is
    181   smaller than the given version.
    183 - :feature :: Wrap the definition with `with-eval-after-load'.
    185 - :cond :: Install the definition if :cond evaluates to non-nil."
    186   (declare (debug (&define name (&rest symbolp)
    187                            stringp
    188                            [&rest keywordp sexp]
    189                            def-body))
    190            (doc-string 3) (indent 2))
    191   (compat--function-definition 'function name arglist docstring rest))
    193 (defmacro compat-defmacro (name arglist docstring &rest rest)
    194   "Define compatibility macro NAME with arguments ARGLIST.
    195 The macro must be documented in DOCSTRING.  REST is an attribute
    196 plist followed by the macro body.  See `compat-defun' for
    197 details."
    198   (declare (debug compat-defun) (doc-string 3) (indent 2))
    199   (compat--function-definition 'macro name arglist docstring rest))
    201 (defmacro compat-defvar (name initval docstring &rest attrs)
    202   "Define compatibility variable NAME with initial value INITVAL.
    203 The variable must be documented in DOCSTRING.  ATTRS is a plist
    204 of attributes, which specify the conditions under which the
    205 definition is generated.
    207 - :constant :: Define a constant if non-nil.
    209 - :local :: Make the variable permanently local if the value is
    210   `permanent'.  For other non-nil values make the variable
    211   buffer-local.
    213 - :min-version :: Install the definition if the Emacs version is
    214   greater or equal than the given version.
    216 - :max-version :: Install the definition if the Emacs version is
    217   smaller than the given version.
    219 - :feature :: Wrap the definition with `with-eval-after-load'.
    221 - :cond :: Install the definition if :cond evaluates to non-nil."
    222   (declare (debug (name form stringp [&rest keywordp sexp]))
    223            (doc-string 3) (indent 2))
    224   (compat--guarded-definition attrs '(:local :constant)
    225     (lambda (local constant)
    226       ;; The boundp check is performed at runtime to make sure that we never
    227       ;; redefine an existing definition if Compat is loaded on a newer Emacs
    228       ;; version.
    229       `((unless (boundp ',name)
    230           (,(if constant 'defconst 'defvar)
    231            ,name ,initval
    232            ,(compat--format-docstring 'variable name docstring))
    233           ,@(cond
    234              ((eq local 'permanent)
    235               `((put ',name 'permanent-local t)))
    236              (local
    237               `((make-variable-buffer-local ',name)))))))))
    239 (provide 'compat-macs)
    240 ;;; compat-macs.el ends here